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Published in the Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 21.4 (2014): 531-555. This article explores the historical roles and experiences of women in the formative years of the developing Jewish community in Brisbane. In key areas... more
'ערך תלמוד תורה במשנת החפץ חיים ופסיקתו בעניין תלמוד תורה לנשים', דיני ישראל כד (תשס"ז), הפקולטה למשפטים של אוניברסיטת תל אביב, עמ' 118-79.
Forgotten and Revived: The Bruria Episode in Orthodox Discourse in the Modern Age Iris Brown (Hoizman) The “Bruria Episode” is a short narrative cited by Rashi in his commentary on Tractate Avoda Zara that describes how Bruria's... more
This paper discusses two stories in which a bride saves her bridegroom, the first by appeal to God, and the second by offering her own life. While previous folklorists have understood the stories as exemplars of the motif of the... more
This paper investigates the origins of the description of the Tsenerene, the popular 17th century Yiddish Bible adaptation, as the “women’s Bible.” Tracing a genealogy of the term that locates its origins in the late 19th and early 20th... more
Esther's story shows  people rising to preserve life and underlying this: the hope of God in people, God's need for people to take action and use their positions, placements, and power "for such a time as this."
The story of the adulterous woman whom Jesus saves, the so-called Pericope de Adultera, is one of the most famous and well beloved stories in the Bible. Its interpretation is more nuanced than is popularly understood however, as I hope to... more
הסמכת נשים לרבנות היא תופעה חדשה ביהדות. התופעה היא חלוצית בעולם וחדשה אף יותר בישראל. מסיפורי החיים של מספר נשים חלוצות שהוסמכו לרבנות, ניתן לנסות ללמוד על התופעה ולשפוך אור על מקומה של האישה הרבה בחברה הישראלית. בחינת סיפורי החיים בהקשר... more
The choice of a non-observant woman, Ayelet Shaked, to head the main Religious Zionist political party is yet another indication of the hegemonic status Religious Zionism is achieving in Israeli society. In order to forge an "historic... more
This article examines a sugya in BT Berakhot about the interactions between the living and the dead and argues that attention to gender is crucial to discerning the theological themes that animate it. Bodies in this sugya are vividly... more
My thesis investigates the roles and experiences of women in Modern Orthodox Jewish communal life in Brisbane, the capital city of the Australian state of Queensland. Using Modern Orthodox religious literature and research from the field... more
Religious feminists of many faiths are politically and socially active. While religious feminism has begun to attract scholarly attention, the political interaction of religious feminism with the state has largely gone unnoticed.... more
Lecture entitled “‘I will devour them like a lion’ says God: The Many Faces of God in the Hebrew Bible”, given at Mount Zion Temple, University of Minnesota, March 5, 2014. The Hebrew Bible and the Jewish tradition strongly argue that... more
This year, Midreshet Lindenbaum issued a book of Halachic responsa written by two women (Rabbanit Idit Bartov and Rabbanit Anat Novoselsky) who were ordained by the institution with heter hora'ah (license to render Halachic decisions).... more
My thesis investigates the roles and experiences of women in Modern Orthodox Jewish communal life in Brisbane, the capital city of the Australian state of Queensland. Using Modern Orthodox religious literature and research from the field... more