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Social media network usage has increased noticeably during the Covid-19 period according to statistical research. Especially for adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 who are in search of identity, and both are prone to social interaction and closed to communication, social media use has become more widespread than adults in this period. Young people's demand for social media has made examining the impact areas of social media on adolescents important for the health of the cognitive and emotional development of generations. According to research, social media channels have both negative and positive effects on adolescents in terms of mental health, academic life, and communication skills. There are particularly fundamental points that social media has negative effects on for adolescents such as triggering adolescents' tendency to compare themselves and so strengthening mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, disrupting sleep routines and creating addiction, causing face-to-face communication skills to deteriorate, and facilitating bullying. Although social media has negative effects on the development of adolescents, there are undeniable advantages using social media for instance, it has wide range of platforms that teenagers can reflect their personalities and reaching wider circles, being able to work in groups in more practic and rapid ways and gaining support groups about the issues they feel lonely or insufficient.

X X X X X 10. INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES FEBRUARY 17-19, 2024 PARIS - FRANCE EDITORS Dr. Can MAVRUK Dr. Alen BISKUPOVIĆ X X X X X ISBN: 978-625-367-660-5 10. INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES February 17-19, 2024 Paris - France EDITORS Dr. Can MAVRUK Dr. Alen BISKUPOVIĆ All rights of this book belong to IKSAD Publishing House Authors are responsible both ethically and jurisdically IKSAD Publications - 2024© Issued: 15.03.2024 ISBN - 978-625-367-660-5 CONGRESS TITLE 10. INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES DATE AND PLACE February 17-19, 2024 Paris – France ORGANIZATION IKSAD INSTITUTE EDITORS Dr. Can MAVRUK Dr. Alen BISKUPOVIĆ PARTICIPANTS COUNTRY (28 countries) TÜRKİYE, VIETNAM, ALBANIA, AZERBAIJAN, UKRAINE, INDIA, CROATIA, THAILAND, USA, PORTUGAL, JAPAN, CAMBODIA, NIGERIA, ROMANIA, ARGENTINA, SAUDI ARABIA, GEORGIA, POLAND, BENIN, CHINA, BANGLADESH, MOROCCO, LEBANON, BRAZIL, GREECE, ETHIOPIA, IRAN, NIGER Total Accepted Article: 151 Total Rejected Papers: 43 Accepted Article (Türkiye): 72 Accepted Article (Other Countries): 79 ISBN - 978-625-367-660-5 Evrak Tarih ve Sayısı: 19.02.2024-312526 T.C. HARRAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ REKTÖRLÜĞÜ Personel Daire Başkanlığı Sayı Konu : E-90966674-903.05-312526 : Görevlendirme (Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hüseyin ERİŞ) 19.02.2024 SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULU MÜDÜRLÜĞÜNE İlgi : 16.02.2024 tarihli ve 312195 sayılı yazı, İlgi yazı ile, Yüksekokulunuz Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hüseyin ERİŞ'in, 10. Paris Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi ve 12. Gevher Nesibe Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresinde akademisyen temsilcisi olarak görevlendirilmesi Rektörlüğümüzce uygun görülmüştür. Bilgilerini ve gereğini rica ederim. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tahir GÜLLÜOĞLU Rektör Bu belge, güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. Belge Doğrulama Kodu :*BSVLVRB67T* Pin Kodu :58872 Belge Takip Adresi : 6 Adres:Harran Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Osmanbey Yerleşkesi 63300 Haliliye/Şanlıurfa Bilgi için: Mahmut KAN Telefon:0414 318 3026 Faks:0414 318 3193 Unvanı: Bilgisayar İşletmeni Web: Tel No: 3183000-3094 Kep Bu belge,güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. İKSAD ENSTİTÜSÜ Çankaya – Ankara 06-146-071 Konu : Kongre Düzenlenmesi Sayı : BSE-2 15 Mart 2024 İLGİLİ KURUMA İçişileri Bakanlığı tarafından tahsis edilen 06-146-071 tescil kodu ile Tüzel Kişiliğe sahip olan İKSAD Enstitüsü 5253 sayılı kanuna uygun olarak “Bilimsel araştırmalar ve akademik çalışmalar” alanında ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir. Kurumumuzun Yönetim Kurulu 5 Nisan 2023 tarihinde saat 10.30’da “Bilimsel Diplomasi Projesi” görüşmeleri ile “Bilimsel Kongreler Düzenlenmesi” gündemleri ile toplanmış ve alınan (2 numaralı) karara istinaden aşağıda detayları yazılı olan bilimsel etkinliğin düzenlenmesine ve etkinliğe ilişkin resmi görevlendirme konusunda karar vermiştir. Bilgi ve gereğini rica ederim Dr. Kaldygul ADİLBEKOVA Genel Sekreter Etkinlik Adı: 10. INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES Etkinlik Tarihi ve Yeri: 17-19 Şubat 2024, Paris DÜZENLEME KURULU ÜYELERI Prof. Petra Pelletier Assoc Prof. Gökhan OFLUOĞLU Dr. Terane NAGIYEVA Dr. Hüseyin ERİŞ Dr. Kaldygul ADILBEKOVA Dr. Elvan CAFEROV Etkinlik linki: İKSAD Ankara [INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES - X] France, 2024 February 17-19, 2024 Paris, FRANCE 15.03.2024 REF: Akademik Teşvik İlgili makama; 10. Uluslararası Paris Sosyal Ve Beşeri Bilimler Kongresi, 17-19 Şubat 2024 tarihleri arasında Paris, Fransa’da 28 farklı ülkenin (Türkiye 72 bildiri- Diğer ülkeler 79 bildiri) akademisyen/araştırmacılarının katılımıyla gerçekleşmiştir Kongre 16 Ocak 2020 Akademik Teşvik Ödeneği Yönetmeliğine getirilen “Tebliğlerin sunulduğu yurt içinde veya yurt dışındaki etkinliğin uluslararası olarak nitelendirilebilmesi için Türkiye dışında en az beş farklı ülkeden sözlü tebliğ sunan konuşmacının katılım sağlaması ve tebliğlerin yarıdan fazlasının Türkiye dışından katılımcılar tarafından sunulması esastır.” değişikliğine uygun düzenlenmiştir. Bilgilerinize arz edilir, Saygılarımla Dr. Petra Pelletier University of Paris Head of Conference Contacts: Email address: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof. Petra Pelletier University of Paris Assoc. Prof. Gökhan OFLUOĞLU Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Dr. Hüseyin ERİŞ Harran University Dr. Terane NAGIYEVA ADPU Dr. Kaldygul ADILBEKOVA İksad Institute Dr. Elvan CAFEROV ADPU SCIENTIFIC AND ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Anderi JEAN Gas Petrolium University of Romania Dr. Salih ÖZTÜRK Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Dr. Mahire HÜSEYNOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Gönül SAMEDOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Ruslan ABDULLAYEV Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Dr. Usman Ghani, PhD Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan Dr. Katarzyna Czech, PhD Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Dr. Yuriy Danko, PhD Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine Dr. Olena Melnyk, PhD Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine Dr. Michal Wojtaszek, PhD Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Dr. Maral Jamalova, PhD Szent İstvan University, Hungary Dr. Nicholas Imbeah, PhD Takoradi Technical University , Ghana Dr. Harshavardhan Reddy Kummitha, PhD Budapest Business School, Hungary Dr. Giscard Assoumou Ella University of Toulon, France Dr. Jean Philippe Praene University of La Réunion Dr. Franck AMOUSSOU Université d’Abomey- Calavi Dr. Jean Tata TOSSOU Université d’Abomey- Calavi Dr. Violla MAKHZOUM Islamic University of Lebanon Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara S. V. National Institute of Technology (NIT) Dr. Yurii LATYSH Taras Shevchenko State University Dr. Andrea Lucchesi Sao Paulo University Dr. Ansi Rezeda SAFIULLINA Kazan Federal University Dr. Cynthia CORREA Sao Paulo University Dr. Cholpon TOKTOSUNOVA Rasulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University Dr. Dmitriy VASILYEV Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship Dr. Dinarakhan TURSUNALIEVA Rasulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University Dr. Nagbdu KAMAROVA Yessenov University Dr. Mykola VASKIV Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts Dr. Rimma PARDABAYEVA Ufa State University Dr. H.Burçin HENDEN ŞOLT Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Dr. İbrahim BAYRAMOV Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Mirvari İSMAYILOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Nazile ABDULLAZADE Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. İrade KERİMOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Gülşen MEHERREMOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Gönül HASANOVA Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Elvan CAFEROV Azerbaijan State Pedagogy University Dr. Aygün MEHERREMOVA Baku State University Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy SOM, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand - International University of Japan PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY PHOTO GALLERY 10th INTERNATIONAL PARIS CONGRESS ON SOCIAL SCIEN CES & HUMANITIES February 17-19, 2024 / Paris, FRANCE CONGRESS PROGRAM Meeting ID: 858 1117 0419 Passcode: 111222 Participant Countries (28) TÜRKİYE, VIETNAM, ALBANIA, AZERBAIJAN, UKRAINE, INDIA, CROATIA, THAILAND, USA, PORTUGAL, JAPAN, CAMBODIA, NIGERIA, ROMANIA, ARGENTINA, SAUDI ARABIA, GEORGIA, POLAND, BENIN, CHINA, BANGLADESH, MOROCCO, LEBANON, BRAZIL, GREECE, ETHIOPIA, IRAN, NIGER Önemli, Dikkatle Okuyunuz Lütfen  Kongremizde Yazım Kurallarına uygun gönderilmiş ve bilim kurulundan geçen bildiriler için online (video konferans sistemi üzerinden) sunum imkanı sağlanmıştır.  Online sunum yapabilmek için sitesi üzerinden giriş yaparak “Meeting ID or Personal Link Name” yerine ID numarasını girerek oturuma katılabilirsiniz.  Zoom uygulaması ücretsizdir ve hesap oluşturmaya gerek yoktur.  Zoom uygulaması kaydolmadan kullanılabilir.  Uygulama tablet, telefon ve PC’lerde çalışıyor.  Her oturumdaki sunucular, sunum saatinden 5 dk öncesinde oturuma bağlanmış olmaları gerekmektedir.  Tüm kongre katılımcıları canlı bağlanarak tüm oturumları dinleyebilir.  Moderatör – oturumdaki sunum ve bilimsel tartışma (soru-cevap) kısmından sorumludur. Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler - TEKNİK BİLGİLER  Bilgisayarınızda mikrofon olduğuna ve çalıştığına emin olun.  Zoom'da ekran paylaşma özelliğini kullanabilmelisiniz.  Kabul edilen bildiri sahiplerinin mail adreslerine Zoom uygulamasında oluşturduğumuz oturuma ait ID numarası gönderilecektir.  Katılım belgeleri kongre sonunda tarafınıza pdf olarak gönderilecektir.  Kongre programında yer ve saat değişikliği gibi talepler dikkate alınmayacaktır. Important, Please Read Carefully  To be able to attend a meeting online, login via site, enter ID “Meeting ID or Personal Link Name” and solidify the session.  The Zoom application is free and no need to create an account.  The Zoom application can be used without registration.  The application works on tablets, phones and PCs.  The participant must be connected to the session 5 minutes before the presentation time.  All congress participants can connect live and listen to all sessions.  Moderator is responsible for the presentation and scientific discussion (question-answer) section of the session. Points to Take into Consideration - TECHNICAL INFORMATION     Make sure your computer has a microphone and is working. You should be able to use screen sharing feature in Zoom. Attendance certificates will be sent to you as pdf at the end of the congress. Requests such as change of place and time will not be taken into consideration in the congress program. *** Zoom'a giriş yapmadan önce lütfen örnekteki gibi salon numaranızı, adınızı ve soyadınızı belirtiniz Before you login to Zoom please indicate your hall number, name and surname exp. H-5, Radmila Janičić ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-1 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Dr. Ender DURUALP AUTHORS AFFILIATION Zeynep Sernur BAŞPINAR Prof. Dr. Ender DURUALP Ankara University TÜRKİYE Hafize Fındık Prof. Dr. Ender DURUALP Ankara University TÜRKİYE Melike GÜN Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin USTA Dr. Ümit DOĞAN Ministry of Education, Sakarya TÜRKİYE Sakarya University TÜRKİYE Fatma TEKİN Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÜÇLÜ Erciyes University TÜRKİYE Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÜÇLÜ Erciyes University TÜRKİYE Çağatay SÜKAN Prof. Dr. Gönen İlkar DÜNDAR Lect. Rahile GÜRAN GÖVEN Istanbul University TÜRKİYE Izmir Kavram Vocational School TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Cumhur GÜNGÖR Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine AKKAŞ BAYSAL Afyon Kocatepe University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine AKKAŞ BAYSAL Assist. Prof. Dr. Cumhur GÜNGÖR Afyon Kocatepe University TÜRKİYE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsel AYBEK Osman OĞUZ Lect. Rahile GÜRAN GÖVEN Çağatay SÜKAN Prof. Dr. Gönen İlkar DÜNDAR Çukurova University TÜRKİYE İzmir Kavram Vocational School TÜRKİYE Istanbul University TÜRKİYE TOPIC TITLE THE ROLE OF CARTOONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN “PARENT, CHILD AND TEACHER VIEWS”: A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH EXAMINATION OF CHILD CHARACTERS IN CARTOONS IN TERMS OF PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS: RAFADAN TAYFA EXAMPLE WHAT ARE THE REASONS OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIORS OF TEACHERS? A GENERAL EVALUATION ON TEACHER READINESS AND 21ST CENTURY TEACHER COMPETENCIES AN EVALUATION ON CURRICULUM LITERACY AND TEACHER CHARACTERISTICS THE ROLE OF CONFLICT IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONAL LABOR: A RESEARCH ON PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ISTANBUL EFFECTS OF GAME-BASED LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CHILD LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: AN EXAMINATION OF MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS EVALUATION OF 3RD GRADE LIFE SCIENCE COURSE “SAFE LIFE” UNIT IN TERMS OF CRITICAL THINKING STANDARDS A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TALENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND THE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND OF THE TEACHERS WORKING THERE ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-2 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İ. Aytaç KADIOĞLU AUTHORS Dr. İsmail IŞIKTAŞ Lect. Dr. Şeyda İRDEM Lect. Alperen ALBAYRAK Dr. Hina ZAHOOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel YILDIZ Gülşah DİNÇER AFFILIATION Independent Researcher TÜRKİYE Pamukkale University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Gelişim University TÜRKİYE Gümüşhane University TÜRKİYE TOPIC TITLE SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS: ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) AND IMPACT ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON HUBRISTIC LEADERSHIP PERCEPTIONS OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATORS EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES ON AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT AMONG HEALTHCARE MANAGERS: INVESTIGATING THE INTERMEDIARY ROLE OF JOB AUTONOMY FROM DEVELOPİNG COUNTRY PERSPECTIVE THE EFFECT OF BRAND EXPERINCE AND RELATIONSHIP QUALTY ON BRAND RESONANCE, THE MEDIATING ROLE OF BRAND ATTITUDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MARKETING EVALUATION OF SORGUN AND ITS SURROUNDINGS IN TERMS OF RURAL TOURISM APPROACH TO RURAL TOURISM FROM LANDSCAPE PERSPECTIVE Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan Selçuk ETİ Lect. Nazlı Çağıl KÜÇÜKGÖKSEL Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University TÜRKİYE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kübra YAZİCİ Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba ALBAYRAK Yozgat Bozok University TÜRKİYE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kübra YAZİCİ Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba ALBAYRAK Yozgat Bozok University TÜRKİYE Dr. Pjetër Ndreca Prof. Assoc. Dr. Llesh Lleshaj Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana ALBANIA University of Tirana ALBANIA PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES IN ONLINE LEARNING Sakarya University TÜRKİYE FOREIGN INTERVENTION IN CIVIL WARS: FACILITATING OR WORSENING THE VIOLENT CONFLICTS Assoc. Prof. Dr. İ. Aytaç KADIOĞLU ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-3 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Assist. Prof. Dr. Duygu ÖZTÜRK AUTHORS Dr. Canan TERCAN AFFILIATION Istanbul Aydın University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Duygu ÖZTÜRK İstanbul Medipol University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Senem GÜRKAN Ondokuz Mayıs University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Senem GÜRKAN Ondokuz Mayıs University TÜRKİYE Hazal Aybala BEKAR Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University TÜRKİYE Mudasir Ali Rind Prof. Pirali Aliyev Khazar University AZERBAIJAN Baku Slavic University AZERBAIJAN Hacızadə Hüzürə Tapdıq qızı Inci Imanova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulara Rahimova Inci Imanova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulara Rahimova Nakhchivan State University AZERBAIJAN Western Caspian University AZERBAIJAN Baku State University AZERBAIJAN Western Caspian University AZERBAIJAN Baku State University AZERBAIJAN TOPIC TITLE SPAIN FAR RIGHT VOX PARTY: ANTIFOREIGN IMMIGRATION; WOMEN'S RIGHTS-GENDER; ISLAMCHRISTIANITY AN ANALYSIS OF WOMEN’S POLICIES OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN TURKEY THROUGH THEIR PARTY PROGRAMS ANALYSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTITUDES TOWARDS FEMALE MANAGERS AND AMBIVALENT SEXISM IN THE SAMPLE OF ACADEMICIANS DISCUSSING THE PROBLEMS OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN TÜRKİYE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VIA CURRENT GENDER LITERATURE THE PROBLEM OF SIMPLIFYING AND CONCEPTUALIZING DAILY LIFE FROM A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION IN THE TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY RESEARCH AREAS OF MODERN CYBERPSYCHOLOGY A STUDY OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMPUTER CRIMINALS ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-4 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rezana Konomi / Dr. Dorina Gjipali AUTHORS Ditjona KULE Adela CAFULI AFFILIATION University of Tirana ALBANIA Prof. As. Dr. Gjokë ULDEDAJ Dr. Edlir ORHANI Qiriazi University College ALBANIA Prof. As. Dr. Gjokë ULDEDAJ Qiriazi University College ALBANIA Master Songjiayan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vyacheslav Prylyuk Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University UKRAINE Master Yuan Xiao Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vyacheslav Prylyuk Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University UKRAINE Phastraporn Salaisook Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy Pham Anh Dung Pham Hung Nhan Dinh Tran Ngoc Hien Hanane RAHMOUNI Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rezana Konomi Dr. Dorina Gjipali TOPIC TITLE IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES IN THE TOURISM SECTOR: A GREEN APPROACH TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND RESPONSIBLE TOURISM MANAGEMENT PROMOTION OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN ALBANIA THROUGH AN EFFICIENT MARKETING STRATEGY AND IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY THE OVERVALUATION OF THE ALBANIAN CURRENCY AND THE NEGATIVE IMPACT ON EXPORTS AND OTHER ECONOMIC INDICATORS TO CHINA OR UKRAINE: WHERE TO PLACE BUSINESSES OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANY? A TAX PLANNING COMPARATIVE APPROACH CROSS-CULTURAL PECULIARITIES IN INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES – A VIEW FROM CHINA Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives THAILAND School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology THAILAND Apollos University USA Political School of Ca Mau VIETNAM HCM University of Technology VIETNAM DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT (SLM) PRACTICES WITH A CASE IN THAILAND AND FARMERS PRODUCTIVITY University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed ALGERIA THE ROLE OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF AN INVESTMENT AT UNIVERSITY Tirana University ALBANIA Aleksandër Moisiu University ALBANIA CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL DATA AND ECHR PRACTICE ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-5 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Dr. Lamara Kadagidze AUTHORS AFFILIATION TOPIC TITLE Thi Bich Tram NGUYEN Trong Nhan NGUYEN Vinh Long College VIETNAM Can Tho University VIETNAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Etleva Dobjani Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vera Bushati BARLETI University ALBANIA CHANGES IN SEX RATIO AT BIRTH IN VINH LONG PROVINCE, VIETNAM EXPLORING CULTURAL NARRATIVES: ARCHITECTURAL MARVELS IN ALBANIA AND BEYOND THROUGH THE LENS OF ALBERT KAHN'S PHOTOGRAPHS WITCH-HUNTING OR WOMEN HUNTING: ANALYSING THE SOCIOLEGAL REVERBERATIONS OF AN AGEOLD PRACTISE IN JHARKHAND THE ATTRACTION OF THE SEA IN GRAHAM SWIFT’S WORKS THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN LATIN AMERICA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A PROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS CULTURAL DYNAMICS IN GEORGIAN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES: EXPLORING COMMUNICATION AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGEMCE AFTERMATH OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: THE INFLUENCE OF CHURCHES IN THE EMPOWERMENT AND INTEGRATION OF FREEDMEN THE CHALLENGES OF CIVIL SOCIETY BETWEEN POLITICAL INFLUENCE AND ALBANIA'S ASPIRATION TOWARDS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Prof. Manaswi Lect. Ana DROBOT The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences INDIA Technical University of Civil Engineering ROMANIA Perez Gamon Carolina Margarita Universidad del Nordeste- Facultad de Humanidades-ARGENTINA Prof. Dr. Lamara Kadagidze Grigol Robakidze University GEORGIA AGUESSY Anne Nathalie Jouvencia Agossi AHOUANGANSI S. Raoul Dr. Oljana HOXHAJ University of Abomey-Calavi BENIN Vlora University ALBANIA ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-6 / SESSION-1 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 08 00 : 10 00 10 00 : 12 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Assoc. Valbona Cinaj AUTHORS Msc. Edvina POLAJ Assoc. Prof. Edmond KADİU AFFILIATION Tirana University ALBANIA Albanian University ALBANIA THE ROLE OF BRANDED PRODUCTS WITH A LOCAL INDICATOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM: MUTUAL BENEFITS AND AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCES INNOVATIVE HORIZONS: UNRAVELING THE IMPACT OF DECISION-MAKING STYLES ON MANAGERS' WORK BEHAVIOR THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF INNOVATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPISES. THE CASE OF ALBANIA SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION CATALYSTS: INSIGHTS FROM EU BAROMETER AND THE IMPERATIVE OF HİGH-QUALITY INSTITUTIONS ADAPTATION OF SME-S IN THE FACE OF COVIDI-19, ALBANIAN REALITY Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași ROMANIA EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE Barleti University ALBANIA Agricultural University of Tirana ALBANIA Qendrese IBRAHIMI University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” KOSOVO Dr. Ledia SULA University College of “Logos” ALBANIA Agnese IBRAHIMI University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” KOSOVO Prof. Assoc. Valbona Cinaj Prof. Dr. Artur Ribaj Dana-Claudia COJOCARU Prof. Mihaela ONOFREI Prof. Bogdan Narcis FÎRȚESCU Adelina-Andreea Siriteanu Prof. Sorin Gabriel Anton Dr. Oljana HOXHAJ TOPIC TITLE Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi ROMANIA Vlora University ALBANIA THE DYNAMIC IMPACT OF EU MEMBER COUNTRIES POLICIES ON DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCKS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THE CHALLENGES OF CIVIL SOCIETY BETWEEN POLITICAL INFLUENCE AND ALBANIA'S ASPIRATION TOWARDS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-1 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Dr. Gabriela IVANOVSKA AUTHORS Assist. Prof. Dr. Merve SUROĞLU SOFU Rabia DEMİRKOL Lect. Gamze KARA Dr. Gabriela IVANOVSKA Leyla DİLEK AFFILIATION Istanbul Nişantaşı University University TÜRKİYE National Defence University TÜRKİYE Istanbul University TÜRKİYE Siirt University TÜRKİYE Lect. Kübra KAYA ÜLKER Istanbul Gelişim University TÜRKİYE Oğuz KILINÇ Turkish Maarıf Foundation TÜRKİYE Karimli Sevinj TAHIR GIZI Azerbaijan University of Languages AZERBAIJAN Konul BABAYEVA Nakhchivan University AZERBAIJAN Rumiya MAMMADOVA Nakhchivan State University AZERBAIJAN TOPIC TITLE PERCEPTION OF RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE SKILL SELF-EFFICACY OF STUDENTS LEARNING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: THE CASE OF ISTANBUL NISANTASI UNIVERSITY EVALUATION OF STUDIES CONDUCTED ON ESP TEXTBOOK EVALUATION AFFECTIVE ECOCRITICISM ECOPHILIA, ECOPHOBIA OR ECO-IRRITATION IN THE RECEPTION OF LALINE PAULL’S NOVELS ANALYSIS OF THE ART OF TELMIH IN GAGAUZ LITERATURE IN SEMANTIC LONGITUDE SAİT FAİK ABASIYANIK’S 'NEIGHBOURHOOD COFFEE” A LINGUISTIC APPROACH TO HIS STORY USING FOLK SONGS IN TEACHING TURKISH TO FOREIGNERS (MAARIF DERS KİTAPLARI A1 VE A2 EXAMPLE) ACQUISITIONS READING SKILLS IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING RELATIONS BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: LINGUISTIC AND LINGUODIDACTIC ASPECTS MUSIC GENRES WITH ROOTS IN ORAL TRADITIONS IN FIKRET AMIROV’S WORK ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-2 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra GÖZÜTOK TAMDOĞAN AUTHORS AFFILIATION TOPIC TITLE Dr. Sabri KIZILTAN Ministry of National Education TÜRKİYE Hande BİLVAR Çukurova University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin KOCA Istanbul Medeniyet University TÜRKİYE JACOBIN ROOTS OF TE MODERN THINK TANKS THE EVOLUTION OF LEOPARD PRINT FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE MODERN AGE IN TEXTILE AND FASHION DESIGN COMPARISON OF THE ODYSSEIA EPIC AND THE NOVEL COUNT DRACULA WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF NIETZSCHE'S CULTURAL THEORY THEORY OF THE FREE VILLAGE COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION AND REUSE OF HISTORICAL WATER TOWERS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE RE-FUNCTIONALIZING HISTORICAL BUILDINGS: THE CASE OF SALUTATION ROOM OF RAMAZANOGLU BEYLIK PALACE A VIEW ON THE CUISINE OF ANDALUSIA, MAGRIB and BAGHDAD THROUGH A COOKBOOK: FEDĀLAT AL-HUVĀN THE EFFECT OF NEIGHBOURHOOD CULTURE ON URBAN CONSCIOUSNESS: THE CASE OF SEYRANİ NEIGHBOURHOOD Sultan GÜRSOY Mersin University TÜRKİYE Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kerem ÖZTÜRK Bilge TUTAR Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University TÜRKİYE Begüm KARAALİ Assist. Prof. Dr. F.Seda ÇARDAK Lect. Eren TÜMER Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology Unıversity TÜRKİYE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra GÖZÜTOK TAMDOĞAN Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University TÜRKİYE Tuğçe AYATA DOĞAN Prof. Dr. İlkay ŞAHİN Erciyes University TÜRKİYE ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-3 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuna TURĞUT AUTHORS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuna TURĞUT Lect. Emre YAMANER Dilay YILDIZ Kıvılcım YILDIZ Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceyda SÖBELİ Prof. Dr. Semra KAYAARDI Kıvılcım YILDIZ Dilay YILDIZ Prof. Dr. Pelin GÜNÇ ERGÖNÜL Prof. Dr. Bülent ERGÖNÜL Senanur BAYRAKDAR Lect. Beyza MENDEŞ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alime SELÇUK TOSUN Elif Nisa KARA Abdallah Tarıq Hasan ALABED Prof. Dr. Tarık ÖZKUL Res. Assist. Büşra DURAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alime SELÇUK TOSUN Prof. Shalva Zarnadze Prof. Irine Zarnadze Prof. Levan Baramidze Ümran SARIKAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuna TURĞUT AFFILIATION TOPIC TITLE Bartın University TÜRKİYE Hitit University TÜRKİYE EXPLORING THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF EXERCISE AS A PREVENTIVE FACTOR FOR CHILDHOOD OBESITY Manisa Celal Bayar University TÜRKİYE FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE IN ENRICHED PROCESSED MEAT PRODUCTS Manisa Celal Bayar University TÜRKİYE Bezmialem Vakıf University TÜRKİYE Selçuk University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University TÜRKİYE KTO Karatay University TÜRKİYE Selçuk University TÜRKİYE CONSUMER ACCEPTENCE, BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (GMF) CURCUMIN AND METABOLIC SYNDROME RELATIONSHIP EVALUATION OF PROBLEMATIC SOCIAL MEDIA USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND ITS EFFECTS ON PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTOR THE IMPORTANCE OF STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AND ITS BENEFITS FOR BRIDGES: POSSIBILITY OF USING LORAWAN SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTION PROGRAMS FOR HEALTHY INTERNET USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS TSMU, Deapartement of Nutrition, Aging Medicine, environmental and occupational health; Tbilisi GEORGIA TSMU, Department of Public Health, Health care Management, Politicy and Economi; Tbilisi, GEORGIA Public healt, Healh care management, policy and economy GEORGIA STUDY-EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STRATEGY IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND MODELING OF ADAPTED PROGRAMS Ankara University TÜRKİYE Bartın University TÜRKİYE EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPORT SCIENCES FACULTY STUDENTS' NATURE RELATEDNESS AND BRAIN FOG ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-4 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Ingrit TIRANA AUTHORS Koemhong Sol Kimkong Heng Sarin Sok Xhiljola Abdihoxha AFFILIATION International Christian University JAPAN Paññāsāstra University CAMBODIA Puthisastra University CAMBODIA Barleti University ALBANIA Merita Hysa Rezearta Murati University of Shkodra ALBANIA Ingrit TIRANA Drita BRAHIMI University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” ALBANIA Olivera PRESI Aleksandër Moisiu University ALBANIA Taire AXUNDOVA Foti Maria Papasimitriou Sofia Karatrantou Anthi Deema DAKAKNI Academy of the State Customs Committee AZERBAIJAN Hellenic Open University GREECE Lebanese American University, BeirutLEBANON TOPIC TITLE USING AI IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: AN EXPLORATION OF CAMBODIAN EFL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES, PERCEPTIONS, AND ATTITUDES THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND TRANSLATION STUDIES HOW DOES LEXICAL STANDARDIZATION AFFECT LANGUAGE PLANNING? UNTRANSLATABLE WORDS, MADE TRASLATABLE UNVEILING INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES IN VIRTUAL CLASSES (A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS IN ALBANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS) STYLISTIC PECULIARITIES OF THE BELLES LETTRES STYLE EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS: CASE STUDIES IN DISTANCE SCHOOL EDUCATION THE COVID CULTURE: ACADEMIC MEDIOCRITY, DIGITALIZATION AND AI ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-5 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Giovanna Caneo AUTHORS Prof. Ass. Endirë Bushati Elda Bagaviki AFFILIATION University of Tirana ALBANIA Nguyen Du Yen Thu Dau Mot University VIETNAM Giovanna Caneo Catholic University BRAZIL Prof. Bouchra BELAOUISSI Prof. Chahid SLIMANI Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports MOROCCO Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University MOROCO Tatiana Marisel PIZARRO Universidad Nacional de San Juan ARGENTINA Gereziher Haftu Mehari Mekelle University ETHIOPIA Dr. Fatemeh Rezaipour Shahid Beheshti University IRAN Aiswarya GIREESH Kerala University INDIA TOPIC TITLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ALBANIA BETWEEN LAW AND EU MEMBERSHIP THE PENALTY FOR CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY IN VIETNAM – MAINTAINING, AMENDING OR REMOVAL THEORETICAL POLITICAL CONVERGENCE BETWEEN CRITICAL CRIMINO LOGY AND THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL WORK FROM DEVIANCE TO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN MOROCCO: ON CONSENSUALISM AS A 'THIRD WAY' FOR THE TREATMENT AND HUMANIZATION OF JUVENILE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ELDERS. SOCIO DISCURSIVE REPRESENTATIONS IN THE DEBATE OF THE HISTORICAL REPARATION BILL FOR TRANSVESTITE AND TRANS ELDERLY PEOPLE IN ARGENTINA POST COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL ORDER’S SHIFT TO MULTI-POLARITY AND ITS GLOBAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS SINCE THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR REALIZATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, THE COMMON GOOD OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, FROM ANOTHER OUTLOOK: WITH A VIEW TO TCONSCIOUSNESS THEORY AND SCIENCEFACT TITLES AND PRIVILEGES ENJOYED BY THE NAYAR COMMUNITY IN TRAVANCORE ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-6 / SESSION-2 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 10 30 : 12 30 12 30 : 14 30 HEAD OF SESSION: Dr. Ana-Cristina BÂLGĂR AUTHORS Zakaria BENRAHHOU Abdallah RHIHIL Redouan DAAFI Saadia MAROUANE AFFILIATION TOPIC TITLE Hassan II University MOROCCO URBAN MOBILITY AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Dr. Meenakshi Gupta Isha Kumari Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University INDIA Dr. Ana-Cristina BÂLGĂR Romanian Academy, Institute for World Economy ROMANIA Nuno BAPTISTA Anna BOECHAT Nelson MATOS Nuno BAPTISTA Anna BOECHAT Nelson MATOS Anita NEZIRI Ashraful Amin Amirul Islam Zhang, Ruochen Alexandra Ulya Shirinzade Lusíada University PORTUGAL European University PORTUGAL Lusíada University PORTUGAL European University PORTUGAL University of “Aleksander Moisiu”Durres ALBANIA University of Rajshahi BANGLADESH BASIS International School Nanjing CHINA AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NEXUS OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELL-BEING: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ASIAN ECONOMIES CURRENT CHALLENGES FOR GERMAN INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND THE NEED FOR A NEW APPROACH EXPLORING COOPETITION AS A STRATEGY FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE COMPANIES A SOCIAL CAPITAL APPROACH TO STUDY COOPETITION INVOLVING SMES POSTMODERN LITERATURE AS A CATALYST FOR CULTURAL CRITIQUE: UNVEILING SOCIAL NORMS, IDEOLOGIES, AND POWER STRUCTURES EVALUATION OF THE GEOPOLITICS OF ISRAEL-PALESTINE: THE REPERCUSSIONS AND MAGNITUDE FOR JORDAN, YAMEN AND EGYPT TRENDS OF MALARIA IN 2024 ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-1 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Res. Assist. Öznur ÇINAR AUTHORS Psy. Feyza AKGÜR ÖZTÜRK Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahar AKOĞLU AFFILIATION Nişantaşı University TÜRKİYE Nihan Selin SOYLU-KONAK Mustafa ENGÜR Erdinç DEMIRAY Ege University TÜRKİYE Nihan Selin Soylu-Konak Ege University TÜRKİYE Psych. Öyküm AĞCA Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahar AKOĞLU Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu KOÇAK UYAROĞLU Res. Assist. Esra ÜNAL Zeynep ÖZKAN Prof. Dr. Ulaş Başar GEZGİN Aleyna GÜNERİ Dr. Metin ÇINAROĞLU Nişantaşı University TÜRKİYE Selçuk University TÜRKİYE KTO Karatay University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Galata University TÜRKİYE Nişantaşı University TÜRKİYE Res. Assist. Öznur ÇINAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel YILDIZ Bayburt University TÜRKİYE Gümüşhane University TÜRKİYE Res. Assist. Öznur ÇINAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel YILDIZ Bayburt University TÜRKİYE Gümüşhane University TÜRKİYE TOPIC TITLE EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S USE OF SCREEN-BASED TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS AND EMOTION REGULATION SKILLS IN CHILDREN EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, STRESS AND ONLINE GAMING IN TURKISH SAMPLE THE EFFECTS OF GENDER STEREOTYPES ON ACTIVATION OF SPONTANEOUS TRAIT INFERENCES AND THE MODERATING ROLE OF AMBIVALENT SEXISM THE MEDIATING ROLE OF INTERPERSONAL COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED PARENTING ATTITUDE AND ADULT SEPARATION ANXIETY IN ADULTS DANCE AND MOVEMENT THERAPY IN PSYCHIATRIC NURSING EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENCE EFFICACY OF COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY IN ALLEVIATING PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF MUSCLE DYSMORPHIA PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN DISASTER MONITORING INTEREST OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE CONCEPTS OF DISASTER BAG AND EARTHQUAKE BAG ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-2 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Niyazi ÖZKER AUTHORS Beyza ÖZYURT Assist. Prof. Dr. Şaban Onur VİGA Prof. Dr. Ahmet Niyazi ÖZKER Turgut YOKUŞ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem KESKİN Dr. Özden ŞENTÜRK Ramazan DOĞAN Assist. Prof. Dr. Şaban Onur VİGA Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Meral ÇAKICI Sebuhi ABBASOV Tamara AGARZAYEVA Adil QURBANOV AFFILIATION Istanbul Esenyurt University TÜRKİYE Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University TÜRKİYE Selçuk University TÜRKİYE Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University TÜRKİYE Istanbul University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Esenyurt University TÜRKİYE Piri Reis University TÜRKİYE Azerbaijan State University of Economics AZERBAIJA Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AZERBAIJAN TOPIC TITLE IS CRYPTOCURRENCY AN ALTERNATIVE TO CAPITAL MARKET INSTRUMENTS? RECENT CHANGES IN THE EMPLOYMENT MARKET AND EMPLOYMENT DEMOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS IN TURKEY OIL PRICES-INFLATION RELATIONSHIP FIRST EXAMPLES OF HERD BEHAVIOR IN THE NETHERLANDS AND LONDON STOCK EXCHANGES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TRANSFORMING PUBLIC SERVICES AND GOVERNANCE BASEL CRITERIA AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE TURKISH BANKING SECTOR FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND MACROECONOMIC VOLATILITY EXISTING PROBLEMS IN THE ANTIINFLATION PROCESS AND METHODS TO ELIMINATE THESE PROBLEMS CROWDFUNDING AND FINANCIAL REGULATION ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-3 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Aysel Hasanova NOVRUZ GIZI AUTHORS Bulbul ABBASOVA Aysel Hasanova NOVRUZ GIZI AFFILIATION Nakhchivan University AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijan Institute of Theology AZERBAIJAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer AKER Melek İLHAN Selçuk University TÜRKİYE Lect. Ecem TANERİ Doğuş University TÜRKİYE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer AKER Mürüvvet BİLGİN DİLSİZ Selçuk University TÜRKİYE Dilara ASGAROVA Nakchivan University AZERBAIJAN Ayşe DUMAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Sami BAYRAKTAR Ondokuz Mayıs University TÜRKİYE Muhammed ÜNAL Muhammed Fatih KÜÇÜKKARA Bitlis Eren University TÜRKİYE Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University TÜRKİYE TOPIC TITLE FUNCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF CULTURONYMS IN THE CONTEXT OF POLITICAL MEDIA DISCOURSE FEATURES OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING MEDIA LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE: BIOMETRIC PATTERNS IN GRADUATE THESES THE BARNUM EFFECT IN ASTROLOGICAL READINGS IN THE MEDIA COMMERCIAL CHILD USE AND PERCEPTION OF IDEAL PARENTING: A NETNOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON INSTAMOMS DIFFERENT CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE TRADITIONAL TOKAT PRAYER RUGS IN THE YASEMİN ERTEN MANUSCRIPT PRINT COLLECTION ANALYSIS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ON ECOLOGY IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-4 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Moses Adeolu AGOI AUTHORS AFFILIATION Assist. Prof. Ouarodima MAINA Abdou Moumouni University NIGER Neera JAIN Management Development Institute Gurgaon INDIA Moses Adeolu AGOI Oluwakemi Racheal OSHINOWO Olasunkanmi Julius OLATUNDE Oluwaseun Adetutu SANGOTUMO Lagos State University of Education NIGERIA Dr. Mirësi Çela Dr. Alda Gaspari Dr. Marsida Morina Elbasan University ALBANIA Eneida ZALLI Aleksander Moisiu University ALBANIA Kiriaki Korina SFAKIOTAKI Prof. Antonis LIONARAKIS Assist. Prof. Dr. Atieq Ul Rehman Dr. Tahir Qureshi Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alen BISKUPOVIĆ Hemid Elnur ELIYEV Hellenic Open University GREECE Maulana Azad National Urdu University INDIA Jawahar Lal Nehru University INDIA University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek CROATIA Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports AZERBAIJAN TOPIC TITLE UNDERSTANDING SILENCE THROUGH WOMEN CAUGHT IN A PATRIARCHAL YOKE: A READING OF LOLA SHONEYIN’S THE SECRET LIVES OF BABA SEGI’S WIVES BARRIERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS IN TECH INDUSTRY: WOMEN’S JOURNEY TO THE BOARDROOMS A MIXED SURVEY ON THE LATENCY AND USE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN LEARNING FIELDS AND THE IMPACT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AWARENESS: A SURVEY AMONG STUDENTS IN AN ALBANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION COMPLICATED GRIEF AND ITS TREATMENT: UNDERSTANDING, ASSESSING, AND TREATING INTENSE MOURNING FOR EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS DISTANCE EDUCATION 'EMBRACES' CONVENTIONAL EDUCATION BY INFLUENCING ITS PROCESSES EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLENDED LEARNING APPROACH AND STUDENT SATISFACTION ANDRO MORIĆ’S THEATRE CRITIQUES PUBLISHED IN NARODNA OBRANA THE PURPOSE OF TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-5 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Prof. Dr. Mine DEMİRTAŞ AUTHORS Seyhan SARITAŞ AKYOL Esra SÖZER BOZ Prof. Dr. Mine DEMİRTAŞ Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihriban AKYOL AKIN Nevzer Sebla YAVAŞ Hasan AKYOL İlhan Sedat ÇEBİ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin ÖZKENT C. Orkun ARK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdal ŞEN R.A. Alihan PASİN AFFILIATION Uşak University TÜRKİYE Bartın University TÜRKİYE İstanbul Beykent University TÜRKİYE Manisa Celal Bayar University TÜRKİYE Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University TÜRKİYE Selçuk University TÜRKİYE Fenerbahçe University TÜRKİYE TOPIC TITLE THE MODERATING ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION IN THE RELATIONSHIP OF DEPRESSION AND INTOLERANCE OF UNCERTAINTY EXPLORING THE INTERSECTION OF COMMUNICATION AND LAW AMIDST SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM: EVOLVING DYNAMICS AND ONGOING DEBATES THRONE STRUGGLES CENTERED IN ANKARA AMONG THE TURKISH SELJUKS THE FORMATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF UNION AND PROGRESS AND ITS ROLE UNTIL THE FIRST WORLD WAR A REVIEW OF THE SQUID GAME THROUGH LACAN’S DESIRE THEORY THE EFFECTS OF REMOTE WORKINK ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 18.02.2024 / HALL-6 / SESSION-3 PARIS LOCAL TIME ANKARA LOCAL TIME 13 00 : 15 00 15 00 : 17 00 HEAD OF SESSION: Zohaib Hassan Sain AUTHORS AFFILIATION Zohaib Hassan Sain Superior University PAKISTAN Zohaib Hassan Sain Superior University PAKISTAN S.Showbharnikhaa M.K Vijayalakshmi Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research INDIA Naoual Mamdouh Wafa Affaghrou Hassan 1 University MOROCCO Ibn Zohr University MOROCCO Imade Choulli Mustapha Elyaqouti El hanafi Arjdal Dris Ben hmamou Driss Saadaoui Souad Lidaighbi Abdelfattah Elhammoudy Ismail Abazine Yassine El aidi idrissi Dr. Rosy Dhall Mikul Simran Sikka Adil BENABOU Fatima TOUHAMI Lamiae DEMRAOUI Dr. Raf Raf Shakil Ansari Qurat-ul-aen Malik Ibn Zohr University MOROCCO Gandhinagar University INDIA Maharshi Dayanand University INDIA Sultan Moulay Slimane University MOROCCO Sharda University INDIA TOPIC TITLE NAVIGATING EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES IN PAKISTAN: UNRAVELING ISSUES AND PROPOSING REMEDIES INTEGRATING HYBRID LEARNING APPROACHES FOR ENHANCED PEDAGOGY IN PAKISTANI HIGHER EDUCATION SETTINGS ELEVATING PUBLIC HEALTH: THE INTEGRAL ROLE OF PHARMACISTS IN PATIENT-CENTRIC CARE WHAT CONTRIBUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY? OPTIMIZATION OF SINGLE DIODE MODEL FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS: AN ANALYTICAL/METAHEURISTIC APPROACH EVALUATING EDUCATOR COMPETENCY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: INSIGHTS FROM THE 2020 NEW EDUCATION POLICY OPTIMIZING HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION USING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONS FARAH BASHIR’S RUMORS OF SPRING: A MEMOIR OF FEAR, VIOLENCE AND TRAUMA IN KASHMIR CONTENTS AUTHOR Alen Biskupović Cumhur GÜNGÖR Emine AKKAŞ BAYSAL Cumhur GÜNGÖR Emine AKKAŞ BAYSAL Birsel AYBEK Osman OĞUZ Alime SELÇUK TOSUN Elif Nisa KARA Gabriela Ivanovska Lamara Kadagidze Meltem KESKİN Neera Jain Zeynep Sernur Başpınar Ender Durualp Bouchra BELAOUISSI Chahid SLIMANI Öznur ÇINAR Emel YILDIZ Öznur ÇINAR Emel YILDIZ Büşra Duran Alime Selçuk Tosun Thi Bich Tram NGUYEN Trong Nhan NGUYEN AGUESSY Anne Nathalie Jouvencia Agossi TITLE ANDRO MORIĆ’S THEATRE CRITIQUES PUBLISHED IN NARODNA OBRANA EFFECTS OF GAME-BASED LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CHILD LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: AN EXAMINATION OF MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS EVALUATION OF 3RD GRADE LIFE SCIENCE COURSE “SAFE LIFE” UNIT IN TERMS OF CRITICAL THINKING STANDARDS EVALUATION OF PROBLEMATIC SOCIAL MEDIA USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND ITS EFFECTS ON PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTO AFFECTIVE ECOCRITICISM ECOPHILIA, ECOPHOBIA OR ECO-IRRITATION IN THE RECEPTION OF LALINE PAULL’S NOVELS CULTURAL DYNAMICS IN GEORGIAN PRIVATE UNVERSITIES: EXPLORING COMMUNICATION AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FIRST EXAMPLES OF HERD BEHAVIOR IN THE NETHERLANDS AND LONDON STOCK EXCHANGES BARRIERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS IN TECH INDUSTRY: WOMEN’S JOURNEY TO THE BOARDROOMS THE ROLE OF CARTOONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN “PARENT, CHILD AND TEACHER VIEWS”: A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH FROM DEVIANCE TO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN MOROCCO: ON CONSENSUALISM AS A 'THIRD WAY' FOR THE TREATMENT AND HUMANIZATION OF JUVENILE CRIMINAL JUSTICE MONITORING INTEREST OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE CONCEPTS OF DISASTER BAG AND EARTHQUAKE BAG PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN DISASTER SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTION PROGRAMS FOR HEALTHY INTERNET USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS CHANGES IN SEX RATIO AT BIRTH IN VINH LONG PROVINCE, VIETNAM AFTERMATH OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: THE INFLUENCE OF CHURCHES IN TH EMPOWERMENT AND INTEGRATION OF FREEDMEN No 1 12 20 31 42 48 58 76 89 99 116 112 131 140 146 153 Ingrit Tirana Drita Brahimi Tuna TURĞUT Emre YAMANER Ditjona KULE Adela CAFULI Arzu KOÇAK UYAROĞLU Esra ÜNAL Oğuz KILINÇ Duygu ÖZTÜRK Ecem Taneri Dana-Claudia COJOCARU Mihaela ONOFREI Bogdan Narcis FÎRȚESCU Eneida Zalli Seyhan SARITAŞ AKYOL Esra SÖZER BOZ Hafize Fındık Ender Durualp Xhiljola Abdihoxha Kiriaki Korina Sfakiotaki Antonis Lionarakis Rezearta Murati Merita Hysa Pjetër Ndreca Llesh Lleshaj Sebuhi ABBASOV Hina Zahoor UNTRANSLATABLE WORDS, MADE TRASLATABLE EXPLORING THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF EXERCISE AS A PREVENTIVE FACTOR FOR CHILDHOOD OBESITY IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES IN THE TOURISM SECTOR: A GREEN APPROACH TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND RESPONSIBLE TOURISM MANAGEMENT DANCE AND MOVEMENT THERAPY IN PSYCHIATRIC NURSING USING FOLK SONGS IN TEACHING TURKISH TO FOREIGNERS (MAARIF DERS KİTAPLARI A1 VE A2 EXAMPLE) AN ANALYSIS OF WOMEN’S POLICIES OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN TURKEY THROUGH THEIR PARTY PROGRAMS THE BARNUM EFFECT IN ASTROLOGICAL READINGS IN THE MEDIA EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE COMPLICATED GRIEF AND ITS TREATMENT: UNDERSTANDING, ASSESSING, AND TREATING INTENSE MOURNING FOR EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS THE MODERATING ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION IN THE RELATIONSHIP OF DEPRESSION AND INTOLERANCE OF UNCERTAINTY EXAMINATION OF CHILD CHARACTERSIN IN CARTOONS IN TERMS OF PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS: RAFADAN TAYFA EXAMPLE THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND TRANSLATION STUDIES DISTANCE EDUCATION "EMBRACES" CONVENTIONAL EDUCATION, INFLUENCING ITS PROCESSES HOW DOES LEXICAL STANDARDIZATION AFFECT LANGUAGE PLANNING? PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES IN ONLINE LEARNING EXISTING PROBLEMS IN THE ANTI-INFLATION PROCESS AND METHODS TO ELIMINATE THESE PROBLEMS EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES ON AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT AMONG HEALTHCARE MANAGERS: INVESTIGATING THE INTERMEDIARY ROLE OF JOB AUTONOMY FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRY PERSPECTIVE 169 182 191 204 211 220 230 239 261 280 288 304 315 326 334 348 356 Anita NEZIRI Irina-Ana DROBOT Edvina POLAJ Edmond KADİU Kıvılcım YILDIZ Dilay YILDIZ Pelin GÜNÇ ERGÖNÜL Bülent ERGÖNÜL Nihan Selin Soylu-Konak Mustafa Engür Erdinç Demiray Nihan Selin Soylu-Konak Leyla DİLEK Gamze KARA Emel YILDIZ Gülşah DİNÇER Hajizade Huzura Tapdig Inci Imanova Gulara Rahimova Inci Imanova Gulara Rahimova İ. Aytaç KADIOĞLU Çağatay SÜKAN Gönen İlkar DÜNDAR Rahile GÜRAN GÖVEN Nguyen Du Yen Turgut YOKUŞ Foti Maria Papadimitriou Sofia Karatrantou Anthi Koemhong Sol Kimkong Heng Sarin Sok POSTMODERN LITERATURE AS A CATALYST FOR CULTURAL CRITIQUE: UNVEILING SOCIAL NORMS, IDEOLOGIES, AND POWER STRUCTURES THE ATTRACTION OF THE SEA IN GRAHAM SWIFT’S WORKS THE ROLE OF BRANDED PRODUCTS WITH A LOCAL INDICATOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM: MUTUAL BENEFITS AND AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCES CONSUMERS’ ACCEPTENCE, BEHAVIOURS AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (GMF) EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, STRESS AND ONLINE GAMING IN TURKISH SAMPLE THE EFFECTS OF GENDER STEREOTYPES ON ACTIVATION OF SPONTANEOUS TRAIT INFERENCES AND THE MODERATING ROLE OF AMBIVALENT SEXISM ANALYSIS OF THE ART OF TELMİH IN GAGAUZ LITERATURE IN SEMANTIC LONGITUDE EVALUATION OF STUDIES CONDUCTED ON ESP TEXTBOOK EVALUATION THE EFFECT OF BRAND EXPERINCE AND RELATIONSHIP QUALTY ON BRAND RESONANCE, THE MEDIATING ROLE OF BRAND ATTITUDE FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION IN THE TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY A STUDY OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMPUTER CRIMINALS RESEARCH AREAS OF MODERN CYBERPSYCHOLOGY FOREIGN INTERVENTION IN CIVIL WARS: FACILITATING OR WORSENING THE VIOLENT CONFLICTS THE ROLE OF CONFLICT IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONAL LABOR: A RESEARCH ON PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ISTANBUL THE PENALTY FOR CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY IN VIETNAM – MAINTAINING, AMENDING OR REMOVAL OIL PRICES-INFLATION RELATIONSHIP 369 376 384 395 407 415 422 434 444 453 459 467 476 486 502 512 EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS: CASE STUDIES IN DISTANCE SCHOOL EDUCATION 520 USING AI IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: AN EXPLORATION OF CAMBODIAN EFL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES, PERCEPTIONS, AND ATTITUDES 535 Rosy Dhall Mikul Simran Sikka Ana-Cristina BÂLGĂR Giovanna Caneo Mirësi Çela Alda Gaspari Marsida Morina Master Yuan Xiao Vyacheslav Prylyuk Hanane RAHMOUNI Hanane RAHMOUNI Zakaria BENRAHHOU Abdallah RHIHIL Redouan DAAFI Saadia MAROUANE Moses Adeolu AGOI Oluwakemi Racheal OSHINOWO Olasunkanmi Julius OLATUNDE Oluwaseun Adetutu SANGOTUMO İsmail IŞIKTAŞ Zohaib Hassan Sain Zohaib Hassan Sain Nuno BAPTISTA Anna BOECHAT Nelson MATOS Feyza AKGÜR ÖZTÜRK Bahar AKOĞLU C. Orkun ARK Erdal ŞEN R.A. Alihan PASİN EVALUATING EDUCATOR COMPETENCY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: INSIGHTS FROM THE 2020 NEW EDUCATION POLICY CURRENT CHALLENGES FOR GERMAN INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND THE NEED FOR A NEW APPROACH THEORETICAL POLITICAL CONVERGENCE BETWEEN CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY AND THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL WORK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AWARENESS: A SURVEY AMONG STUDENTS IN AN ALBANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION CROSS-CULTURAL PECULIARITIES IN INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES – A VIEW FROM CHINA THE ROLE OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF AN INVESTMENT AT UNIVERSITY LE RÔLE DE PASSATION DES MARCHÉS PUBLICS SUR LA GESTION D’UN İNVESTISSEMENT À L’UNIVERSITÉ 536 537 538 539 541 543 544 URBAN MOBILITY AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 545 A MIXED SURVEY ON THE LATENCY AND USE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN LEARNING FIELDS AND THE IMPACT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 547 SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS: ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) AND IMPACT ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES NAVIGATING EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES IN PAKISTAN: UNRAVELING ISSUES AND PROPOING REMEDIES INTEGRATNG HYBRID LEARNING APPROACHES FOR ENHANCED PEDAGOGY IN PAKISTANI HIGHER EDUCATION SETTINGS A SOCIAL CAPITAL APPROACH TO STUDY COOPETITION INVOLVING SMES EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S USE OF SCREEN-BASED TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS AND EMOTION REGULATION SKILLS IN CHILDREN THE EFFECTS OF REMOTE WORKINK ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE 548 550 551 552 553 555 Aysel Hasanova Novruz gizi Hasan AKYOL Sabri KIZILTAN Bulbul Abbasova Adil BENABOU Fatima TOUHAMI Lamiae DEMRAOUI Naoual Mamdouh Wafa.affagrou Dilara ASGAROVA S.Showbharnikhaa M.K Vijayalakshmi Nuno BAPTISTA Anna BOECHAT Nelson Matos Raf Raf Shakil Ansari Qurat-ul-aen Malik candidate Hemid Elnur ELIYEV ATIEQ UL REHMAN TAHİR QURESHİ Ashraful Amin Amirul Islam Hande BİLVAR Meenakshi Gupta Isha Kumari Rezana Konomi Dorina Gjipali Canan TERCAN Kübra KAYA ÜLKER Muhammed ÜNAL Muhammed Fatih KÜÇÜKKARA FEATURES OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING THRONE STRUGGLES CENTERED IN ANKARA AMONG THE TURKISH SELJUKS JACOBIN ROOTS OF TE MODERN THINK TANKS FUNCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF CULTURONYMS IN THE CONTEXT OF POLITICAL MEDIA DISCOURSE OPTIMIZING HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION USING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONS WHAT CONTRIBUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY? DIFFERENT CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE ELEVATING PUBLIC HEALTH: THE INTEGRAL ROLE OF PHARMACISTS IN PATIENT-CENTRIC CARE EXPLORING COOPETITION AS A STRATEGY FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE COMPANIES FARAH BASHIR’S RUMORS OF SPRING: A MEMOIR OF FEAR, VIOLENCE AND TRAUMA IN KASHMIR THE PURPOSE OF TEACING PHYSICAL EDUCATION EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLENDED LEARNING APPROACH AND STUDENT SATISFACTION EVALUATION OF THE GEOPOLITICS OF ISRAELPALESTINE: THE REPERCUSSIONS AND MAGNITUDE FOR JORDAN, YAMEN AND EGYPT THE EVOLUTION OF LEOPARD PRINT FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE MODERN AGE IN TEXTILE AND FASHION DESIGN AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NEXUS OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELL-BEING: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ASIAN ECONOMIES CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL DATA AND ECHR PRACTICE SPAIN FAR RIGHT VOX PARTY: ANTI-FOREIGN IMMIGRATION; WOMEN'S RIGHTS-GENDER; ISLAM- CHRISTIANITY SAİT FAİK ABASIYANIK’S "NEIGHBOURHOOD COFFEE” A LINGUISTIC APPROACH TO HIS STORY ANALYSIS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ON ECOLOGY IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 556 558 560 562 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 575 577 578 580 582 Dr. Oljana HOXHAJ THE CHALLENGES OF CIVIL SOCIETY BETWEEN POLITICAL INFLUENCE AND ALBANIA'S ASPIRATION TOWARDS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION 584 Imade Choulli Mustapha Elyaqouti El hanafi Arjdal Dris Ben hmamou Driss Saadaoui Souad Lidaighbi Abdelfattah Elhammoudy Ismail Abazine Yassine El aidi idrissi OPTIMIZATION OF SINGLE DIODE MODEL FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS: AN ANALYTICAL/METAHEURISTIC APPROACH 585 Zehra GÖZÜTOK TAMDOĞAN Senem GÜRKAN Agnese Ibrahimi Qendrese Ibrahimi Senanur BAYRAKDAR Beyza MENDEŞ Aleyna GÜNERİ Metin ÇINAROĞLU İlhan Sedat ÇEBİ Tatiana Marisel PIZARRO Özden ŞENTÜRK Engin KOCA Sultan GÜRSOY Melike GÜN Mehmet Emin USTA Ümit DOĞAN Merve SUROĞLU SOFU Rabia DEMİRKOL A VIEW ON THE CUISINE OF ANDALUSIA, MAGRIB and BAGHDAD THROUGH A COOKBOOK: FEDĀLAT AL-HUVĀN DISCUSSING THE PROBLEMS OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN TÜRKİYE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VIA CURRENT GENDER LITERATURE SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION CATALYSTS: INSIGHTS FROM EU BAROMETER AND THE IMPERAIVE OF HIGH-QUALITY INSTITUTIONS INNOVATIVE HORIZONS: UNRAVELING THE IMPACT OF DECISION-MAKING STYLES ON MANAGERS' WORK BEHAVIOR CURCUMIN AND METABOLIC SYNDROME RELATIONSHIP EFFICACY OF COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY IN ALLEVIATING PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF MUSCLE DYSMORPHIA THE FORMATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF UNION AND PROGRESS AND ITS ROLE UNTIL THE FIRST WORLD WAR ELDERS. SOCIO DISCURSIVE REPRESENTATIONS IN THE DEBATE OF THE HISTORICAL REPARATION BILL FOR TRANSVESTITE AND TRANS ELDERLY PEOPLE IN ARGENTINA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TRANSFORMING PUBLIC SERVICES AND GOVERNANCE COMPARISON OF THE ODYSSEIA EPIC AND THE NOVEL COUNT DRACULA WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF NIETZSCHE'S CULTURAL THEORY THEORY OF THE FREE VILLAGE COMMUNITY 586 588 590 591 592 594 596 598 600 601 603 WHAT ARE THE REASONS OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIORS OF TEACHERS? 605 PERCEPTION OF RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE SKILL SELF-EFFICACY OF STUDENTS LEARNING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: THE CASE OF İSTANBUL NİŞANTAŞI UNIVERSITY 607 Deema Dakakni Öyküm AĞCA Bahar AKOĞLU Gereziher Haftu Mehari Begüm KARAALİ F.Seda ÇARDAK Eren TÜMER Karimli Sevinj Tahir gizi Hazal Aybala Bekar Shalva Zarnadze Irine Zarnadze Levan Baramidze Şeyda İRDEM Alperen ALBAYRAK Taire Axundova Konul Babayeva Manaswi Fatemeh Rezaipour Fatma TEKİN Mustafa GÜÇLÜ Mustafa GÜÇLÜ Hasan Selçuk ETİ Nazlı Çağıl KÜÇÜKGÖKSEL Kübra YAZİCİ Tuba ALBAYRAK Candidate Olivera PRESI Ramazan DOĞAN Şaban Onur VİGA THE COVID CULTURE: ACADEMIC MEDIOCRITY, DIGITALIZATION AND AI THE MEDIATING ROLE OF INTERPERSONAL COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED PARENTING ATTITUDE AND ADULT SEPARATION ANXIETY IN ADULTS POST COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL ORDER’S SHIFT TO MULTI-POLARITY AND ITS GLOBAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS SINCE THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR RE-FUNCTIONALIZING HISTORICAL BUILDINGS: THE CASE OF SALUTATION ROOM OF RAMAZANOGLU BEYLIK PALACE ACQUISITIONS READING SKILLS IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING THE PROBLEM OF SIMPLIFYING AND CONCEPTUALIZING DAILY LIFE FROM A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE STUDY-EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STRATEGY IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND MODELING OF ADAPTED PROGRAMS A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON HUBRISTIC LEADERSHIP PERCEPTIONS OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATORS STYLISTIC PECULIARITIES OF THE BELLES LETTRES STYLE RELATIONS BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: LINGUISTIC AND LINGUODIDACTIC ASPECTS WITCH-HUNTING OR WOMEN HUNTING: ANALYSING THE SOCIO-LEGAL REVERBERATIONS OF AN AGE-OLD PRACTISE IN JHARKHAND REALIZATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, THE COMMON GOOD OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, FROM ANOTHER OUTLOOK: WITH A VIEW TO T-CONSCIOUSNESS THEORY AND SCIENCEFACT A GENERAL EVALUATION ON TEACHER READINESS AND 21ST CENTURY TEACHER COMPETENCIES AN EVALUATION ON CURRICULUM LITERACY AND TEACHER CHARACTERISTICS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MARKETING APPROACH TO RURAL TOURISM FROM LANDSCAPE PERSPECTIVE UNVEILING INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCIES IN VIRTUAL CLASSES BASEL CRITERIA AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE TURKISH BANKING SECTOR 609 610 612 613 615 616 618 619 621 623 624 625 626 631 636 664 673 683 Gjokë ULDEDAJ Edlir ORHANI Gjokë ULDEDAJ Beyza ÖZYURT Şaban Onur VİGA Adelina-Andreea Siriteanu Sorin Gabriel Anton Yasemin ÖZKENT Hacer AKER Mürüvvet BİLGİN DİLSİZ Ümran SARIKAN Tuna TURĞUT Hacer AKER Melek İLHAN Mine DEMİRTAŞ Mihriban AKYOL AKIN Nevzer Sebla YAVAŞ Rumiyə Məmmədova S. Meral ÇAKICI Zeynep Kerem ÖZTÜRK Bilge TUTAR Perez Gamon Carolina Margarita Zeynep OZKAN Ulas Basar GEZGIN Abdallah Tarıq Hasan ALABED Tarık ÖZKUL Ledia Sula Master Songjiayan Vyacheslav Prylyuk PROMOTION OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN ALBANIA THROUGH AN EFFICIENT MARKETING STRATEGY AND IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY THE OVERVALUATION OF THE ALBANIAN CURRENCY AND THE NEGATIVE IMPACT ON EXPORTS AND OTHER ECONOMIC INDICATORS IS CRYPTOCURRENCY AN ALTERNATIVE TO CAPITAL MARKET INSTRUMENTS? THE DYNAMIC IMPACT OF EU MEMBER COUNTRIES POLICIES ON DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCKS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT A REVIEW OF THE SQUID GAME THROUGH LACAN’S DESIRE THEORY COMMERCIAL CHILD USE AND PERCEPTION OF IDEAL PARENTING: A NETNOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON INSTAMOMS EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPORT SCIENCES FACULTY STUDENTS' NATURE RELATEDNESS AND BRAIN FOG MEDIA LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE: BIBLIOMETRIC PATTERNS IN GRADUATE THESES EXPLORING THE INTERSECTION OF COMMUNICATION AND LAW AMIDST SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM: EVOLVING DYNAMICS AND ONGOING DEBATES MUSIC GENRES WITH ROOTS IN ORAL TRADITIONS IN FIKRET AMIROV’S WORK FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND MACROECONOMIC VOLATILITY TRANSFORMATION AND REUSE OF HISTORICAL WATER TOWERS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN LATIN AMERICA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A PROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENCE THE IMPORTANCE OF STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AND ITS BENEFITS FOR BRIDGES: POSSIBILITY OF USING LORAWAN THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF INNOVATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPISES. THE CASE OF ALBANIA TO CHINA OR UKRAINE: WHERE TO PLACE BUSINESSES OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANY? A TAX PLANNING COMPARATIVE APPROACH 698 711 723 733 749 755 771 779 792 803 814 822 850 855 863 875 887 Ouarodima Maina Rahile GÜRAN GÖVEN Çağatay SÜKAN Gönen İlkar DÜNDAR Ayşe DUMAN M. Sami BAYRAKTAR Dilay YILDIZ Kıvılcım YILDIZ Ceyda SÖBELİ Semra KAYAARDI Kübra YAZİCİ Tuba ALBAYRAK Etleva Dobjani Vera Bushati Valbona Cinaj Artur Ribaj Endirë Bushati Elda Bagaviki Phastraporn Salaisook Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy Pham Anh Dung Dinh Tran Ngoc Hien Pham Hung Nhan Tamara AGARZAYEVA Adil QURBANOV Zhang, Ruochen Alexandra Ulya Shirinzade AISWARYA GIREESH Ahmet Niyazi ÖZKER Tuğçe AYATA DOĞAN İlkay ŞAHİN Senem GÜRKAN Mudasir Ali Rind Pirali Aliyev UNDERSTANDING SILENCE THROUGH WOMEN CAUGHT IN A PATRIARCHAL YOKE: A READING OF LOLA SHONEYIN’S THE SECRET LIVES OF BABA SEGI’S WIVES A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TALENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND THE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND OF THE TEACHERS WORKING THERE TRADITIONAL TOKAT PRAYER RUGS IN THE YASEMİN ERTEN MANUSCRIPT PRINT COLLECTION FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE IN ENRICHED PROCESSED MEAT PRODUCTS EVALUATION OF SORGUN /YOZGAT (TÜRKİYE) AND ITS SURROUNDINGS IN TERMS OF RURAL TOURISM EXPLORING CULTURAL NARRATIVES: ARCHITECTURAL MARVELS IN ALBANIA AND BEYOND THROUGH THE LENS OF ALBERT KAHN'S PHOTOGRAPHS ADAPTATION OF SME-S IN THE FACE OF COVIDI19, ALBANIAN REALITY REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ALBANIA BETWEEN LAW AND EU MEMBERSHIP 910 919 937 963 973 986 1004 1019 DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT (SLM) PRACTICES WITH A CASE IN THAILAND AND FARMERS PRODUCTIVITY 1029 CROWDFUNDING AND FINANCIAL REGULATION 1041 TRENDS OF MALARIA IN 2024 1050 TITLES AND PRIVILEGES ENJOYED BY THE NAYAR COMMUNITY IN TRAVANCORE RECENT CHANGES IN THE EMPLOYMENT MARKET AND EMPLOYMENT DEMOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS IN TURKEY THE EFFECT OF NEIGHBOURHOOD CULTURE ON URBAN CONSCIOUSNESS: THE CASE OF SEYRANİ NEIGHBOURHOOD ANALYSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTITUDES TOWARDS FEMALE MANAGERS AND AMBIVALENT SEXISM IN THE SAMPLE OF ACADEMICS DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS 1056 1064 1075 1079 1093 ANDRO MORIĆ’S THEATRE CRITIQUES PUBLISHED IN NARODNA OBRANA Associate Professor Alen Biskupović, PhD Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek ABSTRACT To quote Andreas Huyssen, if we are going to understand memory as a personal and collective reality, we must understand that the past is not simply set in memory. Rather, it needs to be articulated in order to become memory. In spite of ample research and papers authored by prominent scientists who have studied the theatre in Osijek with dedication, an almost complete absence of reception and valuation of Osijek-based theatre criticism in the early and mid-1900s remains evident to this day. To address this gap, this paper seeks to present the work of Andro Morić, one of the first theatre critics writing for Osijek-based Narodna obrana, in the field of drama criticism in the period 1907-1908 through the analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of newspaper articles available in the newspaper archive maintained by the Museum of Slavonia and Baranja. Andro Morić’s work coincided with the establishment of the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek and served the purposes of communicating information, as well as promoting and advertising the theatre. In his hybrid critical report form, Morić paved the way in daily papers for independent theatre criticism that would follow as early as in 1908. His most vocal opinions about the theatre and its audience (the issues of the Osijek audience’s fondness of burlesques and operettas, the appropriateness of the repertoire, ...) and the speech and voice elements in his assessment of the actors’ performances will become an intrinsic part of the critiques authored by all future Osijek-based theatre critics. Tolerance of other nations’ cultures, another intrinsic element of Andro Morić’s theatre criticism, will persist in theatre critiques until 1945, the final point of the time period spanned by this paper. Keywords: Narodna obrana, Osijek-based papers, drama theatre criticism, National Theatre in Osijek, 1907-1908 Introduction To quote Andreas Huyssen, if we are going to understand memory as a personal and collective reality, we must understand that the past is not simply set in memory. Rather, it needs to be articulated in order to become memory. “Remembrance shapes our links to the past, and the ways we remember define us in the present. As individuals and societies, we need the past to construct and anchor our traditions, form our present identities, and create a vision of the future” (Huyssen, 1995, p. 249). Formation of collective and national identity is essential for all countries, which makes understanding the past essential as well. The use of history as a way to present the past has been helpful in this regard. Governments, for instance, use monuments, memorial services, remembrances and so on to create the collective memory. 1 Similarly, scientists must create their own memorial services, monuments and remembrances to better understand the past, create an identity and a vision of the future, and allow for future reinterpretation/revaluation of the objects of their valuation. However, in Croatian theatre studies, the opposite is happening with respect to theatre criticism, and the situation in international theatre studies is not much better (Nikčević, 2011). Firstly, the deficit of basic reference works about the theatre criticism genre is illogical, especially given the large number of critiques, critique compilations, theatre critique collections, and articles dealing with theatre criticism that were published from the mid-19th century, when the first Croatian theatre critique was made public. The first Croatian critique was authored by Dimitrije Demeter on 13 June 1840. A simple calculation suggests that more than 250,000 critiques must have been written between then and now. More than 60 collections of theatre critiques by individual critics have been published in the meantime, along with an abundance of articles about theatre criticism in daily, weekly or monthly papers (Nikčević, 2021). Secondly, there are indeed two overviews of Croatian literary criticism: O našoj dramskoj kazališnoj kritici (On Croatian Drama Theatre Criticism) by Šime Vučetić, published in the first edition of Hrvatsko kolo in 1949, and Hrvatska kazališna kritika (Croatian Theatre Criticism) by Nikola Batušić, published by Matica hrvatska in 1971, along with one anthology, Antologija hrvatske kazališne kritike (Anthology of Croatian Theatre Criticism) by Šimun Jurišić, published by the Split-based company Logos in 2010. As fundamental as they have been for the study of Croatian theatre criticism, and as useful their efforts have been for confirming the identity of the genre and the importance of theatre criticism, these works had a markedly negative impact on the status of theatre criticism, which persists to this day. Vučetić, writing from the viewpoint of the Marxist and communist ideology, recognised only a handful of critics as worthy (Šenoa, Miletić, Matoš and Krleža), politically discrediting everyone else (the entire civil criticism opus) as worthless, backward clerical fascists devoid of ideas (Nikčević, 2012). In addition, Vučetić’s work analyses Zagreb-based criticism only, whereas the rest of Croatia does not even merit a mention. The same scope was later copied by Batušić, whose work is titled Croatian Theatre Criticism, but the existence of critics in regional centres is mentioned on a meagre half-page in a book of more than three hundred pages. This was tremendously unfair to Croatian theatre criticism, whose further study was limited from the outset by political and aesthetic discreditation, as well as centralisation in Zagreb (Nikčević, 2012). Only four of many Croatian theatre critics were featured. Batušić admittedly increased this number, also mentioning Gavella, Nehajev, Lunaček, Begović and Marinković, but he applied the same strict value criteria as Vučetić, making it seem as if professional and worthwhile theatre criticism did not exist in Croatia outside of the above exceptions. Also, theatre criticism in Croatian regions outside of Zagreb remained unanalysed and was used as a source for the study of the theatre selectively and out of context. Osijekbased drama and theatre critic Ernest Dirnbach, who spent 13 years contributing to Hrvatski list/glas, and who is mentioned in a negative context only because of his negative opinion of Krleža (which he voiced in only four critiques out of more than two hundred in his opus!), might be the best example of this phenomenon (Biskupović, 2011). Others were mentioned only rarely, or not at all! Due to the above reasons, the author of this paper decided to initiate a comprehensive study of the drama theatre criticism in four Osijek-based daily papers (Narodna obrana, Hrvatski list, Die Drau and Slavonische Presse) between 1907 and 1945. German traveling troupes visited Osijek regularly since the first half of the 18th century, but they were technically unequipped, 2 lacked funding, and had inadequate ensembles and generally a very low level of artistic merit. Such conditions, coupled with the lack of media space, were not conducive to the development of critical reception. The newspapers did not come out regularly, and when they did, they were visually designed in magazine style, with feuilletons on their front page, and current political events in the middle or at the end. This situation first started to change in the early 20th century with the establishment of the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek in 1907. Narodna obrana had started to come out several years prior, in 1902. Combined, these two events provided the necessary prerequisites for the development of criticism. A professional regular ensemble was developed on the one hand, supported by a management that worked to promote the Croatian language and raise the audience’s awareness of culture and arts, and newspapers and the newspaper profession were developed on the other, with a paper meeting the proper definition of the concept: (…) “a serial publication, issued in frequent and predefined intervals, usually daily, weekly, or semiweekly, reporting about current events and topics of general interest, whose journalists need to have broad knowledge, education and speed, because the time of handwritten and stylized texts has passed” (Vinaj, 2003). None of the many theatre critics writing for Osijek-based daily papers were adequately recognised in theatre studies reference works in spite of the fact that they promoted, questioned, shaped, reflected and documented the institution of theatre and the social context in their work through their evaluations of dramatic plays. These theatre critics wrote regularly for the papers, in which they had their designated sections, clearly set apart from the other articles, and a space assigned to them as needed by the editorial board, which supported their critics in various disagreements with the theatre management and the actors. They also often wrote critiques of music and dancing performances, announced premieres, and reflected on the situation and the state of the theatre in Osijek. They were all highly educated men who participated in the activities of the cultural institutions in Osijek, and the styles of their critiques were more or less similar (written so that all classes in the society would understand them, in a combination of journalist and publicist style with the style of theatre studies, avoiding the use of difficult-to-understand metalanguage used in theatre criticism), as were their forms (clear and simple structure, usually containing information about the playwright and the play, the content of the performance, an evaluation of actors’ performances, observations about the direction, scenography, and costume design, and conclusions commenting on attendance, offering advice to the theatre management regarding the repertoire, organisation and functioning, and making comments about the distribution, appropriateness of the performance for the audience, the battle for the Croatian language on the stage...). Accordingly, this paper will continue the process of presentation, valorisation/revalorisation, and systematisation of the work of Osijek-based drama theatre critics, which the author had started some time before, and present Andro Morić. The research underpinning this paper is based on the study, classification, comparation, synthesis, and qualitative analysis of Morić’s drama theatre critiques published in Narodna obrana between 1907 and 1908, using the pieces containing critical judgment of the plays concerned as the basis for the author’s analysis. The said scientific research methods will provide insights about the development of the critical thinking about drama with respect to the theatre performance, and about the characteristics of Morić’s critical thinking and his opinions about the theatre, dramas, performances and ensembles, the critic’s personal reflections, and this aesthetics. The approach described will give us conclusions about the work of Andro Morić that we have not had before, contribute to the research of criticism, and add to the existing basic reference works. Since memory is a phenomenon directly related to the present, and the present inevitably influences our perception of the past, the memory is constantly changing (Elsner, 1994). This paper “presents” the past time and activity and creates the cultural memory that is important 3 for safeguarding cultural values, identity, and the abundant history of the Osijek-based theatre and critics, while also offering interpretation and sources in one place, and promoting open discussion to allow future researchers to confirm or reinterpret its findings. The author has so far published papers about the work of Ernest Dirnbach (Biskupović, 2011), Dragan Melkus (Biskupović, 2012), Ivan Krstitelj Švrljuga (Biskupović, 2014), Otto Pfeiffer (Biskupović, 2014), Josipa Glembay (Biskupović, 2015), Franjo Bartol Babić (Biskupović, 2021), Carl Benda (Biskupović, 2022) and Ivan Krnić (Biskupović, 2023). NARODNA OBRANA Newspapers and the journalist profession developed in Croatia in the first half of the 20th century, and national awareness became stronger. Journalism needed educated journalists who would be able to report quickly and truthfully, supporting their theses with arguments, but also to adapt their style to a medium whose development was in full swing. To provide a fuller picture of Andro Morić, the context he lived and worked in, and the importance of his work, this chapter delves deeper into the history and the development of Narodna obrana, and is followed by the main section of the paper, which evaluates Morić’s work as a drama theatre critic. The modernisation, the availability of information, and the increase in readership at the beginning of the 20th century was closely tied to the political situation. Newspapers became a tool for promoting national awareness and strengthening the political efforts, and developed an informative political approach. Branislav – list za politiku i narodno gospodarstvo (Branislav – A Paper for Politics and National Economy), which was issued 1878-1879, not even for a full year, was the first such paper, having started to come out at a time when the Croatian National Revival ideas had still not fully taken hold in Osijek (Vinaj, 1997). Its promotion of revivalist ideas was precisely the reason why the paper only came out for such a short period of time. Osijek was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy at the time, and out of its 18,000 inhabitants, 9,000 were Germans. All newspapers were written in German, because it was the language of culture and the language spoken by educated citizens, and the ties between Osijek and Vienna were stronger than the ties between Osijek and Zagreb. When the national awareness idea started to develop in Osijek in the early 20th century, small groups of Croatian patriots spread their ideas by word of mouth: agitation and advocacy of national awareness were limited to meetings at Croatian reading rooms and parties organised by Croatian singing societies (Vinaj, 1998). The need for a Croatian opposition paper that would act as the voice of Croatian patriots was born from these meetings. A handful of supporters of the Croatian National Revival ideas, led by Dragutin Neumann, decided to establish a daily paper to support their efforts. Realising that they would not be able to print it at printeries whose operation was governed by the political preferences of Khuen Hedervary’s regime, which incessantly imposed restrictions, surveillance and control, the group decided to set up their own printery (Malbaša, 1996). Prva hrvatska dionička tiskara (The First Croatian Shareholding Printery) was founded in 1902 by Dragutin Neumann, Ante Pinterović, PhD, Ante Bedenić, PhD, Ivan Brnčić, Josip Firinger, Vladimir Kovačević, PhD, and Antun Zelenka (Vinaj, 1998). The first edition of Narodna obrana was printed at this printery, located at the intersection of Žitni trg (presentday Gajev trg) square and Kolodvorska ulica (present-day Radićeva ulica) street, on 16 November 1902. Working to raise Croatian national awareness, at first oriented toward Vienna, later toward Zagreb and Belgrade, and later still against Belgrade, Narodna obrana sought to improve the position of the Slavs, particularly Croats and Serbs (Marijanović, 4 1973). On the front page of the first edition, the editorial board clearly indicated what the future focus of the newspaper was going to be, drawing the readers’ attention to the contestation of Croatia’s guaranteed state rights, the people’s weak tax power, the too costly and inefficient public administration, the stagnation of trade, crafts and farming, and the increasing emigration of Croats to America. In the conclusion, the editorial board states: Its first and most sacred duty in this increasingly neglected, albeit naturally wealthy region, will be to represent the Croatian national thought and the related lawful aspirations of the Croatian nation; to demand respect of the position vested in the Kingdom of Croatia by state law; to seek fair redress for the violations of Croatia’s position in terms of state law and finances by the Kingdom of Hungary; to protect Croatia’s economic, trade and transport interests by securing financial independence; and to demand in the strongest terms that a constitution of the Kingdom of Croatia is drafted, and elementary human rights without which there can be no public life are guaranteed to the Croatian people as soon as possible (Narodna obrana!, 1902, pp. 1-2). Its advocation of Croats’ rights, the improvement of Croatia’s position in the Monarchy and the treatment of the Kingdom of Croatia in general quickly earned Narodna obrana substantial popularity. Due to the same reasons, however, the paper had much trouble with the authorities. It faced almost daily seizures, censorship, police investigations and court verdicts, and its editor Ivan Lovorković was often detained and imprisoned (Vinaj, 1998). Ljuboje Dlustuš replaced Lovorković as the editor, continuing Narodna obrana’s battle for the development of the national awareness from 1 February 1911 until his death on 18 November 1921. During Dlustuš’s time as the editor, Narodna obrana changed its name to Hrvatska obrana after the arrival of the King’s commissioner Slavko Cuvaj to the political scene, who introduced preventive censorship of newspapers (Bösendorfer, 1939). An article from 14 September 1914 informs the readers: “We have decided to change the name of our paper from Narodna obrana to Hrvatska obrana. Its spirit and its orientation will, of course, remain unchanged” (Vinaj, 1998). The oppression of Croatian newspapers did not subside, and Hrvatska obrana was shut down on 14 February, but Franjo Papratović, PhD managed to resolved the disagreements through political lobbying, and Hrvatska obrana continued to come out two days later (Vinaj, 1998). After Dlustuš, the editor position was taken over by Ilija Jakovljević and Ivan Kampuš, members of the Catholic Movement, under whose leadership the paper catered to dedicated Catholics. As a result, its readership and circulation declined. In late 1922, it became a weekly, and on 25 March 1923 it was shut down altogether. On 20 February 1927, Kamilo Firinger tried to revive it. Hrvatska obrana started to come out again, but as a weekly, on Saturdays, comprising only four pages. Such a scope was insufficient to restore its former glory, attract the readers’ interest, and increase the circulation to a figure that would justify its further printing both politically and financially, and the paper was once again shut down. The last edition kept at the newspaper archive in Osijek is edition no. 25, dated Saturday, 24 June 1933, which includes a short notice about the paper’s imminent shutdown. “The consortium of Hrvatska obrana met on 22 June. After the editor-in-chief presented his report, the consortium decided that our paper, due to the obstacles it faces, which prevent it from fulfilling the purpose it was founded for, will stop coming out until further notice (Prekid daljnjeg izlaženja Narodne obrane, 1933, p. 3.) The contents of Narodna obrana were usually structured into the following sections: Političke viesti (a brief overview of political events in Austro-Hungary and other countries), Naši dopisi (Croatian news), Iz hrvatskih krajeva (news from Croatian regions), Osječki glasnik (local 5 news), Narodno gospodarstvo (news about the national economy), Širom svieta (news from across the world), Izvorne telefonske i brzojavne viesti (news that arrived by telegram or phone from Budapest, Vienna, London and other cities), Gradske viesti (news from the town), Politička kronika (brief pieces about the history of politics and political figures), Novosti (news about events from abroad), and Gospodarstvo (news about agriculture, forestry etc). The section Književnost i umjetnost (Literature and Arts) was dedicated to famous writers, artists, and other events in this field. There was also a classifieds section (Mali oglasnik), and the section titled Croatian National Theatre (Hrvatsko narodno kazalište), which contained theatre critiques and other news related to the theatre. The first articles about the theatre appeared in Croatian daily papers as early as in 1903, soon after Narodna obrana started to come out on 16 November 1902. The articles were usually short and written in report or announcement form. Their authors were not signed, and there was no continuity of their publication. They were based on occasional guest appearances of theatres from Zagreb and Serbia, and various German and Hungarian traveling troupes of questionable artistic and performance quality. This trend persisted until 1907, when the Croatian National Theatre was established in Osijek, and the first critiques appeared, signed by Andro Morić (-voj. – ko.), Ivan Švrljuga (-a.), and as of 1909 also Dragan Melkus (-us., D.M., Dragan M., Dragan M-s., -s., Professor Melkus…) (Senker, 2004). ANDRO MORIĆ (1907-1908) – NARODNA OBRANA The author of this paper was unable to find any biographic data about Andro Morić in course of his research, with the exception of the fact that he was born in 1886, that he was a journalist who also wrote for the “funny paper” Jeka od Osijeka in 1919 (Andro Morić, 2013) and worked as the editor of Glas slobode in Đakovo (1918-1921), the editor of Narodni list (1923) and the editor of Sokolski glasnik in the 1930s (Tihonija, 2011-2012). He wrote his texts in Narodna obrana under the pseudonym –voj. −ko. ANDRO MORIĆ’S THEATRE CRITIQUES Andro Morić wrote for Narodna obrana in the short period between 9 December 1907 and 13 January 1908. In spite of the shortness of his engagement, Morić’s work is important because he was the first journalist who wrote about the newly founded Croatian National Theatre in Osijek for a Croatian paper. This makes him a very important link in the changes in the structure, the valuation of stage performance elements, and the methods of valuation in theatre criticism. Morić was very quickly replaced by Ivan Krstitelj Švrljuga, probably due to his form and style. Morić’s critiques were regularly published in the newspaper, as per the theatre’s repertoire, and were clearly set apart from the other articles with distinctive titles printed in bold letters, such as Theatre or From the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek. Interestingly, his “critiques” were featured on the front pages of the newspaper for the first and last time. THE STRUCTURE OF ANDRO MORIĆ’S THEATRE CRITIQUES Morić wrote for a Croatian newspaper at the time of the long-awaited launch of the Croatian National Theatre as the cornerstone of development of Croatian national awareness. His pieces are therefore logically full of emotional, poetic and celebratory phrases. His style of writing was publicist, and in terms of genre, his pieces combined reports with subjective impressions and theatre critiques lacking professional theoretical elements, the contextualisation of the playwrights, plays, themes and motives, or deeper analyses of the actors’ performances. 6 Unlike the critics who came after him, Morić did not follow a set structure in his critiques, consisting of an introduction containing information about the playwright, play, the contents of the performance, the actors’ performances, direction, comments addressed at the audience and the management of the theatre, and attendance. Morić sometimes opened his critiques with his impressions about the play. At other times, he opened them with impressions about the audience, or a comment about attendance, and he often covered several performances in a single article. The safest claim to make is that attendance, impressions about the audience, actors’ performances, and direction were the elements that were always discussed in Morić’s critiques, albeit in different orders. ANDRO MORIĆ AND PLAYWRIGHTS Morić’s terse sentences about the playwrights and plays do not reveal much information about his preferences, but he seems to have been a fan of all comedies containing no lasciviousness or frivolity. However, he provided no explanations about the playwrights, or even about the plays or their contents. Sometimes he did not even mention the author or the name of the play. He would merely state that the play contained no lascivious or frivolous elements. “The difficult, thought-provoking and powerful drama was followed by a very pleasantly entertaining comedy, entirely devoid of lascivious and similar French elements. It was simply a comedy to make you burst with laughter…” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 288, p. 2). ANDRO MORIĆ AND DIRECTORS Morić was equally superficial in his descriptions of the work of directors. Even though he undeniably at least gave the directors a mention, his comments were very brief and consisted only of a handful of words, such as “The director did a great job again” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 290, p 2). In one of his critiques, he even dared comment on the scenography, complimenting the director for it. “We would like to point out that we have not seen such brilliant and masterfully arranged decorations on the Osijek stage for at least five years. Director Mr. Dinić deserves praise in this respect as well” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 288, p. 2). Morić also showed a lack of understanding of the organisation in the theatre in his critique of Seljačka buna, in which he praised the theatre management for shortening the text. “The management was wise to shorten the play considerably, and it would be welcome if they dropped an additional thing or two from some of the scenes” (-voj. -ko., 1908, No. 4, pp. 2-3). ANDRO MORIĆ AND ACTORS In Morić’s mind, actors and their performances were the central part of any play, and he paid them the most attention. He underlined multiple times that there was plenty to say about Osijek-based actors, but that he would confine himself to the most important points: We would have plenty to say about our actors’ performances, but we will confine ourselves to the most important points here. Mr. Mlinarić was cast in the lead role. Some felt that he did very well, great even, and made a great impression, because the audience greeted him with ovations. Others, a minority, felt that he was awful. Our opinion is that Mr. Mlinarić played his role with great elan and enthusiasm, and that he gave his absolute maximum, but we were still not fully satisfied” (-voj. -ko., 1908, No. 1, p. 2). Morić thus wrote extensively about actors without making any specific points. He praised their performances with two- or three-word phrases conveying his impressions, such as “brilliant”, “perfect”, “very good”, “naturally played”, or “played with understanding”, never 7 attempting a deeper analysis. “Our actors gave another good performance. Mr. Stojković, who the Osijek audience knows very well, was again met with thunderous laughter and approval. He did well, very well...” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 292, p. 2). He placed the most importance on the elements of speech, voice, mimic, and stature on the scene, but he described those elements too with words such as “her voice is kind, warn and pleasant” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 288, p. 2), the quality that he praised the most often and evidently held in the highest regard. Morić’s positive opinions were often based on the most successful moments of an actor’s performance in a play. He would therefore briefly mention the moments when an actor had excelled: Mr. Dinić introduced himself as the leading comedian in our ensemble yesterday. The audience loved his voice, his mimic, and the crying in the second act, and then the comical situation whose performance on stage calls for first rate skills, and Mr. Dinić excelled at it (voj. -ko., 1907, No. 288, p. 2). This excerpt offers another illustration of the shortcomings of Morić’s reporting/criticism. He references, very generally, certain points in the play that would only be recognisable to readers who have seen the play (the crying, the comical situation). Morić openly supported the atmosphere surrounding the opening of the theatre and the battle for Croatian awareness: Yesterday and the day before, the time having almost run out, when innumerable pessimists had already stated that Osijek would never be Croatian, yesterday and the day before, Osijek showed that its love for its country is still very much alive. As of these two evenings, we have our permanent Croatian theatre in Osijek. We have our national institution that is going to transform Osijek into a completely Croatian city with stirring words, passionate patriotism, and special cultural ideas (-voj. -ko., 1907, No 286, p. 1-2). Morić, however, also praised German and Hungarian performances. “We watched the Germans and the Hungarians every time as well, and we also saw our Polakovica. We must confess that the German and Hungarian ‘widows’ had given livelier performances...” (-voj. ko., 1907, No. 295, p. 2). ANDRO MORIĆ’S OPINIONS ABOUT THE THEATRE AND THE AUDIENCE References to the attendance of the plays are a leitmotif in Morić’s critiques. He was so focused on it that he would sometimes comment on attendance at the beginning, and then again at the end of this critiques. He often resented the audience in Osijek for not coming to see the plays in larger numbers, but he was never malevolent or belligerent about it. Instead, he tried to evoke people’s sympathy with words such as “It is a pity that there were relatively few spectators in the theatre on Saturday. We feel that our excellent cast deserved a much bigger audience” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 292, p. 2). Morić’s comments about attendance were often accompanied by descriptions of the atmosphere in the theatre. He never missed an opportunity to mention the great atmosphere at the theatre, especially when writing about comedies. “The comedy was absolutely hilarious: it had the audience laughing heartily and delightedly, that was how amusing it was” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 288, p. 2). His comments were very impressionist, superficial and promotional, so much so that the sections of his critiques that dealt with atmosphere and attendance seemed as well-designed marketing tricks whose purpose was to attract the audience to the theatre with phrases such as “thunderous laughter and approval” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 290, p. 2). “Once again, we have to admit that the audience had an excellent time this evening” (-voj. -ko., 8 1907, No. 292, p. 2) or “the audience had a wonderful time again” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 298, p. 2). Morić would also sometimes criticise the inappropriate behaviour of the audience at the theatre. For instance, he could not understand why some people in the audience laughed at tragedies. “It is truly disgraceful that there were persons in the audience on Saturday who laughed at the saddest moments...” (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 302, p. 2). His successors would come to realise that the biggest problem with the Osijek audience was breaking their fascination with the burlesques and funny operettas that the German and Hungarian troupes have gotten them accustomed to. This would become another point of interest: Our audience is strange. A comedy, operetta, or even an opera will fill the theatre three times over, but when a thought-provoking, reflective play that puts a strain on people’s nerves and occupies their thoughts for a long time is being put on, the theatre cashier will not be so lucky as to say that they were busy that day (-voj. -ko., 1907, No. 296, p. 2) CONCLUSION Andro Morić’s work coincided with the establishment of the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek and purely served informative and promotional purposes with respect to the theatre. His critiques did not follow a set structure, his sentences were terse and occasionally unclear, he had no grasp of the comprehensiveness of theatre plays, he did not attempt an analysis of the elements of the performances, and his evaluations came down to superficial and impressionist phrases. Even though his critiques were long, they often lacked the basic information such as the name of the author or even the name of the play. His critiques were largely focused on actors’ performances, which he described at great length, but without detailed observations and objective judgments. Morić devoted the most attention to attendance and the atmosphere at the theatre, which he always emphasised excessively in an obvious attempt to encourage the audience to visit the theatre. In spite of the above, in his hybrid critical report form, Morić paved the way in daily papers for independent theatre criticism that would follow in the same year when he would stop writing his critiques, and his most vocal opinions about the theatre and its audience (the issues of the Osijek audience’s fondness of burlesques and operettas, the appropriateness of the repertoire, ...) and the speech and voice elements in his assessment of the actors’ performances would become an intrinsic part of the critiques authored by all future Osijekbased theatre critics. Tolerance of other nations’ cultures, another intrinsic element of Andro Morić’s theatre criticism, will persist in theatre critiques until 1945, the final point of the time period spanned by this paper. Regardless of his undeveloped sense of all elements of stage performance and his lack of deeper analyses of the plays he was writing about, Morić charted the course and established the fundamental frameworks of Osijek-based theatre criticism as a genre. His work constitutes valuable cultural heritage and documentary testimony of the history of theatre in Osijek, the development of criticism, and the social context for the present and the future. 9 REFERENCES Andro Morić (2005). Downloaded 25 September 2013 from (25 Biskupović, A. (2023). Ivan Krnić’s Theatre Criticism (1910–1911 and 1918–1921). Čovječanstvo pred izazovom vještačke inteligencije, European University Brčko: Brčko, pp. 43-51. Biskupović, A. (2022). Kazališna kritika Carla (Karla) M. Bende. 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Üyesi Cumhur GÜNGÖR Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sandıklı Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Emine AKKAŞ BAYSAL Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sandıklı Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu ABSTRACT Game-based learning in early childhood education, a comprehensive approach integrating game into the learning process, has been extensively studied and discussed in educational psychology and pedagogy. This approach, grounded in the theories of renowned psychologists and educators, has demonstrated significant impacts on various aspects of child development, though it also faces certain challenges and critiques. The theoretical underpinnings of gamebased learning are rooted in the works of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Erik Erikson, and Friedrich Froebel. Piaget's constructivist theory emphasizes that children actively construct knowledge through game, facilitating the transition from concrete to abstract thinking. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory highlights the role of social interactions in game, crucial for cognitive and language development. Erikson focuses on game's role in emotional and identity development, while Froebel advocates for harnessing children's natural inclination towards game in education. In terms of cognitive development, game-based learning has been shown to enhance problem-solving skills, creativity, and cognitive flexibility. It provides a context for children to experiment with ideas and concepts, thereby fostering cognitive growth. Empirical research supports that game-based environments enhance language and literacy skills, and develop executive functions like planning, attention, and memory. Social and emotional development is significantly influenced by game-based learning. Through game, children learn to negotiate, cooperate, and resolve conflicts, developing essential social skills. Game also allows children to explore various roles and scenarios, contributing to emotional and social maturation. This aspect of game is crucial for developing empathy, emotional intelligence, and social competence. Language acquisition is another area where game-based learning has a profound impact. It offers rich, diverse language experiences, enabling children to hear and use a wide range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Game, especially pretend game, encourages children to experiment with sounds, words, and narratives, foundational skills for reading and writing. Despite its benefits, gamebased learning faces challenges in assessment, implementation, and preparation for formal schooling. The process-focused nature of game-based learning often clashes with the productfocused approach of traditional education, which relies on standardized testing and measurable objectives. The quality and effectiveness of game-based learning can vary significantly, depending heavily on the educator's skill in facilitating meaningful game experiences. Additionally, there are concerns about whether a game-based approach adequately prepares children for the structured learning environments they will encounter in later schooling. In conclusion, game-based learning in early childhood education is a dynamic and multifaceted approach that supports holistic child development. It fosters cognitive, social, emotional, and language skills, essential for lifelong learning and development. However, realizing its full potential requires overcoming challenges related to assessment, 12 implementation, and transitioning to formal education. Addressing these challenges is crucial for effectively integrating game-based learning into early childhood educational practices. Key Words: Game-Based Learning, Cognitive Development, Social and Emotional Development, Language Acquisition, Early Childhood Education. INTRODUCTION The paradigm of game-based learning in early childhood education represents a significant shift from traditional, structured educational methodologies to a more holistic, child-centered approach. This pedagogical strategy, deeply rooted in the developmental theories of early childhood education, posits that playing is not merely a leisure activity, but a critical medium through which young children learn and develop essential skills (Frost, Wortham, & Reifel, 2005). The theoretical underpinnings of this approach can be traced back to the work of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, who both emphasized the integral role of game in a child's cognitive and social development (Piaget, 1962; Vygotsky, 1978). Piaget's theory of cognitive development posits that children learn best through active engagement and interactions with their environment, with game serving as a natural process of learning (Piaget, 1962). Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory further expands on this, suggesting that social interaction, including game, is fundamental for cognitive development, particularly in the acquisition of language and communication skills (Vygotsky, 1978). These foundational theories have been supported and expanded upon by contemporary research, which suggests that game-based learning not only enhances cognitive abilities but also fosters emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills in young children (Ginsburg, 2007; Howard, Jenvey, & Hill, 2006). Despite the strong theoretical and empirical support for game-based learning, its practical application in early childhood education often encounters challenges and skepticism. Critics argue that game-based learning lacks the structure and rigor of traditional educational methods and question its effectiveness in preparing children for the academic demands of formal schooling. Furthermore, the increasing emphasis on standardized testing and measurable academic outcomes in many educational systems has led to a devaluation of game as a legitimate form of learning (Saracho, 2012). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF GAME-BASED LEARNING The concept of game-based learning in early childhood education is deeply rooted in a rich tapestry of theoretical frameworks, each contributing vital insights into the multifaceted nature of game and its role in child development. This approach draws from the pioneering works of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and other influential theorists, whose ideas have collectively shaped our understanding of how children learn and develop through game. Jean Piaget's constructivist theory of cognitive development is a cornerstone in the field of game-based learning. Piaget (1962) proposed that children are not passive recipients of knowledge; instead, they actively construct their understanding of the world through interaction with their environment. He emphasized that game is a critical mechanism in this construction process, allowing children to explore, experiment, and assimilate new 13 experiences. Piaget identified distinct stages of cognitive development, each characterized by different forms of game. For instance, during the sensorimotor stage, game is primarily physical, while in the preoperational stage, it becomes more symbolic and imaginative (Piaget, 1962). Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory provides a complementary perspective, focusing on the social and cultural dimensions of learning. Vygotsky (1978) viewed game as an essential tool for cognitive and language development, particularly through social interactions. He introduced the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), a critical idea in understanding how children learn in game-based settings. The ZPD represents the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what they can achieve with guidance from more knowledgeable others. Vygotsky argued that game often occurs within this zone, providing opportunities for children to develop new skills and understandings (Vygotsky, 1978). Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory further enriches our understanding of game-based learning. Erikson (1963) highlighted the role of game in emotional and identity development, positing that through game, children explore various roles and scenarios, contributing to their emotional and social maturation. This exploration is crucial for developing a sense of self and resilience. Friedrich Froebel, often regarded as the founder of the kindergarten movement, also played a pivotal role in advocating for game in education. Froebel (1887) recognized the natural inclination of children towards game and argued for educational systems that harness this inclination for learning and development. He believed that game was not just a form of leisure but a vital educational tool that could help children understand the world and their place in it. Contemporary research has built upon these foundational theories, exploring the diverse benefits of game-based learning. Recent studies have shown that game-based environments enhance not only cognitive and language skills but also promote social competence, emotional well-being, and creativity (Bodrova & Leong, 2016; Ginsburg, 2007). This body of research underscores the value of game as a dynamic and integral component of early childhood education, supporting the holistic development of children. IMPACT OF GAME-BASED LEARNING ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT The impact of game-based learning on cognitive development in early childhood education is a subject of considerable academic interest, supported by a wealth of research that underscores the profound influence of game on a child's intellectual growth. This body of work, drawing from developmental psychology and educational theory, provides compelling evidence of how game-based learning fosters various aspects of cognitive development, including problem-solving skills, creativity, and cognitive flexibility. Central to understanding this impact is the work of Jean Piaget, who posited that game is integral to the cognitive development of children. According to Piaget (1962), through game, children learn to assimilate new information and adapt to their environment, a process he termed accommodation and assimilation. Game allows children to experiment with ideas and concepts, facilitating the transition from concrete to abstract thinking, a critical aspect of cognitive development (Piaget, 1962). Furthering this perspective, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory highlights the role of game in cognitive development, particularly in the context of social interactions. Vygotsky (1978) 14 argued that game is a leading activity that drives cognitive development in early childhood. He emphasized that through game, children engage in symbolic thinking and learn to use language to communicate and solve problems, thereby advancing their cognitive abilities (Vygotsky, 1978). Recent empirical studies have provided additional insights into the cognitive benefits of game-based learning. Research by Fisher et al. (2008) demonstrated that game-based learning environments significantly enhance children's language and literacy skills, critical components of cognitive development. Similarly, Whitebread et al. (2009) found that gamebased learning activities, particularly those that encourage self-regulation and metacognitive skills, are crucial for developing children's executive functions, such as planning, attention, and memory. Moreover, game-based learning has been linked to increased creativity and imagination in children. Russ (2004) noted that game provides a safe space for children to explore, experiment, and think creatively, which are essential skills for problem-solving and innovation. This creative exploration is fundamental to cognitive development, as it enables children to think outside the box and approach problems from different perspectives. In conclusion, the impact of game-based learning on cognitive development is multifaceted and profound. Through game, children develop essential cognitive skills, including language and literacy abilities, executive functions, creative thinking, and problem-solving capabilities. These skills lay the foundation for lifelong learning and intellectual growth. INFLUENCE ON SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The role of game-based learning in fostering social and emotional development during early childhood is a critical aspect of developmental psychology and education research. This approach to learning extends beyond cognitive development, significantly influencing a child's ability to interact socially and manage emotions effectively. Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development provides a vital lens through which to view the role of game in emotional and social growth. Erikson (1963) emphasized that game is a crucial medium for children to explore their identities, experience different roles, and navigate various social scenarios. This exploration is essential for developing a sense of self and for learning to manage emotions in a socially appropriate manner (Erikson, 1963). Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory further underscores the importance of game in social development. Vygotsky (1978) posited that social interactions during game are fundamental for developing higher cognitive functions, including emotional regulation and empathy. He argued that through game, children learn to understand others' perspectives and emotions, which is crucial for developing social competence and emotional intelligence (Vygotsky, 1978). Contemporary research has expanded on these foundational theories, providing deeper insights into the social and emotional benefits of game-based learning. Goleman (1995) highlighted the development of emotional intelligence through game, noting that game-based activities are instrumental in helping children understand and regulate their emotions, develop empathy, and build social skills. Ashiabi (2007) reinforced this view, demonstrating that game contributes significantly to social competence, allowing children to form and maintain positive relationships with peers and adults. 15 In addition to these interpersonal skills, game-based learning has been linked to intrapersonal development, such as self-esteem and resilience. Ginsburg (2007) argued that through game, children encounter and overcome challenges, which fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy. This experience is crucial for building resilience and a positive self-concept. Furthermore, studies by Lillard et al. (2013) have shown that pretend game, a common form of game in early childhood, is particularly effective in developing social and emotional skills. Pretend game allows children to experiment with different social roles and scenarios, enhancing their ability to empathize and understand complex social dynamics. In summary, game-based learning is a powerful tool for social and emotional development in early childhood. It provides a dynamic and engaging context for children to develop empathy, emotional intelligence, social competence, self-esteem, and resilience. These skills are fundamental for personal development and lay the groundwork for healthy social interactions throughout life. GAME-BASED LEARNING AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION The relationship between game-based learning and language acquisition in early childhood education is a subject of significant scholarly interest, highlighting the integral role of game in the development of linguistic skills. This area of study draws upon a range of developmental theories and empirical research, illustrating how game-based activities facilitate language learning and communication skills in young children. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory provides a foundational perspective on the role of game in language development. Vygotsky (1978) posited that language acquisition is deeply embedded in social interactions, which are abundant in game-based activities. He argued that through game, children practice and refine their language skills, engaging in meaningful communication with peers and adults. This social interaction is crucial for developing both expressive and receptive language abilities (Vygotsky, 1978). Bruner’s theory of language development also emphasizes the importance of game in linguistic growth. Bruner (1983) suggested that game provides a context for children to use and understand language within meaningful and purposeful situations. He introduced the concept of 'scaffolding,' where adults or more capable peers support a child's language development by providing appropriate language models and feedback during game (Bruner, 1983). Empirical studies have reinforced the connection between game and language acquisition. Research by Toub et al. (2018) demonstrated that game-based learning environments significantly enhance children's vocabulary development and narrative skills. These environments provide rich, diverse language experiences, allowing children to hear and use a wide range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Furthermore, game-based learning has been linked to improvements in phonological awareness and literacy skills. Roskos and Christie (2001) found that game, especially pretend game, encourages children to experiment with sounds, words, and narratives, which are foundational skills for reading and writing. This experimentation with language during game is essential for developing phonemic awareness and understanding the symbolic function of written language. 16 In conclusion, game-based learning plays a pivotal role in language acquisition during early childhood. Through game, children engage in rich language experiences, practice communication skills, and develop foundational literacy abilities. These linguistic skills are crucial for academic success and effective communication throughout life. CHALLENGES AND CRITIQUES OF GAME-BASED LEARNING While game-based learning is widely recognized for its benefits in early childhood education, it is not without its challenges and critiques. These concerns, raised by educators, policymakers, and researchers, highlight the complexities and potential limitations of implementing game-based learning in diverse educational settings. One of the primary challenges of game-based learning is the difficulty in assessing learning outcomes. Traditional educational models often rely on standardized testing and measurable objectives to evaluate student progress. In contrast, game-based learning emphasizes process over product, making it challenging to quantify learning outcomes using conventional assessment methods (Stipek, 2006). This discrepancy can lead to skepticism about the effectiveness of game-based learning, especially in systems that prioritize academic achievement and standardized testing. Another critique of game-based learning is the potential for inconsistency in its implementation. Without a clear and structured approach, game-based learning can vary significantly in quality and effectiveness. Nicolopoulou (2010) argues that the success of game-based learning depends heavily on the skill and understanding of the educator in facilitating meaningful game experiences. Inadequate training or misunderstanding of gamebased pedagogy can result in unproductive game that does not contribute to learning objectives. Furthermore, there is a concern that game-based learning may not adequately prepare children for the more structured learning environments they will encounter in later schooling. Some critics argue that an early focus on game might leave children underprepared for the academic demands of formal education, potentially impacting their future educational trajectories (Bodrova & Leong, 2007). In addition to these pedagogical challenges, game-based learning can also face practical constraints, such as limited resources and classroom space. In many educational settings, particularly those with limited funding, providing a game-rich environment with diverse materials and sufficient space can be challenging (Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2009). This limitation can restrict the implementation and effectiveness of game-based learning approaches. In conclusion, while game-based learning offers significant benefits for early childhood development, it also faces challenges and critiques that must be addressed. These include difficulties in assessment, variability in implementation quality, concerns about preparation for formal schooling, and practical constraints. Addressing these challenges requires a nuanced understanding of game-based pedagogy and a commitment to providing the necessary resources and support for its effective implementation. 17 CONCLUSION The exploration of game-based learning in early childhood education reveals a complex and multifaceted landscape, rich in theoretical underpinnings and practical implications, with significant impacts on various developmental domains. This approach, deeply rooted in the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, and Froebel, has demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing cognitive, social, emotional, and language development in young children. However, it also faces challenges in assessment, implementation, and alignment with traditional educational paradigms. Current State of Game-Based Learning Currently, game-based learning in early childhood education is recognized for its ability to engage children in a learning process that is both enjoyable and educational. It fosters cognitive development by encouraging children to think creatively, solve problems, and develop critical thinking skills. Socially and emotionally, game-based learning enhances children's ability to interact with others, understand and regulate their emotions, and develop empathy. In terms of language acquisition, it provides rich, interactive environments where children can expand their vocabulary and improve their communication skills. Despite these benefits, game-based learning is often at odds with traditional education systems that emphasize standardized testing and measurable learning outcomes. The processfocused nature of game-based learning can be challenging to quantify, leading to skepticism about its effectiveness. Additionally, the variability in the quality of implementation, depending on the educator's skill and understanding, poses a challenge to its widespread adoption. Future Expectations and Directions Looking to the future, game-based learning in early childhood education is expected to evolve and become more integrated into mainstream education. As awareness of its benefits grows, there is potential for a shift in educational paradigms, moving towards a more holistic approach to child development. This shift would require rethinking assessment methods to accommodate the unique aspects of game-based learning, possibly integrating more qualitative and process-focused evaluation techniques. The future of game-based learning also lies in leveraging technology to enhance its effectiveness. Digital games and interactive platforms offer new opportunities for engaging children in educational game, providing personalized learning experiences that can adapt to individual needs and preferences. Moreover, there is an increasing call for professional development and training for educators in the field of game-based learning. Educators equipped with the right skills and knowledge are crucial for the successful implementation of game-based learning strategies. This training would focus not only on the mechanics of game-based learning but also on understanding its theoretical foundations and its role in child development. In conclusion, game-based learning in early childhood education holds immense potential for fostering holistic development in children. Its current state, marked by both achievements and challenges, paves the way for future advancements. These advancements, however, hinge on the educational community's ability to embrace innovative teaching methods, develop appropriate assessment strategies, and provide educators with the necessary training and resources. As we move forward, game-based learning is poised to play a pivotal role in 18 shaping the future of early childhood education, aligning educational practices more closely with the natural learning tendencies of children. 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Üyesi Cumhur GÜNGÖR Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sandıklı Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu ABSTRACT This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of how multilingual education influences the language development of children. The study synthesizes a range of theoretical perspectives, empirical research, and global educational practices, focusing on the cognitive, social, and academic impacts of multilingual education on young learners. The theoretical framework of the paper is grounded in the seminal works of Piaget, Vygotsky, and other key figures in language development. These theories underscore the importance of linguistic and cultural interaction in cognitive development, particularly in the context of learning multiple languages. The paper also examines various multilingual education models from around the world, highlighting the diverse approaches and practices in different cultural and linguistic settings. A significant portion of the analysis is devoted to the cognitive benefits of multilingual education. Research indicates that children in multilingual environments often develop enhanced executive functions, such as improved problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility. These cognitive advantages are attributed to the complex language processing involved in navigating multiple languages. Social and cultural benefits are also a focal point of the study. Multilingual education promotes greater cultural awareness and empathy among children, fostering a more inclusive and global outlook. This aspect of language learning is particularly crucial in today’s interconnected world. However, the implementation of multilingual education systems is not without challenges. The paper discusses the difficulties faced by educators in delivering effective instruction across languages, the potential for linguistic confusion among students, and the barriers for parental involvement, especially for those who are not proficient in the languages used in education. Despite these challenges, the paper argues that the benefits of multilingual education, particularly in terms of cognitive and social development, outweigh the difficulties. In conclusion, the paper affirms that multilingual education plays a crucial role in child language development. While acknowledging the complexities and challenges involved, it emphasizes the need for strategic planning, resource allocation, and teacher training to maximize the benefits of multilingual learning environments. The insights gained from this study contribute to the broader discourse on language education and offer guidance for policymakers and educators in implementing effective multilingual education programs. Key Words: Multilingual Education, Child Language Development, Cognitive Benefits, Cultural Awareness, Educational Strategies. 20 INTRODUCTION The advent of multilingual education systems marks a significant paradigm shift in the approach to child language development. In an increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is not only a valuable skill but also a critical component of cultural and cognitive development (Baker, 2011). Multilingual education, which involves teaching and learning in more than one language, has garnered substantial attention for its potential impacts on children's linguistic, cognitive, and social development (Cummins, 2009). The primary objective of this research is to explore the effects of multilingual education systems on child language development. This includes examining how exposure to multiple languages in educational settings influences language acquisition, cognitive processing, and social integration. The scope of the research extends to analyzing comparative studies and models of multilingual education across different geographical and cultural contexts, providing a comprehensive overview of its global application and outcomes. Multilingual education is anchored in the theories of cognitive development and sociocultural learning. Vygotsky's (1978) sociocultural theory, for instance, emphasizes the role of social interaction and cultural tools in cognitive development, which can be directly correlated to language learning in a multilingual context. Similarly, Cummins' (1979) theory of linguistic interdependence posits a relationship between the development of a child's first language and the acquisition of additional languages. In terms of linguistic development, research indicates that multilingual education can lead to advanced metalinguistic awareness, allowing children to understand and manipulate language structures more effectively (Bialystok, 2001). This enhanced linguistic awareness has been linked to improved cognitive flexibility and problemsolving abilities (Adesope et al., 2010). However, the implementation of multilingual education is not without its challenges. There are debates regarding the age at which children should be introduced to multiple languages, with concerns about potential confusion or delay in linguistic mastery (Genesee, 2009). Additionally, the quality of language instruction and the context in which languages are taught play a crucial role in the success of multilingual education programs (Baker & Wright, 2017). In conclusion, this research aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the effects of multilingual education on child language development, addressing both its benefits and challenges. The findings are expected to contribute to the broader discourse on language education and inform policy-making and educational practices. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Theories of Language Development and Multilingual Education Systems The theoretical landscape of language development and multilingual education is rich and multifaceted, integrating perspectives from psychology, linguistics, and education. Central to understanding the underpinnings of multilingual education systems are several key theories of language development. Piaget's theory of cognitive development provides foundational insights into how language evolves as a part of overall cognitive abilities in children (Piaget, 1952). Piaget posits that language development is closely tied to cognitive development stages, suggesting that as children's thinking becomes more complex, so too does their capacity for language acquisition and use. Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar argues for an innate linguistic capability, 21 suggesting that all humans are born with an inherent ability to acquire language (Chomsky, 1965). This theory implies that exposure to multiple languages in early childhood leverages this innate capacity, potentially leading to more effective language acquisition in multilingual education systems. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, however, emphasizes the social context of language learning, proposing that language development is fundamentally linked with social interactions and the cultural environment (Vygotsky, 1978). According to Vygotsky, multilingual education can provide a rich social and cultural context, thereby enhancing language development. Cummins' theories on bilingual education and linguistic interdependence are particularly relevant to multilingual education systems (Cummins, 1979). He distinguishes between Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), highlighting that while conversational fluency can be achieved relatively quickly, academic language proficiency takes longer to develop. Cummins also argues that skills in a first language can support the acquisition of additional languages, which is a key principle in designing multilingual education programs. Krashen's Input Hypothesis also plays a significant role in understanding language acquisition in multilingual settings (Krashen, 1982). Krashen posits that language acquisition occurs when individuals are exposed to language that is slightly above their current level of proficiency, which is particularly pertinent in multilingual education environments where students are continuously exposed to challenging linguistic inputs. Despite the robust theoretical foundations, implementing multilingual education systems presents practical challenges. Teachers must balance linguistic input and instruction across multiple languages, often in diverse classrooms where students' language proficiencies vary widely. In conclusion, the theoretical frameworks underlying language development provide valuable insights into the design and implementation of multilingual education systems. These theories not only help in understanding how children acquire multiple languages but also in identifying best practices for effective language teaching in multilingual settings. Psychological and Educational Perspectives on Language Acquisition and Multilingualism The exploration of language acquisition and multilingualism from psychological and educational viewpoints reveals a complex interplay of cognitive processes, environmental factors, and pedagogical approaches. Psychologically, language acquisition is a fundamental aspect of human development, deeply rooted in cognitive and social-emotional processes. From a cognitive perspective, language acquisition involves the development of various mental processes including memory, attention, and perception. According to Baddeley’s model of working memory, the phonological loop plays a crucial role in language processing and acquisition, particularly in retaining and manipulating phonological information (Baddeley, 1992). This aspect is especially significant in multilingual settings, where individuals often navigate and process multiple phonological systems. In terms of social-emotional development, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how different environmental systems, from the immediate family to broader societal influences, impact language development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). For multilingual individuals, the microsystem, including family language practices, and the macrosystem, encompassing societal and cultural attitudes towards languages, are particularly influential. Educationally, the approach to language acquisition in multilingual contexts often revolves around pedagogical strategies that accommodate linguistic diversity and promote language proficiency. Cummins’ (1984) distinction between Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive 22 Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) underlines the need for educational systems to address both conversational fluency and academic language mastery. Furthermore, the concept of translanguaging, which refers to the process of learners using their full linguistic repertoire to make meaning, has gained prominence in multilingual education. Garcia and Wei (2014) argue that translanguaging pedagogies can empower students by valuing their linguistic backgrounds and fostering deeper understanding across languages. Despite the progress in understanding and implementing language acquisition strategies in multilingual contexts, challenges persist. Educators must navigate the complexities of students' varying language proficiencies and cultural backgrounds. Additionally, the dynamic nature of language policies and societal attitudes towards multilingualism can either facilitate or hinder the implementation of effective multilingual education programs. In summary, psychological and educational perspectives provide crucial insights into language acquisition and multilingualism, highlighting the need for multifaceted approaches that consider cognitive processing, social-emotional development, and pedagogical strategies. These insights are pivotal in shaping effective educational practices that respect and nurture linguistic diversity. OVERVIEW OF MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS Current State of Multilingual Education Systems The current landscape of multilingual education systems worldwide and in specific regions reflects diverse practices, shaped by historical, cultural, and policy-driven factors. Globally, the approach to multilingual education varies significantly, influenced by each country's linguistic landscape, educational philosophy, and sociopolitical context. In Europe, the emphasis on multilingual education is largely driven by the European Union's policy of promoting language diversity and multilingualism. According to the European Commission (2020), most European countries have implemented educational frameworks that incorporate the learning of two or more languages from an early age. This approach is not only a reflection of the linguistic diversity of the continent but also a strategic effort to foster greater European integration and mobility. In contrast, in regions such as Africa, the multilingual education landscape is complex, influenced by the colonial legacy and the coexistence of indigenous languages with colonial languages. UNESCO (2016) highlights that while many African countries recognize the importance of mother tongue instruction in the early years, the transition to a dominant language (often a colonial language) remains a challenge, impacting the effectiveness of multilingual education. In Asia, countries like Singapore and Malaysia present unique examples of multilingual education systems. Singapore's model is noted for its structured bilingual policy, where English is taught alongside a mother tongue language (Chinese, Malay, or Tamil). This policy aims to maintain cultural identity while ensuring proficiency in English, seen as a key to global competitiveness. The Americas show a varied picture, with countries like Canada renowned for their successful bilingual education programs, particularly in English and French. In contrast, in Latin American countries, efforts to incorporate indigenous languages into the education system have been increasing, though challenges remain in terms of resources and political support (López, 2017). 23 These regional variations highlight that the implementation of multilingual education systems is contingent upon a range of factors, including political will, educational infrastructure, societal attitudes towards languages, and the availability of resources. Moreover, the evolving nature of global migration and the increasing recognition of the importance of linguistic diversity continue to shape the dynamics of multilingual education globally. In conclusion, the global and regional states of multilingual education systems are characterized by their diversity and complexity. Understanding these variations is crucial for policymakers, educators, and researchers in developing effective language education policies and practices that are responsive to the linguistic and cultural needs of diverse populations. Comparative Analysis of Multilingual Education Models and Practices in Different Countries The comparative analysis of multilingual education models across various countries reveals a spectrum of practices, each adapted to its unique linguistic, cultural, and educational contexts. This analysis is crucial for understanding the diversity of approaches and identifying effective strategies in multilingual education. In Europe, countries like Finland and Luxembourg exhibit distinct multilingual education models. Finland, known for its high educational standards, integrates multiple languages into its curriculum from an early age, with a strong focus on both national and foreign languages (Sahlberg, 2011). Luxembourg, a trilingual country, implements a model where Luxembourgish, German, and French are taught sequentially, reflecting the country's linguistic diversity (Hornberger, 2009). In Asia, the model of multilingual education varies significantly. For instance, Singapore's model, mentioned earlier, is structured around a bilingual policy, balancing English with a mother tongue language. This contrasts with India, where a multilingual education approach is implemented in a more complex linguistic landscape, involving multiple indigenous languages alongside English and Hindi (Mohanty, 2019). African countries offer a diverse picture of multilingual education. In nations like South Africa, the education system accommodates 11 official languages, posing unique challenges in terms of resource allocation and teacher training. In contrast, countries like Ethiopia have adopted a mother-tongue-based multilingual education policy, emphasizing instruction in students' first language during early schooling, followed by a transition to English (Heugh, 2000). In the Americas, Canada's bilingual education model, particularly in Quebec, provides insights into a successful approach that balances English and French, aiming to promote bilingualism while preserving cultural identity (Cummins, 2000). Conversely, in the United States, bilingual education often focuses on transitioning students to English, with SpanishEnglish programs being the most prevalent (García, 2009). These comparative analyses reveal that effective multilingual education models need to consider the sociolinguistic context, government policies, cultural attitudes, and resource availability. Each model has its strengths and challenges, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, common successful factors include early language exposure, balancing linguistic proficiency with cultural identity, and adequate teacher training and resources. In conclusion, multilingual education models and practices vary greatly across countries, each shaped by its unique context. Understanding these variations provides valuable insights for policymakers and educators globally in developing and implementing effective multilingual education strategies. 24 EFFECTS ON CHILD LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT The Impact of Multilingual Education Systems on Children's Language Development The impact of multilingual education systems on children's language development has been a subject of extensive research, offering insights into how exposure to multiple languages influences linguistic, cognitive, and social development. Linguistically, multilingual education has been shown to enhance not just proficiency in multiple languages but also overall linguistic awareness. Studies indicate that children educated in multilingual environments display greater metalinguistic skills, such as the ability to understand and manipulate language structures more effectively (Bialystok, 2001). This enhanced awareness facilitates the learning of additional languages and supports general language development. From a cognitive perspective, the benefits of multilingual education extend beyond language skills. Cummins (2000) highlights that bilingualism can lead to increased cognitive flexibility and improved problem-solving abilities. This is supported by the theory of cognitive reserve, suggesting that bilingualism may contribute to greater mental flexibility and delay the onset of cognitive decline (Bak, 2016). Socially, multilingual education fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. By learning and using multiple languages, children develop a more global perspective and are better equipped to navigate multicultural environments (Banks, 1997). This exposure to diverse linguistic and cultural contexts enhances children's empathy and social skills. However, the impact of multilingual education is contingent upon the quality of the educational environment and the methods employed. Genesee (2009) argues that effective multilingual education requires well-trained teachers, appropriate curriculum design, and sufficient resources. The pedagogical approach, whether it involves immersion, transitional bilingual education, or dual language programs, also plays a crucial role in determining the outcomes of multilingual education. Despite these benefits, multilingual education faces challenges. One concern is the potential for linguistic interference or confusion, particularly in children learning multiple languages simultaneously. However, research by Paradis (2001) counters this concern, demonstrating that children are capable of differentiating between languages effectively. In conclusion, multilingual education systems have a profound impact on children's language development, enhancing linguistic skills, cognitive abilities, and social competencies. The successful implementation of these systems depends on various factors, including pedagogical approaches, teacher training, and resource allocation. Understanding these impacts and addressing the challenges are crucial for optimizing the benefits of multilingual education. Cognitive, Social, and Academic Development Outcomes The impact of multilingual education on cognitive, social, and academic development has been a significant area of research in educational psychology. The outcomes of such an educational approach are multifaceted, influencing various aspects of a child's development. Multilingual education has been consistently linked to enhanced cognitive development. Bialystok (2001) found that bilingual children often outperform monolingual peers in tasks that require executive control, such as problem-solving, attention management, and switching between tasks. This cognitive advantage is attributed to the brain's constant management of multiple linguistic systems, enhancing mental Socially, multilingual education promotes cultural awareness and sensitivity. According to Banks (1997), exposure to multiple languages and cultures within an educational setting 25 fosters greater empathy and respect for diverse perspectives. This exposure helps students develop better communication skills and adaptability in diverse social settings. Academically, the benefits of multilingual education extend to literacy and academic achievement. Cummins (2000) argues that proficiency in multiple languages enhances a child's understanding and interpretation of text, which can translate to overall academic success. Furthermore, Thomas and Collier (2002) found that long-term academic outcomes for students in dual language programs were significantly higher compared to their monolingual counterparts. Despite these benefits, implementing effective multilingual education requires addressing several challenges. Firstly, the quality of language instruction and teacher competency in multilingual settings is crucial (Genesee, 2008). Additionally, the curriculum must be carefully designed to support linguistic and academic development across multiple languages (Baker, 2011). In conclusion, multilingual education positively impacts cognitive, social, and academic development. These outcomes highlight the value of integrating multiple languages into the educational curriculum. However, achieving these outcomes necessitates high-quality instruction, well-designed curricula, and consideration of the individual linguistic and academic needs of students. CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IN MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION Challenges Faced by Educators, Students, and Parents in Multilingual Education Multilingual education, while beneficial, poses specific challenges for educators, students, and parents, which must be acknowledged and addressed for effective implementation. Educators in multilingual settings face the complex task of delivering instruction in multiple languages while ensuring that all students understand and engage with the content. According to Baker (2011), one primary challenge is achieving proficiency in all the languages of instruction. This demands not only linguistic skills but also cultural competence to appropriately address the diverse backgrounds of students (Lindholm-Leary, 2022). Additionally, the lack of adequate resources, such as bilingual teaching materials and training, further complicates the educator's role (Cummins, 2000). For students, transitioning between languages can be demanding, especially for those not proficient in one of the languages of instruction. This can lead to feelings of frustration and isolation, impacting their academic performance and self-esteem (Genesee, 2008). Furthermore, the pressure to maintain equal competency in all languages can be overwhelming, leading to language anxiety (Dewaele, 2010). Parents of students in multilingual education systems often face challenges in supporting their children's learning. This is particularly true for parents who are not proficient in one or more of the languages used in the educational setting. Such a scenario can create a gap in communication between the school and home, making it difficult for parents to effectively participate in their child's education (Epstein, 2001). Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive strategies that include professional development for educators, support systems for students, and active engagement with parents. Professional development programs should focus not only on language proficiency but also on cultural competency and pedagogical strategies for multilingual education (Lucas, Villegas, & Freedson-Gonzalez, 2008). For students, providing additional language support and creating an inclusive environment where all languages and cultures are valued can 26 mitigate feelings of isolation and anxiety. Finally, engaging with parents through multilingual communication and involvement strategies can bridge the gap between home and school, fostering a supportive learning environment (Hornberger, 2009). In conclusion, while multilingual education offers numerous benefits, the challenges it presents to educators, students, and parents are significant. Addressing these challenges with targeted strategies is essential for the success and sustainability of multilingual education programs. Effective Multilingual Education Strategies and Best Practices Effective multilingual education is critical in addressing the diverse needs of students in a globalized world. Implementing best practices and strategies in multilingual education can significantly enhance learning outcomes and ensure the success of such programs. A well-designed curriculum that respects and integrates multiple languages and cultures is fundamental. According to Cummins (2000), an inclusive curriculum should provide opportunities for students to use their home languages while acquiring new ones, fostering a sense of belonging and identity. This approach not only supports language development but also contributes to cognitive and academic growth. Continuous professional development for educators is crucial in multilingual settings. Training programs should focus on developing educators' language competencies, as well as their understanding of multicultural pedagogies (Lucas, Villegas, & Freedson-Gonzalez, 2008). This equips teachers with the necessary skills to effectively manage and facilitate multilingual classrooms. Engaging families and communities in the educational process is essential. Epstein (2001) emphasizes the importance of creating partnerships with parents and communities, including them in the learning process, and using their linguistic resources as an educational asset. This involvement can bridge the gap between home and school, enhancing the learning experience. Adapting assessment and evaluation methods to cater to multilingual learners is important. Standardized tests often do not accurately reflect the abilities of multilingual students. Alternative assessments, such as portfolios and performance-based tasks, can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of students' skills and knowledge (García & Wei, 2014). Technology can be a powerful tool in multilingual education. Digital platforms and resources can offer personalized learning experiences and access to diverse linguistic content, facilitating language acquisition and cultural exposure. In conclusion, effective multilingual education requires a comprehensive approach that includes inclusive curriculum design, collaborative teaching methods, professional development for educators, family and community engagement, adapted assessment strategies, and the use of technology. Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of multilingual education programs. CONCLUSION The exploration of multilingual education systems in the context of child language development has provided a comprehensive overview of the complexities and nuances inherent in this field. The integration of theoretical perspectives, combined with a global analysis of various educational models, has highlighted the significant impact of multilingual education on cognitive, social, and academic development in children. 27 Multilingual education, deeply rooted in established theories of language development, offers profound cognitive benefits. Children exposed to multiple languages in educational settings tend to develop enhanced problem-solving skills, cognitive flexibility, and greater metalinguistic awareness. These cognitive advantages underscore the importance of incorporating multilingual approaches in early education. The social and cultural implications of multilingual education are equally significant. Through the integration of multiple languages and cultures, children gain a broader perspective, fostering empathy and intercultural competence. This multicultural exposure is crucial in preparing children for the increasingly globalized world. However, the successful implementation of multilingual education systems is not without challenges. Educators face the daunting task of delivering effective instruction across different languages while ensuring equitable learning opportunities for all students. Students, on the other hand, must navigate the complexities of learning in multiple languages, which can be both an opportunity and a challenge, depending on their linguistic backgrounds. Parents also play a critical role in supporting their children's multilingual education, often navigating language barriers themselves. The analysis of multilingual education practices across different countries has revealed varied approaches, reflecting the diverse linguistic, cultural, and educational landscapes of each region. These variations highlight the need for context-specific strategies in the implementation of multilingual education systems. In conclusion, while multilingual education presents unique challenges, its benefits in fostering well-rounded, culturally competent, and linguistically skilled individuals are undeniable. The future of education in a multilingual world requires ongoing commitment, innovation, and collaboration among educators, policymakers, and communities to maximize the potential of multilingual education for child language development. The journey towards effective multilingual education is ongoing, and it is one that promises substantial rewards for future generations. REFERENCES Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T., & Ungerleider, C. (2010). 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Dr. Birsel AYBEK Çukurova Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalı, Adana, Türkiye ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5846-9838 Osman OĞUZ Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Adana, Türkiye ORCID ID: 0009-0003-9598-5227 ÖZET Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilkokul 3. sınıflarda 2023–2024 eğitim-öğretim yılında okutulan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesini eleştirel düşünme standartları çerçevesinde değerlendirmektir. Çalışmanın evrenini Türkiye’de 2023-2024 eğitim-öğretim yılında ilkokulların 3. sınıflarında okutulan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitapları, çalışmanın örneklemini ise Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi oluşturmaktadır. Betimsel yöntemin kullanıldığı araştırmada veriler doküman incelemesi yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Yapılan analizde, ilkokul 3.sınıf ders kitabında yer alan“Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin eleştirel düşünme standartlarından açıklık, doğruluk, önem/alaka ve kesinlik standartlarını karşıladığı, yeterlilik ve derinlik/genişlik standartlarını ise kısmen karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda Hayat Bilgisi ders kitapları hazırlanırken eleştirel düşünme standartlarının göz önüne alınmasına ilişkin önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Düşünme, Eleştirel Düşünme, Eleştirel Düşünme Standartları, Hayat Bilgisi Dersi, Ders Kitabı, ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to evaluation the "Safe Life" unit in the Life Sciences textbook taught in the 3rd grade of primary school in the 2023-2024 academic year within the framework of critical thinking standards. The population of this study consists of Life Science textbooks taught in the 3rd grade of primary schools in the 2023-2024 academic year in Turkey, and the sample of the study consists of the "Safe Life" unit in the Life Science textbook. In the research where descriptive method was used, data were collected by document review method. In the analysis, it was concluded that the "Safe Life" unit in the primary school 3rd grade textbook met the critical thinking standards of clarity, accuracy, importance/relevance and precision, and partially met the adequacy and depth/breadth standards. As a result of the research, suggestions were made regarding taking critical thinking standards into consideration while preparing Life Sciences textbooks. Key Words: Thinking ,Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking Standards, Life Sciences Course Textbook, 31 GİRİŞ Modern dünyanın ihtiyaçları, günümüz bireylerinin düşünme yeteneklerini edinmelerini kaçınılmaz kılmıştır. Eğitimde sadece bilgi alışverişi değil, aynı zamanda düşünmeyi öğrenme önemli hale gelmektedir. Bu nedenle çağdaş okullarda, düşünebilen, eleştirebilen, üretebilen ve bilgiye erişim becerilerine sahip bireyler yetiştirmek amaçlanmaktadır (Seferoğlu ve Akbıyık, 2006). Modern eğitim programlarının temelini atan yeni yaklaşımların öne çıkan özelliği, eğitimin olduğu süreçte zihinsel durumlara odaklanmaktır. Düşünme, farklı şekillerde tanımlanabilir; ancak tüm bu tanımlamalardaki benzer durumlar, düşünmenin yenilikleri merkezine alması ve dolayısıyla insanın büyüme ve gelişimine katkıda bulunmasıdır (Hashemi, 2011). Düşünmeye önem verilmesi, gelişen çevremizde bireylerin toplumda iyi bir düşünür olması için, yaşamları boyunca edindikleri bilgileri işleyerek düşünme becerilerinin gelişmiş olması gerekmektedir (Dutoğlu ve Tuncel, 2008). KAVRAMSAL ÇERÇEVE Günümüzde okullarda beklenen en önemli görev, demokratik, yaratıcı, üretken, eleştirel düşünmeye sahip, öğrenmeyi öğrenen, problem çözebilen, insanlara saygılı, farklı düşüncelere hoşgörü ile yaklaşabilen sorumlu ve çok yönlü düşünebilen bireyler yetiştirmektir (Aybek, 2006). Eleştirel düşünme konusunda çeşitli araştırmacılar tarafından farklı tanımlamalar yapılmıştır: Yıldırım ve Şensoy (2011) eleştirel düşünmeyi yorumlama, analiz etme, değerlendirme ve çıkarımlarla desteklenen, delil biçiminde, kavramsal, metodolojik, ölçütsel ya da içeriksel incelemelerle açıklanan amaca yönelik, karar verme durumu olarak tanımlamaktadırlar. Facione ve Facione (2008)ise eleştirel düşünmeyi, uygun ölçütler üzerinden değerlendirme yapmak ve yöntemlerin elverişli olanlarını ele almak, var olan delilleri ilişkilendirerek ne yapılacağına ve neye inanılacağına karar verme süreci olarak tanımlamaktadır. Eleştirel düşünme becerisine sahip bireyler, mevcut doğru bilgileri sorgulama, olaylara farklı perspektiflerden bakma ve muhakeme etme yeteneğine sahiptirler (Şahinel, 2007). Sürekli değişen dünyanın sorunlarına çözüm bulabilen bireyler, yalnızca eleştirel düşünen bireylerdir (Çelenk ve Özcan, 2007).Toplumlarda eleştirel düşünmenin olmaması; ilimin, doğruluğun, toleransın olmadığını göstermektedir (Gündoğdu, 2009). Ders kitapları, öğretim programlarındaki konulara ait bilgileri düzenli bir şekilde sunan, açıklayan, dersin amaçlarına ulaşmasını sağlayan ve eğitim sürecinde vazgeçilmez araçlar olarak kullanılan kaynaklardır(Ünsal ve Güneş, 2002). İstenilen çıktıların elde edilmesi için ders kitaplarının amaca uygun ve yararlı olması gerekmektedir (Kılıç ve Seven, 2007).Aynı zamanda kitapların, mevcut programın temel felsefesini yansıtması önemlidir. Dolayısıyla eleştirel düşünen bireyler yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan şuan ki programa uygun olarak, kitapların da eleştirel düşünme standartlarına uygun olarak hazırlanması gerekmektedir (Aybek, Çetin ve Başarır, 2014). Hayat Bilgisi dersi bireylerin daha sonraki süreçlerde karşılaşacakları derslerle ilişkili olarak temel oluşturmasının yanında beceri öğretiminin de daha fazla öne çıktığı bir ders olarak öğretim programlarında yer almaktadır(Yılmaz ve Göçen, 2019). Hayat Bilgisi dersi, öğrencilerin içinden geldikleri sosyal yaşamın, doğal çevrenin öğrencilerin tüm yönlerini gerçek ortamlardaki doğallığı çerçevesinde ele alan ve onların gelişim seviyelerine uygun tasarlanan, bir disiplindir (Öğülmüş, 2009). Hayat Bilgisi Dersi Öğretim Programı, Türk Millî Eğitimi'nin Genel Amaçları ile Temel İlkeleri doğrultusunda hazırlanmış olup, 1739 sayılı Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu'nda belirtilen hedeflere odaklanmaktadır. Programın temel amacı; 32 temel becerilere sahip, kendini bilen, güven ve sağlık içerisinde bir yaşam sürmeyi öğrenen, bulunduğu topluluğun değerlerini içselleştiren, çevre ve doğaya önem veren, araştıran, üreten ve ülkesine bağlı bireyler ortaya koymaktır (MEB, 2018). Yukarıdaki açıklamalar doğrultusunda bu araştırmada 2023- 2024 eğitim-öğretim yılında ders kitabı olarak kabul edilen ve ilkokul 3. sınıflarda okutulan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin eleştirel düşünme standartları çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu genel amaca bağlı olarak aşağıdaki alt amaçların da cevaplanması hedeflenmiştir: Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi eleştirel düşünme standartlarından; 123456- Açıklık, Doğruluk, Önem/Alaka, Yeterlilik, Derinlik/Genişlik ve Kesinlik standardını karşılamakta mıdır? YÖNTEM Araştırmanın Türü Araştırma verileri betimsel analiz kullanılarak doküman incelemesi yöntemiyle ele alınmıştır. Doküman incelemesi, incelenen konu veya konulara dair içinde bilgi olan yazılı gereçlerin analizini içeren bir araştırma yöntemidir (Şimşek ve Yıldırım, 2011). Bu yöntemin etkili olabilmesi için araştırmacının inceleyeceği belgeleri detaylı bir şekilde anlaması ve bu belgelerden nasıl faydalanacağını bilmesi önemlidir (Karasar, 2007). Çalışma Grubu Bu çalışmanın evrenini Türkiye’de 2023-2024 eğitim öğretim yılında ilkokulların 3.sınıflarında okutulan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitapları, çalışmanın örneklemini ise Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Örnekleme alınan ünitenin seçilmesinde, ünitede soyut ifadelerin bulunması, öğrencilerin bu kavramları öğrenmede zorlanmaları gibi faktörler etkili olmuştur. Verilerin Toplanması ve Çözümlenmesi Bu araştırmada ilkokulların 3. sınıflarında 2023–2024 eğitim öğretim yılında okutulan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitaplarından biri seçilerek analiz edilecek kitap belirlenmiştir. Kitabın içinde yer alan “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi yukarıda çalışma grubunda belirlenen ölçütler doğrultusunda seçilmiştir. Araştırmada, eleştirel düşünme standartları çerçevesinde yer alan başlıkları temel alarak, verileri çözümlemek için belirli ölçütler oluşturulmuştur. Ardından araştırmacılar tarafından bu ünite eleştirel düşünme standartlarına (açıklık, doğruluk, önem/alaka, yeterlilik, derinlik/genişlik ve kesinlik) göre analiz edilmiştir.. Ünitenin eleştirel düşünme standartlarına ne ölçüde uygun olduğu örneklerle açıklanmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Toplanan verilerin açıklanmasında, konuyla ilgili örnekler sunularak, gerektiğinde direk alıntılar yapılmıştır. 33 BULGULAR Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi 7 kazanımdan oluşmakla birlikte ders kitabında 4. bölümde yer almaktadır. Önerilen toplam etkinlik süresi ise 19 ders saatidir (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB], 2018). Ders kitabında seçilen ünite 97-125 sayfalarında bulunmaktadır. 3.sınıf Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabında yer alan “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinde konulara hazırlık çalışmaları ile başlandığı, devamında kavramların tanımlarının yapıldığı ve son olarak da konu ile ilgili soruların sorulduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aşağıda öncelikle Nosich’in (2012;Akt. Aybek, 2012) ortaya koyduğu eleştirel düşünme standartlarının açıklaması yapılmış ardından ise “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi için bu standartların kullanılıp kullanılmadığı üzerinde durulmuştur. 1. Açıklık Düşüncemiz kolaylıkla anlaşılıyorsa ve yanlış anlaşılma ihtimali taşımıyorsa açık olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Düşüncemizin vermek istediğimiz anlamı açık bir şekilde ifade edilmesi, o bilgi hakkında ayrıntıya girmemiz gerekir. Onunla ilgili analoji ve görselleştirmelerde bulunmamız gerekir. Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin açık olabilmesi için aşağıdaki soruları sormamız gerekir: a- Düşünme açık mı? b- Bu benim beynimde açık mı? c- Bunu açık bir şekilde söylüyor muyum? 3.sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi için “açıklık” standardı açısından konulara genel olarak bakıldığında düşünmenin açık olduğunu görülmektedir. Konular, tanımlar, kavramlar ve ilkeler öğrencilere açık bir şekilde aktarılmıştır ve konular kitapta açık bir şekilde ifade edilmiştir. Her bir konu başlığında önce kavramların tanımları verilmiş daha sonra kavramla ile ilgili ayrıntılara girilmiştir. Konuların ayrıntılı bilgilendirmesi yapıldıktan sonra örnekler verilmiştir. Örneklerin sonunda resimleştirmelerde yapılarak öğrencilerin zihninde konuların oturması sağlanmıştır. 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesini “açıklık” standardı açısından incelediğimizde;       “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda “trafik” kavramının tanımı yapılmış, işaretlerinden bahsedilmiş ve bu işaretler açık bir şekilde dile getirilmiştir. “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uymanın öneminden bahsedilmiş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız örneklerle açıklanmıştır. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında önemli bilgiler maddeler halinde açık bir şekilde belirtilmiştir. “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanların ne yapması gerektiği açık bir dille belirtilmiştir. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiği ifade edilmiştir. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiği üzerinde durulmuş ve bunun neden önemli olduğu örneklerle açıklamıştır. 34  “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızın neden önemli olduğu açık bir dille belirtilmiştir. Kısacası yukarıda da açıklandığı gibi 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konuların açıklık standardına uygun olduğu söylenilebilir 2. Doğruluk Burada doğruluk ile ifade ettiğimiz durum gerçekliktir. Akla yatkın, iyi ifade edilmiş, gerçek şeyler doğrudur diyebiliriz. Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin doğru olabilmesi için şu özellikleri taşıması gerekir: a. Düşünme doğru mu? b. İfadeler doğru mu, gerçek mi? 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesini “doğruluk” standardı açısından incelediğimizde düşünmenin gerçek bir şekilde aktarıldığını görmekteyiz. Konuların başlıklarına uygun doğru ve gerçek tanımlar verildiği görülmüştür. Bu tanımlara uygun sonuçlar gerçeklikten sapmadan ve bilimsel olarak aktarılmıştır. Örneğin “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda Trafikte kurallara uyulması gereken doğru ifadeler söylenmiş ve uyulmaması durumunda nasıl gerçeklerle karşılaşacağımız belirtmiştir. Ayrıca ünitede konuyla ilgili güvenilir kaynaklara başvurulduğu görülmektedir. 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesini “doğruluk” standardı açısından incelediğimizde;        “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda “trafik” tanımı yapılmış, işaretlerinden bahsedilmiş ve bu işaretler doğru bir şekilde açıklanmıştır. “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uymanın öneminden bahsedilmiş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız gerçek bir şekilde ifade edilmiştir. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında önemli bilgiler maddeler halinde gerçek ve doğru bir şekilde sıralanmıştır. “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanların ne yapması gerektiği gerçek bir şekilde örneklerle açıklanmıştır. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiği adım adım anlatılmıştır. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiğinin üzerinde durulmuş ve bunun neden önemli olduğu açıklanmış ve doğru bir şekilde ifade edilmiştir. “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızın neden önemli olduğu gerçekçi bir şekilde açıklanmıştır. Kısaca özetleyecek olursak3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konuların doğruluk standardına uygun olduğu ve bu standardı karşıladığı söylenilebilir. 35 Önem, Alaka Bir şey bizim için önem ifade ediyorsa o şey önemlidir. Düşünme, elimizdeki soruna doğrudan işaret ediyorsa önemlidir. Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin önemli olabilmesi için şu özellikleri taşıması gerekir: a. Düşünme önemli olan şey üzerine odaklanıyor mu? b. Düşünme mevcut problemle ilgili olarak ne kadar alakalı, merkezidir? 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi “önem, alaka” standardı açısından incelediğimizde;        “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda “trafik” tanımını yapılmış, işaretlerinden bahsedilmiş ve bu işaretlerin önemine değinilmiştir. “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uymanın önemi belirtilmiş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız açıklanmıştır. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında önemli bilgiler maddeler halinde sıralanmıştır. “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanların ne yapması gerektiğinin önemi belirtilmiştir. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiği üzerinde önemli bir şekilde durulmuştur. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiğinin üzerinde durulmuş ve bunun neden önemli olduğu, hangi faktörlerle alakalı olduğu açıklanmıştır. “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızın neden önemli olduğu üzerinde durulmuştur. Kısaca özetleyecek olursak3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin konuyla ilgili önemli yerlere odaklandığı bu önemleri örneklerle anlatmaya çalıştığı söylenilebilir. 3. Yeterlilik Yeterlilik bir konuyla alakalı tüm faktörleri hesaba katarak düşünme anlamına gelir. Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin yeterli olabilmesi için şu özellikleri taşıması gerekir: a. Bu yeterli şekilde düşünüldü mü? b. Konuya mantıklı bir şekilde karar vermek için bunu yeterince mantıklı düşündüm mü? 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi “yeterlilik” standardı açısından incelendiğinde genel olarak bazı konular istenilen yeterlilikte ele alınmışken bazılarında eksik durumlar olduğu saptanmıştır. Ünitede “yeterlilik” standardı ile ilgili aşağıdaki tespitler yapılmıştır:    “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda işaret levhalarının bazıları kitapta paylaşılırken, geri kalan bazı işaretlerinden bahsedilmemiştir. Hatta bazı alıştırma çalışmalarında bahsetmediği işaretlerden soru sormuştur. Bundan dolayı eksiklikler göze çarpmaktadır. “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uyma ile ilgili yeterli açıklamalarda bulunulmuş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız belirtilmiştir. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında yeteri kadar bilgi maddeler halinde sıralanmıştır. 36     “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanlarla ilgili kısa olarak bilgiler verilmiştir. Bu konunun daha geniş bir şekilde ele alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiğinden kısaca bahsedilmiştir. Burada da daha geniş bir şekilde konu ele alınabilirdi. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiğinin üzerinde durulmuş ve konuyla ilgili yeterli bilgi verilmiştir Hatta “Çök-KapanTutun, Yerinde Sığınak Oluştur, Kilitle ve Yat, Tahliye Et” durumlarının açıklamasına da yer verilmiştir. “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızla ilgili yeterli açıklamalarda bulunulmuştur. Kısaca özetleyecek olursak, yukarıda da açıklandığı gibi 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konulardan bazıları yeterlilik standardını karşılarken bazıları bu standardı karşılamamaktadır. 4. Derinlik ve Genişlik Düşüncemizin derin olması için: a) Konunun veya sorunun yüzey altına bakmamız, b) Altında yatan karmaşıklıkları belirlememiz, c) Soruyu ifade ederken bu karmaşıklık ve altta yatan noktaları dikkate almamız gerekir. Düşüncemizin geniş olması için: a) Diğer yönlere, diğer bakış açılarına, diğer problemlere bakma ihtiyacı fark edildiğinde, b) Bunları tanımladığımızda, c) Soruyu düşünürken onları uygun bir biçimde hesaba katmamız gerekir. Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin derin ve geniş olabilmesi için şu özellikleri taşıması gerekir: a. Konuyu yeterince derinlemesine düşündük mü? b. Problemin altında yatan teoriler, açıklamalar ve karmaşıklıkları uygun bir şekilde dikkatte aldık mı? c. Konuyu yeterince geniş bir şekilde düşündük mü? d. Konunun diğer yönlerini, problemin diğer bakış açılarını, alakalı konuları uygun bir şekilde dikkate aldık mı? 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi “genişlik ve derinlik” standardı açısından incelediğinde bazı konular istenildiği gibi derin ve geniş ele alınmışken bazılarında ise eksik durumlar göze çarpmaktadır. Ünite incelendiğinde bu standart ile ilgili aşağıdaki tespitler yapılmıştır:  “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda işaret levhalarının bazıları kitapta paylaşılırken, geri kalan bazı işaretlerden bahsedilmemiştir. Hatta bazı alıştırma çalışmalarında bahsetmemiş olduğu işaretlerden sorular sorulmuştur. Bundan dolayı eksiklikler göze çarpmaktadır. Anlatılan trafik işaretleri derinlemesine ele alınmamış ve diğer trafik işaretleri de açıklanmayarak genişlik standardı göz ardı edilmiştir. 37       “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uyma ile ilgili derinlemesine ve geniş açıklamalarda bulunulmuş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız belirtilmiştir. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında derinlemesine ve geniş bir şekilde bilgiler maddeler halinde sıralanmıştır. “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanlarla ilgili kısa olarak bilgiler verilmiştir. Daha geniş ve derinlemesine konunun ele alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiğinden kısaca bahsedilmiştir, konunun derinliğine inilmemiştir. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiğinin üzerinde durulmuş ve geniş bir şekilde derinlemesine inerek bilgilendirmeler yapılmıştır. Hatta “Çök-Kapan-Tutun, Yerinde Sığınak Oluştur, Kilitle ve Yat, Tahliye Et” durumlarının açıklaması da yapılmıştır. “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızla ilgili derinlemesine ve geniş bir şekilde açıklamalarda bulunulmuştur. Kısaca özetleyecek olursak yukarıda da belirtildiği gibi 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konulardan bazıları derinlik ve genişlik standardını karşılarken, bazılarında eksiklikler bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kesinlik Bir düşüncenin ya da bilginin kesinlik standardını karşılaması için şu özellikleri taşıması gerekir: a. Düşünce kesin mi? b. Mantıklı düşünme yeteri kadar ayrıntılı mı? 3. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesi “kesinlik” standardı açısından incelendiğinde;        “Trafik İşaretlerini Öğreniyoruz” konusunda “trafik” tanımı yapılmış, işaretlerinden bahsedilmiş ve bu işaretler kesin ifadelerle açıklanmıştır. “Trafikte Kurallara Uyalım” konusunda trafik kurallarına uymanın öneminden bahsedilmiş, uyulmaması durumunda ne gibi tehlikelerle karşılaşacağımız kesin bir dille belirtilmiştir. “Önlem Alalım” konusunda yakın çevrede yaşanabilecek kazalar ve bu kazaların önlenmesi için alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında önemli bilgiler maddeler halinde sıralanmıştır. “Acil Durumlarda Ne Yapmalıyız” konusunda acil durumlarda tehlikeden etkilenen veya etkilenme ihtimali olan insanların ne yapması gerektiği kesin ifadelerle açıklanmıştır. “Güvenliğimiz Önemli” konusunda ise bir hikâye ile kendimizi güvende hissetmediğimiz durumda neler yapmamız gerektiği kesin ifadelerle belirtilmiştir. “Güvenliğimizi Tehdit Edecek Durumlar” konusunda olağanüstü durumlarda neler yapmamız gerektiği üzerinde durulmuş ve bunun neden önemli olduğu açıklanmış ve kesin bir dille belirtilmiştir. “Oyun Alanlarında Güvenliğimiz” konusunda ise oyun oynarken güvenlik önlemlerini almamızın neden önemli olduğu kesin ifadelerle açıklanmıştır. 38 Kısaca özetleyecek olursak yukarıda da belirtildiği gibi 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konuların kesinlik standardını karşıladığı söylenilebilir. SONUÇ VE TARTIŞMA Yukarıda da belirtildiği gibi ders kitaplarının eleştirel düşünme standartlarına uygun bir biçimde hazırlanması hem öğretim kalitesini arttırma hem de öğrencilere eleştirel düşünme bakış açısını kazandırma açısından önemlidir. Açıklık standardı ölçütüne göre, etkinlikler ve kavramlar açık bir biçimde oluşturulmalı, kolayca ifade edilmeli, yalın olmalı, modeller ve görsellerle desteklenmeli, yanlış düşünce barındırmamalı, dili amaçlanan topluma göre olmalıdır. Bu niteliklere sahip bir kitap, öğrenci tarafından kolay anlaşılabilir ve istediği zaman başvurulabilir olacaktır (Aybek, Çetin ve Başarır, 2014).Bu araştırmada incelenen kitabın “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin eleştirel düşünme standartlarından açıklık standardını karşıladığı düşünülmektedir. Gözel ve Dinçer (2021) yaptıkları çalışmalarında 1. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi Ders Kitabı Okulumuzda Hayat Ünitesi’nde yer alan metin ve görselleri aktardığı sonucuna ulaşmışlar ve bu durum açıklık standardını desteklediğini göstermektedir. Erol ve Kıroğlu (2012), yaptığı çalışmalarında; noktalama işaretleri ile Türkçe programının birbirini desteklemediği, noktalama ve yazımın özensiz olduğu, cümlelerdeki sayı fazlalığı sınıf seviyesinde olmadığı, tek örneklik kaidesini taşımadığı, Türkçesi olan kelimeler yerine yabancı kelimelerin tercih edildiği ve Hayat Bilgisi ders kitaplarının iyi hazırlanmadığı sonucuna ulaşmışlardır. Akla yatkın, iyi ifade edilmiş, gerçek bilgiler doğrudur. Bu açıdan baktığımızda yapılan inceleme sonucunda 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konuların gerçek ve doğru bir şekilde ifade edildiği görülmüştür. Hayat Bilgisi Dersi Öğretim Programı amacı, Türk Millî Eğitimi'nin Genel Amaçları ile Temel İlkeleri doğrultusunda hazırlanmış olup, 1739 sayılı Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu'nda ifade edilen hedeflere odaklanmaktadır. Programın temel amacı; temel becerilere sahip, kendini bilen, güven ve sağlık içerisinde bir yaşam sürmeyi öğrenen, bulunduğu topluluğun değerlerini içselleştiren, çevre ve doğaya önem veren, araştıran, üreten ve ülkesine bağlı bireyler ortaya koymaktır (MEB, 2018). Buna bağlı olarak, amaca uygun hizmet eden Hayat Bilgisi kitabının eleştirel düşünme standartlarından önem/alaka standardını karşılaması beklenir. Bu çalışma sonucunda 3. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi dersi “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesindeki konularda önemli yerlere odaklanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Aybek ve diğerleri (2014) yaptıkları çalışmalarında Fen ve Teknoloji ders kitabının önem/alaka kriterini karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşmışlardır. Eğitim sistemimizde önemli bir yeri bulunan ders kitaplarının, istenilen çıktıların oluşması için diğer durumları karşılaması gerekmektedir (Kılıç ve Seven, 2007). Eleştirel düşünmenin yeterlilik standardını karşılayan bir kitap bilgiler yönünden hedefe ulaşmış olmalı, düşünme üzerine odaklanmalı, bol etkinliklere ve yeterince kanıtlara yer vermelidir. Ayrıca bilgiler geçmiş olayları içermelidir (Aybek ve diğerleri, 2014). Bu araştırmada incelenen kitabın “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin yeterlilik standardını kısmen karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Aybek ve diğerleri (2014) yaptıkları çalışmalarında Fen ve Teknoloji ders kitabının yeterlilik kriterini kısmen karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşmışlardır. Gülüm ve Çeltik (2014) yaptıkları çalışmada; kitapların içerik dizaynı ve kullanılan dil ile eğitsellik açısından kusurlu olduğunu, diğer bazı hatalara da sahip olduğunu tespit etmişlerdir. Gözütok, Taş, Rüzgar, Akçatepe ve Yetkiner (2015) yaptıkları İlkokul Birinci Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi Kitaplarının Değerlendirilmesi ile ilgili çalışmalarının sonucunda anlatım eksikliklerinin olduğu, görsellerin sınıfa uygun olmadığı ve bazı etkinliklerin de eğitim-öğretim ilkelerini karşılamadığını belirtmişlerdir. 39 Düşüncemizin derin olması için: konunun veya sorunun yüzeyinin altına bakmamız, altında yatan karmaşıklıkları belirlememiz, sorunu belirtirken bu karmaşıklık ve bunun sebeplerini dikkate almamız gerekmektedir. Düşüncemizin geniş olması için; başka faktörler ve bakış açılarını da dikkate almamız gerekir. Bu araştırmada incelenen kitabın “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin derinlik/genişlik standardını kısmen karşıladığı tespit edilmiştir. Eleştirel düşünme standartlarını karşılayan herhangi bir kitapta bilgiler kusur olmadan, oldukça derin, nedensel yönden uygun olmalı ve kesinlik taşımalıdır(Aybek ve diğerleri, 2014). Bu araştırmada incelenen kitabın “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin kesinlik standardını karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Aybek ve diğerleri (2014) yaptıkları çalışmalarında Fen ve Teknoloji ders kitabının kesinlik kriterini kısmen karşıladığı sonucuna ulaşmışlardır. Elde edilen sonuçlar bağlamında; ders kitaplarının eğitimdeki önemi dikkate alındığında kitapların eleştirel düşünme standartlarına uygun olarak hazırlanması, öğretimin niteliğini arttırabilir. Eleştirel düşünme becerisinin erken yaşlarda kazandırılması geren bir beceri olması nedeniyle, özellikle bu duruma ilkokuldaki ders kitaplarında daha çok önem verilmelidir. Bu sebepten dolayı, ders kitaplarını hazırlama sürecinde sadece konu alanı uzmanlarının olması doğru değildir. Bu süreçte üniversitedeki alan uzmanları ve program geliştirme uzmanlarının ve özellikle düşünme ve eleştirel düşünme alanında çalışan akademisyenlerin de dahil edilmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Buna ek olarak ciddi anlamda pilot uygulamalar gerçekleştirilmeli ve kitaplar, öğrencilere çağdaş eğitim anlayışına uygun eleştirel düşünme becerisi gibi becerileri kazandıracak şekilde özenle hazırlanmalıdır. Ayrıca bu araştırma kapsamında ele alınan Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabındaki “Güvenli Hayat” ünitesinin yeterlilik, derinlik ve genişlik eleştirel düşünme standartları açısından yetersiz olduğu dikkate alındığında bu ünitenin bu standartlara yönelik olarak yeniden düzenlemesi gerektiği söylenilebilir. KAYNAKÇA Aybek, B. (2006). Konu ve Beceri Temelli Eleştirel Düşünme Öğretiminin Öğretmen Adaylarının Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi ve Düzeyine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana. Aybek, B., Çetin, A., ve Başarır, F. (2014). Fen ve Teknoloji Ders Kitabının Eleştirel Düşünme Standartları Doğrultusunda Analiz Edilmesi.Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 (1), 2146-9199. Dutoğlu, G. ve Tuncel, M.(2008). Aday Öğretmenlerin Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimleri İle Duygusal Zekâ Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 8, Sayı: 1,11-32. Erol, B., ve Kıroğlu, K. (2012). Hayat Bilgisi Ders Kitaplarının Dil ve Anlatım Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (32), 155-176. Facione, P.A., & Facione N. C. (2008). Critical Thinking And Clinical Judgement. Critical Thinking And Reasoning İn The Health Sciences: Ateaching Anthology. The California Academic Press: Millbrae. Gözel, Ü. (2021). Birinci sınıf hayat bilgisi dersi okulumuzda hayat ünitesinde yer alan değerlerin incelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 17(34), 10631094. 40 Gözütok, F. D., İlkay, T. A. Ş., Rüzgar, M. E., Akçatepe, A., & Yetkiner, A. (2015). İlkokul Birinci Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi Kitaplarının Değerlendirilmesi. İlköğretim Online, 14(3), 825-844. Gülüm, K., & Çeltik, D. (2014). İlkokul 2. 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Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları. Yılmaz, F., ve Göçen, S. (2019). Hayat Bilgisi Öğretimine İlişkin Yapılan Araştırmalara Yönelik Bir İnceleme. Medeniyet Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 76-86. 41 EVALUATION OF PROBLEMATIC SOCIAL MEDIA USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND ITS EFFECTS ON PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTOR Assoc. Prof. Alime SELÇUK TOSUN Selcuk University, Faculty of Nursing, Konya, Türkiye Master Students, Elif Nisa KARA Selcuk University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health Nursing, Konya, Türkiye ABSTRACT Purpose: This review study was conducted to evaluate problematic social media use in adolescents, psychosocial factors associated with problematic social media use, intervention programs implemented for problematic social media use, and to examine its importance for public health nursing. Method: The literature search was conducted in Google Scholar, PubMEd, Academic Search Complete and Web of Sciences databases using the keywords 'Intervention Programs, Social Media, Problematic Social Media Use, Adolescent, Nursing'. Articles in English and Turkish, published between 2015 and 2024 and whose full text was available, were examined. Results: With the rapid advancement of technology from past to present, technology has become an indispensable element of our lives and the time spent by children and adolescents with social media tools has increased rapidly. When the studies in the literature are examined, it has been observed that as a result of the increase in time spent by adolescents on social media, there is a decrease in self-esteem, a decrease in sleep quality, and an increase in anxiety and depression levels. According to the results of another study, it is stated that problematic social media use is associated with psychological well-being and makes it difficult to feel as a meaningful part in relationships. Studies on the subject report that intervention programs can have a positive effect on problematic social media use and psychosocial factors such as loneliness, anxiety, general health, and perceived attention performance associated with problematic social media use. Conclusion: Problematic social media use, which causes communication disorders in family and friend relationships and negatively affects social life, is important for adolescent health, which is critical for the development of the individual. Studies on the subject have found that practices such as reducing screen time within the scope of intervention programs can have an ameliorating effect on the course of problematic social media use. As public health nurses, it is recommended to provide the necessary training to the individual and adolescent family in order for the adolescent to create a healthy lifestyle, early detection of problematic social media use, and implementation of effective intervention programs for protection and prevention. Keywords: Intervention Programs, Problematic Social Media Use, Adolescent, Nursing. 42 INTRODUCTION With the rapid advancement of technology from past to present, technology has become an indispensable element of our lives and the time spent by children and adolescents with social media tools has increased rapidly (Öz et al. 2015). Social media; It is defined as an online platform used to convey individuals' thoughts, experiences, and perspectives through various messages or visuals and to communicate with other individuals (Eraslan 2018). It is reported that carrying out many operations such as communication, communication, research, accessing information sources, following the agenda has become more practical through social media and the internet, which are fast, cheap and easily accessible, and it is stated that social media adds a different dimension to our lives in terms of communication with others, entertainment and socializing in the virtual environment. (Uzun et al. 2016, Gholamian et al. 2017, Fumero et al. 2018, Dost et al. 2021, Köyceğiz et al. 2022). According to We Are Social's 2023 report, it is stated that the number of people using social media in the world is 4.88 billion people and the average time spent on social media is 2 hours 26 minutes (Web 2023). According to the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute, it is reported that the rate of households with access to the internet in Turkey is 95.5%, while the rate of internet usage among individuals in the 16-74 age group was 85.0% in 2022 and increased to 87.1% in 2023. When gender discrimination is examined, the internet usage rate in 2023; It has been reported that it is 90.9% in men and 83.3% in women (TUIK 2023). Depending on these widespread social media usage habits, some negative effects are also observed (Yılmaz and Güney 2021). Adolescence, the most critical period of an individual's developmental stages, is seen as the group at risk because it requires exploration and experimentation (Ektiricioğlu et al. 2020, Mathew and Krishnan 2020). Adolescence is considered a very critical period in terms of technological addictions such as problematic social media use, smartphone addiction, and digital game addiction (Ektiricioğlu et al. 2020). It is an undeniable fact that individuals make social comparisons by gaining information about other people through social media (Bilgin 2018). Park and Baek (2017) stated that social comparison made through social media has an impact on the individual's mental well-being. As a result of this situation, it is stated that social media negatively affects interpersonal relationships, mental health and private life (Çalışır 2015, Doğan and Tosun 2016, Bilgin 2018). McIntyre et al. (2015) state that problematic internet use makes it difficult for a person to develop meaningful and sustainable relationships, making it difficult for them to feel as a meaningful part of their relationships. In another study, when adolescents who used the internet for social media purposes were compared with those who used it for homework, it was found that the probability of being addicted to the internet for social media purposes was 2.82 times higher than that of those who connected for homework purposes (Derin and Bilge 2016). In another study conducted by Woods and Scott (2016), it was stated that adolescents' sleep quality decreased due to the increase in time spent on social media, their self-esteem decreased, and their anxiety and depression levels increased. In a study conducted by Calancie et al. (2017), it was reported that there was a relationship between Facebook use and anxiety levels in adolescents. Similarly, another study conducted by de Vries et al. (2016) concluded that anxiety and depression levels were high in adolescents with high daily social media usage time. According to the results of the meta-analysis study conducted by Liu et al. (2022), it is stated that the risk of depression increases by 13% for every hour of increase in social media use in adolescents. Studies on the subject have reported that programs implemented to reduce problematic social media use may have a positive effect on problematic social media use and psychosocial factors such as loneliness, anxiety, general health, and perceived attention performance associated with problematic social media use (Pietsch et al. 2023, Wezel et al. 2021, Hussain et al 2023, Linderg et al 2022). 43 Looking at the results of this research, it is observed that there is a relationship between problematic social media use and psychosocial factors in adolescents. While the appropriate use of social media for academic purposes increases academic success by facilitating learning, problematic social media use negatively affects social life by causing disruptions in family and friend communications (Yayan et al 2017, Anlayışlı and Serin 2019, Mo et al 2020). This review study was conducted to examine problematic social media use in adolescents, psychosocial factors associated with problematic social media use, intervention programs implemented for problematic social media use, and to examine its importance for public health nursing. METHODOLOGY In this research, the literature review was conducted in Google Scholar, PubMEd, Academic Search Complete and Web of Sciences databases using the keywords 'Intervention Programs, Social Media, Problematic Social Media Use, Adolescent, Nursing'. Articles in English and Turkish, published between 2015 and 2024 and whose full text was available, were examined. RESULTS The purpose of the study by Pietsch et al. (2023) was to evaluate the effects of an app-based intervention on tobacco, e-cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use, as well as gambling and digital media-related behaviors in the vocational school setting. A total of 4591 students were randomly selected from 277 classes with an average age of 19.2. Participants were randomly allocated to the intervention or control group. Students in the intervention group were provided with access to "Meine Zeit ohne", an application that encouraged voluntary reduction or complete avoidance of a specific substance, gambling or social media-related habits for 2 weeks. Students in the control and intervention groups were evaluated for substance, gambling and digital media use before and after the intervention, approximately 7.7 weeks. Looking at the results of the research, it was observed that the general negative health behavior of the students in the intervention group improved significantly more than those in the control group. They stated that this difference was due to the decrease in social media usage. As a result, it is stated that the "Meine Zeit ohne" application is suitable for the targeted group and shows that it has a small but measurable effect on students' health behaviors. Screen time applications that allow individuals using smartphones to manage screen time are assumed to combat the negative effects of smartphone use. A study by Wezel et al. (2021) was conducted to investigate whether social media restriction implemented through app-based screen time has a positive effect on emotional health and sustained attention performance. In this study conducted with 76 participants, 40 in the experimental group and 36 in the control group, whether reducing the time spent on Mobile Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube by 50% for seven days is beneficial in terms of attention performance and well-being compared to a 10% decrease. has been examined. In order to evaluate the screen activity of the participants participating in the research, records were collected, including smartphone screen time and time spent, and the number of notifications received, within WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube mobile applications. According to the results of this 3-week study, it was reported that decreasing screen time improved sustained attention performance among all participants, although behavioral performance remained constant throughout the process, and perceived attention performance improved. In addition, it is stated that the participants stated that there was a decrease in their negative emotions, but there was no increase in their positive emotions. 