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Acercamiento al universo creativo de Alan Moore a través del análisis de sus obras The Courtyard y Neonomicon. / An approximation to Alan Moore's creative universe across the analysis of his works The Courtyard and Neonomicon.
'Nietzsche's Flowers' was presented under the title 'The Poison Garden: Nietzsche's Flowers', at the Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy (ASCP) Conference held at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, on 7-10 December 2016.... more
Unlike nineteenth-century Gothic fiction, which tends to fixate on the past, the haunted and the ghostly, early weird fiction probes the very boundaries of reality - the laws and limits of time, space and matter. Here, unimaginable... more
This article considers the contradictory relationship that Luis Borges had with the work of H. P. Lovecraft. For this reason, the literary features of the argentinian writer will be analyzed through his there are more things tale and it... more
In Storytelling in the Modern Board Game: Narrative Trends from the Late 1960s to Today, Marco Arnaudo describes how board games can create narratives by using the tools that ludology and postclassical narratology provide. The way... more
Comment Lovecraft utilise les dernières découvertes de la mécanique quantique de son époque, notamment dans sa nouvelle "La Maison de la sorcière" (sfmag No 106)
Chapter 5 begins the second part of the book, “Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps).” Whereas the first part focused on the sensational address and direct stimulation of the horror viewer, gamer, and browser, the second half focuses on... more
O artigo propõe-se a discutir, de uma maneira livresca, as influências literárias do escritor norte-americano H.P. Lovecraft – atendo-se unicamente aos seus dois ciclos criativos comumente conhecidos como “O Ciclo dos Sonhos” e “O Cthulhu... more
Salomon saith: There is no new thing upon the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination, that all knowledge was but remembrance; so Salomon giveth his sentence, that all novelty is but oblivion. FRANCIS BACON: Essays, LVIII A Londra,... more
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to place Borges' short story "There are More Things" (TMT) as a pastiche that includes Lovecraft's technique to write supernatural horror. Its originality resides in identifying the sources of... more
H.P. Lovecraft is considered one of the most influential and important speculative writers of the 20th century. Despite the eugenic concerns inherent in many of his stories, much of his output has not been analyzed against the pervasive... more
This paper suggests how the ‘weird fiction’ of H.P. Lovecraft might be mobilised within secondary English classrooms to examine aspects of visual literacy, literary style, narrative form and intertextuality. The approach that is outlined... more
LOVECRAFT, H. P. Beyond the Wall of Sleep. Pine Cones, 1919. “Beyond the Wall of Sleep” de H.P. Lovecraft foi escrito e publicado em 1919 na edição de outubro da Pine Cones. Em 1934 houve uma republicação em The Fantasy Fan e em março de... more
This study explores how the hard hereditarian theories of evolution that gained traction in the early twentieth century came to inform Lovecraft's tale of anti-immigrant fear in "The Shadow over Innsmouth."
Effects of Love Binding Spells The incredible Love Binding Spells comprehensively affect individuals since they impact all the seven chakras or a few of them, yet not one chakra. With the Effects of Love Binding Spells, you can tie... more
English title: "Doom Messiah": Myth in the Religious Narratology of Science Fiction and Superhero Comics | Abstrakt: Diese Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Verwendung von Mythen in Science Fiction- und Supermenschencomics. Für... more
Niesamowitość lokuje się na obrzeżach kategorii psychoanalitycznej i estetycznej. Jako taka pojawia się już w eseju Freuda Niesamowite. Gdy w tej postaci weszła w obręb badań literackich, spotkała się z zainteresowaniem na tyle dużym, że... more
Il presente saggio è apparso originariamente, con il titolo «Sulla natura lunare di Shub-Niggurath: dalla mythopoeia di Howard Phillips Lovecraft a "The Moon-Lens" di Ramsey Campbell», sul numero monografico "Neo-Gothic. Hybridizations of... more
«Terror y Filología: Rafael Llopis y los apócrifos lovecraftianos españoles (1974-1980)», en  Francisco Arellano (ed.), El cáncer de la superstición: Miscelánea 2, Colmenar Viejo, La biblioteca del laberinto, 2018, pp. 322-343.
Esta é uma tradução autorizada que tem como principio discutir as acusações praticamente infundadas sobre o racismo nas obras de H.P. Lovecraft
Haunted houses constitute a widespread narrative theme. We often encounter ghostinfested habitations in folk tales and literary works the world over and throughout the centuries. An etho-biological background might perhaps be responsible... more
Questo studio indaga la natura della weird fiction, con l'intento di contestualizzarla e darne una definizione. A partire da un inquadramento storico della letteratura del soprannaturale e delle sue tendenze evolutive, l'analisi punta a... more
The use of the theme of alienation and/or isolation is the very cause of the grotesqueness. As the society alienates or isolates people the weirdness start to begin, it might be the weird personality of the characters or it might be their... more
A short investigation on the possible roots of the name "Cthulhu", as the most legendary creation of Lovecraft's horror fiction. Also included is an exploration of the astrological and stellar meanings of the "Elder Sign", as designed by... more