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Please cite as: Michta, Tomasz, Maria Kloza, Jan Łompieś, Mariusz Mela, Wioletta Mela, Magdalena Miąc, Joanna Newska, Liliana Religa (2009). “Studencki Słownik Kolokacji Angielskiego Języka Medycyny”. In: Marek Łukasik (ed.): Debiuty Naukowe III. Warszawa: Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych UW, 89-225. Koło Naukowe BAJT Katedra J zyków Specjalistycznych Studencki Słownik Kolokacji Angielskiego J zyka Medycyny Redakcja Tomasz Michta Zespół autorski Maria Kloza, Jan Łompie , Mariusz Mela, Wioletta Mela, Magdalena Mi c, Tomasz Michta, Joanna Newska, Liliana Religa Konsultacja leksykograficzna Marek Łukasik - 91 - WPROWADZENIE Studencki Słownik Kolokacji jest kolejnym, po Studenckim Słowniku Kontekstowym i Studenckim Słowniku Terminoelementów, elementem serii terminograficznej wydawanej przez Koło Naukowe BAJT. Mimo tego, e ka dy z dotychczasowych słowników mo e wyst powa jako produkt samodzielny i ma odr bn specyfik , pewne cechy wła ciwe s całej serii. Po pierwsze, s to słowniki – jak sama nazwa sugeruje – studenckie. Zostały one opracowane przez studentów oraz doktorantów, którzy zdecydowali si poł czy wysiłki, by przygotowa nowe opracowanie terminograficzne. Po drugie, w procesie tworzenia słowników wykorzystano korpus angielskich tekstów medycznych oparty na artykułach, które ukazały si w najnowszych czasopismach bran owych, natomiast badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem odpowiedniego oprogramowania do przetwarzania zgromadzonego materiału tekstowego. Po trzecie, słowniki powstawały z my l , aby wypełni luk na rynku słowników oraz zaproponowa nowe rozwi zania w zakresie terminografii. W roku akademickim 2008/2009 zespół autorski postanowił skupi si na kolokacjach medycznych wyst puj cych w aktualnych tekstach fachowych. Na podstawie bada kwantytatywnych oraz kwalitatywnych wybrano 110 angielskich terminów medycznych. Ka dy z terminów został przebadany pod k tem charakterystycznych dla niego kolokacji. Wyniki przeprowadzonych bada zostały przedstawione na kolejnych kartach Słownika. JAK KORZYSTA ZE SŁOWNIKA Ka de hasło zawiera informacj o kolokacjach jednego terminu i zostało podzielone na sekcje odpowiadaj ce ró nym typom kolokacji. W Słowniku wyró niono sze typów kolokacji: premodifier + TERM: prolonged anaesthesia TERM + noun: anaesthesia time verb + TERM: undergo anaesthesia TERM + verb: anaesthesia wears off preposition + TERM: under anaesthesia TERM + preposition: anaesthesia for Sekcje w poszczególnych hasłach zostały uszeregowane zgodnie z powy szym porz dkiem. Je li dla danego terminu nie znaleziono istotnych kolokacji okre lonego typu, odpowiednia sekcja była pomijana. Ka da wyró niona sekcja rozpoczyna si od alfabetycznej listy wyrazów tworz cych kolokacje danego typu z terminem-hasłem. W przypadku typów premodifier - 92 - + TERM oraz TERM + noun uwzgl dniono sytuacj , w której termin oraz jego kolokacja tworz razem nowy termin, funkcjonuj cy w słownikach terminologicznych jako osobne hasło i posiadaj cy własn definicj . Je li opisana sytuacja ma miejsce, odpowiedni wyraz na li cie został wyró niony kursyw . Nast pnym elementem hasła jest zdanie ilustruj ce przykładow kolokacj w danej sekcji. Dla ka dego zdania podano równie ródło, z którego dany fragment tekstu pochodzi. Wyj tek w zakresie liczby zda ilustruj cych zrobiono dla kolokacji przyimkowych. Kolokacje tego typu s bowiem szczególnym rodzajem kolokacji, gdy z powodu wielo funkcji, jakie pełni poszczególne przyimki trudno byłoby dokona uogólnienia zilustrowanego jednym tylko zdaniem. Z tego wzgl du w sekcjach po wi conych kolokacjom przyimkowym dla ka dego przyimka wyró nionego w ha le podano osobne zdanie. Aby łatwiej było wyszuka kolokacj w zdaniu, kolokacja została wyró niona czcionk pogrubion . Pojawiaj ce si w niektórych zdaniach nawiasy kwadratowe [ ] zawieraj rozwini cie skrótu, który dla wygody odbiorcy Słownika został rozwini ty. Uzupełnienie stanowi informacja o alternatywnej ameryka skiej pisowni danego terminu (podana w nawiasie i poprzedzona skrótem Am. E.) oraz o nieregularnej formie liczby mnogiej (podana w nawiasie i poprzedzona skrótem pl.). Poni ej pokazano jedn sekcj hasła ‘biopsy’: verb + BIOPSY carry out, do, obtain, perform, receive, take, undergo The otolaryngologist's role in managing this clinical dilemma should be differentiating neoplasm from inflammatory disease and obtaining a biopsy for diagnosis. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Niektóre wyrazy tworz kolokacje z wieloma terminami, w zwi zku z czym zostały kilkukrotnie uj te w zasadniczej cz ci słownika. Aby łatwiej odnale te przypadki dla ka dego typu kolokacji stworzony został oddzielny indeks, w którym alfabetycznie uporz dkowano wyrazy tworz ce kolokacje z terminami oraz wskazano, w jakich hasłach wyst puj . Zasadniczo w indeksie znalazły si tylko wyrazy, które tworz kolokacje danego typu z minimum 3 terminami w Słowniku. Z uwagi na niewielk liczb kolokacji przyimkowych ten limit nie był stosowany przy tworzeniu indeksu dla typów preposition + TERM oraz TERM + preposition. Na ko cu słownika umieszczono bibliografi , na któr składaj si zarówno ródła tworz ce korpus tekstów, stanowi cy podstaw wszelkich prac słownikowych, jak równie odno niki do internetowych słowników angielskiego j zyka medycyny, pełni cych swoist funkcj kontroln . - 93 - PODZI KOWANIA Pragniemy serdecznie podzi kowa Prof. dr. hab. Jerzemu Lukszynowi za sprawowanie opieki naukowej nad Kołem, wspieranie naszych kolejnych przedsi wzi i wskazywanie nowych dróg rozwoju, Doktorowi Mariuszowi Górniczowi za przejrzenie wersji wst pnej Słownika oraz uwagi merytoryczne, Magistrowi Markowi Łukasikowi za niespo yt energi , któr nas zara ał, oraz za pieczołowite czuwanie nad post pami na ka dym etapie przygotowywania dzieła. Chcieliby my równie podzi kowa wszystkim studentom, którzy wzi li udział w trzeciej edycji projektu, przygotowuj c własne korpusy tekstów oraz karty terminologiczne. LISTA TERMINÓW OPRACOWANYCH W SŁOWNIKU 1. anaesthesia 2. antibody 3. antigen 4. artery 5. biopsy 6. bleeding 7. blood 8. blood pressure 9. bone 10. bowel 11. brain 12. breast 13. cancer 14. carcinoma 15. cell 16. cholesterol 17. cortex 18. deformity 19. depression 20. diabetes 21. diagnosis 22. dialysis 23. disease 24. disorder 25. DNA 26. drug 27. duct 28. enzyme 29. examination 30. fever 31. fracture 32. gene 33. glucose 34. heart 35. heart rate 36. hormone 37. hypertension 38. illness 39. impairment 40. implant 41. incidence 42. infection 43. inflammation 44. infusion 45. injection 46. injury 47. insulin 48. joint 49. labour 50. lesion 51. liver 52. lung 53. lymphocyte 54. malignancy 55. mastectomy 56. medication 57. melanoma 58. membrane 59. memory 60. metastasis 61. morbidity 62. mortality 63. muscle 64. mutation 65. nerve 66. neuron 67. nucleus 68. obesity 69. pain 70. palate 71. patient 72. placebo 73. pregnancy 74. psoriasis 75. receptor 76. recurrence 77. regression 78. rehabilitation 79. relapse 80. resonance 81. sample 82. schizophrenia 83. scoliosis 84. secretion - 94 - 85. serum 86. skin 87. spine 88. stimulation 89. stress 90. surgery 91. symptom 92. syndrome 93. temperature 94. tendon 95. therapy 96. tissue 97. tooth 98. toxicity 99. tract 100. transfusion 101. transplantation 102. trauma 103. treatment 104. trial 105. tumour 106. ultrasound 107. vaccine 108. vein 109. vessel 110. wound 1. anaesthesia (Am. E. anesthesia) premodifier + ANAESTHESIA balanced, deep, epidural, general, high-flow, hypotensive, inhalational, light, local, low-flow, mixed, paediatric, perioperative, prolonged, regional, routine, spinal, subcutaneous Low-flow anaesthesia reduced sevoflurane expenditure during paediatric anaesthesia to less than 1/7 of the amount used in the HFA [high-flow anaesthesia] group, which is in agreement with several earlier adult studies. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica + noun circuit, machine, monitor, practice, provider, record, shiver, technique, time ANAESTHESIA A multimodal approach to analgesia is recommended, using a combination of simple primary analgesics, opioids, and regional anaesthesia techniques where appropriate. British Journal of Anaesthesia verb + ANAESTHESIA adopt, apply, deepen, induce, maintain, provide, receive, recover from, regulate, survive, switch from, switch to, undergo On the other hand, deepening the anaesthesia may cause arterial hypotension and the possible protective effect of deep anaesthesia may be counterbalanced by a reduction of CPP [cerebral perfusion pressure]. Acta Neurochirurgica + verb begin, commence, wear off ANAESTHESIA It may be hard to eat or talk for two to three hours after the test until the anesthesia wears off. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests preposition + ANAESTHESIA under Another patient was found to have an asymptomatic small fistula at the same site when examined under anaesthesia for secondary surgery. British Journal of Plastic Surgery - 95 - ANAESTHESIA + preposition for, with We conclude that pre-emptive i.m. phenylephrine 4 mg and ephedrine 45 mg reduce the severity of hypotension and the total dose of rescue i.v. ephedrine during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section. British Journal of Anaesthesia The present study investigated for the first time clearance function during anaesthesia with propofol in a reproducible animal model. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2. antibody premodifier + ANTIBODY antinuclear, irrelevant, mitochondrial, monoclonal, neutralizing, pathogenic, polyclonal, primary, secondary, specific That immune responses to a joint-associated antigen can cause arthritis via induction of pathogenic antibody is well established most thoroughly in the instance of collagen-induced arthritis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy ANTIBODY + noun binding, deficiency, expression, formation, fragment, level, localisation, production, profile, removal, response, targeting, therapy, titer In this study the immunogenicity of HLA [human leukocyte antigen] antigens was analyzed by examining the antibody profiles in women who have been pregnant. Human Immunology verb + ANTIBODY block, detect, develop, direct, incubate, secrete, use Sections were then overlaid with the primary antibody directed against the tumoural melanocytic marker HMB-45 [human melanoma black] diluted 1 : 20 in wash buffer and incubated for 45 min at RT [reverse transcription]. British Journal of Dermatology - 96 - ANTIBODY + verb detect, destroy, identify, react with, recognize The antibody identifies the target cells, interprets those cells as foreign tothe body and therefore dangerous, and destroys them. Breast Cancer ANTIBODY + preposition against The antibody against plectin (P2) gave staining of nonhyaline lesions, especially where they bordered a hyaline lesion. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 3. antigen premodifier + ANTIGEN artificial, bacterial, carcinoembryonic, epithelial, foetal, free, lipid, mismatched, neural, paternal, protective, recombinant, specific, target, tumoural A second antibody is directed against rabbit IgG [immunoglobulin G] and was coated to the solid phase, giving convenient separation of the antibody-bound and free antigen. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health ANTIGEN + noun binding, carrier, delivery, expression, family, presentation, receptor, retrieval, stimulation, trafficking, type, uptake Polystyrene beads loaded with hemagglutinin led to increased protection against influenza in mice, probably due to enhanced antigen uptake. Journal of Drug Targeting verb + ANTIGEN acquire, administer, detect, encounter, present, recognize, retain However, tests using ELISA [enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays] or direct fluorescent antibody to detect antigen in the stool are more sensitive than microscopy and are now commonly available and used in the United States. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology - 97 - ANTIGEN + verb cause, elicit, generate, induce According to this theory, breast cancer cells and fetal cells share common antigens, and therefore during pregnancy fetal antigens can elicit an immune response against micrometastases, thus preventing their growth. Gynecological Endocrinology 4. artery premodifier + ARTERY carotid, cerebral, coronary, elastic, femoral, hepatic, iliac, major, meningeal, muscular, pulmonary, renal, spinal, uterine, vertebral For instance, for the elastic artery, the viscous coupling was better than the compliance coupling, while for the muscular artery, the compliance coupling level was better than the viscous coupling. Artificial Organs ARTERY + noun damage, embolism, flow, infarction, injection, injury, puncture, revascularization, stenting, surgery In patients with coagulation abnormalities, puncture of the internal jugular vein may be hazardous and risky if inadvertent carotid artery injury is made. Abdominal Imaging verb + ARTERY anastomose, block, cannulate, dissect, enter, examine, expose, ligate, occlude, open, penetrate, puncture, transect In addition, some experts have recommended using blunt tip needles bcause these are less likely to penetrate an artery. Advances in Anesthesia ARTERY + verb arise, branch, carry, nourish, originate, run, rupture, supply Needle placement in the posteroinferior aspect of the foramen (lumbar, thoracic) is also recommended to avoid the artery of Adamkiewicz, which runs with the spinal nerve in the anterosuperior aspect of the foramen. Advances in Anesthesia - 98 - 5. biopsy premodifier + BIOPSY automated, core, diagnostic, excisional, incisional, liver, needle, negative, node, positive, preoperative, primary, small, stereotactic, systemic, ultrasound-guided, unrevealing Their choice was EUS-guided [endoscopic ultrasound] FNA [fine needle aspiration] of lung masses adjacent to or abutting the esophagus after unrevealing ultrasound-guided biopsy or bronchoscopy. Advances in Surgery BIOPSY + noun finding, needle, rate, report, sample, site, specimen Muscle biopsy findings are nonspecific with mild myopathic changes including fibre-type disproportion, variation in fibre size and occasional muscle fibre degeneration or necrosis. Clinical Genetics verb + BIOPSY carry out, do, obtain, perform, receive, take, undergo The otolaryngologist's role in managing this clinical dilemma should be differentiating neoplasm from inflammatory disease and obtaining a biopsy for diagnosis. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology BIOPSY + verb confirm, demonstrate, indicate, prove, reveal, show Skin biopsy of urticarial lesions reveals a characteristic sparse interstitial neutrophilic infiltrate in the reticular dermis, with many neutrophils also present within the adventitia of eccrine coils. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology BIOPSY + preposition from In a series of 763 patients, 437 had a positive biopsy from the base of the prostate, of whom 12.8% had SVI [seminal vesicle invasion] compared with only 1.2% of the 326 with a negative biopsy from the base of the prostate. Clinical Oncology - 99 - 6. bleeding premodifier + BLEEDING abnormal, active, acute, arterial, diffuse, excessive, gastric, heavy, internal, irregular, large, major, massive, menstrual, mild, minor, moderate, occult, ongoing, painless, past, persistent, postoperative, prolonged, rectal, severe, significant, spontaneous, surgical, torrential, uterine, vaginal With a platelet count of less than 20,000/ L, patients may have spontaneous bleeding. Advances in Anesthesia BLEEDING + noun complication, diathesis, disorder, episode, event, index, pattern, point, rate, risk, site, source, tendency, time Of course, a bleeding site must be identified in order for an embolization procedure to be performed. Advances in Surgery verb + BLEEDING address, cause, control, detect, encounter, exacerbate, experience, increase, lead to, localize, minimize, note, observe, prevent, reduce, repair, reveal, stimulate, stop, treat The graft was positioned after multiple perforations of the cortical bone, in order to expose the medullary spaces and stimulate bleeding. Clinical Oral Implants Research BLEEDING + verb arise, cease, decrease, develop, end, happen, occur, result from, stop Lower gastrointestinal bleeding can also arise in the small bowel, accounting for 4.8-29% of cases of LGIB [lower gastrointestinal bleeding]. Emergency Medicine Reports BLEEDING + preposition from, in, into Another major diagnostic clue is bleeding from the digestive tract. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests - 100 - While it is normal for people to shed less than half a teaspoon of blood a day in the digestive tract, significant amounts of occult blood in stools may indicate bleeding in the stomach or bowels. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests A patient survived massive bleeding into the airway due to blowout of the right internal jugular vein associated with a failed free-flap graft for pharyngeal malignancy. Anaesthesia 7. blood premodifier + BLOOD arterial, maternal, menstrual, occult, peripheral, shunted, thick, thin, venous, whole Testing stool for occult blood can also reveal signs of injury but is likely to be negative in the acute setting unless the site of injury is in the rectum. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics BLOOD + noun bank, cholesterol, clot, compatibility, concentration, gas, glucose, group, lipid, loss, sample, stream, substitute, sugar, supply, test At the end of the study, a blood sample was withdrawn to measure the haemoglobin concentration. British Journal of Anaesthesia verb + BLOOD analyze, collect, detect, dilute, donate, draw, harvest, lose, pump, re-transfuse, salvage, shed The whole blood was drawn from the peripheral vein using vacutainer tubes containing ethylene diaminetetracetic acid solution. Acta Neuropsychiatrica BLOOD + verb circulate, clot, coagulate, flow, supply, transport The results indicate that small changes in geometry, although they do not affect the bulk flow, change the coagulation propensity as blood flows through the orifices. Annals of Biomedical Engineering - 101 - 8. blood pressure premodifier + BLOOD PRESSURE arterial, diastolic, elevated, excellent, high, invasive, low, maternal, non-invasive, normal, orthostatic, raised, stable, systolic Physical activity may also decrease the risk of acute cardiovascular complications and development of cardiovascular diseases in subjects with elevated blood pressure. Advances in Physiotherapy BLOOD PRESSURE + noun control, elevation, fall, level, monitoring, reading, response, value Care needs to be taken in interpreting blood pressure readings in overweight children because false high readings are common. Handbook of Child Nutrition verb + BLOOD PRESSURE control, decrease, increase, lower, maintain, measure, monitor, normalize, reduce, raise The ITD [impedance threshold device] can be considered a hemodynamically significant component of CPR [cardio-pulmonary resuscitation] because its use has been shown to increase blood flow to the heart and brain, significantly raise blood pressure, and improve shortterm survival after cardiac arrest. Emergency Medicine Reports BLOOD PRESSURE + verb correlate with, decrease, increase, improve Although heart rate and blood pressure decreased in all patients, no treatment was necessary and no value was less than the fifth percentile for age. Advances in Anesthesia 9. bone premodifier + BONE anorganic, autogenous, cancellous, demineralized, flat, frontal, immature, long, native, osteoporotic, regenerated - 102 - The use of autogenous bone under the membrane seemed to be preferable to other grafting materials. Clinical Oral Implants Research BONE + noun cell, disease, formation, fracture, fragility, growth, loss, marrow, metastasis, mineral, mineral density, pain, regeneration, scan, structure, tissue, weakness Studies show that there is a rapid increase of well-being and decrease in chronic bone pain in severely affected individuals. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism verb + BONE affect, break, erode, excise, graft, heal, resect, stabilize, treat Since bone may be affected by disorders of other organs, including the kidneys and parathyroid glands, hormones and other substances in the blood may be measured to diagnose these disorders. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests BONE + verb absorb, form, grow, move, protect In people with poor kidney function, the bone may not absorb sufficient radionuclide to perform the scan. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests 10. bowel premodifier + BOWEL gangrenous, hypoactive, irritable, ischemic, large, native, prolapsed, proximal, remnant, small In several gastrointestinal diseases, a combination of massive resection and dysmotility of the remnant bowel can be present. Advances in Surgery BOWEL + noun dilation, dysfunction, enema, gas, habit, injury, management, motility, motion, necrosis, obstruction, segment, wall - 103 - The remaining 15-20% of patients will be affected by diverticular bleeding, painful diverticular disease (definedas diverticulosis with abdominal pain and possibly a change in bowel habit), or diverticulitis (characterized by clinical symptoms and evidence of inflammation). Emergency Medicine Report verb + BOWEL empty, expose, handle, open, rejoin, resect, wash out In our series, we did not feel that handling of the bowel was difficult, and we did not experience any injuries or damage. Journal of Pediatric Surgery BOWEL + verb absorb, descend, perforate, right oneself However, if the bowel has perforated or generalized peritonitis has developed then significant direct and/or rebound tenderness may be present. The American Journal of Surgery 11. brain premodifier + BRAIN adult, cortical, human, hyperemic, ischemic, neonatal, normal, plastic, swollen The vulnerability of the neonatal brain to toxins such as alcohol has been well described and results in physical and neuropsychiatric problems referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome. British Journal of Anaesthesia BRAIN + noun activity, aging, damage, disorder, hemisphere, injury, lesion, plasticity, region, size, state, stimulation, trauma The brain is the most susceptible organ to ischemia and hypoxia, and so care must be taken to avoid brain damage when this combined bloodsparing technique is used. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica verb + BRAIN affect, alter, image, monitor, protect, study - 104 - It has been suggested that the blockade of the angiotensin-renin system may protect the brain against ischaemia and cognitive decline. Acta Neuropsychiatrica BRAIN + verb develop, evolve, form, function, shrink Thus, by the time a man reaches the age of approximately 60 years, his brain has shrunk substantially, whereas a woman’s brain size has not changed much at all. The American Journal of Science 12. breast premodifier + BREAST affected, constricted, female, narrowed, opposite, prepubertal, tubular The interior of the female breast consists mostly of fatty and fibrous connective tissues. Breast Cancer BREAST + noun augmentation, bud, carcinoma, conservation, implant, milk, projection, reconstruction, reduction, shape, tissue After resection of breast tissue and skin, breast projection is a reflection of the balance between the skin and the breast parenchyma retained, and also importantly, of how this tissue is distributed. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery verb + BREAST flatten, irradiate, lift, operate, reconstruct, remove, reshape, spare Data on the timing, cosmetic outcome and complication rates for autologous breast reconstruction in previously or subsequently irradiated breast or chest wall region are limited. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery BREAST + verb develop, grow, mature, shrink - 105 - When animals are fed phytoestrogens early in life, the breast develops with more lobules relative to terminal end buds. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 13. cancer premodifier + CANCER active, advanced, aggressive, benign, disseminated, early-stage, gastric, invasive, malignant, massive, operable, primary, screen-detected, stress-induced, widespread Hypercoagulability has also been found in patients with lower extremity trauma or active cancer treated with free tissue transfer hypercoagulability has been found. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery CANCER + noun burden, etiology, growth, incidence, killer, mortality, predisposition, prevention, risk, screening, staging, stem cell, susceptibility, survival, therapy We reviewed the scientific evidence, particularly epidemiologic evidence, regarding the contribution of environmental and occupational exposures to the overall cancer burden in the US. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy verb + CANCER beat, cause, classify, confirm, develop, determine, detect, diagnose, fight, harbour, kill, suspect, treat Consensus bodies strongly recommend an eradication strategy in the early postoperative period, if the operated stomach had harboured cancer. Digestive and Liver Disease CANCER + verb arise, come back, control, develop, grow, metastasize, originate, penetrate, recur, respond, spread, start If the cancer has metastasized and spread through the blood stream to other sites (most often the lung, liver and bone), the average survival time for patients treated with chemotherapy is between one and two years (with some patients living for many years). Breast Cancer - 106 - 14. carcinoma (pl. carcinomas, carcinomata) premodifier + CARCINOMA breast, ductal, early, hepatocellular, invasive, unresectable Complete remission of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma on healthy liver was achieved by the combination of aggressive surgery and highdose-intensity chemotherapy. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology CARCINOMA + noun case, cell, invasion, patient, recurrence, survivor, subtype The clear cell carcinoma recurrence was managed by tumor debulking surgery and was followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology verb + CARCINOMA attack, cure, detect, find, induce, misdiagnose, recognize, report, rule out, treat Ovarian carcinoma may be recognized and attacked by the immune system. The New England Journal of Medicine CARCINOMA + verb arise, develop, occur, originate, spread The hypothesis that trichoblastic carcinoma develops from trichoblastoma has been debated. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 15. cell premodifier + CELL abnormal, cancerous, donor, fat, immune, inflammatory, malignant, mammalian, mutated, nascent, neoplastic, primitive, red blood, stem, unipotent, white blood It is possible that in unidirectional perfusion culture with a high flow rate, the seeded cells or nascent cells are easily detached by the shear stress and lost into the large volume medium reservoir. Annals of Biomedical Engineering - 107 - CELL + noun culture, count, death, growth, line, migration, morphology, population, proliferation, surface, type However, mobilized cells into infarcted tissue are subjected to cell death due to insufficient oxygen. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology verb + CELL activate, alter, collect, connect, damage, detach, find, irradiate, recognize, remove, stimulate, track, transform Essentially, upon angiogenic stimulation, vascular endothelial cells are activated and begin to degrade their surrounding vessel membrane. Annals of Biomedical Engineering CELL + verb develop, die, differentiate, divide, express, grow, interact, migrate, move, originate, populate, release, secrete, spread, survive, synthesize If this were possible, patients with brain tumors would be able to lead a normal life because the cells differentiate terminally and the tumor stops growing. Brain Tumor Pathology 16. cholesterol premodifier + CHOLESTEROL dietary, elevated, free, normal, serum, total In the fourth visit, however, the two groups' total cholesterol drops to 132.80 mg/dl and 130.66 mg/dl, respectively; the discrepancies of it are not significant. Advances in Contraception CHOLESTEROL + noun biosynthesis, concentration, crystal, level, regime, metabolism, recycling, value CHH [Conradi-Hünemann-Happle] syndrome belongs to a group of genetic disorders that are due to disturbances of cholesterol biosynthesis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 108 - verb + CHOLESTEROL carry, convert, deposit, determine, estimate, increase, lower, measure, raise, reabsorb, reduce Exercise raises HDL [high-density lipoprotein] and lowers total cholesterol. Handbook of Child Nutrition CHOLESTEROL + verb decrease, drop, exceed, increase, rise, travel In each Fup [follow-up] when cholesterol exceeded 240 mg/dl or triglyceride exceeded 500 mg/dl, treadmill was done. Advances in Contraception 17. cortex (pl. cortices, cortexes) premodifier + CORTEX adrenal, cerebral, cerebrellar, infarcted, insular, occipital, overlying, prefrontal, somatosensory, superior, temporal, visual In a rat ischaemia model, AQP4 [aquaporin] mRNA [messenger ribonucleic acid] expression after middle cerebral artery occlusion was increased in the region surrounding infarcted cortex during the observation period. Brain CORTEX + noun activation, area, region, stimulation, volume The quantity of cortical damage was expressed as the percentage of the whole cortex area displaying features of necrosis. Acta Neuropathologica verb + CORTEX activate, enter, examine, penetrate, reach ACTH [adrenocorticotropic hormone] travels through the peripheral circulation to reach the adrenal cortex where it leads to the synthesis and release of corticosteroids most notably in human cortisol. Journal of Behavioral Medicine - 109 - CORTEX + verb evince, form, produce, regulate, release The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis also responds: the hypothalamus releases corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), pituitary releases adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), and the adrenal cortex releases cortisol, a glucocorticoid. International Breastfeeding Journal 18. deformity premodifier + DEFORMITY anatomic, animation, asymmetric, complex, cosmetic, fixed, gross, marked, minor, modest, physical, progressive, rotational, severe, spinal, unattractive At the time of presentation the lesion produced an obvious physical deformity with a palpable mass beneath and displacement of the right scapula. Acta Neurochirurgica DEFORMITY + noun control, correction, patient, pattern, reconstruction, surgery Spinal deformity surgery has been more recognized as a domain falling within the field of orthopaedics, since our name, which implies “to straighten the child,” is well exemplified in the care of patients with scoliosis. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery verb + DEFORMITY avoid, assess, categorize, cause, complicate, correct, find, gain, illustrate, increase, produce, report The only way certain to avoid or correct animation deformity is to place the implant in front of the muscle. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery DEFORMITY + verb develop, occur, result from If one does not know how the deformity develops from a primary lordosis through secondary buckling into a scoliosis in tortion, how on earth will memory metalwork be able to reverse this process. Current Orthopaedics - 110 - 19. depression premodifier + DEPRESSION acute, atypical, bipolar, chronic, clinical, endogenous, geriatric, high, major, manic, masked, maternal, melancholic, mental, mild, minor, moderate, parental, postnatal, postpartum, psychotic, reactive, recurrent, refractory, treatment-resistant, respiratory, severe, synaptic For example, chronic forms of depression and certain subtypes of depression, such as psychotic, bipolar, and atypical depression [which are less responsive to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)], may be responsible for an inadequate response. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry DEPRESSION + noun level, research, risk, scale, score, screen, severity, symptom, treatment, victim As described earlier, psychosocial and physical risk factors for depression increase inflammation, which increases depression risk. International Breastfeeding Journal verb + DEPRESSION address, alleviate, assess, characterize, cause, detect, develop, diagnose, experience, indicate, measure, modify, offset, prevent, provoke, recognize, relieve, report, suffer from, suspect, treat Another way mothers can reduce stress is to exercise, which has also been found to alleviate depression. International Breastfeeding Journal DEPRESSION + verb accompany, appear, cause, co-occur, coincide, decrease, disappear, increase, lead to, stimulate, occur, remain, require Sleep disturbance and depression are also mutually maintaining conditions: sleep disturbance can cause depression and depression causes sleep disturbances. International Breastfeeding Journal - 111 - 20. diabetes (pl. diabetes) premodifier + DIABETES apparent, autoimmune, clinical, concomitant, gestational, insulindeficient, insulin-dependent, insulin-resistant, juvenile, neonatal, overt, severe, symptomatic Overt diabetes with hyperglycemia was found in 88 patients; and glucose intolerance was detected in 6 patients; 4 patients had reactive hypoglycemia. Clinics in Dermatology DIABETES + noun care, case, clinic, duration, education, intervention, knowledge, management, prevalence, prevention, research, risk, screening, symptom, therapy, treatment Much of 'diabetes education' is focused upon transferring diabetes knowledge to patients. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health verb + DIABETES cause, characterize, cure, define, develop, diagnose, exhibit, find, induce, precipitate, report, result from, lead to, treat It is not certain whether clozapine treatment independently causes diabetes or just precipitates diabetes in persons who already have risk factors for developing this illness. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry DIABETES + verb appear, cause, coexist, develop, induce, occur, recur, result in Type 2 diabetes develops as a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, and its rate increases steeply with age. Advances in Physiotherapy 21. diagnosis (pl. diagnoses) premodifier + DIAGNOSIS accurate, alternative, appropriate, behavioral, benign, certain, clear, clinical, correct, differential, doubtful, dual, early, evidencebased, false, final, histopathological, initial, medical, non-invasive, - 112 - pathological, post-mortem, positive, precise, preliminary, pre-natal, preoperative, primary, prompt, radiological, rapid, routine, ultrasound, unequivocal, working, wrong Reappearance of symptoms shortly after treatment should alert the clinician for an alternative diagnosis. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology DIAGNOSIS + noun criterion, factor, group, method, puzzle The differential diagnosis in these types of presentations is generally varied and a thorough physical examination with focused blood and imaging investigation can generally solve the diagnosis puzzle. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery verb + DIAGNOSIS arrive at, base, change, confirm, delay, determine, establish, examine, exclude, give, hamper, improve, indicate, induce, influence, lead to, make, miss, obtain, prompt, prove, provide, reach, refine, reveal, rule out, seek, suggest, support, verify, yield The neuropathological criteria used to establish a diagnosis rest on a sequence of features including clinical, neuroanatomic, and neuropathologic data. Acta Neuropathologica DIAGNOSIS + verb depend on, lead to, rely on, result in, show, suggest The diagnosis depends on a high level of clinical suspicion and laboratory studies showing leukocytosis and a strikingly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Clinics in Dermatology DIAGNOSIS + preposition for In view of a diagnosis for preeclampsia, it is important to differentiate between chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension. Current Women’s Health Reviews - 113 - 22. dialysis (pl. dialyses) premodifier + DIALYSIS chronic, clinical, daily, maintenance, peritoneal, renal, standard An alternative to renal transplantation is chronic dialysis. Transplant International DIALYSIS + noun adequacy, bag, catheter, center, dose, clearance, duration, efficiency, equipment, facility, initiation, intolerance, medium, membrane, method, session, system, patient, program, schedule, therapy, tube, treatment, unit We analyzed the morbidity and mortality after dialysis initiation and the parameters during the year beforehand. Transplantation Proceedings verb + DIALYSIS carry out, do, enter, initiate, perform, receive, start, undergo, undertake It is not clear whether mortality increases among patients with graft failure relative to those who initiate dialysis but who have not yet received a kidney transplant. Transplantation Proceedings DIALYSIS + verb cause, continue, result in If alcohol concentrations are unavailable, dialysis should continue at least 8 hours or until the osmolal gap is normal (subtracting any possible contribution from ethanol therapy). Emergency Medicine Reports preposition + DIALYSIS on In patients on dialysis, anemia is known to be associated with cardiovascular events and mortality, since it is a risk factor for the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. Transplantation Proceedings - 114 - DIALYSIS + preposition for Molecular adsorbents recirculating system dialysis for liver insufficiency and sepsis following right ventricular assist device after cardiac surgery. Artificial Organs 23. disease premodifier + DISEASE acute, advanced, allergic, inflammatory, autoimmune, benign, bipolar, cardiac, cardiovascular, chronic, common, complex, contagious, coronary, digestive, epidemic, extensive, fatal, genetic, hepatic, hereditary, infectious, inflammatory, inoperable, lethal, life-threatening, major, malignant, mental, mild, neurological, occupational, oncological, persistent, psychiatric, recurrent, refractory, relapsing, resistant, severe, treatable, viral, widespread In the future, combination chemotherapy will almost certainly be used to treat patients with chronic hepatitis B, especially patients with advanced disease. Liver International DISEASE + noun action, activity, burden, cause, control, course, entity, exacerbation, experience, expression, factor, group, incidence, management, manifestation, morbidity, mortality, occurrence, onset, outbreak, outcome, predisposition, prevalence, prevention, process, prognosis, progression, range, recurrence, regression, relapse, remission, resistance, risk, severity, spread, stage, susceptibility, symptom, therapy, transmission, treatment, type In either case, the mechanism of disease action is likely haploinsufficiency. Clinical Genetics verb + DISEASE alleviate, avert, cause, confirm, contract, control, cure, define, describe, detect, develop, diagnose, die from, die of, document, eradicate, exacerbate, exclude, experience, fight against, get, heal, induce, initiate, investigate, lead to, manage, monitor, prevent, report, respond, result in, rule out, signal, stabilize, stop, suffer from, suspect, treat, trigger - 115 - Mostly, topical treatment is sufficient to control disease. Clinics in Dermatology DISEASE + verb advance, afflict, affect, appear, develop, exist, extend, disappear, improve, increase, indicate, involve, lead to, manifest, occur, persist, progress, range, recur, remit, require, respond, result from, result in, reveal, present, spread, start, worsen Patients in whom the disease appears between the third and fifth decades belong to an intermediate type, and usually show ataxia and choreoathetosis (early-adult type). Acta Neuropahtologica preposition + DISEASE with Donors with kidney disease and autoimmune disorders have traditionally been excluded, although there have been some successful transplants. Transplantation Proceedings 24. disorder premodifier + DISORDER acquired, affective, behavioral, benign, bipolar, chronic, cognitive, common, depressive, developmental, digestive, dominant, eating, genetic, hematological, hereditary, hyperactivity, inflammatory, intrinsic, life-threatening, major, malignant, mental, neurologic, neurological, painful, primary, psychiatric, rare, serious, severe, systemic, underlying, vascular Reasons for reducing or terminating prehurricane treatment among respondents reporting a mental disorder prior to the hurricane were quite different from the reasons associated with failing to initiate treatment. The American Journal of Psychiatry DISORDER + noun condition, criterion, diagnosis, examination, group, patient, specialist, symptom, treatment - 116 - A single general eating disorder diagnosis may not be ideal, however, particularly if there are important diagnostic subgroups within such a broad category. The America Journal of Psychiatry verb + DISORDER cause, classify, diagnose, find, investigate, lead to, manifest, misdiagnose, treat Polyarteritis, a disorder caused by inflammation of blood vessels that lead to organs such as the lungs, kidneys, or organs of the digestive tract. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests DISORDER + verb affect, appear, cause, improve, occur, require, result in, show Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder that affects more than 2.5 million people worldwide. Journal of Clinical Immunology 25. DNA premodifier + DNA artificial, bacterial, cellular, chromosomal, circular, genomic, linear, mitochondrial, normal, nuclear, ribosomal, viral One example is "knockout" models, made when investigators insert artificial DNA that instructs cells to produce too little of a certain protein, to determine the exact role of that protein in disease. Momentum DNA + noun analysis, alteration, break, chain, contamination, content, damage, detection, extraction, fragmentation, isolation, level, molecule, pool, purification, strand, repair, replication, sample, sequence, structure, synthesis, variant Senescent cells are in a permanently nondividing state that prevents any accumulated DNA damage, which could potentially induce malignancy, being inherited by daughter cells. British Journal of Dermatology - 117 - verb + DNA analyze, extract, detect, give, identify, isolate, modify, obtain, purify, replicate, sample, sequence, test, use In addition, genomic DNA of one chimpanzee and one gorilla were also sampled. Annals of Hematology 26. drug premodifier + DRUG active, alternate, anaesthetic, analgesic, antagonist, antidepressant, antihypertensive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, antiviral, appropriate, effective, encapsulated, enhancing, harmful, hepatic, hypnotic, immunosuppressive, injectable, major, mitochondrial, narcotic, primary, therapeutic, viral If a patient develops hyperglycemia and/or diabetes during treatment, one option would be to switch medications provided that the alternate drug is equally effective. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry DRUG + noun absorption, abuse, action, administration, application, concentration, consumption, delivery, dependence, detoxification, dose, dosage, effect, exposure, fever, infusion, injection, intake, interaction, intoxication, metabolism, misuse, overdose, reaction, regimen, resistance, responsiveness, screening, testing, therapy, toxicity, treatment, use, user, withdrawal Any long-standing medical therapy that the patient is taking is best continued, irrespective of its perceived need, rather than have a relatively unstable pharmacologic and cellular biochemical situation caused by sudden drug withdrawal before operation. Advances in Anesthesia verb + DRUG absorb, administer, consume, deliver, detect, employ, give, implement, introduce, inject, release, respond to, take, test, tolerate, treat with, prescribe, produce, substitute, use - 118 - Each drug, administered as a single-agent, demonstrated comparable and moderate effects on tumor growth with approximately 50 % inhibition at the end of the 3-week dosing schedule. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology DRUG + verb act, affect, alleviate, cause, enhance, improve, induce, inhibit, lead to, prevent, trigger, work A drug that triggers diarrhea and rapidly cleanses the bowel is also given. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests DRUG + preposition against, for No difference with placebo was observed, and it remained open whether this was due to a formulation issue or an inferior activity of the drug against stratum corneum trypsin. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Tacrolimus is used in virtually all centers as the core drug for maintenance therapy. Advances in Surgery 27. duct premodifier + DUCT abnormal, benign, biliary, common, continuous, cystic, hepatic, large, main, pancreatic, thoracic For example, if the radionuclide is present only in a portion of a biliary duct, the duct may be blocked or not functioning properly. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests DUCT + noun biopsy, cancer, carcinoma, dilatation, drainage, ectasia, excision, imaging, inflammation, injury, leak, lesion, ligation, lumen, obstruction, occlusion, perforation, size, stent, stone, tumour, wall Mammary ductoscopy allows for visualization of more peripheral lesions and therefore helps to eliminate unnecessary duct excision for benign lesions. Annals of Surgical Oncology - 119 - verb + DUCT block, dilate, excise, expand, involve, isolate, obstruct, protect, sever, treat The nodule of SPC [solid papillary carcinoma] appeared to fill and expand the duct without any obvious disruption of the duct wall. Histopathology DUCT + verb carry, connect, contain, pass through The bile duct carries bile from the liver to the intestines and is close to the gallbladder. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 28. enzyme premodifier + ENZYME active, adrenal, antioxidant, aromatase, bifunctional, cardiac, gastric, major, metabolic, microsomal, mitochondrial, pancreatic This formulation ensures the release of highly active enzyme in the small intestine where it supports the degradation of histamine. Acta Dermato-Venerologica ENZYME + noun abnormality, activation, activity, assay, content, defect, deficiency, delivery, disorder, elevation, expression, function, induction, inhibition, lactase, level, release, secretion, therapy Several muscle diseases are caused by enzyme abnormalities. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests verb + ENZYME activate, detect, produce, recover, release, secrete, synthesize, transport Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme produced in several organs, including the bones, liver, and intestines, and found in the blood of healthy people. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests - 120 - ENZYME + verb act, activate, alter, catalyze, cause, control, convert, digest, inactivate, initiate, modify, promote, protect, regulate Inhibition of acyl-coenzyme A cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT), an enzyme that controls the equilibrium between free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, was shown to reduce amyloid pathology. Acta Neuropathologica 29. examination premodifier + EXAMINATION abdominal, anal, cardiac, cardiovascular, careful, clinical, cytological, dermatological, endoscopic, external, general, gynaecological, gross, histological, histopathological, initial, invasive, manual, medical, microscopic, neurologic, neurological, obligatory, overall, pathologic, physical, post-mortem, routine, systematic, systemic, thorough, ultrasonographic, urological An abdominal examination should focus on the presence of tenderness (suggests an inflammatory process or ischemic colitis), scars suggestive of prior abdominal vascular surgery, and masses. Emergency Medicine Reports EXAMINATION + noun finding, method, performance, procedure, protocol, result, time The following safety measures were assessed: adverse events, clinical laboratory data, physical examination findings, and vital signs. The American Journal of Psychiatry verb + EXAMINATION allow, carry out, conduct, do, perform, recommend, request, require, undergo Papillary cancer has been found to be multifocal in up to 80% of cases when thorough pathologic examination is performed. Advances in Surgery EXAMINATION + verb cause, confirm, demonstrate, detect, determine, exclude, identify, imply, indicate, involve, reveal, rule out, show, suggest - 121 - Histologic examination confirmed metastatic melanoma. Cancer Investigation preposition + EXAMINATION at, on At the last examination after final prosthetic restoration, all the patients reported satisfactory function and no foreign body reaction, pain or dysaesthesia was apparent. Clinical Oral Implants Research On examination, he was in good general health. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery EXAMINATION + preposition for For patients with moderate liver fibrosis, serial liver biopsies should be performed at 6- to 12-month intervals, and patients must undergo frequent examination for clinical signs of portal hypertension. Advances in Surgery 30. fever premodifier + FEVER enteric, extreme, gastric, glandular, high, initial, maternal, mild, postoperative, periodic, persistent, psychological, puerperal, recurrent, rheumatic, septic, severe, slight, yellow He also had been ill with a high fever and went to work in spite of this. American Journal of Psychotherapy FEVER + noun episode, induction, risk, outbreak, recurrence, vaccination The only yellow fever risk is in northern Argentina. Emergency Medicine Reports verb + FEVER cause, experience, feel, get, manifest with, observe, present with, report, suffer from, succumb to, treat - 122 - Four days later, on the 18th postoperative day, she presented with septic fever. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery FEVER +verb develop, fade, happen, indicate, last, occur, progress, relapse, range, remit, result in, signal I think they have done a good job in advising us of what will happen and telling us what to do if something like a high fever happens. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health FEVER + preposition of The patient had a fever of 101.5°F (38.6°C). The American Journal of Medicine 31. fracture premodifier + FRACTURE acetabular, articular, capital, clavicular, clinical, complex, compound, condylar, coronoid, femoral, navicular, open, osteoporotic, patellar, pathological, recurrent, sacral, segmental, spinal, spiral, tibial, vertebral The presence of a vertebral fracture increases the risk of a new fracture within a year by at least five times and the risk further increases in case of recurrent fractures (domino effect). The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery FRACTURE + noun classification, configuration, detection, diagnosis, dislocation, displacement, extent, fixation, healing, incidence, line, management, pattern, reduction, repair, resistance, risk, site, stabilization, treatment, type, union Bisphosphonates decrease bone turnover, increase total mineral content per unit volume of tissue, improve bone strength and decrease fracture risk. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism - 123 - verb + FRACTURE cause, detect, fix, heal, indicate, lead to, produce, result from, result in, show, suffer, suspect, sustain, treat, undergo A greater emphasis is to be placed on public health education in general and specifically in patients who have already suffered a fracture. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery FRACTURE + verb involve, malunite, occur, rotate, unite We believe, if the implant is holding and patient is able to continue weight bearing, some of these fractures may eventually unite without secondary intervention. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery 32. gene premodifier + GENE abnormal, adenoviral, causative, cytotoxic, defective, heparanase, human, mutant, myotrophin, nuclear, single In 1 in 250 000 families both parents will carry the abnormal gene. Handbook of Child Nutrition GENE + noun action, activation, amplification, analysis, cluster, composition, delivery, disorder, expression, family, function, identification, inactivation, locus, map, marker, modulation, mutation, product, regulation, research, sequence, silencing, therapy, transcript, transcription, transfer, variant The analysis would be useful in furthering our understanding of genome organization and gene expression in mycobacteria, in addition to the improvement in the annotation of the new genomes. Tuberculosis verb + GENE activate, affect, amplify, carry, clone, detect, identify, inactivate, introduce, investigate, locate, observe Researchers identify gene that may increase susceptibility to malignant melanoma. Dermatology Times - 124 - GENE + verb cause, contain, control, encode, predispose, regulate This single gene contains four exons and three introns and gives rise to alternatively spliced transcripts. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine GENE + preposition for The gene for toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 is found in 20 percent of S. aureus isolates. The New England Journal of Medicine 33. glucose premodifier + GLUCOSE dietary, endogenous, extracellular, fasting, hepatic, interstitial, intravenous, postprandial, urinary Subjects were initially evaluated in the endocrinology outpatient clinic for a screening physical examination and blood testing to determine the levels of fasting glucose, postprandial glucose, lipids, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum electrolytes, liver functions and haemoglobin (Hb). Acta Diabetologica GLUCOSE + noun administration, concentration, control, deprivation, infusion, intolerance, level, measurement, metabolism, monitoring, production, release, solution, test, transport, uptake, tolerance, utilization One might expect that antipsychotic drugs which inhibit glucose transport in vitro, would affect glucose metabolism in the brain. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry verb + GLUCOSE accumulate, contain, decrease, give, increase, inject, lower, maintain, measure, monitor, provide, receive, reduce All fruit juices and baby drinks contain glucose or fructose. Handbook of Child Nutrition - 125 - GLUCOSE + verb bind, decrease, enter, exceed, fall, increase, modulate, suppress Glucose enters the brain via facilitated uptake by endothelial cells at the blood brain barrier. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 34. heart premodifier + HEART adult, artificial, failing, foetal, healthy, human, native The adult heart primarily utilizes fatty acids as its preferred energy substrate. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology HEART + noun activity, allograft, arrhythmia, attack, beat, block, bypass, catheterization, chamber, condition, cycle, damage, defect, disease, failure, function, graft, mass, murmur, muscle, problem, rate, rhythm, surgery, transplantation, valve Radiation to the left breast may increase the long-term risk for developing heart disease and heart attacks. Breast Cancer verb + HEART adapt, affect, auscultate, investigate, perfuse, protect Although clozapine is a relatively safe drug when taken in overdose by patients, many cases of overdose resulting in toxicity affecting the heart, liver, or CNS [central nervous system] have been reported. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry HEART + verb adapt, beat, cause, recover The heart adapts to increased pressure overload by hypertrophic growth of terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. Blood Pressure - 126 - 35. heart rate premodifier + HEART RATE baseline, constant, decreased, elevated, exercise, fast, fetal, high, increased, low, maximal, mean, normal, postoperative, resting, target Moderate exercise intensity was defined as causing sweating and increased heart rate, but still not preventing conversation. Advances in Physiotherapy HEART RATE + noun control, monitoring, pattern, reduction, target, value, variability Continuous heart rate monitoring is maintained until the morning of postoperative day number one. Advances in Surgery verb + HEART RATE achieve, decrease, determine, measure, monitor, record Heart rate was measured by tachograph triggered by a standard electrocardiographic lead. Blood Pressure HEART RATE + verb change, decrease, improve, increase, show In contrast, heart rate decreased between admission and discharge. Archives of Toxicology HEART RATE + preposition of Bradycardia was defined as a heart rate of < 50 beats/min unless the patient had a pre-existing bradycardia. Journal of Emergency Medicine 36. hormone premodifier + HORMONE active, antidiuretic, circulating, counterregulatory, endogenous, exogenous, female, growth, male, metabolic, natural, parathyroid, peptide, reproductive, sex, steroid, stress, thyroid - 127 - Moreover, recent observational studies showed a possible influence of exogenous hormones such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and oral contraceptives (OC). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment HORMONE + noun analysis, blockade, concentration, deficiency, expression, level, medication, production, receptor, release, replacement, secretion, stimulation, synthesis, therapy, treatment The steroid sex hormone concentrations in the arteries belonging to the genital system may be very different from those of other arteries. Current Women’s Health Reviews verb + HORMONE administer, block, express, measure, produce, receive, release, secrete The use of intravaginal rings that release hormones has been fairlysuccessful in terms of pregnancy prevention. Advances in Contraception HORMONE + verb act, activate, bind, circulate, regulate, stimulate These same mothers also had higher levels of melatonin in their milk, the hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. International Breastfeeding Journal 37. hypertension premodifier + HYPERTENSION arterial, chronic, controlled, essential, excessive, intracranial, longstanding, midlife, mild, moderate, parental, persistent, primary, pulmonary, salt-sensitive, secondary, self-reported, severe, spontaneous, systemic, well-treated, uncontrolled, untreated, venous The awake mean blood pressure values in patients with uncontrolled hypertension were higher than those in both the control groups and controlled hypertension groups. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 128 - HYPERTENSION + noun guideline, patient, prevalence, risk, therapy In the Hypertension Evaluation Project (HEP I) we showed that awareness of national hypertension guidelines under German practitioners was less than 25% in the year 2000. Trials verb + HYPERTENSION ameliorate, cause, control, diagnose, determine, develop, encourage, induce, monitor, observe, prevent, record, report, result in, treat Low fitness is associated with about 50% higher risk of developing hypertension as compared with subjects with high fitness. Advances in Physiotherapy HYPERTENSION + verb cause, develop, occur, persist, result in Hypertension persists in both patients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 38. illness premodifier + ILLNESS acute, adult, bipolar, cardiac, chronic, critical, debilitating, depressive, infant, infectious, inflammatory, life-threatening, major, maternal, medical, mental, mild, moderate, physical, psychiatric, psychotic, serious, severe, systemic, terminal, underlying, untreated, viral Whether due to paralysis, mental status decline, or severe medical illness leading to a bed-ridden state, pressure ulcers are almost exclusively seen in patients who are unable to reposition themselves spontaneously. Emergency Medicine Reports ILLNESS + noun burden, course, duration, experience, factor, intrusiveness, manifestation, prevention, process, severity, treatment, variable Although discussions between medical staff and families regarding prognosis and treatment decisions occur, they tend to occur late in the illness course. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health - 129 - verb + ILLNESS identify, develop, exacerbate, exclude, experience, get, identify, prevent, recognize, recover from, report, suffer from, suspect, treat It is not certain whether clozapine treatment independently causes diabetes or just precipitates diabetes in persons who already have risk factors for developing this illness. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry ILLNESS + verb abate, affect, arise, develop, last, result from, result in Eight women (4.5% of the 176 responders) reported that they had been prescribed antibiotics for recurrent symptoms within six weeks after their initial illness had abated. International Breastfeeding Journal 39. impairment premodifier + IMPAIRMENT acquired, age-related, anatomical, behavioral, broad, chronic, cognitive, communicative, fertility, functional, great, growth, hearing, irreversible, life-long, long-lasting, major, marked, mild, memory, moderate, motor, neurologic, persistent, physical, profound, progressive, slight, self-reported, significant, severe, social, visual Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by debilitating and unexplained fatigue lasting at least 6 months, associated with profound impairment in daily functioning. Journal of Psychosomatic Research IMPAIRMENT + noun degree, extent, risk, severity, test Comparisons to reaching data from 29 stroke subjects revealed similar increases in between- and within-target variability as clinical impairment severity increased. Neural Computation - 130 - verb + IMPAIRMENT ameliorate, assess, cause, demonstrate, develop, diagnose, evaluate, exhibit, experience, find, identify, improve, lead to, observe, offset, produce, report, result in, reveal, show, suffer, target, treat Neither did insomniacs experience cognitive impairment nor did they experience excessive daytime sleepiness compared with normal sleepers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research IMPAIRMENT + preposition in Impairment in this ability to monitor one's own actions is considered to be the basis of some of the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 40. implant premodifier + IMPLANT anatomic, breast, cochlear, deflated, dental, dry, failed, femoral, gel, hip, immediate, knee, medical, metal, overloaded, permanent, radiation, ruptured, saline, short, silicone, smooth, spinal, subcutaneous, subdermal, successful, surgical, textured, unloaded Although augmentation rate for successful and failed implants differed, this only approached statistical significance. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery IMPLANT + noun defect, deflation, design, failure, fixation, insertion, integration, interface, length, loosening, loss, material, migration, placement, position, recipient, reconstruction, removal, replacement, rupture, selection, site, stability, surface, system Three of four patients showing implant loosening reported pain at the implant. Clinical Oral Implants Research verb + IMPLANT design, develop, exchange, expose, fix, insert, place, receive, remove, replace, select The silicone implants were placed 4 cm away from the incision. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - 131 - IMPLANT + verb hold, improve, integrate, lie, protrude, sit We believe, if the implant is holding and patient is able to continue weight bearing, some of these fracture may eventually unite without secondary intervention. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery IMPLANT + preposition for Two patients receiving implants for single tooth replacement evaluated the treatment outcome worse than grade 3 because of compromized esthetic outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research 41. incidence premodifier + INCIDENCE actual, age-adjusted, annual, cancer, cumulative, daily, decreased, disease, elevated, excess, fracture, great, high, increased, institutional, little, low, national, overall, pain, peak, pooled, reduced, standardized Urogenital tract infections of bacterial origin have a high incidence among the world female population at reproductive age. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology INCIDENCE + noun data, estimation, figure, probability, rate, study, trend The incidence rate of ovarian cancer per 100 000 women was 5.0 in Shanghai, China, compared to 12.9 in Caucasian women in the San Francisco Bay area. Advances in Contraception verb + INCIDENCE analyze, calculate, compare, compute, decrease, demonstrate, determine, document, double, estimate, examine, increase, investigate, lower, observe, measure, predict, reduce, report, show, underestimate According to these epidemiological data, estrogen may play a protective role in reducing the incidence of age-related cataract. Gynecological Endocrinology - 132 - INCIDENCE + verb decline, drop, fall, increase, occur, peak, range, rise, vary The greatest incidence of gun shot wounds occurs in 15- to 19-year-olds, especially among black teenagers. Emergency Medicine Reports 42. infection premodifier + INFECTION active, acute, bacterial, blood-borne, bloodstream, chronic, clinical, common, confirmed, deep, ear, experimental, fungal, gynecological, harmful, HIV, hospital, invasive, joint, latent, life-threatening, local, long-standing, ongoing, post-operative, persistent, recurrent, respiratory, serious, severe, skin, superficial, surgical, systemic, viral, virus, wound Superficial infections are more common and involve the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Surgical Neurology INFECTION + noun complication, control, detection, onset, prevention, prophylaxis, rate, risk, treatment For severely ill patients, however, hospitalization may be required; in these situations, adequate infection control is essential to protect staff and patients. The New England Journal of Medicine verb + INFECTION acquire, cause, clear up, combat, confirm, control, cure, detect, develop, document, eliminate, eradicate, exclude, facilitate, fight, identify, invite, note, observe, prevent, protect against, protect from, recognize, reduce, report, result in, rule out, safeguard from, suspect, transmit, treat If the infection affects the liver, liver function tests may be ordered. Patient's Guide to Medical Tests - 133 - INFECTION + verb affect, cause, correlate with, develop, lead to, occur, persist, progress, recur, regress, result from, result in, settle, spread Therefore, crucial to prevention activities is an understanding that the networks through which both injecting and HIV-1 infection may spread, are also the networks through which prevention messages may be communicated. Drug Injecting and HIV Infection INFECTION + preposition by In other words, acquired immunity may protect an individual against infection by one type of pathogen but not against infection by another type of pathogen. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 43. inflammation premodifier + INFLAMMATION active, acute, allergic, chronic, cutaneous, enhanced, general, gingival, increased, intestinal, local, mild, mucosal, neurogenic, noticeable, ongoing, peripheral, persistent, severe, systemic, uncontrolled, visible Possible factors include vascular injury due to ongoing inflammation and treatment-related factors such as steroid-induced hypertension and obesity. Surgical Neurology INFLAMMATION + noun activity, marker, process As calprotectin is an inflammation marker, its predictive role will probably produce best results in the inflammatory pattern of the disease. Digestive and Liver Disease verb + INFLAMMATION activate, block, cause, control, decrease, develop, evoke, exacerbate, identify, increase, induce, inhibit, lead to, produce, promote, protect against, provoke, reduce, result from, reveal, suppress, tame, trigger The second recommendation is for mothers to reduce inflammation. International Breastfeeding Journal - 134 - INFLAMMATION + verb cause, decrease, increase, occur, progress, recur, result from, result in, start, stop, subside Because this baby had ultrashort bowel and the intestine was thickened and inflamed, we elected to leave the jejunal atresia unrepaired to allow the bowel to dilate more and the inflammation to subside. Journal of Pediatric Surgery INFLAMMATION + preposition in The CT [computed tomography] scan was negative for stones, but showed evidence of inflammation in the descending colon consistent with diverticulitis. Journal of Emergency Medicine 44. infusion premodifier + INFUSION adenosine, background, bacterial, constant, continuous, drug, epidural, glucose, intratumoral, intravenous, perioperative, rapid, short, target-controlled, weekly Rapid infusion of intravenous isotonic (0.9%) NaCl, as indicated for dehydration, may fail to raise the blood sodium concentration and has been observed to trigger seizures. The American Journal of Science INFUSION + noun dose, equipment, history, period, pressure, protocol, pump, rate, reaction, solution, system, technique, test, therapy The continuous infusion rate of the study solution could be adjusted to the need of each patient on the first postoperative day. British Journal of Anaesthesia verb + INFUSION administer, commence, continue, discontinue, give, increase, initiate, maintain, prepare, receive, start, stop, taper, titrate, warm, wean The patients had received a continuous infusion of fentanyl with intermittent doses of midazolam during mechanical ventilation. International Breastfeeding Journal - 135 - INFUSION + verb begin, cause, last, lead to, take place, show, start There is no mention of the use of insulin glargine, recently put on the market, which may have an effect similar to that obtained with a continuous infusion lasting 24 h, reducing costs, handling and hypoglycaemia. Acta Diabetologica INFUSION + preposition at, with One study of adult patients undergoing major abdominal surgery demonstrated a morphine-sparing effect of an intraoperative lidocaine infusion at 1.5 mg/kg/h. Advances in Anesthesia An i.v. propofol infusion with fentanyl or remifentanil has been advocated and provides for adequate MEP [motor evoked potential] recording in 97% of neurologically intact patients, when used with a multiple pulse stimulation technique. British Journal of Anaesthesia 45. injection premodifier + INJECTION bacterial, blood, combined, daily, deep, drug, epidural, insulin, intraarticular, intradermal, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, intravenous, intravascular, joint, local, multiple, needle, percutaneous, single, spinal, subcutaneous, superficial, unsafe The protein has a short functional half-life in vivo and must be administered daily by subcutaneous injection for maximum effectiveness. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews INJECTION + noun behaviour, dosage, equipment, pain, practice, pressure, site, technique, therapy, treatment Autologous blood injection technique has been refined recently to improve the probability of hitting the area of pathology. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery - 136 - verb + INJECTION administer, apply, carry out, complete, deliver, do, employ, give, perform, place, plan, receive, report, start, use The surgeon with a busy practice would have more time to devote to his practice if he does not have to give repeated intralesional injections that may altogether fail and still bring both surgeon and patient to the option of surgery. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery INJECTION + verb cause, consist of, contain, occur, result in The spinal injection contained 2.2 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl 20 mg, giving a total volume of 2.6 ml. British Journal of Anaesthesia INJECTION + preposition for, into, of, with Pain upon peripheral propofol injection for anesthetic induction is common and can be very distressing to patients. AANA Journal It is contraindicated for injection into the breast, eyelids, bound-down scars, or into an actively inflamed site. Advances in Anesthesia Angiography was performed with manual injection of 5 to 10 mL of contrast medium by a surgeon. Surgical Neurology Nitroglycerin ointment applied to the back of the hand before injection reduces the incidence of pain during injection with propofol. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 46. injury premodifier + INJURY accidental, acute, arterial, brain, cell, chronic, closed, complex, devastating, fatal, head, inadvertent, intracranial, irreversible, lifethreatening, liver, lung, major, mechanical, mild, minor, missed, moderate, multiple, muscle, nerve, neurological, non-accidental, - 137 - open, permanent, serious, severe, significant, spinal, substantial, traumatic The high stress on the spine above a rigid fusion means that a smaller impact can cause serious injury to a fused spine than would occur in a normal. Developmental Neurorehabilitation INJURY + noun force, mechanism, model, patient, pattern, prevention, process, rate, rehabilitation, risk, severity, site, symptom, treatment, type In brain injury rehabilitation, it is often the nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists who have occasion to initiate an intervention focus on the executive self-regulatory aspects of activities, because of the child’s superior ability to attend to physical activities. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery verb + INJURY address, attenuate, avert, avoid, cause, contribute to, detect, develop, exacerbate, experience, identify, lead to, manage, prevent, produce, protect from, provoke, recover from, reduce, repair, report, result from, result in, show, stabilize, suffer from, suspect, sustain, treat Once the life-threatening injuries have been addressed, a stable patient can continue the evaluation by computed tomography and further x-rays. Emergency Medicine Reports INJURY + verb accrue, cause, lead to, manifest oneself, necessitate, occur, persist, produce, provoke, require, result from, result in Injury may accrue from nerve compression and stretching, cardiovascular changes, VAE, and respiratory decompensation. Advances in Anesthesia INJURY + preposition from, in, to The cause may be direct nerve injury from a scalpel, trochar or local anaesthetic infiltration, or from external compression either due to tourniquet use or fluid extravasation. Current Orthopaedics - 138 - Neuronal injury in the hippocampus was the only form of damage consistently present in an experimental model of PM [pneumococcal meningitis] in adult rabbits. Acta Neuropathologica Anesthesia professionals, operating room (OR) nurses, and surgeons worry about injury to skin and other organs when positioning the anesthetized patient. Advances in Anesthesia 47. insulin premodifier + INSULIN basal, circulating, endogenous, exogenous, fasting, fetal, human, inhaled, intermediate-acting, long-acting, maternal, plasma, rapidacting, serum, subcutaneous Plasma insulin levels were higher in the postprandial group compared to the fasted group at rest, and were decreased with exercise in the postprandial group only. Acta Diabetologica INSULIN + noun action, activity, administration, analogue, concentration, deficiency, dose, infusion, injection, insufficiency, intake, level, receptor, regimen, release, resistance, secretion, sensitivity, sensitizer, stimulation, therapy, tolerance, treatment Rosiglitazone treatment improved insulin resistance and lowered insulin levels, so we attenuated the effect of insulin on its own receptors to stimulate sodium retention through the renal tubule. Acta Diabetologica verb + INSULIN absorb, administer, break down, extract, give, inactivate, initiate, measure, prescribe, produce, raise, receive, secrete, start, take, use Insulin was prescribed for 40.5% and 24.1% of patients in the intensive control group and the standard-control group, respectively, by the end of the follow-up period. The New England Journal of Medicine - 139 - 48. joint premodifier + JOINT adjacent, arthritic, artificial, cervical, complex, elbow, healthy, hinge, hip, infected, intact, knee, passive, pathological, peripheral, radioulnar, rheumatoid, stiff However, it has been suggested that although compressive stresses prevent the initiation of fissures in a healthy joint, that normal movements in a pathological joint with a thin synovial fluid layer can easily cause fissures. Annals of Biomedical Engineering JOINT + noun angle, aspiration, capsule, cavity, change, damage, degeneration, destruction, disease, dislocation, disorder, dysfunction, effusion, fluid, infection, injection, injury, involvement, lubrication, motion, pain, pathology, reconstruction, replacement, space, stiffness, surface, surgery, swelling To prevent joint destruction, early therapeutic intervention before definite diagnosis of RA [rheumatoid arthritis] is necessary. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy verb + JOINT affect, cover, damage, distend, elevate, enter, examine, excise, expose, fill, form, insert into, lubricate, mount, move, open, operate, overlie, overstretch, reconstruct, release, replace, rotate into, salvage, stabilize, surround, wash, wrap The patella is then everted, and the knee is flexed to expose the joint. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery JOINT + verb act, deteriorate, fail, move, rotate It is likely that a joint that fails early after only a few months may be much more devastating to the patient than one which eventually succumbs after 15 or more years of excellent clinical service. International Orthopaedics - 140 - 49. labour (Am. E. labor) premodifier + LABOUR abnormal, active, difficult, dysfunctional, established, false, human, premature, preterm, prolonged, true Therefore, it is possible that the preterm labor rate is related to an increase in the proinflammatory cytokines in the amniotic fluid. Journal of Pediatric Surgery LABOUR + noun analgesia, care, curve, induction, management, onset, pain, ward Interestingly, women who deliver vaginally without anal tearing or who have a cesarean section before labor onset may still develop symptoms of fecal incontinence. Current Medical Literature verb + LABOUR admit for, enter, experience, go into, induce Rates of Staphylococcus aureus colonization among gravidas entering labor and delivery are modest and consistent with the general population. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology LABOUR + verb begin, cause, occur, progress Spontaneous delivery and delivery induced after water broke but labor did not progress were classified as spontaneous births. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology preposition + LABOUR in Women who were at least 36 weeks pregnant were approached to participate in the trial in the antenatal clinics or in the labor wards if they were not in labor. Birth - 141 - 50. lesion premodifier + LESION anaplastic, asymptomatic, atherosclerotic, benign, cervical, chronic, cutaneous, cystic, dermal, duodenal, dysplastic, eczematous, epidural, facial, femoral, functional, hepatic, histological, inflammatory, lytic, precancerous, proliferative, tibial, vertebral The moyamoya phenomenon adjacent to the aneurysmal lesion can suggest presence of a chronic occlusive vascular disease and possibility of a vascular stump. Surgical Neurology LESION + noun appearance, congruency, detection, development, duration, enhancement, environment, epidermis, formation, location, removal, score, site, size, volume The sebaceous follicle is the initial site of lesion development. Advances in Dermatology verb + LESION demyelinate, detect, diagnose, encapsulate, examine, identify, localize, locate, remove The needle is withdrawn and the hook is used by the surgeon to locate the lesion and to remove it. Breast Cancer LESION + verb appear, contain, converge into, develop, enlarge, evolve, grow, metastasize, predispose, recur, spread Okazaki et al. categorized ductoscopic findings into four categories: normal duct, fibrous bridging, solid nodule, and superficially spreading lesion. Annals of Surgical Oncology 51. liver premodifier + LIVER bioartificial, cholestatic, cirrhotic, foetal, maternal, native, residual - 142 - Perfusion with a bioartificial liver may serve to mitigate rising ICP [intercranial pressure]. Artificial Organs LIVER + noun ablation, biopsy, cancer, cell, cirrhosis, damage, disease, disorder, donor, enzyme, failure, fibrosis, function, graft, inflammation, injury, lesion, metastasis, parenchyma, preservation, recipient, regeneration, slice, spot, support, tissue, transplantation A nasogastric tube is preferable to gastrostomy in these patients because of complications related to ascites and the future need for abdominal access during liver transplantation. Handbook of Child Nutrition verb + LIVER damage, impair, perfuse, preserve, surround It is particularly valuable in examining the liver and pancreas, which are not penetrated by contrast dyes used for the imaging of the digestive tract. Patient's Guide to Medical Tests 52. lung premodifier + LUNG deep, gastrointestinal, human, interstitial, maternal, single Therefore, to deliver a drug into the deep lung, one has to surmount these filters. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews LUNG + noun cancer, carcinoma, collapse, deflation, deposition, disease, field, function, growth, infection, injury, irritation, lesion, lobe, maturation, metastasis, tissue, transplantation, parenchyma, pathology, periphery, phenotype, region, resection, ventilation The only patients excluded were those with solid mass lesions occupying more than 50% of the chest or those with extreme respiratory compromise suggesting they would not tolerate any length of single lung ventilation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery - 143 - 53. lymphocyte premodifier + LYMPHOCYTE atypical, intraepithelial, malignant, occasional, peripheral Similar atypical lymphocytes were seen in the partially necrotic chorioretinal biopsy. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology LYMPHOCYTE + noun activity, adhesion, antigen, attack, binding, cluster, compartment, count, culture, depletion, engraftment, function, homing, infiltration, maturation, migration, population, proliferation, quantitation, reaction, recirculation, subset The higher the Community Periodontal Index, the older the patient and the higher the total lymphocyte counts. Journal of Periodontal Research verb + LYMPHOCYTE activate, analyze, contain, count, detect, examine, isolate, observe, select, stimulate Viruslike particles resembling retroviruses by morphology, density, and protein composition were detected in lesional skin, urine, and stimulated lymphocytes of patients with psoriasis. Clinics in Dermatology LYMPHOCYTE + verb carry, circulate, disappear, express This patient also exhibited the most dramatic expansion of T lymphocytes carrying TCR V!7 gene family. Human Immunology 54. malignancy premodifier + MALIGNANCY aggressive, carcinoid, colorectal, common, endometrial, extraoral, focal, gastrointestinal, gynaecologic, hematologic, internal, pancreatic, primary, pulmonary, secondary, thyroid, urothelial - 144 - Cases with pleomorphic histiocytes or mitotic figures also require additional extensive laboratory investigations to rule out hematologic malignancy. Advances in Dermatology MALIGNANCY + noun development, formation, grade, group, patient, presence, prognosis, progression, risk, surveillance, treatment Thus, the clinicopathologic model seems highly sensitive in recognizing malignancy risk as well as actual malignancy among low to intermediate-grade tumors. Human Pathology verb + MALIGNANCY detect, describe, diagnose, examine, exclude, judge, observe, predict, prove, report, show, treat Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy diagnosed during pregnancy, affecting 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 4,000 pregnancies. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 55. mastectomy premodifier + MASTECTOMY bilateral, complete, conventional, invasive, nipple-sparing, partial, primary, prophylactic, radical, secondary, simple, skin-sparing, subcutaneous, total, traditional, unilateral The technique for NSM [nipple-sparing mastectomy] differs from a subcutaneous mastectomy in that much thinner skin flaps are performed and the breast tissue is shaved from the undersurface of the nipple. Annals of Surgical Oncology MASTECTOMY + noun border, flap, incision, patient, radiotherapy, rate, scar, specimen The thoracodorsal vessels in the axilla are accessed through either the axillary-dissection incision or the mastectomy incision. The New England Journal of Medicine - 145 - verb + MASTECTOMY avoid, choose, modify, perform, receive, recommend, require, treat by, undergo In 1996, Love et al. reported their pilot study with mammary ductoscopy in nine patients with previously diagnosed ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive breast cancer who were about to undergo mastectomy. Annals of Surgical Oncology MASTECTOMY + verb involve, remove A total mastectomy involves removal of the whole breast and sometimes lymph nodes under the armpit. Breast Cancer 56. medication premodifier + MEDICATION antidepressant, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, chronic, concomitant, contraceptive, daily, herbal, neuroleptic, psychiatric, psychotropic, stimulant, systemic It is tempting to suggest that mis-sense mutations cause a different phenotype, although neuroleptic medication may have complicated the picture. Brain MEDICATION + noun adherence, administration, compliance, dosage, effect, error, group, history, intervention, maintenance, management, nonadherence, regimen, response, side-effect, treatment, use The MEDMARX database provides invaluable information to anesthesia providers regarding types and location of medication errors and the change in level of care that resulted from medication errors committed. AANA Journal verb + MEDICATION draw up, inject, prescribe, receive, require, review, take, use Medication should be drawn up by a surgical technician with nursing supervision. Advances in Anesthesia - 146 - MEDICATION + verb affect, contain, influence, interfere with An important safety finding, identified because the size of the study was sufficient to detect infrequent events, was the excess of patients who received a diagnosis of pneumonia among those receiving study medications containing fluticasone propionate. The New England Journal of Medicine MEDICATION + preposition for For a conservative treatment approach, we used medication for blood pressure control. Surgical Neurology 57. melanoma (pl. melanomas, melanomatas) premodifier + MELANOMA amelanotic, choroidal, cutaneous, early, epithelioid, invasive, malignant, metastatic, nodular, ocular, primary, recurrent Histopathologic examination confirmed choroidal melanoma, mixed spindle cell, and epithelioid type, predominantly epithelioid, with marked lymphocytic response and a high-risk vascular pattern. Cancer Investigation MELANOMA + noun angiogenesis, carcinogenesis, cell, development, diagnosis, genesis, genome, marker, metastasis, oncogene, pathogenesis, pathway, patient, predisposition, progression, proliferation, subtype, survival, therapy, tumorigenesis, tumour In melanoma patients, serum HLA-G has been shown to correlate with advanced disease stage and tumour load. Seminars in Cancer Biology verb + MELANOMA develop, diagnose, exclude, inhibit It is therefore potentially extremely useful to (serologically) diagnose melanoma, even in situ cases, or to monitor its progression serologically. Histopathology - 147 - MELANOMA + verb affect, occur, remain, spread An inhaled form of the drug is also being tested for melanoma that has spread to the lungs. Melanoma Annual Report 58. membrane premodifier + MEMBRANE amniotic, cellular, cricothyroid, cytoplasmic, endosomal, fetal, inner, mucosal, mucous, nuclear, outer, perinuclear, porous, semi-permeable, surgical, synovial, synthetic, tympanic The heat generated by the laser would alter the balance of sodium and potassium of the cellular membrane, allowing the free transport of extracellular liquid to the intracellular atmosphere. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery MEMBRANE + noun capacitance, chromatography, damage, depolarisation, distribution, expression, fluidity, fraction, fusion, insertion, integrity, interaction, lipid, localization, lung, marker, permeability, potential, protein, receptor, removal, ruffling, rupture, selection, staining, surface Tsong and Kinosita suggested the use of transient electrolysis to generate desirable membrane permeability for drug loading. Current Pharmaceutical Design verb + MEMBRANE block, break, derive, develop, incubate, insert, maintain, obtain, protect, remove, separate Membranes were incubated with blocking buffer and then incubated for 4 hours at room temperature with 2.5 mL of thawed conditioned media samples from the nonstrained and strained groups. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics MEMBRANE + verb adsorb, contain, cover Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist production from the dialysis membrane that adsorbed endotoxin was significantly higher. Artificial Organs - 148 - 59. memory premodifier + MEMORY abnormal, declarative, episodic, explicit, faulty, implicit, nondeclarative, nonverbal, semantic, spatial, verbal, visual, working However, there is also evidence to suggest that working memory function may be more sensitive than declarative memory to the effects of elevated corticosteroid levels. Acta Neuropsychiatrica MEMORY + noun bias, complaint, consolidation, decline, deficit, disturbance, effect, error, function, formation, impairment, loss, modulator, performance, problem, process, system, task, test, trace Researchers have used cognitive psychology paradigms to evaluate emotional sequela of cardiovascular disease, although there have been no prior studies assessing implicit memory bias in a population of patients with cardiac problems. International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health verb + MEMORY acquire, detect, enhance, preserve, reduce, repress, retain Acute stress enhances memory for emotional words, but impairs memory for neutral words. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 60. metastasis (pl. metastases) premodifier + METASTASIS aggressive, axillary, bilateral, cerebellar, cervical, distant, extensive, hematogenous, hepatic, incurable, lymphatic, nodal, peritoneal, pulmonary, skeletal, systemic, unresectable All patients with early breast cancer have been evaluated retrospectively in respect of local recurrence and distant metastasis. Annals of Oncology METASTASIS + noun detection, development, formation, process, rate, stage - 149 - In addition, we will divide the phenomena of cancer initiation to metastasis formation to clearly show the interactions and functions in each tumor progression step. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry verb + METASTASIS analyze, detect, develop, find, form, measure, observe, preclude, prevent, promote, reduce, regulate, remove, report, resect, reveal, suspect, treat Nine patients (18%) developed metastasis, and the disease-free survival percentage was 80%. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics METASTASIS + verb affect, correlate with, develop, require Pulmonary metastases developed in three (10%) of our patients, at an average of 6.3 years after the discovery of the initial giant cell tumor. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery METASTASIS + preposition from, in, to The most common errors included misdiagnoses as lymphoma, squamous carcinoma or metastasis from breast carcinoma. Human Pathology Patient 2 had a distant metastasis in the opposite lung. Clinical Oncology Metastasis to the brain may require radiation and high-dose steroids. Breast Cancer 61. morbidity premodifier + MORBIDITY associated, cardiac, cardiovascular, considerable, high, infectious, low, major, maternal, minimal, minor, neonatal, neurological, operative, overall, perinatal, perioperative, postoperative, psychiatric, psychological, respiratory, surgical - 150 - In patients recovering from myocardial infarction (MI), depression and anxiety have predicted cardiac morbidity in the first 12 months of rehabilitation (Frasure-Smith et al., 1995). International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health verb + MORBIDITY affect, cause, decrease, improve, minimize, reduce Based on the most recent literature, anticipation of and aggressive therapy for hypoxia in patients with symptomatic hyponatremia, particularly in menstruant women, can reduce morbidity and mortality. The American Journal of Science 62. mortality premodifier + MORTALITY cardiac, cardiovascular, early, fetal, low, maternal, neonatal, operative, overall, perinatal, perioperative, surgical, total, vascular We have shown that the association between cesarean section rates and neonatal and maternal mortality is different among countries. Birth Issues in Perinatal Care MORTALITY + noun cause, data, distribution, figure, file, monitoring, outcome, prediction, profile, rate, ratio, record, reduction, risk, statistics, study, trend Premature infants with growth restriction have significantly higher morbidity and mortality risks than those born at term. Current Women's Health Reviews verb + MORTALITY assess, describe, evaluate, expect, improve, observe, predict, reduce However, neither of the trials was powered to evaluate mortality, organ dysfunction, or safety. The New England Journal of Medicine MORTALITY + verb affect, decrease, fall, increase, occur, reach, rise - 151 - It is not clear whether mortality increases among patients with graft failure relative to those who initiate dialysis but who have not yet received a kidney transplant. Transplantation Proceedings 63. muscle premodifier + MUSCLE abdominal, cardiac, circular, dystrophic, involuntary, neurogenic, pyloric, skeletal, smooth, ventricular Another method involves locating the gallbladder and subsequently identifying the pyloric muscle adjacent to it. Journal of Pediatric Surgery MUSCLE + noun action, activation, activity, atrophy, biopsy, cell, chain, contraction, contracture, coordination, correction, damage, detachment, differentiation, disorder, dysfunction, fatigue, flap, mass, pain, paralysis, phenotype, strength, thickness, tissue As a result, they often lack any substantial subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue. Emergency Medicine Reports verb + MUSCLE activate, affect, damage, denervate, elevate, harvest, mobilize, penetrate, retract, stretch, trim Briefly, the knee joints were first dissected out and the surrounding muscle was trimmed. Pain MUSCLE + verb act, function, operate, raise Costen originally postulated that the overclosure that occurs in patients with a reduced vertical dimension of occlusion (deep bite) causes a bunching of the tensor palatini muscle which is the only muscle that acts directly on the ET [eustachian tube]. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology - 152 - 64. mutation premodifier + MUTATION arctic, deleterious, dominant, familial, genetic, genomic, heterozygous, homozygous, hypomorphic, novel, pathogenic, postzygotic, recessive, silent, somatic A recessive mutation in desmoplakin causes arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, skin disorder, and woolly hair. Journal of the American College of Cardiology MUTATION + noun analysis, carrier, detection, family, frequency, group, incidence, rate, screening, search, status In the case of a known TP53 mutation carrier, adjuvant radiotherapy is strongly contra-indicated due to the significant risk of developing a secondary malignancy in the irradiation field. Clinical Oncology verb + MUTATION acquire, activate, arise from, carry, detect, identify, inactivate, induce, inherit, introduce, involve Ten (77%) were outside families previously known to carry a mutation. Cancer MUTATION + verb affect, correlate, damage, develop, disrupt, lead to, occur, result in, underlie The earlier the mutation occurs, the more likely extensive skin involvement will be seen, and also the greater the likelihood gonadal tissue will be involved. Advances in Dermatology 65. nerve premodifier + NERVE cranial, cutaneous, donor, facial, important, laryngeal, main, major, median, optic, peripheral, peroneal, radial, sciatic, sensory, spinal, ulnar - 153 - Facial numbness is frequent and results from infarction of sensory nerves such as branches of the fifth cranial nerve. Clinics in Dermatology NERVE + noun activity, block, cell, compression, conduction, damage, decompression, deficit, dysfunction, end, ending, fibre, function, graft, grafting, injury, lesion, plexus, regeneration, repair, root, signal, stimulation, system, terminal, tissue Recovery of the ulnar nerve function was evident one week after operation. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery verb + NERVE anesthetize, block, compress, cover, damage, decompress, dissect, expose, injure, repair, stimulate, supply, transect, transpose The Median Nerve is the most commonly injured and is usually compressed by the angulation of fragments. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery NERVE + verb carry, develop, extend, lie, recover, run, supply, undergo The sciatic nerve lies close to the posterior acetabular wall and is susceptible to injury in acetabular fractures involving the posterior wall and column. Emergency Radiology 66. neuron premodifier + NEURON adult, afferent, dark, efferent, immature, mature, mirror, motor, normal-looking, primary, pyramidal, single It suggests that postsynaptic GABAA [gamma-aminobutyric acid] receptors at pyramidal neuron AIS [Athens Insomnia Scale] are functionally up-regulated in schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex NEURON + noun death, degeneration, density, dysfunction, response, soma, synapse - 154 - Neuron dysfunction can lead to further glia activation and contribute to further exacerbation of the disease process. Neuropsychology verb + NEURON activate, culture, detect, identify, inhibit, isolate, intermix, protect, record, sample, test, upregulate The heterotopic neurons were intermixed with small heterotopic ependymal cavities. Acta Neuropathologica NEURON + verb contain, degenerate, derive from, display, innervate, originate from, project from, project to, respond to, terminate, undergo Catecholaminergic neurons project from the locus coeruleus to the paraventricular nucleus and locus coeruleus neurons firing rate is increased by the application of CRF [corticotropin-releasing factor]. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 67. nucleus premodifier + NUCLEUS apoptotic, bare, brainstem, cell, dentate, enlarged, hepatocyte, interphase, irregular, myocyte, neuronal, positive, precerebellar, thalamic Also the small number of enlarged nuclei in the lower dose groups does not indicate toxic effects as the sole cause. Cancer Detection and Prevention NUCLEUS + noun distortion, expression, group, orientation The cases with MYCN gene amplification showed a significantly higher incidence of the nucleus expression, whereas those without MYCN [myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived] gene amplification showed a significantly higher incidence of cytoplasmic expression. Journal of Pediatric Surgery - 155 - verb + NUCLEUS analyze, aspirate, collect, compare, count, examine, fragment, recognize In peripheral blood lymphocytes of a male donor (control), 96.5% of the nuclei analyzed had two signals for the chromosome 9 probe and 100% had one signal for the chromosome X probe. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics NUCLEUS + verb exhibit, express, form, interact, spread Note that these first nuclei formed in (re-entrant) regions where the impurity particles were very near another particle, or at the boundary of the system where the energy barrier for nucleation is further reduced by geometry. Acta Biomaterialia 68. obesity premodifier + OBESITY abdominal, adolescent, adult, benign, childhood, extreme, infantile, massive, maternal, mild, moderate, morbid, pathological, severe Evidence is mounting that bariatric surgery is the only reliable method for substantial and sustainable weight loss for even mild to moderate obesity. Journal of Pediatric Surgery OBESITY + noun epidemic, prevention, research, surgery, treatment The obesity epidemic is increasing rapidly among adults. Advances in Physiotherapy verb + OBESITY avoid, determine, develop, increase, induce, link to, prevent, reduce, report The ideal is to prevent obesity in the first place and emphasis should be placed on healthy eating and exercise for the whole family, along with establishing good food habits in early childhood. Handbook of Child Nutrition - 156 - OBESITY + verb affect, appear, cause, lead to, result from Obesity can cause glomerulosclerosis and proteinuria, which can trigger a loss of muscle mass. Maturitas 69. pain premodifier + PAIN abdominal, acute, axial, back, bodily, bone, burning, chest, chronic, elevated, excruciating, experimental, hip, inflammatory, intense, interventional, joint, knee, labour, long-term, mild, moderate, momentary, muscle, phantom, severe, sharp, strong, sudden, thermal The majority of people who present with rupture of the Achilles tendon give a history of a sudden, sharp pain in the posterior aspect of the calf of the affected leg. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery PAIN + noun clinic, complaint, condition, control, disability, experience, expression, hypersensitivity, incidence, insensitivity, intensity, level, management, matrix, medication, model, pathway, pattern, perception, problem, processing, relief, reliever, response, score, sensation, sensitivity, severity, stimulation, syndrome, therapy, threshold, tolerance, treatment This may account for limited nociceptive input from the operation site and probably for an easier postoperative pain control. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica verb + PAIN address, alleviate, assess, cause, control, decrease, develop, experience, feel, increase, induce, influence, inhibit, localize, observe, produce, reduce, relieve, report, soothe, treat You may experience pain as the colonoscope is guided along the loops of the colon, but the pain is usually brief and can be somewhat alleviated by breathing slowly and deeply. Patient's Guide to Medical Tests - 157 - PAIN + verb affect, arise, begin, cause, continue, decrease, develop, disappear, increase, persist, require, result from It should be continued until claudication pain develops, then rest until the pain disappears, and to continue for the next bout. Advances in Physiotherapy 70. palate premodifier + PALATE cleft, hard, primary, secondary, soft Between the fourth and sixth year of life, the hard palate was closed by a palatal pedicled flap. British Journal of Plastic Surgery PALATE + noun anomaly, deformity, malformation, muscle, operation, repair, surgery All palate repairs included an intravelar veloplasty. British Journal of Plastic Surgery verb + PALATE close, operate, repair, treat At the beginning of the series, the hard palate was repaired using Veau flaps. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 71. patient premodifier + PATIENT active, adolescent, adult, affected, aged, alert, ambulatory, cancer, clinical, diabetic, female, healthy, high-risk, hospitalized, individual, injured, informed, low-risk, male, obese, postoperative, prone, psychiatric, surgical, symptomatic Posterior approaches to the thoracic spine require a prone patient with an uncompressed abdomen. British Journal of Anaesthesia - 158 - PATIENT + noun admission, behaviour, care, case, chart, cohort, compliance, consent, data, death, dissatisfaction, education, follow-up, group, health, interview, management, monitoring, morbidity, outcome, population, position, profile, record, recovery, recruitment, report, response, risk, safety, satisfaction, selection, survival, symptom, treatment Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most common cancers and the patient survival is poor because of a high recurrence rate after resection. Digestive and Liver Disease verb + PATIENT admit, advise, affect, anesthetize, counsel, describe, diagnose, discharge, dose, evaluate, examine, follow, help, hospitalize, inform, keep, manage, monitor, operate, place, predispose, refer, report, save, scan, screen, see, support, taper off, test, transfer, treat Aside from decreasing the number of unnecessary emergency operations, correctly diagnosing diverticulitis avoids discharging the patient with a nonspecific abdominal pain. Journal of Experimental Medicine PATIENT + verb consent, develop, die, experience, improve, lie, move, position, present, receive, recover, report, require, respond, reveal, stabilize, suffer, suffer from, take, undergo Three months later the patient presented with increased pain after a fall. Clinical Radiology preposition + PATIENT among, in Among patients treated with interferon, 1048 patients (38.7%) acquired a sustained virologic response. The American Journal of Medicine In patient 2, we observed one clone in abundance. Human Immunology PATIENT + preposition with - 159 - Consequently, the rate of correction of hyponatremia must be taken into account before deciding on the most appropriate therapy for any patient with hyponatremia. The American Journal of Science 72. placebo (pl. placebos) premodifier + PLACEBO effective, matching, randomised The study drugs and the matching placebo were supplied by Organon NV, Oss the Netherlands and by Lilly the Netherlands B.V. Trials PLACEBO + noun administration, arm, control, dose, effect, film, formulation, group, infusion, intervention, responder, response, subject, tablet, treatment Interestingly, the surrounding regions also displayed a higher amount of cellular immune response as compared to the placebo control. Basic Research in Cardiology verb + PLACEBO adjust, administer, compare to, compare with, give, randomize to, receive, substitute, supply, take, switch from, switch to, treat with Any complaint of nausea or vomiting occurred in 22 (32%) patients given placebo, 35 (49%) patients given tramadol, 37 (52%) of those given nalbuphine and 26 (37%) of those given pethidine. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica preposition + PLACEBO on In the fibromyalgia-homeopathy study, no patients on placebo exhibit comparably excellent global and local responses after 3 months. Homeopathy 73. pregnancy premodifier + PREGNANCY adolescent, adverse, clinical, early, first, full-term, healthy, human, high-risk, intrauterine, late, low-risk, mistimed, molar, multiple, - 160 - normal, ongoing, preeclamptic, previous, recent, second, singleton, subsequent, successful, teen, teenage, triplet, twin, uncomplicated, unintended, unplanned, unwanted It has been shown that the use of the beta blocker atenolol at conception and during early pregnancy, but not during the second or third trimester, may cause IUGR [intra-uterine growth restriction]. Current Women's Health Reviews PREGNANCY + noun complication, disorder, loss, outcome, prevention, rate, termination, test However, reduced intrauterine volume and inadequate vascularization are suggested to be the main causes of pregnancy loss in women with congenital uterine anomalies. Current Women's Health Reviews verb + PREGNANCY achieve, advise against, avoid, complicate, delay, desire, endanger, exclude, interrupt, lose, obtain, plan, postpone, prevent, terminate Since most recurrences develop within 2 to 3 years after initial diagnosis, breast cancer patients should be advised to postpone pregnancy for 3 years at least. Gynecological Endocrinology PREGNANCY + verb end, last, occur, progress Unwanted pregnancy occurred overall in 19.05% of the sexually exposed teenage students, and in fact in as many as 33% of the sexually exposed secondary school teenagers! Advances in Contraception PREGNANCY + preposition with All parturients had an uncomplicated pregnancy with a singleton foetus in the vertex position. Acta Anaestesiologica Scandavica - 161 - 74. psoriasis (pl. psoriases) premodifier + PSORIASIS aggravated, childhood, classic, coincidental, erythrodermic, mild, moderate, plaque, pustular, severe, true Cyclosporine has since been accepted for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis but it has a problematic safety profile, which limits its long-term use. Dermatologic Therapy PSORIASIS + noun flare, lesion, pathogenesis, patient, research, severity, susceptibility, therapy, treatment Few authors have conceived that TLRs [toll-like receptors] may be important in psoriasis pathogenesis. Clinics in Dermatology verb + PSORIASIS aggravate, develop, exacerbate, induce, study, treat Most of the drugs discussed above tend to exacerbate psoriasis rather than induce it. Clinics in Dermatology PSORIASIS + verb affect, deteriorate, improve, interfere, resolve, vary, worsen Furthermore, a recent report described a patient with AIDS whose coincidental psoriasis resolved after combination antiretroviral therapy, implicating a possible direct role for the HIV virus in disease exacerbation. Clinics in Dermatology 75. receptor premodifier + RECEPTOR acid, adenosine, adhesion, corresponding, cytokine, dopamine, death, erythropoietin, estrogen, hormone, inhibitory, insulin, main, major, nuclear, oestrogen, peptide, progesterone, respective, single, specific, surface, toll-like - 162 - Its main receptor, the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), is widely expressed in the central nervous system. Acta Neuropathologica RECEPTOR + noun activation, activity, agonist, antagonist, blockade, blocker, complex, density, expression, family, function, gene, interaction, occupancy, protein, signalling, stimulation, subtype, subunit, system, type Evidence from a variety of systems suggests that focusing on antagonizing or enhancing ligand activity rather than receptor activity might yield interesting effects. Current Pharmaceutical Design verb + RECEPTOR activate, bind, block, cleave, contain, detect, encode, express, find, identify, involve, label, localize, quantify, transport, upregulate Breast cancer cells may contain receptors, or binding sites, for hormones like estrogen or progesterone. Breast Cancer RECEPTOR + verb activate, contain, control, mediate CD14, a molecule expressed on the surface of macrophage/monocyte and neutrophil cells, is not only the LPS receptor that activates cytokine production, but is also an important receptor that activates the phagocytosis of E. coli. British Journal of Anaesthesia RECEPTOR + preposition for In another mouse model, it is a defect in the receptor for leptin that appears to lead to obesity. Handbook of Child Nutrition 76. recurrence premodifier + RECURRENCE acute, autoimmune, axillary, cancer, clinical, disease, distant, early, full, hernia, local, locoregional, minimal, nodal, pelvic, postoperative, regional, symptomatic, tumour, ulcer - 163 - Secondary outcomes were short-term morbidity and mortality, local and distant recurrence with particular reference to wound and port-site metastases, overall survival, and intraoperative blood loss. Advances in Surgery RECURRENCE + noun event, group, pattern, proportion, rate, risk Besides the equivalent time-to-recurrence, this study showed the similar recurrence patterns between open and laparoscopic patient groups. Annals of Surgical Oncology verb + RECURRENCE avoid, decrease, delay, demonstrate, detect, determine, develop, exclude, experience, impact, initiate, minimize, observe, predict, prevent, reduce, show, suffer Nine of the patients in group B suffered recurrence of symptoms within one year of follow-up. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery RECURRENCE + verb occur In women with positive node status (n = 1,321), a regional first recurrence occurred in 29 cases (2.2%). Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 77. regression premodifier + REGRESSION anatomic, clinical, complete, dermal, disease, extensive, incomplete, rapid, significant, spontaneous, tumour However, subsequent patients who had no prior systemic therapy experienced tumor regression during celecoxib therapy indicating that prior immune therapy is not a requirement to produce clinical regression of metastatic disease with celecoxib therapy. Cancer Investigation - 164 - REGRESSION + noun period Typically, there is a period of near normal development followed by a regression period with loss of motor and communication skills, deceleration of head growth and the development of hand stereotypies. Clinical Genetics verb + REGRESSION achieve, adjust, cause, experience, induce, lead to, observe, obtain, produce, report, result from, show, trigger Furthermore, physical activity may lead to regression of pathological enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart and attenuate the blood pressure response to physical exertion as well as to mental stress. Advances in Physiotherapy REGRESSION + verb begin It is during the rapid growth stage of the tumor; before spontaneous regression begins, that the infant is at the greatest risk for significant systemic complications. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 78. rehabilitation premodifier + REHABILITATION accelerated, active, alcohol, balance, cardiac, clinical, cognitive, dental, drug, early, intensive, intestinal, medical, neurological, nutritional, oral, inpatient, pediatric, postoperative, psychosocial, residential, speech, stroke, vestibular, visual, working This boy had poor hand function even after intensive rehabilitation, and poor growth of the replanted part. Current Orthopaedics REHABILITATION + noun activity, area, centre, clinic, counselor, exercise, facility, intervention, method, process, program, regime, service, setting, specialist, therapy, treatment - 165 - As anticipated, many of our patients were reluctant to express negative statements about the rehabilitation process and the delivery of health care services. Clinical Rehabilitation verb + REHABILITATION allow, apply, commence, delay, engage in, facilitate, prolong, provide, supervise, undergo These times differed according to engagement in rehabilitation intervention: women who were undergoing rehabilitation attended the second physical examination in the end (last day) of the program, usually 30 days postoperatively. Annals of Surgical Oncology REHABILITATION + preposition for Considering the results, it seems that there is strong scientific evidence for vestibular rehabilitation for multisensory dizziness. Advances in Physiotherapy 79. relapse premodifier + RELAPSE cancer, clinical, confirmed, disease, distant, early, first, late, local, prompt, symptomatic, tumour Radiotherapy is an effective treatment to reduce local relapse and can also be successfully used as a primary treatment in inoperable cases or considered as an adjuvant treatment in some cases. Clinical Oncology RELAPSE + noun history, pattern, prevention, prophylaxis, rate, risk Moreover, knowledge about relapse risk after treatment (i.e. steroids) could indicate the convenience of treatment's termination without fear of a prompt relapse. Digestive and Liver Disease - 166 - verb + RELAPSE affect, confirm, delay, experience, observe, predict, reduce, report, suffer A total of 21 (38%) patients experienced relapse (3 intermediate and 19 high risk). Annals of Oncology RELAPSE + verb occur When relapse occurs, poor compliance with medication, as well as new onset or undiagnosed comorbid medical or psychiatric illness, should be ruled out as potential causes. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry RELAPSE + preposition in, into Connor and his family are referred to a therapist for education about the symptoms of relapse in schizophrenia, stress reduction, and safety. The American Journal of Psychiatry The relapse into addictive behavior may take place over minutes, hours, or even days. Adolescent Psychiatry 80. resonance premodifier + RESONANCE biological, empathic, magnetic, stochastic, triple nasal, normal, paramagnetic, Residual disease after lumpectomy has been shown to be best depicted by magnetic resonance because of postsurgical changes often mimicking cancer on mammography and ultrasound. Advances in Surgery RESONANCE + noun analysis, angiography, arthrography, delocalization, effect, energy, examination, imaging, mapping, mechanism, procedure, scan, spectroscopy, study, technique - 167 - Several magnetic resonance techniques have detected subtle changes in the normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) in patients with MS [multiple sclerosis]. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology verb + RESONANCE conduct, diagnose with, perform, review, undergo, use, utilize Most patients underwent preoperative magnetic resonance imaging to rule out any neural axis abnormalities (such as spinal cord tethering) that would contraindicate temporary distraction before the performance of definitive spinal fusion. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery RESONANCE + verb confirm, depict, detect, disclose, pinpoint, reveal, show, visualize However, magnetic resonance has shown higher sensitivity for highgrade DCIS [carcinoma in situ] than mammography. Advances in Surgery 81. sample premodifier + SAMPLE adequate, basal, biological, circular, clinical, complete, digested, diverse, entire, experimental, faecal, final, full, independent, initial, large, mineralized, normative, present, probabilistic, random, representative, single, small, total, whole However, this study is based on a small sample of individuals and the results must therefore be interpreted with caution. Advances in Physiotherapy SAMPLE + noun absorbance, age, analysis, bias, buffer, collection, contamination, design, distribution, handling, number, population, preparation, selection, size, specimen, surface, throughput, tissue, volume, weight After the canine model of acute heart failure was established, hemodynamic measurements and blood sample collection were performed (AHF). Annals of Biomedical Engineering - 168 - verb + SAMPLE analyze, assay, assess, collect, compare, divide, draw, evaluate, examine, extract, heat, incubate, measure, obtain, place, restrict, scan, send, stain, store, stratify, take, thaw, withdraw The blood sample is drawn from a vein in your arm and sent to a laboratory for analysis. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests SAMPLE + verb comprise, consist of, include, indicate, show, yield For this purpose, we made a comprehensive cross-sectional evaluation of a representative sample comprising more than 1000 patients that were recruited within Spain upon their attendance to regular medication visits. European Psychiatry SAMPLE + preposition for, from The use of sonography is primarily in localizing the fluid collection and in guiding aspiration to obtain a sample for bacteriological analysis. Clinical Radiology An aspirated sample from the hip joint effusion was sterile. Clinical Radiology 82. schizophrenia premodifier + SCHIZOPHRENIA chronic, comorbid, early-onset, exacerbated, late-onset, paranoid, refractory, treatment-resistant In a study of chronic schizophrenia, Buchanan et al. showed selective gray matter volume reductions in the right and left inferior prefrontal cortex (12 male and 6 female subjects). Cerebral Cortex SCHIZOPHRENIA + noun group, morbidity, outpatient, pathogenesis, patient, research, risk, sample, symptom - 169 - Although studies have found increased gray matter in schizophrenia patients and also their healthy relatives, it is unclear how these findings are related to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex verb + SCHIZOPHRENIA accompany, develop, diagnose with, investigate, treat In fact, some studies have reported that more than one-third of patients who develop schizophrenia have their onset of psychosis before their 18th birthday. The American Journal of Psychiatry SCHIZOPHRENIA + verb affect Although schizophrenia affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, the total cost of schizophrenia accounts for 22% of the cost of all mental illness in the country. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 83. scoliosis (pl. scolioses) premodifier + SCOLIOSIS adolescent, adult, degenerative, early, experimental, familial, infantile, juvenile, lumbar, mild, moderate, paralytic, physiological, primary, progressive, rigid, severe, significant, slight, structural, thoracic Two other patients developed mild pectus excavatum and mild scoliosis 3 and 8 years later, respectively. Journal of Pediatric Surgery SCOLIOSIS + noun aetiology, case, correction, curve, deformity, fusion, pathogenesis, patient, surgery, treatment Though not causing functional disability, this subclinical tethering might be involved in the pathomechanism initiating the scoliosis deformity. Scoliosis verb + SCOLIOSIS cause, correct, develop, induce, produce, reverse, stabilize, treat - 170 - Many different factors, including pain, old age, and infectious diseases, can cause scoliosis which develops in otherwise healthy subjects. Developmental Neurorehabilitation SCOLIOSIS + verb cause, lead to, occur, persist Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), the most common form of scoliosis, is a three-dimensional structural deformity of the spine and of the trunk, occurring in otherwise healthy children during puberty, while early onset idiopathic scoliosis occurs before puberty. Scoliosis 84. secretion premodifier + SECRETION aberrant, adrenal, artificial, basal, biliary, constitutive, copious, efficient, endogenous, enhanced, excess, hormonal, inappropriate, modest, pancreatic, polarized, retained, salivary, urinary The swelling results from excess secretion of fluids that lubricate the joint in response to irritation, inflammation, or mechanical problems. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests SECRETION + noun control, dysfunction, measurement, pathway, pattern, process, profile, rate, signal, system Culture supernatants were stored at -80C for subsequent cytokine secretion measurement. Experimental Dermatology verb + SECRETION assess, cause, diminish, eliminate, enhance, halt, identify, impair, improve, increase, induce, influence, inhibit, initiate, maintain, measure, mediate, observe, potentiate, reduce, regulate, stimulate, stop, suppress The stimulation with the lectin induces the secretion of various proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines from intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Clinical Immunology - 171 - SECRETION + verb decrease, induce, maintain, occur Peak melatonin secretion occurs in healthy subjects between 24:00 h and 02:00 h, and the lowest secretion is observed between 12:00 h and 14:00 h. Journal of Periodontal Research SECRETION + preposition from, into The mutations in GDH [glutamate dehydrogenase] affected the ionic control of insulin secretion from pancreatic cells. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health One of the most important roles of the liver is to carry out the secretion into bile of a large variety of structurally unrelated compounds. Current Women’s Health Reviews 85. serum (pl. sera, serums) premodifier + SERUM bovine, foetal, human, maternal, normal, serial At least during late gestation, the concentrations of primary BAs [bile acids] are higher in foetal serum than in maternal serum, whereas the levels of the secondary BAs are lower in foetal serum. Current Women’s Health Reviews SERUM + noun albumin, autoantibody, bicarbonate, bilirubin, biomarker, calcium, chemistry, cholesterol, concentration, creatinine, electrolyte, glucose, lavage, level, lipid, marker, profile, sample, starvation In addition, an overlap of serum autoantibodies in the same individual is a common feature in patients with autoimmune disease. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine verb + SERUM analyze, collect, increase, measure, mix, obtain, separate, take, test Blood samples were immediately centrifuged and the serum was obtained. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 172 - SERUM + verb contain, stimulate An enzyme-linked marker is added, which causes a color change if your serum contains antibodies to the antigen tested. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests SERUM + preposition from These monocytes were next treated with sera from HIV infected and noninfected blood donors. Human Immunology 86. skin premodifier + SKIN affected, aging, atopic, clean, damaged, dark, dry, facial, fair, flawless, glowing, hairy, healthy, human, imperfect, inflamed, involved, irritated, itching, lesional, light, normal, overlying, palmar, perfect, photodamaged, psoriatic, reddened, redundant, regenerated, rough, sagging, scaly, sensitive, slack, smooth, sun-exposed, tattooed, thin Serotonin-positive platelets were increased in the inflamed skin compared with control skin. Acta Dermato-Venereologica SKIN + noun aging, allergy, barrier, breakdown, burning, cancer, care, cell, change, color, condition, cover, damage, defect, disease, disorder, flap, flora, grafting, hygiene, incision, infection, inflammation, irritation, layer, loss, manifestation, necrosis, problem, reaction, regimen, rejuvenation, roughness, substitute, surface, temperature, test, thickness, tone, type The best way to prevent skin damage in any case is to avoid episodes of excessive sun exposure. Melanoma Annual Report verb + SKIN affect, apply on, cleanse, colonize, damage, disinfect, dissect, dry, excise, expose, grow, harm, incise, incubate, inject into, innervate, - 173 - irritate, moisturize, obtain, penetrate, permeate, prepare, protect, rejuvenate, resect, rub, scratch, soften, tattoo, transplant, treat, utilize, wash Even if a person doesn't sunburn, UVA rays can still penetrate the skin and do harm. Melanoma Annual Report SKIN + verb absorb, adhere, contain, develop, eliminate, function, itch, protect, regulate The skin protects us from infections, regulates our body temperature, eliminates waste products, and allows us to feel the world around us. Dermatology Nursing 87. spine premodifier + SPINE adolescent, adult, cervical, deformed, fused, growing, human, immature, immobile, ischial, lower, lumbar, nasal, normal, pediatric, sacral, scoliotic, slender, stable, straight, thoracic, unstable, upper The active muscle tone of the awake patient further helps to splint an unstable spine. Advances in Anesthesia SPINE + noun anatomy, biomechanics, care, curvature, deformity, disease, disorder, fracture, fusion, injury, instrumentation, manipulation, morphology, motion, pain, procedure, specimen, surgeon, surgery, trauma All available records and radiographs of patients admitted to a level 1 trauma center with a diagnosis of spine trauma over a period of 1 year were reviewed. The Spine Journal verb + SPINE affect, analyze, apply to, assess, balance, derotate, distract, expose, inspect, stabilize, straighten Despite the application of force to straighten and derotate the spine during surgery, the rib hump can worsen after surgery. Scoliosis - 174 - SPINE + verb bend, curve, grow As the spine curves to the side, the vertebral column rotates and the rib cage shifts. Developmental Neurorehabilitation 88. stimulation premodifier + STIMULATION acoustic, acute, additional, afferent, chemical, continuous, cutaneous, electrical, endogenous, immune, mechanical, noxious, ovarian, painful, prolonged, selective, sensory, simultaneous, surgical, sympathetic, tactile, visceral Additionally, heart rate was continuously monitored during the experiment to insure that noxious stimulation produced no increase in heart rate. Pain STIMULATION + noun amplitude, artifact, channel, condition, cycle, device, electrode, frequency, impulse, intensity, parameter, pattern, period, protocol, pulse, sequence, system, technique, test Stimulation intensity was varied by changing the applied pulse width. Artificial Organs verb + STIMULATION administer, apply, avoid, carry out, deliver, employ, induce, perform, produce, require, stop, trigger, use Sensory electrical stimulation was delivered predominantly through the large diameter afferent fibers. Artificial Organs STIMULATION + verb cause, increase, induce, lead to, precipitate, produce, promote, result in, reveal Splanchnic nerve stimulation increased bladder pressure and precipitated generalized stomach contractions. Artificial Organs - 175 - STIMULATION + preposition for, with Additional cardiocytes pretreated in this manner were used for subsequent stimulation for 1 h with either 200 nM endothelin (E) or 100 nM insulin (I). Basic Research in Cardiology We profiled 55 phospho-protein pathways in mouse embryonic fibroblasts after stimulation with epinephrine, norephinephrine, and isoproterenol. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 89. stress premodifier + STRESS acute, cardiac, cardiovascular, cellular, chronic, emotional, environmental, excessive, extreme, harmful, increased, inescapable, maternal, mechanical, mental, metabolic, oxidative, pathological, perceived, physical, physiological, prenatal, psychological, psychosocial, severe, surgical, thermal Specifically, chronic stress may result in different changes from those caused by acute stress. Acta Neuropsychiatrica STRESS + noun appraisal, concentration, condition, echocardiography, exposure, factor, fracture, hormone, level, management, protein, provocation, reaction, reduction, relaxation, resistance, response, score, shielding, signaling, symptom, test, testing, threshold When stress levels are lower, the mother's inflammatory response system will not be activated, thereby lowering her risk of depression. International Breastfeeding Journal verb + STRESS cope with, ease, handle, induce, protect from, reduce, relieve, rule out, suffer from For instance, sleep deprivation induces stress and has multiple behavioural or neurochemical effects that may in turn influence the results of an experiment. Pediatric Rehabilitation - 176 - STRESS + verb affect, aggravate, cause, decrease, elicit, exacerbate, impair, increase, influence, lead to, occur, release, result in, suppress, trigger However, persistent psychological stress may induce corticosterone resistance. Acta Neuropsychiatrica preposition + STRESS under Parents who find the condition intolerable may often have other problems which are placing them under stress and attention should be given to proper support through health visitors and midwives. Handbook of Child Nutrition 90. surgery premodifier + SURGERY abdominal, additional, aesthetic, bariatric, breast-conserving, cardiac, cardiothoracic, conservative, corrective, cosmetic, definitive, delayed, direct, early, elective, endovascular, exploratory, extensive, general, immediate, initial, invasive, major, minor, open, palliative, planned, plastic, primary, proposed, radical, reconstructive, successful, uneventful, unnecessary, urgent, vascular Early surgery should be the first choice to prevent severe neurologic deficits such as cauda equina syndrome. Surgical Neurology SURGERY + noun candidate, duration, error, event, group, market, patient, practice, problem, residency, resident, service, technique, training, unit In fact, despite low overall technique-related complications, patients who underwent operation with a general surgery resident as the trainee had a higher risk when compared to the pediatric surgery residents. Journal of Pediatric Surgery verb + SURGERY apply for, avoid, benefit from, carry out, defer, delay, do, facilitate, forego, justify, perform, plan, preclude, receive, recommend, refuse, require, undergo - 177 - If, however, the patient has had recent coronary revascularisation then the recommendation is, if possible, to delay vascular surgery for 6 weeks. Advances in Anesthesia preposition + SURGERY at At surgery, three pathologic lymph nodes were found and excised. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery SURGERY + preposition for, on The specimens tested were fresh 1-mm fragments of tumor that had been recently harvested from patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and had to have surgery on my wrist. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests 91. symptom premodifier + SYMPTOM anger, anxiety, asthma, baseline, clinical, common, daytime, distressing, early, first, frequent, initial, late, major, momentary, nasal, negative, positive, postoperative, presenting, primary, prominent, psychiatric, psychotic, secondary, single, skin, typical, warning Anosmia is an early symptom of olfactory groove meningiomas, but only few patients complain of it. Acta Neurochirurgica SYMPTOM + noun alleviation, assessment, burden, category, checklist, cluster, combination, complex, control, data, dimension, distress, domain, duration, improvement, level, management, measure, onset, palliation, pattern, profile, questionnaire, rating, reduction, relief, remission, report, scale, score, severity, structure Long symptom duration contributed to the best model predicting exercise habits. Advances in Physiotherapy - 178 - verb + SYMPTOM analyze, cause, endorse, experience, explain, identify, indicate, present with, relieve, report, show, suffer from, treat Arthroscopic surgery can be successful in relieving symptoms and returning the throwing athlete to competition. Current Orthopaedics SYMPTOM + verb appear, arise, characterize, indicate, occur, recur, result from For example, if your main complaint is abdominal pain, the most common symptom arising from the digestive system, the doctor will ask you about the location of the pain. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests SYMPTOM + preposition for PCPs [primary care physician] may refer to psychiatry or proceed to confirm severe depression or SI [suicidal ideation] by asking questions from the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] diagnostic symptoms for major depression and from the screen for SI. Behavioral Medicine 92. syndrome premodifier + SYNDROME acute, Asperger, burnout, compartment, depressive, discrete, distinct, Down, functional, hand-foot, hereditary, hypermobility, manic, metabolic, neonatal, neuroleptic malignant, nephrotic, pain, premenstrual, sepsis, severe, wasting, withdrawal The observation that markers of hemolysis are associated with pulmonary hypertension provides a link between sickle cell disease and other chronic hemolytic disorders and suggests that there is a distinct syndrome of hemolysis-associated pulmonary hypertension. The New England Journal of Medicine SYNDROME + noun gene, group, mutation, outbreak, patient, prevalence, protein, study, type - 179 - The diagnosis of epilepsy and the syndrome type were confirmed following review of each patient's clinical, EEG and imaging data by a paediatric neurologist. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health verb + SYNDROME acquire, alleviate, associate, cause, characterize, describe, detect, develop, diagnose with, eradicate, experience, indicate, induce, initiate, produce, reduce, result in, suffer from, suspect, transmit Among 71 patients diagnosed with Bloom syndrome at the end of 1976, 32 were Jewish - a number that far exceeds that which would be predicted on the basis of the number of Jews in the population. International Journal of Dermatology SYNDROME + verb affect, appear, comprise, damage, develop, include, lead to, occur, result from Given that metabolic syndrome affects a high percentage of women and is a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease, gynecologists are in a unique position to recognize and provide initial management for affected patients. Current Women’s Health Reviews 93. temperature premodifier + TEMPERATURE ambient, average, body, core, constant, home, elevated, high, lethal, low, maternal, maximum, optimal, patient, peak, rectal, room, skin, surface, test, tissue Such adverse effects as serum sickness (most commonly, hives, pain, and swelling) and drug fever (a high temperature due to a drug reaction) may still occur, even if penicillin skin test is negative. Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests TEMPERATURE + noun assessment, change, condition, detection, difference, distribution, elevation, fall, gradient, management, measurement, monitoring, probe, regulation, strip, variation - 180 - Furthermore, a survey performed in 800 European hospitals showed that temperature monitoring was performed in only 25% of the patients and only 30% of the patients were actively warmed. Clinical Anaesthesiology verb + TEMPERATURE assess, control, decrease, increase, lower, maintain, manage, measure, monitor, predict, raise, record, reduce, restore A more recent development is monitors that use infrared emission to measure temperature; these are seen commonly in aural thermometers. Clinical Anaesthesiology TEMPERATURE + verb cause, decline, decrease, change, exceed, increase, maintain, range, reach, rise Similar to blood pressure also body temperature increased between admission and discharge. Archives of Toxicology preposition + TEMPERATURE at Proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore, Billerica, MA) and blocked in blocking buffer for 1 h at room temperature. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 94. tendon premodifier + TENDON Achilles, biceps, distal, extensor, flexor, human, patellar, profundus, quadriceps, ruptured, subscapularis, triceps, ulnar The remaining stump of the biceps tendon at the supraglenoid tubercle is cut. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery TENDON + noun avulsion, damage, dislocation, end, fibroblast, glide, graft, injury, reconstruction, reflex, repair, rupture, sheath, tear, transfer, zone - 181 - Therefore, the most frequently used techniques for extensor tendon repair are tendon transfer and, in selected cases, tendon reconstruction with a free tendon graft. Current Orthopaedics verb + TENDON attach, divide, elongate, expose, insert, isolate, reconstruct, remove, treat The belly took origin form the medial side of the coronoid process and formed a tendon near its insertion to the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery TENDON + verb fail, heal, retract, rupture, swell In those cases where the proximal end of the tendon has retracted away from the wound, flexing the wrist and milking it down can deliver the tendon end. Current Orthopaedics 95. therapy premodifier + THERAPY active, additional, aggressive, behavior, cognitive, conventional, definitive, drug, dynamic, effective, endoscopic, episodic, family, group, herbal, hormonal, immune, individual, intense, laser, medical, music, optimal, oral, oxygen, pharmacological, physical, psychoanalytic, rehabilitation, rotational, specific, surgical, tailored, targeted, topical Further studies, possibly prospective ones, are required to establish the optimal therapy for initial and recurrent disease. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology THERAPY + noun approach, field, format, group, guideline, initiation, module, planning, procedure, programme, protocol, regimen, session, study, trial In clinical practice, therapists use a therapy approach that includes different techniques directed at both muscle and joint impairments. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics - 182 - verb + THERAPY adjust, alter, apply, begin, carry out, change, choose, continue, design, develop, discontinue, enhance, fail, guide, initiate, monitor, need, optimize, prolong, propose, receive, recommend, require, respond to, resume, select, stop, take, terminate, test, treat with, undergo, use S., a divorced man in his mid-40s, with above-average intelligence, requested therapy to find out (1) why he often gets frustrated, (2) why he tends to quit his jobs, and (3) why he had not pursued his music career. American Journal of Psychotherapy THERAPY + verb cause, comprise, fail, focus on, help, impact, improve, include, involve, lead to, prevent, produce, protect, provide, reduce, result from, result in, work Hormone therapy works by blocking estrogen that causes cell proliferation. Breast Cancer preposition + THERAPY on, under It should be noted that these data from parents of children on therapy and long-term survivors were obtained in separate studies. Journal of Pediatric Psychology On the other hand, although they were under antihypertensive therapy, only 20.3% and 12.4% of treated patients, respectively, were under control. Blood Pressure THERAPY + preposition against, for, in, of, with This targeted nanoparticle was also examined for therapy against syngeneic pulmonary and hepatic metastases of colon carcinoma. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Gene therapy is a promising therapy for many diseases, but expression of the transgene is mostly restricted to the needle tract, when injected directly at the target site. Journal of Drug Targeting - 183 - However, effective therapy with these agents will require intelligent guidelines for their use. The American Journal of Science 96. tissue premodifier + TISSUE adipose, areolar, benign, bony, connective, contracted, contractile, dead, diseased, ectopic, elastic, epithelial, fatty, glandular, hard, immature, infarcted, inflamed, ischemic, lymphatic, lymphoid, malignant, mature, necrotic, nervous, skeletal, soft, subcutaneous, synovial Treatment consists of surgical excision of the hair and the inflamed tissue with complete removal of any secondary infection. The American Journal of Medicine TISSUE + noun abscess, alteration, architecture, atrophy, composition, culture, damage, disease, envelope, expansion, factor, fibrosis, graft, hypoxia, inflammation, injury, lesion, loss, metabolism, necrosis, neoplasm, oxygenation, perfusion, reconstruction, regeneration, repair, rupture, sarcoma, shrinkage, swelling, transplantation The mentioned quantification systems and the evaluation of different types of stiffness patterns may be helpful in the future to determine clearly measurable thresholds between benign and malignant tissue alterations. Abdominal Imaging verb + TISSUE ablate, break down, coagulate, cultivate, cut away, damage, deform, dissect, draw out, excise, harvest, heal, infect, infiltrate, inflame, injure, mince, permeabilize, reconstruct, remove, resect, transplant, traumatize, trim away Herein, we describe our initial experience using a novel, noninvasive radiowave machine coupled with gold nanoparticle enhancer solutions to thermally ablate tissue and cancer cells in both in vitro and in vivo systems. Surgery - 184 - TISSUE + verb bleed, develop, die, expand, grow, heal, shrink, stiffen, stretch, thicken In this case, the load needed to keep the required displacement increases as the tissue stiffens. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 97. tooth (pl. teeth) premodifier + TOOTH affected, anterior, artificial, bad, coronal, decayed, deciduous, defective, impacted, incisor, lateral, mammalian, mandibular, missing, molar, neighbouring, orthodontic, permanent, posterior, primary, rotten, temporary, uncalcified Agenesis of one primary tooth, most commonly a lateral incisor has been found in 60% of the cases. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine TOOTH + noun abrasion, agenesis, alignment, bud, count, crown, cusp, decay, deformity, development, disease, erosion, eruption, extraction, filling, formation, fracture, fragment, gap, generation, germ, injury, loss, morphology, movement, number, patterning, plane, position, pulp, removal, replacement, restoration, root, shape, size, socket, surface, tissue, width With respect to dental agenesis, this question can be addressed by studying the molecular strategies that determine tooth development and tooth patterning. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine verb + TOOTH affect, break, encase, extract, extrude, fill, form, loosen, lose, remove, replace, save Teeth were removed predominantly for reasons of vertical root fractures and persistent endodontic pathology. Clinical Oral Implants Research - 185 - TOOTH + verb break off, crack, decay, develop, erupt, form, move Patients suffer from hypohydrosis (monitor for heat intolerance, unexplained fevers); hypotrichosis of scalp and body hair; failure of teeth to erupt or hypodontia with abnormal conical shaped incisors. Advances in Dermatology 98. toxicity premodifier + TOXICITY acceptable, acute, adverse, anaesthetic, cardiac, cellular, chronic, clinical, decreased, delayed, early, gastrointestinal, general, gross, hepatic, increased, late, limited, long-term, low, manageable, minimal, oral, potential, pulmonary, reproductive, severe, significant, systemic, treatment-related Physicians are not only concerned about the efficacy but also about the side-effects and potential toxicity of the drugs in their armamentarium. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica TOXICITY + noun assessment, criterion, data, grade, level, potential, profile, rate, ratio, study, syndrome, test Our toxicity studies revealed that lactocin 160 can be considered safe for human use. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology verb + TOXICITY attenuate, avoid, cause, decrease, delay, demonstrate, determine, eliminate, evaluate, exhibit, increase, induce, lower, minimize, neutralize, predict, prevent, recognize, reduce, result in, treat Many other drugs and combinations used to boost drug effectiveness or minimize toxicity are under study. Melanoma Annual Report - 186 - TOXICITY + verb decrease, increase, worsen As used in this study, HES [hydroxyethyl starch] was harmful, and its toxicity increased with accumulating doses. The New England Journal of Medicine TOXICITY + preposition from, to Issues of long-term toxicity from oncological treatment, including premature ovarian failure and childbearing potential, are more and more important for breast cancer survivors. Gynecological Endocrinology The search for more molecular targets will advance the ability to improve delivery at the tumor level while decreasing toxicity to normal tissue. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 99. tract premodifier + TRACT aerodigestive, alimentary, biliary, corticospinal, digestive, gastrointestinal, genital, genitourinary, intestinal, nasal, optic, portal, reproductive, respiratory, spinal, spinothalamic, urinary, urogenital, uveal, vaginal, vocal The potential use of human lactobacilli as probiotics assigned to restore and maintain a healthy urogenital tract represents a promising alternative to conventional chemotherapy. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology TRACT + noun absorption, anatomy, anomaly, cancer, carcinoma, disease, disorder, dysfunction, epithelium, fibrosis, infection, inflammation, injury, irritation, lesion, malignancy, neoplasm, nucleus, secretion, segment, trauma, tumour There were more urinary tract injuries with the laparoscopic than with the abdominal approach, but no other intra-operative visceral injuries showed a significant difference between surgical approaches. European Journal of Radiology - 187 - verb + TRACT affect, colonize, decompress, dilate, distend, examine, flow through, infect, inflame, insert into, irritate, move through Part of the digestive process is mechanical (grinding the food and moving it through the digestive tract), and the rest is chemical (mixing food with digestive juices and other substances). Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests 100. transfusion premodifier + TRANSFUSION allogeneic, autologous, blood, cell, excessive, exchange, increased, intra-operative, mismatched, platelet, urgent It has been shown that reducing the patient's exposure to excessive transfusion of blood products decreases the risk of morbidity and potentially fatal complications associated with hemorrhage. Journal of Pediatric Surgery TRANSFUSION + noun alternative, donor, medicine, practice, rate, reaction, recipient, requirement, therapy, threshold, trigger The medically and ethically most serious risk facing a platelet fusion is preferable but sometimes difficult to obtain, especially if transfusion recipient is that of transfusion-transmitted disease. American Journal of Cancer verb + TRANSFUSION decline, give, minimize, perform, receive, reduce, refuse, require, undergo It is of interest to determine whether patients would be willing to receive a transfusion to alleviate these symptoms, even though their lives are secured without the need for red blood cell transfusion. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica TRANSFUSION + verb include, interfere with, produce, result in - 188 - Blood transfusion can obviously result in a decreased serum antibiotic level because of increased blood loss and increased fluid administration. Surgical Neurology TRANSFUSION + preposition from, with Almost all students knew that sexual intercourse with and a blood transfusion from a person infected with HIV/AIDS were HIV transmission pathways. Behavioral Medicine Some authors have studied the consequences of a substantial and longterm increase of the in vivo partial pressure of oxygen in piglets after exchange transfusion with inositol hexaphosphate enriched erythrocytes. Current Pharmaceutical Design 101. transplantation premodifier + TRANSPLANTATION allogeneic, cardiac, clinical, delayed, heart, immediate, intestinal, kidney, liver, lung, organ, pancreas, renal, successful, tissue Cardiac transplantation is currently thought to be the best and last therapy for patients with heart failure, refractory to aggressive medical treatment. Artificial Organs TRANSPLANTATION + noun group, model, procedure, process, strategy, surgery High-dose chemotherapy along with peripheral-blood stem-cell rescue or bone marrow transplantation procedures have been used for cancer that has metastasized and, in some cases, for earlier stages of breast cancer in high-risk patients. Breast Cancer verb + TRANSPLANTATION accomplish, await, avoid, delay, indicate, necessitate, perform, postpone, receive, refuse, require, survive, undergo - 189 - With the increasing number of patients awaiting liver transplantation, early referral is critical because patients in need of combined liver and intestinal transplantation are competing for the same pool of organs as patients awaiting isolated liver transplant. Advances in Surgery 102. trauma (pl. traumas, traumata) premodifier + TRAUMA abdominal, accidental, acute, additional, blunt, chest, clinical, dental, direct, facial, head, high-energy, life-threatening, liver, major, massive, mechanical, minimal, minor, occlusal, orthopedic, penetrating, perineal, physical, psychological, recurrent, skin, spinal cord, thoracic, tissue, trivial Inclusion criteria for trauma patients included blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma, with splenic injury requiring splenectomy. Surgery TRAUMA + noun admission, alert, care, experience, exposure, healing, management, patient, period, population, protocol, response, severity, surgery, victim Hemorrhage is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in trauma patients. Surgery verb + TRAUMA avoid, cause, entail, experience, lead to, lessen, manage, minimize, prevent, suffer, sustain, treat, undergo A 22-year-old man sustained blunt head trauma in a basketball game and was admitted to a local hospital. Surgical Neurology TRAUMA + verb interfere with, occur Although we cannot completely rule out that the trauma occurred during nasogastric tube insertion, it is much more likely that the transesophageal echocardiography probe pushed up the cartilage because of the stronger external force exerted by this probe. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 190 - TRAUMA + preposition from, to It is thought that an increase in inadvertent trauma from walking with a greater degree of distal sensory loss are factors contributing to increased lower limb problems over upper limb problems. Current Orthopaedics Trauma to the operated hip can result in further injury either with fracture of bone or the metal implant. Clinical Radiology 103. treatment premodifier + TREATMENT acceptable, acid, acne, active, acute, additional, adequate, aggressive, alternative, ambulatory, antibiotic, antidepressant, appropriate, behavioural, cancer, combined, conservative, conventional, curative, definitive, delayed, dietary, emergency, endoscopic, endovascular, experimental, immunosuppressive, inpatient, insulin, local, medical, operative, outpatient, palliative, pharmacological, preventive, sham, standard, therapeutic The main goal of dietary treatment is to promote normal growth by maintaining a normal blood glucose level and this requires frequent administration of dietary glucose throughout the 24hour period. Handbook of Child Nutrition TREATMENT + noun acceptability, adherence, allocation, approach, arm, choice, completion, compliance, discontinuation, duration, effect, efficacy, failure, goal, group, intervention, method, modality, option, outcome, protocol, recommendation, resistance, response In view of its numerous advantages, DO [distraction osteogenesis] may be considered a treatment option in diverse conditions unfavourable for implant placement, but both basic and clinical research demonstrates that alveolar DO still has significant limitations. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 191 - verb + TREATMENT abandon, accept, adhere to, administer, allocate, apply, begin, commit to, complete, delay, enter, halt, improve, initiate, manage, modulate, necessitate, need, preclude, prescribe, provide, receive, recommend, refuse, require, respond to, seek, undergo Only one study reported whether women received treatment to prevent pre-eclampsia. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics TREATMENT + verb begin, change, conclude, fail Since patients for whom treatment failed or who died were not eligible for surgery, however, we cannot draw a causal inference about its effect. The New England Journal of Medicine preposition + TREATMENT on, under Sixteen pts [patients] were evaluable for response and the rest are currently on treatment. Annals of Oncology All patients had laboratory and clinical assessment and were under treatment with oral corticosteroids, azathioprine, mesalazine, or antibiotics. Abdominal Imaging TREATMENT + preposition against, by, for, with This dual effect potentially constitutes a promising treatment against acute and chronic peripheral pain. Current Pharmaceutical Design Initial fever may not be indicative of outcomes for women with inflammatory breast symptoms and treatment by antibiotic therapy may be necessary less often than has been supposed. International Breastfeeding Journal National and international guidelines now recommend combination therapy as first-line treatment for hypertension. Blood Pressure - 192 - For safety reasons, treatment with lithium requires excellent compliance. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 104. trial premodifier + TRIAL adequate, blind, clinical, controlled, crossover, double-blind, doubledummy, exercise, intervention, multi-centre, non-inferiority, observational, open, open-label, phase I, phase II, phase III, placebo-controlled, prevention, prospective, randomized There is no randomised trial which demonstrates that the most frequently used cytotoxic drug, dacarbazine, as a single agent is better than supportive care. European Journal of Cancer TRIAL + noun analysis, consent, medication, objective, participant, participation, registration, setting At enrollment, male trial participants were asked to identify their wives or long-term consensual partners. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology verb + TRIAL approve, carry out, complete, conduct, continue, design, enroll in, initiate, join, monitor, participate in, perform, repeat, stop, terminate, undergo, undertake A number of patients did not complete the trial, however, because of good clinical response (discharged and lost to follow-up) or non-response (alternative clinical intervention required). Acta Neuropsychiatrica TRIAL + verb aim at, fail, show, terminate The trial terminated, however, because of problems obtaining the trial medication. Acta Neuropsychiatrica preposition + TRIAL in, on - 193 - In one trial, the drug diminished drinking and increased abstinence among patients with an early onset of alcohol dependence. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry Some of the patients, who have thrombus or embolus, will have been on a trial of streptokinase therapy to dissolve the blood clots, and this therapeutic situation is one of the major contraindications to neuraxial blockade. Advances in Anesthesia TRIAL + preposition for, with A comparison between 5-FU [5-Fluorouracil] and PDT [photodynamic therapy] has been assessed in a randomized trial for treatment of Bowen’s disease. The Australasian Journal of Dermatology The first trial with etidronate in corticosteroid bone loss was a primary prevention study. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism 105. tumour (Am. E. tumor) premodifier + TUMOUR abdominal, advanced, aggressive, benign, bone, brain, cancerous, cell, hepatic, malignant, mammary, metastatic, non-cancerous, ovarian, painful, palpable, precancerous, primary, prostate, residual, secondary, solid, solitary, tract, viable Other clinical and pathologic factors, including the presence of a palpable tumor or neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to SLN [sentinel lymph node] biopsy, may influence a surgeon's choice of appropriate technique. Surgery TUMOUR + noun ablation, aggressiveness, angiogenesis, antigen, biopsy, bleeding, burden, cell, control, deposit, development, excision, formation, grade, growth, initiation, invasion, marker, metastasis, penetration, phenotype, removal, resection, resistance, response, sample, shrinkage, spread, staging, volume - 194 - As the tumor grew, the effect of the tumor burden on the host became increasingly evident. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology verb + TUMOUR detect, excise, feed, fight, free, identify, invade, remove, transect, treat As a second step we performed a sub-frontal approach and were able to remove the tumour completely. Acta Neurochirurgica TUMOUR + verb appear, arise, bleed, develop, extend, grow, progress, reappear, recur, regress, shrink, spread Surgery and radiation therapy, straightforward though these modalities are for the local disease, fail to help when the tumor spreads beyond its primary site. Current Medicinal Chemistry 106. ultrasound premodifier + ULTRASOUND abdominal, antenatal, cardiac, Doppler, endorectal, endoscopic, equivocal, high-intensity, focused, intraoperative, intravascular, noncontact, pelvic, prenatal, preoperative, pulsed, quantitative, renal, transabdominal, transrectal Intraoperative ultrasound should be used to guide the resection, but it should not supplant optimal preoperative imaging. Advances in Surgery ULTRASOUND + noun ablation, assessment, beam, characteristic, device, diagnosis, energy, examination, exposure, guidance, imaging, indentation, probe, scan, scanning, technique, transducer, treatment Though commonly diagnosed post-natally, prenatal ultrasound diagnosis is possible and can help with parental counselling and organising tertiary referral so that treatment can commence as soon as possible after birth. Current Orthopaedics - 195 - verb + ULTRASOUND employ, perform, receive, repeat, require, undergo, use When a suspicious lesion is detected by magnetic resonance, the next step is to perform a “second-look” ultrasound. Advances in Surgery ULTRASOUND + verb detect, measure, monitor, show Prenatal ultrasound showed agenesis of the corpus callosum, multiple interhemispheric cysts and hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis. Acta Neuropathologica preposition + ULTRASOUND on, under By 1 year of age, all medications had been weaned, and on ultrasound at 7 years of age, she had a normal-sized liver with no hemangiomas but a single small residual portosystemic shunt in the caudate lobe. Journal of Pediatric Surgery He described the transhepatic approach as an alternative for treating right renal lesions under ultrasound. Abdominal Imaging 107. vaccine premodifier + VACCINE anticancer, anti-tumour, conjugate, effective, influenza, inactivated, intranasal, killed, multivalent, nasal, oral, particle, peptide, poliovirus, potential, subcutaneous, subunit, synthetic, therapeutic Despite the advantages of nasal vaccine delivery, only one nasal vaccine is currently on the market, whereas four different oral vaccines have been approved. Journal of Drug Targeting VACCINE + noun acceptability, adjuvant, approval, candidate, carrier, construct, delivery, development, efficacy, exposure, recipient, trial, uptake - 196 - The biggest challenge will be to combine these techniques in such a way that they do not interfere with one another, but synergistically enhance vaccine efficacy. Journal of Drug Targeting verb + VACCINE administer, deliver, develop, introduce, modify, prepare, produce, receive, respond to, test In the case-control study, we found that 68 patients with Bell's palsy and 8 controls had received the intranasal vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine VACCINE + verb contain, enhance, induce, prevent, protect Synthetic double-stranded RNA combined with mucosal vaccine protects against influenza virus infection. Journal of Drug Targeting VACCINE + preposition against, for In the absence of an effective vaccine against HIV the major prospect of limiting the spread of the epidemic is through reducing the occurrence of those behaviours known to transmit infection. Drug Injecting and HIV Infection The recent introduction of the vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV) represents a major advance in the battle against cervical cancer. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 108. vein premodifier + VEIN abdominal, adrenal, antecubital, axillary, basilic, capsular, caval, central, cephalic, cerebellar, cerebral, coronary, cortical, deep, esophageal, femoral, gonadal, hepatic, intercostal, jugular, mesenteric, ophthalmic, peripheral, portal, pulmonary, renal, retinal, splenic, subclavian, systemic, tail, umbilical - 197 - A transverse skin incision was made just above the crease of the elbow, and further dissection was carried out to identify the cephalic vein and brachial artery. Journal of Pediatric Surgery VEIN + noun allograft, angioplasty, bypass, malformation, occlusion, puncture, resection, thrombosis, tissue, transposition, wall For example, imagine a pill that completely prevents deep vein thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery verb + VEIN catheterize, coagulate, cut, displace, dissect, draw from, enter, infuse through, inject into, insert into, invade, ligate, locate, place into, puncture, sew up The whole blood was drawn from the peripheral vein using vacutainer tubes containing ethylene diaminetetracetic acid solution. Acta Neuropsychiatrica VEIN + verb bleed, connect, drain into, empty into, supply On conventional axial CT [computerized tomography] images, it was reported that the right gonadal vein emptied into the IVC [inferior vena cava] laterally or anterolaterally 4 cm below the union of the right renal vein and IVC. Abdominal Imaging 109. vessel premodifier + VESSEL blood, graft, host, lateral, main, small, tumour Patients were eligible for the study if they had a coronary stenosis of 70% or more in at least one major coronary blood vessel that was deemed suitable for revascularization. Clinical Anaesthesiology - 198 - VESSEL + noun configuration, curvature, deformation, density, diameter, disease, formation, geometry, growth, invasion, length, ligation, permeability, radius, revascularization, tortuosity, wall The pressure of the blood flowing through the weakened area causes the vessel wall to balloon out, forming a blood-filled aneurysm sack. Annals of Biomedical Engineering verb + VESSEL bypass, dissect, flow into, harvest, ligate, occlude, open, perfuse, seal, squeeze, stretch, transect Heater probes have been developed to squeeze and seal the vessel, creating mucosal and submucosal coagulation and avoiding a fullthickness burn. Advances in Surgery VESSEL + verb bend, buckle, deform, degenerate, expand, grow, narrow, turn, twist An aneurysm is a pathological circulatory condition in which the blood vessel expands like a balloon, the rupture of which may be fatal. Annals of Biomedical Engineering VESSEL + preposition to It is also possible that intense anger increases the likelihood of a stroke triggered by increasing vasoconstriction or blockage of a blood vessel to the brain, triggering a stroke. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 110. wound premodifier + WOUND abdominal, acute, burn, chronic, clean, contaminated, deep, dirty, discharging, gaping, lacerated, mortal, oozing, open, superficial, surgical, tidy, untidy In presence of necrotic tissue or open wound oral antibiotic cover should be continued until wound closure. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery - 199 - WOUND + noun abscess, breakdown, care, cleaning, closure, complication, contraction, dehiscence, dressing, environment, healing, infection, repair, site, treatment One operation for debridement was necessary and within several weeks after that wound closure was achieved. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery verb + WOUND clean, close, contract, contaminate, cover, dress, dry out, excise, heal, infect, inspect, irrigate, moisten, open, sew up, sustain, treat The vast majority of patients who sustain a wound proceed to closure in a reasonable timeframe. Emergency Medicine Reports WOUND + verb bleed, break down, close, develop, dry out, enlarge, heal, recur, shrink In all patients the biological agents were withdrawn for two weeks prior to surgery and recommenced once the sutures had been removed and the wound had healed. Surgery - 200 - INDEKSY - 201 - INDEKS WYRAZÓW KOLOKUJ%CYCH Z TERMINAMI UJ TYMI W SŁOWNIKU *** KATEGORIA: PREMODIFIER + TERM abdominal examination, muscle, obesity, pain, surgery, trauma, tumour, ultrasound, vein, wound abnormal bleeding, cell, duct, gene, labour, memory active bleeding, cancer, drug, enzyme, hormone, infection, inflammation, labour, patient, rehabilitation, therapy, treatment acute bleeding, depression, disease, illness, infection, inflammation, injury, pain, recurrence, stimulation, stress, syndrome, toxicity, trauma, treatment, wound additional stimulation, surgery, therapy, trauma, treatment adequate sample, treatment, trial adolescent obesity, patient, pregnancy, scoliosis, spine adrenal cortex, enzyme, secretion, vein adult brain, heart, illness, neuron, obesity, patient, scoliosis, spine advanced cancer, disease, tumour affected breast, patient, skin, tooth aggressive cancer, malignancy, metastasis, therapy, treatment, tumour anatomic deformity, implant, regression antidepressant drug, medication, treatment appropriate diagnosis, drug, treatment arterial bleeding, blood, blood pressure, hypertension, injury artificial antigen, DNA, heart, joint, secretion, tooth autoimmune diabetes, disease, recurrence axillary metastasis, recurrence, vein bacterial antigen, DNA, infection, infusion, injection basal insulin, sample, secretion behavioural diagnosis, disorder, impairment benign cancer, diagnosis, disease, disorder, duct, lesion, obesity, tissue, tumour biliary duct, secretion, tract bipolar depression, disease, disorder, illness blood cell, injection, transfusion, vessel cancer incidence, patient, recurrence, relapse, treatment cardiac disease, enzyme, examination, illness, morbidity, mortality, muscle, rehabilitation, stress, surgery, toxicity, transplantation, ultrasound cardiovascular disease, examination, morbidity, mortality, stress cell injury, nucleus, transfusion, tumour - 202 - cellular DNA, membrane, stress, toxicity cerebral artery, cortex, vein cervical joint, lesion, metastasis, spine chronic depression, dialysis, disease, disorder, hypertension, illness, impairment, infection, inflammation, injury, lesion, medication, pain, schizophrenia, stress, toxicity, wound circular DNA, muscle, sample clinical depression, diabetes, diagnosis, dialysis, examination, fracture, infection, patient, pregnancy, recurrence, regression, rehabilitation, relapse, sample, symptom, toxicity, transplantation, trauma, trial cognitive disorder, impairment, rehabilitation, therapy common disease, disorder, duct, infection, malignancy, symptom complete mastectomy, regression, sample complex deformity, disease, fracture, injury, joint constant heart rate, infusion, temperature continuous duct, infusion, stimulation conventional mastectomy, therapy, treatment coronary artery, disease, vein cutaneous inflammation, lesion, melanoma, nerve, stimulation daily dialysis, incidence, injection, medication decreased heart rate, incidence, toxicity deep anaesthesia, infection, injection, lung, vein, wound definitive surgery, therapy, treatment delayed surgery, toxicity, transplantation, treatment dental implant, rehabilitation, trauma depressive disorder, illness, syndrome dietary cholesterol, glucose, treatment digestive disease, disorder, tract disease incidence, recurrence, regression, relapse distant metastasis, recurrence, relapse drug infusion, injection, rehabilitation, therapy early carcinoma, diagnosis, melanoma, mortality, pregnancy, recurrence, rehabilitation, relapse, scoliosis, surgery, symptom, toxicity effective drug, placebo, therapy, vaccine elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, heart rate, incidence, pain, temperature endogenous depression, glucose, hormone, insulin, secretion, stimulation endoscopic examination, therapy, treatment, ultrasound epidural anaesthesia, infusion, injection, lesion excessive bleeding, hypertension, stress, transfusion experimental infection, pain, sample, scoliosis, treatment - 203 - extensive disease, metastasis, regression, surgery extreme fever, obesity, stress facial lesion, nerve, skin, trauma female breast, hormone, patient femoral artery, fracture, implant, lesion, vein fetal heart rate, insulin, membrane, mortality first pregnancy, relapse, symptom foetal antigen, heart, liver, serum functional impairment, lesion, syndrome gastric bleeding, cancer, enzyme, fever gastrointestinal lung, malignancy, toxicity, tract general anaesthesia, examination, inflammation, surgery, toxicity genetic disease, disorder, mutation gross deformity, examination, toxicity harmful drug, infection, stress healthy heart, joint, patient, pregnancy, skin hepatic artery, disease, drug, duct, glucose, lesion, metastasis, toxicity, tumour, vein hereditary disease, disorder, syndrome high blood pressure, depression, fever, heart rate, incidence, morbidity, temperature hip implant, joint, pain human brain, gene, heart, insulin, labour, lung, pregnancy, serum, skin, spine, tendon immature bone, neuron, spine, tissue immediate implant, surgery, transplantation immune cell, stimulation, therapy increased heart rate, incidence, inflammation, stress, toxicity, transfusion infectious disease, illness, morbidity inflammatory cell, disease, disorder, illness, lesion, pain initial diagnosis, examination, fever, sample, surgery, symptom insulin injection, receptor, treatment intestinal inflammation, rehabilitation, tract, transplantation intravenous glucose, infusion, injection invasive blood pressure, cancer, carcinoma, diagnosis, examination, infection, mastectomy, melanoma, surgery ischemic bowel, brain, tissue joint infection, injection, pain knee implant, joint, pain large bleeding, bowel, duct, sample late pregnancy, relapse, symptom, toxicity life-threatening disease, disorder, illness, infection, injury, trauma liver biopsy, injury, transplantation, trauma local anaesthesia, infection, inflammation, injection, recurrence, relapse, treatment low –blood pressure, heart rate, incidence, morbidity, mortality, temperature, toxicity main duct, nerve, receptor, vessel major artery, bleeding, depression, disease, disorder, drug, enzyme, illness, impairment, - 204 - injury, morbidity, nerve, receptor, surgery, symptom, trauma malignant cancer, cell, disease, disorder, lymphocyte, melanoma, syndrome, tissue, tumour massive bleeding, cancer, obesity, trauma maternal blood, blood pressure, depression, fever, illness, insulin, liver, lung, morbidity, mortality, obesity, serum, stress, temperature mechanical injury, stimulation, stress, trauma medical diagnosis, examination, illness, implant, rehabilitation, therapy, treatment mental depression, disease, disorder, illness, stress metabolic enzyme, hormone, stress, syndrome mild bleeding, depression, disease, fever, hypertension, illness, impairment, inflammation, injury, obesity, pain, psoriasis, scoliosis minimal morbidity, recurrence, toxicity, trauma minor bleeding, deformity, depression, injury, morbidity, surgery, trauma mitochondrial antibody, DNA, drug, enzyme moderate bleeding, depression, hypertension, illness, impairment, injury, obesity, pain, psoriasis, scoliosis multiple injection, injury, pregnancy nasal resonance, spine, symptom, tract, vaccine native bone, bowel, heart, liver neonatal brain, diabetes, morbidity, mortality, syndrome neurologic disorder, examination, impairment neurological disease, disorder, examination, injury, morbidity, rehabilitation normal blood pressure, brain, cholesterol, DNA, heart rate, neuron, pregnancy, resonance, serum, skin, spine nuclear DNA, gene, membrane, receptor ongoing bleeding, infection, inflammation, pregnancy open fracture, injury, surgery, trial, wound operative morbidity, mortality, treatment oral rehabilitation, therapy, toxicity, vaccine overall examination, incidence, morbidity, mortality painful disorder, stimulation, tumour pancreatic duct, enzyme, malignancy, secretion pathological diagnosis, fracture, joint, obesity, stress peptide hormone, receptor, vaccine perioperative anaesthesia, infusion, morbidity, mortality peripheral blood, inflammation, joint, lymphocyte, nerve, vein permanent implant, injury, tooth persistent bleeding, disease, fever, hypertension, impairment, infection, inflammation - 205 - physical deformity, examination, illness, impairment, stress, therapy, trauma positive biopsy, diagnosis, nucleus, symptom postoperative bleeding, fever, heart rate, morbidity, patient, recurrence, rehabilitation, symptom preoperative biopsy, diagnosis, ultrasound primary antibody, biopsy, cancer, diagnosis, disorder, drug, hypertension, malignancy, mastectomy, melanoma, neuron, palate, scoliosis, surgery, symptom, tooth, tumour progressive deformity, impairment, scoliosis prolonged anaesthesia, bleeding, labour, stimulation psychiatric disease, disorder, illness, medication, morbidity, patient, symptom psychological fever, morbidity, stress, trauma psychotic depression, illness, symptom pulmonary artery, hypertension, malignancy, metastasis, toxicity, vein rapid diagnosis, infusion, regression recurrent depression, disease, fever, fracture, infection, melanoma, trauma refractory depression, disease, schizophrenia renal artery, dialysis, transplantation, ultrasound, vein reproductive hormone, toxicity, tract respiratory depression, infection, morbidity, tract routine anaesthesia, diagnosis, examination secondary antibody, hypertension, malignancy, mastectomy, palate, symptom, tumour serious disorder, illness, infection, injury severe bleeding, deformity, depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, fever, hypertension, illness, impairment, infection, inflammation, injury, obesity, pain, psoriasis, scoliosis, stress, syndrome, toxicity significant bleeding, impairment, injury, regression, scoliosis, toxicity single gene, injection, lung, neuron, receptor, sample, symptom skeletal metastasis, muscle, tissue skin infection, mastectomy, temperature, trauma slight fever, impairment, scoliosis small biopsy, bowel, sample, vessel smooth implant, muscle, skin specific antibody, antigen, receptor, therapy spinal anaesthesia, artery, deformity, fracture, implant, injection, injury, nerve, tract, trauma spontaneous bleeding, hypertension, regression subcutaneous anaesthesia, implant, injection, insulin, mastectomy, tissue, vaccine - 206 - tissue temperature, transplantation, trauma total cholesterol, mastectomy, mortality, sample tumour recurrence, regression, relapse, vessel urinary glucose, secretion, tract vascular disorder, mortality, surgery vertebral artery, fracture, lesion viral disease, DNA, drug, illness, infection visual cortex, impairment, memory, rehabilitation working diagnosis, memory, rehabilitation successful implant, pregnancy, surgery, transplantation superficial infection, injection, wound surgical bleeding, implant, infection, membrane, morbidity, mortality, patient, stimulation, stress, therapy, wound symptomatic diabetes, patient, recurrence, relapse systemic biopsy, disorder, examination, hypertension, illness, infection, inflammation, medication, metastasis, toxicity, vein therapeutic drug, treatment, vaccine thoracic duct, scoliosis, spine, trauma *** - 207 - KATEGORIA: TERM + NOUN ablation liver, tumour, ultrasound action disease, drug, gene, insulin, muscle activation cortex, enzyme, gene, muscle, receptor activity brain, disease, enzyme, heart, inflammation, insulin, lymphocyte, muscle, nerve, receptor, rehabilitation administration drug, glucose, insulin, medication, placebo analysis DNA, gene, hormone, mutation, resonance, sample, trial assessment symptom, temperature, toxicity, ultrasound binding antibody, antigen, lymphocyte biopsy duct, liver, muscle, tumour burden cancer, disease, illness, symptom, tumour cancer duct, liver, lung, skin, tract carcinoma breast, duct, lung, tract care wound, diabetes, labour, patient, skin, spine, trauma carrier antigen, mutation, vaccine case carcinoma, diabetes, patient, scoliosis change joint, skin, temperature cell bone, cancer, carcinoma, liver, melanoma, muscle, nerve, skin, tumour clinic diabetes, pain, rehabilitation cluster gene, lymphocyte, symptom compliance medication, patient, treatment complication bleeding, infection, pregnancy, wound concentration blood, cholesterol, drug, glucose, hormone, insulin, serum, stress condition disorder, heart, pain, skin, stimulation, stress, temperature control blood pressure, deformity, disease, glucose, heart rate, infection, pain, placebo, secretion, symptom, tumour correction deformity, muscle, scoliosis count cell, lymphocyte, tooth criterion diagnosis, disorder, toxicity culture cell, lymphocyte, tissue damage artery, brain, DNA, heart, joint, liver, membrane, muscle, nerve, skin, tendon, tissue data incidence, mortality, patient, symptom, toxicity death cell, neuron, patient defect enzyme, heart, implant, skin deficiency antibody, enzyme, hormone, insulin deformity palate, scoliosis, spine, tooth delivery antigen, drug, enzyme, gene, vaccine density bone, neuron, receptor, vessel detection DNA, fracture, infection, lesion, metastasis, mutation, temperature development lesion, malignancy, melanoma, metastasis, tooth, tumour, vaccine diagnosis disorder, fracture, melanoma, ultrasound - 208 - disease bone, heart, joint, liver, lung, skin, spine, tissue, tooth, tract, vessel dislocation fracture, joint, tendon disorder bleeding, brain, enzyme, gene, joint, liver, muscle, pregnancy, skin, spine, tract distribution membrane, mortality, sample, temperature dosage drug, injection, medication dose dialysis, drug, infusion, insulin, placebo duration diabetes, dialysis, illness, lesion, surgery, symptom, treatment dysfunction bowel, joint, muscle, nerve, neuron, secretion, tract effect drug, medication, memory, placebo, resonance, treatment elevation blood pressure, enzyme, temperature equipment dialysis, infusion, injection error medication, memory, surgery event bleeding, reccurence, surgery examination disorder, resonance, ultrasound experience disease, illness, pain, trauma exposure drug, stress, trauma, ultrasound, vaccine expression antibody, antigen, disease, enzyme, gene, hormone, membrane, nucleus, pain, receptor factor diagnosis, disease, illnes, stress, tissue failure heart, implant, liver, treatment family antigen, gene, mutation, receptor fibrosis liver, tissue, tract flap mastectomy, muscle, skin formation antibody, bone, lesion, malignancy, memory, metastasis, tooth, tumour, vessel fracture bone, spine, stress, tooth function enzyme, gene, heart, liver, lung, lymphocyte, memory, nerve, receptor fusion membrane, scoliosis, spine grade malignancy, toxicity, tumour graft heart, liver, nerve, tendon, tissue group blood, diagnosis, disease, disorder, malignancy, medication, mutation, nucleus, patient, placebo, recurrence, schizophrenia, surgery, syndrome, therapy, transplantation, treatment growth bone, cancer, cell, lung, tumour, vessel healing fracture, trauma, wound history infusion, medication, relapse imaging duct, resonance, ultrasound incidence cancer, disease, fracture, mutation, pain induction enzyme, fever, labour infection joint, lung, skin, tract, wound inflammation duct, liver, skin, tissue, tract infusion drug, glucose, insulin, placebo initiation dialysis, therapy, tumour injection artery, drug, insulin, joint - 209 - injury artery, bowel, brain, duct, joint, liver, lung, nerve, spine, tendon, tissue, tooth, tract interaction drug, membrane, receptor intervention diabetes, medication, placebo, rehabilitation, treatment invasion carcinoma, tumour, vessel irritation lung, skin, tract lesion brain, duct, liver, lung, nerve, psoriasis, tissue, tract level antibody, blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, DNA, enzyme, glucose, hormone, insulin, pain, serum, stress, symptom, toxicity lipid blood, membrane, serum loss blood, bone, implant, memory, pregnancy, skin, tissue, tooth management bowel, diabetes, disease, fracture, labour, medication, pain, patient, stress, symptom, temperature, trauma manifestation disease, illness, skin marker gene, inflammation, melanoma, membrane, serum, tumour measurement glucose, secretion, temperature medication hormone, pain, trial metabolism cholesterol, drug, glucose, tissue metastasis bone, liver, lung, melanoma, tumour method diagnosis, dialysis, examination, rehabilitation, treatment migration cell, implant, lymphocyte model injury, pain, transplantation monitoring blood pressure, glucose, heart rate, mortality, patient, temperature morbidity disease, patient, schizophrenia morphology cell, spine, tooth motion bowel, joint, spine necrosis bowel, skin, tissue onset disease, infection, labour, symptom outbreak disease, fever, syndrome outcome