44 Another study by Hussain et al. (2023) aimed to examine the effect of smartphone interventions on problematic social media use and to investigate the differences in psychiatric disorder symptoms, loneliness and general health of problematic social media use. This six-week randomized controlled study was conducted with a total of 110 participants. One group was given advice on general health and lifestyle. According to the results of this study, it is stated that smartphone interventions have a potential benefit in shortening the duration of problematic social media use. This research has shown that short-term smartphone interventions targeting technology use have a long-term positive impact on users' overall health, anxiety, problematic social media use, and loneliness. In addition, it was shown that self-reported depression symptom findings approached significance across measurement time points. According to the results of this study, it is recommended that parents, educators and healthcare professionals be aware of problematic social media use and support the implementation and development of prevention campaigns such as smartphone applications to help change this use. Looking at another intervention study by Lindenberg et al. (2022), it was aimed to investigate whether the PROTECT (Professional Use of Technical Media) intervention could reduce symptom severity in at-risk adolescents and prevent the full syndrome and subthreshold onset of gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder. This research was conducted with atrisk adolescents between the ages of 12-18 in 33 high schools in Germany. Gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder constituted the inclusion criteria for the study. Participants were divided into two: PROTECT intervention group and control group. PROTECT intervention, which is a theoretically based, manualized, cognitive behavioral therapy-based, indicated preventive group intervention, was carried out in 4 sessions by psychologists trained in the field. Participants were evaluated at 1 month, 4 month and 12 month follow-up. When looking at the results of the research, it was reported that as a result of the intervention program, the symptoms of gaming and unspecified internet use disorder decreased significantly, but there was no change in the incidence rates. CONCLUSION Conscious, accurate and purposeful use of media tools improves creativity and critical thinking and makes life easier. However, unconscious and uncontrolled use of these tools threatens the health and development of children and adolescents. Problematic social media use, which causes communication disorders in family and friend relationships and negatively affects social life, is important for the health of adolescence, which is critical for the development of the individual. Nurses have important responsibilities in the conscious use of media and reducing its negative effects. In order for adolescents to maintain their physical and psychosocial health, they need to be protected from the harmful effects of problematic social media use. Within the scope of intervention programs implemented in line with studies in the literature, it has been determined that programs such as reducing screen time through phone applications can have a healing effect on the course of problematic social media use. As public health nurses, it is recommended to provide the necessary training to the individual and his family in order for the adolescent to create a healthy lifestyle, early detection of problematic social media use, and implementation of effective intervention programs for protection and prevention. 45 REFERENCES Anlayışlı C, Bulut Serin N, 2019. Lise öğrencilerinde internet bağımlılığı ve depresyonun cinsiyet, akademik başarı ve internete giriş süreleri açısından incelenmesi. Folklor/edebiyat, 25, 97, 730-43. Bilgin M, 2018. Ergenlerde Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığı ve Psikolojik Bozukluklar Arasındaki İlişki. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 3(3), 237-247. 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Climate changes, the global warming, the extinction of a number of animal and plant species, as well as frequent fires and droughts in some parts of the planet and devastating rainfalls and floods in others, some attribute to the human factor and the uncontrolled extraction and (mis)use of natural resources and urbanization, while others prefer to classify these phenomena as natural phenomena for which there is insufficient scientific evidence that connects them to human actions and lifestyles, which only generates and attributes to the general psychosis and neurosis in people. As a result to such (mis)convictions, within a series of studies that can be subsumed as ecocritical, there is an increased effort in finding new modes and models of action and informing the public in order to cause an emotional identification with the world that surrounds us, both human and non-human, and to bypass the effects of the so-called "psychic numbing" or "compassion fatigue". Since, as the authors of "Toward an Affective Ecocriticism-Placing Feeling in the Anthropocene" indicate "alarming new discourse about "alternative facts" and "fake news"— raises concerns about a posttruth world in which emotional appeal, not reason, wins the day." (K. Bladow, J. Ladino, 2018: 2). For this purpose, in this essay, we want to analyze the methodological potentials of an essentially interdisciplinary approach of an affective ecocriticism in the reading of two works by the author Laline Paull: The Bees (2014) and Pod (2022). The focus of our interest will be the dilemma of how much the anthropomorphization of the inanimate and non-human world in Paull's works have affective potentials and can contribute to readers' identification with the narrative and as a result have corresponding affective reactions, which could lead to selfreflection and empathy towards the Others (both human and non-human world that surrounds us). Keywords: ecocriticism, affective theory, Laline Paull 48 1. Introduction - Ecocriticism and Affective ecocriticism In the last two decades, there is a proliferation of the use of the term "Anthropocene", which although related with natural sciences and geological periodization, is also accepted as a general term in various disciplines when one wants to indicate the far-reaching effects that humans have on the Planet. The Anthropocene Epoch, which should be a successor of the Holocene Epoch, is associated by some scientists and researchers with the rise of the Industrial Revolution at the beginning of the 19th century, some date it even earlier with the mass deforestation and the creation of agricultural land or urban living spaces, while others put the focus on the middle of the 20th century, when the effects of contemporary concepts of human living are associated with intensified climate changes, global warming, ocean acidification, the extinction of numerous animal and plant species, the general temperature imbalance (frequent dry periods and fires versus abundant rainfall and floods) etc. However, regardless of different periodization and approaches to the Anthropocene, as Timothy Clark explains in the introduction to Ecocriticism on the Edge - The Anthropocene as a Threshold Concept, although Anthropocene might be “a politically savvy way of presenting to nonscientists the sheer magnitude of global biophysical change” (2015: 2), one needs to acknowledge that human actions have a profound impact on the Earth and that people become to play a decisive role in the future development and survival of our world as we know it. Nevertheless, despite the obvious climate changes that we are all witnessing, and the increase in the number of studies and research that can be defined as ecocritical, the awareness and perceptions of what is happening to the planet Earth, both locally and globally, is quite different and ranges from an extremely disengaged attitude to an extremely concerned one. Since 2009, there has been a study from the USA, the so-called Six Americas Study, regarding the attitude of Americans towards the question of the global warming, which groups people into six categories: the alarmed ones, the concerned, the cautious, the disengaged, the doubtful, and the dismissive.1 Taking into account the initial data in this study and the last data from 2023, the trend of an increase in the number of the alarmed and concerned people about the global warming of the Planet, at the expense of the cautious ones, is noticeable, while the percentage of the disengaged and dismissive has remained almost the same. 2 One possible interpretations of this data is that those who were previously more reserved and cautious in relation to global environmental conditions, in the past decades, perhaps due to the greater media coverage and interest in the ecological issues, as well as the greater availability of more environmental studies in different forms, formats and media platforms, have changed their general attitude and now they show a greater degree of concern and engagement. Nevertheless, the fact that the number of those who are still disengaged or dismissive is hardly reducing, is quite worrying. If to this information we also add the fact that the awareness and concern among some people about the negative environmental changes that are 1 For more information check:,audiences%20within%20the%20American%20 public. (accessed on January 13, 2024) 2 Ibid. 49 happening on a global level do not necessarily lead to social engagement and specific civic and political actions, then the questions about the function of ecocriticism and what kind of ecocritical modes need to be envisioned and implemented, remain unanswered and need to be further discussed. Especially if we want to believe that it is not too late and that there is still time for fundamental changes in the direction of preserving and protecting the entire bioworld on Earth, which should be one of the main concerns to humans as only one of the species that live on this planet whose survival and livelihood is interrelated and dependent on the survival and well-being of all the other species and our planet’s biodiversity. In Ecocriticism on the Edge, its author Clark notes that the concept of the Anthropocene is simultaneously: “both frightening and intellectually liberating: the uncertainty and incalculable complexity of the issues, especially in forecasting likely future climates or the effects of human action or inaction, impel the resulting discussions in opposing directions.”(2015: xi) That is, some people are reluctant to accept their part in global climate changes on Earth, as well as taking responsibility for things that seem still too elusive to them, or believe that they are not personally affected, nor would they be affected in the near future (especially in more developed economies and richer countries), which leads to dismissive behavior or lack of empathy and “psychic numbing”. On the one hand, such reaction can be also a result of the sense of being overwhelmed, even paralyzed by the magnitude of the information and the degree of the human engagement and its mainly negative effects on the natural processes and on the whole well-being of the Planet. Hence, instead of taking action towards more fundamental social changes, some might choose to ignore the real and actual situation through defocusing or refusing to accept as true that human influence takes such global proportions, and as a result responsibility is sought elsewhere or it is expected that someone else should react or solve the problems. Having this in mind, Clark, and a number of other scientists, researchers, critics, emphasize the need for finding new ways to influence and reach people so that they would have a more affective and engaged reaction in the care for the Earth and the entire living, non-living and non-human world that surrounds us. Clark explains: “One major new effort at work in contemporary literary and artistic practice and criticism is to find some way of usefully or authentically engaging such crucial but elusive concerns, precisely when it is acknowledged that they resist representation at the kinds of scale on which most thinking, culture, art and politics operate. The past few years have seen increasingly forceful studies of both climate change denial and the way the Anthropocene evades normal categories of attention and, as a result, a new variant of so-called ecocriticism has become necessary.” (2015: x) In that direction, this need for new variants of ecocriticism could be recognized in the concept of the interdisciplinary approach of the so-called Affective ecocriticism, which uses the insights and benefits of Affect theory within ecocritical studies. Such an approach can be one of the possible models that would focus on the degree of individual affection and emotional reactions in readers/participants/recipients of certain eco-aware literary and artistic works and follow and analyze the short-term and long-term effects of eco-conscious literary and artistic practices. 50 Although the application of the Affect theory within the framework of literary criticism has seen a significant rise in the last three decades, the interest in the influence of affects on human behavior and creative expression has a much longer history. Still, the basic challenge in the Affect theory, that inevitably arises from the very beginning is how affects, which are in the domain of the unconscious and the irrational, can be observed as an analytical category and interpretative paradigm, and what are the threads of connection that can be made between Affect theory and ecocriticism?! K. Bladow and J. Ladino, editors of Affective Еcocriticism Emotion, Embodiment, Environment, explain that environmental humanities scholars are faced with the challenge of finding new, more compelling ways to foreground connections between environmental and social justice, and reach across ideological, species, and scalar boundaries to find common ground in the new Anthropocene epoch. (2018:3) According to the authors, Affect theory can contribute to climate and social justice if the affective potential of eco-conscious literary works is investigated in stimulating empathy and altruism. We live in a time when “alarming new discourse about "alternative facts" and "fake news"— raises concerns about a posttruth world in which emotional appeal, not reason, wins the day,” (ibid: 2) and “it is emotion that can carry us from the micro-scale of the individual to the macroscale of institutions, nations, and the planet,” (ibid: 3) explain Bledow and Ladino. Therefore, Affective ecocriticism can be a much more effective ecocriticism if affects are not analyzed exclusively in relation to the human body, but also in relation to human’s affective reactions to nature, climate changes in the environment and the interaction with all the living and non-human species. For that purpose, we adopt the approach of the affects of B. Massumi who does not observe them as something that the subject owns or controls, but as relational forces that appear in the interspace and moments of mutual actions, when we can be influenced by and when we can influence everything that surrounds us. Furthermore, the influence of ecocriticism can also be significantly improved if it pays more attention to the affective influence and the spectrum of emotional and body reactions in men in relation to the environment that surrounds us and in interactions with the living, non-living world and nonhuman entities. Additionally, both Affect theory and ecocriticism can be observed as a critical reaction to the poststructuralist dominant focus on discursive and ideological practices, at the expense of a more materialistic approach to the interpretation of human reality and its more embodied experience. Also, Affect theory and ecocriticism have similar approach and consider both the emotions and the nature as equally important and worthy of analysis for the understanding of man and the world that surrounds us, placing the emphasis on the materialistic aspect, as well as on the ideological aspect, which is also one of the ways of overcoming the reductionist, dualistic Cartesian understanding of the world that only gives primacy to reason and reasonbased scientific researches. Bearing this in mind, we focus our interest on how the affective ecocritical approach in the creation and reception of eco-aware literary/artistic works can contribute to changing the human relationship towards nature and the non-human world in the direction of a greater degree of identification and empathy, and ultimately towards real social changes and policies 51 on care, preservation and restoration of Earth, its biodiversity and all different forms of living and non-human species. 2. Climate change fiction (cli-fi), Laline Paull and the wide spectrum of reception of cli-fi In the chapter: "A Theoretical Interlude" of the book Science Fiction and Climate Change, the authors A. Milner and J.R. Burmann, offer an overview and comparative observations of a socalled climate fiction (cli-fi) genre as a popular literary genre in the first decades of the 21st century in relation to the science fiction genre. The origin of the term, as a neologism following the pattern of science fiction, the authors attribute to Daniel Bloom in 2007, referring to the claims of B. Merchant (2020: 23). However, without going into an in-depth comment on the origin of the term, its wide and varied application, or on the terminological overlaps or difference between environmental fiction, climate change fiction and climate fiction (terms that are in circulation depending on the preferences and approaches of the authors), we will use the term climate fiction (cli-fi) as a general term for a fictional literature genre (which in some cases may be viewed as a science fiction sub-genre, but in others as a separate speculative fiction genre) that refers to literary works that focus on climate change, its causes and possible consequences for the future of the Earth and humanity, and the role of man as a factor in these environmental changes. Nathaniel Rich, the author of Odds against Tomorrow, who writes sci-fi and cli-fi novels, back in 2013 indicated: “I think we need a new type of novel to address a new type of reality, which is that we're headed toward something terrifying and large and transformative. And it's the novelist's job to try to understand, what is that doing to us?”3 Although Rich did not use the terms climate fiction or global warming, which he considered to be clichés and terms that are overused, and as a result either do not affect people or they cause extremely opposite reactions, he still emphasized that the writer is not necessarily responsible "to write about global warming or geopolitics or economic despair [...] But I do feel that novelists should write about what these things do to the human heart — write about the modern condition, essentially."4 In similar vein the author Robert Macfarlane in 2005, almost a decade before Rich, wrote in “Guardian”: “Where are the novels, the plays, the poems, the songs, the libretti, of this massive contemporary anxiety? … [A]n imaginative repertoire is urgently needed by which the causes and consequences of climate change can be debated, sensed, and communicated,”5 emphasizing the need for creative art works, not just scientific ones, which would deal with environmental topics in order to influence the general public. Henceforth, the focus of our interest will be the emotional impact of climate fiction and how much it “touches human hearts” and offers opportunities for effective emotional and social changes in readers, commenting on the books The Bees and Pod by Laline Paull and their reception. 3 (accessed on January 13, 2024) Ibid. 5 Cited from: (accessed on January 13, 2024) 4 52 At the beginning, we want to make a remark regarding the genre definition of Lalin Paull's novels. To date she has published three novels: The Bees (2014), The Ice (2017) and Pod (2022). But, in the interest of one of our main dilemma about whether the anthropomorphization of the non-human world in climate fiction novels contributes to a greater identification among readers and a greater degree of empathy and care, here we will focus only on the first and the last Paull’s novels in which the main characters are non-human entities (the bees and cetaceans). Our caveat regarding the genre definition of Paull's novels refers mainly to their hybrid characteristics. Firstly, if we exclude The Ice, the other two novels can also be classified as contemporary fables or allegories, especially since in Paull's fictional world and her descriptions of the hierarchical organization of life in one beehive or cetacean pod, the author discusses themes, which we generally associate with human social organization such as: racism, class inequality, xenophobia, gender inequality, marginalization, psychological and physical violence towards the different, the powerless, etc., relativizing not only genre boundaries, for example between fables and climate fiction novels, but also the conventional perception and distinction of human and non-human species. Additionally, again with the exception of The Ice, Paull’s novels The Bees and Pod cover a wide range of topics which include, but are not limited to, the climate change and the human factor in the general degradation of the natural world that seriously affects the survival of numerous animal and plant species. However, Paull's approach in these two novels is rather subtle and indirect, and one gets the impression that the topic of climate change is only the background of the narration, so we can problematize the categorization of her novels as purely cli-fi novels. Yet, bearing in mind the intentions of the author and her statement that: "I never meant to write a climate trilogy, but with my new novel Pod, I'm forced to acknowledge that I have," 6 we will analyze Paull's novels (genre-wise) as cli-fi novels, although because of their fable elements we are more inclined to view them as hybrid speculative novels with a special focus on environmental and climate change issues. In The Bees, Paull's debut-novel, the action takes place in a beehive, narrated through the prism of the bee Flora 717, a sanitation worker bee (a cast which is considered as the lowest and the most despised in the hive organization and hierarchy). However, through Flora’s dedication, devotion and proactivity, she manages to moves ranks, learns all the secret power mechanisms at work in the functioning of the hive and ultimately changes it from within. Flora 717's transgressions would be both the doom of the hive and its salvation. Similarly, in Paull's latest novel, Pod, the story centers on a female character, Ea, a spinner dolphin, who, like Flora 717, is different from the rest of her community. Ea, unlike all the other spinner dolphins, cannot hear the music of the ocean or spin, which is a basic feature of her species. On the contrary, she hears and feels the ocean differently and cannot participate or follow the rituals and blindly support the traditional way of life of her tribe, in which the other dolphins seem to be either "deaf" or consciously ignore the warning and disturbing sounds, signs and changes that keep occurring in their environment. This will result in Ea’s gradual estrangement of her tribe and decision to leave it. As a cast-away dolphin she will go 6 on January 13, 2024) 53 through many hardships and sufferings, both mental and physical violations, but thanks to hers, although very traumatic but transformative experience, she will contribute to the creation of a bridge between two different, previously hostile species of dolphins, and enable the survival of their species in the increasingly hostile and life-threatening environment of the ocean. Many parallels can be drawn between these two novels by Paull, in their narrative techniques and style, but also in the author’s approach to the non-human world and the application of anthropomorphization as a technique, which can contribute to a greater identification of the readers with the natural world and potentially to a greater emotional impact. The author herself explains that her novels, as incredible as they may seem, are actually largely based on real science. For instance Paull’s impetus for The Bees derives from her entomological research and her fascinating discoveries about the functioning of an apiary, in which the annual massacres of the male drones really happen, or the princess-bees do seek each other and fight to the death to win the privilege to become queen-bees, and, although rarely, there is the phenomenon of a sterile female worker-bee that might spontaneously start forming eggs and because of that is hunted down by the other bees (a "fertility police") and killed as a result of their innate "programming" to protect the hierarchy and the rules of the hive where only the queen-bee can procreate etc.7 On the other hand, the author got the inspiration for Pod after an unpleasant but enlightening experience in Mauritius, when she, like all the other tourists, was offered "a dawn swim with the dolphins", and realized that her presence, and that of all the other people, in the ocean is actually disturbing to the dolphins and affects their daily cycle of hunting, feeding and resting. After that experience, she did an extensive research about the marine world, about all the different types of marine life, their organization structures, habits etc. and wrote the novel Pod. So, in her novels Lalin Paull relativizes the boundary between fiction and scientific truth and through the narration of the story from the perspective of non-human species, aims to encourage a greater degree of identification, affect and empathy in humans by erasing the boundaries between human and non-human world. She explains: “When I write from an animal’s point of view, as I did in Pod and in my biology-based and hive-set debut novel The Bees, I imagine myself into another form, as fully and physically and emotionally as I can. (…) We all need help regaining that part of ourselves that is capable of wonder and empathy and shame-free responses. We are only going to solve our extremely urgent environmental crisis if we allow ourselves to care, with all our hearts.”8 In that spirit, Paull for the cetaceans in her novel Pod uses the term "people", and in The Bees she uses the personal pronouns he or she, instead of it for all the insects. Her choice of wording, terminology and narrative techniques, some find it appropriate towards reducing the gap that exists in the general perception between human and non-human species, and a step 7 (accessed on January 13, 2024) 8 on January 13, 2024) 54 towards a more compassionate and equal relationship and care for all forms of life on the Planet. However, the general reception of Paull's novels and her empathetic and ecophilic approach, shows that her novels are for some an incentive and inspiration to start looking differently at the non-human world, while others find her approach irritating (especially in Pod), and believe that her novels should come with trigger warnings, that they do not stimulate eco-friendly and ecophilic reaction but, on the contrary, ecophobia and further estrangement and distancing from the natural world and the non-human species. Both of Laline Paull's novels have been nominated for the prestigious Women's Prize for Fiction, and Pod has even been shortlisted for the 2023 Women's Prize for Fiction. However, despite the generally positive reaction from critics, especially for her debut novel The Bees, the reception of the novel Pod has been rather mixed. Judging by the comments on different internet platforms, on several book-blogs and other popular media platforms, which are although informal sources of information, they can still offer some insight into the general mood or tendencies in the reception of Paull’s novel in the public, the reactions are ranging from exhilarating and sobering, emphasizing how many readers were personally moved by the fate of the main character Ea, to those who failed to finish the novel due to too disturbing and explicit episodes, or read the novel with a dominant feeling of irritation from the way the author portrays the underwater world with high degree of anthropomorphization and without distinguishing between human and non-human species.9 Such a spectrum of quite different reactions and reception to Paull's novels and her narrative technique from the perspective of non-human species and employing anthropomorphization, confirms what Jessica Murray warns against in her essay "Using Critical Animal Studies to Read Climate Change Fiction" : Literary Reflections and Provocations", that talking about animals, giving them a voice or talking from their perspective in a respectful and engaging way can be a very slippery and problematic model. Murray explains that a “much greater levels of nuance and complexity are demanded of us when we read representations of other animals through the lens of critical animal studies,” however a “selected novels allow readings that reach far beyond simplistic, anthropocentric understandings of the more-thanhuman world” and can be both challenging and an opportunity that can shape our ways of being part of a world where the human animal is not the only one worthy of respect and care. (Murray 2022: 67) In that aspect, the reception of Lalin Paull's novels show exactly the pitfalls, challenges, but also the opportunities that can appear by including the perspective of non-human species in fiction, both in the direction of positive empathetic reactions, but also in the direction of repulsion and additional distancing from nature and other non-human species. However, regardless of the nature of emotional reactions in the reception of Paull's works, they manage to cause an affective response in readers and an incentive to think about human behavior, its role, responsibility and impact on the entire planet. 9 For further information:,,, (accessed on January 13, 2024) 55 3. Conclusion The central aim of this essay was to analyze the potentials of an essentially interdisciplinary approach of an Affective ecocriticism in climate fiction novels through the examples of the two novels by Laline Paull: The Bees (2014) and Pod (2022). One of the focuses of our interest was whether the application of the anthropomorphization of the inanimate and nonhuman world in Paull's works has affective potentials and can positively contribute to readers' identification with the narrative and as a result have corresponding affective reactions, which could lead to self-reflection and empathy towards the Others. As we pointed out earlier, the application of the Affect theory and the analysis of affective reactions during the reception of certain literary and artistic works, in our case climate fiction novels, is problematic by a number of parameters. Not only because affects and their emotional manifestations are difficult to measure as an unstable and relative category (if they are a measurable category at all), but also because this interdisciplinary approach is still insufficiently empirically researched and confirmed. One of the few empirical studies that specifically researched the effect of reading climate fiction on its readers is the study by Schneider-Mayerson et al. "Environmental Literature as Persuasion: An Experimental Test of the Effects of Reading Climate Fiction". This is a fairly innovative and carefully designed study, which aims to investigate whether reading climate fiction can contribute to changing readers' attitudes and behavior regarding the issue of climate change and to "engage people in novel and persuasive ways" (Schneider-Mayerson et al. 2023: 36). The authors of the study base their research on the conviction of part of the environmentalists and scholars of environmental psychology that literature and other artistic forms can play a key role in people's beliefs and behavior, to the extent that they can encourage a critical attitude towards the current social structures and can lead towards change of the general cultural and moral norms in the direction of more ethical and equal treatment of all human and non-human world. However, the results of this research show that reading climate fiction has a small but important positive effect on several beliefs and attitudes towards climate change among readers immediately after reading cli-fi works, but these effects diminish to statistical non-significance after a one-month interval. These findings, combined with the fact that the percentage of people who are disengaged or deny the negative role of people in the global climate change processes is not reducing, can sound quite discouraging. Nonetheless, the authors in their concluding remarks point out that: “[T]he effects of a single exposure in an artificial setting may represent a lower bound of the real-world effects. Reading climate fiction in the real world often involves multiple exposures and longer narratives, which may result in larger and longer-lasting impacts. […]There are many existing works of climate fiction and non-fiction storytelling that could be used in diverse media and contexts. This study also finds that the effects of these stories are often explained (at least in part) by felt transportation into the story and sometimes by felt identification with the characters. Thus, a practical recommendation for strategic communicators is to seek to maximize these two experiences when making decisions about message format, style, and content. (2023: 47) 56 With these insights in mind, then Laline Paull's novels, her narrative techniques and experimentation with anthropomorphizing and giving voice to non-human species while portraying the negative changes that are taking place on both micro and macro level on our planet, are more than needed and welcome. Irrespective of the fact that the reception of Paull's novels ranges from one extreme to another, from reactions that encourage ecophilia to ecophobia or eco-irritation among readers, it is important to note that her work still manages to stimulate an affective response and interest in the ecological state of our planet and to raise debates. With more such eco-conscious works, with different formats, styles and approaches, perhaps the cumulative effect can lead to real social changes, civic actions and policies in the direction of preserving the planet and more ethical norms and care for all the different forms of human and non-human life. REFERENCES Ahern, S. (Ed.) (2019). Affect Theory and Literary Critical Practice A Feel for the Text. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Alacovska, Ana & Holt, Macon. (2023). “The intertwinement of speculative fictions and environmental activism: Towards a sensory sociology of climate fiction. The Sociological Review, 2023, Vol. 71(5) 1095–1114. 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(2021). “Accommodating the Anthropocene: the home as a site of ecological significance in climate fiction”, Green Letters, 25:1, 7-16, DOI: 10.1080/14688417.2021.1886968. 57 CULTURAL DYNAMICS IN GEORGIAN PRIVATE UNVERSITIES: EXPLORING COMMUNICATION AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Prof. Dr. Lamara Kadagidze, PhD Grigol Robakidze University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction: On a global scale, universities engage in internationalization and cultural diversity initiatives, incorporating academic and scientific partnerships, exchange programs, dual grants, and other various projects. Urgency: While academic publications, articles, and reports authored by faculty members or administrators often detail internationalization strategies, collaborations with international institutions, and efforts to promote cultural diversity, there is a noticeable gap in addressing the urgency to educate students and staff about cultural and emotional intelligence – crucial elements for meaningful and insightful communication. Additionally, the dynamics in educational environments are constantly evolving, influenced by cultural shifts, technological advancements, and changes in societal expectations. Purpose: The present research investigates the complex interaction of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence within the context of several private universities in Georgia. Focused on East-West University, New Vision University, Caucasus University, and Grigol Robakidze University, the study explores the unique challenges and opportunities emerging from cultural diversity within these institutions. As internationalization becomes increasingly pronounced in Georgian higher education, the research examines the impact on communication dynamics, emotional intelligence, and teaching practices within the private university setting. Methods: The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining in-depth interviews and surveys, to capture insights from over 200 students, faculty, and administrators of the mentioned universities. This dual methodology facilitates a comprehensive exploration of personal experiences, observations, and perceptions related to cultural dynamics and emotional intelligence within the university setting. All aspects of this research adhered to ethical standards to ensure the well-being, autonomy, and confidentiality of the participants. The survey tools explicitly communicated the commitment to respecting participants' cultural specificities without imposing stereotypes. Prior informed consent was obtained from all participants, emphasizing the importance of their privacy throughout the research process. These ethical considerations were consistently maintained to uphold the integrity and ethicality of the study. Results: The study offers critical insights into the global perspectives shaping the academic environment of these institutions and provides practical recommendations for fostering inclusive and culturally intelligent learning experiences based on the respondents who highlighted instances of cultural miscommunication, shared personal observations of cultural differences affecting emotional expression, and emphasized the impact of cultural distinctions on emotional intelligence development. Limitations: While the study offers valuable insights, it acknowledges certain limitations, including the focus on private universities and the potential influence of cultural biases in self-reported data. Discussion: The findings underscore the significance of understanding and navigating cultural differences within university settings. Participants highlighted the need for cultural competence training, active listening, and 58 empathy to address challenges arising from diverse cultural backgrounds. Cultural differences were found to influence teaching and learning approaches, calling for inclusive teaching methods that accommodate various learning styles. Moreover, respondents emphasized the importance of support systems, such as multicultural student organizations and diversity offices, in fostering an inclusive environment. Conclusion: The identified challenges and opportunities present a foundation for implementing targeted interventions. By embracing diversity, promoting cultural competence, and adapting teaching approaches, these institutions can create more inclusive and enriching educational experiences. The study advocates for ongoing efforts to integrate global perspectives, fostering a learning environment that prepares students for the complexities of our interconnected world. Key Words: Cultural Dynamics, Georgian Private Universities, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Internationalization, Cultural Diversity, Higher education I. Introduction In today's rapidly evolving higher education landscape, the dynamics of cultural diversity, communication, and emotional intelligence play pivotal roles in shaping the experiences of students, educators, and administrators. Universities worldwide are actively engaged in internationalization and cultural diversity initiatives, fostering collaboration with institutions across the globe and welcoming a diverse student body. Despite these efforts, there exists a noticeable gap in addressing the urgent need to educate students and staff about cultural and emotional intelligence – fundamental elements for meaningful and insightful communication. As universities strive for internationalization and cultural exchange, understanding and navigating the complexities of cultural dynamics within educational environments have become imperative. Amidst this globalization of education, the need to address cultural differences and promote effective communication and emotional intelligence has gained prominence. The rationale for studying cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence in higher educational contexts stems from their profound impact on the quality of educational experiences and outcomes. As students and educators engage in cross-cultural interactions within university settings, they encounter numerous challenges and opportunities that shape their academic journeys. Understanding how cultural backgrounds influence communication styles, emotional expression, and interpersonal relationships is essential for cultivating inclusive and supportive learning environments. Moreover, the ability to handle cultural differences and develop emotional intelligence is increasingly recognized as crucial skills for success in today's interconnected world. By examining the coordination between cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence within higher education, this research aims to shed light on strategies for enhancing cultural competence and fostering effective communication among diverse stakeholders. The increasing number of international programs in Georgian higher education, particularly in fields like medical education, pharmacy, and nursing, suggests a unique and evolving landscape that underscores the urgency of several considerations: 59 1. Cultural Diversity and Communication Challenges: With a growing number of international students from diverse cultural backgrounds, there is an increased need to understand and manage cultural differences in educational settings. This could significantly impact communication dynamics between students, educators, and the broader academic community. 2. Emotional Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Contexts: Exploring the impact of cultural dynamics on emotional intelligence becomes particularly relevant in an environment where students from various countries are pursuing education. Emotional intelligence is crucial for effective communication, collaboration, and overall well-being in diverse academic settings. 3. Educational Policies and Practices: The influx of international students may necessitate changes in educational policies and practices to accommodate diverse needs. The research aims to shed light on how institutions are adapting and what strategies they are employing to enhance cultural understanding and communication. 4. Global Perspectives in Education: The fact that students are choosing Georgia for its costeffective and attractive education system underscores the global nature of higher education. Understanding how this global perspective influences communication and emotional intelligence could provide valuable insights for fostering inclusive and culturally intelligent learning environments within Georgian private universities. The present research investigates the complex interaction of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence within the context of several private universities in Georgia, namely East-West University, New Vision University, Caucasus University, and Grigol Robakidze University. As internationalization becomes increasingly pronounced in Georgian higher education, the research aims to examine the impact on communication dynamics, emotional intelligence, and teaching practices within the private university setting. Thus, the research objectives are twofold: firstly, to explore the complex interaction of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities; and secondly, to provide practical insights and recommendations for promoting inclusive and culturally intelligent learning experiences in higher education settings. By addressing these objectives, the study seeks to contribute valuable insights to the field of higher education research and inform educational practices that embrace diversity and foster intercultural understanding. II. Literature Review A wealth of research exists on the intersection of cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence within higher education contexts. Studies have explored the influence of cultural diversity on communication patterns and effectiveness in classrooms, highlighting the importance of cultural competence for educators and students alike (Hall, 1976; Hofstede, 1984). Additionally, research has examined the role of emotional intelligence in academic success, demonstrating its significance in fostering positive relationships, resolving conflicts, and promoting well-being among students and educators (Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Brackett & Katulak, 2006; Kadagidze, L., 2017). Several theories and concepts underpin our understanding of cultural diversity and communication in higher education. The concept of cultural intelligence (CQ), proposed by Earley and Ang (2003), emphasizes the ability to adapt and interact effectively across different cultural contexts. Similarly, the cultural dimensions theory developed by Hofstede (1984) provides insights into how cultural values influence communication styles and preferences. These theories, along with concepts such as intercultural sensitivity (Bennett, 60 1993) and cultural competence (Cross et al., 1989), inform strategies for promoting inclusive and effective communication in diverse higher education classrooms. Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a crucial factor in navigating the complexities of higher education settings. Research suggests that individuals with higher levels of EI demonstrate greater resilience, empathy, and interpersonal skills, contributing to their academic and personal success (Brackett et al., 2011; Petrides & Furnham, 2001). Within the context of higher education, educators with high EI are better equipped to manage classroom dynamics, support student well-being, and facilitate meaningful learning experiences (Parker et al., 2004; Brackett & Rivers, 2014). Moreover, fostering emotional intelligence among students has been linked to improved academic performance, retention rates, and overall satisfaction with the learning environment (Pau et al., 2002; Salovey et al., 1999; Kadagidze, 2017). While existing literature provides valuable insights into cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence within higher education, there are significant gaps in understanding these concepts within the specific context of Georgian private universities. This research focuses on cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities, providing insights into a specific institutional context that may be overlooked in broader studies. This fills a gap in the literature by offering a localized perspective on these issues within a distinct cultural and educational setting. The interview questions explore specific experiences and observations related to cultural miscommunication, the impact of cultural differences on emotional expression, and the development of emotional intelligence within university settings. By gathering qualitative data through interviews, the research offers insights into the complexities of cultural dynamics that may not be captured by quantitative surveys alone. The survey questions complement the qualitative data by quantitatively assessing perceptions of cultural differences, their impact on emotional expression and communication, and the effectiveness of existing support systems within the university. This mixed-methods approach allows for a comprehensive exploration of the research questions and enhances the validity and reliability of the findings. Both the interview and survey questions address the integration of global perspectives in learning experiences within the university. This aligns with the broader trend of globalization in higher education and fills a gap in the literature by examining how global influences shape communication and emotional intelligence within a specific cultural context. The research explores participants' perceptions of the effectiveness of existing support systems for addressing cultural differences within the university. By identifying gaps in support and preferences for initiatives to enhance cross-cultural understanding, the research provides actionable recommendations for promoting inclusivity and cultural competence within higher education settings. In a summary, the research fills existing gaps in the literature by providing localized insights into cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities, employing a mixed-methods approach to capture both qualitative experiences and quantitative perceptions, and identifying specific support needs and preferences for addressing cultural differences within higher education. III. Research Questions The following research questions have been formulated to guide the study, focusing on the complex interaction of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities: 61 1. How do cultural dynamics influence communication and emotional intelligence within the context of several private universities in Georgia? 2. What are the unique challenges and opportunities emerging from cultural diversity within East-West University, New Vision University, Caucasus University, and Grigol Robakidze University? 3. How does internationalization impact communication dynamics, emotional intelligence, and teaching practices within the private university setting in Georgia? These research questions aim to explore the multifaceted aspects of cultural dynamics, communication patterns, and emotional intelligence within the higher education landscape of Georgia. By addressing these questions, the study seeks to provide comprehensive insights into the educational experiences and outcomes within the selected institutions, thereby contributing to the development of inclusive and culturally intelligent learning environments. IV. Methodology The research employed a mixed-methods approach to comprehensively explore cultural dynamics, communication patterns, and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities. This approach allowed for a multifaceted investigation, combining qualitative insights from in-depth interviews with quantitative data collected through surveys. The study aimed to provide a holistic understanding of the research topic and address the complexity of the phenomena under investigation. Georgian private universities were selected as the focus of the study due to their unique position within the higher education landscape. These institutions represent a diverse array of academic programs, student demographics, and organizational cultures, making them ideal settings for examining the interplay of cultural dynamics, communication, and emotional intelligence. Additionally, the researcher's affiliation with these universities facilitated access to participants and data collection. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews and surveys, which were designed to capture both qualitative experiences and quantitative perceptions related to cultural dynamics, communication patterns, and emotional intelligence within the university settings. The researcher solicited participation from students, faculty, and administrators through personal networks and referrals, inviting individuals who could provide diverse perspectives on the research topics. The research prioritized ethical considerations to ensure the well-being, autonomy, and confidentiality of the participants. Informed consent was obtained directly from the participants, emphasizing the importance of respecting their cultural specificities, privacy, and confidentiality. Participants were assured that their responses would be customized based on the research goals and objectives and that their participation was voluntary. Ethical approval was not obtained from an institutional review board, as the research involved direct engagement with participants rather than institutional oversight. The content analysis approach was employed to analyze the qualitative data collected from the in-depth interviews. Systematical coding and categorization of the interview transcripts identified recurring themes, patterns, and relationships within the data. The iterative analysis involved multiple stages of coding and interpretation to ensure rigor and trustworthiness of the findings. While the study offers valuable insights, it acknowledges certain limitations, including the focus on several private universities and the potential influence of cultural biases in selfreported data. Additionally, the researcher's affiliation with the selected universities may introduce bias in the data collection process. Therefore, the findings were interpreted within 62 the context of these limitations and exercised caution when generalizing the results to other settings or populations. V. Results: Presentation and Analysis of Primary Findings 216 survey participants, provided valuable insights into the impact of cultural differences on emotional expression, communication, and overall learning experiences within higher education. A comprehensive analysis of the interview and survey results include: 1. Communication Challenges and Strategies: Some respondents assumed that open and honest conversations about cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and communication styles were essential in resolving communication challenges. This indicates the importance of addressing cultural differences directly and fostering understanding among team members. Likewise, many participants highlighted the need for active listening and compromise to overcome communication barriers. They emphasized the importance of patiently listening to each other's perspectives and clarifying any misunderstandings that arise. Language differences were cited as a significant factor contributing to communication challenges. Some respondents mentioned difficulties in understanding English, which affected their ability to communicate effectively with others. Cultural nuances, such as differences in tone, volume, speed of speech, and communication norms, were identified as contributing factors to miscommunication. Understanding and respecting these cultural differences were seen as essential for creating a more inclusive academic environment. Many respondents mentioned that group discussions or meetings were instrumental in resolving communication challenges. These discussions provided an opportunity for team members to openly address issues, share perspectives, and find common ground for effective communication. Additionally, active listening and empathy were highlighted as essential skills for navigating cultural differences. The surveyed individuals claim that understanding others' viewpoints and emotions, considering cultural backgrounds, and showing empathy contribute to effective communication and bridge cultural gaps. 2. Cultural Influence on Emotional Expression: Participants acknowledge that cultural differences influence how emotions are expressed and communicated. Some cultures may encourage more direct and open expression of emotions, while others may value restraint or indirect communication styles. Many respondents highlight the potential for misunderstandings and misinterpretations to arise due to cultural differences in emotional expression and communication. These misunderstandings can lead to conflicts or tension within the university environment. Participants recognize that cultural differences significantly influence how emotions are perceived, expressed, and regulated. Cultural norms and values shape individuals' attitudes towards emotional expression, with some cultures encouraging openness and expressiveness, while others prioritize restraint and control. Cultural differences also impact how emotions are perceived and interpreted among individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Variations in facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language may lead to potential misinterpretations or misunderstandings, affecting the development of empathy and the ability to accurately recognize and respond to others' emotions. Respondents highlight the importance of creating inclusive and culturally sensitive environments to foster the development of emotional intelligence in university settings. This involves promoting awareness and understanding of different cultural perspectives on emotions, providing opportunities for cross-cultural interactions and dialogue, and incorporating culturally relevant approaches to emotional intelligence training and 63 education. Participants emphasize that it is essential to recognize and respect cultural differences in emotional expression to enhance emotional intelligence and build stronger connections with people from diverse backgrounds. By embracing diversity and learning from each other's unique perspectives, individuals can develop a more inclusive understanding of emotional expression and communication. Respondents also suggest that integrating global perspectives encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze complex global issues and propose innovative solutions and that this way students are challenged to consider different viewpoints and approaches to global challenges. 3. Creating Inclusive Environments: Several participants emphasized the importance of awareness and empathy in bridging the gap in emotional communication. They imply that by actively listening, being empathetic, and respecting cultural differences, individuals can foster better understanding and connection with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Respondents stressed the significance of cultural sensitivity and communication skills in handling cultural differences within the university setting. They propose that building bridges in emotional communication requires effort, patience, and a willingness to learn from one another. Participants highlight the importance of creating an inclusive environment where all voices are heard and respected, regardless of cultural backgrounds. By recognizing and respecting these differences, universities can foster a more understanding and supportive academic community. Participants emphasize the importance of recognizing and understanding cultural differences to manage emotional expression and communication effectively. Understanding different cultural norms, values, and communication styles helps in appreciating diverse perspectives. Creating a safe and inclusive space where students feel comfortable expressing themselves is crucial. Encouraging open dialogue, respecting diverse perspectives, and fostering an environment that respects and appreciates different cultures promote effective communication and understanding. 4. Support Systems and Resources: Participants acknowledge that cultural differences influence how emotions are expressed and manifested in academic contexts. Some students may be more reserved or hesitant to express their opinions openly, while others may be more vocal and assertive. Cultural differences in emotional expression can impact class discussions and group projects. For example, some students may hesitate to challenge professors' ideas directly, while others may engage in lively debates. Similarly, in group projects, differences in emotional expression can affect collaboration, with some students preferring a more collaborative approach and others being more individualistic. Participants note the importance of the university environment in accommodating and addressing cultural differences in emotional expression. Professors can play a crucial role in encouraging participation from all students and creating inclusive environments where diverse perspectives are welcomed and valued. Cultural norms regarding body language and nonverbal cues also influence emotional expression in academic contexts. Differences in gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice can impact how emotions are perceived and interpreted among students from different cultural backgrounds. Some participants mention the urgency and importance of cultural sensitivity workshops organized by universities. These workshops cover topics such as cultural communication styles, non-verbal cues, and conflict resolution approaches in different cultures, providing practical strategies for effective cross-cultural communication. They express a desire for more similar events to challenge themselves to achieve better outcomes. 5. Teaching/Learning Approaches: Participants recognize that cultural differences can lead to varied learning styles, communication preferences, and attitudes toward authority. They understand that some cultures may value memorization and rote learning, while others 64 prioritize critical thinking and active participation. This diversity influences how educators approach teaching and design their curriculum. Respondents believe effective educators acknowledge and incorporate cultural diversity into their teaching methods; they employ inclusive teaching methods, such as using diverse examples and fostering collaborative learning environments, to accommodate different cultural backgrounds and enhance overall learning experiences. It is essential for educators to be aware of cultural differences and adapt their teaching methods accordingly. This involves recognizing the unique educational values, learning styles, and expectations of students from diverse cultural backgrounds and adjusting teaching approaches to create an inclusive learning environment. Different cultures have distinct communication styles, which impact how instructors deliver lectures and interact with students. Thus, participants assert that instructors need to be mindful of these differences to effectively engage students from diverse cultural backgrounds and ensure effective communication in the classroom. 6. Cultural Competence Training: Some cultures place a strong emphasis on hierarchy and respect for authority, which may influence the dynamics between students and professors. Educators should be aware of these cultural nuances and strive to create an inclusive learning environment that respects and values diverse cultural perspectives. Participants recognize the importance of providing cultural competence training for faculty and staff to increase awareness and understanding of diverse cultures. This training promotes effective communication, sensitivity, and inclusivity in the classroom and on campus. Dedicated offices or departments focused on diversity and inclusion provide valuable resources and support for students and faculty from diverse backgrounds. These offices offer workshops, counseling services, and educational programs to foster a more inclusive campus environment. 7. Integration of Global Perspectives: Supporting multicultural student organizations creates spaces for students to connect, share experiences, and celebrate their cultural backgrounds. These organizations also host events and activities that promote cross-cultural understanding and dialogue among students. Organizing intercultural workshops and events facilitates dialogue and understanding among students and faculty. These activities provide opportunities for cross-cultural learning, sharing perspectives, and building relationships. Incorporating diverse perspectives and cultural content into the curriculum enhances inclusivity in the classroom. Adapting teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles and cultural backgrounds promotes student engagement and success. Providing dedicated services and resources for international students, such as orientation programs, academic advising, and assistance with visa and immigration processes, supports their successful transition and integration into the university community. Establishing mentorship programs and offering counseling services sensitive to the unique challenges and experiences of students from different cultural backgrounds provide essential support for their emotional and academic well-being. 8. Effective Support Systems: Many universities have a diverse student body from various countries and cultural backgrounds. This diversity enriches the learning environment by bringing different perspectives and experiences to the classroom. Professors often incorporate global examples, case studies, and guest speakers from different parts of the world into their lectures. This provides students with a broader understanding of the subject matter and exposes them to different cultural contexts. Universities offer study abroad programs and international exchange opportunities that allow students to immerse themselves in different cultures and gain firsthand global experiences. These programs help students develop a more 65 global mindset and appreciation for cultural diversity. Universities host events and cultural festivals where students have the opportunity to showcase their traditions, food, and performances. These events promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation among students. Survey Analysis General Perception: When asked to rate the extent to which participants believe cultural differences impact emotional expression and communication within university settings on a scale of 1 to 5, the majority of respondents (79.1%) chose the higher end of the scale (4 or 5), indicating a strong belief in the significant influence of cultural differences in this context (See Figure 1.). Figure 1. Frequency of Cultural Differences: Regarding the frequency of encountering cultural differences in emotional expression and communication, the survey revealed that nearly half of the respondents (49.5%) reported encountering such differences frequently, while 35.6% indicated encountering them occasionally, suggesting that cultural disparities are a common occurrence in university environments (See Figure 2.). 66 Figure 2. Impact on Emotional Intelligence: A significant majority of respondents (92.2%) either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that cultural background can impact the development and expression of emotional intelligence within higher education settings. This underscores the recognition among students of the profound effect of cultural diversity on emotional intelligence development (See Figure 3.) Figure 3. Inclusive Learning Environment: While a notable portion of respondents (41.2%) considered the learning environment somewhat inclusive, there was also a considerable percentage (38%) who found it inclusive. However, only a minority (13.9%) perceived the environment as very inclusive, indicating room for improvement in accommodating diverse cultural backgrounds within the educational setting (See Figure 4.). 67 Figure 4. Effectiveness of Support Systems: In evaluating the effectiveness of existing support systems in addressing cultural differences, the survey results were mixed. While a majority of respondents (67.1%) found the support systems somewhat effective, a significant percentage (9.3%) deemed them not effective. Only a small fraction (4.2%) considered them very effective, suggesting the need for enhanced support mechanisms (See Figure 5.). Figure 5. Preferred Support Initiatives: When asked about preferred support initiatives to enhance cross-cultural understanding within university education, the majority of respondents (44%) favored regular cultural awareness events and discussions, followed by cultural sensitivity workshops for students and faculty (35.6%). This highlights a strong preference for proactive measures aimed at fostering cultural understanding and inclusivity (Figure 6.). 68 Figure 6. Technology and Global Influences: Respondents overwhelmingly acknowledged the significant role of technology and global influences in shaping communication and emotional intelligence within university settings. A substantial majority (89.8%) rated the extent of influence as significant (4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 5), indicating the pervasive impact of technology and globalization on educational dynamics (See Figure 7.). Figure 7. Intersectionality and Cultural Differences: Regarding the intersectionality of factors such as gender, age, or socioeconomic status with cultural differences in university education, a considerable percentage of respondents (67.2%) recognized a moderate to strong impact, with intentional consideration of intersectionality in various aspects of university education. This underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing multiple dimensions of diversity in educational practices (See Figure 8.). 69 Figure 8. The survey findings provide valuable insights into the nuanced interplay between cultural differences and various facets of university education. They underscore the need for proactive measures to promote cross-cultural understanding, inclusivity, and support within higher education settings. By leveraging these insights, universities can create more culturally responsive and enriching learning environments that empower students from diverse backgrounds to thrive and succeed. Findings Interpreted The interview insights, combined with survey findings, reveal a comprehensive understanding of the impact of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence in higher education settings. Cultural Miscommunication: Cultural miscommunication in university settings is not uncommon, often arising from differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms. However, these challenges can be effectively addressed through open dialogue and mutual understanding. For instance, when faced with communication barriers due to cultural differences in a group project, students took proactive steps to engage in open and honest conversations about their cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and communication styles. By actively listening, clarifying misunderstandings, and fostering patience and compromise, they successfully completed the project and even forged meaningful friendships. Additionally, universities play a crucial role in mitigating cultural miscommunication by providing resources such as language courses and promoting cultural awareness among students and faculty. Impact of Cultural Differences: Cultural differences significantly influence emotional expression and communication in university settings. Students may vary in their willingness to express emotions openly, influenced by cultural norms and values. These differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, highlighting the importance of empathy, active listening, and respect for diverse perspectives. By fostering an environment of cultural sensitivity and promoting understanding among students, universities can bridge the communication gap and create a more inclusive academic environment. Personal Observations: Observing and experiencing cultural differences in emotional expression within the university is common, particularly in academic contexts. Differences in 70 communication styles and comfort levels with emotional expression may manifest during class discussions or group projects. However, by fostering open dialogue, encouraging participation from all students, and creating a supportive learning environment, universities can address these differences and promote cross-cultural understanding among students. Emotional Intelligence Development: Cultural differences play a significant role in the development and expression of emotional intelligence in university settings. Understanding and managing emotions, as well as empathizing with others, are essential components of emotional intelligence. Cultural norms and values shape how emotions are perceived and expressed, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness. Universities can support the development of emotional intelligence by providing cultural competence training, fostering inclusive environments, and promoting cross-cultural interactions among students. Managing Cultural Differences: Navigating and addressing cultural differences in emotional expression and communication within university environments requires awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness. By recognizing and respecting cultural diversity, actively listening to others' perspectives, and creating inclusive spaces for dialogue, students and faculty can bridge cultural gaps and foster mutual understanding. Teaching/Learning Approaches: Cultural differences significantly influence teaching and learning approaches in university settings. Different cultures have unique educational values, learning styles, and expectations, which can impact classroom dynamics and instructional methods. Effective educators acknowledge and incorporate cultural diversity, employing inclusive teaching methods and diverse examples to accommodate different learning styles and cultural backgrounds. Support Systems: Essential support systems and resources for addressing cultural differences in university education include cultural sensitivity training, multicultural student organizations, international student support services, intercultural workshops, and inclusive curriculum adaptations. By providing these resources, universities can create a supportive and inclusive environment where cultural differences are celebrated and valued. Global Perspectives in Learning: The integration of global perspectives in the learning experience within universities is highly valued and actively pursued. Universities leverage diverse student populations, incorporate global examples and case studies into curriculum, offer study abroad programs and international exchange opportunities, host cultural events and festivals, and encourage critical thinking about global issues. By integrating global perspectives, universities prepare students to thrive in a globalized world and foster a more inclusive learning environment. General Perception: A significant majority of survey respondents (79.1%) believe that cultural differences strongly impact emotional expression and communication within university settings. This aligns with interview findings, which highlighted the common occurrence of cultural miscommunication in academic contexts. Frequency of Cultural Differences: Survey results indicate that nearly half of the respondents (49.5%) encounter cultural differences in emotional expression and communication frequently, corroborating interview findings that cultural miscommunication is not uncommon. Impact on Emotional Intelligence: The majority of survey respondents (92.2%) agree or strongly agree that cultural background influences the development and expression of emotional intelligence in higher education settings. This underscores the significance of cultural sensitivity and awareness in fostering emotional intelligence among students. Inclusive Learning Environment: While a notable portion of respondents perceive the learning environment as somewhat inclusive (41.2%), interview findings emphasize the importance of universities actively promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity to bridge communication gaps and create a more supportive academic environment. 71 Effectiveness of Support Systems: Survey results indicate mixed perceptions regarding the effectiveness of existing support systems in addressing cultural differences. While a majority find them somewhat effective (67.1%), there is a notable proportion (9.3%) that deems them not effective, suggesting the need for enhanced support mechanisms. Preferred Support Initiatives: Survey respondents express a preference for initiatives such as regular cultural awareness events and discussions (44%) and cultural sensitivity workshops for students and faculty (35.6%), indicating a strong desire for proactive measures to enhance cross-cultural understanding. Technology and Global Influences: The survey highlights the significant influence of technology and global factors on communication and emotional intelligence in university settings, with a majority of respondents (89.8%) recognizing their significant impact. Intersectionality and Cultural Differences: A significant portion of respondents believe that factors such as gender, age, or socioeconomic status intersecting with cultural differences have a strong impact, with intentional consideration given to intersectionality in various aspects of university education. VI. Discussion Cultural intelligence emerges as a crucial variable within the study, encompassing the ability to handle and effectively communicate across cultural boundaries. Both survey respondents and interview participants emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness in promoting effective communication and emotional intelligence. The integration of cultural intelligence with communication and emotional intelligence is evident in both survey responses and interview insights. Cultural differences shape communication styles, emotional expression, and learning approaches, highlighting the interconnectedness of these variables in higher education settings. Educators in higher education must recognize the significant impact of cultural dynamics on communication and emotional intelligence. Practical implications include incorporating diverse perspectives into curriculum, fostering inclusive learning environments, and providing cultural sensitivity training for faculty and staff. VII. Recommendations To promote effective communication and emotional intelligence in diverse classrooms, educators should prioritize active listening, empathy, and open dialogue. Creating opportunities for cross-cultural interactions, encouraging participation from all students, and fostering a supportive learning environment are essential strategies. Inclusive teaching practices involve adapting instructional methods to accommodate different learning styles and cultural backgrounds. Educators can incorporate diverse examples, case studies, and guest speakers into their teaching, promote collaborative learning, and encourage critical thinking about global issues. By addressing these implications and recommendations, educators can create more inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments that empower students to succeed in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. 72 VIII. Conclusion In conclusion, the presented research has shed light on the complex interconnection of cultural dynamics, communication patterns, and emotional intelligence within Georgian private universities. Through a mixed-methods approach involving in-depth interviews and surveys, the study has provided comprehensive insights into the challenges and opportunities arising from cultural diversity in higher education settings. The findings indicate that cultural differences significantly impact emotional expression and communication within university environments. Students, faculty, and administrators recognize the pervasive influence of cultural backgrounds on the development and expression of emotional intelligence. Moreover, the frequency of encountering cultural disparities underscores the need for proactive measures to promote cross-cultural understanding and inclusivity. Despite the perceived effectiveness of existing support systems, there is room for improvement in creating more inclusive learning environments. Preferred support initiatives include regular cultural awareness events, sensitivity workshops, and technology integration to address global influences on communication and emotional intelligence. Eventually, the integration of cultural intelligence with communication and emotional intelligence emerges as a crucial aspect of higher education. Educators are encouraged to adopt inclusive teaching practices, prioritize active listening, and foster open dialogue to bridge cultural gaps and create supportive learning environments. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this research, universities can better equip students and faculty with the skills necessary to manage cultural diversity, enhance communication, and foster emotional intelligence. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to the creation of inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments that prepare individuals to thrive in a globalized world. References: 1. Bennett, M. J. (1993). 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Navigating Cultural Differences:  Based on your experiences, how do you navigate and address cultural differences in emotional expression and communication within university environments? 6. Teaching/Learning Approaches: 74  How do you believe cultural differences influence teaching and learning approaches in a university setting? 7. Support Systems:  In your experience, what support systems or resources do you think are essential for addressing cultural differences in university education? 8. Global Perspectives in Learning:  How do you perceive the integration of global perspectives in the learning experience within your university? Please, provide examples. Survey Questions: 1. General Perception:  On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you believe that cultural differences impact emotional expression and communication within university settings? 2. Frequency of Cultural Differences:  How frequently do you encounter cultural differences in emotional expression and communication within your university experiences? (Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently) 3. Impact on Emotional Intelligence:  On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement: "Cultural background can impact the development and expression of emotional intelligence within higher education settings"? 4. Inclusive Learning Environment:  On a scale of 1 to 5, how inclusive do you find the learning environment in higher education in terms of accommodating diverse cultural backgrounds? 5. Effectiveness of Support Systems:  How effective do you think the existing support systems are in addressing cultural differences within your university experience? (Scale: Not Effective - Effective) 6. Preferred Support Initiatives:  What kind of support initiatives or programs would you prefer to see implemented to enhance cross-cultural understanding within university education? 7. Technology and Global Influences:  To what extent do you think technology and global influences shape communication and emotional intelligence in your university? (Scale: Minimally - Significantly) 8. Intersectionality and Cultural Differences:  How do you perceive the intersectionality of factors such as gender, age, or socioeconomic status intersecting with cultural differences in university education? 75 FIRST EXAMPLES OF HERD BEHAVIOR IN THE NETHERLANDS AND LONDON STOCK EXCHANGES Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem KESKİN Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Universitiy, Department of International Trade and Logistics, Şereflikoçhisar Faculty of Applied Sciences. Türkiye ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8536-4940 ABSTRACT Herd behavior in markets is when individual investors are influenced by the information, discourse and behavior of the group around them and take positions in line with the investment decisions and movements of the group or community, instead of producing an individual idea. In this study; Acting in parallel with the decisions taken by the majority instead of personal decisions and taking its place in the history of the development of financial markets due to herd behavior; The collapse of the Amsterdam and London stock exchanges in the 18th century and the losses of investors are discussed. The financial crisis as a result of the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie "VOC"), the first Incorporated Company (Inc.) in today's sense, and the herd behavior of investors in the tulip mania, deeply shook the Netherlands. In the study, the reflection of the price fluctuations in the shares of the South Sea Company on the London stock exchange and the first herd behaviors that are the subject of financial history are examined. In this context; The effects of investor behavior on the markets that adopt an irrational decision-making approach, as opposed to models that regulate rational decision-making with herd decisions, are explained. The results of the study show that; Cognitive and mental errors that investors frequently encounter create gaps between both theory and practice. In addition, the effect of investors' irrational behavior affecting the direction of stock demand and creating price bubbles, which can be seen in today's modern markets as well as in history, is explained by supporting the literature study. Key Words: Herd Behavior in Markets; Amsterdam Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange INSTRUCTION It is observed that individual behaviors have deeper traces in the financial world than the expected and predictable effects (Köylü et al.). In other words, psychological science has an important role in individuals' investment decisions. With the inclusion of psychology in the field of finance, the field of Behavioral Finance emerged. Behavioral finance; Mathematical psychologist Amos Tversky and experimental psychologist Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2002 for their work titled "Expectation Theory" by examining the psychological motivations of investors from a scientific perspective. After this award, behavioral finance began to be among the popular topics of finance literature. Behavioral Finance is an important discipline that has emerged to bridge the gap between theory and practice by examining investor psychology so that investors can avoid the cognitive and 76 mental errors they may encounter. Investors try to distribute their savings among various investment instruments in the dilemma of risk and return balance. The main goals of investors are to minimize investment risks and maximize expected returns. For this purpose, investors can make rational and irrational decisions. Behavioral finance discipline; Contrary to models that provide rational decision-making, it adopts an irrational decision-making approach and in this context, it tries to explain the psychological and individual factors that affect investment decisions by taking investor psychology into account when examining investor behavior. In this regard, the emergence of behavioral finance as a new approach and offering a new perspective has increased the interest in behavioral finance. The herd behavior of investors causes the stock markets to encounter some form of turbulence. The fluctuation caused by the South Sea Company share prices approximately 300 years ago shows what the psychology of investors' behavior can lead to in the markets. In 1720, there was a sudden decline in the share prices of the South Sea Company on the London Stock Exchange. The unpredictable behavior of investors triggered a chain of major economic disasters and scandals on the London Stock Exchange. Striking examples of the collapse of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and the shaking of the markets in the 1600s, approximately a hundred years before the South Sea Company scandal in the London Stock Exchange, which went down in financial history as a result of the irrational decisions and herd behavior of investors, are evaluated in the study. This study aims to open horizons not only for readers who are interested in financial history and continue their studies in these fields but also for those who seek answers to the question of where the globalization movement is taking investors. The study is evaluated in three parts. The first of these is a theoretical literature review, the second part is the effects of investor behavior on the Amsterdam and London Stock Exchanges in the 17th and 18th centuries and finally, the results are summarized. LITERATURE RESEARCH It is possible to examine the literature research in two parts. First of all, studies evaluating investor behavior in terms of behavioral finance are included in the first section. There are many studies done in this context. Some of these studies are as follows. Blanchard and Watson (1982), in their study of rational bubble modeling, concluded that investors are willing to invest as long as the returns on investments are high, even if they are aware of the wrong investments they have made. Eguiluz & Zimmermann (2000) examined the processes of information transfer and herding behavior in financial markets. Rook (2006) studied herd behavior as an economic psychological approach; He noted the phenomenon that people follow a crowd over a period, regardless of individual information. According to Kindleberger (2007); irrational decision-making by investors and the life cycle of price bubbles, respectively; go through periods of Displacement, Boom, Euphoria, Crisis and Revulsion. According to Gray et al., (2007), financial deviations and price bubbles are not related to fraud but are an economic phenomenon resulting from the greed and herd behavior of the real investors. 77 In their study, Cipriani & Guarino (2008) measured herd behavior and infection rate in financial markets. In the study, imitation behavior was also observed in the decisions of consumers and investors. Chiang & Zheng (2010) also examined herd behavior in global markets. They followed herd behavior with daily data in developed stock markets and Asian stock markets, excluding the USA. While detecting investors' herd behavior, the study did not find evidence of the existence of shepherding structures controlling the herd. Mobarek & Keasey (2014) identified country-specific herding behaviors in the liquid component of Europe. In their study, Kameda & Hastie (2015) explained with examples that herd behavior can be encountered not only in financial areas but in all areas of life. Batmunkh et al. (2020) tested herding behavior in the Mongolian stock market. Ah Mand, et al. (2023) examined herd behavior in Islamic financial markets and found traces of Shariacompliant herd behavior in Malaysian stock markets. In addition to financial historians, there are studies on VOG, Tulip Mania and the South Sea Company in many scientific fields such as economics, folklore and economic history. In this section, examples are taken from these studies. Some of the studies related to VOC, the world's first Joint Stock Company; Nijman (1994), Gaastra (1997), Heijer (2002), Stringham (2003), Jager et al. (2005), Liu (2007), Belt (2008), Ward (2009), Bulten and Jansen (2009), Poitras (2009), Petram (2011), Robins, (2012), Gelderblom et al. (2013), Jong et al. (2013) and Economou et al. (2019). Some of the studies on the South Sea Company are as follows: Brown, V. L. (1926), Hildner (1938), Anes (2002), Hutchinson (2004), Satsuma (2012), Price & Whatley (2021), Wennerlind (2023) and Rakaj & Fianchini (2024). Some of the studies on tulip mania are as follows: Day (2004), Sarna (2010), Goldgar (2019), Öztürk (2022), Selva (2023) and Leigh (2024). As examples of studies that focus on herd behavior and tulip mania together; The studies of Garber (2001), Scoles (2007), Sherman (2018) and Xu (2023) can be given as examples. In this study, investor characteristics showing herd behavior were evaluated in the context of VOG Inc., tulip mania and South Sea Company examples. Behavioral Finance Behavioral finance emerged with the introduction of psychology and sociology into the field of finance. More generally, the interest of psychologists and sociologists in the field of finance and their research in the field of finance have expanded the scope of behavioral finance and played an important role in the development of behavioral finance. In this context, as can be seen in Figure 1, it is possible to define behavioral finance as a combination of psychology, sociology and finance. 78 Figure 1. Behavioral Finance Concept Psychology Sociology Behavioral Finance Finance Source: Suryawansh & Jumle, 2016: 81. Behavioral finance, which has relations with disciplines such as psychology, which studies human behavior, sociology, which tries to explain social events, finance, which deals with the effective management of money and other investment instruments, and behavioral economics, which investigates the rationality of investor behavior, is a new discipline in the field of finance. Behavioral finance focuses on how investors interpret information to make informed investment decisions and how they behave in their investment decisions. The development of behavioral finance began with psychologists' interest in economics. Behavioral finance has shown significant developments with the works of authors Kahneman and Twersky, who contributed to this field. Based on observations, it has been determined that there are behavioral tendencies shown by investors in a scientific sense. The behavioral tendencies shown by investors can be listed as follows; Overconfidence, Aversion to Ambiguity, Anchoring, Hyperbolic Discounting, Loss Aversion, Regret Minimization, Herding Behaviour, Representation Problem (Representativeness), Mental Accounting, Over-optimism, Cognitive Dissonance, Conservatism, Gambler's Fallacy. To briefly explain these situations: Overconfidence; Investors tend to overestimate their decision-making abilities. It increases because players in the market do not fully understand the role of danger and fortune in predicting the future (Chaffai & Medhioub, 2014: 529). Avoiding uncertainty (Aversion to Ambiguity); Investors prefer known possible risks rather than unknown possible risks. Anchoring; People tend to attach or “tie” their thoughts to a reference point, even if they do not have a logical relationship with the decision they make (Chaudhary, 2013: 88). When evaluated from the investor's perspective, it is the use of true or false beliefs in investment decisions, which are used as a reference point in future decisions. Hyperbolic Discounting; It is about the factors that limit investors' future investment choices and trigger them to make inconsistent choices. Loss Aversion; It is based on the idea that the mental punishment for any loss people experience has a greater impact than the mental reward for a gain of the same magnitude. Avoiding Regret (Regret Minimization); Investors avoid making logical decisions with the thought that they will regret it. 79 Problem of Representation (Representativeness); Investors make holistic judgments by taking sections from a single or a few examples. Mental Accounting is not about market conditions and reality, but about how the individual perceives market information and uses this information in the decision-making process regarding financial transactions. Over-optimism; It is a type of judgment that arises from the investor's belief that the return of the portfolio created individually will be high. Cognitive Dissonance; In cases where it does not match the investors' belief values or behavioral patterns, they ignore the data and make their investments with their individual preferences. Conservatism; Edwards (1968) explained in his study that people tend to adhere to certain views or prejudices. It is a situation where investors tend to maintain the current situation and avoid behavior that contradicts the traditional situation. Gambler's Fallacy; It is the illusion that a new situation can be predicted in a series of random events. If a coin tossed randomly ten times lands on heads ten times, there is only a 50% probability that it will land heads on the eleventh toss. It is a trap for the investor to make an investment decision based on luck, just as a player of chance decides that the coin will turn heads again. Herd Psychology (Herding Behaviour); Regardless of whether it is a logical or irrational behavior, investors begin to act in droves. As can be seen, there are many investor behaviors. In this study, examples of herd behavior experienced in the Amsterdam and London stock exchanges in the 17th and 18th centuries are examined. AMSTERDAM STOCK EXCHANGE AND TULIP MADNESS The Amsterdam commodity exchange became the first example of today's modern stock exchanges with the sale of VOC shares in 1602. With this development, the stock exchange was regulated as the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. The VOC traded with many Asian countries, including the East Indies, Ceylon, and Japan. The products traded by the company included many types of products such as spices, textiles, silk, sugar, coffee, tea and porcelain. As the VOC increased its economic power, it went beyond trade, creating trade centers in overseas countries and establishing colonies in these regions. VOC took its place as the first multinational company in the world in its financial history. Shortly after VOC's initial public offering, Amsterdam became the center of global stock trading. In 1606 the value of the stock increased by 200% and the VOC distributed dividends for the first time in 1610. With all of these; VOC is the world's first joint-stock company. The company started with a radical idea and divided the partnership into shares to reduce risk, thus increasing the number of investors. Shareholders who invested in VOC could not resell their shares to the company. They had to sell these shares in a secondary market. Traders also discovered that they could redeem the shares later. This led to the use of equity shares as primary financial assets. Contracts regarding VOC's shares began to form. Subsequently, derivative markets were formed with the start of forward-dated and priced purchases and sales in line with the contract terms. Following these developments came short selling. Business disruptions began due to poor cost control, weaknesses in financial management inability to adapt to new market changes, and poor strategy. Moreover, the shipment of goods and documents were forged, and sometimes nonexistent documents were produced, and as a result, the company's shares became worthless. As 80 a result of all these corruptions, the company went bankrupt in 1799 (Keskin, 2022: 1524-1528). While VOC stock prices reached the price levels seen in Figure 1 with the collective interest of investors, the price bubble burst after 1698 and the shares fell to zero value. Figure 1 shows the value of VOC shares between 1602 and 1698. Figure 1: VOC Dividend and Stock Prices Between 1602-1698 Source: Petram, 2011: 81. Another price bubble occurred in the Amsterdam commodity exchange with tulip prices. Tulip bulbs first came to the Netherlands from the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. Tulips were considered by the public as a symbol of social status and luxury. With this increase in interest, tulip bulbs began to be traded on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1636. Speculative behavior in tulip bulbs has begun to increase in the stock market. This period is called tulip mania in the literature. Tulip Mania is the name given to the period in which tulip bulb prices suddenly rose incredibly in 1637 and then dropped at the same rate. During this period in the Netherlands, owning rare tulip bulbs increased prestige. With the continuous increase in buyers, prices have risen uncontrollably. In response to this situation, option contracts have been drawn up. In the 17th century, the tulip buying craze reached such levels that people mortgaged their lands and houses and invested in a single tulip bulb. The price of a single tulip bulb in 1637; It has risen to levels that can accommodate palaces in the center of Amsterdam and Paris. This increase in prices has caused people to be unable to buy new onions. The economic crisis began in the Netherlands when a tulip bulb sold for 76,000 US Dollars dropped to 1 US Dollar after just 6 weeks. Figure 2 shows the tulip price chart. As MacKay (1841) mentioned; Extraordinarily popular misconceptions of investors in the twentieth century have become the research subject of behavioral finance as investor psychology. 81 Figure 2: Tulip Price Index in the Netherlands Between 1636-1637 Source: MacKay, 1841. Investor herd behavior or crazes, which take place in the field of behavioral finance, were so effective in the Netherlands that, as can be seen in Figure 3, in this period, Jan Brueghel's famous painting The Younger (1640), Jean Leon Gerome's topboss The Tulip Folly (1882) and Hendrik Gerritsz's Pot It was the subject of Floraes Mallewagen's paintings. Tulip mania also inspired Alexandre Dumas's novel Black Tulip. The social madness that occurred as a result of this herd movement and crisis environment; The novel Black Tulip, which describes greed, ambition, passion and jealousy, has taken its place among the world classics. Figure 3: Paintings The Younger, Satire on Tulip Mania (1640), The Tulip Folly (1882) and Flora's Wagon Of Fools Jean-Léon Gérôme - The Tulip Folly (1882) Jan Brueghel The Younger; Satire on Tulip Mania, (1640). Hendrik Gerritsz Pot, Floraes Mallewagen (Flora’s wagon of fools), (1640). 82 LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE and THE SOUTH SEA COMPANY Another strange financial fallacy and example of what can happen when people fall prey to groupthink is the South Sea Company. The South Sea Company is a British-based joint stock company operating in South America in the 18th century. It was founded in 1711 by George Caswall and John Blunt with the support of the British government. The key to the establishment of this company is to help organize the national debt of the UK Conservative Party government. Among the investors in the company was the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, who was also the director of the London Mint for a while. The fact that the company supported the government and issued shares attracted the attention of investors. In particular, investors expected that gold and silver ores from South America would come to Europe. In line with this expectation, it led to an excessive increase in stock prices. In this period; The war between England and Spain (1701-1714) slowed down trade considerably. The company practically did not carry out any activities. However, investors did not take these indicators into account and their stock purchases continued. Shares of the Company are up more than 900% in less than a year. Not only the aristocrats but also the entire British public could now access this income and wealth. It became common for people to see each other and invest in the stock market in groups. The main reason for the increase in share prices despite the South Sea Company's lack of profitability was the public's excessive demand for its shares. The company's shares rose to 1000 Pounds, but on the last day of the same month, the company's shares began to decline rapidly, and in 1720, all investors began to panic and quickly sell their shares. Share prices suddenly began to fall. No power could stop this herd behavior. Many investors, including Isaac Newton, suffered significant losses. During this disastrous financial collapse Newton lost £40 million (Steward, 2022). Sir Isaac Newton said about this situation in the market, "I can calculate the movements of celestial bodies, but I cannot calculate the madness of people" (Carswell, 1993: 108). Figure 4: South Sea Company Share Prices 1719-1722 Source: Fetiniuc et al. 2014. As can be seen in Figure 4, share prices had increased since the company was founded: from £128 in January 1720, to £175 in February, to £330 in March, and to £550 by the end of May after the scheme was adopted. has increased. Its fall to £100 per share by the end of the year created a shock effect for investors (Cowles, 1993: 151-169). After all, the London Stock Exchange crashed. There was no financial theory that could explain this situation. Instead, the 83 situation was tried to be explained to the British people with conspiracy theories or strange ideas about people going crazy while gambling. In addition, promises were made that investors would be compensated for their losses. It is human nature that even a small loss creates great discomfort. This situation is called loss aversion in behavioral finance. The popular perception in London during the period is that large fortunes were destroyed, but there is little evidence of this beyond one or two cases (Paul, 2020). CONCLUSION The historical process of finance shows that the herd behavior of investors emerges by following a similar evolutionary process. Investors who want to make high profits take part in the market. While the potential for high returns attracts new investors to the market, the price of the commodity inflates with new investors, and its appearance resembles a hidden bubble. In modern times, investors also show herd behavior. For this reason, investors need to evaluate remarkable examples from financial history. In the period from the tulip crisis to the 21st century, herd behavior shows similar characteristics in terms of the way it emerged. When we look at the formation of a crisis in the markets, the process begins when investors shift their investments to high-yield and very profitable areas. In the following periods, cash holders who want to get a share of the profits and other investors who owe money to credit institutions are included in the system. As the demand for commodities and/or securities with high profitability levels begins to increase, their prices begin to rise above their required levels. The number of investors who expect the price increase to continue is increasing, causing price bubbles to form. The movements of investors in droves create inaccurate price increases, and when these artificial prices reach their peak, investors suddenly try to sell their commodities in droves, creating panic in the markets. Investment decisions affected by psychological, sociological and cultural variables can easily become irrational. In addition, investors can do these things as part of the herd because everyone else does them. The South Sea Company, VOK and Tulip Mania have been symbols of financial crisis for hundreds of years. Today, investors; may make judgments such as house prices constantly increase and stocks perform better than bonds. This is a sign that investors are focusing on price movements. Thus, it causes investor herd behavior and the formation of price bubbles. Even though centuries have passed, behavioral finance and market psychology are proving many of their rules to themselves again. This is why examples of market crises in history were used in this study. 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Atlantis Press. 88 BARRIERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS IN TECH INDUSTRY: WOMEN’S JOURNEY TO THE BOARDROOMS Dr. Neera Jain Management Development Institute Gurgaon Gurugram, India ORCID ID: ABSTRACT The presence of women in boardrooms brings a unique perspective and contributes to a more inclusive and innovative work environment. Over the years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity at the highest levels of decision-making. This exploratory study delves into the complex challenges and successes encountered by women in achieving boardroom positions within the technology industry, a field traditionally male-dominated. Despite heightened awareness and initiatives aimed at promoting gender diversity, women still encounter substantial obstacles in attaining leadership roles. This research focuses on identifying these barriers and examining the breakthroughs facilitating the increased presence of women in tech boardrooms. Utilizing a qualitative methodology, the study draws insights from an in-depth analysis of 25 interviews with senior women leaders in the technology sector. The thematic analysis uncovers key themes such as cultural biases, organizational structures, and personal strategies that impact the trajectory of women in tech leadership. Research indicates that companies with a higher representation of women on their boards tend to demonstrate better financial performance and governance. Efforts to break gender barriers and promote equality in the boardroom have resulted in increased opportunities for talented women to ascend to executive positions. However, there is still work to be done to achieve true gender parity and ensure that women continue to break through glass ceilings in the corporate world. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on gender equity in the corporate world, particularly within the rapidly evolving tech sector. Key Words: Women Leadership, Boardrooms, Gender Diversity, Technology Sector INTRODUCTION In the contemporary corporate world, particularly within the dynamic and innovation-driven technology sector, the ascent of women to boardroom positions marks a significant evolution toward achieving gender diversity and inclusivity. Historically, the technology industry has been a male-dominated field, with women significantly underrepresented in leadership roles. This underrepresentation is not just a statistic; it is a reflection of the systemic barriers that 89 have perpetuated gender disparities at the highest levels of organizational decision-making. However, the narrative is gradually changing, as the presence of women in tech boardrooms has become a focal point for discussions on corporate governance, innovation, and social responsibility. The journey of women to these positions of power and influence is both inspiring and fraught with challenges. This qualitative study, "Barriers and Breakthroughs in Tech Industry: Women’s Journey to the Boardrooms," aims to delve into this complex landscape, exploring the obstacles faced by women and the successes that have enabled their progress in the technology sector. The significance of gender diversity in the boardroom extends beyond mere representation. Research has consistently shown that companies with diverse leadership teams tend to exhibit better financial performance, more robust governance structures, and higher levels of innovation. In the technology sector, where innovation is the cornerstone of success, the unique perspectives that women bring to leadership can catalyze creative problem-solving and drive transformative change. Despite this recognition, the path to leadership for women in tech is littered with systemic barriers that stem from cultural biases, organizational practices, and industry norms that have traditionally favored men. The exploration of these barriers is critical not only for understanding the current state of gender diversity in tech leadership but also for identifying actionable strategies to promote inclusivity. Moreover, by examining the breakthroughs that have facilitated women's advancement in the tech industry, this study seeks to highlight the effective policies, practices, and personal strategies that can serve as a blueprint for achieving gender parity in corporate leadership. The barriers encountered by women in the technology sector are multifaceted, encompassing cultural, organizational, and structural challenges. Cultural biases, often manifested as stereotypes and implicit biases, can undermine women's confidence and visibility in the workplace. These biases also contribute to the perpetuation of a gendered leadership model that favors masculine traits, thus sidelining women from key decision-making roles. Organizational structures, including the lack of supportive policies and networks, further exacerbate the challenges faced by women. The scarcity of female role models in leadership positions creates a vicious cycle, where the underrepresentation of women at the top discourages aspiring female leaders. Despite these barriers, there have been significant breakthroughs that have contributed to the increased presence of women in tech boardrooms. Initiatives aimed at promoting gender diversity, such as mentorship programs, leadership development initiatives, and policies supporting work-life balance, have shown promising results. Moreover, the growing recognition of the business case for diversity has prompted companies to adopt more inclusive recruitment and promotion practices. Personal strategies employed by women, including 90 networking, skill development, and advocacy for gender equality, also play a crucial role in navigating the path to leadership. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse on this critical issue, shedding light on the persistent barriers that hinder women's advancement and the breakthroughs that pave the way for their success. The findings underscore the importance of systemic change, encompassing cultural shifts, organizational reforms, and policy interventions, to create an enabling environment for women's leadership in tech. As the technology sector continues to evolve, the pursuit of gender parity in the boardroom remains a critical endeavor, not only for the advancement of women but also for the enrichment of corporate governance and innovation. LİTERATURE REVİEW Modern research has focused on the pursuit of gender diversity in technology company boardrooms, emphasizing the complex obstacles that women must overcome to reach leadership positions and the significant influence that their presence has on organizational success. In order to shed light on the current situation of women in corporate governance, notably in the technology sector, and the wider effects of gender diversity on business performance, this literature review incorporates findings from significant studies. In their thorough examination of women's engagement in corporate governance in Indian private sector enterprises, Raut et al. (2023) highlight the structural barriers that prevent more women from assuming executive positions. To improve women's participation in corporate leadership, their research highlights the need for more inclusive policies and practices. This lays the groundwork for future studies that will examine the advantages of gender diversity in boardrooms. Expanding upon this notion, Chatterjee and Nag (2023) investigate how gender diversity in boardrooms affects company performance, providing factual data showing that companies with diverse leadership teams have better financial and governance outcomes. This study supports the increasing amount of research that indicates gender diversity is a strategic asset that can promote organizational performance rather than just a measure of equality. Research on gender equity in the boardroom in the Indian context by Kumar and Singh (2020), and Arora (2022) further supports this claim by emphasizing the vital role that women play in promoting creative problem-solving and strategic decision-making. These studies highlight the distinct viewpoints and strategies that women bring to leadership positions, making corporate environments more competitive and dynamic. Lunawat et al (2021) discuss the legal and regulatory measures that India has taken to require gender diversity on corporate boards. They also look at the initiatives' compliance and intentions. Their findings point to a trend in the right direction—that is, a higher inclusion of women in leadership positions—but they also highlight obstacles to realizing gender parity that goes beyond simple numerical representation. The research supports ongoing efforts to remove obstacles to gender diversity by showing a favorable association between women's presence in boardrooms and enhanced corporate performance. The aforementioned corpus of work underscores the significance of persistent lobbying, policy modification, and organizational transformation in actualizing the complete potential of gender diversity in promoting fair, inventive, and successful corporate 91 environments. However, there is still a lack of research in the technology sector to study highlight the complexity of the issues that women in technology leadership face as well as the important advantages that gender diversity offers to these companies. METHODOLOGY To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of women in tech leadership, this study employs a qualitative methodology. The study used thematic analysis to uncover and investigate the major themes associated with the obstacles and achievements faced by these women, based on a set of 25 interviews conducted with high-ranking female executives in the technology industry. This method offers a rich account of women's paths to the boardroom and enables a nuanced comprehension of the intricate interplay between human agency and societal constraints. The exploratory aspect of the study, which aims to document the lived experiences of women leaders and the contextual elements influencing their career paths, informs the choice of qualitative approaches. FINDINGS A. Barriers 1. Cultural Biases Diversity in teams, according to Bantel and Jackson (1989), fosters a wider variety of viewpoints and ideas, which improves the processes of creativity and problem-solving. The interviews that were carried out with prominent female leaders in the IT industry revealed important new information about the enduring cultural prejudices that impede the advancement of women into leadership roles. Enshrined social ideas and preconceptions surrounding women's responsibilities and skills continue to have a significant impact on professional environments, especially in areas that have historically been dominated by males, notwithstanding major advancements toward gender equality within and beyond the industry. The interviewees consistently noted the difficulty presented by the undervaluation of women's technical proficiency. Participants gave examples of times when gender preconceptions that cast doubt on women's ability for technology and leadership overshadowed or undervalued their abilities and contributions, rather than because they were accomplished or competent. In addition to being disheartening, this bias prevents women from advancing in their careers by hiding their true abilities and successes. The interviews also demonstrated how the "glass ceiling"—a symbolic barrier that keeps women from rising to senior executive positions even when they possess the necessary training and expertise—is manifested. Deeply ingrained cultural prejudices that support gender-based segregation in positions of leadership and decision-making are the core cause of this issue. Women executives talked about how they faced both tangible and invisible obstacles to their career advancement, frequently having to work harder to get the recognition and opportunities that were more easily available to their male counterparts. The burden placed on female leaders to continuously demonstrate their authority and ability in settings where people are inclined to distrust them based only on their gender was another 92 important conclusion. Numerous respondents discussed the draining cycle of constantly needing to prove their value—a condition that is not placed on their male counterparts in the same way. In addition to burdening women unnecessarily, this continual battle for validation also interferes with their capacity to give their full attention to leadership and creativity. 2. Organizational Structures The technology sector's senior female leaders were interviewed, and the results provided important new insights into how company policies and conventional organizational structures impede the growth of women in leadership roles. It became clear that, despite some advancements, these institutions have not sufficiently changed to address the special requirements of women, especially about striking a balance between career advancement and personal or family obligations. One of the main issues raised was the lack of flexibility in work schedules. Numerous interviewees noted that women, who frequently shoulder a disproportionate part of caregiving and home responsibilities, are disadvantaged by strict work hours and the expectation of constant availability. Because men are less likely to have the same expectations, it is difficult for women to pursue leadership possibilities on an equal basis. One other important issue that came up in the interviews was the lack of female mentors at the senior level. In the technology industry, women frequently work in settings devoid of mentors and role models who can guide them through the unique obstacles they face and offer advice on achieving leadership positions. The lack of female leadership contributes to the underrepresentation loop by limiting the chances that women will get sponsorship and support from those who have overcome comparable obstacles. Additionally, it was often mentioned that there were gender biases in the promotion and evaluation systems. Interviewees explained how these procedures frequently reward traits or actions that are more frequently associated with or expected of men, such as assertiveness or a solitary focus on work, systematically excluding gifted women who might approach problemsolving or leadership in alternative ways. This bias restricts the range of leadership styles inside businesses in addition to negatively impacting women's possibilities for progress. 3. Network Limitations One significant obstacle to women's career advancement in the technology sector was revealed during the investigation of network restrictions through interviews with prominent women leaders. Professional networks are essential for exposure, sponsorship, and mentoring, but they are frequently closed off to women, which has a big influence on their career paths. The marginalization of women from professional networks, which are predominately male, was a recurrent subject in the interviews. This exclusion usually takes the form of subtle methods rather than being deliberate or overt. Social gatherings, unplanned chats, and informal get-togethers were highlighted as instances where women miss out on crucial chances to get recognition, create relationships, and advance their careers. These kinds of situations highlight the unofficial channels that are used to disperse visibility and career possibilities; women are frequently left out of these channels because of their lack of integration. 93 The interviews brought to light the significant impact of not belonging to these powerful circles. Female leaders discussed the difficulties they have in obtaining the same degree of sponsorship and mentoring as their male colleagues. In order to navigate corporate systems, mentoring and sponsorship are essential. However, because there aren't many women in executive positions who can act as mentors or sponsors, women frequently find themselves at a disadvantage. This disparity not only hinders their immediate professional advancement but also feeds the vicious cycle of underrepresentation at the top, which has an impact on the larger ecosystem. In addition, the lack of robust networks restricts women's visibility to influential individuals, which is essential for being given consideration for prominent projects and leadership roles. Numerous interviewees stressed how being cut off from these networks meant they had to work much harder to establish their value and receive the same recognition that others could have more readily obtained through existing network connections. B. Breakthroughs 1. Corporate Initiatives The interviews with prominent female executives in the technology industry yielded insightful information about the success of business programs designed to promote gender diversity. These programs show how the IT sector is beginning to recognize the invaluable contributions that women make to leadership positions, including the introduction of varied viewpoints and creative ways to problem-solving. One important takeaway from the conversations is that tech companies are becoming more and more committed to putting in place focused diversity policies and initiatives. The realization of the numerous advantages of gender diversity for competitive advantage, organizational performance, and creativity is what is causing this change. In order to address the structural and cultural barriers that have historically prevented women from advancing in the IT industry, interviewees highlighted several steps that organizations are taking to support women throughout their career paths. One important initiative to increase awareness of unconscious biases and their influence on decision-making processes is bias training. Participants emphasized the importance of these training initiatives in fostering an inclusive workplace culture that actively combats prejudice and stereotypes. Companies seek to level the playing field for women by reducing biases that impact recruiting, promotion, and evaluation procedures through staff education at all levels. Additionally, gender-neutral hiring procedures were found to be an essential part of business initiatives supporting gender diversity. Interviewees talked about the effectiveness of structured interview processes and inclusive language that does not contain gender-coded terms in job descriptions in reducing bias. These procedures aid in guaranteeing that hiring decisions are made on the basis of merit rather than gender and that recruitment activities draw in a diverse pool of candidates. It was noted that the creation of positions specifically devoted to diversity and inclusion within corporate frameworks is evidence of how seriously digital businesses are taking the issue of gender diversity. These positions, which are frequently senior ones, are responsible 94 for creating and managing the application of diversity policies, establishing quantifiable goals, and keeping track of advancements. Although they warned that success depended on the empowerment and funding of these positions, female leaders expressed hope about the potential of these roles to create systemic change. Additionally, the interviews showed that businesses are realizing more and more the importance of all-encompassing strategies that consider retention and promotion in addition to recruitment. This all-encompassing strategy recognizes that the obstacles that women in technology face are intricately linked and multifaceted. To support women at different phases of their careers, services including career development opportunities, flexible work schedules, and mentorship and sponsorship are being put into place. In summary, the results of the interviews show that, despite ongoing obstacles, there is a growing movement in favor of gender diversity in the tech sector, which is being fueled by specific business initiatives. If these initiatives are maintained and given sufficient funding, they might greatly lower the structural obstacles that prevent women from advancing in their careers and open the door for more diverse and inclusive leadership positions in the technology sector. 2. Leadership Development Examining programs for women-only leadership development in the technology industry has revealed a crucial path that the sector is taking to close the gender leadership gap. Based on the information obtained from speaking with senior female executives, it appears that companies, non-profits, and professional associations are taking the initiative to address the lack of women in tech leadership positions through these initiatives. Participants discussed their experiences with different leadership development programs, emphasizing the all-encompassing strategy these efforts employ to support women's professional advancement. These kinds of programs aim to improve not just technical and leadership abilities but also self-assurance and industry recognition. One particularly beneficial aspect of these programs has been the mentoring opportunities, which provide women with individualized advice and insights from seasoned professionals who have travelled similar career routes. These development programs' inclusion of leadership training was praised for their contribution to giving women the tools they need to lead successfully in the technology industry. The training subjects included everything from creating inclusive team settings and negotiating workplace dynamics to strategic decision-making and creativity. It was believed that focusing on real-world leadership abilities and learning about the particular difficulties faced by women in the technology industry would be crucial in preparing participants for executive positions. The significance of networking events linked to these programs in creating a community that supports women in technology was also emphasized. These kinds of gatherings give women a chance to network with mentors, peers, and business executives, which promotes the sharing of concepts, insights, and chances. One of the main things that motivates women to pursue and hold leadership roles is the sense of community and common goal that these networks establish. 95 The tech industry's dedication to helping women advance to top positions in the field reflects the increasing understanding of the benefits of gender diversity for innovation and competitiveness. By making investments to support women's leadership development, the industry recognizes the vital role women play in advancing organizational success and technological growth. These programs help create a more vibrant, diverse, and competitive sector in addition to removing obstacles that prevent women from assuming leadership roles. 3. Advocacy and Awareness The study's interview data reveals a significant change in the conversation about women in technology, characterized by a rise in support and understanding of gender diversity concerns. This shift is typified by a more outspoken and evident commitment by different IT industry stakeholders to confront and eliminate the ingrained gender biases that have long plagued the business. Participants emphasized how social media platforms, forums, and campaigns might help spread the word about the difficulties faced by women in the tech sector. These forums are now essential for spreading the word about the structural adjustments required to make society more egalitarian and inclusive for women. Stories of women's problems, victories, and experiences are shared through different channels, forming a compelling narrative that emphasizes the need for change. Action at the organizational and business levels has been spurred by the increased awareness of gender diversity issues. Respondents observed a notable surge in candid conversations around gender parity in their organizations and the larger technology sector. These conversations are having a real impact on behaviors and policies that try to lessen gender bias; they are not merely theoretical. For example, businesses are making more of an effort to find and remove prejudices from their hiring procedures, promotion standards, and work environments. The results of these interviews highlight how important it is to raise awareness and advocate more for systemic change in the tech sector. The industry is making significant strides in establishing an atmosphere where women can flourish and contribute to innovation and growth on an equal footing with men by advancing the discussion around gender diversity and actively working to dismantle barriers. This change in language and behavior lays the groundwork for future advancements in gender parity in technology. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The study's conclusions highlight both the numerous obstacles that women must overcome to advance to leadership roles in the technology industry as well as the innovations and programs that are assisting in closing the gender gap. Women's advancement to executive positions has historically been hampered by cultural prejudices, organizational hierarchies, network constraints, and a dearth of focused leadership development programs. On the other hand, major improvements are being sparked by a growing dedication to gender diversity through corporate programs, leadership development specifically designed for women, and more activism and awareness. 96 The enduring existence of cultural prejudices and institutional policies that impede women's advancement underscores the necessity of a consistent and comprehensive strategy to promote gender diversity in technology leadership. The significance of mentorship and having access to powerful networks highlights the role that social capital plays in advancing one's career and highlights the need for greater networking opportunities that are inclusive of women. Concurrently, the rise of diversity-focused corporate efforts and leadership development programs suggests a rising understanding of the worth of women in leadership roles and the need to support their professional paths. Gender diversity advocacy and awareness have grown significantly, which is a significant shift that is propelling industry-wide and corporate efforts to eliminate gender bias. Although there has been progress, this survey shows that there is still work to be done to achieve true gender parity in IT leadership. All parties involved must work together to establish inclusive practices, promote the advancement of women leaders, and advocate for change. This includes businesses, non-profits, professional networks, and individuals. In summary, closing the gender gap in tech leadership is a strategic necessity for innovation and competitiveness as well as a social justice issue. The study's findings shed light on the intricate obstacles standing in the way of women's career advancement in technology as well as practical solutions. The tech sector must build on these initiatives going forward to create an atmosphere in which women are equally given the chance to lead and achieve success. In addition to improving organizational performance, achieving gender diversity in tech leadership will move the industry toward a more inclusive and equitable future. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE The qualitative methodology and the unique experiences of the respondents limit this study, which nevertheless offers insightful information about the struggles and achievements of women in tech leadership. The results cannot be applied to the larger technology industry because they are based on a limited and possibly unrepresentative sample of senior female leaders. Furthermore, emphasizing the experiences of women alone provides an important but limited perspective on the complex nature of gender diversity, which also encompasses male and non-binary people. Subsequent investigations could expand the range of this study by integrating quantitative studies to encompass broader industry patterns and by exploring the confluence of gender with other identities, such as colour and ethnicity, to unearth more profound perspectives on inclusivity in the technology sector. Examining how the current trend toward remote and mixed work environments affects gender diversity in leadership roles may also produce significant results. Research on the role of male allies in advancing gender equality as well as longitudinal research evaluating the long-term effects of diversity initiatives would both contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject. By focusing on these topics, we may improve our understanding of how to break down obstacles to gender diversity and direct our efforts toward creating a more fair and inclusive technology sector. REFERENCES Arora, (2022) Do women on boards enhance firm performance? Evidence from top Indian companies, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance,155-167. 97 Chatterjee, C., & Nag, T. (2023), Gender diversity in the boardroom and its impact on firm performance. Journal of Management and Governance, 26(3), 735-755. Kumar, P., & Singh, G. (2020). Gender Equity in the Boardroom: The Case of India. Emerald Publishing Limited. Arora, A. (2022). Lunawat, D., Pradhan, A. K., & Lunawat, A. (2021). Women in the Board Room: A MandateIntent and Compliance by Companies. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 18(3), 16-27. Raut, R., Deshpande, A., Gupta, K., Kaul, N., & Ekbote, N. (2023). Status of Women in Corporate Governance in the Private Sector Companies in India. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 16(1), 94-107. 98 ÇOCUKLARIN GELİŞİMLERİNDE ÇİZGİ FİLMLERİN ROLÜ “EBEVEYN, ÇOCUK VE ÖĞRETMEN GÖRÜŞLERİ”: NİTEL BİR ARAŞTIRMA THE ROLE OF CARTOONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN “PARENT, CHILD AND TEACHER VIEWS”: A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Blm. Uzm. Zeynep Sernur Başpınar Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Çocuk Gelişimi Anabilim Dalı ORCID ID: 0009-0001-9217-2189 Prof. Dr. Ender Durualp Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Çocuk Gelişimi Bölümü ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6645-6815 ÖZET Araştırmada, okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların hayatında önemli rollere sahip olan ebeveyn ve öğretmenlerin, çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişimi ve eğitimi üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesi ve çocukların çizgi filmlerle ilgili tercihlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu dört-altı yaşlarındaki çocuklar (n=12), bu yaşlarda çocuğu olan ebeveynler (n=12) ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretmenler (n=10) oluşturmaktadır. Çocuklar, ebeveynler ve öğretmenler amaçlı ve uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle araştırmaya alınmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri, “Genel Bilgi Formu” ve yarı yapılandırılmış “Görüşme Formu” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, betimsel içerik analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada katılımcı ebeveynlerin çoğu; çocukların günde ortalama bir saat çizgi film izlediklerini, en çok TRT Çocuk kanalında yayınlanan çizgi filmleri izlemeyi tercih ettiklerini, çocuklarıyla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet ettiklerini, çocukları çizgi film izlerken onlara eşlik ettiklerini, çizgi filmlerin çocukların yaşlarına uygunluğunu değerlendirdiklerini, çizgi filmleri davranış yönetiminde, özellikle çocuklarını sakinleştirmek ve onlara yemek yedirmek için kullandıklarını, çizgi filmlere yönelik ürünleri satın aldıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca çizgi filmlerin, çocukların fiziksel ve motor gelişimini olumsuz yönde; bilişsel, sosyal-duygusal, dil gelişimi ve öz bakım becerilerini ise olumlu yönde etkilediğini ifade etmişlerdir. Katılımcı öğretmenlerin çoğu, eğitim programlarında çizgi filmlere yer vermediklerini, çizgi filmleri çocukların gelişimi ve eğitiminde kullandıklarını ve çizgi filmler hakkında çocuklarla sohbet ettiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin yarısı ailelere çizgi film önerirken yarısı ise önermediğini bildirmiştir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin çoğu, çizgi filmlerin çocukların motor, bilişsel, dil, sosyalduygusal gelişimi ve öz bakım becerilerini olumlu anlamda etkilediğini ifade etmiştir. Bununla birlikte öğretmenlerin yarısı çizgi filmlerin fiziksel gelişimi olumlu yönde etkilediğini düşünürken yarısı ise olumsuz yönde etkilediğini düşünmektedir. Katılımcı çocukların çoğu, günde toplam iki-üç bölüm çizgi film seyrettiklerini, çoğunlukla annelerinin ve kardeşlerinin onlara eşlik ettiklerini, en çok Rafadan Tayfa ve Mucize: Uğur Böceği ve 99 Kara Kedi çizgi filmlerini sevdiklerini, çizgi film karakterlerinin oyuncaklarına sahip olduklarını, giysilerine ise sahip olmadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Çocukların bir kısmının izlemekten hoşlanmadığı çizgi film bulunmazken, çocuklardan bazıları kavga davranışları içeren ve kötü karakterlerin bulunduğu çizgi filmlerden hoşlanmadıklarını ifade etmiştir. Ayrıca çocukların çoğu, akıllı ve süper güçlerini kullanarak insanları kurtaran çizgi film karakterlerinin yerinde olmak istediklerini söylemiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çizgi film, gelişim, ebeveyn, çocuk, öğretmen ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to examine the opinions of parents and teachers, who have important roles in the lives of preschool children, regarding the effects of cartoons on children's development and education and to determine children's preferences regarding cartoons. In the research, phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The study group of the research consists of children aged 4-6 (n = 12), parents with children aged 4-6 (n = 12) and teachers working in pre-school education institutions (n = 10). Children, parents and teachers were determined by purposive and convenient sampling method. The data of the research were collected using the "General Information Form" and the semi-structured "Interview Form". Descriptive content analysis method was used to analyze the data. In the study, most of the participating parents stated that their children watch cartoons for an average of 1 hour a day, that they mostly prefer to watch cartoons broadcast on TRT Çocuk channel, that they accompany their children while they watch cartoons, and that they chat with their children about cartoons. They also stated that they evaluated the suitability of cartoons for children's ages, that they used cartoons in behavior management, especially to calm their children and make them eat, and that they purchased products based on cartoons. They also stated that cartoons negatively affect children's physical and motor development and positively affect their cognitive, social-emotional, language development and self-care skills. Most of the participating teachers stated that they did not include cartoons in their educational programs, that they used cartoons in the development and education of children, and that they chatted with children about cartoons. While half of the teachers recommended cartoons to families, the other half reported that they did not recommend them. In addition, most of the teachers stated that cartoons positively affected children's motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional development and self-care skills. However, half of the teachers think that cartoons affect physical development positively, while the other half think that they affect physical development negatively. Most of the participating children stated that they watch a total of 2-3 cartoons a day, that their mothers mostly accompany them, that they like the cartoons Rafadan Tayfa and Miracle: Ladybug and Cat Noir the most, that they own toys of cartoon characters but do not own their clothes. While there are no cartoons that some children do not like to watch, some of the children stated that they do not like cartoons that contain fighting behavior and bad characters. In addition, most of the children said that they wanted to be in the shoes of cartoon characters who are smart and save people by using their superpowers. Keywords: Cartoon, development, parents, child, teacher 100 GİRİŞ Bireyin yaşamının yapı taşlarını oluşturan erken çocukluk dönemi, çocukların gelişimi açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bu dönemdeki çocukların gelişimi birçok faktörden etkilenmekte olup, maruz kalınan unsurların etkileri çocukların günlük yaşamlarına, düşüncelerine, oyunlarına ve davranışlarına olumlu veya olumsuz bir biçimde yansımaktadır. Çocuklar çoğunlukla model alarak öğrenmekte, bu nedenle çocukluk döneminde en çok izlenen yayınlar olan çizgi filmlerin, çocuğun gelişiminde etkisinin bulunduğu bilinmektedir (Kocaman ve Uslu, 2021). Okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların televizyon programları arasında en çok tercih ettiği çizgi filmler; çocukların beğenerek ve büyük bir ilgiyle seyrettikleri aynı zamanda eğlenceli zaman geçirdikleri yapımlardır (Çelenk, 1995). Bu nedenle çizgi filmlerin çocukların hayatlarında önemli bir yeri vardır. Bois ve Bushman tarafından yapılan araştırmada iki-beş yaşları arasındaki çocukların haftada 32 saat çizgi film izledikleri bulunmuştur (Chabashvili ve Virsaladze, 2019). Çocuklar, kurgu ve gerçek arasındaki ayrımın farkına varmakta çoğu kez yetişkinler kadar yetkin değildir. Bu nedenle çocuklar, televizyon karşısında yetişkinlere göre daha savunmasız durumda kalmaktadır (Çaplı, 1996). Yürütülen araştırmalar, çocukların sekiz yaşlarına kadar, izlediklerinin içeriğini çok yetersiz seviyede anlamlandırabildiklerini, hatta bu konuda çok başarısız olduklarını göstermektedir (Bjorkqvist ve Lagerspetz, 1985; Condry, 1989; akt. Peters ve Blumberg, 2002). Bu yaştan önce çocuklar, kurgu ve gerçek arasındaki ayrımı görememekte bu nedenle, rastladığı olağanüstü durumları gerçek hayata göre değerlendirmektedir (Baron ve Broughton, 2001). Çocuğun yeterli seviyede bilişsel bir olgunluk kazanmadan hayali ve kurgusal içeriklere maruz kalması, çocuk üzerinde çok çeşitli olumsuz etkiler doğurabilmektedir (Nergis, 1994; Pembecioğlu, 2006; Ünal ve Durualp, 2012). Aynı zamanda çizgi film seyredilirken sık sık reklamların çıkması ve görüntülerin hızlı bir şekilde ortaya çıkıp kaybolması, dikkatin devamlılığının kaybolmasına ve odaklanma kapasitesinin düşmesine neden olmaktadır (Aşkaroğlu, 2006). Yabancı yapım olan çizgi filmlerin Türkçeye çevrilerek yayınlanması, çocukların yaşadığı bölgenin kültürü ve dili ile kurduğu ilişkisini olumsuz etkilemekte, yozlaşmış bir dil kullanma düzeylerini artırmaktadır (Yağlı, 2013). Ayrıca çocuğun çok fazla televizyon seyretmesi, onu oyun oynamaktan bile alıkoymakta, dolayısıyla çocuğun sosyal becerileri zayıflamakta ve çocuk içe dönük bir duruma gelmektedir (Çaplı, 1996). Çizgi filmlerin bazılarında eğlendirme amacıyla sahnelenen vurma, kırma, ateş etme, öfkelenme, dövüş gibi şiddet sahneleri ve karakterlerin sergilemiş olduğu davranışlar, okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların saldırganlık dürtülerini tetikleyerek bu dönemde dürtülerini kontrol edebilme yetisini henüz kazanamamış çocukları, şiddete ve saldırgan olmaya yönlendirebilmektedir (Durualp, 2020; Yetim ve Sarıçam, 2016). Yıldız (2016) tarafından yapılan araştırma, çocuklar tarafından en çok izlenen çizgi filmlerin ortalama izlenme süresinin 4220 saniyesinde şiddet içeren unsurların bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Hunter ve Wilson (1983) tarafından yürütülen araştırmada ise çocuklarda gözlemlenen 58 şiddet içeren tutumun, 13 film ve 13 televizyon programında gösterilen şiddet davranışlarıyla büsbütün aynı olduğu saptanmıştır. Çizgi filmler hakkında yapılan araştırmalarda genellikle şiddet tutumları ve saldırganlığa teşvik edici negatif yönleri üzerinde durulur. Fakat çizgi filmlerin, çocuklara uygun olarak hazırlanması ve kullanılmasının çocuklar üzerinde öğretici, bilgilendirici, gelişimi destekleyici gibi olumlu niteliklerinin de bulunduğu göz ardı edilmemelidir (Güler, 1992; Güler, 2013). Seçimi sırasında özen gösterilmiş, yararlı çizgi filmler çocukları neşelendirdiği gibi bütün gelişim alanlarına da fayda sağlar, hayal kurma yeteneklerini çoğaltır (Yağlı, 101 2013). Ayrıca çizgi filmlerin görsel ve işitsel bir yönünün olması da öğrenilenlerin hafızada kalıcılığını artırır (Arıkan, 2001). Çocukların yaşına ve gelişim düzeylerine uyumlu olacak şekilde seçilmiş film kahramanının izletilmesi, çocuğun kişiliğini geliştirebilmekte ve özdeşim kuracağı bu modelin çocuğa olumlu etkileri olabilmektedir (Yavuzer, 1996). Çocuklar geliştikleri ortama göre şekil alırlar ve çizgi filmler de bu ortamın bir parçası halindedir, dolayısıyla tüm ebeveynlerin ve öğretmenlerin çizgi filmlerin etkileri konusunda bilgi sahibi olmaları (Shailesh-Rai, 2017), çizgi filmleri seçerken çocukların yaşlarına, gelişim dönemi özelliklerine uygun olmasına özen göstermeleri gerekmektedir (Yaşar-Ekici, 2015). Bu bilgiler ışığında araştırmada, okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların hayatında önemli bir yere sahip olan ebeveyn ve öğretmenlerin, çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişimi üzerindeki etkilerine ve yaşantılarına nasıl yansıdığına yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi, çocukların izlemeyi tercih ettiği çizgi filmlere yönelik düşüncelerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. YÖNTEM Bu bölümde, araştırmanın modeli, araştırmanın çalışma grubu, veri toplama araçları, veri toplama yöntemi ile verilerin değerlendirilmesi ve analizi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Araştırmanın Modeli Bu araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Olgubilim çalışmaları, farkında olduğumuz ancak derinlemesine ve ayrıntılı bir bilgiye sahip olmadığımız olgulara odaklanmaktadır (Büyüköztürk ve ark., 2011). Araştırmanın Çalışma Grubu Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu okul öncesi dönemindeki çocuklar, okul öncesi döneminde çocuğu olan ebeveynler ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul eden 12 çocuk, 12 ebeveyn ve 10 öğretmen araştırmanın çalışma grubuna alınmıştır. Çocuklar, ebeveynler ve öğretmenler amaçlı ve uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların çoğu kızdır. Yaşları 60-78 ay arasında değişmektedir. Çoğu iki kardeşe sahiptir. Çocuklardan üçünün okula gitmediği, okula gidenlerin ise çoğunlukla 25 ay ve üzerinde okula devam ettiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin çoğunluğunun 31-40 yaşlarında olduğu, yarısının çalıştığı, çoğunluğunun ön lisans mezunu, çekirdek aileye ve orta gelir düzeyine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin çoğu 25-30 yaşları arasında, lisans mezunu olduğu ve 1-5 yıl arasında hizmet ettiği belirlenmiştir. Veri Toplama Araçları Araştırmanın verileri, araştırmacılar tarafından çocuklara, ebeveynlere ve öğretmenlere yönelik ayrı hazırlanan “Genel Bilgi Formu” ve yarı yapılandırılmış “Görüşme Formu” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Görüşme soruları hazırlanırken öncelikle alan yazın incelenmiştir. Formların hazırlanmasının ardından çocuk gelişimi alanından iki akademisyen ve bir okul 102 öncesi öğretmeni olmak üzere üç uzmandan görüş alınmıştır. Uzmanlardan gelen önerilerin ardından Genel Bilgi Formları ve yarı yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formları gözden geçirilmiş, gerekli düzeltmeler yapılarak formlara son şekli verilmiştir. Genel Bilgi Formunda çocukların, ebeveynlerin ve öğretmenlerin sosyodemografik bilgilerini içeren sorular yer almaktadır. Ayrıca tercih edilen çizgi film, günlük izlem süresi, eğitimde kullanımı vb. çizgi filmlere yönelik sorular bulunmaktadır. Yarı yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu ise çizgi filmlerin gelişim alanları üzerindeki olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerine dair ebeveyn ve öğretmenlere yöneltilen sorulardan oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca çocuklara çizgi filmlerle ilgili düşüncelerini içeren sorular yer almaktadır. Veri Toplama Yöntemi Veriler, bir kurum ya da kuruluşa bağlı olmaksızın, amaçlı ve uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılan gönüllüler ile gerçekleştirilerek yüz yüze ve Google Formlar aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. Google Formlar’ın kullanılma amacı kısa sürede daha çok gönüllüye ulaşabilme avantajı sağlamasıdır. Yüz yüze gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerde ise katılımcılar yazılı halde sunulan formları doldurmuştur. Çocuklar ile yapılan görüşmelerde ise görüşme soruları araştırmacı tarafından sözlü bir şekilde yöneltilmiş, verilen yanıtlar görüşme sonrasında yine araştırmacı tarafından yazıya aktarılmıştır. Verilerin Analizi Verilerin analizinde, betimsel içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Betimsel içerik analizi yöntemi, belirli bir konuda ya da alanda birbirinden bağımsız olarak yapılan nitel ve nicel çalışmaların derinlemesine incelenip düzenlenmesi anlamına gelir. Böylece o konu ya da alandaki genel eğilimler belirlenmektedir. Bu yöntemde elde edilen sonuçların, hedeflenen konulara yönelik olarak gelecekte planlanan çalışmalara yön göstermesi beklenmektedir (Ültay, Akyurt ve Ültay, 2021). Görüşmelerin tamamlanmasından sonra, çocuklar, ebeveynler ve öğretmenler ile yapılan görüşmeler sırasıyla numaralandırılmış ve çocuklar; “Ç1, Ç2…”, ebeveynler; “E1, E2…”, öğretmenler; “Ö1, Ö2…” şeklinde kodlanarak yazıya aktarılmıştır. Yapılan tüm görüşmelerin analiz edilmesiyle temalar tespit edilmiş, belirlenen temalar için alt temalar oluşturulmuştur. Her bir alt temada yer alan katılımcı kodları ile belirlenen temalara ait görüş bildiren katılımcılar belirlenmiş ve alıntılanarak açıklanmıştır. BULGULAR Bu bölümde, araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular ve açıklamalarına yer verilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda verilerin analizi sonucunda ortaya çıkan bulgular tablo biçiminde sunularak açıklamaları yapılmış ve katılımcıların görüşleri paylaşılmıştır. 103 Ebeveyn Genel Bilgi Formundan Elde Edilen Bulgular Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin çizgi filmlerle ilgili vermiş oldukları genel bilgiler incelendiğinde; çocukların çoğunun günde bir saat çizgi film izledikleri, çocukların en çok TRT Çocuk kanalında yayınlanan çizgi filmleri izlemeyi tercih ettikleri ve ebeveynlerin çoğunun çizgi filmlere yönelik ürünleri (oyuncak, giysi, kırtasiye, kitap vb.) satın aldıkları görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte ebeveynlerin çoğu, çocuklarıyla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet ettiklerini söylemiş, katılımcılardan E7 “Bana çizgi filmde gördüklerini anlatıyor, filmdeki karakterlerin yaptıkları davranışların doğru mu yanlış mı olduğunu soruyor.” demiştir. Katılımcılardan E4 ise “Dört yaşındaki oğlum izlediği çizgi filmleri günlük hayatımızla çok ilişkilendirir sürekli örnekler verir benzetmeler yapar sohbet ederiz” biçiminde açıklama yapmıştır. Ebeveynlerin tümü çizgi filmlerin yaşa uygunluğuna yönelik bir değerlendirme yaptığını belirtmiş, katılımcılardan E1 “Değerlendiriyorum. Şiddet içeren çizgi filmleri izletmiyorum.” E5 “Uygulamada üç yaş altı kategorisini seçiyorum. Kendimde bakıp daha sade anlaşılır kafasını karıştırmayacak uygunlukta olanları seçiyorum.” şeklinde ifade etmiştir. Çizgi filmlerin yaşa uygunluğunu değerlendirmeye çalıştığını ifade eden E8 yaptığı değerlendirme hakkında şunları söylemiştir; “Gayret ediyorum. Görüntü ve konuşmaların argo olmamasına, ahlaki olmasına, yaşına uygun olmasına ve benzeri şeylere dikkat etmeye çalışıyorum.” Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin geneli, çizgi filmleri çocuklarıyla beraber izlediklerini belirtmiş, katılımcılardan E7 “Birlikte izliyoruz. İzlerken çizgi filmde geçen konuşmalar uygun mu? İçeriğinde şiddet var mı? Bunlara dikkat ediyorum.” şeklinde, E5 “Özellikle ilk kez izleyeceklerini birlikte izliyoruz. Çok hareketli olup uçup kaçmamasına korkutmamasına, dinimiz ve kültürümüze ters olmamasına dikkat ediyorum.” şeklinde, E2 ise “Genelde beraber izliyoruz, izlerken bir şekilde sohbet edip neyi nasıl anladığını takip etmeye çalışıyoruz.” şeklinde açıklama yapmış, çizgi filmleri izlerken aynı zamanda değerlendirdiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Çizgi filmlerin davranış yönetiminde kullanılmasına göre değerlendirildiğinde; ebeveynlerin çoğunun, çizgi filmleri davranış yönetiminde kullandığı görülmüştür. Katılımcılardan E10 “Yemek yerken kullanıyorum, çünkü çizgi filme dalıp daha çok yemek yiyor.”, E12 “Bazen hasta ve iştahsız oluyor, o zamanlarda yemek yedirmek için kullanıyorum.” diyerek çizgi filmleri çocukların yemek yeme davranışında kullandıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Bununla birlikte çizgi filmleri çocuğunun sakinleşmesi için kullandığını ifade eden E2 şunları söylemiştir; “Hiç diyemeyeceğim maalesef bazen kullanıyoruz. Yoğunluk olduğunda sakinleştirmek daha uslu durmasını sağlamak için kullanıyoruz.” Çizgi filmleri davranış yönetiminde kullanmadığını belirten E5 “Kullanmıyorum, yemekte ekrana bakmama kuralımız var evde. Uslu durması için de açmıyorum. Ekran saatimi yapabilir miyim deyince açıyorum.” şeklinde açıklama yapmıştır. Katılımcılardan E3 ise “Kullandığım dönem oldu ama şu an kullanmıyorum.” yanıtını vermiştir. Ebeveyn Görüşme Formundan Elde Edilen Bulgular Çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişim alanlarına etkisi konusunda araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin görüşleri incelendiğinde; ebeveynlerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun çizgi filmlerin çocukların fiziksel ve motor gelişimini olumsuz etkilediğini düşündükleri bulunmuştur. Çocukların çizgi film izlerken ekran karşısında hareketsiz kalmalarından dolayı fiziksel ve motor gelişimlerinin olumsuz etkilendiğini düşünen E5 bu durumu “Fiziksel gelişimi olumsuz 104 etkiliyor, sabitleniyorlar erken yaşta ekran karşısına.” şeklinde E1 “Çocukları oyun oynamaktan uzaklaştırıyor. Hareketlerini bile kısıtlıyor. Çocuk çizgi film izlerken hareketsiz kalıyor.” şeklinde ifade etmiştir. Bununla birlikte çizgi filmlerin hem fiziksel gelişimi hem de motor gelişimi olumlu etkilediğini düşünen E7 görüşlerini “Eğer çizgi film az sürede ve uygun içerikte hazırlanmışsa, içeriğinde doğru yönlendirme yapıyorsa, spor ve aktiviteye yönlendiriyorsa; çocuk da hareket ve spor yapmak istiyor bu yönüyle olumlu” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin çoğu, uygun içeriğe sahip olan çizgi filmlerin çocukların dil gelişimlerini, zihinsel, sosyal ve duygusal gelişimlerini bununla birlikte öz bakım işlevlerini olumlu yönde etkilediğini düşünmektedir. Bilişsel gelişim için E2 “Öğrendiği bir konuyla alakalı bağlantı kurabiliyor; böyle bir şey vardı burada da onun gibi değil mi? şeklinde.” derken, bilişsel gelişimin olumsuz etkilendiğini düşünen E1 “Bilişsel gelişim açısından bir katkı sağladığını düşünmüyorum. Sadece eğlendiriyor.” ifadelerini kullanmıştır. Sosyalduygusal gelişim açısından bakıldığında; E7 “Doğru içeriğe sahip olan çizgi filmler paylaşma, yardımlaşma, sorumluluk sahibi olma gibi becerilerini kesinlikle geliştiriyor.” şeklinde ve E11 “Bize olumlu bir etkisi oluyor, arkadaşlarıyla yardımlaşmayı ve paylaşmayı seviyor. Sinirlenince ya da mutlu olunca orada izlediklerini taklit ederek duygularını ifade ediyor.” şeklinde açıklama yaparak çizgi filmlerin çocukların yardımlaşma, paylaşma ve duyguları ifade etme gibi becerileri üzerinde olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Ek olarak katılımcılardan E9 “Çocukları yalnızlaştırıyor bence.” ve E5 “Çocuklar oyun oynamayı bilmiyor.” şeklinde açıklayarak çizgi filmlerin çocukları yalnızlaştırdığından ve oyun oynama becerilerini olumsuz etkilediğinden bahsetmişlerdir. Çizgi filmlerin dil gelişimini olumlu etkilediğini E7 “Uygun süresi ve uygun içerikleri olan çizgi filmleri izlediklerinde öğrendikleri kelime sayısı artıyor, bu kelimeleri yerinde kullanabiliyor ve kendilerini nasıl ifade edebileceklerini de öğrenebiliyorlar.” biçiminde, E11 ise “Şarkılı çizgi filmlerde onlarda ezberleyip söylüyorlar.” şeklinde ifade etmiştir. Öz bakım becerilerinde ise çizgi filmlerin olumlu etkisi konusunda katılımcılardan E8 düşüncelerini “Bence Pepee çizgi filminin öz bakıma olumlu bir etkisi oluyor. Verdiği mesajlar bu yönde.” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Çizgi filmlerin çocukların davranışları ve becerileri üzerindeki etkisi konusunda araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin görüşleri incelendiğinde, ebeveynlerin büyük bir bölümünün çizgi filmlerin; çocukların yabancı dil ve problem çözme becerilerinin desteklenmesine katkı sağladığını düşündükleri, tamamının ise çizgi filmlerin çocuklarda karşılaşılan saldırganlık, şiddet, korku ve kaygı davranışlarının oluşmasında etkisinin bulunduğu düşüncesine sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. E6 yabancı dil becerilerinin desteklenmesi hakkında “Youkids çizgi filmleri var, onlar İngilizce eğitimine katkı sağlıyor.” demiştir. E5 ise bu konuda bir deneyimi olmadığını “Hiç denemedim ama belki yabancı dil konusunda özel uygulamaların etkisi olabilir. Ama yaş daha büyük olmalı.” sözleriyle ifade etmiştir. Problem çözme becerilerinin çizgi filmler tarafından desteklendiğini E7 “İzledikleri çizgi filmlerde gördükleri çözüm yollarını gerçek hayatta uyguluyorlar. Eğitici nitelikteki çizgi filmler olumlu etkiliyor.” şeklinde, E11 ise “Sorunların nasıl çözülebileceğini izliyorlar, benzer davranışları taklit edebiliyorlar.” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Çizgi filmlerin çocuklarda saldırganlık ve şiddet davranışları oluşmasındaki etkisini E7 “Şiddet görürse aynısını yapıyor. Gerçeklik algısı olmadığı için, her izlediğini gerçek sandığı için aynı hareketleri yapmaya çalışıyor.” şeklinde, E2 “İçerikle doğrudan ilişkilidir tabii ama ekran süresi uzadıkça agresif ve sabırsız oluyorlar.” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Bununla birlikte korku ve kaygı davranışlarının görülmesinde çizgi filmin etkisini E7 “Duygusal olarak kaldıramayacağı sahneler kaygısını artırıyor.” sözleriyle ifade etmiştir. 105 Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin görüşlerine göre, çizgi filmler en fazla çocukların dil gelişimini etkilemekte ve desteklemektedir. Ayrıca ebeveynler, çizgi filmlerin en fazla fiziksel gelişimi olumsuz anlamda etkilendiğini belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmen Genel Bilgi Formundan Elde Edilen Bulgular Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin, günlük eğitim programında çizgi filmlere yer verme durumlarına bakıldığında; öğretmenlerin çoğunun çizgi filmlere yer vermediği görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte katılımcılardan Ö1, Ö2 ve Ö6 çalıştıkları kurumların teknolojik yetersizliklerinin bulunduğunu, bu nedenle çizgi film izletemediklerini belirtmişlerdir. Ö1 bu durumu “Çoğunlukla izlettiğim olmuyor, çünkü okulda akıllı tahta yok, bilgisayardan da hepsi göremediği için açmıyorum ama açacak olsaydım eğitici çizgi filmleri tercih ederdim.” sözleriyle ifade etmiştir. Öğretmenlerin çizgi filmleri gelişim ve eğitim amacıyla kullandıkları belirlenmiştir. Bu durumu; Ö5 “Çizgi filmleri, çok sık olmasa da kullanıyoruz. Çizgi filmi izlemeden önce ve izledikten sonra gerekli açıklamaları yapıyoruz, bilgi veriyoruz ve sonuçları hakkında konuşuyoruz.”, Ö2 “Konu hakkında çizgi filmler üzerinden örnekler veriyorum.”, Ö7 “Çocukların yaş gruplarına göre kavram ve kazanımlarla ilgili olan çizgi film bölümlerini seçerek izlettiriyorum, Pepe Rafadan tayfa vs.”, Ö8 “Konu anlatımını destekleyen animasyonları tercih ediyorum. Görsel bir şekilde öğrenmeyi destekliyor.” şeklinde ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin büyük bir kısmının çocuklarla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet ettikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu konuda Ö1 “Sevdikleri çizgi filmler hangileri şeklinde konuşuyoruz.”, Ö3 “Çocukların hangi çizgi filmleri izlediğini ve günde ne kadar izlediklerini soruyorum.”, Ö8 “İzledikleri karakterlerin uykularına girdiklerini ve korktuklarından bahsettikleri zaman ya da oyunlarında sürekli bir çizgi film karakteri olmayı tercih ettikleri zamanlarda müdahale ediyorum.”, Ö10 “Genelde çocuklar bahsediyor çizgi filmlerden, ben eşlik etmeye dinlemeye çalışıyorum.” şeklinde yanıt vermişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin yarısının ailelere çizgi film önerdiği yarısının ise önermediği belirlenmiştir. Katılımcılardan Ö1 önerdiği çizgi filmler hakkında şunları söylemiştir; “Eğitici çizgi filmlerden olmasına dikkat ediyorum ve dikkatlice izleyip ona göre yolluyorum ailelere.” Ö6 ise çizgi filmler hakkında ailelere verdiği önerilerden bahsetmiştir; “Çocukların gelişim özelliklerine kendi kültürümüze ve yaş düzeyine uygun olmasını öneriyorum, çocuklarından önce kendilerinin bir kaç bölüm izlemeleri gerektiği hakkında uyarıyorum.” Ö7 de benzer biçimde ailelere önerilerde bulunduğunu ifade etmiştir; “Öneriyorum, kendilerinin süzgecinden geçirmelerini, değerlere ve çocuğun gelişimine katkısı olup olmadığına bakmalarını öneriyorum.” Ailelere çizgi film önerisinde bulunmayan Ö8 ise şunları söylemiştir; “Önermiyorum. Daha çok çocukların çizgi film izlemelerini engellemelerini istiyorum.” Öğretmen Görüşme Formundan Elde Edilen Bulgular Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlere göre, çizgi filmler çocukların motor, bilişsel, dil, sosyal ve duygusal gelişimi aynı zamanda öz bakım becerilerini olumlu anlamda etkilemektedir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin yarısı, fiziksel gelişimin çizgi filmler tarafından olumsuz etkilendiğini ifade etmiştir. Katılımcılardan Ö2 çizgi filmlerin fiziksel gelişime olan etkisini “Sağlıklı yiyeceklere özendirdiği için doğru çizgi filmler bu yönde doğrudan olmasa da dolaylı yönden 106 fiziksel gelişime olumlu bir katkısı olabilir. ” şeklinde, Ö4 “Sağlıklı beslenme adına olumlu bir etkisi var.” şeklinde, Ö5 ise “Yemek yeme konusunda olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu düşünüyorum, bu da boy ve kilo artışında etkili olabilir.” şeklinde çizgi filmlerin beslenme açısından etkili olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Çizgi filmlerin fiziksel gelişimi olumsuz etkilediğini düşünen Ö1 düşüncelerini şu şekilde ifade etmiştir; “Çocuklar çizgi film izlerken oturuyorlar, boyunlarını havaya kaldırıyorlar ve hareketsiz kalıyorlar, o nedenle boy uzaması konusunda sıkıntı yaşayabilirler, kilo almaları kolaylaşır hareketsiz kaldıkları için.” Aynı düşünceye sahip olan Ö8 “Sürekli ekran başında oturmanın bedensel gelişime olumsuz etkisi olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ya da çizgi film karşısında yemek yendiğinde de sıkıntı.” ifadelerini kullanmıştır. Çizgi filmlerin fiziksel gelişime bir etkisi olmadığını düşünen Ö9 düşüncelerini “Çizgi filmlerin fiziksel olarak çok fazla etkilediğini düşünmüyorum.” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Motor gelişim açısından Ö1 düşüncelerini “Şarkılı ve hareketli olan bazı çizgi filmler çocukların da o hareketleri yapmalarını sağlıyor, çocuklar o hareketleri yapmaya çalışıyor.” şeklinde, Ö10 “Çizgi filmdeki karakterlerin dans spor figürlerini model alabilirler.” şeklinde, Ö6 “Özel olarak hazırlanmış çizgi filmlerdeki hareketleri çocuklar taklit ederlerse kaba motor becerilerin gelişimini destekleyebilir.” şeklinde ifade ederek hareketli çizgi filmlerin kaba motor gelişim üzerindeki olumlu etkisinden bahsetmişlerdir. Bunun tersini düşünen Ö5 ise “Çizgi filmler çocukların her türlü hareketini kısıtlıyor.” demiştir. Çizgi filmlerin kavram öğrenimi açısından olumlu etkisi olduğunu belirten Ö2 bu durumu “Çocuklar orada gördükleri yeni terimleri unutmuyorlar ve severek izledikleri için daha kolay öğreniyorlar.” şeklinde açıklamıştır. Ö6 çizgi filmlerin bilişsel açıdan hem olumlu hem olumsuz etkisine vurgu yaparak “Çocukların gelişim özelliklerine uygun, onları aktif tutan çizgi filmler bilişsel gelişimi olumlu yönde etkileyebilir. Doğruluğu kanıtlanmamış olan gelişi güzel bilgiler içeriyorsa da kavram yanılgısına sebep olabilir.” ifadelerini kullanmıştır. Benzer düşünceye sahip olan Ö9’un ifadeleri şu şekildedir; “Bilişsel gelişime etkisi olumlu da olabiliyor olumsuz da. Hayal güçleri gelişiyor, ancak bazen kendilerini süper kahramanmış gibi sanarak gerçek dışı durumlara inanabiliyorlar.” Ö1 ise olumsuz etkilediğini dile getirmiş, “Hayal güçlerinin gelişmesini engelliyor.” açıklamasında bulunmuştur. Çizgi filmlerin içerdiği şarkıların dil gelişimini olumlu anlamda desteklendiğini düşünen Ö1 “İzledikleri çizgi filmlerdeki şarkıları söylemeleri dil gelişimlerini olumlu yönde etkileyebilir.” şeklinde düşüncelerini ifade etmiştir. Ö6 düşüncelerini “Kelime dağarcığını geliştirebilir.” şeklinde, Ö2 ise “Çocuklar oradan yeni kelimeler öğreniyor.” şeklinde aktarmıştır. Sosyal gelişim bakımından Ö7 “Sosyal gelişimi olumlu yönde etkileyebilir, çizgi filmdeki olumlu davranışları kendine örnek alabilirler.” şeklinde, Ö9 “Bazı çizgi filmler eğitici oluyor, çocuklar bu sayede paylaşmanın ve arkadaşlığın güzel bir davranış olduğunu biliyorlar.” şeklinde, Ö3 “Bazı çizgi filmler sosyal gelişim açısından katkı sağlıyor paylaşma, yardımlaşma vb. davranışlara” şeklinde düşünmektedir. Ö1 ise çizgi filmlerin çocukları yalnızlaştırdığını belirterek düşüncelerini “Daha çok ekran başında tek başına kalmasını sağlıyor, sosyalleşmesine engel oluyor.” şeklinde aktarmıştır. Ö1 bundan farklı olarak çizgi filmlerin duygusal gelişimi olumlu etkileyebileceği ifade etmiş nedenini de şu sözlerle anlatmıştır; “Çünkü izlediği karakterdeki duygu değişimlerinin nedenini anlayabilir niye öyle hissettiğini düşünebilir ve olumlu etkiler böylece.” Katılımcılardan Ö5 ise konu hakkında “Özellikle empati kurma konusunda olumlu etkiliyor.” şeklinde düşünmekte, çizgi filmlerin çocukların empati kurması konusunda olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu belirtmektedir. Öz bakım gelişiminin çizgi filmler tarafından desteklendiğini düşünen Ö6 “Görsel zekâsı yüksek çocuklar çizgi filmlerde görerek öz bakıma yönelik davranışları kendilerine örnek 107 alabilirler.” şeklinde, Ö3 ise “Çizgi filmlerdeki bazı karakterler öz bakım becerilerini ön plana çıkarttığı için öz bakım becerilerine olumlu bir etkisi olabilir.” şeklinde açıklama yapmıştır. Çizgi filmlerin çocukların davranışları ve becerileri üzerindeki etkisi konusunda araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre çizgi filmler, çocukların yabancı dil becerilerine katkı sağlıyor olabilir. Ö1, yabancı dil becerilerinin çizgi filmler tarafından desteklendiğini düşünmekte, bunu da “Çocuklar, izlediği çizgi filmde duyduğu yabancı kelimelerin anlamlarını etrafındakilere sorabilir ya da kelimelerin anlamı açıklanıyorsa çizgi filmde, oradan bu kelimeleri öğrenebilir.” şeklinde ifade etmektedir. Ö10 ise bu konudaki düşüncelerini şu şekilde ifade etmiştir; “Yabancı dildeki çizgi filmlerin, dil öğretimi açısından ezberci bir yaklaşıma sahip olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu da çocukların dili etkin bir şekilde kullanabilmelerine engel olabiliyor.” Öğretmenlerin çoğunun çizgi filmlerin problem çözme becerilerini desteklemediğini düşündükleri bulunmuştur. Ö1 çizgi filmlerin problem çözme becerisine olumlu anlamda bir etkisi bulunmadığını “Dikkat süreleri daha da kısalıyor odaklanamıyorlar ve bir şey anlatıldığında dinleme süreleri kısalıyor, bi problemle karşılaştıklarında bocalıyorlar.” sözleriyle ifade etmiştir. Problem çözme becerisinin çizgi filmler aracılığıyla desteklendiğini düşünen Ö6 ise “Günlük hayatta karşılaşılan sorunları ele alan çizgi filmler çocukların problem çözme becerilerine olumlu etki sağlayabiliyor.” şeklinde açıklama yapmıştır. Öğretmenlerin tamamının çizgi filmlerin çocuklarda karşılaşılan saldırganlık, şiddet, korku ve kaygı davranışlarının oluşmasında etkisinin bulunduğunu düşündükleri belirlenmiştir. Ö4 bu konuda “Şiddet ve korku unsurları içeren çizgi filmler, çocuğu etkiliyor. Çocuklar bu tür davranışlara özenebiliyor, bunu günlük hayatta, sınıfta uyguluyor ve olumsuz davranışlar normalleşebiliyor.” şeklinde düşünmektedir. Ö1 “Çocuklar izlediği çizgi filmlerdeki şiddet içerikli davranışları taklit etmeye çalışabiliyor. Çizgi filmlerde gördüklerini gerçek sanabiliyorlar.” Şeklinde, Ö3 ise “Çocuklarda vurma, ısırma gibi saldırgan davranışlar görülebilir.” şeklinde açıklama yapmıştır. Çizgi filmlerin en fazla etkilediği gelişim alanı araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre, bilişsel gelişim ve sosyal gelişim alanıdır. Bununla birlikte çizgi filmlerden en fazla olumsuz etkilenen gelişim alanının dil gelişimi olduğunu, ikinci olarak bilişsel gelişim olduğunu düşündükleri belirlenmiştir. Katılımcılardan Ö1 şu ifadeleri kullanmıştır; “Bilişsel gelişim olumsuz etkileniyor, eğer çok fazla izliyorlarsa bilişsel gelişimde çok fazla sıkıntılar oluşabiliyor. Anlamada, algılamada problemlerle karşılaşabiliyoruz.” Ö3 ise “En fazla dil gelişimini olumsuz etkiliyor gecikmeler yaşanabiliyor, bunun yanında göz temasında azalmalar, sosyal iletişim problemleri gibi problemlere de sebep olabilir.” şeklinde açıklama yapmıştır. Çocuk Görüşme Formundan Elde Edilen Bulgular Çocuk görüşme formundan elde edilen verilere göre araştırmaya katılan çocukların birçoğu, günde toplam iki-üç adet çizgi film izlemektedir. Çocukların en fazla anneleriyle beraber çizgi film izledikleri, annelerden sonra ise kardeşlerinin eşlik ettiği belirlenmiştir. Çocuklara “Hangi çizgi filmleri izliyorsun?” sorusu yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların yarısı izledikleri çizgi film olarak Rafadan Tayfa’yı belirtmiş, bununla birlikte TRT Çocuk kanalı da çocuklar tarafından sıkça dile getirilmiştir. Çocukların izlediği diğer çizgi filmlerin büyük bir kısmının da bu kanalda yayınlanıyor olması, TRT Çocuk kanalının çocuklar tarafından sıkça tercih edildiğini göstermektedir. 108 Çocuklara “En sevdiğin çizgi film hangisi?” sorusu yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocuklar, en çok Rafadan Tayfa ile Mucize: Uğur Böceği ve Kara Kedi çizgi filmlerini sevdiklerini dile getirmişlerdir. Çocuklar, çizgi filmleri sevme nedenlerini şu şekilde açıklamışlardır; Ç5 “İbi. Macera dolu olduğu için.”, Ç7 “Mucize: Uğur Böceği ve Kara Kedi. Sihirli ve özel güçleri olan karakterler var.”, Ç8 “Winx. Çok maceralı ve komik olduğu için.”, Ç10 “Uğur böceği ve Kara Kedi. İyi insanları kötülüklerden kurtardığı için.”, Ç11 “Rafadan Tayfa. Eğlenceli olduğu için.” Çocuklara “İzlemekten hoşlanmadığın çizgi filmler var mı?” sorusu yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların bir kısmı izlemekten hoşlanmadığı çizgi film olmadığını belirtirken çocuklardan bazıları kavga davranışları içeren ve kötü karakterlerin bulunduğu çizgi filmlerden hoşlanmadıklarını dile getirmişlerdir. Çocuklar, hoşlanmama nedenlerini şu şekilde açıklamışlardır; Ç5 “Kötülerin olduğu çizgi filmleri sevmiyorum. Korkuyorum, rüyama giriyor.”, Ç10 “Kavgalı ve savaşlı çizgi filmleri sevmiyorum.”, Ç12 “Bazen İbi çünkü sarı robotu sevmiyorum.”, Ç4 “Z takımı. Oradaki kötü adamdan korkuyorum.”, Ç7 “Heidi macerasız ve komik değil.” Çocuklara “Sende çizgi film karakterlerinin oyuncakları var mı?” ve “Sende çizgi film karakterlerinin giysileri var mı?” soruları yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların çoğunun, çizgi film karakterlerinin oyuncağına sahipken çizgi film karakterlerinin giysilerine sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Çocuklardan Ç3, Ç6 ve Ç7 her iki ürüne de sahipken çocuklardan Ç4, Ç5 ve Ç12 her iki ürüne de sahip değildir. Araştırmaya katılan çocuklara “Çizgi filmlerdeki karakterlerden hangisi olmak isterdin?” sorusu yöneltilmiş, vermiş oldukları yanıtlar incelendiğinde genel olarak akıllı olan ve süper güçlerini kullanarak insanları kurtaran çizgi film karakterlerinin çocuklar tarafından benimsendiği görülmüştür. Ç3 “Özel güçleri olan karakterler”, Ç4 “Takipçi, çünkü herkesi kurtarıyor”, Ç6 “Kral şakirde Canan olmak isterdim, çok akıllı ve bilgili.”, Ç7 “Mucize uğurböceği. Özel güçleri var”, Ç8 “Blum, sihir güçleri olduğu için”, Ç10 “Mucize: Uğur böceğindeki kara kedi olmak isterdim, insanları kurtarmak için.” Araştırmaya katılan çocuklara “Çizgi filmlerden neler öğreniyorsun?” sorusu yöneltilmiştir. Çocukların verdikleri yanıtlar incelendiğinde, genel olarak çizgi filmlerden olumlu davranışlar öğrendikleri söylenebilir. Bununla birlikte çocukların bilişsel açıdan yeterince olgunluğa sahip olmamaları sebebiyle çizgi filmlerde yer alan öğretici unsurları tam olarak fark edemedikleri, çizgi filmleri yalnızca vakit geçirme ve eğlenme amacıyla izledikleri düşünülmektedir. Ç1 “Bi tane çizgi filmden diş fırçalamayı öğreniyorum.”, Ç3 “Eğlenmeyi”, Ç5 “Bilmiyorum”, Ç6: “Değişik kelimeler. İngilizce olanları”, Ç8 “Hiçbir şey”, Ç9 “Sevgiyi.” Araştırmaya katılan çocuklara “Sen olsan nasıl bir çizgi film yapardın?” sorusu yöneltilmiştir. Çocukların vermiş olduğu yanıtlara bakıldığında, eğlendiren ve komedi türünde olan çizgi filmlerin çocukların daha çok ilgisini çektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Ç1 “Kurtlu bi çizgi film yapardım.”, Ç2 “Süper takım çizgi filmi yapardım”, Ç3 “Renkli giysilerli”, Ç5 “Eğlenceli bi çizgi film yapardım”, Ç7 “Kendimi kahraman olarak yapardım”, Ç9 “Komik”, Ç10 “Çocukların oynadığı güzel bi dünya.” TARTIŞMA Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin çizgi filmlerle ilgili vermiş oldukları genel bilgiler incelendiğinde, çocuklarının çoğunun günde ortalama bir saat çizgi film izledikleri, en çok 109 TRT Çocuk kanalında yayınlanan çizgi filmleri izlemeyi tercih ettikleri ve ebeveynlerin çoğunun çizgi filmlere yönelik ürünleri (oyuncak, giysi, kırtasiye, kitap vb.) satın aldıkları belirlenmiştir. Özdemir ve Ramazan (2012) yaptığı araştırmada, okul öncesi çocukların günlük ortalama bir saat çizgi film izlediklerini tespit etmiştir. Avustralya’da gerçekleştirilen bir araştırma, üç-beş yaşlarındaki çocukların günde ortalama bir saat televizyon programı izlediklerini ortaya koymaktadır (Skouteris ve MacHardy, 2009). Yazıcı ve arkadaşları (2019) da yaptıkları araştırmada, beş-altı yaşlarındaki çocukların günlük ortalama bir-dört saat arasında çizgi film izlediklerini bulmuştur. Türkmen (2012), televizyonlarda devamlı bir hizmet sunan birçok yerli ve yabancı çocuk kanalı bulunduğunu, bununla birlikte bu kanallara erişim için çeşitli ücretlendirmeler gerektiğini, dolayısıyla ücretsiz ve kesintisiz hizmet sunan TRT Çocuk kanalının toplumun tüm kesimleri tarafından en fazla erişim sağlanan çocuk kanalı olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Darga ve arkadaşları (2021) tarafından yapılan araştırmada, üç-altı yaşlarındaki çocukların en çok TRT Çocuk kanalını izledikleri bulunmuştur. Bu araştırmada elde edilen bulgularla yukarıda sunulan verilerin örtüştüğü görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte Samur ve arkadaşlarının (2014) Pepee çizgi filmi üzerine yaptıkları araştırmada, katılımcı ebeveynlerin “Çocuğuma Pepee ürünlerini satın alıyorum.” ifadesine katılmadığı görülmüştür. Araştırmanın yapıldığı tarihte çizgi filmlerin çocuklar üzerindeki etkilerinin günümüzdeki kadar yaygın olmadığı, dolayısıyla ebeveynlerin çizgi film ürünlerini satın almayı tercih etmedikleri düşünülebilir. Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin çoğu, çocuklarıyla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet ettiklerini söylemiştir. Serhatlıoğlu’nun (2006) yaptığı araştırmada da okul öncesi dönemde çocukların televizyonda duydukları kavramlara ve gözlemledikleri unsurlara yönelik ailelerine sorular sordukları bulunmuştur. Ebeveynlerin çoğu, çizgi filmlerin çocukların yaşlarına uygunluğunu değerlendirdiğini belirtmiştir. Bu bulgudan farklı olarak; Yetim ve Sarıçam (2016), çocuk programlarının çocuklara tesiri konusunda anne babaların bilgi seviyelerini değerlendirdikleri araştırmada, katılımcıların çoğunun programları kendilerinin seçmediklerini yani bir değerlendirmede bulunmadıklarını, çocuklarının istedikleri çizgi film programlarını seyrettiklerini tespit etmişlerdir. Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin geneli çizgi filmleri çocuklarıyla beraber izlediğini ifade etmiş, çocuklar da “Çizgi filmleri kiminle birlikte izliyorsun?” sorusuna daha çok annem ile birlikte yanıtını vermişlerdir. Samur ve arkadaşlarının (2014) yaptığı araştırmada ebeveynlerin %81’inin, Hacıbektaşoğlu’nun (2014) yaptığı araştırmada da ebeveynlerin %60’ının çocuğu ile birlikte çizgi film izlediği belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte Yetim ve Sarıçam (2016) yaptıkları araştırmada, ebeveynlerin çocuğuyla birlikte çizgi film izlemediğini bunun yerine ev işlerini ya da kendi çalışmalarını yaptıklarını, sadece çocuğunun fiziksel ihtiyaçları olduğunda yanında bulunduklarını saptamışlardır. Araştırma sonuçlarındaki bu farklılıkların, araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin eğitim ve sosyoekonomik düzeyleriyle ilişkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. Çizgi filmlerin davranış yönetiminde kullanılmasında ebeveynlerin çoğu, çizgi filmleri çocukların yemek yemesi veya sakin ve uslu bir şekilde oturması amacıyla kullandığını belirtmiştir. Çocuk ve ailesinin akşam yemeği sırasındaki etkileşimini inceleyen Ergül ve Işıkoğlu’nun (2022) yaptığı araştırmada ebeveynler, ekran kullanmanın yanlış olduğunu düşünmelerine karşın mecburiyetten başvurduklarını dile getirmişlerdir. Hacıbektaşoğlu’nun (2014) yaptığı araştırmada da ailelerin çoğunun (%50) çizgi filmleri çocuklarına yemek yedirmek için kullandıkları bulunmuştur. Bu durum ebeveynlerin özellikle yemek yedirmek amacıyla çocuklarını çizgi filmlerle meşgul ettiklerini göstermektedir. 110 Ebeveynlerin çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişimine etkisine yönelik görüşleri incelendiğinde, büyük bir çoğunluğunun çizgi filmlerin çocukların fiziksel ve motor gelişimini olumsuz etkilediğini düşündükleri bulunmuştur. Ayrıca ebeveynlerin çoğunun, uygun içeriğe sahip olan çizgi filmlerin çocukların bilişsel, sosyal-duygusal, dil gelişimlerini ve öz bakım becerilerini olumlu yönde etkilediğini düşündükleri tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin ise motor, bilişsel, dil, sosyal ve duygusal gelişimin aynı zamanda öz bakım becerilerinin olumlu anlamda etkilediğini düşündükleri belirlenmiş, ayrıca öğretmenlerin yarısının, fiziksel gelişimin çizgi filmler tarafından olumsuz etkilendiğini ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Ebeveynlerin büyük bir kısmının yabancı dil ve problem çözme becerilerinin desteklenmesine katkı sağladığını, tamamının ise çocuklarda karşılaşılan saldırganlık, şiddet, korku ve kaygı davranışlarında etkisinin bulunduğunu düşündükleri tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin bu konuda ki görüşleri incelendiğinde ise çizgi filmlerin, çocukların yabancı dil becerileri üzerinde bir katkısı olabileceğini ancak problem çözme becerilerine katkısı bulunmadığını düşündükleri bulunmuştur. Bununla beraber öğretmenlerin tamamı, çizgi filmlerin çocuklarda karşılaşılan saldırganlık, şiddet, korku ve kaygı davranışlarında etkili olduğunu düşünmektedirler. Huang ve Lee (2009) tarafından gerçekleştirilen araştırmada, televizyonun çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerini arttırdığı bulunmuştur. Yapılan benzer araştırmalarda da uzun süre televizyona maruz kalmanın çocuklarda ciddi seviyede duygusal kararsızlık, saldırganlık gibi sonuçları olduğu belirlenmiştir. Handayani, Rasyidah ve Kasyulita (2015) İngilizce öğretimi esnasında çizgi filmlerin desteğini almanın İngilizce kelime dağarcığını ne derecede etkilediğinin tayin edilmesi amacıyla yürüttükleri çalışmada, çizgi filmlerden yararlanmanın kelime edinimini artırdığı belirlenmiştir. Ebeveynler çizgi filmlerin en fazla dil gelişimini desteklediğini, en fazla olumsuz etkilenen gelişim alanının ise fiziksel gelişim olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin ise en fazla bilişsel gelişimin desteklendiğini düşündükleri, en fazla olumsuz etkilenen gelişim alanının ise dil gelişimi olduğunu ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Darga ve arkadaşlarının (2021) gerçekleştirdiği araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin %61,06’sının çizgi filmlerin dil gelişimine olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu düşündükleri bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin çoğunun eğitim programlarında çizgi filmlere yer vermediği, bir kısmının da teknolojik yetersizlik nedeniyle yer vermediği tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin, çizgi filmleri kavram öğretiminde ve verilen eğitimin görsel açıdan desteklenmesinde kullandıkları görülmüştür. Öğretmenlerin büyük bir kısmının çocuklarla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet ettikleri bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte öğretmenlerin yarısının ailelere çizgi film önerdiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocuklarla yapılan görüşmede çocukların birçoğunun günde iki-üç adet çizgi film izlediği, çocukların daha çok anneleriyle beraber çizgi film seyrettikleri görülmüştür. Çocukların yarısı Rafadan Tayfa’yı izlediklerini belirtmiş, bununla birlikte ebeveynler gibi çocuklar da TRT Çocuk kanalını izlediklerini sıkça dile getirmiştir. Çocukların izlediklerini belirttikleri çizgi filmlerin büyük bir kısmının da bu kanalda yayınlanıyor olması, TRT Çocuk kanalının çocuklar tarafından sıkça tercih edildiğini göstermektedir. Darga ve arkadaşlarının (2021) tarafından yapılan araştırmada, üç-altı yaşlarındaki çocukların en çok Rafadan Tayfa’yı seyrettikleri tespit edilmiştir. Yazıcı ve arkadaşlarının (2019) yaptığı araştırmada da, 60-72 aylık çocukların en beğendiği ve izlediği çizgi filmin Rafadan Tayfa olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan çocuklar en çok Rafadan Tayfa ve Mucize: Uğur Böceği ve Kara Kedi çizgi filmlerini sevdiklerini dile getirmişlerdir. Araştırmaya alınan çocuklar, akıllı olan ve süper güçlerini kullanarak insanları kurtaran çizgi film karakterlerinin yerinde olmak istediklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Çocukların çizgi filmlerden 111 öğrendiklerine dair görüşleri incelendiğinde, genel olarak çizgi filmlerden olumlu davranışlar öğrendikleri söylenebilir. Bununla birlikte bu dönemde ki çocukların bilişsel açıdan yeterince olgunluğa sahip olmamaları sebebiyle çizgi filmlerde yer alan öğretici unsurları tam olarak fark edemedikleri, çizgi filmleri yalnızca vakit geçirme ve eğlenme amacıyla izledikleri düşünülmektedir. Işıtan ve arkadaşları (2012), tarafından yapılan çalışmada çocukların çizgi filmleri; canlarının sıkılmaması, eğlenmeleri, çeşitli şeyler öğrenmeleri amacıyla izlemeyi tercih ettikleri saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların çoğu çizgi film karakterlerinin oyuncağına sahip olduklarını belirtmiş bununla birlikte çizgi film karakterlerinin giysilerine sahip olmadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Aşçı’nın (2006) araştırmasında, çocukların üzerinde çizgi film ya da animasyon karakterinin bulunduğu giysilere, kalemlere, okul çantasına, oyuncaklara, silgiye, bardağa, yatak takımına, diş macununa, yiyeceklere ve bilgisayara sahip olduklarını saptamıştır. Bilgen Ülken (2011) yaptığı araştırmanın verileri ışığında, televizyonun çocukların oyuncak ve giysi seçiminde etkisinin olduğunu belirlemiştir. Ağaç ve Harmankaya (2009) araştırmalarında, çizgi film ve televizyondaki diğer unsurların çocukların giysi tercihlerini belirgin bir düzeyde belirlediğini göstermektedir. Koçak ve Özakar (2011), araştırmaya katılan çocukların tamamının çizgi film karakterlerinin ürünlerini aldıklarını ve bu ürünlerin başında oyuncakların geldiğini sonrasında ise giysilerin ve yatak takımının takip ettiğini bulmuşlardır. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER Çocukların gelişiminde çizgi filmlerin rolünün saptanması amacıyla yürütülen bu araştırmada ebeveynlerin, öğretmenlerin ve çocukların görüşleri alınmış, alınan bu görüşlerden elde edilen veriler, betimsel içerik analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçta, ebeveyn ve öğretmen görüşleri çerçevesinde çizgi filmler çocukların bilişsel, dil, sosyal-duygusal gelişimleri ve öz bakım becerileri üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahipken fiziksel gelişimleri üzerinde olumsuz bir etkiye sahiptir. Ayrıca çizgi filmler, çocukların yabancı dil becerilerinin gelişimine destek olmaktadır. Bununla birlikte araştırmaya katılan ebeveyn ve öğretmenlerin tamamı çizgi filmlerin çocuklarda saldırganlık, şiddet, korku ve kaygı gibi olumsuz davranışların görülmesinde etkisinin bulunduğu konusunda hem fikirdir. Ebeveynler; çizgi filmleri çocuklarıyla beraber izleyerek yaşa uygunluğunu değerlendirmekte, çizgi filmlere yönelik ürünleri satın almakta, çizgi filmleri çocuklarının yemek yemesi ve uslu durması gibi amaçlarla kullanmaktadırlar. Öğretmenler; çizgi filmleri çocukların gelişimi ve eğitimlerinde kullanmakta, çocuklarla çizgi filmler hakkında sohbet etmektedirler. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin yarısı ailelere çizgi film önermekte yarısı ise önermemektedir. Çocuklar; günlük ortalama 1 saat çizgi film izlemekte, en çok TRT çocuk kanalını ve Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmini seyretmekte, bu esnada onlara daha çok anneleri eşlik etmekte, çizgi filmlerdeki akıllı ve süper güçleri olan karakterleri daha çok benimsemektedirler. Ayrıca çizgi film karakterlerin oyuncaklarına sahip olma sıklığı giysilerine sahip olma sıklığından daha yüksektir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular araştırmacılara şu öneriler verilebilir: doğrultusunda 112 ebeveynlere, öğretmenlere ve  Okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların herhangi bir şekilde televizyonun olumsuz etkilerine maruz kalmaması ve sağlıklı gelişimlerinin sekteye uğramaması amacıyla çocukların çizgi filmlerle olan teması, ebeveynlerinin gözetimi ve denetimi altında olmalıdır.  Ebeveynler, çocuklarına hiç çizgi film seyrettirmeyerek değil, bir kontrol mekanizması kazanarak, çocuğun çizgi filmlerin olumlu etkilerinden faydalanmasını sağlayabilir. Bu nedenle çocuğun izlemesine müsaade ettikleri çizgi filmlerin çocukların yaşlarına, gelişimsel özelliklerine ve ilgilerine uygun olmasına dikkat etmelidir.  Ebeveynler, çocuklarını uygun olmayan programlara karşı uyarmalı, ebeveynlerin kontrolü olmadığı durum ve zamanlarda çocuk neyi izleyip neyi izlememesi gerektiğini bilmelidir.  Ebeveynler, çizgi filmleri özellikle de içeriğini bilmedikleri çizgi filmleri, çocuklarıyla birlikte izlemeli, gerekli durumlarda müdahale ederek çocuğun olumsuz etkilenmesinin önüne geçmelidir.  Yabancı çizgi filmler Türkçe seslendirilirken çocukların yaşlarına ve gelişim özelliklerine dikkat edilmeli, çizgi film karakterlerinin diyalogları, hareketleri ve ilişkileri milli, manevi ve toplumsal değerlerle ters düşmemelidir.  Öğretmenler eğitim programlarında yer verdikleri ve öğretim aracı olarak kullandıkları çizgi filmleri seçerken çocukların gelişimlerini destekleyecek içerikte olan çizgi filmleri tercih etmelidir.  Araştırmacılar, çocukların çizgi filmleri en çok hangi teknolojik cihazı kullanarak izlediklerini tespit edebilir, çizgi filmleri çocukların kişilik, ahlak ve cinsel gelişimleri açısından değerlendirebilir, ergenlik döneminde olan bireylerin severek izlediği animeleri ve karakterlerini inceleyebilir, bu programların içeriğini gelişim açısından inceleyebilir.  Araştırmacılar, yetişkinlerin çocukluk yıllarında izlediği çizgi filmler hakkındaki görüşlerini belirleyebilir.  Araştırmacılar, çizgi filmlerin çocuklara kazandırmayı amaçladığı beceriler ve hazırlık aşamasında içeriğin değerlendirilmesinin nasıl gerçekleştirildiği konusunda çizgi film yapımlarının danışmanlığını yapan uzmanlarla görüşebilir. 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Ce n’est plus uniquement une délinquance du parcours individuel avec les défaillances inhérentes aux difficultés de l’adolescence et du milieu, c’est aussi et surtout une délinquance d’exclusion qui lance un véritable défi au législateur marocain et aux institutions judiciaires actuelles. La question de l’importance quantitative et qualitative de la délinquance des mineurs au Maroc doit donc être posée. Le traitement de la délinquance juvénile au Maroc s’oriente vers la fameuse « troisième voie » dans la façon d’aborder la délinquance en général et la délinquance des mineurs plus spécialement, à côté du modèle classique, répressif et rétributif, centré sur l’acte criminel, d’une part, et d’autre part, du modèle réhabilitatif centré exclusivement sur l’auteur de cet acte. Cette évolution a donné lieu à une nouvelle orientation dans la justice des mineurs basée sur un nouveau modèle de procédure que l’on désigne dans la littérature internationale par le terme de « restorative justice » ou justice restauratrice ou droit à la réparation, alors que Jean Pradel préfère parler de « consensualisme ». Une solution plus juste pour traiter les auteurs des infractions mineures sans grandes conséquences, mais qui sont réputées accroître la tension sociale et la dégradation de l’environnement au sein du tissu urbain. Le consensualisme permettra alors d’individualiser le traitement d’une infraction. Il réalise de ce fait l’objectif d’une humanisation de la justice pénale des mineurs. Mots-clés : délinquance juvénile ; traitement ; consensualisme ; justice pénale des mineurs. Abstract : The study of the particular case of juvenile delinquency in Morocco is necessary due to the importance of this phenomenon, which has undergone profound changes. It is no longer simply a matter of individual delinquency with the inherent failures related to the difficulties of adolescence and the environment, but also and above all a delinquency of exclusion that launches a real challenge to the Moroccan legislator and the current judicial institutions. The question of the quantitative and qualitative importance of juvenile delinquency in Morocco must therefore be raised. The treatment of juvenile delinquency in Morocco is moving towards the famous "third way" in the way of approaching delinquency in general and juvenile delinquency in particular, alongside the classic, repressive and retributive model, centered on the criminal act, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the rehabilitative model 116 focused exclusively on the perpetrator of this act. This evolution has given rise to a new orientation in juvenile justice based on a new procedural model referred to in the international literature as "restorative justice" or restorative justice or the right to reparation, while Jean Pradel prefers to speak of "consensualism". A fairer solution for dealing with perpetrators of minor offenses without major consequences, but which are known to increase social tension and environmental degradation within the urban fabric. Consensualism will then make it possible to individualize the treatment of an offense. It thus achieves the objective of humanizing the criminal justice system for minors. Keywords: Juvenile delinquency treatment ; Consensualism ; Juvenile criminal justice system. Introduction L’étude du cas particulier de la délinquance juvénile au Maroc s’impose par l’importance de ce phénomène qui a profondément changé. Ce n’est plus uniquement une délinquance du parcours individuel avec les défaillances inhérentes aux difficultés de l’adolescence et du milieu, c’est aussi et surtout une délinquance d’exclusion10 qui lance un véritable défi au législateur marocain et aux institutions judiciaires actuelles. Un phénomène qui étrangement semble ne pas interpeller une opinion publique marocaine marquée par une indifférence incompréhensible, d’autant plus qu’il s’agit d’un phénomène d’une importance plus qualitative que quantitative. Dans un rapport de la 2° section intitulé « La délinquance juvénile et la loi », présenté par le Dr. J. Junger Tas lors du XI° congrès de l’Association Internationale des Magistrats de la Jeunesse et de la Famille, le Maroc en répondant à la question « Qu’elles sont les attitudes face à la délinquance juvénile et ont elles connu des changements récents ? » a indiqué que l’opinion publique marocaine semble indifférente 11. Une situation qu’on peut expliquer surtout par le manque de mobilisation des mass-média marocains qui font juste – consciemment ou inconsciemment – un travail de stigmatisation d’une classe sociale défavorisée. Présentant ainsi le délinquant type12, le « bouc émissaire », comme étant jeune, sans travail, sans domicile, sans attache familiale. Et participant ainsi à un faux débat qui ne fait que légitimer une politique de répression injuste qui, en même temps se détourne des actes des criminels en col blanc qui sont rarement rapportés par les mass média marocains. Il faut aussi être prudent face à l’incertitude quant à l’ampleur du phénomène, à cause du « chiffre noir », c'est-à-dire la délinquance juvénile non comptabilisée et qui est sans doute plus importante que la délinquance cachée des adultes. Ce chiffre s’explique par le silence que s’imposent les parents, ainsi que les responsables d’établissements scolaires afin de ne pas entacher la réputation d’une famille ou d’un établissement. Il correspond aussi à l’hésitation des victimes qui ne déposent pas plainte lorsqu’elles apprennent que l’auteur de l’infraction est un mineur. Mais aussi, quand le mineur délinquant appartient à une famille riche qui le protège dans un cocon contre toute poursuite grâce à ses diverses interventions. 