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'Nietzsche's Flowers' was presented under the title 'The Poison Garden: Nietzsche's Flowers', at the Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy (ASCP) Conference held at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, on 7-10 December 2016.... more
Xanthus, Eudoxus, Hermidorus, Aristotle, Hermippus, Pliny the Elder, and Plutarch claim that Zarathustra lived 6,000 years before Plato and 5,000 before the Trojan War.
Partiendo de la idea de "El Gran Mediodía" expuesta por Nietzsche en su obra "Así habló Zaratustra", se reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de que el proceso de humanización entre en una fase de salto cualitativo que nos lleve "más allá de lo... more
Resumen Se abordarán las bases del perspectivismo de Nietzsche, así como uno de sus supuestos fundamentales: el carácter ficcional de la realidad. De igual forma se profundizará en la concepción antropológica según la cual el hombre es... more
The Gathas, a corpus of seventeen poems in Old Avestan composed by the ancient Iranian poet-priest Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) ca. 1200 B.C.E., is the foundation document of Zoroastrian religion. Even though the dualistic axiology of the... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its... more
Disgusted with ISIS, some Kurds turned away from Islam following the fall of Mosul in 2014. Many became atheists, while others sought comfort in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism, according to converts, was the “original” religion of the... more
In all religions, Death and After Life have a main paper as the final fate of the corpses. The treatment of the death bodies in Mazdaism and Zoroastrian religion receives several treatments, among these stands out the corpse exposition.... more
The third stanza of Yasna 29, which is part of the Ahunavaiti-Gāϑā, is analyzed word-for-word, and compared with the motif of the stolen cattle in the Rigvedic myth of Vala. (Draft 2015, updated 2024.)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra expresses a revolt against the quest for “afterworlds.” Nietzsche is seen transferring rationality to the body, welcoming the many in a kingdom of the un-unified multiple, with a burst of enthusiasm at the figure of... more
BAHA’U’LLAH AS ZOROASTRIAN SAVIOUR (1998) Christopher Buck, “Baha’u’llah as Zoroastrian Saviour.” Baha’i Studies Review 8 (1998): 14–33. ABSTRACT This... more
I devote this article, which aims systematically to prove that Y(asna) 33.2c 1 contains an oral acrostic, to the commemoration of our dear late colleague Hanns-Peter Schmidt, a great Indo-Iranist whose close studies of the Gathas were... more
Nicolas Wild'ın Böyle Sustu Zerdüşt (Ainsi se tut Zarathoustra) adlı çizgi romanı hakkında kitap yorumu
Ксант, Евдокс, Хермидор, Аристотел, Хермип, Плиний Стари и Плутарх твърдят, че е съществувал Заратустра, живял 6000 години преди Платон и 5000 преди Троянската война.
This chapter shall adduce and address striking poetic aspects of the seventeen Old Avestan religious hymns comprising the five poems called the Gathas, whose authorship is here accepted as that of the historical Zarathustra (for his... more
Langer, Robert. "Schreine Und Wallfahrtsstätten Der Zarathustrier: Zur 'Sakralisierten Topographie' Irans [= Shrines and Pilgrimage Places of the Zoroastrians: The 'Sacralised Topography' of Iran]." In Heilige Orte in Asien: Räume... more
For centuries, Xenophon's Cyropaedia has proved a puzzling document, as the work's literary genre is absolutely original and provokes questions about its relationship to (Persian) historical realities. My view is that the author had... more
Using Husserl's Cartesian Meditations as a frame of reference, I examine conditions of possibility for the " reversal " of transcendental reduction. Genetic phenomenological analysis of a textual fragment from the existential philosophy... more
Zarathushtra is one of the most influential people in human history. But on the other hand, his worldview and philosophy is unknown to many. In his message he emphasizes individual and human responsibility, as he considers the human being... more
ترجمه‌ی آخرین  مقاله‌ی ارزشمند از دستوربزرگ زرتشیان، دکتر فیروز کوتوال که در مجله‌ی هفتگی جام جمشید به چاپ رسید.
In het recent verschenen Ainsi pensait Zarathoustra. Une philosophie avant la lettre (Paris, Non Lieu, 2017), onderzoekt Ann Van Sevenant de filosofische vooronderstellingen van het gedachtegoed van de Perzische Zarathoestra. Dit boek... more
Eighteen binary polymorphisms and 16 multiallelic, short-tandem-repeat (STR) loci from the nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome were typed in 718 male subjects belonging to 12 ethnic groups of Pakistan. These identified 11... more
Langer, R. (Mai 2012). "Myrtenzweig und Zuckerhut: Ein Sāl-Ritual im Zarathustrierviertel von Yazd. Blumen und Süßigkeiten: Festschrift für Seyfeddin Najmabadi zu seinem 90. Geburtstag." In J. Zimmermann (Ed.). Heidelberg, Seminar für... more