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Full Paper Preparation and Properties of Natural Sand Particles Reinforced Epoxy Composites Gang Sui, Soumen Jana, Amin Salehi-khojin, Sanjay Neema, Wei-Hong Zhong,* Hui Chen, Qun Huo An epoxy composite using Cancun natural hydrophobic sand particle as filler material was fabricated in this study. Three point bending tests demonstrated an enhancement of 7.5 and 8.7% in flexural strength and flexural modulus, respectively, of epoxy composite containing 1 wt.-% sand particles without any chemical treatment involved, compared to the pristine epoxy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies revealed that the fracture toughness of the epoxy matrix was enhanced owing to the presence of sand particles in an epoxy/sand composite. Through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermal mechanical analysis (TMA) methods, it was found that the storage modulus (E0 ), glass transition temperature (Tg) and dimensional stability of the sand particles/ epoxy composites were increased compared to the pristine epoxy. The friction behavior of epoxy/sand system reflected that the microstructure of epoxy composites was steady. These experimental results suggest that Cancun sand, as a freshly found natural micron porous material, may find promising applications in composite materials. Introduction Epoxy resins are used widely due to their good mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties.[1–4] Many types of epoxy resins have been developed, including bisphenol-A, bisphenol-F, aliphatic cyclic, novolac types, etc. To further G. Sui, S. Jana, A. Salehi-khojin, S. Neema, W.-H. Zhong Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105, USA Fax: (þ1) 701 231 7139; E-mail: H. Chen, Q. Huo Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32826, USA G. Sui College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim strengthen the properties of epoxy resins, the use of an additional phase has been a common practice. Epoxy resins modified with inorganic particles such as carbon, TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3, clay and so on have shown improved performances.[5–10] For inorganic/organic composites, the size of particles and the interfacial adhesion have great effect on the properties of the resin matrix. The welldispersed inorganic fillers in polymer matrices and compatibility between inorganic and organic phases are important to achieve an overall good performance.[11–14] The application of nanometer materials to the thermosetting resin for property modification is a promising channel. Compared to conventional inorganic/polymer composites that need over 30 wt.-% loading of microscale fillers, the same level of enhancements may be achieved with less than 10 wt.-% loading of well-dispersed nanoscale inorganic fillers.[15–17] However, this research is still DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600479 467 G. Sui et al. at an embryonic stage.[18–20] It usually takes complicated procedures to prepare and treat the filler particles in order to achieve a good dispersion and adhesion between the filler and polymer matrices. Filler materials that can give good dispersion and interfacial adhesion between the filler and polymer matrices directly without sophisticated treatment protocols are highly desired for composite material fabrication. The efficient, convenient, and natural additives are more attractive for their economical value and broad applications. In this work, we fabricated an epoxy composite using a kind of natural sand as the filler material. A recent study from our group discovered that beach sand from the area of Cancun, Mexico, is a macro- to mesoporous material with hydrophobic surface property. A polymer composite made from mixing Cancun sand particles with poly(methyl methacrylate) showed a good interfacial adhesion as revealed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies, owing to the hydrophobic chemical structure on the sand particle surface and the porous morphology.[21] These results prompted us to surmise that this porous natural sand may be a good filler material for epoxy composite materials. In this study, we prepared an epoxy/sand resin matrix composite with 1 wt.-% loading of sand particles and conducted a systematic testing on the mechanical, thermal, and other related properties of the composite. These studies revealed that indeed, the sand–epoxy composite material exhibits a comprehensive improvement in different properties. Experimental Part mixture under vacuum conditions, and curing via a thermal cycle (120 8C for 1 h and 160 8C for an additional 4 h). For preparation of the epoxy/sand composites, 1 wt.-% of sand particles were added into the epoxy resin after 24 h of milling and the mixture was stirred at 60 8C for 3 h. To disperse sand in the epoxy matrix, a Brasonic1 Ultrasonic cleaner 1210 (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation) was used as a low power sonication. Then the curing agent was added and low power sonication was used for further mixing of epoxy/sand at room temperature for 2 h. Subsequently, the epoxy/sand/curing agent mixture was degassed under vacuum condition, followed by the same thermal curing schedule as that of pristine epoxy. Characterizations and Measurements A Q-test machine (MTS Co.) was used for the three point bending test according to the ASTM-D790 (standard test methods for flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics and electrical insulating materials). The speed of the crosshead was 1 mm  min1. The specimens were from both pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites and their sizes were 2.95  0.03 mm (thickness)  12.52  0.20 mm (width)  63.83  0.05 mm (length). However, the