10 Jean François Renucci, « Le droit pénal des mineurs entre son passé et son avenir ». Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit pénal comparé. Janv. Mars 2000 n° 1, p. 91. 11 Revue Pénitentiaire et de Droit pénal, avril , juin 1983 n° 2, p. 176. 12 Benradi Malika, « le portrait du délinquant à travers la presse quotidienne marocaine », Revue de droit et d’économie n° 2 1986 Fès, p. 1652. 117 La question de l’importance quantitative et qualitative de la délinquance des mineurs au Maroc doit donc être posée. I. A propos de la notion de délinquance juvénile La notion de délinquance juvénile elle-même ne présente pas un contenu bien clair. Les divers éléments qu’elle comprend, d’ordre biologique, psychologique, juridique ou social, sont tantôt confondus, tantôt séparés, parfois même l’un d’entre eux se trouve privilégié et prédomine nettement dans la définition qu’on en donne. 13 Cette notion n’a vu le jour d’ailleurs que vers la fin du XIX siècle, lorsque les sociétés de plus en plus industrialisées se sentaient menacées par le nombre croissant de jeunes prolétaires que l’on n’arrivait pas à insérer dans la nouvelle organisation économique. Le besoin se faisant sentir d’en augmenter le contrôle. Il se manifesta d’autant plus que la montée du socialisme risquait de transformer la classe prolétaire en une « classe dangereuse ».14 Une notion qui va se transformer au cours du temps pour revêtir finalement un aspect juridique assez strict. 15 Avant les années 60, la jeune criminologie et le mouvement de la défense sociale considéraient tout délinquant comme un malade. On était alors dans la conception de la « délinquance symptôme ». Ainsi, les autorités politiques, judiciaires, scientifiques et la culture bourgeoise, partageaient un consensus qui mélangeait les catégories morales, légales, sociales et cliniques sous le dénominateur commun d’« inadaptation sociale »16. De ce fait, la « délinquance symptôme » rassemble une gamme hétérogène de problématiques individuelles et relationnelles. 17 Dès les années 60 et du fait de la percée de la Criminologie critique, une nouvelle conception s’est développée. Celle de la « délinquance passagère », c’est à dire que la délinquance juvénile s’avère un comportement lié aux conditions psycho-sociales de l’âge adolescent. Elle fait partie de la quête par l’adolescent de son identité et de sa position sociale. 18 Depuis, une troisième conception de la délinquance juvénile a émergé. Celle de la « délinquance de précarité », enracinée dans les conditions de vie des jeunes. Les adolescents qui s’y livrent manifestent des problèmes psycho-sociaux plus profonds liés à leur condition de précarité sociale qui tient à la fois à leur situation actuelle et à leur perspective d’avenir. 19 De nos jours, elle tend finalement à se confondre avec celle d’inadaptation . Ainsi Georges Hevyer écrit : « à la notion d’enfant délinquant, puis d’enfant constitutionnellement anormal, s’est substituée celle d’enfant inadapté aux valeurs en vigueur dans la société où il vit ».20 Le législateur marocain quant à lui, n’a pas défini le terme « délinquance juvénile », laissant une « définition légale » s’imposer d’elle-même grâce à sa valeur pratique incontestable. Ainsi il était question avant tout dans le contexte marocain, de mineurs âgés au moment des faits de moins de 16 ans (âge de la majorité pénale), devenu 18 ans selon la nouvelle loi de procédure pénale de 2003, ayant commis une infraction prévue par la loi. Depuis un siècle, les criminologues, sociologues, psychologues etc., ne cessent d’avancer une série interminable de facteurs bio-psycho-socio-culturels, sans qu’on arrive à 13 Robert Benjamin, Délinquance juvénile et société anomique. Editions du CNRS 1971 Paris, p.7. Lode Walgrave, Délinquance systématisée des jeunes et vulnérabilité sociétale. Editions Médecine et Hygiène, 1992, Genève, p. 20. 15 Robert Benjamin, op.cit. p. 7. 16 Lode Walgrave, op.cit. p. 5. 17 Ibid. p. 6. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. p. 7. 20 Robert Benjamin, op.cit. p. 8. 14 118 l’heure actuelle dans le monde entier, à une réponse opératoire unique qui permettrait un traitement efficace contre la récidive, et faire baisser le volume de la délinquance juvénile qui ne cesse de croître. Des recherches anglo-saxonnes des années 1970 avaient confirmé que les facteurs relationnels sont plus déterminants que les facteurs structurels. Ainsi, la famille dissociée est en réalité un paravent qui cache l’influence d’autres variables déterminantes, au premier rang desquelles se trouvent d’une part le conflit parental grave, d’autre part la pauvreté socio-économique. Des constats pleinement confortés par d’autres recherches conduites durant les années 1980 et 1990. 21 Alors que les criminologues orientent leurs recherches vers une jeunesse considérée comme une catégorie sociale autonome, les juristes continuent de considérer le jeune comme un adulte en devenir. En droit pénal, il n’encourt pas les pénalités ordinaires, on lui applique un traitement tendant à le socialiser, même si les conceptions qui président à définir et concrétiser ce traitement divergent tant quant aux finalités que quant aux méthodes ou aux moyens. 22 Ce désordre juridique est devenu à ce point apparent que les juristes ont cherché à définir internationalement les règles fondamentales. 23Ainsi, apparaissent les « règles de Beijing » en 1985 et la Convention Internationale relative aux droits de l’enfant pour leur tracer une ligne à suivre pour toute politique juridique vis-à-vis de l’enfant. 24 II. Traiter en innovant Depuis une quarantaine d’années, le monde occidental a subi des changements économiques et sociaux considérables qui ont profondément affecté la famille, la situation de la femme et celle de l’enfant25, et ont mené à ce qu’on a appelé l’émancipation de la femme et l’émancipation des jeunes, ce qui a renforcé la position de l’enfant et du jeune vis à vis des adultes. 26Ces changements et cette évolution ont donné lieu à une nouvelle orientation dans la justice des mineurs27, basée sur un nouveau modèle de procédure que l’on désigne dans la littérature internationale par le terme de « restorative justice » ou justice restauratrice ou droit à la réparation. 28Une orientation qui se profile comme une « troisième voie » dans la façon d’aborder la délinquance en général et la délinquance des mineurs plus spécialement, à côté du modèle classique, répressif et rétributif, centré sur l’acte criminel, d’une part, et d’autre part, du modèle réhabilitatif centré exclusivement sur l’auteur de cet acte. 29 21 L. Mucchielli, « Monoparentalité, divorce et délinquance juvénile, une liaison empiriquement contestable ». Dév et soc. 2001 vol 25 n° 2 p. 223. 22 Ed. Janssens, « Jeunesse et délinquance, problématique et stratégies », RDPC Avril 1996, p. 369. 23 Ibid. 24 Ed. Janssens, op.cit. p. 370. 25 Jean Chazal, « Aspects nouveaux de la délinquance des mineurs en France ». La criminologie, Bilan et perspectives. Mélanges offerts à Jean Pinatel. Ed. A Pedone 1980 Paris, p. 153. 26 Josine Junger Tas, « Les sanctions alternatives aux Pays Bas, un développement nouveau dans le droit pénal des mineurs ». Justice et jeunes délinquants. Hommage à Lucien Slachmuylder op. cit. p. 109. 27 Cf. Y. Cartuyvels, « Les horizons de la justice des mineurs en Belgique .Vers un retour « soft » du pénal ? » Déviance et Société 2002 vol. 26 n° 3 p. 289-290-291. 28 Tony Peters, « Victimisation, Médiation et pratiques orientées vers la réparation ». Annales Internationales de criminologie. Années 2000 (vol 38) p. 136. 29 Tony Peters, op.cit. p. 137. 119 Certains auteurs 30 préfèrent le terme de « déjudiciarisation »31, comme étant une opération qui consiste à soustraire aux autorités judiciaires normalement compétentes, le règlement d’un litige né d’une infraction pénale. Ce règlement extra judiciaire peut être effectué par des procédés divers : admonestation policière, médiation etc. L’essentiel, c’est la mise hors circuit de la justice pénale, et dans certains cas, de la police elle-même (règlement par un service social). 32 Alors que d’autres parlent de consensualisme33, et Jean Paul Ekeu de le définir comme étant « une technique qui met en relief l’autonomie des volontés, il suppose nécessairement l’esprit de consentement, de négociation, d’arrangement, de ce fait, le consensualisme évoque l’idée de contrat. En réalité, il s’agit d’un véritable contrat faisant son irruption dans une procédure pénale pour détourner volontairement celleci de sa trajectoire normale. En pratique, le consensualisme vient individualiser le traitement d’une infraction. De ce fait il réalise l’objectif d’une humanisation de la justice pénale ».34 Et Jean Pradel de noter que le consensualisme « se trouve placé au cœur de la déjudiciarisation, de très nombreuses formes de celle-ci impliquant un consensus, un arrangement, un accord par lequel les magistrats (voire les policiers) s’entendent avec le délinquant (et avec la victime, le cas échéant) pour exclure l’application de la répression pénale ». 35Et d’ajouter que l’idée consensualiste se manifeste en premier lieu au moment où pourrait naître la poursuite qui va se trouver comme tuée dans l’œuf Cette fameuse « troisième voie » est donc la solution la plus juste pour traiter les auteurs des infractions mineures sans grandes conséquences, mais qui sont réputées accroître la tension sociale et la dégradation de l’environnement au sein du tissu urbain. Elles sont aussi nommées par certains auteurs, des « micro-illégalismes »36, et c’est une solution aussi pour restaurer le lien social. L’humanisation de la justice franchit ici un pas notoire37, le fautif n’est plus l’infâme citoyen qui, exposé sur la place publique doit subir la réprobation du groupe, au contraire, la dignité et l’âge du délinquant pousse l’autorité pénale à chercher à esquiver la procédure normalement applicable pour traiter le conflit dans le secret, puisque cette forme de délinquance n’est qu’un appel public au secours . 38Cette nécessité de traiter ces « micro illégalismes » comme tel, a été réalisée par la diffusion des nouvelles théories criminologiques issues de la psychologie comportementaliste et environnementale, qui postulent que le non traitement de ces « incivilités » tend à engendrer une délinquance d’habitude par un effet de banalisation et de dégradation de l’environnement urbain. 39 30 Raymond Gassin, Criminologie. Dalloz 4ème Ed. Paris 1998, p. 531. La « déjudiciarisation » doit être distinguée de la dépénalisation, de la décriminalisation et de l’abolition du système pénal. L’infraction subsiste, la peine elle-même est toujours encourue. La « déjudiciarisation » affecte seulement la saisine de la justice. 32 Raymond Gassin, op.cit. p. 531. 33 Cf. Jean Paul Ekeu, Consensualisme et poursuite en droit pénal comparé. Travaux de l’Institut de Sciences Criminelles de Poitiers. Volume 12, éditions Cujas. 1ère édition 1993 Paris. 34 Jean Paul Ekeu, op.cit. p. 2. 35 Jean Pradel, préface à l’ouvrage de Jean Paul Ekeu, op.cit. 36 Philip Milburn, «Le traitement judiciaire des désordres mineurs ». Futuribles, Analyse et Prospective. Avril 2002, Numéro 274 p. 92. 37 Jean Paul Ekeu , op.cit. p. 290. 38 Ibid. 39 Philip Milburn, « Violence et incivilités : de la théorique experte à la réalité ordinaire des illégalismes ». Déviance et société 2000 n° 24 p.331 31 120 Bibliographie - - Benjamin Robert, Délinquance juvénile et société anomique. Editions du CNRS 1971 Paris. Benradi Malika, « le portrait du délinquant à travers la presse quotidienne marocaine », Revue de droit et d’économie n° 2, Fès, 1986. Cartuyvels Y. , « Les horizons de la justice des mineurs en Belgique. Vers un retour « soft » du pénal ? » Déviance et Société 2002 vol. 26 n° 3. Chazal Jean, « Aspects nouveaux de la délinquance des mineurs en France ». La criminologie, Bilan et perspectives. Mélanges offerts à Jean Pinatel. Ed. A Pedone, Paris, 1980. Ekeu Jean Paul , Consensualisme et poursuite en droit pénal comparé. Travaux de l’Institut de Sciences Criminelles de Poitiers. Volume 12, éditions Cujas. 1ère édition 1993 Paris. Gassin Raymond , Criminologie. Dalloz 4ème Ed., Paris, 1998. Janssens Ed., « Jeunesse et délinquance, problématique et stratégies », RDPC Avril 1996. Junger Tas Josine, « Les sanctions alternatives aux Pays Bas, un développement nouveau dans le droit pénal des mineurs », Justice et jeunes délinquants, hommage à Lucien Slachmuylder Bruylant Bruxelles 1989. Milburn Philip , «Le traitement judiciaire des désordres mineurs ». Futuribles, Analyse et Prospective. Avril 2002, Numéro 274. Milburn Philip, « Violence et incivilités : de la théorique experte à la réalité ordinaire des illégalismes ». Déviance et société 2000 n° 24. Mucchielli L., « Monoparentalité, divorce et délinquance juvénile, une liaison empiriquement contestable ». Dév et soc. 2001 vol 25 n° 2. Peters Tony, « Victimisation, Médiation et pratiques orientées vers la réparation ». Annales Internationales de criminologie. Années 2000 (vol 38). Renucci Jean François, « Le droit pénal des mineurs entre son passé et son avenir ». Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit pénal comparé. Janv. Mars 2000 n° 1. Walgrave Lode, Délinquance systématisée des jeunes et vulnérabilité sociétale. Editions Médecine et Hygiène, Genève, 1992. 121 MONITORING INTEREST OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE CONCEPTS OF DISASTER BAG AND EARTHQUAKE BAG Öznur ÇINAR Bayburt University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Emergency and Aid Disaster Management, Bayburt, Turkey ORCID ID: Emel YILDIZ Gumushane University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences , Department of Human Resources Management Gumushane, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: Disasters are considered at the global level as events with a damage mechanism. Therefore, disaster preparedness and awareness level are important in reducing and eliminating disaster risks. In order to survive with as little damage as possible, it is essential to create a resilient society and to evaluate and encourage one's individual preparations. Disaster and Emergency Bag is a preparedness bag distributed by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) after the trainings it recommends and conducts to ensure that individuals are prepared for disasters and emergencies. In addition, AFAD says that a Disaster and Emergency Bag, in which you can store emergency supplies and valuable documents during the first 72 hours after the earthquake, until the aid teams arrive, can save the lives of you and your loved ones. This study aims to investigate individuals' interest in the concepts of disaster kit and earthquake kit.Materials and Methods: Through Google trends, individuals' interest in the concepts of earthquake kit and disaster kit was evaluated from the date of the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquake to the end of 2023. Results: When evaluated within the scope of the sub-region, the provinces of Ağrı, Şırnak, Kars, Uşak and Erzincan showed the most interest in the concept of earthquake kit in the first 5 rankings. The provinces of Balıkesir, Mersin, Bursa, Antalya and Ankara showed interest in the concept of disaster kit. On the other hand, in the category of related questions, what is in the disaster bag? What should be in the disaster bag? and there are questions regarding the non-structural elements of the building. Discussion and Conclusion: As a result of our research, it has been observed that individuals are more interested in the concept of earthquake kit rather than the concept of disaster kit. Key Words: Disaster; Disaster and Emergency Bag; Earthquake; Earthquake Bag INTRODUCTION Being prepared for disasters is critical for households, businesses and communities, but many remain unprepared (Sutton & Tierney, 2006). It is an issue that during the first 72 hours that individuals are after a disaster occurs, experts agree that there will be a need for self-sufficiency, in whole or in part. Additionally, personal preparedness is critical in the face of widespread environmental and weather-borne hazards, 122 emerging biological threats, and increasing population densities in urban areas (Kohn, Eaton, Feroz, Bainbridge, Hoolachan, & Barnett, 2012). When evaluated in this respect, AFAD (Directorate of Disaster and Emergency Management), in the content of ’‘, Disaster Ready Family‘, Family Disaster Emergency Plan, There are 3 main topics related to Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction and a number of issues that need to be done. Disaster and Emergency Bag preparation is included in the Family Disaster Emergency Plan and is essential for planning the first 72 hours of disasters and emergencies (AFAD, 2024). Due to this importance, in line with our study, individuals' interest in the concepts of earthquake kit and disaster kit was monitored from the date of the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes to the end of 2023 through Google trends. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The disaster and emergency bag is a bag where you can meet your individual urgent needs and store your valuable documents for the first 72 hours after an earthquake, it can play a role in saving your life if it is ready and within reach. It is important that this includes important materials needed for the person or persons for whom you are responsible for their care (baby, elderly, disabled) or your pet. Because, at the first moment, access to food, drink and emergency needs can be difficult, and with simple injuries, you can easily access your basic needs and meet them with the bag you hold in the right place. And also a disaster and emergency bag should be both at home and at work, as well as in schools and classrooms (AFAD, 2019). METHODOLOGY Google Trends is a new, free-to-use tool that allows users to interact with search data on the Internet, providing in-depth information on population behavior and health events (Nuti, et al., 2014) That is, web-based behavior through Google Trends, predicting health-related problems that occur continuously in everyday life, including, it is monitored and analyzed to examine real human behavior in order to better evaluate and even prevent it (Mavragani, Ochoa, & Tsagarakis, 2018). In other words, it is a type of service provided by Google that allows users to obtain a normalized number of total searches pertaining to a particular word or term at a given time. More specifically, the search volume of the term selected at a given time is returned as a relative number; where 100 (Face) is the highest number of searches at the time in question, 0 (Zero) is the lowest number of searches. When multiple keywords are searched, the returned volumes are counted relative to each other (Huang, Rojas, & Convery, 2020: 2824) With this study, through Google trends, individuals were assessed their interest in earthquake bag and disaster bag concepts during the period from the date of February 6 Kahramanmaras earthquakes to the end of 2023. 123 Analysis of the Research Problem 1. Temporarily Demonstrated Attention Distribution and Related Queries to the Disaster Bag Concept: (06.02.2023-31.12.2023) 1.1 Distribution of Interest Shown Temporarily to the Concept of Disaster Bag Figure 1 Distribution of Interest Shown Temporarily to the Concept of Disaster Bag It is seen that the concept of Disaster Bag is the most intense period of temporal search in Google Search Engine, the February in which the earthquake occurred and in a short period of time that followed. This interest has become bumpy over time and has caused descents with occasional elevations in the chart. 1.2 Related Queries Showing an Increase For Disaster Bag Concept Related queries that show an increase for the concept of disaster bag are collected in 8 categories. These:  Which of the following is incorrect regarding disaster and emergency bags?  Disaster bag contents  First Aid Kid 2. Distribution of Interests and Related Queries Temporally Demonstrated to the Concept of Derem Bag: (06.02.2023-31.12.2023) 124 2.1 Temporarily Demonstrated Distribution of Interest to the Concept of Earthquake Bag Figure 2 Temporarily Demonstrated Distribution of Interest to the Concept of Earthquake Bag The concept of an Earthquake Bag is also seen to be the most intense period of temporal search in the Google Search Engine, similarly in February and a short period of time. This interest has become bumpy over time and has caused descents with occasional elevations in the chart. 2.2 Related Queries Showing an Increase for the Concept of Earthquake Bag Related queries that show an increase for the concept of earthquake bag are collected in 22 categories. These:                       The earthquake bag AKUT Flashligh The earthquake bag ekşi Where should the earthquake bag be kept? Things to have in the earthquake bag Battery operated radio The earthquake bag Cimri Thermal Blanket Migross the earthquake bag Earthquake bag price The earthquake AFAD the earthquake bag list Earthquake bag 33 pieces Earthquake whistle The earthquake bag What should be in AFAD earthquake kit? Earthquake kit first aid supplies First aid bag AKUT The earthquake bag Trendyol Earthquake bag must haves İstanbul earthquake 3. The Disaster Bag and Earthquake Bag Concepts, The Numerical Value of Interest Showed in Sub-Zones: (06.02.2023-31.12.2023) 125 Table 1 The Disaster Bag Concept, the Numerical Value of Interest Showed in SubZones Sub-Region Disaster Bag: (6.02.2023 31.12.2023) Bolu 100 1 Ağrı 66 2 Çorum 34 3 Sakarya 12 4 Mersin 8 5 Bursa 7 6 İstanbul 6 7 Antalya 4 8 Ankara 3 9 İzmir 3 10 Searches for disaster bags are concentrated in Bolu, Ağrı, Çorum, Sakarya and Mersin. Table 2 The Numerical Value of Interest to the Concept of Earthquake Bag on the Basis of Sub-Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sub-Region Bilecik İstanbul Kocaeli Bingöl Siirt Yalova Bursa Erzurum Aksaray Kayseri Sakarya Bitlis Niğde Ağrı Muş Eskişehir Tekirdağ Balıkesir Çanakkale Erzincan Kırıkkale Bolu Batman Van Yozgat Bartın Earthquake Bag: (6.02.2023 - 31.12.2023) 100 92 83 82 82 81 80 74 73 73 72 71 70 70 67 66 66 65 64 60 60 59 56 55 55 54 126 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Uşak Afyonkarahisar Tokat Mardin Kastamonu Kars Diyarbakır Mersin Denizli Adana Amasya Çorum Karaman Isparta İzmir Samsun Şanlıurfa Ankara Kahramanmaraş Kütahya Malatya Konya Düzce Kırıkkale Gaziantep Ordu Giresun Aydın Elazığ Osmaniye Şırnak Karabük Nevşehir Adıyaman Manisa Trabzon Zonguldak Antalya Sivas Muğla Hatay Edirne 54 53 53 52 52 52 51 50 49 49 47 47 46 46 44 44 43 43 42 41 41 41 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 38 38 37 36 34 33 32 30 29 29 27 27 Searches for earthquake bags are concentrated in Bilecik, İstanbul, Kocaeli, Bingöl, Siirt. 127 4. Comparison of Interest in Disaster Bag and Earthquake Bag Concepts Over Time (06.02.2023-31.12.2023) Figure 3 Comparison of Interest in Disaster Bag and Earthquake Bag Concepts Over Time In both conditions, there is an impetus around February. In the following times, this interest has been wavy, although it has decreased. 5. Research Percentages of Disaster Bag and Earthquake Bag Concepts by Cities (06.02.202331.12.2023) Table 3 Research Percentages of Disaster Bag and Earthquake Bag Concepts by Cities Sub-Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bolu Ağrı Çorum Mersin Sakarya Antalya Bursa Ankara İstanbul İzmir Adana Adıyaman Afyonkarahisar Amasya Aydın Balıkesir Bilecik Bingöl Bitlis Çanakkale Denizli Diyarbakır Edirne Elazığ Erzincan Erzurum Disaster Bag: (6.02.2023 - 31.12.2023) 52% 39% 32% 11% 10% 8% 6% 5% 4% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 128 Earthquake Bag: (6.02.2023 - 31.12.2023) 48% 61% 68% 89% 90% 92% 94% 95% 96% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Eskişehir Gaziantep Giresun Hatay Isparta Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kırklareli Kocaeli Konya Kütahya Malatya Manisa Kahramanmaraş Mardin Muğla Muş Nevşehir Niğde Ordu Samsun Siirt Sivas Tekirdağ Tokat Trabzon Şanlıurfa Uşak Van Yozgat Zonguldak Aksaray Karaman Kırıkkale Batman Şırnak Bartın Yalova Karabük Osmaniye Düzce 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The investigation of the concept of an earthquake bag has a higher percentage rate than the concept of a disaster bag. 129 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Preparatory activities should be carried out within the framework of an all-encompassing approach to disaster risk reduction. The widely accepted proposal in this context is the encouragement of household preparation with the preparation of a disaster bag for the evacuation and safety of individuals (Pickering, et al., 2018). As a result of our study, when the interest in earthquake bag and disaster bag concepts was evaluated, it was seen that the concept of earthquake bag was searched more. The interest of individuals in the concepts of disaster bag and earthquake bag evaluated within the scope of preparedness has gained momentum especially in February 2023. In addition, it was seen that the concept of earthquake bag was searched more in the related queries tab. REFERENCES AFAD. (2019, 03 12). Afet ve Acil Durum Çantası Nasıl Hazırlanmalı? 02 19, 2024 tarihinde Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı: adresinden alındı AFAD. (2024). Afet ve Acil Durum Eğitim Merkezi. 01 28, 2024 tarihinde Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı:,ancak%20d epremlerin%20afetlere%20d%C3%B6n%C3%BC%C5%9Fmesi%20%C3%B6nlenebilir.%22 adresinden alındı Huang, M. Y., Rojas, R. R., & Convery, P. D. (2020). Forecasting stock market movements using Google Trend searches. Emprical Economics, 2821-2839. Kohn, S., Eaton, J. L., Feroz, S., Bainbridge, A. A., Hoolachan, J., & Barnett, D. J. (2012). Personal disaster preparedness: an integrative review of the literature. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 217-231. Mavragani, A., Ochoa, G., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2018). Assessing the Methods, Tools, and Statistical Approaches in Google Trends Research: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Nuti, S. V., Wayda, B., Ranasinghe, I., Wang, S., Dreyer, R. P., Chen, S. I., et al. (2014). The Use of Google Trends in Health Care Research: A Systematic Review. PloS one. Pickering, C. J., O'Sullivan, T. 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As a result of these events, there may be loss of life and property, and the economic, social and cultural structure of the disaster area or even the entire country may be disrupted. Disruptions in the system, disintegration of the family structure, economic difficulties, in short, disruption or cessation of the whole life cause problems in the psychological structure of individuals and society. After disasters, the psychological structures of disaster victims need to be restored. This research is in the form of a literature review and its aim is to introduce the basic elements, importance and process of psychological first aid to the literature in an academic discipline and in an orderly manner. Materials and Methods: The research is a study within the scope of literature review and will be carried out by scanning and organizing scientific studies in academic databases and libraries of relevant institutions. Results: As a result of the research, it was determined that psychological first aid activities are a part of psychosocial support activities and that these activities are carried out for a different purpose than normal psychiatric mental health activities. Psychiatric activities carried out in the normal period are carried out by experts and are long-term activities. However, psychological first aid is given by trained intervention teams after the disaster, before the psychological problems that may arise from the disaster become unresolved. Its purpose is not to eliminate or cure post-disaster mental distress, but to prevent these distresses from becoming chronic, and if they have become chronic, to direct the problem to psychiatric activities carried out by experts. So psychological first aid is a description of the humane, supportive response to a person who is suffering and needs support. Discussion and Conclusion: Psychological first aid can serve to significantly increase disaster response capacity, especially when applied by emergency service personnel and disaster response personnel. Keywords: Psychological First Aid, Mental Health, Disaster 131 INTRODUCTION Disasters, whether by human hands or by nature, are events that can pose great possibilities of destruction that people face at any moment, and cause the disruption or even cessation of people's lives and daily activities. As a result of disasters, material losses may be at a very high level, but these losses can be compensated in some way, but spiritual losses are sometimes very difficult and sometimes impossible to compensate. Taken in the context of disasters, traditional mental health activities may not work exactly, since these services are carried out by specialists and operate according to a certain time process. But the number of people in need of mental health services in disasters increases at once, and it becomes impossible to identify those in need of mental health services, to deal with their mental health long-term. In such cases, there is a need for activities and staff who can identify those who need mental health and give them first psychological help and, if necessary, direct them for long-term mental health services (Everly ve Lating, 2021: 723). In this study, the definition, scope, process and working principles of psychological first aid will be discussed and a comprehensive conceptual framework will be drawn. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Earthquake-like disasters cause material losses, as well as significant problems in the lives of both individuals and the public. When people experience disasters like these, they exhibit some reactive behavior. These reactions often result in psychological disorders. But not all reactions shown after disasters are negative, some may even help survivors survive. For example, if stress has not covered it in a way that dominates all the behaviors of the disaster, it can show the person the methods of getting rid of the effects of the disaster. Moderate stress can also be the source of success (Satapathy, 2011: 427). There are some common reactions that people show when faced with a disaster, they show themselves in different compositions, even if the person-to-person violence varies. These are as below (Naturela, 2015: 76): Behavioural Reactions: Increases or decreases in the movement level of the disaster, the rise rate that can be seen in the use of banned substances, difficulties in contacting and listening to other people, and the rise of impatience, excessive irritability, experiencing outbursts of anger, etc, having frequent discussions with other people, especially those close to them, even if they try to relax in different ways, feeling tired, being closer to the accident due to carelessness, being in a state of constant anxiety and anxiety, etc, disaster relief is inefficient in what it does, avoiding places that are reminiscent of bad memories about the disaster, and a constant state of crying. Cognitive Reactions: Problems such as slowing down, disruption or improper functioning of the thought processes of the disaster, the occurrence of the inability to remember, difficulties in identifying priorities. Emotional Reactions: Depression, feeling guilty, not enjoying life, such as fear, anxiety, anxiety, guilt, desire to be alone, anxiety, extreme enthusiasm, or vice versa. Physical Reactions: Chronic non-existent headaches, pain in different parts of the body, tremors, excessive sweating, unnecessary movement of the strain, sleep disorders and extreme fatigue. 132 At the beginning of the problems seen in disasters, psychological disorders come from the victims. As a result of disasters, the weakening or destruction of the traditional mental health infrastructure in the disaster area, as a result of the disaster, the number of material and spiritual losses caused by the disaster, increasing mental health, the number of people with impaired mental health and the increase in the types and compositions of mental diseases as a result of severe losses, is a big problem. The most common mental disorders as a result of disasters are; post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia (WHO, 2013: 16-17). Psychological first aid is as follows, according to the World Health Organization definition (WHO, 2024: 9-10):  Activities that involve supportive and practical assistance to individuals who have experienced significant stress-causing events such as disasters.  It is not an intrusive structure but rather a pioneer for intrusive processes.  The need for disasters is the process by which their expectations and concerns are rested.  It also aims to meet the basic post-disaster needs of the disaster victims.  It helps to relieve the disaster and to keep them in their calm.  Disasters are actively resting, there is no coercion.  It aims to prevent the disaster from causing further damage.  Ensuring that disaster victims have access to the information, services and assistance they need.  Psychological first aid is not only the activities of specialists, it can also be performed by first aid teams who have received psychological first aid training.  Psychological first aid is not a psychological informational or professional counseling activity.  Psychological first aid does not go into mental events in detail, and those who have been found to be in a traumatic situation are directed to traditional mental health services. Psychological first aid is human activities for people who need support after disasters or damaging emergenciesIt is an acute intervention preferred when meeting the psychosocial needs of children, adults and families affected by human hands or natural events. It is designed to alleviate initial distress caused by traumatic events and to encourage long-term adaptive process and coping. Figure 1 includes 7 themes in ’ (Singaravelu, 2023: 3) 133 Figure 1. Themes of Psychological First Aid Kaynak: Singaravelu, 2023: 3 Psychological first aid has some basic goals, they are as follows (Australian Red Cross, 2020: 17):         To prevent the chaos caused by disasters and to ensure the calmness of the victims. Reduction of troubles and pains caused by disasters. Ensuring that the victims feel that they are safe and secure. To identify the post-disaster needs of the disaster and to help them to solve them. To create a warm environment by liaising with the disaster in a human context. Helping disaster victims meet their social support needs. To help disaster victims understand the disaster that has happened to them. To strengthen the capacity of disaster coping by referring to the strengths of the disaster victims.  To be a source of hope for them in the pessimistic air that is formed as a result of disasters.  To realize the screening of disaster victims faster and to ensure that those with special needs meet the relevant resources.  To help improve the functioning of vital activities that are disrupted as a result of disasters. In general, the principles of psychological first aid are three. These; Watching, listening and connecting. These three basic principles include how to look at the disaster in case of a disaster, the way to approach disaster victims, methods of identifying disaster victims' problems and meeting their needs, how to provide practical assistance to disaster victims, how to monitor and listen to them, and finally, how to provide information. In the principle of 134 monitoring, there is control of post-disaster safety, identification of urgent basic needs, observation of individuals with psychological distress. The principle of listening is to listen to people who may need post-disaster help, ask about their troubles and needs, and help them calm down. In the principle of connection, it is necessary to help the disaster victims to reach their needs, to support them to cope with their problems, to exchange information, to ensure their contact with the relatives of the disasters and to configure social support (PDR, 2011: 19). Psychological first aid after disasters works within a process. The basic processes of Psychological First Aid are as follows (Brymer vd., 2006: 19): 1. Contact and Participation: It is the stage where disaster and its troubles will be contacted and their resting needs will be met. At this stage, the surroundings are carefully monitored and special groups are taken into account. 2. Security and Comfort: This is the stage where the safety of disaster victims will be ensured and the necessary precautions will be taken. Security needs may be different for different groups of the population. The security needs of a child and the security needs of an adult or a man and a woman may sometimes differ. 3. Stabilization: Disaster victims become anxious and emotionally worn out due to the disaster that happened to them. At this stage, they need to be calmed and reassured. 4. Information Collection: At this stage, information about the concerns, concerns and needs of disaster victims is collected and organized. This information obtained is ranked in the context of priorities on a timeline. 5. Practical Assistance: This is the stage where the problems and needs of disaster victims are met. 6. Connection with Social Support: To pave the way for disaster victims to meet with their family members and close relatives to meet their social needs and to create the necessary conditions and environment for this. 7. Information on Coping Purpose: To inform disaster victims about the normal reactions and psychological distress that may occur as a result of disasters, and to help them make sense of their situation by raising their awareness. 8. Connection with Collaborative Services: To ensure that disaster victims meet with resources that can solve their problems and needs in the light of the data obtained from them. The purpose of providing psychological first aid support is to provide support to people who are distressed due to different traumatic events. Psychological first aid can make disaster victims feel calm, safe and peaceful. It is a humanitarian and compassionate aid activity in terms of meeting emotional, cognitive and practical needs. Psychological first aid is based on the idea that individuals sometimes have distressing and difficult experiences and that these experiences can affect disaster victims' normal coping abilities. The first aid support staff focuses on identifying the distress, needs and difficulties of the victim in order to manage the distress, needs and difficulties of the victim by hearing the victim in distress with the active listening method and talking to the victim in a calm manner. The most important goal of psychological first aid is to express that the disaster victim is not alone, that she is valuable and that she will be helped. The psychological first aid activity to be carried out with such a purpose will make the victims feel powerful in spirit and strengthen their capacity to cope (IFRC, 2018: 15). 135 Psychological first aid differs from psychological counseling and psychiatric treatment in that it is not difficult and is not long-term and is acute. The fact that psychological first aid covers certain activities distinguishes it from other similar activities. The activities included in this scope can be listed as follows (IASC, 119-120):  Disasters should be protected from further harm. There may be individuals who already had mental distress before disasters, and they may become even more troublesome after the disaster. You need to pay particular attention to these. Other victims of disasters should be warned against possible harm and take necessary precautions.  Earthquakes should not force people to talk and give information, dialogue should be established as necessary, and if there is a reluctance, the interview should be terminated.  It should not be judgmental, it should be patient and it should be tolerated.  People should be asked about their concerns, troubles, and needs.  The basic and practical problems of disaster victims need to be identified and met.  Encouraging disaster victims on methods of coping with post-disaster difficulties.  Encouraging disaster victims to contact family members and close friends.  Ensuring disaster victims carry out their daily routines.  Providing disaster victims with opportunities to return for further assistance in appropriate situations.  The functionality of local support mechanisms must be ensured. Considering the psychological academic background, applying a psychological method without fully testing its predicted results, abandoning previously proven methods, will cause harm to the individuals to whom the psychological method is applied. Psychological first aid methods include practices that can be considered new, and it is still difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological first aid interventions since they have not yet been fully adapted to the specific needs of each disaster victim. Psychological first aid interventions should follow guidelines established by a number of consensus efforts as part of an integrated, stepped care approach to disaster health. These guidelines should follow these principles. It must be proactive, pragmatic and flexible, as appropriate for each stage throughout the entire developmental recovery period for both individuals and society. The level of intervention at each stage should promote a sense of safety, connectedness, calm, hope, and competence. Participation of the affected local population should be maximized, independent services should be reduced and programming should be integrated into larger systems to reach more people (Watson, 2015: 68). Psychological first aid activities recommended to be carried out within the scope of mental health psychosocial support in emergency and disaster events should be organized as follows. Intercultural competencies should be provided for interventionists. A partnership should be established with existing organization personnel who are authorized to deal with disaster events. Basic helping skills, such as psychological first aid, should be imparted to responders. People who are at risk or considered vulnerable should be identified. Information about referral pathways should be obtained and participants' concerns such as vulnerability and protection needs should be addressed. It must be determined how professional boundaries will be recognized, established and maintained. Mental health skills, including recognizing serious mental illnesses, should be imparted to interventionists (Chiumento, 2017: 11). According to Everly and Lating (2017), although there are different approaches to the core competencies of psychological first aid, generally accepted competency statements can be summarized as follows: 1. Situation Stabilization: to slow down the rising rates of psychological and behavioral disorders after disasters and to ensure calm in the disaster area. 136 2. Situation Assessment: Analyzing the physical, needs, social, economic and cultural situation in the disaster area. 3. Psychological Prioritization: Determining the order of importance of the focus of intervention needs after a disaster according to their urgency. 4. Supportive Communication: Establishing communication with disaster victims after the disaster in a way that includes respect, compassion and interest. 5. Acute Interventions: Anticipatory guidance, that is, setting expectations, explanatory guidance, that is, explaining current reactions, and prescriptive guidance, that is, stress management and cognitive reframing, implemented to alleviate acute distress occurring after a disaster. 6. Liaison and Advocacy Skills: Implementing and facilitating access to sustainable support or care. 7. Care: Buddy care and personal care practice for staff and volunteers responding to disasters. Psychological first aid is the first stage of the process of assessing disaster victims' needs, distress, available resources and potential capacities in individual, family, community and social contexts. After this stage, the aim is to address needs and problems in the individual, family, community and social context by motivating and developing existing resources and potential capacities, and to design a program model with goals for a sustainable result. In the community mobilization phase, empowering individuals, families and communities to cope is achieved. The next stage is to create a strategy that includes disaster interventions to meet program objectives within the scope of capacities. In the part of supporting personnel working in disaster, there is the provision of training in terms of the necessary competencies and the implementation of continuous supervision and training by a network created (UNICEF, 2015: 29). The main reason to provide psychological first aid is to help someone who is in distress. Psychological first aid can help people feel calm, safe and secure. It is human, compassionate support regarding both emotional and practical needs and concerns. An important purpose of psychological first aid is to make the person feel that they are supported and connected to help. This will make them feel stronger, able to overcome difficulties and take care of themselves (IFRC, 2018: 15). When we look at the literature on psychological resilience in disasters, some risk factors can weaken this resilience. These are as follows: Individual Risk Factors; level of harmful substance use, previous standards of bad life, previous diseases, high level of previous crime processing, the number of disabilities, neglect and the number of people exposed to abuse is very high. Family Risk Factors; poor previous family structure, violence, looseness of the bond between family members, divorce of parents, death of one or both parents, the presence of previous cases of crime in family members. Environmental Risk Factors; high rates of violence in the environment, natural disasters have been experienced before and frequency, the situation of being a migrant, the status of being a minority, the few or not of organizations to provide assistance, and, war and terror (MEB, 2021: 17). One of the most well-known psychological first aid models is the RAPID. This model consists of five stages. The first stage is reporting and active listening. The second stage 137 covers the process by which the obtained reports are evaluated. In the third stage, as a result of the evaluation, prioritization about the plan is made because resources are limited. In the fourth stage, the intervention is carried out within the plan according to the identified priorities. In the final stage, recovery and orientation is the stage where access to continuous care is provided and self-sufficiency is established (Everly vd, 2012). Effective communication skills, one of the most important activities of psychological first aid after disasters, consist of several elements. These; include empathy, respect, reality, using the right language, kindness, politeness, eye contact, ability to listen, avoidance of judgment, an approach that strengthens the opposite side, the use of a non-violent and nonthreatening tone of voice, etc, and finally, to respect secrecy (UNICEF, 2024: 48-49; Canadian Red Cross, 2024: 17). CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Psychological first aid is not traditional psychiatric treatment. It is a process-based and sustainable intervention that is carried out after emergencies and disasters and related to acute distress, needs and maintenance of victims. Although there is a new concept and there are no fully established and common acceptable application and evaluation criteria, specific criteria have been determined by different organizations through some handbooks. 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Psychological First Aid Suppor&ng People in the A1ermath of Crisis Event, encies/psychological_guide_facilitators_slideshow.pdf?sfvrsn=2870aaa8_1 139 SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTION PROGRAMS FOR HEALTHY INTERNET USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS Büşra Duran Research Assistant, Karatay University, School of Health Sciences ORCID: 0000-0002-5736-8186 Alime Selçuk Tosun Assistant Professor, Selçuk University, Faculty of Nursing (Corresponding Author) ORCID: 0000-0002-4851-091 ABSTRACT Aim: This review study was conducted to determine school-based intervention programs for healthy Internet use in adolescents. Method: In this study, literature search was carried out in Google, Google Scholar, PubMEd, Academic Search Complete (EBSCOHOST) and Web of Sciences databases using the keywords 'Adolescent, Internet addiction, Prevention, Healthy Internet, Psycho-Education'. English and Turkish articles published between 2015 and 2023 and whose full text was accessed were analyzed. Findings: Internet-related behaviours have the potential to escalate in severity throughout adolescence and develop into addictive tendencies. In addition to studies examining the prevalence of Internet use and variables associated with Internet use among adolescents, intervention studies supporting healthy Internet use are increasing in the literature. It is noteworthy that alternative methods (educational, cognitive/behavioral, positive psychologybased intervention programs) have gained importance in recent years, especially for healthy Internet use in adolescence. Studies have also found positive effects of intervention programs addressing different independent variables on adolescents' healthy Internet use. Conclusion: Studies in the literature have proven that intervention programs based on educational, cognitive/behavioral, and positive psychology are effective in maintaining healthy Internet use in adolescents. At the same time, study results show that it is important to develop appropriate intervention programs to optimize the health of adolescents and to ensure that Internet use is safe, especially in the early years. In this case, nurses have an important place in providing education/counseling and developing effective interventions for health promotion to ensure that adolescents' healthy Internet use and effective behaviors for it are in the desired direction. Key Words: Adolescent, Internet addiction, prevention, healthy internet, psycho-education 1. Introductıon The development of communication and technology in the world and in our country has affected the prevalence of Internet use by adolescents for different purposes such as information, functionality, and entertainment (Kumar et al., 2019; Mengistu et al., 2021; 140 TÜİK, 2021). Especially in all age groups, reasons such as education, sharing videos/pictures/information etc., improving friendship relations and transferring the social environment to the virtual environment have increased the use of the Internet (Addiction Center, 2019). In the literature, it is seen that being online for at least 8.5 to 21.5 hours per week is considered as addiction (Yang & Tung, 2007; Young, 2007). Especially in adolescence, factors such as using social networking sites and playing games together with decreasing physical activity negatively affect Internet use behaviour and duration (Bozzola, et al., 2022). This situation has made adolescents more vulnerable to problematic Internet use. In different studies, it has been shown that the factors causing an increase in the duration of Internet use in adolescence are related to family attitude, social support systems, self-efficacy, and self-esteem of adolescents (Fumero et al., 2018). Therefore, interventions to reduce Internet addiction, especially in adolescents, are supported for healthy societies and generations (Cañas, & Estévez, 2022). In the literature, there are different interventions to reduce adolescents' Internet addiction. (Ding and Li, 2023; Çelik, 2016). These intervention programmes specifically cover the actions of adolescents in the community such as social environment, family, and school in order to support healthy Internet use. The conducted studies have examined the incorporation of school-integrated interventions that aim to prevent a wide range of public health issues among adolescents. School-based studies are deemed effective because they sustainably and efficiently promote the health of a substantial number of students (Ramona, 2014). In this context, school-based intervention programmes that promote healthful Internet use must be particularly effective in raising awareness. This review study was conducted to examine school-based intervention programs for healthy Internet use in adolescents. 2. Method In this study, literature search was carried out in Google, Google Scholar, PubMEd, Academic Search Complete (EBSCOHOST) and Web of Sciences databases using the keywords 'Adolescent, Internet addiction, Prevention, Healthy Internet, Psycho-Education'. English and Turkish articles published between 2015 and 2023 and whose full text was accessed were analyzed. 3. Findings Internet is widely used by adolescents showing a high level of competence with technology (Cañas, & Estévez, 2022). Although the widespread accessibility of the Internet seems to be acceptable by individuals, unsafe Internet use patterns affect adolescents in many areas including physical, emotional, and social (Bozzola et al., 2022). Therefore, it is critical to initiate early interventions pertaining to healthy Internet use and practices in order to raise the awareness of Internet addiction among adolescents at an early age (Ding & Li,.2023). Since adolescents spend most of their time at school, schools are very important for psychosocial interventions (Throuvala, et al., 2019; Yeun & Han, 2016). Education-Based Intervention Programmes Different studies based on educational interventions to maintain healthy Internet use and reduce problematic Internet use have been shown to have evidence-based effects in reducing the increase in adolescents' level of addiction to the Internet and new technologies (Gholamian et al., 2019; Abedini, et al., 2023). In most of these studies, factors related to the environment in which adolescents are in school have been sustained by supporting variables such as social skills, self-efficacy, and self-regulation (Maheri, & Sadeghi, 2017; Abedini et al., 2023). Inadequate education of individuals in the adolescent age group, which is an important period especially for supporting positive behaviours, may result in inability to 141 control their Internet use. In the intervention study conducted by Yanık and Aslan (2023) for the reduction of education-based technology addiction in high school students, adolescents in the experimental group were given education on technology addiction for 5 weeks, while no intervention was applied to the control group. At the end of the study, it was found that the mean Internet addiction scale scores of the group receiving education decreased. In a different study conducted in Tehran, an educational intervention aimed at preventive behaviours for students' Internet addiction. It was determined that the Internet addiction and perceived barrier levels of the students in the intervention group decreased significantly after the education and at the 4-month follow-up period (Maheri, & Sadeghi, 2017). In a different intervention study aiming to reduce excessive Internet use with the education based on the BASNEF model, which is used to examine and define new behaviours in society, it was stated that the excessive Internet use of adolescents receiving education decreased (Gholamian et al., 2019). In an educational intervention based on social cognitive theory to support healthy Internet use and reduce Internet addiction, it was emphasised that Internet addiction, overcoming the obstacles affecting Internet use, self-efficacy, and self-control of adolescents in the intervention group increased (Abedini et al., 2023). Intervention Programmes for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Findings from the literature have shown the effectiveness of cognitive interventions in reducing Internet addiction or dependence on new technologies for healthy Internet use (Agbaria, 2023; Deng and Li, 2023). With appropriate cognitive interventions, it is possible to encourage adolescents to healthy behaviours and to prevent and reduce the transformation of unwanted behaviours into addiction. It is emphasised that cognitive interventions can reduce the emotional arousal of individuals in coping with the demands placed on them (Cochrane, 2021). It has been revealed that cognitive therapy reduces the experience of addiction in many different areas and reduces psychosocial symptoms in Internet addiction, which is an obstacle to healthy Internet use. In different studies, it is noteworthy that individuals can control the time spent on the Internet with cognitive behavioural interventions and offline social activities that occur due to excessive Internet use can be increased (Lin et al., 2018; Kwasnicka et al., 2016). In particular, it is stated that cognitive behavioural therapy is an advantageous intervention for healthy Internet use by preventing Internet addiction due to its non-invasive nature (Young et al., 1999). In an intervention study conducted by Agbaria (2023) on adolescents, the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioural intervention programme to reduce Internet addiction was examined. As a result of the education given to the adolescents in the intervention group based on cognitive behavioural therapy for a total of 8 sessions, it was determined that the adolescents in the intervention group decreased the symptoms of Internet addiction and increased self-control for healthy Internet use compared to those in the control group (Agbaria, 2023). In another study in which Bağatarhan and Siyez (2022) evaluated the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioural prevention programme for Internet addiction, an 8session cognitive-behavioural psychoeducation programme was applied to adolescents in the intervention group. At the end of the study, it was concluded that there was a significant decrease in the Internet addiction levels of the students in the intervention group (Bağatarhan, & Siyez, 2022). In a school-based study conducted by Yüksel and Çekiç (2019) with 158 students aged 12-14 years, students were given training based on cognitive behavioural therapy for an average of 40 minutes for 5 weeks. Separate focus group interviews were conducted with 12 students. The study indicated that it effectively reduced cyberbullying, which is crucial for promoting healthy Internet use among children. In a synthesis of intervention-based studies applied to adolescents with cognitive behavioural therapies, Deng, and Li (2023) found that these interventions can improve adolescents' anxiety, depression, and related symptoms of digital addiction. 142 Intervention Programmes Based on Positive Psychology There are interventions based on positive psychology in order to use the Internet in a healthy way, to reduce the intensity of online connection and to solve the problem of Internet addiction (Khazaei, et al., 2017). Positive psychology-based interventions can also affect individuals' offline adjustment by reducing excessive Internet use causing social adjustment problems related to Internet addiction. (Kuss, et al., 2016). In different studies, positive psychology eliminates addictive factors in individuals and enables them to live in a healthier way by improving their capacity in different areas. Khazaei et al (2017) concluded that as a result of the positive psychology-based education they provided to reduce Internet addiction in adolescents, the severity of Internet use of the students in the intervention group decreased. It has been stated that situations such as strengthening interpersonal relationships and positive development of social support systems, which are among the basic elements of positive psychology, constitute effective factors in reducing the duration of Internet use (Khazaei et al., 2017). It has been stated in different intervention studies that positive psychological intervention in addictive behaviour, which may be an obstacle to healthy Internet use, can strengthen interpersonal relationships and control unwanted behaviours (Khazaei et al., 2017; Cañas et al., 2021). The negative correlation results indicating that social relationships improve as addiction symptoms decrease emphasise that this intervention can reduce addiction by strengthening offline relationships, especially at the early age group. 4. Conclusion The results of the studies examined in the literature show that intervention programmes for adolescents are effective in preventing the barriers to healthy Internet use and the related factors that cause it, and in strengthening the individual at this point. The different intervention programmes implemented support sensitising adolescents to the risks of overuse of the Internet and addictive risks that interfere with healthy Internet use, and especially raising awareness of these risks. Especially in school-based interventions, it was emphasised that reaching more adolescents and getting the support of the peer group and improving social support systems (teachers, parents) increase the effect on healthy Internet use. In the studies, it is stated that the interventions applied to improve adolescents' healthy Internet use are important and that the implementation of these interventions in wider masses should be encouraged through public/social policies as well as school-based interventions. It is, therefore, important that services for these areas are inclusive, accessible and of high quality. 5. References Abedini, S., Hassani, L., Daneshvar, S., Ghanbarnejad, A., & Sayadi, A. (2023). Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Social Cognitive Theory on Reducing Internet Addiction in Medical Students. Health Education and Health Promotion, 11(3), 357-363. Addiction Center 2019. Social Media Addiction. Erişim adresi: Agbaria, Q. (2023). Cognitive behavioral intervention in dealing with Internet addiction among Arab teenagers in Israel. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(4), 2493-2507. Bağatarhan, T., & Siyez, D. M. (2022). 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Thi Bich Tram NGUYEN Vinh Long College, Department of scientific research, international cooperation and educational quality management, Vinh Long, Vietnam Dr. Trong Nhan NGUYEN Can Tho University, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of History, Geography and Tourism, Can Tho, Vietnam ABSTRACT The sex ratio at birth is an issue that has been attracting the attention of demographers, policymakers, and mass media agencies. Therefore, research in this field is in line with societal expectations. The purpose of the study is to analyze changes in the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province and explain the causes leading to these changes. This is a qualitative study, so a structured questionnaire was used to interview respondents. The research sample includes 30 people, including 22 family heads, 4 health officials, and 4 population officials. The interview focused on the causes leading to the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth and measures to reduce the gender imbalance. Interview data were analyzed manually by theme. Research results show that from 2005 to 2016, Vinh Long province had a high sex ratio imbalance at birth. This is due to the impact of son preference, the two-child population policy and the advancement of science and technology. From 2017 to 2022, the sex ratio at birth in this locality has almost returned to normal and this thanks to the active implementation of many measures (developing and implementing intervention projects; propagandizing to raise people's awareness and medical staff; praising families who do not choose the sex of the fetus; inspecting and supervising the selection of fetal sex; integrating gender equality content into educational activities at schools; establishing models, clubs that protect/promote girls, etc.). The imbalance in the sex ratio at birth is due to the simultaneous impact of many factors and is created by many stakeholders. The strong involvement of the government, population officials and the correct awareness of people and health officials about gender equality and the consequences of imbalanced sex ratio at birth are the decisive foundation for bringing the sex ratio at birth back to normal. Keywords: Population, Sex, Sex ratio at birth, Vinh Long, Vietnam. INTRODUCTION The sex ratio at birth is an important demographic indicator, reflecting the sex structure of a population (Mathews & Hamilton, 2005; Krijgh & Khuat, 2010). It can be understood that the sex ratio at birth is a statistical index determined by the number of male children born per 100 female children (UNFPA, 2010). This ratio is usually between 104-106 boys per 100 girls (General Statistics Office of Vietnam, 2011). In the field of population and development, the sex ratio at birth is one of the issues that attracts the attention of demographers, policymakers, and mass media agencies (UNFPA, 2010). Research on sex ratio at birth is necessary to 146 understand people's reproductive behavior and child gender preferences. Furthermore, it also reflects state policies and interventions on this issue. According to General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2011), continuing to analyze data and research on the sex ratio at birth to monitor developments in the sex ratio at birth at the national and provincial levels is an urgent need to provide timely policy and program interventions. For this study, data analysis and research on the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province aims to provide important information about the changing trend of the sex ratio at birth and the interventions of local to this issue. The practical significance of the study is to provide practical evidence in overcoming the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. LITERATURE REVIEW In the world, the sex ratio at birth was first studied in the late 17th century (Mathews & Hamilton, 2005). In Vietnam, there has been interest in studying the sex ratio at birth since the 2006 Population Change Survey (there was an unusual increase in the sex ratio at birth) (UNFPA, 2010). The main purpose of sex ratio studies at birth is to supplement the lack of knowledge about the biological, social, cultural, policy and technological factors that influence the sex ratio at birth, and propose ways to effectively resolve the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. The sex ratio at birth is calculated as the number of boys born per 100 girls born in a specific period of time. Typically, the most common sex ratio at birth is 105 male births for every 100 female births. However, in some countries in Asia (India, China, Korea, Vietnam,...) this ratio is broken because the number of boys born is higher than the number of girls born compared to the normal sex ratio at birth (Nguyen, 2009; UNFPA, 2010; UNFPA, 2014). Naturalbiological factors such as health status, age, race, natural environment, etc. have an impact on the sex ratio at birth but are not significant and rarely lead to an abnormal sex ratio at birth (Erickson, 1976; Nguyen, 2009). Meanwhile, the combination of cultural, social, policy and technological factors have a clear influence on the sex ratio at birth. Limiting births combined with the preference for sons and easy access to early fetal diagnosis are factors causing instability in the sex ratio at birth (Banister, 2004). According to General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2011), the psychology of son preference in society, the availability of facilities for prenatal sex diagnosis and sex-selective abortion, and low or average fertility are factors that cause unbalanced sex ratio at birth. UNFPA (2010) points out that the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth is due to direct causes (increasingly easy access to sex selection technology), fundamental causes (lack of a social security system for the elderly, and lack of policies on gender equity), root causes (poverty, traditional norms and concepts). The unusual difference in sex ratio at birth leads to many consequences. First of all, it creates gender inequality and a shortage of women in all age groups in the future. This leads to men having difficulty finding a partner and delaying marriage or living alone. Finally, there is an increase in gender-based violence and trafficking in women (UNFPA, 2014). Recognizing the consequences of imbalanced sex ratio at birth, many studies have shown/proposed measures to overcome this problem. Controlling or banning sex selection is considered the main intervention. However, this measure is less effective because of its low feasibility. Instead, many countries apply propaganda to change the traditional mentality of son preference and develop legal frameworks to effectively protect the rights of women and girls. Furthermore, improving pension systems and creating conditions for women to access 147 education and employment opportunities are also focused on by many countries (General Statistics Office of Vietnam, 2011). The above studies take a quantitative approach to the sex ratio at birth, so they do not deeply demonstrate the causes leading to the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. Furthermore, there is a lack of research on the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province. This study was conducted to fill the above gap. METHODS To better understand the causes of the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth and measures to reduce this situation in the study area, a qualitative approach was used. Qualitative approach is an approach to discover or propose scientific arguments without using statistical, econometric tools or tools that can quantify the relationship between factors (Nguyen, 2014). The advantage of this approach is to collect rich, insightful and multifaceted data. People's reproductive behavior and sex selection at birth are complex, so using a qualitative approach will describe the nature of the problem and record the stories and words of respondents. Furthermore, using this approach, we also know the intervention measures of the locality. The main questions for the qualitative interview were the causes of the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth; boys' sense of worth; how to give birth to a son; measures to reduce the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. The interview sample was 30 people, including 22 families with sons, 4 health officials and 4 population officials. According to Sirakaya-Turk et al. (2011), information saturation was achieved when interviewing 28 respondents. Interview data were analyzed manually by theme. In addition, the study also collected and analyzed secondary data to further clarify the research content. RESULTS Sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province from 2005 to 2016 There were no signs of imbalance in the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province (the number of boys born was higher than the number of girls) in 1999. At that time, on average, for every 100 girls, there were 93.3 boys (data provided directly from the Statistics Department of Vinh Long province, 2023). The number of boys is less than the number of girls compared to the natural sex ratio. This can be explained by the lack of fetal gender selection of couples of childbearing age. According to General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2011), prenatal sex selection is the direct cause of the phenomenon of gender imbalance at birth. However, after that, this population phenomenon was reversed. From 2005 to 2016, the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province had a large imbalance. In the years 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, for every 100 girls there were more than 110 boys (see Table 1). This causes deep concern for the Vietnamese government as well as the authorities in Vinh Long province. This problem can only be resolved when the causes are properly identified. Table 1. Sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province (2005-2016) Year Sex ratio at birth Year Sex ratio at birth Year Sex ratio at birth 2005 112 2009 112.3 2013 109.4 2006 117 2010 109 2014 112.3 2007 108 2011 112.2 2015 109.2 2008 113 2012 111.4 2016 114.2 Source: Vinh Long Provincial Statistics Department, 2023 148 Results of in-depth interviews show that son preference, population policy, and advances in science and technology have led to an imbalance in the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province. This finding supports research by Banister (2004) and General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2011). Son preference mentality The son preference mentality in Vietnam in general and Vinh Long province in particular originates from the patrilineal kinship system and paternal residence model, creating pressure on families to have at least one son. People believe that sons are very important to families because they carry on the lineage, worship their ancestors, and take care of their aging parents. People like to have sons not only because of the son's "value" but also because having a son will strengthen the woman's position in the family and affirm the man's prestige in the community. Men and women without sons often face great pressure from their husband's family and have to endure sarcasm, teasing and insults from the community. Son preference is not only a matter of maintaining the family lineage but also a matter of pressure, prestige and moral recognition. In Vinh Long, Kinh people make up more than 97% of the population. Therefore, patriarchal tradition is also inevitable and son preference is very common. The most prominent of these is the need for sons to carry on the family line, worship ancestors, take care of elderly parents and be the main source of labor for the family. Carrying on the family line When asked the most important reason for having a son, most of those interviewed said it was to continue the family line. People believe that only sons can maintain the family line and carry on the family line. "If you don't have a son, then no one will have the family name in the future, so you will lose your roots"! (NTĐ, 46 years old, Tra On) “Rich or poor families also want sons, secondly to have a place to worship. People in my hometown think that not having a son is a family with no descendants, even rich people want to have a son". (NTT, 39 years old, Vung Liem) Ancestor worship Because sons continue the family lineage, sons are responsible for worshiping their ancestors and taking care of the family altar. If the family has more than one son, the youngest son will be responsible for worshiping and taking care of the souls of deceased relatives. The responsibility to worship ancestors also goes hand in hand with responsibility for the ancestors' graves. Without a son, although daughters can take good care of the souls of their deceased relatives, they cannot continue the family line, because daughters still have to follow their husband's family. In many cases, a daughter can worship her ancestors in her husband's house, but cannot place her ancestral altar in the same place as her husband's ancestral altar. In 30 interview samples, there were 21 opinions mentioning ancestor worship and said that ancestor worship is a very important task and only sons can do it well. “Ancestor worship is responsible for the man in the family, usually the youngest son. In a traditional family, he has to take care of all the expenses to organize death anniversary offerings. If I don't give birth to a son, my husband's parents will not be happy". (DTH, 41 years old, Mang Thit) Caring for the elderly In a society where the main source of security for the elderly comes from the family, many people expect to be able to rely on their children when they get old. There is a Vietnamese 149 proverb that says: ''Young people rely on their father, old people rely on their children''. Therefore, without a son, the future of parents in old age can be very unstable, especially when they belong to the poorest class in society. In fact, the social security system has not met the needs of the majority. Therefore, this is one of the psychological forces that force people to have sons. The responsibility of sons and daughters-in-law is shown not only in providing economic support to their parents when their parents lose their ability to work, but also in taking care of parents and paying for health care costs when their parents are old and sick. ''My family only has girls. When I get older, my girls won't be able to take care of me. For example, girls cannot carry me, girls can only cook. If there's a guy, he can take care of anything". (NTBT, 39 years old, Tam Binh) Labor demand In Vinh Long province, the agricultural economy plays a major role, so boys' labor is needed. When there is no son, many families will feel worried and insecure. Furthermore, men are always appreciated more than women in family work. "My family has a carpentry workshop, the traditional profession of our grandparents, so we need a son to take care of it and do it better in the future. A daughter cannot do it". (NNN, 41 years old, Tra On) "My family was originally only a farmer, with a few acres of land. If we didn't have a son, we wouldn't know who would do it. The daughter would go to her husband's house. If she got married far away, she would probably sell all the fields" (NTH, 36 years old, Vung Liem) “It is a fact that boys are more resourceful and stronger. Most of the people in our province work in agriculture, which requires a lot of labor. Although Vinh Long has now mechanized a lot, the desire to have a son to shoulder the burden of work is still in the minds of many people". (NHT, 45 years old, population officer) Population policy The two-child policy combined with the push for people to have small families has led to sex selection at birth and this has led to an imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. The smaller the number of children in the family, the lower the probability of having a son, thus forcing many couples to choose between the number of children and the child's gender. “Now the government only allows one or two children to be born. Nowadays, families with many daughters go for an ultrasound when they get pregnant, and if it's a boy, they keep the pregnancy, but if it's a girl, they abort it. The general trend now, as far as I can see, is very much like that. I was lucky to give birth to my first child, a boy, so I'm very excited". (HTT, 30 years old, Binh Minh) “If people have two daughters or one daughter, they have to find a way to give birth to a son, but when they have an ultrasound and see another daughter, they will abort that daughter. And if you let people give birth freely, they will have two daughters, they will get pregnant a third time with the possibility of having a son, then they will have less choice of gender. When we have a population policy, we only have two children, which also partly creates gender imbalance. But if we do not implement population policy, the population rate will increase very quickly". (TVT, 45 years old, Binh Tan) "The government's policy of having two children is great, but to limit the number of children, they have to find and choose. Many people have multiple abortions until they have a son". (TTT, 50 years old, Vung Liem) 150 Advancement of science and technology From at least 2005 to 2016, the need to find out the gender of the child when the mother is pregnant has increased, because the number of children in each family is decreasing. When they do an ultrasound, if the baby's gender is not as expected, they will have an abortion. The rapid increase in sex ratio imbalance at birth in Vinh Long is considered to be due to the influence of scientific and technological advances. As science, technology and medical facilities develop, it is very easy to know the sex of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. The couple's needs and desires for a son can only be realized with the help of medical staff. Specifically, couples' ability to access prenatal gender diagnosis services. Thanks to that, they can know if the pregnancy is a boy or a girl. Next is the ability to access abortion services to eliminate female fetuses. "Every pregnant woman needs to know the sex of the fetus. In the hospital, doctors don't tell us, but when women go out privately for examination, knowing the sex is quite easy and this is very difficult to control". (TDC, 50 years old, medical officer) "Every time I go for an ultrasound it doesn't cost much money. If the doctor in the hospital doesn't say anything, I go to work privately. This time my husband and I got our son thanks to an ultrasound". (TTH, 36 years old, Binh Tan) “Ultrasound is very simple. The sonographer sat next to me, pointed out each part of the baby on the screen and whispered that it was a boy or that he looked like his father, I could understand”. (TTH, 30 years old, Tam Binh) Sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province from 2017 to 2022 From 2017 to 2022, the sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province tends to return to a more balanced state compared to the period from 2005 to 2016. Except for the years 2017, 2019 and 2021, there is still an imbalance in the sex ratio at birth but it is not significant (from 2.6 to 3.6 points higher than the sex ratio at natural birth). In 2018, 2020 and 2022, the sex ratio at birth has returned to normal (see Table 2). Table 2. Sex ratio at birth in Vinh Long province (2017-2022) Year 2017 Sex ratio birth 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 at 109.6 105.8 108.6 104.3 108.8 106.2 Source: Vinh Long Provincial Statistics Department, 2023 In 2018, 2020 and 2022, the sex ratio at birth has returned to normal. This achievement is thanks to Vinh Long province developing and implementing an intervention project to reduce the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. Furthermore, provincial population officials actively carry out propaganda measures to raise people's awareness about the current situation of gender imbalance at birth and the consequences of an excess of boys and girls. In addition, the province also organizes a celebration to honor families with only female children who are exemplary in raising children and developing the family economy. Besides, the province organizes training classes to disseminate legal provisions on the prohibition of fetal sex selection for medical staff; Regularly inspects and supervises the implementation of legal regulations at hospitals, medical centers, and service providers related to fetal sex diagnosis; Brings educational content about sex, reproductive health, and gender equality into educational programs inside and outside of school; Resolutely handles medical facilities that perform abortions related to sex discrimination and ultrasound services to diagnose fetal sex, and establishments that print and sell publications on fetal sex selection. Other measures 151 include actively implementing the model of "supporting women and girls" and establishing "typical girls" clubs in schools, focusing on localities with high imbalanced sex ratio at birth (Survey of health officials and population officials). Originally a locality with the imbalance of high sex ratio at birth, but with the determination to implement many measures, the provincial population sector has brought the sex ratio in the province to an almost normal level. CONCLUSION Vinh Long province is one of the localities experiencing strong fluctuations in the sex ratio at birth. From 2005 to 2016, the number of boys born was much higher than the number of girls. This is due to the impact of many family, policy, service and technology factors. Realizing the harmful effects of the unbalanced sex ratio at birth, the province has actively implemented many measures, thereby bringing the sex ratio at birth back to a near normal state (from 2017 to 2022). This shows that the state, local authorities and population officials are capable of well controlling the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth when there is determination. In addition, people have information about the imbalanced sex ratio at birth and understand the harmful effects of this issue, as well as their educational level, family economics, and gender bias improved will make an important contribution to limiting sex selection at birth. REFERENCES Banister, J. (2004). Shortage of girls in China today. Journal of Population Research, 21(1), 19–45. Erickson, J. D. (1976). The secondary sex ratio in the United States 1969-71: association with race, parental ages, birth order, paternal education and legitimacy. Annals of Human Genetics, 40(2), 205–212. General Statistics Office of Vietnam. (2011). Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh ở Việt Nam: Các bằng chứng mới về thực trạng, xu hướng và những khác biệt [Sex ratio at birth in Vietnam: New evidence on status, trends and differences]. Mathews, T. J., & Hamilton, B. E. (2005). Trend Analysis of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the United States. In National vital statistics reports (Vol. 53, Issue 20). Nguyen, D. V. (2009). Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh ở Việt Nam hiện nay: Mức độ và các yếu tố tác động [Sex ratio at birth in Vietnam today: Level and influencing factors]. Sociology, 3, 32–45. Nguyen, V. T. (2014). Giáo trình thực hành nghiên cứu trong kinh tế và quản trị kinh doanh [Textbook of Research Practice in Economics and Business Administration]. National Economics University. Sirakaya-Turk, E., Uysal, M., Hammitt, W., & Vaske, J. J. (2011). Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism. CABI. UNFPA. (2010). Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh ở châu Á và Việt Nam: Tổng quan tài liệu nhằm hướng dẫn nghiên cứu về chính sách [Sex ratio at birth in Asia and Vietnam: A literature review to guide policy research]. UNFPA. (2014). Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh tại Việt Nam: Những bằng chứng mới từ cuộc Điều tra dân số và nhà ở giữa kỳ năm 2014 [Sex ratio at birth in Vietnam: New evidence from the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey]. Hong Duc. 152 AFTERMATH OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: THE INFLUENCE OF CHURCHES IN THE EMPOWERMENT AND INTEGRATION OF FREEDMEN AGUESSY Anne Nathalie Jouvencia Agossi University of Abomey-Calavi BENIN AHOUANGANSI S. Raoul University of Abomey-Calavi BENIN ABSTRACT This study inspects the American post-Civil War period, examining how Churches played a pivotal role in empowering and integrating Freedmen. The research objectives include scrutinizing Church initiatives for Freedmen’s integration, understanding how Churches addressed societal challenges, and assessing their impact across regions and denominations. Employing historical analysis and archival research, this study explores Church activities, emphasizing their role as community centers offering essential resources for Freedmen. The theory of social integration of Emile Durkheim is applied to this research to analyze how Churches served as institutions fostering the integration of Freedmen into broader society and theory of social capital is added to explain how the Churches helped the Freedmen to mobilize their social resources to face oppression and discrimination. The preliminary findings reveal Churches as crucial supporters, providing spiritual, social, and material aid, while also advocating for civil rights. This work offers recommendations for addressing racial inequality and suggests avenues for future research, contributing to a subtlety understanding of Churches’ enduring impacts on marginalized communities’ empowerment and integration. Keywords: American post-Civil War, Churches, Freedmen, Integration, Empowerment. INTRODUCTION The American Civil War's aftermath marked a transformative period for African Americans who, having been emancipated from slavery, faced challenges in integrating into a society marked by deep-seated racial divisions. During this critical juncture, Churches emerged as pivotal actors in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen. Despite their significant role, there remains a gap in understanding the specific mechanisms through which Churches facilitated these processes and the varied approaches among different denominations and regions. This study addresses this gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of Church-Freedmen dynamics in the post-Civil War era. The primary aim is to explore the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen, uncovering the strategies employed, challenges faced, and the diverse perspectives across denominations and regions. Understanding the nuanced interplay between Churches and Freedmen is crucial for comprehending the broader sociopolitical landscape of post-Civil War America. The research questions guiding this study and the corresponding hypotheses are as follows: 1. How did Churches influence the empowerment and integration of Freedmen in the aftermath of the Civil War?  Hypothesis: Churches played a pivotal role in empowering Freedmen by providing education, vocational training, community support, and acting as 153 social catalysts, organizing initiatives and support networks to facilitate their integration into society. 2. What challenges and opportunities did Churches encounter in assisting Freedmen during the post-war era?  Hypothesis: Despite financial constraints, Churches leveraged their influence to garner support from sympathetic individuals and organizations, thereby expanding their capacity to assist Freedmen and overcome challenges in establishing schools, shelters, and employment programs 3. How did the approaches and perspectives on the needs of Freedmen vary among different denominations and regions?  Hypothesis: Baptist denominations emphasized individual empowerment and spiritual development, while Methodist sects prioritized community building and social cohesion as essential components in addressing the diverse needs of Freedmen across different regions. The significance of this study lies in its contribution to a deeper understanding of a crucial aspect of American history that has often been overlooked. By elucidating the role of Churches in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen, it sheds light on the complex dynamics of race, religion, and social change in post-Civil War America. While this study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis, it is limited by the availability of historical sources, and it may not encompass every aspect of Church-Freedmen dynamics. The research structure consists of several key sections. The introduction provides an overview of the study, including its background, purpose, research questions, and significance. Following this, the literature review explores existing scholarship related to the research topic, providing theoretical frameworks and contextualizing the study within the broader scholarly discourse. The methodology section outlines analysis procedures employed in the study. The findings section presents the results of the research, while the discussion interprets and analyzes these findings within the context of the existing literature. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key findings, discusses their implications, and suggests avenues for future research. LITERATURE REVIEW Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of this study draws upon two interconnected theoretical perspectives : social capital theory and social integration theory. Social capital theory, as conceptualized by scholars such as Pierre Bourdieu, James Coleman, and Robert Putnam, posits that social relationships and networks possess inherent value and can lead to the accumulation of resources beneficial for individuals and communities (Machalek & Martin, 2015; Bizzi, 2015). In the context of this study, social capital theory provides a lens through which to understand how the relationships and networks facilitated by Churches among Freedmen contributed to their empowerment and integration. Social integration theory, rooted in the work of sociologists like Emile Durkheim, explores the mechanisms through which societies maintain cohesion and unity, particularly in the face of societal transitions and challenges (Hudson & Corrigan, 1992). Durkheim’s concept of collective consciousness and the role of institutions in fostering social bonds are particularly relevant. In this study, social integration theory helps elucidate how Churches served as crucial institutions for fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity among Freedmen, facilitating their integration into American society. 154 By integrating these theoretical perspectives, this study seeks to explore how Churches, as sources of social capital and agents of social integration, influenced the empowerment and integration of Freedmen in the aftermath of the Civil War. It aims to uncover the mechanisms through which Churches fostered social relationships, provided support networks, and promoted collective consciousness among Freedmen, ultimately contributing to their socioeconomic advancement and societal integration. Religious Institutions as Agents of Change : Examining the Role of Churches in the Empowerment and Integration of Freedmen in Post-Civil War America The role of Churches in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen during the aftermath of the American Civil War has been a subject of scholarly inquiry for decades. Drawing on a range of historical and sociological perspectives, scholars have explored the multifaceted ways in which Churches engaged with and impacted the lives of Freedmen in the post-war South. One seminal work in this field is “God Struck Me Dead : Religious Conversion Experiences and Autobiographies of Ex-slaves” by Johnson and Radin (1969). Johnson and Radin's examination of religious conversion among Southern whites and African Americans during the Civil War era sheds light on the transformative power of religion in shaping individual and collective identities. Through case studies and archival research, Johnson and Radin highlights the complex dynamics of race, religion, and social conflict in the post-war South. Similarly, Edward J. Blum’s “Reforging the White Republic: Race, Religion, and American Nationalism, 1865-1898” (2005) offers insights into the role of Churches in shaping notions of race and nationalism in the post-Civil War era. Blum’s analysis of white Protestant efforts to forge a racially exclusive vision of American nationalism sheds light on the ways in which churches contributed to the marginalization of Freedmen in the Reconstruction South. In contrast, scholars such as Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, in “Righteous Discontent: The Women’s Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920” (1994), have highlighted the agency and activism of African American women within the church. Higginbotham’s study of the women's movement within the Black Baptist Church illuminates the ways in which African American women used religious networks to advocate for social and political change, challenging prevailing notions of race and gender in the post-war South. Furthermore, recent scholarship has explored the intersection of religion, race, and social capital in the post-Civil War South. In “The Religious Reconstruction of the South, 18631877” (1998), Stowell examines the efforts of Northern missionaries to establish Churches and schools among Freedmen in the Reconstruction South. Stowell's analysis underscores the role of Churches as agents of social change, fostering the development of social networks and collective resources among Freedmen. In addition to these historical perspectives, sociological studies have examined the enduring impact of Churches on African American communities in the post-war South. For example, Michael O. Emerson’s “Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America” (2001) explores the persistence of racial segregation within American Churches and its implications for social inequality. Emerson’s research highlights the complex interplay of religion, race, and social capital in shaping patterns of integration and empowerment among African Americans. Building on this existing scholarship, the present study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of Churches in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen during the aftermath of the American Civil War. By examining church initiatives, challenges, and varying perspectives across different denominations and regions, this study aims to shed light on the complex dynamics of race, religion, and social change in post-Civil War America. 155 METHODOLOGY This section outlines the methodology employed in the study, which investigates the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period in America. By employing historical analysis and archival research methods, the study aims to explore Church initiatives, understand societal challenges addressed by Churches, and assess their impact across regions and denominations. This study employs a historical analysis approach, utilizing archival research methods to explore the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period in America. The historical analysis allowed for an in-depth examination of primary sources and other archival materials from the Reconstruction era (Chandler, 2015). Primary sources from the Reconstruction era were collected from relevant archives, libraries, and online databases. These sources provided firsthand accounts and insights into the activities and initiatives of churches in supporting Freedmen (Foner and Dietz,1988). The collected data underwent qualitative analysis, employing thematic coding and content analysis techniques. Thematic coding involved identifying recurring themes and patterns within the primary sources related to Church initiatives, challenges faced by Freedmen, and the impact of Church activities on the integration process. Content analysis focused on extracting key information from the primary sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen (Patton, 2014). Through a rigorous historical analysis and application of theoretical frameworks, this study provided insights into the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period. By addressing research objectives and employing appropriate methodologies, this study contributed to a nuanced understanding of the enduring impacts of Churches on marginalized communities’ empowerment and integration. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR : HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The American Civil War, spanning from 1861 to 1865, stands as one of the most consequential periods in American history, marked by a complex interplay of political, social, and economic factors. At its core, the Civil War was a conflict deeply entrenched in issues of slavery, states’ rights, and regional tensions. Rooted in decades of disagreement and compromise, the war erupted as a culmination of the irreconcilable differences between the Northern and Southern states. Economically, the North and South had developed divergent paths by the mid-19th century. The Northern states embraced industrialization, experiencing rapid urbanization and population growth, while the Southern states remained agrarian, heavily reliant on the institution of slavery to sustain their agricultural economy. The prevalence of slavery in the South, particularly in the cotton and tobacco industries, became a focal point of contention between the two regions. Socially, the abolitionist movement gained momentum in the North, fueled by a growing moral opposition to slavery. Abolitionists viewed slavery as a grave injustice and campaigned tirelessly for its eradication. However, in the South, slavery was deeply entrenched as a fundamental aspect of society and culture, defended vigorously by pro-slavery advocates. Politically, attempts to address the issue of slavery through legislative compromises only served to temporarily ease tensions. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 sought to maintain a delicate balance between free and slave states, but these measures ultimately proved insufficient in quelling sectional discord. The Kansas-Nebraska 156 Act of 1854, with its provision of popular sovereignty, further inflamed tensions by allowing the residents of new territories to decide the fate of slavery within their borders. The landmark Dred Scott decision of 1857 dealt a significant blow to the anti-slavery movement. The Supreme Court’s ruling denied citizenship to enslaved individuals and upheld the rights of slaveholders, further polarizing the nation along ideological lines. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860, on a platform opposing the expansion of slavery into new territories, served as a catalyst for secession in the South. In response to Lincoln’s election, seven Southern states seceded from the Union in 18601861, forming the Confederate States of America. The firing upon Fort Sumter in April 1861 marked the beginning of hostilities, plunging the nation into a devastating civil war. The conflict would exact a heavy toll on both sides, resulting in unprecedented loss of life and destruction. After years of bloodshed and turmoil, the Civil War ultimately culminated in the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery. The period of Reconstruction that followed sought to rebuild and reunify the nation, but its legacy would continue to shape American society for generations to come. The scars of the Civil War serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring struggle for freedom, equality, and justice in the United States. ANDREW JOHNSON AND THE RECONSTRUCTION PERIOD The Reconstruction era, spanning from 1865 to 1877, emerged as a critical phase following the Civil War, marked by the formidable task of reintegrating four million newly-freed individuals into the United States. Abraham Lincoln, in an April 11, 1865 speech outlining Reconstruction plans for Louisiana, proposed extending voting rights to certain Black individuals, a notion that was met with resistance from reactionary forces seeking to restore white supremacy in the South. Tragically, Lincoln's assassination three days later transferred the responsibility of executing Reconstruction plans to his successor, President Andrew Johnson. Under Johnson’s administration in 1865 and 1866, the enactment of the “Black Codes” became a stark reality. Despite the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which officially abolishing slavery, these codes sought to control the labor and behavior of former enslaved people, curtailing their newly acquired freedoms and rights. The oppressive nature of the Black Codes stirred widespread outrage, especially among Northern Congress members. In response to the contentious atmosphere, Congress passed the Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights Bills in early 1866 and submitted them to President Johnson for approval. The Freedmen’s Bureau, officially known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, was established in 1865 to assist freed slaves and impoverished whites in the South. The Bureau played a pivotal role in striving to economically empower Freedmen by offering essential support. This support included provisions of food, housing, medical aid, establishment of schools, and legal assistance. Collaborating with over twenty Churches and organizations in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Bureau played a crucial role in education. It facilitated the opening of schools for both children and adults, with some schools operating at night to accommodate working adults. Sabbath Schools, functioning on Sundays when regular Church services were not in session, provided instruction. High schools and higher education institutions were constructed by organizations and Churches, with licensed teachers receiving support from aid organizations. The Bureau subsidized transportation, housing, and food for teachers, and assisted in providing land and school buildings. Despite political opposition and limited 157 sustained support, the Bureau’s meticulous tracking of processes and record-keeping solidified its pivotal role in the Reconstruction era, making it a significant public agency for scholarly study (Lee, 2019). Furthermore, the Freedmen’s Bureau played a pivotal role in advancing education for Black children and adults, creating a crucial avenue for literacy and educational progress. In specific instances, disputes between employers and employees found resolution through the intervention of Freedmen’s Bureau agents. The bureau, at its zenith in 1866, operated with a modest workforce of just 900 agents stationed in the South (Cimbala & Miller, eds., 2020). Despite the notable achievements, the Freedmen’s Bureau confronted significant and multifaceted challenges. A primary obstacle was administering the emancipation process amidst a hostile public sentiment. Additionally, federal legislation provided little means to execute this Herculean mission (Howard, 1901). Notably, securing land for freed slaves proved elusive for the Bureau, despite earnest efforts. W.E.B. DuBois, in his essay “The Freedmen’s Bureau,” offered a balanced critique, acknowledging Bureau agents ranging from “unselfish philanthropists” to “narrow-minded busybodies and thieves” (DuBois, 1901). Building on DuBois’ insights, historian Eric Foner raised questions about the Bureau’s perhaps unfortunate fixation on free labor, defined as paid labor that was voluntary. Compounding these challenges, Congress allocated no funding to the Bureau. Instead, it was expected to generate income by leasing and selling confiscated and abandoned lands. President Andrew Johnson later terminated the program, returning all land to its original owners and leaving the Bureau without a dedicated funding source. The Bureau also grappled with understaffing, limiting its capacity to oversee its extensive jurisdiction. Moreover, the personnel, primarily composed of Civil War Union veterans, were not always equipped with the necessary skills for the demanding tasks at hand (Lee, 2019). So, the efforts at reconstruction, as detailed by scholars such as Shepperson (1963), Woodward (1991), and Cox and Cox (1963), were marred by delays, confusion, indecisiveness, and short duration. However, a significant turning point occurred with the passage of the Reconstruction Act of 1867. This legislative milestone granted newly enfranchised Black people a voice in government for the first time in American history, leading to their election to southern state legislatures and even the U.S. Congress. Unfortunately, within a decade, reactionary forces, including the Ku Klux Klan, orchestrated a violent backlash that undid the changes wrought by Radical Reconstruction, ultimately restoring white supremacy in the South. Crucially, Congress responded to these challenges by passing the Fourteenth Amendment, a landmark development detailed by Foner (1988). This constitutional amendment established that all individuals born in the United States were U.S. citizens entitled to equal rights and protections under the law. It also empowered the federal government to overturn violations of these rights by the states. Consequently, the passage of the Reconstruction Act of 1867 mandated southern states to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment, broadening the definition of citizenship and granting “equal protection” to formerly enslaved individuals before rejoining the Union. Subsequently, Congress approved the Fifteenth Amendment in February 1869, adopting it in 1870. This amendment guaranteed citizens the right to vote without being denied “ on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” These constitutional amendments represented significant accomplishments for Black people, fortifying their rights and protections. Among the other notable achievements of Reconstruction were the establishment of the South’s first state-funded public school systems, more equitable taxation legislation, laws against racial discrimination in public transport and accommodations, and ambitious economic development programs, including aid to railroads and other enterprises. 158 With the safeguards provided by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1866, African Americans enjoyed a period of political participation, land acquisition, employment opportunities, and use of public accommodations. However, opponents of this progress soon rallied against the former slaves’ freedom, seeking means to erode the hard-won gains. Concurrently, African Americans organized conventions, advocating for measures that guaranteed basic freedoms often taken for granted by whites, including the right to vote, organize Churches, live freely, educate their children, and own land (Hahn, 2003). A century later, the legacy of Reconstruction found renewed significance during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, as African Americans fought for political, economic, and social equality that had long been denied to them. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF FREEDMEN The Reconstruction era in the United States (1865-1877) signifies a crucial period characterized by earnest efforts to address and integrate millions of freed slaves, commonly referred to as ‘Freedmen,’ into American society as full-fledged citizens. Despite their newfound freedom, these individuals, constituting a significant proportion of the Southern population, faced formidable challenges in a society unprepared to accept or integrate them as equals. While emancipation granted them freedom, it did not automatically confer the social and economic privileges necessary for a dignified and independent life. Economically, most Freedmen encountered profound poverty, lacking access to capital, land, or viable employment opportunities. Despite their legal freedom, many found themselves economically dependent on their former enslavers, leading to exploitative labor arrangements such as sharecropping. Socially, Freedmen were confronted with systemic racism and violence. Despite the abolition of slavery following the Civil War, deeply entrenched racial prejudices persisted, resulting in segregation, disenfranchisement, and denial of access to public services and institutions. Following emancipation, freed slaves were thrust into a precarious economic position, devoid of financial resources, property, or formal education. The majority were compelled to engage in agrarian work under terms that perpetuated economic subjugation and instability. The socio-political environment of the Reconstruction era further complicated the Freedmen’s Bureau's mission. Widespread racism, coupled with the resentment and opposition from many Southern whites, impeded the enforcement and success of policies designed to economically empower freedmen. Consequently, while the Freedmen’s Bureau laid foundational work for assisting freed slaves, its effectiveness was ultimately curtailed by structural and environmental challenges (Cimbala & Miller, eds., 2020). In essence, the economic and social problems faced by Freedmen post-emancipation underscored the multifaceted challenges inherent in their transition to full citizenship. Despite the admirable efforts of the Reconstruction era, the deeply ingrained inequalities and prejudices of the time hindered the realization of true equality for Freedmen in American society. The end of the Civil War marked a historic milestone with the abolition of slavery, yet it did not signify the end of racial discrimination and prejudice. Freedmen found themselves thrust into a society where their rights and citizenship were fiercely contested and compromised. Voter suppression tactics, segregation, racial violence, notably perpetrated by groups like the Ku Klux Klan, and the implementation of Black Codes in Southern states vividly illustrated the deeply ingrained racism permeating society. In response to these challenges, the U.S. government enacted several measures aimed at mitigating racial injustices and enhancing the social standing of Freedmen. The Civil Rights 159 Act of 1866, a landmark legislation, aimed to safeguard the rights of all citizens by explicitly declaring that all individuals born in the U.S. were citizens, regardless of their race. This act played a pivotal role in nullifying the discriminatory Black Codes and providing crucial legal protection to Freedmen (Foner, 1988). Despite commendable efforts to establish schools for African Americans, numerous challenges impeded progress. Insufficient funding, a shortage of trained teachers, and vehement opposition from white communities posed significant obstacles. However, despite these adversities, many Freedmen and their descendants seized upon these educational opportunities, laying the groundwork for future generations’ pursuit of education and social mobility. Indeed, Churches emerged as vital institutions in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by Freedmen, offering solace and support amidst adversity. Through their community networks and resources, Churches played a pivotal role in ameliorating the precarious situation in which Freedmen found themselves (McCurry, 2005). They provided spiritual guidance, educational resources, and social assistance, fostering a sense of solidarity and empowerment within the Freedmen community. In essence, while the end of slavery marked a significant milestone in American history, the struggle for racial equality and social justice persisted long after emancipation. However, through legislative efforts, educational initiatives, and the unwavering support of Churches, Freedmen persevered in their quest for dignity, equality, and full citizenship in American society. THE SOCIAL CAPITAL AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION THEORIES The present research work is grounded in two prominent theories: social capital theory and social integration theories. Social capital theory, attributed to various scholars with distinct approaches, including Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital, James Coleman’s rational-choice approach, and Robert Putnam’s democratic or civic perspective. This study aligns with the latter perspective, emphasizing the significance of social connections in fostering societal cohesion and well-being. Robert David Putnam, an influential American political scientist renowned for his work, notably “Bowling Alone”, asserts that the United States has witnessed a profound decline in civic, social, associational, and political life since the 1960s, a phenomenon he attributes to diminishing social capital (Claridge, 2018). Putnam contends that social relationships form the foundation of societal functioning and have far-reaching implications for economic development, political participation, and overall social welfare (Machalek & Martin, 2015). He is widely credited with popularizing the term “social capital” and has made significant contributions to our understanding of civic engagement, social networks, and the challenges confronting contemporary societies (Portes & Vickstrom, 2011). Furthermore, social capital theory posits that interpersonal relationships serve as valuable resources, facilitating the accumulation of human capital and enabling individuals to achieve desired outcomes (Bizzi, 2015). These relationships generate value by providing access to resources, opportunities, and support networks essential for personal and collective advancement. In essence, the integration of social capital and social integration theories in this research underscores the pivotal role of social connections in shaping societal dynamics, fostering civic engagement, and addressing challenges related to diversity, inequality, and community wellbeing. Through a comprehensive examination of these theories, this study aims to shed light 160 on the mechanisms through which social relationships influence the empowerment and integration of freedmen in post-Civil War America. Emile Durkheim, a renowned French sociologist and one of the founding figures of sociology, delved into the concept of social integration. His seminal work revolved around understanding how modern societies could sustain cohesion and unity in the absence of traditional bonds, such as familial and religious ties, which were supplanted by modern economic relations. Durkheim posited that society wielded a profound influence on individuals, shaping their norms, beliefs, and values. He proposed the notion of a collective consciousness-an amalgamation of shared understandings and behaviors-that bound individuals together, fostering social integration. Durkheim’s emphasis on the significance of maintaining social bonds resonates profoundly in the context of marginalized communities, such as freedmen, where churches played a pivotal role. Through church-sponsored schools and literacy programs, freedmen were empowered through education, gaining the tools necessary to navigate and contribute to society. Moreover, by nurturing a collective consciousness, churches facilitated the empowerment and integration of freedmen. Through their communal actions and shared experiences, individuals developed a heightened awareness of themselves as social beings, strengthening their connections with one another and with society at large. In essence, Durkheim’s insights underscore the crucial role of institutions like churches in fostering social integration and empowering marginalized communities. By cultivating a collective consciousness and promoting education and social support, churches played an instrumental role in advancing the empowerment and integration of freedmen during the postCivil War era. THE CHURCHES AND THE FREEDMEN From the inception of national life, religion has served as a unifying force, transcending the divisive effects of competing local interests and regional concerns (The Pew and the Picket Line: Christianity and the American Working Class by Hudson & Corrigan, 1992). The collective aspiration has always been to forge America into one nation, one world, guided by a shared sense of purpose. Indeed, the diverse peoples of the colonies were bound together by a profound consciousness of being called to a God-given mission (The Pew and the Picket Line: Christianity and the American Working Class by Hudson & Corrigan, 1992). Even amid rising tensions between the North and the South, efforts were made to preserve unity by invoking this shared divine mandate. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the immediate needs of fugitives, soon to become freedmen, became glaringly evident. These Freedmen required instruction, food, clothing, shelter, work, and protection, with education emerging as a paramount necessity due to the widespread illiteracy among the black population. The Home Mission Society (Baker, 1947) aptly articulated this pressing concern by posing the question, “ What are we to do for the Freedmen which are being thrown in increasing numbers upon our hands?” and emphatically asserting, “One thing is certain, they must not be neglected”. The Society's response included an appeal for funds to dispatch missionaries tasked with providing education to enable Freedmen to read the Bible and attain self-sufficiency (Annual of the Baptist Home Mission Society of North America, 1883). In the years following the war, a concerted effort by Black and White teachers from both the North and South, along with missionary organizations, Churches, and schools, aimed to provide emancipated populations with the opportunity to acquire education. Individuals of all ages among the former slave population seized upon this opportunity, endeavoring to attain 161 literacy. Across classrooms, grandfathers and grandchildren sat side by side, earnestly seeking to acquire the tools of freedom. Additionally, black Methodist and Baptist Churches, rooted in evangelical traditions, emerged as pioneers, laying the groundwork for the establishment of Southern Baptist Churches. Notably, the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) dispatched missionaries to the South immediately after the war, resulting in a substantial increase in membership from 70,000 to 390,000. In The History and Heritage of African-American Churches: A Way Out of No Way, L.H. Whelchel asserts that the Church stood as the first institution fully owned by African Americans, providing them with a platform to assert their independence and autonomy following emancipation. Whelchel emphasizes that the black Church allowed African Americans to express their faith freely, promoting black values and identities (The History and Heritage of African-American Churches: A Way Out of No Way by L.H. Whelchel). Similarly, in The Black Church in the African American Experience, Eric C. Lincoln and Lawrence H. Mamiya (1990) delve into the significance of black leadership within the church, positing that it emerged as the primary institution developed by African Americans in the aftermath of slavery and the Civil War. The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of the Black Church’s historical evolution and its contemporary role in Black culture. They explore various aspects, including the internal structure of the Church and its responses to societal changes, offering valuable insights into its multifaceted relationship with politics, economics, women, youth, and music (The Black Church in the African American Experience by Eric C. Lincoln and Lawrence H. Mamiya, 1990). Moreover, McCormick Jordan (2019) in “ Reconstructing Religion in the Post-Civil War Era” suggests that African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) ministers assumed a dual leadership role, addressing both the spiritual and temporal needs of their congregations. This role solidified African Americans as capable and proficient leaders within their communities and broader society, further enhancing their standing and influence (Reconstructing Religion in the Post-Civil War Era by McCormick Jordan, 2019). The Emancipation Proclamation appeared to many as a divine intervention akin to the liberation of the Israelites, offering hope and freedom to African Americans. However, the reality for Freedmen was far from idyllic, as they continued to grapple with precariousness, educational deprivation, and uncertainty. In response to these challenges, Black Churches in the North embarked on missions to the South, aiming to equip newly emancipated individuals with the skills needed for independent living. Education emerged as a pressing concern, prompting African American missionaries to establish schools and educational institutions across the region. Assistance from White denominations, including Presbyterian, Congregational, and Episcopal congregations, proved instrumental in this endeavor. Missionary societies dispatched teachers, ministers, and financial aid to the South, advocating for the protection of freedmen's rights and the enforcement of Reconstruction laws. These efforts led to the establishment of independent Black institutions of higher learning, exemplified by the founding of Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta. Moreover, black Southerners found solace and empowerment in independent black churches, such as the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ). In 1870, the formation of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church (CME) provided further organizational support. Initially known as the “Colored Methodist Episcopal”, the denomination later adopted the name “Christian Methodist Episcopal” in 1954. The CME Church went on to sponsor several liberal arts colleges, including Lane College, Paine College, Miles College, and Texas College. These independent black denominations played a pivotal role in providing freedmen with a voice, education, economic opportunities, and civil rights, serving as beacons of hope and 162 progress in the post-Civil War era. (The Emancipation Proclamation; Lane College; Paine College; Miles College; Texas College) In The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois eloquently portrays the pivotal role of the preacher in African American communities, describing them as “the most unique personality developed by the Negro on American soil.” The preacher, according to Du Bois, fulfilled various roles including healer, interpreter of the unknown, comforter of the sorrowful, and avenger of wrongs. This depiction underscores the significant influence of the Black preacher, particularly in the South, where they became central figures in the lives of the oppressed. The Baptist Church, characterized by its decentralized structure and local autonomy, emerged as a key supporter of freedmen's education and political participation. Churches served as essential hubs of social and cultural life for freedmen, offering spaces for spiritual expression, cultural celebration, and mutual support networks. In essence, African American churches played a crucial role in providing spiritual sustenance to freedmen in the aftermath of the Civil War. Beyond serving as places of worship, these churches fostered a sense of belonging and solidarity among former slaves, offering moral encouragement and fortitude in the face of adversity. Through religious education, they transmitted values of love, justice, compassion, and hope, equipping individuals with the moral and emotional resilience needed to navigate daily challenges. Moreover, Churches served as platforms for discussions on social and political issues, with notable leaders such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. emerging from these religious institutions to champion civil rights causes. Despite facing challenges, African American churches persevered, striving to overcome obstacles and continue their mission of spiritual and social upliftment. (The Souls of Black Folk) The Churches emerged as crucial institutions in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen after the Civil War, yet they were not immune to the challenges and threats posed by white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Many Rivers to Cross: The AfricanAmerican Experience, documents instances of violence and intimidation targeting churches, including arson, vandalism, and physical attacks on Church leaders and members. These acts of aggression aimed to impede the progress and autonomy of Freedmen, underscoring the enduring struggle for racial equality in post-war America. Internal divisions and conflicts further complicated the role of Churches in Freedmen communities. Disputes over doctrine, leadership, and politics often led to tensions within congregations, with some Churches adopting more conservative stances to appease the whitedominated society, while others advocated for radical social change. The diverse nature of Churches mirrored the complexities of Freedmen society, with competing interests and ideologies shaping their trajectories. Additionally, Churches grappled with the shifting social and economic landscape of Freedmen communities. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory explores the challenges of migration, urbanization, poverty, and discrimination faced by Freedmen in the post-war era. Churches were compelled to adapt to these evolving conditions, striving to meet the needs and aspirations of their congregants while navigating the constraints imposed by systemic racism and economic disenfranchisement. Despite these obstacles, Churches served as influential agents of empowerment and integration for freedmen. God Struck Me Dead: Religious Conversion Experiences and Autobiographies of Ex-Slaves offers insights into the transformative power of religious faith in the lives of Freedmen, highlighting the role of Churches in fostering resilience and community solidarity. While the churches' journey was fraught with difficulties and dilemmas, they remained vital sources of strength and support for Freedmen as they endeavored to rebuild their lives and communities in the aftermath of the war. 163 EMPOWERMENT AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF FREEDMEN The American Missionary Association (AMA), established in 1846 in Albany, New York, emerged as a Protestant-based association with a profound commitment to the abolition of slavery, the education of Freedmen, the promotion of racial equality, and the propagation of Christian values. Founded and sponsored by Congregationalist churches in New England, the AMA played a pivotal role during the American Civil War and the subsequent Reconstruction era. A notable contributor to the abolitionist cause, the AMA actively participated in the Underground Railroad, aiding men and women escaping enslavement in the South. Its commitment to social justice extended into the aftermath of the Civil War, where it took significant strides to empower Freedmen. This included the establishment of camps for Freedmen and the creation of educational opportunities in the South, where the association played a pivotal role in founding schools and colleges for Black individuals. Additionally, the AMA contributed to the financial support of teachers and workers involved in these educational initiatives. During the Reconstruction period, the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, commonly known as the Freedmen’s Bureau, collaborated extensively with various Churches and organizations across Virginia to implement education and social policies mandated by U.S. government legislation. This collaborative effort aimed to establish schools that catered to both children and adults, operating during the day and night to accommodate the diverse needs of Freedmen. Sabbath Schools, opening on Sundays when Church services were not in session, further exemplified the dedication to providing education and uplifting the newly liberated population (Lee, 2019). The partnership between the Freedmen’s Bureau and these institutions reflected a collective commitment to fostering empowerment and social integration for Freedmen during a critical period of American history. African Americans, following the Civil War, fervently demanded civil rights, voting privileges, family reunification, educational opportunities, and economic prospects. Despite the impediments they encountered, many Freedmen were resolute in their pursuit of freedom and actively engaged in endeavors to enhance their quality of life. The integration of Freedmen into American society represented a critical process, underscored by legal transformations, social backing, and communal endeavors. African American Churches emerged as indispensable agents in the empowerment and assimilation of Freedmen into the fabric of American society. These Churches played pivotal roles in advocating for the civil rights of Freedmen, spearheading campaigns for legislative reforms aimed at ensuring equal protection under the law. Functioning as hubs of organization, they galvanized Freedmen to participate in political activities, including voting, standing for public office, and engaging in civic affairs. Moreover, certain churches extended legal assistance to Freedmen, aiding them in navigating legal channels to secure their rights and entitlements. By championing the principles of equality and justice, Churches became instrumental in precipitating a broader societal shift towards acknowledging and upholding the rights of Freedmen. In essence, the post-Civil War era witnessed the profound influence of churches in the empowerment and integration of Freedmen, exemplified through their endeavors in education, community development, and economic assistance. Nonetheless, Churches confronted formidable challenges, including resource constraints, opposition, and legal impediments. Despite these hurdles, their contributions to the political and legal battles of Freedmen remained significant, manifested in their advocacy for civil rights, community mobilization, provision of legal aid, and propagation of egalitarian ideals. 164 FINDINGS This section presents the findings of the study on the role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period in America. The results are organized according to the key research objectives, focusing on Church initiatives, societal challenges addressed by Churches, and their impact across regions and denominations. The major findings of this study reveal a varied landscape of Church initiatives, societal challenges addressed, and the impact of Church activities. Churches emerged as central hubs for social and educational activities, offering programs such as schools, vocational training, and mutual aid societies. They actively engaged with societal challenges, advocating for racial equality, economic justice, and political participation, while also providing material assistance to meet immediate needs. Across regions and denominations, churches played a pivotal role in fostering social change, bridging racial divides, and leaving a lasting legacy on African American identity. However, variations in approaches and effectiveness were observed, influenced by regional dynamics and denominational priorities. Despite limitations in historical sources and scope, the study underscores the enduring significance of Churches as agents of social change and advocates for further research to explore their ongoing impact in contemporary society. DISCUSSION The findings of this study underscore the pivotal role of Churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period, aligning closely with existing scholarship such as Johnson and Radin’s work on religious conversion experiences among exslaves (1969). The study’s first objective was to scrutinize church initiatives for Freedmen’s integration, and the results overwhelmingly support the hypothesis that Churches played a significant role in this regard. The analysis revealed a diverse array of activities undertaken by Churches, including educational, vocational, and spiritual support, corroborating studies by scholars like Lincoln and Mamiya (1990) on the foundational role of Churches in African American communities. Specifically, Churches established schools, literacy programs, vocational training centers, and mutual aid societies, providing Freedmen with essential resources and opportunities for skill development and social mobility. Furthermore, Churches served as community hubs, fostering a sense of agency and self-determination among Freedmen through collective action and advocacy efforts. These findings are consistent with the research by Blum (2005), which highlights the active role of Churches in challenging racial inequality and promoting social justice in American society. Moreover, the study sought to understand how Churches addressed societal challenges, and the findings suggest that Churches were actively engaged in advocating for social justice and providing material assistance, consistent with the findings of Blum’s work on race and religion in American nationalism (2005). While some churches perpetuated racial inequality, as highlighted by Blum, the present study underscores the proactive role of many Churches in challenging oppressive systems and fostering social change. Churches utilized their platforms to deliver sermons, issue public statements, and organize community actions, advocating for racial equality, economic justice, and political participation. Additionally, Churches provided material assistance, such as food, clothing, and shelter, to meet the immediate needs of Freedmen and mitigate the effects of poverty and discrimination. These findings are in line with the historical context outlined by Woodward (1991), which underscores the complexities of Church involvement in societal issues during the Reconstruction era. 165 Furthermore, the study aimed to assess the impact of Church activities across regions and denominations, and the findings demonstrate a significant and enduring legacy of Churchbased initiatives, resonating with the research by Stowell on the religious reconstruction of the South (1998). Churches emerged as catalysts for social change, mobilizing communities to challenge oppressive systems and pursue collective goals. Additionally, Churches played a vital role in bridging racial divides, fostering interracial cooperation, and promoting solidarity among marginalized groups. However, there were notable regional and denominational variations in Church approaches and effectiveness, reflecting the complexities of historical, cultural, and theological factors, as discussed by Woodward (1991). These variations highlight the diverse landscape of Church involvement in social change and underscore the need for nuanced understandings of Church dynamics in different contexts. Overall, while the findings of this study largely support the research hypotheses, further research is warranted to explore the complexities of Church involvement in social change and address persistent inequalities in contemporary society. Future studies could delve deeper into the intersectionality of race, religion, and social activism, examining how different factors shape Church engagement and its outcomes. Additionally, comparative studies across different historical periods and geographical locations could provide valuable insights into the evolving role of Churches in empowering marginalized communities and advancing social justice agendas. CONCLUSION In examining the economic challenges confronting newly emancipated slaves after the American Civil War, this research offers valuable insights into the nature of post-war reconstruction efforts. The rationale behind this study stemmed from a recognition of the enduring impact of slavery on economic opportunities and the pivotal role of Churches in addressing these challenges. The research objectives were formulated to explore the initiatives undertaken by Churches to empower and integrate Freedmen, understand societal challenges addressed by Churches, and assess their impact across different regions and denominations. Employing a historical analysis approach and archival research methods, this study delved into primary sources such as Church records, correspondence, diaries, newspapers, and government documents to uncover the role of Churches in supporting freedmen. The theoretical frameworks of social integration proposed by Emile Durkheim and social capital theory were utilized to contextualize the findings within broader sociological perspectives. The major findings of this study underscored the significant role of Churches as agents of social change and community empowerment in the post-Civil War era. Churches emerged as crucial supporters, providing spiritual, social, and material aid to Freedmen, while also advocating for civil rights and social justice. Their efforts contributed to the broader struggle for racial equality and empowerment, shaping the identity and aspirations of generations of African Americans. However, challenges such as limited resources, opposition, and legal barriers persisted, highlighting the complex dynamics of post-war reconstruction efforts. Based on the findings, several suggestions and recommendations can be made to further support the empowerment and integration of marginalized communities. These include continued investment in educational initiatives, economic empowerment programs, and community-building efforts. Additionally, there is a need for ongoing advocacy for policy changes and legal reforms that promote equality and justice. For future research, avenues for exploration could include an in-depth examination of specific Church-led initiatives and their long-term impacts on marginalized communities. Comparative studies across different regions and denominations could provide valuable 166 insights into variations in approaches and effectiveness. Furthermore, the intersectionality of race, religion, and socioeconomic status warrants further investigation to better understand the complexities of empowerment and integration in diverse communities. In conclusion, this research contributes to a nuanced understanding of the role of churches in empowering and integrating Freedmen during the post-Civil War period. 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When two cultures are different from each other, an obstacle will certainly appear. It is due to the cultural link which goes beyond a simple translation operation. When two linguistic systems are not similar, and therefore present abysmal differences in terms of culture and tradition, the translator’s work becomes complicated. But here again, studies of this type make fascinating the work of linguists who deal with translation phenomena in a comparative relationship among two or more languages. Part of our study corpus will be examples from the literary field, journalistic texts, poetry, etc. In each language, we frequently encounter words that recall a specific cultural dimension, words that recall a semantic load having a very broad connotative value in relation to another culture. For this reason it will be necessary to see how certain examples of translational rendering impose modalities of transposition into the target language depending on the contexts in which it is transmitted. Keywords: transposition, realia, connotation, polyrematic, collocations, untranslatable 169 […] la traduction se fonde sur des processus de négociation, cette dernière étant justement un processus selon lequel, pour obtenir quelque chose, on renonce à quelque chose d’autre, et d’où, au final, les parties en jeu sortent avec un sentiment de satisfaction raisonnable et réciproque, à la lumière du principe d’or selon lequel on ne peut pas tout avoir. (Umberto Eco) 1. INTRODUCTION La question de savoir s'il est impossible ou non de traduire une certaine notion culturelle, un mot qui représente une charge sémantique très importante pour une culture donnée, a toujours été au centre du débat en traductologie. La question que nous nous posons toujours concerne l'attitude que les différents traducteurs adoptent dans des situations d'« intraduisibilité » de mots qui n'ont souvent pas d'équivalent dans une autre langue. L'objectif de notre article est de donner une réflexion critique sur les aspects théoriques et applicatifs de cet argument et de faire comprendre comment, grâce aux exemples que nous apporterons, il est possible de rencontrer des mots ou des expressions qui représentent la richesse expressive d'une certaine langue, en comparant les us et coutumes d'une culture. Chaque langue reflète sa propre culture, ses propres habitudes, ses propres formes d'expression qui diffèrent des autres cultures et, comment dit Jean– Jacque Lecercle (2004), « le sens d’un énoncé est donné dans son interprétation ». Traduisible ou intraduisible? Lorsqu'il y a des cas où il y a une intraduisibilité de mots ou expressions, comment le traducteur transmet-il le même sens? Il y a certains mots qui identifient une nation et qui sont si bien familiers et qui ne nécessicitent pas la traduction, car il y aurait un risque de perdre la dimension culturelle à laquelle ils appartiennent, c'est-à-dire l'identité qui les caractérise (la culture dominante40), tels que: pizza, pâtes, hijab, foular, cachemire, macarons, paella, pampas, peintures murales, etc. Le concept dominant dérive des formalistes russes et de Jacobson, tiré de l'essai Traduction de la culture d' Osimo Bruno, p. 25. 40 170 Selon Vlahov et Florin (2020), les principales difficultés de rendre les realia41 lors de la traduction sont deux: premièrement, l'absence de mots correspondants dans la culture d’accueil en raison de l'absence de l'objet désigné; la seconde, le besoin de communiquer, en plus de la signification de l'objet (sémantique) des realia, leur coloris, leur nuance nationale et historique. Mais pour cette catégorie, il existe des méthodes de traduction, telles que la transcription, la substitution, l'introduction d'un néologisme, les calques, etc. Le problème réside dans les mots ou les expressions qui appartiennent à la culture d'un peuple moins connu pour la culture d'accueil (la culture qui émane de la culture dominante) dont, en dehors d'une variante possible, il n'est pas possible de transmettre l'essentiel. En fin de compte, la traduction n'est pas simplement une opération linguistique, mais elle doit aller au-delà du sens. De tels mots ou expressions sont difficiles à traduire mais nécessaires, comme l'affirme la chercheuse Eliana Lacej (2009), pour comprendre un peuple. Elle apporte quelques exemples clés qui reflètent l'âme d'un peuple, dans notre cas l'albanais, et qui évoquent une charge sémantique très forte pour notre nation, dont une simple transposition linguistique n'est pas valable. Le mot besë, par exemple, reflète une tradition lointaine qui a un sens très étendu et qui inclut: la parole d'honneur, la parole donnée et qui démontre la dignité d'un homme au sein de la société patriarcale et des montagnes du nord de l'Albanie. Donc, la traduction de ce mot ne signifie pas simplement le mot correspondant. Prenons le mot Kanun (Ibid.), qui représente l'expression d'une vie civile et la conscience d'une ancienne communauté. Il est question d’un mode de vie qui a marqué la vie des peuples du nord de l'Albanie pendant de nombreuses années et qui a intrigué plusieurs voyageurs et érudits étrangers à en parler dans leurs biographies et leurs souvenirs personnels, parmi lesquels nous pouvons mentionner Edit Durham. Un autre exemple de ce genre très significatif pour notre tradition serait également le mot pajë- corredo (dot), qui a pour nous une immense valeur spirituelle liée à la naissance d'une petite fille, ce qui signifie le grand sacrifice, le travail inlassable plein de rêves et d'espoirs de nos mères pour réaliser le dot de leurs filles qui allaient se marier (Tirana, 2019). À partir de ces considérations, il sera intéressant de traiter quelques exemples sur les expressions idiomatiques ou f qui représentent des difficultés en traduction; quelles modalités et stratégies sont utilisées pour realiser la traduction; des cas similaires et des correspondances sémantiques et linguistiques entre eux. 2.MÉTHODOLOGIE Le dispositif méthodologique de cet article s’appuie sur une approche analytique et comparative précisément parce que notre corpus d’étude est centré sur des formes En traductologie, les realia sont des mots qui désignent des objets, des concepts et des phénomènes étroitement liés à la culture d'un pays, qui n'ont pas d'équivalent dans d'autres langues et sont donc difficiles à traduire. 41 171 linguistiques particulières d’un intérêt particulier dans le domaine linguistique, lexical et sémantique. Étant donné que la traduction a des liens interdisciplinaires avec ces domaines, il est important de traiter le concept d'intraduisible du point de vue de la mise en œuvre de certaines expressions ou mots faisant l’objet de la traductologie. Le mot, son sens direct et sa connotation sont les principales questions sur lesquelles le traducteur se base au cours de son activité de traduction, qui, dans notre analyse, serviront à comprendre les stratégies utilisées par le traducteur, ou plus précisément les « astuces » de l'acte traductif. Le corpus des mots sélectionnés appartient aux différentes expressions lexicales telles que les locutions phraséologiques, les culturèmes, les collocations, les polyrhématiques, les realia ou les mots particuliers dotés d’une charge sémantique liée au sens qu'ils évoquent. En outre, du point de vue linguistique, le traducteur se trouve dans la difficulté de trouver un équivalent approprié dans la langue d’acceuil. Les exemples donnés sont principalement tirés du domaine littéraire, des dictionnaires lexicologiques et des lectures conversationnelles. À travers eux, nous sommes menés à une réflexion sur la manière dont ces expressions doivent être traitées du point de vue linguistique lors de l'acte traductif, sans pour autant négliger le facteur le plus important: l'aspect culturel. La combinaison des concepts théoriques et des exemples illustrés permet de mieux comprendre comment le traducteur aborde le texte et jusqu'où il peut aller. Notre objectif est de mettre en évidence les cas où, au-delà des difficultés, les variantes de traduction peuvent être appropriées ou non dans différents contextes. 3. QUELQUES PRÉCISIONS L'INTRADUISIBILITÉ. THÉORIQUES SUR LA QUESTION DE Au XIXe siècle, Humbolt et Schleiermasher posent la question sur la traduction: doit- elle amener le lecteur à comprondre l’univers linguistique et culturel du texte source, ou doit-elle transformer le texte original pour la rendre acceptable par le lecteur appartenent à la culture de destination ? (Tarassova, 2019). Le concept de « traduisibilité » a été abordé pour la première fois par Theo Hermans (2009), qui compare également son opposé «intraduisibilité». L'aspect principal de cet argument était la possibilité de traduire d'une langue à une autre, dans quel sens et à quel niveau c'est possible. Cependant, ils ne concernaient pas seulement les aspects linguistiques de la traduction, mais impliquaient également des questions sociales et idéologiques. En 1985, le concept de manipulation de la littérature (1985) est apparu dans le panorama de la traduction, dans lequel il condamnait toute traduction à juger sur la base d'une conception vague et imprécise de la fidélité. Au XXe siècle, la question de l'intraduisibilité entre deux langues s'est également appliquée aux questions philosophiques. La cause de l'intraduisibilité serait le manque de communication et l'incommunicabilité culturelle. D'après Nergaard (1993), 172 ... basé sur la conviction que la différence entre les langues n'existe qu'à un niveau superficiel et qu'en réalité elles se réfèrent toutes à une langue universelle [...] Mais la condition babélique peut aussi être vécue de manière négative, comme une punition ou même comme une condamnation qui ne permet pas aux peuples de se comprendre. D'une manière générale, même George Mounin explique comment la traduction est une opération linguistique qui peut avoir un résultat variable (1963). Cependant, il considère que l'impossibilité théorique de la traduction est contrastée par la réalité de la façon dont elle a toujours été traduite. Il déclare (1995) dans son essai « Tous les arguments contre la traduction se résument à une seule : elle n'est pas l'originale ». Dans le contexte de l'impossibilité de la traduction de pouvoir transmettre le même effet souhaité d'une langue à l'autre, on retrouve également chez d'autres chercheurs, philosophes, écrivains et critiques littéraires, à savoir, Benedetto Croce (1993) ses propres concepts sur l'intraduisibilité de la poésie en tant que genre littéraire particulier. Il vaut également citer aussi les plus marquants représentants de la pensée critique dans le domaine de la traductologie, tels que Giovanni Gentile, Umberto Eco, Eugene Nida, George Steiner ect. Que doit faire alors le traducteur à ce stade, lorsqu'il est confronté à des expressions et à des concepts qui n'appartiennent pas à sa propre culture et qui requièrent des solutions méandreuses ? Comment alors appliquer cette approche ? La tâche du traducteur est de transmettre les véritables pensées de l'auteur dans une autre langue et sous une forme différente. La fidélité et la liberté seront deux dichotomies qui feront l'objet et le débat de la traduction. Benjamin lui-même (1993) les définit comme des tendances conflictuelles : la liberté de reproduction conforme au sens et à son service, ou la fidélité à la parole. Selon Benjamin (Ibidem:132), la fidélité dans la traduction d'un seul mot ne peut presque jamais reproduire complètement le sens du texte original. Car, selon lui, le sens ne s'épuise pas dans l'intense, mais le sens est lié à la manière dont un mot donné est compris. Ce qui cause des malentendus dans la traduction, en particulier dans la prose, c'est la fidélité littérale, quand elle n'est pas nécessaire. La liberté réside dans la violation de la norme, mais pas dans le sens. Il y a des cas où de nombreux traducteurs se trouvent dans des situations particulières, dans l’impossibilité de trouver une solution linguistique, mais aussi de transmettre le message. Le problème est de savoir comment procéder sans tomber dans le piège. Umberto Eco (2013), dans son célèbre essai sur la traduction Dire presque la même chose, explique qu'il est presque impossible de s'exprimer dans une fidélité absolue au texte original. La tâche du traducteur serait de créer le même effet chez son lecteur. Sur le plan explicatif, il n'est pas très d'accord avec le choix des équivalences sémantiques, mais plutôt avec l'équivalence fonctionnelle : bref, le traducteur doit être capable de produire ce que le texte original a prévu (Ibidem). 173 L'expression avec laquelle le traducteur impressionnera, doit également assumer la même fonction dans le texte cible, quels que soient le moyen stylistique et la manière dont il le souhaite. Malgré l'impossibilité de trouver un adéquat qui s’avère ne pas satisfaire à nos attentes, ce qui conduit le traducteur à changer de méthodes afin de pouvoir transmettre luimême le message et l'effet souhaité. C’est à juste titre que Umberto Eco (2013) l'explique à partir de l’exemple classique de la forme de courtoisie. Citons l’exemple suivant : -Cosa stava facendo il signor Bianchi? (Que faisait M. Bianchi?) -Si stava incontrando con Sua moglie. (Il rencontrait sa femme) -Come mai? (Comment est-se possible?) -Posso darle del tu? (Est- ce que je pourrais vous tutoyer?) Dans le langage verbal Sua moglie ou Sua moglie (son épouse /votre épouse) en italien on ne peut pas distinguer clairement s'il s'agit de l’épouse de quelqu'un ou de son épouse. Cette forme peut créer des malentendus car, en se plaçant dans un contexte moqueur en italien il n’y a pas de distincntion entre le tutoiement et le vouvoiement en tant que forme de politesse, ce qui mène à une double interprétation qui serait très difficile à réaliser dans les langues qui, contrairement à l'italien, ont la deuxième personne du pluriel comme forme de politesse. Ce serait perdre la comédie qui doit être véhiculée. Par conséquent, un élément particulier qui doit toujours être pris en compte est le contexte dans lequel le mot ou l'expression est introduit. Ce qui semble étrange pour une culture est normal pour d'autres. De nombreux peuples ont leurs propres expressions et idiomes, par exemple : essere al verde (être fauché) est une expression typique qui signifie littéralement non ho una lira (je n'ai pas un sou). L'origine de cette expression est liée à l'ancienne tradition de peindre le fond des bougies en vert. En revanche, traduit littéralement en albanais, il aurait un sens complètement différent car il représenterait l'état d'une personne qui ne va pas bien: u bë jeshil, une expression qui, dans un autre contexte, signifierait aussi diventare verdi dall’invidia (devenir vert d'envie). La solution idéale serait la traduction approximative avec la substitution d'une expression phraséologique : s'kam kokrrën e lekut ou plutôt nuk kam as edhe një kacidhe/ dyshkë. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons parlé du concept en général, des aspects traductologiques dans le contexte de la traduisibilité/intraduisibilité, de l'importance du contexte dans lequel un énoncé est dit et de ce que le traducteur doit être capable de transmettre. La question que nous nous posons est la suivante: quelles techniques ou stratégies le traducteur utilise-t-il dans les cas où il est confronté à des expressions et tournures qui lui semblent souvent difficiles à traduire? 174 Basée sur les stratégies de Vinay et Darbelnet, Pier Angela Diadori (2018) explique quelques exemples de ces expressions à travers la stratégie appropriée. Elle ajoute que dans les cas où il s'agit de formes intraduisibles, les techniques suivantes sont utilisées :    Modulations: che cosa vuoi?(que voulez-vous)? En albanais, cette expression peut être traduite par l'utilisation d'expressions colorées : çfarë dreqin ke ? équivalence culturelle: Avere il diabolo dentro (avoir le diable au corps) - me pas dreqin në bark; gettare la spugna (jeter l’éponge) - zbras thesin ; andare sott’acqua (aller sous l'eau) si guri në ujë (comme une pierre dans l’eau). adaptation: Cendrillon- Hirushja; Ciliegino (Cerise) – Vishnjush; Girotondo (Rondelle) Rozarozina. Comme vous pouvez le constater, il y a des cas où la traduction ne doit pas nécessairement être textuelle, car cela perdrait la fluidité et l'expressivité que le traducteur devrait apporter à la langue cible. De nombreux peuples ont leurs propres formes d'expression, de voeux, de malédiction qu’ils utilisent dans des occasions spéciales selon leurs traditions. Voyons quelques expressions typiques de la phraséologie albanaise (Jani Thomaj, 2006) :        të Lumshin Duart !- On dit à quelqu'un qui a préparé quelque chose à manger ou qui a fait quelque chose. Une expression typique qui est très fréquente en albanais mais que l'on ne trouve pas en italien. t'u baftë tul e dhjamë- souhaiter du bien à quelqu'un pour la nourriture), une forme semblable à Bon appétit; ta zentë fyti kafshatën- souhaiter à quelqu'un de ne pas digérer le pain, une expression similaire serait d'avaler le crapaud; u bëfsh 100 vjeç- souhaiter un anniversaire (Joyeux anniversaire) u plakshi bashkë- souhaiter une longue vie à un couple; si drit dielli- traduction littérale comme la lumière du soleil ; lyp sy me t’pa- on dit à une personne très jolie à regarder, faire un compliment). 4. AUTRES FORMES POLYRHÉMATIQUES LINGUISTIQUES: LES COLLOCATIONS ET LES Dans le langage courant, l'attention est portée à notre capacité à utiliser des combinaisons lexicales spécifiques à une langue, composées de deux ou plusieurs mots qui ne sont pas dictés par des règles grammaticales fixes. Dans ce cas, il s'agit de formes de combinaisons de mots qui ont tendance à exister comme un tout, soumises à des restrictions lexicales telles que les collocations et les polyrhématiques42; des phénomènes particuliers de Les collocations et les polyrhématiques sont identifiées de différentes manières, nous avons souvent des théories qui sont un peu controversées les unes avec les autres, c'est pourquoi j'ai utilisé des théories récentes pour expliquer ce phénomène. Les mots polyrhématiques, contrairement aux collocations, ont des éléments 42 175 la linguistique qui sont perçus par les locuteurs natifs comme un seul corps, c'est-à-dire qu'ils n'ont qu'une seule signification (Grossmann & Rainer, 2004). Il existe des différences entre ces deux phénomènes, mais nous nous trouvons souvent confus précisément à cause des caractéristiques structurelles et sémantiques qui ressortent (Voghera, 2004). 43 Ces unités lexicales forment un seul concept et ne peuvent pas être décomposées, par exemple: prendere freddo (prendre froid), terzo mondo (tiers monde), kartë krediti (carte de crédit), essere al verde (être fauché), elles sont composées de plusieurs mots, mais si nous essayons de les modifier, elles perdent leur sens autonome de sens entier. De telles combinaisons existent dans toutes les langues, certaines se ressemblent et d'autres ne trouvent pas d'équivalents immédiats. Ce qui est remarquable, en plus du sens unique, qui constituent des unités phraséologiques, ce sont les nombreuses constructions que l'on peut rencontrer telles que: nom + nom, nom + adjectif, verbe + nom, nom + préposition, etc. Mais comment traduire les collocations? La plupart des collocations, étant des expressions figées, ont une structure plus autonome et ont tendance à être traduites littéralemrnt, par exemple : tiers monde - botë et tretë ; carte de crédit - kartë krediti. Les collocations n'ont pas d'équivalents formels immédiats dans les différentes langues, mais certaines semblent très familières, par exemple la combinaison boletta salata (facture élevée) serait en albanais faturë e kripur ou caffè amaro (café amer) - kafe et hidhur . En analysant ces collocations, nous identifions donc les ressemblances entre les structures lexicales et syntaxiques, à savoir, N+Adj.44 De nombreuses collocations peuvent avoir la même correspondance structurelle en termes de traduction et de signification, par exemple : pelle e ossa – kockë et lekurë (il n’a que les os et la peau); acqua e sapone- ujë e sapun- (N+N); ( traduction littérale en français eau et savon). Certaines le sont dans leur structure, mais pas dans leur sens; Prenons l'exemple de la composition acqua in bocca- ujë në gojë (traduction littérale en français l'eau dans la bouche, qui fait normalement référence à une personne qui doit garder un secret, ne rien dire). En albanais traduite littéralement, bien qu'elle ait les mêmes structures grammaticales, cette expression n'aurait pas le même sens, en effet, cela donnerait l'idée d'une personne qui parle couramment. Comme vous pouvez le constater, selon les cultures, le mot « eau » a des connotations différentes. En fonction des finalités de la traduction, la dimension culturelle de telles collocations impose différents modes de transmission dans la langue cible. lexicaux composés de plus d'un mot et ont une cohésion structurelle et sémantique interne particulière (voir De Mauro.1999; Voghera, 2004; Masini, 2009). 43 M. Voghera Le Polirematiche, dans La formazione delle parole in italiano, édité par M. Grossmann, F. Rainer, Niemeyer, Tübingen; R. Terreni. 2004. Cf. M. Voghera, Lexèmes complexes: comparaison des chemins de lexicalisation, in « Lingua e stile », 1994. Selon la typologie des collocations des Tibérides44, il existe de nombreuses combinaisons parmi lesquelles on rapporte quelques constructions basées sur un aspect morpho-syntaxique (V+N) pour faire de l'essence ou (V+phrase prépositionnelle) pour donner un coup de pied à quelqu'un (marr dikë me shkelma); Être cloué à une chaise (me qenë i lidhur pas karriges). 44 176 Il existe des collocations qui ont une signification métaphorique dans leur usage. Voyons la collocation abbassare la cresta (baisser la tête), le sens est métaphorique car cela signifie réduire ses exigences, donc ne pas être arrogant. En albanais, on dirait ul hundën (descendre de son piedestal). Une forme semblable serait aussi abbassare le ali (baisser les ailes), ce qui en albanais aurait encore une autre forme, plus phraséologique: mos fluturo me presh, qui prend une connotation très particulière non seulement d'arrogance mais aussi de fait de stare con i piedi per terra. La traduction des collocations et d'expressions idiomatiques reste un défi pour les traducteurs car, en plus de leurs compétences, ils devront faire preuve de créativité et d'expressivité lors de l’acte traductif. Compte tenu de leur composition et surtout de leur utilisation fréquente au quotidien, de telles combinasons de mots sont souvent porteuses de significations métaphoriques. D’une part, pour les locuteurs natifs, ces formes sont intuitives de manière naturelle et ils n’arrivent même pas à percevoir qu'il s'agit d'expressions particulières, vu qu’ils sont déjà habitués à les utiliser fréquemment depuis l'enfance. D'autre part, les apprenants d'une langue étrangère peuvent être incertains dans l'utilisation des collocations, ce qui constituerait un défi majeur pour la plupart d’eux. Pour cette raison, il est facile de comprendre pourquoi ce phénomène diffère selon les langues et les cultures (Obstovà, 2016). Si nous nous référons aux mots polyrhématiques âme jumelle ou eau et savon, ils s’utilisent très fréquemment dans la langue, non seulement en termes de langue maternelle, mais aussi pour une grande partie des non-italophones. Dans certains cas, ces expressions ont les mêmes structures linguistiques et significatives, par exemple en albanais elles auraient les correspondants : shpirti binjak pour le premier exemple et ujë dhe sapun pour le second; d’autres expressions ont la même signification mais des structures différentes, comme dans carta di credito/ carte de crédit (N+ locution prépositionnelle) qui en albanais serait kartë krediti (N+Adj). Lorsque nous sommes confrontés à des expressions idiomatiques, il est ici un peu difficile de trouver la correspondance appropriée dans l'autre langue, par exemple: pesci d’aprile (poisson d'avril) – dita e rrenave, forme dialectale qui signifierait « le jour du mensonge »; Cercare il pelo nell’uovo/ Chercher le cheveu dans l'œuf (traduction littérale en français) semblerait normal pour un locuteur natif et un locuteur ayant une très bonne compétence linguistique, mais si nous essayions de donner une traduction littéraire à cette expression, elle perdrait non seulement son sens, mais sa valeur expressive. Cependant, cela ne veut pas dire que nous ne pouvons pas avoir son équivalent dans d'autres langues. La difficulté réside dans le fait de savoir saisir le sens authentique et de savoir le transmettre avec les mêmes moyens stylistiques, afin de pouvoir maintenir un style soutenu. Dans ces cas, on opte pour une expression similaire dans notre propre langue et qui a la même signification, telle que: kërkoj gjilpërën në kashtë (chercher l’aiguille dans la paille). Néanmoins, il arrive souvent que, dans de nombreuses langues, il existe des expressions idiomatiques ayant la même structure lexico-sémantique ou une structure similaire (Laçej, 177 2009). Voyons quelques expressions et locutions qui sont lexicalement et sémantiquement les mêmes, ou presque, en albanais et en italien : Fut hundët/ Ficcare il naso/ fourrer son nez partout E heq per hunde/ menare per il naso/le mener par le bout du nez Kujt i djeg le të kruhet/ a chi prude si gratti /qui brûle laisse démanger Si nous nous se référons à des syntagmes, à des constructions, à des locutions qui, par rapport à la structure lexico-sémantique et aux relations syntaxiques, sont d'une nature très particulière et appartiennent à une certaine culture (ibidem), nous remarquons que les possibilités de traduction deviennent difficiles : zemra mal (sentirsi allargare il cuore dalla felicità/ débordé de joie); kokrrën et qejfit (divertirsi un mondo/s’en donner à coeur joie, à gogo). 5. QUELQUES EXEMPLES DE TRADUCTIONS CULTURELLES Il n'est pas toujours facile d'être conscient du contenu implicite d'une culture. Le médiateur culturel doit être capable de saisir les aspects particuliers de la langue qui véhiculent des éléments culturels d'une société, d'un peuple et d'une époque donnée. Comme d'habitude, les cultures dominantes prévalent toujours et ont tendance à marginaliser les cultures périphériques. Quoi qu'il en soit, les stratégies et les choix des traducteurs satisferont ou pas aux goûts des lecteurs ou bien tenteront d'adapter les mots au contexte. Lorsque l'on s'approprie la présence de l'élément étranger à sa propre culture en lui niant son identité, mais en le faisant comme s'il était né dans la culture d’acceuil, la préoccupation principale reste – selon Osimo Bruno (2020), – l'acceptabilité de l'élément dans la culture d’acceuil. Le rôle principal du médiateur réside dans l'adéquation du texte importé par rapport à son identité culturelle émettrice. Prenons cette fois-ci quelques exemples de traduction au sein d'un texte littéraire, principalement dans la traduction de littérature jeunesse, avec Les Aventures de Cipollino de Rodari : …indugiava a tavola a discorrere con la bottiglia (Il restait assis à la table et lambinait avec la bouteille); la version proposée par le traducteur est une adaptation à la culture d’acceuil : rrinte e engletisej me ndonjë poçe me raki. Cet exemple tiré de la littérature explique un cas particulier d'adaptation, car le mot raki -grappa (raki-eau-de vie ) n'est pas présent dans l'original. C'est un choix dû à la traduction contextuelle par le traducteur, en adaptant la situation à un élément culturel très fréquent à nos traditions. Il y a des cas où le style du traducteur va au delà du texte original. Ainsi, il y a des mots ou des fragments dans lesquels une traduction simple peut normalement être faite, mais le 178 traducteur opte pour des mots différents afin de rendre un style beaucoup plus raffiné et éloquent en utilisant des formes expressives telles que :          Kishte lindur me këmishë /era l’uomo più fortunato degli altri (il était chanceux) Në daç për kuq e në daç për maç (c’est une locution phraseologique intraduisible, il fout le périphaser). U erdhi shpirti në majë të hundës/ non sopportava più (ils en ont eu marre) Djersët i kullonin çurk / sudava ed amareggiava (il était plein de sueur) S’la shenjt e shenjtor pa zënë në gojë/ non sapeva che santo votarsi (traduction littérale : il s’occupe de cancans) E vuri në lojë/ prendere in giro (il s’est moqué de lui) Frika në palcë/ avere paura (être frappé d’effroi) Vuri buzën në gaz/ rideva appena appena con una angolo della bocca) (il sourit) I dha zemër/ dare una mano (l’encouragea) Exclamations:       për bela (expression dialectale pour indiquer un malentendu ou un inconvénient) rrallë e tek/ qualche volta (quelquefois) fap et fup / subito ai piedi (onomatopées pour imiter le son des mouvements) dha e mori /dare e ricevere (donner et recevoir) pa një e pa dy/ in batter d’occhio (immédiatement, d'un seul souffle) tuj- toj / camminare lentamente (marcher lentement) 6. CONCLUSIONS À partir des exemples apportés dans notre article les formes expressives d'une langue sont authentiques et appartiennent à une certaine culture. Même si les traducteurs s'efforcent de bien traduire les bons concepts et les bonnes terminologies, ils seront confrontés à des défis de ce type. En fait, pour transmettre le message du texte à traduire, il doit recréer, transmettre un style qui lui est propre dans le texte d’arrivée. Bien qu’à première vue cela semble simple, il s'agit d'une opération très délicate, car il n'est pas souvent possible de le faire. Les textes contiennent des éléments culturels, des coutumes, des traditions et des éléments humoristiques qui ne sont pas toujours compris et qui ont le même effet sur le contexte de la culture d'accueil. Certes, les traducteurs doivent être prudents lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à ces expressions particulières difficiles à traduire. Du point de vue comparatif entre les langues, c'est une approche efficace, car elle sert à évaluer les différences et les ressemblances entre elles. L'aspect de la fidelité et de la liberté du traducteur, dans ce cas, demeure une interprétation subjective, puisque les mots «intraduisibles» obligent parfois le traducteur à compenser le texte cible ou à perdre quelque chose. Cela ne veut pas du tout dire que la traduction n’est pas bonne, au contraire, il faut être 179 conscient qu'en fin de compte des opérations linguistiques sont réalisées, mais qu'il y aura toujours des incohérences culturelles. C'est grâce à la langue, au pouvoir de la pensée, au style et au bagage lexical que le traducteur parviendra à atteindre son objectif d’un traducteur compétent qui essaie de relever les enjeux de la traduction. Enfin, cet article vise à fournir des interprétations et des réflexions basées sur les solutions possibles que la traduction peut permettre, certainement sans violer les normes linguistiques et leur sens. C’est pourquoi, la traduction demeure un beau défi à relever. Corpus De Mauro T. (1999). GRADIT - Grande Dizionario Italiano dell'Uso, Le mot usine, Torino: UTET. Irena, L. (2011). Dizionario maggiore dei modi di dire, italo-albanais, Tirana: EDFA, Tiberii, P. (2018). Dizionario delle collocazioni (Dictionaire de collocation), Bologna: Zanicchelli, deuxième édition, pp.157-159. Laçej, E. (2009) Albanie, La traduction des variantes linguistiques en variantes culturelles, (ed) Actes de la conférence internationale, Contextes adriatiques 2, Shkodër, 2008. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, , p. 143-146,149. Preza, A., & Preza E, (2005). Grand dictionnaire albanais-italien. 50 mille mots, (Grand dictionaire albanaise –italienne) Tirana: Elena Gika. Rodari, G. (1957). 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Prof., Bartın University, Sports Sciences Faculty, Bartın Türkiye ORCID ID: Emre YAMANER Lecturer, PhD, Hitit University, Sports Sciences Faculty, Corum, Türkiye ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Objective: Obesity is characterized by an excess accumulation of fat in the body. Childhood obesity, on the other hand, is a significant health issue in modern societies. Engaging in regular exercise is an important strategy for preventing and managing childhood obesity. Exercise supports weight control, increases muscle strength, improves bone health, and regulates metabolism in children. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review is to interpret and examine the positive effects of exercise as a preventive factor for childhood obesity. Material and Method: A literature review was conducted over the past 15 years using various databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), and Sport Discuss) with keywords such as "obesity," "childhood obesity," and "obesity and exercise" in order to answer questions related to the PICO criteria (population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes). Articles identified through database searches were screened, and some were selected for inclusion in the systematic review. Discussion and conclusion: The research results indicate that exercise has preventive effects on obesity in children. This systematic review focuses on how exercise interventions impact the risk of obesity in children, and according to the results, it can be concluded that regular exercise, supported by a healthy diet, serves as a significant protective measure against obesity risk. Key Words: Obesity, Children, Exercise, and Health 182 ÖZET Obezite; vücutta normalden fazla yağ birikimiyle karakterize edilen bir durumdur. Çocukluk çağı obezitesi ise modern toplumların önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Düzenli egzersiz yapmak, çocukluk çağı obezitesinin önlenmesi ve yönetilmesi için önemli bir stratejidir. Egzersiz, çocuklarda kilo kontrolünü destekler, kas kuvvetini artırır, kemik sağlığını geliştirir ve metabolizmayı düzenler. Bu bağlamda; bu sistematik derlemenin amacı, çocukluk çağı obezitesini önleyici faktör olarak egzersizin pozitif etkilerini araştırarak yorumlamak ve incelemektir. Araştırma, son 15 yıl içerisinde çeşitli veri tabanlarında (Pubmed, Scopus Web of Science (WOS) ve Sport Discuss veri tabanlarında obezite, çocuklarda obezite ve egzersiz içeriğinde “obezite”, “çocukluk çağı obezitesi”, “obezite ve egzersiz” anahtar kelimelerini kullanarak PICO kriterlerine yönelik (popülasyon, uygulama, karşılaştırma ve sonuçlar) soruları cevaplayabilmek için bir literatür derleme çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri tabanları incelemesi sonucu ulaşılan makalelerin içerisinden eleme yapılarak bazıları sistematik derlemede kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarında, egzersizin çocuklarda görülen obezite durumunun önleyici etkilerinin olduğunu gözlemlemekteyiz. Bu sistematik derleme çalışmasında çocuklarda görülen obezite riskine karşın egzerisz uygulamalarının nasıl bir etki gösterdiği üzerinde durulmuş ve sonuçlara göre, sağlıklı bir beslenme desteği ile yürütülen düzenli egzersiz uygulamalarının obezite riskine karşı önemli bir koruyucu kalkan görevinde olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Obezite, Çocuklar, Egzersiz ve Sağlık Giriş Çocukluk çağı obezitesi, dünya genelinde giderek artan ve ciddi sonuçlar doğuran bir sağlık sorunudur. Diğer yandan çocukluk çağında başlayan obezite ileriki yaşalarda çok ciddi sonuçlar ortaya çıkarabilmektedir. Hatta öyle ki dünyada her yıl yaklaşık 3 milyon insanın, fazla kilolu olma durumu ve obezite nedeniyle hayatını kaybettiği bilinmektedir (Hingle ve Kunkel, 2012). Obezite, genetik ve epigenetik faktörlerden etkilenen küresel bir sorun olmakla birlikte çocukların bedensel ve zihinsel sağlığı üzerinde negatif etkilere sahiptir. Özellikle modern kent yaşamının kaçınılmaz bir sonucu olarak kendini gösteren obezite son 30 yılda dünya genelinde artış göstermektedir. Bunun en temel sebebi teknolojik değişimlere dayalı olarak 183 çocukların egzersize katılım sürelerinin azalması, beslenme alışkanlıklarının olumsuz yönde değişmesi olarak ifade edilebilmektedir. Modern zamanlardaki sedanter yaşam tarzıyla ilişkili fiziksel inaktivitenin obezite, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, tip-2 diyabet, osteoporoz, kanser ve depresyon riskini arttırdığı bilinmektedir. (Dishman vd., 2006; Birinci, 2021; Sallis, 2009; Birinci, 2023). Modern yaşam, bir yandan hızlı tüketim kültürü ortaya çıkarırken diğer yandan obejenik çevrenin oluşmasına ve hareketsiz yaşamın toplumsal alanda yaygınlaşmasına neden olmaktadır. Günümüzde gıda tedarik zincirleri enerji açısından zengin ve aşırı yeme için uygun ortamlar yaratmıştır (Tillotson, 2014; Froehlich-Grobe ve Lollar, 2011). Bu bağlamda obejenik çevre, obezite epidemiyolojisine bağlı olarak gelişen aşırı yemek yeme ve hareketsizliğin tetiklediği bir durumu ifade etmek için kullanılan bir kavramdır. Bu bağlamda hem makro ölçekte hem de makro ölçekte çocukların obejenik ortamlardan uzak kalması obeziteye bağlı aşırı kilo alımına yönelik risk faktörlerinin düşürülmesinde önemli görülmektedir. Çocukluk çağı obezitesinin önlenmesinde egzersiz, temel bir rol oynamaktadır. Bunun en temel nedeni ise, çocuklarda kas ve kemik sağlığının korunmasına yardımcı olurken diğer yandan psikolojik sağlığın korunmasına da katkıda bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca egzersiz(ler), çocukların enerji harcamasına alan yaratmakla birlikte vücut ağırlığının kontrol altına alınmasında da yardımcı olarak obezite riskinin azaltılmasında önemli bir olgudur. Obezite Kavramı Çok eski dönemlerden beri var olan obezite kültürel kodlardan dolayı her dönemde farklı yorumlanmıştır. Bazı bölgelerde gücün, kudretin, ihtişamın, zenginliğin ve hatta güzelliğin simgesi olmuştur. Diğer yandan günümüzde en önemli sağlık problemlerin başında gelmektedir. Hem toplum sağlığı açıdan hem de ekonomik açıdan oldukça olumsuz etkileri de her geçen gün artmaksına bağlı olarak obezitenin bir hastalık türü olduğu ve tedavi edilmesi gerektiği kabul edilmiştir (Skinner, Ravanbakht, Skelton, Perrin ve Armstrong, 2018; Deleş, 2019). Halk arasında “şişmanlık” olarak bilinen obezite, vücutta fazla miktarda yağ birikmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan kronik değişikliklerle karakterize kompleks, çok faktörlü bir hastalıktır 184 (Demiralp 2006). Obezite aynı zamanda artan şehirleşme ve değişen beslenme ile küresel çapta yaygınlığa sahip; genetik, davranışsal ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı bir hastalık olarak da tanımlanmaktadır (Akbaş 2002; Yüksel vd., 2014). Obezite, genetik ve epigenetik etkilenen kompleks, multifaktöriyel bir hastalık olarak tanımlşanmaktadır (Han ve Kimm, 2010; Huang, 2013). Monogenik etiyolojilerden kaynaklanan obezite azaltılmış enerji harcamalarına, bireysel kararlara ve yaşam biçimlerine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır (Greer, Goldstein ve Walker, 2013; Deleş, 2019). Genel olarak bakıldığında; obezitenin biyolojik, çevresel ve davranışa bağlı olarak birçok farklı nedeni vardır. Ancak çevrenin baskın etkisine ve eğilimine rağmen obezitenin genetik bir bileşen olduğu da ifade edilmektedir (Walley, Blakemore ve Froguel, 2006). Dünya genelinde bakıldığında; obezite prevalansı ve eşlik eden hastalıklar hızlı bir şekilde artış göstermektedir (Gracia-Marco vd., 2011). En temelde obezitenin genetik, metabolik, davranışsal faktörler arasındaki karmaşık etkileşim sonucu oluştuğu ifade edilmektedir (Babaoğlu ve Hatun, 2002; Hurt vd., 2011). Obezite çocukluk çağında en sık görülen kronik hastalıklarından birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafından 17 ülkede gerçekleştirilen bir çalışmada Türkiye’deki okul çocuklarında fazla kiloluk ve obezite sıklıkları sırasıyla %15 ve %6,6 olarak verilmektedir (Whitlock vd., 2008). Diğer yandan ECHO (Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity) olan bu komitenin önerilerine bakıldığında beş temel başlıkta açıklandığı görülmektedir: 1) Çocukların ve gençlerin sağlıksız yiyecekler, şekerli içecekler ile beslenmeleri azaltılarak, sağlıklı besinler ile beslenmelerinin sağlanması için programlar oluşturulmalıdır, 2) Çocuklar ve gençlerin sedanter yaşamlarının önüne geçilerek, fiziksel etkinlik yapmaları desteklenmelidir, 3) Erken çocukluk döneminden itibaren çocukların sağlıklı beslenme, uyku ve fiziksel etkinlik alışkanlıkları ile büyümelerinin sağlanması için kılavuzlar oluşturulmalıdır, 4) Okul çağı çocukları ve gençler için sağlıklı okul çevresi, sağlıklı beslenme okur yazarlığı ve fiziksel aktivite rehberleri oluşturulmalıdır, 5) Obez çocuk ve gençler için aile temelli, çok yönlü, yaşam şeklini düzenlemeyi hedefleyen servisler kurulmalıdır (Nishtar vd., 2016; Yılmazbaş ve Gökçay, 2018). Obezitenin özellikle çocukluk döneminde tedavisi oldukça zordur. Bunun en temel sebebi, çocuklarına yeterince zaman ayıramaması obezitenin tedavi edilme sürecini zorlaştıran değişkenlerdir (Befort vd., 2006; Bülbül, 2020). Obez olan çocuklar ya da yetişkinler 185 genellikle az hareket etme eğiliminde olduklarından dolayı, tedavi sürecinde mutlaka egzersiz planlaması yapılmalıdır. Ayrıca, salt düşük kalorili yiyeceklerin yenmesiyle birlikte egzersiz yapılmasından ziyade sağlıklı bir yaşam için hem egzersiz hem de diyet birlikte uygulanmalıdır. Bunun en temel nedeni, obez çocuklara asıl amaç kilo vermek değil sağlıklı kilo vermek ve davranış değişikliği kazandırmaktadır (Ersoy ve Çakır, 2007; Çiftçi, 2006; Menteş vd., 2011). Egzersiz Bireylerin günlük enerji tüketimi son 30 yıl içinde belirgin bir şekilde azalma göstermiştir. Özellikle obezitenin arttığı ülkelere bakıldığında, bireylerin toplam kalori alımının artmasından ziyade fiziksel aktivite düzeyinin belirgin olarak azalmasıyla ilgili olduğu görülmektedir (Akkurt, 2012; Akova vd., 2011; Küçük Yetkin, 2019). Egzersiz, fiziksel uygunluğun bir veya daha fazla bileşeninin (kardiyoreseptüer dayanıklılık, esneklik, kassal uygunluk) korunmasını veya geliştirilmesini amaçlayan düzenli, planlanmış ve tekrarlı fiziksel aktiviteler bütünü olarak tanımlanmaktadır (Özer, 2016). Aşırı kilolu ve obez çocuklarda diyabet, yüksek kan basıncı, yüksek kolesterol ve astım riski yüksektir (Dietz, 2004; Daniels, Arnett ve Eckel, 2005). Amerikan Pediatri Akademisi, obezite ve kardiyovasküler hastalıkları önlemek için, 5-10 yaş arasındaki çocuklarda, günde 1 saat orta-şiddetli (jogging, basketbol) fiziksel aktivite ve haftada 3 gün şiddetli (tenis, futbol) fiziksel aktiviteyi önermektedir (Stracciolini, Myer ve Faigenbaum, 2013). Çocuklarda ortaşiddetli fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin az olması egzersiz eksikliği olarak açıklanmaktadır (Faigenbaum, Stracciolini ve Myer, 2011). Diğer yandan özellikle çocuklarda egzersiz programları, çocuğun yaşına, ilgilerine, sağlık ve fiziksel durumlarına uygun olacak şekilde tasarlanmalıdır (Kumsar, 2011; Bölükbaşı, 2020). Obezite tedavilerinde egzersiz ve diyet tedavilerinin birlikte uygulandığı yöntemler en etkili programlar olarak bilinmektedir (Jakicic ve Otto, 2005). Diyetle alınan kalori kısıtlanırken, egzersizle harcanan kalori arttırılmakta; böylece çitf yönlü bir etki sağlanmaası amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca diyet programlarına egzersiz eklendiğinde, kas kitlesi korunurken, bazal metabolizmada bir miktar artış sağlanabilmektedir (Sparti vd., 1997; Akkurt, 2012). Yine diyetle verilen kilolar bir süre sonra geri alınırken, diyet ve egzersiz programlarında verilen kiloların kalıcı olduğu ortaya konulmaktadır (Fogelholm vd., 2000). 186 Egzersiz Obezite İlişkisi Sedanter yaşam tarzı hem sağlık sorunlarına yol açmakta hem de obezitenin oluşmasına neden olmaktadır (Wright ve Aronne, 2012; Conway ve Rene; 2012). Obezitenin etiyolojisine bakıldığında, beslenme şeklinin, fiziksel aktivitenin ve çevresel etkiler zeminindeki etkilerle ortaya çıktığı fark edilmektedir. Özellikle içinde yaşanılan çağda, obezitenin en temel nedeni, enerjisi fazla olan gıdalara kolay erişim ve sedanter yaşam tarzının bir hayli artmasıdır. Obeziteye yatkın olma eğilimi genetik faktörlere bağlı olmakla birlikte, obezitenin ortaya çıkmasında obezojenik (obeziteye neden olan, şişmanlatan) çevre de belirleyici bir role sahiptir (Deveci, 2013; Berberoğlu ve Hocaoğlu, 2021). Bu bağlamda obezite çok farklı parametrelere bağlı ortaya çıkmasından dolayı kavram çok yönlü araştırmaları gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu minvalde, çocuğun ilgi ve motivasyonları göz önünde tutularak sıkılmadan içerisine dahil olabileceği egzersiz programlarının düzenlenmesi ve uygulatılması çocuğun aktivitede uzun süre kalmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Diğer yandan çocuğun zamanının büyük çoğunluğunu aile içerisinde geçirildiği düşünüldüğünde, ebeveynlerin egzersizin davranış haline dönüşmesine yardımcı olacak aktiviteler yapması önemli görünmektedir. Ayrıca yine aynı şekilde okul içerisinde de fiziksel aktiviteye teşvik edecek uygulamaların yer alması obez çocukların hem bilişsel hem de bedensel sağlık halini artırmada yardımcı olabilecektir (Tarakcı vd., 2016; Yaşar ve Başkurt). Bu bağalamda çocukluk çağı obezitesi yönetiminde egzersiz vücut kompozisyonunun geliştirilmesi, kardiyometabolik sağlığın sürdürülmesi açısından oldukça önemli bir bileşendir (Liu vd., 2020; Yaşar ve Başkurt, 2021). Egzersiz, çocuklarda metabolizmada ortaya çıkabilecek negatif durumların en aza indirilmesinde ve kardiyovasküler sağlık üzerinde yardımcı bir görev üstlenmektedir. Çocukların en nihayetinde aile ile birlikte yaşadığı düşünüldüğünde, bu sürecin tek yönlü bir ilişkiden daha fazlası olduğu bilinmektedir (Atkins vd., 2004) Beslenme düzeni, egzersiz yapma alışkanlığı aynı şekilde aile içerisinde öğrenilen bir sürecin parçası olarak yer almaktadır. Aile üyelerinden en az birinin bu alışkanlıkları öncelikle kendisinin yapması çocuğun rol model alması açısından çok öenmlidir. Çocukların taklit ederek öğrendikleri düşünüldüğünde bu durumun ne kadar önemli olduğu fark edilmektedir. 187 Çocukluk obezitesinde diyet ne kadar önemliyse (Swiglo vd., 2008) egzersiz de bir o kadar önemli bir zeminde yer almaktadır. Özellikle öğün atlanmadan yemek yenmeli, atıştırmalık tüketiminden olabildiğince kaçınılmalıdır (Trowbridge vd., 2002; Taşkın ve Şahin Özdemir, 2018). Diğer yandan düşük enerjili, çabuk kilo verdiren moda diyetlere yönelmesi engellenmelidir. Ödül olarak yüksek kalorili yiyeceklerin tüketilmesi önlenmelidir (Atkins vd., 2004; Trowbridge vd., 2002; Alpcan ve Arıkan Durmaz, 2015). Tüm bunların yanısıra egzersiz bir yaşam şekli olmalıdır. Sonuç olarak; çocukluk çağı obezitesinin önlenmesi adına, egzersiz ve beslenmenin önemini anlatan halk eğitimi çalışmaları yapılarak bilgilendirme yapılması büyük önem arz etmektedir. 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This relationship can have both positive and negative impacts. Touristic activity has its impact on the environment, such as pollution increase, use of natural resources, a large amount of waste, greenhouse gas emissions causing global warming, loss of biodiversity, climate crisis, etc. On the other hand, environmental quality affects the tourism sector. Therefore, understanding and managing the connection between the tourism industry and the environment is crucial for the long-term sustainability of both sectors. Climate change, the increased number of tourists especially after Covid-19, and the energy crisis urge the need to go toward greener and more sustainable tourism businesses. Nowadays, aware of the impact of boosting economic growth, countries are developing increasingly green approaches in this sector. This paper is focused on transitioning toward a green approach, which needs collaboration between government and businesses. Highlighting some best practices in green approaches by tourism businesses can provide insights into the positive impact of sustainable tourism on both the environment and the economy. By incorporating these recommendations into their operations, tourism businesses can strengthen their commitment to sustainable practices but also enhance their overall reputation, attract environmentally conscious customers, and contribute positively to the destinations they operate in. I. Introduction This academic paper examines the relationship between tourism and the environment, explaining the multifaceted impacts they exert on each other. While tourism significantly bolsters global economies, its unsustainable features, such as waste generation, greenhouse gas 191 emissions, and natural resource depletion, pose severe threats to the environment. Despite these negative consequences, tourism holds the potential to positively contribute to environmental conservation and economic prosperity. Acknowledging the symbiotic relationship, governments and businesses are increasingly embracing sustainable tourism practices. This paper aims to provide a scholarly exploration of the positive impacts of sustainable tourism on both the environment and the economy, spotlighting exemplary green practices adopted by tourism businesses. The inaugural chapter elucidates the imperative of adopting green practices in the tourism sector, underscoring the need for sustainable tourism. Legislative initiatives aimed at fostering sustainable tourism are discussed, emphasizing the role of regulatory frameworks in promoting environmentally responsible practices. Best Practices in Green Tourism: The second chapter examines exemplary green practices implemented by diverse tourism businesses. Drawing on empirical evidence, case studies, and industry reports, this section offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable initiatives, including those about energy efficiency, waste management, and water conservation. The concluding chapter combines the findings, concluding the positive impact of sustainable tourism on both the environment and the economy. It also offers recommendations for future efforts, highlighting the importance of integrating sustainable practices into tourism operations. The paper concludes by emphasizing the significance of these recommendations in reinforcing the commitment of tourism businesses to sustainability, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers, and fostering positive contributions to the destinations in which they operate. II. What are green practices? According to Pang et al (2013), tourism contributes significantly to environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. This happens because the tourism sector overuses natural resources for its purpose without minding the negative impact on the hotels and the environment. The evidence discovered that biodiversity has been lost mostly in sunny and beach areas due to global issues such as pollution and improper waste management by hotels and tourism corporations. (Ernesto, 2020). Even though tourism and especially the hospitality sector is often considered unsustainable, this latter has been a pioneer in implementing good environmental and sustainable practices. The implementation of good environmental practices, often referred to as green practices, has become crucial in tourism facilities operations management (Merli, Preziosi, Acampora, Lucchetti, and Ali, 2019). Green practices are defined by Kim et al. (2017a, b) as “a value-added business strategy that benefits a hospitality operation that engages in environmental protection initiatives”. They are also defined as practices that help create structures and use processes, called environmentally responsible and resource-efficient methods. The main aim of green practices is the minimization of negative impacts on the environment and the promotion of ecological sustainability, through sustainable practices or environmentally friendly practices. To be successful, green practices should reduce operational costs for tourism facilities through water and energy savings and, concurrently, create value for customers (Robinet and Gianelli, 2010a). There is a close positive relationship between green practices and green businesses. This concept was raised at the end of the twentieth century during the wake of increasing public 192 concern about the sustainability of economic development (Fadhil, 2015). The main trigger factor was the growing awareness of environmental issues particularly the accelerating depletion of natural resources and the deterioration of environmental quality. “Going green” usually refers to some actions of three economic agents’ individuals, businesses, and governments aiming for the protection of the quality and continuity of life through the conservation of natural resources and the prevention of pollution. “Going green” is found in the hospitality sector, becoming an effective strategy to gain competitiveness (Han et al., 2009). Some authors like Cronin et al., (2011), Dodds and Holmes (2016), and Zielinski and Botero, (2015) have found that the “Going green” strategy in the hospitality industry is becoming pulled by the growing attention of consumers toward sustainability. One of the drivers is the customer often touted as the central stakeholder in motivating hotels to be environmentally friendly (Rahman and Reynolds, 2016). Green hospitality appeared for the first time in the 1990s. The greening concept was introduced in European hotels and hotels in North America. Considering that the hotel industry exerts a significant impact on global resources, their focus was to comply with government regulations and to save money through practices of waste reduction, energy usage, and water saving. (Leyva et al., 2021); (Santos et al., 2020). The hotel industry is a key sector in the tourism sector and a key element for protecting and preserving the environment, therefore sustainable practices do not only help to preserve the environment, but they also help to reduce costs. Green hotel practices are defined as the type of environmentally friendly initiative aiming to reduce negative environmental. The main priorities (UNWTO) that allow the satisfaction of visitors are bringing the tourism environment to a sustainable level and at the same time, enhancing the tourism product, attracting diversified clientele, and upgrading the quality of the offer and services. The table below explains some green practices used by the tourism sector . 