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table of contents of Chitzai Giborim - Plaitas Sofrim, 9 (Spring 2016), Journal inprint
חצי גבורים - פליטת סופרים, ט (ניסן תשע"ו) , תוכן הענינים
הרב טבגר, שפעל רבות למען חידוש מצוות התכלת בימינו, מקדיש בספרו פרק לבירור שיטת השאלתות, שמדבריו נראה בפשטות שציצית לכתחילה כולה תכלת ורק אם אין לו תכלת מטיל לבן! לכך מצטרפים לכאורה דברי רס"ג בספר המצוות שראה אור השנה, על ידי ר' נסים סבתו.... more
Small text of practical qabalah from the Geonic period, which greatly influenced the Sefer Raziel
מונוגרפיה על השתלשלות מנהגי הערלה והדם לאחר ברית המילה, החל מדברי חז"ל, דרך ספרות החילוקים והגאונים כמו גם פייטנות אותה תקופה, פירקוי בן באבוי [כולל גילוי נדיר של מקבילה לדבריו], התפשטות מנהגי בבל ואר"י בראשונים ועד למגוון המנהגים בימינו... more
The Sefer ha-Malbush or ‘Book of the Garment’ is a Jewish mystical text from the Geonic period, consisting of a ritual to evoke angelic beings and perform various feats. A translation is presented here.
התלמוד הבבלי הוא ספר היסוד של התורה שבעל פה, בין בלימוד האינטנסיבי שלו ובין בפסיקת ההלכה על פיו, מזה למעלה מאלף שנים. מרכזיות זו התעצבה בתקופת הגאונים. בתקופה זו הוא עבר ממסירה על פה לכתיבתו בכתבי יד, נוסחו התעצב, והוא הופץ מן המרכז שבבבל... more
Maimonides’s readers have long recognized that his presentation of the Oral Torah differed markedly from that of the Baghdadi geonim, particularly Sa‘adya Gaon. Maimonides did not cite any precedent for his disagreements with the geonim.... more
This bibliographic essay explores the works of scholars who have used ḥadīth collections in their research on early Muslim-Jewish interactions. One of the main issues of this field has been the question of Jewish influence on ḥadīths,... more
Vol. 1 (A–C): “Aaron ben ʿAmram”; “Aaron Ḥakīmān”; “Aghmātī, Zechariah ben Judah”; “Alī ben Sulaymān”; “Bar Satya, Joseph ben Jacob”; “Baradānī, Joseph al-”; “Baradānī, Naḥum al-”; “Ben Berechiah Family”; “Ben Yijū, Abraham.” Vol. 2... more
Sherira Gaon's Epistle has been the most important source for the study of Babylonian Jewish history, and yet scholars have often relied too heavily on this work. This article argues that Sherira Gaon's Epistle must first be situated in... more
In: "It's better to hear the rebuke of the wise than the song of fools" (Qoh 7:5). Proceedings of the Midrash Sections, Society of bibical Literature, Volume 6. Edited by Rivka Ulmer and W. David Nelson. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press,... more
The provenance of the opening Aramaic portion of the Passover Haggadah has confounded practitioners and scholars for centuries. Little evidence has come to light to explain the origins of this passage or the fluctuations in its attending... more
Building on medieval claims, modern scholars have long asserted that Saadia ben Joseph Gaon depicted the Oral Torah and extra-biblical institutions as rooted in divine authority primarily, if not exclusively, in order to parry Karaite... more
מאמר סקירה על: מנחם בן־ששון וירחמיאל ברודי, כתאב אלשהאדאת ואלות'איק והוא ספר העדויות והשטרות לרב סעדיה גאון, האקדמיה הישראלית למדעים, ירושלים תשפ"א,,
מקור ראשון, ה' בשבט תשפ"ב, 7 בינואר 2022
This paper depicts the various forms of the concluding formula of the “Hashkiveinu” benediction. Based on the Midrashic and Talmudic literature, this article suggests a reconstruction of the ancient ending formula. Following the halachic... more
Presented here is the first English translation of a third version of the Sword of Moses, a famous Jewish magical handbook from the Geonic period, found in MS. N8128, 640-650.
This volume is dedicated to the cultural and religious diversity in Jewish communities from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Age and the growing influence of the rabbis within these communities during the same period. Drawing on... more
Medieval legend relate how the first Exilarch of the Islamic era, Bustanay, received the gift of a Persian princess from the Arab conquerors. Uproar surrounding the legal and religious status of the descendants of this union is said to... more
A Rotulus from the Cairo Genizah from which R. Nahshon Gaon's decisions were published, includes on the flip side what appears to be a random assortment of Talmudic citations. When transcribed and analyzed, we find here 21 explanations of... more
in: Torah Is a Hidden Treasure: Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, vol. 8.Edited by Rivka Ulmer and W. David Nelson; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2019, pp. 99–149.
Rabbenu Ḥananel's (=RḤ) commentary on the Talmud was widely accepted among Torah scholars as early as the end of the 11th century. Among those Rishonim who cite RḤ is R. Eliezer b. R. Natan (Raavan), who quotes RḤ multiple times in his... more
The Shi'ur Qomah is a Jewish mystical text related to the Hekalot literature, which focuses on the anthropomorphized figure of God. Of particular interest are the numerous mysterious divine names which are attributed to the various parts... more
The last influential head of the Pumbadithan Academy in Baghdad, Rabbi Hayya Gaon (939-1038), requested his Sicilian student Rabbi Maṣliaḥ ben Eliah al-Basak to inquire the Nestorian Patriarch (Catholicos) about the Syriac definition of... more
SaꜤadia Gaon (d. 942 AD) wrote a commentary on the thirteen hermeneutical principles attributed to R. Yishmael at the beginning of the Sifra. His commentary contains some unknown Midrashic material and presents original interpretive... more
Unpublished review essay of Robert Brody's book on Saadya (Oxford, Littman Library 2013)
Discuss the methodology of my research in R. Hananel's Talmud Commentary