disease, mortality, patient, pregnancy, tratment pain bone, injection, joint, labour, muscle, spine pathogenesis melanoma, psoriasis, schizophrenia, scoliosis pathway melanoma, pain, secretion patient carcinoma, deformity, dialysis, disorder, hypertension, injury, malignancy, mastectomy, melanoma, psoriasis, schizophrenia, scoliosis, surgery, syndrome, trauma pattern bleeding, deformity, fracture, heart rate, injury, pain, reccurence, relapse, secretion, stimulation, symptom period infusin, regression, stimulation, trauma phenotype lung, muscle, tumour population cell, lymphocyte, patient, sample, trauma position implant, patient, tooth practice anaesthesia, injection, surgery, transfusion predisposition cancer, disease, melanoma prevalence diabetes, disease, hypertension, syndrome - 210 - prevention cancer, diabetes, disease, illness, infection, injury, obesity, pregnancy, relapse problem heart, memory, pain, skin, surgery procedure examination, resonance, spine, therapy, transplantation process disease, illness, inflammation, injury, memory, metastasis, rehabilitation, secretion, transplantation production antibody, glucose, hormone profile antibody, mortality, patient, secretion, serum, symptom, toxicity progression disease, malignancy, melanoma proliferation cell, lymphocyte, melanoma protein membrane, receptor, stress, syndrome protocol examination, infusion, stimulation, therapy, trauma, treatment rate biopsy, bleeding, heart, incidence, infection, infusion, injury, mastectomy, metastasis, mortality, mutation, pregnancy, reccurence, relapse, secretion, toxicity, transfusion reaction drug, infusion, lymphocyte, skin, stress, transfusion receptor antigen, hormone, insulin, membrane recipient implant, liver, transfusion, vaccine reconstruction breast, deformity, implant, joint, tendon, tissue record anaesthesia, mortality, patient recurrence carcinoma, disease, fever reduction breast, fracture, heart rate, mortality, stress, symptom regeneration bone, liver, nerve, tissue regimen drug, insulin, medication, skin, therapy region brain, cortex, lung release enzyme, glucose, hormone, insulin removal antibody, implant, lesion, membrane, tooth, tumour repair DNA, fracture, nerve, palate, tendon, tissue, wound replacement hormone, implant, joint, tooth report biopsy, patient, synptom research depression, diabetes, gene, obesity, psoriasis, schizophrenia resection lung, tumour, vein resistance disease, drug, fracture, insulin, stress, treatment tumour response antibody, blood pressure, medication, neuron, pain, patient, placebo, stress, trauma, treatment, tumour risk bleeding, cancer, depression, diabetes, disease, fever, fracture, hypertension, impairment, infection, injury, malignancy, mortality, patient, reccurence, relapse, schizophrenia rupture implant, membrane, tendon, tissue sample biopsy, blood, DNA, schizophrenia, serum, tumour scan bone, resonance, ultrasound score depression, lesion, pain, stress, symptom - 211 - screening cancer, diabetes, drug, mutation secretion enzyme, hormone, insulin, tract selection implant, membrane, patient, sample sequence DNA, gene, stimulation severity depression, disease, illness, impairment, injury, pain, psoriasis, symptom, trauma site biopsy, bleeding, fracture, implant, injection, injury, lesion, wound size brain, duct, lesion, sample, tooth specimen biopsy, mastectomy, sample, spine stimulation antigen, brain, cortex, hormone, insulin, nerve, pain, receptor structure bone, DNA, symptom study incience, mortality, resonance, syndrome, therapy, toxicity subtype carcinoma, melanoma, receptor surface cell, implant, joint, membrane, sample, skin, tooth surgery artery, deformity, heart, joint, obesity, palate, scoliosis, spine, transplantation, trauma survival cancer, melanoma, patient susceptibility cancer, disease, psoriasis symptom depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, injury, patient, schizophrenia, stress system dialysis, implant, infusion, memory, nerve, receptor, secretion, stimulation technique anaesthesia, infusion, injection, resonance, stimulation, surgery, ultrasound test blood, glucose, impairment, infusion, memory, pregnancy, skin, stimulation, stress, toxicity therapy antibody, cancer, diabetes, dialysis, disease, drug, enzyme, gene, hormone, hypertension, infusion, injection, insulin, melanoma, pain, psoriasis, rehabilitation, transfusion threshold pain, stress, transfusion time anaesthesia, bleeding, examination tissue bone, breast, liver, lung, muscle, nerve, sample, tooth, vein tolerance glucose, insulin, pain transplantation heart, liver, lung, tissue trauma brain, spine, tract treatment depression, diabetes, dialysis, disease, disorder, drug, fracture, hormone, illness, infection, injection, injury, insulin, malignancy, obesity, pain, patient, placebo, psoriasis, rehabilitation, scoliosis, ultrasound, wound type antigen, cell, disease, fracture, injury, receptor, skin, syndrome uptake antigen, glucose, vaccine value blood pressure, cholesterol, heart rate volume cortex, lesion, sample, tumour wall bowel, duct, vein, vessel - 212 - KATEGORIA: VERB + TERM achieve heart rate, pregnancy, regression acquire antigen, infection, memory, mutation, syndrome activate cell, cortex, enzyme, gene, inflammation, lymphocyte, muscle, mutation, neuron, receptor address bleeding, depression, injury, pain adjust placebo, regression, therapy administer antigen, drug, hormone, infusion, injection, insulin, placebo, stimulation, treatment, vaccine affect bone, brain, gene, heart, joint, morbidity, muscle, patient, relapse, skin, spine, tooth, tract alleviate depression, disease, pain, syndrome alter brain, cell, therapy analyze blood, DNA, incidence, lymphocyte, metastasis, nucleus, sample, serum, spine, symptom apply anaesthesia, injection, rehabilitation, stimulation, therapy, treatment assess deformity, depression, impairment, mortality, pain, sample, secretion, spine, temperature avoid deformity, injury, mastectomy, obesity, pregnancy, recurrence, stimulation, surgery, toxicity, transplantation, trauma block antibody, artery, duct, hormone, inflammation, membrane, nerve, receptor break bone, membrane, tissue carry cholesterol, gene, mutation carry out biopsy, dialysis, examination, injection, stimulation, surgery, therapy, trial cause bleeding, cancer, deformity, depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, fever, fracture, hypertension, impairment, infection, inflammation, injury, morbidity, pain, regression, scoliosis, secretion, symptom, syndrome, toxicity, trauma, characterize depression, diabetes, syndrome collect blood, cell, nucleus, sample, serum compare incidence, nucleus, sample complete injection, treatment, trial conduct examination, resonance, trial confirm incidence, nucleus, placebo, placebo, sample contain glucose, lymphocyte, receptor continue infusion, therapy, trial control bleeding, blood pressure, disease, hypertension, infection, inflammation, pain, temperature cover joint, nerve, wound cure carcinoma, diabetes, disease, infection damage cell, joint, liver, muscle, nerve, skin, tissue decrease blood pressure, glucose, heart rate, incidence, inflammation, morbidity, pain, recurrence, temperature, toxicity - 213 - delay diagnosis, pregnancy, recurrence, rehabilitation, relapse, surgery, toxicity, trans-plantation, treatment deliver drug, injection, stimulation, vaccine demonstrate impairment, incidence, recurrence, toxicity describe incidence, nucleus, placebo, placebo, sample design implant, therapy, trial detect antibody, antigen, bleeding, blood, cancer, carcinoma, depression, disease, DNA, drug, enzyme, fracture, gene, infection, injury, lesion, lymphocyte, malignancy, memory, metastasis, mutation, neuron, receptor, recurrence, syndrome, tumour, determine cancer, cholesterol, diagnosis, heart rate, hypertension, incidence, obesity, recurrence, toxicity develop antibody, cancer, depression, diabetes, disease, hypertension, illness, impairment, implant, infection, inflammation, injury, melanoma, membrane, metastasis, obesity, pain, psoriasis, recurrence, schizophrenia, scoliosis, syndrome, therapy, vaccine, diagnose cancer, depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, hypertension, impairment, lesion, malignancy, melanoma, patient diagnose with resonance, schizophrenia, syndrome dissect artery, nerve, skin, tissue, vein, vessel do biopsy, dialysis, examination, injection, surgery document disease, incidence, infection eliminate infection, secretion, toxicity employ drug, injection, stimulation, ultrasound enhance memory, secretion, therapy enter artery, cortex, dialysis, joint, labour, treatment, vein eradicate disease, infection, syndrome evaluate impairment, mortality, patient, sample, toxicity exacerbate bleeding, disease, illness, inflammation, injury, psoriasis examine artery, cortex, diagnosis, incidence, joint, lesion, lymphocyte, malignancy, nucleus, patient, sample, tract excise bone, duct, joint, skin, tissue, tumour, wound exclude diagnosis, disease, illness, infection, malignancy, melanoma, pregnancy, recurrence exhibit diabetes, impairment, toxicity experience bleeding, depression, disease, fever, illness, impairment, injury, labour, pain, recurrence, regression, relapse, symptom, syndrome, trauma expose artery, bowel, implant, joint, nerve, skin, spine, tendon extract DNA, insulin, sample, tooth facilitate infection, rehabilitation, surgery - 214 - fight cancer, disease, infection, tumour find carcinoma, cell, deformity, diabetes, disorder, impairment, metastasis, receptor form joint, metastasis, tooth get disease, fever, illness give diagnosis, DNA, drug, glucose, infusion, injection, insulin, placebo, transfusion harvest blood, muscle, tissue, vessel heal bone, disease, fracture, tissue, wound identify DNA, gene, illness, illness, impairment, infection, inflammation, injury, lesion, mutation, neuron, receptor, secretion, symptom, tumour improve diagnosis, impairment, morbidity, mortality, secretion, treatment inactivate gene, insulin, mutation increase bleeding, blood pressure, cholesterol, deformity, glucose, incidence, inflammation, infusion, obesity, pain, secretion, serum, temperature, toxicity incubate antibody, membrane, sample, skin indicate depression, diagnosis, fracture, symptom, syndrome, transplantation induce anaesthesia, carcinoma, diabetes, diagnosis, disease, hypertension, inflammation, labour, mutation, obesity, pain, psoriasis, regression, scoliosis, secretion, stimulation, stress, syndrome, toxicity, infect tissue, tract, wound influence diagnosis, pain, secretion inhibit inflammation, melanoma, neuron, pain, secretion initiate dialysis, disease, infusion, insulin, recurrence, secretion, syndrome, therapy, treatment, trial inject drug, glucose, medication insert implant, membrane, tendon insert into joint, tract, vein introduce drug, gene, mutation, vaccine investigate disease, disorder, gene, heart, incidence, schizophrenia involve duct, mutation, receptor isolate DNA, duct, lymphocyte, neuron, tendon lead to bleeding, diabetes, diagnosis, disease, disorder, fracture, impairment, inflammation, injury, regression, trauma ligate artery, vein, vessel localize bleeding, lesion, pain, receptor locate gene, lesion, vein lose blood, pregnancy, tooth lower blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, incidence, temperature, toxicity maintain anaesthesia, blood pressure, glucose, infusion, membrane, secretion, temperature manage disease, injury, patient, temperature, trauma, treatment measure blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, glucose, heart rate, hormone, incidence, insulin, metastasis, sample, secretion, serum, temperature - 215 - minimize bleeding, morbidity, recurrence, toxicity, transfusion, trauma modify depression, DNA, mastectomy, vaccine monitor blood pressure, brain, disease, glucose, heart rate, hypertension, patient, temperature, therapy, trial observe bleeding, fever, gene, hypertension, impairment, incidence, infection, lymphocyte, malignancy, metastasis, mortality, pain, recurrence, regression, relapse, secretion obtain biopsy, diagnosis, DNA, membrane, pregnancy, regression, sample, serum, skin open artery, bowel, joint, vessel, wound operate breast, joint, palate, patient penetrate artery, cortex, muscle, skin perform biopsy, dialysis, examination, injection, mastectomy, resonance, stimu-lation, surgery, transfusion, transplantation, trial, ultrasound perfuse heart, liver, vessel place implant, injection, patient, sample, vein plan injection, pregnancy, surgery preclude metastasis, surgery, treatment predict incidence, malignancy, mortality, recurrence, relapse, temperature, toxicity prepare infusion, skin, vaccine prescribe drug, insulin, medication, treatment prevent bleeding, depression, disease, hypertension, illness, infection, injury, metastasis, obesity, pregnancy, recurrence, toxicity, trauma produce deformity, drug, enzyme, fracture, hormone, impairment, inflammation, injury, insulin, pain, regression, scoliosis, stimulation, syndrome, vaccine protect brain, duct, heart, membrane, neuron, skin protect from infection, injury, stress provide anaesthesia, diagnosis, glucose, rehabilitation, treatment provoke depression, inflammation, injury raise blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin, temperature receive anaesthesia, biopsy, dialysis, glucose, hormone, implant, infusion, injection, insulin, mastectomy, medication, placebo, surgery, therapy, transfusion, transplantation, treatment, ultrasound, vaccine recognize antigen, carcinoma, cell, depression, illness, infection, nucleus, toxicity recommend examination, mastectomy, surgery, therapy, treatment reconstruct breast, joint, tendon, tissue record heart rate, hypertension, neuron, temperature recover from anaesthesia, illness, injury - 216 - reduce bleeding, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, incidence, infection, inflammation, injury, memory, metastasis, morbidity, mortality, obesity, pain, recurrence, relapse, secretion, stress, syndrome, temperature, toxicity, transfusion refuse surgery, transfusion, transplantation, treatment regulate depression, inflammation, injury release drug, enzyme, hormone, joint relieve depression, pain, stress, symptom remove breast, cell, implant, lesion, membrane, metastasis, tendon, tissue, tooth, tumour repair bleeding, injury, nerve, palate replace implant, joint, tooth report carcinoma, deformity, depression, diabetes, disease, fever, hypertension, illness, impairment, incidence, infection, injection, injury, malignancy, metastasis, obesity, pain, patient, regression, relapse, symptom require examination, mastectomy, medication, stimulation, surgery, therapy, transfusion, transplantation, treatment, ultrasound resect bone, bowel, metastasis, skin, tissue respond to drug, therapy, treatment, vaccine result from diabetes, fracture, inflammation, injury, regression result in disease, fracture, hypertension, impairment, infection, injury, syndrome, toxicity reveal bleeding, diagnosis, impairment, inflammation, meta-stasis rule out carcinoma, diagnosis, disease, infection, stress secrete antibody, enzyme, hormone, insulin select implant, lymphocyte, therapy show fracture, impairment, incidence, injury, malignancy, recurrence, regression, symptom stabilize bleeding, morbidity, recurrence, toxicity, transfusion, trauma start dialysis, infusion, injection, insulin stimulate bleeding, cell, lymphocyte, nerve, secretion stop bleeding, disease, infusion, secretion, stimulation, therapy, trial suffer fracture, impairment, trauma suffer from depression, disease, fever, illness, injury, stress, symptom, syndrome suspect cancer, depression, disease, fracture, illness, infection, injury, metastasis, syndrome sustain dialysis, infusion, injection, insulin take biopsy, drug, insulin, medication, placebo, sample, serum, therapy terminate pregnancy, therapy, trial test DNA, drug, neuron, patient, serum, therapy, vaccine transect artery, nerve, tumour, vessel - 217 - trigger disease, inflammation, regression, stimulation undergo anaesthesia, biopsy, dialysis, examination, fracture, mastectomy, rehabilitation, resonance, surgery, therapy, transfusion, transplantation, trauma, treatment, trial, ultrasound use antibody, DNA, drug, injection, insulin, medication, resonance, stimulation, therapy, ultrasound treat bleeding, bone, cancer, carcinoma, depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, duct, fever, fracture, hypertension, illness, impairment, infection, injury, malignancy, metastasis, pain, palate, patient, psoriasis, schizophrenia, scoliosis, skin, symptom, tendon toxicity, trauma, tumour, wound treat with drug, placebo, therapy *** - 218 - KATEGORIA: TERM + VERB absorb bone, bowel, brain, skin act drug, enzyme, hormone, joint, muscle activate enzyme, hormone, receptor affect disease, disorder, drug, illness, infection, medication, melanoma, metastasis, mortality, mutation, pain, psoriasis, schizophrenia, stress, syndrome appear depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, lesion, symptom, syndrome, tumour arise artery, bleeding, cancer, carcinoma, illness, pain, symptom, tumour begin anaesthesia, infusion, labour, pain, regression, treatment bleed tissue, tumour, vein carry artery, duct, lymphocyte, nerve cause antigen, depression, diabetes, dialysis, disorder, drug, enzyme, examination, gene, heart, hypertension, infection, inflammation, infusion, injection, injury, labour, pain, scoliosis, stimulation, stress, temperature, therapy change heart rate, temperature, treatment circulate blood, hormone, lymphocyte comprise sample, syndrome, therapy confirm biopsy, examination, resonance contain duct, gene, injection, lesion, medication, membrane, neuron, receptor, serum, skin, vaccine control cancer, enzyme, gene, receptor correlate blood pressure, infection, metastasis, mutation decrease bleeding, blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, glucose, heart rate, inflammation, mortality, pain, secretion, stress, temperature, toxicity detect antibody, examination, resonance, ultrasound develop bleeding, breast, cancer, carcinoma, cell, deformity, diabetes, disease, fever, hypertension, illness, infection, lesion, metastasis, mutation, nerve, pain, patient, skin, syndrome, tissue, tooth, tumour die cell, patient, tissue disappear depression, disease, lymphocyte, pain exceed cholesterol, glucose, temperature express cell, lymphocyte, nucleus extend disease, nerve, tumour fail joint, tendon, therapy, treatment, trial fall glucose, incidence, mortality form bone, cortex, nucleus, tooth grow bone, breast, cancer, cell, lesion, spine, tissue, tumour, vessel improve bloodpressure, disease, disorder, drug, heart rate, implant, patient, psoriasis, therapy include sample, syndrome, therapy, transfusion - 219 - increase bloodpressure, cholesterol, depression, disease, glucose, heart rate, incidence, inflammation, mortality, pain, stimulation, stress, temperature, toxicity indicate biopsy, disease, examination, fever, sample, symptom induce antigen, diabetes, drug, secretion, stimulation, vaccine interfere medication, psoriasis, transfusion, trauma involve disease, examination, fracture, mastectomy, therapy last fever, illness, infusion, pregnancy lead depression, diagnosis, disease, drug, infection, infusion, injury, mutation, scoliosis, stimulation, stress, syndrome, therapy lie implant, nerve, patient move bone, cell, joint, patient, tooth occur bleeding, carcinoma, deformity, depression, diabetes, disease, disorder, fever, fracture, hypertension, incidence, infection, inflammation, injection, injury, labour, melanoma, mortality, mutation, pregnancy, recurrence, relapse, scoliosis, secretion, stress, symptom, syndrome, trauma originate artery, cancer, carcinoma, cell, neuron persist disease, hypertension, infection, injury, pain, scoliosis prevent drug, therapy, vaccine produce cortex, injury, stimulation, therapy, transfusion progress disease, fever, infection, inflammation, labour, pregnancy, tumour protect bone, enzyme, skin, therapy, vaccine range disease, fever, incidence, temperature recover heart, nerve, patient recur cancer, diabetes, disease, infection, inflammation, lesion, symptom, tumour regulate cortex, enzyme, gene, hormone, skin release cell, cortex, stress require depression, disease, disorder, injury, metastasis, pain, patient respond cancer, disease, neuron, patient result bleeding, deformity, diabetes, diagnosis, dialysis, disease, disorder, fever, hypertension, illness, infection, inflammation, injection, injury, mutation, pain, stimulation, stress, symptom, syndrome, therapy, transfusion reveal biopsy, disease, examination, patient, resonance, stimulation rise cholesterol, incidence, mortality, temperature show biopsy, diagnosis, disorder, examination, heart rate, infusion, resonance, sample, trial, ultrasound shrink breast, tissue, tumour spread cancer, carcinoma, cell, disease, infection, lesion, melanoma, nucleus, tumour - 220 - supply artery, blood, nerve, vein undergo nerve, neuron, patient worsen disease, psoriasis, toxicity start cancer, disease, inflammation, infusion stimulate depression, hormone, serum *** KATEGORIA: TERMIN + PRZYIMEK (TERM + PREPOSITION) against antibody, drug, therapy, treatment, vaccine at infusion by infection, treatment for anaesthesia, diagnosis, dialysis, drug, examination, gene, implant, injection, injury, medication, receptor, rehabilitation, sample, stimulation, surgery, symptom, therapy, treatment, trial, vaccine from biopsy, bleeding, metastasis, sample, secretion, serum, toxicity, transfusion, trauma in bleeding, impairment, inflammation, metastasis, relapse, stimulation, therapy into bleeding, injection, injury, relapse, secretion of bleeding, fever, heart rate, injection, injury, sample, stimulation, therapy on surgery to metastasis, toxicity, trauma, vessel with anaesthesia, infusion, injection, injury, patient, pregnancy, stimulation, therapy, transfusion, treatment, trial *** KATEGORIA: PRZYIMEK + TERMIN (PREPOSITION + TERM) at examination, surgery, temperature among patients in labour, patient, trial on examination, dialysis, placebo, therapy, treatment, trial, ultrasound under anaesthesia, stress, therapy, treatment, ultrasound with disease - 221 - BIBLIOGRAFIA 1. KORPUS TEKSTÓW AANA Journal (= Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists) Abdominal Imaging Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Acta Biomaterialia Acta Dermato-Venereologica Acta Diabetologica Acta Neurochirurgica Acta Neuropathologica Acta Neuropsychiatrica Adolescent Psychiatry Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Advances in Anesthesia Advances in Contraception Advances in Dermatology Advances in Physiotherapy Advances in Surgery Aesthetic Plastic Surgery American Journal of Cancer The American Journal of Medicine American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education The American Journal of Psychiatry American Journal of Psychotherapy The American Journal of Science The American Journal of Surgery Anaesthesia Annals of Biomedical Engineering Annals of Clinical Psychiatry Annals of Hematology Annals of Oncology Annals of Surgical Oncology Anti-Cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Archives of Toxicology Artificial Organs The Australasian Journal of Dermatology Basic Research in Cardiology - 222 - Behavioral Medicine Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Birth Birth Issues in Perinatal Care Blood Pressure Brain Brain Tumour Pathology Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Research and Treatment British Journal of Anaesthesia British Journal of Dermatology British Journal of Plastic Surgery Cancer Cancer Detection and Prevention Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Cancer Investigation Cerebral Cortex Clinical Anaesthesiology Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Clinical Genetics Clinical Oncology Clinical Oral Implants Research Clinical Radiology Clinical Rehabilitation Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism Clinics in Dermatology Current Medical Literature Current Medicinal Chemistry Current Orthopaedics Current Pharmaceutical Design Current Women’s Health Reviews Dermatologic Therapy Dermatology Nursing Dermatology Times Developmental Neurorehabilitation Digestive and Liver Disease Drug Injecting and HIV Infection Emergency Medicine Reports Emergency Radiology European Journal of Cancer European Journal of Radiology - 223 - European Psychiatry Experimental Dermatology Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Gynecological Endocrinology Handbook of Child Nutrition Histopathology Homeopathy Human Immunology Human Pathology Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology International Breastfeeding Journal International Journal of Dermatology International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health International Orthopaedics The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Journal of Behavioral Medicine The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Immunology Journal of Drug Targeting Journal of Emergency Medicine Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health Journal of Pediatric Surgery Journal of Pediatric Psychology Journal of Periodontal Research Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Journal of Psychosomatic Research Journal of the American College of Cardiology Journal of the American College of Nutrition Liver International Maturitas Melanoma Annual Report - 224 - Momentum Neural Computation Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology Neuropsychology The New England Journal of Medicine Paediatrics and Child Health Pain Patient’s Guide to Medical Tests Pediatric Rehabilitation Scoliosis Seminars in Cancer Biology The Spine Journal Surgery Surgical Neurology Transplantation Proceedings Transplant International Trials Tuberculosis World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2. RÓDŁA INTERNETOWE Merriam Webster’s Medical Dictionary, <>, data dost pu: 15.10.2009. On-Line Medical Dictionary, <>, data dost pu: 15.10.2009. Stedman’s Medical Dictionaries, <>, data dost pu: 15.10.2009. - 225 -