193 Figure no. 1. Some Green practices  Energy efficiency   Recycling  Water conservation   Clean air  Natural heritage and biodiversity  Respect of communities  host Certifications  Selling green products  activities that reduce the use of energy but provide the same level of energy service. Implementing energy-efficient practices and reducing the use of non-renewable resources. Using eco-friendly products and services wherever possible, such as recycled paper and eco-friendly cleaning products. Implementing recycling, composting programs, and minimizing the use of disposable products. refers to reclaiming wastewater for different purposes and reducing the usage of water (David, 2001). Promoting water conservation practices and implementing water-efficient technologies. strict and ambitious regulatory policies and controls, which must be implemented equitably Making optimal use of environmental resources constitutes a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Respecting the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserving their built and living cultural heritage and traditional values, and contributing to intercultural understanding and tolerance. An important differentiator factor is the adoption of environmental certifications, such as ecolabels. Ecolabels stand out for their capacity to communicate directly with costumers influencing their choices, and for the credibility ensured by external certification (Geerts, 2014; Penz et al., 2017). Informed customers value eco-sensitive retail products Source: Nature Communications (2021), OECD and UNWTO III. The Analysis of Green Practices in Tourism and Their Impact on Sustainable Development Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, and it has linkages with many of the prime sectors of the global economy (Fennell, 2020). As a global economic sector, tourism represents one of the largest generators of wealth, and it is an important agent of economic growth and development contributing in the sustainable development (Garau-Vadell et al., 2018). The concept of sustainability has its origin in the environmentalism that evolved in the 1960s. Critics in the eco-sphere are so-called “deep ecologists.” These are perceived by continuing zero growth of industry and population to be a bound force planning to irreversibly destroy the environment. The definition “sustainability” was first used in the Brundtland report, in which it is described as a “development that ensures that the current generations can meet their requirements without deteriorating the potential of future generations to satisfy their wants”. Based on the report, it is proposed to consider five main principles of sustainability: 194  The idea of holistic planning and strategy making.  the importance of preserving essential ecological processes.  the need to develop in such a way that productivity can be sustained over the long term for future generations.  Achieving a better balance of fairness and opportunity between nations” (Hall & A. Lew, 1998). Since the Brundtland report, sustainability and sustainable tourism have been widely researched. However, the debate over their exact definitions persists. Sustainability, according to Butler (1999) and Harris and Leiper (1995), aims for stable conditions for future generations, while sustainable development, as defined by Farrell (1992), seeks a balanced approach across economy, environment, and society. Sustainable tourism does not represent a distinct category within the tourism spectrum; rather, it encompasses the imperative for all forms of tourism to adopt more sustainable practices. Sustainability, in this context, entails achieving a harmonious equilibrium across economic, socio-cultural, and environmental dimensions to ensure enduring viability. The term and concept of “sustainable tourism” was formally born at the first World Conference on Sustainable Tourism in 1995. In 2015, the World Summit on Sustainable Tourism updated the terms and objectives of the initial declaration to account for major changes in the industry. Fundamentally, the goal of sustainable tourism is to uphold the economic and social benefits derived from tourism development while concurrently minimizing or mitigating any adverse impacts on the natural, historical, cultural, or social environment. This is realized through a careful balance between the needs of tourists and the preservation of the destination's intrinsic characteristic. The travel and tourism industry are one of the most significant contributors to a nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and one of the most rapidly developing industries globally (Thieu and Ristovski 2017). According to Bader (2005) is the hospitality industry becoming the greatest example that shows that sustainable practices within a business are crucial for its longrun success. As costs for energy, water, etc. are rising, hotels are forced to act economically, environmentally, and socially responsible. On the other side, Cavagnaro and Gehrels (2009) argue that the hospitality industry is in general not aware of sustainability. Only a few hospitality businesses implemented sustainable practices in their daily routines (Bader, 2005). A reason for this could be the unawareness of the public and industry that sustainable practices bring benefits to the surrounding society, the eighth economy and environment and of course to the hotel business at the same time. Nevertheless, this will change in the next time due to the given reasons for increased costs and changing demand, in particular the demand for greener products and services. Hotels are dependent on their surrounding environment because this is the main reason people come to a certain area. In other words, hotels rely on their immediate surroundings and therefore they should preserve them to exist in the long run. (Bader, 2005) Since the end of the 1990s, increased hoteliers have implemented sustainable practices. The main goals have since then various, some want to save costs, others want to promote themselves and even others want to set an ethical statement. (Cavagnaro & Gehrels, 2009) However, Cavagnaro & Gehrels (2009) argue that it is easier for smaller businesses to set up sustainable commitments. A reason for this could be that there might be better communication and coordination between the various departments. Hotels have many possibilities to act sustainable. These practices bring numerous benefits to business and the environment. As a result of the fact that green innovation development plays a crucial role in boosting the economy (Genc and Genc 2017), and green products, sustainability cannot be separated from it; this is a guarantee, given how climate change is occurring. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2013), green innovation and 195 sustainability in the hospitality sector are among the most promising economic influences. It is crucial to portray the green sustainability of innovation as a driving force for a green economy. As stated in the "OECD archive (2011) Towards Green Growth," sustainability and innovation development contribute to the foundation of new markets and new opportunities" (OECD 2013). Environmentally friendly development includes pollution reduction, eco-architecture, recycling, and vitality conservation (Huang and Li 2017). It is imperative to ensure any adverse environmental effects are minimized throughout the entire life cycle of the made product during green development (Huang and Li 2017). Restaurants, food services, lodging, transportation, tour coordinators, cooking services, amusement parks, and other extra fields are among the traveler’s goals (Thieu and Ristovski 2017). Weaver (2009) describes travel and tourism as heavily dependent on symbolism and relying on developing novel objects. Incorporating "green thoughts" into their architecture and service delivery will enhance quality and give them a serious edge in the business world. Weaver (2009) defines the industry as "a thought that incorporates green sustainability and utilizes tourism destinations that have a strong visual component, such as gallery shows, handcrafted attractions, and architecture." In the present day, everyone is aware of the changes taking place in the world's air. We are experiencing erratic climate changes, the degradation of rainforests, and an expansion in hereditarily adjusted nutrients. The travel industry is depicted as another subject of research and development in schools and universities, regardless of its relative youth; it has recently accumulated massive amounts of information (Parasuraman et al. 2007). In general terms the benefits of tourism include: Increased economic activity and revenues: Tourism drives economic growth by stimulating multiple sectors. Visitor spending on accommodation, food, transport, attractions, and souvenirs directly boosts the economy, creating jobs. In 2022, the travel and tourism sector contributed 7.6% to global GDP, marking a 22% increase from 2021 and a 23% decrease from 2019. Job creation: The hospitality industry, encompassing hotels, resorts, and similar accommodations, flourishes with the growth of tourism. An uptick in tourism leads to a heightened demand for lodging, prompting the development and establishment of new hotels. This surge in construction projects not only creates jobs but also propels economic growth. Accor World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), in 2022, the Travel and Tourism sector contributed to the creation of twenty-two million new jobs, marking a 7.9% increase from 2021. Stimulated local infrastructure improvements: Boosted local infrastructure development: The expansion of tourism often leads to a rise in travel, both domestically and internationally. This uptick in travel necessitates more efficient transportation networks, including airports, railways, roads, and public transportation systems. Investments in transportation infrastructure not only improve the mobility of tourists but also enhance overall connectivity within a country. This improved connectivity benefits all sectors of the economy, driving economic growth forward. Attract foreign investment in numerous ways. As a destination becomes more popular among tourists, it often attracts international hotel chains, investors, and developers who seek to capitalize on the potential profits. Foreign investment in tourism can lead to the development of new infrastructure, the improvement of existing facilities, and the creation of new attractions, which further boosts the economy. An example of international sustainable hotel chain investments in Albania, is Marriot Hotel which is one of the hotel chains approaching some green practices and an international sustainable hotel. 196 Tourism can play a crucial role in the preservation of cultural heritage. When a destination becomes popular among tourists, there is an increased emphasis on preserving the local traditions, historical sites, and cultural practices. This preservation helps communities maintain their identity while generating income through tourism. By recognizing the value of their cultural heritage, communities are motivated to protect and conserve it, ensuring its longevity for future generations. Benefits for Local communities can benefit from tourism growth through various means. Tourism activities offer income diversification for communities, reducing dependence on traditional industries. Communities can preserve their cultural heritage while providing unique experiences for tourists, generating income. Involving locals in decision-making ensures equitable benefits from tourism growth. Sustainable local products and destination development: catering to tourists with a greater appreciation of the environment and desire to connect with nature. Longer-stay visitors (including digital nomads): Tourism can boost the "green economy" by embracing longer-stay visitors, including digital nomads. Despite its scale, the sector's carbon emissions are relatively low, making it conducive to green economy goals. Figure no. 2 Benefits from green practices Environmental benefits • responsible farming practices and land use. • increases the quality of the air • fewer trees are cut • protect earth • Increased efficiency Economic benefits • • • • Cost savings Improved brand image Save money One can receive discounts and incentives for green living • improved guest experience Social and healthbenefits • Developing a positive reputation • reduces dependency on fossil fuels and other depleting resources • develop local comunity • Employee motivation Implementing green practices in businesses can yield financial benefits. Energy-saving measures, such as installing efficient lighting and digital thermostats, reduce costs significantly. Long-term investments like solar panels further cut energy expenses. Water conservation measures, like low-flow fixtures and towel reuse programs, also save money. Waste disposal can be costly and harmful to the environment, but hotels can reduce costs by recycling, donating leftover food, and supporting local non-profits. Embracing green practices also fosters positive relationships with local communities by using local products and supporting local businesses. Additionally, hotels can showcase their ethical stance by purchasing fair trade and organic products, symbolizing sustainability. IV. Challenges and Barriers Even though sustainable tourism practices are essential for preserving the environment and ensuring the well-being of local communities, there are some challenges in implementing them. 197  Lack of awareness: Numerous tourists are unaware of the environmental and social impacts of their travel choices. This lack of awareness makes it difficult to encourage sustainable travel practices. Government can advance, in turn, the business and destination transition by reducing barriers (e.g. information, resources) by promoting awareness around changing legislation and technology (e.g. renewable energy solutions, zero waste solutions), providing better access to skills (e.g. long-term planning, digital skills, practical skills for repair and repurpose) and implementing financing and funding to undertake green action (OECD, 2021).  Costs: Implementing sustainable practices can be challenging and costly for small businesses, making it hard to compete with larger companies. Hotels, in particular, face high initial costs and may lack awareness or face resistance from staff, guests, and suppliers. Complex regulations and the risk of greenwashing add to the difficulty. To succeed, hotels need a strategic approach, including audits, realistic goals, external guidance, and staff education. Promoting initiatives and seeking feedback is crucial. South Africa's Green Tourism Incentive Program, launched in 2017, supports small tourism businesses in adopting sustainable practices. Linked to national policies, it offers funding for energy-efficient operations, including assessments and solutions capped at ZAR 1 million (USD 54,553), helping businesses reduce costs and improve competitiveness.  Infrastructure: Sustainable tourism requires adequate infrastructure, such as public transportation, recycling facilities, and renewable energy sources. However, many destinations lack the necessary infrastructure to support sustainable tourism.  Regulations and Inadequate environmental guidelines. Regulations and policies are vital for promoting sustainable tourism, but many destinations lack them. Some national strategies lack green practices or financial support. Sustainable tourism manages resources effectively while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and culture. It can also boost income, especially in developing countries. Denmark's National Strategy for Sustainable Growth in Tourism includes initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability standards. A partnership of tourism organizations is coordinating efforts to achieve a 70% reduction in emissions by 2030.  Consumer behavior: The success of sustainable tourism practices depends on consumer behavior. Tourists must be willing to make sustainable choices, such as using public transportation, reducing waste, and supporting local businesses.  Lack of green supplier support. Environmental awareness and concern for providing environmentally friendly products and services have caused hoteliers to recognize that their personal decisions of production of goods and services have the power to affect environmental change. (Miller et al., 2012:396).  Limited knowledge. Many hospitality operators (hotels included) have a limited knowledge of their environmental carbon and other footprints, which is hampering their ability to implement effective environmental practices.  Tourism policies to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (mitigation) and prepare for climatic changes (adaptation) remain limited, and policy integration across tourism and climate change also needs to be strengthened. Policy is particularly lacking in transport, which is a core element of the tourism value chain and a key contributor to carbon emissions. 198 V. Best Practices and Success Stories: Air New Zealand has achieved great accomplishments in its efforts to become the lead in environmental sustainability of airline industry and its commitment to help the country in maintaining its international “clean and green” image. Its commitment effectively reduced carbon emissions by 15%, initiated using of biofuel for transportation on ground and investment in new models of fuel-efficient aircraft. To support New Zealand with its conservation projects of biodiversity, the airline also established the Air New Zealand Environment Trust (ANZET) to support biodiversity conservation projects in New Zealand, in partnership with other organizations and companies, encouraging donations from other potential resources and customers. For community and culture, Air New Zealand sponsors projects of environmental education to help kids understand the importance and to protect the cultural heritage of Māori. Cross Waters Ecolodge, situated 80 miles from bustling Guangzhou, aims to be China's premier eco-friendly lodge. Located within a 260 km2 forest reserve, it's home to over 5,000 Keija people, 30 km2 of bamboo, and 1,300 plant species. The lodge is the flagship project in a 10year ecotourism plan for Nankana Mountain reserve. Extensive research ensured minimal environmental and community impact during planning. Bamboo, a sustainable native plant, was heavily utilized in construction. Conservation was a priority, integrating harmoniously with the surroundings. Various research types were conducted throughout the seasons, with input from international bamboo experts, horticulturists, and ecologists from industry and academia. Analyzed the relationships between drainage, current agriculture activities, waters levels, and surrounding industries to ensure natural elements are undisturbed. Surveyed site with GIS and 3D analysis to find optimum construction location in relation to natural landscape. Consulted with local “Feng Shui” expert for metaphysical analysis of the project site and the “Chi” of the area. Constructing lodges with sustainable and green building materials. Constructed extensively with local bamboo and other building materials from areas such as clay tiles, marbles, and river rocks to minimize carbon emission. - 11 - Used recycled materials (tiles, railway ties) in construction process for sustainability. Built the lodge with earth-rammed walls made locally by Keija people for authenticity to area and environmental purposes. Furnished rooms with local bamboo products (sheets, towels, furniture, etc.). Respecting other surrounding natural elements. Introduced zero exotic plant species in the construction of the seven gardens at the lodge to protect integrity of local plants. Harvested bamboo is used in construction at a sustainable rate to ensure balance between growth and usage. Community Consulting and working with the local Keija community. Held community meetings prior to start of the project to assess project impact and seek opinion from villages. Worked with village leaders and council members in a democratic process for design approvals. Applied input from locals and traditional design elements in the landscape architectural design. Used traditional construction methods taught by local Keija minority group. § Hired local artists to sketch designs and create scaled models with materials on-site. Commerce Providing local commercial opportunities at all stages of development Hired locals to help plan and design the project. Recruited Keija workers for construction using traditional methods. Sourced furniture and linen locally, supporting nearby industries. Attracted investments in surrounding developments, creating more commercial opportunities. Emphasized local food procurement for the ecolodge. 199 Cross Waters Ecolodge sets a benchmark for sustainable buildings and ecotourism. It was the largest bamboo-built commercial project at the time. EDSA Inc., the planners, received an Honor Award from ASLA Feynman Ecolodge, operated by Eco Hotels and owned by the Jordanian Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), is Jordan's first and only true ecolodge. Situated in the Dana Biosphere Reserve, it aims to promote local socio-economic development while preserving the environment. The reserve, covering over 320 square kilometers, boasts diverse wildlife and landscapes across four different biogeographical zones. With over 800 plant species and 449 animal species, including endangered ones like the sand cat and Syrian wolf, it's also recognized as an Important Bird Area by Birdlife International. To conserve energy, the lodge maximizes solar power, exclusively using photovoltaic panels with storage capacity for three days of electricity. The Dana Biosphere Reserve, designated as an Important Bird Area by Birdlife International, is known for its conservation efforts. Feynman Ecolodge, located within the reserve, maximizes solar energy use with photovoltaic panels and low-energy lighting. It uses minimal electricity, with daily consumption lower than a typical two-bedroom apartment in Amman. The lodge airdries laundry, heats water with solar energy, and sources water from a nearby spring, using aerators to reduce consumption. For heating, it burns olive pit charcoal on limited evenings, recycling biodegradable waste into fertilizer on-site. Waste sent to landfill has decreased by 60% since 2009. Feynman Ecolodge directly supports conservation in the Dana Reserve by allocating a portion of its revenue to fund habitat protection and conservation programs. The lodge promotes community engagement by hiring local staff, sourcing food and supplies locally, and providing employment opportunities for women through candle making and leather workshops. Transportation is provided by local Bedouin drivers, creating additional income for their families. Emphasizing Bedouin culture, the lodge offers activities like bread baking and cultural exchanges, providing guests with an authentic local experience. Eco Hotels has created a sustainable and culturally immersive escape at Feynman Ecolodge, setting a model for future ecotourism developments in the Middle East. Frigate Island Private (FIP), established in 1998 as an eco-resort, focuses on sustainable tourism and conservation. Originally depleted by plantation activities, FIP has since restored 70-80% of its vegetation through systematic management. Conservation efforts include partnerships with organizations like the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and Birdlife International to protect giant Aldabra tortoises, sea turtles, and bird species. FIP promotes energy efficiency with solar power and rainwater collection, while supporting the local community by employing Seychellois staff and promoting organic farming. Despite having no permanent population, FIP contributes to social initiatives in Seychelles, emphasizing conservation across energy, habitat, water, and socio-economic realms. VI. Conclusions: 1. Tourism is a significant global industry that contributes to economic growth and development, generating wealth and employment opportunities. 2. The concept of sustainability in tourism emerged from the need to balance economic, sociocultural, and environmental dimensions to ensure long-term viability. 200 3. Sustainable tourism involves adopting practices that minimize adverse impacts on the natural, historical, cultural, and social environment while maximizing economic and social benefits. 4. The hospitality industry, including hotels, plays a crucial role in sustainable tourism by implementing sustainable practices and preserving the surrounding environment. 5. Green innovation and sustainability in the hospitality sector have promising economic influences, contributing to the foundation of new markets and opportunities. 6. Tourism can bring numerous benefits, including increased economic activity and revenues, job creation, improved local infrastructure, foreign investment, preservation of cultural heritage, and empowerment of local communities. 7. Tourism can contribute to the development of the green economy by promoting environmentally friendly practices and catering to the growing demand for sustainable products and experiences. 8. Achieving the objectives of the green economy is a target for the tourism sector, as it has limited effects on the environment compared to other industries. 9.Implementing sustainable tourism practices faces challenges related to awareness, costs, infrastructure, regulations, consumer behavior, supplier support, limited knowledge, and policy integration. 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Bu sebeple dans ve hareket terapisi bireyin kendisini sözsüz olarak da ifade edebilmesi için güçlü bir araç olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Uluslararası alanda dans ve hareket terapisi farklı yaş aralığında olan ve farklı psikiyatrik hastalık tanısı almış bireyler üzerinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca literatür incelemesi yapıldığında sağlıklı bireylerin de günlük hayatta karşılaştıkları olumsuz duygularla baş edebilmek için dans ve hareket terapisine başvurduğu bildirilmektedir. Ancak ülkemizde dans ve hareket terapisinin sıklıkla kullanılan bir yöntem olmadığı ifade edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu derleme kapsamında dans ve hareket terapisi konusunun ulusal anlamda güncel tutulması ve konuyla ilgili psikiyatri hemşireliği alanından örneklere yer verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dans ve Hareket Terapisi, Psikiyatri Hemşireliği, Sanat Terapisi. ABSTRACT Dance and movement therapy, which is a special field of art therapy; It is a therapeutic method that includes creativity and expressionism. When the historical process is examined, dance; In all societies, it has played an important role in the integration of the individual's body, emotions and thoughts. For this reason, dance and movement therapy is considered a powerful tool for the individual to express himself/herself non-verbally. Internationally, dance and movement therapy is frequently used on individuals of different ages and diagnosed with different psychiatric diseases. Additionally, when the literature is reviewed, it is reported that healthy individuals also resort to dance and movement therapy to cope with the negative emotions they encounter in daily life. However, it is stated that dance and movement therapy is not a frequently used method in our country. In this context, within the scope of this review, 204 it is aimed to keep the subject of dance and movement therapy up to date nationally and to include examples from the field of psychiatric nursing on the subject. Keywords: Art Therapy, Dance and Movement Therapy, Psychiatric Nursing. GİRİŞ Dans ve hareket terapisi, özellikle uluslararası alanda psikiyatri hemşireleri tarafından sıklıkla kullanılan bir sanat terapisi yöntemidir. Sanat terapilerinin temelinde dışavurumcu ve yaratıcı sürecin olduğu belirtilmektedir. Beden ve yaratıcı sürecin ilişkisinin birbirinden ayrılamaz bir bütün olarak değerlendirilmesi sebebiyle dans ve hareket terapisi anlam kazanmaktadır. Ayrıca tarihsel süreç boyunca dansın ruhsal sorunlar üzerinde olumlu etkilerinin olduğunun bildirilmesi de konunun önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Beden-ruh bütünlüğünü ve sosyal iletişimi geliştiren dans ve hareket terapisi; birçok farklı alanda, sağlıklı ve hasta bireyler ile uzman terapistler tarafından birebir veya grup seansları şeklinde gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda dans ve hareket terapisinin geniş bir kitleye uygulanabildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Ayrıca yaratıcılık ve dışavurumcu davranışları birlikte ele alması, gevşeme egzersizleri gibi teknikleri terapötik süreç içerisinde yürütmesi gibi özellikleri sebebiyle dans ve hareket terapisinin diğer terapi türlerinden farklılık gösterdiği de vurgulanmaktadır. Bu bilgilere dayalı olarak dans ve hareket terapisinin psikiyatri hemşireliğinde kullanımının; bireyin grup seansı içerisinde sosyalleşmesi, benlik saygısını arttırması, beden ile iletişimini güçlendirmesi açısından olumlu katkıları olacağı düşünülmektedir. Sanat Terapisi İngiltere’de İkinci Dünya Savaşı döneminde iyileştirme ve rehabilite edici bir hareket olarak ortaya çıkan sanat terapisi kavramı ilk kez 1942 yılında Adrian Hill tarafından kullanılmış ve ilerleyen süreçte sözel terapiye cevap vermeyen bireylerin dışavurumu olarak ele alınmıştır (Yurtsever, 2014). Amerikan Sanat Terapi Topluluğu (AATA) ( tarafından sanat terapisi; yaratıcı süreç, psikolojik teori ve bireylerin deneyimini içeren psikoterapötik bir ilişki içinde, bireylerin, ailelerin ve toplumların hayatlarını zenginleştiren bütünleyici bir ruhsal sağlık alanı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Sanat terapisi; resim, müzik, şiir, hareket ve dans gibi sanatsal uygulamaların kullanıldığı terapötik bir sağaltım aracıdır (Shostak ve ark., 1985). Travmatik deneyimler sonucunda ortaya çıkan çatışmaları çözümlemek, bedensel ve ruhsal sorunlar ile baş edebilmek, pozitif yönde gelişim sağlamak amacıyla kullanılan sanat terapisi (Geue ve ark., 2010), en etkili dışavurumcu yöntem olarak ifade edilmektedir. Temel unsurlarından biri yaratıcı süreç olan sanat terapisi, bireyin kendi potansiyeline ilişkin farkındalığının artmasına yardımcı olmakta ve sanat terapi yaratıcı sürecin iyileştirici gücü üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır (Case ve Dalley, 2014). Yaratıcılık; bireyin algı, duygu, anı, imge ve arzularını kapsayıp iç dünyasının zenginliğini gösteren bir olgudur. Aynı zamanda yaratıcı 205 süreç; bireyde otomatik olarak gelişen doğal bir dürtü olup psikolojik açıdan sağlıklı olmanın bir belirtisi olarak da ele alınmaktadır (Garcia ve ark., 2018). Bu nedenle sanat terapinin müzik, dans, resim ve hareket gibi birçok sanat alanıyla entegre edilerek kullanılması mümkündür. Bir sağaltım yöntemi olan sanat terapisi, bireyin kendisini tanımasına ve özgün bir şekilde kendini ifade etmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bütün yaş gruplarına uygulanabilen sanat terapisi aracılığıyla yok sayılan ya da inkâr edilen duygular; dışavurumcu yöntemler ile ortaya çıkarılabilmektedir (Syper ve ark., 2023). Bu özelliğiyle sanat terapisi; bireyin içgörü kazanmasına, zorlayıcı deneyimlerinin görünür olmasına ve çatışmalarının çözümlenmesine yardımcı olmaktadır. Aynı zamanda sanat terapisi ile bireyin kendisini yeniden keşfedebildiği ve davranışlarını yönetme becerisi edinebildiği de vurgulanmaktadır. Çünkü sanat hem terapötik ilişkiyi güçlendirmekte hem de bilinç ve bilinç dışı süreçler arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlamaktadır (Demir ve Yıldırım, 2017). Türkiye’deki Sanat Psikoterapileri Derneği (2019)’ne göre Sanat Psikoterapisi; sözlü iletişim becerisi zayıf olan, otizm sprektrum bozukluğu, mental retarde veya davranım bozukluğu olan, şizofreni gibi psikotik bozukluğu olan, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu olan, kanser veya kronik ağrı gibi fiziksel hastalığı olan veya kişilik bozukluğu olan bireyler üzerinde bir uzman tarafından sanat materyalleri aracılığıyla terapötik olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Sanat Psikoterapileri Derneği (2019) tarafından yapılan bu kapsam ile sanat terapisinin eğitim, sağlık ve rehabilitasyon gibi birçok farklı alanda uygulanabilir olduğu da görülmektedir. Temelinde yaratıcı ve dışavurumcu süreçleri barındıran sanat terapi yöntemlerinden biri de dans ve hareket terapisidir. Dans ve Hareket Terapisi Dans, belirli bir mekân ve zamanda oluşturulmuş özgürlük hissini ortaya çıkaran ve böylece özgüveni geliştiren bir beden hareketi biçimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (Duberg et al., 2016). İlk çağlardan bu yana sosyal bir iletişim aracı olarak kullanılan dans, uyku ve beslenme kadar önemsenmiştir. İlkel toplumlar; güçsüzlük ile baş edebilmek, kaygı düzeyini kontrol etmek ve doğayla başa çıkmak için dans ve benzeri hareketlerde bulunmuşlardır. Eski Türklerde Şaman, Kam, şifacı veya tedavici denilen kişiler müzik ve dansı, hastalara şifa olmak, toplumun refahını sağlamak gibi dua, dilek ve temennileri tanrıya ulaştırmak için inançla ilgili unsurları oyunlaştırma aracı olarak kullanmışlardır (Çolakoğlu, 2019). Eski Türklerde müzik ve dansla tedavi önemli rol oynamış olup, sosyo-kültürel ve spritüel bir amaca dönüşmüştür. Bu bağlamda dans gibi beden hareketlerinin "terapötik" bir araç olarak kullanılma durumunun dansın kendisi kadar eski olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Dansın, bireyin yaşadığı olumsuz olayları bilişsel olarak kavrayabilmesine ve üstesinden gelebilmesine, fiziksel benliğini hissetmesine, sorunları analiz etmesine, günlük yaşamında karşılaştığı sorunlara çözümler bulmasına ve beden imajını, benlik saygısını geliştirmesine katkıda bulunduğu görülmektedir (Çatay, 2013). Dansın terapötik amaçlar için psikiyatri alanında ilk defa kullanımı ise 1940’lı senelerde II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Amerikalı dansçı ve öncü dans terapisti Marian Chace’in şizofreni 206 hastalarıyla olan çalışmalarıyla başlamıştır (Çolakoğlu, 2019). Chace Yaklaşımı ile ritmik beden hareketleri, sembolizm ve empatik yansımalar (aynalama) gibi müdahalelerle bireyin dışavurum gücü ve iletişim becerisi desteklenmektedir. Yine bu yaklaşımda "Chacian Halkası" olarak adlandırılan dairesel yapı içinde her bir katılımcının bedeninde şekillenen hareketler, terapistin liderliğinde yoğunlaştırılıp geliştirilerek altında yatan duygusal tema açığa çıkarılmaktadır (Çatay, 2013). Dansın ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerinin keşfedilmesi dans terapisi uygulamalarının desteklenmesine, psikoloji alanında çalışmalar yapılmasına ve toplulukların oluşturulmasına yol açmıştır. Bu doğrultuda 1966 yılında Amerika’da ilk kez Amerikan Dans Terapisi Derneği (American Dance Therapy Association, ADTA) kurulmuştur. Amerikan Dans Terapisi Derneği (ADTA) (2018) tarafından “bireyin duygusal, sosyal, kognitif ve fiziksel entegrasyonunu kolaylaştıran hareketin psikoterapötik kullanımı” şeklinde tanımlanan dans/hareket terapisinde hareketler bir etkileşim ve değişim aracı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Beden-ruh bütünlüğünü ve sosyal iletişimi geliştiren dans ve hareket terapisi; birebir seans ya da grup terapisi şeklinde, sağlıktan eğitime birçok farklı alanda, sağlıklı ve hasta bireyler ile uzman terapistler tarafından gerçekleştirilebilmektedir (ADTA, 2018). Zihin, beden, duygu, yaratıcılık ve maneviyatı bütünleştirmesi, terapötik süreç içerisine gevşeme, nefes alma ve imajinasyon tekniklerini dahil etmesi, dokunma, yansıtma (aynalama), eşzamanlılık ve vücut empatisinin kullanımı gibi özellikleri sebebiyle dans ve hareket terapisi diğer terapi türlerinden ayrılmaktadır (Altan Sarıkaya ve ark., 2017). Dans ve hareket terapisi; bireyin hareketlerinin derinlemesine gözlenmesi ve iç dinamikleri ile ilişkilendirilmesine dayanmaktadır (Altan Sarıkaya ve ark., 2017). Dolayısıyla hareket ve anlam arasında doğrudan bir ilişki yorumu yapılabilmektedir. Yani dans ve hareket terapisinde ortaya konulan eylem hem müdahale hem de değerlendirme aracı olarak kullanılabilmektedir (Altan Sarıkaya ve ark., 2017). Dans ve hareket terapisi bireyin grup seansı içerisinde sosyalleşmesini, kendi bedeni ile iletişiminin gelişmesini ve benlik saygısının arttırılmasını da sağlamaktadır (Çatay, 2013). Ayrıca dans ve hareket terapisinin müzik ile yönetilmesi hatta katılımcıların kendi müziklerini seçmeleri terapi sürecine pozitif katkıda bulunmaktadır (Valentine Eugenia, 2016). Psikiyatri Hemşireliğinde Dans ve Hareket Terapisi Dans ve hareket terapisinde amaç bireyi bulunduğu işlev durumundan daha iyi bir düzeye getirebilmek olduğu için tüm yaş gruplarında yalnızca tedavi amaçlı değil, sağlığın geliştirilmesi, ruhsal sorunların iyileştirilmesi, zihin-beden bütünlüğünün sağlanması amacıyla duyguların ifade edilmesi yönünden bir fırsat olarak kullanılmaktadır. Literatüre göre duygu durum bozuklukları, şizofreni, yeme bozuklukları ve anksiyete bozukluklarının yanı sıra, otistik çocuklar, yaşlı hastalar, öğrenme güçlüğü olan çocuklar, cinsel ve fiziksel tacize uğrayanlar, travma kurbanları ve bağımlı bireyler ile dans ve hareket terapisinin uygulanabildiği görülmektedir (Bryl ve ark., 2020; Syper ve ark., 2023; Wu ve ark., 2022;). 207 Ruh sağlığı alanında dansın kullanımı, dansla bireyin kendini ifade edebilme becerisi ve beden bütünlüğü düşüncesine dayanmaktadır (Bilge ve Öğce, 2008). Dans esnasında bedensel etkileşimle insan düşüncelerinin değişebileceği ve böylece ruh sağlığı gelişimine olanak sağlayacağı varsayılmaktadır. Dans, insanın sorunlarıyla baş etmede kendi kaynaklarını açığa çıkaran bir güçtür ve bu güçten yararlanmalarında hemşireler; hastaların farkındalığını ve cesaretini arttırmada yardım edebilecek önemli bir sağlık profesyoneli olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hemşirelik girişimi olarak dans, bireysel ve grup seansı şeklinde yürütülebileceği gibi bir sosyal aktivite olarak da düzenlenebilmekte ve bu resmi olmayan ortamlar insanların birbirleriyle rahat iletişim kurmaları için imkân oluşturabilmektedir. Konuyla ilgili yapılan uluslararası çalışmalar incelendiğinde karma yöntemli randomize kontrollü bir çalışmada şizofreni tanısı almış bireylerde dans ve hareket terapisinin psikososyal işlevselliği arttırma ve negatif belirtilerin şiddetini azaltma açısından yararlı olabileceği ifade edilmektedir (Bryl ve ark., 2020). Demans tanısı almış bireylerin dahil edildiği bir başka çalışmada da ritmik dans hareketlerinin hastalığın prognozu ve kortizol seviyesi üzerinde pozitif yönde bir değişime neden olduğu saptanmıştır (Ho ve ark., 2015). Wu ve ark. (2022) tarafından yapılan bir sistematik derlemede ise nörodejeneratif hastalıklar üzerinde motor fonksiyon, bilişsel açıdan iyi oluş ve yaşam kalitesine dans ve hareket terapisinin olumlu etkiler sağladığı ancak konuyla ilgili kanıtların yetersiz olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Syper ve ark. (2023) tarafından gerçekleştirilen bir başka çalışmada yeme bozukluğu olan bireylere yönelik dans ve hareket terapisinin etkinliğinin fenomenolojik yaklaşımla belirlenmesi amaçlanmış ve çalışma sonucunda katılımcılar tarafından dans ve hareket terapisinin etkinliğine yönelik zihin-beden bağlantısında iyileşme, duygusal farkındalık ve özsaygı gibi faydalar bildirilmiştir. Millman ve ark. (2023) tarafından çevrimiçi ortamda dans ve hareket terapisi uygulanmış ve çalışma sonucunda dans ve hareket terapisinin depersonalizasyon-derealizasyon bozukluğuna ilişkin bedensel ayrılma semptomlarının azaltılmasında tamamlayıcı bir yaklaşım olabileceği ifade edilmiştir. Anksiyete bozukluğu olan çocukların dahil edildiği bir başka çalışmada çocuklara uygulanan dans ve hareket terapisinin de çocuğun deneyimlerini keşfetmesine, kendisini yeni bir şekilde anlamasına ve anlam yaratmasına olanak tanıdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır (Nardi ve ark., 2022). Yaşları 5-29 arasında değişen down sendromlu çocuklarla yürütülen bir başka çalışma sonucunda dans ve hareket terapisinin grup içi dengeyi iyileştirmeye yardımcı olduğu tespit edilmiştir (Takahashi ve ark., 2023). Ülkemizde ise Doğan ve Akel (2021) tarafından 6-14 yaş arasındaki disleksili çocuklarla gerçekleştirilen vaka raporunda dansın dışavurumcu bir motor performans olması ve vakalarda görülen olumlu etkisi dikkate alındığında dans ve hareket terapisinin disleksili çocukların tedavi seanslarına eklenmesinin faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bunlara ek olarak ilgili literatürde sağlıklı ve psikiyatrik tanı almayan bireylerde yapılan dans ve hareket terapisinin; depresyon, kaygı, beden imajı, bireyin kendini 208 olumlu şekilde kabulü ve anksiyete düzeyi gibi değişkenler üzerinde olumlu yönde değişimlere neden olduğu da belirtilmektedir (Altan Sarıkaya ve ark., 2017). SONUÇ Resim, müzik, şiir, hareket ve dans gibi sanatsal uygulamaların gerçekleştirildiği terapötik bir sağaltım aracı olan sanat terapisi; bireylerin ruhsal sorunlarıyla baş edebilmesi için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Sanat terapi içinde yer alan dans ve hareket terapisi, yaratıcı ve dışavurumcu süreci içinde barındıran bir terapi yöntemi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Tarih boyunca dans ve hareket etme; bireyin yaşadığı olumsuz olayları bilişsel olarak kavrayabilmesini ve ruhsal sorunlarıyla baş edebilmesini sağlamış ve benlik saygısını geliştirmesine ve sosyalleşmesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Literatür incelemesi yapıldığında özellikle uluslararası alanda son on yıldır dans ve hareket terapisinin tüm yaş gruplarında olmak üzere duygu durum bozuklukları, şizofreni, yeme bozuklukları ve anksiyete bozuklukları, otistik çocuklar, yaşlı hastalar, öğrenme güçlüğü olan çocuklar, cinsel ve fiziksel tacize uğrayanlar, travma kurbanları ve bağımlı bireyler için güncel bir yaklaşım olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak ülkemizde ise dans ve hareket terapisinin çok sık tercih edilen bir yöntem olmadığı belirtilmektedir. Bu bağlamda psikiyatri hemşirelerinin dans ve hareket terapisine yönelik uzmanlık eğitimi almaları gerektiği, böylece hemşirelik bakımını daha kaliteli ve nitelikli bir şekilde uygulayabilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca hastaların beden-ruh bütünlüğünü ve sosyal etkileşimini geliştirmesi açısından dans ve hareket terapisinin terapötik iletişim sürecine katkı sağlayacağı da düşünülmektedir. KAYNAKLAR Altan Sarıkaya, N., Ayhan, C.H., & Sukut, Ö. (2017). Farklı gruplarda dans ve hareket terapisinin kullanımı ve etkileri. GOP Taksim EAH JAREN, 3, 1-5. doi: 10.5222/jaren.2017.1001 American Art Therapy Association (AATA). (2018). About art therapy. Erişim tarihi: 22.01.20214. Erişim adresi: American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA). (2018). What is dance/movement therapy? Erişim tarihi: 22.01.2024. Erişim adresi: Bilge, A., & Öğce, F. (2008). Dansın beden ve ruh sağlığı açısından önemi. Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi, 1(2), 123-134. Bryl, K., Bradt, J., Cechnicki, A., Fisher, K., Sossin, K. M., & Goodill, S. (2020). The role of dance/movement therapy in the treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia: a mixed methods pilot study. Journal of Mental Health, 31(5), 613-623. Case, C., & Dalley, T. (2014). The handbook of art therapy. Routledge. Çatay, Z. (2013). Bedenin bilincini harekete geçiren bir yöntem olarak dans /hareket terapisi. Sanat Psikoterapileri Derneği. Çolakoğlu, A.B. (2019). Dans ve hareket terapisi alanının Türk halk oyunları bölümleri bünyesinde kullanımına ilişkin bir öneri. 2. Uluslararası Müzik Araştırmaları Öğrenci Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi. 209 Demir, V., & Yıldırım, B. (2017). Sanatla terapi programının üniversite sınavına hazırlanan öğrencilerin depresyon, anksiyete ve stres belirti düzeylerine etkililiği. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 18(1), 311-344. Doğan, F. Z., & Akel, B. S. (2021). Disleksili çocuklarda dans hareket terapisinin praksis üzerindeki etkisi; vaka serisi çalışması. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 9(1), 41-48. Duberg, A., Möller, M., & Sunvisson, H. (2016). “I feel free”: experiences of a dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing, 11(1), 31946. doi: 10.3402/qhw.v11.31946 Garcia, M.E., Plevin, M., & Macagno, P. (2018). Yaratıcı hareket ve dans. Ed: Z. Çatay, Çev: E. Salman. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları. 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Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 975711. Yurtsever, P. A. (2014). Sanat psikodrama. İstanbul: Okuyanus. 210 YABANCILARA TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE TÜRKÜLERDEN YARARLANMA (MAARİF DERS KİTAPLARI A1 VE A2 ÖRNEĞİNDE) USING FOLK SONGS IN TEACHING TURKISH TO FOREIGNERS (MAARIF DERS KİTAPLARI A1 VE A2 EXAMPLE) Dr. Oğuz KILINÇ Türkiye Maarif Vakfı ORCID ID: ÖZET Yabancılara Türkçe öğretimine yönelik çalışmalar giderek artmaktadır. Bu çalışmalardan birisi de “Diller İçin Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni” esasında düzenlenmiş olan Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretim Programı’dır Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları bu programa göre düzenlenmiştir. Kitap içeriğinde alanla ilgili pek çok yeni yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan birisi de ünitedeki öğrenmeleri destekleyici türkü etkinlikleridir. Her ünitede yer alan bu etkinlik belli kazanımlara yöneliktir. Bunun için Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları Lise A1 ve A2 seviyede hangi türkülere, ne şekilde ve hangi kazanımlara yönelik yer verildiği incelenecektir. Bu sayede Türkçe öğretiminde bu yöntemin etkili olup olmadığı tartışılacaktır. Araştırmada nitel yöntem kullanılacak ve Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitabı setlerinden Lise A1 ve A2 kitapları bu yönüyle incelenecektir. Araştırmada her ünite için en az bir türkü etkinliğine yer verildiği, bu türkülerin ünite konularına göre belirlendiği görülmüştür. Türkülerde Türkçe dil yapıları öğretilmeye, seviyeye uygun söz varlığı kazandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bazı Türküler orijinallerinden esinlenerek özel olarak oluşturulmuş türkülerdir. Türkülerin dil öğretiminde araç olarak kullanılması öğrenciler için konuları ilgi çekici bir hale getirmektedir. Geleneksel türkülerden etkilenip onun müziği eşliğinde yeni türkü oluşturmak öğretici olmakla birlikte orijinalliği bozan durumlardır. Türkülerin etkinlik olarak kullanılması öğrencilerin söz varlığını geliştirici, dil yapılarını kavratıcı bir rol oynamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dil Yapıları, Etkinlik, Türkü, Yabancı Dil. ABSTRACT Turkish to foreigners are increasing. Studies on teaching One of these studies is the Turkish Curriculum for Teaching. Maarif Turkçe Ders Kitapları are arranged according to this program. Many new methods related to the field have been used in the content of the book. One of these is the Folk Song activities that support the learning in the unit. This activity, included in each unit, is aimed at certain achievements. For this purpose, it will be examined which folk songs are given in what way and which achievements are included in the High School A1 and A2 levels Maarif Turkish Course Books. In this way, it will be discussed whether this method is effective in teaching Turkish. In the article, qualitative method will be used and "High School A1 and A2" books from Maarif Turkish Course Book sets will be examined. In the research, it was seen that at least one Folk Song activity was included for each unit, and these Folk Songs were determined according to the unit topics. Efforts have 211 been made to teach Turkish language structures in folk songs and to provide vocabulary appropriate to the level. It has been determined that some folk songs are specially created folk songs inspired by the originals. Using folk songs as a tool in language teaching makes the subjects interesting for students. Although it is instructive to be influenced by traditional folk songs and use their music, they spoil the originality of the folk song. Using folk songs as an activity plays a role in improving students' vocabulary and understanding language structures. Key Words: Language Structures, Activity, Folk Song, Foreign Language. GİRİŞ Dil, sistemler bütünüdür ve insanlar arasında iletişimi sağlayan en gelişmiş araçtır. Sausure dilin toplumlar tarafından benimsenen zorunlu bir uzlaşı aracı olduğunu ifade eder (Saussure, F., 1998, s. 38). Dilin toplumsal ve bireysel yönü olduğunu vurgulayan araştırmacılar ana dili konu edinmişlerdir. Ana dil, kişinin doğup büyüdüğü çevrede konuşulan, ailesinden öğrendiği dildir. Korkmaz (1992, s. 8)‚ insanın doğup büyüdüğü aile ve soyca bağlı bulunduğu toplum çevresinden öğrendiği, bilinçaltına inen ve kişilerle toplum arasındaki ilişkilerde en güçlü bağı oluşturan dil olarak tanımlamaktadır. Demircan (1990, s.14), kişinin çevresiyle olan iletişiminde elde ettiği verilerin işlenmesi ve bunun sonucunda yaşamının ilk yıllarında edindiği dil olarak ana dili tanımlamaktadır. Her ülke kendi eğitim sistemi içerisinde ana dil öğretimine yer vermekte, ana dilin etkili ve doğru kullanımı konusunda öğrencileri teşvik etmektedir. Bununla birlikte gelişen dünya düzeni içerisinde bazı diller öne çıkmış, ortak iletişim unsuru hâline gelmiştir. Bu dilleri öğrenmek bazı durumlarda zorunluluk hâlini almıştır. Kişinin kendi ana dili dışında öğrenmiş olduğu diğer diller yabancı dil öğrenimi olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Demircan (1990, s. 8) yabancı dili, kişinin ana dilinden sonra öğrendiği diller olarak tanımlar ve bu öğrenme işinin bilinçli yapıldığını belirtir. Her toplum kendi kültürünü tanıtmak, uzak ve yakın dış politikadaki hedeflerine ulaşmak maksadıyla kendi dilinin öğretilmesi hususunda faaliyetlerde bulunmaktadır. Türkçenin yabancı dil olarak öğretilmesi konusunda da pek çok çalışma yapılmaktadır. Dünyada en çok konuşulan diller arasında yer alan Türkçenin de yabancı dil olarak öğretilmesi amacıyla hem devlet eliyle hem de şahsi girişimlerle pek çok faaliyet yürütülmektedir. Türkiye Maarif Vakfı, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı gibi vakıflar, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı okullar ve üniversitelerin TÖMER’leri başta olmak üzere pek çok kurum yurtdışında yabancılara Türkçe Öğretim faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Özellikle Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ve TÖMER’ler yurt içinde ve yurt dışında hem örgün hem de yaygın eğitim şeklinde yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretim faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir. Dil öğretimi konusunda yaşanan gelişmeler eğitim teknolojilerinin gelişmesi yeni yaklaşımlarla materyallerin oluşturulmasını, belli bir sistem içerisinde düzenlenmesini gerekli hâle getirmiştir. Avrupa Birliği tarafından yürütülen çalışmalar, yabancı dil yeterliliklerinin tanımlanması, seviye gruplarının oluşturulması hem program hem de materyal konusunda düzenlemeleri gerekli kılmıştır. Bu amaçla Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretim Programı oluşturulmuştur. Diller İçin Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni (CEFR, 2001, 2018) esas alınarak geliştirilen Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi Programı; örgün ve yaygın eğitim kapsamında Türkçe öğretim faaliyetlerinin her aşaması için gerekli olan ana çerçeve niteliğindedir. Bu program çerçevesinde oluşturulan Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitap setleri alandaki ihtiyacı karşılamaya yönelik önemli bir adım olmuştur. Kitap setleri; okul öncesi, ilkokul, ortaokul, lise ders kitapları ve çalışma kitaplarından oluşmaktadır. Kitaplarda dil öğretimi, hayatla içi 212 içe, işlevselliğe dönük, iletişimsel becerilerin vurgulandığı yeni yaklaşımlar çerçevesinde okuma, dinleme, konuşma, yazma becerilerine dönük etkinliklerle gerçekleştirilmektedir. Türk kültürünü öne çıkaran pek çok unsura yer verilmiştir (Hacivat, Karagöz, Nasreddin Hoca, Keloğlan, TRT bölümü, Proje vs.). Bunlardan birisi de her ünite için düzenlenmiş olan türkü etkinliğidir. Türküler, Türk kültürünü yansıtması yönüyle ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. Türkü sözcüğü, “Türk Küyi- Türk Küyü” ifadesinden ses düşmesiyle “Türkiy” ve sonra “Türkü” haline gelmiştir. “Türkü” ifadesi “Türk Ezgisi” anlamındadır (Çobanoğlu, 2010). Bu ismin dışında diğer Türk topluluklarında “Ir-Yır-Jır-Cır, Koşuk-Koşak, Mahnı” sözcükleri de kullanılmaktadır. Türküler, Türklerin hayat felsefesi, düşünce tarzını, inanç sistemini ve bunlar gibi pek çok kültürel özelliği yansıtma potansiyeline sahiptir. Anonim olmaları onları toplumun genelinin malı olduklarının ifadesidir (Kamiloğlu, 2016). Çalışmada yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde türkülerden faydalanma konusunda Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları Lise A1 ve A2 kitaplarında yer alan türküler ve bunların kullanılış amaçlarının ortaya konulması, hangi türkülerin nasıl kullanıldığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Kitaplarda kullanılan türküler, orijinal ya da bunların ünite konularına uyarlanmış hâlleridir. Bu yönüyle yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde genelde dinleme anlama becerisine yönelik etkinliklerde kullanılan türkü ve şarkılar dil bilgisi öğretimi, Program temelinde belirlenmiş iletişimsel işlevlerin kazandırılması gibi yönlerden sistemli bir şekilde kitaplarda yer almıştır. Kitapların yeni yayınlanmış kitap olmaları ve daha önce bu kitaplarda yer alan türkülere yönelik çalışmaların yapılmamış olması sebebiyle çalışma ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. YÖNTEM Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Doküman analizi esasında Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları A1 ve A2’de yer alan türküler ünite ünite belirlenmiştir. Bulgular kısmında A1’den ve A2’den ilk beş ünitede verilen türkülere yer verilmiş, sonuç bölümünde her ünitede yer alan türkü etkinlikleri tablo halinde gösterilmiştir. Bu türkülerin yer aldığı üniteler için Program’da belirtilen kazanımlar gözden geçirilmiş, türkülerin hangi kazanımları sağlamada kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. BULGULAR 1. Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları (Lise) A1’de Kullanılan Türküler: 1.1. Birinci Ünite: Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları A1 birinci ünitesi “Tanışalım” şeklindedir. Ünitede “Merhaba” ve “Nerelisin?” başlıkları altında iki türkü etkinliğine yer verilmiştir. “Merhaba” türküsünün sözleri: “Arkadaşlar, hepinize/ Merhaba, merhaba, merhaba/Hoş geldiniz dilimize/ Hoş bulduk, hoş bulduk/Hoş geldiniz Türkçemize/Hoş bulduk, hoş bulduk, hoş bulduk/ Hep beraber haydi söyle/Nasılsın, nasılsın, nasılsın/İyiyim ben iyiyim/Sen nasılsın, nasılsın, nasılsın/Öğretmenim hepinize/Merhaba, merhaba, merhaba…” Türküde “Merhaba, Nasılsın? Hoş geldin, Hoş bulduk, İyiyim, Sen nasılsın?” gibi selamlaşma ve vedalaşma kalıplarına yer verilmiştir. Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi Programı’nda yer alan ve A1 birinci ünite için belirlenmiş olan kazanımlardan “Selamlaşma, konuşma, vedalaşma gibi temel kalıp ifadeleri tanır” kazanımına yönelik hazırlanmış bir türkü olduğu görülmektedir. “Türkü zamanı” başlığı altında verilen bu türkü orijinal bir türkü olmayıp tamamen üniteye dönük uydurulmuş bir türküdür. 213 “Nerelisin” türküsünün sözleri: “Nerelisin, nerelisin?/Kosovalı, Gürcistanlı/Nerelisin, nerelisin?/Kamerunlu, Pakistanlı/Tanışalım, kaynaşalım/Görüşelim, anlaşalım/Sen orada ben burada/Hep birlikte yaşayalım…” Bu türküde de dil bilgisi yapılarından “-lı/-li” ekinin ülke bildirme işlevi verilmeye ve yine temel tanışma kalıpları kazandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. 1.2. İkinci Ünite: İkinci ünite, “Okuldayız” başlığını taşımaktadır. Bu ünitede iki türküye yer verilmiştir. Türkülerin adları: “Ne var ne yok” ve “Sınıfın Bölümleri” şeklindedir. “Ne var, ne yok?” türküsünün sözleri: Sınıfta ne var ne yok?/Sınıfta ne var ne yok?/Kalem, kitap, defter var/Kalem, kitap defter var/Sıra, masa nerede?/Burada, şurada, orada/ Burada, şurada, orada…” Program’da ikinci ünitenin kazanımları arasında “Çevresindeki nesnelerin adını tanır” kazanımı yer almaktadır. “Ne var, ne yok?” türküsü daha çok bu kazanımla ilgilidir. Yine ünitede yer alan sınıf eşyaları söz varlığının kazandırılmasına ve dil bilgisi konusu olarak işaret zamirlerinin kullanılmasına da hizmet etmektedir. “Sınıfın Bölümleri” türküsünün sözleri: Bu okulda kaç kat var?/Nerede bu sınıflar?/Üç katlı okulumuz/Her katta sınıflar var/Kaçıncı katta kantin var?/ Neden boş sınıflar?/İkinci katta kantin var/ Bahçede tüm çocuklar… Bu türkü aracılığıyla sıralama ve mekân bildirme kazanımının verilmesinin amaçlandığı görülmektedir. 1.3. Üçüncü Ünite: Üçüncü ünitenin başlığı “Ailem ve Evim”dir. Bu ünitede “Benim Ailem” ve “Benim Evim” adlı iki türküye yer verilmiştir. “Benim Ailem” türküsünün sözleri: Annem, babam, kardeşim/Yaylalar yaylalar/Hepsi ailem benim/Dilo dilo yaylalar/Dedem, ninem salonda/Yaylalar, yaylalar/Mışıl mışıl uyuyor/Dilo dilo yaylalar…” “Benim Evim” türküsünün sözleri: Ocak fırın mutfakta/Çatal kaşık dolapta/Buzdolabı arkada şşşt şşt/Bardak, tabak masada/Kanepe sehpa salonda/Tablolar var duvarda/Tencere yok burada şşt şşt/Onun yeri mutfakta/Bahçe çitler arasında/Çiçek ağaç yanında/Kedi köpek orada şşt şşt/Saksılar da balkonda… Üçüncü ünitede yer alan türkülerle Program’da belirlenen “Temel akrabalık adlarını belirler, Konum bildiren basit ifadeleri kullanır” kazanımlarının verilmesinde araç olarak kullanıldığı, ünitede belirtilen “iyelik ekleri, bulunma hâli, soru ifadeleri (Ne?, Nerede?, Nereye?, Nereden? Kim?, Kimin?)” dil bilgisi konularının işlevsel yolla türküler aracılığıyla verilmeye çalışıldığı görülmektedir. 1.4. Dördüncü Ünite: Dördüncü ünitenin başlığı “Bir Günüm”dür. Bu ünitede “Kızılcıklar Oldu mu?” ve “Leblebi Koydum Tasa” adlı iki türkü yer almaktadır. “Kızılcıklar Oldu mu?” türküsünün sözleri: Ben yedide kalkarım/Kahvaltımı ederim/Sen ne zaman kalkarsın?/ Kahvaltını edersin/Elbisemi giyerim/Yatağımı toplarım/ Çantamı hazırlarım/ Okuluma hazırım/Evimden çıkarım/ Okuluma giderim/ Derslerimi dinlerim/Notlarımı alırım… 214 “Leblebi Koydum Tasa” türküsünün sözleri: Haftada var yedi gün (gız annem)/Pazartesi sabahtan (gız annem)/Önce spor yaparım (gız annem)/Sonra kitap okurum (gız annem)/Hop ninnayı ninnayı (gız annem)/Gel oynayı oynayı (gız annem) Salı öğleden sonra (gız annem)/Balık tutarım yüzerim (gız annem)/Çarşamba akşamları (gız annem)/Kitap okurum yazarım (gız annem)…” Birinci ve ikinci türkünün Program’da dördüncü ünite için belirlenmiş olan “Basit metinlerde olayların oluş sırasını belirler/Günlük rutinleri anlatır/Hobi, ilgi alanlarını anlatır” kazanımlarının verilmesinde araç olarak kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Ünite için belirlenmiş “Geniş zaman, Zarflar (önce, sonra), -dan önce/sonra” gibi dil bilgisi konularının işlevsel yolla sezdirilmeye çalışıldığı görülmektedir. 1.5. Ünite Beşinci ünitenin başlığı “Şehir Gezisi” dir. Ünitede “Müze Geziyorum” ve “Şehir Gezisi” adlı iki türküye yer verilmiştir. “Müze Geziyorum” türküsünün sözleri: Bugün gezi günüdür/Gel beraber gidelim/Haydi hep birlikte/Müzeleri gezelim/Lay lay lay lay lay/Gezi kaçta başlıyor?/Kaça kadar sürüyor?/Hangi araç gidiyor?/Ahmet nasıl geliyor?/Lay lay lay lay lay/Rahatsız ediyorum/Bir bilet istiyorum/Teşekkür ediyorum/Gezmeyi seviyorum/Lay lay lay lay lay…” “Müze Geziyorum” türküsünün Program’da beşinci ünite için belirtilmiş olan “Konum bildiren basit ifadeleri tanır, Günlük hayata ilişkin basit bilgilendirme içeren diyalogları kullanır” gibi kazanımların verilmesinde ve üniteyle ilgili söz varlığının kazandırılmasında araç olarak kullanıldığı görülmektedir. “Şehir Gezisi” türküsünün sözleri: “Şehir şehir geze geze oo oo/Otobüsle tren ile/Burası hangi sokak/Orası en son durak offf/Sabah akşam şehirde oo oo/Geziyorum müze müze/Önce sağa sonra sola/Yürüyorum geze geze off/Önce vapur denizyolu oo oo/Sonra tren demiryolu/Bağlanıyor İstanbul’a/Hava yolu kara yolu off…” Şehir Gezisi türküsünün Program’da belirtilen “Ulaşıma ve ulaşım araçlarına ilişkin temel bilgileri seçer” kazanımının verilmesinde araç olarak kullanıldığı görülmektedir. 2. Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları (Lise) A2’de Kullanılan Türküler: 2.1. Birinci Ünite: Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları A2’nin birinci ünitesi “Tatil Dönüşü” başlığını taşımaktadır. Ünitede türkü etkinliğine yer verilmemiş bunun yerine Tevfik Fikret’in “Şermin’in Alfabesi” adlı şiiri verilmiştir. Şiir etkinliği de türküde olduğu gibi ünite için Program’da belirlenmiş olan kazanımların verilmesinde araç olarak kullanıldığı görülmektedir. “Şermin’in Alfabesi” adlı şiir şu şekildedir: “Alfabeni oku yavrum/İşte hemen başlıyorum: a, b, c, ç, d, e, f, g, yumuşak g, h, ı, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, ş, t, u, ü, v, y, z/ Hangi harfler ünlüdür? a, e, ı, i, o, ö, u, ü/Kalanlar da ünsüzdür/Ünlüler kalın ve ince, düz, geniş, dar ve yuvarlak; ünsüzleri sorarsan sert ve yumuşak…” 2.2. İkinci Ünite: İkinci ünite, “Haftasonu Planın Ne?” başlığını taşımaktadır. Ünitede “Seher Vakti Çıktı Yola” adlı mani tarzı bir türküye yer verilmiştir. “Seher Vakti Çıktı Yola” türküsünün sözleri: “Seher vakti çıktık yola/Selam verdik sağa sola/Ramazan-ı şerifiniz de mübarek ola/Kalbiniz nur ile dola/ Yeni cami direk ister/Söylemeye yürek ister/Benim karnım toktur ama/Arkadaşım börek ister…” 215 Program’da belirtilen “Yol, yön ve adres tarifi içeren ifadeleri anlar” kazanımına yönelik kullanılabileceği ve ikinci ünitenin iletişimsel işlevsel kısmında belirtilen “kutlama, tebrik etme” işlevine örnek olarak Ramazan kutlamasının gösterildiği görülmektedir. Öğreticilik yönü ağır basmayan bu türkünün eğlence amaçlı bir etkinlik olarak da ünitede yer aldığı söylenebilir. 2. 3. Üçüncü Ünite: Üçüncü ünite “Bir Günüm” başlığını taşımaktadır. Ünitede “Türkmen Kızı” ve “Karanfil Deste Gider” adlı iki türküye yer verilmiştir. Bu türküler orijinal halk türküleridir. “Türkmen Kızı” türküsünün sözleri: “Türkmen kızı Türkmen kızı/Türkmen kızı Türkmen kızı/Yayık yayar Türkmen kızı/Yayık yayar Türkmen kızı/ Sen allar giy ben kırmızı/Çıkalım dağlar başına/Sen gül topla ben nergisi/Aman Ayşe’m yaman Ayşe’m/Dağlar başı duman Ayşe’m/ Türkmen kızı Türkmen kızı/Türkmen kızı Türkmen kızı/İnek sağar Türkmen kızı/İnek sağar Türkmen kızı…” “Karanfil Deste Gider” türküsünün sözleri: “Karanfil deste gider/Hah hah hah nanay/ Kokusu dosta gider/Benim gönlümde sensin/ Senin gönlünde kimler/Hah hah hah nanay/ Nanay, nanay/Nanay ellerin yari/Çürük bellerin bağı/Gün olur devran döner/Ben de sararım yari/Nanay, nanay, nanay, nanay...” Ünitede yer alan türkülerin Program’da üçüncü ünitenin iletişimsel işlevleri için belirtilmiş olan “Karşılaştırma” kazanımıyla ilgili oldukları görülmektedir. Aynı zamanda orijinal halk türküleri olması sebebiyle kültürel paylaşım ve tanıtım anlamında da türkülere yer verildiği anlaşılmaktadır. 2.4. Dördüncü Ünite: Dördüncü ünite “Şimdi Haberler” başlığını taşımaktadır. Ünitede “Divane Aşık Gibi” adlı türküye yer verilmiştir. Bu türkü de orijinal hâliyle ünitede yer almaktadır. “Divane Aşık Gibi” türküsünün sözleri: “Divane aşık gibi de/Dolanırım yollarda/Kız senin sebebine/Kaldım İstanbul'larda/Baban beni babamdan da/Bir kerecik istesin/Allah'ın emri ile/Gelinim olsun desin/Sar beline beline de/Karadeniz kuşağı/E kız sen de der misin/Alsam ha bu uşağı/Yüksek dağın kuşuyum da/Selviye konacağım/İste beni babamdan/Vermezse kaçacağım…” Ünitede yer alan türkünün öğretici amacı geri plandadır. Öğrencilerin dinleme anlama becerilerine yönelik, eğlendirici bir etkinlik olarak düşünülmüştür. Aynı zamanda kültürel bir doku olan “aşk, sevgi, evlilik, kız isteme, kız kaçırma” gibi konulara yer verilmesi nedeniyle konuşma becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde de kullanılabilecek özelliktedir. 2.5. Beşinci Ünite: Beşinci ünite, “Dedemin Mesleği Bana Göre Mi?” başlığını taşımaktadır. Ünitede “Hadi Gari Sen de Gel” türküsüne yer verilmiştir. Türkü orijinal hâliyle üniyede yer almıştır. “Hadi Gari Sen de Gel” türküsünün sözleri: “Yaylalardan ovalara/A yârim in de gel/Yayan değil kıratına/A yârim bin de gel/Anan geldi baban geldi/Dayın geldi halan geldi/Davul zurna çalan geldi/Hadi gari sen de gel/Uzaklardan amcan geldi/Bastonuyla deden geldi/Komşu köyden teyzen geldi/Hadi gari sen de gel…” Türkünün beşinci ünite için Program’da belirtilen “Akrabalık adlarını tanır” kazanımına yönelik olduğu görülmektedir. Ünitede belirtilen iletişimsel işlevlerden “karşılaştırma” işlevini örneklendirecek örneklerler de türküde yer almaktadır. 216 SONUÇ Türkülerin yabancı dil olarak Türkçenin öğretiminde ne şekilde kullanıldığı, hangi türkülere yer verildiği, türkülerin Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretim Programı’nda yer alan hangi kazanımlara yönelik kullanıldığı Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları (Lise) A1 ve A2 örneklemi üzerinden incelenmiştir. Maaarif Türkçe Ders Kitabı A1’de on ünite için toplamda yirmi türküye yer verildiği görülmüştür. A1’de yer alan ünite ve türküler şu şekildedir: Ünite Türkü Ünite Türkü 1. Tanışalım 1. Merhaba 6. Çarşı Pazar 1. Tiridine Bandım 2. Nerelisin? 2. Afiyet Olsun Zühtü 2. Okuldayız 3. Ailem ve Evim 4. Bir Günüm 5. Şehir Gezisi 7. Bugün Nasıl? 2. Okulun Bölümleri 1. Ne Var, Ne Yok? 1. Benim Ailem Hava 1. Mevsimler 8. Geçmiş Olsun 2. Dört Mevsim 1. Geçmiş Olsun 2. Benim Evim 2. Geçmiş Olsun 1. Kızılcıklar Oldu 9. Davetlisiniz mu? 1. Bugün Benim Doğum Günüm 2. Leblebi Koydum Tasa 2. Tebrikler 1. Müze Geziyorum 2. Şehir Gezisi 10. Tatil Planım 1. Ayaş Yolları 2. Dalları Bastı Kiraz A1’de yer alan türküler Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi Programı’nda yer alan her ünite için ayrı ayrı okuma, dinleme, yazma, konuşma becerilerine yönelik kazanımlar dikkate alınarak hazırlanmış, orijinal türkülerin ezgilerinin kullanıldığı uyarlama türkülerdir. Yer aldıkları ünitenin konusuna uygun, dil bilgisi kazanımlarına yönelik bu türküler söz varlığı yönünden de üniteyele paralellik göstermektedir. 217 Maaarif Türkçe Ders Kitabı A2’de birinci, altıncı ve yedinci üniteler için türkü etkinliğine yer verilmemiştir. Bu ünitelerde şiirlere yer verilmiştir. Geriye kalan yedi ünitede dokuz türküye yer verilmiştir. A2’de yer alan ünite ve türküler şu şekildedir: Ünite Türkü Ünite 1. Tatil Dönüşü 1. Şiir: Şermin’in Alfabesi (Tevfik Fikret) 6. Hayat Güzel Türkü Birlikte 1. Şiir: Yaşamak Ne Güzel Şey (Nâzım Hikmet) 2. Hafta Sonu 1. Seher Vakti Çıktı Planın Ne? Yola 7. İletişim Araçları 1. Şiir: İletişim Araçları (Müfit Aksakal) 3. Bir Günüm 8. Spor Yapıyorum Sağlıklı Besleniyorum 1. Zeytin Yağlı Yiyemem Aman 9. Bir Hikâyem Var 1. Ne Ağlarsın Benim Zülfü Siyahım 1. Türkmen Kızı 2. Karanfil Gider 4. Şimdi Haberler Deste 1. Divane Aşık Gibi 2. Ben Bir Garip Keloğlanım 5. Dedemin Mesleği Bana Göre mi? 1. Hadi Gari Sen de 10. Gezi-Yorum Gel 1. Tren Gelir Hoş Gelir A2’de yer alan türküler Program kazanımları çerçevesinde düşünüldüğünde öğreticilik yanı geri planda olan türkülerdir. Bu türküler uyarlama değil orijinal türküler oldukları için daha çok dinleme anlamaya yönelik çeşitli etkinlikler yardımıyla öğreticiliği arttırılabilecek türkülerdir. Bu ünitede yer alan türkülerin kültürel paylaşım yönü ön plandadır. Türklere ait türkülerin tanıtımı yönüyle önemlidir. Sonuç olarak Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitapları A1 ve A2’de alanla ilgili pek çok yeni yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan birisi de ünitedeki öğrenmeleri destekleyici Türkü etkinlikleridir. Her ünitede yer alan bu etkinlik belli kazanımlara yöneliktir. Genel anlamda Maarif Türkçe Ders Kitaplarında türkülerin eğitici, öğretici, kültürel tanıtımı sağlayıcı, dinleme becerilerini geliştirici, dil bilgisi kurallarını öğretici ve tekrar edici, söz varlığını geliştirici yönleriyle kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. KAYNAKÇA Avrupa Konseyi. (2009). Diller için Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni: (Çev. MEB Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı). T.C. MEB Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı Yayınları: Ankara. (Conseil de l’Europe, (2001) Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Les Éditions Didier: Paris). CEFR (2018). Common european framework of reference for languages: learnıng, teachıng, assessment companıon volume with new descrıptors, Council of Europe. Demircan, Ömer (1990). Yabancı Dil Öğretim Yöntemleri, Ekin Eğitim-Yayıncılık ve Dağıtım, İstanbul 218 KamТloğlu, R. (2016). Türk Halk MüzТğТndekТ TürkülerТn Bazılarında Geçen TasavvufТ Temalar, İnönü Korkmaz, Zeynep (1992), Gramer Terimleri Sözlüğü, TDK Yayınları 575, Ankara Saussure, F. de. (1998). Genel dilbilim dersleri. (B. Vardar, Cev.). Vardar, Ġstanbul: Multilingual. (Orijinal çalıĢma basım tarihi 1916.) Türkdil, Y., Işık, Ş. & Arzupınar, R. vd. (2023) Maarif Türkçe A2. İstanbul: Erkam Yay. Türkdil, Y., Işık, Ş. & Arzupınar, R. vd. (2023) Maarif Türkçe A1. İstanbul: Erkam Yay. Türkiye Maarif Vakfı (2021). Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretim programı. İstanbul. Üniversitesi Kültür ve Sanat Dergisi, 2: 43-51 219 AN ANALYSIS OF WOMEN’S POLICIES OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN TURKEY THROUGH THEIR PARTY PROGRAMS Assist. Prof. Duygu ÖZTÜRK İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, ABSTRACT This study examines women's policies of political parties in Turkey. With the democratic backsliding, especially in the last decade, there have been serious setbacks in human rights, gender equality and women's rights. In 2021, Turkey officially withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, after which the debate on the abolition of Law No. 6284 on combating domestic violence intensified and women's participation in social life, from education to business life, declined significantly. While these developments are taking place, the women's policies of political parties, which are the main actors in policy-making processes, are of particular importance. This study analyzes the policies of Turkish political parties on gender equality and women's rights through their party programs. The study includes the Justice and Development Party (JDP), which has been in power since 2001, the Republican People's Party (RPP), which has been the main opposition party since 2001 and the Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP), which conducts ethnic politics but also receives support from non-Kurdish individuals who have adopted leftist ideology. Content and discourse analyses are conducted on the party programs of those three political parties. The main research questions are under which headings and within what framework women's policies are evaluated, whether there is a gender equality perspective in parties’ programs, what kind of similarities and differences exist between the parties in their policies on gender equality and women's rights, and to what extent the policies on women carry a gender equality perspective. It is seen that there are some similarities and significant differences among policies of these three parties. Although all three parties seem to adopt a discourse in support of women's rights, they differ from each other in the frameworks within which their discourse is framed. While JDP does not adopt a gender equality perspective in its policies for women, RPP does to some extent. PDP explicitly states adoption of gender equality perspective and addresses women’s issues by criticizing patriarchal system. Keywords: Political parties, gender equality, gender policies, women’s policies, Turkey. 220 INTRODUCTION Political parties, as the primary actors of politics, play crucial role in shaping policies that affect different segments of the society. Women, too, as a major segment of societies are affected by those policies. In Turkey, women’s rights and gender equality have been a significant focus of political discourse and policy making. Since the establishment of Republic, significant reforms were introduced for women’s rights, to empower women. However, while these policies guaranteed various rights of women including education, work, civil, and political rights, they did not hold the ultimate aim of realizing gender equality. In other words, these policies did not aim to challenge the patriarchal structure while empowering women. Scholars interpret this situation as emancipating women but not liberating them (Kandiyoti 1987; Toprak 1990; Arat 2000). The first decade of the 2000s can be considered as the second period with intense legal amendments for women’s rights and equality between men and women (Aldıkaçtı Marshall, 2013). However, those regulations did not continue and in the last decade, significant setbacks in women’s rights and gender equality happened. There are various studies that analyze legal amendments and developments in Turkey regarding gender equality and women’s rights. However, there are few studies in the literature that analyze political parties’ women policies and their discourses (Altuntaş and Demirkanoğlu 2017; Arslan 2019; Terkan 2010). This study aims to contribute filling this gap by analyzing women policies of political parties through their party programs. The study includes the Justice and Development Party (JDP), which has been in power since 2001, the Republican People's Party (RPP), which has been the main opposition party since 2001 and the Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP), which conducts ethnic politics but also receives support from non-Kurdish individuals who have adopted leftist ideology. Content and discourse analyses are conducted on the party programs of those three political parties. Party programs are analyzed to answer questions such as whether parties’ have a gender equality perspective in their policies for women, what are the main issues they address and what are the policies they state to implement. In the conclusion part, parties are compared with regards to their women policies and discourses to present similarities and differences between them. 221 RESEARCH AND FINDINGS Justice and Development Party (JDP) In the 120-page program of the Justice and Development Party (JDP), the word ‘woman’ is mentioned only 17 times. The concept of gender (sex) (cinsiyet) is used three times while there is no reference to the concept of gender equality. Similarly, the phrase ‘equality between man and woman’ is not used in the program. Only with this information, it can be easily said that the party has policies regarding women issues however, these policies lack a gender equality perspective. The concept of ‘gender’ is used in broader context to emphasize that the party follows antidiscriminatory policies. In this regard, it is stated that the party embraces all citizens regardless of gender, ethnic origin, beliefs, and world views (JDP party program, p. 7). In a similar vein, it is expressed that the party “embraces all citizens of the Republic of Turkey as first-class citizens regardless of religion, language, sect, region, ethnic origin and gender” (JDP party program, p. 115). The concept of gender is lastly used to emphasize that the JDP pays attention to equality of opportunities and equal pay at workplaces. It is expressed in the program that “gender discrimination in working life will be prevented, equal pay for equal work and the principle of merit will be made dominant in work life” (JDP party program, p. 87). The JDP explained its policies about women and women’s issues in two pages under the heading of ‘Woman’ which is under the subtitle of ‘Social Policies.’ In addition to this particular heading, women and girls are emphasized under other headings when it was necessary. JDP’s policies for women lack gender equality perspective. The program shows that there are policies to raise women out of their current state, but these policies are not framed with gender equality perspective. Moreover, there is no emphasis for equality between men and women. Instead, the program underscored the priority of motherhood and family for women. It is stated in the first sentence under the heading of ‘Woman,’ that women not only constitute half of the society, but above all, they are primarily effective in the upbringing of healthy generations (JDP party program, p. 88). This mission and responsibility of women are expressed as the main reasons for JDP to deal with all kinds of women’s issues and problems. Thus, even if there are policies to deal with women’s issues, these policies do not aim to reach gender equality or equality between men and women. These policies aim to deal with women’s issues with the emphasis on the priority of motherhood and family for women. 222 JDP mainly express “encouraging” and “supporting” women to raise their conditions. It is seen that the party does not have a particular women policy to enclose its policies in different fields for women. In this regard, for instance, the party aims to take all necessary measures to encourage women’s participation in public life generations (JDP party program, p. 88). It also aims to support women’s political participation. It aims to encourage women to become members of the JDP and to play active role in politics (JDP party program, p. 88). Moreover, the JDP aims to support women’s non-governmental organizations and to cooperate with these organizations when legal arrangements about women are made (JDP party program, p. 88). As seen, policies about women are stated in ambiguous sentences which do not emphasize the goal of equality. Gender-based violence is one of the issues highlighted by the JDP under the heading of woman. Prevention of violence against women, the sexual and the economic exploitation of women are stated among the issues prioritized by the JDP (JDP party program, p. 88). Honor killings and women’s suicides are also addressed in the program. However, like other women’s issues, neither are they considered as related to gender inequality and strong patriarchal culture within the society. Thus, superficial attitude is adopted to stop honor killings and the alleged women suicides. The JDP plans to eliminate honor killings and the alleged ‘suicides’ through education and preventive activities which would be carried out in the regions where they are common (JDP party program, p. 88). Domestic violence is also addressed within the party program of the JDP. The party emphasized that it plans to take measures to prevent domestic violence, make legislative arrangements to protect women and children from domestic violence and establish centers to protect victims of domestic violence (JDP party program, p. 90). Even though, the policy of opening centers to protect victims of domestic violence was stated, the concept of women’s shelter is not used to refer to these centers. Girls access to education and girls’ schooling continue to be among the most important issues of gender inequality in Turkey. JDP touched upon this issue in its program. It emphasized that policies would be implemented to increase the enrollment rate of girls, obstacles to girls’ education would be removed and efforts would be made to raise awareness of their families. In this regard, JDP’s policies for girls’ education can be evaluated to be in line with Turkish state’s general policy of increasing girls’ schooling. However, regarding education of girls living in rural areas, the JDP underscored that education projects would be developed in accordance with the conditions of the regions they live in (JDP party program, p. 88). Since no further explanation is provided, it is not clear what is meant with the conditions of the regions and projects suitable for these conditions. Rural areas where girls’ schooling is lower than the average have strong patriarchal ties and cultures. Thus, policies compatible with 223 those conditions can be evaluated as policies that do not challenge patriarchal norms and culture, and do not aim bringing equality between men and women. The last issue that is mentioned in the party program of the JDP is women’s participation to labor market and the unpaid domestic labor. The program states that the discriminatory provisions against women in the legislation would be eliminated (JDP party program, p. 89). It is also emphasized that women who lack financial support or are subjected to violence would be protected (JDP party program, p. 89). However, no specific policy about how those women would be protected is explained. Unpaid domestic labor of women is also underscored. JDP stated that efforts would be made to provide social security for housewives. Moreover, it is expressed that employment opportunities for women would be created by preserving the dignity of domestic labor (JDP party program, p. 89). JDP plans to make improvements in the working and social security conditions of women by taking into account their family and responsibilities (JDP party program, p. 89). This is to say, JDP sees domestic care giving and the raising of the child as the primary responsibility of the woman. It does not show any intention to challenge the gendered division of domestic labor. Republican People’s Party When compared to party program of the JDP and Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), the program of the Republican People’s Party (RPP) is prepared in a more detailed way including particular policies and projects. The RPP has the longest party program. In the 350-page party program, the word “woman” is mentioned 83 times. The word “gender” is used seven times, “gender equality” is mentioned two times and similarly “equality between man and woman” is used two times. A very superficial evaluation based on this data would be that when compared to JDP, RPP gave more place to women in its party program. Furthermore, because of usage of concepts of gender and gender equality, it can be argued that the RPP has a different framing for its women’s policies. In the first part of the program where the priorities of the RPP are explained, liberation of women through education and culture is emphasized as one of the priorities of the RPP (RPP Party Program, p. 20). Gender equality is also expressed as one of the priorities of the party. It is stated that the party prioritized a society where women have equal rights and opportunities with men in governance, politics, working life, education, law, universal rights and freedoms and in all other areas, and live freely, free from all kinds of social and physical pressure (RPP Party Program, p. 23). Along with clear expression of gender equality as a priority of the party, the goal is set as reaching Turkey where women and men are equal in every field (RPP Party Program, p. 52). 224 Secularim is one of the mostly emphasized concepts of the RPP’s program. The party makes a link between secularism and gender equality. It is stated that secularism as a fundamental prerequisite of gender equality. Moreover, secularism is stated not only as a prerequisite of gender equality but also as a guarantee for human rights, modernity, and modernization (RPP Party Program, p. 16). As related, the RPP sees the women’s issues as issues of democracy, human rights and education (RPP Party Program, p. 52). RPP also emphasized the importance of education to reach equality between men and women. It is expressed in the program that the RPP would make conclusive efforts in education and culture to liberate women, to free them from environmental pressure and feudal structures (RPP Party Program, p. 52). As education is seen as an utmost tool for gender equality, the RPP states policies to increase girls’ schooling. In this regard, for instance, the RPP expresses that the deficiencies in the registration of girls in rural areas would be eliminated; centers would be established to increase vocational training opportunities of women; evening and summer schools would be expanded to enable girls and women who have dropped off compulsory primary education to complete their education; and public education centers would be expanded so that women of all ages could continue their education (RPP Party Program, p. 53). RPP gives a large place to eliminating domestic and gender-based violence in its party program. The party defines violence against women as a violation of human rights and one of the biggest shames that Turkey needs to get rid of (RPP Party Program, p. 54). It is stressed out that women are often vulnerable to domestic and gender-based violence because they are not adequately informed about the legal remedies they can pursue (RPP Party Program, p. 54). The RPP states that it aims to make a national action plan for combating violence against women (RPP Party Program, p. 54). A decisive struggle is mentioned to eliminate violence against women. The party states that necessary amendments would be made to the Turkish Penal Code to ensure the severest punishment for honor killings (RPP Party Program, p. 54). An importance tool in the fight against gender-based violence is women shelters to protect and rehabilitate women who have been survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. In this regard, the RPP mentions that more women shelters would be opened in accordance with need. In addition to providing safe sheltering, free counseling, those shelters would provide psychological support and legal assistance (RPP Party Program, p. 55). The party also emphasized the importance of education to eliminate gender-based violence. In this regard, it stated that increasing awareness of youth about equality between men and women and preventing domestic violence would be included in the curricula of schools (RPP Party Program, p. 55, 56). RPP emphasized in its program the importance of legal framework to realize equality between men and women. In this regard, it is stated that laws that contain discriminatory practices 225 against women would be amended (RPP Party Program, p. 56). The party also underscores that it supports positive discrimination to create equal opportunities to support gender equality (RPP Party Program, p. 56). Necessary regulations would be made at constitutional, legal, and other legislative levels to impose the obligation on the state to make necessary adjustments, including the enactment of an Equality Framework Law (RPP Party Program, p. 56). Moreover, the program expresses establishment of a Women’s Equality Commission within the Grand National Assembly to ensure that all laws passed would be evaluated from gender equality perspective (RPP Party Program, p. 56). Women’s participation to decision making and other professions are drawn attention. In this regard, the RPP aimed to increase representation of women in decision making mechanisms in public administration, judiciary, administration, and economic management, and to encourage women to run for elections through the RPP (RPP Party Program, p. 57). In order to support women’s economic empowerment, the party introduced particular policies in the program. It is stressed in the program that a National Employment Strategy in line with the EU would be implemented and a long-term National Women’s Employment Policy would be developed through collaboration with employers, workers, and other relevant civil society organization (RPP Party Program, p. 57). The RPP gave place to working mothers and aimed to diminish their child and elderly care responsibilities. In this regard, it is stated that the party targets expanding childcare facilities at workplaces (RPP Party Program, p. 57). Moreover, it is emphasized that sufficient daycare centers and kindergartens would be established through the direct responsibility of the public, as well as the leadership of local governments and contributions from voluntary organizations (RPP Party Program, p. 299). Along with broad policy fields, the RPP expresses particular policies to support women. The party states expanding credit facilities to support women entrepreneurs (RPP Party Program, p. 58); and supporting women in starting their businesses with particular credits ((RPP Party Program, p. 283); increasing the wages paid during maternity leave (RPP Party Program, p. 58); improving the quality of health services related to women’s and mother-child health (RPP Party Program, p. 58) and conducting continuous health screenings for children and women ((RPP Party Program, p. 323). Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) Peoples’ Democratic Party’s program is the shortest among the three party programs. It differs from the other two programs in the sense that it mainly makes criticism of the patriarchal and the capitalist system. The word “woman” is mentioned 39 times, the word 226 “gender” is mentioned four times and ‘sexist’ is mentioned eight times in the party program. There is a subtitle for women policies, but women’s issues and the party’s main policy for women is expressed throughout the program. Different than the programs of JDP and RPP, PDP states its policies regarding LGBTQ individuals under a separate subtitle. PDP’s program includes general policies about women, but it is weak in terms of presenting actual activity plans. The program, which is shared online on the website of the party (, mainly focuses on the criticism of the existing ‘capitalist imperialist system’ and declares the ideal society it aims to reach. The goal of the party is stated as reaching a free and democratic country where there is no poverty and misery; justice, equality and freedom come to life; all problems are freely discussed; no one hides their religious and ethnic identity and such identities are not imposed on anyone by force; which is at peace with its history and all its neighbors and where every individual and organization that opposes all forms of discrimination and exploitation on labor, ethnic and religious identities, women, sexual orientation and gender identity, environment and natural resources can come together to establish their own democratic government (PDP Party Program). Different than JDP and RPP, PDP criticizes the patriarchal system. It rejects reinforcement of the patriarchal system under the name of ‘morality’ and adds that no one can be excluded or oppressed because of their gender, sexual orientation, identity, religion, or language. PDP states that it aims to make gender equality and the approach of ecological society dominant in local dministration. It argues that it is possible to put into practice the democratic local administration which comes to life with the principle of positive discrimination for women and guarantees women's equal participation, prioritizes the needs of women in the planning of all local public services. PDP points out importance of ‘Women Assemblies’ for women’s direct participation to local politics. These assemblies promote formation of genderequal policies at local levels. PDP underscores women labor both paid and unpaid in its program. It states that the party supports women workers’ struggle against unequal conditions in production process and it struggles for women to gain social rights for the unpaid domestic work. The party states that it fights against the double exploitation on women’s labor, and it is in solidarity with women’s movement in their fight against this exploitation. Like JDP and RPP, PDP also emphasizes the importance of education though from a different point of view. PDP supports restructuring of education to eliminate all kinds of discrimination and struggles for a nonsexist qualified education for everybody. 227 One of the major differences in PDP’s program is the emphasis on women organizations’ struggle against patriarchal system. The party openly states its support for women’s liberation struggle and expresses that it stands with women against exploitation and suppression of the patriarchal system. Similar to RPP, PDP adopts the principle of positive discrimination until de facto and real equality between men and women is reached. The party also stresses that it adopts this policy in intra-party organization and makes necessary regulations. The last but not the least, PDP lastly draws attention to women’s right to control over their bodies and the right to abortion. It states that PDP is against state’s control over women’s body and sexuality, and it sees abortion as a women’s right. With regards to gender-based violence, and in particular sexual violence the PDP emphasizes that the it accepts the principle of ‘women’s testimony is essential in the recognition and investigation of sexual violence against women.’ CONCLUSION This study examined women policies of Turkish political parties with a special focus on the Justice and Development Party (JDP), the Republican People’s Party (RPP), and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP). Content and discourse analyses are conducted on those party’s programs. The research showed that while there are some similarities between the JDP and the RPP, and between the RPP and the PDP, significant differences exist between them. First of all, women policies of the RPP are not framed within gender equality perspective. Although the JDP states policies to empower women and improve women’s rights and conditions, it refrains from concepts of gender equality and equality between men and women. Morever, the JDP mentions gendered division of labor by emphasizing the priority of motherhood and family for women. On the other hand, both the RPP and the PDP overtly express that they support gender equality and introduces policies to realize it. The RPP states several times the aim of reaching equality between men and women and expresses certain policies in different fields for how to achieve gender equality. However, it does not state any criticism about patriarchy and patriarchal norms and values. In this regard, the PDP draws a diverging policy from both political parties. The party program clearly expresses that the PDP is against patriarchal culture and structure in Turkey and it is supporting women’s fight against patriarchy. However, the party does not state particular policy implementations about how to reach gender equality. 228 REFERENCES Aldıkaçtı Marshall, G. (2013). Shaping gender policy in Turkey: Grassroots women activists, the European Union, and the Turkish state. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Altuntaş, N. and Demirkanoğlu, Y. (2017). Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin kadına ilişkin söylem ve politikalarına bakış: Muhafazakar demokratlıktan muhafazakarlığa doğru evrilişin izdüşümleri. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 8(1), 65-96. Arat, Y. (2000). From emancipation to liberation: The changing role of women in Turkey’s public realm. Journal of International Affairs, 54 (1), 107-123. Arslan, E. (2019). Siyasi partilerde cinsiyetin izini sürmek: AKP, CHP, MHP, ve HDP örnekleri. Fe Dergi, 11(1), 59-76. 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Astrolojinin medyada sahip olduğu bu yer ve geniş kitleler tarafından büyük bir ilgi ile takip edilmesinin ardında yatan neden ise, astrolojik tahminlerin ve yorumlamaların herkese hitap etmesi, belirsiz ve genelleştirilebilir olması özelliği sayesinde Barnum Etkisi ile açıklanmaktadır. Barnum Etkisi, kişinin genel ve soyut ifadeleri kendine özgü olarak algılaması ve bu ifadelerin kendi karakteristik özelliklerine uygun olduğunu düşünmesi eğilimidir. Başka bir deyişle, Barnum Etkisi, insanların genel ifadeleri şahsi ve özel olarak kabul etme eğilimini ifade eder. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, Bertram Forer’in yapmış olduğu bilimsel çalışmalar sayesinde Forer Etkisi olarak da bilinen Barnum Etkisi Teorisi’nin, bilimsel bir temeli olup olmadığı sıkça tartışılan ve medyada yer alan astroloji ve astrolojik okumaya nasıl yansıdığına odaklanmaktadır. Forer tarafından geliştirilen ve temeli bir magazin dergisinde yer alan astroloji köşesindeki sorulara dayanan 13 soruluk Tanısal İlgi Alanı Testi, çalışmanın ölçeği olarak kullanılmıştır. 34 ön lisans öğrencisine uygulanan ilgili soruların Forer’in yönteminde olduğu gibi kişilere özel olarak hazırlandığı söylenmiştir ve sonuçlar SPSS 27.V ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Çıkan sonuçlara göre, tercihlerine yönelik hazırlanan soru dışında kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında anlamlı bir farklılık sonucu bulunmamıştır. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Sorulara verilen cevaplar gösteriyor ki, medyada yer alan astrolojik içerikler kişilere ya da burçlara özelmiş gibi sunulsa da genel geçer ifadeler nedeniyle her katılımcıya hitap eder niteliktedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Barnum Etkisi, Forer Etkisi, Astroloji, Medya İçerikleri ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: Astrology, a discipline as old as humanity itself, is widely considered a pseudoscience. Along with its frequent mention in the media, astrology is often featured in specifically newspapers and magazines. The media’s fascination with astrology and its popularity among masses can be attributed to the Barnum Effect due to the fact that astrological predictions and interpretations are often vague and general, making them appealing to a wide audience. The Barnum Effect refers to the tendency for individuals to perceive general and abstract statements as being unique to them, and to believe that these statements accurately reflect their own characteristics. In other words, the Barnum Effect refers to the tendency of people to accept general statements as personal and specific. 230 Materials and Methods: The study focuses on how the Barnum Effect Theory, also known as Forer Effect that’s to the scientific studies conducted by Bertram Forer, is reflected on astrology and astrological reading in the media. The scale used in the study was the 13question Diagnostic Interest Test developed by Forer and based on questions in an astrology column in a magazine. The questions were prepared individually for 34 associate degree students according to Forer's method, and the results were analyzed using SPSS 27.V. Results: The analysis revealed no significant difference between male and female participants, except for their preferences as indicated by a specific question. Discussion and Conclusion: The study concluded that, although astrological content is presented in the media as if it were specific to individuals or signs, it appeals to all participants by virtue of its generalized nature. Key Words: Barnum Effect, Forer Effect, Astrology, Media Content GİRİŞ Astroloji, binlerce yıllık bir geçmişe sahiptir. İnsanlık tarihi kadar eski bir fenomen olan astroloji, tarih boyunca birçok medeniyetin ve imparatorluğun göz yüzüne bakarak, bilinmeyeni bilme arzusuna dayanmaktadır. Eski medeniyetlerde siyasi ve askeri kararları vermek için gökyüzü hareketleri incelenirken; zaman içinde, özellikle İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra medyada kendine yer bulmasıyla birlikte artık bir eğlence aracına dönüşmüştür. İmparatorluklara ve medeniyetlere kılavuzluk eden ve tarih boyunca astronomi bilimi ile birlikte geliştirilen astroloji, zaman içinde inandırıcılığını kaybetmiş ve sahte bilim (pseudo-science) olarak literatürde yer almıştır. Günümüzde astroloji, yıldızların konumlarına bakarak insanların karakterleri, yaşam tarzları ve ilişkileri hakkında tahminlerde bulunmak ve çıkarımlar yapmak için hem geleneksel hem de dijital medyada kullanılmaktadır. Güvenilirliği tartışmaya açık olsa da, astroloji hem geleneksel hem de alternatif medyada hatırı sayılır bir öneme sahiptir. Her dergi ve gazetede astroloji köşelerinin bulunması, gündüz kuşağı programlarında astrologlara yer verilmesi ve sosyal medyada astrologların takipçi sayılarının yüksek olması bu iddiayı güçlendirmektedir. Medyada astrolojinin bu kadar popüler olması ve medyada yer edinmesinde, astrolojik yorumların herkese hitap eder nitelikte olması çıkarımı yapılabilir. Burçları ve astrolojiyi takip eden insanların her okuduğunda kendilerinden bir parça bulabiliyor olması Barnum Etkisi kavramı ile açıklanabilir. Barnum Etkisi’ni ölçmek için başvurulan ve Bertham Forer (1949) tarafından geliştirilen Tanısal İlgi Alanı Testi bu çalışmanın ölçeği olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, bireylerin astroloji gibi kendilerine özel olarak hazırlanmış yorum ya da ifadeleri nasıl kişiselleştirilmiş içerikler olarak değerlendirip yorumladığı üzerine odaklanmaktadır. KAVRAMSAL ÇERÇEVE Astrolojinin Disiplini Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme Bilim ya da sahte bilim olup olmadığı tartışması sürekli devam etse de, insanlık tarihi kadar eski olduğu bilinen astroloji disiplini, bir sahte bilim (pseudo-science) olarak kabul edilmektedir (Jerome, 2009; Popper, 2002; Thagard, 1978). Tarihsel olarak baktığımızda gözlem ve matematiksel hesaplamalara dayanan astronomi bilimi ile birlikte geliştiği görünen 231 astroloji disiplini, güneşin, ayın ve dünya ile birlikte diğer sekiz gezegenin konumlarına ve hareketlerine dayanarak insan davranışlarını ve olaylarını tahmin ettiğini iddia eden bir inanç sistemi ya da göksel rehberdir (Zarka, 2009). Bilimselliği konusunda uzun yıllardır süren tartışmalara rağmen yapılan araştırmalar gösteriyor ki astrolojiyi medyadan takip eden hedef kitle astrolojiyi bilimsellikten çok eğlence amacıyla tüketmektedir (Blackmore ve Seebold, 2001, s. 17). Astroloji gibi medya içerikleri bilimsellikten ya da doğruluğu kanıtlanmış bilgiden uzak olarak sadece eğlence amacı ile tüketilebilmektedir (Allum, 2011, s. 342). Bu aşamada odaklanılması gereken nokta astrolojinin inandırıcılığı ya da bilimselliği değil, astrolojinin medya sayesinde ortaya koyduğu tüm kehanet ve öngörülerle bireylerin hayatında ve modern toplumda önemli bir yere sahip olmasıdır. Bauer ve Durant (1997) tarafından yapılan araştırma da bunu desteklemektedir. 18 yaş üstü 2.009 İngiliz'in katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen anketin sonuçları, katılımcıların %73'ünün horoskopik ya da astrolojik raporları okuduğunu göstermektedir. Ancak bu kişilerin sadece %6'sı bu tür raporlarda söylenenleri "ciddiye" ya da "oldukça ciddiye" almaktadır. 1.236 Amerikalı katılımcı arasında yapılan başka bir araştırma, bireylerin yaklaşık %75'inin zaman zaman burçlarını gazeteden okuduklarını, yaklaşık %25'inin astroloji ilkelerine inandıklarını iddia ettiklerini belirtmektedir (Gallup ve Newport, 1991, s.137). Öte yandan, Bailey (1997) tarafından uygulanan deneysel bir çalışma, astrolojik yorumlara dayalı davranış değiştirme istekliliği de kanıtlamıştır. 30 deneğe yıldız haritasının okunmasından hem önce hem de sonra Milli Piyango bileti alma alışkanlıkları ile ilgili bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Grupların örnekleri rastgele seçilmiş ve eşit sayılarla üçe ayrılmıştır. İlk gruba, yakın gelecekte olağanüstü şansa sahip olacakları ve bundan yararlanmaları gerektiği öne sürülmüştür. İkinci gruba ise şanssız olacakları ve paralarını dikkatli harcamaları gerektiği söylenmiştir. Üçüncü grubun yıldız falında ise şanstan hiç bahsedilmemiştir. Araştırmaya göre, astrolojik okumada kötü şans ile karşılaşma ihtimali olduğu bildirilen ikinci grupta, piyangoda kazanma şansları konusunda kendilerine olan güvenlerinin belirgin şekilde azaldığı sonucu elde edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırmalar gösteriyor ki, astrolojinin popülerliği bilimselliği ya da inandırıcılığından kaynaklanmaktan ziyade, medyada sıklıkla kendine yer bulduğu için insanlara kılavuzluk etme ya da eğlence arası olma işlevi görmektedir. Bu noktada, astrolojinin hangi mecralarda popüler olduğunu analiz etmek de önem arz etmektedir. Medyada Astroloji Günümüz medyasında sıklıkla adından bahsettiren astroloji, özellikle gazete ve dergilerde ciddi bir yere ve öneme sahiptir. 1984 yılında Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, astrolojiyle sadece eğlence amaçlı ilgilenen okuyucu profilini çeşitlendirmek amacıyla gazete sahiplerini astroloji sütunlarına sağlık uyarıları eklemeye ikna etmek için bir kampanya başlatmıştır. Ancak, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki 1000 yayından sadece 70'inin böyle yenilikçi bir girişimi kabul etmesi nedeniyle başlangıç projesi başarısız oldu. Böylesine büyük bir reddin ardında yatan neden, medya sahiplerinin okuyucuların keyfini ciddi konularla bölmek istememeleri olabilir (Allum, 2011, s. 342). Aynı zamanda doğa olaylarından ve göklerden 232 güç alan bir disiplin olan astrolojinin medya gündemi doğrultusunda şekillendiği çıkarımı da yapılabilir (Riger ve Dursun, 2015, s. 231). Astrolojinin medyada yer almaya başlaması, 1930 yılında Prenses Margaret’in doğumu ile başlamıştır. Sunday Express’te prensesin doğum haritasının yorumlanması büyük bir ilgi ile karşılanmış ve gazetenin tirajını yükseltmiştir (Zeldin, 1996, s. 336). Medyada yer alan astroloji içerikleri Adorno (1994) tarafından da The Stars Down to Earth adlı eserinde incelenmiştir. Astrolojinin modern dünyada nasıl yorumlandığını analiz etmek amacıyla, Los Angeles Times gazetesinin Kasım 1952-Şubat 1953 tarihleri arasında yayınlanan astroloji sütunlarına içerik analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında incelenen astroloji yorumları gösteriyor ki, tüm içerikler “uygulanabilirliğe” yatkındır, bu da her astrolojik okumanın spekülasyondan ve tartışmadan uzak olduğu anlamına gelir (s. 68). Tahminler o kadar yüzeysel ve geneldir ki, her durum ve koşul için uygulanabilirler. Bu aynı zamanda yorum gerektiren bir ikilik de sağlamaktadır. Astrolojik yorumlar okuyucuların beklentilerini tatmin eder ve onları bir tür hayal dünyasına sürükler, ancak kendilerini gerçeklik alanından tamamen koparmaz. Medyada yer alan astroloji, her burç için genel geçer ve belirsiz yorumlar sunmaktadır. Bu yorumlar, herkes için kabul edilebilir ve geçerli ifadeler içermektedir. Örneğin 16 Şubat 1953 tarihli başak burcu yorumu; "[...] enerjinizi ihtiyaç duyulan bir işe ya da dikkatinizi bekleyen bir işe verin" (s. 63) şeklinde yer almaktadır. Bu astrolojik yorum, sadece başak burçlarına değil, herkese uygulanabilecek niteliktedir. Benzer bir örneğe 31 Ocak 1953 tarihli yengeç burcunda da rastlanmaktadır; "mali açıdan ne durumda olduğunuzu erkenden öğrenin ve sonra dışarı çıkıp gerekli bürokratik işlemlerle ilgilenin" (s. 65) yorumu aslında tüm okuyucuların enerjilerini iş hayatına ve çalışkanlığa kanalize etmeye yönlendirmektedir. Astrolojik tahminlerin ve yorumlamaların herkese hitap etmesi, belirsiz ve genelleştirilebilir olması Barnum Etkisi ile açıklanmaktadır. Barnum Etkisi, insanlar kolayca genelleştirilebilen ya da geniş bir yelpazedeki insanlara uygulanabilen yüksek düzeyde doğru ifadelerin etkisi altında kaldıklarında ortaya çıkar. Bu tür ifadeler çoğunlukla açık ya da spesifik olmayan veya muğlak ifadeler taşır ve bireylerin kendi deneyimlerine, özelliklerine veya iç görülerine dayalı bireysel yorumlara açık olmaları nedeniyle kendilerinden çıkarım yapmalarına veya kendilerine pay çıkarmalarına olanak tanır. Bir sonraki bölümde Barnum Etkisi ve astrolojik yorumlamalarda bu etkinin ne denli geçerli olduğunu ölçümlemek için hazırlanan ölçekten bahsedilecektir. Barnum Etkisi ve Astroloji Barnum Etkisi, bireylerin kendileri hakkındaki genel ve muğlak ifadelerin son derece doğru ve kişiselleştirilmiş olduğuna inandıkları durumlarda ortaya çıkan psikolojik bir olgudur (Kotamarthi, 2020). Kavram, 1956 yılında Paul Meehl tarafından, Halkla İlişkiler disiplininde Tanıtım Modeli'nin en tanınmış temsilcilerinden biri olan P.T. Barnum'un gösterileri sırasında izleyicileri hakkında yaptığı açıklamaların genellikle birçok kişiye uygulanabilecek kadar geniş olmasına rağmen kişisel ve spesifik olarak yorumlanması nedeniyle ortaya atılmıştır. Barnum'un "herkes için küçük bir şey" iddiası, yaygın ve belirsiz ifadeler için kişiselleştirilmiş ve benzersiz bir algı sağlamıştır. Barnum’un hazırladığı eğlence şovları 233 kişiye özel bir deneyim sunması için hazırlanmış gibi görünse de temelde kitlelere hitap etmesi ile biliniyordu. Bu tür bir yanılsamanın günümüz medyasındaki astroloji içeriklerinde de olduğu görülmektedir. Bugün medyada yer alan astroloji yorumları, Barnum Şovları gibi bireylerin kendi özelliklerini ayrıcalıklı olarak algılamalarını sağlayan ve onları benzersiz olduklarına inandıran astrolojik profillere dayanır. Bu iddia Dean (1987) tarafından yapılan Astrolojinin Doğruyu Söylemesi Gerekir mi? başlıklı çalışması ile desteklenmektedir. Çalışmaya katılan 22 bağımsız deneğin yıldız haritaları incelenmiştir ve katılımcılara çıkan sonuçların tam zıttı yönde yorumlamalarda bulunulmuştur. Sonuçları alan her bir katılımcıya kendileriyle ilgili yanlış ya da belirsiz bir şey olup olmadığını belirtmeleri istenmiştir. Ancak katılımcıların çoğu, çıkan sonuçların tam olarak kendilerini yansıttığını ifade etmiştir. Yıldız haritası tam tersine çevrilmiş olsa bile, katılımcılar herkese uyabilecek genelleştirilmiş ve muğlak ifadeler nedeniyle haritalarının doğru tanımlamalar sağladığını belirtmişlerdir. Sakin ya da aceleci, kendine güvenen ya da güvenmeyen, sabırlı ya da sabırsız, dürtüsel ya da ılımlı özelliklerine atfedilen sıfatlar herkes için geçerli olabilecek niteliktedir. Medyada yer alan astrolojik okumanın Barnum Etkisi ile herkes için geçerli olabilecek ve muğlak ifadelerden oluştuğu iddiasını doğrulamak için Bertram Forer (1949), 13 soruluk bir Likert anket hazırlamıştır. Anket soruları, bir derginin astroloji köşesinden alınmış ve hiçbir ifadesi değiştirilmemiştir. Forer, öğrencilerin bu tür astrolojik yorumlara nasıl tepki verdiklerini incelemeyi hedeflemiştir. Böylece, herkeste bir dereceye kadar kolayca gözlemlenebilecek genel ve evrensel değerlerin, tıpkı astrolojinin sunduğu gibi özelleştirilmiş kişilik değerlendirmesi gibi algılanıp algılanmadığını analiz edilmiştir (s. 118). 39 öğrencisine sınav puanlarını göz önünde bulundurarak hazırladığını söylediği Tanısal İlgi Alanı Testi sorularını yönlendirmiştir. Her soru kağıdının kişiye özel olarak hazırlandığı belirtilmiştir ve her öğrenciye üzerinde kendi adının yazdığı bir taslak verilmiştir, ancak tüm taslaklar birbirinin aynısıdır (s. 120). Bu taslakta yer alan sorular; 1. Sizde, diğer insanların sizi sevmesine ve hayranlık duymasına yönelik yoğun bir ihtiyaç var. Kendinizi eleştirmeye çok açıksınız. Kendi avantajınıza çevirmediğiniz büyük bir kullanılmayan kapasiteye sahipsiniz. Bazı kişilik zaaflarınız olsa da, genellikle onların üstesinden gelebiliyorsunuz. Cinsel beklentileriniz, sizin için problemler doğuruyor. Dışarıdan bakıldığında disiplinli ve öz kontrole sahipsiniz; ancak aslında endişeli ve güvensizsiniz. 7. Bazı zamanlarda doğru şeyi yaptığınızdan ve doğru tercihte bulunduğunuzdan emin olamıyorsunuz. 8. Her seferinde birazcık değişim olsun istiyorsunuz ve eğer kısıtlamalarla karşılaşırsanız rahatsız oluyorsunuz. 9. Kendinizin bağımsız bir düşünür olduğunuzla övünüyorsunuz ve diğerlerinin açıklamalarını kanıtsız görüyorsunuz. 10. Kendinizi başkalarına açmanın çok da akıllıca olmadığını düşünüyorsunuz. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 234 11. Bazı zamanlar dışa dönük, cana yakın ve sosyalsiniz, diğer zamanlarda ise kapalı, ilgisiz ve içedönük. 12. Bazı tutkularınız oldukça gerçek dışı. 13. Güvenliğiniz, hayatınızdaki temel amaçlarınızdan biri. Öğrencilerden soruları 1’in “kesinlikle katılmıyorum”, 5’in “kesinlikle katılıyorum” cevaplarını temsil ettiği 1’den 5’e kadar Likert ölçekte değerlendirmeleri istenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, 39 öğrencinin ortalama 4,26 puan verdiğini ve bunun da yüksek düzeyde katılım anlamına geldiğini göstermiştir. Aynı zamanda cinsiyet odaklı uygulanan SPSS sonucuna göre, kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında anlamlı bir farklılığa rastlanmamıştır. Yapılan çalışma, astrolojik yorumların, kişiselleştirilmiş gibi görünmelerine rağmen, burçlardan bağımsız olarak herkesin hayatının bazı yönlerine bir dereceye kadar uyma eğiliminde olacak kadar genelleştirilmiş ifadeler içerdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Astrolojik yorumların tamamen uymasa da ikna edicilik düzeyine göre “yeterince doğru bir tahmin” olarak değerlendirildiği sonucu çıkmaktadır. YÖNTEM Medyada yer alan astroloji içeriklerinin Barnum Etkisi’ni ölçümlemek adına, benzer bir çalışma Türkçe olarak İstanbul’da bir özel üniversitede eğitim alan ön lisans öğrencilerinin katılımıyla yürütülmüştür. Forer’in geliştirdiği Tanısal İlgi Alanı Testi kullanılmıştır ve sorularda herhangi bir değişiklik yapılmadan Likert ölçek uygulanarak 1 “kesinlikle katılmıyorum”, 5 “kesinlikle katılıyorum” yanıtlarını temsil etmektedir. İlgili test, Forer’in çalışmasına paralellikler göstermesi adına 38 adet ön lisans ikinci sınıf öğrencisine Türkçe olarak yönlendirilmiştir. Öğrencilere anket uygulanmadan önce etik kurulu raporu alınmış ve sorular paylaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada öğrencilerin kimliklerinin paylaşılmayacağı kendilerine beyan edilmiş olup, anketlere katılımları zorunlu kılınmamıştır. Çalışmaya 34 öğrenci gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul etmiş ve ismine özel olarak hazırlanan anket sorularını doldurmuştur. Katılımcılara Forer’in deneyinde olduğu gibi bu soruların onlara özel olarak hazırlandığı söylenerek, medyada yer alan astroloji içerikleri ile ilgili bir bilgi paylaşılmamıştır. Katılımcılar arasında eksik soru yanıtlayan olmadığı için doldurulan tüm soruların yanıtları dikkate alınmıştır ve analize dahil edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin tamamı aynı bölümden ve aynı sınıftan seçilmiştir, böylece katılımcıların tamamının benzer bir eğitime sahip olacakları öngörülmüştür. Katılımcıların 10 tanesi erkek, 24 tanesi ise kadınlardan oluşmaktadır. Anket soruları anlatımsal açıklama yerine kısa ifadelerden oluşmaktadır. Bu ifadeler genel geçer ve evrensel niteliktedir, diğer bir deyişle, soruların yöneltildiği herkes bu ifadelerde kendilerine ait bir özellik bulabilecektir. Bu testin amacı, medyada yer alan astrolojik yorumlarda burçlardan ve astroloji bilgisinden bağımsız olarak herkese hitap eder nitelikte ifadelerin yer aldığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu araştırmada, SPSS V27 kullanılmıştır. BULGULAR ve TARTIŞMA Araştırma sonuçları Forer’in yapmış olduğu anket çalışması ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Forer’in aldığı sonuçlara benzer olarak, verilen yanıtlara göre bir soru hariç kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında anlamlı bir farklılığa ulaşılamamıştır. Anlamlı farklılık sadece “bazı zamanlarda 235 doğru şeyi yaptığınızdan ve doğru tercihte bulunduğunuzdan emin olamıyorsunuz.” sorusunda bulunmaktadır. Bunun nedeni olarak, erkek katılımcıların kadın katılımcılara kıyasla doğru hareket ettiklerinden ya da doğru karar almaktan emin olmak istemeleri gösterilebilir. Sizde, diğer insanların sizi sevmesine ve hayranlık duymasına yönelik yoğun bir ihtiyaç var. Kendinizi eleştirmeye çok açıksınız. Kendi avantajınıza çevirmediğiniz büyük bir kullanılmayan kapasiteye sahipsiniz. Bazı kişilik zaaflarınız olsa da, genellikle onların üstesinden gelebiliyorsunuz. Cinsel beklentileriniz, sizin için problemler doğuruyor. Dışarıdan bakıldığında disiplinli ve öz kontrole sahipsiniz; ancak aslında endişeli ve güvensizsiniz. Bazı zamanlarda doğru şeyi yaptığınızdan ve doğru tercihte bulunduğunuzdan emin olamıyorsunuz. Her seferinde birazcık değişim olsun istiyorsunuz ve eğer kısıtlamalarla karşılaşırsanız rahatsız oluyorsunuz. Kendinizin bağımsız bir düşünür olduğunuzla övünüyorsunuz ve diğerlerinin açıklamalarını kanıtsız Kendinizi başkalarına açmanın çok da akıllıca olmadığını düşünüyorsunuz. Bazı zamanlar dışa dönük, cana yakın ve sosyalsiniz, diğer zamanlarda ise kapalı, ilgisiz ve içedönük. Bazı tutkularınız oldukça gerçek dışı. Güvenliğiniz, hayatınızdaki temel amaçlarınızdan biri. Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed F 0,517 Sig. 0,477 0,007 0,933 0,807 5,218 4,113 0,194 2,921 0,404 6,389 0,555 0,745 2,372 1,041 0,376 0,029 0,051 0,663 0,097 0,530 0,017 0,462 0,394 0,133 0,315 Sig. (2tailed) Mean Difference 0,222 0,558 t 1,246 df 1,201 15,662 0,248 0,558 0,166 32 0,869 0,058 0,160 15,601 0,875 0,058 0,526 32 0,603 0,208 0,490 14,682 0,631 0,208 -1,126 32 0,269 -0,450 -1,431 29,762 0,163 -0,450 1,029 32 0,311 0,408 1,305 29,623 0,202 0,408 1,770 32 0,086 0,925 1,692 15,416 0,111 0,925 2,360 32 0,025 0,950 2,044 12,907 0,062 0,950 0,412 32 0,683 0,183 0,376 14,085 0,713 0,183 0,732 32 0,469 0,317 0,924 29,351 0,363 0,317 0,696 32 0,492 0,333 0,646 14,572 0,528 0,333 0,445 32 0,659 0,192 0,481 20,259 0,635 0,192 0,641 32 0,526 0,350 0,686 19,759 0,501 0,350 0,740 32 0,465 0,258 0,895 26,787 0,379 0,258 32 Tablo 1: Araştırma Sonuçları Forer anketini 39 öğrenciye uygulamış ve verilen yanıtların ortalaması 4,26 sonucunu elde etmiştir. Bu da demek oluyor ki burçlarının özellikleri ve kişiliklerinden tamamen bağımsız olarak öğrencilerin neredeyse tamamı sorulara 5 puan vermiştir. Bu çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin verdiği yanıtların ise ortalaması 3,5’tir. Forer’in anketine göre ortalamanın düşük olmasının nedeni hem kadın hem de erkek öğrencilerin “cinsel beklentileriniz sizin için problemler doğuruyor” sorusuna ağırlıklı olarak 1 ve 2 puan vermesidir. Bu durum, kültürle ilintili olarak özellikle 20’li yaşların başında ve isimleri görünür halde yapılan bir ankette öğrenciler, cinsel beklentileri ile ilgili bir soruya beklendiği şekilde yanıt vermiştir şeklinde açıklanabilir. Ancak bu soruda dahi kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında anlamlı bir farklılığın olmaması, soruların genel geçer ifadelerden oluştuğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmanın bulguları gösteriyor ki, hazırlanan anket sorularına verilen yanıtlarda kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamaktadır. 236 Daha önce anket sorularının anlatımsal olmak yerine kısa ifadelerden oluştuğu belirtilmiştir. Bu soruların içerik analizine bakıldığında, dördüncü, yedinci, on birinci ve on ikinci sorularda yer alan “bazı” kelimesi dikkat çekmektedir. Anlatımsal ya da betimleyici ifadelerden uzak, belgisiz sıfat olarak kullanılan bu kelime, anketi dolduran katılımcıların hangi şartta ya da koşulda olursa olsun kendine yorabileceği herhangi bir durumu ifade etmektedir. Örneğin “bazı zamanlar dışa dönük, diğer zamanlarda içe dönüksünüz” ifadesi tüm insanlar için geçerlidir, bu durum bireyin duygu durumuyla ilgilidir ve bir kişinin her zaman içe dönük ya da dışa dönük olması beklenemez. Benzer şekilde “kendinize başkalarına açmanın çok da akıllıca olmadığını düşünüyorsunuz.” sorusunda yer alan belgisiz zamir, kişinin kendini tanımadığı ya da yabancı olduğu kişilere açması olarak yorumlanabilir. Burada yine muğlak ve belli belirsiz bir ifade kullanılmıştır. Anne, baba, arkadaşlar, öğretmenler gibi daha yakın hissedilen kişilerden mi, yoksa daha uzak ya da yabancı olarak nitelendirilebilecek insanlardan mı bahsedildiği anlaşılmamaktadır. Sorularda dikkat geçen diğer bir unsur, Maslow’un Hiyerarşisi’nde de yer alan temel ihtiyaç sorusudur. Maslow’un Hiyerarşisi’nde belirtildiği gibi, yeme içme, barınma, cinsellik, güvenlik bireyin en temel ihtiyacıdır (İslamoğlu ve Altunışık, 2013); “güvenliğiniz, hayatınızdaki en temel amaçlarınızdan biri” sorusu kesin olarak bireyin temel ihtiyaçlarına hizmet etmektedir. Hazırlanan tüm ifadeler gösteriyor ki, seçilen kelimeler net yargılarda bulunmamaktadır. Katılımcıların tamamının istedikleri şekilde yorumlayabilecekleri ya da genel geçer olarak nitelendirilebilecek yorumlarda bulunmaktadır. Kişilik testi analizi çerçevesinde hazırlanan astroloji yorumları birçok insan tarafından kişisel ve doğru algılanabilir; çünkü genellikle kişisel deneyimlerle uyuşabilecek şekilde genel ifadeler içerirler. Bu, insanların kendilerini astrolojiye verilen yorumlarda bulmalarına ve bu yorumların doğru olduğuna inanmalarına yol açabilir. Çalışmanın sınırları arasında, katılımcı sayısındaki cinsiyet dağılımının eşit olmadığı dikkat çekmektedir. Bu durum anketin uygulandığı ön lisans programına dahil olan öğrencilerin çoğunlukla kadınlardan oluşmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. İlerleyen çalışmalarda, kadın ve erkek sayısının daha dengeli olarak incelenmesi, farklı sonuçlar elde edilmesine olanak sağlayabilir. Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin sayısı, Forer’in deneyine paralellik gösterecek biçimde belirlenmiştir. Katılımcı sayısını genişletmek ya da katılımcıları öğrencilere alternatif farklı bir demografik bölgeden seçmek yeni bir araştırma alanı oluşturabilir. 237 REFERANSLAR Adorno, T.W. (1994). The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture. Crook, E. (ed). London ve New York: Routledge. Allum, N. (2011). What Makes Some People Think Astrology Is Scientific? Science Communication, 33 (3), 341-366. Bauer, M, Durant, J. (1997) Belief in Astrology: a Social-Psychological Analysis. 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İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları. 238 EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE Dana-Claudia COJOCARU, PhD Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Professor Mihaela ONOFREI, PhD Finance, Money, and Public Administration Department Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Professor Bogdan-Narcis FÎRȚESCU, PhD Finance, Money, and Public Administration Department Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania ABSTRACT In recent decades, climate changes has been one of the main concerns of governments and policy-makers to meet the pressing needs of the Sustainable Development Goals. Droughts, forest fires, very high volume and short rainfall intervals, biodiversity loss, desertification and melting ice caps are just some of the consequences of climate change. As a result of the devastating impact on the environment, the world has turned its attention to technological innovations to cope with contemporary problems. According to the majority of studies, technological innovation is an essential element that could deliver a lasting solution for dealing with climate change. In this light, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the role of different categories of technological innovation on greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 emissions. Our analysis is carried out on a sample of 32 countries from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development over the period 2000-2020. The main findings show that, in order to prevent damage to the environment, reduce energy consumption and speed up deployment of renewables, technology innovation is an effective tool. At the same time, these technologies are used for the benefit of humanity to harmonize the needs of current and future generations. Keywords: environmental sustainability; air pollution; green innovation; climate change mitigation. 239 INTRODUCTION In the past few years, climate change has risen to unprecedented levels and in this context sustainable development is now an imperative factor for global growth. We can compare this period to the contagious nature of the 2008 economic crisis, which originated in the United States and was progressively spreading around the world thanks to linkages within the Global Financial System, with a view to understanding how serious climate change is. The main greenhouse gas, which has led to significant changes in climate, is carbon dioxide, which is the primary target of the common effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By the end of 2022, global CO2 emissions have increased by about 1.5% compared to 2021, reaching 35.1 GtCO2 (Li et al., 2022). In 2021, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, scientists estimated that CO2 emissions will reach a record high in 2022 as all sectors recover from the COVID-19 pandemic (World Meteorological Organization, 2021). Global emissions were much lower than projected during a year marked by fuel price shocks, geopolitical events, increased inflation and disruption to the usual flow of fuels trade (International Energy Agency, 2022). That's because of clean energy technologies, which helped to prevent 55 million tonnes of CO2 emissions (International Energy Agency, 2022). An important point to consider is that economic growth has always been based on excessive energy consumption and therefore on highly polluting industries (Guo and Shahbaz, 2024). Historically, early industries have used nonrenewable energy sources irresponsibly, and this excessive and uncontrolled consumption has led to a number of serious environmental problems. Economy, energy and environment are three factors that build a very close relationship, influencing each other. The three factors are inextricably linked, as it is not possible to achieve a growth of the economy unless energy consumption is reduced and consequently CO2 emissions increase causing environmental degradation. The European Green Pact, together with the new climate change policies, have created new trajectories and challenges for the sustainable development of the world's countries. Epidemics, economic and political shocks in recent years have also had a significant impact on sustainable development. In response to these challenges, efforts to mitigate the growing effects of climate change can be seen in technological innovations that are aimed at climate protection. The Paris Agreement stated that "the rapid, encouraging and facilitating of innovation is crucial for the effective and long term global response to climate change as well 240 as promoting economic growth and sustainable development" (UNFCCC, 2023). In parallel, the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change Executive Committee on Technology has stressed that technological innovation needs to be accelerated in order to tackle climate change. In the context of climate change, technology innovation is a term used to describe technologies that use new, cleaner, renewable and safe processes for production of energy without causing environmental damage. Technological innovation refers to the use of modern, clean, renewable and safe processes for the production of energy that does not harm the environment in the context of climate change (Sakariyahu et al., 2023). Since 1989, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted hundreds of patents related to climate change (Dochniak, 2017). Figure 1. Evolution of environmental technology patents (total, percentage), 1990-2020 Source: OECD, Patents on environment technologies, 2019. We have chosen to highlight the Kyoto Protocol because it is one of the most representative institutional frameworks for mitigating the consequences of climate change (Kim, 2021), becoming a trigger for promoting renewable energy sources. According to the attached image, immediately after the adoption of the Protocol in 1997, patents on environmental technologies showed an upward trend until 2011. This trend has been largely supported by the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs), which have been introduced under the Kyoto Protocol. The mechanism enables projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to be financed by public and privately funded entities in advanced economies (Bleviss, 2007). Previous 241 studies have empirically demonstrated the positive impact of protocol implementation on the promotion of renewable energy consumption (Aguirre and Ibikunle, 2014; Miyamoto and Takeuchi, 2019). According to these, a promising step towards climate change mitigation is moving towards the adoption of innovative technologies. For example, Afrifa et al. (2020) examined how innovation influences CO2 emissions in 29 emerging countries. Results revealed that in highly innovative economies, climate change problems are reduced by about 26.18%. We're seeing a huge demand for technological innovation in the post-Kyoto era. A number of studies analysing the impact of environmental technologies on climate change, in particular in developed countries, have taken place in recent years. However, studies which analyse the impact of all environmental technology patents on climate change have not yet been published in the literature. Considering the lack of literature, this paper seeks to explore how various environmental technology patents affect the environment. In this context, our analysis is limited to 32 member states of the OECD, covering the period 2000-2020. The period of analysis is justified on the basis of available data in 32 countries. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the relevant literature and develops the research hypotheses of the paper. The methodology used, data collection techniques and procedures are described in Section 3. The main empirical findings are outlined and discussed in Section 4, while the final conclusions are given in Section 5. 1. LITERATURE REVIEW Droughts, precipitation in very high volume and very short intervals, forest fires and desertification cause chaos in livelihoods and human economies in every region (Usman et al., 2022). As a result, research papers on the most important factors that contribute to an increase in CO2 emissions are published in this context which indicate academic and scientific interest for climate change. With this in mind, at the other end of the spectrum, a growing data research background is looking at factors that can improve environmental quality. The majority of the work suggests that the key tool in achieving sustainable progress is technological innovations, which can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Azam et al., 2022; Gu et al., 2019; Sakariyahu et al., 2023; Su and Moaniba, 2017; Wu et al., 2021). For example, Yii and Geetha (2017) investigate the causal relationship between technological 242 innovations and CO2 emissions in Malaysia, where they find that technological innovations reduce CO2 emissions in the short run, while no relationship was observed in the long run. Amri et al. (2018) examine the impact of technological innovation on CO2 emissions in Tunisia. The authors state that the integration of innovative technologies in the energy sector can favour the decrease of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, they call on Tunisia's policy makers to support innovation and technical capacity for improvement of the quality of its environment. Analysing the multitude of studies found in the literature on technological innovation and climate change, we note that the results differ from one country to another, the reason being the heterogeneity of per capita income and the period over which the study is conducted. In this regard, empirical analyses were conducted to investigate whether income inequality affects technological innovations. Bai et al. (2020) explore the role of income inequality in China's CO2 emission reduction process over the period 2000-2015. The results show that technological innovation is conducive to reducing CO2 emissions per capita, but if income inequality continues to rise, the effect of this reduction will be limited. Sakariyahu et al. (2023) investigated how technological innovation along with economic freedom can be used as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. An analysis covering the period 2000 to 2018 using the pooled OLS is carried out by the authors on a sample of 31 African countries. The analysis has shown that environmental degradation is reduced in low and high income countries of Africa, thanks to technology innovation. However, not surprisingly, for low-income countries, technological innovation does not help sustainable development. In order to examine the relationship of technology innovation with environmental quality, some studies in literature have used Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) (Demir et al., 2020; Grossman and Krueger, 1991; Stern, 2004). The Kuznets curve has the same principle as that of economic growth and environment quality when it relates to technological innovation and ecological quality. The inverted U-shaped relationship shows that the quality of the environment is increased when technology innovation and entrepreneurial freedom are introduced at a preliminary stage in development. Nevertheless, degradation of the environment tends to increase after some threshold has been crossed. This relationship has been widely accepted, developing rapidly in recent years (Guo and Shahbaz, 2024). Despite the fact that these theories have been relied upon to draw attention to the relationship of economic growth with quality of environment, a number of ethological investigations use 243 them in order to explore other aspects of social economics (e.g. urbanization, trade, energy efficiency, information and communication technology). As in any field of research, where certain topics are widely debated, technological innovation is no exception. Li et al. (2022) analysed the impact of green investment, technological innovation and globalisation on CO2 emissions in the MINT states (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) over the period 2000-2020. The researchers showed that technological innovation significantly increases environmental degradation, while green investment and the globalisation process significantly reduce it in the long run. It is true that we cannot provide a 'one-size-fits-all' link between innovation and environmental degradation, but we believe that they can, on the one hand, lead to waste and, on the other, pave the way for many more environmentally friendly technologies that emit far fewer emissions. According to the studies, which have been submitted, there is a great deal of complexity in connecting innovation with environmental quality and this does not depend on national policies alone (Demir et al., 2020), suggesting that trade liberalisation paves the way for clean technologies (Beghin and Potier, 2002). It's about transferring clean technologies from developed to developing countries. At least three means of technology transfer can be achieved: the first is to provide goods which incorporate this technology, the second is to grant licences for production capacity and the third is to support the development of national research and product development capacities independent of a licensor (Schembri and Petit, 2009). Table 1. Research that analysed the relationship between technology innovations and climate change AUTHOR(S) SAMPLE PERIOD METHOD Töbelmann and Wendler (2020) Shafiei and Salim (2014) Su and Moaniba (2017) Kim (2021) UE-27 19922014 GMM Green patents → CO2↓ (long term) OECD countries 70 states 19802011 19762014 GMM REC → CO2 ↓ 54 of states 29 OECD 19902015 1990- OLS Trinh et al. IPAT 244 RESULT Patents on climate change → CO2 from oil ↓ CO2 from coal ↑ CO2 from natural gas ↑ Building-related mitigation technologies → CO2 ↓ Environmental management OLS innovation → CO2 ↓ CH4 ↑ SOX ↓ NOX ↓ PM10 ↑ PM2.5 ↑ Climate change mitigation innovation → CO2 ↓ CH4 ↓ SOX ↓ NOX ↓ PM10 ↑ PM2.5 ↑ Climate change adaptation innovation CO2 ↓ CH4 ↑ SOX ↑ NOX ↓ PM10 ↑ PM2.5 ↓ Ocean technology innovation → CO2 ↓ CH4 ↓ SOX ↓ NOX ↓ PM10 ↑ PM2.5 ↑ Innovation → CO2 ↓ (South Africa, China, India and Russia) RE → CO2 ↓ (Russia, China and India) Nuclear energy → technological innovation → CO2 ↓ Technological innovations → CO2 ↑ GNS Technological innovations → CO2 ↓ GMM Technological innovations → economic growth → foreign direct investment → REC ↑ Innovative technologies → CO2 ↓ (2023) countries 2018 STIRPAT Khattak et al. (2020) BRICS 19802016 CCEMG Azam et al. (2022) Li et al. (2022) Chen and Lee (2020) Khan et al. (2021) China 19952018 20002020 19962918 20002014 OLS Afrifa et al. (2020) Mehmood et al. (2024) Bekun (2024) MINT 96 of states 69 BRI states 29 emerging states Pakistan 19902018 OLS 19752020 South Africa 19752020 Robust Least Squares Regression ARDL Adebayo et al. BRICS 1990CS-ARDL (2023) 2019 Source: own processing from literature studies. 245 Technological innovation → carbon intensity ↑ R&D → carbon intensity ↑ ISD → carbon intensity ↑ REC → environmental quality ↓ Environmental technological innovation → environmental quality ↓ Technological innovations → CO2 ↓ RE → CO2 ↓ 2. DATA AND METHODOLOGY Technological innovation can be measured by a number of factors, such as renewable energy (Dong et al., 2018), R&D spending (Pegkas et al., 2019), energy efficiency (Aguir Bargaoui et al., 2014) and environmental technology patents (Oyebanji et al., 2022; Raiser et al., 2017). In particular, R&D spending illustrates key aspects of the innovation system, but nevertheless also has certain drawbacks. Data on R&D expenditure are often incomplete and only available at the aggregate level. In this context, our paper uses patents on environmental technologies to measure technological innovations. We justify this choice by the fact that patent data are disaggregated by specific technology areas, giving us a wealth of information. Many researchers also argue that patent data on environmental technologies is a preferable indicator for innovation (Dernis and Khan, 2004; Sternitzke, 2009). Taking account of these considerations, the purpose of this Report is to assess the impact on climate change in OECD Member States from a variety of patents relating to environment technology. We considered the six categories of environmental technology patents available in the OECD database, namely environmental management innovation; climate change mitigation technologies related to energy production, transport or distribution; climate change mitigation technologies related to wastewater treatment or waste management; climate change mitigation technologies related to transport; climate change mitigation technologies related to buildings, including climate change mitigation technologies in the production or processing of goods (OECD, 2024). It is imperative to ensuring that climate change mitigation technologies work in the right direction. An important point to note is that due to lack of data during the period under review, greenhouse gas capture technologies were not included in the paper. Our paper uses annual data from 2000-2020 for the 32 OECD member states. Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Iceland and Latvia have been removed from our analysis because they lack the necessary data. Our study uses two dependent variables, CO2 emissions, as they are the main greenhouse gas and are associated with different Sustainable Development Goals, and GHG emissions to better capture the effects of technological innovations. Table 2 presents information on the data series we used in this study. 246 Table 2. Description of variables. VARIABLE DESCRIPTION SOURCE NAME Dependent variable CO2 CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) WORLD BANK Climate GHG GHG emissions (tCO2e per capita) Independent variable REC Environmental management innovation (number of total) Climate change mitigation technologies related to energy generation, transmission or distribution (number of total) Climate change mitigation technologies related to wastewater treatment or waste management (number of total) Climate change mitigation technologies related to transportation (number of total) Climate change mitigation technologies related to buildings (number of total) Climate change mitigation technologies in the production or processing of goods (number of total) Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption) FDI Foreign direct investment (net inflows (% of GDP) GDP_PC GDP per capita growth (annual %) R&D Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) EM_INOV TECH_ENV TECH_WST TECH_TR TECH_BLD TECH_PRG Watch OECD WORLD BANK URB Urban population (% of total population) Source: authors’ elaboration based on empirical studies. The data used is a panel data type, with unit Country and time year. The methodology is related to qualitative sequential, using empiric analysis that provides cohesion and feasibility for our investigation, but also quantitative methods, including Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (D.O.L.S.) and Fully Modified Ordinary Least squares (F.M.O.L.S.), unit root tests and cointegration techniques. 247 2.1.Independent Panel Unit Root Tests Framework Panel unit roots are necessary to check if series are stationary, so to test it in panels, specific tests are used ((Breitung and Das, 2005; Harris and Tzavalis, 1999; Im et al., 2003; Levin et al., 2002) and Fisher-type (Choi, 2001)). In a general approach, panel unit root tests for panel data are, somehow similar, but not identical to unit root tests for a single series. A basic classification refers to whether there are restrictions on the autoregressive process (as in 1) across cross-sections or series. (1) with yit being dependent the variable vector, Xit the independent variables matrix, and ϵit is the idiosyncratic error. Based on these restrictions, one can employ the assumptions ρi = ρ for all i, and if |ρi| = 1, then yi contains unit root. The Levin, Lin, and Chu (LLC), Breitung, and Hadri tests assumes common unit root, that ρi is identical across cross-sections. LLC and Breitung considers basic ADF as in (2), with the null H0 as in 3 and the alternative written as 4. (2) (3) (4) A second approach, is developed in Im, Pesaran, and Shin, and the Fisher-ADF and PP tests. All tests considered, allow for individual unit root processes, so that the unit root may vary across cross-sections (5). (5) with the null H0 as in 6 and Ha in 7 248 (6) (7) The empirical results for these tests are presented and explained in the next section. 2.2. Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) and Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) The "fully modified" OLS (FMOLS) estimator was proposed by Pedroni (1995) and Phillips and Moon (1999). The FMOLS is a non-parametric approach, considering possible endogeneity and serial correlation. Referring to the general model, the βbFMOLS is estimated as in 8 (see Pedroni, 2001; Pedroni, 2004)). (8) The DOLS methodology being more thoroughly explained in Mark and Sul (2003). To control for the endogeneity (assuming that u†it is correlated with vit), the u†it is projected on pi leads and lags as in . (9) Substituting the projection, the equation become as in . (10) The choice for FMOLS and DOLS methodology is related to the fact that variables are not-stationary in levels, so the classical coefficients fixed and random effects may be biased, see Empirical Results. 249 3. EMPIRICAL RESULTS Table 3 presents the statistical description of the variables used in our analysis for the 32 OECD member countries. Table 3. Summary statistics. Obs. Mean Std. Dev. Min Max CO2 651 8.7583 4.0108 3.0392 21.7556 GHG 651 5.2944 3.6718 0.5100 21.0900 TECH_WST 651 23.7030 42.8374 0.5000 241.5940 TECH_ENV 651 207.0726 480.7645 0.3333 2687.5525 TECH_PRG 651 109.7772 242.0745 0.4532 1194.9524 TECH_BLD 651 43.6604 88.8833 0.6324 485.9083 TECH_TR 651 91.6712 217.1275 0.2651 1119.1687 EM_INOV 651 155.1562 310.4375 0.5000 1449.7372 REC 651 15.8525 13.1744 0.9000 61.3000 R&D 651 1.9419 0.9779 0.3000 4.5000 FDI 651 5.0041 10.4738 -22.3000 60.0000 URB 651 76.6017 11.2609 51.9830 97.7890 Source: Own calculations. The data showed significant variations for all variables over the period analysed. In this context, we note that over the period 2000-2020, our data consisted of 651 observations. In the case of the first dependent variable, CO2 emissions, it ranges between a minimum of 3.0392 (value recorded for Turkey in 2001) and a maximum of 21.7556 (Luxembourg, 2010) with a standard deviation of 4.0108. The dependent variable GES has a mean of 5.2944, ranging from a low of 0.5100 (Finland, 2015) to a high of 21.0900 (United States, 2006). Our data is a Panel Time Series type and often contain unit roots. The initial sets of our data testing refers to the presence of unit-root. The results for Im-Pesaran-Shin and Fisher-type are presented in Table 4. 250 Table 4: Unit root tests results. VARIABLE S R(ZTTILD EBAR) R(P) R(L) R(Z) R(PM) CO2 11.0177 7.3627 11.0258 10.2032 -4.9066 D.CO2 -10.9191 *** 539.7326 *** -26.6273 *** -17.8144 *** 42.9017 *** GHG 6.0698 48.4222 5.3520 5.1989 -1.2193 -12.0278 *** 644.4168 *** -31.9120 *** -29.8308 *** 52.3026 *** TECH_ENV -1.9129 ** 94.4104 *** -2.2463 ** -2.0672 ** 2.9105 *** D.TECH_EN V -12.3856 *** 679.9097 *** -33.7172 *** -21.3108 *** 55.4899 *** -5.6391 *** 207.9594 *** -8.9783 *** -7.6171 *** 13.1075 *** D.EM_INOV -14.7441 *** 1153.3111 *** -57.2709 *** -29.8308 *** 98.0026 *** REC 11.5469 12.8908 9.1068 8.3096 -4.4101 D.REC -10.9463 *** 508.4004 *** -24.9569 *** -17.4179 *** 40.0879 *** FDI -10.1516 *** 493.3399 *** -24.2566 *** -16.0167 *** 38.7355 *** D.FDI -15.4396 *** 1276.0428 *** -63.3785 *** -32.0108 *** 109.0243 *** D.GHG EM_INOV Source: author’s calculation. The results of unit-root tests (Table 4) suggests that dependent variable is not stationary in levels, but is stationary in first-difference, being of type I(1). The same results obtained for the other variables shows that some of the independent variables are I(0), excepting REC that is also I(1). None of the variables are of type I(2), but the presence of I(1) type variables imposes the use of FMOLS or DOLS, so the chosen methodologies are correct. 251 Another test refers to variance inflation factor. There are no identified problems, for all the models the VIFs means are under 5 (the results are available in Appendix, Table A1). We have tested twenty-four (24) models, using two proxies for climate change - gas emissions (CO2 and GHG), and six proxies for technological innovations (TECH_WST, TECH_ENV, TECH_PRG, TECH_BLD, TECH_TR, EM_INOV). The results shows that only TECH_WST (technological waste) is statistically significant using FMOLS methodology (see Table 5). Table 5. FMOLS and DOLS results of TECH_WST proxy. DEP. VAR: CO2 GHG CO2 GHG METHOD FMOLS FMOLS DOLS DOLS TECH_WST -0.0089* -0.0119** -0.0028 -0.0062 (0.0037) (0.0042) (0.0093) (0.015) -0.2539** -0.1223** -0.2395** -0.1296** (0.0134) (0.0149) (0.0279) (0.0450) 0.6122** 0.6031** 0.7516* 0.7892 (0.1635) (0.1824) (0.3524) (0.5686) 0.0015 0.0009 0.021 0.0014 (0.0048) (0.0054) (0.0112) (0.018) -0.0665* -0.0402 -0.1344 -0.0091 (0.0289) (0.0323) (0.0748) (0.1207) 620 620 558 558 0.9719 0.9586 0.9991 0.9975 REC R&D FDI URB OBS. R-SQ.: Note: * p < .10; ** p < .05; *** p < .01. values between parentheses represent standard errors. Source: author’s calculation. 252 According to the data highlighted in Table 5, we can observe that waste management and wastewater treatment technologies show the same results, both after applying the FMOLS test and after applying the DOLS test, indicating a negative and significant relationship with both variables used in the analysis. In this context, an increase in waste management and wastewater treatment technologies by 1% leads to a decrease of 0.0088 units and 0.0028 units of CO2 emissions respectively. The results are in line with our expectations. Also GHG decreases by 0.0119 and 0.0062 units respectively. Among the most important areas for mitigating the negative impacts of climate change are wastewater and waste management. Although these areas are often placed towards the bottom of the agenda when discussing environmental improvement, they can play a significant role in the common efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a sustainable society. According to Bassin et al. (2021) with the right technologies, accompanied by wellestablished operational strategies, certain pollutants can be removed from wastewater, including organics, nitrogen and phosphorus, thus avoiding their negative impact on the environment. In recent years, policy makers, researchers and academics have argued that a key factor in combating climate change are green technologies and environmentally relevant innovations (Töbelmann and Wendler, 2020), as these are much more effective when discussing emission reductions and natural resource use. In this context, various projects and policy strategies that stimulate the implementation of these technologies seem to be a pathway towards the net zero target. At the United Nations Conference (COP28) held in December 2023, much discussion focused on the role of technology and innovation in combating climate change. In this regard, Srilata Kammila, head of climate change adaptation, stressed that innovation is key to tackling the climate crisis as it offers a multitude of benefits (Climate Action, 2023). From innovations in renewable energy to innovations related to climate change mitigation related to buildings, green technologies are projects to tackle the challenges of global warming. All these innovations not only pave the way for a clean and sustainable future, but also represent our shared commitment to protect natural resources and maintain the health of the planet for future generations. Our results are consistent with other peer-reviewed studies (Adebayo et al., 2023; Azam et al., 2022; Bekun, 2024; Kim, 2021; Shafiei and Salim, 2014; Trinh et al., 2023). 253 While some authors in the literature (Khan and Khan, 2023; Li et al., 2022) argue that technologies produce CO2 emissions to some extent, we are of the opinion that in the long run they aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, green technologies produce an additional amount of CO2 emissions in their early stages of production, transport and installation, but these emissions are temporary. When considering green technologies it is very important to look at their whole life cycle. It is important to consider that these temporal increases in CO2 emissions should not be seen as an impediment and justification for not implementing climate mitigation technologies. They show the importance of a proper assessment of the type of technology and its life cycle in mitigation strategies and what needs to be done to offset the emissions associated with their implementation. At the same time, a negative and significant relationship of renewable energies with the two dependent variables used in the econometric models is observed. It is no longer news that renewables help to reduce emissions. In this context, the world has witnessed a tremendous transition from traditional sources to the use of renewable energy as an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative for creating a sustainable economy. A range of empirical research has demonstrated the beneficial effect of using renewable energy sources. In this direction, our results are consistent with a number of studies Amponsah et al. (2014), Erdoğan et al. (2024), Nuţă et al. (2024), Panwar et al. (2011). Moreover, whereas there is a lot of empirical research in the literature dealing with urbanization, which, after analysis, shows that urbanization leads to increased pollution, our results show the opposite. In this case, a possible justification is due to the increase in public awareness of climate change issues. Another factor would also be due to the stimulation of technological innovations and the development of sustainability-oriented public policies. CONCLUSIONS In the context of environmental protection concerns, patents on environmental technologies are essential for a challenging society. Through innovation and global collaboration, environmental technologies offer viable and sustainable solutions to address environmental threats. In other words, these technologies promise a clean, prosperous and emission-free economy and are becoming increasingly important, both economically and politically. Given all this, the subject is not sufficiently explored in the literature. This research therefore examines the impact of different types of technological innovation on greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 emissions in OECD countries, using annual data from 2000 to 2020 when 254 we used environmental technology patents as a proxy for highlighting the role of innovativeness in the environment. At the same time, a series of tests for unit roots and stationarity have been performed in our panel databases. The results of the tests we applied in this research highlight the important role these technologies play in improving the environment. Thus, in our view, the adoption of environmental technologies is an essential strategy to mitigate the present climate crisis, becoming a valuable tool in our journey towards zero emissions. The potential of environmental technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of life of both current and future generations is clear. But the role of Public Policy and International Cooperation in implementing technologies, as well as their support for widespread deployment, is crucial if these objectives are to be achieved. Today, the creation of an enabling legal and economic framework that stimulates technological innovation worldwide is being coordinated between national governments and businesses. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the best opportunities and latest technologies to reduce GHG emissions, national governments should increase their investment in research and development. The results of econometric models confirm that some studies have examined the impact of patents on environmental technologies on degradation in short and long term terms. The paper is useful in highlighting the fact that at such times, when climate change transcends national borders, international cooperation becomes a fundamental element in promoting green technologies. Thus, international cooperation on green technologies opens up new opportunities to address long-standing challenges (UNCTAD, 2023), allowing developing countries to make considerable progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The results of this research are not exhaustive and therefore have some limitations which are limited to the sample selected on the one hand and the time period under analysis on the other. Future studies could therefore also consider non-OECD countries to capture the extent of these technologies. 255 APPENDIX Table A1. 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The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview, guided by questions on definition, differentiation, symptoms, and prevalence. The subsequent sections discuss theoretical perspectives on complicated grief, examining attachment theory, the dual process model, meaning reconstruction, and other frameworks. The impact of complicated grief on psychological, emotional, and physical well-being, as well as social and occupational functioning, is explored. The assessment, diagnosis, and various treatment approaches, including psychotherapy and pharmacological interventions, are scrutinized. Factors influencing treatment outcomes, such as individual characteristics, social support, cultural considerations, and therapeutic alliance, are also discussed. This study concludes by emphasizing the need for further research, outlining gaps and limitations, and proposing recommendations for future exploration. Recognizing the profound implications of complicated grief on individuals, this research calls for a collective effort in understanding, identifying, and developing targeted interventions to support those grappling with this challenging form of mourning. Key words: Complicated Grief; Mourning: Treatment; Assessing; Intervention 1. Introduction Complicated grief is a distinct and intense form of grief that can significantly impair an individual’s functioning. It is essential to study complicated grief to gain a deeper understanding of its impact on individuals and develop effective interventions. This research aims to explore the background and significance of studying complicated grief, provide a definition and conceptualization of complicated grief, differentiate it from normal grief reactions, and discuss the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and risk factors associated with complicated grief. Grief is a natural response to loss, but for some individuals, the grieving process becomes complicated, leading to prolonged and debilitating symptoms. Complicated grief has been associated with various negative outcomes, including impaired social and occupational functioning, increased risk of mental health disorders, and decreased 261 quality of life. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of complicated grief, including its definition, differentiation from normal grief reactions, symptoms, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and risk factors. Understanding the unique characteristics of complicated grief is crucial for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to develop effective interventions and support systems. 2. Understanding Complicated Grief Complicated grief refers to a prolonged and intense form of grief that persists beyond the expected timeframe and significantly impairs an individual’s functioning. It is characterized by an inability to accept the loss, persistent longing for the deceased, and a profound sense of emptiness. Complicated grief is often accompanied by intrusive thoughts, emotional numbness, and difficulties in engaging in daily activities. While grief is a normal response to loss, complicated grief differs in its duration, intensity, and impact on functioning. Unlike normal grief, complicated grief is characterized by persistent yearning for the deceased, intense emotional pain, and an inability to adapt to life without the loved one. It often involves a sense of disbelief, bitterness, and difficulty finding meaning in life. Common symptoms of complicated grief include intense sadness, preoccupation with the deceased, difficulty accepting the loss, and recurrent intrusive thoughts or images related to death. Diagnostic criteria for complicated grief may include prolonged duration of grief symptoms (e.g., beyond six months), impaired social and occupational functioning, and persistent yearning for the deceased. Complicated grief is estimated to affect approximately 10-20% of individuals who experience the loss of a loved one. Certain risk factors increase the likelihood of developing complicated grief, including a sudden or traumatic loss, a close or dependent relationship with the deceased, a history of mental health disorders, and a lack of social support. Additionally, individuals with a history of childhood adversity or insecure attachment styles may be more vulnerable to complicated grief. 3. Theoretical Perspectives on Complicated Grief Attachment theory is a psychological framework that explains how individuals form and maintain emotional bonds with others, particularly in the context of close relationships such as those between infants and their caregivers. Developed by British psychiatrist John Bowlby, attachment theory suggests that the quality of early attachments significantly influences an individual’s emotional and social development throughout their lifespan. According to attachment theory, a secure attachment is formed when a caregiver consistently meets the emotional and physical needs of an infant, providing a safe and nurturing environment. In contrast, insecure attachments can result from inconsistent or neglectful caregiving, leading to emotional distress and difficulties in forming healthy relationships later in life. Complicated grief, also known as prolonged grief disorder, refers to a prolonged and intense form of grief that persists beyond the expected period of mourning. It is characterized by persistent yearning for the deceased, difficulty accepting the loss, and a significant impairment in daily functioning. Complicated grief can be seen as a disruption in the attachment system, where the individual struggles to adapt to the loss and reorganize their attachment bonds. The 262 relevance of attachment theory to complicated grief lies in its emphasis on the importance of secure attachments in promoting emotional well-being and resilience. When a secure attachment figure is lost, as in the case of bereavement, individuals may experience profound distress and struggle to navigate the grieving process. The loss disrupts the sense of security and attachment, leading to complicated grief symptoms. Research has shown that individuals with insecure attachment styles, particularly those with an anxious attachment style characterized by fear of abandonment and a strong need for reassurance, may be more susceptible to complicated grief (Kersting et al., 2011). These individuals may have difficulty processing the loss, adapting to the new reality, and seeking support from others. Attachmentbased interventions can be beneficial in the treatment of complicated grief, as they focus on helping individuals develop new attachment bonds and promote healthy coping strategies. These interventions aim to address the underlying attachment disruptions and facilitate the integration of the loss into the individual’s life narrative. The Dual Process Model of Coping (DPM) is another theoretical framework that navigates grief, developed by Margaret Stroebe and Henk Schut to explain how individuals cope with loss and grief. According to the DPM, individuals oscillate between two processes: lossoriented and restoration-oriented coping. Loss-oriented coping involves actively confronting and experiencing the pain of the loss. It includes activities such as expressing emotions, reminiscing about the deceased, and seeking social support. Restoration-oriented coping, on the other hand, focuses on adapting to the new reality created by the loss. It involves engaging in activities that help individuals rebuild their lives, such as establishing new routines, pursuing new interests, and developing new roles and identities. The DPM suggests that effective coping with grief involves a balance between these two processes. Individuals need to engage in both loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping to navigate the grieving process and ultimately adjust to the loss. This model recognizes that grief is not a linear process but rather a dynamic and fluctuating experience. When applied to complicated grief, the DPM provides insights into the challenges individuals may face in their coping strategies. Complicated grief is characterized by a prolonged and intense focus on the loss, with difficulty in engaging in restoration-oriented coping. Individuals may become stuck in the loss-oriented process, finding it challenging to adapt to the new reality or engage in activities that promote healing and growth. Individuals with complicated grief symptoms often have difficulties in shifting from loss-oriented coping to restoration-oriented coping (Stroebe, Schut, & Boerner, 2017). They may resist engaging in activities that symbolize moving forward or letting go, fearing that it will diminish their connection to the deceased. This can hinder the natural healing process and prolong the grief experience. Understanding the DPM can guide interventions for complicated grief by emphasizing the importance of supporting individuals in both loss-oriented and restorationoriented coping. Therapeutic approaches can help individuals explore and express their emotions related to the loss while also encouraging them to gradually engage in activities that promote rebuilding and adaptation. By recognizing the dual processes involved in coping with grief, clinicians can tailor interventions to address the specific needs of individuals experiencing complicated grief. This may involve facilitating a balance between focusing on the loss and encouraging steps towards restoration and adjustment. 263 Meaning reconstruction and the role of narrative play a crucial role in the process of coping with complicated grief. Meaning reconstruction refers to the process of finding new meanings and understanding in the context of the loss, while narrative refers to the way individuals construct and make sense of their grief experiences through storytelling. In complicated grief, individuals often struggle to make sense of the loss and its impact on their lives. The loss can challenge their existing beliefs, values, and assumptions, leading to a sense of confusion and existential distress. Meaning reconstruction involves actively reevaluating and reorganizing one’s beliefs, goals, and identity in light of the loss, in order to create a new sense of coherence and purpose. Narrative plays a central role in meaning reconstruction, as individuals construct and share their personal stories of grief. Through storytelling, individuals can make sense of their emotions, thoughts, and experiences related to the loss. Narratives provide a framework for organizing and integrating the fragmented aspects of grief, allowing individuals to create a coherent narrative that helps them find meaning and make sense of their loss. Narrative interventions can be effective in facilitating meaning reconstruction and promoting adaptive coping with complicated grief. By encouraging individuals to express and explore their grief experiences through storytelling, these interventions can help individuals gain insight, process emotions, and find new perspectives on their loss (Neimeyer, 2012). Narrative therapies, such as narrative exposure therapy and narrative reconstruction, have been used to address complicated grief symptoms. These therapies provide individuals with a safe space to share their stories, explore their emotions, and reconstruct their narratives in a way that promotes healing and growth (Lundorff et al., 2017). By engaging in meaning reconstruction and utilizing narrative approaches, individuals with complicated grief can gradually make sense of their loss, integrate it into their life story, and find new sources of meaning and purpose. There are also several theoretical frameworks that contribute to our understanding of complicated grief, shedding light on different aspects of this complex phenomenon. Some of these frameworks include: Traumatic Grief which emphasizes the overlap between grief and trauma, recognizing that certain types of losses, such as sudden and violent deaths, can lead to traumatic grief. It highlights the impact of the traumatic aspects of the loss on the grieving process and the need for trauma-informed interventions (Shear et al., 2011). CognitiveBehavioral Model which focuses on the role of maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors in maintaining complicated grief. It suggests that individuals with complicated grief may engage in cognitive distortions, avoidance behaviors, and prolonged rumination, which contribute to the persistence of symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral interventions aim to identify and modify these maladaptive patterns (Boelen & Lenferink, 2020). Social-Cultural Model emphasizes the influence of sociocultural factors on the experience of grief and complicated grief. It recognizes that cultural norms, rituals, and social support systems shape the grieving process. Understanding the cultural context and social support networks is crucial in providing appropriate and effective interventions (Lichtenthal et al., 2014). Attachment-Informed Models as mentioned earlier, this theory provides insights into the impact of attachment disruptions on complicated grief. Attachment-informed models 264 highlight the role of attachment styles, grief-related fears, and difficulties in forming new attachments in the development and maintenance of complicated grief (Field & Filanosky, 2019). 4. The Impact of Complicated Grief on Functioning Complicated grief can have significant psychological, emotional, and physical consequences for individuals experiencing it. Some of these consequences include: Psychological Consequences that includes persistent feelings of intense sadness, emptiness, and despair; Intrusive thoughts and preoccupation with the deceased; Difficulty accepting the reality of the loss; Feelings of guilt, self-blame, or anger related to the loss; Identity disruption and a sense of purposelessness; Increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Prigerson et al., 2009). Emotional Consequences relate to intense and prolonged yearning for the deceased; Emotional numbness or detachment; Difficulty experiencing positive emotions or finding joy in life; Heightened sensitivity to reminders of the loss; Mood swings and emotional instability (Lundorff et al., 2017). Physical Consequences comprising sleep disturbances, including insomnia or nightmares; Fatigue and low energy levels; Appetite and weight changes; Physical symptoms, such as headaches, gastrointestinal distress, or muscle tension; Weakened immune system and increased vulnerability to illness (Boelen et al., 2006). These consequences can significantly impact an individual’s overall well-being and functioning, leading to impairments in various areas of life, including work, relationships, and daily activities. Complicated grief can significantly impact various areas of a person’s life, including their social relationships and occupational functioning. Individuals with complicated grief may withdraw from social interactions and isolate themselves from others due to difficulties in relating to people who have not experienced a similar loss. Complicated grief can strain existing relationships, as individuals may struggle to engage in meaningful connections and may have difficulty receiving support from others. The intense and prolonged nature of complicated grief may result in decreased availability and willingness of others to provide support, leading to a sense of loneliness and isolation (Lundorff et al., 2017). Complicated grief can lead to difficulties concentrating, decreased motivation, and diminished energy levels, which can impact an individual’s ability to perform effectively in their job. Individuals with complicated grief may experience increased absenteeism (missing work) or presenteeism (being physically present but not fully engaged) due to emotional distress and reduced functioning.The impact of complicated grief on occupational functioning can result in career disruptions, such as job loss or difficulty in pursuing career goals (Shear et al., 2011). Complicated grief is often associated with comorbid mental health conditions, meaning individuals experiencing complicated grief may also have other co-occurring psychological disorders like: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Complicated grief and major depressive disorder often coexist, with overlapping symptoms such as persistent sadness, loss of interest, and disrupted sleep and appetite. Research suggests that complicated grief can increase the risk of developing MDD, and individuals with complicated grief are more likely to meet criteria for 265 MDD compared to those without complicated grief (Lichtenthal et al., 2014). Anxiety Disorders: Individuals with complicated grief may also experience comorbid anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The distress and intrusive thoughts associated with complicated grief can contribute to the development or exacerbation of these anxiety disorders (Lundorff et al., 2017). Substance Use Disorders: Complicated grief can increase the risk of developing substance use disorders as individuals may turn to substances as a way to cope with their intense emotions and distress. Substance use can provide temporary relief but can ultimately exacerbate the symptoms of complicated grief (Currier et al., 2008). Suicidal Ideation and Behavior: Complicated grief is associated with an increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior. The profound and enduring distress experienced in complicated grief can lead individuals to contemplate or engage in self-harming behaviors as a means to escape their pain (Shear et al., 2011). 5. Assessment and Diagnosis of Complicated Grief Some commonly used instrumentsfor assessing and measuring complicated grief are: Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG): The ICG is a self-report measure designed to assess symptoms of complicated grief. It consists of 19 items that assess various aspects of complicated grief, including yearning, disbelief, and difficulty accepting the loss. The ICG has demonstrated good reliability and validity in different populations (Prigerson et al., 1995). Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG): The TRIG is a self-report questionnaire that assesses symptoms of complicated grief. It consists of 45 items that measure various dimensions of grief, including emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. The TRIG has shown good psychometric properties and has been used in both clinical and research settings (Boelen et al., 2003). Prolonged Grief Disorder-13 (PG-13): The PG-13 is a self-report measure specifically designed to assess symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), which is a proposed diagnostic category for complicated grief. It consists of 13 items that assess symptoms such as yearning, disbelief, and emotional pain. The PG-13 has demonstrated good reliability and validity (Prigerson et al., 2009). Complicated Grief Assessment Tool (CGAT): The CGAT is a clinician-rated instrument that assesses symptoms of complicated grief. It consists of 17 items that cover various domains of complicated grief, including separation distress, traumatic distress, and cognitive and emotional symptoms. The CGAT has shown good interrater reliability and validity (Shear et al., 2011). Diagnosing complicated grief can present several challenges and limitations due to the complex nature of the condition. There is ongoing debate and lack of consensus among professionals regarding the diagnostic criteria and classification of complicated grief. 266 Different diagnostic criteria and definitions have been proposed, leading to variability in assessment and diagnosis across studies and clinical practice (Lichtenthal et al., 2014). Complicated grief shares symptoms with other mental health conditions, such as major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Distinguishing between complicated grief and these comorbid conditions can be challenging, as they often coexist and share similar features, making accurate diagnosis and differentiation difficult (Shear et al., 2011). Cultural and contextual factors influence the expression and experience of grief. Norms, beliefs, and rituals related to grief can vary across cultures, which may impact the assessment and diagnosis of complicated grief. The existing diagnostic criteria may not adequately capture the cultural variations in the grief experience (Lichtenthal et al., 2014).Complicated grief can manifest in various ways, with individuals experiencing a wide range of symptoms and severity levels. This heterogeneity makes it challenging to establish clear diagnostic criteria and identify a standardized set of symptoms that accurately capture the complexity of complicated grief (Lundorff et al., 2017). Despite significant progress in the field, there is still a need for further research and validation of diagnostic measures for complicated grief. Some assessment tools lack consistent validation across diverse populations, limiting their generalizability and applicability (Boelen & Lenferink, 2020). Differentiating complicated grief from other mental health conditions can be challenging due to overlapping symptoms and comorbidity. However, there are several factors that can help in distinguishing complicated grief from other disorders. Complicated grief is characterized by persistent and intense symptoms that extend beyond the expected duration of normal grief. Symptoms typically persist for at least six months and may continue to impair functioning over an extended period (Shear et al., 2011). Differentiating complicated grief from transient grief reactions or acute grief can involve assessing the duration and persistence of symptoms. Although there is symptom overlap between complicated grief and other mental health conditions, there are certain characteristic features that can help differentiate them. For example, complicated grief often involves a preoccupation with the deceased, intense yearning, and difficulty accepting the loss, which may distinguish it from other disorders like major depressive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (Shear et al., 2011). Assessing the impact of symptoms on various domains of functioning can be helpful in distinguishing complicated grief from other disorders. Complicated grief often leads to significant impairments in social, occupational, and daily functioning (Lichtenthal et al., 2014). Evaluating the extent of functional impairment can provide insights into the specific challenges faced by individuals with complicated grief. Considering the context and circumstances surrounding the loss can be important in differentiating complicated grief from other disorders. For example, complicated grief may be more likely when the loss is sudden, violent, or unexpected (Shear et al., 2011). Understanding the nature of the loss and the individual’s relationship with the deceased can provide valuable contextual information. 267 6. Treatment Approaches for Complicated Grief There are several different kind of interventions for complicated grief. In this section there are going to be explored Psychotherapy interventions, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Complicated Grief Therapy (CGT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Pharmacological interventions and Alternative and Complementary treatment options. Psychotherapy interventions that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of complicated grief. Some commonly used treatment approaches are: 1. Complicated Grief Treatment (CGT): CGT is a manualized, evidence-based therapy specifically designed for complicated grief. It aims to help individuals process their grief, address maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, and promote adaptive coping strategies. CGT typically consists of a combination of cognitive-behavioral techniques, exposure-based interventions, and elements of interpersonal therapy (Shear et al., 2005). CGT has demonstrated efficacy in reducing symptoms of complicated grief and improving overall functioning (Shear et al., 2014). 2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT approaches for complicated grief focus on identifying and challenging maladaptive thoughts and beliefs related to the loss. It aims to help individuals develop adaptive coping skills, manage distressing emotions, and engage in activities that promote healing and adjustment. CBT interventions may include cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, and relaxation techniques (Boelen et al., 2007). 3. Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Mindfulness-based interventions, such as MindfulnessBased Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), can be beneficial for individuals with complicated grief. These interventions emphasize presentmoment awareness, acceptance, and non-judgmental observation of thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness-based approaches have been shown to reduce symptoms of grief, improve emotional regulation, and enhance overall well-being (Lichtenthal et al., 2013). 4. Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT): IPT focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and addressing social and role transitions that may contribute to complicated grief. It aims to help individuals express their emotions, resolve conflicts, and rebuild social support networks. IPT can be particularly effective when complicated grief is associated with interpersonal difficulties or relationship disruptions (Reynolds et al., 1999). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be effectively used in the treatment of complicated grief focusing on: 1. Psychoeducation: CBT for complicated grief often begins with psychoeducation, where individuals are provided with information about the nature of grief, the differences between normal and complicated grief, and the factors that contribute to its development. Psychoeducation helps individuals understand their symptoms, normalize their experiences, and reduce self-blame (Boelen et al., 2007). 268 2. Cognitive Restructuring: CBT aims to identify and challenge maladaptive thoughts and beliefs that contribute to the maintenance of complicated grief. Cognitive restructuring involves helping individuals recognize and reframe negative or distorted thoughts related to the loss, such as guilt, self-blame, or unrealistic beliefs about the deceased. By challenging and replacing these thoughts with more adaptive and realistic ones, individuals can experience a reduction in distress and improved coping (Boelen et al., 2007). 3. Behavioral Activation: Grief often leads to a withdrawal from activities and social interactions. Behavioral activation techniques are used in CBT to encourage individuals to engage in meaningful and pleasurable activities that promote healing and adjustment. By gradually reintroducing enjoyable activities, individuals can experience an increase in positive emotions and a sense of mastery over their grief (Boelen et al., 2007). 4. Exposure-Based Interventions: Exposure-based techniques are utilized to help individuals confront and process distressing emotions and memories associated with the loss. This may involve imaginal exposure, where individuals are guided to vividly imagine the loss and associated emotions, or in vivo exposure, where individuals gradually approach situations or places that remind them of the deceased. Exposure-based interventions aim to reduce avoidance and promote emotional processing and adjustment (Shear et al., 2005). Complicated Grief Therapy (CGT) is a specific psychotherapy approach developed to address symptoms of complicated grief. It is a manualized, evidence-based treatment that focuses on helping individuals process their grief, address maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, and promote adaptive coping strategies. An overview of CGT includes: 1. Core Components: CGT consists of several core components that are delivered over a structured treatment period. These components include psychoeducation about complicated grief, exploration of the loss and its impact, revisiting and processing the emotions associated with the loss, and focusing on building a new life without the deceased (Shear et al., 2014). 2. Dual Process Model: CGT is based on the Dual Process Model of coping with grief, which suggests that individuals oscillate between two types of processes: loss-oriented processes (focusing on the loss and associated emotions) and restoration-oriented processes (focusing on adapting to the new reality). CGT helps individuals navigate and balance these processes to promote adaptive grieving (Stroebe et al., 2007). 3. Techniques and Strategies: CGT incorporates various therapeutic techniques and strategies to address complicated grief symptoms. These may include cognitive restructuring to challenge maladaptive thoughts, imaginal revisiting to process emotions related to the loss, situational revisiting to address avoidance behaviors, and future-oriented exercises to facilitate goal setting and building a new life (Shear et al., 2014). 4. Individualized Treatment: CGT is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. The therapist collaboratively works with the client to understand their unique experiences of grief, identify treatment goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan. The therapy is typically delivered in a one-on-one format, but can also be adapted for group settings (Shear et al., 2014). 269 CGT has demonstrated efficacy in reducing symptoms of complicated grief and improving overall functioning. It has been found to be superior to supportive counseling in randomized controlled trials (Shear et al., 2005). CGT is considered an evidence-based treatment for complicated grief and is recommended as a first-line intervention for this condition (Shear et al., 2014). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is another therapeutic approach originally developed for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While EMDR is primarily used for trauma-related conditions, it has also been adapted and applied to other disorders, including complicated grief. Here is an overview of how EMDR can be used for complicated grief: 1. Assessment and Preparation: The therapy begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand the individual’s history, symptoms, and specific difficulties related to their grief. The therapist works with the client to establish a therapeutic alliance and provide education about EMDR and its potential benefits in addressing complicated grief (Luber, 2012). 2. Target Identification: In EMDR, specific targets or memories related to the loss and associated distress are identified. These targets may include memories of the deceased, distressing images, negative beliefs about the loss, or unresolved emotions. The therapist helps the client identify the most salient targets for processing (Luber, 2012). 3. Dual Attention Stimulation: EMDR involves bilateral stimulation of the brain, which can be achieved through eye movements, tapping, or auditory tones. While the client focuses on the target memory or emotion, the therapist guides them in engaging in bilateral stimulation. This process facilitates the reprocessing of the distressing material and the integration of adaptive information (Shapiro, 2001). 4. Desensitization and Reprocessing: During the bilateral stimulation, the client engages in a process of desensitization, where the distress associated with the target is gradually reduced. This is followed by reprocessing, where the client experiences new insights, shifts in beliefs, and the integration of adaptive emotions and perspectives related to the loss. The therapist provides support and guidance throughout this process (Shapiro, 2001). It is important to note that while EMDR may be used as an adjunctive treatment for complicated grief, it is not considered a first-line treatment. The evidence for its efficacy in complicated grief is still evolving, and further research is needed to establish its effectiveness in this specific context. Pharmacological Interventions can be considered as part of the treatment approach for complicated grief. However, it is important to note that the evidence for specific pharmacological treatments for complicated grief is limited, and more research is needed in this area. 1. Antidepressant Medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed antidepressant medications that have been studied in the context of complicated 270 grief. While the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that SSRIs may be effective in reducing symptoms of complicated grief, particularly when comorbid depression is present (Shear et al., 2016). However, further research is needed to establish their efficacy and optimal dosing. 2. Anxiolytic Medications: Benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam or alprazolam, may be prescribed to manage anxiety symptoms associated with complicated grief. These medications can help alleviate acute distress and promote relaxation. However, long-term use of benzodiazepines is generally not recommended due to the risk of dependence and potential for adverse effects (Boelen & de Keijser, 2019). 3. Other Medications: Some studies have explored the use of other medications, such as naltrexone (an opioid antagonist) or ketamine (an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist), in the treatment of complicated grief. However, the evidence for these medications is limited and further research is needed to determine their efficacy (Shear et al., 2016). Alternative and Complementary Treatment options can be considered as adjunctive approaches for the treatment of complicated grief. Some of the alternative and complementary treatment options that have been explored in this field are: 1. Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Mindfulness-based interventions, such as MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), can be beneficial for individuals with complicated grief. These interventions focus on cultivating present-moment awareness, acceptance, and non-judgmental observation of thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness-based approaches have shown promise in reducing symptoms of grief and improving overall well-being (Lichtenthal et al., 2013). 2. Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation practices have been found to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve emotional well-being. These practices can help individuals with complicated grief develop a sense of grounding, self-compassion, and resilience. However, more research is needed to establish their specific effectiveness in the context of complicated grief (Hart et al., 2018). 3. Acupuncture: Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, has been explored as a potential treatment for griefrelated symptoms. While the evidence is limited and mixed, some studies suggest that acupuncture may help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress associated with grief (Chao et al., 2018). 4. Expressive Therapies: Expressive therapies, such as art therapy, music therapy, or dance/movement therapy, can provide a creative outlet for individuals to express and process their grief. These therapies focus on using artistic and creative mediums to explore emotions, memories, and meaning-making related to the loss. While the evidence is limited, some individuals may find these approaches helpful in their grief journey (Potash et al., 2017). The effectiveness and outcomes of different treatment approaches are that Complicated Grief 271 Treatment (CGT) is an evidence-based therapy specifically designed for complicated grief. Research studies have shown that CGT is effective in reducing symptoms of complicated grief and improving overall functioning. In a randomized controlled trial, CGT was found to be superior to supportive counseling in reducing symptoms of complicated grief and depression (Shear et al., 2005). Additionally, a long-term follow-up study demonstrated that CGT maintained its efficacy over time, with sustained reductions in complicated grief symptoms (Shear et al., 2016). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approaches for complicated grief have shown promising results. Studies comparing CBT to supportive counseling have found that CBT can lead to greater reductions in complicated grief symptoms and depression (Boelen et al., 2007). CBT has also been found to be effective in improving overall functioning and quality of life in individuals with complicated grief (Shear et al., 2014). EMDR is primarily used for trauma-related conditions, its effectiveness in complicated grief is still being explored. Limited evidence suggests that EMDR may be helpful in reducing symptoms of complicated grief, particularly when trauma-related aspects are present (Kleim et al., 2013). However, more research is needed to establish its efficacy in this specific context. The evidence for specific pharmacological treatments for complicated grief is limited. Antidepressant medications, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have been studied to some extent. While the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that SSRIs may be effective in reducing symptoms of complicated grief, particularly when comorbid depression is present (Shear et al., 2016). However, further research is needed to establish their efficacy and optimal dosing. 7. Factors Influencing Treatment Outcomes Individual characteristics play a crucial role in treatment outcomes, as the effectiveness of different treatment approaches can vary depending on the specific needs and characteristics of the individual. The severity of complicated grief symptoms can impact treatment outcomes. Research suggests that individuals with more severe symptoms may benefit from more intensive or longer-duration treatments (Shear et al., 2005). For example, individuals with high levels of distress or impairment may require more sessions of therapy or additional support to achieve optimal outcomes. The presence of co-occurring conditions, such as depression or anxiety, can influence treatment outcomes. Individuals with complicated grief and comorbid conditions may require integrated treatment approaches that address both conditions simultaneously (Shear et al., 2016). Tailoring treatment to address specific symptoms and needs can enhance treatment effectiveness. Individual differences in attachment style may impact treatment match. For example, individuals with an insecure attachment style may benefit from interventions that focus on building a secure therapeutic alliance and addressing attachment-related issues (Field et al., 2008). Understanding and considering attachment dynamics can aid in treatment planning and the selection of appropriate interventions. Cultural factors, such as beliefs, values, and norms, can influence treatment preferences and outcomes. Culturally sensitive approaches that consider the individual’s cultural background and incorporate cultural values and practices may enhance treatment engagement and effectiveness (Hinton et al., 2013). 