span distance between supports in the three point bending fixture was 48 mm. The data found from the tests were recorded and processed. Flexural stress was calculated from the following equation [ASTM D790]: sf ¼ 3PL 2bd2 (1) where P is the peak load applied, L the length of span, and b and d are the width and thickness of the specimens respectively. Flexural modulus was calculated from the expression [ASTM D790] Materials The diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA, Shell EPON1 828) and the EPI-CURE Curing Agent W (Miller–Stephenson Chemical Company, USA) were used to prepare the pristine epoxy resin and the epoxy/sand composites. The Cancun sand sample was collected from the beach area near the Gran Melia resort in Cancun, Mexico. The sand sample was heated at 100 8C under vacuum for 10 h to eliminate residual water. Then the sand was milled for up to 24 h in a ball milling machine. Dry ball milling was undertaken in a purified argon protected atmosphere on a planetary ball mill. Steel balls with diameters of 4 and 6 mm were used as grinding medium. A ball–to-powder weight ratio of 10:1 was selected to ensure a high efficiency. Ball milling was conducted with the disk revolution speed of 180 rpm. To minimize the oxidation during milling, we took 1 h interval after each 2 h of milling. After milling, samples were stored in argon and taken out after 24 h. The milled sand was used directly to prepare the epoxy/sand composites. Preparation of the Epoxy/Sand Composites The pristine epoxy resin was prepared by mixing the epoxy resin with the curing agent at room temperature for 2 h, degassing the 468 Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Ef ¼ L3 m 4bd3 (2) where m is the slope of the tangent to the initial straightline portion of the load–deflection curve. The following equation [ASTM D790] was used to calculate the strain: "f ¼ 6Dd L2 (3) where D is the deflection of specimens under the applied load. The morphology of the sand particles and fracture interface of pristine epoxy and composite samples was examined by a JEOL JSM-6300 model SEM. The dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of the pristine epoxy and composites was carried out with a Rheometrics Scientific DMTA 3E dynamic mechanical analyzer at a heating rate of 10 8C  min1. The coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs) of pristine epoxy and composites were obtained with a TA Instruments 2940 thermomechanical analyzer at a heating rate of 10 8C  min1 under nitrogen purge. DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600479 Preparation and Properties of Natural Sand Particles Reinforced . . . A tribology instrument UTM TESTER was used to measure friction behavior of both epoxy/sand and epoxy systems. All the friction tests were carried out at 20–25 8C and a relative humidity of 40–60%. It was operated under 10 kg load and at 20 rpm speed. The data presented in the current work are the averages of three replicate measurements. Results and Discussion Microstructure of the Cancun Sand Particles The diameter of the as-received Cancun natural sand particles is about 5.5 mm, as revealed from SEM study. The sizes of the sand particles were reduced effectively using a ball milling method. The relationship between average diameter of sands and milling time is shown in Figure 1. The dimension of the sand particles decreases with increased milling time. There was only a slight change in the particle size after 18 h of milling time. After 24 h of milling, the average size of the sand particles had reached to about 1 mm. All the sand particles used in this study were milled for 24 h. From the SEM images of the sand particles milled for 24 h [Figure 2(a)], it can be seen that there is a wide size distribution of sand particles. In the magnified image shown in Figure 2(b), it is found that the large particles are actually composed of many smaller nanoparticles. These large particles are porous and brittle, and can be broken up when subjected to external force. However, they are small in number compared to smaller ones. The statistical size distribution of the sand particles after 24 h of milling is shown in Figure 3. Figure 1. The relationship between average diameter of sand particles and milling time. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Figure 2. The SEM images of the milled sands: (a) low resolution and (b) high resolution. Flexural Properties The flexural properties of pristine epoxy and the sand particle-filled epoxy composites are summarized in Table 1. The flexural strength and modulus of the sand composites were clearly improved compared to that of pristine epoxy. The enhancement in flexural strength and modulus of epoxy has reached to 7.5 and 8.7%, respectively. For natural sand particles without any chemical treatment involved, these levels of enhancement are significant for a polymer composite material at the loading of 1 wt.-% inorganic fillers. These results indicate that the rigid sand particles in epoxy networks directly enhance the stiffness of composites, allowing a uniform stress distribution in the polymer, and leading to increased flexural strength and moduli. As the rigidity of sand particles is greater than that of epoxy resin, it can be expected that sand particles will assist in improving the mechanical properties of the composites. Small sand particle with larger surface area achieve better wetting and adhesion which leads to better reinforcing ability and stiffer composite system. Sumita et al.