272 Social support plays a crucial role in the treatment of complicated grief, as it can provide individuals with emotional validation, practical assistance, and a sense of belonging. Social support can provide individuals with a safe space to express their emotions and grief experiences without judgment. Having someone who listens empathetically and validates their feelings can help individuals process their grief and reduce feelings of isolation (Mancini et al., 2015). Social support can offer practical help with daily tasks, such as meal preparation, childcare, or running errands. This assistance can alleviate some of the burdens associated with grief and allow individuals to focus on their healing and treatment (Wortman & Silver, 1989). Being part of a supportive social network can foster a sense of belonging and connectedness, which is crucial in the treatment of complicated grief. Feeling understood and accepted by others can provide a sense of comfort and reduce feelings of loneliness (Mancini et al., 2015). Social support can also play a role in treatment engagement and adherence. Having supportive individuals who encourage and motivate individuals to seek treatment, attend therapy sessions, and follow through with treatment recommendations can enhance treatment outcomes (Houck et al., 2006). What must be emphasized in the treatment practice of complicated grief are cultural considerations such as cultural beliefs, values, and practices that can influence individuals’ experience of grief and their help-seeking behaviors. Different cultures have unique norms and beliefs surrounding death, grief, and mourning. Understanding and respecting these cultural norms is crucial in providing culturally sensitive care. For example, some cultures may have specific rituals or customs related to mourning that can be integrated into the treatment process (Hinton et al., 2013). Language barriers can hinder effective communication and understanding in therapy. Providing interpreters or therapists who are fluent in the individual’s native language can facilitate better rapport, engagement, and treatment outcomes (Bernal et al., 2009). Cultural identity plays a significant role in how individuals experience and express grief. Therapists should be aware of cultural differences in emotional expression, coping styles, and helpseeking behaviors. Recognizing and validating culturally specific ways of grieving can foster a therapeutic alliance and enhance treatment effectiveness (Chentsova-Dutton et al., 2017). Cultural factors can influence the perception of mental health and seeking professional help. Some cultures may stigmatize mental health issues, including grief-related difficulties. It is important to address and challenge these stigmas, provide education about mental health, and offer culturally appropriate interventions to reduce barriers to treatment (Kirmayer et al., 2011). Cultural competence and sensitivity are crucial in providing effective treatment for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Therapists should engage in ongoing cultural self-reflection, seek cultural consultation when needed, and adapt interventions to align with the cultural values and needs of the individual. Therapeutic alliance and the quality of the therapeutic relationship are some other essential factors in the treatment of complicated grief. The therapeutic alliance refers to the collaborative and trusting relationship between the therapist and the client. It involves mutual respect, empathy, and a shared understanding of treatment goals. Research consistently 273 demonstrates that a strong therapeutic alliance is associated with better treatment outcomes across various mental health conditions, including grief (Flückiger et al., 2018). The therapeutic relationship provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to express their emotions, including grief-related feelings. The presence of a compassionate and empathetic therapist can help individuals feel understood, validated, and supported in their grief journey (Mancini et al., 2015). Building trust is crucial in the therapeutic relationship. Individuals need to feel confident that their personal information will be kept confidential and that they can share their deepest thoughts and emotions without judgment. Trusting the therapist can facilitate openness and willingness to engage in the therapeutic process (Norcross, 2011). A strong therapeutic relationship involves collaboration between the therapist and the individual. Engaging the individual in treatment planning, decision-making, and goal-setting empowers them and enhances their sense of agency in their own healing process (Hill et al., 2015).The therapeutic relationship is considered a common factor across different therapeutic approaches and is often cited as one of the most significant predictors of treatment outcomes. It is important for therapists to prioritize the development of a strong therapeutic alliance to optimize treatment effectiveness. 7. Future Directions and Implications The current understanding of complicated grief, also known as prolonged grief disorder or persistent complex bereavement disorder, has made significant progress in recent years. However, there are still gaps and limitations in our knowledge of this condition. Some of these gaps include: 1. Lack of Consensus on Diagnostic Criteria: While complicated grief is recognized as a distinct condition in some diagnostic systems (e.g., DSM-5), there is still ongoing debate and lack of consensus regarding its diagnostic criteria. Different researchers and clinicians may use varying definitions and criteria, leading to difficulties in comparing studies and understanding the true prevalence and nature of the disorder. 2. Limited Understanding of Underlying Mechanisms: The underlying mechanisms and neurobiological basis of complicated grief are not yet fully understood. Research has identified potential factors such as maladaptive cognitive processes, emotional dysregulation, and disrupted attachment, but further investigation is needed to elucidate the specific mechanisms involved. 3. Challenges in Assessment: Currently, there is no widely accepted gold standard for assessing complicated grief. Various self-report measures and structured interviews have been developed, but their reliability and validity need further validation. Additionally, cultural and contextual factors may influence the expression and experience of grief, making cross-cultural assessment and diagnosis challenging. 4. Limited Longitudinal Studies: Long-term studies following individuals with complicated grief are relatively scarce. Understanding the natural course of the disorder, factors influencing its progression or resolution, and potential risk and protective factors requires longitudinal research designs that track individuals over extended periods. 5. Treatment Efficacy and Standardization: Although several therapeutic interventions have 274 shown promise in treating complicated grief, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and complicated grief treatment, the efficacy of these interventions is still being explored. Moreover, there is a lack of standardized treatment protocols, making it difficult to compare outcomes across studies and establish best practices. Recommendations for further research and exploration in the field of complicated grief may include conducting longitudinal studies to understand the natural course of complicated grief over time, including factors that contribute to its persistence or resolution. These studies can help identify trajectories of complicated grief and inform the development of targeted interventions. (Shear et al., 2011). Investigating the underlying neurobiological mechanisms involved in complicated grief. Utilize neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to explore brain regions and networks associated with grief processing and regulation. This can provide insights into potential targets for therapeutic interventions. (O’Connor et al., 2020). Conducting further research to identify and understand risk factors and protective factors associated with complicated grief. Explore the interplay between personal vulnerability factors, the nature of the loss, and the quality of the relationship with the deceased to better predict and prevent the development of complicated grief. (Lobb et al., 2010). Conducting comparative studies to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatment approaches for complicated grief. Compare interventions such as complicated grief therapy (CGT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and pharmacological treatments to determine their relative efficacy and identify which individuals may benefit most from specific interventions. (Boelen et al., 2020). Exploring the influence of cultural and contextual factors on the experience and expression of complicated grief. Investigate how cultural norms, beliefs, and rituals shape grief responses and inform the development of culturally sensitive interventions. (Field et al., 2019) The implications that arise for clinical practice and the development of interventions relating complicated grief are: 1. Early Identification and Screening: Clinicians should be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of complicated grief and conduct appropriate screening to identify individuals at risk. Early identification can facilitate timely intervention and prevent the progression of complicated grief. (Shear et al., 2011) 2. Tailored Treatment Approaches: Develop and implement tailored treatment approaches for complicated grief that address the unique needs and challenges of individuals experiencing this condition. Consider factors such as the nature of the loss, the quality of the relationship with the deceased, and cultural background when designing interventions. (Lichtenthal et al., 2004) 3. Targeted Psychotherapy: Utilize evidence-based psychotherapies, such as complicated grief therapy (CGT), that specifically target the symptoms and underlying mechanisms of complicated grief. CGT focuses on facilitating the resolution of grief complications and promoting adaptive coping strategies. (Shear et al., 2011) 4. Pharmacological Interventions: Explore the potential role of pharmacological interventions, such as antidepressants, in the treatment of complicated grief. Research suggests that certain medications may help alleviate symptoms associated with complicated grief, but more studies are needed to establish their effectiveness and optimal use. (Boelen et al., 2020) 5. Supportive Interventions: Provide supportive interventions that address the social and emotional needs of individuals with complicated grief. This may include support groups, 275 counseling, and psychoeducation for both the bereaved individuals and their families. (Field et al., 2019) 6. Collaborative Care: Adopt a collaborative care approach that involves multidisciplinary teams, including mental health professionals, primary care physicians, and social workers, to provide comprehensive and integrated care for individuals with complicated grief. This approach ensures a holistic assessment and addresses the various aspects of the individual’s well-being. (Shear et al., 2011) Early identification and intervention for complicated grief are crucial for several reasons. Early identification and intervention can help prevent the development of chronic and persistent complicated grief. By addressing the symptoms and providing appropriate support early on, individuals have a better chance of resolving their grief and adapting to life without the deceased. (Shear et al., 2011). Research suggests that individuals with complicated grief who receive early intervention have better treatment outcomes compared to those who receive delayed or no intervention. Early identification allows for timely access to evidence-based treatments, such as complicated grief therapy (CGT), which can effectively address the specific challenges associated with complicated grief. (Boelen et al., 2020). Complicated grief can significantly impact various aspects of an individual’s life, including relationships, work, and overall functioning. Early intervention can help mitigate these negative effects and promote healthier coping strategies, leading to improved overall functioning and quality of life. (Shear et al., 2011). Complicated grief often co-occurs with other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Early identification and intervention can help minimize the risk of developing comorbid conditions and address the specific needs of individuals with complicated grief. (Lichtenthal et al., 2004). Grief can sometimes lead to social withdrawal and isolation. Early intervention can provide individuals with a supportive network, including mental health professionals, support groups, and bereavement services, which can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide a sense of connection during a challenging time. (Field et al., 2019) 9. Conclusions Theories contributing to our understanding of complicated grief encompass attachment theory, dual process model (DPM) of coping, meaning reconstruction, and several other frameworks. Attachment theory, rooted in the work of John Bowlby, underscores the impact of early attachments on emotional and social development. It suggests that the loss of a secure attachment figure, as seen in bereavement, may lead to complicated grief, especially for individuals with insecure attachment styles. Dual process model (DPM) of coping, proposed by Stroebe and Schut, elucidates how individuals oscillate between loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping processes during grief. Effective coping requires a balance between these processes, yet complications arise when individuals struggle to shift from focusing on loss to engaging in activities promoting restoration. Meaning reconstruction and narrative play pivotal roles in coping with complicated grief, involving the active process of finding new meanings and constructing coherent narratives to make sense of the loss. 276 Additionally, other frameworks, such as traumatic grief, cognitive-behavioral models, socialcultural considerations, and attachment-informed models, contribute valuable insights into different aspects of complicated grief. Integrating these frameworks offers a comprehensive understanding, guiding tailored, multidimensional interventions to address specific needs and facilitate effective treatment. Understanding and addressing complicated grief has several implications: 1. Improved Diagnosis: Developing consensus on diagnostic criteria for complicated grief is crucial for accurate identification and diagnosis. This allows clinicians to differentiate complicated grief from normal grief and other mental health conditions, leading to appropriate interventions. (Shear et al., 2011) 2. Early Identification: Early identification of complicated grief is essential to prevent chronicity and minimize the negative impact on individuals’ functioning and well-being. Screening tools and training for healthcare professionals can facilitate early identification and prompt intervention. (Shear et al., 2011) 3. Tailored Interventions: Tailoring interventions to address the specific needs of individuals with complicated grief is crucial. Evidence-based treatments, such as complicated grief therapy (CGT), can be effective in addressing the symptoms and challenges associated with complicated grief. (Shear et al., 2011) 4. Holistic Approach: Addressing complicated grief requires a holistic approach that considers the interplay of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. This includes recognizing the influence of cultural norms, beliefs, and rituals in the grieving process and developing culturally sensitive interventions. (Field et al., 2019) 5. Supportive Care: Providing support and creating a supportive environment for individuals with complicated grief is essential. This may involve involving family members, friends, and support groups to provide emotional support, practical assistance, and opportunities for social connection. (Field et al., 2019) 6. Research and Training: Further research is needed to enhance our understanding of complicated grief and its underlying mechanisms. Additionally, training programs should be developed to educate healthcare professionals about the identification, assessment, and evidence-based interventions for complicated grief. (Shear et al., 2011) By implementing these recommendations, we can advance our understanding of complicated grief and develop improved treatment approaches that address the unique needs of individuals experiencing this challenging condition. Studying complicated grief is crucial due to its profound impact on individuals’ well-being and functioning. This essay provided a background and significance for studying complicated grief, outlined the research objective and questions, and explored the definition, differentiation from normal grief reactions, symptoms, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, and risk factors associated with complicated grief. By gaining a deeper understanding of complicated grief, researchers and practitioners can 277 develop targeted interventions to support individuals experiencing this challenging form of grief. 10. References Bernal, G., Bonilla, J., & Bellido, C. (2009). 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The aim of this study was to examine the moderating role of social media addiction in the effect of depression on the intolerance of uncertainty of university students. Data were collected from 311 university students, consisting of 76% female (n=230) and 24% male (n=81) students. The online form prepared by the researchers was sent to the volunteer students. The Intolerance of Uncertainty, Social Media Addiction, and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress-21 scales were utilized. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to test the factor structures of the scales. CFA results showed that the two factors for the Intolerance of Uncertainty, one factor for Social Media Addiction, and three factors for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress-21 were confirmed. Cronbach alpha coefficients were found as 0.92, 0.88, and 0.89, respectively. After the data was cleaned, Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated, and regression analysis was utilized for moderation analysis. The correlation coefficient between depression and the intolerance of uncertainty was 0.30 (p<0.05), depression and social media addiction was 0.42 (p<0.05), and social media addiction and the intolerance of uncertainty was 0.32 (p<0.05). Depression and intolerance of uncertainty levels were in a significantly weak positive relationship. When the social media addiction variable was included in the model as a moderating variable, it had a significant positive effect on this relationship (p<0.05). The social media addiction variable significantly contributed to explaining the positive relationship between university students' depression and intolerance of uncertainty (R2 change= 0.022). The relationships between the variables discussed in the study were found to be compatible with the literature. The current study has demonstrated moderation analysis indicated that social media addiction moderated the relationship between depression and intolerance of uncertainty among university students. Keywords: Moderating Variable; Moderation Analysis; Regression; Correlation 280 INTRODUCTION The psychological well-being of pre-service teachers at a good level directly affects communication and teaching activities with students. The improvement of the affective traits of pre-service teachers, who have an important role in raising future generations, and the maintenance of this level are necessary. In particular, processes such as COVID-19 and wars experienced worldwide in recent years have negatively affected not only all individuals but also teachers and pre-service teachers in terms of their affective state. During these processes, affective traits such as intolerance of uncertainty and depression tend to develop negatively. According to Carleton (2016), intolerance of uncertainty refers to an individual's inherent inability to tolerate the negative reactions elicited by the perceived lack of important, crucial, or satisfactory information, compounded by the feeling of uncertainty. Intolerance of uncertainty has been found to be associated with health anxiety (Ahmed et al., 2020), depression and anxiety (Saulnier et al., 2019), and sleep problems (Voitsidis et al., 2020). Studies indicate that intolerance of uncertainty is an important risk factor in the development of depression (Saulnier et al., 2019). Besides, social media addiction and depression have a positive relationship, and depression significantly predicts social media addiction (Dikmen, 2021). On the other hand, in a meta-analysis study conducted by Carleton et al. (2019), positive relationships were observed between internet usage and intolerance of uncertainty. A growing body of technological improvements has shifted people's work and life activities from offline to online, leading to important problems of internet dependence and social media addiction (Luo et al., 2021). The experience of the pandemic, particularly the transition to online education for students and the limitation of social interactions, has increased internet and social media addiction not only among individuals but also among pre-service teachers. There have been significant relationships found between social media addiction, academic procrastination (Akbaş Coşar & Gedik, 2021), and social anxiety (Arslan et al., 2023) among pre-service teachers. Numerous studies show that these addictions are positively associated with depression (Aydın et al.,2021; Demirci et al., 2015) and intolerance of uncertainty (Carleton et al., 2019). Research indicates that there are relationships between intolerance of uncertainty, depression, and social media addiction. To our knowledge, there has not been a study to explore these relationships altogether. The aim of this study was to examine the moderating role of social media addiction in the effect of depression on the intolerance of uncertainty of university students. Moderating variables plays an important role in understanding the relationship between two variables in scientific research. A moderator variable is a variable that alters the direction or strength of the relation between a predictor and an outcome (Frazier et al., 2004). A moderator effect entails an interaction where the impact of one variable depends upon the level of another. Interaction effects (i.e., moderators) are important to study because they are common in educational and psychological studies. Discovering significant moderators in the relationships between predictors and outcomes reveals the substantive relations among variables. Therefore, in this study, we consider exploring the relationship between depression and the intolerance of uncertainty among pre-service teachers. We tested the moderating 281 effects of social media addiction in this relationship. We hypothesized that social media addiction moderates the relationship between depression and intolerance of uncertainty. METHODOLOGY This study was done to determine relationships between two or more variables and to explore their implications for cause and effect. This type of research is called correlational research (Fraenkel et al., 2011). Correlational research seeks to investigate the extent to which one or more relationships of some type exist. The approach requires no manipulation or intervention on the part of the researcher other than administering the instrument(s) necessary to collect the data desired. Participants and Data Collection The convenience sampling technique was used to determine participants for the research. A convenience sample is a group of individuals conveniently available for study (Fraenkel et al., 2011). This study occurred during the fall and spring terms of the 2022–2023 academic year. The data was collected from 311 volunteer university students (pre-service teachers). The data comprised 76% (n = 230) female and 24% (n =81) male students. The instruments were implemented to the voluntary participants online via Google Forms. Before the implementation, participants were allowed to read a statement explaining the purpose and scope of the research. Thus, the data collection was based on informed consent, and the guidelines for responsible conduct of research and ethical principles were followed throughout the study. Measurement Instruments The Turkish Short Version of the Intolerance of Uncertainty (IUS-12) Scale is used to determine levels of intolerance of uncertainty of pre-service teachers. The scale was developed by Carleton et al. (2007) and adopted in Turkish by Sarıçam et al. (2014). The scale comprises 12 items and two sub-factors (prospective anxiety and inhibitory anxiety). The scale has a 5-point Likert-type rating (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree). The high scores on the scale mean high levels of intolerance of uncertainty. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of the total scale are .92, and the sub-factors are .86, and .91, respectively. The McDonald’s ω reliability coefficients of the total scale are .92, and the subfactors are .86, and .92, respectively. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) is used to determine the status of students’ depression, anxiety, and stress. It was developed by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) and adopted in Turkish by Sarıçam (2018). The scale comprises 21 items and three sub-factors (depression, anxiety, and stress). The scale has a 5-point Likert-type rating (1 = strongly 282 disagree and 5 = strongly agree). The high scores on the scale mean high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of the total scale are .89, and the sub-factors are .89, .86, and .88, respectively. The McDonald’s ω reliability coefficients of the total scale are .92, and the sub-factors are .89, .86, and .88, respectively. Social Media Addiction Scale is used to determine the levels of social media addiction in adolescents. It was developed by Özgenel et al. (2019) and comprises 9 items. The scale has a 5-point Likert-type rating (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree). The high scores on the scale mean high levels of social media addiction. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of the scale is .88. The McDonald’s ω reliability coefficient of the scale is .89. Data Analysis The data analysis started with the data cleaning, including the examination of missing and extreme values and assumptions of the multivariate analysis. After checking the assumptions, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was utilized to check the factor structures of scales, and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for relationships between variables. The model χ2 values and associated p-values were reported for model evaluation. Other model fit indices were also reported because χ2 values are sensitive to sample size. RMSEA and SRMR (<.08) and CFI/TLI (>.90) values are taken as references in model comparisons (Hu & Bentler, 1999). Results of CFA confirmed one-factor structure for the Social Media Addiction Scale (χ2 (23) = 70.3 (p<.01), CFI = .96, TLI = .94, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .03). CFA results for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale indicated that three-factor structure was confirmed (χ2 (182) = 531, CFI = .91, TLI = .90, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04). The two-factor structures of the Intolerance of Uncertainty were established based on the CFA results (χ2 (53) = 193, CFI = .94, TLI = .92, RMSEA = .09, SRMR = .03). Subsequently, Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated among the variables considered in the study. Researchers can use regression to examine moderator effects, whether the predictor or moderator variables are categorical (e.g., sex or race) or continuous (e.g., age) (Frazier et al., 2004). Generally, a moderator variable is defined as a variable that affects the direction and/or strength of the relationship between the predictor (independent) variable and the predicted (dependent) variable (Baron, & Kenny 1986). The moderator variable can be considered quantitatively or qualitatively. The moderator analysis tested in this study is summarized in Figure 1. 283 Figure 1. Path diagram for testing moderator effects. In the model diagrammed in Figure 1, there are three causal effects on the predicted variable: the impact of the depression as a predictive variable (main effect I), the impact of social media addiction as a moderator variable (main effect II), and the interaction effect consisting of the product of these two variables. RESULTS According to the correlation analysis result, the correlation coefficient between depression and the intolerance of uncertainty was 0.30 (p<0.05), depression and social media addiction was 0.42 (p<0.05), and social media addiction and the intolerance of uncertainty was 0.32 (p<0.05). Depression and intolerance of uncertainty levels were in a significantly weak positive relationship. When the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is weak, the researcher can establish a moderating hypothesis at this point that can explain the conditions that strengthen or weaken the relationship (Baron and Kenny, 1986). In the first step, simple linear regression analysis was performed without the effect of the moderator variable, with depression as the predictive variable and intolerance of uncertainty as the predicted variable. In the simple linear regression analysis conducted for this purpose, the beta coefficient was found to be significant, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of [.377, .791]. Then, the social media addiction variable was included in the model as a moderator variable and a predictive variable, and multiple regression was performed. Finally, multiple regression analyses were conducted by adding the interaction consisting of the product of social media addiction and depression to the model. The variance explained in the two multiple regression models tested was significant, and the p-values were .000<.05 and .005<.05, respectively. These findings showed that the moderator variable was effective in changing the causal relationship between the two variables as a function of the moderator variable. However, it is necessary to understand the differential effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable as a function of the moderator. Therefore, the social media addiction variable was included in the model as a moderating variable, it had a significant positive effect on this relationship. The social media addiction variable significantly contributed to explaining the positive relationship between university students' depression and 284 intolerance of uncertainty (R2 change= 0.022). The path model showing the significant moderator effect of the findings is given in Figure 2. Social Media Addiction Depression Intolerance of Uncertainty Figure 2. Path diagram moderation model CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION This study was designed to examine the moderating role of social media addiction in the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and depression levels of university students (pre-service teachers). The relationships between the variables discussed in the study were found to be compatible with the literature (Barahmand and Haji, 2014; Dikmen, 2021). Social media addiction is considered a subtype of internet addiction. In studies examining internet addiction and depression, there are studies showing a positive relationship between depression and internet addiction (Ayas & Horzum, 2013; Lee & Sang, 2003; Liu, et al., 2011, p. 840). However, it is also possible to come across studies in which no significant relationship was found between depression and internet addiction (Yeh et al., 2008, p. 486). Essentially, it is desirable that the moderator variable be uncorrelated with both the predictor and the predicted variable to provide a clearly interpretable interaction term (Baron, & Kenny 1986). Since there was a low level of correlation in this study, it can be considered as a limitation. However, since the correlation showed a weak relationship, it did not pose a problem for multicollinearity. The result of the moderator analysis conducted in the study showed that the moderator variable was effective in changing the causal relationship between the two variables as a function of the moderator variable. The current study has demonstrated moderation analysis indicated that social media addiction moderated the relationship between depression and intolerance of uncertainty among university students. 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Araştırmada, toplam 127 bölüm içerisinden %80 güven aralığında %5 hata payı ile 72 bölüm incelenmesi gerektiği hesaplanmıştır. Toplam 10 sezonun her birinden eşit olacak biçimde seçkisiz (rastgele) olarak 72 bölüm incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir. Veriler Prososyal Davranış İnceleme Formu ile kullanılmıştır. Form, literatür incelenmesi ve uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır. Formda yardım etme/özgecilik, paylaşma, iş birliği, koruma, empati, iletişim başlatma ve sürdürme, cesaretlendirme, rahatlatma/teselli etme ve fedakârlık etme gibi prososyal davranışlar yer almaktadır. Veriler, betimsel nitelikte içerik analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, çizgi filmde iş birliği, iletişim başlatma, yardım etme/özgecilikle ilgili davranışların en sık yer aldığı; koruma, paylaşma ve empatiye ilişkin davranışlara en az yer verildiği belirlenmiştir. Prososyal davranışların erken çocukluk döneminde kazanıldığı ve çizgi filmlerin hedef kitlesinin bu dönemdeki çocuklar olduğu dikkate alınmalıdır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Çizgi film, Çocuk, Prososyal davranışlar, Rafadan Tayfa ABSTRACT The research was conducted to examine the child characters in the Rafadan Tayfa cartoon broadcast on TRT Çocuk channel in terms of prosocial behavior. Document review was used as the research model. In the research, it was calculated that out of a total of 127 episodes, 72 episodes should be examined with a 5% margin of error within an 80% confidence interval. A total of 72 episodes, equally from each of the 10 seasons, were randomly selected for analysis. Data were used with the Prosocial Behavior Examination Form. The form was prepared in line with literature review and expert opinions. The form includes prosocial behaviors such as 288 helping/altruism, sharing, cooperation, protection, empathy, initiating and maintaining communication, encouragement, comforting/consoling, and self-sacrifice. The data was analyzed using descriptive content analysis. According to the results, the most common behaviors in the cartoon are cooperation, initiating communication, helping/altruism; It was determined that behaviors related to protection, sharing and empathy were least included. It should be taken into consideration that prosocial behaviors are acquired in early childhood and the target audience of cartoons is children in this period. Keywords: Cartoon, Child, Prosocial behavior, Rafadan Tayfa GİRİŞ Televizyonun hayatımıza girmesiyle birlikte görsel sanatlar dünyasında birçok yapım veya program ortaya çıkmış ve çok sayıda kişiye ulaşmıştır. Çok fazla kişiye ulaşmasındaki en büyük etken gelişen ve büyüyen teknoloji ağıdır. Çeşitli yaş gruplarının ilgisini çeken; diziler, sinemada yayınlanan filmler, çeşitli reklam filmleri ve çizgi filmler günümüze kadar gelişerek gelmiştir. Ortaya çıkmış olan programlardan çocukların en çok ilgisini çekenler, kuşkusuz çizgi filmlerdir (Güloğlu, 2019). Çocuklar hayvanlarla ilgili basit hikâyeleri, çizgi filmleri ve basit komedileri izlemekten hoşlanır. Çocuk programlarının büyük bir kısmını çizgi filmler oluşturmaktadır (Sevim, 2013; Ünal ve Durualp, 2012). Çocuk dünyası açısından bakıldığında, televizyonda çocuklara hitap etmek amacıyla üretilen çizgi filmlerin yeri oldukça önemlidir. Bu nedenle, çocuklar ve çizgi filmler arasında önemli bir ilişki vardır. Çocuklar kendilerini bu türe yakın görürler. Bunun en önemli nedeni, çizgi filmde yer alan renkli ve çocuksu dünyadır. Çizgi filmler, çocukları bu dünya içine çeker. Yetişkinler, çizgi filmlerin çocuklar için en uygun tür olduğunu düşünür ve çocuklarına izletmeye gayret eder. Bunu yaparken içeriği ne olursa olsun tercih eder. Çocuklar tercih ettiği için mi, yoksa yetişkinler öyle istediği için mi tam bilinmiyor olsa da çocuk ve çizgi film bağlantısı, erken yaşlarda ortaya çıkar ve çocukluk çağı açısından önemli bir yere oturur (Öcel, 2001). Çizgi filmler, çocukların yaşantısını etkisi altına alır. Çocuklar çizgi filmlere televizyon ve internet sayesinde kolayca ulaşım sağlar. Özellikle günümüz teknoloji çağında telefon, tablet ve televizyon gibi araçlarla ulaşmak çok kolaydır. Çocuklar, günün büyük bir kısmında oyun oynarken günlük rutinleri dışında kalan boş olan vakitlerini de çizgi film izleyerek geçirir. Bu doğrultuda, çocukların vaktinin önemli bir kısmına sahip olan çizgi filmlerin, çocuklara neler aktarmakta olduğu önemli bir sorudur. Çocukların severek izlediği çizgi filmler, onlara pek çok şey katar ve düşünce yapılarına kadar etkiler (Namdar, 2022). Çocukların düşünce ve davranışlarına etki eden çizgi filmlerin, olumlu pek çok işlevi mevcuttur (Yetim ve Sarıçam, 2016). Bu işlevlerin başında eğitim vardır. Çocukların geliştiği, inanç sistemini oluşturduğu ve karakterlerinin yapı taşlarını ortaya çıkardığı çocukluk döneminde çizgi filmler, eğitici rolündedir. Çizgi filmler çocukların kelime hazinesini artırır, matematik becerilerini destekler, bilişsel, sosyal ve duyuşsal alanlarda da geliştirir. Aynı zamanda çizgi filmlerin renkli ve çekici dünyası, izlenme süresinin uzun olması ve erişimin kolaylığına bağlı olarak çocuklara kültür aktarma konusunda en kolay yol olduğu söylenebilir (Aydın, 2018). 289 Çizgi filmler, izleyicisi olan çocuklarda model alma ve taklit etme yolları ile önemli bir öğrenme aracıdır (Yetim ve Sarıçam, 2016). Bu nedenle, çizgi filmin sunduğu rol modelin niteliği çok önemlidir. Rol model ne kadar iyi sunulursa çocuk açısından o kadar faydalı olur. Çizgi filmler, çocuklara bazen gerçek bazen ise gerçeküstü bir dünya sunar. Çocuğun hayal edebileceğinin ötesi olan bu dünya, çocukları ruhsal olarak tatmin eder. Çizgi film vasıtasıyla gördükleri duyguları hissedip mutlu olabilir. Bu hisler sayesinde çocukların psikososyal gelişimleri olumlu olarak desteklenir (Sancak, 2018). Çocuklar için görsel ve işitsel şölen sunan çizgi filmler, dil gelişimi konusunda da çocukları destekler. Yine değerler ve olumlu sosyal davranışların aktarımı konusunda da önemli bir yere sahiptir (Namdar, 2022). Olumlu sosyal davranışlar olarak adlandırılan prososyal davranışlar, karşı taraftan herhangi bir ödül beklemeksizin fayda sağlama amacı gütmek ile beraber gönüllü davranışlar olarak tanımlanır. Bir başkasının iyiliğini gözetmek prososyal davranışların temelidir. Prososyal davranış (prosocial behavior), Auguste Comte tarafından kullanılmıştır. Auguste Comte, prososyal davranışı “başkalarına gösterilen ilgi” olarak tanımlamıştır (Esmer ve Özdaşlı, 2018). Toplum tarafından kabul gören prososyal davranışlar, aynı zamanda bir sosyal beceridir. Fakat prososyal davranışların tamamen gönüllülük içermesi yönüyle sosyal becerilerden ayrışmaktadır (Gülay, 2010). Prososyal davranışlara yardım etme, rahatlatma, tesellide bulunma, empati ve iş birliği davranışların örnek gösterilebilir. Çocukların toplum içerisinde kendine yer bulması, olumlu ilişkiler kurabilmesi, yardımlaşma, paylaşma, empati, iş birliği yapma gibi gönüllü davranış süreçlerini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Prososyal davranışlar çocukların olumlu manada sosyal ilişkilerini desteklemektedir (Bıçakçı ve Altıntaş, 2017). Prososyal davranışların 0-20 yaş arasında artarak gelişim gösterdiği, en büyük gelişimin 0-6 yaş döneminde olduğu, bu davranışların, okul öncesi dönemde diğer dönemlere oranla daha fazla kazanıldığı görülmektedir (Çetin ve Samur, 2018). Çocukların okul öncesi dönemdeki prososyal davranışlarını açıklayan çalışmalarda anne-babanın sergilediği davranışların, çocuğun sahip olduğu mizaç ve cinsiyetin, ailenin sosyoekonomik düzeyinin önemli olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur (Kumru vd., 2004). Çocuklar olumlu sosyal davranışları çeşitli yollarla kazanabilir. Bu yollar; çevresindeki birinci veya ikinci derece yakınlarına gözlemek, izlediği medya ürünlerinden veya kitap karakterlerinden model almak olarak sıralanabilir. Bu bağlamda, çocukların en fazla izlediği çizgi filmlerin içerik ve niteliği çok önemlidir (Gönen ve Veziroğlu, 2013). Nu nedenle, çizgi filmlerin olumsuz nitelik taşıyan engelleyici rolü de dikkate alınmalıdır. Çocukların ekrana gelen içeriği sorgulamadan pasif olarak izlemeleri sonucunda düşünme, sorgulama, yorumda bulunma, eleştiri yapma vb. bilişsel becerileri etkilenebilir (Aydın, 2018). Çizgi filmler şiddet gibi kötü ve uygunsuz unsurlar içerebilir, bu unsurlar da davranışlara yansıyabilir (Demir, 2019). Çizgi filmler karşısında çok fazla vakit geçirmesi ve farklı içeriklere sahip çizgi filmler izlemesi, çocukları gerçeklikten uzaklaştırabilir. Nitekim çocukların, çizgi filmlerde yer alan karakterlerin yaptığı uçma, zıplama, sihir yapma vb. davranışların gerçek olduğunu düşünerek denemeye çalıştığı çeşitli haberlere de rastlanmaktadır (Namdar, 2022; Ünal ve Durualp, 2012). Yapılan bu çalışmada, çocuklar tarafından ilgi gören ve izlenilen Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmindeki çocuk karakterler, prososyal davranışlar açısından incelenmiştir. Rafadan Tayfa 290 çizgi filmindeki hikâye, 90’lı yılların İstanbul’unda geçer. Günlük yaşamdaki mahalle kültürünü ele alırken o dönemin samimi ve sıcak arkadaşlık ve komşuluk ilişkisini de yansıtır. Komşu, arkadaşlık ve insan ilişkilerini komik ve sürükleyici bir anlatımla ele alırken izleyenlerin ders alacağı öğretiler ile de harmanlanmıştır. Konu genellikle Rafadan Tayfa isimli grubun yeni şeyler öğrenip, maceralara katılması ile başlarıma gelen olaylardan oluşmaktadır. Grup; Mert, Hayri, Kâmil ve Akından oluşsa da Sevim ve Hale de çizgi dizideki diğer çocuk karakterlerdir. Araştırma, TRT Çocuk kanalında yayınlanan yerli yapımlardan Türk kültürünü yansıtan “Rafadan Tayfa” çizgi filmindeki çocuk karakterlerin, prososyal davranışlar (yardım etme/özgecilik, paylaşma, iş birliği, rahatlatma/teselli etme, koruma, empati, fedakârlık etme, iletişimi başlatma ve sürdürme, cesaretlendirme) açısından incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. YÖNTEM Bu bölümde, araştırmanın modeli, çalışma grubu, veri toplama araçları, veri toplama yöntemi ile verilerin değerlendirilmesi ve analizi hakkında bilgiler yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın Modeli Araştırma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman incelemesi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Doküman incelemesi, araştırmada elde edilmek istenen bilgiler ile alakalı yazı, film, fotoğraf veya video gibi materyallerin analizini yapmaktır (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2016). Araştırmadaki analizi yapılacak olan çizgi film bölüm videoları doküman incelemesinin kaynağıdır. Araştırmanın Çalışma Grubu Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminin bölümleridir. Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmi, 2014-2022 yılları arasında 10 sezon ve 127 bölüm yayınlanmış olup hala yayın hayatına devam etmektedir. Yapılan örneklem hesabı sonucunda %80 güven aralığı ve %5 hata payına göre en az 72 bölüm incelenmesi gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Buna göre, toplam bölümler arasından rastgele (seçkisiz) seçilen 72 bölüm araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Tabakalı yöntem doğrultusunda; 1. sezon-yedi bölüm, 2. sezon-yedi bölüm, 3. sezon-yedi bölüm, 4. sezon-yedi bölüm, 5. sezon-yedi bölüm, 6. sezon-yedi bölüm, 7. sezon-yedi bölüm, 8. sezon-sekiz bölüm, 9. sezon-altı bölüm ve 10. sezon-sekiz bölüm olmak üzere 72 bölüm seçilerek araştırma kapsamında incelenmiştir. Veri Toplama Aracı Araştırma kapsamında literatür taraması yapılarak prososyal davranışlar belirlenmiştir. Bu prososyal davranışlar göz önünde bulundurularak “Prososyal Davranış İnceleme Formu” 291 geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen form, alan uzmanlarının görüşlerine sunularak gelen öneriler doğrultusunda son şeklini almıştır. Bu formda, yardım etme/özgecilik, paylaşma, iş birliği, rahatlatma/teselli etme, koruma, iletişim, empati, fedakârlık etme ve cesaretlendirme davranışları olmak üzere dokuz prososyal davranış yer almaktadır. Veri Toplama Yöntemi Araştırmada, yerli yapımlar arasından en çok izlenme oranına sahip çizgi filmlerden olan Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmi belirlenmiştir. Rastgele seçilen çizgi film bölümleri, veri toplamada kullanılmak üzere geliştirilen Prososyal Davranış İnceleme Formuna göre incelenmiş ve prososyal davranışların var olup olmadığı herhangi bir sayı belirtmeksizin bu forma işlenmiştir. Veri Değerlendirilmesi ve Analizi Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen veriler betimsel içerik analiz yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Betimsel analiz yöntemlerinden birisi olan “içerik analizi” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İçerik analizi, araştırmanın temelinde oluşturulmuş olan temalar kapsamında toplanan verileri açıklamak ve yorumlama ile birlikte neden ve sonuç ilişkisi kurmaktır (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2016). Araştırma kapsamında incelenen bölümlerde var olan prososyal davranışlar Prososyal Davranış İnceleme Formu üzerine işlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler sayı ve yüzde ile ifade edilmiştir. Prososyal davranışların varlığında örnek diyaloglara yer verilmiştir. BULGULAR Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular tablolar halinde gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca çizgi filmde tespit edilen prososyal davranışa ilişkin diyalog örnekleri de sunulmuştur. Tablo 1. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Yardım etme /Özgecilik Davranışı Dağılımı Yardım Etme/Özgecilik Sayı % Var 49 68,1 Yok 23 31,9 Tablo 1’de görüldüğü üzere, yardım etme/özgecilik davranışına 49 kez yer verilmiştir. Yardım isteme ve yardım etme davranışına örnek olarak 18. bölümdeki diyalog verilebilir. 292 Akın; -Abi, annem beş ekmek al demişti, ödevlerim henüz bitmedi ekmekleri sen alır mısın? Mert; -Alırım tabi. Tablo 2. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Paylaşma Davranışı Dağılımı Paylaşma Sayı % Var 14 19,4 Yok 58 81,6 Araştırma kapsamında incelenen bölümler içerisinde, paylaşma davranışına 14 kez yer verildiği belirlenmiştir (Tablo 2). 20. bölümde yer alan paylaşma davranışına örnek aşağıda verilmiştir. Hayri kendine ait olan dondurmayı yiyerek arkadaş grubunun yanına gelir. Elindeki dondurmayı havaya kaldırarak; Hayri: -Dondurma isteyen? Akın: -Ben vişneli istiyorum. Kâmil: -Ben de çikolatalı alayım. Mert: Benimki de limonatalı olsun. Kendine ait yiyeceği arkadaşları ile paylaşır. Yiyeceğini paylaşırken herhangi bir karşılık beklemez. 293 Tablo 3. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan İşbirliği Davranışı Dağılımı İş Birliği Sayı % Var 58 80,6 Yok 14 19,4 Toplam 72 100,0 Gerçekleştirilen analiz sonucunda, izlenen 72 bölümün 58’inde iş birliği davranışına yer verildiği belirlenmiştir (Tablo 3). İş birliği davranışının var olduğu 21 bölüm kesiti şu şekildedir; Hayri: -Ben mi?(kendisini gösterir) Korkmak mı? Ne korkacağım arkadaş! Ben İstanbul’dan ta Ankara’ya gitmiş gelmiş insanım. Uzaymış, pehh! Bana vız gelir. Kâmil: -Hah şöyle. Anca beraber kanca beraber. Mert: -Hadi o zaman, önce şu testleri araştırmaya başlayalım. Ortak bir amaç için birlikte hareket etmek için sözel ifadeler de bulunarak iş birliği için girişimde bulunurlar. Tablo 4. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Koruma Davranışı Dağılımı Koruma Sayı % Var 9 12,5 Yok 63 87,5 Toplam 72 100,0 294 Tablo 4’te, izlenilen 72 bölümün dokuzunda koruma davranışına yer verildiği görülmektedir. Koruma davranışı ile alakalı olarak 21. bölüm örnek gösterilebilir. Rafadan Tayfa’nın yaşadığı mahallede elektrikler kesilmesi üzerine beyin fırtınası yaparak, enerji tasarrufu için çeşitli projeler yapmış oldukları görülmektedir. Boşa akan suyu kapamak, izlenmeyen televizyonu kapamak, gündüz vakti çalışan lambaları kapama davranışları görülmüştür. Tablo 5. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Rahatlama/Teselli Etme Davranışı Dağılımı Sayı % Var 19 26,4 Yok 53 73,6 Toplam 72 100,0 Rahatlatma/Teselli Etme Yapılan araştırma sonucunda, izlenilen bölümlerin 19’nda rahatlatma/teselli etme davranışı yer almaktadır (Tablo 5). Rahatlatma/teselli etme davranışına 17. bölüm içerisinden örnek verilebilir: Hayri; -Ay ayıp tüm şarkıyı gönülden hissederek söyledim. O kadar mı kötü? Mert; -Yani şey… .Kâmil; -Hayri’ciğim söz yazarlığına sözüm yok. Ama sesin öyle tiz öyle tiz çıkıyor ki mahallenin camları sallandı. Mert; -Zor kurtardık bir nakarata daha dayanamazlardı. Hayri; -Gerçekten mi? O kadar güçlüydü demek. Mert; -Öyleydi ama o gücü kontrol etmek gerek. 295 Arkadaşını kırmadan sesi konusunda yorumda bulunuyor ve sesi konusunda teselli etme davranışında bulunuyorlar. Tablo 6. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan İletişimi başlatma ve Sürdürme Davranışı Dağılımı İletişimi Başlatma ve Sürdürme Sayı % Var 55 76,4 Yok 17 23,6 Toplam 72 100,0 İletişimi başlatma ve sürdürme davranışı çalışma kapsamında incelenmiş ve izlenilen bölümlerin 55’inde bu davranışın var olduğu görülmüştür (Tablo 6). İletişim başlatma ve sürdürme davranışına örnek aşağıda yer verilmiştir. Hayri; (Kapı çalma sesi.) Akın; -Gel. Hayri; -Akın, ne yapıyorsun. Akın; -Çalışıyorum Hayri Abi. Hayri; -Bir şey soracağım iki şey birbirine iyice yapıştı diyelim onları nasıl ayırabiliriz? İletişimi başlatmak için girişimde bulunduğu ve karşı taraf cevap verdiğinde iletişimi sürdürdüğü görülmektedir. 296 Tablo 7. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Empati Davranışı Dağılımı Sayı % Var 17 23,6 Yok 55 76,4 Toplam 72 100,0 Empati Tablo 7’de görüldüğü gibi, izlenilen 72 bölüm içerisinden 17’sinde empati davranışına rastlanılmıştır. İzlenilen bölümlerde görülen empati davranışına ilişkin örnek aşağıda verilmiştir. Hayri; -Ne yapayım arkadaş dilimizi bile bilmiyor. Akın; -Dilimizi bilmemesi onun suçu mu? Hayri; -Ben başka ülkeye gitsem en azından derdimi anlatacak bir iki kelime öğrenirdim. Kâmil; -Belki öğrenecek vakti bile olmadı. Akın; -Evet, hikâyesini bilmiyoruz kimdir, nedir, burada ne yapıyor ne zaman geldi? Bambaşka bir ülkede bilmediğin bir dili konuşan insanların arasındasın kendini onun yerine koy Hayri abi. Kendi dillerini bilmeyen yabancı bir akranlarını anlamaya çalışıp kendilerini, onun yerine koyuyorlar. Tablo 8. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Cesaretlendirme Davranışı Dağılımı Sayı % Var 19 26,4 Yok 53 73,6 Toplam 72 100,0 Cesaretlendirme 297 Araştırma sonucunda izlenilen bölümlerin 19’unda cesaretlendirme davranışı tespit edilmiştir (Tablo 8). Aşağıda cesaretlendirme davranışına örnek verilmiştir. Hayri: -Ben de mucit olacağım arkadaş! Dondurma erimesin diye şemsiye yapmışlar; ben erimeyen dondurma yapacağım, limonata dağıtan robot yapacağım, incecik televizyon yapacağım hatta Mars’a uçak göndereceğim! Mert: -Yaparsın tabii, neden olmasın. Hayallerini paylaşan arkadaşına, yapabileceğine dair sözler söyleyerek cesaretlendirme davranışında bulunmaktadır. Tablo 9. Rafadan Tayfa Çizgi Filminde Yer Alan Fedakârlık Etme Davranışı Dağılımı Fedakârlık Etme Sayı % Var 10 13,9 Yok 62 86,1 Toplam 72 100,0 Araştırmada izlenilen 72 bölümün 10’unda fedakârlık etme davranışına yer verildiği görülmüştür (Tablo 9). Aşağıda fedakârlık etme davranışına örnek verilmiştir. Kâmil; -Hoş geldiniz, ne ikram edeyim size? (Diş fırçasına diş macunu sıkıp Hayri’nin dişlerini fırçalama davranışında bulunur.) Hayri; (Anlamsız sesler çıkarır.) Mert; (Kamil’e dönerek.) -Kâmil böyle olmaz diş doktoruna gitmelisin artık böyle olmaz. Kâmil; -Yok yok o işi çözdüm ben. Mert; 298 -Nasıl? Kâmil; -Diş doktoruna mektup yazıyorum uzaktan tedavi için. Mert; -Öyle olur mu ki? Orada birçok şey yapıyorlarmış. Akın; -Hem dişini nasıl görecek abi. Hayri; -Bakın şimdi ne yapacağım. (Ekmek dolabından ekmek alır.) Bunu ısır dişinin şekli çıksın doktora gönderelim. Mert; Yanında zeytin ile çay da gönderelim mi? Akın; -Olmaz öyle şey orada dişin filmini falan çekiyorlarmış. Arkadaşlarını destekleyip onun iyiliğini istemektedir. TARTIŞMA Medya ürünlerinin hayatımızdaki yeri gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Artık toplumun her kesimine hitap eden medya ürünleri mevcuttur. Bunun en büyük nedenlerinden biri teknoloji çağı içinde oluşumuzdur. Çocuklar için her geçen gün çeşitli çizgi filmler üretilmekte ve çocuklar, günün büyük kısmını bu çizgi filmleri izleyerek geçirmektedir. Çocuklar dış dünyayı büyük oranda çizgi filmlerden öğrenmektedir. Doğası gereği çok fazla görsellik taşıyan çizgi filmde yer alan karakterlerin davranışlarını taklit etmekte onları kendilerine rol model almaktadır (Yakar ve Yazar, 2021). Bu bağlamda, çocuklar çizgi filmlerdeki karakterleri büyük oranda içselleştirebilir, olumlu veya olumsuz pek çok davranışı edinebilir. Bu bakımdan çocukların izledikleri çizgi filmlerin niteliği ve içerikleri çok önemlidir. (Güngör, 2015). Çocukların, olumlu manada elde ettiği davranışlardan biri de prososyal davranışlardır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığının hazırlamış olduğu okul öncesi eğitim programlarında da prososyal davranışların çocuklara kazandırılması amaçlanmaktadır (MEB, 2023). Araştırmada incelenen yerli yapım çizgi filmlerden olan Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminin, prososyal davranışlar açısından zengin içeriğe sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir. 2014-2022 yılları arasındaki 10 sezon ve 127 bölümden oluşan Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminin 72 bölümünde prososyal davranışlara rastlanılmıştır. 299 Araştırmada, yardım etme/özgecilik davranışı en fazla yer verilen üçüncü davranıştır (%61,1). Çocukluk döneminde kazanılan bu davranış, prososyal davranışlar açısından önemlidir. Çocuklar bu davranışı rol model alarak çevresinden görerek edinebilir veya çizgi filmlerden de görüp içselleştirebilir. Yardım etme davranışı hem prososyal davranışlar hem de değerler başlığı altında araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Özdemir’in (2020) Rafadan Tayfa’yı değerler açısından incelediği çalışmasında, en çok görülen ilk üç değerden ikincisinin yardımseverlik/özgecilik davranışı olduğu bulunmuştur. Yener, Yılmaz ve Şen’in (2021) yaptıkları çalışmada TRT Çocuk kanalındaki çizgi filmler değerler açısından incelenmiş, İlgili bölümlerde yardımlaşma-dayanışma davranışı en çok görülen davranış olmuştur. Araştırmada iş birliği ve paylaşma davranışı incelemiştir. Rafadan Tayfa’da, en çok yer verilen davranış iş birliği davranışıdır (%80,6). İş birliği, bir işi yapanların güçlerini birleştirmesidir. Birlikte hareket etme, ortak bir amaç için birlik olma davranışlarını içerir. Çocuğun içinde bulunduğu aile ve okul çevresi, sürdürdüğü arkadaşlıklar yaşamı sağlıklı ve olumlu kılan, zenginleştiren etmenlerdir. İş birliği, çocukların sosyalleşmesinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Çocuğun sosyalliğini destekler. Temel olarak olumlu sosyal davranışların kazanılmasında aile bireyleri, yetişkinler, diğer çocuklar ve medyada izlediği karakterler model alınabilir (Yıldız-Bıçakçı ve Durualp, 2016). Paylaşma davranışı ise dokuz davranış arasından altıncı sırada yer almaktadır. Çocukların okul öncesi dönemde kazandığı paylaşma, prososyal davranışlar açısından önemli bir yere sahiptir. Temelinde kendi yiyeceğini, kendi eşyanı herhangi bir karşılık beklemeden gönüllük esasıyla karşısındaki kişi ile paylaşma vardır. Sevim’in (2013) çalışmasında yerli yapım 12, yabancı yapım 43 çizgi film değerler açısından incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda birçok değere yer verildiği görülmüştür. İncelenen çizgi filmlerde, ulaşılan değerler arasında iş birliği, paylaşma gibi davranışlar bulunmaktadır. Çimen (2019) ve Karaca (2019) Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmini değerler eğitimi açısından incelemiştir. Çimen’in (2019) yaptığı çalışmasında, sorumluluk değeri çalışmadaki iş birliği davranışı ile benzer şekilde açıklanmıştır. Çalışmada yapılan analiz sonucunda sorumluluk değerine 40 bölüm içerisinde 22 kez yer verildiği ve tüm değerlerin %11’ini oluşturduğu görülmektedir. İş birliği davranışı hem prososyal davranışlar hem de değerler açısından da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Kaymak ve Öğretir Özçelik (2020) tarafından Vikingler çizgi filmindeki evrensel değerler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada araştırılan evrensel değerlerden biri de iş birliği davranışıdır. Araştırmada rahatlatma/teselli etme davranışı incelenmiştir. Benzer durumları ifade eden rahatlatma ve teselli etme davranışı, Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminde en çok görülen davranışlar arasında dördüncü sıradadır (%26,4). Rahatlatma, kişiyi zor bir durum karşısında ferahlatmaktır. Teselli etme, avutmak anlamına gelir. Yine zor bir durum karşısında rahatlatma söz konusudur. Altmış ve Altun (2021), Pırıl adlı çizgi filmi değerler eğitimi açısından incelemiş ve teselli etme davranışına beş kez gözlemişlerdir. İletişimi başlatma ve sürdürme davranışı, Rafadan Tayfa’da en çok görülen ikinci prososyal davranıştır (%76,4). Çocuğun dünyaya gelir gelmez sergilemeye başladığı bu davranış, prososyal davranışlar açısından önemli bir yere sahiptir. İletişimin temelinde mesaj iletme vardır ve karşılıklı olarak gerçekleşir. Çocukların sosyal gelişiminde önemlidir. İletişim davranışı prososyal davranışlar açısından olduğu kadar eğitsel ilkeler açısından da önemli bir 300 yere sahiptir. Aydoğan ve İnce Samur’un (2021) yaptıkları çalışmada, Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filmi çocuk edebiyatının eğitsel ilkeleri yönünden incelenmiş, çizgi filmde yaşam içerisindeki sorunları çözmek adına şiddeti kenara bırakıp iletişim kurmanın önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Karaca’nın (2019) yapmış olduğu çalışmada, Rafadan Tayfa’da selamlaşma değerinin, incelenen değerler arasında dördüncü sırada olduğu görülmüştür. Empati davranışı, araştırmada incelenen dokuz prososyal davranış arasında en çok görülen beşinci davranıştır (%23,6). Empati, bir kişinin kendini karşısındaki kişinin yerine koyarak, olaylara onun bakış açısı ile bakması, o kişinin duygu ve düşüncelerini doğru olarak anlaması ve bu durumu iletmesi sürecidir. Çocuklar ikinci yılda bu ayrımı fark ederek, sadece kendileri için değil başkaları içinde üzülebileceklerini kavrar ve basit durumlarda başkalarının duygularına empati ile cevap verebilir. Çocuklar büyüdükçe başkalarının duygularını anlamada çeşitli işaretleri kullanabilir (Yıldız-Bıçakçı ve Durualp, 2016). Araştırma kapsamında incelenen diğer bir prososyal davranış, cesaretlendirme davranışıdır. Cesaretlendirme davranışı, rahatlama/teselli etme davranışı ile birlikte en çok görülen dördüncü davranıştır (%26,4). Cesaretlendirme, bir işi yaparken yüreklendirmedir. Sözel olarak “yapabilirsin, başarabilirsin” gibi cümleler kurulabilir. Kişiye desteklediğini hissettir. Güven ve Akıncı’nın (2014) yapmış olduğu çalışmada, çeşitli çizgi filmlerde değerlerin sözel ifadelerde yer verilme durumu araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada Laura’nın Yıldızı çizgi filmi incelendiğinde cesaret değerine %31,57 oranında yer aldığı görülürken, çalışmamızda ise cesaretlendirme davranışının %26,4 oranında yer verildiği tespit edilmiştir. Yine aynı çalışmada Canım Kardeşim adlı çizgi filmdeki iş birliği ve yardımlaşma davranışları incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmalardan yola çıkarak prososyal davranışların, sosyal gelişim ve değerler açısından önemli oldukları söylenebilir. Araştırma kapsamında belirlenen ve incelenen dokuz prososyal davranışlar arasında fedakârlık (%13,9) ve koruma (%12,5) davranışları da yer almaktadır. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER Araştırma sonucunda Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminde yer verilen davranışlar; yardım etme/özgecilik, paylaşma, iş birliği, empati, rahatlatma/teselli etme, iletişimi başlatma ve sürdürme, cesaretlendirme, koruma ve fedakârlık etme davranışlarıdır. Çalışma sonucunda ele alınan bütün prososyal davranışların, Rafadan Tayfa çizgi filminde yer aldığı görülmektedir. Çizgi filmde gözlenen prososyal davranışlardan iş birliği, iletişimi başlatma ve sürdürme, yardım etme/özgecilik davranışlarının ilk üç sırayı aldığı belirlenmiştir. Prososyal davranışlardan koruma ve fedakârlık etme davranışına daha az yer verildiği gözlenmiştir. Çocukların sosyal ve duygusal gelişimlerinin desteklenmesinde, prososyal davranışları kazanmalarında çocukların yaş ve gelişim düzeylerine uygun olan çizgi filmlerden yararlanılabilir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda aşağıdaki öneriler verilebilir: 301     Çocuğun izleyeceği çizgi filmlerin içeriğine dikkat edilmelidir. Olumlu davranışlar içeren ve mesajlar veren çizgi filmlerin tercih edilmesi önemlidir. Bazı çizgi filmlerde ise şiddet ögesi barınabilir. Çocuk ve aile çizgi filmi birlikte etkileşimli bir şekilde izlemelidir. Çizgi film izlerken prososyal davranışlar vurgulanabilir. Çocuğa ilgili davranışlar ile ilgili sorular sorulabilir ve bu sayede çocuğun dikkati davranışa çekilir. Aileler çocukların medya kullanımı konusundan dikkatli davranmalıdır. Çünkü çocukların ekran karşısında savunmasız olduğunu ve birçok davranışı içselleştirip davranışına yansıtabileceği unutulmamalıdır. Çizgi filmlerin yapımında çocuk gelişimciler gibi çocukla çalışan profesyonellerin görüş ve önerileri dikkate alınmalıdır. Çocuklara yönelik yapımların çocukların yaş, gelişim düzeyine ve gereksinimlerine uygun olup olmadığı uzmanlarca değerlendirilmelidir. KAYNAKLAR Altıntaş, T. & Bıçakçı, M.Y. (2017). Erken çocukluk döneminde prososyal davranışlar. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 57, 245-261. Altmış, Z.G. & Altun, M. (2021). “Pırıl” çizgi filminin değerler eğitimi açısından değerlendirilmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 17(38), 5382-5411. Aydın, B. (2018). Türkiye'de çocuk televizyon kanallarındaki çizgi filmlerin çocukluğa etkisi üzerine bir içerik analizi, ( Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Balıkesir. Aydoğan, M. & İnce Samur, A.Ö. 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This study explores how technology is changing the world of education and precisely the translation, and looks at how it may improve language learning and transform translation workflows. It highlights notable examples of technological application and provides insights into effective techniques by demonstrating successful utilization of technology in language learning and translation. The aim of this study is to present data and information on the most effective digital tools, techniques, and approaches that have been employed lately in language learning, particularly translation. The research technique utilized in this study included a thorough examination of a selection of current literature. Furthermore, interviews with lecturers, language learners, and experts in the translation and education sectors will yield qualitative data that will offer insightful and practical perspectives to enrich the study's analysis. The literature study offers a thorough examination of the development of technology in language teaching across time, following the rise of mobile applications, virtual reality, digital platforms, and gamification. In addition, the research looks at how technology affects translation, emphasizing developments in computer-assisted translation, and the use of natural language processing. The study's overview of the major conclusions, practical and pedagogical effects, and suggestions for further research complete out the analysis and deepen our awareness of the complex interactions that occur between language-related fields and technology. Keywords: technology; translation; language acquisition; digital tools, gamification, etc. INTRODUCTION The discipline of translation and translation studies has evolved dramatically in recent years, owing to technological improvements and the advent of novel digital tools. This transition has not only altered the landscape of translation practice, but it has also transformed instructional methods within the profession. The use of digital resources into translation education represents a paradigm change, providing teachers with new opportunities to improve pedagogical techniques while also equipping students with the skills and competences needed to manage the intricacies of the current translation landscape. The academic literature offers a rich tapestry of perspectives on the role of digital technologies in translation education and research. Scholars such as Chan and Li (2019) highlight the revolutionary potential of technology in reshaping teaching and learning experience, advocating for the integration of digital tools to foster interactive and collaborative learning environments. Similarly, Heine (2018) emphasizes the necessity of introducing computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools into the curriculum, saying that such technologies not only speed up the 304 translation process but also foster critical thinking abilities and domain-specific knowledge in students. Furthermore, Kornyeyeva and Landragin (2020) investigate the educational effects of machine translation (MT) in the classroom, examining methods for effectively integrating MT technologies into translation courses while addressing ethical concerns and maintaining the integrity of the translation job. These insights highlight the need for a sophisticated approach to harnessing digital resources in translation education, combining technical innovation with pedagogical discipline and ethics. Furthermore, Liu and Chen's (2017) research provides evidence on the difficulties and possibilities associated with the integration of internet-based assets and collaborative platforms in translation education, highlighting the importance of teachers adapting their methods of instruction to the digital learning environment while ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all students. Such studies illustrate the varied role of digital technologies in creating the environment of translation pedagogy, emphasizing the complex relationship between technology, pedagogy, and student participation. Against this context, the current study aims to investigate the varied range of digital technologies used in teaching languages and translation studies, relying on insights from academic literature as well as field educators' experiences. This study also aims to provide a holistic understanding of the role of digital tools in improving teaching practices and fostering student learning outcomes within the discipline of translation and translation studies by synthesizing findings from current research and conducting a comprehensive analysis of educators' perspectives using a structured questionnaire. Through this research, we really hope to contribute to the current discussion about successful educational practices in the digital era, as well as give useful insights and ideas for teachers, scholars, and other practitioners. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Internet – based pedagogies and teaching methods The paper explores the implications of tele-collaboration as a learning mode, drawing parallels with the evolution of Web technologies and their impact on pedagogy. The author emphasizes the necessity of understanding the cognitive, affective, and material elements of tele-collaborative work modes, which is consistent with contemporary Translation Studies research (Desjardins 2011; Ehrensberger-Dow et al. 2015; Littau 2015). Historically speaking, the “debate” begins by examining the advancement of the Web, from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0, and its impact on learning activities. Web 1.0, which featured read-only webpages, encouraged a one-way flow of information, resulting in a learning paradigm biased toward content reception. The transmissionist paradigm positioned learners as passive consumers of declarative knowledge (see Prensky 2001). The introduction of Web 2.0 was a turning point in teaching. Web 2.0, in contrast to its predecessor, allowed users to consult as well as create content, boosting interactions between people and transforming students' roles from passive recipients to active learners. This transition from content reception to knowledge building via social interaction resulted in the emergence of a social-constructivist educational model. The social-constructivist model, shaped by Vygotsky, Wood, Bruner, and Dewey, converted learning into a collaborative, collective experience. The concept of a community of practice promoted connection via synchronous and asynchronous communication mechanisms (Desjardins 2011). Teachers served as guides to the learning process, while students actively participated in knowledge production. Social networking sites like Facebook have changed 305 learning into a type of socializing by facilitating peer-to-peer sharing and broadening educational content with media-rich materials (Desjardins 2011). Let us introduce the word "peeragogy," which is a type of pedagogy that includes peer-to-peer learning, self-directed learning, and decentralized leadership and assessment (see Corneli et al. 2016). The transition from a transmissionist to a social-constructivist model exemplifies the profound effect of Web technologies and tele-collaboration on the nature of learning, stressing the change toward collaborative, interactive, and diverse educational experiences. It is important to mention the use of collaborative translation projects in translation pedagogy, as proposed by Kiraly (2019), Nord (2005), and Gonzáles-Davies (2017), to foster diverse translation competencies. Desjardins (2011) expands on these competencies to include collaborative and digitized activities in modern translation, such as digital media localization and online marketing campaign translation. The topic progresses to Web 3.0, which merges digital resources and services to adapt content according to user needs. This integration, as noted by Jenkins (2006), contributes to a movement in pedagogy towards promoting cross-disciplinary and higher-order skills such as critical thinking, synthesis, and metacognitive skills. This move is aligned with Kiraly's (2019) emergentist approach to translator education, which emphasizes authentic translation projects for improving skills and involvement with genuine clients. Knowledge is viewed as a complex adaptive system evolving through translators' embodied involvement in actual translation processes in emergentist pedagogy (Kiraly 2019). Students actively seek information, while the teacher's duty is to support translator competence as a situational product of dynamic interactions between human and material resources (Kiraly 2015). This technique is used in a variety of settings, including learning of foreign language (Kiraly and Signer 2017) and translator education. Kiraly (2019), Kiraly and Hoffman (2016), Massey (2017), and Marczak (2017a; 2017b) manage and investigate collaborative translation projects in which student teams use online translation and communication technology to complete translation jobs for real clients. Marczak and Krajka (2016) and Marczak (2016) look into the possibility of Web-based team translation projects that use social media and online resources for developing skills. Student satisfaction was high in post-project surveys, with learning improvements in cooperation, computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools, and CAT tools. Time management, emotional regulation, stress management, interpersonal skills, and self-awareness are examples of soft skills, which have been reported in the previous studies mentioned above. This technique is used in a variety of settings, Another project (Marczak 2017) had students working remotely to translate chapters on horti-therapy using cloud-based technologies. The project revealed unique kinds of reflection, such as concordance-enhanced reflection on inproject communication data, which improved students' learning in tele-collaborative contexts in terms of operational, cultural, and critical literacies, as well as employability skills. This analytical technique broadened students' grasp of responsibilities, work styles, actions, and difficulties in Web-based team translation by increasing understanding of roles they were not directly involved in. This technique is used in a variety of settings, Because of its pervasive presence and extensive use, social media can serve as both a source text and an operational platform in current translation education. Desjardins (2017) suggests adding social media into projects in which student translators translate 'tweets,''status updates,' and submit YouTube videos to advance translation technologies. This strategy goes beyond typical translation practices, allowing students to learn about social media as a work environment and acquire marketing abilities. For example, they may create marketing Facebook or Instagram pages for imaginary 306 translation companies, allowing them to find and explore the most recent translation technologies (Desjardins 2017). This novel technique produces a democratized environment, allowing for smoother communication among students as well as between students and teachers. The rapid nature of communication tools on social media platforms promotes a more open and interactive educational environment. Social media platforms empower students by providing equitable opportunities to acquire and provide learning content. This dynamic approach enables students to start learning experiences rather than simply following a pre-established curriculum. In addition, greater confidence in utilizing social media may extend beyond translation studies, encouraging students to use these platforms for self-development, such as foreign language acquisition, thus improving their whole educational experience (Desjardins 2017). In some circumstances, social media can be used to learn beyond the scope of formal translation training. Students can readily form and engage in domain-specific learning communities even before they become full-time experts. This proactive engagement enables them to truly feel the benefits of social learning and see the importance of networking in their career growth (Desjardins 2017). Students that use social media improve their translator training while also gaining vital skills and insights that go beyond the usual confines of formal study. Use of computer-assisted translation Beyond online communication and learning platforms, technology-enhanced translator education focuses on computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools and other technological tools like machine translation (MT). This has resulted in notable changes to the work styles of translation professionals and students alike. Researchers in Translation Studies, such as O'Brien (2012), Pym (2011), Koglin (2015), Law (2015), and Bungaard et al. (2016), have taken notice of these instruments' significant influence. Pym (2011) highlights how technology expands limbs, senses, and the ability to travel and engage with different cultures, so augmenting human physical and sensory apparatus. Pym highlights the indisputable and complex influence of computer technology on the translation process. In an attempt to speed up the translation process, computer technology externalizes the translator's memory by giving access to translation memories, term-bases, MT systems, and quick-access online content. Pym draws attention to the fact that these computerized tools might occasionally make it more difficult for translators to make decisions by offering a variety of options. Furthermore, Pym (2011) notes that the syntagmatic axis is disrupted by digitization, which interferes with the conventional linearity of texts by enabling electronic texts to be viewed vertically in portions or segments. This trend, which might compromise the text's overall coherence, may be brought about by translators adhering to the paradigmatic axis as a result of the segmentation of source texts in CAT and MT systems or by the hypertext design of websites. Spell checks, translation memory, and machine translation services are examples of integrated technology that may unintentionally overlook the syntagmatic integrity of the text in favor of phraseological or terminological consistency. Students' and professionals' work transforms from a lonely endeavor to a tele- collaborative one as they embrace contemporary CAT tools using internet technology (Odactoglu and Kokturk 2015). Project management, product engineering, marketing, web design, computer programming, and social media skills are all necessary due to the digital character of texts and automatic translation, which diversifies positions (Pym 2011; Desjardins 2017). The use of machine translation makes human post-editing necessary. 307 Perceptions of professional identity are challenged by the changing responsibilities in translation and translator education (O'Brien 2012; Brooks 2017). Translators may feel that their roles have evolved beyond translation to include project management, marketing, social media management, and cultural consultancy. Concerns of professional degradation may arise from the use of machine translation and post-editing. To sum up, translator education needs to review well-known translation theories, such the Skopos Theory, and include computerized translation-related components. According to Odactoglu and Kokturk (2019), this update is necessary for students to completely understand their place in the digital translation ecosystem, the resources at their disposal, and the types of source and target texts they will face. There seems to be a lot of innovation and significant change ahead for schooling, especially for translators. The need for translator education will be to educate students for the upcoming changes in the employment market as the translation market, online technologies, and translation technologies continue to evolve under the impact of automation and innovation. The conversation on the future of translation places a strong emphasis on bridging the skills gap, inspiring the creation of educational goals (Brookes 2017; TAUS 2019). With the use of machine learning, there will be more computerization and technology, which will require students to be more adaptable and to continuously improve their capacity for skill acquisition and retraining. According to TAUS, in some economic areas, computers may completely replace people in the near future and communicate with one another without the need for human intervention. As a result, estimations indicate that there will likely be a significant degree of automation for many translation-related tasks, which would likely cause the employment market to become more unpredictable (Frey and Osbourne 2018). But it's important to see these numbers as a sign of the employment market's reconfiguration rather than as ominous predictions. The use of automation, especially in machine translation, as far as it can be predicted, does not mean that employment will disappear; rather, it means that roles will change. For example, machine translation can manage the rewriting and rearrangement of sentences that are repeated, but, as previously stated, it still needs human subsequent editing. In response to these developments, translator education must introduce new technologies, significantly automate the language translation process, and prepare students for highly specialized professions. Implementing student-focused work modalities that enable students to autonomously seek out, validate, and update information after graduation should be the main priority. Web 4.0, a read-write-execution-concurrency web with intelligent interactions and a symbiotic web where human brains and machines engage jointly, is predicted to emerge as digital technologies continue to advance (Aghaei et al. 2012). This is consistent with current developments in translation and translation technologies, which depend more and more on digital resources for voice-based solutions, deep learning, neural translation machines, artificial intelligence, and other translation-related technologies (Lionbridge 2017). A change in (translator) education toward learning modes involving smooth human-computer interaction may result from the possible integration of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies in Web 4.0. This could potentially produce learning outcomes by combining the processing power of humans and machines. The future of (translator) education may include learning modes with seamless humancomputer interaction if Web 4.0 functions as a near-human intelligent operating system that can engage in complex interactions with people. The learning objectives may arise from the combination of human and machine cognitive abilities, indicating a possible paradigm change in which students work together to learn with and via computers. This development is consistent with the context-based theory of translation competence, which holds that 308 competence arises from the interaction of material and human resources, memories, interpersonal and personal traits, and maybe even computer memories and learning outcomes (Kiraly 2019). To sum up, the advancement of computer technology has the potential to further democratize the learning process by allowing students to actively utilize convergence technologies in their everyday educational activities. Future learning environments, especially those for translators, are probably going to involve students integrating with technology more. This might result in a collaborative learning process between human and machine intelligence (Perez 2017; 2018). Recently, there has been a surge in interest in integrating smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers into classroom education, especially for large-scale projects like ubiquitous computing and one-to-one device programs (Zucker, 2004). Although often hailed as a breakthrough in education, the field of education research has grown more concerned that these programs affect students' digital abilities and classroom experiences in ways that worsen learning disparities (Sims, 2014; Wilson, 2014). Research conducted over the past few years suggests that disparities still exist in student's uses of computer tools and the Internet, despite suggestions that the digital gap is closing in terms of learner's access to these resources. The idea that using computers and digital media in the classroom can make the material more engaging or applicable for students from all backgrounds and inspire them to learn is widely held, but barriers to successful technology integration make it difficult to actually realize the social and educational benefits of learning technologies. Because of this, the focus of research on digital education has switched from concerns about access to physical and virtual resources to the social and cultural aspects that influence young people's electronic educational experiences. Although having access to technology is a crucial first step towards eliminating disparities in digital education, school culture and teachers' approaches to integrating technology into the classroom also have a big influence on students' chances to use technology for both academic and personal development (Anthony & Clark, 2018; Warschauer et al., 2014, Windschitl & Sahl, 2012). Accordingly, there are substantial differences in the digital learning experiences of students that must be overcome in order to achieve effective technology integration (Hohlfeld et al., 2008). Scholarship in the Learning Sciences has focused on these issues through the lens of qualitative and ethnographic approaches as more and more schools integrate new, personalized, mobile, and computational technologies into their classrooms on a larger and larger scale. This is because it is important to understand how students from disadvantaged backgrounds can benefit from the same opportunities to develop digital literacy, take part in culturally-relevant activities, and gain the right skills. According to research, instructors' familiarity with technology and the institutional policies that specify acceptable computer usage are major determinants of how students utilize technology in the classroom (Windschitl & Sahl, 2012). Because of this, socio-structural mechanisms are also mentioned in the second layer of Hohlfeld et al.'s model, which may have an impact on how well teachers integrate technology into their lesson plans. They cover the norms regarding student use of technology (as an after-class add-on or for more focused learning activities), as well as the frequency with which students and teachers use it for learning objectives they hope to achieve (e.g. content delivery, critical evaluation of media materials, game-playing rote learning drill and practice, etc.). The development of students' technological abilities is facilitated by the type of technology they use, how much time they spend using it, and the complexity of technology-mediated learning activities. These factors form the basis for the third tier, which is individual empowerment. "The long-term and permanent change in the social system of schools caused by the implementation of technology to help students acquire knowledge" is how Belland (2019) characterized technology integration. One may argue that in order to achieve a range of 309 learning and pedagogical goals, both content- and skills-related, such "sustainable and persistent change" depends on skilled teachers integrating technology into instruction (Warschauer et al, 2014). According to such an assertion, integrating technology is an intricate and ever-changing endeavor in and of itself, requiring teachers to not only effectively plan and carry out the techniques and approaches required to meet their learning objectives but also implement the classroom modifications that give students the chance to participate in meaningful utilization of technology. For this purpose alone, effective implementation of technology necessitates that instructors have access to a diverse set of technical and social assets in order to build, sustain, and change their teaching techniques and tactics as learning technologies improve. In order to determine what such assistance may involve, scholars looked extensively at instructors' technology integration strategies and the factors that impact them. Hew and Brush (Hew & Brush, 2018) conducted a comprehensive evaluation of existing research on technology integration. In their paper, Hew and Brush suggested that instructors' incorporation of technology strategies might be classified based on the various roles technology played in certain learning activities, as well as the ways in which technology influenced the outcomes of those tasks. Specific examples of these types consist of " replacement, - amplification, or - transformation". Hew and Brush defined substitution as the application of technology to replace a current "analog" approach without changing the task's content. An example would be to utilize presentation software to project text onto a whiteboard or projector screen instead of writing the same information in chalk or highlighter on the whiteboard. Amplification, on the other hand, refers to an improvement in task efficiency achieved via the application of technological advances, but without altering the work itself. Finally, transformation entails using technology to "transcend" what is usually impractical or unattainable in a comparable situation. As stated by Hew and Brush (2018), using technology for reformation has the potential to create novel educational possibilities (Hughes, 2015) by rearranging the ways students think and problem-solving activities. For example, students can utilize computer databases and graphing software to do exploratory analysis of data, organize them, and formulate and evaluate data-related hypotheses. Many instructors have not been exposed to transformational tech-supported pedagogy since their professional development courses have been largely focused on how to utilize the technology. (p.228) Other classifications of technology usage, such as Puentadura's (2009) SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition), follow a similar logic, implying that various activities and jobs require varying levels of complexity or higher degree of thinking. METHODOLOGY The study technique is based on a complete literature analysis and the delivery of a questionnaire to academics who are actively involved in teaching translation and related topics. The sample consisted of approximately 40 teachers of foreign languages (mostly English and Italian) who dealt with translation issues in their classes. Some of them compiled this questionnaire, referring to their process of teaching at university (as a part of them are also university lecturers). Some others referred to classes where the focus was on translation tasks. The questionnaire was delivered via google form and it consisted of open - ended questions where respondents had to elaborate their answers. The literature review serves as the research basis, giving an in-depth evaluation of current research, theoretical frameworks, and practical uses of digital technologies in translation education. The literature review taken into consideration seeks to establish a theoretical framework for understanding the role of digital tools in improving teaching practices and 310 learning outcomes in the context of translation and translation studies by conducting a systematic examination of academic journals, books, conference proceedings, and other relevant sources. It identifies key topics and trends that inform the formulation of the questionnaire, which guides the selection of appropriate questions and areas of inquiry. The questionnaire, which was created based on insights gained from the literature analysis, acts as the major data collection tool for the study. The questionnaire was distributed to a varied group of instructors with competence in teaching translation and translation studies from various institutions and departments, with the goal of gathering first hand thoughts, experiences, and viewpoints on the integration of digital technologies into teaching methods. The questionnaire covers a wide variety of issues, including the use of digital techniques, the use of specific tools and platforms, ways of evaluation and feedback, problems faced, tactics implemented, and future trends anticipated. After collecting questionnaire responses, qualitative analysis techniques are used to condense and analyze the data, providing for a more in-depth knowledge of the complex dynamics at play. Thematic analysis is used to uncover repeating patterns, themes, and insights that emerge from the replies, making it easier to synthesize data and draw meaningful conclusions. The triangulation of data from the literature review and questionnaire allows for a thorough evaluation of the role of digital technologies in teaching translation and translation studies, giving significant insights for instructors, academics, and professionals alike. This study aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the effective use of technological resources and tools in the field of translation education by providing practical insights and recommendations for improving methods of instruction and advancing pedagogical approaches in the digital age. Analysis of findings Several significant themes emerge from an analysis of the questionnaire results on digital methods and tools in teaching translation and translation studies. Firstly, it's clear that teachers are actively incorporating digital approaches into their methods of instruction, with the goal of improving the learning experience and engagement. In teaching translation and translation studies, digital methods are integral to modern pedagogical approaches. Many teachers integrate computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools into their curriculum, recognizing their potential to enhance translation efficiency and accuracy. The majority of teachers are aware of digital tools, such as SDL Trados, MemoQ, and OmegaT as a great way of providing students with hands-on experience, but sometimes, using them seems to be difficult for numerous reasons. Moreover, machine translation systems like Google Translate or DeepL are introduced to students to demonstrate the advancements in automated translation technology, encouraging critical analysis of machine-generated translations and fostering an understanding of their limitations. In addition to CAT tools and machine translation systems, educators also leverage various digital platforms and resources to enrich the learning experience. According to the questionnaire answers, online dictionaries and corpora such as Linguee, Collins Dictionary, and Sketch Engine are recommended for translation practice and research, offering students access to a vast array of linguistic resources at their fingertips. These resources not only facilitate the translation process but also encourage students to develop effective research skills and critical thinking abilities. From the answers, it appears that collaborative platforms play a crucial role in facilitating group projects and collaborative translation work, allowing students to collaborate seamlessly regardless of geographical constraints. Platforms like Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams enable real-time collaboration and communication, promoting teamwork and fostering 311 a sense of community among students. Through collaborative projects, students gain valuable experience in working collaboratively, refining their communication skills, and learning from their peers. When it comes to evaluation and feedback, respondents emphasize the use of digital means to evaluate students' translation skills, frequently using online platforms or applications for this reason. However, the integration of digital methods into teaching translation and translation studies doesn’t exist without its challenges. From the survey, we found out that educators often encounter resistance from students who may be apprehensive about adopting new technologies or perceive them as substitutes for traditional learning methods. Additionally, technological issues such as software compatibility issues or connectivity issues can disrupt the learning process, requiring educators to be flexible and adaptable in their approach. Obstacles occur when integrating digital approaches, such as accessibility, technological skill, and students’ involvement. To address these challenges, teachers and professors employ various strategies to promote active student engagement in the digital learning environment. Interactive activities, multimedia resources, and gamification techniques are utilized to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences that cater to diverse learning styles. Moreover, teachers confess that these tools foster a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable experimenting with new technologies and embracing the learning opportunities they offer. Looking towards the future, based on the questionnaire, instructors envision continued advancements in digital methods and tools for teaching translation and translation studies. Artificial intelligence (which is already part of our lives) and machine learning technologies are expected to play an increasingly prominent role, with further enhancements in machine translation systems and the development of innovative language learning applications. Additionally, the growing prevalence of remote learning and virtual classrooms is likely to drive the adoption of digital tools and platforms, reshaping the landscape of language education in the years to come. Respondents anticipate further developments in digital techniques and technologies for teaching translation and translation studies, with an emphasis on more personalized and adaptable learning experiences. Instructors should remain up with the pace of developing technology, promote an innovative and experimental culture, and adapt instructional approaches to meet the requirements of various learners in the digital era. In general the findings highlight the rising relevance of digital literacy in translation education, as well as the necessity for instructors to embrace technology as a tool for improving teaching and learning. The majority of respondents agreed that digital methods in translation can have a positive impact on students by providing them with greater access to resources and increasing efficiency. They admit that by using digital tools, students gain access to various online databases, dictionaries, and translation software, enabling them to explore different techniques and strategies. This exposure enhances their learning experience and prepares them for realworld translation scenarios. Additionally, digital tools streamline the translation process, allowing students to focus more on refining their language skills and understanding translation nuances rather than spending excessive time on manual tasks. In conclusion, the integration of digital methods into teaching translation and translation studies offers immense potential to enhance learning outcomes and prepare students for the evolving demands of the globalized world. According to instructors’ comments, by leveraging digital tools and platforms effectively, educators can create dynamic and engaging learning experiences that empower students to become proficient translators and critical thinkers in the digital age. 312 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The study of digital methods and tools in teaching translation and translation studies highlights a dynamic landscape in which educators and instructors are increasingly leveraging technology to improve the learning experience. Across universities and departments, it is clear that digital approaches have become a fundamental aspect of teaching translation and related topics. Instructors are skilled at incorporating a wide range of digital tools and platforms into their curricula, from CAT tools to interactive platforms, to improve translation practice and research. This integration not only makes the translation process easier, but it also helps students develop important competencies in digital literacy, preparing them for the demands of current translation practices. In addition, the debate of machine translation and its inclusion into the curriculum illustrates instructors' multifaceted perspective. While acknowledging its presence in this sector, educators remain cautious in its application, ensuring that students recognize its limitations and learn to critically examine its output. This demonstrates a dedication to developing a comprehensive grasp of translation processes, balancing old approaches with modern technology. Assessment and feedback processes in the digital arena demonstrate novel techniques, with instructors using online platforms and tools to deliver promptly and constructive criticism to students. However, issues like accessibility and technical competency remain, demanding continuing assistance and training for educators and students alike. Still, ways to overcome these difficulties are clear, with academics promoting diversity, developing an atmosphere of collaboration in the classroom, and implementing interactive teaching methods to maintain student engagement. Looking ahead, the future of digital techniques and technologies in teaching translation and translation studies seems promising, while instructors are anticipating more developments to meet learners' changing requirements. Recommendations for educators emphasize the need of keeping fluid and adaptive, staying current on developing technology, and cultivating a climate of innovative creativity in the classroom. Finally, the findings emphasize the transformational potential of digital techniques and technologies in improving teaching and learning experiences in the field of translation and translation studies, driving it towards greater efficacy and applicability in the digital era. Concluding this issue, the use of digital techniques and technology in general, in language education and translation studies, brings a very positive result in students’ performance by making them more skilled, practical, motivated in classes etc. From the research, teachers are implementing different methods, but still, as previously mentioned, difficulties and obstacles arise. However, despite the good sides, there are also potential negative aspects to consider. Students may become overly reliant on technology, which could lead to a decline in their critical thinking and analytical skills. Relying too heavily on automated translation services may also hinder students' ability to grasp the intricacies of language and translation, as they may prioritize speed over accuracy. Furthermore, the abundance of digital resources may overwhelm students, making it challenging for them to discern reliable sources from unreliable ones, which could affect the quality of their translations. But, what is sure, is that the incorporation of these techniques in teaching is strongly needed. 313 REFERENCES Benjamins, J. (2017). Translation in Transition; Between cognition, computing and technology. ISBN 978 90 272 6537 1 Reis, A. Barroso, J. Martins, P (2022) Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education; Communications in Computer and Information Science. ISSN 1865-0937 García, O., & Otheguy, R. (Eds.). (2020). The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society. Oxford University Press. Beatty, K. (2019). 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Kiriaki Korina Sfakiotaki Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities Prof. Antonis Lionarakis Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities ABSTRACT This paper is part of a research project aimed at investigating and analysing the innovations, changes and influences initiated by the Hellenic Open University of Greece., which is the only one that exclusively offers education through the distance education model and has influenced the way and methodology of providing short or long study programs by higher education institutions. Due to the large offer of distance education programs (hereafter from D.E), there is a concern regarding the implementation practices of this education model by conventional higher education institutions in areas that make up the physiognomy and the pedagogy of the DE. The purpose, goals, and innovative elements of H.O.U. are presented initially. & the changes in offering quality curriculum provision. In addition, its influences in fourteen H.E.I of conventional education in relation to her physiognomy from DE. Finally, indicative groups of questions are recorded, which will be asked to the teaching staff of both the H.O.U and conventional higher education institutions in Greece to study the research results in depth. The research so far has been carried out at a bibliographic level, as well as a study of the information provided by the universities through their web pages. The interviews with the teaching staff are considered necessary so that the practical effect of distance education on conventional structures in the country becomes apparent. Keywords: Hellenic Open University, innovations in education, distance education, conventional education, research INTRODUCTION In recent years, many conventional education institutions have been affected by the dynamics of providing curricula through the distance education model (Chawinga & Zozie, 2016). However, it is often observed that the application of this model is done without the careful application of the elements that characterize its qualitative operational data. Thus, the question often arises as to whether these higher education institutions meet the conditions for effective operation and implementation of HE. Over the years, many conventional education institutions seem to have been affected by the dynamics of curriculum delivery through the distance education model (Chawinga & Zozie, 2016). However, it is often observed that the application of this model is done without the careful application of the elements that characterise its qualitative operational data. Thus, the question often arises as to whether these higher education institutions meet the conditions for effective operation and implementation of DE. 315 The advantages of D.E are significant as they focus on offering flexibility in the space and time of the students' engagement with their learning subject (Nikolaki, et al., 2013), as well as the possibility to study the teaching material at their own pace, which is structured to serve their own learning needs (Koutsouba & Lykesas, 2013 Buselic, 2012). Learners must also have the opportunity to continue lifelong learning regardless of their lifestyle or location (Cheawjindakarn, et al., 2016). However, the critical point is that implementing the D.E. model requires careful planning, mainly when applied to conventional education structures. Assessing the pedagogical character of study programs is an element of study and research as it permeates the course of all educational planning. At the same time, conventional education structures often do not give the appropriate attention required. This paper presents within the framework of the program "Funding research in the H.O.U.", the research project that aims to investigate and analyse the innovations, changes and influences initiated by the H.O.U. and has had an impact on the way of offering short or long study programs by higher education institutions in areas that make up the pedagogy of distance education. The conception of the proposal resulted from the study of the international and Greek literature, where the need to investigate the application and methodology of distance education in conventional academic education became apparent. Often, the characteristics that are prerequisites for the effective functioning of D.E. are not included in the educational reality of traditional universities. Therefore, it is investigated how the H.O.U affected conventional higher education in creating and delivering distance learning or training programs concerning educational materials, the role of the teacher, assessment, support, and the institution that designs and implements the respective D.E. educational plan. The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of the H.O.U on the academic landscape and the areas that ensure the effective implementation of the principles of distance education. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT The purpose of the research proposal is to analyse and investigate the innovations, changes and influences played by the H.O.U and how it affected the curriculum methodology in conventional institutions of all kinds and in areas that make up the pedagogy of D.E. More specifically: Because the elements which in essence constitute characteristics and are recorded as conditions for the effective operation of HE (Lionarakis, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2019) are not always and entirely applied in the educational reality, it is investigated how the H.O.U influenced conventional higher education in the provision of distance learning or training programs concerning the following axes: The educational material in the context of the D.E and the special features it must have to facilitate active learning /The role that has been given to the teacher concerning communication, counselling of students / The existence of educational intervention planning and support / The way of evaluation and feedback of students and the material they are asked to process 316 RESEARCH PROJECT METHODOLOGY The proposed research has been prepared bibliographically by studying the changes that were initially carried out in the very operation of the H.O.U through its innovations. Then, it was carried out through the websites of conventional universities to investigate their possible influences concerning the implementation of distance education. After the first research results have been recorded and analysed, interviews with teachers from both the H.O.U and conventional universities will follow. INNOVATIONS OF THE H.O.U Based on the bibliographic research so far, the following are elements of innovation of the H.O.U and describe the changes/ways that the existence of these innovations shapes its operation as an educational organization exclusively based on the philosophy of distance education (H.O.U 2013, 2021, 2022, n.d): Internal Control Unit (ICU) To improve its effectiveness, the Internal Audit Unit is responsible for providing advisory services, either as assistance to the President of the H.O.U's Steering Committee or as part of the annual work program. Also, ensuring the correct, efficient and secure management and use of information systems, as well as the control of the operation, activities and programs of the H.O.U based on the principles of sound financial management (H.O.U, 2011). The operation of the MEE has brought about the following changes in the operating procedures of the H.O.U: /Performance of planned and extraordinary audits in the administrative services, in the academic, research and other structures and units of the H.O.U and the preparation of the audit reports / Submitting a report to the Chairman of the Steering Committee and the Steering Committee regarding the compliance of the services with the recommendations of the internal audits. Evaluation of the operation and activities of the H.O.U based on the principle of sound financial management and transparency / Evaluation of planning procedures, execution and evaluation of functions and programs / Preparation of a program of internal audits of the administrative, academic, research and service units and structures of the H.O.U, taking into account the strategic planning of this (H.O.U, n.d). Internal Evaluation Unit ( I.E.U.) Its main purpose is to upgrade the quality of the services provided by the H.O.U through the tasks it carries out throughout the academic year. The objectives of the I.E.T relate to evaluating the educational process of the H.O.U and, more specifically, the teachers, the thematic Units, the educational material and the administrative services. Also, other activities of the Unit are training the teaching staff of the H.O.U cooperation with competent bodies for external evaluation and scientific research in methods and procedures to ensure the quality of educational technologies. The operation of the MEA has brought about the following changes in the operating procedures of the H.O.U: Assesses can know the result of their assessment and, consequently, the points where they will need to improve their work. Furthermore, reports are created with aggregated and 317 detailed data on evaluation results that are available to SEP members, to coordinators and Study Program Directors (DPS). Thus, points for improvement are highlighted either in the coordination of a thematic unit or in the direction of a study program. The results of the electronic evaluation are used by the individual committees of the Study Programs (Studies Programs) as a tool for reviewing the educational services they offer, but also as a means of identifying weaknesses related to the general organization of the S&P. More specifically, the following actions are mentioned: The study schedule is restructured / The communication between Teachers and Students is reviewed / The requirements for a more efficient organization of Group Counseling Meetings (GCMs) are defined / Criteria such as frequent low grades, non-positive comments from students, but also the general behaviour of some teaching staff, lead to the change of the teaching staff. On the contrary, the teachers' evaluation results are used to select them to participate in pilot actions of the H.O.U. Laboratory of Educational Material and Educational Methodology (L.E.M.E.M.) The Laboratory of Educational Materials and Educational Methodology (EHEM) supports and assists academic and educational staff, collaborating scientists, students and researchers in creating, certifying and implementing educational materials, effective teaching and innovative educational technologies. The operation of LEMEM has brought about the following changes in the operating procedures of the H.O.U: Develops digital educational material suitable for the requirements of distance education / Provides full technical support and training to the development factors of the educational material so that the material meets the requirements of the AU / By providing certification of the produced educational material based on internationally accepted standards ensures the quality of it / Trained approximately 1,500 educational material creators. These authors developed about 600 book titles based on the principles of D.E/. The training material was created, which includes and extensively analyzes the H.O.U's basic information systems and electronic services that the teachers must understand and use. The material is supplemented with audio-visual presentations of the essential electronic services of the H.O.U. These presentations were designed and created by L.E.M.E.M and I.C.U for each electronic service they manage (H.O.U, n.d). Polymorphism In 1998, Lionarakis introduced the term "Multiform Education", which defines a dimension, a perspective, a philosophy and a methodology in D.E. These lead to specific pedagogical practices in the teaching and learning processes, setting the element of multi-functionality both at the level of diversity of the media used, and at the level of pedagogical principles, but also of a broader process of quality education (Lionarakis, 2001, 2006, 2013 ; Manousou, 2008 ). Diversity in distance education allows the educational process to be adapted to different levels and preferences of learners. Learners have different learning styles, paces and preferences that must be taken into account in the course of effective training. It refers to educational and pedagogical terms and dimensions and offers the possibility and flexibility of developing educational models with quality criteria and adaptation to the needs of each system. At the same time, the polymorphism attributes unique values to the EE, such as flexibility, democracy, freedom of choice and management, such as the means of information and 318 communication, but using evaluative processes of measurability (Lionarakis, 2006). A pillar of D.E. permeates all stages of the learning/teaching process. Group Counseling Meetings G.C.M The group counselling meetings are four-hour educational meetings either live or mainly through the Teleconferencing Service. In the digital departments, a teleconferencing platform is used to conduct the Group Counseling Meetings instead of the live meetings in predetermined rooms. The Teleconferencing Service chooses systems that simulate a classroom and are focused on distance education and not simply on communication, with tools and possibilities for collaboration, interaction and facilitation in educational activities. With the existence of the G.C.M., learners are provided with cognitive, emotional, psychological and educational support. This is achieved through explaining the teaching material, clarifying the instructions before the written assignments, giving feedback, guiding the students concerning studying the teaching material and solving queries. In addition, they offer live teacher-learner interaction and communication between all participating members of the learning community, and active learning techniques are applied. The O.S.S are the only case of face-to-face communication between the teacher-counselor and the trainees and is judged to be the most critical, valuable and essential form of contact with them. They also contribute to the trainees' self-determination and control of the learning process, an element of self-regulated learning (Lionarakis, et al. 2019). Educational material Didactics changes orientation, as it shifts from the teacher's responsibility to the value that the teaching material should have, regardless of its form. The learner studies the educational material of the unit, cooperates with the other group members, and exchanges opinions to complete the activities assigned to them in the time frame agreed upon with the teacher. In D.E., the teaching material plays a huge role. It is the central pillar and source of knowledge as it makes up for the lack of the teacher's physical presence. It is the most basic learning tool. More specifically, the polymorphic material ensures flexible, dynamic and personalised learning and focuses on interactive content between learners, teacher and learner, and between learner and teaching material. At the same time, its purpose is to motivate learners during their learning process (Lionarakis et al., 2018; Hassan et al., 2014) and to "enable the student to learn alone and operate autonomously towards a heuristic learning process" (Lionarakis, 2001). Teacher role The role of the teacher in distance education is multifaceted (communicative, advisory and encouraging). The regular and different forms of communication that the teacher can - and must - have with his students contribute to this. The teacher creates a support framework, 319 which can significantly contribute to self-regulated learning. Consequently, there is a transition from the traditional and now obsolete teacher-centred model to the student-centred model of distance education. Ensuring regular and mutual communication between teacher and student is particularly important since its quality compensates for the lack of immediacy and personal contact (Zygouris & Mavroidis, 2011). Counseling and Psychological Support Center It provides free information, support and psychological counselling services to all members of the H.O.U community who face occasional difficulties in developmental, personal and educational issues, such as manifestations of anxiety and stress, difficulties adapting to study conditions, problems or challenges in relationships, psychosomatic issues, time management problems, decision-making problems, inability to concentrate, reduced performance, lack of interest, etc. a. It also provides information on mental health and counselling issues. With its services, it effectively contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the recipients of its services. At the same time, it facilitates H.O.U's members' educational community in the educational process (H.O.U, n.d). Training of Teaching Staff Teacher training is carried out through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) technologies. As a result, they are trained with knowledge related to D.E. and the Information and Communication Technologies that support the educational process in the H.O.U. They are also informed about examples of good practices and can then derive ideas for applications adapted to the particular conditions and requirements of their Thematic Unit (H.O.U, 2022). H.O.U INFLUENCES IN CONVENTIONAL H.E.I. Below are indicatively recorded elements of the influence of the H.O.U, as seen in how fourteen conventional Η.Ε.I. of the country offer distance education training programs. All of the following relate to offering training programs through the AE from the conventional A.E.I. and not the more general way traditional education has been affected. The following data, so far, have emerged from the information pages of the fourteen A.E.I. The data referred to and related to the AE (National kapodistrian University of Athens, n.d Athens University of Economics & Business, n.d , Aristotle's University(n.d) Ionian University(n.d). The International Hellenic University n.d University of Crete n..d University are presented indicatively of Ioannina n..d University of Macedonia n.d University of Patras n.d University of the Peloponnese n.d University of Piraeus University of Western Attica n.d University of the Aegean n.d University of Thessaly n.d). Based on the data of the research so far, the following emerges: The University of Crete has academic advisors to help better organise studies. Departments appoint an academic advisor for each student enrolled in the program. Academic Advisors are faculty members of the Department who, through discussion, can help the student with academic matters, such as managing problems with the curriculum and clarifying questions concerning the procedures established by the Department. They also connect students and the 320 Foundation's services, such as Student Care, the Internship Office or the Student Counseling Center, to better organise and successfully complete the students' studies. The Secretariats inform newly admitted students of the name and contact method of their Academic Advisor during their registration. Also, the Student Counseling Center (SCC) is a service of the University of Crete that provides individual/group psychological support and counselling to all institution students with developmental and personal adjustment problems and occasional/chronic difficulties. It supports disabled students who face learning, physical or psychological challenges. It develops initiatives and programs implementing unique educational benefits for their equal access to academic studies. Like Piraeus, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens offers Thematic modules instead of Courses. The element of autonomy in study is presented by all universities, as is the aspect of flexible planning in study. In the Universities of Ioannina, Aegean, Crete, Thessaly, Piraeus, Aristotle, Ionian, and Peloponnese. It is emphasised that the teaching material offered follows the principles of D.E. The existence of a written work is deemed necessary for the final evaluation in combination with intermediate ways of participating in the fora. The element of student support and communication is presented in the information material of all conventional universities. GROUP OF QUESTIONS The questions that will be put to the lecturers of the higher educational institutions of the country will concern axes that highlight the relationship and effect of the extracurricular activities that may have taken place in the process of providing educational programs from conventional H.E.I.’s:         Structure of the teaching material The role of the teacher, how it has been experienced and perceived in different educational environments Dealing with students and teaching-learning relationships with learning needs Learners: Autonomy - Interaction in terms of organisation and study The role of tasks and activities Substitution of "courses" by "Subjects" concerning the philosophy following the "Subject." Training of teaching staff in the philosophy and needs of distance education Evaluation – This evaluation – feedback of learners, teachers  Communication and meetings organized in non-AU conventional universities?  Structures exist in conventional universities for the organisation of procedures for creating teaching materials, evaluation, training, and quality control for international students.  Personal impact concerning an effect from D.E. in the way they perceive their educational role, differences – similarities in the learning process, the role of the H.O.U, any differences in relation to the type of sciences. 321  Pedagogical dimension of effects from HE in conventional education structures FIRST CONCLUSIONS Following the imperatives of the time for lifelong learning, the country's higher education institutions offer training programs. Basically, there seem to be some elements that characterise D.E., but not all and to the same extent. The H.E.I. provide Training Certificates through supplementary distance education programs with Lifelong Learning Centers providers. They do not award degrees except through their traditional educational character. They provide the teaching material via the Internet for the thematic units, as they call them, which they offer in an AE training program. The possibility of studying the material is offered through platforms, in whatever form it may be, as well as the existence of a forum for student communication. However, forums do not exist in all programs, even if the university offers them (e.g. Macedonia). The communication between the trainees and the teachers is done almost exclusively through the platform and e-mail. Students send their questions to the platform, and lecturers answer them. There is no other form of personal communication except through two or three teleconferences in which general task instructions are given. The teaching material is not always the result of the work of strictly academic staff, except for the University of the Aegean, where it is explicitly stated that it comes from academic and scientific staff of the country or abroad. There is no mention of training for teachers in the external education system or of group advisory meetings. Also, the Psychological Support Center seems to exist only at the University of Crete. At the University of Thessaly, emphasis appears to be placed on familiarising students with new technologies in the context of the D.E. through a two-week preparation program. At the University of Peloponnese, emphasis is placed on the teaching material offered. At the same time, at the International University, the support and communication of teachers and students throughout the program is emphasised. The approach of distance education by H.E.I. studied so far could be characterized as superficial in the way its programs offer, in relation to its physiognomy from AE. The research aspires to go in depth by approaching both the issues of the influences of conventional universities from the H.O.U. and the changes and innovations of the Hellenic Open University itself. This will be done through interviews of teaching staff of both the H.O.U and conventional Greek universities as the information material from university pages or the bibliography cannot provide documented data. With the interviews that will be taken from the teaching staff of both the H.O.U and mainly from the conventional universities, important and reliable findings for the research are expected. REFERENCES Athens University of Economics & Business (n.d). Retrieved 10/3/2022 Aristotle’s University(n.d). Retrieved 5/6/2022 from 322 from Buselic, M.. (2012). 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The process of lexical standardization has to be given more importance because lexical items of a language show a higher degree of variations when compared to other linguistic features. When a language is introduced for specific purposes (as in higher education, administration, science and technology, and mass media), it needs more linguistic items for effective meaningful, and powerful communication. In this article, we describe the process of the standardization of the lexicon, concerning the codification of the language. Language Planning is an activity whereby a language is enriched and made more efficient to serve a variety of functions in confirmation of the development of the society in which that language functions. Standardization is concerned with both corpus and status planning. Among the two broad types of planning, corpus planning gets much more importance from the points of view of functional and utility values. Modernization involves the process of making the language modern, and this involves the creation of new items in the language, and planning the already existing items of a language. Graphization involves the elaboration of the graphological medium of a language to satisfy the needs of a language that is under development. Keywords: sociolinguistics, language planning, lexical standardization, social variation, Albanian language. Lexicalization deals with the development and selection of appropriate words for a language. In principle, it also includes the definition of styles and spheres of use of the words of the language. The way words are used in specific fields is justified and specified in lexicalization. Studies in this field have as their object issues related not only to lexical development but also to usage. Lexicalization can also structure the relations of dialectal variations. Lexical units of the standard variety become dominant, while those of the dialects are marginalized. The lexical level is in immediate contact with the language users, who, although does not have a specific linguistic preparation, can be put in the role of a language planner. Intervention at the morphological, syntactic, and to some extent even orthographic levels is a specialized process carried out by specialists of the field, while intervention at the lexical 326 - level is often more democratic. In most cases, the variety that is the object of planning is one of the local varieties. This variety may enjoy a medium or low prestige, but there are ethnic or personal identifying feelings associated with it. Such a variety is natural in situations of dilalia or diglossia with other varieties next to it. The main problems faced by planners in these situations are45: On the one side, the goal of the planner is to "maintain" the language and make it distinct, at least at the lexical level, from other variants. On the other side, the temptation to modify, model, and bend it according to his taste and sensibility. Both of these activities aimed at lexical standardization can receive the support of a part of the population. In the following, the lexical standardization serves to give shape and opportunities to the administrative language, while the personal and literary levels must be left free, to be organized spontaneously. The work done on public and administrative discourse will have spontaneous reflections on other levels of language, which, in the absence of alternatives, will be influenced by the forms proposed in the above discourses. Lexical standardization should propose forms of passive use. On the other hand, the speaker on a personal level will continue to use the variant that he has always felt as his own, that he prefers, or in which he feels more secure. The work of lexical corpus planners should initially be to design and publish specific dictionaries and lexical lists. Further to a more advanced stage, the publication of technical and bureaucratic texts. For language planners, the field of lexicon standardization has a lot of uncertainty, because in many cases there is a tendency to define the words, and therefore also the concepts, of the language that is in the process of formation. From a personal and political point of view, the feeling of being in the position of the one who selects or creates the words and concepts that "his people" will use can be very evocative. The work of a corpus planner, and specifically of one who deals with lexical standardization, is a linguist's work. A linguist who scrupulously compares dictionaries and lexical lists and has deep phonetic, historical, semantic, and lexical knowledge. For the elaboration of specific terminologies, the terminological summaries of the official languages of the territory should serve as a starting point, to which the equivalent terms collected from the local varieties are progressively added. These are then subjected to normalization. The outline of the sectoral terminology initially requires a clear definition of the project, i.e. of the potential users, the time, and the way of application and dissemination of the specialized lexicon. Of course, the work for a specialized lexicon does not only include the drafting of a list of words, but the mapping of the semantic fields of the lexical units depending on the needs and the perception of the needs of the users. The analysis of the conceptual field requires the creation of46: 45 46 I., Dell’Aqiula, La pianificazione linguistica, Roma, 2004. p. 84. ibid. p.85. 327 - - - - - of a documentary base consisting of works and specialized works, which will continue to make up the corpus. This documentary base consists of manuals, theoretical works, regulations, norms, legal texts, catalogs, etc. of terminological works, such as visual dictionaries, nomenclature tables, neologisms, and terminological databases. of lexicographic works, such as general language dictionaries, encyclopedic works, etymological dictionaries, etc. So planning the corpus in the direction of the lexicon includes collecting and cataloging the lexical entries, with their semantic values, present in the corpus of the variety and proposing the creation of new lexical units that fill the terminological gaps. Types of neologisms can be divided into formal neologisms and semantic neologisms. Formal neologisms can be classified according to the type of active word formation which can be derivation, compounding, shortening, and borrowing. Loans can be: internal, i.e. derived from the same language, such as archaisms, dialecticism, etc.; external, i.e. derived from another language. Words that are borrowed from other languages can be used in their original form or can be adapted to the structure of the language in which they are included; in very special cases it can be operated with the creation of new words ex nihilo. Semantic neologisms can be realized: with the help of tropes (metaphor or metonymy); with the help of semantic movement processes (broadening, narrowing, or transformation of meaning); with the creation of limes; with the use of proper names (eponyms, commercial names); with the help of grammatical conversion; by turning onomatopoeia into onomatopoeic words. In the process of forming terminological neologisms, it is necessary to respect precise linguistic, terminological, and sociolinguistic criteria. New words must first be suitable in terms of phonetics, spelling, morphology, semantics, and syntax for the code, of which they will be an inherent part. - The terminological criteria require the term to have: direct monosemantic connection with the concept it marks; adaptability to the conceptual field, of which it is a part; formal analogy with other terms belonging to the lexical field; to respect the general trends of the terminology of the field. The sociolinguistic aspect is of primary importance for the acceptance and spread of neologisms, so it is necessary to take into account the sociological characteristics of the users. These characteristics can be: 328 - level of training of users; degree of linguistic sensitivity; social and professional prestige of means of dissemination. - Other sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic assessments should be considered: the use of a term in a special register; the negative connotations that a term can have; the ease of memorizing it, etc. Language modernization or processing – refers to the sustainable and permanent cultivation and development of the language. It is the process by which language becomes a suitable means of communication for contemporary forms of discourse. This process involves more language development at the lexical level, such as creating new terms and words for new objects and concepts. Language processing focuses on the functional development of that language. The modernization of the lexicon is done to increase the lexicon of the language so that it harmonizes with technological, political, economic, educational, and social concepts and developments. The modernization of the lexicon is a concrete example of "corpus planning". All languages over time suffer what can be called lexical "vacuity", and lexical modernization specifically controls and directs the expansion of the language's lexicon systematically. - Historical challenges of language policy in Albanian The historical developments of language communities and language policies have always been in a permanent symbiosis. The difficult social and historical context was added to this challenge for the Albanian community. The language as a symbol of the unity of the nation and its identity, had long been under the focus of Albanian researchers, but also the contribution of foreign Albanologists. Efforts for an Albanian literary language date back very early, since the unification of the language in the consciousness of the Albanian-speaking community coincided with the unification of the nation. During the National Renaissance, (at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century), two literary variants were cultivated, the literary Geg and the literary Tosk (otherwise, the southern Koine). These two variants were used naturally and we can say that the first discussions about the consolidation of the common language date back to this period. We will focus not only on the process of the early lexicalization of Albanian (the theoretical principles of which we discussed above) and the efforts to outline a common linguistic variant but also on the creation of the foundations for the process of standardization and modernization of the language. As an example of the establishment of clearly defined rules in the function of the standardization process as a whole and the lexical one in particular, we can present the tasks that the Renaissance presented, calling them elements of a comprehensive program. These 329 - - - rules outline a language project that on the one hand is careful about tradition, but on the other hand, proposes changes to facilitate use47. The literary language of the Albanian nation was based on the spoken language of the people, as well as on all the values of the written tradition of the past centuries. Albanian should be written and taught as widely as possible and with the same alphabet (to become the language of the Albanian state, of education, of literature, of culture and science. This was an Enlightenment idea and difficult to realize based on the circumstances in which the Albanian nation found itself at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. To extract from the Albanian literary language words that felt foreign, especially Greek, Slavic, and Turkish. This can rightly be called one of the first stages of lexical standardization, during which the semantic structure of Albanian was not only cleaned but also enriched with lexical units from the Albanian dough itself (for example, lexemes from dialects were borrowed), which the social and cultural dynamism where the language and the Albanian-speaking community was going through. To preserve as complete and clear as possible the phonetic, morphological, and word-forming structure of Albanian and the structural-semantic clarity of the language as a whole. This effort was seen as an important step for the convergence of literary variants in writing and was implemented not only during the National Renaissance but also in subsequent historical periods. The first modern conceptions about the standard language can be found in the journalism of the time, which served as a tribune of scientific, social, and cultural thought. Until the middle of the 20th century, a series of periodicals began to be published in Albania, in which critical thoughts about language, culture, and various attitudes of a social nature were revealed.48 Such a multifaceted figure is Faik Konica, who in his publications and especially in the newspaper "Albania" expressed his critical views on the complex social, cultural, and historical situation in which Albanian society was at the turn of the century. The magazine "Albania" undoubtedly has the Albanian language at the center of its attention, and even has the cultivation of the language as its basic mission. But the more the language is used and processed, the more it needs to enrich the vocabulary as well as to clarify and increase its expressive power. Konica had set himself the goal of turning the magazine "Albania" into a school of Albanian writing, so he paid special and constant attention to the drafting of articles and the language used in them. This was a very important stage of processing the corpus of the language, focusing in particular on the enrichment of its semantic structure, in addition to the crystallization of orthographic forms. Enriching the Albanian lexicon with new words, which increase its expressive power and meet the needs of Albanian authors of various fields of knowledge and science, is one of 47 Gj. Shkurtaj, Kultura e gjuhës, Tirana, 2006, p. 41-42. Cirka magazine, digital archive: Leka magazine, digital archive: 48 330 - - - the permanent problems of the articles published in the magazine "Albania". We encountered the issue of forming new words or borrowing adaptations from other languages in the first issues of the magazine. In the column “Per thémélin é ňe ghuhes létrerishtés shqip”of the sixth issue of 1897, Konica asserts that the Albanian language today is not sufficiently processed and needs many lexical items, therefore all Albanians are trying to enrich the treasure of her with a zeal worthy of praise. But to build new words it is necessary to take into account some philological rules. For the author, there is nothing more ugly and unfair than using words in the Albanian language as they are in other languages because in this way they feel like foreigners among the Albanian words. For him, the general rule should be that all new words that are created should be adapted to the philological principles of the Albanian language and not remain in the hands of everyone's imagination. In the article, the author presents several cases of transcriptions and phonetic and phonological transformations in words borrowed from Greek and Latin.49 And in the article “Les néologismes et les lois de l’évolution phonétique dans la langue albanaise”50 he deals more extensively with the issue of the enrichment and development of the Albanian language. The author claims that the Albanian language, which has just begun to be cultivated widely, needs to enrich its vocabulary. Vocabulary enrichment can be done in two ways: The first way is to create new words from existing Albanian words. He supports this way but notes that in some cases the connection between words is not appropriate and sometimes it is abused with the use of the suffix -s. We must be careful with the use of word-forming tools, to adapt to the morphonological structure of the word. The second way is by taking words from classical languages (Greek and Latin). Konica notes that these borrowings are legal and can be justified in cases where there is a lack of words in the Albanian language. But he emphasizes that one must be very careful because a word cannot be taken and inserted into the Albanian language in the form, as it is used in the language of origin. It must adapt to the phonetic system of Albanian and respond to the phonetic development within it. Otherwise, this borrowed the word "will sound bad in the ear". He advises writers to use as many words and expressions as possible taken from the people. Konica also presents the general principles on which the drafting and selection of an appropriate terminology of the Albanian language for each field of knowledge and science should be based. According to him, any language that needs to select scientific words, which it does not have in its lexicon, can follow three paths: To take international words, which can be Greek or Latin, which are used in most languages, and add Albanian suffixes. To build new words with Albanian roots but in analogy with the way Latin words are built. To take a word without being based on any other language and give it the desired meaning. Another figure of Albanian letters and Albanian history, Luigj Gurakuqi, published some reviews about the unified language in the magazine "Albania". He takes the enrichment Trank Spiro Beg, Per thémélin é ňe ghuhes létrerishtés shqip, Albania, nr.6, 1897, p. 97. Trank Spiro, Les néologismes et les lois de l’évolution phonétique dans la langue albanaise, Albania, nr.6, 1897, p. 99-100. 49 50 331 of the Albanian language as the object of his analysis, stating that examining dialects and determining the most appropriate form of words does not definitively solve the "language problem"51. Regarding the issue of lexical standardization, he maintained a constant attitude, which was based on the selection of words, the addition of terms, and the observation of the laws of language development to reflect all aspects of social dynamism. The adaptation of new lexical units, either in the phonetic structure or in the linguistic calques created during the historical development of the language, was an important step in the lexical standardization of Albanian. The structuring of the reports of the lexical units of the dialect varieties, within the schemes of the lexicalization process, is related not only to the selection of appropriate supradialectal forms but also to the enrichment of the language terminology. For the latter, Gurakuqi suggested two ways52: -First, the use of a foreign terminology in essence, but adapted to the phono-grammatical structure of Albanian; - Second, the formation of terms with Albanian dough, adapting them also from a semantic point of view to Albanian roots. It emphasizes the role of word-forming processes in the enrichment of the lexical structure, as well as familiarity with the word-forming formants of the Albanian source. As an initial model, in the first steps of the creation of new lexical units in the field of terminology, and which we can affirm constituted a suitable ground for lexical standardization, was also the presentation of a dictionary of mathematics terms in the article “Gjuha é shkéntsavé”53. It was also equipped with some notes at the end, which clarify the methodology followed for drafting the terms. The author has made a distinction between general terminology and special terminology. He preferred to leave the general terms in ancient Greek, as they are used in almost all languages. And the special terms in some cases have selected forms that are already in use, so they can be creations of other authors. And in other cases, it is said that he has created new words. Supporting the positions of the magazine "Albania", whose pages he published several times, he calls it a source of light and knowledge for Albanians.54 "Albania" magazine had already managed to create a tradition and was consolidated both in its content and in collaborators and readers. From time to time on its pages, we also read letters sent by readers who live in Albania or other countries. These readers evaluate the level of the magazine and its contribution to the development of the Albanian language. These letters highlight the essence of Konica's hard work, to remove the dust of time and highlight the beauty of the Albanian language; to carve with his masterly pen its writing; to carefully lay the foundation stones of a common Albania; and to cleanse it of foreign words, which had taken its breath and we had dimmed its beauty and expressive power. The purpose of the magazine "Albania" is to spread the Albanian language and to create models of writing and enriching it, as we have repeatedly noticed on its many pages. Lék Gruda, Per thémélim te gne ghuhé létretaré, Albania, nr.12, 1905, p. 233. Lek Gruda, Gjuha é shkéntsavé, Albania, nr.8, 1905, p. 158-161. 53 Lek Gruda, Gjuha é shkéntsavé, Albania, nr.8, 1905, p. 161. 54 ibid, p. 159. 51 52 332 This can be concretized with a statement from the editorial office itself, which reminds its readers that "… jémi perpjékur kurdohére t’a bejme Albanien jo ňe gazéte, po ňe te vertéte shkolle te shcipés.”55. (…we have always tried to make “Albania:” not a newspaper, but a real Albanian school.") Konica states that it always relies on sound scientific principles in the drafting and publication of articles, constantly referring to a rich bibliography and original documents, which in some cases have been presented for the first time on the pages of "Albania". The language used is "strong" and "pure" because they are clear that the spoken and the written language are not one. For its many readers, "Albania" was: “…ňe pascyre ku deftohét, é ndryshmé po é ňeshme, ghuha shcipé é te ghith’anevé te vendit; eshte mê i plotti é mê i fucishmi tok dokuméntésh permi ghuhe é ch’do ghê ci nga lark a nga afer i ngét Shciperies.”56 ("A mirror where the different but the same Albanian language of all parts of the country is shown. It is the most complete and powerful group of documents about the language and everything from far and near resembles Albania.”) Bibliography “Cirka” magazine, digital archive: Dell’Aqiula, Iannàccaro: La pianificazione linguistica, Roma, 2004. Shkurtaj, Gjovalin: Kultura e gjuhës, Tirana, 2006. Collection of “Albania”, Bruksel, 1897- 1909. Konica, Faik: Mendime gjuhësie, red. Kristina Jorgaqi, Tirana, 2006. “Leka” magazine, digital archive: Messing, Gordon: Politics and national language in Albania, Contribuitions to historical linguistics, 1980. 8. Osmani, Tomor: Faik Konica për njësimin e alfabetit të gjuhës shqipe, Studime filologjike, nr. 1-4, 1996. 9. Raka, Fadil: Historia e shqipes letrare, Prishtina, 2004. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 55 56 Shenimé, Albania, nr.9, 1904, p. 184. ibid. p. 184. 333 PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES IN ONLINE LEARNING Dr. Pjetër Ndreca Head of the Economic Informatics Department, Faculty of Economics, Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana, Albania. Prof. Assoc. Dr. Llesh Lleshaj Department of Finance, Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania. ABSTRACT The exploration aims to find the nuanced aspects of satisfaction in online and traditional education, shedding light on each model's unique opportunities and challenges. The goal is to provide insights into the evolving university auditorium landscape, examining how students navigate these diverse environments and the implications for the learning process, institutions, etc. Nevertheless, we will address the obstacles that conventional models encounter, including restricted accessibility, rigidity, and the possible difficulty in quickly adjusting to the everchanging needs of contemporary learners. This research endeavors to thoroughly comprehend contentment in the learning process, delivering valuable perspectives for educators, policymakers, and learners. A survey is conducted to estimate the satisfaction of online learning for 622 students in the private universities in Albania during 2022-2023 academic year. Proceeding with these data with econometric model as a multiple factors with index variables. Dependent variable is the satisfaction of online learning, and independent variable are many dimensions which effect the online learning such as: challenges, disadvantages and advantages of digitalization and learning platforms, new online teaching methods and relevance, etc. Among many positive aspects and opportunities of online learning (material access at any time, using contemporary study methods, video-recorded lectures, guest lecturers, etc.), there are some problems (technological problems, interactive communication, social isolation, etc.). Keywords: Online learning, Digitization of auditoriums, Prospect learners. INTRODUCTION In the rapidly evolving education landscape, the dichotomy between online learning and traditional education has emerged as a pivotal discussion point, steering the course of contemporary pedagogy. As the digital era continues to unfold, exploring the prospects and challenges inherent in the satisfaction derived from these two educational paradigms becomes relevant and imperative. Online learning has revolutionized the traditional model, introducing various possibilities and reshaping knowledge acquisition. The flexibility, accessibility, and ability of online learning experiences to meet individual needs have positioned online education as a formidable contender in the educational arena. However, this digital transformation is not without its intricacies, as the virtual realm presents challenges that differ markedly from the conventional classroom setting. This exploration delves into the nuanced 334 dimensions of satisfaction in online and traditional education, unpacking the unique prospects and challenges each model brings to the forefront. It seeks to illuminate the evolving landscape of education, offering insights into how learners navigate these diverse environments and the implications for educators, institutions, and the broader educational ecosystem. Regarding this study, we will scrutinize the prospects that online learning presents, including the potential for global accessibility, personalized learning experiences, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. Simultaneously, we will address the challenges accompanying this shift, such as concerns about the quality of online education, the digital divide, and the impact on social and interpersonal skills traditionally fostered in classrooms. We will examine the enduring strengths of traditional education, grounded in face-to-face interactions, established pedagogical methodologies, and cultural and social. Yet, we will also confront the challenges traditional models face, such as limited accessibility, inflexibility, and a potential struggle to adapt swiftly to the dynamic demands of the modern learner. Through this study, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of satisfaction in learning, offering valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and learners. As we navigate the intricate between online learning and traditional education, we embark on a quest to uncover the challenges for a new era in learning. Many advantages motivate online learning for students: o Flexibility and Convenience: Students can access course materials and lectures anytime, accommodating diverse schedules and allowing for self-paced learning. The flexibility of online learning is particularly beneficial for those with work or family commitments, enabling them to balance education with other responsibilities. o Accessibility: Online learning breaks down geographical barriers, allowing students to access courses from anywhere in the world. This is especially advantageous for individuals who may not have access to quality education locally. o Diverse Learning Resources: Online courses often incorporate multimedia elements, interactive quizzes, and various digital resources catering to different learning styles. Access to online materials enhances the learning experience and provides students with a broader range of information. o Cost Savings: Online learning can be more cost-effective as it eliminates expenses associated with commuting, housing, and physical course materials. Many online courses and programs are more affordable than their traditional counterparts, making education more accessible. o Customized Learning Experience: Online platforms often allow for personalized learning paths, enabling students to focus on areas of interest, revisit challenging concepts, and progress at their own pace. Adaptive learning technologies can tailor content to individual learning styles and provide targeted feedback. o Enhanced Communication: Online learning platforms facilitate diverse communication channels, including discussion forums, video conferences, and email, fostering interaction among students and instructors. Collaboration tools promote virtual teamwork, allowing students to engage with peers from different backgrounds and cultures. 335 o Skill Development: Online learning hones digital literacy skills as students navigate various online tools and technologies. Virtual collaboration and communication skills gained through online discussions and group projects are increasingly relevant in today's interconnected world. o Self-Directed Learning: Online courses empower students to take greater control of their learning journey, encouraging self-discipline and time management. Managing assignments, deadlines, and study schedules fosters independence and self-motivation. o Career Advancement Opportunities: Online learning provides a flexible avenue for individuals to acquire new skills or pursue advanced degrees while working. Employers often value the adaptability and commitment demonstrated by individuals who engage in online learning to enhance their professional qualifications. There are some main disadvantages of online learning for students: o Limited Social Interaction: Online learning can lack the face-to-face interaction in traditional classrooms, potentially leading to feelings of isolation and a diminished sense of community. o Dependence on Technology and Technical Issues: Students may encounter technical difficulties such as internet connectivity issues, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions, disrupting the learning experience. o Self-Motivation Challenges: Some students may struggle with self-discipline and motivation, as online learning requires a high level of personal responsibility to manage time effectively and stay engaged. o Communication Challenges: Effective communication can be more challenging in online settings, as students may feel hesitant to ask questions or seek clarification compared to faceto-face interactions. o Lack of Immediate Feedback: Students may experience delays in receiving feedback on assignments or assessments, potentially slowing the learning process and hindering timely improvement. o Teacher-Student Relationship: Developing a personal connection between students and instructors can be more challenging in online courses, potentially impacting the quality of mentorship and support. o Cheating Concerns: The remote nature of online exams and assessments may raise concerns about academic integrity, with some students resorting to dishonest practices. o Limited Networking Opportunities: Building professional networks and relationships with peers can be more challenging in online learning environments compared to traditional classrooms. The questionnaires are intended to analyze the students' satisfaction level based on online learning and the comparison with the traditional one in the classroom. The study is motivated to analyze the perspective and challenges of online learning as a current new and novel way of learning through universities and professional qualifications. 336 LITERATURE REVIEW The sudden emergence of COVID-19, beginning in 2019, has significantly impacted global communities (Ayittey et al., 2020; Villela et al., 2021). Due to health and safety concerns, numerous schools worldwide closed temporarily. There was a rapid surge in demand for online learning, prompting a shift from the traditional face-to-face learning approach to an online format as educators endeavored to ensure the continuation of formal education programs for students (Lei and Medwell, 2021). This pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to the education system, necessitating heightened emergency preparedness as schools grapple with adapting to the evolving environment and recurrent outbreaks a situation commonly referred to as the "new normal" (Wang, 2020). Educational institutions face the daunting task of finding alternative solutions to traditional face-to-face education to navigate this complex situation. This results in the closure of campuses to facilitate social distancing among students (Toquero, 2020). However, transitioning from a conventional educational setup to online learning in a brief period is inherently challenging, giving rise to numerous obstacles and difficulties (Crawford et al., 2020). Students, in particular, seem to struggle with grasping the educational role of online technologies, often viewing them as irrelevant or hindrances to learning (Ellis and Bliuc, 2019). Research by Cui et al. (2020) indicated a decline in the proportion of students who completed their courses and assignments on schedule. While the full extent of the impact of the covid-19 outbreak on education may take time to materialize, educational institutions worldwide are currently exerting maximum effort to enhance online learning environments and resources across various academic disciplines, utilizing their limited resources to the fullest (Kaur, 2020). Several research studies have emerged on online education amid the covid-19 pandemic. However, studies examining college students' technological proficiency, interpersonal relationships with peers and instructors, and collaborative learning experiences during this period are scarce (Yuefan Xia, Yawen Hu, Chenyi Wu, Ling Yang, and Man Lei, 2022). The study's findings unveil that online learning provides novel avenues for college students to learn independently, collaborate, and establish connections with peers. It prompts them to reassess methods to enhance their technological skills, learning approaches, and communication abilities and rethink their roles as team members. The results indicate that online learning provides college students with a fresh approach to independent learning, collaboration, and fostering relationships with peers. In turn, it prompts students to reevaluate methods for enhancing technical skills, refining learning approaches, and improving communication skills. Furthermore, there is a suggestion that future technical skills training should be extended to both faculty and students to enhance students' proficiency in practical skills and address communication barriers stemming from inadequate skills. Previous studies have indicated that features such as file sharing, whiteboards, and annotation pose usability challenges, leading to the underutilization of conferencing functions (Ming et al., 2021). In asynchronous learning settings, learning content delivery differs from offline classes, making it impractical to provide real-time feedback and responses. Simultaneously, students lack a learning community, encounter technical issues, and struggle to comprehend instructional objectives-critical impediments to effective online learning. Significantly, challenges experienced in online courses can be attributed to educators' insufficient online teaching skills or preparation, including the absence of detailed teaching plans, inadequate support from technical teams, and congestion on online education platforms. The present circumstances differ significantly from traditional online learning, resembling a crisis-driven learning approach that presents substantial student challenges. Issues such as 337 unreliable internet connections create a barrier to ensuring equitable access to online learning among students (la Velle et al., 2020). This leads to complications with attendance and engagement in online sessions, rendering online education less adaptable than initially assumed. Additionally, students are compelled to swiftly adapt to unfamiliar learning methods while grappling with the individual and societal impacts of the epidemic on their daily lives and physical and mental well-being (Macintyre et al., 2020). Unsurprisingly, teachers' technopedagogical skills are a critical factor influencing student engagement during this period. Research indicates a positive correlation between students' grades and their technological proficiency, highlighting that the inadequacy of teachers in utilizing network equipment functions negatively impacts student learning outcomes (Masry-Herzallh and Stavissky, 2021). Therefore, in the future, educators must enhance their teaching skills to facilitate effective knowledge transfer and communication with students. Additionally, exploring online teaching strategies that prioritize students' interests becomes imperative to ensure heightened levels of student engagement. While online learning has proven beneficial in protecting students and faculty from the covid19 pandemic during that period, its effectiveness falls short of traditional learning methods. Evaluating the success of digital transformation in higher education institutions involves considering five critical criteria: the nature of the changes, the speed of implementation, the technology employed, the capacities of both users and systems and the economic implications (Kopp et al., 2019). Online learning is characterized by using technological devices and the Internet as educational tools. Adedoyin and Soykan's research (Adedoyin and Soykan, 2020) highlights various factors such as technical issues, socio-economic conditions, human and pet interference, digital competence, assessment and supervision challenges, and heavy workloads that can impact the effectiveness of online learning. The involvement of teachers can enhance students' learning efficiency to a certain extent. The most students encountered difficulties with online learning, particularly in underdeveloped areas with poor connectivity (Ming et al., 2021). Online learning lacks the physical presence that fosters face-to-face interactive relationships among students and between students and educators (Alawamleh et al., 2020). Consequently, there is a need for a shift in how students and instructors interact and how students engage in collaborative efforts. Despite the availability of various online applications, many instructors face challenges in offering remote support and timely feedback on academic performance (Collazos et al., 2021), leading to student dissatisfaction. Essentially, students are identified as "social learners" who crave interaction with their peers and instructors. They can quickly become distracted, paying less attention to the content of online courses (Bozkurt and Sharma, 2020), and often struggle to maintain self-discipline (Nishimwe et al., 2022). Generally, students tend to exhibit a preference for face-to-face teaching and learning. METHODOLOGY Sample and Data The study’s database used in this paper is related to primary data regarding a survey. This survey involves students at bachelor level and Master level in private universities, in Albania, in 2023-2024 academic year. The total number of students who completed the questionnaire is 622. Therefore, based on the statistical sampling size for a infinite population, we have the following: The first step consists of calculating the infinite sample size depending on the population proportion, confidence level, and normal distribution Z-score value. The second step consists of calculating the finite sample size as our data. Based on the data collected by 338 the questionnaire and using the confidence interval of 5%, the optimal sample size is more than 385. The meaning of the variables in the model and their description is shown in Table 1: Table 1. Meaning of variables and descriptive statistics. Abbreviation Description of the variable Dependent variable: Satisfaction of online learning: {Evaluate the overall satisfaction perceived during the development of online learning in relation to the SOL traditional teaching developed in the faculty (from very low = 1 to completely satisfied = 5)} Independent variable: Index of challenges of online learning {is an average of the [Technology (computers, platforms, internet, etc.)] + [Interactive communication with the lecturer] + [Lack of digitized teaching materials] + [Low level of ICOL digital knowledge by the student] + [Low level of digital knowledge of lecturers] + [Time management and organization] + [Orientation/ support from the university]} Index of method-developing of online learning {is an average of the [video conference] + [independent reading of recommended literature] + [read power point presentation independently] + [power point with IMOL audio of the lecturer that is followed in video form] + [power point with audio and video of the lecturer that is followed in video form] + [tracking of proposed video (additional) materials] + [reading proposed additional written materials] + [guest lecturers] + [case studies]} Index of relevance of online learning {is an average of the [encourages me to reflect on the aspects I am learning] + [encourages critical thinking and creativity] + [encourages team work] + [online learning IROL platforms help organize materials, assignments and schedules] + [I find it difficult to self-organize to learn] + [some of these practices I would like to continue when we return to university]} Index of advantages of online learning {is an average of the [Ability to IAOL access materials at any time] + [Possibility of staying at home] + [Classroom interactivity] + [Possibility to record a lesson]} Index of disadvantages of online learning {is an average of the [Reduces IDOL communication with the lecturer] + [Technical problems] + [Poor study conditions at home] + [Social isolation] + [Lack of self-discipline]} Source: Author’s summary. Econometric model In this study, we have used the multiple linear regression model. This model attempts to establish and estimate the relationship between the dependent and many independent variables. It is one of the most fundamental, usable, and powerful models for many statistical 339 approaches. The questions used in the questionary are on a Likert scale (from 1 to 5), and the classification is from the lowest to the highest level. This type of measure creates a valid variation necessary for applying linear regression. The generalized form of the multiple linear regression is: SOL  0  1ICOL  2 I MOL  3 I ROL  4 I AOL  4 I DOL   Where, o Dependent variable (the main purpose of this study); o Independent variables (other questions that cause variation in the dependent variable or are the factors that affect it); o βi = regression parameters which estimate the impact scale of each independent index-variable in the dependent variable (with constrain “ceteris paribus”); o ε = error term (all other variables that are not involved in the model). o o o o o o Estimating parameters βi it will be used the ordinary least squares method, this means that we need to minimize the square of errors. To make the parameter evaluation, it will be used the ordinary least square method (Verbeek, 2017). This evaluation set up conclusions with high statistical reliability, we will rely on all the basic assumptions of the Gauss-Markov theorem (Wooldridge, 2016). According to this theorem, as a regression model should be statistically the best and useful for economic analysis it must meet certain assumption: Assumption 1 (linear in parameters): the model should be linear this mean that it can be applied the smallest squares method. Linearity should be according to parameters. Assumption 2 (random sampling): This random sampling assumption means that we have data that can be used to estimate the parameters, and that the data have been chosen to be representative of the population. Assumption 3 (no perfect collinearity): In the sample (and therefore in the population), none of the independent variables is constant, and there are no exact linear relationships among the independent variables. Assumption 4 (zero conditional mean): The error term has an expected value of zero given any values of the explanatory variables. Assumption 5 (homoskedasticity): The error term has the same variance given any values of the explanatory variables. Assumption 6 (normality): The population error term is independent of the explanatory variables and is normally distributed with zero mean and constant variance. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Table 2 below shows the summary of descriptive statistics for all the variables included in the analysis. According to these statistics, the variables have an average index value from 2 to 3, having evaluation positions "satisfied" in positions of "average" challenges and difficulties. What we distinguish from the measurements is that none of the variables has a normal distribution. Hence, the heterogeneity of the values of the variables indicates the need for remeasurements in the future to have as much reliability as possible in the quantified assessments. 340 Table 2. Descriptive statistics I_AOL I_COL I_DOL I_MOL Mean 2.892512 2.541653 3.195169 2.557287 Median 3.000000 2.571429 3.200000 2.555556 Maximum 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 Minimum 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Std. Dev. 1.054260 0.884557 1.105179 0.947693 Skewness -0.061982 0.459828 -0.155066 0.179057 Kurtosis 2.441483 3.346737 2.274560 2.642249 Jarque-Bera 8.469108 24.99513 16.10574 6.629983 Probability 0.014486 0.000004 0.000318 0.036334 Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. I_ROL 2.542392 2.538462 5.000000 1.000000 0.880409 0.291123 2.918655 8.943110 0.011430 SOL 2.254428 2.000000 5.000000 1.000000 1.147086 0.525201 2.464065 35.98104 0.000000 Another representation of the expansion of the index-variable values obtained in this study is given in Figure 1 (a - f). Each boxplot illustration also shows the quartile range of the values. According to these graphs, we see that although the variables in their average are comparable, in some of them, they are different from their variance, where we can mention the level of satisfaction with online learning and the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. I_COL I_AOL SOL I_ROL I_MOL I_DOL 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a) (b) (c) Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. (d) (e) (f) Figure 1. Boxplot illustrations. Table 3 shows the association and strength of the associations between the variables. The positive fact is that none of the variables has a strong negative or positive relationship between them (ie, smaller than -0.7 and larger than +0.7). This fact shows that the linear estimation model is unaffected by the independent variables' multicollinearity. On the other hand, the connections, although not strong, are stable (all are significant in the pairwise connections with statistical significance level p < 0.05). The following are positively related to the level of satisfaction with online learning: (1) index of advantages of online learning, (2) index of method-developing of online learning, and (3) index of the relevance of online learning. The level of satisfaction with online learning has a negative relationship: (1) index of challenges of online learning and (2) index of disadvantages of online learning. Although these positive and negative relationships were logically expected to be so, the good thing is 341 that the relationships with a positive impact also have the highest absolute correlation coefficient value. Table 3. Matrix of correlations. I_AOL I_COL I_DOL I_MOL 1.0000 Correlation I_AOL I_ROL I_COL -0.2898* 1.0000 I_DOL -0.1574* 0.2307* 1.0000 I_MOL 0.5835* -0.1722* -0.0798** 1.0000 I_ROL 0.5930* -0.1514* -0.1081* 0.6864* SOL 1.0000 SOL 0.5760* -0.2609* -0.1949* 0.6053* 0.6196* 1.0000 Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. Note: “*” for statistical significance level of p < 1%, “**” for statistical significance level of p < 5%. Table 4 below shows the parametric statistical estimations of the linear model of variables influencing the level of satisfaction of students in online learning. Table 4. Parametric estimations of “the satisfaction of online learning ” model. Dependent Variable: SOL Method: Least Squares White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors & covariance Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C I_AOL I_COL I_DOL I_MOL I_ROL AR(1) 0.363219 0.232525 -0.122433 -0.080642 0.312709 0.388154 0.118017 0.161932 0.046409 0.038317 0.030339 0.057812 0.062260 0.041756 2.243032 5.010333 -3.195250 -2.658025 5.409100 6.234393 2.826371 0.507341 0.502511 0.810073 401.6051 -744.4221 105.0399 0.000000* 0.000000* Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Durbin-Watson stat Wald F-statistic R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) Prob(Wald F-statistic) Inverted AR Roots Prob. 0.0253** 0.0000* 0.0015* 0.0081* 0.0000* 0.0000* 0.0049** 2.253635 1.148504 2.427858 2.477934 2.447324 1.997062 164.9042 .12 Note: “*” for statistical significance level of p < 1%, “**” for statistical significance level of p < 5% and AR(1) is autocorrelation adjustment. Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. 342 Generalized form of the model is: SOLi  0.36  0.23I AOL  0.12ICOL  0.08I DOL  0.31I MOL  0.39I ROL  0.11 i 1   i The model is statistically significant based on the Fisher-test with significance p < 0.01. SOLSatisfaction of online learning has a statistically significant positive relationship with the variables: o IAOL - Index of advantages of online learning, if this index increases the trend in enhancing by one Likert scale; in that case, this will increase the satisfaction of online learning with 0.23 Likert scale or 23%. The opportunities offered by online learning platforms create the opportunity for students to access materials at any time, to have recordings of class discussions at any time, the comfort of staying at home, etc. o IMOL - index of method-developing of online learning, if this index increases the trend in enhancing by one Likert scale; in that case, this will increase the satisfaction of online learning with 0.31 Likert scale or 31%. Online learning platforms at the students' discretion give the possibility of using contemporary study methods, increasing satisfaction and selffulfillment in studies, where we can mention accessible online literature, video-recorded lectures, guest lecturers from different countries without having physical restriction of their movement, webinars and video conferences, etc. o IROL - index of relevance of online learning, if this index increases the trend in enhancing by one Likert scale; in that case, this will increase the satisfaction of online learning with 0.39 Likert scale or 39%. According to the students, learning through the Internet is relevant in several aspects: it encourages them to reflect on the aspects of learning, encourages critical thinking and creativity, and online learning platforms help to organize materials, assignments, schedules, etc. Meanwhile, SOL-Satisfaction of online learning has a statistically significant negative relationship with the variables: o ICOL - index of challenges of online learning, if this index increases the trend in enhancing by one Likert scale; in that case, this will decrease the satisfaction of online learning with 0.12 Likert scale or 12%. According to the students, online learning confronts them with several challenges: technological problems (computers, platforms, internet, etc.), interactive communication with the lecturer, time management and organization, etc. o IDOL - index of disadvantages of online learning, if this index increases the trend in enhancing by one Likert scale; in that case, this will decrease the satisfaction of online learning with 0.12 Likert scale or 12%. Issues such as reduced communication with the lecturer, technical problems, social isolation, lack of self-discipline, etc., are some limitations or disadvantages students express about online learning. In order that the models to be accepted and valid for evaluations and predictions of similar phenomena in the future, it will be tested for the error term or residuals. 343 Table 5. Analysis of the Residuals. The test Description of hypothesis Test result Multicollinearity: This test estimates if the According to the VIF test VIF-test (Variance independent variables are all independent variables inflation factors) correlated with residual or are less than 10, means our error of model. models have not Null hypothesis: model does not multicollinearity. have multicollinearity Autocorrelation: This test estimates if the According to the test null LM-test (Breusch- residual or error of model are hypothesis do not reject Godfrey) correlated. after AR(1) adjusted, and Null hypothesis: model does not then the models have not have autocorrelation autocorrelation. Heteroskedasticity: This test estimates if the According to the test null Breusch-Pagan residual of the model, has or not hypothesis do not reject, so Godfrey-statistic constant variance. the models have not Null hypothesis: model does not heteroskedasticity. have heteroskedasticity Normality of the This test estimates if the According to the test null residual residual of the model, has or not hypothesis reject. So, the model has problem with distribution: normality distribution. Jarque-Bera-test Null hypothesis: the residual of normality distribution of the model has normality residual, but cusum test distribution. confirm that model is stable regarding parameters. Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. These models have successfully the main criteria of creating efficient models according to the main assumptions of the Gauss-Markov theorem (Table 5), hence the models are statistically useful to explain the direction and strength correlations of the variables. In addition, the coefficient stability for each model is tested by CUSUM of squares, that figured out a stability in long-term. This test is illustrated below: 344 1.2 80 1.0 60 40 0.8 20 0.6 0 0.4 -20 0.2 -40 0.0 -60 -0.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 CUSUM of Squares 350 400 450 500 550 600 -80 50 5% Significance 100 150 200 250 CUSUM 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 5% Significance Source: Authors' calculations in EViews 12. Figure 2. CUSUM test result of the parameters stability CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Online learning offers several advantages for students, including flexibility, accessibility, diverse learning resources, cost savings, customized learning experiences, enhanced communication, skill development, self-directed learning, and career advancement opportunities. However, there are notable disadvantages, such as limited social interaction, dependence on technology with potential technical issues, self-motivation challenges, communication difficulties, lack of immediate feedback, challenges in developing teacherstudent relationships, concerns about cheating, and limited networking opportunities. This paper relies on primary data from a survey conducted on students at bachelor and master levels in private universities in Albania during the 2023-2024 academic year. In conclusion, the study reveals significant relationships between satisfaction in online learning and various factors. Positive associations are found with the Index of Advantages of Online Learning, Index of Method-Developing of Online Learning, and Index of Relevance of Online Learning. Precisely, an increase in these indices corresponds to higher satisfaction levels, emphasizing the benefits of online learning, such as flexible access to materials, contemporary study methods, and the perceived relevance of Internet-based education. On the contrary, satisfaction with online learning exhibits negative relationships with the Index of Challenges of Online Learning and Index of Disadvantages of Online Learning. An increase in these indices correlates with decreased satisfaction, indicating that challenges such as technological issues, interactive communication difficulties, and perceived disadvantages like reduced communication with instructors contribute to lower satisfaction levels among students engaged in online learning. These findings highlight the importance of addressing challenges and disadvantages to enhance students' overall satisfaction in online learning environments. Based on the study's conclusion, the following recommendations for lecturers and university management can be made to improve the satisfaction of students in online learning environments: o Enhance Technological Infrastructure: Invest in robust technological infrastructure to address the challenges of computer, platform, and internet connectivity. Regular updates and 345 maintenance can help mitigate technical issues and ensure a smooth online learning experience. o Improve Interactive Communication: Foster better online course communication channels between students and instructors. Implement regular virtual office hours, interactive discussions, and real-time feedback to enhance engagement and reduce perceived challenges in interactive communication. o Strengthen Instructor-Student Interaction: Encourage instructors to establish strong connections with students through various means, such as personalized feedback, virtual discussions, and collaborative projects. o Expand Access to Learning Resources: Continue to enhance and diversify online learning resources. Ensure that students can access various materials, including online literature, recorded lectures, and guest lectures from different countries, to support different learning styles and preferences. REFERENCES Adedoyin, O. B., and Soykan, E. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities. Interact. Learn. Environ. 11, 1–13. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1813180 Alawamleh, M., Al-Twait, L. M., and Al-Saht, G. R. (2020). 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ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The fight against inflation has a very important role as one of the main directions of the economic policy of the world states. In particular, modern events in the world, post-pandemic economic shocks, major wars, etc. have brought the issue of inflation back to the agenda. This high inflation situation, which is characterized as the modern inflation crisis, has hit both developed and developing economies. The emergence of these and similar cases has brought the issue of combating inflation back to the agenda. The fight against inflation is one of the most important aspects of economic policy in the world. It is particularly entrusted to the Central Banks and is carried out with the participation of other financial instruments and financial institutions when necessary. However, this article focuses mainly on the money and credit-oriented disinflation policy. Money and credit-oriented disinflation policy is conducted by Central Banks and certain tools and methods are used. However, the effectiveness of these methods and instruments is still questioned today. Materials and Methods: In January 2022, the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), an international financial institution, conducted an academic study on the modern challenges facing Central Banks and shared the results of this study with the public. The BIS grouped the existing problems under appropriate headings under certain generalizations and explained the headings separately, first using traditional methods and then using modern methods. A similar methodology was used in our study. The challenges faced by Central Banks' disinflation policy were classified on the basis of generalizations. Each category was then analyzed separately. Results: Central Banks face many challenges in implementing the disinflation policy, and one of the main reasons for this is that the structure of the economy is constantly changing and renewed. Rapid changes in both the domestic economic environment and the external economic environment adversely affect the effectiveness of traditional anti-inflation tools of central banks. These changes in the world economy, especially with the impact of technology, should be carefully monitored and advanced methods that are constantly updated should be developed accordingly. Discussion and Conclusion: During the research, the modern problems of the disinflation process conducted by the Central Banks were analyzed. The main objective was to adapt more flexibly to changing global economic conditions and to formulate recommendations for the solution of the identified problems. Determining the methods of solving the problems will ensure that the country's economy will be more stable against inflation in the coming period and more organized and up-to-date methods will be used. The research was not limited to any regional economy but applied to the world economy in general. Key Words: Anti-İnflationary Measures, İnflation, Monetary Policy, Economic Policy, World Economy. 348 INTRODUCTION The world economy has been facing the problem of inflation regularly for certain periods of history. Inflation, which is a very natural economic condition, has manifested itself since ancient times, inflation has existed since the existence of money as a tool. Inflation and the means of combating it has also shown diversity in different historical periods. Especially since the 20th century, monetary and credit-oriented anti-inflationary policy has been actively used, first in the United States (Koç, 2020). Traditionally, balancing the volume of money in circulation was carried out by regulating interest rates and money emission. Central Banks have fought inflation by increasing interest rates and reducing the volume of loans, thus keeping the amount of money in the hands of economic entities under control. Also, the reduction of money emission was aimed at reducing the volume of money in circulation and lowering inflation. These two instruments formed the basis of the monetary-credit oriented anti-inflationary policy (Charbonneau, Evans & Sarker, 2017). The mentioned tools were fully formed at the end of the 20th century, then spread to developing countries and took their modern form. Money-credit-oriented anti-inflationary policy is carried out in a traditional way even today and is effective in a certain sense, the mentioned tools maintain their relevance as a regulatory tool in the modern world economy. However, especially today, when technology is very developed, it is very different from the end of the 20th century. This difference is clearly observed in the world economy and world finance. The modern world economy has already improved due to many feature, it has gradually become digitized due to the role of technology. These and similar changes have already made it necessary to review traditional methods and improve them in line with modern requirements. In this regard, the process of combating inflation has begun to face new, modern-type difficulties. The research work was carried out with the aim of identifying those modern problems. Of course, it is very important to formulate more innovative solutions based on the application of the opportunities created by technology and the cyber world to solve the mentioned modern-type problems. Recent studies show that the role of Central Banks is higher than before, especially in terms of fighting inflation. So, earlier, since monetary and credit policy was accepted as an important economic policy of the country's economy, the role of governments in policy formulation was greater, but nowadays Central Banks have more say in this regard (Abuselidze, 2019). This is exactly the case with IEP, and IEPs are rapidly improving in this direction. This situation has placed a very high responsibility on the Central Banks. During the research, taking into account that point, the modern difficulties faced by the Central Banks in the fight against inflation were studied, and whether there were solutions based on the application of technology and digital economy in terms of eliminating the problems. LITERATURE REVIEW In the post-pandemic period, the world economy began to recover rapidly thanks to the activity of Central Banks, fiscally oriented financial support and the flexibility of management. Central Banks have been one of the main participants of the economic recovery. 349 The change in the macroeconomic environment after the pandemic caused the reorganization of the structure of the financial system and the monetary credit system in general. These changes have created new problems for Central Banks. In general, the difficulties faced by the Central Banks can be grouped in three directions: Unsustainable economic recovery aggregate demand in the world market is at a very high level, which in turn conditions the economic recovery, but according to forecasts, this will not continue and will have a negative impact on money in the future; The evolution of inflation - the formation of a relatively more stable inflationary environment; Keeping up with new technology - adapting the activity to the requirements of the modern digital economy. (Carstens, 2022). In the post-pandemic era, payment types in the world economy have rapidly shifted to digital payment methods. This revolutionary upheaval in monetary relations has led a number of EECs to create their own virtual and digital currencies. First, the US Central Bank started using its MBRV (Central Bank Digital Currency), and later it was observed in other countries as well. The use of this tool has created a necessary requirement for the Central Banks to define new targets. (Cheng, 2022). The use of cryptocurrency technology to fight inflation has become quite common in recent times. Cryptocurrencies, a product of the modern digital economy, have formed their own financial market and have become quite popular among people. There are several important reasons why people are interested in cryptocurrency. Investors prefer to invest in cryptocurrencies in environments with a threat of inflation, in addition to the fact that buying and selling operations are quite convenient. (Aneja & Dygas, 2023). The process of rapid independence of Central Banks in the world is underway. Thus, the Central Banks, which independently implement their monetary policy independently of the state, have more responsibility. Determining how this independence affects the process of fighting inflation, and what positive and negative situations appear, is very important in the study of modern problems in terms of fighting inflation (Anwar, 2022). The rapid globalization occurring in the world economy is directly related to the inflation process. The modern economic system formed as a result of globalization concentrates new economic problems and a new type of inflation. In particular, the state of globalization created by technological development is quite different and quite advanced in nature from the globalization of the 15th century and the economic globalization that emerged at the end of the 20th century. Technological globalization in the economy manifests itself more clearly in international trade, especially in changes in price levels. This situation is an indicator that inflation is already global in nature. A careful study of this relationship between technological globalization and inflation is also very important from the point of view of the formation of better anti-inflation policy by Central Banks (Harold, 2022). In recent times, the negative impact of inflation has been clearly observed in any market in the countries of the world. According to research, the least affected by the current inflationary crisis was the digital economy. Although the price of products and services in the market is increasing day by day, this increase is not observed strongly, especially in electronic commerce. The mentioned case proves that the digital economy is affected by inflation differently from the traditional economy. And the study of this issue is very important in terms of fighting inflation (Reinsdorf, 2022). Central Banks have gained considerable influence over the past fifty years. Although the world economy as a whole has been marked by crises over the past fifty years, Central Banks have increased their authority and become independent institutions. The importance of the role of Central Banks in terms of combating inflation is one of the reasons for this increase in influence. (Wansleben, 2023). 350 The most common means of fighting inflation by Central Banks is to raise interest rates to a high level and keep interest rates at that high level until inflation disappears. However, the modern economy has started to question the effectiveness of this method. Current problems in the world economy have made the importance of forming new methods more relevant (Cochrane, 2021). METHODOLOGY In January 2022, research specialist Agustin Carstens, the head of BIS (Bank for International Settlements), an international financial institute, conducted an academic study on the modern problems faced by Central Banks and shared the results of this study with the public in his speech. Carstens gathered the existing problems under certain generalizations under appropriate headings and explained them separately using traditional methods and then modern methods. A similar method was used in our study. The difficulties faced by the antiinflation policy of the Central Banks are categorized based on generalization. Each category was then analyzed separately. With this, the main goal was to spread a clearer picture in front of the eyes and to determine the way to solve each problem separately. In order to identify the problems, the opinions expressed by the Central Banks belonging to different countries of the world were studied and the existing bases were studied. Earlier studies in this direction were studied, the research works of global financial institutes in this field were reviewed and some important parts of those studies were used as material when necessary. First, let's take a quick look at the parts in question, and then start discussing the research. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The Central Banks have always faced certain problems during the fight against inflation, depending on the region and historical period. The mentioned problems have always evolved and been replaced by new ones. The most important factor leading to this evolution is the economic conditions of the time, the state of international trade, political events in the world, natural events in the world, etc. there were issues like When studying the modern economic conditions, it is necessary to take into account three main issues. The first of these is the issue of the economic hardships suffered by countries during the pandemic and the recovery of the world economy after the pandemic. The second is the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in early 2022, causing the modern inflationary crisis observed first in Europe and then in the whole world. The third is the issue of technological change, which is characterized as the spread of the digital economy, which has been observed in a more intense way since 2020, gradually displacing the traditional economy - laying the foundations of a new era in the world economy. Therefore, when studying the main problems faced by Central Banks during the fight against inflation, these three factors should be taken into account. Nowadays, when Central Banks fight inflation, they are faced with a number of problems that are quite complex and require rapid change and development due to the reasons listed above. These problems require Central Banks to flexibly adapt their policies to new requirements, constantly develop new tools, and analyze the causes of inflation, both external and internal, with the highest precision. In general, in practice, we can group the main difficulties faced by Central Banks when implementing anti-inflationary policies as follows: A. Globalization and external factors: the process of central banks' fight against inflation, capital turnover in the world economy, diversity in exchange rates, international trade, etc. is greatly affected by external factors such as Especially today, when globalization 351 is at such a high level, the inflation indicators in the country's economies are the increase in the prices of goods and commodities in the world market, changes in demand and supply indicators at the global level, breaks in the supply chain in the world economy, etc. is affected by global economic processes. This, in turn, affects the effectiveness of the anti-inflationary policy of Central Banks to achieve the target inflation rate and makes decision-making quite difficult. B. Level of effectiveness of traditional monetary policy: Traditional monetary and credit-oriented anti-inflationary policy instruments remain quite ineffective in some cases. Thus, this tool, which is mainly characterized by the lowering of interest rates, is not suitable for certain economic environments. In some countries, interest rates can be quite low as a rule, in such economic conditions, when inflation occurs, Central Banks cannot reduce interest rates below the current level, and it becomes impossible to fight inflation with the help of traditional instruments. In these cases, Central Banks are forced to use more unfavorable methods, which will have side effects on the country's economy in the long run. The fact that it is not suitable for every economic environment is the main evidence that the traditional method needs to be developed. The issue of formulating an updated method based on the application of the capabilities of technology should be considered. C. Political pressures: In essence, Central Banks are characterized as free financial institutions that operate independently, make decisions independently of the government, and conduct their own monetary and credit policy. This is especially the case in the CIS, but when we look at the experience of the CIS and third world countries, we notice that this is not the case, that the Central Banks are dependent on the state in a certain sense. The political pressure of the state harms the independent activity of the Central Bank and lowers its effectiveness. In such a case, the possibilities of taking necessary steps to reach the inflation target are also limited. Political pressures are mainly carried out in the direction of ignoring the requirements of the monetary and credit policy to increase short-term economic efficiency and diverting inflation targets for political reasons. The limitation caused by the political pressure of the state acts as one of the main problems facing Central Banks in their fight against inflation. D. Public Relations and Credibility: Central Banks always rely on their communication with financial markets, financial institutions, and most importantly, the public as they move to meet their inflation targets. The role of the public in the policy aimed at combating inflation is huge, and how economic entities and the population react to the policy is also very important in terms of economic stability. In this regard, the population should trust the Central Bank, and the Central Bank should build its public relations in this direction. As we know, especially from the point of view of the development of technology, our modern era is called the information era, economic subjects have access to information quite easily and can criticize it. For this reason, nowadays Central Banks can face difficulties in terms of forming a reliable image and meeting the market fluctuations. The fact that there is so much information also causes the emergence of false information. When, as a result of false information, the opinion that the anti-inflationary policy lacks stability and reliability arises among the population, this in turn leads to confusion in the market and the failure of monetary policy. E. Diversification of Markets: When Central Banks fight inflation, they usually take into account increases in consumer prices and make adjustments in the consumer market. This market includes goods and commodities market in particular. However, as we know, economic markets are not limited to the consumer market, there are other destination markets such as the real estate market, financial market, and these are also affected by inflation. This is one of the main problems faced by Central Banks. It is necessary to implement such a money-credit-oriented anti-inflationary policy that these steps will achieve a low level of 352 inflation in all markets existing in the country's economy. This is a very problematic issue. In practice, the most frequent situation is that Central Banks go for some easing in monetary policy to balance inflation and economic recovery in the consumer market, but this slight easing in the consumer market leads to high inflation in the asset market, the formation of financial imbalances and even economic instability. F. The relationship between unemployment and inflation: In recent years, changes in the structure of the world economy have begun to question the effectiveness of the Phillips curve, which reveals the relationship between inflation and unemployment. The Phillips curve, which is not as reliable as before in presenting modern relations in a transparent manner, also acts as one of the problems during the formulation of monetary policy. Thus, changes in the structure of the labor market, differences in labor relations due to the influence of modern technology, increase in flexibility and flexibility in the labor market, decrease in concentration, etc. such factors weaken the relationship between unemployment and inflation revealed by the Phillips curve. As a result, Central Banks face difficulties in forecasting and managing inflation. G. Low Inflation Rate: Although rare, in economic practice, sometimes the steps taken when dealing with high inflation can be extremely effective. And this leads to an excessive increase in the value of money in the country and causes deflation. Deflation can seriously damage the country's economy in the long term. Exceeding the norm of deflation acts as an obstacle to economic development and causes an increase in the level of domestic debt. In such cases, Central Banks find it difficult to balance the anti-inflationary policy. Such a monetary and credit policy should be carried out, as a result of which the inflation rate falls to the target index, and it is not favorable for it to fall below that. In this regard, traditional monetary and credit policy tools are not effective enough, and the result of the policy can deviate from the goals of the Central Bank. There is no clear solution to the mentioned issues. From different regions, different economic conditions, the structure of the economy, the behavior of consumers, the policies of the countries, etc. As a result of such factors, the solution of problems can also be different. However, as a result of examining the economic literature, we can conclude that it is very important to take the following steps in order for the Central Banks to implement better antiinflationary policies: 1. Flexible inflation targeting: When setting inflation targets, Central Banks should take into account a wider range of indicators and not stick to traditional methods. Traditionally, factors such as consumer price index, wage growth, financial stability and asset market price index are taken into account when determining the inflation target. In order to keep pace with the modern economy, it is necessary to take a more complex approach to the issue of inflation and take into account new coefficients. Today's technology allows such complex calculations. 2. Improvement of macroeconomic policy: Central Banks should improve antiinflationary policy at the macroeconomic level in order to achieve price stability in the asset market and maintain financial stability. For this, he should limit speculative activities, improve the reserve fund and optimize credit rates. High risks in the financial system can be avoided only by improving the macroeconomic policy. 3. Increasing the independence of Central Banks: In order to increase the resilience of Central Banks against political pressures, it is very important to ensure the complete independence of their activities. They should be able to formulate and implement long-term monetary policy without any political interference. Governments should understand how important this is for the country's economy and provide the necessary freedom to the Central Bank. 353 4. Transparency: Central Banks should realize how important it is for the success of the policy to regularly inform the public in a transparent manner, especially in our modern era, which is considered the information age. In terms of strengthening public relations and ensuring credibility, Central Banks should often provide open information to the public about market expectations and the course of monetary policy, explain their political decisions, and share the results of the assessment of the economic situation. This is extremely important both in terms of building trust in the Central Bank and preventing problems that may be caused by false information. 5. Research and Development: Central Banks should not stick to the traditional methods of fighting inflation, but should constantly conduct research and develop organized tools in accordance with the requirements of modern economic conditions. If necessary, they should not hesitate to allocate and spend funds for this. In this regard, Central Banks should cooperate with academic institutions such as universities and research institutes, finance them, and work with specialists in terms of solving problems and constantly monitoring innovations. 6. Political coordination: Although the Central Bank is an independent institution that conducts its own policy, cooperation with other financial institutions of the country, especially in the fight against inflation, is very important in terms of the efficiency of the antiinflation process. Financial institutions dealing with fiscal policy can be attributed to this. Because the tax itself acts as a separate tool in terms of fighting inflation. 7. International Cooperation: Inflationary processes in the world economy are mainly of international origin. The main reason for this is the fact that the world economy is characterized by strong globalization, the role of currencies such as the dollar and euro, which are called reserve currencies, in the world economy, and the modern structure of world trade. Therefore, taking into account the international nature of inflation, the Central Banks of the world should cooperate more intensively and exchange more information to fight this problem. This cooperation between the Central Banks will lead to a more comprehensive and global analysis of inflation, keeping exchange rates stable and harmonizing regulatory approaches. In this regard, global financial institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund should work to establish international cooperation between Central Banks. During the research, we come to the conclusion that the issue of fighting inflation is not an easy process. Central Banks face many difficulties when implementing anti-inflation policy, and the constant change and renewal of the structure of the economy is one of the main reasons for this. Both the domestic economic environment and the rapid changes in the external economic environment negatively affect the effectiveness of the traditional antiinflation tools of the Central Banks. These changes in the world economy, especially due to the influence of technology, should be carefully monitored, and accordingly, constantly updated advanced methods should be developed. During the research, as a result of examining various economic literature and reports, the problems faced by the anti-inflation policy of the Central Banks from the region, economic conditions, domestic and foreign policy, role in the world market, national currency, etc. it has been observed that factors of this type can have different properties. However, by generalizing, the most widespread and considered to be the most important problems have been categorized. With this, a more comprehensive picture is laid out in front of the eyes and the solution of the issue is aimed to be presented by treating each problem individually. Solutions are proposed for each problem mentioned. As a result, in modern economic conditions, when the Central Banks conduct monetary and credit-oriented anti-inflation 354 policy, it was determined that there is a need to improve new tools in view of the fact that traditional methods are insufficient and ineffective in many cases. When developing new tools and methods, it was recommended to use all the possibilities of technology and the digital economy. It has been concluded that it is not appropriate to stick to traditional methods in the modern economy where every factor changes rapidly, globalization and technology are so fast. In addition, states should give Central Banks independence in this regard, free them from political pressures, and when appropriate, other financial institutions of the state should support Central Banks in terms of ensuring policy effectiveness. According to another result obtained during the research, taking into account the rapid globalization and internationalization of the world economy, the Central Banks of the world should coordinate their activities and cooperate in the process of fighting inflation. REFERENCES 1. Wansleben, L. (2023). The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism. [PDF]. England, Harvard. 2. Reinsdorf, M. (2022). Is Inflation Still Low in the Digital Economy? [PDF]. Innovation Frontier Project, Washington DC, 11. 3. Anwar, J. (2022). Heterogeneity Effect of Central Bank Independence on Inflation in Developing Countries. [PDF]. The Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 16. 4. Aneja, R. & Dygas, R. (2023). 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Charbonneau, K., Evans, A. & Sarker, S. (2017). Digitalization and Inflation: A Review of the Literature. [PDF]. Canadian Economic Analysis Department, Bank of Canada, Ontario. 355 EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES ON AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT AMONG HEALTHCARE MANAGERS: INVESTIGATING THE INTERMEDIARY ROLE OF JOB AUTONOMY FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRY PERSPECTIVE Dr. Hina Zahoor lecturer, School of Health Sciences Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey. ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The healthcare sector's perspective on comprehensive concept analysis highlights the fast changing panorama of the domain. The present study is the contribution to the literature of leadership in context of health sector by conceptualizing the relation of health care transformational leadership attributes on affective commitment through mediated model. The objective of this research is to underscore the importance of transformational leadership attributes, affective commitment, and job autonomy in the context of healthcare units in Pakistan. The study specifically aims to delve into the interrelationships among these factors, seeking a more profound understanding of their dynamics within the healthcare setting. Materials and Methods: The study utilized a sample of 260 participants in managerial roles within healthcare units in Pakistan, employing convenience sampling for data collection. Both descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted in alignment with the research objectives. Skewness and kurtosis coefficients were examined for the scores from Transformational Leadership, Job Autonomy, and Affective Commitment scales. Cook distance values were calculated to identify multivariate outliers. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to assess relationships between scale scores. Mediator analysis was performed using the SPSS Process macro, employing the bootstrap method. IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical package program was employed for the analysis. Results: Results indicated that there is a positive correlation found between transformational leadership attributes and affective commitment. The findings also indicate that job autonomy acts as a mediator in the connection between transformational leadership attributes and affective commitment. Discussion and Conclusion: The study findings highlight that health managers, acting as transformational leaders, show emotional commitment to hospitals and a strong dedication to achieving healthcare objectives. Notably, job autonomy was identified as a mediator in the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, emphasizing the need to empower managers for a supportive work environment. These insights offer practical guidance for healthcare institutions seeking to improve care quality, contributing to discussions on the crucial role of transformational leadership in healthcare, especially in developing countries. Key Words: Transformational Leadership, Job Autonomy, Affective commitment, Health Managers 356 INTRODUCTION Healthcare managers should prioritize fundamental aspects of administration and organization, including transformational leadership and organizational commitment, and trust among healthcare personnel. Evaluating the impact of managers' transformational leadership on organizational commitment, and trust levels can help gauge their influence on productivity, effectiveness, patient care quality, and overall hospital performance (Bass and Riggio, 2006). Researchers have highlighted a strong positive correlation between hospital employees' job satisfaction and the quality of patient care (Atkins et al., 1996). Elevated levels of organizational commitment, trust, job satisfaction, and transformational leadership from hospital managers tend to yield positive work outcomes. Conversely, lower levels can lead to subpar organizational performance (Carmeli and Freund, 2004). Consequently, healthcare institutions should strive to create work environments fostering perceptions of transformational leadership, organizational commitment, trust, and job satisfaction to encourage creativity, motivation, cooperation among staff, and ultimately enhance organizational effectiveness. A rich body of literature exists on leadership styles, transformational leadership behaviors, commitment, and employees' job autonomy. Despite numerous studies exploring relationships among affective commitment, job autonomy, limited research adequately addresses these aspects within the healthcare sector, particularly in developing nations. Furthermore, there's a scarcity of research specifically focused on these concepts within the context. As a developing country, Pakistan has an approximate population of 242,754,400 recorded in 2023, with a median age of 20.6 years. With healthcare being socialized and accessible to all citizens, those in the healthcare sector are facing numerous challenges. Consequently, healthcare organizations encounter a range of issues that demand attention from their leadership. Exploring the concept of transformational leadership within the healthcare sector poses a significant challenge due to the sector's rapidly changing landscape. This dynamism leads to continuous shifts in the significance and application of existing terminology, as novel concepts emerge to define new frameworks and methodologies. The study under consideration sheds light on the relatively novel idea of transformational leadership specifically concerning health managers. In the realm of health management, a transformational leader embodies a distinctive managerial approach. Such a leader initiates changes within healthcare units, serving as a role model. They extend beyond routine daily activities, establishing clear objectives, and inspiring and motivating healthcare staff. Additionally, they are attuned to the specific needs and personal preferences of staff, fostering an environment that encourages employees to propose innovative solutions to challenges. This study aims to emphasize the significance of transformational leadership, affective commitment, and job autonomy. It focuses on specific factors to gain a deeper comprehension of how these elements interrelate within healthcare units in Pakistan. The goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the roles played by these factors within a developing nation employing a socialized healthcare delivery system. Additionally, the findings from this study could hold substantial importance for the management practices within Pakistan's healthcare services. 357 This article is divided into three main sections. Initially, it examines prior research on transformational leadership, affective commitment, and job autonomy. Next, it outlines the formation of the hypotheses. Subsequently, it details the data collection process, analytical methods used, and the statistical outcomes of the study. Lastly, it concludes by discussing the findings, and research implications directions and limitations. Literature Review This section examines existing research related to transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and the autonomy of jobs. Its purpose is to construct a conceptual framework that will serve as the basis for testing the research hypotheses. Transformational leadership James McGregor Burns, in 1978, introduced the concept of leadership as "transforming," a notion that later scholars like Bass (1990) and Kouzes and Posner (2002) also embraced, envisioning transformational leadership as a phenomenon relevant to the 21st century. This leadership style, as defined by Bass and Avolio (1994), emphasizes its roots in charismatic, inspirational, intellectually stimulating, and individually considerate leadership. Substantial research has affirmed the strong association between transformational leadership and crucial work-related attitudes and behaviors such as job satisfaction, organizational trust, and commitment (Bass et al., 2003).The foundation of this study is the Behavior approach of transformational leaders as outlined by Bass and Avolio (1994). Idealized influence (Attributes) and Idealized Influence (Behavior): Transformational leaders exert idealized influence on their followers, possessing a compelling vision and a sense of duty. They transform threats into learning opportunities. In essence, they establish expectations with employees regarding organizational goals, motivating and inspiring them through effective communication. Individualized consideration: Transformational leadership centers on recognizing followers' needs and capabilities. These leaders acknowledge and attend to individual desires and requirements, providing personalized attention and fostering personal growth and development by encouraging, delegating, guiding, and offering feedback. Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders encourage innovation and the cultivation of new perspectives. They nurture creative thinking and emphasize the reexamination, reassessment, and reevaluation of issues. Inspirational motivation: In transformational leadership, inspirational motivation involves leaders motivating their teams to achieve organizational goals. They share high expectations, fostering optimism and confidence while communicating a vision for collective success. 358 Affective commitment Over the last twenty years, scholars have widely accepted the notion of affective commitment as an emotional connection to one's organization, shown through active support and engagement (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Meyer et al., 2002). Affective commitment is considered a crucial element within organizational commitment, being enduring, vital, and a principal characteristic among all elements of organizational commitment. It represents an individual's sentimental and emotional connections to their work setting (Allen, Meyer, 1990; Meyer and Herscovitch, 2001). Allen and Meyer (1990) propose that employees strengthen emotional bonds with their organization, particularly when they actively contribute to its objectives. Employees with strong affective commitment tend to stay in the organization due to positive workplace connections cultivated by emotionally intelligent leaders. Despite the significance of affective commitment, ongoing discussions persist regarding the nature of organizational commitment (Fischer & Mansell, 2009; Morrow, 2011; Stazyk et al., 2011), partly due to different disciplinary viewpoints. This divergence complicates comprehension and application in both academic research and practical organizational strategies. Research suggests that transformational leaders have a positive impact on employees, fostering high levels of affective commitment (Erkutlu, 2006; Liao & Chuang, 2007; Clark et al., 2009). Job Autonomy Job autonomy is one of characteristics of job and many scholars defined Job autonomy as the degree of liberty choice and free hand an individual has when performing task at job besides defining the means to attain the goals (Hackman & Oldham1975; Morgeson, DelaneyKlinger &Hemingway, 2005).Job autonomy can be strengthened by encouraging and motivating followers to learn and grow at work place and scholars therefore, considered job autonomy as a satisfying factor when followers are in dire need for self-development. In this context, several research studies highlighted the fact that transformational leadership has significant impact on individual’s level of autonomy (Yukl, 2010; Bass & Avolio, 1990).Moreover, transformational leadership also enhances individuals’ sense of control and self-reliance at their workplace by encouraging them to find creative solutions of the issues and problems in the organization and therefore, promotes the culture of individuals’ autonomy, liberty and extent of freedom at work place. (Bass and Avolio, 1994). Research study found out that job autonomy influence on the performance of employees and it is considered as motivational and stress releasing factor for satisfaction among academicians (Davis and Wilson, 2000). On the contrary, lack of job autonomy leads to job stress and disappointment. So Job autonomy deems substantial construct which impacts on employee’s motivation and commitment. Thus, the study proposes: H₁: The attributes of transformational leadership significantly impact the affective commitment of health managers. H₂: Job autonomy mediates the relationship between attributes of transformational leadership and affective commitment among health managers. 359 METHODOLOGY Sample and sampling technique The study population covers health care managers, who work in the managerial positions of hospitals operating in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. Health managers were approached by convenience sampling technique. 323 questionnaires were sent to the participants; 262 were received, out of which 2 were rejected due to incomplete information and 260 responses were used for the study. Research instrument The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Short Form (MLQ 5X) was utilized to evaluate transformational leadership behavior, specifically focusing on its constituent elements: IA, IB, IM,IS, IC (Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. 1996). Job Autonomy (JA) was assessed using the Decision Latitude – Autonomy measure from the Karasek Job Content Questionnaire (Karasek, R. et al., 1998) .Affective Organizational Commitment was gauged through the OCQ (Meyer, J. P. et al., 1993). RESEARCH AND FINDINGS Statistical analysis The analysis involved assessing the distribution of scores derived from the scales measuring transformational leadership, job autonomy, and affective commitment, taking into account their skewness and kurtosis coefficients. It is essential for the skewness coefficient to be below 2 and the kurtosis coefficient to be less than 7 to satisfy the assumption of a normal distribution (Hayes, A. F. 2013). Table 1. Skewness and Kurtosis Coefficients Skewness Variables Kurtosis Std. Error -1.24 0.15 1.75 0.30 Idealized Influence -0.54 0.15 -0.26 0.30 Idealized Influence (IB) -0.69 0.15 0.09 0.30 Inspirational Motivation -0.82 0.15 0.51 0.30 Intellectual Stimulation -0.86 0.15 2.09 0.30 Individualized Consideration -0.25 0.15 -0.29 0.30 Job Autonomy 0.22 0.15 -1.35 0.30 Affective Commitment ___________________________________________________________________________ Statistic Std. Error Statistic _________ Following the purpose of the research, Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the relationships between scale scores. SPSS Process macro was used to perform mediator analysis. Process Macro performs the analyzes using the bootstrap method (Hayes, 360 2013). Cook distance values were calculated to determine the multivariate outliers in the data set. The Cook distance value is required to be less than 1 (Field, 2009). The highest Cook distance value calculated is 0.35. This value indicated that there were no multivariate outliers in the data set. Analysis were carried out using the IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical package program. Correlation Analysis Results Table 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients of the Relationships Transformational leadership, Job Autonomy, and affective commitment Between Variables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Idealized 1. 1 Influence Idealized 2. .77** 1 Influence (IB) Inspirational 3. .64** .77** 1 Motivation Intellectual 4. .61** .67** .75** 1 Stimulation Individualized 5. .58** .60** .62** .74** 1 Consideration Job 6. .60** .66** .68** .67** .56** .85** 1 Autonomy Affective 7. .54** .69** .67** .61** .50** .64** .66** 1 Commitment ___________________________________________________________________________ ___**p<0,01; N=260 The correlation coefficients for the associations between Transformational Leadership Components, Job Autonomy, and affective commitment revealed moderate and high levels of positive, statistically significant relationships among the elements of Transformational Leadership, Job Autonomy, and affective commitment. 361 Regression analysis results Table3.Examining the impact of transformational leadership elements on affective commitment through multiple regression analysis Variables B SE (Constant) 16.02 1.74 IA -0.11 0.13 IB 0.66 IM β t P 9.23 0.00 -0.05 -0.78 0.44 0.12 0.44 5.42 0.00* 0.38 0.12 0.24 3.08 0.00* IS 0.28 0.13 0.17 2.26 0.03* IC -0.03 0.16 -0.01 -0.20 0.84 R=0.73 R2=0.54 F(5;259)=58.76 p<0.001 Dependent variable= Affective commitment, *p<0.05 When the table 3 is examined, it becomes evident that all aspects of transformational leadership (IA, IB, IM, IS, IC) collectively exhibit a noteworthy correlation with affective commitment (R=0.73; F(5;259)=58.76; p<0.01). The variables predicting this relationship accounted for 54% of the variance in Affective Commitment. Specifically, the impact of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation on Affective Commitment was statistically significant. Mediator analysis results Table 4. Result findings of regression analysis assessing the mediating role of job autonomy variable in the impact of idealized influence (IA) on affective commitment Model B SE t p LLCI ULCI Model 1 (Direct Affect) Idealized Affective -----> Influence Commitment 1.04 0.10 10.23 0.00 0.84 1.24 0.61 0.07 0.49 0.75 Model 2 (Indirect Affect) Idealized ----- Job Influence > ----- Affective Autonomy > Commitment LLCI= Lower level confidence interval. ULCI= Upper level confidence interval 362 Table 4 indicates when Model 1 was examined. it was observed that the direct effect of the Idealized Influence on the Affective Commitment was statistically significant. The fact that the confidence interval (0.84<CI<1.24) did not contain a zero showed that the observed direct effect was statistically significant. Idealized Influence. without a mediating variable. has a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment (B=1.04, p<0.01). In the next step. the Job Autonomy is added to the model as a mediator variable (Model 2). Since the calculated confidence interval (0.49<CI<0.75) does not contain a zero. the indirect effect (B=0.61) is significant statistically (p<0.05). The results suggest that the relationship between Idealized Influence and Affective Commitment is mediated by Job Autonomy. Table 5 .Result findings of regression analysis assessing the mediating role of job autonomy variable in the impact of idealized influence (IA) on affective commitment Model B SE t p LLCI ULCI Model 1 (Direct Affect) Idealized Influence Affective -----> Commitment (IB) 1.04 0.07 15.47 0.00 0.91 1.17 0.35 0.06 0.24 0.46 Model 2 (Indirect Affect) Idealized Influence (IB) ----- Job > ----- Affective Autonomy > Commitment LLCI= Lower level confidence interval. ULCI= Upper level confidence interval Table 5 indicates when Model 1 was examined. it was observed that the direct effect of the Idealized Influence on the Affective Commitment was statistically significant. The fact that the confidence interval (0.91<CI<1.17) did not contain a zero showed that the observed direct effect was statistically significant. Idealized Influence. without a mediating variable. has a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment (B=1.04, p<0.01). In the next step. the Job Autonomy is added to the model as a mediator variable (Model 2). Since the calculated confidence interval (0.24<CI<0.46) does not contain a zero. the indirect effect (B=0.35) is statistically significant (p<0.05). This result indicates Job Autonomy serves as a mediator in the link between Idealized Influence and Affective Commitment. 363 Table 6.Result findings of regression analysis assessing the mediating role of job autonomy variable in the impact of inspirational motivation (IM) on affective commitment Model B SE t p LLCI ULCI Model 1 (Direct Affect) Inspirational Motivation Affective -----> Commitment (IM) 1.06 0.07 14.40 0.00 0.92 1.21 0.41 0.06 0.29 0.53 Model 2 (Indirect Affect) Inspirational Motivation (IM) ----- Job > ----- Affective Autonomy > Commitment LLCI= Lower level confidence interval. ULCI= Upper level confidence interval Table 6 indicates when Model 1 was examined. it was observed that the direct effect of the Inspirational Motivation on the Affective Commitment was statistically significant. The fact that the confidence interval (0.92<CI<1.21) did not contain a zero showed that the observed direct effect was statistically significant. Inspirational Motivation. without a mediating variable. has a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment (B=1.06, p<0.01). In the next step. the Job Autonomy is added to the model as a mediator variable (Model 2). Since the calculated confidence interval (0.29<CI<0.53) does not contain a zero. the indirect effect (B=0.41) is statistically significant (p<0.05). The findings indicate that Job Autonomy acts as a mediator in the relationship between Inspirational Motivation and Affective Commitment. Table 7.Result findings of regression analysis assessing the mediating role of job autonomy variable in the impact of intellectual stimulation (IS) on affective commitment Model B SE t p LLCI ULCI Model 1 (Direct Affect) Intellectual Stimulation Affective -----> Commitment (IS) 0.98 0.08 12.34 0.00 0.82 1.14 0.49 0.06 0.37 0.61 Model 2 (Indirect Affect) Intellectual Stimulation (IS) ----- Job > ----- Affective Autonomy > Commitment LLCI= Lower level confidence interval. ULCI= Upper level confidence interval 364 Table 7 indicates when Model 1 was examined. it was observed that the direct effect of the Intellectual Stimulation on the Affective Commitment was statistically significant. The fact that the confidence interval (0.82<CI<1.14) did not contain a zero showed that the observed direct effect was statistically significant. Intellectual Stimulation. without a mediating variable. has a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment (B=0.98, p<0.01). In the next step. the Job Autonomy is added to the model as a mediator variable (Model 2). Since the calculated confidence interval (0.37<CI<0.61) does not contain a zero. the indirect effect (B=0.49) is statistically significant (p<0.05). This outcome demonstrates that Job Autonomy plays a mediating function in the association between Intellectual Stimulation and Affective Commitment. Table 8.Result findings of regression analysis assessing the mediating role of job autonomy variable in the impact of individualized consideration (IC) on affective commitment Model B SE t p LLCI ULCI Model 1 (Direct Affect) Individualized Consideration Affective -----> Commitment (IC) 1.18 0.13 9.21 0.00 0.93 1.43 0.74 0.08 0.59 0.90 Model 2 (Indirect Affect) Individualized Consideration (IC) ----- Job > ----- Affective Autonomy > Commitment LLCI= Lower level confidence interval. ULCI= Upper level confidence interval Table 8 indicates when Model 1 was examined. it was observed that the direct effect of the Individualized Consideration on the Affective Commitment was statistically significant. The fact that the confidence interval (0.93<CI<1.43) did not contain a zero showed that the observed direct effect was statistically significant. Individualized Consideration. without a mediating variable. has a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment (B=1.18, p<0.01). In the next step. the Job Autonomy is added to the model as a mediator variable (Model 2). Since the calculated confidence interval (0.59<CI<0.90) does not contain a zero. the indirect effect (B=0.74) is statistically significant (p<0.05). The findings indicate that Job Autonomy acts as a mediator in the connection between Individualized Consideration and Affective Commitment. 365 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: A leader is someone who guides followers toward common goals, and the adoption of a transformational leadership approach is beneficial for managers aspiring to become prominent leaders. Hesselbein and Cohen (1999, p. 263) emphasize that organizations focusing on leadership development gain a competitive advantage. Understanding and employing transformational leadership skills enable health managers to embody charismatic leadership within the healthcare sector, proving effective in both individual and group settings. Consequently, this leadership style cultivates stronger dedication among health managers to their workplace, resulting in heightened productivity and success for the organization. Additionally, affective commitment, characterized as an emotional bond with one's workplace (Allen, Meyer, 1990), stands as a crucial factor in explaining organizational commitment from a behavioral perspective. The current study reveals a positive correlation between affective commitment and scores related to transformational leadership among health managers. The impact of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation on affective commitment was determined to be statistically significant. This finding suggests that health care managers, acting as transformational leaders, possess emotional connections to hospitals and demonstrate a determination to achieve their healthcare units' objectives. This signifies that through upholding ethical values, fostering a shared sense of purpose, instilling optimism and motivation, and seeking diverse problem-solving perspectives, these managers exhibit a willingness to remain in hospitals due to positive associations with their work environment. Research has highlighted job autonomy as a key factor in fostering selfdevelopment satisfaction (Cleavenger and Munyon, 2013). Gozukara and Simsek (2015) also identified job autonomy as a mediator in the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. Recent research further investigates the essential role of job autonomy in linking transformational leadership to affective commitment. The results indicate that job autonomy plays a mediating role in connecting transformational leadership with affective commitment. Thus, it is suggested that hospitals should grant their workforce some flexibility in decision-making regarding work routines, ultimately fostering greater commitment among employees toward the healthcare units and increasing their inclination to remain within the organizations. FUTURE IMPLICATION AND RESEARCH LIMITATIONS Based on the aforementioned discussion, it becomes apparent that enhancing Transformational Leadership and Job autonomy among health managers significantly impacts the affective commitment of health managers operating in various healthcare sectors across Pakistan. The research outcomes offer several implications for managers within the healthcare sector. Firstly, in order to actualize the vision of healthcare organizations, it is imperative for the healthcare industry to prioritize the recruitment of health managers who embody traits of transformational leadership. This can be achieved through a more rigorous and selective hiring process. Secondly, hospitals should institute training programs aimed at honing the 366 skills and competencies of health managers occupying supervisory roles across different departments within hospitals. These programs can facilitate their professional development and effectiveness in their positions. Moreover, health managers should exhibit charismatic leadership qualities to effectively steer healthcare organizations in terms of defining direction and procedural frameworks, while collaboratively engaging stakeholders to implement necessary changes. Additionally, it's important to notice that the present study was constrained to health care managers located in Karachi, Pakistan., specifically surveying 260 managers from Karachibased hospitals. Future research endeavors should aim to conduct comparative studies across healthcare sectors in diverse countries, seeking varied perspectives on organizational commitment among health managers within their respective sectors. 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The examination will center on situations in which postmodern literature serves as a mirror reflecting the complexities of modern society and provides readers with a prism through which to critically assess established norms and power relations. This study aims to explore the subtle ways in which postmodern writers negotiate the intricacies of cultural criticism through an analysis of a few chosen works. They do this by employing their narratives to challenge established ideas and spark discussion about the current state of society and politics. The ultimate goal of this study is to advance knowledge of the mutually beneficial link between postmodern literature and cultural criticism by illuminating the transformational power of literary expression in opposing and modifying societal viewpoints. Key words: postmodern authors, cultural critique, contemporary society, conventional paradigms, socio-political landscape. Introduction The concept of postmodern literature as a potent instrument for cultural criticism The concept of postmodern literature as a potent instrument for cultural criticism is rooted in its ability to challenge prevailing ideas, power structures, and social conventions. Postmodernism emerged in the mid-20th century, embracing various views and subjective realities over a singular, objective reality. This movement is characterized by its willingness to experiment with language, storytelling techniques, and narrative formats, often disrupting conventional norms. By employing fragmented narratives, intertextuality, metafiction, and unreliable narrators, postmodern authors encourage readers to question the material's veracity and the authority of the author (Hutcheon,1988)," Moreover, postmodern literature critiques governmental structures, social hierarchies, and cultural norms through irony, parody, and satire, urging readers to reevaluate their presumptions and examine the dynamics that sustain current power hierarchies. Furthermore, postmodern literature most of the time addresses 369 questions such as consumerism, globalization, identity, and technology, reflecting the complexity of modern society and stressing the flexibility of identity in a quickly evolving world (Jameson, 1991)."Postmodernism, which first appeared in the middle of the 20th century, accepts the idea of various views and subjective realities in place of the idea of a single, objective reality. In addition, postmodern literature challenges prevailing cultural narratives and reveals the fundamental power structures that mould society. Authors criticize governmental structures, social hierarchies, and cultural standards through irony, parody, and satire. Postmodern literature challenges readers to reevaluate their presumptions and examine the dynamics that sustain current power hierarchies by upending conventional narratives. Furthermore, postmodern literature typically addresses issues of consumerism, globalization, identity, and technology, reflecting the complexity of modern society. Postmodern works stress the flexibility of identity in a society that is changing quickly and offer new views on the human experience by addressing these subjects in non-linear and unusual methods. Methodology The research methodology involves two primary goals: first, to investigate the ways in which postmodern writers use narrative devices to examine current issues, and second, to explore how postmodern literature might influence cultural discourse in a revolutionary way. The first goal entails a detailed analysis of narrative techniques like fragmentation, intertextuality, metafiction, and unreliable narration, aiming to provide insightful criticisms of contemporary society's intricacies. The second goal focuses on evaluating how postmodern literature affects cultural discourse, challenges prevailing narratives, and contributes to cultural critique within literary circles and broader cultural contexts. Essential traits of postmodernism, including metafiction, intertextuality, and deconstruction, are examined to illustrate how postmodern literature engages in cultural criticism by questioning established norms and revealing underlying power dynamics. Among the essential traits of postmodernism are: Fiction that subtly blurs the lines between fact and fiction by highlighting its own status as an artefact is referred to as metafiction. Stories inside stories, narrators who remark on the act of narrating, and self-referentiality are among the aspects that authors using metafictional techniques frequently incorporate. Readers are encouraged to consider the nature of storytelling itself as well as the idea of a fixed reality by reading metafiction. The term "intertextuality" describes how one text is related to and impacted by another text. References, allusions, and quotations from a wide range of sources, such as popular culture, literature, philosophy, and history, are commonly included in postmodern works. Intertextuality challenges the notions of originality and authorial authority by emphasizing these linkages between texts and showing the flexibility and multiplicity of meaning. Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida's writings are linked to the philosophical and literary theory of deconstruction. It entails closely examining texts to identify and undermine the underlying binary oppositions and hierarchical structures. Deconstruction exposes the ambiguity and instability that are innate to language and questions the notion of fixed meanings. Deconstructive literary strategies include highlighting paradoxes and inconsistencies, upending linear narrative progression, and undermining established narrative patterns. Cultural criticism and postmodern literature are mutually beneficial, with postmodern 370 literature frequently acting as a platform for cultural commentary and analysis. Postmodern literature reflects and reframes the intricacies of contemporary life, providing insights into social, political, and cultural challenges through its inventive storytelling approaches and thematic studies. By dissecting and questioning prevailing conventions and narratives, postmodern literature participates in cultural criticism in a number of ways. By using strategies like metafiction, intertextuality, and deconstruction, writers challenge established narrative norms and reveal the underlying power dynamics that influence society. Postmodern literature challenges readers to examine their presumptions and the factors that sustain current ideologies and hierarchies by upending mainstream cultural narratives. Furthermore, postmodern literature frequently examines issues like consumerism, globalization, identity, technology, and the fragmentation of experience, which reflects the complexity of modern life. Postmodern works provide sophisticated criticisms of the intricacies and inconsistencies present in modern society through these thematic studies, stressing the conflicts between tradition and innovation, reality and representation, and individual agency and social restrictions. Furthermore, representation and subjectivity are major themes in postmodern literature, which emphasizes the influence of language, discourse, and power on how we perceive the world. Postmodern literature exposes the limitations of language as a tool for communication and meaning-making and encourages readers to think about different ways of understanding and experiencing the world by highlighting the ways in which language generates reality (McHale, 1987). Literature Review Postmodern literature is essential for cultural critique as it employs creative storytelling techniques and thematic explorations to reflect and reframe the complexity of society. Scholars from various theoretical backgrounds, such as Marxist criticism, feminist criticism, postcolonial criticism, cultural studies, and critical theory, have explored the intersection of politics, literature, and society, shedding light on how literature influences and reflects societal perceptions. Through the application of these theoretical frameworks, academics can enhance their understanding of the social and political aspects of literary works and their broader cultural significance. Scholars from a variety of theoretical backgrounds have been interested in the nexus between politics, literature, and society. The following theoretical frameworks are pertinent: Marxist Criticism: The link between literature, ideology, and socioeconomic structures is highlighted by Marxist literary theory. Marxist critics examine literature as a mirror of power relations and class conflict in society, drawing on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels respectively. They look at how literary texts portray the material circumstances of various social strata and how they support or contradict prevailing ideologies and social hierarchies. Marxist literary critics frequently address topics like labour, alienation, commercialization, and revolution. 371 Feminist Criticism: Feminist literary theory looks at how patriarchal power systems and gender inequality are reflected in and maintained by literature. The portrayals of gender, sexuality, and femininity/masculinity in literature are examined by feminist critics, along with the ways in which female writers challenge or disrupt conventional gender roles and narratives. In addition, they discuss the ways in which literature interacts with various types of oppression, including those based on sexual orientation, racism, and class, and they promote the inclusion of marginalised voices in literary studies. Postcolonial Criticism: Postcolonial theory focuses on questions of resistance, power, and identity as it analyses the effects of colonialism and imperialism in literature and culture. Postcolonial critics examine how colonial tropes and narratives are perpetuated in literature, as well as how it represents the experiences of those who have been colonized (Harvey, 1990). Additionally, they look at how literature can be a platform for decolonization and resistance, subverting prevailing ideologies and reclaiming marginalized histories and identities. Cultural Studies: The production, distribution, and consumption of cultural texts, such as those found in literature, film, television, and popular culture, are the subjects of this interdisciplinary area. Scholars of cultural studies examine how larger social, political, and economic forces influence cultural texts and how they help to form communal identities and meanings (Eagleton, 2008). They frequently use techniques like historical research, audience studies, and textual analysis to investigate the intricacies of cultural creation and consumption. Critical Theory: Criticising society and culture, including literature, critical theory comprises a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Critical theorists, who draw inspiration from the works of intellectuals like Michel Foucault, Max Horkheimer, and Theodor Adorno, study the ways in which power functions in a variety of social institutions, including the arts and literature (Derrida, 1976). They examine how literature may be a platform for social change and resistance, as well as how it reflects and upholds prevailing power structures. These theoretical stances shed important light on the intricate interplay between politics, society, and literature, showing how literature both influences and reflects our perception of the outside world. Through the application of these analytical frameworks, academics can enhance their comprehension of the social and political aspects of literary works, in addition to their wider cultural importance. Novel use of narrative strategies that subvert conventional storytelling norms and capture the complexity of modern life is what defines postmodern literature. This is an analysis of the ways in which postmodern writers use pastiche, irony, and fragmentation in their stories: Case Studies Analyzing selected postmodern pieces in-depth highlights how they handle cultural criticism. Works such as "White Noise" by Don DeLillo, "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood and "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon offer scathing indictments of modern society, addressing themes like consumerism, patriarchy, and the pursuit of meaning chaos. These works challenge readers to critically engage with contemporary issues, prompting discussions 372 on justice, equality, and the search for meaning in an uncertain world. Postmodern literature serves as a mirror of society, reflecting its complexities, paradoxes, and tensions while providing insightful commentary on social, political, and cultural aspects. Through its innovative narrative techniques, thematic explorations, and critical perspectives, postmodern literature invites readers to navigate the intricacies of the modern world and consider alternative viewpoints on reality. Postmodern Writing as a Social Mirror Because it reflects and refracts the complexity, paradoxes, and tensions of current life, postmodern literature acts as a mirror of society. Postmodern literature offers perceptive commentary on the social, political, and cultural aspects of the era in which it is produced through its topic investigations, inventive narrative approaches, and critical viewpoints. Postmodern literature engages with the fragmentation and dislocation that characterize the modern world, which is one way that it parallels society. Fragmented characters, disconnected narratives, and disjointed structures are common in postmodern literature, and they reflect the fragmented quality of the human experience in a world growing more interconnected and globalized. These narrative strategies are used by writers like Toni Morrison, Don DeLillo, and Thomas Pynchon to convey the feeling of alienation and confusion felt by people attempting to make their way through the complexity of modern society. Postmodern literature also captures the variety and complexity of perspectives and experiences that exist within society. Postmodern writings reflect the varied aspect of contemporary culture by drawing from a wide range of cultural sources and traditions through the use of pastiche, intertextuality, and parody. These strategies are employed by writers like Junot Díaz, Salman Rushdie, and Angela Carter to subvert established narratives and provide voice to underrepresented groups, resulting in a more diverse and multifaceted portrayal of society. Moreover, postmodern literature functions as a platform for cultural criticism, challenging and upending conventional wisdom, beliefs, and power systems. Postmodern writings show the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of modern society through irony, satire, and parody, which challenges readers to consider alternative scenarios and challenge the status quo. These techniques are used by writers like Margaret Atwood, George Saunders, and Zadie Smith to address topics like capitalism, consumerism, gender, race, and technology while providing insightful analysis of the social and political forces that influence our daily lives. Profile selected postmodern writers and their contributions to cultural criticism through their works. Don DeLillo: Don DeLillo is well known for his examination of how technology, consumerism, and the media interact with modern American culture. In pieces like "White Noise" and "Underworld," DeLillo delivers sharp criticisms of mass media, consumer society, and the loss of personal identity due to technological progress. His books frequently have characters that struggle with the alienating consequences of modernity, capturing the complexities and fears of living in the postmodern world. DeLillo is a well-known cultural critic whose works continue to speak to readers who are trying to comprehend the complexity of modern society because of his astute observation and sardonic humor (DeLillo, 1985), 373 "White Noise" by Don DeLillo is a scathing indictment of modern American consumer society, media overload, and the dissolution of personal identity. The story follows Jack Gladney, a professor of Hitler studies, and his family as they deal with the worries and absurdities of contemporary life in a fictitious Midwestern town. DeLillo illustrates how consumer culture and the media create our anxieties, desires, and reality perceptions through his satirical portrayal of consumerism. The people in the book experience a perpetual onslaught of commercials, TV shows, and consumer goods, which makes them feel disconnected from real life and alienated. In addition, "White Noise" examines the idea of mortality and the anxiety associated with dying in the face of advances in technology and deterioration of the ecosystem. By addressing these existential concerns head-on, DeLillo encourages readers to consider the effects of living in a mass media and consumerism-driven culture, raising significant issues on the meaning of life and the search for purpose in an increasingly artificial environment. Margaret Atwood: Known for exploring gender, power, and identity in the framework of futuristic and dystopian societies, Margaret Atwood is a prominent author. In novels such as "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Oryx and Crake," Margaret Atwood delivers biting indictments of environmental damage, scientific advancement gone uncontrolled, and patriarchal oppression. Atwood pushes readers to confront the injustices and inequalities that still exist in modern society while also imagining opportunities for resistance and change through her vivid world-building and insightful social commentary. Her writings are potent instruments of cultural critique, igniting crucial discussions on the moral implications of technological progress and the precariousness of human rights in an increasingly unstable society. Author Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale": is a terrifying indictment of religious fanaticism, patriarchal oppression, and the degradation of women's rights in a dystopian society (Atwood,1985), The book, which takes place in the not-too-distant future, shows a totalitarian society in which women are enslaved, denied agency, and forced to work as handmaids, brides, or servants. Atwood examines how religious doctrines and gender conventions are utilized to support and uphold oppressive power structures via the lens of her protagonist, Offred. In addition, "The Handmaid's Tale" warns against complacency and highlights how vulnerable democracy is to dictatorship. Atwood challenges readers to consider past and modern instances of oppression by making comparisons between the realities of sexism and oppression in their own communities and personal lives, pushing people to speak out against injustice and inequality and to avoid being complacent. Thomas Pynchon: Pynchon is renowned for his intricate and multi-layered stories that delve into themes of conspiracy, paranoia, and the pursuit of meaning amidst chaos. In pieces such as "Gravity's Rainbow" and "The Crying of Lot 49," Pynchon delivers sharp criticisms of corporate greed, hierarchies of power, and the loss of personal agency due to oppressive control mechanisms. Pynchon asks readers to consider the nature of reality and the unseen forces that influence society through his intricate narratives and colorful cast of characters. His writings expose the injustices and absurdities that exist beneath the surface of daily life, serving as incisive criticisms of modern culture (Pynchon, 1973). "The expansive and mysterious novel "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon defies simple classification, 374 providing a kaleidoscope view of postwar America and the mysterious forces influencing its future. The story, which is set against the backdrop of the Cold War and World War II, follows a diverse group of people as they attempt to survive in a world on the verge of catastrophe. "Gravity's Rainbow" delves on themes of paranoia, conspiracy, and the pursuit of meaning in an unpredictable and disorderly world through its intricate and disjointed storyline. Pynchon exposes the absurdities and injustices that lie behind the surface of ordinary reality by criticizing the surveillance state, the military-industrial complex, and the monetization of human life. The complicated plot and maze-like structure of the book reflect the intricacies of contemporary life, pushing readers to understand its underlying implications and face the disturbing realities it exposes regarding authority, technology, and humanity. Conclusion Through their sharp critiques of modern society and challenges to readers to wrestle with the inconsistencies and complexity of the modern world, these postmodern writers have made a substantial contribution to cultural criticism. By delving into topics like technology, gender, consumerism, and power, these authors have initiated crucial discussions on the moral, ethical, and social issues facing the postmodern world. These thorough examinations show how particular postmodern works navigate the complexities of cultural criticism, providing sharp critiques of current society and inspiring readers to critically consider the ethical, political, and social issues of the postmodern era. These works encourage readers to consider the intricacies and paradoxes of the contemporary world by delving into topics like consumerism, patriarchy, and power. This leads to crucial discussions about justice, equality, and the search for meaning in a world that is growing more and more divided and uncertain. References Atwood, Margaret (1985), "The Handmaid's Tale", McClelland and Stewart Press. DeLillo, Don, (1985), "White Noise.", Viking Press. Derrida, Jacques, (1976), "Of Grammatology", Johns Hopkins University Press. Eagleton, Terry (2008), "Literary Theory: An Introduction" Wiley-Blackwell Press. Gaddis, William (1955), "The Recognitions." Harcourt, Brace & World Press. Harvey, David, (1990) "The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change" Wiley-Blackwell Press. Hutcheon, Linda, (1988),"A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction" Routledge Press. Jameson, Fredric,(1991),"Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" Duke University Press. Lyotard, Jean-François, (1984) "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge." University of Minnesota Press. McHale, Brian, (1987), "Postmodernist Fiction." Routledge Press. Pynchon, Thomas, (1973),"Gravity's Rainbow." Viking Press, Vonnegut, Kurt, (1969), "Slaughterhouse-Five." Delacorte Press, Waugh, Patricia, (1984) "Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction." Routledge Press. 375 THE ATTRACTION OF THE SEA IN GRAHAM SWIFT’S WORKS Lecturer, PhD Irina-Ana DROBOT Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, Department of Foreign Languages and Communication, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: This paper examines the way the sea is represented in Graham Swift’s works. It is an element that is frequently present in his novels, short stories, and autobiographical writings. Materials and Methods: The analysis will start from Swift’s talk published in his volume of autobiographical writings, Making an Elephant: Writing from Within, I do Like to be Beside the Seaside, held in Nice, in 1997. The title of the talk comes from an old Edwardian song, turned into a music hall song in 1909. The lyrics suggest a sense of well-being, which is then noticeable in all of his works. Results: The seaside is a place where the characters feel comfortable, associating it with the times when they felt happy. Jack in Last Orders chooses to have his ashes thrown in the sea, the young magician in Here We Are remembers his magic acts by the sea and all the dreams he associated with this occupation and with the girl he was in love with, a young boy in the short story Learning to Swim breaks free from his parents who are always fighting. There is a sense of nostalgia associated with the sea, as well as a sense of well-being. Freedom and gaining independence is just an example, together with freedom to dream. Discussion and Conclusion: The seaside can be associated with relaxation, with having fun, as it can be seen usual during holidays. At the same time, the sense of well-being can be associated with happiness in the past, feeling free to dream, to feel that there are various possibilities ahead of us, to dream and to fantasize about our lives. Blue suggests infinity and relaxation, according to colour psychology. Moments of happiness are the usual association with the sea, both from the past and from the present. Keywords: Colour Psychology; Free Associations; Psychology; Dreams; Psychoanalysis. INTRODUCTION Spending time by the seaside can be frequently associated with the summer holidays for many of us, Graham Swift’s readers. It is, after all, a type of place for the summer holidays that is suitable for us at any age, childhood, youth, and adulthood. From this point of view, Graham Swift, when presenting the image of the sea in his novels, such as Last Orders and Here We Are, short stories, such as Learning to Swim, or Cliffedge, and also in his book of autobiographical writings, Making an Elephant: Writing from Within, in the chapter I do Like to be Beside the Seaside, and which includes a speech held in Nice, in 1997. The title of the speech I do Like to be Beside the Seaside, according to Swift, uses one of the epigraphs in his novel Last Orders, which, in turn, comes from the lyrics of a song from the Edwardian age, afterwards adapted, in 1909, to a music hall song. 376 The sea becomes a setting associated with the psychological well-being of the characters, or with memories of this feeling well. In Last Orders, Jack’s friends travel on a pilgrimage to scatter his ashes in the sea at Margate, which is his last wish. In Learning to Swim, the young boy in the story finally finds freedom after learning to swim at the seaside, and swims away from his parents who are fighting all the time. For the young boy, thus, the sea provides a place for compensation for his emotional troubles. For the young magician in Here We Are, the seaside is the place where he dreams, performs magic acts, and is in love with a young girl, who becomes his assistant. In the short story Cliffedge, we notice, as Swift (2010) draws our attention, that the sea is a place “that summons people to it,” and brings pleasure. We notice how the sea is a positive symbol, and a place where the characters not only feel good, but resonate with it and feel very much connected to it, to the point where their inner world merges with the external setting of the sea, or of the seaside. The sea can be seen as prompting moments of revelation, insight or enlightenment, which can make the characters feel one with their surroundings, just like in these moments described in Romantic poetry. It can also be seen as a means of standing for the characters’ wishes and dreams, in the manner of psychoanalytical theory, where they project their wishes on the external surroundings of the sea and the seaside. At the same time, the sea and seaside become associated with various dreams, daydreams, emotional states, wishes, as well as memories which, as we can see, are positive ones. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Environmental Psychology. Colour Psychology. Psychoanalysis The present issue of the sea and the seaside as part of the setting for some of Swift’s novels, short stories and biographical writings volume. We can notice a very strong connection between the external setting of the sea, or seaside, and the issues the characters are, psychologically, preoccupied with, from gaining independence, to dreaming, and to well-being. Memories which the characters are fond of are also connected to the sea. Environmental psychology (Craik, 1973) deals with our emotional reactions to our surroundings. Interior design is based on environmental psychology, since it has been noticed how the way our surroundings look can influence our emotional states, as well as intellectual focus. We can include here colour psychology (Mikellides, 2012) as well, especially since, in the case of the sea, the colour blue becomes beneficial for concentration and relaxation. Additionally, blue is associated with suggesting energy, optimism, a creativity boost, together with an improvement of cognitive tasks (, 2024). If we think about the seaside, we can also include the sand, whose colour is, usually, yellow, and the sunlight during the summer season, which are both suggestive of optimism. If we consider psychoanalysis, we could think about the mechanism of daydreams, dream analysis, and of the mechanism of projection. Daydreams and dreams include various symbols, or elements in a dream which can be interpreted by the method of free associations and based on the particular case of the dreamer. According to psychoanalysis, in dream or daydreams interpretation, the way a certain item is interpreted is based on the subjective experience and perception of a particular dreamer. Only in exceptional cases do 377 we resort to universal symbols, based on a general culture background, namely when the dreamer cannot bring any free associations to a certain dream element. Additionally, the way the characters feel about the sea and seaside is related to their subjective perception and even projection of their emotional state on the sea and seaside. As an example, for the young magician in Here We Are, we can consider it a time of magic, and dreaming about anything lying for him ahead, including hope about his chances at a love story with his assistant. This, however, proves to be an illusion, just like his magic acts during the show by the sea. The Symbol of the Sea If we start a search online, on the Internet, regarding the symbol of the sea, we can find a variety of symbols associated culturally and psychologically with the sea, based on general culture background. Among these symbols we can identify the sea as a place that ensures safety, and security, together with a means of regaining energy, of rest, and of recovering (, 2024). From an evolutionary psychology perspective, the sea is associated with the water which early humans relied on for survival, which explains why we feel so comfortable close to the sea, as it provided source for food (, 2024). Other theories claim that human beings have evolved from sea creatures, which is why we consider the sea as a place where we feel so good and where we feel at home (, 2024). The sea is, according to Freud, and the theory of psychoanalysis, the symbol of the unconscious (Hyun, 2017), as well as the symbol of the mother. The mother itself becomes a symbol of the conscious mind, or ego (AROPA, 2022). The sea and the mother symbolism can be related to mer, and mère, which are homonyms in the French language, and also to the life in the mother’s womb (Odent, 1993), and in the amniotic liquid, which is why we can feel safe when being close to the sea in our dreams. Some of our dreams about the sea can be related to intrauterine life and memories, according to psychoanalysis, which is where the feeling of being at home, as well as of protection, may come from. We can extend the symbol of the sea to the symbol of the water, which is considered to be supportive of life on earth, as well as a symbol of intuition, dreams, innovation, purity, and emotions (Marius Kraus Photography, 2024). Imagination, together with the depths of someone’s personality, are also associated with water in general, and with dream symbolism related to water (Webb & Webb, 2022). We can consider the sea to be always changing, function of currents, weather, and seasons. From this point of view, the sea can be seen as the reflection of changing moods, since sometimes it can be calm, pleasant, friendly, and sometimes stormy, or dangerous. It can be considered mysterious and deep, as we never know what it hides underneath. The way the sea acquires symbolic value in Graham Swift’s work is based on the free associations method of psychoanalysis. If we examine Swift’s works, we can notice such free associations which are repeating, including independence, pleasure, reality, and fantasy. 378 METHODOLOGY Data collection and examination For the data collection and examination, we start from Graham Swift’s speech included in his volume of autobiographical writings, Making an Elephant: Writing from Within, and which is called I do Like to be Beside the Seaside. When he writes about his short story Cliffedge, Swift presents the beginning of this story, where we witness reflections about the feeling of pleasure we feel when we are at the seaside. In the case of Last Orders, Swift writes that it is about a trip of a group of friends to the seaside. Yet, it is not a usual holidays trip, but one meant to fulfil their dead friend’s last wish, that of scattering his ashes into the sea at Margate, over a pier. Swift offers us a key to the interpretation of the sea and the seaside: “the dream of worldly delight, of life as sheer holiday, sheer play” (Swift, 2018). Swift (2018) situates the sea at the border between water and land, as, at the seaside, we have both land and sea. Additionally, in Waterland, the very title suggests the existence of a blurring of borders. As readers, we can infer from here that the sea can acquire symbolic value based on daydreaming, and fulfilling one’s fantasies as a means of compensation for reality. The sea is a place where the borders between real and fantasy world, between reality and dreams are blurred. Our lives are a mixture of fantasy and awareness of reality. Freud’s very structure of the human psyche includes a part that is aware of reality, the ego, a part that is concerned with wishes, daydreams and fantasies, the id, and a part that mediates between the two as a moral instance, the superego. According to Swift (2018), when at the seaside, we have hopes that our dreams will come true, and that reality and fantasy worlds may come together. Swift (2018) states the following: “we return, to the seaside because once, if we were lucky, we were taken there when we were small and we never quite outgrew that primal thrill.” For Swift (2018), the sea represents a world beyond this one, as well as destiny, death, oblivion, at least in the novel Last Orders. In Last Orders, for Jack’s friends, their pilgrimage is a journey to the sea, and they believe we all go through this journey. In this case, the sea becomes a symbol of memories, as well as destiny, and not only a concrete destination and setting. Swift (2018) believes that readers do not need to be familiar beforehand with a certain place. The writer and characters need to help readers become connected with the setting, and, readers deduce, this is done through the connection between the characters and the setting, between the psychological meaning of the setting for them and the actual setting as a physical place. Analysis of the research problem How does Swift deal with the symbol of the sea through free associations? He presents us readers with different meanings of the sea for different characters. The association between the sea and experience is not present just in the short story Learning to Swim. It can also be found in the novel Tomorrow, where Paula notices how, all of a sudden, the twins have learned to swim. For Paula, this is associated with the moment her children have grown, becoming independent from their parents. In the novel Wish You Were Here, the sea also has the meaning of independence for Ellie, as it is the place where she goes with her husband, just the two of them, and not with her parents. She tells her husband of how she dreams that they can be together by the sea if he sold his farm and if they travelled by caravan to the seaside. They make up after the conflict in the novel related to her husband’s brother killed in the war on the beach, under an umbrella. For Ellie, the sea 379 also means memories of her childhood, when her future husband went to the seaside without her, and wrote her a postcard where he told her he wishes she was there with him. The sea becomes, thus, a symbol both of individuality, and of individuals within a couple. It also becomes associated with childhood memories, and a sense of togetherness and closeness in a couple. In Out of This World, Sophie, as a young girl, is rescued by her father from the sea, as he believes she is in danger. However, this is not the case, as Sophie is in control of her swimming. Her father is just anxious about his daughter’s growing up and becoming independent. We notice here the repetition of the sea as associated with the children’s growing up and the worries of their parents, just as in the case of Paula in the novel Tomorrow. In the short story Learning to Swim, the young boy is glad he has become independent and can leave the insecurities in the relationship between his parents who are always fighting behind. The sea becomes an ambiguous symbol, showing how borders related to some issues can be blurred. This blurring of boundaries can suggest change. Thus, the sea is seen as dangerous by the parents and comforting by the children who are in the process of growing up. It is seen as a symbol of both life and death in Last Orders, as Jack has fond memories of the seaside from his lifetime and then he chooses it as his grave, by having his ashes scattered into it by his friends. In Wish You Were Here, it is a symbol of both private, personal space, and of time spent together in a couple. It is a symbol of both dependence on parents, and acquired independence and growing taste for it, in Learning to Swim, Out of This World, and Tomorrow, as the parents teach children how to swim and then they can swim on their own, with no more help. Model of the Research The analysis of the symbol of the sea in Graham Swift’s works can be a combination of approaches, cultural, psychoanalytic, psychological, environmental psychology, and literary analysis. There are recurrent symbols of the sea, through their association with various issues of the inner world of the characters, throughout Swift’s works, such as independence, well-being, memories, character evolution, dreaming, identity formation, idealism, and young age. It is in connection with the sea and the seaside that the characters achieve self-understanding, since it is by the sea that they have their reflections. The sea accompanies their process of interior evolution, growing up, achieving independence from their parents, becoming aware of their dreams. The sea is the place where everything begins, where the love stories and fantasies start, such as in the novel Here We Are, and also where the process of personal development ends, such as in the short story Learning to Swim, where the young boy swims away from his fighting parents. At the same time, the sea is the place where everything ends, such as the pilgrimage and life of Jack’s friends and Jack’s life in the novel Last Orders. We could, by extension, consider the sea as a place prompting not only reflection, but a search for the characters’ identity, and for the development of their identity. It is also a place where they can feel secure enough to start such intimate and deep reflections, as if they were in a psychoanalytic therapy setting. In a psychoanalytic therapy setting, the patients project on the therapist the figure of their parents, which are generally associated with a feeling of security and well-being. However, various issues related to attachment, including anxieties and frustrations at their parents’ affective response can also appear in therapy, reactions which are visible in the way the patient relates to the analyst. The sea 380 becomes a substitute for this comfortable, security generating analytic setting, where the characters engage in reflections and examinations of their personal lives and inner worlds. The centrality of the sea and seaside as setting in Swift’s works can be seen as being confirmed by the cover chosen for a literary criticism book by Daniel Lea, Contemporary British Novelists. Graham Swift (2005). There, a chair for sitting at the beach is present on the seashore, suggesting a comfortable and relaxing holiday, as well as a setting for reflection. This visual image, represented below, under Fig. 1, shows two beach chairs facing the sea. The sea looks clear and inviting for a swim, calm, and secure, while the dark clouds suggest an incoming rain or even storm: Fig.1. The cover for the book of criticism by Daniel Lea, Graham Swift To knowledgeable reader of Swift’s work, the dark clouds on the cover can suggest interior dilemmas of the characters. Swift’s characters start their stories and present them to the reader by interior monologues in moments of crisis. They deal with various personal issues and that point in their lives prompts them to start their self-analysis, which, for the reader familiar with Graham Swift, is a well-known means of telling a story in Swift’s fictional universe. The sea is not a simple element of the setting. It is strongly connected with the way in which the characters interact with it, to the point where it allows them to express various personal dilemmas. The sea can also be seen as a part of their personality. The interpretation of dreams and various elements appearing in them such as tbe sea and the seaside is similar, in psychoanalysis, to their interpretation in a literary work. Additionally, elements in dreams are interpreted according to their perception and meaning for a particular dreamer. For the dreamer, various sream elements have 381 subiective meaning. Only in some cases we have universal symbols, such as in cases where the dreamer cannot associate anything from personal experience with an element. Everything, in a dream, is interpreted, at first, from a subjective point of view. Everything is considered to have a particular meaning in the particular context of the dreamer's life. Writers can be seen as going through the same processes of daydreamers, as tgey imagine their stories. Their fantasy world us based on a personal unuverse created by the writer, where readers can identufy symbols they can understand as specific to the context of these writers' works. Swift creates the symbols of the sea as distinct for his fiction and his characters function in a similar way to dreamers. They have tgeir personal relationship and reactions to the sea and the seaside, and Swift creates for them a personal context based on a specific interaction with the sea. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION We could be tempted, as readers, at first sight, from a reader-response approach (Chan, 2015), which is based on the idea that all readers react emotionally to a text, and that we are all tempted to interpret it and relate to it according to our personal experience, cultural, and educational background, to claim that the seaside is connected to moments of happiness for Swift’s characters. However, this is just one aspect of the sea and of the seaside. Indeed, some moments of fantasy and magic are associated with the seaside by the young magician in love in Here We Are, and in Wish You Were Here, the couple dreams of being together by the sea. Jack in Last Orders wants to have his ashes scattered in the sea at Margate, a seaside resort which he liked. Independence and breaking free from parents is an issue connected with the sea in Learning to Swim, Out of This World, Tomorrow, as well as in Wish You Were Here, as the young adults who form a couple and fall in love wish to be by themselves, together, without their parents, at the seaside. In Cliffedge and in the talk given by Swift I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside, we notice the aspect of feeling happy in this setting. We can notice a sense of moving on, of change, related to the sea and to the seaside. The sea can be connected with childhood memories, and with a sense of togetherness and dependence of and on children and parents. Afterwards, as children grow up, they move on to couple and love relationships, which are also associated with the sea. The seaside becomes a romantic setting for couples, especially for the couple in Wish You Were Here, when they make up. It also becomes a setting of breaking free from the dependence of children and parents, and for the movement towards autonomy. We can see, in psychoanalysis, how we project our parental figures, or, better said, our perception of them, on our romantic partner. The romantic partner becomes a parental figure from some point of views, at least, as we rely on them and want affection from them. This supports the interpretation of the sea in relation to the change in our personality and identity. . We notice a major change from the passage from life to death in Last Orders, as Jack feels good by the sea during his holidays at Margate, which makes him wish to be buried in the sea, through his ashes being scattered there. The sea becomes a place of dreams in Here We Are, when it is associated with the magic act and with the hopes for love of the young magician. It is also a place of change and 382 transition, when it comes to the passage from one age to another, and from one life stage to another. REFERENCES AROPA. (2022). Analysis of Several Dream Symbols. Retrieved from: Chan, L. T. H. (2015). Reader response and reception theory. In Researching translation and interpreting (pp. 146-154). Routledge. Craik, K. H. (1973). Environmental psychology. Annual review of psychology, 24(1), 403422. Hyun, J. S. (2017). Face the waves of emotion in the sea of the unconscious: Focusing on the symbolism of the sea and the waves. Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy, 12(1). Lea, D. (2005). Contemporary British Novelists. Graham Swift. Manchester University Press. Marius Kraus Photography. (2024). Contact with Water. Retrieved from: Mikellides, B. (2012). 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Edmond KADİU Lecturer of the Department of Rural Tourism Management, Agricultural University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the role of local products of agricultural and livestock agroprocessing industries, marked with country of origin indicators in the development of agritourism and the mutual benefits between them. Agritourism is a sector that brings together agriculture and tourism, offering authentic experiences of the country of origin and nature to tourists. The use of local products is an important aspect of agritourism, as it promotes local culture and creates opportunities for the economic development of agro-processing industries. The methodology used is quantitative, an important technique to identify and evaluate the impact of agricultural and livestock products marked with local indicators in the development of agritourism and the mutual benefits between them. Also, the reciprocal effect between agritourism and agro-processing industries will be considered. Mutual benefits include increased local tourism, economic development of agro-based industries, creation of new jobs, economic development of the locality and cultivation of local identity. To achieve these maximum benefits, it is important that local authorities and industry players develop sustainable partnerships and encourage local production and consumption. In conclusion, the role of local agricultural and livestock products in the development of agritourism is exceptional, they bring an authentic experience and convey the local culture to the consumer. Keywords: agrotourism; agroprocessing industry; local products; methodology; tourists; consumer INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to provide a general overview of the theoretical framework and its practice of consumer questionnaires used in research on the role of products of agroprocessing industries marked with local indicators in the development of agro-tourism and the mutual benefits between them. This paper begins with the theoretical approaches of the role and importance of local products in the development of agrotourism. Continuing further with the methodology and types of data necessary for the case study. By applying the strategy of using products marked with an indicator of the place of origin, the income of agro-tourism can be increased and the development of agro-processing industries and the locality can be positively influenced, (Che et al., 2005). The methodology used is quantitative, an important technique to identify and evaluate the impact of agricultural and livestock products marked 384 with local indicators in the development of agritourism and the mutual benefits between them. In this context, the role of branded products with a local indicator describes a new path in the promotion of agritourism. Also, mutual benefits between agro-processing industries and agrotourism constitute a real treasure for the country's development, (Altintzoglou et al., 2016). The main objective of this study is to evaluate the role of agricultural and livestock products of agro-processing industries marked with local indicators in the development of agro-tourism and the mutual benefits between them in the district of Vlora. For this case study, secondary data were used such as literature review, reports, various statistics which are necessary to identify the role of agricultural and livestock products in the development of agrotourism and primary data such as a questionnaire developed among consumers to assess the impact of these products in the development of agrotourism in the study area. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The Role of Local Products in the Development of Agritourism and Mutual Benefits According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Bashkuara (UNWTO, 2021), rural tourism is defined as "a tourism activity in which the tourist experience is related to a broad category of products related to activities based on agriculture, rural lifestyle/culture, fishing and scenic visits", is being developed and spread widely globally. One of the reasons for the development of rural tourism is the increase in consumer demand, affecting and influencing local economic development, opening new jobs and increasing the standard of living , (Bagri, 2020; Kala, 2020). As a consequence of the development of tourism and the services provided by it, farmers consider it as an important strategy in the creation of "agritourism”, (Barbier et al, 2009). According to the researchers, agritourism consists of "activities related to agriculture that are carried out on farms or other agricultural environments for entertainment or educational reasons”, (Chase et al., 2018; Laime et al., 2018; Blacka et al., 2001; Che at al., 2005). Due to the way the state is run by the laws and taxes that discipline them, there are still some uncertainties regarding the definition of the limits of agritourism activities taking into consideration the types of experiences and its importance in relation to different agricultural activities., (Streifeneder, 2016; Arroyo et al., 2013). Today, agritourism plays an important role both in the development of rural tourism and in the agricultural sector. Agrotourism as an important element of the development of rural and mountain tourism continues to be at the center of attention, not only by scientific researchers but also by governing bodies, (Barbier et al., 2008; Lupi et al., 2017; Flanigan et al., 2017; G. Belletti et al., 2017). The development of agritourism cannot be measured only by the increase in income at the farm level and the profits obtained from the sale of agritourism services. This is because it is difficult to make a real measurement of how long agricultural and tourist activities are related to each other. the other. The benefits can also come as a result of a better evaluation of the agricultural products of the farm. (Barbieri et al., 2008). Despite the positive impacts of agritourism on farms, the number of researchers who have researched the main factors that increase its development is small. (Lupi et al., 2017; Barbier, 2010). Researchers have made an important contribution in proving the positive links between the development of agritourism and local products, (Che et al., 2005). Local products 385 are paraphrased as products of special quality that are attributed to their territorial origin, (Marescotti, 2011). Local products reflect the social, economic, cultural and technical aspects of the area where they are produced, (Belletti et al., 2017). The markets of products of origin and agritourism are little influenced by globalization systems in the process of exchange, they are characterized by exchanges in countries, i.e. within the territory, (Poleg et al., 2012). As a result, the increase in interest in the production and supply of local products (Hardesty, 2018), can influence the increase in the number of tourists by influencing the increase in sales and economic benefits in agrotourism, (Barbier et al., 2008; Jolly et al., 2005). According to Spias Che and Frater, it turns out that agritourisms that develop their activities in cooperation with each other have better performance because they mutually help in the development of agritourism markets, the exchange of experiences, and the organization of joint marketing campaigns, thus reducing operational costs. (Che et al., 2005; Frater, 1983). Agritourisms that cooperate with each other by integrating into their network, improve the knowledge of consumers about the locality where they operate and increase the level of sales, (Brunori et al., 2000; Che et al., 2005; Jóhannesson et al., 2003). The success of agritourism also depends on the fact that it becomes part of the strategic orientation of agricultural and livestock farms and industries. In recent years, the engagement of farms and agro-processing industries in the activity of agro-tourism in order to qualitatively meet new consumer demands has been highlighted,(Brouwer, 2004; Ploegvan et al., 2002). Research shows that local products have positive effects on the development of agritourism, (Tregear et al., 2007; Libery et al., 1998; Giaccio et al., 2018; Reynolds, 2005). Local products are considered "souvenirs" for the impact they have on tourists in terms of experiencing emotions and preserving the memory of different cultures, (Suhartanto et al., 2018; Bessiere et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2015; Turner et al., 2001; Bessière, 2001). Local products play an important role in the economic development of agrotourism and the destinations where they are located. They represent an important element in the branding and marketing of places as they include many features of the territory, (Richards, 2015). Local features and origins are the main elements that respond to the demands of tourists to get to know the culture, their typical products, influencing the development of agro-tourism, agro-processing industries and the development of the locality, (Sthapit, 2018; Sims, 2009; Altintzoglou et al., 2016). Tourist experiences are also influenced by the symbolic values and image of a place, (Gordon, 1986; Sims, 2009; Lin et al., ,2015). It is noted that symbolic values add value to local products; for this reason, the latter should transmit the typical values of the country, (Mak et al., 2012a; Lin et al., 2015). Essential ethical properties such as fair trade, country of origin, reasonable prices for farmers, and the vital needs of animals are important ethical aspects for consumers of local products, (Dowd et al., 2013). In this context, the place of origin of agricultural and livestock products can play an important role in enriching ethical values and conveying these through their branding. The studies show that the authenticity of local products related to the country is a factor that encourages and attracts tourists to consume these products, (Trinh et al., 2014; Cave et al., 2012). By buying and consuming local products, tourists create a special connection with agrotourism, the country, and agro-processing industries, since all three components are a function of supply, (Sims, 2009). The symbolic value of local products can be enriched by other values of the country of origin, thus enabling the differentiation of these products in the 386 market. (Zander et al., 2013). Brands with local indicators and ethical values play an important role in the development of the tourism industry and in agrotourism. (Leung et al., 2018). Production, sale of local products and promotion of agritourism are the main factors in the economic development of the locality. According to Temperini, studies conducted in Italy have proven the importance of these activities in economic development at the national level (Temperini et al., 2017). Regarding the economic contribution of agritourism in Italy, it results in: • 50% of the income in the north of the country is generated by agrotourism • 39.3% of revenue is generated in the Northeast; • 37.5% of the income is generated in the central area; • 12.2% of income is generated in the southern area, (ISTAT, 2021, Italy). According to Instat in 2016, the agro-processing industries in Italy managed to invoice 140 billion euros, improving the national economic level, (INSTAT, 2016).Therefore, local agroprocessing industries, strictly respecting quality standards, can use local indicators in branding for marketing purposes. Italian agritourism activities are disciplined by the state's framework law, which is followed by regional laws that differ from one region to another. According to these laws, agrotourism must produce and market the products it generates in its activity or buy the products of agro-processing industries within the location of the agrotourism.(, 2006). Regarding the process of marking products with a local indicator, this is allowed only for agro-processing industries located in the same locality or close to them. Mraka enables the providers of local products (Agritourism and AgroProcessing Industries), to build a special relationship with tourists, promotes production growth, improves professional skills and consolidates their activities in the market, (De Jong et al., 2018). According to Temperini, the territorial brand conveys the image of the territory where the products are produced and gives assurance over the control and natural features of the production and processing processes (Van Ittersum et al., 2003; Barham, 2003). From the studies done on the role of the country of origin in agro-food products, the brand can play an important role in their perception of higher quality since they are produced in natural conditions, (Van Ittersum et al., 2003; Barham, 2003). Agro-food products together with agrotourism, which stand out for integrated relational relations, i.e. relations of mutual improvement, have an important contribution to the economic and social development of a locality. (Sjwlander et al., 2015). The brand of the country of origin can be an important communication factor, bringing an increase in the production of local products with an impact on the development of agro-processing industries and agro-tourism. (Zepeda et al., 2009; Brown et al., 2009;). Using branding as a marketing tool increases consumer awareness of products. Tourists are predisposed to pay a higher price for these products. (Temperini et al., 2017). Increased income allows entrepreneurs to cover costs to ensure higher quality and integrate into international markets. This approach allows mutual promotion of the products of agro-processing industries and agro-tourism, this is due to the fact that products marked with local indicators stimulate the demand for tourism, (Altintzoglou et al., 2016). 387 METHODOLOGY The methodology used is quantitative, an important technique to identify and evaluate the impact of agricultural and livestock products marked with local indicators in the development of agritourism and the mutual benefits between them. This methodology aims to use structured and systematic ways to collect, analyze and interpret quantitative data in a consistent manner. (Corbetta, 2015). The sources of data needed for the case study are secondary data such as literature review, reports, various statistics and primary data collected in the consumer questionnaire. (Mari, 1994; Bonoma, 1985;) which are necessary to evaluate the role of the products of agro-processing industries in the development of agro-tourism in the city of Vlora. At this stage, a review of existing literature and research was carried out and a closed questionnaire was developed regarding the role of products marked with local indicators of agro-processing industries in the development of agro-tourism. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of branded products of agro-processing industries in the development of agro-tourism and the mutual benefits between them. The case study uses a quantitative approach, for this reason a closed-type questionnaire was developed through a 5-point Likert scale (1-not at all important to 5-very important) with three sections. The first section of the questionnaire contains questions on the demographic data of the sample. The second section contains questions on the reasons for the selection of products marked with country of origin indicators and the third section consists of the reasons for the selection of these products and their role in the development of agrotourism. The research was conducted online via google forms. Data processing was carried out with the SPSS statistical program with the Pearson correlation coefficient. SEARCH RESULTS Data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical program with Pearson's correlation coefficient. The sample of the study reached 48 people and consisted of individuals who were selected based on their availability and free will to participate in the research. (Elliot, 2007). Table 1 shows that 20.8% of the people who participated in the research were male and 79.2% were female, while 62.5% were aged 30 to 40 years, 20.8% were aged 18-30, 12.5% were 4050 years old and 1.2% were 50-60 years old. Regarding the educational level according to table 3, 60.4% of the participants in the survey had completed the second cycle of master's studies, 14.6% the third cycle of doctoral studies, 12.5% higher education, 10.4% secondary education and 2.1% education 8 - years old. Regarding the profession of the respondents, 12.5% were employed managers, 14.6% were specialists, 64.6% were other professions, 3% were administrators and 1.15% were students. According to table 1, 58.3% earned a monthly income of over 70,000 ALL, 25% earned between 55,000 and 60,000 ALL, 10.4% earned between 35,000 and 40,000 ALL, 4% earned between 45,000 and 50,000 ALL and 2.3% earned 30,000 lek. Regarding the number of members living in the family, it was found that 62.5% answered that their family consisted of 2 to 3 members, 29.2% lived in a family with 2 388 to 3 people and 8.3% lived alone. Finally, in terms of residence, 87.5% of the respondents lived in the city and 12.5% in the countryside. Table 1. Source: Author Graph 1 reflects the results regarding the behavior of consumers in terms of the consumption of products marked with local indicators in agrotourism. It is noted that the percentage of consumers who consume products marked with local indicators in agrotourism is high, at 50%; 10.4% consume extremely much; 20.8% consume a little; and 18.8% do not know how to express themselves. According to these data, it can be argued that products marked with local indicators encourage consumption in agritourism. Graph 1. In agrotourism, do you consume products marked with a local indicator? 389 Graph 2 reflects the results on the role of agritourism in promoting the culture of the country of origin through the use of products marked with local indicators. Based on the data of the consumers, 54.2% of them consider the impact of agritourism in promoting the culture of their place of origin to be very important, 22.9% value it as extremely important, 8.3% value it little, and 14.6% do not know how to express themselves. Based on these results, it is clear that the marketing in agritourism of local products marked with indicators of the territory is an important factor in the decision-making of consumers since these products are identified with the culture of the place of origin. Graph 2. Does agrotourism affect the promotion of the venetian culture in it of products branded with local indicators? In graph 3, it can be seen that 54.2% of the respondents answered that in agritourism they highly value the products marked with local indicators for their quality and traditional production method, 25% value them extremely much, 4.1% value them little, and 16.7% express that they don't know how to give an opinion. From the above, it follows that products marked with local indicators increase the demand for consumption in agrotourism as these products differ in quality and traditional production methods. Graph 3. Will you evaluate in agrotourism products marked with a local indicator for their quality and traditional production methods? CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The contribution of this study lies in the evaluation of the role of products marked with local indicators in the development of agrotourism and the mutual benefits between them. Regarding the theoretical framework, the study confirms that local products marked with indicators of place of origin play an important role in the development of agrotourism and, at the same time, affect the economic development of agro-processing industries. It can be argued that products marked with local indicators alongside imported products differ in their 390 quality and the traditional way of production, which leads to a high consumption demand in agro-tourism and promotes the growth of production in agro-processing industries. In practical terms, first, the results of this study can be used by marketing professionals for the promotion of agricultural and livestock products in domestic and foreign markets. Secondly, the branding of local products with indicators of the place of origin can lead to the promotion of the locality of the production of these products, an increase in the level of sales, and the economic development of the agro-tourism and agro-processing industries. The research results confirm that agricultural and livestock products marked with local indicators play an important role in the development of the agrotourism and agroprocessing industries, as this element is an indicator of quality and reliability for consumers. REFERENCES Altintzoglou, T., Morten, H.; Trude, B. (2016), “Food souvenirs: buying behaviour of tourists in Norway”, British Food Journal, Vol. 118 No. 1. tourists_in_Norway Arroyo, C.G; Barbieri, C.; Rozier, R.S. 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TEXT, 26(Special 68), 1-20. 394 CONSUMERS’ ACCEPTENCE, BEHAVIOURS AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (GMF) Kıvılcım YILDIZ Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineerinng and Natural Sciences, Food Engineering Department, Manisa, Türkiye Dilay YILDIZ Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineerinng and Natural Sciences, Food Engineering Department, Manisa, Türkiye Prof. Dr. Pelin GÜNÇ ERGÖNÜL Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineerinng and Natural Sciences, Food Engineering Department, Manisa, Türkiye Prof. Dr. Bülent ERGÖNÜL Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineerinng and Natural Sciences, Food Engineering Department, Manisa, Türkiye ABSTRACT Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms of different qualities obtained as a result of giving new features to living things by changing their gene sequences using different biotechnological methods. Food safety is the set of measures taken to eliminate physical, chemical, biological and all kinds of harm that may occur in foods, and is of great importance for both food control units and consumers all over the world. In this context, consumer behaviour and attitudes towards genetically modified foods play an important role in ensuring food safety and protecting the consumer. This study aimed to investigate consumers' behaviour and attitudes towards genetically modified foods by conducting a face-to-face interview questionnaire. A field study was carried out with a total of 500 randomly selected consumers between July and December 2023. The survey study includes questions that will reveal the demographic characteristics of the participants, their perceptions of genetically modified foods and their awareness about genetically modified foods. Furthermore, in order to increase the reliability of the survey in terms of clarity and validity, a pilot test was conducted on 10 comparable consumers and necessary corrections were made. The results were evaluated using the SAS program. When the results obtained were examined, although the majority of the consumers who participated in the survey declared that their knowledge level about GMO was generally good, it was observed that good results were not obtained in this regard when the answers to the survey questions were evaluated separately. As a result of the survey, it was seen that the majority of the 400 consumers who participated in the survey believed that genetically modified foods had a carcinogenic effect. From this perspective, it is thought that consumers should be further enlightened by providing sufficient scientific data on every aspect of GMO. Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Consumer Protection, Food Safety, Genetically Modified Foods, Questionnaire. 395 INTRODUCTION Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose structures have been altered by the inclusion of foreign genes using modern biotechnological methods, making them compatible with foreign genes and exhibiting these characteristics. Organisms that cannot occur naturally through self-pollination but are created in laboratory environments by making certain changes in the genetic chain are defined as genetically modified organisms (Haspolat, 2020). The genetic material of these organisms is typically altered using gene transfer or recombinant DNA technology (Kulaç et al., 2006). Genetically modified (GM) plants are created by adding one or more genes that are not naturally present in their genome, making them part of the plant through genetic modification. The production of GM plants is continuously increasing worldwide (Clive, 2009). The purposes of their use include providing resistance to viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, herbicides, and insects; imparting tolerance to adverse factors such as temperature, drought, humidity, and salinity; increasing their attractiveness and durability; altering their taste, aroma, and smell; shortening fruit formation periods; improving their nutritional values; ensuring the production of secondary metabolites (vaccines, drugs); and increasing their productivity. Since their development, GM organisms (GMOs), which have entered our daily lives in many areas, have found their most common application in the agriculture and food sectors. However, debates have long been held on the potential negative effects of GMOs and their derivatives, especially those consumed as food, on human health, such as causing allergic and toxic effects, developing resistance to antibiotics, and playing a role in cancer formation (Şen and Altınkaynak, 2014). With the advancement of biotechnological developments, the production of GMO products has become increasingly common worldwide. Consequently, this situation has led to a debate on whether GMO products are beneficial or harmful. GMOs are viewed positively due to their ability to produce the necessary food and medicine for the increasing population; to produce plant products that are resistant to diseases and especially to insects and insecticides in agriculture; and to produce plant and animal products that are more flavorful, safer, more efficient, more nutritious, and longer-lasting than their natural counterparts (Uzogara, 2000; Mercenier et al., 2001; Kıyak, 2004; Kulaç et al., 2006). On the other hand, GMO products are viewed with concern due to reasons such as reducing the nutritional quality of products, increasing the frequency of allergic reactions, issues arising from the labeling of GMO foods, their negative effects on the ecosystem, and triggering damage to genetic diversity (Çelik and Balık, 2007; Uzogara, 2000). The first studies on gene transfer began in the United States (USA) and today, the cultivation area has expanded significantly in the USA. Due to increased awareness of the potential risks of genetically modified organisms on the environment, human, animal, and plant health internationally, international legal regulations have been made (Sarı, 2023). Taking into account the regulations within the UN and EU, Law No. 5977 on Biosafety has been adopted in our country. This law covers regulations on research and development, use, processing, marketing, monitoring, export, import, transportation, packaging, storage, labeling, and storage of genetically modified organisms and their products. Genetically modified organisms are classified as genetically modified plants, animals, and microorganisms (Norer, 2016). In our country, the production of genetically modified plants and animals is prohibited (Article 5 of Law No. 5977). Additionally, their use in baby and infant foods is not accepted (Sarı, 2023). 396 Food safety is the set of measures taken to eliminate physical, chemical, biological and all kinds of harm that may occur in foods, and is of great importance for both food control units and consumers all over the worldIn this context, consumer behavior and attitudes towards genetically modified foods play an important role in ensuring food safety and protecting the consumer. This study aimed to investigate consumers' behavior and attitudes towards genetically modified foods in Manisa, Turkey. MATERIAL AND METHOD Survey Design Using a face-to-face conversation questionnaire, the association between consumers' worries about genetically modified organisms and changes in their food consumption habits was ascertained. Four hundred randomly chosen customers were in-person questioned. It took ten to fifteen minutes to complete the survey. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gather data on respondents' demographics and perceptions regarding genetically modified organisms. Eight similar customers participated in a pilot study to test the questionnaire's validity and clarity, and any necessary modifications were made. The SAS program was used to examine the data that came from the analysis (Bruhn & Schutz, 1999; SAS, 1999). We assessed the respondents' responses to the following variables: age, gender, marital status, educational attainment, occupation, and household size. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Demographical Characteristics of Consumers Demographical attributes of respodents in the survey were given Table 1. As seen, 32% of the respondents were under age 20, whereas 48% of them were among 20 and 40 and 30% of them were above the age 40. %50 of the respondents was female. Ratio of the married respondents was 65% of total. 9% of them were graduated from college or university, whereas, 37% and 54% of them were graduated from elementary school and high school respectively. 13% of the respondents were unemployed whereas 48% was employed and 19% was retired. 27% of the “size of household” of respondents was 3, whereas this value was 5% for 1. 397 Table 1. Demographical characteristics of consumers Respondents Age <20: 32% 20-40: 48% >40: 30% Gender Female: 50% Male: 50% Marital status Married: 65% Single: 35% Education status Elementary: 37% High school: 54% College & University: 9% Occupational status Unemployed: 13% Employed: 48% Others: 39% *Student: 20% *Retired: 19% Size of household 1: 5% 2: 26% 3: 27% 4: 22% >4: 20% Answers of the respondents As the beginning question of the questionnaire it was determined that shopping is done by the most suitable people at that moment in their houses. 22% of the respondents declared that they were doing their own shopping (Q1). On the other hand, 10% of the consumers revealed that a person other than him/her was responsible for grocery shopping for the needs of household. 31% of the consumers revealed that they were going shopping with a partner together. Q1. Who goes shopping in your house? I go Other than me We go together Depends on the situation 22% 10% 31% 37% It is seen that the consumers who participated in the survey pay most attention to the price (45%) when purchasing food (Q2). 34% of consumers shop by paying attention to the brand. Only 5% of the participants pay attention to whether the food label contains the word GMF. When the answers of the third question (Q3) is taken into account, it is seen that most of the consumers (74%) living in Manisa are aware of and familiar with genetic modified organisms and they know what an genetic modified foods means. Only 9% of the respondents revealed that they never heard about GMO and had no idea on this subject. As results of the statistical analyses, it was determined that, education status had an important effect on the awareness of the consumers with genetic modified foods (p<0.05). 398 Q2. Before purchasing food, I look at its trade mark I look at its price I check its “best before date” I check its label to learn if it contains GMF or not 34% 45% 16% 5% Q3. What does GMO mean? Have you ever heard about it? I do not know, I have never heard about it 9% I have heard about it, but I do not know the meaning 17% I have heard about it and I also know its meaning 74% According to Q4, only 6% prefer to purchase and consume a food with a label indicating GMO content, while the majority (66%) prefer otherwise. 22% indicate that it depends on the situation, and 6% have no idea. These results demonstrate the complexity of consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions regarding genetically modified organism (GMO) content. While these labels may play an important role for some, they may be less effective for others. The results also highlight the need for consumers to learn about and understand GMO content. According to the Q5 results, a significant majority (70%) believe that we consume genetically modified foods without being aware of them. Only a small percentage (7%) do not share this belief, while 23% have no idea. These results indicate a widespread concern or suspicion among respondents regarding the consumption of genetically modified foods without awareness. This suggests a potential gap in knowledge or transparency in food labeling and information dissemination, which may influence consumer attitudes and behaviors towards genetically modified foods. Q4. Do you prefer to purchase and consume a food which has a label indicating the GMO content? Yes 6% No 66% It depends on the situation 22% I have no idea 6% Q5. Do you think that we consume genetically modified foods without being aware of them? Yes I believe 70% No I do not believe 7% I have no idea 23% A large majority (80%) do not support the manufacturing of genetically modified foods, while only 11% support it (Q6). Additionally, 9% of respondents have no idea. These findings indicate a strong opposition to genetically modified food manufacturing among the respondents. Participants were asked about the industrial and economic importance of studying genetically modified foods (Q7). According to the survey results, 42% of respondents believe that research focused on genetically modified foods is important in terms of industrial and economic development, while 58% do not share this belief. Interestingly, there are no respondents who have no idea. These findings suggest a divided opinion among the respondents regarding the importance of research in this area. Those who support such research may see potential benefits in terms of technological advancement, increased food production, and economic growth. On the other hand, those who do not support it may have 399 concerns about the potential risks and ethical implications associated with genetically modified foods. Q6. Do you support the genetically modified food manufacturing? Yes No I have no idea 11% 80% 9% Q7. Researches focused on genetically modified foods are important in terms of industrial and economic development Yes 42% No 58% I have no idea 0% Q8. In your opinion, what is the major potential health risk of genetically modified foods? I know that they are allergen 16% Their toxicity 13% I know that they are carsinogen 60% Their low digestibility 10% I know that they have negative affect on antibiotic metabolism 0% I do not think that they have any potential health risk 1% Q9. Do you think it is true that genetically modified foods are toxic? Yes I believe so No I do not believe I have no idea 55% 42% 3% Survey participants were asked several questions about the health effects of genetically modified foods (Q8-9). 60% of respondents believe that the major potential health risk of genetically modified foods is that they are carcinogenic. This perception likely stems from concerns about the safety of genetically modified foods and their potential to cause cancer. Other responses include concerns about allergens (16%), toxicity (13%), and low digestibility (10%). Interestingly, 1% of respondents do not think that genetically modified foods have any potential health risks. These findings highlight the varying levels of awareness and concern among the public regarding the health risks associated with genetically modified foods. In the other hand, 55% of respondents believe that genetically modified foods are toxic, while 42% do not believe this to be true. Only 3% of respondents have no idea. This indicates a significant level of concern among the respondents regarding the potential toxicity of genetically modified foods. The perception of toxicity among some respondents may stem from misinformation or a lack of understanding about the science behind genetically modified foods. 400 Q10. Do you think it is true that genetically modified foods negative effects on the balance of environment and nature? Yes I believe so 61% No I do not believe 37% I have no idea 2% Participants were asked about the effects of genetically modified foods on the environment (Q10).61% of respondents believe that genetically modified foods have negative effects on the balance of the environment and nature, while 37% do not believe this to be true. Only 2% of respondents have no idea. This indicates a widespread concern among the respondents regarding the potential environmental impacts of genetically modified foods. These concerns may include issues such as the impact on biodiversity, the development of resistant pests and weeds, and the potential for genetic contamination of non-GMO crops. Q11. Do you believe that genetically modified organism production is one of the most important ways to produce new foods having high nutrition value? Yes I believe so 28% No I do not believe 58% I have no idea 14% Q12. When you associate with the concept of GMOs, which food do you hear about most? Corn 33% Rice 11% Wheat 8% Egg 11% Tomato 19% Meat and meat products 4% Q13. Do you believe that genetically modified organism production is one of the most important ways to fight against starvation? Yes I believe so 58% No I do not believe 30% I have no idea 12% Q11 asked about the nutritional value of genetically modified foods. 28% of respondents believe that genetically modified organism (GMO) production is one of the most important ways to produce new foods with high nutritional value, while 58% do not believe this to be true. Additionally, 14% of respondents have no idea. These results suggest a lack of consensus among the respondents regarding the role of GMO production in enhancing the nutritional value of foods. While some may see GMOs as a potential tool for addressing malnutrition and food insecurity, others may have concerns about the safety and long-term health effects of consuming genetically modified foods. In this questionnaire conducted in Manisa province, when respondents associate with the concept of GMOs, the food they hear about most is corn, with 33% of respondents mentioning it (Q12). This is followed by tomato (19%), rice (11%), and egg (11%). Wheat, meat, and meat products received lower mentions, at 8% and 4% respectively. These findings suggest that certain foods, such as corn and tomatoes, are more commonly associated with GMOs in the public perception, possibly due to their widespread use in processed foods and genetic modification research. In the other hand 401 Q13 results, 58% of respondents believe that genetically modified organism (GMO) production is one of the most important ways to fight against starvation, while 30% do not believe this to be true. Additionally, 12% of respondents have no idea. These results suggest that a majority of respondents see GMO production as a potential solution to addressing food insecurity and hunger. However, there is also a significant portion of respondents who either do not share this belief or are unsure, indicating differing opinions on the role of GMOs in addressing global food challenges. Q14. Where do you hear and know about genetically modified foods? Television Radio Internet Printed media From my friends and relatives First time from this questionnaire 53% 10% 19% 12% 5% 1% Question 14 were asked about the source from which the participants learned about genetically modified organisms. The majority of respondents (53%) hear and learn about genetically modified foods from television. This suggests that television remains a significant source of information and influence on public perceptions of GMOs. Other sources include the internet (19%), printed media (12%), and radio (10%). A smaller percentage (5%) rely on information from friends and relatives, while 1% indicated that they first heard about genetically modified foods from the questionnaire itself. These findings underscore the importance of various media channels in shaping public understanding and opinions on genetically modified foods. Educational status and age are the important factors that were affecting the the source from which information is learned with genetically modified foods (p<0.05) Q15. What is your main concern related to genetically modified foods? Their low quality Low yield when compared to others Ethical concerns related to their production method I think there are no differences among them and other foods I have no idea 35% 14% 25% 14% 19% According to the Q15, the main concern related to genetically modified foods among respondents is their perceived low quality, with 35% expressing this concern. This suggests a significant apprehension about the overall quality and safety of genetically modified foods. Ethical concerns related to their production method are also prominent, with 25% of respondents citing this as their main concern. This indicates a level of discomfort or unease regarding the methods used to produce genetically modified foods. Other concerns include the belief that there are no differences between genetically modified foods and other foods (14%), and a lack of knowledge or understanding about the topic (19%). These findings highlight the need for further education and transparency regarding genetically modified foods to address consumer concerns and misconceptions. 402 Q16. What are the superiorities of genetically modified foods to others when compared? They are high quality foods Taste, odor and appearance Their yield is higher I don’t think that they have superiorities when compared to others I have no idea 5% 32% 27% 13% 23% When comparing genetically modified foods to others, the most cited superiority is taste, odor, and appearance, with 32% of respondents mentioning this aspect (Q16). This suggests that a significant number of respondents perceive genetically modified foods to be more appealing in terms of sensory characteristics. Another notable superiority mentioned is their higher yield, with 27% of respondents highlighting this aspect. This indicates a belief among some respondents that genetically modified foods have the potential to address food security challenges by increasing agricultural productivity. However, a notable portion (13%) of respondents do not believe that genetically modified foods have any superiority when compared to others, and 23% have no idea. These findings reflect the diverse perceptions and opinions surrounding genetically modified foods, highlighting the need for continued research and dialogue on this topic. Q17. What is your expectation related to genetically modified foods in the near future? Kinds of genetically modified foods and their production capacities will be increased in the future Kinds of genetically modified foods and their production capacities will be decreased in the future because of health concerns I have no idea 55% 27% 18% In Q17; the majority of respondents (55%) expect that the types of genetically modified foods and their production capacities will increase in the future. This suggests a belief among these respondents that genetically modified foods will become more prevalent in the food supply, potentially driven by advancements in biotechnology and the need to address food security challenges. However, a significant portion of respondents (27%) expect a decrease in the types of genetically modified foods and their production capacities in the future due to health concerns. This indicates a level of skepticism or concern among these respondents regarding the safety and health implications of genetically modified foods. Overall, these findings reflect the complex and evolving landscape of genetically modified foods, highlighting the importance of ongoing research and public dialogue on this topic. Q18. Up to your knowledge and opinion, which country below is the leader in genetically modified food manufacturing and commerce? United States of America India Brasil China Turkey Russia 31,3% 1,5% 7,3% 17% 14,3% 3,5% Respondents believe that the United States of America is the leader in genetically modified food manufacturing and commerce, with 31.3% selecting this option (Q18). This perception is 403 likely influenced by the widespread use of genetically modified crops in the United States and the country's significant role in the biotechnology industry. Other countries mentioned include China (17%), Brazil (7.3%), Turkey (14.3%), Russia (3.5%), and India (1.5%). These findings reflect the global distribution of genetically modified food production and highlight the prominence of certain countries in this field. Q19. Do you know whether genetically modified food commerce is free or not in Turkey? Yes I believe so 34% No I do not believe 63% I have no idea 3% Q20. Have you ever heard about the legal regulations which were fulfilled by your government? Yes 17% No 36% I have no idea 37% Today, the production and sale of genetically modified foods is prohibited in Turkey. Participants in the survey were asked about legal regulations in Turkey (Q19). According to the results, 63% of respondents do not believe that genetically modified food commerce is free in Turkey, while 34% believe that it is. Additionally, 3% of respondents have no idea. These results suggest a lack of clarity or understanding among respondents regarding the regulations and policies surrounding the commerce of genetically modified foods in Turkey. This may indicate a need for better communication and education on this topic to inform public opinion and decision-making. Q20 was asked to measure the public's knowledge about legal regulations on genetically modified foods. According to the survey results, only 17% of respondents have heard about the legal regulations fulfilled by their government, while 36% have not heard about them. Additionally, a significant portion (37%) of respondents have no idea about these regulations. These findings suggest a lack of awareness or knowledge among the public regarding the legal regulations related to genetically modified foods. This highlights the need for better communication and transparency from governments regarding their regulatory actions and decisions in this area. CONCLUSION When the findings obtained from the study are generally evaluated, it is understood that consumers do not have enough knowledge about GMO products. In other studies, a lack of information about GMOs and GMO products has also been observed (Demir and Düzleyen, 2012; Demirci, 2008; Ergin et al., 2008; Özdemir, et al., 2010). Participants also believe that GMO products should not be consumed as they may harm their health. This indicates that the main reason for students' concerns about consuming GMO products is health. Additionally, it is seen that they have high levels of concern about the environmental impacts of GMO products. Many studies on this subject indicate that consumers are concerned about the health and environmental effects of GMO products (Finucane and Holup, 2005; Söyler, et al.,2021; Taş et al., 2015). 404 In addition to these, when the concerns of participants regarding GMO products are examined in more detail; they also think that GMO products are medicated or contain additives, can cause cancer, can disrupt their hormones, can cause allergies, and are not natural. Similarly, Palmieri et al. (2020) determined in their study with university students that students believe GMO products contain additives and can cause food allergies. They also indicated that GMO products are environmentally harmful, responsible for climate change, and unnatural. In the study conducted by Demir and Düzleyen (2012), it was determined that students have misconceptions such as GMO products contain hormones, cause cancer, are chemical, GMOs are generally used in the food sector, GMO products are harmful, and GMOs change the taste and shape of foods. Furthermore, in other studies, it has been found that teacher candidates have negative attitudes towards GMOs in terms of health (Shaow, 2002; Kulaç et al., 2006; Prokop et al., 2007; Demirci, 2008; Özdemir et al., 2010; Gürbüzoğlu Yalmancı, 2016). In conclusion, although the majority of consumers participating in the survey declared that their knowledge level regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is generally good, a closer examination of the responses to the survey questions reveals that satisfactory results were not obtained in this regard. There is a need to inform consumers about the content of genetically modified organisms. However, it is observed that consumers do not trust the authorities that could inform them about this issue. It is believed that consumers are searching for information on this topic in communication channels such as print media and electronic media. Furthermore, it is understood that consumers are not aware of the legal regulations regarding genetically modified organisms in our country. In light of all these results, it has been determined that consumers need more information about genetically modified organisms, and the relevant institutions need to enlighten consumers on this issue. REFERENCES Clive, J. (2009). Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2009. ISAAA brief,41. Çelik, V., & Balık, D. T. (2007). Genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO). Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(1-2), 13-23. Demir, B., & Düzleyen, E. (2012). İlköğretim 8. Sınıf öğrencilerinin GDO bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi. X. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, Niğde. Demirci, A. (2008). Perceptions and attitudes of geography teachers to biotechnology: a study focusing on genetically modified (GM) foods. African Jornal Of Biotechnology, 7(23), 43214327. Ergin, I. Gürsoy, Ş. T. Öcek, Z. A., & Çiçeklioğlu, M. (2008). Sağlık meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalara dair bilgi tutum ve davranışları. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 7(6), 503-508. Finucane, M. L., & Holup, J. L. (2005). Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting the perceived risk of genetically modified food: an overview of the literature. Social Science and Medicine, 60(7), 1603-1612. Gürbüzoğlu Yalmancı, S. (2016). Lise öğrencilerinin genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalara yönelik algılarının belirlenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 37, 89-111. Iraz Haspolat, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Biyogüvenlik,” Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 59 (2012): 75; Zehra Gizem Ateş, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş 405 Organizmalara (GDO) İlişkin Avrupa Birliği’ndeki Yasal Düzenlemeler," İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi, no. 24 (2020): 10. İbrahim Kulaç, Yücel Ağırdil ve Mehmet Yakın, “Sofralarımızdaki Tatlı Dert, Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Halk Sağlığına Etkileri,” Türk Biyokimya Dergisi 31, no. 3 (2006): 152; Ahmet M. Güneş, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Çevre Hukuku,” ÎÜHFM 66, no. 2 (2008): 49; Haspolat, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Biyogüvenlik,” 76. Kıyak, S. (2004). Genetik olarak değiştirilmiş gıdalar, Cartagena Güvenlik Protokolü ve Türkiye’de durum (1). Çevreye Genç Bakış, 5, 1-20. Kulaç, İ., Ağırdil, Y., & Yakın, M. (2006). Sofralarımızdaki tatlı dert, genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalar ve halk sağlığına etkileri. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi, 31(3), 151-155. 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Roland Norer, C. 14, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016), 3. Sarı, Ömür Kadri. “GDO ve Ürünlerine Dair Başvuruların İdari ve Yargısal Denetimi.” ASBÜ Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 5, no. 2 (2023): 844-882. Shaow, A. (2002). It just goes against the grain. puplic understandings of genetically modified (GM) food in the UK. Puplic Understanding of Science, 11, 273-291. . Söyler, N., İpar, M.S., & Kocatepe, D. (2021). Hastane çalışanlarının genetiği değiştirilmiş organizma (GDO), farkındalık düzeylerinin belirlenmesi: Sinop örneği. Food and Health, 7(1), 1-14. Şen, S. ve Altınkaynak, S. (2014). Genetiği değiştirilmiş gıdalar ve potansiyel sağlık riskleri. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 18 (1) , 31- 38. Taş, M., Balcı, M., Yüksel, A., & Yeşilçubuk, N. S. (2015). Consumer awareness, perception and attitudes towards genetically modified foods in Turkey. British Food Journal, 117(5), 1426-1439. Uzogara, S. G. (2000). The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century. Biotechnology Advances, 18, 179206. 406 EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, STRESS AND ONLINE GAMING IN TURKISH SAMPLE Nihan Selin Soylu-Konak Ege University, Department of Psychology, İzmir, Turkey ORCID: 0000-0002-2653-9237 Mustafa Engür Ege University, Department of Coaching Education, İzmir, Turkey ORCID: 0000-0001-9435-9951 Erdinç Demiray Ege University, Department of Coaching Education, İzmir, Turkey ORCID: 0000-0002-5777-5726 Abstract Introduction and Purpose: Past studies have shown that levels of online gaming are associated with variables such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Especially during the Covid19 period, research in this field has intensified and evidence regarding the abovementioned relationship has increased. Similarly, there are findings that childhood traumas and online gaming are related. In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationships between online gaming, depression, anxiety, stress and childhood trauma in a Turkish sample. Materials and Methods: Sample of the study consisted of 320 online gamers. Socio-demographic form, Questionnaire on Gaming Habits, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (Bernstein et al., 1994; Şar et al., 2012) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (Boz ve Arslan, 2017; Brown et al., 1997) were used for obtaining data. Results: According to the findings, daily gaming duration and years of gaming experience were not correlated with depression, stress and anxiety. Similarly, years of gaming experience were not correlated with any dimension of the childhood trauma. Nevertheless, daily gaming duration was correlated with physical neglect (p = .04), physical abuse (p = .03) and emotional abuse (p = .02). Discussion and Conclusion: The findings of the study have been discussed by comparing them with the findings of research in past literature examining depression, anxiety, stress, and childhood traumas in relation to online gaming. Keywords: online gaming, depression, stress, anxiety, childhood trauma 407 Introduction Online gaming is becoming increasingly widespread and therefore both its causes and consequences are discussed extensively in the literature. In the literature, online gaming is often approached from two perspectives. On the one hand, the positive effects of online gaming, such as contributing to socialization with the gamer identity (Eklund & Roman, 2017) and creating a suitable space for people to express their emotions (Heredotou et al., 2011) are examined; while on the other hand, its positive relationships with aggressive behavior (Anderson & Dill, 2000), depression, stress and anxiety are examined. For instance, a study with a notably large sample size observed a significant relationship between online gaming and symptoms of depression and stress (Mentzoni et al., 2011). Similarly, in a study conducted with a sample of 13–16-year-olds, it was found that there was a significant relationship between online gaming and depressive mood (Van Rooij et al., 2011). Childhood trauma recognized as one of the primary determinants of lifelong DSM-IV disorders (Kessler et al., 2010), generally encompasses five distinct dimensions: sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on one side, and emotional and physical neglect on the other (Bernstein et al., 2003). While definitions of childhood sexual abuse may differ across studies, it is typically characterized as sexual contact involving a child and an older individual, or sexual contact imposed on a child through coercion or force (in cases where there is no significant age difference) (Arata, 2002). Physical abuse of a child is characterized by harmful actions carried out by a caregiver, resulting in actual physical harm, or having the potential to cause harm (World Health Organization, 2002). In simpler terms, physical abuse refers to the deliberate use of physical force against a child, leading to or having the potential to lead to physical injury (Leeb et al., 2008). Emotional abuse encompasses actions perpetrated by parents or caregivers that result in or have the potential to cause significant behavioral, cognitive, or emotional disturbances (Ulloa Flores and Navarro Machuca, 2011). Emotional neglect includes the caregiver's disregard or negation of the child's emotional sensitivity, as well as the failure to facilitate the child's access to mental health services (Leeb et al., 2008). It is characterized by the apparent neglect of the child's essential needs for affection, emotional support, attention, competence, or guidance (Sedlak, 2001). Lastly, physical neglect can be defined as the caregiver's failure to provide the child with adequate nutrition or shelter, appropriate medical care, education (Leeb et al., 2008; Ulloa Flores and Navarro Machuca, 2011). Also, it is known that different dimensions of childhood trauma are associated with internet gaming disorder (Kircaburun et al., 2019). Depression is commonly delineated as the protracted experience of a state characterized by profound sadness over several weeks, manifesting as a disorder that exerts detrimental effects on physiological functioning, cognitive processes, and emotional states (Johnson and Indvik, 1997; National Institute of Mental Health, 2007). It is known that depression is correlated with online gaming behavior and a longitudinal study suggested that excessive amount of online gaming might be one of the reasons of depression (Gentile et al., 408 2011; Liu et al., 2018). Anxiety can be defined as a state of danger, tension and fear perceived by the individual when faced with an undesirable situation, as an emotion that usually results in nervous behavior, and as concerns about the future (Barlow, 2000). Anxiety (both as a trait and state) is associated with the amount of online gaming (Mehroof & Griffiths, 2010). Stress involves feelings of being overwhelmed by a situation, accompanied by worry and physical reactions of the body (Raymond, 2000; Selye, 1936). Stress is also correlated with the severity of online gaming (Canale et al., 2019; Rosenkranz et al., 2017). Building upon the literature reviewed, the objective of this study was to investigate the associations between online gaming patterns, depression, stress, anxiety, and dimensions of childhood trauma. Method Sample The participants of this study consisted of 320 online gamers (246 men) aged between 13 and 50 years (X = 22.82, SS = 5.09). Participants were recruited through online announcements disseminated via digital platforms. Among the participants, 2.2% are literate, 0.3% have completed primary school, 3.4% have completed middle school, 27.5% are high school graduates, 57.8% are university graduates, 7.8% have a master's degree, and 0.9% have a doctoral degree. The participants are categorized as follows based on their selfidentified socio-economic status: 12.2% perceive themselves as having a low socio-economic status, 70.6% as moderate, and 17.2% as high. Materials Socio-demographic form: In order to analyze the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, a questionnaire including age, gender, education level and socio-economic status was applied. Questionnaire on Gaming Habits: In order to examine the gaming habits of the participants, they were asked how many hours a day they spent playing online games and for how many years they had been playing online games. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: The validity and reliability studies in Turkey of the scale developed by Bernstein et al. (1994) were carried out by Şar, Öztürk and İkikardeş (2012). The scale consists of four dimensions, each containing five items: emotional abuse, physical abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect and sexual abuse. Additionally, 3 items are used to calculate the minimization score. All items are measured on a 5-point Likert type. Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale: The validity and reliability of the scale developed by Brown et al. (1997) in Turkey was conducted by Yılmaz, Boz and Arslan (2017). The scale 409 consists of three dimensions: depression (7 items), anxiety (7 items) and stress (7 items). All items are measured on a 4-point Likert type. Procedure Ethical permission for the study was received from Ege University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Board (Approval No: E.79651/158). The link of online survey was shared through online forums and chat groups about online games. Participants first read the informed consent and then filled the question forms including socio-demographic form, Questionnaire on Gaming Habits, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale, respectively. Results In order to examine the associations between online gaming habits, depression, anxiety, stress and dimensions of childhood trauma, a correlational analysis was conducted. Findings have shown that, daily hours of playing was related to physical neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. Years of playing was not associated with any dimension of childhood trauma, nor is it correlated with depression, anxiety and stress. The relationships of all variables can be viewed in Table 1. Table 1. Correlations between Gaming Habits, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale YP DHP YP DHP .36** PN -.08 .11* PA -.03 .12* EN -.01 .06 EA -.03 .13* SA -.09 .07 DEP .00 .05 STR -.06 .08 ANX -.06 .08 * p < .05, ** p < .01 PN PA EN EA SA .68** .53** .62** .61** .26** .23** .41** .35** .76** .72** .25** .24** .42** .53** .17** .35** .23** .33** .60** .42** .35** .48** .22** .19** .76** .41** .71** .76** - 410 DEP STR ANX DHP: daily hours of playing, YP: years of playing, PN: physical neglect, PA: physical abuse, EN: emotional neglect, EA: emotional abuse, SA: sexual abuse, DEP: depression, STR: stress, ANX: anxiety. Discussion Online gaming is increasingly occupying a greater place both in individuals' lives and in the psychology literature. This study aimed to examine the relationships between online gaming habits, dimensions of childhood trauma, depression, anxiety and stress levels. The findings demonstrated that years of playing is not related to childhood trauma and depression, anxiety stress. Similarly, daily hours of playing is not correlated with depression, anxiety and stress. However, daily hours of playing is associated with emotional physical neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. While past research has shown that online gaming is positively associated with depression, anxiety and stress (Canale et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2018; Mehroof & Griffiths, 2010), one of the potential reasons why these findings are not supported in this study may be that online gaming serves a kind of coping function (Kardefelt-Winther, 2014). The coping types of approach, diversion or resignation might be used in our sample (Loton et al., 2016). To enhance comprehension of this matter, future studies could benefit from testing a model tailored specifically to these variables. Consistent with previous literature, childhood trauma was found to be associated with the daily amount of time allocated to online gaming in the current study, thus supporting existing research. Researchers have suggested that online gaming is a non-functional coping strategy and that the experience of childhood trauma may increase the tendency to use such a strategy (Shi et al. 2020). In conclusion, the results of the current study suggested a correlation between the amount of online gaming and childhood trauma, highlighting the relevance of assessing this aspect by clinical practitioners. However, it is essential to note that the relationships identified in this study do not imply a causal direction. References Anderson, C. A., & Dill, K. E. (2000). Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the laboratory and in life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(4), 772-790. 411 Arata, C. M. (2002). Child sexual abuse and sexual revictimization. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9(2), 135-164. Barlow, David H. (2000). Unraveling the mysteries of anxiety and its disorders from the perspective of emotion theory. American Psychologist, 55(11), 1247–1263. Bernstein, D. P., Fink, L., Handelsman, L., Foote, J., Lovejoy, M., Wenzel, K., ... & Ruggiero, J. (1994). Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect. The American journal of psychiatry, 151(8), 1132-1136. Bernstein, D. P., Stein, J. A., Newcomb, M. D., Walker, E., Pogge, D., Ahluvalia, T., ... & Zule, W. (2003). Development and validation of a brief screening version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Child abuse & neglect, 27(2), 169-190. Brown, T. A., Chorpita, B. F., Korotitsch, W., & Barlow, D. H. (1997). Psychometric properties of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) in clinical samples. Behaviour research and therapy, 35(1), 79-89. Canale, N., Marino, C., Griffiths, M. D., Scacchi, L., Monaci, M. G., & Vieno, A. (2019). The association between problematic online gaming and perceived stress: The moderating effect of psychological resilience. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(1), 174-180. Eklund, L., & Roman, S. (2017). Do adolescent gamers make friends offline? Identity and friendship formation in school. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 284-289. Gentile, D. A., Choo, H., Liau, A., Sim, T., Li, D., Fung, D., & Khoo, A. (2011). Pathological video game use among youths: A two-year longitudinal study. Pediatrics, 127(2), e319-e329. Herodotou, C., Kambouri, M., & Winters, N. (2011). The role of trait emotional intelligence in gamers’ preferences for play and frequency of gaming. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1815-1819. Johnson, P. R., & Indvik, J. (1997). The boomer blues: Depression in the workplace. Public Personnel Management, 26(3), 359-365. Kardefelt-Winther, D. (2014). A conceptual and methodological critique of internet addiction research: Towards a model of compensatory internet use. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 351–354. Kessler, R. C., McLaughlin, K. A., Green, J. G., Gruber, M. J., Sampson, N. A., Zaslavsky, A. M., ... & Williams, D. R. (2010). Childhood adversities and adult psychopathology in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. The British journal of psychiatry, 197(5), 378-385. 412 Kircaburun, K., Griffiths, M. D., & Billieux, J. (2019). Psychosocial factors mediating the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and internet gaming disorder: A pilot study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1565031. Leeb, R. T., Paulozzi, L. J., Melanson, C., Simon, T. R. & Arias, I. (2008). Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1.0. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Liu, L., Yao, Y. W., Li, C. S. R., Zhang, J. T., Xia, C. C., Lan, J., ... & Fang, X. Y. (2018). The comorbidity between internet gaming disorder and depression: Interrelationship and neural mechanisms. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 154. Loton, D., Borkoles, E., Lubman, D., & Polman, R. (2016). Video game addiction, engagement and symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety: The mediating role of coping. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14, 565-578. Mehroof, M., & Griffiths, M. D. (2010). Online gaming addiction: The role of sensation seeking, self-control, neuroticism, aggression, state anxiety, and trait anxiety. Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking, 13(3), 313-316. Mentzoni, R. A., Brunborg, G. S., Molde, H., Myrseth, H., Skouverøe, K. J. M., Hetland, J., & Pallesen, S. (2011). Problematic video game use: estimated prevalence and associations with mental and physical health. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 14(10), 591– 596. 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Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(1), 175-180. Şar, V., Öztürk, P. E., & İkikardeş, E. (2012). Çocukluk Çağı Ruhsal Travma Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlamasının Geçerlilik Ve Güvenilirliği. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(4), 1054-1063. Ulloa Flores, R. E. & Navarro Machuca, I. G. (2011). Prevalence of the different types of maltreatment in adolescents with psychopathology. A descriptive study. Salud Mental, 34(3), 219-225. Van Rooij, A. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Vermulst, A. A., Van Den Eijnden, R. J., & Van De Mheen, D. (2011). Online video game addiction: identification of addicted adolescent gamers. Addiction, 106(1), 205–212. World Health Organization (2002). World report on violence and health. Yılmaz, Ö., Boz, H., & Arslan, A. (2017). Depresyon anksiyete stres ölçeğinin (DASS 21) Türkçe kısa formunun geçerlilik-güvenilirlik çalışması. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (FESA), 2, 92-104. 414 THE EFFECTS OF GENDER STEREOTYPES ON ACTIVATION OF SPONTANEOUS TRAIT INFERENCES AND THE MODERATING ROLE OF AMBIVALENT SEXISM Nihan Selin Soylu-Konak Ege University, Department of Psychology, İzmir, Turkey ORCID: 0000-0002-2653-9237 Abstract Introduction and Purpose: Spontaneous trait inferences can be briefly defined as automatic trait inferences based on observed behavior. Despite the automaticity of the process, past research has demonstrated that the stereotypes might have an effect on spontaneous trait inferences. This study aimed to examine the effects of gender stereotype on spontaneous trait inferences and the moderator role of ambivalent sexism level. Materials and Methods: Probe recognition paradigm was employed in order to capture the activation phase of spontaneous trait inferences. Ambivalent sexism level was measured via Ambivalent Sexism Scale (Glick & Fiske, 1996; Sakallı-Uğurlu, 2002). The consistency of gender stereotypes were manipulated via face photos and masculine or feminine behaviors (constructed based on preliminary studies). Results: A 2 (participants’ sex) x 2 (level of dimensions of hostile sexism) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent, inconsistent, neutral) mixed design ANOVA was conducted. The same analyses were conducted for dimensions of benevolent sexism. Findings demonstrate that gender, gender stereotypes, and dimensions of ambivalent sexism are not effective during the activation phase of spontaneous inferences. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings of this study have been discussed in the light of research examining the effects of stereotypes on spontaneous inferences in the relevant literature. Keywords: spontaneous trait inferences, gender stereotypes, ambivalent sexism, hostile sexism, benevolent sexism Introduction Impressions of others and the mechanisms underlying the formation of these impressions have long been central topics in social psychology research (Asch, 1946; Heider, 415 1958; Jones & Davis, 1965; Kelley, 1973). The traditional self-report method utilized in these studies underwent a partial transition to social cognitive approaches focusing on memory paradigms, errors, and biases during the 1960s and 70s (Uleman, Sarıbay, & Gonzales, 2008). In social cognition research, the exploration of how individuals attribute explanations to themselves and others is aimed at elucidating their understanding of the social world (Fiske and Taylor, 1991). This is because comprehending and elucidating individuals' attitudes and behaviors requires an initial examination of how people perceive, interpret, and explain the behaviors and attitudes of others (Moskowitz, 2005). It is known that people make most of their efforts to understand and explain the behavior of others by inferring their personality traits (Reeder & Brewer, 1979; Kuhlmeier, Wynn, & Bloom, 2003). Moreover, these personality traits are expected to be consistent with each other; People expect the personality traits they infer about others to be complementary and harmonious, rather than momentary, temporary or random; Even if there is no such information at hand, the social perception of the other tends to fill in the gaps consistently (Schneider, 1973; Rosenberg and Sedlak, 1972). wo distinct research traditions persist in studies of personality trait inferences about others: intentional trait inferences and spontaneous trait inferences. The main point where these two different research traditions differ is the issue of automaticity. While the intentional inferences literature suggests that intention and awareness are involved in the process of forming impressions about the other; The spontaneous personality trait inference literature suggests that the impression formation process occurs automatically, without intention, awareness, or control (Ham and Vonk, 2003; Todorov and Uleman, 2002; 2003). Gender stereotypes are commonly observed in daily life and have been extensively studied in the literature over many years (McKee and Sherriffs, 1957; Miller, Eagly, Linn, 2015). Williams and Best (1990) define gender stereotypes as psychological beliefs or judgments regarding which gender a particular behavioral trait is more closely associated with. According to Sakallı-Uğurlu (2003), the perpetuation of stereotypes is maintained through the socialization process, wherein individuals internalize societal expectations of gender-specific behaviors. In Turkey, also, perceptions of differences between men and women are influenced by gender stereotypes, with traits such as childishness, emotionality, and weakness commonly associated with women (Sunar, 1982). In the research conducted by Yan, Wang, and Zhang (2012), which examined the association between gender stereotypes and spontaneous trait inferences, it was concluded that gender stereotypes influence spontaneous trait inferences: In their experiment using the probe recognition paradigm (McKoon & Ratcliff, 1986), it was observed that response times were longer when the presented cues were inconsistent with gender stereotypes compared to when they were consistent with gender stereotypes, and this effect was associated with the participants' levels of gender schematicity. However, in this study, the measurement of gender stereotypes relied on the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1974). Yet, Bem's scale primarily 416 focuses on how individuals or others define themselves. Moreover, it is thought that relying on sharp and incorrect generalizations about women may be insufficient in understanding the current discriminatory practices and prejudices (Sakallı, 2002). Additionally, using the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory would provide the opportunity to specifically examine the effects of different dimensions of sexism. Therefore, the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory was used in this study (Glick & Fiske, 1996; Sakallı, 2002). Method Sample The sample consisted of 54 volunteer participants from the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance at the Faculty of Education, Ege University. Among the participants, 59% (n=32) were female, with ages ranging from 19 to 24 (X = 21.58, SS = 2.56). Materials Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), consisting of 2 factors: hostile and benevolent sexism, includes not only explicit expressions of negative attitudes toward women but also subtly constructed expressions (Glick and Fiske, 1996). Adapted into Turkish by Sakallı-Uğurlu (2002), the scale addresses sexism in two main dimensions: hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. The benevolent sexism dimension is further divided into sub-dimensions of heterosexual intimacy, protective paternalism, and complementary gender differentiation. The scale, consisting of a total of 22 items, measures 11 items of Hostile Sexism and 11 items of Benevolent Sexism (4 items for heterosexual intimacy, 4 items for protective paternalism, and 3 items for complementary gender differentiation). Trials: Each trial consisted of 5 screens. The first screen displays a face photograph for 33 milliseconds (ms) (see Yan, Wang, and Zhang, 2012) (see Figure 1). Following this, a behavioral sentence is presented for 1600 ms (see Figure 2). After a 1000 ms white screen, the cue word is presented (see Figure 3). This screen remains until the participant presses the "yes" or "no" button. Finally, an 800 ms white screen is presented, followed by the next set. A total of 48 trials are used. Four sets of female photographs paired with sentences implying feminine personality traits, 4 sets of female photographs paired with sentences implying masculine personality traits, 4 sets of female photographs paired with sentences implying neutral personality traits, 4 sets of male photographs paired with sentences implying feminine personality traits, 4 sets of male photographs paired with sentences implying masculine personality traits, and 4 sets of male photographs paired with sentences implying neutral personality traits are used. To ensure that not all correct answers are "no," the remaining 24 417 sentences are presented as filler trials containing cue words, thus requiring a "yes" response. In filler trials, for example, the sentence "X donated a substantial amount to the Children with Leukemia Foundation" is presented, with "amount" being used as the cue word. This aims to ensure that participants pay attention to all elements of the sentence, such as subject, predicate, and object (see Yan, Wang, and Zhang, 2012). Behavioral sentences and traits: As a result of preliminary studies (Soylu, 2017), sentences implying feminine, masculine, or neutral characteristics in both behavioral content and implied personality traits, and sentences implying personality traits to a good extent, were used. Face photos: According to the results of preliminary studies (Soylu, 2017), 48 facial photographs, including 24 females, were used, which were determined to be of moderate attractiveness level. Procedure This experiment was designed using the probe recognition paradigm, corresponding to the first stage of spontaneous inferences, namely activation (McKoon and Ratcliff, 1986; Wang, Xia, and Yang, 2015). In this research paradigm, participants are presented with a behavioral sentence followed immediately by a personality trait. The participants' task is to decide whether the cue word (personality trait) appeared in the sentence presented immediately beforehand; participants are instructed to press the "yes" button if it did and the "no" button if it did not. Similar to the approach by Yan, Wang, and Zhang (2012), photo presentation is also conducted before presenting the sentence. The fundamental assumption of this paradigm is that individuals will delay their response of "no," indicating the correct absence of spontaneously inferred personality traits from the behavioral sentences. It is assumed that the reaction time of participants will be influenced by personality traits implied but not contained in the presented behavioral sentences. Furthermore, it is also presumed that the spontaneously inferred personality traits from the initial presentation will lead to incorrect "yes" responses (see Ham and Vonk, 2003). The experiment was announced by visiting the classrooms prior to the commencement of lessons and appointments were made with students who wanted to participate. Experimental sessions were carried out in Ege University Psychology Laboratory. Each experiment was carried out in separate rooms, in approximately ten-minute sessions, through appointments made with the students. Each participant who arrived at the time of appointment, first read and signed the informed consent form. Then, the experiment was started and all instructions were presented through the prepared computer program. After the pilot phase of the experiment ended and it was made sure that the participant understood the experiment, the researcher left the room. When the experiment ended, the Ambivalent Sexism 418 Scale has been implemented. Subsequently, participants were thanked and contact addresses were given to the participants who wanted to get more information about the results of the research. Results The mixed design analysis of variance results, with 2 (participants’ gender) x 2 (hostile sexism: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' accuracy levels (all F's < .248). The mixed design analysis of variance results, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (protective paternalism: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' accuracy levels (all F's < .161). The mixed design analysis of variance results, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (intergender complementary differentiation: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' accuracy levels (all F's < .571). The mixed design analysis of variance results, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (heterosexual closeness: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' accuracy levels (all F's < .273). The results of the mixed design analysis of variance, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (hostile sexism: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, showed that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' response time levels (all F's < 2.005). Similarly, the results of the mixed design analysis of variance, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (benevolent sexism: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, 419 indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' response time levels (all F's < 1.156). Furthermore, the results of the mixed design analysis of variance, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (intergroup differentiation: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, demonstrated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' response time levels (all F's < 1.377). Lastly, the results of the mixed design analysis of variance, with 2 (participant gender) x 2 (heterosexual closeness: low / high) x 3 (consistency with gender stereotypes: consistent / inconsistent / neutral) as the last two factors being within-subjects measures, indicated that there were no statistically significant main effects or interactions on participants' response time levels (all F's < 1.110). Discussion This study was designed to investigate the effects of gender, gender stereotypes, and sexism during the activation phase of spontaneous personality trait inferences process. The results indicate that gender, gender stereotypes, and sexism were not effective during the activation phase of spontaneous trait inferences. The findings of the current research might be approached as consistent with the findings of Na and Kitayama (2011) and Newman (1991; 1993), which support the assertion that in cultures characterized as vertically collectivist (see Baran, 2012), spontaneous personality trait inferences do not occur during the activation phase. In the process of impression formation, it is known that collectivist cultures, in contrast to individualistic cultures, tend to make inferences that emphasize context and interpersonal relationships rather than personality traits (Miller, 1984; Fiske et al., 1998; Nisbett et al., 2001). This difference in spontaneous personality trait inferences between individualistic and collectivist cultures occurs because the more an inference process is repeated at a cognitive level, the more it becomes automatic (Smith, 1994). In conclusion, this study showed that gender stereotypes, sexism, and gender were not effective in the activation phase of spontaneous inferences, contradicting previous studies (e.g., Yan et al., 2012). Future studies can investigate potential reasons for this discrepancy. References Asch, S. E. (1946). Forming impressions of personality. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 41(3), 258-273. 420 Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 42(2), 155-162. Fiske, S. T., & Taylor, S. E. (1991). Social cognition, 2nd. NY: McGraw-Hill. Glick, P., Fiske, S. T. (1996). The ambivalent sexism inventory: differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. 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It has been determined that the depiction projection, which is also symbolized by polychemic utterances such as "allusion, allusion, suggestive discourse" clustered in the vocabular period, marks a latent act of reminiscence. In the research, events, facts, beliefs, and the aesthetic appearance of literary, mythical elements and sayings reflected in the Gagauz literary plane were presented to attention. In the view in question, the existence of an implicit analogy between the emphasized emotion and the voiced event was perceived. In the allusion proposition depicting the artistic harmony of an eloquent movement focused on knowledge and common culture; It has been observed that the event or person mentioned is depicted in the conciseness table. Therefore, in this rhetorical context, the messages sent to the historical texture of the past reflected the necessity of the reader's knowledge potential. It has been determined that the allusive discourse synchronized in the aesthetic context gathers the literary dimension and the historical axis at a common point. The research employed the interpretive analysis model by describing the harmonic echo of the hidden metaphors that pattern the text context. The literary platform patterned on Gagauz literature was examined in the semantic range of the allusion spectrum, and the document analysis factor was made essential. The data system of theoretical findings for the research universe was designed with a semantic approach. Rather than unearthing the hidden depths of the past; The reminder system, designed to provide support for the plot that the artist constructed in his own discourse scene, has given a unique description to Gagauz literature. Thus, the kinesthetic connotation, which covers the atmosphere of thought with an aesthetic perception, has rebuilt the meaning scale with an original design by stimulating the rhetorical themes in the Gagauz literary universe. Keywords: Gagauz literature, Telmih art, Semantics, Aesthetics, Analysis. 422 ÖZET Araştırma enleminden yansıyan otantik dizilim, gramatikal bağlamda sembolize edilen telmih sanatını görünür kılmıştır. Anlamsal tepkimede işlem gören hissel örgeyi yeniden tasarlamak adına, çağrışımsal bir perspektif olan hatırlatma dizgesine gönderme yapılmıştır. Vokabüler periyotta kümelenen “anıştırma, andırma, imalı söylem” tarzındaki polisemik sözcelerle de simgelenen tasviri iz düşümün, gizil bir anımsatma eylemini işaretlediği belirmiştir. Araştırmada Gagauz edebi düzleminden akseden olay, olgu, inanışlar ile yazınsal, mitsel unsurların ve deyişlerin telmih aynasındaki estetik görünümü dikkate sunulmuştur. Söz konusu görünümde, vurgulanan duygu ile sesletilen olay arasında örtük bir benzetimin varlığı sezilmiştir. Bilgi ve ortak kültür odaklı beliğ bir devinimin sanatsal uyumunu tasvirleyen telmih önermesinde; andırılan olay ya da şahsın, özlülük tablosunda resmedildiği görülmüştür. Dolayısıyla, söz konusu retorik ulamda geçmişin tarihi dokusuna gönderilen iletiler, okuyucunun bilgi potansiyelinin gerekliliğini yansıtmıştır. Estetiksel bağlamda senkronize edilen imalı söylemin, yazınsal boyut ile historik ekseni ortak bir noktada topladığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma metin bağlamını örüntüleyen saklı metaforların armonik yankısını betimleyerek yorumsal çözümleme modelini işe koşmuştur. Gagauz yazınına dair desenlenen edebi platform, telmih yelpazesinin anlam kuşağında tetkik edilmiş, doküman analizi faktörü esas kılınmıştır. Araştırma evrenine yönelik teorik bulguların veri sistemi, semantik bir yaklaşımla dizayn edilmiştir. Geçmişin gizil derinliğini gün yüzüne çıkarmaktan ziyade; sanatçının, kendi söylem sahnesinde kurguladığı olay örgüsüne dayanak oluşturmak gayesiyle tasarlanan hatırlatma dizgesi, Gagauz edebiyatına özgün bir betim yüklemiştir. Böylece, düşünce atmosferini estetik bir algıyla kaplayan kinestetik çağrışım, Gagauz yazın evrenindeki retorik temleri uyararak anlam skalasını orijinal bir tasarımla yeniden inşa etmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Gagauz yazını, Telmih sanatı, Semantik, Estetik, Analiz. GİRİŞ Çağrışımsal bir perspektifin lirik betimi olan telmih motifi, anlam kreasyonundaki saklı estetik dokuyu açığa çıkarır. Historik düzlemden geçen bilinen bir olayın, ünlü bir kişinin, deyişin ya da hikâyenin anılması esasına dayanan telmih figürü anımsatıcı bir üslûbun lirik yansımasıdır. Senkronize edilen olay ile desenlenen duygu arasında estetiksel bir uyumun varlığı sezilir. Edebi eksen ile historik ufku birleştiren telmih önermesi, bilgi odaklı benzetimsel bir bağıntının retorik tepkimesidir. Telmihte aslolan gaye, geçmişte yaşanmış olay örgüsünü bugüne taşımak değil; sanatçının, kendi tasarımı olan tasviri yörüngeye güçlü bir dayanak oluşturmaktır. Bir şeye göz ucuyla bakmak olan telmih; bir belâgat terimi olarak temsil yoluyla önemli bir tarihi olayı, bilinen bir kıssayı, efsaneyi, meşhur bir fıkrayı, yaygın bir âdeti, ünlü bir kişiyi işaret etmek ya da anımsatmaktır. Telmih, bir benzetme sanatı olup (Köklügiller, 2009: 311), bir hayali veya düşünceyi dolaylı yoldan ifade eder (Selçuk vd., 2022: 143). Telmih sanatında işaret edilen konu etraflıca anlatılmaz, sadece anımsatılır (Tanç, 2006: 22). Sanatçı, anımsadığı olayı öne çıkarır ve okuyucunun da söz konusu olayı bilmesini ister (Betur, 2019: 33). Bu durumda okuyucu metnin anlamını kavramaya çalışırken bu çaba başka çağrışımlar, hatta bazen telmihi yapanın kastetmediği çağrışımları da beraberinde getirir. Dolayısıyla, metin bu yolla zenginleşir ve çok anlamlı bir nitelik kazanır. Bu anlam zenginliği, metni yorumlayanın zihninde yeni duygu ve düşüncelerin uyanmasına neden olur (Saraç, 2019: 95). 423 BULGULAR Gagauz edebi ikliminde telmih sanatının semantik boylamdaki estetik yankısı şu şekilde görünüm arz etmiştir: 1. O gün, Atam, heptän, sän sonsuzlaa vardın, Bizi yasta hem kahırda braktın, Göktä sünmäz o yıldızın. Adın – hergün “eni güneş gibi hep duacek”, Senin o işlerin örüyecek, hem “Ne mutlu türküm deyenä” hep ötecek, benim Ulu Atam, Ulu Bobam, Atatürküm, yaşayacek… (Zanet, 2021: 11) Sanatçı; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Ulu Önder Atatürk’ün ebediyete intikal ettiği gün olan 10 Kasım 1938’e telmihte bulunarak, duyduğu derin üzüntüyü edebi kuşağın anlam ekseninden yansıtmıştır. Ulu Önder’in ani ve apansız ayrılışı şüphesiz ki Türk milletini ve bütün Türk dünyasını derinden etkilemiş, dünya çapında geniş bir yankı uyandırmıştır. 2. Yıl kırk beş, Yok ateş. Sirnik ta kör aaçlıı Tez bizä uuradı. Sansın büü aaramaa, Kor gidärdik almaa: Baca salt soludu – İnsanı topladı… Sevinärdik kora – Küçüklär, ihtärlar, Nicä bir yortuya, Nicä bir ilinnää: Harcanmaz çii imäk, Aaç kimnär – yok susmak, Yısıtmaz suuk camal, Nekadar sän yalvar… (Kösä, 2011: 101) 424 Sanatçı, 1945 yılına işaret ederek II. Dünya Savaşı’na gönderme yapmaktadır. Savaş yıllarında Gagauz halkının çektiği açlık ve sefalet düzlemini anımsatıcı bir yaklaşımla çizen sanatçı, telmih sanatının anlam yelpazesini görünür kılmıştır. 3. Gözäl görüner analar, Açan evladçık kucaanda, Ölä, sansın, madonalar Rafaêl’dä tablolarda. (Karagançu, 2015: 23) Şair; anne izleğini betimlerken, İtalyan Rönesans sanatçısı Rafael tarafından 1505 yılında yapıldığı düşünülen Madonna tablosuna telmihte bulunmaktadır. Andırma işleviyle anlam kazanan telmih portresi, şairin söylem paletine özgün bir renk katmaktadır. 4. Neredä kaldı o gagauz ruhu? Dedelerimdä mi? Bizdä unuduldu. Neredä Atilla? Toplasın halkı. Gagauz istoriyası pek derin saklı. (Akt. Karanfil, 2013: 39) Şair; Gagauz tarihinin derin ve saklı yönüne, birlik ve beraberlik olgusuna dikkat çekmek adına, 395-453 yılları arasında yaşayan Avrupa Hun İmparatorluğu’nun hükümdarı Attila’ya gönderme yapmaktadır. Şiirsel katmanda gizil bir sitemle yoğrulan edebi imgelem, telmih sanatının estetik yörüngesinde dramatize edilmektedir. 5. Taş atana seläm verelim, Kötüleri İnsan edelim, Yıftiraya “durgun” deyelim, Danışana nasaat edelim, Aalayana ürek verelim, Yufkalara yardım edelim, Aaç olana ekmek verelim, Cannılara iilik edelim Gel “sevelim, sevilelim, Dünnä kimseyä kalmaz”! (Akt. Karanfil, 2015: 205) 425 Şiirde; 13. yüzyılın son yarısı ile 14. yüzyılın başlarında yaşayan, Anadolu sahasında yetişen, Türkçe şiirin öncüsü sayılan Yunus Emre’nin “Gelin Tanış Olalım” adlı şiirine telmihte bulunulmuştur. “Sevelim, sevilelim. Dünnä kimseyä kalmaz!” sözüyle insanlara evrensel bir çağrı yapan Yunus Emre’nin; hoşgörüye, insan sevgisine verdiği önem ile dünyanın geçiciliğine dair düşüncelerine gönderme yapılmıştır. 6. … Anam, kara giiyimnerin Benzäär Kaaba taşına, Onun için mi ellerim Ölüncän uzanık sana? Onun için mi gözlerimin Saklı yaşı sızıp-sızêr, Ki gecedän giiyimnerin Yaslı darsık-darsık bakêr. (Kuroglu, 2011: 71) Şair; söylem eksenini güçlendirmek adına benzetme ilgisinden faydalanarak annesinin kara giyimini müslümanlarca kutsal sayılan, siyah ve parlak taş olan “Hacerü’l Esved” ile ilişkilendirmiş, anlamsal düzleme estetiksel bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Dolayısıyla şair, telmih aracılığıyla yaratmak istediği sanatsal çağrışıma otantik bir betim yükleyerek ifade tablosuna orijinal bir renk katmıştır. 7. Gün kauştuydu ansızdan, Gelmişkän Bişkekä konaa… Bir aar haber haslısından Düştüm yasla hem salgına. Gözlerimi yaktı yaşım, Ki geçinmiş Kara Çoban… Çingiz Aytmat – kırgızbaşı Dediydi: “Ah, aman-aman…” Sabaadan yangına mı çan Urdu ürääm azıp-azıp Da… raatlandı, göktä açan Duudu Çoban bir Yıldızı. (Kuroglu, 2011: 112) 426 Şair; ünlü Gagauz aydını Dimitri Kara Çoban’ın yaşama veda ettiği haberine dair üzüntüsünü telmih ve tecahül-i arif (bilmezden gelme) motifiyle tasvirlemiştir. Bu hüzün atmosferini resmederken Türk dünyasının önemli yazarlarından Cengiz Aytmatov’un sözlerini anımsatmıştır. Ayrıca Kara Çoban’ı, “Çoban Yıldızı” olarak da nitelenen Venüs gezegenine benzeterek saklı bir telmihte bulunmuştur. 8. Ko hep sevda olsun Erdä, Nicä Allah istemiş! Sevda duyguylan Cennettä Eva Adamı sevmiş. (Karagançu, 2015: 51) Şair, sevda izleğine dikkat çekmiş, bu imgenin yeryüzünde var oluş nedenini Tanrı ile ilişkilendirmiştir. Bu düşüncesine dayanak oluşturmak gayesiyle de Adem ile Havva’nın cennetteki hissel betimine gönderme yapmıştır. Telmih atmosferinden yansıyan imalı söylem, şairin düşlem atmosferini özgün bir perspektifle yeniden semantize etmştir. 9. Eski istoriyamız bilinmeer. Sansın saklı durêr bizdän Da içimdän bir ses kopunca Çaarêr beni eski zaman. Açan türklär taa birleşikti Açan yaşardı Oguz Han Da maavi gök bizim Tanrıydı Vardı bir halk gök oguzlar. Açan Bozkurt hep kurtarardı Yazardık biz runnarlan taa Bumın kagan devlet kurardı O altıncı asirlerdä. (Akt. Karanfil, 2013: 40) Şair; Gagauzların tarihsel derinliğine dikkat çekmek amacıyla imalı söylem perspektifinden ilham almıştır. Bu bağlamdan hareketle; tarihsel süreçten akseden önemli şahsiyetler olan Oğuz Han ve Bumin Kağan’a, mitsel öge Bozkurt ile Gök Tanrı inancına telmihte bulunmuştur. Dolayısıyla şair, anlatım tepkimesini estetiksel yönde aktivize etmek adına telmih örüntüsünü işe koşmuştur. 10. 427 Anacıym, özleerim pek seni, Her gecä düşlerimä gelersin. Birisi getirmeer haberi, Bän sa hep bekleerim, hep bekleerim. Auşam genä aklıma geldi 46 için güç annatman. Şükür, dönmeerlär geeri. O titsi yıllar, Anam. (Zanet, 2018: 38) Şiirde; 1946 yılını işaret ederek Gagauz halkının savaş yıllarında yaşadığı zor anları anımsatan sanatçı, derin bir sefalete ve yıkıma maruz kalan halkın acısına dair duyduğu üzüntüyü telmih yörüngesinden yansıtmaktadır. 11. Düşünerim avşamdan: “Kimsin sän, paalı Handan? Büük dedän mi Çingiz han, Beki sän Kadın bir Han?” (Zanet, 2018: 269) Şair, muhatabına duyduğu derin saygı ve değer iklimini telmih ve tecahül-i arif (bilinen bir şeyi bilmezden gelme) katmanında senkronize etmiştir. Bu önem tablosunu, dünya tarihinin en büyük askeri liderlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen “Cengiz Han” figürüyle resmetmiştir. Ayrıca muhatabını “Kadın Han” motifiyle de özdeşleştiren şair, telmih sınırını sanatsal bir iz düşümle daha da genişletmiştir. 12. Kendimizdän neçin kaçêrız Da unudêrız kimiz biz Bizä büün deerlär “gagauz!” Bizim dedeymiş Han Oguz! Hem Kültegin dä yaşamış, Türk soylarnı birleştirmiş. Var sırada Bilge Kagan O da bizim göktürklerdän. Bozkurt ta bizim kahraman. O kurtarardı beladan. (Akt. Karanfil, 2013: 41) 428 Şair; milli kimlik üzerinden yansıttığı andırma işlemini estetik bir tarzla ifade etmektedir. Gagauzların tarihsel periyodundan çeşitli ögeler sunan şair, telmih sanatının görünüm açısını varsıl bir boyuta taşımaktadır. Böylelikle, historik enlemde beliren “Oğuz Han, Kültegin, Bilge Kağan” gibi önemli şahsiyetler ile “Bozkurt” mitsel unsurunu, telmih platformunun sanat dizgesinden aktarmaktadır. 13. Lüzgär kaavileşer. Aaçlardan düşer meyvalar. “Yok can bu lüzgerdä.” – düşündü Petri. “Aalemä prost yapma, kendin belaya düşecän,” – aklına getirdi dädusunun nasaatını. “Bu lafları lääzım aslıya çıkarmaa,” – neetledi Petri. Çeketti düşünmää, nicä tutsun baarli büünkü lüzgeri. Açtı pençereyi. Lüzgär çeketti saurtma perdeleri, urdu aralık içer kapusunu. Petri hızlı çıktı dişarı, kapadı pençereyi. “Şansora kaçmaycan bireri,” – dedi o da tez girdi içeri. Lüzgär içerdä hiç kımıldanmardı, pat altında da yoktu. Petri genä açtı pençereyi, lüzgär girdi osaat içeri, düşürdü duvardan ramkayi. Petri genä saklı kapadı pençereyi, genä hızlı girdi içeri. Settä kösteklendi, aklına geldi: “Savaşma kazmaa hendek aalemä, kendin ona düşecän.” (Marinoglu, 1997: 8) Şair; başkasının kötülüğünü düşünen ve bu doğrultuda tuzaklar kuran kimsenin, kurmuş olduğu tuzağa önce kendisinin düşebileceğini, daha doğrusu yapılan kötülüğün hiç kimseye kâr kalmayacağı hususunu estetik katmanda işlemektedir. “Aalemä kuyu kazma, kendin düşärsin!” şeklinde örüntülenen Gagauz atasözünü anımsatan şair, öğüt meridyeninde simgelediği söylem motifini, telmih sanatı vasıtasıyla etkili ve canlı kılmaktadır. 14. Bir topluş küüdä oldu Büük esap bizä koydu: Näbalım ne edelim, Topraamızı koruyalım! Görmeylim biz kendimiz, Görmesin uşaklarmız, Nelär görmüş bobalar O 41 - ci yıllar. (Tukan, 2010: 80) Şair; 1941 yılına gönderme yaparak Gagauz halkının yaşamış olduğu hüzün ve acı dolu zamana telmihte bulunmaktadır. Vatan ve bağımsızlık temleriyle yoğrulan estetiksel söylem, anımsatma figürüyle yeniden anlam kazanmaktadır. 15. Nekadar şannı adam Dünneyä verdi topraan! Anıldı çiftçilerin Hem girgin askerlerin. Bey, küüyüm, bizä sän bak: Var bir kanadın – Sulak! 429 İon Bass da – kanadın! Küüyüm dayma yaşasın! (Zanet, 2018: 293) Şair, ünlü halk sanatçıları “Nikolay Sulak” ile “İon Bass’a” gönderme yaparak bu önemli şahsiyetleri topluma kazandıran topraklara yönelik hislerini sanatsal bir tarzla iletmiştir. Hatırlatma dizgesiyle yoğrulan sanatsal çağrışım, yaratı iklimindeki gizil estetik dokuyu gün yüzüne çıkarmıştır. 16. Te Mitiraş!!! O Pıtıraş Bizä yoldan seläm verer, Şalvir kalkmış onda bir kaş, O devlerdä atlı gezer. Balladadan halk masalı Eser, eser bizä, kardaş. Tudorkaylan Stuyan yavaş Bizä verer ellerini. O Mari Kız, gözäl Oglan – Evelliktän bizä gelän… Başka resim – büünkü günnär Yaratmana örüldülär… (Zanet, 2018: 272-273) Şiirde; lirik, epik ve trajik ögelerden akseden yazınsal ürünler telmih sınırından geçirilmiş, böylelikle anlam evreni sanatsal bağlamda genişletilmiştir. Şair, anlatı ritmini estetiksel boyutta aktivize etmek adına telmih sanatını görünür kılmıştır. 17. Geldi çerkezlär – kılıçlar bilenmiş! Büük kahır, büük bela – görünmeyän iş: “Kavarna dedikleri bir küçük kasaba, Kesilän kelleler gelmäz esaba…” Burada “Analar kesilir, uşaklar aalêêr, Uşaklar kesilir, analar aalêêr”: Kavarna içindä akêr kannar, Kıyılêr, dooranêr gagauzlar. (Zanet, 2018: 58) 430 Sanatçı, “Kavarna Türküsü”ne telmihte bulunarak savaş olgusunun karanlık yüzünü reel düzlemden yansıtmıştır. Gagauzlara yönelik gerçekleştirilen soykırımı konu edinen şiirsel yaratı, telmih odağından geçirilerek okuyucunun dikkatine sunulmuştur. 18. Ne gözäl ana taraf, Doz-dolay – eşil koraf, Deniler ona Bucak, Gel da siiret, gel da bak. Sürülär derä boyu Akışêr koyu-koyu, Onnarı güder çoban – Yalabık, girgin bir can. Kimdir o, Bayır Oolu? Kırda-bayırda yolu. Kuzucuklarda – gözü, Gagauzça da sözü. (Kuroglu, 2011: 141) Şair; Bucak’a yönelik inşa ettiği değer düzlemini, telmih sanatının anlam örgesinde yeniden yapılandırmıştır. Tasarladığı estetiksel imgede Gagauzların “Oglan” adlı halk türküsüne ve “Bayır Oolu” yaratmasına telmihte bulunmuştur. Böylece söylem önermesine ekstrem bir boyut kazandıran şair, andırma profilinden faydalanmıştır. 19. Akıllı – baarışêr, Ahmaklar çekişer, Yok uslu uslanmak. Ne sizä etişmeer? Be insan dangalak? Nasradin neredän, Görmüş ki iibedä 431 var altın? Da sormuş Kaç yapêr elindä Zenginnik? -Buldusan sokakta Tozlarda zaametsiz, paasıdır toz-duman… (Baboglu, 2003: 41-42) Şiirde Nasreddin Hoca’nın fıkrasına gönderme yapan şair, anlam skalasına estetiksel bir ahenk katmaktadır. Telmih sanatıyla sembolize edilen çağrışımsal dizilim, söylem meridyenini güçlendirerek ortak kültür ve bilgi potansiyeli ile harmanlanan yazınsal oluşuma dikkat çekmektedir. 20. Peetlär, kaldırın beni Geçirin o zeetlerdän, Tutuşturun üreemi Yaratmak koorlarından Dadayım bol neetlerdän Kadıncam ölä bassın, Kauşum ölä çalsın Nasıl Gomerdän kalmış Puşkin nasıl sölemiş… (Baboglu, 2003: 83) Şiirde telmih sanatıyla harmanlanan betimsel tasarım, şairin düşlem enlemini zenginleştirerek anlam sığasını güçlü bir konuma taşımıştır. Şair, söylemi etkili ve akıcı kılmak adına önemli şahsiyetleri dikkate sunmuştur. “Gomer” ve “Tolstoy” ile sembolize ettiği yaratı reaksiyonunu, telmih ekseninin gizil yörüngesinde resmetmiştir. SONUÇ Çalışmada, Gagauz edebi platformundan akseden geçmişteki bir olaya, ünlü bir kişiye, mitsel ögelere, çeşitli inanışlara, yaygın bir atasözü ya da kıssaya işaret etme eyleminin, telmih sanatını nitelediği görünür kılınmıştır. Anlamsal ufkun estetik birimlerini aktivize eden imalı söylem vasıtasıyla, gramatikal düzlem estetik bağlamda tasvirlenerek polisemik bir betim yaratılmıştır. Dolayısıyla çağrışımsal bir seremoniyle desenlenen hatırlatma eylemi, betimsel bir iz düşümün saklı estetik ritmini senkronize etmiştir. Telmih aynasından yansıyan sanatsal perspektif, söylem kutbundaki gramatikal derinliği yüzey yapıya aktarmıştır. Sanatçı, telmihte bulunduğu olay örgüsünü veya hissel dokuyu anımsatıcı bir tarzla sesleterek anlam tablosuna estetik bir yön çizmiştir. Anımsatma ya da ima etme şeklinde şifrelenen telmih önermesinin, tanınan veya bilinen bir olguyu çağrışımsal bir yöntemle çözümlediği belirmiştir. Dolaylı bir anlatımın estetik yankısını simgeleyen andırma profilinde, olay ya da kişilere özgü modellenen beliğ kodların 432 metin içerisinde gizlendiği ve asıl imgeye bu saklı kodlar üzerinden ulaşıldığı görülmüştür. Söz konusu önermede, dikkate sunulan duygu yelpazesi ile vurgulanan olay arasında gizil bir benzetimin varlığı tespit edilmiştir. Bilgisel donanım ve ortak kültür merkezli estetik bir dinamiğin sanatsal uyumunu dizayn eden telmih yörüngesinde; sezdirilen olay ya da kişinin, özlülük motifiyle sembolize edildiği dikkati çekmiştir. Böylelikle, geçmişin tarihi dokusuna gönderilen estetiksel işaretleyiciler, okurun bilgi katmanının gerekliliğini öne çıkarmıştır. Sanatsal düzlemde imgelenen andırma işlemi ise edebi boylam ile historik enlemi aynı doğrultuya transfer etmiştir. Geçmişe dair saklı derinliği dışa vurmaktan ziyade; sanatçının, kendi yaratı tepkimesinde işlediği olay ilmeğine dayanak oluşturmak amacıyla modellediği anımsatma izleği, Gagauz yazınına orijinal bir renk katmıştır. Bu bağlamdan hareketle, duygu ve düşünce iklimini lirik bir yaklaşımla inşa eden örtük çağrışım, Gagauz edebi boyutundaki sanat vektörlerini uyararak anlam orbitalini özgün ve estetik bir doruğa taşımıştır. KAYNAKLAR Baboglu, N. (2003). Güz Çiçekleri, Chişinău: Pontos Yayınları. Betur, M. (2019). 