[22] studied the effect of 469 G. Sui et al. Figure 3. The size distribution of sand particles after 24 h of milling. ultrafine silica particles with different diameters on mechanical properties of polypropylene composites and found the same kind of behavior with smaller sizes (equal to or less than the size we used). However, a decrease of elongation is a typical phenomenon for composites reinforced by inorganic fillers. But in this study, the elongation of epoxy/sand composites at fracture is almost the same as that of pristine epoxy. It may be further alleviated by enhancing the adhesion between inorganic and organic phases and reducing the inorganic filler dimensions. Figure 4. Fracture morphology of the epoxy and composites after three-points bending tests: (a) pristine epoxy; (b) epoxy/sand composites. Characterization of Fracture Surface Figure 4 shows the fracture surface of the pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites after three-points bending tests. The characteristic fracture features of pristine epoxy materials are typical of a brittle material [Figure 4(a)] and thus the resistance to crack propagation is low. For epoxy/ sand composites, river patterns and branches are prominent in the fracture surface [Figure 4(b)]. These new surfaces were created by massive plastic deformation under flexural loading. More external energy can be dissipated through these solid patterns compared to pristine epoxy, leading to increased fracture strength of composites. This can be explained by two possible mechanisms. One is crack bowing theory[23,24] which states that when a crack propagates through a matrix and encounters a nanoparticle, the crack bows around this particle to by-pass the blockage. This means that deflection of the crack tip occurs and after passing around multiple particles, the path of the crack tip appears as a zigzag trajectory. This leads to a change in the mode of crack opening: mode I to mode I/II for crack tilting and mode I to mode I/III for crack twisting, and a high intensity load is required for crack propagation with this condition. Another mechanism, crack tip Table 1. The bending properties of pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. 470 sf (Mean W SD) Ef (Mean W SD) ef (Mean W SD) MPa GPa % Pristine epoxy 149.6 W 4.2 10.3 W 0.2 2.5 W 0.2 Epoxy/sand composites 160.8 W 5.2 11.2 W 0.3 2.3 W 0.2 Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600479 Preparation and Properties of Natural Sand Particles Reinforced . . . shielding[23–26] depends on many factors such as plastic deformation, residual stress fields, microcracking, etc. A crack tip in a plastic deformation zone faces a compressive force which opposes further crack opening action and this resistance in crack opening might face further obstacles with the introduction of nanoparticles in the matrix. Therefore, for further crack opening, an increased load is needed which may pull out the particle from the matrix. With increased applied load and further crack opening, sand particles tend to pull out from the matrix. While pulling, a kind of friction exists between the sand particle and matrix and more energy dissipation occurs in the system. However, this energy dissipation depends on the interaction between nanoparticles and the matrix. From the above two theories, it can be summed up that more energy and load were needed for crack propagation in sand-filled epoxy composites compared to pristine epoxy. Therefore, addition of sand to epoxy helped to improve the toughness of the composite. DMA The specimens generally deform sinusoidally in response to an applied oscillating force. The resultant strain in specimen due to the sinusoidal load depends upon both elastic and viscous behavior of the specimen. In this study, the storage modulus (E0 ) and the loss factor (damping coefficient, tan d ¼ E0 /E00 , E00 is the loss modulus) of epoxy and composites were determined by DMA. The storage modulus reflects the elastic modulus of the composites which measures the recoverable strain energy in a deformed specimen, and the loss modulus (or viscous modulus) is related to the energy lost due to energy dissipation as heat. The storage modulus of epoxy and composites versus temperature curves is shown in Figure 5. It is found from Figure 5 that the storage modulus of the epoxy composites Figure 5. The storage modulus versus temperature curves of pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim exceeds that of pristine epoxy under all temperature regions. The rigid sand particles enhance the stiffness of the epoxy matrix composite which in turn shows an increment of storage modulus of the epoxy/sand composite specimens. Values of tan d provide information regarding damping of the materials. Figure 6 shows how tan d of the pristine epoxy and the epoxy/sand composites vary with temperature. It is used for measuring the glass transition temperature Tg of the materials as well and the peak of tan d in tan d–temperature T curve can be identified as Tg. From Figure 6, it is seen that Tg of the composite shifts to a temperature 10 8C above Tg of the pristine epoxy resins. Mobilization of macromolecules within materials in molecular scale is related to Tg and with increasing increments of Tg, mobility of molecules diminishes. Due to good adhesion of the sand particle with matrix and its rigidity, mobilization of the macromolecule made of sand particle and its surrounding matrix decreases compared to pristine epoxy matrix and as a result increased Tg was observed in epoxy/sand composite. Therefore, this represents that the restriction effect of mobilization in epoxy/sand composite provides better stability when compared to that in pristine epoxy. The filling of sand also reduces the height of tan d peak, which is related to the energy damping characteristics of the materials. These results are owing to the enhancement in the stiffness of epoxy composites by the sand particles. The DMA tests indicate that the sand particles effectively