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This study aims to examine studies carried out in 2019 and 2023 in the area of ESP textbook evaluation. 35 studies related to ESP textbook evaluation were found and analyzed according to year, country, ESP area, research design, data collection tool, and scope of the studies. To examine the studies, a metaanalysis research design synthesizing the results of the studies is utilized. According to the results of the study, in 2021 and 2022, two more studies were executed. Indonesia is the country where ESP textbook studies were carried out most. In terms of the ESP area, medical and administration/business areas are two areas in which more ESP textbook evaluation studies have been done. When it comes to methodological data, descriptive qualitative research design and questionnaires as data collection tools have appeared in more studies. When the scope of the studies is examined, skills included in the textbooks are the most studied subject matter. In light of the data obtained, it has been concluded that the ESP textbook evaluation area needs to be examined more and in a more detailed way. Keywords: English for Specific Purposes, Textbooks, Evaluation. INTRODUCTION In the dynamic landscape of language education, the realm of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) stands as a specialized domain designed to cater to the unique linguistic needs of learners pursuing specific professional or academic fields. As the demand for targeted language proficiency continues to rise across diverse industries, the role of ESP coursebooks becomes increas ingly pivotal. This study delves into the intricacies of ESP, exploring the significance of tailored language instruction and embarking on an evaluation of the English for Specific Purposes coursebooks that shape this specialized learning journey. ESP, as a subfield of English language teaching, goes beyond the conventional approaches of general English courses. Instead, it addresses the specific linguistic requirements of learners within distinct professional or academic contexts, such as business, medicine, engineering, or law. As such, ESP coursebooks serve as the cornerstone of these specialized language programs, providing a structured framework to enhance language skills in a manner directly applicable to the target field. This exploration not only underscores the importance of ESP as a niche within language education but also aims to dissect the critical role played by coursebooks in shaping the learning experience. The evaluation of ESP coursebooks is an essential aspect of ensuring their efficacy in meeting the evolving needs of learners. It involves a nuanced analysis of content relevance, pedagogical approach, and adaptability to the ever-changing landscape of specific domains. 434 English for Specific Purposes (ESP) departs from conventional English language instruction by catering to the distinct needs of learners within specific professional or academic domains. Unlike the comprehensive focus of General English, ESP takes a targeted approach, equipping learners with the linguistic skills and knowledge directly relevant to their field (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). This necessitates a strategic selection and development of materials that act as the cornerstone of effective ESP instruction. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Materials in ESP: Design Principles and Considerations Effective ESP materials are guided by specific principles: Needs Analysis: The starting point is a thorough understanding of the learners' needs and learning context. This includes their existing English proficiency, target language skills required in their field, and specific learning goals (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1988). Authenticity: Materials should reflect the language and tasks encountered in real-world professional or academic settings. This may involve incorporating professional publications, technical documents, case studies, simulations, and role-plays (Johns & Dudley-Evans, 1991). Task-oriented: Content and activities should be geared towards developing the skills needed for actual communication and action within the target domain. This could involve writing reports, giving presentations, negotiating, conducting interviews, or completing technical tasks (Prabhu, 1987). Skill integration: Learners need to develop not just grammar and vocabulary, but also comprehension, speaking, writing, and critical thinking skills within the context of their specific domain (Hyland, 2003). Motivation and engagement: Materials should be interesting, relevant, and challenging enough to keep learners motivated. This involves incorporating multimedia elements, interactive activities, and opportunities for personalized learning (Nunan, 2014). Types of ESP Materials: Coursebooks and textbooks: These can provide a structured framework for learning, addressing key vocabulary, grammar, and skills relevant to the specific domain (Jordan, 2002). Supplementary materials: These can include authentic texts, case studies, video clips, audio recordings, and online resources that enrich and expand upon the core curriculum (Feez, 2010). Task-based activities: These provide opportunities for lear ners to apply their language skills to real-world scenarios, such as role-playing business meetings, writing technical reports, or conducting simulations (Willis &Willis, 2007). Software and online tools: Interactive platforms and simulations can offer immersive learning experiences, allowing learners to practice communication and decision-making in realistic settings (Chapelle, 2018). Learner-created materials: Encouraging learners to research, analyze, and present information relevant to their field can deepen their understanding and foster autonomy (Savignon, 2007). 435 Challenges and Trends in ESP Materials Development The field of ESP faces several challenges: Rapidly evolving fields: Keeping pace with the changing vocabulary and practices within specific domains requires constant updates and revisions to materials (Basturkmen, 2010). Limited resources: Creating high-quality, authentic ESP materials can be time-consuming and expensive, leading to a reliance on generic resources that may not fully address learners' needs (Hutchinson & Torres, 2014). Technological integration: Leveraging technology effectively to create engaging and interactive ESP materials requires ongoing research and development (Keegan, 2013). Despite these challenges, several trends are shaping the future of ESP materials: Personalized learning: Technology is enabling the development of adaptive learning platforms that cater to individual learner needs and learning styles (Chapelle, 2018). Collaborative learning: Online tools and platforms are fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among learners, creating a more dynamic learning environment (Benson, 2013). Focus on fluency and communication: There is a growing emphasis on developing fluency and real-world communication skills rather than solely focusing on grammar and accuracy (Hyland, 2003). To sum up, ESP materials serve as the driving force in equipping learners with the linguistic tools and skills needed to navigate the specific demands of their chosen field. By adhering to sound design principles, incorporating authentic content, and embracing innovative technologies, ESP materials can provide a unique and effective learning experience that bridges the gap between language classrooms and professional or academic domains. Evaluating English for Specific Purposes Textbooks Effective English for Specific Purposes (ESP) textbooks play a crucial role in tailoring language learning to the needs of professionals and students within specific fields. However, evaluating the quality and effectiveness of such textbooks requires a nuanced approach that goes beyond traditional assessments of grammar and vocabulary (Hutchinson & Torres, 2014). When a comprehensive evaluation of an ESP textbook is needed three key factors should be considered: alignment with learner needs, authenticity of materials, and efficacy in developing domain-specific skills. Firstly, a successful ESP textbook must be meticulously designed to match the specific needs and learning objectives of its target audience. This necessitates a thorough needs analysis in the initial stages of development, involving consultations with learners, employers, and domain experts (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1988). The textbook should cater to the learners' existing English proficiency, the language skills required in their field, and their specific learning goals, whether it be writing technical reports, conducting business negotiations, or interpreting legal documents (Jordan, 2002). A misalignment between the textbook content and the learners' needs can lead to frustration and impede their progress towards achieving their professional or academic goals. Secondly, authenticity is critical in ensuring that the language and tasks presented in the textbook reflect the real-world situations the learners will encounter in their chosen field. This means incorporating authentic texts, such as professional publications, case studies, and industry news articles, alongside task-based activities that mirror actual workplace or academic scenarios (Feez, 2010). Relying solely on contrived dialogues or artificial exercises 436 can limit the learners' exposure to genuine professional language and hinder their ability to apply their skills in real-world contexts (Johns & Dudley-Evans, 1991). Finally, an effective ESP textbook should demonstrably improve the learners' proficiency in the specific skills required within their domain. This necessitates an evaluation not just of the textbook's content, but also of its pedagogical approach and assessment methods. Task-based activities, simulations, and collaborative learning opportunities should be incorporated to encourage active engagement and practical application of skills (Prabhu, 1987). Furthermore, the textbook should provide opportunities for formative and summative assessment that measure the learners' progress in developing not just linguistic skills, but also critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills relevant to their specific field (Hyland, 2003). Moreover, Nguyen (2023) states that textbook evaluation is one of the elements that can contribute to the program's success. In conclusion, evaluating an ESP textbook demands a holistic approach that goes beyond surface-level features. By considering the alignment with learner needs, authenticity of materials, and efficacy in developing domain-specific skills, educators can ensure that ESP textbooks serve as effective bridges between language learning and real-world professional or academic success. Moreover, Marg’uba (2023) states with the introduction of new educational standards at different stages of education and the change in the educational paradigm from “transfer of knowledge” to “development of competencies”, the role of the textbook, the criteria for evaluating its effectiveness are changing, which means that a revision of approaches to the development of educational materials and the creation of a textbook is required. METHODOLOGY The meta-analysis method was used in this study, which aims to evaluate the studies conducted in the field of evaluation of English for Specific Purposes textbooks. Meta-analysis studies aim to "synthesize the results of studies by gathering together studies on a specific subject" (Büyüköztürk et al., 2008:22). Beyond explaining causal relationships, meta-analysis studies are also a method used in descriptive and survey research (Abramson, 1994 as cited in Okursoy Günhan, 2009:46). In this study, studies related to ESP coursebook evaluation and published in between 2019 and 2023 were scanned on Google Scholar, Ebscohost and Council of Higher Education Thesis Center. To get current information, years are limited in the last 5 years and with the words “English for Specific Purposes”, “coursebook” “textbook” “evaluation”. 35 studies were found and analyzed according to the year of the study, country of the study, area of the specific purposes, research design, data collection tool, and subject matter. FINDINGS Gathered and analyzed data were categorized; related figures were prepared by the researcher on the Microsoft Excel. Gathered Data were categorized as in Figure 1 below. 437 Number of Studies Figure 1. Data Categorization 10 6 10 7 2 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Figure 2. Studies According to Years When the years of the studies are examined, it can be clearly seen that 2021 and 2022 are the years more studies were done. In 2023, there were only two studies in terms of the evaluation of the ESP textbook. In 2019, there were six studies. In 2020, there were 7 studies in the field of ESP textbook evaluation. 438 Country NA Vietnam Taiwan Spain South Africa Saudia Pakistan Kuwait Iran Indonesia Czech Republic China Algeria 0 2 4 6 8 10 Number of the Study 12 14 Figure 3. Studies According to Country When the studies examined the countries that were executed, Indonesia took the first place with the 12 studies of ESP textbook evaluation area. Iran and Czech Republic are the second and third countries in which studies of ESP textbook evaluation were done. 2 studies were carried out in Algeria. There was only 1 study in Vietnam, Taiwan, Spain, South Africa, Saudia, Pakistan, Kuwait and China. There are 2 studies in which the country in which the study was executed is not available. ESP Area 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 4. Studies According to ESP Area 439 When the studies are examined according to their ESP area, medical and administration / business with 5 studies; engineering and economy with 4 studies, fields are the top four areas. Other areas are tourism and hotel with 3 studies, marine with 2 studies. There are other fields that are religion, multimedia, psychology, and fashion with only 1 study. There are also 4 studies in which fields are not mentioned. Research Desıgn 3% 14% 17% Multiple case Study quantitative – qualitative (Mixed) Descriptive Qualitative 20% Quantitative Qualitative 29% NA 17% Figure 5. Studies According to Research Design When it comes to studies’ research design numbers, both qualitative and descriptive qualitative research designs are the top two designs with the percentage of %29 and %20 respectively. Quantitative and mixed methods are seen as the second most preferred designs with the percentage of %17, and they are followed by multiple case studies with the percentage of %3. There are also studies which do not specify the research designs clearly. 440 Data Collection Tool 20 18 15 10 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 1 0 1 Checklist Corpus tool Documentation Framework Interview Questionnaire Task analysis sheet NA Figure 6. Studies According to Data Collection Tools When the studies are examined according to tools used for data collection, questionnaire is the most preferred data collection tool used in 18 studies. After the questionnaire checklist with the usage number of 9 and interview with the usage number 7 follow it. Task analysis sheet was used in 3 studies. Corpus tool, documentation and framework were only used in 1 study. There are 3 studies not specifying their data collection tools. Figure 7. Studies According to Subject Matter/Scope When the scope of the studies is examined, skills (33 studies) included in the book are examined mostly; activities/exercises (20 studies) are the second area examined; content/subject matter (18 studies), layout/organization (16 studies) and language content (15 studies) follow them in the third, fourth and fifth place. Other scopes are general aims of the 441 book in 9 studies, learner needs in 6 studies, practical concern in 4 studies, learner motivation in 3 studies and supporting material in 2 studies. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION This study has presented a comprehensive analysis of the trends and patterns in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) textbook evaluation research from 2019 to 2023, the geographical distribution of these studies, the ESP areas focused on, the methodologies employed in research, the tools used for data collection, and the scope of the subject matters addressed. The line graph indicates a peak in the number of studies conducted in 2021 and 2022, with a precipitous decline in 2023. This could suggest a saturation point in ESP textbook research or perhaps a shift in academic focus toward emerging pedagogical challenges or digital learning paradigms post-pandemic. Future research might explore the factors contributing to this decline and whether it represents a temporary fluctuation or a longer-term trend. The bar graph displaying the number of studies by country reveals a wide distribution, with the highest number of studies originating from China, followed by the Czech Republic and Indonesia. This distribution suggests a growing interest in ESP in Asia and raises questions about the regional applicability of findings and the need for cross-cultural comparisons in ESP research. The ESP areas graph demonstrates a concentration of studies in the Engineering, Medical, and Business fields, which aligns with global employment trends and the corresponding demand for specialized language proficiency. However, the relatively few studies in areas like Multimedia, Psychology, and Fashion suggest potential gaps in the literature that could be addressed by future research. The pie chart illustrates the predominance of mixed-methods research, followed by qualitative and quantitative approaches. This diversity in research designs reflects the multifaceted nature of ESP textbook evaluation and underscores the importance of methodological rigor and triangulation in drawing comprehensive conclusions. Quantitative and mixed methods follow with 17% each, highlighting the preference for in-depth understanding and learner perspectives over solely numerical analysis (Kumaravadivelu, 2006). This aligns with the general shift towards learner-centered approaches in ESP pedagogy. The prevalence of qualitative and descriptive qualitative research methods speaks to the importance of understanding learners' experiences and perceptions beyond mere numerical data. This aligns with the increasing emphasis on learner-centeredness in ESP pedagogy and highlights the need for research methodologies that capture the complexities of language learning in specific contexts (Basturkmen, 2014). According to the bar graph, questionnaires are the most widely used data collection tool, indicating a preference for scalable and quantitative data collection methods. However, the use of interviews, though less frequent, suggests that qualitative insights are also valued, providing depth and context to the findings. The final bar graph reveals that skills and activities/exercises are the most frequently evaluated aspects in ESP textbooks. This emphasis on practical application suggests that ESP educators prioritize actionable content that directly enhances the learners' abilities. However, the relatively low focus on learner motivation and supporting materials points to areas that could be further developed to provide a more holistic learning experience. 442 Textbooks especially in ESP areas are indispensable as they are equipped with input according to the learners’ needs. Learners can access a lot of input with the help of technology in learning General English whereas in ESP learners this differs as they need a tailor-made input. Evaluating ESP textbook, therefore, becomes crucial. Going forward, it would be beneficial for ESP textbook research to diversify its methodological approaches and to expand its scope to include less represented ESP fields. Additionally, given the rapid changes in the global professional landscape, continuous adaptation and evaluation of ESP textbooks will be essential to ensure they meet the evolving needs of learners. In light of these findings, educators and curriculum developers should be encouraged to collaborate closely, incorporating feedback from a broad range of stakeholders, including learners, educators, and industry professionals. Such collaboration can drive the creation of more tailored, contextually relevant, and pedagogically sound ESP textbooks, ultimately enhancing the language learning experience and outcomes for ESP students. REFERENCES Basturkmen, H. (2010). Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes. Palgrave Macmillan. Benson, P. (2013). Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. Routledge. Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2008). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes. Cambridge University Press. Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes: A learning-centered approach. Cambridge University Press. Hyland, K. (2003). Second language writing. Cambridge University Press. Johns, A. M., & Dudley-Evans, T. (1991). English for specific purposes: International in scope. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2), 297-314. Jordan, R. R. (1997-2012). English for academic purposes: A guide and resource book for teachers. Cambridge University Press. Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From methods to approaches. Routledge. Marg’uba, M. (2023). Principles of materials development for ESP training courses. Open Access Repository, 9(4), 168-171. Nguyen, H. T. (2023). An evaluation of two business English course books, Business Partner B1+ and Business Partner B2: Students’and teachers’ perspectives. VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, 39(6), 136-161. Nunan, D. (2014). Engaging language learners: A framework for designing tasks and activities. Routledge. Okursoy Günhan, F. (2009). Kavram Haritaları Öğretim Stratejisinin Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second language pedagogy. Oxford University Press. Savignon, S.J. (2007). Beyond communicative language teaching: What's ahead? Journal of Pragmatics, 39(1), 207-220. Willis, D., & Willis, J. (2007). Doing Task-Based Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 443 THE EFFECT OF BRAND EXPERINCE AND RELATIONSHIP QUALTY ON BRAND RESONANCE, THE MEDIATING ROLE OF BRAND ATTITUDE MARKA DENEYİMİ VE İLİŞKİ KALİTESİNİN MARKA REZONANSI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ, MARKA TUTUMUNUN ARACILIK ROLÜ Doç. Dr. Emel YILDIZ Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Gülşah DİNÇER Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi ÖZET Son dönemde dünya piyasasında yeni pazarların ortaya çıkması ile şirketler var olma mücadelesi vermeye başlayıp, aynı zamanda rekabetçi ortama ayak uydurabilmek için hizmet kalitesine, modern müşterilerin ortak beklentilerine, müşteri takdirine önem vermek zorunluluğu hissetmişlerdir. Üreticiler, tüketici ile arasındaki ilişki kalitesini en yüksek seviyeye getirebilmek ve marka bilgisi ile marka imajını doğru yaratmak için tüketiciye doğru ve güvenilir deneyimler sunmak zorunda hisseder. Keller (1993) e göre marka deneyimi, duygusal faydalar ve markanın içsel unsurları hakkındaki düşüncelerden müşteri tutumu oluşabilmektedir. Marka kimliği oluşturmada olumlu marka tutumunun önemli bir yeri olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. İlk olarak 2001 yılında çalışmalarda yerini alan marka rezonansı Kevin Keller tarafından tüketicinin marka ile ilişkisi ve kimlik düzeyine odaklanarak müşterilerin marka ile uyumlu olduklarını düşünmeleri olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu düşünceden yola çıkarak marka rezonansının, marka oluşturma sürecinin en üst basamağında yer aldığını (Badrinarayanan ve diğerleri, 2015) söyleyebiliriz. Araştırmada literatüre katkıda bulunmak ve markalaşmada marka rezonansının etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacı ile marka deneyimi, marka tutumu ve ilişki kalitesinin etkilerini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma için beyaz eşya kullanan 401 kişi örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış 444 olup, veriler açık ve kapalı uçlu soruların yer aldığı anket ile çevrimiçi olarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler AMOS 24 ve SPSS 21 istatistik paket programları ile test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda ilişki kalitesi, marka deneyiminin marka rezonansını pozitif yönde etkilediği ayrıca marka tutumunun bu etkideki aracı rolü tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Marka Deneyimi, İlişki Kalitesi, Marka Tutumu, Marka Rezonansı ABSTRACT Recently, with the emergence of new markets in the world market, companies have begun to struggle for existence, and at the same time, they have felt obliged to attach importance to service quality, common expectations of modern customers, and customer appreciation in order to keep up with the competitive environment. Manufacturers feel obliged to offer accurate and reliable experiences to the consumer in order to maximize the quality of their relationship with the consumer and to create the right brand information and brand image. According to Keller (1993), customer attitude can be formed from thoughts about brand experience, emotional benefits and internal elements of the brand. It should not be forgotten that a positive brand attitude has an important place in creating brand identity. Brand resonance, which was first included in studies in 2001, was defined by Kevin Keller as customers' thinking that they are compatible with the brand by focusing on the consumer's relationship with the brand and their level of identity.Based on this idea, we can say that brand resonance is at the highest stage of the brand building process (Badrinarayanan et al., 2015).The aim of the research is to examine the effects of brand experience, brand attitude and relationship quality in order to contribute to the literature and to determine the factors affecting brand resonance in branding. For the research, 401 people who use white goods were selected as a sample. Convenience sampling method was used in the research, one of the data collection methods, and the data was applied online with a survey containing open and closed-ended questions.The obtained data were tested with AMOS 24 and SPSS 21 statistical package programs. As a result of the research, it was determined that relationship quality and brand experience positively affect brand resonance, and the mediating role of brand attitude in this effect. Keywords: Brand Experience, Relationship Quality, Brand Attitude, Brand Resonance 445 GİRİŞ Global Dünya da markaların tüketicilerin günlük hayatının bir parçası haline gelmesinden bu yana markalara verilmesi gereken önem her zamankinden daha fazla fark edilmeye başlanmıştır (Brown, 2016). Şirketlerin tüketicilerle uzun vadeli ilişkiler kurmasında tüketicinin zihninde oluşan marka imajının olumlu olmasının çok büyük bir etken olduğu kabul görmektedir. Herhangi bir markanın gücünün ortaya çıkmasında, tüketicilerin inançları ve algıları çok büyük bir etken teşkil etmektedir (Keller, 2013a). Tüketicilerin markaya karşı yargıları diğer tüketicileri de olumlu ya da olumsuz etkilemektedir. İşletmeler tüketiciyi markaya ne kadar çok çekerse tüketicinin o markayı seçme ve o markaya olan aitlik hissi o kadar artacaktır. Tüketiciler deneyimledikleri markadan memnun kaldıkları takdirde, benliklerinde oluşturdukları imajın markayı satın alma sürecinde yardımcı olduğu görülmektedir (Das, Prakash ve Khattri, 2016). Günümüzde markalaşmayı etkileyen kavramlardan biri de hiç şüphesiz marka rezonansıdır (Aysuna, Kocamaz ve Uslu, 2016, s.95). Kavram olarak literatüre yeni giriş yapan marka rezonansı Kevin Keller tarafından 2001 yılında ortaya atılmıştır. Marka rezonansı kişinin fikir ya da nesnelere karşı pozitif veya negatif tutumu, değerlendirmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (Kotler, 2006). Marka rezonansı, markalaşma sürecinin en üst basamağında yer almakta (Badrinarayanan ve diğerleri, 2015) bundan dolayı da her markanın bir rezonansa sahip olması gerekmektedir. Marka rezonansının müşteri ilişkileri konusunda büyük öneme sahip olmasında, marka ile tüketici arasındaki sürdürülebilir marka değeri oluşturmasının etkisi yatmaktadır (Moore ve Wurster, 2007). Tüketicilerin marka rezonansı ile beğendikleri marka arasında iletişimde bulunup yakın bir ilişki içerine girerek paylaştıkları deneyimler sayesinde yüksek sadakat seviyesine sahip olmaları beklenilmektedir. Son yıllarda araştırmacılar tarafından marka rezonansının markalaşmadaki önemi ve markalaşmanın yeni ufukları araştırılmaktadır. Ülkemizde marka rezonansı üzerine yapılan araştırmalara bakıldığında kısıtlı alanda çalışmaların mevcut olduğu görülmektedir. Literatüre katkıda bulunmak ve markalaşmada marka rezonansının etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacı ile marka deneyimi, marka tutumu ve iletişim kalitesinin etkilerinin araştırılmasının pazarlama alanına farklı bir boyut getireceği düşüncesindeyiz. 446 ARAŞTIRMA Değişen ve artan rekabet ile beraber şirketler pazarlama stratejilerine ek olarak tüketici deneyimlerine odaklanmışlardır. Bu anlamda tüketici deneyiminin marka alanındaki önemi günden güne artmaktadır. Marka deneyimi genel olarak tüketicinin markaya karşı geliştirdiği kişisel değerlendirmelerine neden olan davranışlardır. Bu davranışlar zaman içerisinde tüketici memnuniyeti ve sadakati üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Marka deneyimi sonucunda oluştuğu varsayılan marka tutumu markaya dair tüketicinin genel yargılarından oluşmaktadır. Tüketiciler aldıkları ürün sonucu öncelikle bir deneyime sahip olup daha sonra ürün hakkında bir yargıya varırlar. Marka deneyiminin markaya karşı güvenin yanında tüketicide olumlu ya da olumsuz tutumlar gerçekleştirerek marka sadakatini marka modelini destekler nitelikte etkilediği de görülmektedir (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001). İlişki pazarlaması kavramlarından biri de ilişki kalitesidir (Athanasopoulou, 2009; Crosby vd., 1990; Morgan & Hunt, 1994).Tüketici ve marka arasındaki sürekli ilişkinin içeriğini, kişi ile marka arasındaki bağın gücünü açıklayan tüketici temelli yansımayı ilişki kalitesi olarak tanımlanabilir (Fournier, 1998). Tüketicinin ürünü tanıması ve marka ile arasında yüksek kaliteli ilişki geliştirmesi ,ürüne karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmesine neden olmaktadır. Literatüre giren yeni kavramlardan birisi olan marka rezonansı tüketicilerin herhangi bir markaya karşı geliştirdikleri yüksek ilişkiyi temsil etmekle beraber hissettiği uyum olarak da ifade edilmektedir. Üreticilere göre tüketiciler ürün ile etkileşimde bulunduktan sonra deneyimlerini başka tüketicilerle paylaşacak hatta olumlu deneyimleri ile olumlu tutum geliştirip yüksek derecede sadakat geliştirerek marka savunucusu olabileceklerdir. Ürüne karşı tüketicinin sahip olduğu bu psikolojik bağlılığın derinlik ve yoğunluk derecesi tüketici de tekrar satın alma eyleminin etkin olma düzeyini, bir anlamda marka rezonansını artıracaktır. Üreticilerin son dönemdeki başlıca hedeflerinden birisi de tüketicilerde markaya olan güveni artırmak ve uzun vadeli ilişkiler kurmaktır. İlişki kalitesindeki olumlu gelişmeler şirketlerin uzun vadeli yaptığı planlara ulaşma yolunda şirketlere güç kazandıracaktır.Yapılan araştırmalar marka ilişkisi kalitesini oluşturan unsurların birbiriyle bağlantılı ve marka rezonansı üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur (Hashim ve Yasin, 2012; Ou ve diğerleri, 2011; Kim ve diğerleri, 2011; Chung ve Shin) . Yapılan literatür araştırmalarına dayanarak aşağıda yer alan hipotezler oluşturulmuştur. 447 H1: Marka deneyimi, marka tutumu üzerinde pozitif bir etkiye sahiptir. H2: İlişki kalitesi, marka tutumu üzerinde pozitif bir etkiye sahiptir. H3: Marka tutumunun marka rezonansı üzerinde pozitif bir etkisi vardır. H4: Marka deneyiminin marka rezonansı üzerinde pozitif bir etkisi vardır. H5: İlişki kalitesinin marka rezonansı üzerinde pozitif bir etkisi vardır. ARAŞTIRMA MODELİ İlgili yazın taraması neticesinde aşağıdaki araştırma modeli oluşturulmuştur. Marka deneyimi H4 H1 H1 Marka tutumu H3 Marka rezonansı H1 H2 H5 H1 H1 İlişki kalitesi YÖNTEM-ÖRNEKLEM Bu araştırmanın amacı marka deneyimi ve ilişki kalitesinin marka rezonansına etkisini ve marka tutumunun aracılık rolünü tespit etmektir. Bu çalışma için beyaz eşya kullanan 401 kişi örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama yöntemlerinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış olup, veriler açık ve kapalı uçlu soruların yer aldığı anket ile çevrimiçi olarak uygulanmıştır. Anket iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Anketin ilk bölümünde demografik bilgilere (cinsiyet, yaş, gelir düzeyi, uygarlık durumu, eğitim düzeyi) yönelik hazırlanan sorular, ikinci bölümünde ise 5'li Likert Ölçeği kullanılarak hazırlanmış ifadeler yer almaktadır. 448 Araştırmada Marka deneyimi için Brakus (2009) tarafından geliştirilen 12 maddelik ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirliğini ifade eden Cronbach Alpha değeri 0,95 olarak belirlenmiştir. İlişki kalitesi için Clark & Phillips, 2013; Fournier, 1998) tarafından geliştirilen 4 maddelik ölçek kullanılmılştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirliğini ifade eden Cronbach Alpha değeri 0,94 olarak belirlenmiştir. Marka tutumu için Wu ve Wang (2011) tarafından geliştirilen 7 maddelik ölçek kullanılmıştır.Ölçeğin güvenilirliğini ifade eden Cronbach Alpha değeri 0,94 olarak belirlenmiştir.Marka rezonansı için KL Keller – 2001 tarafından geliştirilen 9 maddelik ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirliğini ifade eden Cronbach Alpha değeri 0,94 olarak belirlenmiştir .Değişkenlere ait güvenirlilik değerlerinin 0.80 üzerinde olması aynı zamanda açıklanan varyans ve faktör yüklerinin 0,50 nin üstünde olması bize ölçekteki tüm ifadelerin geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu göstermektedir. BULGULAR Araştırma modeli doğrultusunda oluşturulan hipotezlerin test edilmesi için öncelikle değişkenlerin birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri test edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda yapılan Pearson korelasyon analizine ait sonuçlar Tablo 1’de yer almaktadır. Tablo 1. Değişkenlere İlişkin Korelasyon Analizi Değişkenler 1 İlişki Kalitesi 1 Marka Deneyimi ,666* 1 Marka Rezonansı ,752* ,667* 1 Marka Tutumu ,827* ,759* ,759* 2 3 4 1 * P<0,5 Gerçekleştirilen korelasyon analizi sonucunda değişkenler arasında ilişkinin yönü ve kuvveti belirlenmiştir. İlişki kalitesi ve marka deneyimi arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca marka rezonansı ile ilişki kalitesi ve marka deneyimi arasında da pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Marka tutumu ile marka rezonansı arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişkisi vardır. Hipotezlerin test edilmesi amacıyla veriler yapısal eşitlik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Modele ait uyum iyiliği değerleri sonuçları Tablo 2’de yer almaktadır. 449 Tablo 2. Yapısal Eşitlik Modeline İlişkin Uyum İndeks Değerleri İndeksler Anlamı Araştırma Modeli Referans Değerler CMIN/DF Kikare/ Serbestlik Derecesi 3,213 0< χ2/sd ≤ 5 RMR Artık Temelli Uyum İndeksi ,078 RMSEA Yaklaşık Hataların Ortalama ,074 <,1 <,05-,08≤ Karekökü IFI Artımlı Uyum İndeksi ,935 >90 TLI Tucker-Lewis İndeksi ,927 >90 CFI Karşılaştırmalı Uyum İyiliği İndeksi ,935 >90 Tablo 2’de görüldüğü üzere modele ilişkin uyum iyiliği değerlerinin tümü referans değer aralıklarında yer almaktadır. Sonuçlar ilişki kalitesinin ve marka deneyiminin marka rezonansını ve marka tutumunu anlamlı ve pozitif etkilediği göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak H1,H2,H3,H5 kabul edilmiştir. İlişki kalitesi ve marka deneyiminin marka rezonansı üzerine etkisinde marka tutumunun aracılık rolünü tespit etmek için Baron ve Kenny (1986) aracılık etkisi modeli uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen değerler incelendiğinde marka deneyimi ve ilişki kalitesinin marka rezonansı üzerine etkisinde marka tutumunun kısmı aracılık rolünün olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna göre H4 kabul edilmiştir. Modele ilişkin uyum iyiliği değerleri (CMIN/DF, RMR, RMSEA, IFI, TLI, CFI ) incelendiğinde değerlerin tümünün referans değerleri arasında olduğu görülmüştür. SONUÇ Günümüz rekabet koşulları üreticilerin tüketiciler ile sağlam ve uzun süreli ilişkiler kurabilmesi için yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirmek zorunda bırakmıştır. Bilim adamları markalaşmada müşteri deneyimlerinin ne derecede önemli olduğunu 1980'lerden itibaren fark etmeye başlamışlardır (Hirschman & Holbrook, 1982; Mowen, 1988; Simon, 1993). Bu dönemden önce pazarlamacılar fayda odaklı tüketiciye yönelmiş ve marka oluşturmada rasyonel yola kilitlenmişlerdir. Sonrasında, tüketicilerin rasyonelliğin yanında duygusal oldukları, ürün satın almada sadece ürünün özelliklerine bakılmadığı, bununla beraber deneyimler kazanmanın da etkili olduğu düşüncesi ilgi uyandırmaya başlamıştır (Imran &Mobin, 2017). Markaya karşı ilginin ve izlenimin oluşmasında müşteri tutumunun ne kadar önemli olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Keller (1993) marka deneyimi, duygusal ve pratik faydalar, markanın içsel 450 unsurları hakkındaki düşüncelerden müşteri tutumu oluşabileceğini söylemektedir. Tüketicilerin markaya karşı tutumu, o markaya yönelik isteğini ve eğilimini gösterir, bu durum tüketicinin marka seçimi gibi eylemlerine sebep olur (Keller, 1998). Markalara karşı tutumun olumlu olduğu durumlarda pazar payında artışın oluştuğu gerçeği göz ardı edilemez. Tüketicilerin sahip oldukları marka tutumu ve marka tercihini etkileyen etmenlerin incelendiği çalışmalara bakıldığında; oluşan marka deneyiminin kalıcı etkisine sahip olan tüketicilerin o markaya karşı olumlu bir tutum geliştirdiği fark edilmiştir. Tüketicinin ürünü tanıması ve marka ile arasında yüksek kaliteli ilişki oluşturması, ürüne karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmesinde etkili olmaktadır. Tüketicinin kullandığı markalarla psikolojik, ve davranışsal bağlar geliştirme derecesini marka rezonansı olarak değerlendirdiğimizde yapılan çalışma ile tüketicinin ürün deneyiminin, ilişki kalitesinin ve marka tutumunun marka rezonansını anlamlı bir şekilde pozitif yönde etkilediği görülmektedir. Bu çalışma ile bir sonraki araştırmalarda marka rezonansını etkileyen farklı etkenler test edilerek literatüre katkı sağlanabilir. Aynı zamanda seçilen beyaz eşya ürünlerinde uygulanan çalışma belirli bir marka üzerinde test edilebilir. Farklı bölgeler arasında hipotezleri test etmekte çalışmaya farklı bir boyut getirecektir. KAYNAKÇA Athanasopoulout, Pinelopi. Relationship quality: a critical literature review and research agenda. European journal of marketing, 2009, 43.5/6: 583-610. Aysuna Türkyılmaz, C., Kocamaz, İ. ve Uslu, A. (2016). Materialism and brand resonance as drivers of online compulsive buying behavior. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 43, 91-107. Badrinarayanan, V., Suh, T. ve Kim, K.M. (2016). Brand resonance in franchising relationships: A franchisee-based perspective, Journal of Business Research 69 (2016) 3943–3950. Chaudhuri, A., & Holbrook, M. B. (2001). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role of brand loyalty. The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 6.81-93. Das, J. K., Prakash, O., & Khattri, V. (2016). Brand image mapping: A study on bathing soaps. Global Business Review, 17(4), 870–885. Fournıer, Susan. Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 1998, 24.4: 343-373. Gender and Consumer Emotions, Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 34) / 65. 451 Hashım, Sharizal; YASIN, Norjaya M. Exploring the mediating effect of brand relationship quality in the service brand equity and brand resonance linkage. Jurnal Pengurusan, 2012, 36: 123-134. Keller, K. L. (2013). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity (4th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing Management. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc Moore, D. ve Wurster, D. (2007). Self-Brand Connections and Brand Resonance: The Role of 452 FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION IN THE TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Hajizade Huzura Tapdig Nakhchivan State University Academic advisor 0009-0001-9119-2698 Abstract The global goal of modern education is to prepare the young generation for full and effective participation in public and professional spheres in the information society. Information and its free flow play a crucial role. global problems of modern education played the role of a guide for the creation and application of a new information approach in pedagogy. Pedagogical communication is the theoretical basis of this approach. Pedagogical communication is a professional communication between a teacher and students that performs certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, and is a relationship between students. Pedagogical communication is a purposeful process of interaction between teachers and students, its goals are information exchange, successful training and education, creating a favorable psychological climate and emotional contact; it is a process carried out by various means of communication. The implementation of pedagogical communication is always subject to one or another goal. The goals of pedagogical communication are consciously determined expected results that the teacher tries to achieve in the present (in a certain situation of pedagogical communication) and in the near future using various communicative means. These goals depend on various conditions: the age of the students; according to their level of development and education; from students' intentions, experiences, attitudes, and mental states; students' role, status, business and interpersonal relationships, etc. It should be noted that the forms of organization of pedagogical communication are of special importance in the teaching process. In the research, the forms of proper organization of pedagogical communication were taken into account. Also, the study reflected ideas about the optimal communication model (unobstructed communication), what is optimal communication, its structure, functions, goals and related processes, personality characteristics and situations. The article also touched upon the forms of pedagogical communication organized by the higher school teacher during the pedagogical activity. It is necessary for the teacher to know the forms of organization of pedagogical communication during his pedagogical activity. The effectiveness of pedagogical communication depends on the correct implementation of its organizational forms. Therefore, the article is relevant. Key words: Pedagogical communication, pedagogical activity, teacher, student, university, monologue, dialogue, polylogue. 453 Many thinkers have admitted that pedagogy is not only a science but also an art. this art consists of many components. Pedagogical communication takes an important place among these components.Pedagogical communication is one of the powerful factors that ensure success in the activity of educational institutions, perhaps the first. Pedagogical communication is the main form of the existence of the pedagogical process and is a specific form of communication that has its own characteristics and at the same time is subject to general psychological laws inherent in communication as a form of interaction of a person with other people, including people.Properly organized pedagogical communication is a necessary condition and content of professional pedagogical activity. Pedagogical communication is a very broad concept.Pedagogical communication between the director of educational institutions and the teaching staff, between the student and the student, and between the teacher and the student belongs to this concept. The teacher-student concept is important here. The psychological burden of the teacher-student communication process in a modern university is increasing day by day: Students' professional development, assimilation of knowledge, skills and experiences related to their profession depends on the quality and character of interpersonal communication. The "Student-Teacher" communication system between teachers and students is entrusted with the function of personal and professional development of the future specialist and the formation of a citizen. Pedagogical communication in a modern university is communication aimed at satisfying the participants of this process, first of all, the need for communication. In general, optimal relationships in the teacher-student system are not formal relationships with significant social distance, but cooperation and partnership relationships mediated by interpersonal relationships based on mutual respect and attention to personality. The concept of teacher and student is important. Pedagogical communication is the teacher's professional communication. İn higher education institutions, it is of special importance to improve the teacher's professional training, relationship with requirements, behavior, speech skills, use of pedagogical techniques, acting ability and personal qualities. The main goal of modern university education is to prepare the young generation for full and effective participation in public and professional fields in the information society, as well as to act as a guide for the creation and application of a new information approach in modern pedagogy. Pedagogical communication is the theoretical basis of this approach. Pedagogical communication is a purposeful and interactive process between teachers and students. Also, its purpose is to create a favorable psychological climate and emotional contact for information exchange, successful training. It is important for a university teacher to know and implement the forms of organizing pedagogical communication during his professional activity. Forms of organization of pedagogical communication are: monologue, dialogue, discussion, polylogue. A monologue is defined as "a soliloquy or speech by one person addressed to an audience." Monological speech is the process of purposeful information giving, conscious influence on people through speech. At this time, the teacher-professor addresses the students with his ideas on a certain topic and with a certain purpose, which creates certain emotions in the students or prompts them to certain actions. There are informative, persuasive and provocative types of monologue speech. Informative speech is to provide information about a new educational subject and help to understand and master it. This is possible when the speech is clear and interesting. An informative speech is the product of a premeditated plan from the first word to the last. 454 Otherwise, it will be confusing and uninteresting. In order to be both clear and attractive, the speech should be built on the basis of a purposeful reconciliation of old and new elements, taking into account the interests of the listener, and each part should be specific separately and as a whole. If the speech creates a feeling of getting into the topic, if it uses conflict-dramatic principles, if it creates a feeling of anticipation in the audience that is gradually increasing and is completed by the unraveling of knots, then the speech will be attractive. The introduction should be structured in such a way that it attracts attention, arouses interest, and clarifies the purpose of the speech. The main part of the speech should be opened according to the plan, taking into account the thematic task, the composition of the audience and the state of communication in general. Thus, the significance of the speech should be highlighted, the goal should be clarified; at this time, the interest of the listeners is activated at the highest possible level, the necessary emotional state of the audience is stabilized in order to reach the goal of the speech. These functionally oriented speeches are more necessary in the conditions of the rapid intensification of the information needs of the modern society. Today, science and high technologies based on it have become the main factor in the transmission of social relations. Usually, teachers and professors in universities use the monologue form of pedagogical communication in lectures. In this form of communication, students are passive. During such communication, there is no effective interaction between teachers and students. The teacher speaks and the student listens. Research has shown that the amount of information loss during monologue communication can reach 50% of the initial information volume, and in some cases 80%. It should be noted that modern technological equipment is used in teaching processes in modern universities. Teachers and professors use technological equipment and electronic boards during monologue communication. But still monologue is not the most effective form of organizing pedagogical communication. As a result of research, it was concluded that the most effective form of pedagogical communication is dialogue. Dialogue requires fluency in speech, sensitivity to gestures, the ability to understand sincere answers. Dialogue is based on the ability to ask questions of oneself and others. Instead of delivering perfect monologues, it is more effective for the teacher to turn his ideas into questions, test them in dialogue with demands, and see if they are supported or not. Questions provide further deepening of pedagogical communication. There are two forms of dialogue in dialogic relationships: internal and external. It is necessary for the teacher to create special conditions for the emergence of internal and external forms of dialogue. When creating conditions for internal dialogue, you can design situational tasks of the following nature: Choosing alternative solutions, solving problematic situations, searching for judgments about a certain fact or event, solving problems of an uncertain nature (without a clear solution), putting forward hypotheses and theories . During the external dialogue, the following conditions are supposed to be created: interrogative communication method; exchange of ideas, opinions, positions; discussions; collective generation of ideas; opposing views, suggestions, evidence; multifunctional analysis of ideas and hypotheses, creative workshops. 455 The effective establishment of dialogic communication depends on the sincerity of its participants. If the teacher does not take a sincere position, the dialogue becomes distorted and artificial, there is a mismatch between the form of communication and its inner content. Discussion is one of the forms of organizing pedagogical communication. Debate (Latin discano - research, review, analysis) is a public debate, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, to investigate, to determine the true opinion, to find the correct solution to the controversial issue. Discussion is considered an effective method of persuasion because the participants themselves come to one or another conclusion. Discussion is one of the forms of organizing pedagogical communication. Debate (from the Latin discano - means research, review, analysis) is a public debate, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, to investigate, to determine the true opinion, to find the correct solution to a controversial issue. Discussion is considered an effective method of persuasion because the participants themselves come to one or another conclusion. Discussion in the pedagogical process is an exchange of ideas on issues in accordance with more or less defined rules of conduct and with the participation of all or only a part of the participants in the lesson. During mass discussion, all members are on an equal footing, except for the teacher. There are no special speakers and everyone is not just a listener. A particular issue is discussed in a specific manner, usually according to strict or slightly modified class rules defined by the teacher. Group discussion consists of discussing issues with a specially designated group in front of an audience. Like any form of discussion in front of an audience, it represents a debate. The purpose of a group discussion is to present a possible solution to a problem or to discuss opposing views on controversial issues. However, this usually does not resolve the dispute or motivate the students to take any action. A group discussion consists of 3-8 members including the chairperson. Participants should be well prepared, have records with statistics and other necessary information. They should discuss issues in a relaxed, animated manner, ask questions and make brief comments. Polylogue (Greek, lit. 'speech of many') - a conversation of many participants. In this case, it is assumed that the role of the speaker passes from one person to another, otherwise the conversation turns into a monologue. But what is a "polylogue"? The prefix "poly", as the term implies, has already explained everything. If monologue is the speech of one person, dialogue is the communication of two people, polylogue is the conversation of several people. Typically, polylogue takes place in a situation where many people meet to discuss some issues, exchange ideas or share a common outlook. If we look at the definition of dialogue in dictionaries, we will see that dialogue is communication between two or more people. In this case, what is polylog? It differs from dialogue by the equal and joint active participation of all speakers. In a dialogue (even if more than two subjects are involved), communication takes place between two participants. When the third is closed, the disposition simply changes. But in polylogue there is no division into pairs, there is a general conversation. Sometimes polylogue is simply called a complex variant of dialogue. But in my opinion, it has so many features that it has the right to be called an independent form of communication. The polylogue is always closely related to the situation, the problem that the participants want to discuss. In the university, this form of pedagogical 456 communication can be effective if it is used in place and correctly. Often, a polylogue arises when a topic that attracts the attention of all students appears in the educational process. A polylogue is an exchange of ideas on a specific topic in which each participant expresses his or her point of view. Participants in the conversation ask each other questions to learn the other person's point of view or to clarify unclear points in the discussion. This form of communication is especially effective when there is a need to clarify or highlight a problem. From what we have said, it can be concluded that the forms of organizing pedagogical communication are of great importance in productive communication. Let's take into account that it has become very difficult to communicate live with modern youth. Because most young people depend on social networks and prefer virtual communication. Conversations of old people, teachers and professors are boring for young people. most of the time, in the course of the university, young students are watching internet sites on the phone under the table and not studying the subject being taught. Therefore, the work of university teachers has become more difficult than usual. In modern times, university teachers should have more pedagogical skills and work more on themselves. At the same time, he should perfectly know all the features of pedagogical communication, as well as its organizational forms. In the teaching process, the teacher should choose and implement the forms of organizing pedagogical communication in accordance with the content of the subject to be taught. At the same time, he should organize the form of communication according to the individual characteristics of young people. Some young people may be more active during the dialogue, or some may be active in the discussion, while others may want to participate in the polylogue. The teacher should organize pedagogical communication keeping all these in focus and also ensure the activity of all students in all forms of communication over time. Literature: 1. "Pedagogical communication". Ganja State University lectures. 2.А. А. Максимова Oсновы педагогической коммуникации орск 2012 3. "Basics of speech culture". Lectures of Nakhchivan State University. 4. 5.Гужва Ирина Вячеславовна. “Психологические особенности педагогического общения преподаватель-студент в современном вузе”. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата психологических наук. Смоленск, 2011 6. 457 ışma ile bir sonraki araştırmalarda marka rezonansını etkileyen farklı etkenler test edilerek literatüre katkı sağlanabilir. Aynı zamanda seçilen beyaz eşya ürünlerinde uygulanan çalışma belirli bir marka üzerinde test edilebilir. Farklı bölgeler arasında hipotezleri test etmekte çalışmaya farklı bir boyut getirecektir. KAYNAKÇA Athanasopoulout, Pinelopi. Relationship quality: a critical literature review and research agenda. European journal of marketing, 2009, 43.5/6: 583-610. Aysuna Türkyılmaz, C., Kocamaz, İ. ve Uslu, A. (2016). Materialism and brand resonance as drivers of online compulsive buying behavior. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 43, 91-107. Badrinarayanan, V., Suh, T. ve Kim, K.M. (2016). Brand resonance in franchising relationships: A franchisee-based perspective, Journal of Business Research 69 (2016) 3943– 3950. Chaudhuri, A., & Holbrook, M. B. (2001). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role of brand loyalty. The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 6.8193. Das, J. K., Prakash, O., & Khattri, V. (2016). Brand image mapping: A study on bathing soaps. Global Business Review, 17(4), 870–885. Fournıer, Susan. Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 1998, 24.4: 343-373. Gender and Consumer Emotions, Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 34) / 65. Hashım, Sharizal; YASIN, Norjaya M. Exploring the mediating effect of brand relationship quality in the service brand equity and brand resonance linkage. Jurnal Pengurusan, 2012, 36: 123-134. Keller, K. L. (2013). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity (4th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing Management. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc Moore, D. ve Wurster, D. (2007). Self-Brand Connections and Brand Resonance: The Role of 458 KOMPÜTER CİNAYƏTKARLARININ PSİXOLOGİYASININ TƏDQİQİ A STUDY OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMPUTER CRIMINALS Inci Imanova Western Caspian University, Faculty Of Socıal And Polıtıcal Scıences, Baku, Azerbaijan Gulara Rahimova Baku State University, Faculty of applied mathematics and cybernetics, Department of Informatics, Baku, Azerbaijan ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The article analyzes issues related to the forensic characterization of the personality of cybercriminals. For scientific and practical purposes, the sources of the formation of knowledge about the personality of computer criminals are indicated, including their characteristics. The article notes that in the total mass of crimes, the portrait of a typical criminal is contradictory, which indicates the need to distinguish groups of criminals according to various criteria. Such forensically significant properties and qualities as age, gender, education and profession, motives, appearance and psychology are singled out, generalized and investigated. Data on the age of criminals are presented. There is a rejuvenation of antisocial, including criminal behavior in the field of computer information. It is noted that the commission of crimes in this category is more typical for men. Data on the educational level, profession and special skills of criminals are summarized. The article also analyzes the psychophysical features of computer criminals. Materials and Methods: Given the wide range of cybercrimes, it is hardly possible to create a unified methodology for their investigation. Therefore, most likely, the optimal solution would be to create adaptive methods for developing an investigation strategy for certain types of cybercrimes. Such methods should also be based on: 1) the psychological characteristics of the criminal, according to which he will base his further actions, and 2) the environment in which there is an increased risk. Common to these strategies may be minimizing the harm of the crime and localizing criminal activity already at the first stage of the investigation. Results: Research in this area is also important theoretical material and can contribute to the development of the study of the psychology of deviant behavior. As the current situation shows, a multidisciplinary approach is needed in the fight against cybercrime and its prevention, in which psychology plays an important role. Therefore, the creation of an effective system for combating cybercrimes requires intensifying research into the psychology of cybercriminals and training personnel in this direction. Discussion and Conclusion: Psychological verification requires a criminological view of cybercrime, since this is one of the types of crime in which: internal motivation plays an important role not only for individual criminals, but also in the field of organized crime; Attitude development primarily occurs in the cyber environment, especially among new generations of criminals. The prevention of cybercrime can be quite effective precisely because of the ability to accurately determine social and psychological determinants and influence them. 459 Key Words: psychology of a cybercriminal, psychology of computer criminals, computer crimes, Internet terrorists, criminal personality characteristics. Annotasiya. Cəmiyyətin informatlaşdırılması prosesi müsbət nəticələrlə yanaşı, bir sıra mənfi cəhətləri də ön plana gətirdi. Beləki, kompüterlərin qlobal şəbəkələrə inteqrasiyası, bir tərəfdən, çoxlu sayda insanın dünyada toplanmış nəhəng informasiya kütləsinə qoşulmasına şərait yaratsa da, digər tərəfdən, bu, informasiya texnologiyaları ilə bağlı problemləri şəbəkədə yerləşdirilən əqli mülkiyyətin qorunması problemlərini meydana çıxartdı. Eyni zamanda kompüterlərin və kompüter texnologiyalarının geniş yayılması və cəmiyyət həyatının bütün sferalarına tətbiqi bir çox cinayətlərin mahiyyətinin dəyişməsinə, onların yeni növlərinin meydana çıxmasına səbəb oldu. Bu da cinayətkar qrupların öz fəaliyyətlərində yeni informasiya texnologiyalarından fəal istifadə etməyə başlamasına zəmin yaratdı. Cinayətkarlar ilk növbədə eqoist məqsədlərinə nail olmaq üçün öz hərəkətlərini planlaşdırarkən, sistemli yanaşma çərçivəsində kompüterlərdən və xüsusi avadanlıqlardan professional formada istifadə etməyə, sui-qəsd və gizli ünsiyyət sistemlərini yaratmağa başladılar. Bu da nəticədə kriminal professionalizmin yüksəlməsi, kompüter cinayətlərinin icrasında bacarıqlıların, kvalifikasiyalıların sayının kəskin artması ilə müşahidə olundu. Aydındır ki, baxılan problemlər hüquq-mühafizə orqanlarının fəaliyyət sferasına təsir etməyə bilməzdi və nəticə onu deməyə imkan verir ki, cinayətlərin yeni növlərinin tədqiqinə yanaşmaların, onların araşdırılması və qarşısının alınması üsullarının işlənib hazırlanmasına ciddi ehtiyac vardır. Kontentin aktual olduğunu nəzərə alaraq, bu məqalədə biz kompüter cinayəti törədənlərin (onları kompüter cinayətkarları və ya kibercinayətkarlar adlandırırlar) portreti və əsas psixoloji xüsusiyyətlərini verməyə çalışmışıq. Açar sözlər: kibercinayətkarın psixologiyası, kompüter cinayətkarlarının psixologiyası, kompüter cinayətləri, internet terrorçular, şəxsiyyətin kriminal xarakteristikası Giriş İnformasiya texnologiyalarının inkişafının mənfi nəticələrindən biri də cinayətin yeni formasının - cinayətin yüksək texnologiyalar sferasında meydana çıxması və inkişafıdır ki, bu zaman kompüterlər və ya kompüter şəbəkələri cinayətkar təcavüzün obyekti, habelə onların vasitələri və ya üsulu kimi çıxış edir. Yerli ədəbiyyatda ən çox üstünlük verilən tərif “kompüter cinayəti” anlayışıdır. Eyni zamanda, “kibercinayət” anlayışı (ingilis dilində - cybercrime) “kompüter cinayəti”ndən (computer crime) daha geniş şəkildə istifadə olunur ki, bu da informasiya məkanında cinayət kimi fenomenin xarakterini daha dəqiq əks etdirməyə imkan verir. Əksər hallarda bu cinayət müxtəlif kompüter sistemlərinə qanunsuz daxil olmaq, bu sistemlərlə manipulyasiya etmək, onlara təsir göstərməklə xarakterizə olunur. Əksər tədqiqatçılar (K. V. Qryulix, T. L. Tropina və başqaları) hesab edirlər ki, “kompüter cinayəti” termini bu sahədə bütün cinayətləri tam təfsilatı ilə əhatə edə bilmir. Bu səbəbdən, dərin təhlilə getmədən, BMT ekspertlərinin tövsiyələrini nəzərə alaraq, kiberməkanda kompüter sistemlərinin və ya kompüter şəbəkələrinin köməyilə, habelə, digər vasitələrin köməyi ilə kompüter sistemləri və ya şəbəkələri daxilində törədilmiş cinayətlərin məcmusunu 460 kibercinayətkarlıq hesab edə bilərik. Beləliklə, elektron mühitdə törədilən istənilən cinayəti kibercinayətkarlıq kimi təsnif etmək olar. Çox vaxt cinayətkarlar uşaqlıq yaşlarında kompüterlə tanış olur, onu ilahiləşdirirlər. Onlar üçün kompüter sistemi tədqiq edilməli və səmərəli istifadə edilməli sirlər dünyasına çevriliır. Həmçinin, məktəbdə öyrəncilər və xüsusən də, ali təhsil müəssisələrinin tələbələri məhz bu məqsədlə, proqramlaşdırmanın əsaslarını öyrənir, onları təkmilləşdirirlər. Yerli və xarici təcrübənin təhlili və ədəbi mənbələrin tədqiqi göstərir ki, kompüter cinayətkarlarının yaşı kifayət qədər geniş hüdudlarda dəyişir (orta hesabla 15 yaşdan 45 yaşa qədər). Araşdırmalara görə, cinayət törətdiyi vaxt cinayət törədənlərin 33%-i 20 yaşa qədər, 13%-i 40 yaşdan yuxarı, 54%-i isə 20-40 yaş arasında olanlardır. Beləliklə, hakerlər əvvəllər düşünüldüyü kimi heç də, həmişə gənc oğlanlar deyil [1, s. 119–121]. Bu kateqoriyaya daxil olan şəxslərin 80%-dən çoxunu kişilər təşkil edir. Kibermühit cinayətkarlığının ekonometrik analizi göstərir ki, əsasən qadınlar tərəfindən tutulan bəzi ixtisas və vəzifələrdə (katib, mühasib), qadınların kibercinayətlərə meylliliyinin iştirak faizi sürətlə artsa da (məsələn, qadınlar iqtisadçı, menecer, məmur və s. kimi sahələrdə daha peşəkardırlar), onların törətdiyi cinayətlərdən dəyən zərər kişilərin törətdiyi cinayətlərdən dəyən zərərdən dörd dəfə azdır. Maraqlıdır ki, kompüter cinayətkarlarının 77%-i orta intellektual inkişaf səviyyəsinə malik, 21%-i orta İQ səviyyəsindən yuxarı, cəmi 2%-i isə orta səviyyədən aşağı olur, ona görə də cinayətkarların 20%-i orta, 20%-si orta ixtisas, 60%-i isə daha yüksək təhsil səviyyəsinə malik olur. Tədqiqatlar göstərir ki, kompüter cinayətləri törədən şəxslərin kompüter proqramı yazmaq üçün lazım olan intellekt əmsalı orta intellekt əmsalı (IQ) göstəricisindən daha yüksəkdir. Əsas hissə Kompüter cinayətkarının şəxsi xüsusiyyətləri aktiv həyat mövqeyi, düşüncə və davranışın orijinallığı (qeyri-standartlıq), ehtiyatlılıq, diqqətlilikdir. Onlar öz bacarıq, səriştə və mənimsə-mələrinin əsasını təşkil edən prosesləri dərk etməyə, proqnozlaşdırmağa və idarə etməyə diqqət yetirirlər. Psixofiziki xüsusiyyətləri nəzərə alsaq, belə cinayətkar, bir qayda olaraq, parlaq, düşünən və yaradıcı insan, öz sahəsinin peşəkarı, dəyərli işçidir. Eyni zamanda, bu, hər hansı sosial qrup daxilində nüfuzunu və ya sosial statusunu itirməkdən çəkinən, istehzadan qorxan adamdır. Zahirən kompüter cinayətkarlarının davranışı cəmiyyətdə müəyyən edilmiş sosial normalardan nadir hallarda fərqlənir. Bundan əlavə, təcrübə göstərir ki, onların əksəriyyətinin kriminal keçmişi yoxdur [2, s. 155]. Məqsədlərinə və istiqamətlərinə görə bu cinayətkarları dörd qrupa bölmək olar. Birinci qrupa, kompüterlə ünsiyyət prosesini öyrənmək və ya özünü ifadə etmək məqsədinə xidmət edən, proqramçılar daxildir. Onlar özlərini “ kompüter andeqraundu”57 adlandırılan quruma aid hesab edir və əksər hallarda qeyri-qanuni, lakin faydalı işlə məşğul olurlar. [3, s. 119–121]. Underground - müasir incəsənətdə kütləvi mədəniyyətə, incəsənətə zidd olan yaradıcı cərəyanlar toplusu deməkdir. Underground qeyri-rəsmi, müstəqil və ya senzuradan keçmiş formaları və sənət əsərlərini əhatə edir. Andeqraund üçün dominant ideologiyadan ayrılmaq, üslub və linqvistik 57 461 Məsələn, kompüter andeqraundları bahalı lisenziyalı proqram məhsullarını ictimaiyyətə təqdim edir, kompüter oyunlarının keçidini asanlaşdırırlar və s.. Amma onların arasında, ən yaxşı halda “kod yaradıcılığının” həvəsləndirici motivi olan “virus yazanlar” da var (Bəzən bu, yaramazlıq və ya özünə itirilmiş inamın təsdiqi hesab olunur.) . Beləliklə, birinci qrup kompüter texnologiyaları və proqramlaşdırma sahəsində peşəkarlığını bir növ fanatizm və ixtiraçılıq elementləri ilə sabit birləşdirən şəxslərlə xarakterizə olunur. Birinci qrup, yeni növ psixi xəstəlikdən - informasiya və ya kompüter asılılığı xəstəliyi, kompüter fobiyalarından əziyyət çəkənlərdən ibarət olan, ikinci qrupa çox yaxındır (bu xəstəliklərlə e-tibb və ya informasiya tibbi sahəsi məşğul olur). Onların hərəkətləri əsasən kompüter avadanlıqlarının fiziki məhvinə və ya zədələnməsinə, əksər hallarda isə öz hərəkətlərinə nəzarətin qismən və ya tamamilə itirilməsinə yönəlib [4, s. 100–104]. Üçüncü qrup, açıq-aydın muzdlu fəaliyyət göstərən peşəkar cinayətkarlardır. Kompüter cinayətinin özəyi olan məhz bu qrup - cəmiyyət üçün ciddi təhlükə yaradır. Dördüncü qrup “qondarma” kompüter terrorçularından ibarətdir [5, s. 206–207]. Mütəxəssislər hesab edir ki, yaxın iki-üç ildə biz terrorun yeni növünün yaranmasının şahidi ola bilərik, o zaman təxribat partlayıcı qurğuların qoyulması ilə deyil, dünya miqyasında İnternet kompüter şəbəkəsi vasitəsilə ən böyük informasiya sistemlərinin sıradan çıxarılması ilə həyata keçiriləcək. Qurbanlar ilk növbədə dövlət təşkilatları və böyük kommersiya strukturları olacaq. İnternet terrorçulara öz ideyalarını əvvəlkindən keyfiyyətcə fərqli səviyyədə təbliğ etmək imkanı verir. İnformasiya mənbələri bütün dünyaya səpələnmiş ola biləcəyi üçün belə təbliğatla mübarizə aparmaq çox çətindir və daha da çətin olacaq. Hətta bir neçə serverin itirilməsi belə terrorçular üçün ciddi problem ola bilməz . Eyni zamanda bəzi terror təşkilatları təbliğatla kifayətlənmək fikrində deyil və İnternetdən istifadə edərək terror aktları üçün planlar hazırlayır. İRO58 nümayəndələri kompüter sistemlərinin hər hansı bir kommersiya strukturunda bombadan daha çox zərər verə biləcəyini təsdiqləyiblər [6, s. 130–135]. Terrorçular üçün kompüter təxribatının "ənənəvi" terror hücumları ilə müqayisədə bir sıra üstünlükləri vardır: zərərin bərpası şansı azalır, daha geniş ictimai etirazla qarşılaşa bilərsiniz və bundan əlavə, konkret cinayətkarın tutulması xeyli çətindir. Kompüter təxribatını həyata keçirmək üçün peşəkar proqramçılar - kompüter sistemlərinin krakerləri (hakerlər)59 cəlb oluna bilər. məhdudiyyətlərə məhəl qoymamaq, ümumi qəbul edilmiş dəyərləri, normaları, sosial və bədii ənənələri rədd etmək, tez-tez ictima-iyyəti şoka salmaq, üsyankarlıq xarakterikdir. Andeqraundlar cəmiyyətdə qəbul edilən siyasi, əxlaqi və etik oriyentasiyaları və davranış stereotiplərini rədd edir və tez-tez onları pozur, həyata yeni davranış nümunələri gətirirlər. (rus. ИРА, İrland Respublikası Ordusu- Avropanın ən mükəmməl terroristlər ordusu) Haker (ing. hack- baltalamaq, doğramaq) İT sahəsində yüksək səviyyədə ixtisaslaşmış və kompüter sisteminin fəaliyyətini təmin edə biləcək mütəxəssisdir. Onlar İlkin mərhələdə proqram təminatında (proqramlaşdırma kontekstində dizayn verilməsi və interfeysin quruluşunda) baş vermiş sistem səhvlərinin surətli və professional bərpası ilə məşğul olan kompüter proqramçılarıdır. Bu cür kobud tərzdə bərpa etmə, b.s., “balta ilə işləmək” kimi əlaqələndirilir. Haker termini öz mənbəyini də, məhz, buradan götürmüşdür. Əksər hallarda hakerləri kompüter sistemini sındıranlarla- krakerlərlə (ing. dilinndən crack — sındıran) səhv salırlar ki, bu da yanlışdır. 58 59 462 - Kompüter təxribatı təhlükəsi ilə potensial qurbanların şantaj edilməsi ehtimalını nəzərə almamaq mümkün deyil [7, s. 209–211]. Bu yaxınlarda “proqram təminatı quldurları” peykin orbitində düzəlişlər etməyə nail olublar ki, bu da Britaniya silahlı qüvvələrində əsl şoka səbəb olub. Skotland-Yardla birlikdə “oğruları” müəyyən edən Britaniya kəşfiyyat xidmətlərinin yüksək vəzifəli məmurlarından biri “Bu, ancaq kabusda baş verə bilər” ifadəsini səsləndirib. Böyük Britaniya, özünün dediyi kimi, nüvə hücumuna məruz qalarsa, təcavüzkar ilk növbədə, məhz, hərbi peyk rabitə sistemini ələ keçirəcəkdir. Cinayət törətmək üçün ən çox yayılmış motivlər aşağıdakılardan ibarətdir [8, s. 150–153]: muzdlu təkliflər-mülahizələr (bu, üçüncü qrup cinayətkarlara aiddir və birinci qrup üçün tədqiqat marağı hesab olunur); xuliqanlıq motivləri (birinci və ikinci qruplar); qisas (ikinci qrup); Dövlət və cəmiyyətin təhlükəsizliyinə yönəlmiş təhlükə və onun həyata keçirilməsi (kompüter terrorizmi - dördüncü qrup) . Rəqəmsal Məhkəmə ekspertizası sahəsində rusiyalı məhkəmə eksperti V.B. Vexov kibercinayətkarlıq törətmək üçün ən çox yayılmış motivləri reytinq sırasına görə belə qiymətləndirir [9, s. 250–253]: a) şəxsi maraqlar - 66% (təşkilati və idarəetmə məsələləri ilə məşğul olan şəxslər tərəfindən həyata keçirilir: kompüter şəbəkəsi və ya sistemini idarə etmək, operatorları idarə etmək, verilənlər bazalarını və məlumat banklarını idarə etmək, proqram təminatı işini idarə etmək və s.); b) siyasi məqsədlər - 17% (casusluq, hökumətin maliyyə və monetar siyasətini sarsıtmağa, ölkənin pul-kredit sistemini nizama salmağa, bazar münasibətlərini pozmağa yönəlmiş cinayətlər); c) eksperimental maraq - 7% (tələbələr, peşəkar proqramçılar, proqram mühəndisləri, verilənlər bazası və verilənlər bazası administratorları, periferik cihazların operatorları və s. tərəfindən həyata keçirilir); d) xuliqanlıq və yaramazlıq - 5% ("c" bəndində göstərilən krakerlər və subyektlər); e) qisas - 5% ("c" bəndində sadalanan cinayətkarlar, habelə rabitə operatorları, terminal avadanlığı mühəndisləri, kompüter auditi mütəxəssisləri, elektron avadanlıq mühəndisləri, rabitə mühəndisləri tərəfindən törədilir). Şəkil 1. Şəkil 1. Kompüter cinayətlərinin törədilməsi mativləri diaqramı 463 Bir qayda olaraq, cinayətlərin 52%-i pul və digər vasitələrin oğurlanması ilə; 16% - kompüter avadanlıqlarının məhv edilməsi və sıradan çıxarılması məqsədi ilə; 12% - ilkin məlumatların dəyişdirilməsi ilə; 10% - məlumat və proqramların oğurlanması ilə; 10% - isə xidmətlərin oğurlanması ilə bağlıdır. Bu siyahı kriminalistlərin fikrincə, cinayət davranışının əsas motivlərindən biri olan oyun motivi ilə tamamlanmalıdır. Qeyd edək ki, kibercinayətkarın bütün hərəkətləri mürəkkəbliyi ilə seçilir və bacarıqlı maskalanma ilə müşayiət olunur. Lakin istəkləri varlanmaq məqsədi və ya siyasi xarakter daşıyan cinayətkarlar daha çox bunun qayğısına qalırlar. Qalanları kompüter texnologiyası vasitələrini "oyuncaq", tədqiqat predmeti hesab edir və buna görə də öz hərəkətlərinin ilkin mərhələsində cinayət məqsədləri qoymur və buna görə də əlavə maskalanma vasitələrinə ehtiyac duymurlar. Metodologiya Kompüter cinayətkarları əsasən məsələnin koqnitiv tərəfi ilə məşğul olurlar: başqa sözlə, şərti intellektual rəqib kimi kompüter avadanlığına hücum etməyin effektiv yolunu tapmaq. Bu insanlar (hakerlər) əsasən kibercinayətkarlıq etmək üçün krakerlərin əslində istifadə edə biləcəyi yeni üsullar icad edirlər. İnformasiya xəstəliyindən əziyyət çəkən və psixikası emosional qeyri-sabitliklərlə xarakterizə olunan insanların qeyri-qanuni fəaliyyətlərinin əsas məqsədi onlar üçün psixi qıcıqlanma obyekti olan kompüter texnologiyaları mühitinin tam və ya qismən fiziki məhv edilməsidir. Cinayətkarların çox vaxt affekt və ya dəlilik vəziyyətində olan hərəkətləri də, məhz bu obyektin aradan qaldırılmasına yönəlir [10, s. 198–203]. Araşdırmalar göstərib ki, kompüter cinayətkarlarının çox vaxt psixi xəstəlikləri olur. Onlar sinir sisteminin inkişaf pozuntusu ilə xarakterizə olunan autizm spektri (məsələn, Asperger sindromu), zehni gerilik, qeyri-müntəzəm intellektual inkişaf, sosial qarşılıqlı əlaqələrdə maraqların və fəaliyyətlərin stereotipik toplusu ilə xarakterizə olunurlar. Bu cinayətkarlar eyni zamanda çox epizodlu cinayətkar olmaları ilə fərqlənirlər. Bir qayda olaraq, istintaq zamanı kibercinayətkar öz təqsirini etiraf edir, tövbə edir, dəymiş ziyanı aradan qaldırmağa cəhd edir, cinayətin araşdırılmasına töhfə verir. Kibercinayətkarın psixoloji portreti haqqında təsəvvürə malik olaraq, cinayətkarın davranış motivindən asılı olmaqla aşağıdakı kibercinayətkarlıq növlərini ayırırlar (Şəkil 2): - Şəkil 2. Kibercinayətkarlıq növləri. Eqoist tip - belə kibercinayətkarlar kiberməkanda xüsusi dəyərə malik olan konkret əşyaları əldə etmək üçün cinayətlər törədirlər; 464 - Zorakılıq növü - elektron cihazların və şəbəkələrin köməyi ilə hətta intihara sürükləmək kimi cinayətlər törətmək; Sosial pozucu tip - bu tip kibercinayətkarların əsas məqsədi qanunla nəzərdə tutulmuş sosial normaların pozulması, cəmiyyətə və ictimaiyyətə dağıdıcı təsir göstərməkdən ibarətdir; İdeoloji və ya siyasi motivli tip - etiraz və siyasi və ya ideoloji mübarizənin ümumi forması olan xüsusi kibercinayətlərin törədilməsi; Status növü - bu tip cinayətkarlar cinayət törətməklə daha yüksək qeyri-rəsmi sosial status əldə etməyə çalışırlar, çox vaxt da kiber cəmiyyətlərdə; İstintaq növü - xüsusi kibercinayətlər törədən şəxslər üçün xarakterikdir. Onların motivasiyasının əsasını elektron cihazların və onların şəbəkələrinin proqram və aparat komponentlərinin öyrənilməsi, zəif nöqtələrin axtarışı, onlardan istifadə və nasazlıqların aradan qaldırılması imkanları təşkil edir. Belə ki, hazırda kibercinayətkarların psixologiyasının öyrənilməsi sahəsində əldə edilmiş nailiyyətlərdən artıq Azərbaycanda, Türkiyədə, Rusiyada və digər ölkələrdə cinayətlərin təhqiqatında, əsasən cinayətkarların növünün müəyyən edilməsində fəal şəkildə istifadə olunur. Bu sahədə aparılan tədqiqatlar həm də mühüm nəzəri materialdır və deviant davranış psixologiyasının öyrənilməsinin inkişafına töhfə verə bilər. Kompüter cinayətkarlarının şəxsiyyətiyyətinin psixoloji xüsusiyyətlərinin öyrənilməsi və əldə edilmiş biliklərin sistemləşdirilməsi - kompüter cinayətlərinin yüksək dinamikası ilə müşayət olunan, müntəzəm olaraq həyata keçirilməli olan mühüm kriminalistik məsələdir. Bu, nəinki belə cinayətlərin açılması və araşdırılmasının keyfiyyətinə təsir göstərə, həmçinin, onların məhkəmə-tibbi ekspertizasının qarşısının alınmasına kömək edə bilər [11, s. 405–411]. NƏTİCƏ VƏ MÜZAKİRƏ - - - Kriminoloji və məhkəmə ədəbiyyatının öyrənilməsi kibercinayətkarın, komputer cinayəti törədən şəxsiyyətin görünüşü və psixoloji portretini aşağıdakı kimi formalaşdırmağa imkan verir: Bir qayda olaraq, O, cazibədar xarici görünüşə malik olmayan və ya həmyaşıdları, əks cinslə ünsiyyət qurmaqda çətinlik çəkən, virtual aləmdə özünü dərk etməyə can atan, proqramlaşdırma və elektron rəqəmsal informasiyadan istifadə etməklə müəyyən peşəkar zirvəni fəth edən şəxsdir; O, “qapalı, gizli” olmaqla yanaşı, eyni zamanda özünü təsdiq etməyə can atır, şöhrət qazanmaq, öz çevrəsində nüfuz və söz sahibi olmaq istəyir; Intellekti yüksəkdir, məsuliyyətli qərarlar qəbul etməyə qadir olan düşünən insandır; Onlar bir çox hallarda şişirdilmiş heysiyyətə, qürura, eləcə də, hüquqi nihilizmə (Hüquqi nihilizm hüquqa mənfi münasibətdir.) malikdirlər, buna baxmayaraq onlarda cinayət keçmişi yoxdur; Bəzi alimlər həmçinin, qeyd edirlər ki, kompüter cinayətkarları üçün kompüter sistemi, informasiya və kompüter texnologiyası həyati məna kəsb edir. Onlar ətraf aləmdə baş verən real proseslərə o qədər də əhəmiyyət vermirlər, çox vaxt kompleksli olurlar, kompüter informasiyası sahəsində uğurla törədilmiş cinayətlər onlar üçün ilk şəxsi nailiyyətdir. 465 Bu psixoloji aspektləri özündə birləşdirən şəxsin törətdiyi kompüter cinayəti müvafiq texnologiyaya malik istənilən təşkilat üçün ciddi təhlükədir. Ona görə də, kibercinayətkarlıqla mübarizə multidisiplinar yanaşma tələb edir, və bu sahədə hüquqi psixologiya ilk yerdə dayanır. Kibercinayətkarlıqla mübarizə üçün uğurlu sistemin yaradılması kibercinayətkarların psixologiyasına dair tədqiqatların aktivləşdirilməsini və müvafiq istiqamət üzrə kadrların hazırlanmasını tələb edir. ƏDƏBİYYAT 1. An Introduction to Cyberpsychology by I. Connolly et al (Editor) - Введение в Киберпсихологию // Под ред. Ирен Коннолли и др. Учебное пособие, Routledge, 2016. 2.Boundaries of Self and Reality Online. J. Gackenbach, J. Bown (Editors) - Границы «Я» и Онлайн-реальности: влияние цифровых реалий // под ред. Джейн Гакенбах, Джонатана Боуна, Academic Press, 2017 3.Cyberpsychology: The Study of Individuals, Society and Digital Technologies. Monica T. Whitty, Garry Young - Киберпсихология: личность, общество и цифровые технологии. Моника Т. Уитт, Гарри Янг, Учебник для программы бакалавриата по специальности Психология John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 4.Ипатов, Андрей Владимирович. Юридическая психология : учебное пособие / А.В. Ипатов. – Санкт-Петербург : РГГМУ, 2022. – 172 с. 5.Аминов И. И., Давыдов Н. А. Психология профессиональной деятельности юриста. Учебник. — М.: Проспект. 2020. 280 с. 6.Владимир А. Психология профессионального общения юриста. — М.: OmniScriptum Publishing KS. 2018. 144 с. 7.Мацкевич И. М., Эминов В. Е., Дашков Г. В. Актуальные проблемы криминологии, юридической психологии и уголовно-исполнительного права.—М.: Проспект. 2016. 224 с. 8.Романов В. В. Юридическая психология. Учебное пособие для СПО. — М.: Юрайт. 2019. 170 с. 9.Романов В. В., Котлярова Л. Н. Юридическая психология. Презентации в ЭБС. Учебник для академического бакалавриата. — М.: Юрайт. 2018. 478 с. 10.Чуфаровский Ю. В. Юридическая психология в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие. — М.: Проспект. 2020. 256 с. 11.Чуфаровский Ю.В. Юридическая психология. Учебник. — М.: Проспект. 2019. 472 с. 466 MÜASİR KİBERPSİXOLOGİYANIN TƏDQİQAT SAHƏLƏRİ RESEARCH AREAS OF MODERN CYBERPSYCHOLOGY Inci Imanova Western Caspian University, Faculty Of Socıal And Polıtıcal Scıences, Baku, Azerbaijan Gulara Rahimova 2 Baku State University, Faculty of applied mathematics and cybernetics, Department of Informatics, Baku, Azerbaijan ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The scientific and technological revolution has led to the emergence of new terms, including the concept of "digital", as a new reality. Thus, new scientific directions appear: digital economy, digital art, digital medicine, digital pedagogy, digital psychology, etc. was created. Digital psychology is the newest unique method in psychology. Due to the analysis of inherent characteristics, this method provides a guaranteed and fast solution to problems of any complexity. According to cybernetic anthropology, the "psyche" is the domain of the "Control System". Cyberanthropology is associated with such a science as psychoprogramming (bioinformational psychology), the content of which is the most basic programs of the "Control Systems", and the corresponding scientific activity is to identify such programs. Cyberpsychology, a branch of cybernetic anthropology. Cyberpsychology (also called internet psychology, web psychology, or digital psychology) is a new and growing field that encompasses all psychological phenomena related to or affected by new technologies. Today, cyberpsychology is successfully applied in practice: first of all, in the provision of psychological assistance, in business engineering, and even in the development of programs for new generation androids (emotional androids). This article explains the essence of cyberpsychology and explores the direction of research. Materials and Methods: Cyberpsychology acts as a learning tool that tries to understand human behavior in relation to technology, social networks and artificial intelligence. Cyberpsychology uses various methods and tools to study behavior in cyberspace, such as psychometric tests, questionnaires, interviews, observation, content analysis, experiments, neuroimaging, and others. Results: The main conclusion is that cyberpsychology is still not and cannot be considered an independent branch of psychological science. At the same time, as argued in the article, in the 467 last few years noticeable organizational steps have been taken that could subsequently contribute to the transformation of cyberpsychology into a separate branch of psychology. Such promotions are described and analyzed in detail. 1. Cyberpsychology is completely ordinary psychology, only it studies people not on the streets, but on the Internet. It collects information about how and why people make certain decisions on websites, analyzes forums, and even learns your comments and likes right now. 2. Cyberpsychology refers to the general concept of the influence of networks on people. Because, in addition to analyzing the information it collects, it also tries to influence us, and the most striking example of this is the Internet of Things. 3. From the point of view of cyberpsychology, thinking is the process of giving appropriate commands to the brain by the "Computer" based on the information (bioinformation signals) received about the surrounding world. Cyberpsychology is not yet advanced enough to control human behavior through devices. 4. Since cyberpsychology is a modern stage of development, the portrait of a cyberpsychologist can be characterized as an elegant and intellectual personality engaged in the field of psychology and technology. Discussion and Conclusion: Cyberpsychology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, where specialists combine their competencies in psychology, information security and mathematical statistics. It is studied and practiced not only by psychologists, but also by information security experts, programmers, sociologists and statisticians. Key Words: cyber psychology, internet psychology, psychology of cybercrime, cyberterrorists, cyber security Giriş İnformasiya erası yeni reallıq kimi yeni terminlərin, o cümlədən “rəqəmsal” anlayışının meydana çıxmasına səbəb oldu. Beləliklə, yeni elmi istiqamətlər: rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat, rəqəmsal incəsənət, rəqəmsal tibb, rəqəmsal pedaqogika, rəqəmsal psixologiya və s. yarandı. Rəqəmsal (Digital) psixologiya psixologiyada ən yeni unikal metoddur. İrsi xüsusiyyətlərin təhlili vasitəsilə bu metod istənilən mürəkkəblikdə olan problemlərin zəmanətli və sürətli həllini təmin edir. Kibernetik antropologiyaya görə, "psixika" "İdarəetmə Sistemi"nin fəaliyyət sahəsidir. Kiberantropologiya psixoproqramlaşdırma, başqa sözlə, bioinformasiya psixologiyası kimi bir elmlə əlaqələndirilir ki, onun da məzmunu “İdarəetmə Sistemi”nin ən əsas proqramlarıdır və müvafiq elmi fəaliyyət belə proqramların müəyyən edilməsindən ibarətdir. Kibernetik antropologiyanın bir istiqaməti olan Kiberpsixologiya - Cyberpsychology (həmçinin İnternet psixologiyası, veb psixologiyası və ya rəqəmsal psixologiya da adlandırılır) yeni texnologiyalarla əlaqəli və ya onlardan təsirlənən bütün psixoloji hadisələri əhatə edərək inkişaf edən yeni bir sahədir. Bu gün kiberpsixologiya praktikada: ilk növbədə, psixoloji yardımın göstərilməsində, biznes mühəndisliyində, hətta yeni nəsil androidlər emosional androidlər üçün proqramların formalaşdırılmasında uğurla tətbiq olunur. Hər gün bir milyon insanın kibercinayətkarlıqdan əziyyət çəkdiyi, artıq 431 milyon insanın kibercinayətkarlığın qurbanı olduğu, hər gün 80 milyon avtomatlaşdırılmış haker 468 hücumlarının baş verdiyi, fərdi məlumatların oğurlanması, bank kartlarından istifadənin həyata keçirildiyi kiberməkanın psixoloji tədqiqi böyük maraq doğurur. icazəsiz Bu məqalədə kiberpsixologiyanın mahiyyəti açıqlanmış və tədqiqat istiqaməti araşdırılmışdır. Açar sözlər: kiberpsixologiya, İnternet psixologiyası, kibercinayətkarlığın psixologiyası, internet terrorçular, kibertəhlükəsizlik Əsas hissə “Kiber” sözü kiberməkan sözündən olub, nəzarət və kommunikasiya əməliyyatlarının öyrənilməsini, psixologiya isə əqlin və davranışın tədqiqini öyrənir60. Kiberpsixologiya və ya biokvant psixologiyası (Psychology of the Internet; English cyberpsychology, Internet psychology) psixologiyanın internetdə insanların sosial xidmətlərdən istifadə növlərinin, üsullarının və prinsiplərinin öyrənilməsi metodologiyasını, nəzəriyyəsini və praktikasını birləşdirən və buna cavabdeh olan bir bölməsidir, burada sosial xidmətlər dedikdə, təkcə sosial şəbəkələr deyil, həm də İnternet forumlarından və söhbətlərdən tutmuş ani messencerlərə və MMORPG-lərə (“Kibermədəniyyət”) qədər İnternetdə istənilən ünsiyyət vasitəsi başa düşülür. Kiberpsixologiya media nəzəriyyəsi, kompüter elmləri, kommunikasiya elmləri və digər elmi fənlərlə sıx əlaqəlidir. O, Psixologiyanın qollarından mediapsixologiyaya daha çox yaxındır. Kiberpsixologiyanın mənbəyini “kompüter vasitəsi ilə ünsiyyətin öyrənilməsi”ndə (Computer-mediated communication) görmək olar. Bu sahədəki ilk işlər sosiologiyaya yönəlir. Mürrey Turoff və Starrın Roksan Hiltz kompüter vasitəsilə ünsiyyətin formalarını araşdırdılar, onlar yeni texnologiyaların kiçik qruplar arasında ünsiyyətə təsirini və bu sahədəki bir çox əsas işləri, (məsələn, The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer) tədqiq etdilər. Bu araşdırma, psixoloqlar və ya sosioloqlar tərəfindən deyil, digər bilik sahələrinin mütəxəssisləri tərəfindən öyrənilmişdir. Təxminən eyni vaxtda bu sahədə ilk tədqiqatlar aparıldı. Onların arasında psixoloqlar A. E. Voiskunskinin, O. K. Tixomirovun, İ. Q. Belavinanın psixolinqvistikaya, süni intellektə, kompüterlərin insan davranışına təsiri, ünsiyyət elminin problemlərinə (kommunikativlik problemləri) həsr olunmuş ilk əsərləri vardır [1. S.36-49]. Virtual mühit kiberməkan haqqında elmi fantastika anlayışını formalaşdırdıqdan sonra "Kiberpsixologiya" termini geniş mənada elmi ictimaiyyətə təqdim olundu və insanlar İnternetin və yeni medianın yayılması ilə İnternet psixologiyasından danışmağa başladılar. A. Kiberməkanı İnternetlə qarışdırmaq olmaz, o, sadəcə, İnternetin metaforasıdır. Bu termindən tez-tez rabitə şəbəkəsində mövcud olan qurumlara və şəxsiyyətlərə istinad etmək üçün istifadə olunur. Məsələn, veb-sayt metaforik olaraq "kiberməkanda mövcuddur" demək olar. Bu interpretasiyaya görə, internetdə baş verən hadisələr iştirakçıların və ya serverlərin fiziki olaraq yerləşdiyi yerlərdə deyil, “kiberməkanda” baş verir. Filosof Mişel Fuko eyni zamanda həm fiziki, həm də psixi olan məkanları təsvir etmək üçün heterotopiya terminindən istifadə etmişdir. 60 469 E. Voiskunski bu terminlərin həqiqi sinonim olduğu ideyasını irəli sürdü, lakin bəzi tədqiqatçılar isə indi də onları ayırmağı təklif edirlər [2.s.110-118]. A.Y. Voiskunski kiberpsixologiyanın mahiyyətini “insanların internetin sosial xidmətlərindən necə istifadə etmələrinin metod və prinsipləri ilə məşğul olan elm” kimi xarakterizə etdi. Son iki-üç onillikdə dünyada yazılan və nəşr olunan minlərlə kiberəsərin nəticələrini Cozef Karl, Robnett Liklayder, N.A. Nosovdan, O. K. Tixomirov, Timoti Con, Börns-Li, İren Konolli, Monika T. Vitt, Harri Yanq, V. Y. Menovşçikov təhlil edərək belə qənaətə gəldilər ki, kiberpsixologiyanın yeni elmi sahə kimi formalaşmasında üç mərhələni ayırd etmək olar: 1: Kiberpsixologiyanın yaranması (kompüter cinayətkarlığının inkişaf etmədiyi dövr 19601990-cı illər); 2: Kiberpsixologiyanın formalaşması (kompüterdən istifadə etməklə cinayətlərin törədilməsi 1990-2010-cu illər); 3: Kiberpsixologiyanın inkişafı (kiberterrorizmin yaranması 2010 -cu ildən bugünədək). Araşdırmalar nəticəsində məlum oldu ki, bu termin bir çox hallarda Veb psixologiya kimi də işlədilir. 2011-ci ildə britaniyalı psixoloq və dizayner Natali Nahai tərəfindən icad edilmiş veb psixologiya termini onlayn mühitin düşüncələrimizə və davranışlarımıza necə təsir etdiyini göstərən emprik elm kimi xarakterizə edilir. Digər sahələrə - sosial, şəxsiyyət və koqnitiv psixologiyaya, davranış iqtisadiyyatına, nevrologiya, marketinq, eləcə də insan-maşın qarşılıqlı əlaqəsi prinsipləri üzrə bilik və araşdırmalara - əsaslanan veb psixologiya effektiv veb-saytlar və müsbət istifadəçi təcrübəsi yaratmaq üçün bir vasitədir [3. S.86-99]. Müasir kiberpsixologiyada populyar tədqiqat sahələri arasında şəbəkə şəxsiyyətinin, İnternet əlaqəsinin xüsusiyyətlərinin öyrənilməsi ciddi araşdırma sahələri hesab olunur. Təsadüfi deyil ki, hazırda Psixoloji praktikada internet asılılığı, FoMO - sosial şəbəkələrin insan orqanizminə mənfi təsiri problemləri ilə işləyirlər. FoMo (Fear Of Missing Out - bir şeyi itirmək qorxusunun akroimi) itirilmiş mənfəət sindromudur. İndi smartfonların və sosial şəbəkələrin populyarlaşdığı bir dövrdə bu termin xüsusi əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Bu sindromla yaşayan insanlarda hər cür sosial ünsiyyət formalarını araşdırmaq istəyi, Facebook, Instagram və digər sosial şəbəkələrdə lenti daim yeniləmək ehtiyacı vardır. Bütün bunlar əhval-ruhiyyənin azalmasına, təcrid olunmuş hallarda isə depressiyaya səbəb olur, apatiya və təklik hissləri kimi özünü göstərir. Həmçinin, itilmiş mənfəət sindromundan əziyyət çəkən insanlar sosial şəbəkələrdən özünü ifadə etmək üçün istifadə edirlər. Buna görədir ki, kompüter, mobil rabitə və internetin insan davranışına təsiri psixologiya üçün böyük maraq doğurur. Ona görə də, həm akademik, həm də praktik psixologiyada müvafiq hadisələrin öyrənilməsinə aşkar maraq yaranır. 470 Ümumiyyətlə, İnternetdə insan fəaliyyəti ilə bağlı tədqiqat sahəsinin psixologiya elminin ayrıca bir sahəsi kimi rəsmiləşdirilməsi tendensiyası var. Psixologiyada yeni cərəyanların inkişafı və formalaşması tarixi (məsələn, kütləvi kommunikasiyaların psixologiyası və ya mühəndis psixologiyası və mühəndis-psixoloji layihələndirmə) göstərir ki, avanqard texnologiyaların, xüsusən də, bu texnologiyaların kütləvi tətbiqinin meydana gəlməsi özözlüyündə yeni psixoloji istiqamətin inkişafı və rəsmiləşdirilməsi üçün güclü stimuldur [4.s.198-208]. Müasir informasiya-kommunikasiya texnologiyalarına kompüterlər, planşetlər, elektron pristavkalar, mobil telefonlar və smartfonlar, digər qurğular və qadjetlər (məsələn, avtomobil naviqatorları), virtual reallıq sistemləri, İnternet və digər şəbəkələr, o cümlədən, məsələn, bank avtorizasiya şəbəkələri, kartlar və digər ödəniş alətləri daxildir. Bu cür texnologiyalar hər bir insanın, hətta, bütövlükdə müasir mədəniyyətin fəaliyyətini dəyişdirmişdir. Texnologiyaların özündən əlavə, onlara yönəlmiş ictimai maraq, eləcə də, İnternet texnologiyalarından istifadənin psixoloji şəraitinin və tətbiqi nəticələrinin öyrənilməsinə ehtiyac var. İnsanların kompüter və şəbəkə texnologiyalarından istifadə xüsusiyyətlərinin müəyyənləşdirilməsi ilə bağlı elmi işlərin aparılmasında tədqiqatçıpsixoloqların, xüsusən də, gənclərin marağını da qeyd etmək lazımdır. Metodologiya Kompüter, mobil rabitə və İnternetdən istifadə etməklə həyata keçirilən insan fəaliyyətinin psixoloji tədqiqi istiqamətini, xarici elmi ədəbiyyatlarda da qeyd edildiyi kimi, “kiberpsixologiya” və ya “İnternet psixologiyası” adlandırmaq olar. Tez-tez "humanitar İnternet", "İnternet psixologiyası", "kiberməkanın psixologiyası", "İnternet sakinlərinin psixologiyası" kimi alternativ adlardan da istifadə olunur [5. S.495-501]. Bu adların hamısı kifayət qədər ümumiləşdirici görünür və məzmunca bir-birindən az fərqlənir; hansı terminologiyanın daha çox qəbul ediləcəyini isə yalnız zaman göstərəcək. Ümumiyyətlə, Kiberpsixologiya dedikdə sosial xidmətlərdən istifadənin növlərini, metodlarını və prinsiplərini öyrənmək metodologiyasını, nəzəriyyəsini və praktikasını birləşdirən (və buna cavabdeh olan) psixologiyanın bir qolu başa düşülür. Kompüter və kommunikasiya texnologiyaları əsasında qurulan bu sosial xidmətlər insanları cəlb edir və onların fəaliyyətini təmin edir və bu xidmətlərin ən müasiri istifadəçilərin özləri tərəfindən deyil, sistem tərtibatçıları tərəfindən hazırlanır. Sosial xidmətlər müxtəlifdir: onlar insanlarda öyrənmək (xüsusilə, informasiyanı axtarmaq və ya sorğu verməyi öyrənmək), ünsiyyət qurmaq (şifahi və ya yazılı, real vaxt rejimində və ya gecikdirilmiş formada, mətn mesajları, şəkilləri və s. mübadilə etmək), əylənmək (məsələn, çox oyunçulu rol oyunları və ya brauzer oyunları oynamaq, musiqi dinləmək, foto, video və filmlərə baxmaq), işləmək (xüsusən də İnternetin texniki işini təmin etmək, müştərilərə uzaqdan kömək göstərmək, mövcud xidmətləri təkmilləşdirmək və s.), alış və əməliyyatlar etmək vərdişlərinin formalaşmasından ibarətdir. Sosial xidmətlər istifadəçiləri İnternetə cəlb etməyə kömək edir, bu da öz növbəsində İnternet psixologiyası üzrə mütəxəssislərikiberpsixoloqları formalaşdırır. 471 Bir-biri ilə əlaqəli kompüterlərin və rəqəmsal texnologiyaların digər elementlərinin sosialtexniki sistemi kimi başa düşülən İnternet ənənəvi işarə sistemlərinə əsaslanır. Beləliklə, psixoloji nöqteyi-nəzərdən İnternetdən istifadə fəaliyyətin işarə (semiotik) vasitəçiliyinin müasir mərhələsi kimi görünür [6.s.70- 78]. Kiberməkan həmçinin, çirkli pulların yuyulmasını sürətləndirmək üçün təsəvvür edilən bütün növ xidmət və obyekti bir araya gətirir. Kiberməkan vasitəsilə anonim kredit kartları, bank hesabları, şifrələnmiş qlobal mobil telefonlar və saxta pasportlar almaq mümkündür. Oradan peşəkar məsləhətçilərə IBC-lər (Beynəlxalq Biznes Korporasiyaları və ya Anonim Mülkiyyəti olan Korporasiyalar) və ya OFC-lərdə (Dənizdə Maliyyə Mərkəzləri) oxşar strukturlar yaratmaq üçün ödəniş edilə bilər. Belə məsləhətçilər müştərilərinin sərvəti və fəaliyyəti ilə bağlı hər hansı təfərrüatlı sual verməyə meylli deyillər, çünki cinayətkarlar orta hesabla onlara çirkli pulların yuyulmasına görə 20 faizə qədər pul ödəyirlər [7.s.190- 204]. Getdikcə daha da mürəkkəbləşən əlamətlər və semiotik sistemlər ali psixi funksiyaların inkişafına və çevrilməsinə kömək edir. İnsanların kompüterlərdən istifadəsi nəticəsində ali psixi funksiyaların strukturunun inkişafı və mürəkkəbləşməsi problemlərini nəzərə alaraq, O. K. Tixomirov 1986-cı ildə ümumi psixologiyanın bölməsi kimi kompüterləşdirmə psixologiyasının əsasını qoydu. O, 1993-cü ildə mədəni-tarixi psixologiya kontekstində kompüterləşdirmə psixologiyasını inkişaf etdirməyi təklif etdi. Bu fikirlər toplusuna əsaslanaraq, sonrakı illərdə fəaliyyətin şəxsi, emosional və motivasion tənzimlənməsi, qərar qəbuletmə prosesləri, əmək, idrak, oyun və kommunikativ fəaliyyətlərin onların vasitəçiliyi şəraitində həyata keçirilməsinin xüsusiyyətləri kompüterlərdən istifadə etməklə araşdırıldı . Bununla belə, qeyd etmək lazımdır ki, kompüterlərin, İnternetin, qadjetlərin insan fəaliyyətinin bütün sahələrində ən geniş şəkildə tətbiqi ilə əlaqədar olaraq, kompüterləşdirmə psixologiyasının yalnız ümumi psixologiya çərçivəsində inkişafı ideyası köhnəlmiş görünür: və kiberpsixologiya, və ya İnternet psixologiyası, müasir psixologiya elminin bütün bölmələrində mövcuddur. Həqiqətən də, müasir kiberpsixoloji tədqiqatları haqlı olaraq psixologiya elmi daxilində kompleks adlandırmaq olar (Şəkil 1). ünsiyyət psixologiyası İnkişaf psixologiyası koqnitiv psixologiya təşkilat psixologiyası sosial psixologiya klinik psixologiya təhsil psixologiyası diferensial psixologiya Şəkil 1. Müasir kiberpsixoloji tədqiqatlar 472 Onlar: - inkişaf (yaş) psixologiyasını (kompüter və internetdən istifadədə erkən istedad və yaş xüsusiyyətləri), - sosial psixologiyanı (İnternetdə kompüter vasitəsilə ünsiyyət və qrup fəaliyyətini əhatə edir), - klinik psixologiyanı (kompüterdən istifadə zamanı narahatlıq, davranış asılılığı və ya İnternetə aludəçilik, qorxu və fobiyaların müalicəsi üçün virtual reallıq sistemlərindən istifadə), -təhsil psixologiyasını (kompüter vasitəsilə qrup və fərdi təlim, distant təhsil, oyun təlim proqramları), - təşkilat psixologiyasını (informasiya texnologiyalarından istifadə kontekstində yeni məşğulluq və təşkilati davranış formalarının xüsusiyyətləri), - diferensial psixologiyanı (internet vasitəsilə birbaşa və vasitəçi ünsiyyət şəraitində şəxsiyyət növlərinin müqayisəsi) , - koqnitiv psixologiyanı (WWW informasiya bloklarının qavranılması, diqqətin paylanması, “xarici” yaddaşın işlədilməsi), - ünsiyyət və psixolinqvistika psixologiyasını (sinxron və asinxron ünsiyyət, poliloq şəklində ünsiyyət, mobil rabitənin nitq xüsusiyyətləri, kommunikasiyalar) və s. əhatə edir. Ola bilsin ki, ümumi psixologiyanın metodologiyası bu cür müxtəlif hadisələri izah etmək üçün yetərli olmasın. Rəqəmsal texnologiyaların psixoloji tədqiqat üçün katalizator olguğunu əsas götürərək, mülahizə yürütmək olar ki, müasir və gələcək kiberpsixologiya və ya İnternet psixologiyası ayrı-ayrılıqda fəaliyyət göstərə bilməz. O, artıq sosiologiya, kommunikasiya elmi, informatika, politologiya və s.-nin təzyiqi altındadır. Xüsusilə, sosial informatika (yaxud kompüter elminin sosial tətbiqləri) çərçivəsində on milyonlarla informasiyanın (bloqlar, tvitlər, yazılar və s.) semantik emal olunmasını təmin edən kompüter proqramları hazırlanır ki, belə emal nəticələri çox vaxt psixoloji əhəmiyyət kəsb edir [8. S.256-262]. Beləliklə, kiberpsixoloqlar öz fənləri nöqteyi-nəzərindən müasir kompüter və kommunikasiya texnologiyalarının istifadəçilərinin davranışını öyrənən elm sahələrinin nümayəndələri ilə işgüzar əlaqələr qurmalıdırlar. Nəticə və müzakirə Məqalədə kiberpsixologiyanın potensial psixologiya elminin müstəqil bir hissəsi olduğunu verməyə çalışdıq. Aldığımız əsas nəticə ondan ibarət oldu ki, Azərbaycanda, Türkiyədə, Rusiyada və həm də digər xarici ölkələrdə kiberpsixologiyanın psixologiyanın ayrıca bölməsinə çevrilməsi üçün çoxsaylı təhlillər aparılmalı və sübut olunmalıdır ki: 473 1. Kiberdünya ilə qarşılıqlı əlaqə şəxsiyyətin xarakterini dəyişdiyindən, bu əlaqənin təbiəti yalnız kiberpsixologiya tərəfindən öyrənilə bilər, başqa sözlə, insan şüurunun kibernetik sistemlərlə qarşılıqlı əlaqəsinin xüsusiyyətləri Kiberpsixologiya tərəfindən tədqiq edilməlidir. Başqa sözlə, beyin və İnternetin birləşdiririlməsi yollarının izahını yalnız kiberpsixologiya verə bilər; 2. Kiberpsixologiya tamamilə adi bir psixologiyadır, yalnız o, insanları küçələrdə deyil, İnternetdə öyrənir. O, insanların vebsaytlarda necə və nə üçün müəyyən qərarlar qəbul etmələri ilə bağlı məlumatları toplayır, forumları təhlil edir və hətta hazırda şərhlərinizi və bəyənmələrimizi (layklarımızı) öyrənir. 3. Kiberpsixologiya şəbəkələrin insana təsirinin ümumi konsepsiyasına aiddir. Çünki o, topladığı informasiyaları təhlil etməklə yanaşı, təbii ki, bizə də təsir etməyə çalışır və bunun da ən parlaq nümunəsi Əşyaların İnterneti hesab olunur. 4. Kiberpsixologiya nöqteyi-nəzərindən təfəkkür ətraf aləm haqqında daxil olan informasiyalar, başqa sözlə, bioinformasiya siqnalları) əsasında “Kompüter” tərəfindən beyinə müvafiq əmrlərin verilməsi prosesidir. 5. Kiberpsixologiya hələ də insanların davranışlarını cihazlar vasitəsilə idarə etmək üçün kifayət qədər inkişaf edə bilməyib. 6. Kiberpsixologiya müasir inkişaf mərhələsi olduğundan Kiberpsixoloqun portretini psixologiya və texnologiya sahəsində məşğul olan eleqant və intellektual şəxsiyyət kimi xarakterizə etmək olar. 7. Kibercinayətkarın şəxsiyyəti və psixoloji xüsusiyyətləri texnologiyadan, o cüm-lədən internetdən, sosial şəbəkələrdən, və digər rəqəmsal mediadan istifadə ilə bağlı psixoloji məsələlər üzrə mütəxəssis olan Kiberpsixoloq tərəfindən müəyyənləşdirilməlidir; 8. Kibercinayətkarlıq probleminin hərtərəfli və sistemli şəkildə öyrənilməsi üçün Kiberpsixologiya ilə yanaşı Hüquq psixologiyasından istifadə edilməsi zəruridir; 9. Kiberpsixoloji xüsusiyyətlərin müəyyən olunması ilə kibercinayətkarlığın qarşısının alınması sosial-psixoloji determinantları dəqiq müəyyən etmək və onlara təsir göstərmək qabiliyyətinə görə kifayət qədər effektiv ola bilər; 10. Kibercinayətkarın şəxsiyyətinin müəyyənləşdirilməsi məsələsi, kibercinayətkarlıqla mübarizənin xüsusi xarakterini və yüksək intellektual yükü nəzərə alaraq, problemə psixoloji nöqteyi-nəzər də daxil olmaqla, xüsusi yanaşma tələb edir. 11. Kibercinayətkarlığın kiberpsixoloji mövqedən tədqiqi bütün mümkün ssenarilər, kibercinayətkarlığı şərtləndirən amillər, habelə ona qarşı mübarizəyə yönəlmiş xüsusi kriminoloji və ümummilli tədbirlər nəzərə alınmaqla sistemli əsasda qurulmalıdır. 474 ƏDƏBİYYAT 1. An Introduction to Cyberpsychology by I. Connolly et al (Editor) - Введение в Киберпсихологию // Под ред. Ирен Коннолли и др. Учебное пособие, Routledge, 2016. 2. livia A. Hurley Giuseppe Riva and Carlo Galimberti. Sport Cyberpsychology.2018.232. 6. 3. Andrew Dr Power. Cyberpsychology and Society: Current Perspectives. 2018.244 4. Чуфаровский Ю.В. Юридическая психология. Учебник.—М.: Проспект. 2019. 472 с. 5. Шмыков В.И. Психология в юридической практике — когнитивные аспекты допроса (опроса) / под ред. О.А. Кузнецовой, В.Г. Голубцова, Г.Я. Борисевич, Л.В. Боровых, Ю.В. Васильевой, С.Г. Михайлова, С.Б. Полякова, А.С. Телегина, Т.В. Шершень // Пермский юридический альманах. Ежегодный научный журнал. 2018. N 1. С. 495 — 501. Юридическая психология. Краткий курс. Учебное пособие. — М.: Окей-книга. 2015. 112 с. 7. An Introduction to Cyberpsychology by I. Connolly et al (Editor) - Введение в Киберпсихологию // Под ред. Ирен Коннолли и др. Учебное пособие, 2018, 320 стр. 8. Cyberpsychology: The Study of Individuals, Society and Digital Technologies. Monica T. Whitty, Garry Young - Киберпсихология: личность, общество и цифровые технологии. Моника Т. Уитт, Гарри Янг, Учебник для программы бакалавриата по специальности Психология, 2018, 296 стр. 475 FOREIGN INTERVENTION IN CIVIL WARS: FACILITATING OR WORSENING THE VIOLENT CONFLICTS Doç. Dr. İ. Aytaç KADIOĞLU Sakarya University, Middle East Institute, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Sakarya, Türkiye ORCID ID: ABSTRACT What is the influence of foreign intervention in changing the nature of a civil war? Civil war is a violent conflict between a state and one or more non-state armed groups. However, how these conflicts become interstate or international conflicts is a significant question. This paper aims to assess this issue by examining one of the most complex civil wars: the Syrian civil war. When the Arab uprising protests spread in Syria, they turned into a national conflict gradually. However, the violent conflict has been an international security issue after the involvement of global and regional powers, i.e., the US, Russia, Western powers, Iran, and Türkiye, for the sake of defeating ISIS terrorism, and fighting against or support for the Syrian regime. The current study uses official speeches of Iranian, Russian, the US, Turkish, and western leaders in regard to their involvement in the civil war. It relies on official reports published by these states and international organisations. This research has found that the foreign intervention in the Syrian civil war made it more difficult to resolve the conflict. The research has illustrated that the lack of political or non-violent resolution stems from the conflict of interest between the US-led and Russia-led coalition. It concludes that foreign intervention plays an important role in changing the nature of civil wars depending on their collaboration with the host country and legitimacy of their goal. Keywords: Civil wars, foreign intervention, the Syrian civil war, terrorism, global and regional powers INTRODUCTION Foreign intervention plays critical role in shaping the civil wars throughout the world. While most of them are labelled humanitarian intervention, they are resulted in changing the nature of civil wars. Civil conflicts known as civil wars have mostly result in foreign intervention because of many different reasons from security to humanitarian issues. While humanitarian problems result in humanitarian intervention, security concerns result in a more complicated 476 situation. External actors’ involvement to a national conflict can potentially shape the dynamics of the conflict, its consequences in short and long term. Civil wars are deep-rooted conflicts in a society which are generally very difficult to be resolved due to its nature. Ethnic, nationalist, religious and sectarian nature of these conflicts affect different communities in society. Resolving these conflicts requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach which expose the root causes of a conflict, encourages peacemaking, peacebuilding and other peace measures in society and welcomes any peaceful attempt suggested by internal and external actors or organisations. Whether foreign interventions facilitate or worsening civil wars is a long-standing dilemma. This study aims to answer this question by focusing on the question: What is the influence of foreign intervention in changing the nature of a civil war? The first section discusses the main features, reasons, consequences, and challenges of a civil war. The second section assesses foreign intervention and theoretical approaches to discuss the impacts of foreign intervention by concentrating on motivations, causes, and results of foreign intervention. The third section analyses the Syrian civil war through its historical background, actors involved in the civil war, the relationship between states and non-state armed groups intervened in the Syrian civil war. It concludes by answering the question of whether foreign intervention makes it more difficult the civil wars to be brought to an end. CIVIL WARS Civil wars are one of the deadliest conflicts in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. They have different characteristics and causes to emerge. Political and governance issue is one of the main reasons for civil wars which emerges through discontent with governance structures, unequal distribution of power, governance of minority, corruption, and authoritarian regimes. In most of the developing and underdeveloped countries authoritarian regimes lead to dictatorship which can be very difficult to overcome. These issues cause political unrest in society and fall apart different communities in society. Weak institutions can also fail to address the grievances of differing groups within a country. Ethnic and religious differences might also cause civil wars. Deep-rooted ethnic and sectarian conflicts are more likely to lead in civil wars. When different identities in society are labelled as political differences, they lead to violent conflicts between different groups for holding 477 political power, taking natural resources under their control or recognition of a specific identity (Jordan, 1995). Economic inequality is the other major reason for civil wars. Economic disparities, resource scarcity and unequal wages and distribution of wealth can cause civil wars. Different interests of people, different groups and communities in a specific society are the other reasons for civil wars which can occur by escalating the situation through armed violence (Cederman et al., 2013). Social injustice might also cause civil wars through many different issues with regards to human rights issues, discrimination and social injustice which can deteriorate issues and cause transform these conflicts into civil wars. After civil wars occur in society, decision makers and the grassroots level should aim to resolve these conflicts. However, it is admitted that majority of civil wars may result in worse situations compared to the conditions before war. There are four major results of civil wars. The first result is a humanitarian crisis. Widespread displacement, killings civilians, cutting emergency services, e.g., health services, infrastructure and other essential sources are likely to occur in civil wars. The second result of civil wars is economic crisis. Civil wars have a huge influence on economic determinants which results in the destruction of infrastructure in a region, ending trade relationships, and lowering economic conditions of a state. Economic difficulties are very difficult to be lowered even after a long time of the end of a civil war. The third result of civil wars is political instability. While political unrest is one of the major sources of civil wars, they are also one of the major results in the civil war. At the end of a civil war, it is more likely to have political instability even if there are regular elections (national and local elections) and opposition voices can establish political entities. Political instability prevents a stable government system and parliament which hinders to have a stable parliamentary system. The last major result of civil wars is regional spill-over effect. When a civil war occurs in a country, this may spread in neighbouring countries and other countries in the same region (Dixon, 2009). For example, while the Arab uprising protests started in Tunisia, they spread in almost all Middle Eastern and North African countries very quickly (Anderson, 2011). Civil wars may have different challenges to be resolved even though local, national, and international actors cooperate to resolve these conflicts. It is mainly because of the fact that they are very complex issues. Civil wars have differing characteristics and they do not have always the same structure in different conflicts. When there are many actors which involve in 478 these conflicts, a conflict becomes more complex due to different aims and claims of these actors and groups. They can also highlight different dimensions of a conflict whether it is an economic, political, or social conflict. The end of a conflict or how can a conflict be brought to an end is a critical question. The post-conflict reconstruction and resolving civil wars through political methods is a desired approach. However, conflicting communities in society might have trust issues between each other. This condition requires to apply focusing on rebuilding trust and healing wounds in society. International interference is another potential challenge of a civil war. Foreign interventions potentially affect the nature of a civil war. While some of the interventions aim to focus on peacemaking or peacebuilding, they may cause trouble in society. The political, economic, or social unrest in society might cause a more complex civil war (Lockyer, 2011). Foreign intervention will be discussed in the next section in detail. FOREIGN INTERVENTION Foreign intervention might result in a more comprehensive and intractable conflict in society. Before discussing the result of foreign intervention, this section discusses the general motivations of this type of involvement. The first motivation of foreign intervention is humanitarian concerns. If there is a huge concern of international society with regards to human suffering and the lives of civilians, foreign intervention may occur. When there is a deadly conflict deployed by either an authoritarian regime or non-state armed group, regional or global actors are likely to physically first resorts to intervene in the conflict. For example, if there is a concern of human rights issues, ethnic cleansing or genocide, international society might unite against this conflict. For example, the contemporary conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the unlawful attacks of Israel caused the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. While there is power imbalance between Israel and Palestine, humanitarian concerns might result in many states to threaten Israel to intervene in the situation. This pressure can be used to create as a deterrence effect especially when a more powerful state occupies another country. The second motivation is sovereignty and self-determination. This condition creates a dilemma between the right to self-determination of civilians and state sovereignty. In particular, less democratic and more autocratic states intend to have this condition which cannot be resolved easily. This dilemma may result in the intervention of regional and global actors in a conflict zone. The last motivation of foreign intervention is unintended consequences. Whilst foreign 479 interventions can produce unexpected situations, their resolution is not always possible. Unexpected situations include radicalisation in society, power vacuums and long-term instability. It is possible that these determinants lead to more intractable conflicts (Minear et al., 1996). It is clear that foreign interventions cause more complex and multilateral conflicts not only for the actors involved in civil wars but also the conflict zone where a civil war emerges (Boix, 2008). A civil war might witness that regional powers involve in a civil war for the sake of securing its borders, ending refugee flow within its borders, ending economic instability, and the unrest of society. These reasons are the visible goals of foreign actors involved in a civil war. However, the involvement of foreign actors mostly worsens the situation and makes it more difficult to resolve a conflict. The visible goal might be seen as ending the violent conflict, disagreement between different groups in society and having a more stable country. However, the ultimate goal of the foreign groups and states are generally much more complicated. They might aim to have a different political party and view to be in power, to have a more unstable country, support for a specific non-state armed group to achieve its goal. It is witnessed a similar situation during the Arab uprisings in different countries. While the results of the uprisings are dissimilar in different countries, one of the worst conflicts of the Arab uprisings was the Syrian civil war. The next section will analyse the civil war in Syrian and the involvement of foreign actors in this civil war. THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR The civil war in Syria has been the last stop of the Arab uprisings. While many Middle Eastern and North African countries expose violence during the protests, the Syrian civil war was the worst violent conflict by far. The uprisings initiated by students and young people in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa, the violence and shot dead protesters caused this conflict to turn into civil wars. The civil war in Syria started in April 2011 and reshaped the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East. It also affected the lives of millions of civilians in the country (Salloukh, 2013). While half of the country had to leave their country, hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens lost their lives (Kadıoğlu & Aksoy, 2023). In addition, more than ten million Syrians moved first neighbouring countries and then Western countries dreaming to have better economic conditions, health services, education, and work options. The civil war in Syria can never be separated from the historical reality of the country. The country had so-called democracy since the end of the World War I. However, this was pretty 480 much artificial considering French colonialism in the country. The imperialist goals of France in the region were reflected the prevention of an independent country until the mid-1940s. When the Syrian authorities declared independence in 1946, French politicians were not happy to lose their authority over Syria. Although this did not mean to lose their control completely, Syria was dreaming of a fully independent country which was the first step of independence. Nevertheless, Syria could not be a fully independent country for a long time. While Syrian officials took the control of the country, they became authoritarian politicians. Hafez al-Assad, a high-level military officer in prior to 1970 and a revolutionary general in the Syrian army who organised a coup and took control of the country. He first eliminated all opposition parties from the parliament and banned different voices and took the control of Syria. His administration continued until his death in 2000. His son, Bashar al-Assad was in charge after the death of his father who is responsible for the civil war in Syria (Lesch, 2019). The authoritarian rule of President Assad stemmed from sectarian tensions in the country and economic inequalities. The lack of political power of majority groups in Syria created unrest in society which was one of the triggering effects of the civil war. When peaceful protests started in March 2011, President Assad was very confident about these protests to remain as short and temporary protests. However, the peaceful protests turned in a violent conflict following the Syrian army shot dead protesters and tortured them in prisons. The violent conflict started in northern Syria and spread in almost each city of Syria very quickly. Regional and global powers of the world intervened in the civil war in Syria. The two coalition was in operation in the Syrian civil war. On the one hand, the Russia-led coalition consisting of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah was supporting for the Syrian regime. On the other hand, the US-led coalition consisting of the US, UK, Germany, France, Türkiye, and other European states was against the Syrian regime. The US-led coalition was putting pressure on President Assad to leave the administration. The main concern of this coalition was President Assad and his administration to attack civilians and the people who are against the authority of Assad. There were also concerns of the Syrian army to use chemical and biological weapons against its civilians (Kadıoğlu, 2020a, 2020b). The Russia-led coalition aimed the Assad administration to remain in power since the beginning of the civil war. In order to achieve this goal Russia, Iran and Hezbollah supported the Syrian army directly and indirectly. Russia did not also hesitate to support non-state armed groups for supporting the Baathist regime (Stent, 2016). Iran followed a similar strategy for the sake of remaining a Shia-supporter state in the Middle East. 481 The civil war in Syria was between the Syrian army, civilians, and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at the beginning of the conflict. After the involvement of terrorist groups and non-state armed groups deteriorated the situation. However, the conflict became more complicated after the foundation of the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS). Groups Features Syrian Armed Forces Syrian army National Defence Forces Shabiha Pro-government militias Hezbollah Iran Unofficial pro-government militias Afghan and Pakistani fighters Supporting Syrian regime Supporting Syrian regime Russia Supporting Syrian regime Syrian National Coalition National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change Free Syrian Army Anti-government groups Foreign Shia Militias Islamic Front Form of Support Legitimate force Armed Affiliations Armed Armed Syrian government and allies Armed Armed and political Armed and political Political Opposition block of 13 left-wing political parties Political Defecting Syrian army officers Seven rebel groups Armed Syrian opposition Armed Table 1: Affiliations of Groups in the Syrian Civil War As shown in Table 1, the Syrian government was supported by paramilitary groups, terrorist organisations and other non-state armed groups. After indirect intervention in the civil war, the Russian Federation was invited by President Assad to fight against the enemy of the Baathist regime in 2015. However, the Syrian opposition groups was comprising of political and armed groups. On the one hand, political sects of these groups were mainly the Syrian National Coalition and National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change. On the other hand, armed sects were mainly the Free Syrian Army and Islamic Front consisting of seven rebel groups. 482 Groups Features Ahrar ash-Sham Extremist Salafi jihadist group Extremist Salafi jihadist group Al-Qaeda linked Al-Qaeda linked Al-Qaeda linked Suqour al-Sham Brigade Al-Nusra Front Jabhat Fateh al-Sham Hay’at Tahrir alSham Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Syrian Democratic Council Syrian Democratic Forces People’s Protection Units-YPG Democratic Union Party-PYD Form of Support Armed Affiliations Armed Armed Armed Armed Dominant terrorists of Syrian opposition Kurdish national alliance in Syria Kurdish national alliance in Syria Kurdish terrorist group Armed Political wing of the YPG Armed Extremist jihadist groups ISIS Political Armed Armed Kurdish federation in Northern Syria Table 2: Affiliations of Terrorist Groups and Opposition Forces Table 2 illustrates that many terrorist groups involved in these conflicts which had different features and characteristics. Extremist jihadist groups, Ahrar ash-Sham, Suqour al-Sham Brigade, Al-Nusra Front and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, aimed to have a Salafi regime in Syria. There are also pro-Kurdish terrorist groups in Syria which used the authority gap in northern Syria. The Syrian Democratic Forces, People’s Protection Units (YPG), and Democratic union Party (PYD) declared that they aim to fight against the ISIS terrorist organisation. The PYD/YPG terrorist organisation’s ultimate goal is to build a pro-Kurdish state in northern Syria by using the advantage of the lack of an authority in northern Syria. Foreign intervention in Syria occurred first by supporting these groups and powers in Syria. Both the US-led coalition and Russia-led coalition declared that they aim to defeat the ISIS. However, as mentioned above, the US-led coalition was aiming to topple the Assad administration, whilst the Russia-led coalition was investing on Assad. Foreign intervention was seen through the support given for terrorist groups on the side of the US-led coalition. The US started to support for the PYD/YPG led Syrian Democratic Forces even though they know that the PYD/YPG is the Syrian branch of the PKK terrorist organisation. This created chaos in the US-led coalition as Türkiye clearly stated that it is not legitimate for the US to support for a terrorist organisation. Türkiye, on the other hand, was supporting for the FSA 483 which was formed by former members of the Syrian army who are opposed to Assad. Iran was in a strong cooperation with Hezbollah in Syria. While they were supporting different groups and factions in Syria, Russia directly intervened in the country to prevent toppling the Baathist regime. The US-led coalition also intervened in the conflict indirectly until 2015. The US trained, gave weapon support and educated the PYD/YPG terrorist organisation to fight against ISIS. However, the ultimate goal of the PYD/YPG and the US was not the same. While the US predominantly aimed to defeat ISIS and topple the Assad regime, the PYD/YPG terrorist organisation predominantly aimed to establish a pro-Kurdish state in northern Syria which worsened the civil war in Syria. Türkiye’s effort to resolve the conflict in a political, nonviolent way through conflict resolution measures could not bring peace in Syria (Kadıoğlu, 2020c, 2020d). CONCLUSION This study has argued that foreign intervention makes civil wars more complicated. Instead of helping resolve this conflict or playing as a facilitator, regional and global powers cause to deteriorate civil wars. This paper has argued that this stems from different goals of regional and global powers in civil wars. In particular, the Syrian civil war witnessed the involvement of regional and global powers, non-state armed groups, and terrorist groups. The involvement of many different actors in the civil war prevented resolution such as through the United Nations. The disagreement between external actors in Syria appeared through the support for different non-state armed groups as discussed in the previous section. The challenges of foreign involvement, therefore, was evident through indirect and direct involvement of supporters and opposition of the Baathist regime. This research has found that the foreign intervention in the Syrian civil war made it more difficult to resolve the conflict. The research has illustrated that the lack of political or non-violent resolution stems from the conflict of interest between the US-led and Russia-led coalition. It concludes that foreign intervention plays an important role in changing the nature of civil wars depending on their collaboration with the host country and legitimacy of their goal. The lack of cooperation between the host country and external power(s) prevents resolution of a civil war. As discussed in the assumptions of civil wars, it is very difficult to overcome political, economic, and social consequences of a civil war in short term. These consequences 484 are even very difficult to be resolved in the long term. Therefore, it can be said that foreign intervention in civil wars worsens the situation. This is evident through the analysis of the Syrian civil war. REFERENCES Anderson, L. (2011). Demystifying the Arab spring: parsing the differences between Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Foreign Aff., 90, 2. Boix, C. (2008). Economic roots of civil wars and revolutions in the contemporary world. World Politics, 60(3), 390-437. Cederman, L. E., Gleditsch, K. S., & Buhaug, H. (2013). Inequality, grievances, and civil war. Cambridge University Press. Dixon, J. (2009). What causes civil wars? findings. International Studies Review, 11(4), 707-735. 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Foreign Aff., 95, 106. 485 THE ROLE OF CONFLICT IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONAL LABOR: A RESEARCH ON PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ISTANBUL LE RÔLE DU CONFLIT DANS LA RELATION ENTRE L'INTELLIGENCE ÉMOTIONNELLE ET LE TRAVAIL ÉMOTIONNEL: UNE RECHERCHE SUR LES ENSEIGNANTS DES ÉCOLES PRIVÉES D'ISTANBUL Çağatay SÜKAN Université d'Istanbul, Institut des Sciences Sociales, Département de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Istanbul, Turquie Gönen İlkar DÜNDAR Université d'Istanbul, Faculté d'Administration des Affaires, Département de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Istanbul, Turquie Rahile GÜRAN GÖVEN École Professionnelle d'İzmir Kavram, Département de Gestion et d'Organisation, Programme de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Izmir, Turquie RÉSUMÉ Introduction et but: Aujourd'hui, pour que les employés mènent une vie plus saine et plus heureuse, productive et de qualité, ils doivent disposer d'une intelligence émotionnelle et d'un travail émotionnel en plus des nombreuses compétences qu'ils possèdent. Ces concepts, qui naissent dans la famille, se développent avec l'éducation et se poursuivent sur le lieu de travail et dans l'environnement social, permettent aux employés de comprendre leurs propres sentiments et pensées, ainsi que ceux des autres. Le conflit organisationnel est l'une des causes qui affectent la vie professionnelle de l'employé et l'ordre de celui-ci. L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner le rôle du conflit organisationnel entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel des enseignants travaillant dans les écoles privées d'Istanbul. Matériels et méthodes: Le formulaire d'information personnelle, "l'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle", "l'échelle de travail émotionnel" et "l'échelle de climat organisationnel" ont été utilisés dans une étude dans laquelle le modèle d'enquête relationnelle a été utilisé. L'analyse de corrélation a été utilisée pour déterminer la relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel, et l'analyse de régression a été utilisée pour déterminer le rôle régulateur du conflit organisationnel dans cette relation. Résultats: L'étude a révélé une relation significative et positive entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel (p<0,05). Il a 486 également été constaté que le conflit organisationnel jouait un rôle modérateur dans cette relation. Discussion et conclusion: Cette étude a permis d'obtenir des résultats similaires à ceux d'autres études portant sur la relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et les sousdimensions du travail émotionnel. En outre, la découverte que le conflit organisationnel a un effet modérateur sur la relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel a contribué à la littérature. Mots clés: Intelligence émotionnelle, travail émotionnel, conflit, enseignant, école privée ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: Today, in order for employees to lead a healthier and happier, productive and quality life, they need to have emotional intelligence and emotional labor in addition to many skills they possess. These concepts, which start in the family, develop with education and continue in the workplace and social environment, enable employees to understand their own and others' feelings and thoughts. Organizational conflict is among the causes that affect the work life of the employee and affect the order of the employee. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational conflict between emotional intelligence and emotional labor of teachers working in private schools in Istanbul. Materials and Methods: Personal information form, "Emotional Intelligence Scale", "Emotional Labor Scale" and "Organizational Climate Scale" were used in a study in which relational survey model was used. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor, and regression analysis was used to determine the regulatory role of organizational conflict in this relationship. Results: In the study, a significant and positive relationship was found between emotional intelligence and emotional labor (p<0.05). It was also found that organizational conflict has a moderating role in this relationship. Discussion and Conclusion: With this study, similar results were obtained with other studies in the literature that addressed the relationship between emotional intelligence and the sub-dimensions of emotional labor. In addition, the finding that organizational conflict has a moderating effect on the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor contributed to the literature. Key Words: Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Labor, Conflict, Teacher, Private School INTRODUCTION Malgré la structure de plus en plus ordinaire de l'enseignement dans notre pays, les écoles privées préparent les élèves à l'avenir sur le plan social, émotionnel et physique. En raison de la concurrence dans ce processus de préparation, le nombre croissant d'écoles privées a créé un environnement concurrentiel. Bien que l'on pense que la supériorité des écoles privées les unes par rapport aux autres dans cet environnement concurrentiel est déterminée par les installations physiques, les activités sociales et les politiques salariales, l'un des éléments les plus importants qui constituent le véritable environnement concurrentiel est sans aucun doute les enseignants. Un véritable succès dans cette compétition n'est possible que grâce aux efforts des enseignants qui sont en communication individuelle et souvent face à face avec les élèves et les parents, et qui sont également en harmonie avec les politiques de l'école. Dans 487 une période où les relations bilatérales prennent une telle importance, les émotions sont naturellement importantes et, par conséquent, les enseignants sont censés et attendus pour maintenir la satisfaction des élèves et des parents au plus haut niveau en utilisant leurs émotions (Şat, 2019). Bien que l'émotion soit un concept abstrait et personnalisé, elle est aujourd'hui devenue un concept concret ayant une valeur économique (Özgen, 2010). Des études récentes ont montré que les relations humaines et les émotions sont au moins aussi importantes que la technologie. De nos jours, les compétences émotionnelles ont commencé à être incluses parmi les facteurs de réussite dans les organisations actuelles. Les compétences émotionnelles sont devenues plus importantes, en particulier dans les professions qui nécessitent des relations humaines, comme l'enseignement. Les recherches ont montré que la clé du développement des relations interpersonnelles dans l'environnement professionnel est la reconnaissance, l'interprétation et la gestion des émotions (Lopes et al., 2004). Cette situation a conduit à un nouvel ensemble de valeurs dans le domaine de la gestion et à l'idée que les émotions des employés dans les organisations ne peuvent être ignorées, en particulier pour les gestionnaires. Sur cette base, pour qu'une organisation soit efficace et réussisse, elle a besoin de managers et d'employés dotés de niveaux élevés d'intelligence émotionnelle et de travail émotionnel, capables de contrôler leurs émotions, de percevoir et de comprendre les émotions de l'autre personne et de produire des solutions en conséquence, ainsi que d'un pouvoir technologique et économique. La profession d'enseignant exige également beaucoup de travail émotionnel et d'intelligence émotionnelle. Les enseignants font de gros efforts pour répondre aux besoins des élèves, les motiver et développer des relations positives. Tout en faisant ces efforts, ils doivent être capables de travailler en harmonie avec la direction et leurs collègues sans entrer en conflit. En effet, pour que l'enseignant puisse accomplir son travail efficacement et être un exemple pour les élèves, il doit se sentir en sécurité et heureux. La seule condition pour être un participant et un praticien dans le processus de prise de décision est de faire partie d'une organisation réconciliatrice et orientée vers les solutions plutôt que d'un environnement de travail basé sur le conflit. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si le conflit joue un rôle dans l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel des enseignants. On pense que cette étude comblera une lacune importante dans la littérature. En effet, les études sur ce sujet dans la profession enseignante sont extrêmement limitées. 1. CADRE CONCEPTUEL 1.1. L'intelligence émotionnelle L'intelligence émotionnelle a été définie comme une dimension relevant de l'intelligence sociale liée à la capacité de l'individu à s'observer lui-même et à observer son environnement, à distinguer ces deux concepts l'un de l'autre et à transformer les connaissances et les pensées acquises au cours du processus d'observation en comportements (Acar, 2001). Bien que le concept ait été introduit dans la littérature par Thornidke dans les années 1920, il a été défini pour la première fois par Mayer et Solovey (Erdoğdu, 2018). Mayer et Solovey ont expliqué l'intelligence émotionnelle comme la capacité de l'individu à remarquer les émotions et les pensées de lui-même et de son entourage, à les distinguer et à utiliser les informations obtenues à partir de ces émotions pour diriger ses pensées et ses comportements (Guy et al., 2013). 488 Mayer et Solovey ont analysé l'intelligence émotionnelle dans deux dimensions différentes en agissant à la fois sur les émotions de l'individu et sur celles des personnes qui l'entourent. BarOn et al. (2003), outre ces deux dimensions différentes, ont vu dans l'intelligence émotionnelle le pouvoir d'utiliser les compétences et les capacités de l'individu pour faire face aux problèmes qui surviennent pour des raisons environnementales. Ahmet (2018), qui aborde le concept différemment de ces deux perspectives, a défini l'intelligence émotionnelle de Goleman comme la capacité de l'individu à réagir à ce qu'il vit, à poursuivre sa vie malgré les négativités qu'il subit, à maintenir son humeur en contrôlant ses impulsions, à se mettre à la place de l'autre, à ne pas perdre espoir et à éviter que les problèmes ne deviennent le centre de la vie. Les définitions de l'intelligence émotionnelle expliquées ci-dessus ont apporté différentes perspectives et dimensions. On peut dire qu'il existe quatre perspectives généralement acceptées dans le domaine de l'intelligence émotionnelle dans la littérature. Tout d'abord, l'intelligence émotionnelle développée par Mayer et Solovey fait en fait partie de l'intelligence sociale et, selon cette approche, l'individu doit comprendre les émotions des autres et de luimême en même temps et refléter ces émotions et ces comportements correctement. Le niveau de cette réflexion indique en fait le degré d'intelligence émotionnelle de l'individu. Cette approche comprend les dimensions suivantes : perception des émotions, assimilation des émotions, compréhension des émotions et gestion des émotions. La deuxième approche, celle de Reuven Bar-On, qui a développé la première échelle de mesure de l'intelligence émotionnelle, se concentre sur la capacité à résoudre des problèmes en s'adaptant aux problèmes rencontrés, en faisant face à des émotions fortes, en reconnaissant ses propres émotions et celles des autres, en contrôlant ses émotions et en résolvant des problèmes (Team FME, 2014). Dans la troisième approche, Goleman (2014) considère l'intelligence émotionnelle comme la maîtrise de soi et l'auto-motivation, la capacité à contrôler les pressions exercées sur soi et à faire face au stress. Dans cette approche, l'intelligence émotionnelle est considérée comme la capacité à utiliser à la fois notre côté logique et notre côté émotionnel de manière égale dans la prise de décision. Dans la quatrième et dernière approche, selon Cooper et Sawaf (2010), l'intelligence émotionnelle est la capacité à utiliser ses émotions de manière intelligente, sensible, utile et sage. Outre les dimensions énumérées ci-dessus, il est possible de mentionner l'existence de différentes dimensions de l'intelligence émotionnelle dans différentes études. Dans cette étude, quatre dimensions de l'intelligence émotionnelle (Peekar et al., 2017), dont l'évaluation de ses propres émotions, l'évaluation des émotions des autres, la reconnaissance de ses propres émotions et le contrôle des émotions des autres, ont été examinées. Évaluer ses propres émotions: Il s'agit de reconnaître les émotions ressenties par la personne, de distinguer les différences entre ces émotions si elles sont complexes et d'expliquer les raisons sous-jacentes à ces sentiments. Évaluer les émotions des autres: Il s'agit d'une dimension liée à la reconnaissance et à la compréhension des émotions ressenties par les autres et à la capacité de les expliquer sur la base d'une raison spécifique. Contrôler ses propres émotions: Il s'agit d'établir un contrôle sur les émotions ressenties par la personne et de refléter ces émotions de la manière la plus appropriée au bon moment et au bon endroit. Contrôler les émotions des autres: Cette dimension est liée au contrôle émotionnel et à l'influence de la personne sur son entourage. 489 1.2. Travail émotionnel Hochscild (1983) a utilisé le concept de travail émotionnel pour la première fois (Güngör, 2009:169). Hochscild a défini ce concept comme "la capacité à réguler les expressions faciales et les manifestations corporelles qui peuvent être clairement observées dans la structure sociale" (cité dans Kaya et Özhan, 2012:111). Ashforth et Humphrey ont expliqué le même concept comme étant le fait d'afficher des émotions et des comportements appropriés dans l'environnement de travail (Pugliesi, 1999). Le travail émotionnel, qui peut être considéré comme le fait d'afficher les comportements émotionnels souhaités par l'entreprise à la fois envers les autres et envers les clients, comprend trois dimensions : "suppression des émotions", "comportement superficiel" et "comportement en profondeur" (Brotheridge et Grandey, 2002). Comportement superficiel: Il peut être défini comme le fait que l'employé ressent les émotions attendues de lui au travail d'une manière différente et qu'il reflète ces émotions directement et sans les réprimer dans son monde intérieur. Dans ce type de comportement, les employés essaient de montrer aux autres les émotions qu'ils ne ressentent pas vraiment en entrant dans un certain modèle de rôle. Les personnes qui ont la capacité de cacher les émotions qu'elles ressentent réellement peuvent adopter plus facilement des comportements superficiels (Grandey, 2003:89). Comportement en profondeur: Le comportement en profondeur est l'effort émotionnel pour refléter les émotions souhaitées lorsque la personne se trouve entre les émotions qu'elle devrait montrer au travail et les émotions qu'elle ressent dans son monde intérieur. Contrairement au comportement superficiel, la personne doit supprimer l'émotion qu'elle ressent réellement (Hochschild, 2003, pp. 561-562). Le comportement en profondeur est en fait la partie qui constitue la base du travail émotionnel. En effet, la personne est obligée de ressentir l'état émotionnel souhaité en supprimant tous les états émotionnels qu'elle éprouve, et elle s'efforce de faire ressentir à l'autre personne l'état émotionnel requis par le travail (Kruml et Geddes, 2000, p. 12). Comportement sincère/naturel: Outre les deux comportements mentionnés ci-dessus, il existe un autre type de comportement. Dans ce type de comportement, la personne reflète les sentiments qu'elle ressent réellement. Ce comportement est appelé comportement sincère ou naturel (Diefendorff et al., 2005). Dans ce comportement, la personne n'a pas besoin de feindre ou de réprimer ses émotions. Toutefois, dans ce style de comportement, l'autre partie peut facilement remarquer ce changement dans les changements émotionnels instantanés qui se produisent chez la personne. Si ce changement d'émotion contient des émotions négatives telles que l'épuisement professionnel, la colère, l'indifférence, etc., la personne peut être en conflit avec son environnement dans le cadre de son travail (Chonko et al., 2003). 1.3.Le rôle du conflit dans la relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel Garantir la communication et la coopération pour atteindre les buts et objectifs fixés par l'organisation aide les gens à se concentrer davantage sur leur travail et à travailler dans un environnement paisible (Cassito et al., 2003:15). Dans le cas contraire, des conflits individuels ou organisationnels peuvent survenir en l'absence d'un environnement serein. 490 Lorsque ces conflits ne sont pas résolus, ils peuvent conduire à dissimuler les problèmes et les émotions, à adopter des comportements inappropriés vis-à-vis de l'environnement ou à réprimer l'émotion ressentie jusqu'à ce qu'elle ne puisse plus être résolue. Ils peuvent même nuire à l'endroit où la personne ou le groupe qui joue le rôle travaille au niveau individuel et organisationnel (Kuhn & Poole, 2000 ; Stockwell, 1997 : 6). Les conflits peuvent être soutenus afin d'apporter du dynamisme à l'organisation (Slabbert, 2004 ; Kuhn & Poole, 2000) ou ils peuvent être prévenus afin d'éviter des conséquences destructrices (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002 ; Kuhn & Poole, 2000). L'une des questions sur lesquelles il convient de mettre l'accent dans les conflits est celle des émotions des personnes qui vivent le conflit, ainsi que des causes et des méthodes du conflit. En effet, l'expression des émotions des individus, physiquement, verbalement ou par le biais du langage corporel est considérée comme le premier signe de conflit en termes de sentiment, d'initiation et d'émergence de la tension. Dans ce cas, on peut dire que les émotions sont l'un des éléments du conflit et qu'elles sont liées à l'intelligence émotionnelle. Les émotions sont un élément important de l'intelligence émotionnelle. L'intelligence émotionnelle affecte directement les relations de l'individu avec lui-même et avec les autres. Les personnes qui utilisent leur intelligence émotionnelle minimisent les conflits organisationnels qu'elles rencontrent sans diminuer leur motivation en maintenant leur style de pensée positif même dans des conditions négatives. Les recherches montrent que la réussite d'un conflit dépend de la capacité de l'individu à réguler ses propres émotions en faveur de l'organisation (Hochscilhd, 2003:561). D'autre part, l'une des causes des conflits organisationnels est la différence de perception (Quebeman & Rozell, 2002). Si l'individu interprète les émotions clairement et correctement, il peut réagir de manière appropriée à la situation. En outre, les malentendus et les perceptions peuvent être éliminés et une relation solide peut être établie (Lopes et al., 2003). Le fait que l'interaction se situe à un niveau normal, compréhensible et acceptable permet d'éviter que les différends, les désaccords ou les idées opposées entre les parties n'atteignent des dimensions préjudiciables. En plus de ce qui précède, l'effet du conflit sur le comportement émotionnel au travail de l'intelligence émotionnelle peut également être clarifié sur la base de la théorie de l'événement émotionnel développée par Weiss et Cropanzano (1996). Les effets des émotions et des humeurs sur les comportements individuels peuvent être expliqués par cette théorie. Selon cette théorie, les expériences émotionnelles passées des individus affectent leurs comportements actuels au sein de l'organisation (Özdevecioğlu, 2004). Selon la théorie de l'événement émotionnel, les exigences et les tâches requises pour le travail émotionnel affectent les attitudes et les comportements au travail (Pandey & Singh, 2016, 553). On constate que l'employé doté d'un niveau élevé d'intelligence émotionnelle peut comprendre plus facilement le langage corporel et l'expression faciale des autres, déterminer quelle émotion serait la meilleure réaction à cette situation en s'appuyant sur ses expériences passées, analyser ses émotions pour interpréter son comportement et avoir conscience de réguler ses propres émotions et celles des autres (Mayer et al., 2004). De ce point de vue, l'intelligence émotionnelle a un effet significatif sur les comportements des employés sur le lieu de travail. Il est prévu que les employés ayant un niveau élevé d'intelligence émotionnelle adoptent des comportements positifs souhaités par le lieu de travail. L'étude menée par Wong et Law (2002) soutient également cette relation. Dans le contexte du travail émotionnel, Grandey (2000) a déclaré que l'intelligence émotionnelle est une variable importante dans les différences personnelles des employés qui font preuve de travail émotionnel sur le lieu de 491 travail. En effet, l'intelligence émotionnelle guide les managers dans la compréhension des pensées et des émotions et dans la résolution des conflits (Hwa & Amin, 2016, 87). 2. LA MÉTHODE 2.1 Méthode de recherche En fonction des relations conceptuelles mentionnées ci-dessus, les hypothèses et le modèle de recherche conçus dans cette étude concernant les niveaux d'intelligence émotionnelle et de travail émotionnel des enseignants travaillant dans des écoles privées sont les suivants. H1= Il existe une relation significative et positive entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel. H2= Les conflits intra-organisationnels jouent un rôle médiateur dans l'effet de l'intelligence émotionnelle sur le travail émotionnel. Figure 1. Modèle de recherche Conflit Travail émotionnel Intelligence émotionnelle 2.2 Échantillon et population de l'étude La population de l'étude se compose d'enseignants travaillant dans des écoles privées à Istanbul au cours de l'année scolaire 2023-2024 et sélectionnés par échantillonnage aléatoire simple. Il s'agit d'enseignants travaillant dans des écoles primaires, secondaires et supérieures à Istanbul au cours de l'année scolaire 2023-2024. Au cours de l'année scolaire durant laquelle l'étude a été menée, 748 enseignants ont reçu un questionnaire pour l'étude et 207 enseignants ont répondu au questionnaire. Parmi les enseignants participant à l'étude, 75,8 % (157) étaient des femmes, 24,2 % (50) étaient des hommes, 65,2 % (135) étaient mariés, 28,5 % (59) étaient célibataires et 6,3 % (13) étaient des enseignants. Sur l'échantillon, 2,4% (5), 5,3% (11) sont des diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur, 72,5% (150) sont des diplômés de premier cycle, 19,48% (41) sont des diplômés de troisième cycle. La répartition de l'échantillon en fonction de l'ancienneté est la suivante : 25,6 % (53) d'enseignants depuis moins d'un an, 15,5 % (32) d'enseignants depuis 1 à 3 ans, 41,5 % (86) d'enseignants depuis 3 à 5 ans, 17,4 % (36) d'enseignants depuis 5 ans et plus. 492 Tableau 1.Informations Démographiques Sexe Niveau d'éducation f % f % Homme 50 24,2 18-24 7 3,4 Femme 157 75,8 25-30 62 30 Lycée Diplôme d'associé 5 2,4 31-35 45 21,7 11 5,3 36-40 38 18,4 150 72,5 41-45 21 10,1 41 19,8 46 et plus 34 16,4 Célibataire 59 28,5 Moins d'un an 53 25,6 Marié(e) 135 65,2 Jusqu'à 1-3 ans 32 15,5 Jusqu'à 3-5 ans 86 41,5 5 ans et plus 36 17,4 Licence Master/PhD État civil Divorcé(e) 13 Age Temps de travail 6,3 3. OUTILS DE COLLECTE DE DONNÉES 3.1 Échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle L'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle est basée sur l'échelle développée par Pekaar et adaptée en turc par Abdurrahman TANRIÖĞEN et Yusuf TÜRKER en 2019. L'échelle de 28 questions consiste en une échelle de Likert en 5 points comprenant quatre dimensions classées comme "évaluer ses propres émotions", "évaluer les émotions des autres", "contrôler ses propres émotions" et "contrôler les émotions des autres". Tableau 2.Résultat de l'alpha de Cronbach pour l'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Items Alpha Alpha Based on Standardized Items ,918 ,920 17 493 À l'issue de l'analyse, le coefficient alpha de Cronbach de l'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle était de 0,918, ce qui indique qu'il s'agit d'un outil de mesure valide et fiable qui peut être utilisé dans le cadre de la recherche. 3.2 Échelle du travail émotionnel L'échelle de travail émotionnel est basée sur l'échelle développée par Grandey en 1999 et adaptée en turc par Tuğba PALA et Olca SÜRGEVİL en 2016. L'échelle de 26 questions consiste en une échelle de Likert en 5 points comprenant trois dimensions : "suppression des émotions", "comportement superficiel" et "comportement approfondi". Tableau 3. Résultat de l'alpha de Cronbach pour l'échelle du travail émotionnel Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Items Alpha Alpha Based on Standardized Items ,809 ,804 10 À l'issue de l'analyse, le coefficient alpha de Cronbach de l'échelle du travail émotionnel était de 0,809, ce qui indique qu'il s'agit d'un outil de mesure valide et fiable qui peut être utilisé dans le cadre de la recherche. 3.3 Échelle du climat organisationnel Une dimension de l'échelle de climat organisationnel développée par Litwin et Stringer (1974) et 4 questions appartenant à la dimension "conflit" ont été utilisées. Tableau 4. Résultat de l'alpha de Cronbach pour l'échelle de conflit organisationnel Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Items Alpha Alpha Based on Standardized Items ,678 ,688 2 À l'issue de l'analyse, le coefficient alpha de Cronbach de l'échelle de climat organisationnel était de 0,678, ce qui indique qu'il s'agit d'un outil de mesure valide et fiable qui peut être utilisé pour la recherche. 3.4 Collecte et analyse des données Les instruments utilisés pour la collecte des données de recherche ont été distribués, appliqués et collectés en novembre 2023. 494 4. RÉSULTATS Cette section présente les résultats obtenus à la suite des analyses statistiques des données collectées dans le cadre de la recherche. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés dans un ordre approprié aux questions auxquelles la recherche cherche à répondre. 4.1 Test du modèle de recherche 4.1.1 Test du modèle selon le test Anova Les réponses aux variables indépendantes que sont l'intelligence émotionnelle et le conflit organisationnel ont été standardisées et un test anova a été appliqué pour tester le modèle de recherche. Tableau 5. Test Anova pour tester le modèle de recherche Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig. Coefficients B 1 Std. Error (Constant) 3,389 ,044 Zscore(DZ) ,122 ,045 Zscore(ÖÇ) ,152 ,045 Beta 76,900 ,000 ,183 2,699 ,008 ,228 3,368 ,001 a. Dependent Variable: DE Puisque la valeur Sig. (0,001)<0,050, on peut interpréter que le modérateur a un effet significatif. Selon ce test, on peut dire que le conflit organisationnel a un effet modérateur sur le travail émotionnel. 4.2 Analyse factorielle 4.2.1 Analyse factorielle de l'intelligence émotionnelle L'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle se compose de quatre dimensions. Dans l'analyse factorielle, le coefficient de charge factorielle a été déterminé comme étant de ,50. Il y avait 7 questions sur l'évaluation de ses propres émotions (1er facteur) et 7 questions sur l'évaluation des émotions des autres (2e facteur). Toutes les questions ont été retirées de l'analyse factorielle, à l'exception d'une question sur la reconnaissance de ses propres émotions (facteur 3) et de deux questions sur la reconnaissance des autres (facteur 4). 495 Tableau 7. Résultats de l'analyse factorielle sur l'intelligence émotionnelle Component Matrixa Component 1 2 Duygusal Zekâ_1 ,721 Duygusal Zekâ_2 ,649 Duygusal Zekâ_3 ,715 Duygusal Zekâ_4 ,686 Duygusal Zekâ_5 ,689 Duygusal Zekâ_6 ,627 Duygusal Zekâ_7 ,648 Duygusal Zekâ_8 ,685 Duygusal Zekâ_9 ,765 Duygusal Zekâ_10 ,713 Duygusal Zekâ_11 ,628 Duygusal Zekâ_12 ,689 Duygusal Zekâ_13 ,742 Duygusal Zekâ_14 ,697 3 Duygusal Zekâ_15 ,563 Duygusal Zekâ_26 ,629 Duygusal Zekâ_27 ,654 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 3 components extracted. La valeur KMO est supérieure à 0,50 et convient à l'analyse factorielle. Lorsque les réponses données à l'échelle d'intelligence émotionnelle sont analysées, on peut dire que les données sont normalement distribuées puisque p<0,05. 4.2.2 Analyse factorielle du travail émotionnel L'échelle du travail émotionnel comporte trois dimensions. Le comportement superficiel (1er facteur) comprend 6 questions, le comportement en profondeur (2e facteur) comprend 2 questions et la suppression des émotions (3e facteur) comprend 4 questions. Tableau 9. Résultats de l'analyse factorielle concernant le travail émotionnel Component Matrixa Component 1 Duygusal Çatışma_1 ,532 Duygusal Çatışma_2 ,617 Duygusal Çatışma_3 ,766 Duygusal Çatışma_4 ,737 Duygusal Çatışma_6 ,523 Duygusal Çatışma_8 2 3 ,588 Duygusal Çatışma_9 ,601 Duygusal Çatışma_10 ,663 Duygusal Çatışma_11 ,655 Duygusal Çatışma_12 ,682 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 3 components extracted. 496 La valeur KMO est supérieure à 0,50 et convient à l'analyse factorielle. Lorsque les réponses données à l'échelle du travail émotionnel sont examinées, on peut dire que les données sont normalement distribuées puisque p<0,05. 4.2.3 Analyse factorielle du conflit organisationnel Le conflit organisationnel se compose d'une dimension et de quatre questions. Suite à l'analyse factorielle, 2 des 4 questions ont été exclues de l'analyse. Tableau 11 . Résultats de l'analyse factorielle concernant le conflit organisationnel Component Matrixa Component 1 Örgütsel Çatışma_1 ,873 Örgütsel Çatışma_2 ,873 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 1 components extracted. La valeur KMO est supérieure à 0,50 et convient à l'analyse factorielle. Lorsque les réponses données à l'échelle du climat organisationnel sont examinées, on peut dire que les données sont normalement distribuées puisque p<0,05. 4.3 Test de corrélation Selon les résultats de l'analyse de corrélation de Pearson, une relation significative et positive a été trouvée entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le travail émotionnel (r=.229, p<0.01). Tableau 13. Résultats du test de corrélation *p<0.5,**p<0.1. 497 4.4 Analyse de régression Les variables indépendantes (Intelligence émotionnelle et Conflit organisationnel) expliquent la variable dépendante Effort émotionnel à hauteur de 0,094%. Tableau 15. Explication du modèle en termes de variables Model Summary Model 1 R ,320a R Square ,102 Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate ,094 ,63413 a. Predictors: (Constant), Zscore(ÖÇ), Zscore(DZ) Puisque la valeur Sig. (0,000)<0,050, le conflit organisationnel et l'intelligence émotionnelle ont un effet significatif et positif sur l'effort émotionnel. Tableau 15. Résultats de l'analyse de régression 5. CONCLUSIONS ET RECOMMANDATIONS Cette étude s'est tout d'abord intéressée au niveau de relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et les niveaux de travail émotionnel des enseignants travaillant dans des écoles privées. La deuxième question abordée dans la recherche est de savoir si le conflit joue un rôle dans la relation entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et les niveaux de travail émotionnel des enseignants. L'examen des résultats obtenus a révélé une relation significative et positive entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et les niveaux de travail émotionnel des enseignants travaillant dans des écoles privées. En examinant la littérature connexe, Kim et al. (2012), Lee (2010) et Raman et al. (2016, 27) ont conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle est positivement liée au comportement profond et négativement liée au comportement superficiel. Les études menées par Austin et al. (2008) et Mikolajczak et al. (2007) ont conclu à une relation négative entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le comportement de surface. Brotheridge (2006) a conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle n'avait aucun effet sur le comportement en surface et en profondeur. Mikolajczak et al. (2007) ont conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle est négativement liée au comportement en surface et en profondeur. Austin et al. (2008) et Mikolajczak et al. (2007) ont conclu qu'il existe une relation négative entre l'intelligence émotionnelle et le comportement superficiel. Brotheridge (2006) a conclu que l'intelligence 498 émotionnelle n'avait aucun effet sur le comportement superficiel et profond. Mikolajczak et al. (2007) ont conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle est négativement liée au comportement superficiel et profond. Austin et al. (2008) ont conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle n'avait aucun lien avec le comportement en profondeur, mais qu'elle avait un lien négatif avec le comportement en surface. L'étude menée par Cote (2005) a permis de conclure que les employés dotés d'un niveau élevé d'intelligence émotionnelle adoptent un comportement profond lors des interactions avec les clients (cité dans Raman et al., 2016, 27). Alors que l'intelligence émotionnelle apporte un soutien positif à l'effet positif du comportement profond, elle agit comme un tampon pour l'effet destructeur du comportement superficiel (Brotheridge C., 2006, 143). Grandey (2000) a déclaré que l'intelligence émotionnelle peut affecter les individus en montrant des comportements superficiels et profonds (Rafuse, 2010, 56). Dans le modèle de travail émotionnel développé par Grandey (2000), le travail émotionnel est affecté par l'intelligence émotionnelle (Polatcı & Özyer, 2015, 139). Les employés ayant un niveau élevé d'intelligence émotionnelle ont un comportement plus profond que superficiel car ils peuvent réguler leurs émotions plus efficacement (Walsh et al., 2015, 371 ; Lee H., 2010, 33). Prati et al. (2009) affirment que l'intelligence émotionnelle contribue à réduire l'effet destructeur du comportement superficiel, et la raison la plus importante en est que les employés dotés d'une intelligence émotionnelle élevée s'adaptent plus facilement à la situation émotionnelle requise sur le lieu de travail (Prati et al., 2009, 370). L'intelligence émotionnelle a une incidence positive sur les attitudes et les comportements des employés en matière de travail émotionnel (Cavelzani et al., 2003 ; Brotheridge C., 2006 ; Lee & Ok, 2015, 444). Raman et al. (2016, 34) ont déclaré que si l'intelligence émotionnelle n'a pas d'effet significatif sur le comportement en profondeur, elle a une relation positive significative avec le comportement en surface, et ils ont également conclu qu'il existe une relation positive entre le comportement en profondeur et le comportement en surface dans leur étude. Jeon (2016, 353) a déclaré que l'intelligence émotionnelle affecte le travail émotionnel dans le modèle qu'il a créé à la suite d'une analyse documentaire. Dans l'étude menée par Yin et al. (2013), il a été conclu que l'intelligence émotionnelle affecte le comportement profond et n'a pas d'effet sur le comportement de surface. Les conclusions de toutes ces études soutiennent également les conclusions de la présente étude. Outre les résultats importants obtenus dans le cadre de cette étude, il convient de noter qu'elle présente certaines limites. La limite la plus importante de cette étude est qu'elle se concentre uniquement sur les niveaux d'intelligence émotionnelle et de travail émotionnel des enseignants travaillant dans des écoles privées. Les personnes qui mèneront des études sur le sujet peuvent enrichir l'étude et y contribuer. Il serait possible d'obtenir des résultats plus détaillés en utilisant des échelles autres que celles incluses dans le champ de la recherche et en menant des études sur des échantillons différents, par exemple en comparant les enseignants travaillant dans des écoles publiques et privées. En outre, des analyses de cause à effet sont également suggérées. 499 SOURCES Acar Tekin, F. (2001). Duygusal Zekâ Yeteneklerinin Göreve ve İnsana Yönelik Liderlik Davranışları ile İlişkisi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Bar-On, R., Tranel, D., Denburg, N.L., & Bechara, A. (2003). Exploring the neurological substrate of emotional and social intelligence. Brain, 126,1790-1800. Brotheridge, C. M., & Grandey, A. A. (2002). “Emotional labor and burnout: Comparing two perspectives of “people work””. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60(1), 17-39. Cassito, M.G., (ve öte.) (2003). 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Duygusal Zekâ Ve Duygusal Emek Düzeylerinin Bazı Demografik Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi: Özel Okul Öğretmenleri İle Bir Araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,1(39),1-20. Team FME. (2014). Understanding Emotional Intelligence. 13. Çevrimiçi Erişim: Erişim Tarihi: 16.04.2021 Weiss, Howard & Cropanzano, Russell. (1996). Affective Events Theory: A Theoretical Discussion of The Structure, Cause and Consequences of Affective Experiences at Work. Research in Organizational Behavior. Wong C.S. and Law K.S. (2002) “Development of an emotional intelligence instrument and an investigation of its relationship with leader and follower performance and attitudes,” The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 13, pp. 1–32. 501 THE PENALTY FOR CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY IN VIETNAM – MAINTAINING, AMENDING OR REMOVAL LLM. Nguyen Du Yen Thu Dau Mot University, Faculty of Management Science, Law Training Program, Binh Duong, Viet Nam ABSTRACT Confiscation of property is a penalty that has existed in Vietnam's penal system for a long time and currently serves as an additional penalty. Along with Fine and Confiscation of money and items directly related to the crime, Confiscation of property is one of three coercive measures levied on the offender's property. The criminal laws of many countries around the world also stipulate penalties for confiscation of property, but it can be said that the penalty for confiscation of property in the Vietnamese Criminal Code is quite different, because the confiscated property is not property obtained from a crime or property related to the commission of a crime. Although it is a penalty that can only be imposed in addition to the primary penalty, confiscation of property is a very severe penalty. Besides, this penalty regulation still has many unclear issues, causing many people to misunderstand it. Therefore, the property confiscation penalty is rarely applied in judicial practice in Vietnam. The existence of this penalty is an issue worthy of study and discussion. Which solution is more suitable: continuing to maintain an unfeasible regulation or eliminating a penalty that is almost no longer applied in practice? Perhaps the safe solution is to amend the regulations on property confiscation penalties to be clearer and more realistic. However, to know which measure is most appropriate, it is necessary to understand what the penalty of confiscation of property is, how it is applied, and what value it has in the penalty system. This research study will clarify the above issues to provide the most reasonable result possible from the researcher's perspective. Keywords: Confiscation of property, Penalty, Fine, Criminal Code, Vietnam INTRODUCTION The regulation of additional sentences in general and the Penalty for the Confiscation of Property (PCP) in particular play an important role in the fight against crime. Although PCP is only an additional penalty, it is very strict and depends on the economic conditions of the offender. However, the regulations and practice of applying criminal law on the PCP still have inadequacies, problems, and lack of feasibility, so they need to continue to be amended, supplemented and improved. In theory, the provisions of criminal law on PCP are still unclear, and easily confusing with judicial measures to confiscate objects and money directly related to crimes. In addition, 502 many crimes also stipulate the PCP with a preventive nature, similar to the provision of the death penalty in some previous crimes (which have now been abolished). In practice, in recent years, the Court has rarely applied the PCP to criminals. If the law stipulates that the additional penalty is the PCP or any other additional penalty such as a fine or probation, Judges often apply other penalties than the PCP; If the law only stipulates that the only additional penalty is confiscation of property, the Judges usually do not impose additional penalties, but only apply the main penalty. Maintaining a legal regulation that has almost no practical application is not advisable, but removing a penalty from the penal system is not easy. 1. Brief history of the PCP in Vietnam Before the August 1945 revolution Complete Annals of Đại Việt (Ngô Sĩ Liên, 2017) once recorded that Trần Khánh Dư (a martial general during the Trần Dynasty) was punished by Emperor Trần Nhân Tông, stripped of his official position, and confiscated of all his property (due to adultery with Princess Thiên Thụy). Under the Initial Lê Dynasty, according to the Hong Duc Code, the Confiscation of property is not a primary penalty, but it is also a severe penalty. There are two levels: partial confiscation of property and confiscation of real estate (can be considered confiscation of the entire estate). Under the Nguyễn Dynasty, the Confiscation of property is a measure to overcome the material consequences of mandarins due to corrupt acts against the State and people. This penalty may be accompanied by other penalties such as five major penalties and dismissal from office. From after the August 1945 revolution to before 1986 During this period, although Vietnam had the first Constitution, penalties were not specified in this document but were recorded in Acts issued by the Government. The penalty of Confiscation of property prescribed in the criminal statutes of the old regime continues to remain in effect in cases that do not violate the principles of independence and polity of the State of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The names of the PCP in these Acts are quite diverse such as confiscation of part or all of the property, confiscation of up to three-quarters of the property, confiscation of the estate,… The nature of this penalty is both discretionary and mandatory, it can be the primary penalty, it can also be an additional penalty, and is enforced even when the convicted person dies. From 1986 to present The first legal definition of the PCP is stipulated in Article 32 of the 1985 Penal Code with the following content: “Confiscation of property means to confiscate person's property for remittance into the State's fund, apply to persons sentenced for serious crimes prescribed by 503 this Code. Can confiscate part or whole of the sentenced person's property. When all their property is confiscated, the sentenced persons and their families shall still be left with conditions to live.” The conditions for applying the PCP under the 1985 Penal Code are the cases specified in this law in which the maximum penalty frame for that crime is imprisonment for a term of more than five years, life imprisonment, or death. image. Because it is the first legal definition, this provision is still quite general. According to this regulation, only part or all of the property can be stripped without explaining when to take away a part or when to take away all of the property. Compared to Article 32 of the 1985 Penal Code, Article 40 of the 1999 Penal Code has adjusted the scope of application of the PCP in an expanded direction, specifically: “Confiscation of property means to confiscate part or whole of the sentenced person's property for remittance into the State's fund. The property confiscation shall apply only to persons sentenced for serious crimes, very serious crimes or particularly serious crimes prescribed by this Code. When all their property is confiscated, the sentenced persons and their families shall still be left with conditions to live.” According to this regulation, the PCP is applied to people convicted of serious crimes, very serious crimes or especially serious crimes (meaning a crime for which the maximum penalty range prescribed by the 1999 Penal Code is from over three years in prison, life imprisonment or death penalty). With this expansion of the scope of application, the PCP can be applied along with all main penalties, except the warning penalty because this penalty only applies to less serious crimes. The PCP continues to be regulated in the 2015 Criminal Code: “Confiscation of property means confiscation and transfer of part of or all of the property under the ownership of the convict to state budget. Confiscation of property shall only be imposed upon people who are convicted of serious crimes, very serious crimes, or extremely serious crimes against national security, drug-related crimes, corruption, or other crimes prescribed by this Code. Confiscation of property shall be so carried out that the convict and his/her family are still able to carry on their life.” (Article 45) Compared to the provisions of the 1999 Penal Code, the 2015 Criminal Code has a limitation on the scope of application of the PCP. Most of them only apply to certain crimes belonging to the group of crimes that violate national security, drug crimes, and corruption crimes. These are groups of crimes that are highly dangerous to society and need to be specifically prevented or have an economic impact that other penalties such as fixed-term imprisonment (isolating the offender from society for a certain period) cannot have an impact on the offender. 2. Purpose and meaning of PCP The purpose of punishment is the final practical result that the State wishes to achieve when imposing criminal liability on criminals and applying punishment to offenders. There are 504 many views about the purpose of punishment. Most people think that punishment is used to punish criminals. Besides, it is also to educate criminals and others to respect the law, rehabilitate criminals, prevent criminals from committing new crimes, and educate others to prevent and fight against crime. The purpose of PCP is no exception. However, we believe that the main purpose of this punishment is to prevent people from committing crimes. The PCP is mainly applied to destroy the economic base of criminals, and eliminate the conditions for them to commit new crimes, making it very difficult for them to commit crimes even if they still intend to commit crimes. The PCP is usually only applied to confiscate assets obtained through crime (illegal income), or if they do not confiscate their assets, they can use those assets to commit new crimes. For example, for people convicted of crimes of violating national security, although they do not have illegal income, if their assets are not confiscated, there is a risk that they will continue to commit crimes. (Dinh Van Que, 2017) In addition, PCP also contributes to deterring and educating others. Court proceedings are often held publicly and are even published on the mass media, so citizens can know about the crimes that have occurred and the penalties imposed by the Court. This will contribute to deterring other members of society and contributing to the fight against crime. Although it is only an additional penalty, PCP is an important piece of the puzzle in Vietnam's penalty system. The existence of this penalty creates diversity in the system of coercive measures in general and penalties in particular. The more diverse the penalty system with different levels of severity, the higher the possibility of achieving the purpose of punishment and the greater the ability to differentiate criminal responsibility. Some criminals may accept imprisonment if they know their assets will be available upon release, or their non-incarcerated family can continue to enjoy those assets. The PCP can destroy the offender's economy and support asset recovery in cases where the offender has converted criminally derived assets into legal assets using sophisticated tricks. 3. Current regulations on PCP According to Article 45 of Vietnam's Criminal Code 2015: “Confiscation of property means confiscation and transfer of part of or all of the property under the ownership of the convict to state budget. Confiscation of property shall only be imposed upon people who are convicted of serious crimes, very serious crimes, or extremely serious crimes against national security, drugrelated crimes, corruption, or other crimes prescribed by this Code. Confiscation of property shall be so carried out that the convict and his/her family are still able to carry on their life.” Because Article 45 does not explain what confiscated property is, it can be understood according to the provisions of Article 105 of the 2015 Civil Code. Accordingly, property can 505 be objects, money, property rights or valuable papers. This property may be of legal origin or obtained through crime, and can also be used to commit a crime. Moreover, Article 45 does not stipulate a minimum level of property to be confiscated, only a maximum level of all property of the convicted person. This article also does not stipulate when to confiscate part of the property and when to confiscate all of the property. The confiscation of part or all of the convicted person's assets depends on the nature and severity of the crime committed by the convicted person. However, this Criminal Code also demonstrates the spirit of humanity by stipulating: “When all property is confiscated, the convicted person and his or her family will still have living conditions.” Up to now, there is still no legal document that guides what it means to “the convicted person and his or her family will still have living conditions”. However, previously the Supreme People's Court had guidance documents as follows: “When deciding to confiscate property, we should not touch the means of production necessary for legitimate labor and the minimum necessary means of living for the defendant's family, to avoid causing difficulties for them.” (Trinh Quoc Toan, 2011) According to the Court's practice, the assets for the convicted person and his or her family to have living conditions are food, food, and medicine necessary for the convicted person and his or her family; Common working tools needed by the convicted person and his family such as clothes, blankets, bedding and other common household items; common worship items. When leaving behind the properties above for the convicted person and their family, the Court needs to be very specific about what property it is and how much it is worth, to avoid mistakes in executing the judgment. When declaring partial confiscation of property, the Court needs to clearly state the names of the confiscated assets. If there are too many assets, there must be a list of assets attached to the judgment and announced publicly at the trial. In addition to Article 45 above, the 2015 Criminal Code (amended in 2017) stipulates 59 crimes with additional penalties of confiscation of part or all of the convicted person's property. Specifically, confiscation of property is applied to 16/46 crimes of violating economic management order, 14/14 crimes of violating national security, 9/13 drug crimes, 3/7 crimes of corruption and 17 other crimes. (Tran Dinh Thang, 2022) Regulations on PCP in Vietnamese criminal law are quite different from other countries. Here are some examples: France’s Penal Code61, Article 222-49 “In the cases set out under articles 222-34 to 222-40, the court must order the confiscation of installations, equipment and any asset used directly or indirectly for the commission of the offense, as well as all the products coming from the said installations, equipment or assets, 61 Criminal Code of the French Republic (1994, as amended 2005) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 506 whoever may own them and wherever they may be, provided their owner could not have been ignorant of their fraudulent origin or. The confiscation of some or all of the assets of a convicted person, whatever their nature, movable or immovable, severally or jointly owned, may also be ordered in the cases set out under articles 222-34, 222-35, 222-36, 222-38 and 222-39-1.” This regulation is different from Article 45 of the 2015 Vietnam’s Criminal Code. French courts only confiscate assets used to commit crimes and assets obtained from the commission of crimes. This confiscation is mandatory and only applies to very serious drug crimes and crimes against humanity. Germany’s Criminal Code62, Article 43a The German Criminal Code does not divide the penalty system into primary and secondary penalties like Vietnam but into free penalties and secondary penalties. The freedom penalty of the Penal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany can be understood similarly to the term of imprisonment in Vietnam with a maximum term of 15 years and a minimum term of 01 month (according to Article 38 of this Code). Free punishment is specified in Section One, in Chapter Three: Legal Consequences of the Act. However, in this same section, there are both fines and property penalties. The content of property penalties is stipulated in the Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany as follows: “Confiscatory expropriation order (1) If the law refers to this provision the court may, in addition to imprisonment for life or for a fixed term of more than two years, order payment of a sum of money the amount of which shall be limited by the value of the offender’s assets (confiscatory expropriation order). Material benefits that have been confiscated shall not be taken into account when assessing the value of the assets. The value of the assets may be estimated. (2) Section 42 shall apply mutatis mutandis. (3) The court shall indicate a term of imprisonment which shall be substituted if the amount cannot be recovered (default imprisonment). The maximum term of default imprisonment shall be two years, its minimum one month.” According to this regulation, the Confiscatory expropriation order is a special form of fine with the same nature as the PCP in Vietnam’s Criminal Code. However, this regulation was declared unconstitutional by the German Constitutional Court because it violated Article 103 of the 1949 Constitution. Currently, this penalty has been removed from the German Criminal Code. 62 Criminal Code of Federal Republic of Germany (1998) (excepts related to Trafficking in Human Beings) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 507 Russia’s Criminal Code63 (1996) Clause 3, Article 45 of Russia's 1996 Criminal Code stipulates confiscation of property as an additional penalty. Article 51 defines “Confiscation of property is the deprivation of part or all of the convicted person's property to confiscate the State fund”. This penalty is applied to very serious crimes and especially serious crimes with a motive of profit and only in cases prescribed by the Penal Code. The provisions on PCP in the Vietnamese Criminal Code are quite similar to the Russian. However, the Russians recently removed this penalty from their Criminal Code. China’s Criminal Code64 (1979, amended 1997) Article 59. Confiscation of property refers to the confiscation of part or all of the property personally owned by a criminal. Where confiscation of all the property of a criminal is imposed, the amount necessary for the daily expenses of the criminal himself and the family members supported by him shall be taken out. When a sentence of confiscation of property is imposed, property that the criminal's family members own or should own shall not be subject to confiscation. Article 60. Where it is necessary to use part of the confiscated property to repay the legitimate debts that the criminal incurred before his property is confiscated, the debts shall be repaid at the request of the creditors. The regulations on PCP in the Chinese Criminal Code have the most similarities with Vietnam's regulations on punishment for criminal execution. Both Codes stipulate PCP as an additional penalty. This penalty is applied to confiscate the offender's private property. However, the PCP in the Chinese Criminal Code does not need to be applied with the main penalty but can be applied independently. 4. Practical application of PCP in Vietnam In Vietnam, statistics on criminal cases are not public and not easily accessible, so researchers encounter many difficulties in making comprehensive statistics. However, through some general research on additional penalties, through self-statistics of publicly available judgments and statistics on criminal case resolution of some courts such as the People's Court of Binh Duong Province and Dong Nai Province,... in the last 10 years (data extracted from statistical software of the Courts), I have noticed that the PCP is almost not applied in criminal judgments in Vietnam. If courts want to impact an offender's assets, they often impose fines. There are 2 main reasons leading to the above situation, including: 63 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996, amended 2012) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 64 508 - First, the legal regulations still have many problems and are difficult to understand; • Article 45 of the 2015 Criminal Code still has some unclear issues Example 1: “When confiscating property, it still allows the convicted person and their family to have living conditions.” So what is “family”? Who does “family” include? Example 2: “Confiscation of property is the deprivation of part or all of the property owned by a convicted person...” Does “property” in this regulation include properties formed in the future, properties currently under the possession and use of others? • Article 45 is not separate from Article 47, easily leading to misunderstandings about the PCP Article 45 stipulates: “Confiscation of property is the deprivation of part or all of the property owned by a convicted person...” Thus, this property may be property used to commit a crime, which partly overlaps with the scope of property confiscated by judicial measures specified in Article 47 (Confiscation of money and items directly related to the crime) • Crimes with or without provisions for property confiscation show an unfair division of criminal responsibility. For example: For the group of crimes that violate human life, health, dignity, and honor, the current Vietnamese Penal Code only stipulates that the PCP can be applied to the crime of Human trafficking and Trafficking of a person under 16. However, there is no regulation that this penalty can be applied to the crime of trading, or appropriation of human tissues or body parts, although the nature and the level of danger of these three crimes are similar. • The provisions in Article 45 are not consistent with the Vietnamese Constitution Article 32 of the 2013 Constitution stipulates: “1. Everyone enjoys the right of ownership of his lawful income, savings, housing, private possession, capital and assets in enterprises or other economic organizations. 2. The right of private ownership and the right of inheritance are protected by the law. 3. In cases made absolutely necessary because of national defense, security or national interest, in case of emergency and for protection against natural calamity, the State can make a forcible purchase of or can requisition pieces of property of individuals or organizations against compensation, taking into account current market prices.” - Second, the penalty of confiscation of assets is very difficult to apply in practice (lack of feasibility). Verifying the property of criminals faces many difficulties, especially when the criminals have dispersed their properties; 509 Determining which property belongs to the convicted person requires a very long time. Meanwhile, the PCP must be announced by sentence along with other penalties, so the courts are under great time pressure. 5. Recommendations First, remove the current regulation on PCP in Vietnam’s Criminal Code To ensure constitutionality, the PCP needs to be eliminated soon. The removal of this penalty does not have too much impact on the fight and prevention of crime. Currently, in addition to the PCP, Vietnam's penalty system also includes fines and judicial measures to confiscate objects and money directly related to the crime, which also affects the offender's economy. Second, replace the name of Article 45 to “Penalty of confiscation of property related to crimes” and integrate the current Article 47 content into this new Article, then remove Article 47; Not only does the Court have the right to apply judicial measures to confiscate objects and money directly related to crimes specified in Article 47 of the 2015 Criminal Code, but other agencies can also apply. This is a regulation that is not consistent with criminal procedural principles. Although proving a crime belongs to many prosecuting agencies at different times, no one is considered guilty without an effective court verdict. Thus, if you want to confiscate objects and money directly related to a crime, you must first prove the crime. There is also the need to determine the owner of the property and many other issues. Therefore, before the Court's effective judgment is issued, it is best to only temporarily seize objects and money related to the crime. Combining the above reasons, Article 45 and Article 47 should be merged and revised to create a new Article. Specifically, the content of the new regulations is as follows: “Penalty of confiscation of property related to crimes 1. Confiscation of property related to crimes is an additional penalty, applied to confiscate to the state budget or confiscate for destruction, and applies to: a) Property used to commit a crime; b) Property obtained from committing a crime or through civil transactions such assets are acquired; illegal profits from crime; c) Objects that are prohibited by the State from being stored or circulated. 2. For property appropriated or used illegally by criminals, it will not be confiscated but returned to the legal owner or manager. 3. The property of another person, if this person is at fault in allowing the offender to use it to commit a crime, may be confiscated.” 510 Third, amend regulations on fines, increase fines for crimes currently subject to property confiscation penalties and the following crimes: - Trading, appropriation of human tissues or body parts (Article 154); - Forcing others to use narcotic substances (Article 257). CONCLUSIONS In today's market economy, private property rights are recognized and protected. The fact that the Vietnamese Criminal Code still retains the regulation on confiscation of property without clarifying what property is, makes this regulation inconsistent with the Constitution. Therefore, regulations such as Article 45 of the Vietnam Criminal Code need to be removed and replaced with a more appropriate and feasible regulation. This study boldly recommends eliminating the penalty of asset confiscation and judicial measures of confiscation of objects and money directly related to crime. Instead, there is a penalty of confiscation of property related to the crime. This approach will help confiscate criminals’ assets more consistent with the Constitution, clearer and easier to apply. REFERENCE Dinh Van Que (2017). Commentary on the 2015 Criminal Code - Part One: General Provisions, Information and Communications Publisher, Hanoi, p.202. Criminal Code of Federal Republic of Germany (1998) (excepts related to Trafficking in Human Beings) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 Criminal Code of the French Republic (1994, as amended 2005) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 Criminal Code of the Republic of China (1979, amended 1997), source: Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996, amended 2012) (English version), source:, accessed on: February 14, 2024 Le Trieu Hình Luat (Hong Duc Code) (1997) (Pdf), translated by Nguyen Quoc Thang. Cultural Publisher. Ngo Si Lien (2017). Complete Annals of Dai Viet (Pdf). Ngo Duc Tho, translated by Hoang Van Lau. Hanoi: Social Sciences Publishing House. ISBN 9786046997566. Tran Dinh Thang (12/06/2022). Some shortcomings and problems of the current Criminal Code and directions for improvement. Retrieved from Trinh Quoc Toan (2011). The punishment of confiscation property in Viet Nam Criminal Code, National Political Publishing House - Truth, Hanoi, p. 206. Vietnamese Criminal Code (2015, amended 2017) 511 PETROL FİYATLARI ENFLASYON İLİŞKİSİ OIL PRICES-INFLATION RELATIONSHIP Turgut YOKUŞ Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Konya, Türkiye ORCID ID: ÖZET Giriş ve Amaç: Petrol fiyatları ve enflasyon arasındaki ilişki her zaman politika yapıcıların ve araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmiştir. Artan enerji fiyatı, enerji harcamalarını artırmakta bu da üretim maliyetlerini artırarak ekonomilerde enflasyon oluşturmaktadır. Böylece tüketim harcamaları azalarak, GDP’de düşüşleri ve işsizlik gibi sonuçlar ile ekonomileri resesyona sürüklemektedir. Artan enflasyon ise, petrol üretim maliyetlerine yansıyarak petrol fiyatları artırmaktadır. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmanın amacı petrol fiyatları ile enflasyon arasındaki karşılıklı ilişkinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu kapsamda 1960 Ocak 2023 Aralık dönemine ait petrol fiyatları ile ABD Tüketici Fiyat Endeks serilerine ilişkin analizler yapılmıştır. Serilerin, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) ve Phillips-Perron (PP) testleriyle durağanlık yapısı, Engel-Granger ve Johansen eşbütünleşme yöntemleriyle değişkenler arası uzun dönemli ilişkileri, Granger nedensellik testiyle nedensellik ilişkisi, son olarak ise hata düzeltme modelleri (VECM) ile de seriler arasındaki kısa dönem ilişkiler analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Aylık petrol fiyatları ile aylık enflasyon değişkenleri arasında; eşbütünleşme analizi sonucunda pozitif istatistiki olarak uzun dönemli ilişkinin var olduğu tespit edilmiştir. VECM analizi neticesinde ise; değişkenler arasında kısa dönemli anlam ilişkisinin var olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Son olarak, Granger nedensellik testine göre; petrol fiyatının enflasyon ve enflasyonunda petrol fiyatı için granger nedeni olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Analiz sonucunda, petrol fiyatları ile enflasyon fiyatlarındaki ilişki genel teori ile uyumlu olarak elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlarda, petrol fiyatları ile enflasyonun döngüsel bir artış sürecine girebildiğini göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Petrol Fiyatları; Enflasyon; Eşbütünleşme ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The relationship between oil prices and inflation has always attracted the attention of policymakers and researchers. Rising energy prices increase energy expenditures, which in turn increases production costs and creates inflation in economies. Thus, consumption expenditures decrease, leading economies into recession with consequences such as declines in GDP and unemployment. Increased inflation, in turn, is reflected in oil production costs and increases oil prices. Therefore, the aim of this study is to 512 reveal the interrelationship between oil prices and inflation. Materials and Methods: In this context, oil prices and the US Consumer Price Index series for the period from January 1960 to December 2023 have been analyzed. The stationarity structure of the series were analyzed using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) tests, the long-run relationships between variables were analyzed using Engel-Granger and Johansen cointegration methods, the causality relationship was analyzed using Granger causality test, and finally, the short-term relationships between the series were analyzed using error correction models (VECM). Results: Cointegration analysis revealed that there is a positive statistically significant long-run relationship between oil prices and inflation variables. VECM analysis reveals that there is a short-run significant relationship between the variables. Finally, according to the Granger causality test, it is concluded that oil price is the granger cause of inflation and inflation is the granger cause of oil price. Discussion and Conclusion: The analysis reveals that the relationship between oil prices and inflation prices is consistent with the general theory. These results suggest that oil prices and inflation may enter into a cyclical increase process. Key Words: Oil Prices; Inflation; Cointegration INTRODUCTION Energy price increases, regardless of their cause, bring about negative economic consequences in energy-poor countries. Rising energy prices increase production costs by increasing energy expenditures, resulting in higher inflation in economies. Thus, consumption expenditures decrease, which in turn affects economies in the form of decreases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and unemployment (van de Ven, 2017:204). In addition to the deteriorating domestic economic balance, rising energy prices damage the balance of payments of energy-poor countries and trigger economic crises by disrupting the external balances of economies (Alagöz et al. 2109; Saçık et al., 2020). Most recently, Alam et al. (2022) and Prokhorov (2022) argue that the energy price crisis resulting from the RussiaUkraine war has increased inflation, caused welfare losses by increasing volatility in the commodity market, and worsened future economic prospects. Theoretically, studies have shown that changes in the crude oil price have spillover effects on some economic fundamentals such as current deficit, inflation, interest rates, financial sector and economic growth. For a monetary policy perspective, price stability remains the core monetary policy task of most monetary authorities. Thus, it can logically explain why so much attention is paid to changes in oil prices. This is because these changes can trigger instability in the overall economy and push economies into an inflationary spiral. In line with the above explanations, there are numerous studies analyzing the causality relationship between crude oil prices and inflation. Differences in the results of these studies have led to an ongoing debate on the relationship between crude oil prices and inflation. This debate is attributed to many factors that depend on the process of analyzing the relationship between these two variables. First, Cartwright and Riabko (2015) argue that the results are also different due to different methodologies, scopes and differences in the measurement of the variables of concern. Second, existing studies suggest that this is the result of not accounting for the roles of asymmetry (Atil et al. 2014; Chou and Lin, 2013) and structural breaks (Raheem, 2017; 2015 Salisu and Oloko). Third, Salisu et al. (2017) argue that the assumption of homogeneity of "crude oil price variation" across the global economy is fundamentally wrong. Fourth and finally, they argue that crude oil prices have been characterized by high volatility since the early 1970s, leading to studies with different results due to both demand and supply shocks (Narayan and Liu, 2015;Kilian, 2009). 513 The aim of this paper is to investigate the short and long-run relationships between world average oil price and US inflation using monthly data from January 1960 to December 2023 using time series techniques and to interpret the empirical results in terms of policy recommendations. METHODOLOGY and DATA SET Oil prices are obtained from the World Bank monthly commodity price data for January 1960 through December 2023, while the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) is obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS) database. The notation for oil prices and US CPI data is given in Figure 1. In order to reduce the fluctuations of the series and make them appear flatter, their natural logarithms (LN) are taken and used in the analysis. When the series are analyzed, it is seen that they have a trended structure. In addition, oil prices are found to have a considerably higher volatility compared to inflation. Figure1: January 1960-December 2023 Oil and US CPI 160 140 6 COAP USCPI LNCOAP (Right Axis) LNUSCPI (Right Axis) 5 120 4 100 80 3 60 2 40 1 20 0 1960M01 1961M09 1963M05 1965M01 1966M09 1968M05 1970M01 1971M09 1973M05 1975M01 1976M09 1978M05 1980M01 1981M09 1983M05 1985M01 1986M09 1988M05 1990M01 1991M09 1993M05 1995M01 1996M09 1998M05 2000M01 2001M09 2003M05 2005M01 2006M09 2008M05 2010M01 2011M09 2013M05 2015M01 2016M09 2018M05 2020M01 2021M09 2023M05 0 Source: World Bank and International Financial Statistics The variables and their representation in the econometric application within the scope of the paper are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Variables Used in the Analysis Variables LN CPI: Consumer Price Index Variable acronym LNUSCPI LN Crude Oil Price, (Average,$/bbl) LNCOAP 514 Time Series Techniques are used in this study. in time series techniques, firstly, the characteristics of the series are examined, and the stationarity structure indicators of the series are revealed by various tests (ADF, PP, etc.). Then, according to the stationarity structures of the variables, the long-term relationships between them are examined by cointegration techniques (Co-integration analysis, Engel-Granger, Johansen tests, etc.) and the equation showing the long-term equilibrium relations is obtained. Granger causality test is used to reveal the causality relationship between variables and short-run equilibrium mechanisms are analyzed with vector error correction models (VECM). RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS Unit Root Tests In order to obtain reliable forecasts in accordance with the flow of transactions, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips Perron (PP) unit root tests were used to test whether the series included in the analysis contain unit roots. The stationarity test is examined within the framework of the model with constant term, the model without constant term and trend, and the model with both constant and trend. Table 2 shows the stationarity test results for the series. According to Table 2, both variables are found to be unit rooted series at their level values, whereas they become stationary in their first differences. Table 2. Stationarity Test Results for Variables Level Variable Intercept LNUSCPI Intercep and Trend None Intercept LNCOAP Intercep and Trend None First Difference ADF test PP test statistic and P statistic and P -3.3024 15.5764 (0.0126) (0.0000) ADF test statistic and P -1.6281 (0.4667) PP test statistic and P -1.9773 (0.2970) -1.3299 (0.8796) -3.2837 0.1841(0.9933) (0.0480) -15.8223 (0.0000) 1.9333 7.6424 (1) (0.9877) -1,3859 1.4580(0.5546) (0.5903) -1.7314 (0.0591) -22.2211 (0.0000) -11.5075 (0.0000) -21.9033 (0.0000) -2.1988 (0.4890) -2.0272 (0.5850) -22.2144 (0.0000) -21.8910 (0.0000) 0.4440 (0.8098) 0.5828 (0.8420) -22.1795 (0.0000) -21.9046 (0.0000) The fact that the variables in the model do not contain unit root in their first differences enabled the examination of the long-run relationship between the variables. According to the ADF and PP stationarity test results of the variables, all variables are I(1) stationary series at first difference. Thus, the cointegration test method developed by Johansen (1988) was applied to determine whether there is a long-run relationship between the variables. However, before performing the cointegration test, the optimal lag length for the model to be estimated is determined according to different criteria. According to the lag length results for 515 Akaike's information criterion (AIC), Hannan-Quinn criterion (HQC), the sequential, Schwarz's information criterion (SIC), modified LR test statistic (LR) and Final prediction error (FPE) criteria, which are generally used in the analysis, the appropriate lag length that minimizes these criteria was determined as "2". Cointegration Analysis and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) After the determination of stationarity, the cointegration test developed by Johansen (1988) and Johansen and Jesulius (1990) was applied for cointegration analysis. It is very important to determine the appropriate lag length for cointegration analysis. Since the criteria used in determining the lag length in Eviews 13.0 version mostly indicate the appropriateness of "2" lags, the analysis was conducted using 2 lags. Since each of the variables are stationary in their first differences, they are included in the cointegration analysis at their level values. The results of the analysis are given in Table 3. Table 3. Johansen Cointegration Test Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Trace Statistic None * At most 1 0.050585 0.003039 42.03883 2.32819 Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Max-Eigen Statistic None * At most 1 0.050585 0.003039 39.71064 2.32819 0.01 Critical Value 19.93711 6.634897 0.01 Critical Value 18.52001 6.634897 Prob.** Critical Value 0 0.127 Prob.** Critical Value 0 0.127 According to Table 3, there is a cointegrated relationship between oil prices and US CPI at the 1% significance level and there is at least 1 cointegration vector that satisfies this relationship. This result indicates that there is a long-run relationship between oil prices and inflation. The cointegration equation is normalized and presented in Table 4 in order to reveal the direction of the obtained relationships and the significance of the variables. Table 4. Normalized Cointegration Equation Results Cointegrating Equation (s): LNCOAP(-1) LNUSCPI(-1) Standard errors t-statistics C LNUSCPI(-1) LNCOAP(-1) Standard errors t-statistics C CointEq 1 2.060846 -0.11439 -18.0157 5.259828 1 0.4852 0.02873 -16.8921 -2.5523 According to the results of the normalized and adjusted equations with changed signs, when LN oil price increases by 1%, LN US inflation increases by approximately 2%. Similarly, 516 when LN US inflation increases by 1%, LN oil price increases by 0.5%. Table 4 shows that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between oil prices and inflation. After the cointegration analysis, Engle-Granger error correction models were used for the existence of a short-run relationship between the variables. The results are given in Table 5. Tablo 5. Vector Error Correction Model Results Error Correction: Cointegrating Equation 1 Standard errors t-statistics D(LNCOAP) -0.014796 -0.00598 -2.47627 D(LNUSCPI) 0.000865 -0.00019 4.48401 For the existence of a short-run relationship, at least one of the variables should be statistically significant. As can be seen from Table 5, both of the variables analyzed are statistically significant. Thus, there is a short-run relationship between the variables. Based on the empirical findings, the existence of both short-run and long-run relationships between oil prices and inflation variables included in the analysis has been determined. In the tests conducted for the significance of the error correction model and testing the assumptions, it is concluded that the model is significant, there are no autocorrelation and variance problems, and there are no specification errors. VAR Granger Causality VAR Granger Causality results are presented in Table 6 in order to reveal the direction of the obtained relationships and the significance of the variables. Table 6. VAR Granger Causality Dependent variable: LNCOAP Chi-sq df Prob. LNUSCPI 4.063225 2 0.0911 50.93943 2 0.000 Dependent variable: LNUSCPI LNCOAP Table 6 reveals that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between oil prices and inflation. Moreover, according to Table 6, there is causality from crude oil prices to inflation, which is significant below 1% and from inflation to oil prices at 10% significance level. This result shows that in the cycle that starts with the increase in oil prices, it first increases inflation, and in the following process, increasing inflation may increase oil prices. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION Among energy resources, oil ranks first in terms of consumption. Therefore, increases in oil prices have direct or indirect effects on the economy. Due to the rise in oil prices; increased costs in production are reflected in product prices. This is because petroleum products are used as inputs in transportation, industry and service sectors. This cost increase in production, which is based on external factors, leads to an upward trend in inflation in economies. On the other hand, rising inflation also leads to an increase in oil prices through economic activities such as exploration, extraction, distillation and distribution of oil. This leads us to conclude that a mutual interaction between oil prices and inflation is inevitable. As a result of the Johansen Co-Integration Analysis conducted to investigate the long-run relationship, it was found that there is a long-run relationship between the variables. In order 517 to express the direction of these relationships and the significance of the variables, the CoIntegration Analysis was normalized. As a result of the Normalized Co-Integration Equation; when LN oil price increases by 1%, LN US inflation increases by 2%, similarly, when LN US inflation increases by 1%, LN oil price increases by 0.5%. Based on these results, it is concluded that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between oil price and inflation. In addition, in order to explain the short-run equilibrium mechanisms, Error Correction Models (VECM) were used and it was found that there is a short-run significant relationship between the variables. Another method, Granger Causality Test, was applied. According to the Granger causality test results, oil price is a reciprocal Granger cause of inflation. As a result of the analysis, it is accepted in the economic literature that an increase in oil prices increases production costs and can also cause inflation by reducing investments by changing the share of expenditures. On the other hand, it is a clear result that increasing inflation affects oil prices by increasing the costs in the production and distribution process of oil. Thus, the results of the study are consistent with economic theory. REFERENCES Alagöz, M., Yokuş, N., & Yokuş, T. (2019). Photovoltaic solar power plant investment optimization model for economic external balance: Model of Turkey. Energy & Environment, 30(3), 522-541. doi: Alam, M. K., Tabash , M. I., Billah , M., Kumar, S., & Anagreh, S. (2022). The Impacts of the Russia–Ukraine Invasion on Global Markets and Commodities: A Dynamic Connectedness among G7 and BRIC Markets. 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It has been developed and progressed significantly through the years and supports teachers in school education to organize teaching and offers students a variety of learning methods. At first educational robotics, was reluctantly included in the teaching process offering although many benefits to the students as well as the teacher. The combination of both can make the teaching process more interesting, creative and challenging in a good way. It can help students develop their cognitive abilities, their critical thinking, their creativity and their communication skills. Materials and Methods: A wide variety of case studies, from all around the world, including a specific chapter focusing on Greek cases, were utilized in this research. Furthermore, a Qualitative method was used. In particular, 10 participants, 5 male and 5 female, were interviewed and given a questionnaire with open-ended questions. Results: Results showed that educational robotics and distance education could be successfully combined. Discussion and Conclusion: Distance educational robotics in school education can provide students with numerous benefits from new creative methods of teaching to autonomous learning and problem solving skills etc. Thus, distance educational robotics can be an innovative way of teaching and can truly be a pedagogically pioneering methodology, when it is used properly. 520 Key words: Educational robotics, Distance Education, School education, Case studies INTRODUCTION With the outbreak of the pandemic Covid19 education was faced with an unprecedented situation. Amid the insecurity and fear that prevailed among citizens, education in both schools and universities had to continue. So, for the first time in Greece, Distance Education was implemented at all educational levels, in the context of urgent remote teaching (Anastasiadis, 2020; Liakopoulou & Stavropoulou, 2021). This resulted in the immediate and urgent effort to integrate technology into educational practice. The teaching methods applied by teachers during Distance Education are important to meet the needs of students and to be distinguished by pedagogical characteristics, especially when it comes to primary education (Sahlou et al., 2022). Communication with the teacher is of great importance and it is necessary for him to be familiar with new technologies in order to be present whenever the learner needs him (Zygouris & Mavroidis, 2011; Karvounis & Anastasiadis, 2019). Educational Robotics has appeared in recent years in the field of education and many teachers use it as a teaching tool, but many are not familiar with it (Pasalidou et al., 2021; Vicente et al., 2021; Shatunova et al.,2019). PURPOSE In recent years with the development of technology and the inclusion of Educational Robotics in the educational process, its application has been explored quite a bit in the classroom and how it can be used in life. However, its application has been sufficiently investigated Distance Educational Robotics. Based on that research gap, lies the importance for investigating the subject to highlight the ways in which Educational Robotics can be combined with Distance Education. The purpose, therefore, is to investigate the ways in which Educational Robotics can be integrated and combined with Distance Education, in order to support students to be led to knowledge. This article is part of a Diploma thesis and focuses onto the following research questions. 1. In what ways can Educational Robotics be combined with school education? 2. In what ways can Educational Robotics be utilized during Distance School Education? DISTANCE EDUCATION With the emergence of Distance Education in teaching, the field of education has changed radically. With the parallel development of technology, new learning paths and opportunities 521 have been created to enhance education with new creative methods that enhance teaching. This article examines the evolving landscape of Distance Educational Robotics, with particular reference to the critical role of faculty in guiding and facilitating quality educational experiences in distance education with robotics. Distance Education is closely related to self-regulated learning. By engaging with online platforms, students develop proficiency in using digital tools, communication technologies, and online collaboration platforms. These skills are very important in today's job market and help to strengthen digital literacy. Distance Education encourages lifelong learning by providing opportunities for continuous education and skill development (Lionarakis, 2005; Carter et al., 2020). EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS Industrial Robotics is a branch of Robotics that has become of utmost importance to science and industry in the last century. The presence of robots has revolutionized the industrial environment in just a few decades. Robotics applied in many fields and professions in recent years. It has helped to improve, develop and evolve industries and science (Gasparetto & Scalera, 2019). The term "Educational Robotics" refers to a field that aims to improve students' learning experiences through the creation and application of robotics-related activities, technologies, and objects The concept of Educational Robotics aims to promote a range of skills such as initiative, responsibility, autonomy, creativity and teamwork. Educational Robotics helps students' social skills and self-esteem, which translate into stronger incentives and can have global implications. From an educational point of view, it can be considered that Educational Robotics enhances creativity (Aris &Orcs, 2019; Silvaet al.,2023). Through Educational Robotics, students are challenged to design, build and program their own robots, giving them a sense of autonomy and responsibility in their educational experience (Benitti, 2012; Zhong&Xia, 2020; Gratani et al., 2021). EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICSCONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY SKILL DEVELOPMENT BASED ON Constructivism can be defined as a set of teaching methodologies that prioritizes the student as an agent of knowledge construction and understanding. The main position of constructivism is that learning is a process of adapting the learner to be led to new knowledge in an active way. Active learning is a key parameter of constructivism and encourages the learner to participate actively and creatively in teaching. Applying constructivism to teaching and learning environments can make learning more meaningful and qualitative. Constructivism, constructionism and social constructivism, are widely known and accepted theories of learning. For the utilization of these methods in the teaching of Sciences, activities that involve and use robotic kits are the most appropriate. Typically, they are designed as project-oriented activities in which students work in smaller groups to jointly 522 build a robotic model and program its behavior. In addition to ways of applying knowledge and skills acquired in other subjects, students with these activities also develop interpersonal teamwork skills as well as communication skills (Veselovská et al., 2020). COMBINING EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Another option is to provide students with remote access to robotics kits. Companies such as LEGO Education and the VEX Robotics offer robotics kits that can be shipped to students' homes. These kits usually come with online instructions and tutorials, and students can use remote access technology to control the robots from their homes. For example, the VEX code VR allows students to program virtual robots and test their code before running it on a physical robot. Students can then use remote access technology to control the robots, write code to plan them and participate in collaborative activities with their classmates (Alimisis, 2020). To further support students, teachers can create video tutorials and curate online resources that provide additional support and guidance as well as robotics programs to help learners practice robotics. These resources can be shared through online platforms like Google Classroom or YouTube and can help students learn key concepts and work through any problems they may encounter (Barone, 2021). In addition to these examples, Educational Robotics can also be incorporated into projectbased learning activities where students work on collaborative projects that involve designing, building, and programming robots. Teachers can use online tools such as Tinkercad or the SketchUp to design and share 3D models of robot parts and students can use these models to 3D print or laser cut robot parts. Thus, by combining Educational Robotics with Distance Education, students can explore the connections between STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), such as physics and mathematics. This approach supports holistic understanding of concepts and encourages students to see the interaction between different fields of study (Tselegkaridis & Sapounidis, 2022). Overall, the combination of educational robotics and Distance Education requires careful planning and implementation, a combination of creativity, ingenuity and technological tools. However, the benefits to students are significant, including increased responsibility, improved critical thinking skills, and preparation for future careers in robotics and automation. Therefore, in this way, learners are able to have meaningful learning experiences in robotics and programming, even in a remote learning environment. By providing students with these opportunities, educators help prepare them for success in the 21st century. EDUCATIONAL ROBOTIC TOOLS Another educational tool is the Micro:bit from Micro:bit Educational Foundation. This particular tool is based and linked mainly to websites and videos. The instructions are divided into steps and there are separate materials for students and teachers. There are, also, instructions offered for free in pdf, word, presentations and source code files. Especially for teachers, there are notes with additional information, examples from codes and short extensions. Finally, in the curriculum, there are possible learning outcomes along with a timetable estimate (Austin et al., 2020; Kalogiannakis et al., 2021; Sapounidis & Alimisis, 2021). Another interesting tool that can promote Educational Robotics in school education is the multiple systems that Sparkfun has. There are materials for many platforms such as Arduino, micro:bit, Raspberry Pi, Paper Circuits as well as programming languages developed by Sparkfun. Sparkfun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your 523 electronics projects possible and it is active in open-source technology in particular. The material is presented in many formats such as pdf, video, and web pages. It may include tools and learning objectives, timetables and calendars, activities and examples for expanding activities and tasks along with assessments. Usually, the material can be separated for students and teachers and in some cases, there are additional lectures and slides for the teacher (Noak et al., 2022; Sapounidis & Alimisis, 2021). Another tool is the ROBOESL platform. It includes a number of programs and tools produced by the ERASMUS+project ROBOESL. The material is inspired by design-based learning principles and constructivism and suggests pedagogical approaches for robotics-based learning. The material is video-text based and also provides validation tools to assess the impact of the curriculum on participants. The material is multilingual and can be used by teachers and students (Sapounidis & Alimisis, 2021; Alimisis, 2019; Moro et al., 2018). BENEFITS OF EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS Educational Robotics is essential to education as it offers a special and unique method for teaching skills essential for success in the 21st century. To thrive in today's world, students must be able to think critically, solve complex problems, work collaboratively, and be prepared for the rapid technological developments taking place (López-Belmonte, 2021). One of the special advantages of Educational Robotics is that it allows students to learn by doing what they read. Students are able to apply the concepts they learn in class to real-world problems and can immediately see the results of their work taking shape. This approach to learning is very interesting, motivates and encourages students (Talan, 2021; Tsagaris et al., 2019). Another advantage of Educational Robotics is that it encourages students to be creative and innovative. Robotics projects often require students to think outside the usual answers and boundaries and find unique solutions to complex problems. Creativity is important to cultivate and give students the opportunity to have corresponding stimuli that will allow them to develop these abilities (Tsagaris et al., 2019; Gubenko et al., 2021). EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS AND STE(A)M IN GREECE Educational Robotics in Greece in recent years is becoming more and more widespread. Many institutions such as primary and secondary schools and even universities use it to enhance the learning experience of learners in a variety of different subjects. In recent years, low-cost platforms have been playing a key role in different levels of education worldwide. The most widely used low-cost devices are usually Arduino and the Raspberry Pi. In the specific case of robotics, many low-cost mobile robots have appeared in recent years, such as Moway, E-Puck, LEGO Mindstorm, etc. These devices do not provide the same precision as industrial robots but are sufficient for educational purposes or even research tests and experiments. One of the most common ways to use robotics in education is through the use of tables. One of the most famous examples is the First Lego League, where in each version a 524 thematic board is constructed where the participants have to solve missions (Vicente et al., 2020; Koussis & Gogolou, 2021). From 1998 onwards FIRST® LEGO® League was organized and used in over 110 countries worldwide. Following the successful pilot of FIRST® LEGO® League the skills workshops in 2020 – 2021 in Greece, the generalization of the Robotics & STEAM Program in the schools of the territory was approved from the school year 2021-2022 onwards. FIRST® LEGO® League is a program approved by the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs in Greece and introduces Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) to children ages 4-16 through fun, hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem-solving experience through a guided, global robotics program, helping today's students and educators build a better future together (FIRST LEGO League, 2021). During the program the sessions were designed like this, so that after viewing a video students will have to answer a series of questions and the results of these will be part of the continuous assessment process. In addition to following the teaching activities indicated in the classroom and which will appear in the lesson sections, each of the students can adapt his file on the platform, ask for help from his classmates through the main forum and contact the professor. Using these components makes it possible to versatility of the kit since, with the same robotic components, it would be possible to create any type of challenge. The kit maintains the three work phases that define Educational Robotics based on interactive learning, construction, programming and manipulation-processing of an object, ensuring in the project the promotion and use of the technological discipline and allowing a first interdisciplinary connection (Vicente et al., 2020; FIRST LEGO League, 2021). The research of Lytridis et al. (2020) presented a detailed review of children's levels of engagement during child-robot interactions in an educational setting. The review revealed the various methodologies used to identify and measure characteristics that indicate engagement, either directly or indirectly, in educational activities in both formal and special education. The introduction of social robots in education has been an important topic in robotics research in recent years (Lytridis et al.,2020). The main reason why robots in education is observed to have a positive effect, is that children seem to be more active during the educational process when a robot is involved. The field of educational robotics aims to promote collective knowledge, develop skills and stimulate students through manipulation and interaction with robots. Robots used in educational activities vary in complexity depending on the task assigned to them. Integrating robots into Mixed Reality environments enhances authentic student learning experiences. For example, in Greece, the educational activities can be achieved with LEGO for simple problem-solving tasks or more complex robots that can be used in more advanced learning activities such as learning mathematics, a second language, social skills or learning through drama. Games are concerned with improving skills such as social interactions, memory association and motor response (Lytridis et al.,2020). As a result, students are more engaged and motivated to participate in educational activities (Lytridis et al.,2020; Pasalidou & Fachantidis, 2021). 525 In Greece, as mentioned above, Educational Robotics competitions are organized. Robotics competitions are free, for the courses included in the programs and are gaining popularity among students. Competitions provide participants with opportunities to expand their knowledge, to obtain and to share experiences and network while developing new skills. Both from the perspective of organizers, educators and participants, it is important to promote systematic approaches to the design of competitive robotic systems (Christoforouet al., 2020). In addition, in Greece for the inclusion of Educational Robotics and STEAM innovative activities have been designed in the teaching such as the presentation of water cycle through the cmap tools, tux-paint, hot potatoes, and the educational robot BEE-BOT (I. E.P., 2021). EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS AND STEAM IN THE WORLD Modern technologies have vastly changed the world available to human perception. There have been huge changes in "what" and "how" we consume and in "what" and "how" we produce. Artificial intelligence combined with advanced robotics will automate many tasks that used to require heavy human intervention. Many new jobs will be created to satisfy our need for products that were unheard of a few generations ago. Also, in today's world both schools and interactive content available through personal smart devices compete for students' attention. Digital social interaction, videos and games activate the same dopamine circuits asof reward, which is responsible for associative learning and evaluation of results. These developments are creating enormous pressure on the education systems of various countries to change learning and teaching practices (Leoste & Heidmets, 2020). It is necessary to find meaningful and attractive ways of teaching subjects that are traditional and require good concentration skills and are still necessary for most 21st century jobs (Kopcha et al., 2017; Leoste & Heidmets, 2020). The technology that can prepare and help to a significant extent, especially students with weaknesses in some subjects, such as mathematics, language, etc., is Educational Robotics (Leoste & Heidmets, 2019). It is obvious that the teaching of Educational Robotics requires the introduction of robots in schools as a new teaching element. The inclusion of robots in schools also means the inclusion of the corresponding software for programming the robots and a set of teaching materials for learning this new discipline. In this sense, an educational robot can be considered as a textbook, which must be suitable for all students in the class, to make the teaching homogeneous (Bellas et al., 2020). However while in other subjects the contents are quite standardized, in the case of robotics they are not. The main reason behind this is that the teaching of Educational Robotics requires a specific robot so that the lessons and teaching materials can be adapted to it. Using multiple robots during the lesson, although it would be ideal, is not generally affordable for schools. Thus, each educational center or institution chooses the robotic platform it considers most suitable and the curriculum is created for that platform. Consequently, the number of different educational robots that we can find nowadays on the market that offer a complete educational set is big. From simple devices such as Bee Bot, Cubetto, LEGO EV3, Mbot, and Thymio (Bellas et al., 2020). 526 In Europe and specifically in Estonia, one of the key priorities of the education systems is to produce graduates with well-developed 21st century skills, including STEAM skills. The introduction of educational robots into the classroom is based on the idea of constructivism that describes how the student constructs meaning through the behavior of physical objects, and it is assumed that the integration of robots also supports the change of the teacher's teaching practices. While these robots can be used in the lower grades as tools that allow students to explore and visualize abstract concepts, they are also suggested as a means of increasing engagement and engagement of older students. They help develop skills and promote creativity, teamwork, problem solving and communication. An educational robot can be introduced into the classroom as a teacher's assistant in robot-assisted learning and teaching or as a learning tool, i.e. robot-assisted learning. Although there is a body of research on the use of the robot as a teacher's assistant, the essential using robotics as a full substitute for the teacher requires advanced artificial intelligence that is not available for mass use as of today (Hemminki & Erkinheimo-Kyllonen, 2017; Leoste & Heidmets, 2020). In Finland, in school education, a humanoid robot was used for teaching. The humanoid robot NAO, as it is called, was created in 2006 by SoftBank Robotics. It is an excellent programming tool and for this reason it has been established internationally in the field of research, but also in education at all levels, starting from primary school and reaching university. Educators and students can create content and gain knowledge in the most creative and fun way. NAO's friendly approach is immediately likable and inspires even the shyest children to participate in the lessons and express themselves within the group, thus improving their social skills as well as their self-confidence. The NAO robot significantly helps the educational process as it operates with an open and fully programmable platform, recognizes shapes, objects and even people through its two 2D cameras, and understands and speaks 20 languages, including Greek. In addition, the robot is equipped with 4 directional microphones and speakers, to better interact with people, perceives its environment with the help of radar, indoor unit and 7 touch sensors located on its head, hands and feet and moves and rotates in space with flexibility (Hemminki & Erkinheimo-Kyllonen, 2017; Robaczewski et al., 2020). This small humanoid robot has great potential in social assistance. The features and capabilities of the NAO robot, such as mobility, functionality, and active capabilities, have been studied in various contexts. According to the research of Robaczewski et al (2020), students became familiar with the robot relatively easily, and there was more laughter in robot-assisted learning situations. The robot lectured on emotions and the importance of sleep from the student's perspective and thus brought more joy and ease to the learning situation and thus promotes learning. The NAO robot was applied to various groups in order to collect information and experiences about its use with immigrant adults learning the Finnish language. The target in teaching with Nao is to develop a way that all teachers will be able to use it. Nao was used as assistant or substitute teacher and in one case as a school social worker assistant. Another reason to use Nao, is gamification in education and the involvement of students in the learning activity. The theory behind this comes from neurobiology. Nao used to reduce stress levels and introduce 527 fun and games into the learning process, as well as make teaching more creative and memorable (Robaczewski et al, 2020). In Spain, the Robobo robot was used in teaching in secondary education. The Robobo robot is an educational robot that consists of two components, a mobile base and a smartphone attached to the base. It is affordable for schools and can be programmed with Python, Scratch and Javascript. It is suitable for older students, over 14 years old. A mobile phone can be connected to the base and with the appropriate application it can be programmed. These two elements are connected via Bluetooth and from this moment, they form a single robot that can be programmed by a computer. It is aimed at students who already have some experience in Educational Robotics. Trainees have to familiarize themselves with basic concepts about block-based programming, sensors and the motor commands. Students can use their smartphones for the use of Robobo. This is a key teaching aspect, as it allows students to realize the potential of their smartphone away from typical entertainment use (Bellas et al., 2020). The main objective of this curriculum was to introduce students to the next generation of Educational Robotics, which is characterized by the following properties. In Holland, the teaching was enriched with EDMO. EDMO means Educational Modular robots and it can be quickly replicated via 3D printing and combines low-cost components. These are ideal conditions, especially when it comes to educational robots that can be leveraged by schools in need of a large number of tools. The robot EDMO can also be leveraged during blended learning, so learners can follow along lessons at their own pace without feeling the pressure to keep up or wait for their classmates. Through their modular design, the modules EDMO allow students to explore, study and practice approaches to position control, (inverse) kinematics control and motion. It can also be used to teach applied mathematics and artificial intelligence. Video lectures will allow learners to attend the course even in different time zones, while all robotic and electronic equipment can be packaged so that it can be shipped to individual homes in the event of a total blackout where teaching in university and school buildings will not was now possible (Mockel et al.,2021). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The purpose of this work is to investigate how Distance Education, in the context of supplementary learning, can be enriched with Educational Robotics and ICT tools. Based on the above, the literature review and qualitative research were chosen as research methods that were deemed more appropriate. Initially, the Greek and international literature was reviewed. The databases used were ResearchGate, Scopus, Google Scholar, Springer International Publishing, the National Documentation Center, the Open Journal and Distance Education and Educational Technology, the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), the Hellenic Scientific Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ETPE) and Education Sciences. Case studies were part of the bibliographic research. The qualitative approach was the second part for the applied research process. In particular, 10 participants, 5 male and 5 female, were interviewed and given a questionnaire with open-ended questions. The qualitative approach 528 was chosen as through the qualitative method experiences and opinions are analyzed and interpretedand participant behaviors in real study conditions. In this specific research, the comparison of the findings of the literature review and the findings of the qualitative research regarding the application and utilization of Educational Robotics in Distance Education was attempted. FINDINGS The findings of the research showed in terms of the first research question, which was "In what ways does Educational Robotics combine with school education?» how Educational Robotics combines in many ways with school education. One of the key advantages of Educational Robotics is that it supports students to learn by practicing what they have learnt in theory. Learners are, able to apply the concepts that they learn in real problems and have the opportunity to see the results become practical in front of them. This is also confirmed by the results of the research where participants reported the benefits of educational robotics in blended learning that allows learners to make, wonder and learn through hand-on methods, expanding the learning process. In addition, when performing educational robotics activities, students should work in groups, as this reinforces the skills and abilities that come from collaborative group work (Aris &Orcs, 2019; Silva et al.,2023; Alimisis,2020).The research findings showed that teachers integrate Educational Robotics into the curriculum, enriching teaching with new, different and innovative methods that activate learners and motivate them to actively participate in the path to learning. Regarding the second research question "In what ways is Educational Robotics used in school Distance Education?» The findings of the research showed that Educational Robotics can be utilized in many ways and various tools during school Distance Education. It was found that Educational Robotics had better results in the development of students' visual creativity and therefore it is recommended as an educational tool for teaching such programs. In general, student attitudes indicated that ICT combined with Distance Educational Robotics is a valuable educational tool that learners have the possibility to use in the future (Pasalidou & Fachantidis, 2021). Attached below are two figures. The first figure has the most popular tools for the application of educational robotics at distance education. For each of the following tools there is an alternative website where it offers a simulation of each tool. Remote use of these tools is generally a good alternative even for live teaching, as many educational robotics tools often are expensive or not easy for every student to have. 529 Figure1: Tools for distance educational robotics In the following Figure we see the skills that can be acquired by students when implementing distance learning robotics. Figure2: Skills developed in distance educational robotics 530 CONCLUSIONS The outbreak of the pandemicCovid19 opened the way for the spread of Distance Education as well as for the development of technology and its utilization in the field of education. Thus, along with the spread of Distance Education at the school level, the way for implementation and development of Educational Robotics in teaching, was also opened. Distance Education can offer many positive elements in the educational practice if it is used correctly and sufficiently. Teachers take on new roles, such as that of mediator of knowledge, that of providing guidance to learners and encouraging cooperation between them as well as that of encouraging students to actively participate in teaching, respond to the needs of students and uses a variety of digital tools and platforms. In addition, the importance of choosing the right tools is of great importance. The success of educational robotics in distance education depends on the careful selection of appropriate hardware and software. It is important that these tools are selected based on the specific needs of learners and desired learning outcomes. Compatibility, accessibility, and ease of use are factors that must be considered when implementing these technologies to ensure a seamless and inclusive educational experience. In the evolving education landscape that exists, the fusion of educational robotics and augmented reality will shape the future of distance education. By harnessing the potential of these technologies and remaining attentive to the evolving needs of students, we can pave the way for a more engaging, effective and accessible educational journey for all. Distance Education can offer many positive elements in the educational practice if it is used correctly and sufficiently. However, for this to happen, proper education and training of teachers is necessary so that they are familiar with the new technological requirements that arise and their new role. At the same time, Educational Robotics can enrich teaching creatively and in combination with Distance Education enables teachers to organize their lesson appropriately and adapt to the needs of their students. Thus, the role acquired by the teacher during Distance Educational Robotics requires specialization, training and essential communication with the trainees. Distance Educational Robotics can contribute qualitatively and creatively to education. Through virtual simulations, remote robotics kits, video tutorials, and virtual competitions, educators can provide learners with creative learning experiences that encourage critical thinking and collaboration. 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[In Greek].Open Education: the journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology,7(1), 69-86. 534 USING AI IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: AN EXPLORATION OF CAMBODIAN EFL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES, PERCEPTIONS, AND ATTITUDES Koemhong Sol Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan ORCID: 0000-0002-1316-929X Kimkong Heng Faculty of Education, Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia ORCID: 0000-0003-0884-4788 Sarin Sok Department of Quality, Learning & Teaching, and Students, University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penh, Cambodia ORCID: 0009-0000-0595-5998 ABSTRACT This survey study aims to examine the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of Cambodian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university students toward the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English language education. Based on responses to an online questionnaire by 328 Cambodian EFL university students (57% were females), the study showed that most students experienced using AI tools or applications for English language learning. However, about 70% of them never received any training on how to use AI for English language learning, leaving almost half of them (44.51%) feeling only moderately ready to use AI for English language learning. Challenges of using AI tools or applications were mainly related to concerns about data privacy and security when interacting with AI. Major opportunities were associated with AI’s support in completing class assignments, improving learning gains, and learning the language through language translation tools. The study revealed that Cambodian EFL university students had positive attitudes toward AI for English language learning. They recommended choosing AI tools or applications that could easily be customized to meet the varying needs of both teachers and students. The study concluded with implications for utilizing AI in English language education and suggestions for future research. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI); EFL students; English language learning; experiences; perceptions; attitudes; Cambodia 535 EVALUATING EDUCATOR COMPETENCY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: INSIGHTS FROM THE 2020 NEW EDUCATION POLICY Dr. Rosy Dhall (Co-Author) Assistant Professor, Gandhinagar University, Gujarat Mikul (Co-Author) Research Scholar, IMSAR, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Simran Sikka (Co-Author) Research Scholar, IMSAR, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Abstract The New Education Policy (NEP) was introduced in July 2020. NEP recommendations focused on professional competencies, social competencies, personal competencies, and pedagogical competencies. It clearly seems that this policy would help in making the future of education better. Student learning improves when the approach is multi-disciplinary and holistic in nature. The autonomy given to teachers in designing curriculum, pedagogical approaches, formative assessment, and student support would help to support students in a better way than before. The inclusion of better libraries, labs, classrooms, and support centres in institutions would be a great help for the institutions, teachers and finally, students. The New Education Policy is the pillar of the future education system. 536 CURRENT CHALLENGES FOR GERMAN INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND THE NEED FOR A NEW APPROACH Ana-Cristina BÂLGĂR Romanian Academy, Institute for World Economy, Bucharest, Romania ORCID ID: ABSTRACT In the context of new changes in geopolitics and the world economy, in the light of the recent crises and the increasingly fierce global competition that is putting pressure on the international economic system, it has become obvious that the German economy has slowed down and that its development model is no longer valid and adapted to today's world. In our analysis, we aim to investigate where, when and why this shift occurred and what the role and importance of a reconfiguration of industrial policy might be for the country's growth and economic recovery. To this end, we propose, in the first part, a foray into the evolution of the country's industrial policy, with a step-by-step review of the main macroeconomic indicators in line with it, and, at the same time, a review of the implications of the current changes and the deepening structural deficiencies, arguing why all this makes it necessary to rethink the growth paradigm and change the German development model. Key Words: German economy, industrial policy, structural challednges, new groth modwl 537 THEORETICAL POLITICAL CONVERGENCE BETWEEN CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY AND THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL WORK Giovanna Caneo PHD student at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). Brazil. Sandwich PhD student at Liverpool Hope University (LHU). Liverpool, UK., Department of Social Work. ORCID ID: ABSTRACT This research aims to highlight the importance of critical criminology as a subsidy for professional work and academic training in Social Work, presenting the foundations of the critical criminology perspective by analysing the categories of crime and punishment, criminalisation processes, penal selectivity, theories that legitimise punishment and the function of prison in capitalist society. In the second part of the research, a dialogue is made with the ethical principles of the profession, with the aim of highlighting within these the central axes that present a dialogue (or not) with critical criminology. This summary is the result of a doctoral thesis in progress in Brazil and United Kingdom. This study is a bibliographical and documentary survey, based on a literature review using as a theoreticalcritical reference: scientific articles, master's dissertations, doctoral theses, productions by civil society organisations, government data, legislation and books by authors who are references in the field of study. Between social work and critical criminology, there are several consonant elements, above all: the critique of positivism and functionalism, the rapprochement with Marx and the Marxist tradition, the defence of human rights, the critique of authoritarianism, racism and chauvinism, in the search for political and human emancipation aimed at overcoming capitalism. The study of critical criminology provides us with a theoretical, ethical and political foundation in the anti-capitalist and anti-punitivist struggle. Critical criminological thinking, as well as the profession of Social Work, must seek concrete transformations in society and break with conservative, punitive and repressive ideas, by understanding that prison is not the solution to class conflicts and aiming to overcome the foundations of the penal system structure in a new societal order that does not reproduce class, race and gender oppression. Key Words: Critical criminology; Social Work; Etical principles of Social Work; Human Rights; punishment. 538 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AWARENESS: A SURVEY AMONG STUDENTS IN AN ALBANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION Dr. Mirësi Çela Faculty of Economy, University of Elbasan, Albania Dr. Alda Gaspari Faculty of Economy, University of Elbasan, Albania Dr. Marsida Morina Faculty of Economy, University of Elbasan, Albania Abstract In times of using Artificial intelligence in many areas the value of intellectual property is expected to increase further. It will be more necessary than ever to promote the correct understanding of intellectual property, the importance of creating new intellectual property, respect for creators and proper use of the intellectual property system. Putting it differently, the need for education, dissemination and raising the awareness of intellectual property is growing, more than ever. This paper aims to present the results of a survey among students in a public higher education institution in Albania. The authors used a questionnaire to gather information about the knowledge of the concept of intellectual property rights, different types of Intellectual property like Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial designs, Trade secrets etc. A sample of 234 students from the University of Elbasan in Albania was used in this exploratory research. The results suggests that there is a need for the dissemination of knowledge on IPRs and raising awareness of intellectual property. Despite the existence of some courses on IP on a specific Master program in the Faculty of Economy, it is not enough. To improve the level of awareness it is necessary adding specific lectures on IP in their curricula in different Bachelor and Master programs. Key words: Intellectual property rights, awareness, copyrights, trademark, patent, higher education 539 540 CROSS-CULTURAL PECULIARITIES IN INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES – A VIEW FROM CHINA Master Yuan Xiao Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Vyacheslav Prylyuk Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations ABSTRACT Today the number of companies operating in a multinational environment is growing. and organizational cultures are changing. Improvement of a company's cross-cultural management provides development and mutual enrichment of staff and company’s crosscultural capital (3C) – a unique business resource and competitive advantage. P. Bourdieu treated 3C as sums of particular assets like knowledge, education, habits, language put to productive use. Linguistic skills especially in English provides better chances in hierarchies as we see the USA domination not only in world economy. Linguistic relativity hypothesis argues that language imprints on thinking. Language and cultural variety of staff contributes to its creative power and can be transformed into advantages of companies, development of their business cultures. 3C management helps to avoid risks, such as loss of profit, reputation of the company and its management. Among them the Chinese one is known as people-centered. Long-term interpersonal relationships are based on guanxi - the values of mutual respect, honesty, trust, reliance on relationships based on two-way assistance and communication according to social norms to preserve each other's "faces". It is still difficult to cooperate with Chinese partners due to cultural differences, but they try to improve cooperation to be more open to the world, to master English. Chinese business culture does not influence the communication strategy of foreign companies as much as it used to. Our research shows that finding a Chinese partner is now easer for everyone and guanxi are not the only factor of business success. More important is how you manage your relationships than how many contacts you make. The Chinese absorbed major aspects of international standards and foreign business cultures. International co-operation between people from different cultures is challenging for both parties due to cultural factors affecting business. Misunderstandings arise due to ignorance of cross-cultural differences, causing conflicts. To improve and maintain cooperation with Chinese partners, it is necessary to first learn about their culture. Understanding your partner, their thinking, culture and values prevents problems and failure. It is very important to know communication style in China. The phenomenon of face should be recognized and understood in terms of the social norms that shape interpersonal contacts. Communication should be based on indirect methods of sending information so as not to jeopardize the "face" of the partner in any way. Conflicts should be resolved in the most polite and sensitive manner. In addition, one should be ready to "read between the lines" and understand body language. One should be open to frequent meetings outside of work, going to restaurants for lavish lunches and spending time making friendships. 541 Accordingly, there is a need to form a theoretical basis for improving the qualifications of employees of international departments in companies. Learning about your partner's culture and understanding their way of thinking and attitudes is essential to developing a successful communication strategy. This helps to avoid cultural misunderstandings that eventually cause problems. Both parties must identify the major cultural differences in order to find the right way to overcome them. Chinese business hopes for successful cooperation with foreign partners if they provide adequate knowledge of cultural and communication peculiarities. Keywords: Cooperation, Culture, Competitive advantage, Guanxi, Linguistic relativity, Cross-cultural capital, Cross-cultural management 542 THE ROLE OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF AN INVESTMENT AT UNIVERSITY Hanane RAHMOUNI University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Economici, commercial and management faculty, Department of commercial science, Oran, ALGERIA ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The university benefits from extensive funding for various investments requested on an educational and scientific level and granted by the State as centralized financing. In order to meet the requirements of scientific research and technologist development and educational and pratical work of students and university researchers, different operations are involved each year for their financing. As soon as the financing intended for the various operations is agreed investment this envelope is transferred to public expenditure through the obligatory application of the principles of public procurement on the regulatory and legislative plan from the identification of the need to the finalization of the procedure. Mandatory , the use of the funding granted to respond to the objectives must be consummated only through the principles and procedures public procurement regulations. Our article essentially focuses on the definition of the principles of public procurement and the main obligations for the realization of an investment at the university Key Words: university, public procurement, financing. 543 LE RÔLE DE PASSATION DES MARCHÉS PUBLICS SUR LA GESTION D’UN İNVESTISSEMENT À L’UNIVERSITÉ Hanane RAHMOUNI Université d’Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, faculté des sciences economiques commerciales et de gestion, departement science commerciale, Oran, Algeria ORCID ID: RESUME L’université bénéficie de large financement pour les différents investissements demandés sur le plan pédagogiques et scientifiques et accordés par l’Etat comme un financement centralisé. Afin de répondre aux exigences de la recherche scientifique et du développement technologue et les travaux pédagogiques et pratiques des étudiants et des chercheurs universitaires, différentes opérations s’inscrivent chaque année pour leur financement. Dès l’accord du financement destiné pour les différentes opérations d’investissement, cette enveloppe est transférée en dépense publique à travers l’application obligatoire des principes de la passation des marchés publics sur le plan réglementaire et législatif depuis l’identification du besoin jusqu’à la finalisation de la procédure. Obligatoirement, l’utilisation du financement accordé pour répondre aux objectifs doit être consommé qu’à travers les principes et les procédures réglementaires de la passation des marchés publics. Notre article s’articule essentiellement sur la définition des principes de la passation des marchés publics et les obligations principales pour la concrétisation d’un investissement à l’université. Mots clés : université, passation des marchés publics, financement. 544 URBAN MOBILITY AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Zakaria BENRAHHOU Hassan II University, National School of Business and Management of Casablanca, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Governance and Development (LIFGOD), Casablanca, Morocco ORCID ID: Abdallah RHIHIL Hassan II University, National School of Business and Management of Casablanca, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Governance and Development (LIFGOD), Casablanca, Morocco ORCID ID: Redouan DAAFI Hassan II University, National School of Business and Management of Casablanca, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Governance and Development (LIFGOD), Casablanca, Morocco ORCID ID: Saadia MAROUANE Hassan II University, National School of Business and Management of Casablanca, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Governance and Development (LIFGOD), Casablanca, Morocco ORCID ID: Abstract Urban mobility is a major concern for countries worldwide, as they seek to adopt transportation policies to meet the growing needs of residents, reduce congestion, decrease pollution, and create more accessible and sustainable cities. This is also the case in Morocco, where urban mobility is the subject of considerable efforts to improve the transportation system, given the challenges and stakes characterizing this sector. With a national urbanization rate currently standing at 63.4% and expected to reach close to 74% by 2050 (High Commission for Planning, "Population and Household Projections 2014-2050"), Morocco faces a major challenge. The country has an institutional and legal framework that grants missions and prerogatives to the 12 regions according to the organic laws relating to these regions within the framework of advanced regionalization reform. Thus, one of the strategic choices for territorial development revolves around strengthening connectivity and mobility. Certainly, the management of urban transport services is ensured by private operators through delegated management, which refers to all contracts by which a local authority entrusts the management of a public service for which it is responsible to a public or private delegate, whose remuneration is substantially linked to the operating result of the service. 545 In this perspective, the management of urban mobility, as currently implemented, results in serious dysfunctions, including non-economic competition among different means of transportation. It is in this context that our research aims to carry out a conceptual and theoretical analysis of the relationship between urban mobility and territorial development, with the latter remaining at the center of public policies under the July 2011 constitution, the advanced regionalization project, and the new development model of Morocco. To achieve this objective, we will first conduct a documentary study of urban mobility and territorial development in the Moroccan context, followed by a conceptual and theoretical analysis of the relationship between urban mobility and territorial development in the literature. Key Words: Urban mobility; Territorial development; New development model. 546 A MIXED SURVEY ON THE LATENCY AND USE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN LEARNING FIELDS AND THE IMPACT ON EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Moses Adeolu AGOI Lagos State University of Education, Lagos Nigeria ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8910-2876 Oluwakemi Racheal OSHINOWO Lagos State University of Education, Lagos Nigeria. ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0568-6446 Olasunkanmi Julius OLATUNDE Lagos State University of Education, Lagos Nigeria. Oluwaseun Adetutu SANGOTUMO Lagos State University of Education, Lagos Nigeria. Abstract The drastic but dynamic changes experienced in education sectors are signs of new innovations introduced by the evolving trends of information technology. Machine Learning (ML) is seemingly an important application area in the field of Information Technology where its application scope is infinite. According to Abbott (2006), Machine learning allows computer to learn from a given set of data and act based on the acquired experience without being explicitely programmed. Machine learning is fundamentally challenging learning experiences and significantly transformation school management system. Researchers are making accelerative discoveries while Educational managers are using machine learning to unlock progressive achievements in school environments. This paper is a descriptive survey of the impacts of Machine learning in modern day school and its implication educational management. For the purpose of gathering useful data for the paper discussion, questions were formulated by experts and appropriately administered to respondents using online Google form questionnaire instrument. The collated responses were subjected to reliability analysis. In conclusion, recommendations were made. Keywords: Machine Learning, Learning Fields, School, Educational Development. 547 SİSTEMLERİN SİSTEMİ: KURUMSAL KAYNAK PLANLAMA (ERP) VE İŞLETME FAALİYETLERİNE ETKİSİ SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS: ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) AND IMPACT ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Dr. İsmail IŞIKTAŞ Serbest Araştırmacı ORCID: 0000-0001-9460-4646 ÖZET Ülkelerin gelişiminde, ekonominin lokomotifi olan imalat işletmeleri çok önemidir. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin başında olan Türkiye’deki işletmelerin %99,7'sini küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmeler oluşturmaktadır. KOBİ kapsamındaki bu işletmeler ülkedeki istihdama katkıları, istihdam edilen personel maliyetleri, ekonomiye katkısı dikkate alındığında toplam cirosu ve toplam üretim değeri dikkate alındığında azımsanamayacak derecede bir yere sahiptir. Bu nedenle, çalışmamızda KOBİ kapsamında Ankara ilinde makine imalatı ile faaliyet gösteren bir işletmeye yer verilmiştir. İşletmenin teknolojik değişimlere yönelik alınan üst yönetim kararları sonucunda istihdama katkısı ve işletme yapısında meydana gelen değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Yönetim tarafından alınan kararlarda kurumsal kaynak planlaması (ERP) ile elde edilen muhasebe verileri ışığında mali analizler yapılmış ve elde edilen veriler ışığında teklif ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Teknolojik Değişimler ve Büyüme, İşgücü ve İstihdam, İşletme Yapısı, İmalat İşletmeleri, Muhasebe ve Finans JEL P42, O33, J21, M4 548 ABSTRACT Manufacturing enterprises, which are the locomotive of the economy, are very important in the development of countries. 99.7% of the businesses in Turkey, one of the developing countries, are small and medium-sized enterprises. These enterprises within the scope of KOBI have a significant place when considering their contribution to employment in the country, the costs of employed personnel, their contribution to the economy, their total turnover and total production value. For this reason, in our study, a company operating in machinery manufacturing in Ankara was included within the scope of KOBI. The company's contribution to employment and changes in the business structure as a result of top management decisions taken regarding technological changes were examined. In the decisions taken by the management, financial analyzes were made in the light of the accounting data obtained through enterprise resource planning (ERP) and offers and suggestions were made in the light of the data obtained. Keyworks: Technological Change and Growth, Labor and Employment, Size and Structure, Manufacturing Businesses, Accounting and Finance JEL: P42, O33, J21, M4 549 NAVIGATING EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES IN PAKISTAN: UNRAVELING ISSUES AND PROPOING REMEDIES Zohaib Hassan Sain Superior University Orcid: 0000-0001-6567-5963 ABSTRACT This research delves into the challenges confronting Pakistan's education system and suggests remedies, examining changes post-independence and their repercussions. Recognizing education's gradual yet profound impact on the social, political, and cultural sphere, the study underscores its pivotal role in organizational troubleshooting, design, and the establishment of globalized, quality-oriented systems. Employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, with a reliance on secondary data, the article critically assesses the present state of education in Pakistan. The discourse centers on configuration, accessibility, excellence, future outlook, and persistent challenges within the educational framework. Striking a balance between quality and quantity is deemed essential to ensure that education nurtures individuals capable of ethically contributing to societal development goals. The study advocates leveraging education as a catalyst to actively involve the brightest youth in the country's progress. Recommendations encompass initiatives to raise awareness about the advantages of the educational system, enhance standards, promote participation in organizations creating educational opportunities, and adapt education to contemporary circumstances. Proposing enhanced stakeholder interaction, the study aims to identify problems and explore potential solutions. Key words: Challenges, Pakistan education, Solutions, Quality-based systems, Stakeholder interaction. 550 INTEGRATNG HYBRID LEARNING APPROACHES FOR ENHANCED PEDAGOGY IN PAKISTANI HIGHER EDUCATION SETTINGS Zohaib Hassan Sain Superior University Orcid: 0000-0001-6567-5963 ABSTRACT Globally recognized as a crucial response to the diverse needs of higher education, blended learning integrates traditional classroom methods with online components, combining the advantages of face-to-face instruction and e-learning. This study aims to assess the extent of blended learning integration in the instructional practices of higher education institutions in Pakistan. Employing a mixed-methods approach with an explanatory sequential model, the research specifically targets educators from public universities through a thorough sampling process. Using questionnaires and interviews for primary data collection, the study reveals a positive inclination among teachers toward incorporating technology in teaching. Notably, a majority of educators exhibit proficiency in various software applications and possess adept internet skills. However, the research emphasizes that despite this positive trend, universities are still in the early stages of awareness regarding blended learning implementation. The conclusion stresses the necessity for collaborative efforts to facilitate a more effective adoption of blended learning, highlighting the crucial role of universities in providing additional computing infrastructure for seamless course execution. The research advocates for the explicit inclusion of blended learning in universities' strategic plans to ensure comprehensive and well-defined integration. Keywords: Blended Learning, Educational Infrastructure, Higher Education, Pedagogical Innovation, Technology Integration. 551 A SOCIAL CAPITAL APPROACH TO STUDY COOPETITION INVOLVING SMES Nuno BAPTISTA, Phd. Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Superior School of Communication Lusíada University Anna BOECHAT, Phd. IADE, Faculty of Design, Tecnology and Communication, de Design, European University Nelson MATOS, PhD. University of Algarve Abstract | There is a growing interest in the academy for research that examines coopetition, a concept that describes companies simultaneously engaging in cooperation and competition. The appeal of this topic may be related to the fact that coopetition has become an integral part of the strategy of several leading companies. Despite the great interest in coopetition, there is still a dearth of research focused on small and medium size companies. At a theoretical level, the reasons that lead companies to engage in coopetition include arguments based on games theory, network theory and the resource-based view, while transaction cost economics has been used as argument for the risks of coopetition and to explain why some coopetition partnerships fail. This article argues that the study of coopetition involving small and medium size companies would benefit from alternative theoretical approaches, including a well-established theory in social studies, social capital theory. This theoretical framework has rarely been applied to study coopetition. The present article outlines the potential positive contribution of social capital theory to study coopetition involving small and medium size companies and provides a dual case study example of the application of social capital theory to study the coopetition phenomenon. Keywords Coopetition; co-opetition; social capital, SMEs. 552 EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S USE OF SCREEN-BASED TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS AND EMOTION REGULATION SKILLS IN CHILDREN OKUL ÖNCESİ DÖNEMDE ÇOCUKLARIN EKRANA DAYALI TEKNOLOJİK ARAÇLARI KULLANMALARININ ÇOCUKLARDAKİ DAVRANIŞ PROBLEMLERİ VE DUYGU DÜZENLEME BECERİLERİ İLE OLAN İLİŞKİSİNİN İNCELENMESİ Feyza AKGÜR ÖZTÜRK Nisantasi University, Graduate Education Institue, Clinical Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey 0009-0004-2689-9349 Dr. Öğr.Üyesi Bahar AKOĞLU Nisantasi University, Graduate Education Institue, Clinical Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey 0000-0002-1457-2531 SUMMARY The aim of the study was to examine whether preschool children's use of screenbased technological devices significantly predicted their behavioral problems and emotion regulation skills. The research is a descriptive study in the relational survey model. In the study, data were collected with Likert-type questionnaires. The sample of the study consisted of 392 mothers and 31 fathers between the ages of 22-53 who had children aged 36-72 months living in Istanbul in 2023. Data were collected from the participants through online questionnaires. The study covers kindergartens in Eyüpsultan district of Istanbul. "Demographic Information Form" was used to obtain the socio-demographic information of the participants, "Problematic Technology Use Scale for Children" was used to determine the problematic technology use levels of children in early childhood, "Behavior Scale in Preschool and Kindergarten" was used to evaluate the general social competence and problem behaviors typical of children, and "Emotion Regulation Scale" was used to measure the emotional reactions in children and the evaluation of the regulation and expression of emotions according to the conditions of the environment. Statistical analysis of the collected data was analyzed using Pearson Correlation Analysis, Independent Groups T-test and ANOVA tests in SPSS 27 program. 553 According to the findings of the study, there was a significant positive correlation between screen use and behavioral problems in preschool children. It was found that the duration of children's screen-based technology use differed according to their age, especially 6-year-old children had higher scores. The study showed that there was no direct relationship between children's age and behavioral problems. A negative relationship was found between children's technology use and their social skills. In the study, a negative relationship was found between children's social skills and emotion regulation skills. It was revealed that children's use of screen-based technological tools negatively affected their emotion regulation skills. It was found that children's use of screen-based technology differed according to socio-demographic variables. In particular, factors such as age and educational status of parents played an important role in children's use of technology. In the study, it was determined that there was no significant difference in terms of gender in the Problematic Technology Use Scale and its sub-dimensions of Continuity of Use, Resistance to Control, Impact on Development, DeprivationAvoidance. Keywords: Early Childhood, Screen Use, Behavioral Problems, Emotion Regulation Skills ÖZET Bu araştırmanın amacı, okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının ekran temelli teknolojik cihaz kullanımlarının davranış problemlerini ve duygu düzenleme becerilerini anlamlı düzeyde yordayıp yordamadığını incelemektir. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmada veriler Likert tipi anketler ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 2023 yılında İstanbul'da yaşayan 36-72 aylık çocuğa sahip 22-53 yaş aralığındaki 392 anne ve 31 baba oluşturmaktadır. Veriler katılımcılardan çevrimiçi anketler aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Çalışma İstanbul'un Eyüpsultan ilçesindeki anaokullarını kapsamaktadır. Katılımcıların sosyo-demografik bilgilerini elde etmek için "Demografik Bilgi Formu", erken çocukluk dönemindeki çocukların problemli teknoloji kullanım düzeylerini belirlemek için "Çocuklar İçin Problemli Teknoloji Kullanım Ölçeği", çocukların genel sosyal yeterliliklerini ve tipik problem davranışlarını değerlendirmek için "Okul Öncesi ve Anaokulunda Davranış Ölçeği" ve çocuklardaki duygusal tepkileri ölçmek ve duyguların düzenlenmesi ve ifadesinin ortamın koşullarına göre değerlendirilmesi için "Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Toplanan verilerin istatistiksel analizi SPSS 27 programında Pearson Korelasyon Analizi, Bağımsız Gruplar Ttesti ve ANOVA testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, okul öncesi çocuklarda ekran kullanımı ile davranış sorunları arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Çocukların ekran tabanlı teknoloji kullanım sürelerinin yaşlarına göre farklılaştığı, özellikle 6 yaşındaki çocukların daha yüksek puanlara sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma, çocukların yaşı ile davranış sorunları 554 THE EFFECTS OF REMOTE WORKINK ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE PhD C. Orkun ARK Fenerbahçe University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Orcid: 0009-0005-2404-1944 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdal ŞEN Fenerbahçe University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Orcid: 0000-0003-1179-7214 R.A. Alihan PASİN Fenerbahçe University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Orcid: 0000-0003-2847-6214 ABSTRACT Social Capital can be defined as communication network characteristics that contribute to productivity by facilitating relationships between individuals, coordination activities between individuals, non-governmental organizations and public institutions. Social networks are the ecosystem of social capital. Social capital shows its impact through social networks. Benefiting from the positive effects of social capital in hybrid and remote working conditions requires different communication approaches and skills. Research shows that there is a positive relationship between organizational social capital and organizational resilience. While structural social capital supports proactive resilience, relational social capital contributes to reactive resilience. With the pandemic period, the concept of online social capital has emerged as hybrid working and remote working inevitably took place in the business world. It is expected that the dynamics of creating and utilizing social capital of individuals working remotely or hybrids will be different from individuals working face-toface. During the pandemic period, it was observed that the social capital of clans supported organizational resilience. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of remote or hybrid working on the relationship between social capital and organizational resilience. Key Words: Social Capital; Organizations; Resilience; Remote Working; Communication 555 FEATURES OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING Teacher Aysel Hasanova Novruz gizi Azerbaijan Institute of Theology Abstract Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - an approach focusing on developing students' communicative competence through interactive activities and communication. Principles of CLT include a focus on communication, functional language use, task-based activities, collaborative learning, and student-centered learning. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language education that emphasizes the learners’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life contexts. Unlike traditional methods focusing on rote memorization and grammatical accuracy, CLT seeks to create meaningful and interactive language learning experiences. It views language as a tool for communication and encourages learners to engage in authentic communicative tasks actively. It emphasizes interaction between learners and the use of authentic texts in the target language, both inside and outside the classroom. CLT focuses on developing learners’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations rather than solely focusing on grammatical competence. Communicative Language Teaching is defined as an approach to teaching a second or a foreign language that focuses on learners' interaction whether as the means or the ultimate goal of learning a target language. Interaction here means an activity in which two or more parties affect one another. There are several advantages to using CLT. First, it can help students to develop fluency and accuracy in the target language. This is because CLT activities often require students to use the language in real time, forcing them to think on their feet and use it meaningfully. Second, CLT can help students to develop a better understanding of the target culture. This is because CLT activities often involve students exploring the target culture through authentic materials, such as films, music, and literature. Third, CLT can help students to develop a 556 more positive attitude toward language learning. This is because CLT activities are often enjoyable and motivating, which can help students see language learning as a fun and rewarding experience. Promotes meaningful communication: CLT prioritizes authentic and meaningful communication, allowing learners to develop their language skills in real-life contexts. This approach helps learners use the language for practical purposes and enhances their communicative competence. Develops language fluency: CLT emphasizes the development of fluency over accuracy, encouraging learners to focus on expressing themselves effectively and confidently. Learners become more fluent in their target language through interactive activities and regular practice. Enhances learner engagement: CLT incorporates interactive and student-centered activities that actively engage learners. By involving learners in communicative tasks and promoting their active participation, CLT creates a motivating and enjoyable learning experience. Keywords: authentic, interaction, collaborative learning, communicative tasks 557 THRONE STRUGGLES CENTERED IN ANKARA AMONG THE TURKISH SELJUKS TÜRKİYE SELÇUKLULARINDA ANKARA MERKEZLİ TAHT MÜCADELELERİ Hasan AKYOL Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History, Department of Medieval History Manisa, Türkiye ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: It is known that Ankara, one of the most important cities of Central Anatolia as a state and theme center during the Roman-Byzantine period, came under Turkish rule in 1073 by Artuk Bey. It is seen that the city fell into the hands of Byzantium again with the Crusades of 1101 and Turkish domination was re-established in the city by Kılıç Arslan. The fact that the city was called "daru'l-hısn" during the Turkish Seljuk period shows that the city came to the fore with its castle during this period, and in this context, the military aspect of the city was at the forefront. In our study, the throne struggles from the death of Sultan Kılıç Arslan to the Battle of Kösedağ, which was a turning point for the Turkish Seljuk State, were discussed and the Ankara-based activities of the suzerain sultans to seize the throne were revealed. In this context, it has been observed that the city of Ankara was at the forefront among the cities of Central Anatolia during the Roman-Byzantine period and continued during the Turkish Seljuk period. Materials and Methods: In our study, we mainly consulted the main sources of the period and obtained data about the activities of the princes who were in Ankara and made Ankara their center in order to seize the throne in Konya. Copyrighted works on the subject have been re-evaluated in the light of main sources and a different perspective has been brought to shed light on a period of Ankara city history. In this direction, the struggles between Melik Arab - Mesud I, Melik Şahinşah - Kılıç Arslan II, Melik Muhyiddin Mesud - Süleymanşah II, Melik Alâeddin Keykubad - İzzeddin Keykâvus were tried to be re-exposed by associating them with the city. Results: During the process of the city's entry into Turkish domination, the city witnessed the struggle for dominance between the Danishmends, Seljuks and Byzantium. As a result of the Crusade in 1096, the Turkish Seljuk capital was moved from Iznik to Konya, and the city of Ankara, with its location and strong castle, played an important shelter and base role for the Meliks who wanted to seize the throne in Konya. Discussion and Conclusion: This study has shown that the city of Ankara had the feature of being a metropolis/metropolitan city before the Turkish domination during the Turkish Seljuk State period. As a result, the city of Ankara attracted meliks struggling to become sultans and played a central role in their struggle. This situation shows that the city gave significant power to a melik who wanted to seize the Turkish Seljuk throne. Key Words: Turkish Seljuks; Danismends; Throne Struggle; Melik; Ankara, Konya 558 ÖZET Giriş ve Amaç: Roma-Bizans döneminde eyalet ve thema merkezi olarak Orta Anadolu’nun en önemli şehirlerinden biri olan Ankara’nın Türk hâkimiyetine girişinin 1073 yılında Artuk Bey tarafından gerçekleştirildiği bilinmektedir. 1101 Haçlı seferleri ile şehrin yeniden Bizans’ın eline geçtiği ve Kılıç Arslan tarafından şehirde Türk hâkimiyetinin tekrardan sağlandığı görülmektedir. Türkiye Selçukluları döneminde şehrin “daru’l-hısn” şeklinde anılması da bu dönemde şehrin kalesi ile ön plana çıktığı, bu bağlamda şehrin askerî yönünün ön planda olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışmamızda Sultan Kılıç Arslan’ın vefatından Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti için bir dönüm noktası olan Kösedağ Savaşı’na kadar olan taht mücadeleleri işlenmiş ve taht müddeisi meliklerin tahtı ele geçirmek için Ankara merkezli faaliyetleri ortaya konulmuştur. Bu bağlamda Ankara şehrinin Roma-Bizans döneminde Orta Anadolu şehirleri içerisinde ön planda bulunması durumunun Türkiye Selçukluları döneminde de devam ettiği görülmüştür. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda temel olarak dönemin ana kaynkalarına başvurulmuş ve kaynakların tahtı ele geçirmek maksadıyla Ankara şehrinde bulunan ve Ankara’yı kendine merkez edinen meliklerin Konya’daki tahtı ele geçirmeye yönelik faaliyetleri hakkındaki verileri elde edilmiştir. Konu ile ilgili telif eserler ana kaynaklar ışığında yeniden değerlendirilmiş ve farklı bir bakış açısı getirilerek Ankara şehir tarihinin bir dönemine ışık tutulmuştur. Bu doğrultuda Melik Arab – I. Mesud, Melik Şahinşah – II. Kılıç Arslan, Melik Muhyiddin Mesud – II. Süleymanşah, Melik Alâeddin Keykubad – İzzeddin Keykâvus arasındaki mücadeleler, şehir ile ilişkilendirilerek yeniden ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bulgular: Şehrin Türk hâkimiyetine girişi sürecinde şehir, Danişmendli-Selçuklu ve Bizans’ın hâkimiyet mücadelesine sahne olmuştur. 1096 Haçlı Seferinin sonucunda Türkiye Selçuklu başkenti İznik’ten Konya’ya taşınmış ve Ankara şehri, hem konumu hem de güçlü kalesi ile Konya’daki tahtı ele geçirmek isteyen melikler için önemli bir sığınak ve üs rolü oynamıştır. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Bu çalışma, Ankara şehrinin Türk hâkimiyeti öncesindeki metropolis/büyükşehir olma özelliğini Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti döneminde de hâiz olduğunu göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak Ankara şehri, sultan olmak için mücadele eden melikleri kendisine çekmiş ve onların mücadelelerinde merkezi bir rol oynamıştır. Bu durum şehrin Türkiye Selçuklu tahtını ele geçirmek isteyen bir meliğe önemli bir güç verdiğini göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye Selçukluları; Danişmendliler; Taht Mücadelesi; Melik; Ankara; Konya. 559 MODERN DÜŞÜNCE KURULUŞLARININ JAKOBEN KÖKENLERİ JACOBIN ROOTS OF TE MODERN THINK TANKS Sabri KIZILTAN Ministry of National Education TÜRKİYE ORCID:0000-0002-5225-4374 ÖZET Düşünce kuruluşları, modern ulus-devletin politika yapım süreçlerindeki yadsınamaz rolleri ile 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren akademik camianın çekim alanına girmeyi başarmışlardır. Alanın ilk monografik eserinin ABD’de yayımladığı 1971 yılından bu yana farklı disiplinlerden pek çok araştırmacı düşünce kuruluşlarının başta nasıl ortaya çıktıkları, ne oldukları, nasıl çalıştıkları ve nereye evirildikleri noktasında çok çeşitli araştırmaya imza atmıştır. Düşünce kuruluşlarının tarihsel gelişimlerine yönelik geliştirilen yaklaşımlarda ise batılı entelijiyansanın çeşitli fikir ayrılıkları yaşadığı ve meseleyi ağırlıklı olarak 20. yüzyıl siyaseti ile ilişkilendirdiği görülmüştür. Kimi görüşlere göre modern düşünce kuruluşlarının tarihteki ilk örneği kendini ilk defa 20. yüzyılın hemen başında İngiltere’de göstermişken, kimi görüşler de alanın gelişimini ABD’nin uluslararası sahada bir güç merkezi haline dönüşmeye başladığı aynı yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinden itibaren mercek altına almaktadır. Nitekim konunun tarihselci bir yaklaşımla ele alınması, modern düşünce kuruluşlarının en temel özelliklerinin tarihte ilk defa sermaye-devlet diyalektik ilişkisinin bir ürünü olarak Fransız ihtilali sürecinde ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir. Öyle ki bu yapıların; 1-akademi, bürokrasi ve iş dünyası gibi toplumun önde gelen kesimlerinin toplanma noktaları olmaları, 2-ortaya çıkış süreçlerinde ağırlıklı olarak devlet-dışı aktörler tarafından fonlanmaları, 3kurumsal bir zeminde faaliyet yürütmeleri, 4-çağın en etkili iletişim alanlarını kullanarak kamuoyu gündemi yaratmaları ve 5-devlet politikalarını etkileme noktasında ortaya koydukları politikaların ulusal ve küresel ölçekte karşılık bulması gibi en temel ve ortak refleksleri ilk defa ihtilalin kaotik ortamında vücuda gelen düşünce topluluklarında görülmüştür. Fransız burjuvazisinin yönetimsel ayrıcalığa duyduğu ihtiyaca binaen ortaya çıkan ve iç toplantılarına dönemin önde gelen entelektüellerinden mason localarına, edebiyat kliklerinden okuma gruplarına ve en etkili devlet adamlarına kadar kamu politikası yapım süreçlerinin bir parçası olma arayışında olan pek çok kesimin katıldığı Societe the 1789, Breton Club, Club Jacobens ve Society of Cordeliers gibi oluşumların bazıları zaman içerisinde bir başkan tarafından yönetilen kurumsal bir kimlik kazanmış ve dönemin iletişim araçlarını kullanarak bünyelerinde üretilen fikirlerin ulusal ve uluslararası ölçekte karşılık bulmasıyla devrimi konsolide eden yapılara dönüşmüşlerdir. Çağın düşünce topluluklarının Batı dünyasının siyasi kültüründe kökleşme ve modern düşünce kuruluşlarına evirilme süreci ise dönemin radikal devrimcilerinin uluslararası iş birliği ruhuyla Paris’ten Londra’ya geçerek kurdukları London Correponding Society gibi yapıların 19. yüzyıl Britanya’sının siyasal yaşamında yer edinmesiyle tetiklenmiş ve Britanya siyasi kültürünün en önemli parçası olan politika kulüpleri içerisinden sosyalist Fabian Society’nin modern düşünce kuruluşlarının tarihteki ilk örneği olarak kabul gördüğü bir anlayışı doğurmuştur. Key Words: Siyasi Tarih, Fransız İhtilali, Düşünce Kuruluşları, Jakobenler 560 ABSTRACT Think tanks, with their undeniable role in the policy-making processes of the modern nationstate, have managed to enter the field of attraction of the academic community since the last quarter of the 20th century. Since 1971, when the first monographic work of the field was published in the USA, many researchers from different disciplines have carried out a wide range of research on how they emerged, what they are, how they work and where they are evolving to. It has been observed that, the approaches which are developed on the historical development of think tanks, the western intelligentsia has various disagreements and they associate the issue mainly within the 20th century politics. According to some views, the first example of modern think tanks in history first appeared in Britain at the beginning of the 20th century, while other views examine the development of the field mainly from the first quarter of the same century at which the USA began to turn into a power center in the international arena. As a matter of fact, addressing the issue from a historical perrpective, it is seen that the most basic features of modern think tanks, emerged for the first time in history during the French Revolution as a product of the capital-state dialectical relationship. The most basic and common reflexes of these structures like; 1-being the meeting points of leading ruler enviroments of society such as academia, bureaucracy and business world, 2being funded mainly by non-state actors during their emergence process, 3-operating on a instutional basis, 4-creating the public agenda by using the most effective communication areas of the age and 5-the policies they put forward in terms of influencing state policies being responded to on a national and global scale, was seen for the first time in the ‘societe de penses’ (thought communities) that emerged in the chaotic environment of the revolution. Over time, some of the formations such as Societe the 1789, Breton Club, Club Jacobens and Society of Cordeliers which emerged as a result of the French bourgeoisie's need for administrative privilege and their internal meetings were attended by many groups seeking to be a part of public policy-making processes like -leading intellectuals, masonic lodges, literary cliques and the most influential statesmen-, gained a corporate identity managed by a president and turned into structures that consolidated the revolution by using the communication tools of the period. And the ideas produced within them were responded to on a national and international scale. The process of the thought communities taking root in the political culture of the Western world and evolving into modern think tanks was triggered by the establishment of structures such as the London Correponding Society which was founded by the radical revolutionaries of the period from Paris to London with the spirit of international cooperation and it gave rise to an understanding in which the socialist Fabian Society, among the policy clubs accepted as the first example of modern think tanks in the history. Key Words: Political History, French Revolution, Think Tanks, Jacobins 561 FUNCTIONAL PECULIARITIES OF CULTURONYMS IN THE CONTEXT OF POLITICAL MEDIA DISCOURSE Bulbul Abbasova “Nakhchivan” University, Department of Foreign Languages, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The workings of culturally influenced language indicators in political mass media are revealed in this essay. The way that culturally marked linguistic signs are used in political conversation has some quirks that enable them to accomplish the objectives that political communication sets. The political communication tasks, on the one hand, determine the reality that culturally marked units actively participate in political debate. However, these objectives and activities align with the ontological characteristics of these signals. These characteristics include the axiogeneity of linguistic signals with cultural markers, their innate capacity to designate, recognize, and encode the values of the language and cultural community, their capacity to refer to the latter, and their capacity to fulfill evaluative and expressive functions. Materials and Methods: Researchers correctly point out that one unique aspect of political communication is its ability to appeal to the emotions of the intended audience. Cultural language units are one of the methods that have a strong expressive-emotional charge, making them an incredibly powerful instrument for expressing expressiveness and emotionality. Linguistic units that hold cultural significance are those that align with the cultural semiotic space of a certain linguocultural group and communicate both the fundamental meaning of the language unit and cultural values. This group of linguistic units' expressive-emotional potential is linked to their appeal to societal norms regarding values, which in turn establish a value continuum that guarantees the existence of consistent boundaries between societal values and anti-values. Results The text producer is able to communicate the assessment implicitly—that is, without explicitly elaborating on it using broad evaluative vocabulary—because of cultural language units. An endless supply of these linguistic units can be used to effectively complete the communication duties that face a politician-speaker. This article examines this set of language signals that function inside the media's political discourse. Political culturonyms in mass should include integration of 562 national language and culture as well as comparative cultural analysis to promote tolerance, respect for cultural pluralism and preservation of cultural identity and avoid mistakes in understanding and using idioms. Discussion and Conclusion: Language signs that are defined by culture go through a discursive adaptation process wherein several roles are implemented, including nominative, codifying, communicative, evaluative (evaluative), identifying (password), referential, and expressive. The evidence presented indicates that culturonyms typically fulfill many roles. Furthermore, because of their inherently evaluative character, they serve as powerful tools for the modalization of discourse since they enable the subjective evaluation (positive or negative) of the topic under debate. They do this by first establishing a cultural modality, which when coupled with the ideological modality that permeates political discourse Key Words: language of mass media, linguistic signals, political discourse, media linguistics, media texts 563 OPTIMIZING HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION USING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONS Adil BENABOU Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory in Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco ORCID: 0000-0002-4046-9335 Fatima TOUHAMI Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory in Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco Lamiae DEMRAOUI Systems Engineering Laboratory, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco Abstract: In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, effective human resource management is crucial for the success of institutions. This article presents a case study that showcases the development of an innovative data analytics solution tailored to address the complex challenges of human resource management within the Pluridisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco. This cutting-edge solution equips decision-makers with a comprehensive view of the qualitative and quantitative state of human resources, empowering them to make data-driven informed decisions. The developed data analytics solution goes beyond conventional practices, enabling institutions to forecast future resource and skill needs. By leveraging advanced analytics techniques, decision-makers can identify professors capable of seamlessly filling retiring or reassigned positions, ensuring continuity and maintaining the highest standard of education. This case study demonstrates the transformative potential of data analytics, serving as a guiding roadmap for other institutions seeking to elevate their human resource practices. Notably, this article emphasizes the innovative nature of the solution, showcasing its ability to revolutionize human resource management practices in higher education institutions. The findings shed light on the pivotal role of technology and data analytics in driving innovation and ultimately enhancing organizational performance. By leveraging this innovative solution, institutions can pave the way for a more efficient, data-informed, and proactive approach to human resource management. Notably, this article emphasizes the innovative nature of the solution, showcasing its ability to revolutionize human resource management practices in higher education institutions within the Moroccan context, including universities and colleges of higher education. This study finds its roots within the dynamic sphere of Moroccan higher education, encompassing a diverse array of institutions, and by situating this research within the Moroccan context, it resonates with the broader global discourse on academic human resource management. Keywords: Data Analytics, Human Resource Management, Higher Education, Innovation, Organizational Performance, Decision-Making, Business Intelligence. 564 WHAT CONTRIBUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY? Naoual Mamdouh Faculty of Economics and Management Hassan 1 University, Morocco. Wafa.affagrou Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences Ibn Zohr University, Morocco. Abstract: Digital transformation has become an important issue for organizations. There is evidence that digital transformation drives digital innovation within organizations. It is well known that technologies and practices such as distributed ledger technologies, open source, analytics, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) enhance digital transformation. Among these technologies, AI provides tools to support decision making and make automated decisions. Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations (SSEOs) are organizations with a mutualist reach and are characterized by participatory governance due to the principle of democratic control by members. The use of AI in the social economy sector raises important ethical issues, particularly in terms of data collection and use. However, AI can offer opportunities to improve the efficiency and sustainability of fundraising campaigns, as well as to measure the impact of actions undertaken. Against this background, this paper presents a critical reflection on the benefits and dangers of using AI technologies in SSEOs. Key words: artificial intelligence, digital transformation, social and solidarity economy, social innovation. 565 DIFFERENT CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE Dilara ASGAROVA “Nakchivan” University, Foreign Languages Faculty, Department of Foreign Languages, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: English is one of the most widely used languages in modern times. Various methods are used in teaching English, and one of these methods is the communicative language teaching method. Communication and communicative competence are used during learning and speaking English. Therefore, communication and communicative competence are in the foreground in this teaching method, each researcher has expressed different opinions about communication and communicative competence. Materials and Methods: Research was conducted from various methodology books and Noam Chomsky, Dell Hymes, Do Coyle, Philip Hood, David Marash, Alan Barker, Colin Baker, Wayne E. Wright, etc. Valuable scholars have mentioned valuable ideas about communication and communicative skills in those books. Results: According to Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, "competence" is a description of the basic skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for the effective performance of a real job or activity. According to Canale and Swain, Communicative competence, foreign language teaching and learning is defined as the ability to use language adequately and successfully in communication with others. For Chomsky, the focus of language theory was to characterize the abstract abilities of speakers that allow them to produce grammatically correct sentences in a language. Discussion and Conclusion: Communication is a two-way process, we constantly evaluate the listener's knowledge and assumptions to choose the language to be interpreted according to the meaning we intend when speaking. The ability should be used within such a perspective and should not be synonymous with ideal grammatical knowledge. As a result, since communication is a complex process, it is impossible to remove it from its socio-cultural context. However, the act of communication is influenced by the social and cultural norms of the speech society. Communicative competence refers to the learner's ability to use language to communicate successfully. 566 ELEVATING PUBLIC HEALTH: THE INTEGRAL ROLE OF PHARMACISTS IN PATIENT-CENTRIC CARE S.Showbharnikhaa M.K Vijayalakshmi Faculty of Pharmacy, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Selaiyur, Tambaram, Chennai 600073 ABSTRACT: This review article delves into the expanding role of pharmacists as crucial contributors to public health initiatives. With a growing emphasis on preventive healthcare, pharmacists are emerging as frontline healthcare professionals, actively engaging in community health promotion. The review explores their involvement in vaccination programs, smoking cessation interventions, and chronic disease management. Additionally, the integration of pharmacists into collaborative healthcare teams is examined, highlighting their impact on patient outcomes and medication adherence. As the pharmaceutical landscape evolves, this article discusses the transformative influence of pharmacists in promoting public health, emphasizing the need for continued recognition, education, and advocacy to harness their full potential in shaping healthier communities. 567 EXPLORING COOPETITION AS A STRATEGY FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE COMPANIES Nuno BAPTISTA, Phd. Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Superior School of Communication Lusíada University Anna BOECHAT, Phd. IADE, Faculty of Design, Tecnology and Communication, de Design, European University Nelson Matos, PhD. University of Algarve Abstract | Coopetition strategies are gaining increasing traction in the business arena due to the current dynamic and complex business environment that has shifted from the former industrial logic, focused on internal resources, to a new logic based on the ability to integrate external resources While historically a strategy reserved for large corporations, coopetition has become accessible to small and medium size companies, as advances in information technologies and social networking technologies have reduced the barriers to coopetitive relationships This study presents a narrative literature review exploring the reasons that may lead small and medium size companies to coopete. The analysis indicates the potential of coopetition as a strategy to cope with some liabilities faced by these companies and reveals contrasting findings related to coopetition effects on innovation. These ambiguous findings may be explained by firms’ internal capabilities to balance between competition and cooperation, to appropriate value from coopetitive relationships and the impact of contextual forces. Keywords Coopetition; co-opetition; innovation; review, SMEs. 568 FARAH BASHIR’S RUMORS OF SPRING: A MEMOIR OF FEAR, VIOLENCE AND TRAUMA IN KASHMIR Dr. Raf Raf Shakil Ansari, Assistant Professor Sharda University, Greator Noida Qurat-ul-aen Malik, Ph. D. Scholar Sharda University Abstract Most incidents of violence and conflict are usually followed by a period of silence and grief, maybe in memory of the pain that such an infliction causes; a trauma that makes language practically impossible to express. This is largely true of at least popular writing coming from or about the Kashmir Valley, which is rife with violence. However, there has recently been a greater effort to voice the experiences of Kashmir’s common people, who are stuck in exceptional circumstances over which they have very little control. This emerging literary movement is even more astonishing because it happens in spite of the constant violence, punctuated by sporadic intervals of uncomfortable tranquilly. Farah Bashir’s ‘Rumours of Spring: A Girlhood in Kashmir’ employs a similar approach, skillfully immersing the reader in the tumultuous Kashmir of the 1990s. The narrative unveils a profound and enduring wound on the soul of Kashmir, one that resonates with the irreparable scars of that era. The book gives a reporter’s perspective to the representation of how life changed during insurgency and counter insurgency and how killings, shootings, curfews, crackdowns, concertina wires, etc. became frequent and normal. The conflict era is being described for the first time from the perspective of a young girl. It fills a crucial gap, in a sense that it voices thousands of untold stories of young girls who were unable to make sense of the changing atmosphere of the valley. The present paper is a study of fear, violence and trauma represented in Farah Bashir’s memoir. Keywords: Fear, Kashimr conflict, physical and mental violence, trauma. 569 THE PURPOSE OF TEACING PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ph.D. candidate Hemid Elnur ELIYEV Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports Azerbaijan Baku ORCİD İD: 0009-0004-8802-357X ABSTRACT In the rapid development of modern technology in the 21st century, the training of intelligent intellectuals to achieve successful results and create a civilizational change plays a major role in the future development of society. The presence of common sense in modern youth has become a requirement of modern society as a product of a healthy lifestyle. The reflection of this demand in the content of the subjects taught in general education schools and the learning results is one of the most successful steps in education. Physical education in education provides students with an environment that develops various physical abilities in an integrative manner, which improves their overall lifestyle and maintains regular physical activity. As you can see, the main goals of physical education include physical development, health, neuromuscular coordination, emotional development, mental development and social development, which ensure personal development. The main strategy of the program and educational process is to understand the general concept of development and to set specific activities for its implementation. It becomes clear that it becomes the main source of human activity as a symmetrical or complex set of skills. Its other main goal is to ensure the harmonious physical development of students, the formation of movement culture, and the development of moral-will characteristics. Because, in addition to affecting the general, harmonious physical development of a person, it increases endurance and creates high emotions. The teaching of this subject has different characteristics related to the physical development of students at different levels of education. In addition, the theory and methodology of teaching "Physical Education" is a new and developing teaching discipline. The subfield of pedagogical knowledge and the theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical education are also part of pedagogical science. Adaptability, punctuality, responsibility, creativity, as well as citizenship, self-management and communication should be improved in secondary school students, especially at the general secondary level (grades V-VI). Thus, in this unstable environment, children must learn basic skills rather than knowledge and develop attitudes that allow them to develop these skills throughout their lives. In other words, school students should be interested in continuing to develop continuously. For this purpose, the physical education lessons taught in schools are directed to the formation and development of various abilities in integration with other subjects. In Fikiki education classes, all children should be able to participate in physical activities organized in school settings. Key Words: physical education, teaching, school, healthy movements, physical movements 570 EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLENDED LEARNING APPROACH AND STUDENT SATISFACTION DR. ATIEQ UL REHMAN Assistant Professor, Department of Education & Training, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (A Central University) Gachibowli, Hyderabad India. Pin Code: 500032 ORCID ID: 0009-0006-6426-6811 DR. TAHİR QURESHİ Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New-Delhi India. Pın Code: 110067 ABSTRACT Background: Blended learning is an educational approach that combines traditional inperson classroom instruction with online learning activities. It seeks to leverage the strengths of both face-to-face teaching and digital technologies to enhance the learning experience and cater to a wider range of students' needs and preferences. In a blended learning environment, students engage in a mix of in-person interactions with teachers and peers, as well as online activities, resources, and assessments. Objective: This investigation will delve into the connection between blended learning methodologies and student satisfaction in higher education. By examining the experiences of students who engage with a combination of in-person and online learning modalities, the researcher will investigates the impact of blended learning on student contentment and engagement. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and empirical studies, this investigation will explores the factors that contribute to student satisfaction within blended learning environments, including flexibility, personalized learning, and enhanced interaction. Methodology: Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative data, the study uncovers insights into how well-designed blended learning approaches can address diverse learning preferences and adapt to students' individual needs. By analyzing student feedback, course evaluations, and retention rates, the research sheds light on the nuanced interplay between pedagogical strategies, technological tools and overall student satisfaction. Probable Outcomes: The findings underscore the potential of blended learning to foster positive learning experiences, improve academic outcomes, and promote higher levels of engagement and motivation among students. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on effective teaching methodologies and provides educators and institutions with valuable insights into designing blended learning environments that prioritize student satisfaction and success. Keywords: Blended Learning, Students Satisfaction, Retention Rates, Personalized Learning 571 EVALUATION OF THE GEOPOLITICS OF ISRAEL-PALESTINE: THE REPERCUSSIONS AND MAGNITUDE FOR JORDAN, YAMEN AND EGYPT Md. Ashraful Amin Md Amirul Islam Department of Sanskrit, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh Abstract This paper scrutinizes the geopolitics of the Israel-Palestine conflict and measures its impact on the surrounding nations, particularly Yemen, Egypt, and Jordan. Analyzing the complex effects of the ongoing conflict on these countries' political, economic, and security dynamics is the main goal. In order to investigate historical facts, diplomatic ties, and regional stability, the study uses a thorough methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis. It was confirm that Jordan, Yemen, and Egypt are significantly impacted by the Israel-Palestine conflict. Increased economic strains, diplomatic difficulties, and security worries are examples of the spillover impacts. Jordan is under more pressure because of its historical and physical connections to Palestine. Tensions in the region are heightened as Yemen struggles with the conflict's destabilizing effects on a political environment that is already precarious. Egypt is a major regional player and, despite its distance, it has diplomatic and geopolitical implications. With the interdependence of regional geopolitics and the significance of supporting diplomatic endeavors for long-term stability in the Middle East, its region-specific strategies to meet the complex difficulties faced by the war. Keywords: Geopolitics, Israel-Palestine Conflict, Repercussions, Regional Stability, Neighboring Nations 572 THE EVOLUTION OF LEOPARD PRINT FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE MODERN AGE IN TEXTILE AND FASHION DESIGN LEOPAR DESENİN ANTİKTEN MODERN ÇAĞA TEKSTİL VE MODA TASARIMINDAKİ EVRİMİ Hande BİLVAR Çukurova University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Textile and Fashion Design, Adana, Türkiye ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: This paper examines the contemporary use of the leopard print, an iconic element in the world of textile and fashion design. Historically, leopard print has represented luxury, power, and exoticism, but over time, its use has become more widespread. The origins of the pattern are known to extend from Ancient Egypt, where it was used as a symbol of nobility in medieval Europe. Leopard print gained popularity in Western fashion at the beginning of the 20th century and spread to wider audiences in the 1960s, becoming an expression of various subcultures. In this study, special emphasis is placed on the use of leopard print across different gender and age groups. Traditionally used extensively in adult women's fashion, this pattern has over time gained popularity in men's clothing. In children's and youth fashion, it is observed to be used in a more playful and experimental manner, characterized by colorful and playful styles. Additionally, it is noted that among older generations, leopard print is chosen as a classic and sophisticated option. The paper discusses how leopard print transcends gender norms and age limitations, providing diversity and inclusiveness. It examines how the pattern acquires different meanings among various groups and is used as a form of social identity expression. This diversity enables the pattern to gain importance not just as an aesthetic choice but also as a tool for individual expression and identity construction. In conclusion, this study comprehensively presents the journey of leopard print from the past to the present and its various interpretations in modern fashion and textile designs. It facilitates a deep understanding of the pattern's use across gender and age groups. For designers, academics, and professionals in the fashion industry, it forms a significant resource to understand the socio-cultural and demographic contexts of leopard print's use and to integrate this knowledge into future designs. The paper also focuses on how the pattern has evolved in line with changing fashion perceptions and consumer expectations, as well as how it aligns with modern industrial trends like sustainability and ethical fashion. The role that leopard print will play in the future of fashion and textile design, particularly in light of an expanding consumer base and increasing environmental awareness, is central to this report. Key Words: Leopard, Textile, Print, Pattern, Fashion. 573 ÖZET Giriş ve Amaç: Bu bildiri, tekstil ve moda tasarımı dünyasında ikonik bir yere sahip olan leopar deseninin çağdaş kullanımını incelemektedir. Tarihsel olarak, leopar deseni lüks, güç ve egzotizmi temsil etmiş, ancak zamanla daha geniş alanda kullanıma yayılmıştır. Desenin kökenlerinin, Antik Mısır'dan başlayarak, ortaçağ Avrupa’sında asaletin sembolü olarak kullanılmasına kadar uzanmakta olduğu bilinmektedir. 20. yüzyıl başlarında batı modasında popülerleşen leopar deseni, 1960'larda geniş kitlelere yayılmış ve çeşitli altkültürlerin ifadesi haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, leopar deseninin cinsiyet ve yaş gruplarına göre kullanımına özel bir vurgu yapılmaktadır. Geleneksel olarak yetişkin kadın modasında yoğun olarak kullanılan bu desen, zaman içinde erkek giyiminde de popülerlik kazanmış, çocuk ve genç modasında ise daha neşeli ve oyunbaz bir tarzda, renkli ve deneysel biçimlerde kullanıldığı gözlemlenmektedir. Ayrıca, yaşlı nesiller arasında da leopar deseninin klasik ve sofistike bir seçenek olarak tercih edildiği belirtilmektedir. Bildiri, leopar deseninin cinsiyet normları ve yaş sınırlamalarını aşarak nasıl bir çeşitlilik ve kapsayıcılık sağladığını ele almakta, bu desenin farklı gruplar arasında nasıl farklı anlamlar kazandığını ve sosyal kimliklerin ifadesi olarak kullanım biçimini inceler. Bu çeşitlilik, desenin sadece estetik bir tercih olmaktan öte, bireysel ifade ve kimlik inşası için bir araç olarak da önem kazanmasını sağlamaktadır. Sonuç: Leopar deseninin geçmişten günümüze kadar olan yolculuğunu, modern moda ve tekstil tasarımlarındaki çeşitli yorumlarını kapsamlı bir şekilde sunan bu çalışma, desenin cinsiyet ve yaş grupları arasındaki kullanımının da derinlemesine anlaşılmasını sağlar. Tasarımcılar, akademisyenler ve moda endüstrisi profesyonelleri için, leopar deseninin sosyo-kültürel ve demografik bağlamlar içindeki kullanımını anlamak ve bu bilgileri gelecekteki tasarımlarına entegre etmek adına önemli bir kaynak oluşturur. Desenin, değişen moda anlayışları ve tüketici beklentileri doğrultusunda nasıl evrildiği, ayrıca sürdürülebilirlik ve etik moda gibi modern endüstriyel trendlerle nasıl uyum sağladığı da bu çalışmanın odak noktalarındandır. Leopar deseninin moda ve tekstil tasarımında gelecekte nasıl bir rol oynayacağı, özellikle de genişleyen tüketici tabanı ve artan çevresel farkındalık, bildirinin merkezinde yer almaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Leopar, Tekstil, Baskı, Desen, Moda. 574 AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NEXUS OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELL-BEING: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ASIAN ECONOMIES Dr. Meenakshi Gupta 1 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir Isha Kumari 2 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir Introduction and Purpose: This case study explores the intricate relationship between the well-being of individuals concerning the initiatives taken by the government on health and education in a selection of Asian economies. By investigating the impact of the individuals concerning the initiatives taken by the government on education and health outcomes and their subsequent influence on overall well-being, the study aims to uncover common patterns and unique challenges in the region. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach especially Panel EGLS (Cross-Section Random Test), and quantitative data analysis, the research identifies the extent to which the well-being of individuals concerning the initiatives taken by the government efforts have contributed to improved education access, quality, and inclusivity. Additionally, it establishes the link between education attainment and various dimensions of well-being, such as health, income, and life satisfaction. The study's findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and educators, enabling them to design targeted interventions that foster inclusive and sustainable development, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities in the selected Asian economies. Materials and Methods: The study utilizes the Panel EGLS (Cross-Section Random Test) approach to evaluate the impact of government initiatives on individual well-being in chosen Asian Economies spanning 2000 to 2021. The method is selected for its efficacy in handling panel data, which comprises observations on various entities throughout a specific timeframe. Our World in Data (2022) serves as the primary data source, supplying a diverse set of variables that encompass well-being and government interventions in the specified Asian Economies during the aforementioned period. E-Views 12 is employed for data analysis due to its capability to manage panel data and offer tools for regression analysis, aligning with the Panel EGLS (Cross-Section Random Test) approach. The research framework follows a systematic approach to data analysis, descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and the application of the Panel EGLS (Cross-Section Random Test) approach. This comprehensive framework ensures a thorough examination of the relationship between government 575 initiatives and individual well-being in selected Asian Economies across the designated timeframe. Results: The focus of the research work is to analyze different variables that are related to human development, which include the Human Development Index (HDI), education, and health. Descriptive statistics highlight skewed distributions and deviations from normality in multiple variables, emphasizing the requirement for sturdy statistical methods. The panel unit root tests suggest that most variables are integrated of order one (I(1)), leading to the creation of a model with consistent integration orders. The cross-sectional dependence among variables is identified, which challenges the suitability of traditional panel data analysis methods. The cointegration tests provide evidence of a long-term relationship among variables, emphasizing the significance of their interdependence. The EGLS analysis particularly examines the relationship between HDI and influencing factors, revealing positive associations with variables such as expected years of schooling, government expenditure on education, and Ln life expectancy. However, the analysis highlights issues with autocorrelation in residuals, suggesting the potential limitations in the model. The fixed and random effects estimators are compared using a Hausman test, which indicates endogeneity between individual effects and regressors. The fixed effects estimator is considered more appropriate, suggesting the presence of correlated random effects. The test results for specific variables show varying associations with HDI, emphasizing the importance of factors such as expected years of schooling, government expenditure on education, and life expectancy. Nonetheless, concerns about autocorrelation persist. In conclusion, the study identifies crucial predictors of HDI, but it underscores the need for careful interpretation and further investigation due to potential issues such as autocorrelation. The research emphasizes the complexity of the relationships among variables related to human development and the importance of adopting meticulous approaches in statistical analyses. Discussion and Conclusion: The study investigates the relationship between government initiatives and individual well-being in selected Asian economies, using a mixed-methods approach. Employing Panel EGLS, the research examines the impact of government efforts on education and health outcomes, revealing positive associations with the Human Development Index (HDI). The analysis covers various dimensions of human development, employing descriptive statistics, stationarity tests, cointegration, EGLS analysis, and model specification. Despite non-normal distribution and potential autocorrelation, key predictors of HDI are identified. Fixed effects are favored over random effects, suggesting endogeneity. The study emphasizes the crucial role of government initiatives in shaping individual wellbeing and provides insights for targeted interventions in education and health for sustainable development in Asian economies. However, caution is advised due to deviations from normality and the need for further robustness checks. Policymakers and educators can use these insights to design interventions for inclusive development, while additional research is essential to strengthen the findings for evidence-based policy decisions. Keywords: Education, HDI, Health, Panel EGLS (Cross-Section Random Test), Well-Being. 576 CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL DATA AND ECHR PRACTICE Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rezana Konomi Faculty of Law, Tirana University, Albania ORCID ID: Dr. Dorina Gjipali Aleksandër Moisiu University, Durrës, Albania ORCID ID: ABSTRACT The handling of data in the medical field constitutes one of the most delicate aspects due to the heightened risk of infringement upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects. This risk is amplified as medical data pertains to the most intimate sphere of an individual, revealing details about their physical and mental health status. Regulation 2016/679, under Article 4(15), defines medical data as personal information relating to the physical or mental health of a natural person, including the provision of healthcare services, which discloses information regarding their health status. This definition, incorporated into the regulation, aims to bridge the gap that has existed in defining medical data. Additionally, it aligns with a decision by the European Court of Justice, which categorizes medical data under both physical and mental health.1 The court emphasizes the paramount importance of protecting personal data, especially medical data, as fundamental for ensuring an individual's right to privacy, guaranteed under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. In accordance with international legal instruments, domestic legislation must ensure and implement necessary measures to prevent any violation, communication, or dissemination of personal medical data that may contravene the guarantees of Article 8 of the Convention. Following international practices, the Albanian Constitutional Court, in one of its rulings, elucidates the significance of sensitive data compared to other types of data, acknowledging their core role in private and family life.2 Nonetheless, what constitutes sensitive data? How are they treated within national and international legal frameworks? How does jurisprudence address this concept? This paper tries to explore these questions and other related issues within the context of data protection in healthcare as part of personal data collection. Due to the dynamic nature of this topic, this paper cannot comprehensively cover all aspects related to data protection in healthcare. However, it will serve as a starting point for broader debates and further studies that may explore deeper into or analyze differently the perspectives presented herein by the authors. The methodology employed for this paper is analytical, descriptive, and illustrative, thought suitable for achieving the objectives of this article. Key words: sensitive data, medical data, data protection, legal framework, privacy. C-101/01 Linqvist, 06.11.2003 Decision of the Constitutional Court of Albania no. 16, 11.11.2004, paragraph 4, "Personal data of a property nature, as a rule, enter the sphere of private life, therefore in this case Article 35 of the Constitution and Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, they do not have the nature and character of sensitive data, which also constitute the essence of private and family life". 1 2 577 İSPANYA’DA AŞIRI SAĞ VOX PARTİSİ: YABANCI KARŞITLIĞI- GÖÇ; KADIN HAKLARI-TOPLUMSAL CİNSİYET; İSLAM- HRİSTİYANLIK SPAIN FAR RIGHT VOX PARTY: ANTI-FOREIGN IMMIGRATION; WOMEN'S RIGHTS-GENDER; ISLAM- CHRISTIANITY Canan TERCAN PhD. Dr. Faculty Member, Political Science and International Relations Department. Istanbul Aydın University Özet VOX İspanya'da 2014 yılında PP’den ayrılarak kurulan sağcı, milliyetçi ve popülist bir siyasi parti olarak öne çıkan bir harekettir. 2023 genel seçimlerinde mecliste 33 koltuk elde ederek sağ ve sol 2 ana partiden sonra gelen 3. Parti olmuştur. İspanya'da Vox partisinin ortaya çıkışı, aşırı sağ temalar etrafında şekillenmiştir. Vox’un tutumlarına gelel olarak bakılacak olursa; AB'nin ekonomik politikalarını eleştirmesi ve daha milliyetçi ve korumacı bir ekonomik yaklaşımı desteklediği görülür. AB'nin ekonomik entegrasyonu, Vox'un milliyetçi tutumuna muhalif, İspanya'nın ekonomik bağımsızlığını tehdit eden bir faktör olarak görülür. Vox, İslam'ın da İspanya'da etkisini sınırlamaya ve dini konularda daha muhafazakâr Katolik politikalar izlemeye yönelik önerilerde bulunur. Cami inşaatlarını sınırlamak ve İslam'ın kamusal alandaki görünürlüğünü azaltmak gibi önerileri vardır. Vox İslam karşıtı tutumunu Endülüs tarihine dayanarak şekillendirir. Parti, Endülüs'ten başlayarak İslam'ı bir tehdit olarak görmesiyle öne çıkar, bu söylemi kullanarak göçmen karşıtlığını da güçlendirir. Vox, göçmenlik konusunda sert bir tutum benimsemektedir. göçmenleri ve mültecileri sınırlamak, sınırdışı etmek ve güvenlik gerekçesiyle sınırları sıkılaştırmak istediklerini belirterek göçmenlikle ilgili politikalarında ulusal çıkarları koruma vurgusu yaparlar. Bu çalışmada, Vox'un temel ajandaları: ulusal birlik, kültürel ve dini kimlik, uluslararası ilişkiler, göç ve sınırlar, kadın ve lgbti konularına bakışı incelenecektir. Bu yapılırken VOX’un AB’ye karşı tutumu ve Latin Amerika ile ilişkileri, Requounqouista ve İslam karşıtlığı, göçmen karşıtlığı, kadın hakları, kürtaj karşıtlığı, lgbt karşıtlığı, Katalan affına karşı duruşu, ayaklanma ve uç noktadaki histerik söylemleri, politik düşmanlık üretmesi gibi temaları ele alınacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İspanya Aşırı Sağ, Göçmenler, Reconquista, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Ayaklanmalar 578 ABSTRACT VOX, a right-wing, nationalist, and populist political party that emerged in Spain in 2014 after separating from the People's Party (PP). In the 2023 general elections, it secured 33 seats in the parliament, becoming the third-largest party after the two main parties on the right and left. The emergence of Vox in Spain is characterized by themes associated with the far-right. Examining Vox's stances, it is evident that the party criticizes the economic policies of the European Union (EU) and supports a more nationalist and protectionist economic approach. Vox views the economic integration of the EU as contrary to its nationalist stance, perceiving it as a threat to Spain's economic independence. Additionally, Vox proposes measures to limit the influence of Islam in Spain and advocates for more conservative Catholic policies in religious matters. Suggestions include restricting mosque constructions and reducing the visibility of Islam in the public sphere. Vox shapes its anti-Islamic stance based on the history of Andalusia, portraying Islam as a threat starting from this historical context, thus reinforcing anti-immigrant sentiments. Vox adopts a stringent approach towards immigration, expressing a desire to restrict, deport migrants and refugees, and tighten borders for security reasons, emphasizing the protection of national interests in their immigration policies. This study will delve into Vox's key agendas, examining its perspectives on national unity, cultural and religious identity, international relations, immigration and borders, women's rights, and LGBT issues. During this exploration, themes such as Vox's stance on the EU and relations with Latin America, Requounqouista and Islamophobia, anti-immigrant sentiments, women's rights, anti-abortion stances, LGBT opposition, the party's stance on the Catalan amnesty, incitement to rebellion, extreme and hysterical rhetoric, and the generation of political animosity will be addressed. Key Words: Spain Far Right, Immigrants, Reconquista, Gender Issues, Rebellions 579 SAİT FAİK ABASIYANIK’S "NEIGHBOURHOOD COFFEE” A LINGUISTIC APPROACH TO HIS STORY SAİT FAİK ABASIYANIK’IN “MAHALLE KAHVESİ” ADLI ÖYKÜSÜNE METİN DİL BİLİMSEL BİR YAKLAŞIM Kübra KAYA ÜLKER İstanbul Gelişim University, School of Foreign Languages, Turkish Preparatory Program, Istanbul, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT The text is formed by bringing together interconnected sentences and structures within its own context as a systematic integrity. Text linguistics studies examine the connections and consistencies that reveal the integrity of a text. It considers the text as a whole, with the linguistic units that make up a text and the connections between these units. It is the field of linguistics that investigates the textuality criteria of texts. Textuality is examined with seven criteria. One of the seven criteria required for a holistic structure to be a text is cohesion. It is a criterion that defines the grammatical relationships in the surface structure of the text. Examines grammatical and lexical connections within the text. The text is not just a structure consisting of sentences, but a meaningful whole formed by the combination of sentences as a whole. A whole must meet the criteria of cohesion, consistency, acceptability, purposefulness, contingency, erudition and intertextuality. This study aims to demonstrate that examining stories in the context of text linguistics is functional and applicable. Sait Faik Abasıyanık is one of the most important representatives of the situation story tradition in Turkish storytelling of the Republican Era. In this analysis, the story named Mahalle Kahvesi, one of Sait Faik Abasıyanık's situation stories, was examined with a text-linguistic approach and its cohesion and consistency, which are among the textuality criteria, were discussed. For this purpose, this story was questioned and examined in the context of text linguistics. In this study, using document analysis, cohesion and consistency analysis was made by numbering each sentence that makes up the text. Key Words: Text, text linguistics, cohesion, consistency, Mahalle Kahvesi. 580 ÖZET Metin, kendi bağlamı içerisinde birbiriyle bağlantılı cümle ve yapıların sistemli bir bütünlük şeklinde bir araya getirilmesiyle oluşur. Metin dil bilimi çalışmaları, bir metnin bütünlüğünü ortaya çıkaran bağları ve tutarlılıkları inceler. Bir metni oluşturan dilsel birimleri ve bu birimler arasındaki bağlantılar ile metnin bir bütün olarak ele alır. Metinlerin metinsellik ölçütlerini araştıran dil bilimi alanıdır. Metinsellik, yedi ölçüt ile incelenir. Bütünsellik arz eden bir yapının metin olabilmesi için gerekli yedi ölçütten biri bağdaşıklıktır. Metnin yüzey yapısındaki dil bilgisel ilişkileri tanımlayan bir ölçüttür. Metin içerisindeki dil bilgisel ve sözcüksel bağlantıları inceler. Metin yalnızca cümlelerden oluşan bir yapı değil, cümlelerin bir bütün olarak bir araya gelmesiyle oluşan anlamlı bir bütündür. Bir bütünlük bağdaşıklık, tutarlılık, kabul edilebilirlik, amaçlılık, durumsallık, bilgesellik ve metinlerarasılık ölçütlerine uygun olmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, hikâyeleri metin dil bilim bağlamında incelemenin işlevsel ve uygulanabilir olduğunu ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Sait Faik Abasıyanık, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk hikâyeciliğinde durum hikâyesi geleneğinin en önemli temsilcilerindendir. Bu incelemede de metin dil bilimsel bir yaklaşımla Sait Faik Abasıyanık’ın durum hikâyelerinden biri olan Mahalle Kahvesi adlı hikâye incelenmiş metinsellik ölçütlerinden bağdaşıklık ve tutarlılıkları ele alınmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu hikâye metin dil bilim bağlamında sorgulanmış ve incelenmiştir. Doküman incelemesinden faydalanılan bu çalışmada metni oluşturan her cümle numaralandırılarak bağdaşıklık ve tutarlılık çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Metin, metin dil bilim, bağdaşıklık, tutarlılık, Mahalle Kahvesi. 581 ANALYSIS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ON ECOLOGY IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION OKUL ÖNCESİ EĞİTİMDE EKOLOJİ ALANINDA YAPILAN LİSANSÜSTÜ ÇALIŞMALARIN ANALİZİ Muhammed ÜNAL Bitlis Eren University, Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Child Care and Youth Services, Bitlis, Turkey ORCID ID: Muhammed Fatih KÜÇÜKKARA Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Artova Vocational School, Child Protection and Care Services Program, Tokat, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Long-term population growth, overexploitation of natural resources, environmental pollution and the maintenance of consumption-oriented lifestyles, despite the advantages of innovative technologies, may be insufficient to solve the problem of increasing environmental destruction and worldwide hunger. Environmental sustainability, one of the biggest challenges of our age, is a critical issue that should be addressed from preschool education onwards. This study was conducted to examine the postgraduate theses on ecology in preschool education in Turkey. Document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, and case study design were used in the study. In line with the study, graduate theses were accessed in the National Thesis Data Center with the keywords "preschool and ecology". As a result of the search, 8 postgraduate theses were found in the YÖK database and all of the studies were included in the study. The studies used in the research; thesis type, year of study, sample group, method, data collection tools and the results obtained variables were discussed. Content analysis technique was used to analyze the data. When the postgraduate theses were examined; it was determined that the majority of the theses were master's theses, an equal number of theses were published in 2021, 2022 and 2023, preschool teachers were mostly included in the study, quantitative research methods were used in the majority of the studies, and scales were used the most among the data collection tools. In addition, it was emphasized that the training programs used in the studies had a positive effect on the development of ecological literacy skills and the necessity of improving the ecological awareness of preschool teachers. Key Words: Preschool Education, Ecology, Sustainable Life Skills 582 ÖZET Uzun süreli nüfus büyümesi, doğal kaynakların aşırı tüketilmesi, çevresel kirlilik ve tüketim odaklı yaşam biçimlerinin sürdürülmesi, yenilikçi teknolojilerin sağladığı avantajlara rağmen, artan çevresel yıkıma ve dünya genelindeki açlık sorununun çözümünde yetersiz kalabileceği öngörülmektedir. Çağımızın en büyük zorluklarından biri olan çevresel sürdürülebilirlik, okul öncesi eğitimden itibaren ele alınması gereken kritik bir konudur. Bu araştırma, Türkiye'de okul öncesinde ekoloji ile ilgili yapılmış lisansüstü tezlerin incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan doküman analizi yöntemi ve durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışma doğrultusunda Ulusal Tez Veri Merkezi'nde “okul öncesi ve ekoloji” anahtar kelimeleri ile lisansüstü tezlere ulaşılmıştır. Yapılan tarama sonucunda YÖK veri tabanında 8 adet lisansüstü teze ulaşılmış ve araştırmaların hepsi çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan çalışmalar; tez türü, yapıldığı yıl, örneklem grubu, yöntem, veri toplama araçları ve ulaşılan sonuç değişkenleri ele alınmıştır. Veriler analiz edilirken içerik analizi tekniğinden faydalanılmıştır. Lisansüstü tezler incelendiğinde; tezlerin çoğunluğunun yüksek lisans tezi olduğu, 2021,2022 ve 2023 yıllarında eşit sayıda tezin yayınlandığı, en çok okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin çalışmaya dahil edildiği, çalışmaların çoğunluğunda nicel araştırma yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı, veri toplama araçlarından en fazla ölçeklerin kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmalarda kullanılan eğitim programlarının ekolojik okuryazarlık becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde olumlu etkisinin olduğu ve okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin ekolojik farkındalıklarının geliştirilmesinin gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul Öncesi Eğitim, Ekoloji, Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Becerileri 583 THE CHALLENGES OF CIVIL SOCIETY BETWEEN POLITICAL INFLUENCE AND ALBANIA'S ASPIRATION TOWARDS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Dr. Oljana HOXHAJ Lecturer at “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlora, Faculty of Human Sciences, Law Department, Vlora, Albania ORCID ID: ABSTRACT The long transition in Albania has been characterized by political-legal instability and disrespect for the rule of law, contrary to the practice of European countries. The political immaturity to overcome the diversity of approaches has reflected the immediate need to strengthen non-state mechanisms. Civil society is the link through which the political agenda is oriented according to the citizen's interest.T he consolidation of law and democracy is easily measured through the independence, strength and importance of civil society. The integration of Albania in the EU is closely related to the interaction of state institutions with civil society, especially in their active participation in consultative panels for the approximation of legislation, as well as with the overall monitoring of all steps in the framework of the process. In the theoretical aspect, the Albanian legislator is relatively friendly with civil society because the law that regulates their activity does not contain procedural obstacles, encouraging the creation of non-profit organizations. This is easily proven by the large number of non-governmental organizations that have been registered in recent years. However, the level of social activism, the number of participants and the amount of their funds are negligible. In general, there is a lack of cooperation between civil society and local government, questioning the fulfillment of the mission of non-governmental organizations in rural communities and small towns outside the capital. Civil society has been continuously criticized for passivity and has been identified as an appendage of politics. This fact is dangerous for Albania's ambition in the path of integration because, especially in this context, a close partnership and a broad will for cooperation is needed. Key words: Civil Society, Activation, Law Approach, Public Interest, European Integration 584 OPTIMIZATION OF SINGLE DIODE MODEL FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS: AN ANALYTICAL/METAHEURISTIC APPROACH Imade Choulli Mustapha Elyaqouti El hanafi Arjdal Dris Ben hmamou Driss Saadaoui Souad Lidaighbi Abdelfattah Elhammoudy Ismail Abazine Yassine El aidi idrissi Laboratory of Materials, Signals, Systems and Physical Modeling, Faculty of Sciences of Agadir Ibn Zohr University, BP 8106, 80000 Agadir, Morocco Abstract: The use of mathematical modeling is among the recognized approaches for simulating the performance of photovoltaic devices. Each formulated model involves various parameters, and the precise determination of these parameters poses a major challenge for researchers in photovoltaics. In the context of this study, we present a methodology that integrates an analytical phase within a metaheuristic optimization to extract parameters from the single diode model. Our approach aims to estimate certain parameters analytically based on others proposed by the metaheuristic approach. The effectiveness of our approach is validated by applying it to an RTC France solar cell. We assess the quality of the obtained solutions by comparing them to results from classical optimization, focusing on precision, stability, and convergence rate. These comparisons significantly highlight the remarkable performance of our approach. 585 ENDÜLÜS, MAĞRİB ve BAĞDAT MUTFAĞINA BİR YEMEK KİTABI ÜZERİNDEN BAKIŞ: FEDÂLATÜ’L-HUVÂN A VIEW ON THE CUISINE OF ANDALUSIA, MAGRIB and BAGHDAD THROUGH A COOKBOOK: FEDĀLAT AL-HUVĀN Doç. Dr. Zehra GÖZÜTOK TAMDOĞAN Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi ÖZET Tarihî ve kültürel mirasın somut olan ürünlerinden biri de mutfak ve yemek pişirme/ yemek ikrâm etmedir. Bu mirasın tespiti, korunması önemlidir. Kültürler arası en fazla etkileşimin olduğu yer mutfak ve mutfağa ait ürünler olsa gerektir. Siyasî coğrafyaları ve siyasî sınırları aşarak, coğrafî özelliklerin belirlediği geleneksel kültürün birikimi yanında, göçlerle, ticaretle, seferlerle birlikte yeni özellikler kazanan mutfaklar gelişim ve uzun sürede olsa da değişimler yaşayarak, sahip oldukları medeniyetin kodlarıyla birlikte oldukça fazla özellik sunmaktadır. Abbâsîler döneminde yeme-içme, sofra adâbı, sofra süsleme, yemeksağlık ilişkisinin ele alındığı bir külliyâtı oluşmuş olması Bağdatlıların hayatında yemek kültürünün ne kadar önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. İslâm dünyasında halifelerin de bu yönde teşvikleri dolayısıyla çeşitli kitaplarda yararları ve zararları açıklanan bitkilere yer veriliyor, halifelerin sıhhatlerine uygun yemekler pişirilmesi amacıyla hekimler tarafından çeşitli reçeteler hazırlanmıştır. Müslümanlar’ın Batı seferlerinin, yemek kültürünün taşınması açısından büyük öneme sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Emevî ve Abbâsîler’in Batı’ya yönelik seferleri esnasında Bağdat, Şam ve Fars yemek kültürü Batı’ya taşınmış, Mağrib’de bulunan Fâtımîler, Mısır yemek kültürünün Kuzey Afrika ve Endülüs’e geçişini hızlandırmıştır. Bu çalışmada özellikle doğudan batıya geçen yemeklerin tariflerinin yer aldığı bir yemek kitabı tanıtılacaktır. Eser 13. yüzyılda Ebü’l-Hasan Ali b. Muhammed İbn Rezîn et-Tücîbî (ö. 1292) tarafından yazılmış olan Fadâletü’l-huvân fî tayyibâti’t-ta’âm ve’l-elvân, sûratün min fenni’ttabh fi’l-Endelüs ve’l-Mağrib fî bidâyeti asri Benî Merîn’ dir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endülüs, Mağrib, Bağdat, Yemek Kültürü, Tücîbî. 586 ABSTRACT One of the tangible products of historical and cultural heritage is cuisine and cooking/eating. It is important to identify and protect this heritage. The place where there is the most interaction between cultures must be the kitchen and the products of the kitchen. In addition to the accumulation of traditional culture determined by geographical features that transcend political geographies and political borders, kitchens, which have gained new features with migrations, trade and expeditions, offer many features together with the codes of the civilization they have, experiencing development and changes, albeit in a long time. The fact that during the Abbasid period there was a complex on eating and drinking, table etiquette, table decoration, and the relationship between food and health shows how important food culture was in the lives of Baghdadis. Due to the encouragement of the caliphs in the Islamic world in this direction, plants whose benefits and harms were explained in various books were included, and various recipes were prepared by physicians in order to cook meals suitable for the health of the caliphs. It can be said that the Muslim expeditions to the West were of great importance in terms of the transfer of food culture. During the Umayyad and Abbasid expeditions to the West, Baghdad, Damascus and Persian food culture was carried to the West, and the Fatimids in Maghrib accelerated the transfer of Egyptian food culture to North Africa and Andalusia. In this study, a cookbook containing recipes of dishes that passed from east to west will be introduced. The work is Fadālat al-ḥuvān fī tayyibāti't-ta'âm wa'l-elwān, sūratun min fenni't-tabh fi'l-Andalus wa'l-Maghrib fī bidâyeti asri Benī Merīn, written by Abū alHasan Ali b. Muhammad Ibn Rezīn al-Tujībī (d. 1292) in the 13th century. Keywords: Andalusia, Maghrib, Baghdad, Food Culture, Tajībī. 587 TÜRKİYE’DEKİ GİRİŞİMCİ KADINLARIN SORUNLARINI SOSYAL BİLİMLER BAKIŞ AÇISIYLA GÜNCEL TOPLUMSAL CİNSİYET LİTERATÜRÜ ÜZERİNDEN TARTIŞMAK DISCUSSING THE PROBLEMS OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN TÜRKİYE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VIA CURRENT GENDER LITERATURE Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Senem GÜRKAN Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyal Hizmet Bölümü, Samsun, Türkiye ORCID ID: ÖZET Kadın girişimciliği, son dönemlerde sosyal bilimlerde birçok disiplinin çalışma alanına girme eğilimi göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki kadın girişimcilerin sorunlarını güncel toplumsal cinsiyet literatüründen hareketle ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. 1988 ve sonrasında Türkiye’de kadın girişimciliği sorunlarına yönelik İngilizce ve Türkçe kaynaklar “girişimcilik, girişimci, kadın girişimci, Türkiye, Turkey, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, female entrepreneur, woman entrepreneur” anahtar sözcükleri çerçevesinde taranmıştır. Ölçüt örneklemeyle belirlenen 47 tez, 23 makale ve 4 kitap olmak üzere toplam 74 yayın üzerinde yapılan içerik analizi ve kodlamalar, Türkiye’deki kadın girişimcilerin literatüre yansıyan sorunlarının mikro ve makro düzeyde olmak üzere iki kategoride incelenebileceğini göstermiştir. Mikro sorunlar, kadınların kendilerine koyduğu engeller ve psikolojik sorunlar; ekonomik sorunlar; eğitim ve okuryazarlığa yönelik sorunlar; piyasadaki rekabet şartları ve ortak bulmaya yönelik güçlükler olmak üzere beş ana gruba ayrılabilmektedir. Makro sorunlar ise toplumsal cinsiyet temelli sosyo- kültürel sorunlar, yerel/bölgesel/ulusal sorunlar, bürokratik ve yasal engeller ve coğrafi engeller olmak üzere dört alt kategoride incelenebilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Girişimci, Kadın girişimci, toplumsal cinsiyet, Türkiye 588 ABSTRACT Women's entrepreneurship has recently tended to enter the field of study of many disciplines in social sciences. This study aims to reveal the problems of women entrepreneurs in Türkiye based on current gender literature. This study was conducted through qualitative research method and document analysis technique was used since the literature was examined. English and Turkish sources on women's entrepreneurship problems in Turkey in 1988 and later were scanned within the framework of the keywords "girişimci, girişimcilik, kadın girişimci, Türkiye, Turkey, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, female entrepreneur, woman entrepreneur". Content analysis and coding on a total of 74 publications, including 47 theses, 23 articles and 4 books, determined by criterion sampling, showed that the problems of women entrepreneurs in Turkey reflected in the literature can be examined in two categories, micro and macro level. Micro problems can be grouped into five categories such as obstacles that women impose on themselves and psychological problems; economic problems; issues related to education and literacy; competitive conditions in the market and difficulties in finding partners. Macro problems, on the other hand, can be divided into four groups such as gender-based sociocultural problems, local/regional/national problems, bureaucratic and legal obstacles and geographical obstacles. Keywords: Women’s entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, gender, Türkiye 589 SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION CATALYSTS: INSIGHTS FROM EU BAROMETER AND THE IMPERAIVE OF HIGH-QUALITY INSTITUTIONS Agnese Ibrahimi University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management, Prishtine, Kosovo ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: Sustainable innovation, characterized by the creation and utilization of new technologies and ideas with a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy, has become a pivotal process in contemporary business landscapes. Acknowledging the dynamic global contexts, this paper embarks on an exploration to discern potential variations in the relationship between firm characteristics and sustainable innovation. Notably, the investigation extends its focus to compare EU and non-EU countries, recognizing the diverse institutional contexts that may shape the dynamics of sustainable innovation differently across regions. The purpose of this paper is to delve into the intricate interplay between firm characteristics and sustainable innovation, through this comparative analysis, we seek to unravel nuanced patterns that may influence the adoption and success of sustainable innovation practices. Materials and Methods: Utilizing insights from institutional theory and utilizing data derived from the extensive 2020 Eurobarometer survey, which encompassed 15,000 interviews conducted across 37 EU and non-EU countries, our study employs a multilevel econometric analysis at the individual level. This analysis unveils a strong correlation between sustainable innovation and various factors, including firmspecific attributes and institutional quality. Our analytical approach involves the application of a multi-level logistic regression model, strategically leveraging the hierarchical structure inherent in the data for a thorough examination of these complex relationships. Results: This paper explores how governments can influence sustainable innovation and identifies key factors. It reveals that small and medium-sized enterprises are more inclined towards sustainable innovations. Additionally, countries with superior institutional quality and trust create an environment conducive to sustainable innovation. These findings contribute insights for refining theories and devising strategies, emphasizing the roles of government influence and institutional quality in shaping sustainable innovation. Discussion and Conclusion: This research, based on the EU Barometer 2020 study, enhances our understanding of factors driving sustainable innovation. Countries emphasizing environmental concerns, social responsibility, and transparency, with lower corruption levels, exhibit a stronger inclination for sustainable innovation. The results underscore the essential role of high-quality institutions, suggesting the need for legislation fostering environmental care, increased transparency, higher social responsibilities, and reduced corruption to bolster sustainable innovation development. In conclusion, the study advocates for strategic measures to fortify institutional foundations, emphasizing environmental responsibility and transparency as key drivers for sustainable innovation. Key Words: sustainable innovation, institutional quality, firm factors 590 INNOVATIVE HORIZONS: UNRAVELING THE IMPACT OF DECISION-MAKING STYLES ON MANAGERS' WORK BEHAVIOR Qendrese Ibrahimi University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management, Prishtine, Kosovo ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: In the realm of organizational dynamics, understanding the intricacies of decision-making styles among managers is pivotal. This paper sets the stage for an exploration into the correlation between managers' Decision-Making Style (DMS) and the manifestation of Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) within the workplace. The primary purpose of this paper is to delve into the relationship between managers' DMS and their IWB. By shedding light on which decision-making styles are more conducive to fostering innovative approaches, this study addresses a significant gap in existing research. The exploration of the relationship between DMS and IWB is a distinctive contribution to this field, as it has been infrequently examined in previous studies. Materials and Methods: This research adopts a quantitative approach, utilizing data collected through an online questionnaire distributed via Qualtrics, focusing on managers from diverse companies. The questionnaire includes multiple measurement instruments, including a demographic questionnaire. Remarkably, the study obtained responses from a robust cohort of over 230 participants, ensuring a substantial and diverse dataset. The Likert scale measured two instruments, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed for a nuanced exploration of the connections between variables, enhancing our understanding of the interplay between managers' DMS and IWB. Results: Upon empirically examining the collected data we find out that individuals assuming the roles of managers who embrace rational and intuitive decision-making styles showcase a higher propensity for innovation within the workplace. In contrast, those who lean towards dependent, avoiding, or spontaneous decision-making styles exhibit comparatively lesser levels of innovative behavior. This observation underscores the influential role of decision-making styles in shaping innovative dynamics within a managerial context. Discussion and Conclusion: This study aimed to investigate whether the DMS impacts the IWB of managers in their workplace. Five hypotheses were formulated, linking rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous decision-making styles with IWB. After analysis of the data from 230 business managers in Kosovo, this study finds that rational decision-making style and intuitive style are positively and significantly related to IWB. Also, there is a significant relationship between avoidant style, and a negative one, while, there is no significant relationship between dependent and spontaneous decision-making styles with IWB. Key Words: Innovative Work Behavior; General Decision Making Style; Managers; Innovation; 591 CURCUMIN AND METABOLIC SYNDROME RELATIONSHIP KURKUMİN VE METABOLİK SENDROM İLİŞKİSİ Senanur BAYRAKDAR Bezmialem Foundation University, Faculty of Health Science, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Istanbul, Turkey ORCID ID: Beyza MENDEŞ Bezmialem Foundation University, Faculty of Health Science, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Istanbul, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Metabolic syndrome; It is a clinical condition characterized by the combination of metabolic risk factors, defined by the simultaneous occurrence of at least three of the risk factors: obesity, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose metabolism, high blood pressure, and low levels of HDL cholesterol. This syndrome increases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and other disabilities, such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart failure and coronary artery disease. Metabolic syndrome is considered an important cause of morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries. In addition to lifestyle changes such as nutritional intervention and physical activity intervention, drug therapy is also used in the treatment of metabolic syndrome. The tendency to use medicinal plants is increasing due to the fact that drugs used in the treatment of metabolic diseases cause some negative effects. Curcumin is a major natural polyphenol found in the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa) that has been recognized for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and potential health benefits. Curcumin; It is offered to humanity in many different forms such as spice, antiseptic, antiinflammatory, preservative or coloring agent, capsule or powder. Curcumin is a pigment of dried turmeric rhizomes that is yellow-orange. Studies have reported that curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, cardio-protective, kidney-protective, liverprotective, anti-neoplastic, immunomodulatory, hypoglycemic and anti-rheumatic effects. Therefore, there has been a tendency that curcumin can be used in the treatment of metabolic syndrome. When looking at the effect of curcumin on metabolic syndrome markers; studies have shown that curcumin supplementation has positive effects on body weight, BMI, waist and hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, fasting blood glucose, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, ALT, AST, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol levels. Apart from these effects, it has also been stated that curcumin supplementation has positive effects on many serum inflammatory markers such as TNFα, CRP and IL-6. However, more studies are needed to definitively and adequately explain the effect of curcumin on metabolic syndrome markers. Keywords: Metabolic Syndrome, Turmeric, Curcumin, Curcuma longa, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases 592 ÖZET Metabolik sendrom; obezite, dislipidemi, bozulmuş glukoz metabolizması, yüksek kan basıncı, düşük seviyelerde HDL kolesterol risk faktörlerinden en az üçünün eşzamanlı olarak ortaya çıkmasıyla tanımlanan, metabolik risk faktörlerinin bir araya gelmesiyle karakterize olan klinik bir durumdur. Bu sendrom tip 2 diyabet, felç, kalp yetmezliği ve koroner arter hastalığı gibi kardiyovasküler hastalıkların ve diğer sakatlıkların görülme sıklığını arttırmaktadır. Metabolik sendrom, hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkelerde morbidite ve mortalitenin önemli bir nedeni olarak görülmektedir. Metabolik sendrom tedavisinde beslenme müdahalesi, fiziksel aktivite müdahalesi gibi yaşam tarzı değişikliklerinin dışında ilaç tedavisi de kullanılmaktadır. Metabolik hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçların bazı olumsuz etkilere sebep olması nedeniyle tıbbi bitkilerin kullanımına olan eğilim giderek artmaktadır. Kurkumin, zerdeçalın (Curcuma longa) rizomunda bulunan tıbbi özellikleri ve potansiyel sağlık yararları nedeniyle binlerce yıldır tanınan ana doğal bir polifenoldür. Kurkumin; baharat, antiseptik, anti-inflamatuar, koruyucu veya renklendirici madde olarak, kapsül veya toz gibi birçok farklı formlarda insanlığın kullanımına sunulmuştur. Kurkumin, sarı-turuncu renkli, kurutulmuş zerdeçal rizomlarının bir pigmentidir. Yapılan çalışmalarla kurkuminin antioksidan, anti-inflamatuar, anti-mikrobiyal, kalp-koruyucu, böbrek-koruyucu, karaciğer-koruyucu, anti-neoplastik, immünomodülatör, hipoglisemik ve anti-romatizmal etkileri bulunduğu rapor edilmiştir. Bu nedenle kurkuminin metabolik sendrom tedavisinde kullanılabileceği yönünde bir eğilim olmuştur. Kurkuminin metabolik sendrom belirteçleri üzerindeki etkisine bakıldığında; çalışmalar kurkumin takviyesinin vücut ağırlığı, BKİ, bel ve kalça çevresi, bel-kalça oranı, açlık kan şekeri, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, ALT, AST, total kolesterol, trigliserit, LDL kolesterol, HDL kolesterol düzeyleri üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu etkilerin dışında kurkumin takviyesinin TNFa, CRP ve IL-6 gibi birçok serum inflamatuar belirteci üzerinde de olumlu etkilerinin olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Ancak kurkuminin metabolik sendrom belirteçleri üzerine olan etkisini kesin ve yeterli düzeyde açıklamak için daha fazla çalışma yapılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Metabolik Sendrom, Zerdeçal, Kurkumin, Curcuma longa, Tip 2 Diyabet, Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklar 593 EFFICACY OF COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY IN ALLEVIATING PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF MUSCLE DYSMORPHIA KAS DİSMORFİSİNİN PSİKOLOJİK BELİRTİLERİNİ AZALTMADA BİLİŞSEL DAVRANIŞÇI TERAPİNİN ETKİNLİĞİ Aleyna GÜNERİ Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye ORCID ID: Metin ÇINAROĞLU Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Muscle dysmorphia, a subtype of body dysmorphic disorder, is characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with perceived inadequacy in muscularity. This condition, predominantly affecting males, leads to significant psychological distress and impacts daily functioning. Despite its growing prevalence, targeted therapeutic interventions remain underexplored. This presentation aims to examine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in mitigating the psychological symptoms associated with muscle dysmorphia. Through a comprehensive review of recent literature and case studies, we assess the applicability of CBT techniques, such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy, in addressing the core beliefs and behaviors underpinning muscle dysmorphia. The discussion highlights how CBT can be tailored to challenge the irrational beliefs about body image and muscularity, reduce compulsive exercising, and improve self-esteem. Moreover, we explore the potential for integrating mindfulness and body acceptance strategies within the CBT framework to enhance treatment outcomes. Our analysis suggests that CBT, with its emphasis on modifying dysfunctional thinking patterns and behaviors, holds significant promise as a therapeutic approach for muscle dysmorphia. This presentation concludes by proposing future research directions to refine and validate CBT protocols specifically for muscle dysmorphia, ultimately contributing to more effective clinical practices in treating this challenging condition. 594 ÖZET Vücut dismorfik bozukluğunun bir alt türü olan kas dismorfisi, kaslılıkta algılanan yetersizlik ile takıntılı bir meşguliyet ile karakterize edilir. Ağırlıklı olarak erkekleri etkileyen bu durum, ciddi psikolojik sıkıntıya yol açmakta ve günlük işleyişi etkilemektedir. Artan yaygınlığına rağmen, hedefe yönelik terapötik müdahaleler yeterince araştırılmamıştır. Bu sunum, Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapinin (BDT) kas dismorfisi ile ilişkili psikolojik semptomları hafifletmedeki etkinliğini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Güncel literatürün ve vaka çalışmalarının kapsamlı bir incelemesi yoluyla, bilişsel yeniden yapılandırma ve maruz bırakma terapisi gibi BDT tekniklerinin kas dismorfisini destekleyen temel inanç ve davranışları ele almada uygulanabilirliğini değerlendiriyoruz. Tartışma, BDT'nin vücut imajı ve kaslılık hakkındaki mantıksız inançlara meydan okumak, kompulsif egzersizi azaltmak ve özgüveni geliştirmek için nasıl uyarlanabileceğinin altını çiziyor. Ayrıca, tedavi sonuçlarını iyileştirmek için farkındalık ve beden kabulü stratejilerini BDT çerçevesine entegre etme potansiyelini araştırıyoruz. Analizimiz, işlevsiz düşünme kalıplarını ve davranışlarını değiştirmeye vurgu yapan BDT'nin, kas dismorfisi için terapötik bir yaklaşım olarak önemli umut vaat ettiğini göstermektedir. Bu sunum, özellikle kas dismorfisi için BDT protokollerini geliştirmek ve doğrulamak için gelecekteki araştırma talimatlarını önererek ve sonuçta bu zorlu durumun tedavisinde daha etkili klinik uygulamalara katkıda bulunarak sona ermektedir. 595 THE FORMATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF UNION AND PROGRESS AND ITS ROLE UNTIL THE FIRST WORLD WAR İTTİHAT VE TERAKKİ CEMİYETİ’NİN OLUŞUMU VE BİRİNCİ DÜNYA SAVAŞI’NA KADAR ROLÜ İlhan Sedat ÇEBİ Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Tokat, Turkey ORCID: 0009-0009-3697-5233 ABSTRACT Ottoman statesmen, starting from the early 19th century, became aware of the growing European superiority and decided to adopt Westernization policies. Doubts about the validity of their systems led the leaders to accept that the main cause of the Ottoman Empire's decline was the technical superiority of the West. In this context, it was thought that the Ottoman Empire should be reformed in a Western way and made to resemble the West. The Committee of Union and Progress was founded on May 21, 1889, under the name of "Ittihad-ı Osmanî Cemiyeti". The society emerged by claiming that the government was a regime that violated justice, equality, and freedom, prevented the Ottoman people from progressing, and subjected the country to foreign domination. The Committee of Union and Progress had a political activism understanding that aimed to save the state. The Young Turks, who watched with concern the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the growing strength of nationalist separatist movements, had a main concern to preserve the autonomy and territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire. The establishment of the Committee of Union and Progress is an important turning point that reflects the Westernization efforts of the Ottoman statesmen and the concerns of the Young Turks about the future of the Ottoman Empire. This Society emerged in a difficult period for the Ottoman Empire, forming a reaction against the government's practices and leading to significant changes in the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire. Key Words: Union, Progress, Committee, Sultan Abdulhamit, Constitutionalism 596 ÖZET Osmanlı devlet adamları, 19. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Avrupa üstünlüğündeki artışı fark ederek, Batılılaşma politikalarını benimsemeye yönelmişlerdir. Sistemlerinin geçerliliği konusundaki şüpheler, liderleri Osmanlı'nın gerilemesini Batı'nın teknik üstünlüğüne bağlama noktasında bir farkındalığa yönlendirmiştir. Bu durum, Osmanlı'nın Batılı bir şekilde reforme edilmesi ve Batı'ya benzemesi gerektiği düşüncesini beraberinde getirmiştir. İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti, 21 Mayıs 1889'da "İttihad-ı Osmanî Cemiyeti" adı altında kurulmuş ve hükümetin adalet, eşitlik, ve özgürlük ihlallerine karşı bir tepki olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu cemiyet, Osmanlı halkını ilerlemekten alıkoyan ve ülkeyi yabancı tahakküme maruz bırakan bir yönetim olduğunu iddia etmiştir. İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin politik eylemcilik anlayışı, devleti kurtarmayı hedeflemiştir. Jön Türkler, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun parçalanmasını ve milliyetçi ayrılık hareketlerinin güç kazanmasını endişeyle izleyerek, Osmanlı Devleti'nin özerkliğini koruma ve coğrafi bütünlüğünü sağlama kaygısını taşıyan bir ana kaygıya sahip olmuştur. İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin kuruluşu, Osmanlı devlet adamlarının Batılılaşma çabalarını ve Jön Türkler'in Osmanlı Devleti'nin geleceği konusundaki kaygılarını yansıtan önemli bir dönemeçtir. Bu cemiyet, Osmanlı'nın zor durumda olduğu bir dönemde ortaya çıkarak hükümetin uygulamalarına karşı bir tepki oluşturmuş ve Osmanlı'nın siyasi ve toplumsal yapısında önemli değişikliklere öncülük etmiştir. Makalede incelenen süreç, Osmanlı'nın Batılılaşma çabaları, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin kuruluşu, ve Jön Türkler'in endişeleri bağlamında önemli bir tarihsel evrimi yansıtmaktadır. Bu dönem, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun geleceğini belirlemede kritik bir rol oynamış, politik, toplumsal ve kültürel değişimlere öncülük etmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Over Transplantasyonu; Hidrokortizon; İnflamasyon; Nekroz; Histopatoloji 597 ELDERS. SOCIO DISCURSIVE REPRESENTATIONS IN THE DEBATE OF THE HISTORICAL REPARATION BILL FOR TRANSVESTITE AND TRANS ELDERLY PEOPLE IN ARGENTINA YAŞLILAR. ARJANTİN'DE TRANSVESTİT VE TRANS YAŞLILARA YÖNELİK TARİHSEL TAZMİNAT YASASININ TARTIŞILMASINDA SOSYOLOJİK TEMSİLLER Tatiana Marisel PIZARRO Conicet, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas, San Juan, Argentina ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: In the global south, and specifically in Latin America, the experiences, demands, and interests of the transvestite, transformist population have been articulated in the public sphere through various strategies in the last thirty years, from the negotiation of figures of suffering and unprotection, through gadgets of celebration and scandal, and finally reaching the politicization of street life, sex work, and the affirmation of gender-generic dissent. The objective of this paper is to analyze the sociodiscursive representations arising in the legislative debate of the bill of historic reparation for transvestites and trans elderly people in Argentina as tools of recognition from the creation of the Pension Reparatory for Elderly Transvestites and Trans of which would be possible beneficiaries. Materials and Methods: In Argentina, eleven years after the adoption of Law 26,743 establishing the right to gender identity of persons, various transvestite and trans activist groups demand a Law of Historical Reparation as a way of compensatory compensation that would seek to repair the damage caused by institutional violence suffered by this group for attacking their gender identity and the violation of their human rights. This analysis will be made with a critical look with a focus on feminist and transfeminist struggles that give relevance to the contradictions of bodies, as well as the meaning they have for social transformation policies. Results: Therefore, through the identification, observation and analysis of sociodiscursive representations, the focus will be on the categories of Gender, TransGénero, and PostGénero, that highlight the relevance of the corporal in the definition of the collective subject of this contemporary transfeminist dispute. Discussion and Conclusion: The interest of observing these discourses, as proposed by Stephen Whittle (2006), is to achieve an articulation of trans voices and knowledge. Those that will create the conditions, in the last thirty years, to recognize and fight against the injustice of transphobia, and assume themselves as trans publicly to represent in a reliable way the victims and survivors of transphobia; be in charge of what we do with our own trans bodies, and take risks with the creation of our bodies and de-familiarize ourselves with normative subjectivity by rejecting gender ascription and thus reclaiming the transgender self. Key Words: Transgender; representation; Pensions. LGTBIQ Rights; 598 Social Protection; Sociodiscursive ÖZET Giriş ve Amaç: Küresel güneyde ve özellikle Latin Amerika'da travesti, dönüşümcü nüfusun deneyimleri, talepleri ve çıkarları son otuz yılda çeşitli stratejiler aracılığıyla kamusal alanda dile getirilmeye başlandı. kutlama ve skandal araçlarıyla acı çekme ve korunmama ve sonunda sokak yaşamının siyasallaşmasına, seks işçiliğine ve toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı muhalefetin onaylanmasına varıyor. Bu makalenin amacı, Arjantin'deki travestilere ve trans yaşlılara yönelik tarihi tazminat tasarısına ilişkin yasama tartışmasında ortaya çıkan sosyosöylemsel temsilleri, Yaşlı Travestiler ve Translar için Emeklilik Onarımı'nın oluşturulmasından tanınma araçları olarak analiz etmektir. olası faydalanıcılar. Gereç ve Yöntem: Arjantin'de, kişilerin cinsiyet kimliği hakkını düzenleyen 26.743 Sayılı Kanunun kabul edilmesinden on bir yıl sonra, çeşitli travesti ve trans aktivist gruplar, verilen zararı onarmayı amaçlayan telafi edici bir tazminat yolu olarak bir Tarihsel Tazminat Kanunu talep ediyor. Bu grubun cinsiyet kimliklerine saldırdığı ve insan haklarını ihlal ettiği için maruz kaldığı kurumsal şiddet. Bu analiz, bedenlerin çelişkilerine ve toplumsal dönüşüm politikaları açısından taşıdığı anlamlara önem veren feminist ve transfeminist mücadelelere odaklanarak eleştirel bir bakışla yapılacaktır. Bulgular: Bu nedenle, sosyosöylemsel temsillerin tanımlanması, gözlemlenmesi ve analizi yoluyla, bu çağdaş transfeminist tartışmanın kolektif öznesinin tanımında bedensel olanın önemini vurgulayan Cinsiyet, TransGénero ve PostGénero kategorileri üzerinde odaklaşılacaktır. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Stephen Whittle'ın (2006) önerdiği gibi, bu söylemleri gözlemlemenin amacı, trans seslerin ve bilginin eklemlenmesini sağlamaktır. Son otuz yılda transfobinin adaletsizliğini tanımanın ve ona karşı mücadele etmenin koşullarını yaratacak, transfobi mağdurlarını ve hayatta kalanları güvenilir bir şekilde temsil etmek için kendilerini trans olarak kabul edecek olanlar; kendi trans bedenlerimizle yaptıklarımızdan sorumlu olmak, bedenlerimizin yaratılmasıyla ilgili riskler almak ve cinsiyet atıfını reddederek ve dolayısıyla trans benliği geri talep ederek normatif öznellikten kendimizi uzaklaştırmak. Anahtar Kelimeler: Transseksüel; LGTBIQ Hakları; Sosyal koruma; Sosyosöylemsel temsil; Emeklilik 599 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TRANSFORMING PUBLIC SERVICES AND GOVERNANCE Özden ŞENTÜRK Dr, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat, İstanbul, Türkiye. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6801-6530 ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: This study analyses the changes in the public sector in the technological age and the increasing importance of information technologies in this sector. The introduction highlights the impact of information sharing and technological investment in public administration, while the conclusion highlights the contributions of these developments to public services and the indispensability of adapting to technology. Today, the public sector is undergoing a significant transformation process in parallel with technological developments. With the spread of information technologies, the delivery of services by public institutions has become more effective, more efficient and faster. This transformation has become imperative in order to respond to the growing expectations of the public and to adapt to the times. In addition, information technologies are accepted as an important part of corporate governance in public administration, playing a critical role in areas such as strategic management, resource management and performance monitoring. Method: The method of the study involves a comprehensive literature review to analyze technological transformations in the public sector and the effects of information technologies in this field. Typically, this type of study examines data from various sources such as existing academic publications, reports, public policies, and case studies. Additionally, the method includes evaluating technological advancements and applications in public administration, analyzing the impact of these technologies on public services, and their contributions to the relationship between citizens and the government. Result: As a result, developments in the field of information and technology are at the heart of this transformation in the public sector. Discussion and Conclusion: Information technologies play an important role in the governance process, in achieving the goals of institutions, in the effective use of resources and in clarifying objectives. Public services, through their technological relevance, increase citizens' satisfaction and loyalty to the state, which has a positive impact on the relationship between public administration and citizens. This transformation is crucial for the future of the public sector and requires the delivery of services in line with the times. Keywords: Technology, Public institutions, Governance 600 COMPARISON OF THE ODYSSEIA EPIC AND THE NOVEL COUNT DRACULA WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF NIETZSCHE'S CULTURAL THEORY NİETZSCHE’NİN KÜLTÜR KURAMI ÇERÇEVESİNDE ODYSSEİA DESTANI VE KONT DRAKULA ROMANININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI Engin KOCA İstanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Literatura, Department of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT Introduction and Purpose: The opposition of Apollo and Dyanisos, put forward by Nietzsche in his work titled The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music, provides the opportunity to follow the stages of the establishment and dissolution of culture from the history of literature. Literature emerged much earlier than philosophy in historical terms and convinced the audience of common ideals and goals by creating heroes to build a metanarrative that established the social. Similarly, romantic literature did the exact opposite at the end of the century and became both the describer and the subject of the disintegration of social values. In this study, the establishment and dissolution of culture will be explained through the analysis of the Odyssey epic and Count Dracula novels. Materials and Methods: Since this study is a qualitative analysis, Nietzsche's conceptual opposition, Apollonian and Dyonisiac principles, will be applied to the texts mentioned above. Findings: In Homer's epic Odyssey, the hero solves the witches, cyclops or sirens in unlit lands, their secrets with Athena, that is, wisdom, and makes them socially functional. In these epics, negative situations that can be caused by traits such as greed, arrogance, and self-conceit are visualized, and it is recommended to be subject to the laws of the mind instead of natural instincts. On the other hand, Romanticism, as a literary movement, does exactly the opposite from the Baudelairean perspective and dissolves the social. The ideals and goals required in the establishment phase of culture are realized when the individual gives up his natural instincts and irrational actions, and in this context, what is needed are heroes; On the other hand, romantic literature dissolves the meta-narratives built in the classical period and criticizes the ideals on which the social is based. The mood that Nietzsche identified as the death of God offers important products in the context of romance in gothic literature. The framework set forth in the novel Count Dracula describes the events that occur with a vampire coming to London, the cultural center. When Dracula comes to London, the animals confined to the zoo, the insane in the asylum, the criminals in the prison, and the women confined to the house rebel in a way that violates the norm. The novel Dracula invites its reader to think about the reasons for the great confinement. Result and Discussion: Nietzsche's conceptual opposition provides the opportunity to analyze the establishment and dissolution of culture through literature. In this context, two selected texts will be analyzed. Key Words: Nietzsche; Odyssey Epic; Count Dracula Novel 601 ÖZET Giriş ve Amaç: Nietzsche’nin Müziğin Ruhundan Tragedyanın Doğuşu isimli eserinde ortaya koyduğu Apollon ve Dyanisos karşıtlığı, kültürün kuruluşu ve çözülüşü aşamalarını, edebiyat tarihinden takip etme imkânı sağlamaktadır. Edebiyat, tarihsel anlamda felsefeden çok daha önde ortaya çıkmış ve toplumsal olanı kuran bir üst anlatı inşa etmek için kahramanlar yaratarak dinleyicileri ortak idealler ve erekler konusunda ikna etmiştir. Benzer şekilde romantik edebiyat, yüzyıl sonunda tam tersini yapmış, toplumsal değerlerin çözülüşünün hem betimleyicisi, hem de öznesi olmuştur. Bu çalışmada kültürün kuruluşu ve çözülüşü, Odysseia destanı ile Kont Drakula romanlarının analizi üzerinden açıklanacaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma nitel bir inceleme olduğu için, Nietzsche’nin kavramsal karşıtlığı olan Apollonik ve Dyonizyak prensipler yukarıda zikredilen metinlere uygulanacaktır. Bulgular: Homeros’un Odysseia destanında kahraman aydınlatılmamış diyarlardaki cadıları, tepegözleri ya da sirenleri, onların sırlarını Athena, yani bilgelik ile çözer ve onları toplumsal anlamda işlevsel hale getirir. Bu destanlarda açgözlülük, kibir, kendini beğenme gibi hasletlerin yol açabileceği olumsuz durumlar imgeleştirilir, doğal güdüler yerine aklın yasalarına tabi olunması salık verilir. Öte yandan Romantizm bir edebiyat akımı olarak, Baudelaireci perspektiften tam da bunun tersini yapar ve toplumsal olanı çözer. Kültürün kuruluş aşamasında gerekli olan idealler ve hedefler, bireyin doğal güdülerinden ve irrasyonel eylemlerden vazgeçmesi ile gerçekleşir ve bu çerçevede ihtiyaç duyulan kahramanlardır; öte yandan romantik edebiyat klasik dönemde inşa edilmiş üst anlatıları çözer ve toplumsal olanın üzerinde yükseldiği idealleri eleştiriye tabi tutar. Nietzsche’nin Tanrı’nın ölümü olarak tespit ettiği ruh hali, gotik edebiyatta romantizm bağlamında önemli ürünler sunar. Kont Drakula isimli romanda ortaya konan çerçeve, kültür merkezi olan Londra’ya gelen bir vampir ile birlikte ortaya çıkan olayları anlatır. Drakula Londra’ya geldiğinde, hayvanat bahçesine kapatılan hayvanlar, tımarhanedeki deliler, hapishanedeki suçlular ve eve kapatılmış olan kadınlar bir nevi normu ihlal edecek şekilde isyan ederler. Drakula romanı okuyucusunu, büyük kapatılmanın gerekçeleri konusunda düşünmeye çağırır. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Nietzsche’nin kavramsal karşıtlığı, edebiyat üzerinden kültürün kuruluş aşamasını ve çözülüşünü analiz etme imkânı vermektedir. Bu çerçevede seçilen iki metin analiz edilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nietzsche; Odesa Destanı; Kont Drakula Romanı 602 THEORY OF THE FREE VILLAGE COMMUNITY Sultan GÜRSOY Mersin University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History, Mersin, Turkey ORCID ID: ABSTRACT The theory of the free village community, also known as the mark theory, has been a widely accepted hypothesis in the fields of history and economics since the nineteenth century. However, it is important to note that this theory lacks support from historical documents and should therefore be approached with caution by scholars. The theory emerged from the understanding that primitive Germanic peasants were free people. Historians have traditionally viewed the early Germanic people through a lens of political ideals prevalent in the first half of the nineteenth century. However, without sufficient knowledge of their real life and character, this view may not accurately reflect their true qualities. It is important to avoid subjective evaluations and instead use clear, objective language with precise terminology. The text should adhere to conventional structure and formatting, with a logical flow of information and causal connections between statements. Additionally, the language should be formal, free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors. It is crucial to avoid adding new content and to maintain the original meaning of the text. Kemble's theory, which suggests that the mark system existed at the beginning of English political history, was also accepted in England. After examining the statutes meticulously, it was discovered that the independent Saxon sided with the Germans as a noble and free man. Kemble suggests that a mark is a territory with well-defined boundaries that contains certain proportions of heath, forest, plain, and pasture. On this plot of land, freemen were initially bound by kinship and tribal ties. However, they later relinquished these blood ties and instead shared common rights to the lands within the mark. They voluntarily united for mutual support and cultivation of the land. The debate surrounding the origin of the primitive Germanic people is a significant topic in early medieval European history. Understanding the origin, traditions, an