enhance the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins. Thermo-Mechanical Analysis (TMA) TMA is a kind of thermal analysis used to measure dimensional (physical) changes in a sample with adjustable sample strain when temperature and/or time varies. It is also used to determine CTE and Tg. Figure 7 plots the dimensional change versus temperature curves for the pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. It shows that for a long temperature range (from 25 to 250 8C) dimensional change in epoxy/sand composite is less compared to pristine epoxy. CTE is the ratio of change of dimension per unit dimension and change of temperature and can be termed as (l/L)/DT; where l is the change in length, L the original length and DT is the change in temperature. Figure 8 shows the CTEs below and above Tg for the pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. It can be seen from the figure that in both cases CTEs of epoxy/ sand composites are less compared to that of the epoxy system. The change in dimension and CTE can be explained by the concept of molecule interaction. With the increase in temperature, molecular vibration in the material increases, which causes an increment in the intermolecule 471 G. Sui et al. epoxy molecules upon heating. The CTEs of the epoxy/sand composite in both below and above Tg are lower than those of the pristine epoxy resin. Friction Behavior From Figure 9, it can be seen that the friction coefficient of pristine epoxy is about 0.12, and it increases to the value of 0.18 on epoxy/sand composites. So with 1 wt.-% addition of sand into epoxy, friction coefficient increases by 50%. The filling of the sand particles enhances the coarseness of epoxy matrix and therefore the friction coefficient is increased. The friction coefficient of epoxy composites is stable with Figure 6. The loss factor versus temperature curves of pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand prolonged time, and this reflects the composites. constant microstructure of composites. However, at the very beginning, the distance. However, higher restriction effect in mobilization friction coefficient of epoxy/sand composite increases for a of sand/composite molecules (as discussed earlier) limits small amount of time and after that it shows stability. But the amplitude of vibration. This means that the interthis does not happen to pristine epoxy system and it shows molecule distances do not increase in epoxy/sand that from the start to end of the experiment, the friction composites as much as it increases in epoxy material. coefficient is stable. Sand particles make the surface of a Therefore, the dimensional change in epoxy/sand compocomposite rough which exists for less time with erosion site is less compared to that in the epoxy system. In under friction. Therefore it can be concluded that due to addition, it can be mentioned that the inorganic sand the porosity and brittleness, the sand can be broken up additives neither deform nor relax like the organic epoxy when subjected to external force. However, when the sand molecules as the temperature increases. Therefore, if the was made into composite with epoxy, an improvement in sand can be effectively dispersed in the epoxy matrix, the the property of the epoxy is seen. With time variation, for rigid sand particles retard the thermal expansion of the epoxy/sand composite and epoxy, friction coefficients vary a negligible amount and wear rates in both cases are low. However, the friction coefficient fluctuation in epoxy/sand composite is less than that in the epoxy system. Sand gives more rigidity to epoxy composite because wear rate is Figure 7. Dimension change versus temperature curves of pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. 472 Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2007, 292, 467–473 ß 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Figure 8. Effect of sand on the CTEs of pristine epoxy and epoxy/ sand composites. DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600479 Preparation and Properties of Natural Sand Particles Reinforced . . . Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge Dr. Joseph Brennan for collecting the sand samples for this project. Partial work reported here was supported by NASA through grant NNM04AA62G and by NSF through NIRT grant 0506531. Received: December 12, 2006; Revised: February 4, 2007; Accepted: February 7, 2007; DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600479 Keywords: composites; epoxy resin; modulus; sand particles Figure 9. The friction coefficient versus friction time curves of pristine epoxy and epoxy/sand composites. lower, whereas in epoxy system wear rate is higher, although it has a low friction coefficient. Therefore considering both friction coefficient and wear rate, an epoxy/sand composite is more rigid and stable compared to the epoxy system. Conclusion Epoxy composites were prepared with the loading of 1 wt.-% Cancun sand. The flexural strength and flexural modulus of epoxy had increased by 7.5 and 8.7% due to the addition of the sand. Fracture morphology observation showed that the fracture toughness of epoxy composites has improved. The epoxy/sand composites possessed obviously enhanced E0 , Tg and dimensional stability, as well as friction resistance, compared to the pristine epoxy resin. The experimental results showed that the microstructure of epoxy/sand composites was steady. Although many kinds of inorganic particles have been reported as additives for epoxy composites, Cancun sand, without any chemical treatment involved in this work, exhibited a comprehensive improvement in mechanical, thermal, and other related properties of epoxy resins. 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