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Women from all around the world have some difficulties in their daily and business lives. Most of the difficulties that women have faced with is about gender discrimination and patriarchal ideas. On the way of being a member of the EU,... more
Interest in the subject of women in positions of power-chiefly royalty-in antiquity has been greatly magnified over the past two decades. The groundbreaking work of Grace Harriet Macurdy in the 1930s (Hellenistic Queens: A Study of... more
Reines, impératrices, mères ou sœurs de dirigeants : entre l’Égypte de Cléopâtre et la Rome de Néron, elles ont toutes participé aux jeux politiques. Ce livre donne des clés pour comprendre le rôle des femmes influentes et la relation... more
This study analyses the representation of power portrayed through the women in the TV series Game of Thrones. Building on the existing research on women representation in media, this study has mainly focused on the representation of power... more
What was possible for a woman to achieve at an early modern court? By analysing the experiences of a wide range of women at the court of Sweden, this book demonstrates the opportunities open to women who served at, and interacted with,... more
En los últimos años, la mujer romana ha centrado la atención de numerosos investigadores y especialmente de las historiadoras actuales que, en cierta medida, la han reivindicado. El presente libro quiere huir de la perspectiva "de género"... more
This richly detailed book describes the lives of Chinggisid women: the wives and daughters of Chinggis (Genghis) Khan and his successors. Although the main focus is on people and places outside of China, it relates to Chinese history in... more
El presente número de la Revista de Administración Pública del Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, A.C; toca sin duda un tema singular, sensible y obligadamente impostergable: Administración Pública: Mujer y Trabajo, avance... more
Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XV y el primer tercio del XVI se atestigua en el contexto hispánico un importante fenómeno de mujeres autoras muy relevante en el campo espiritual. Esta renovación solió entenderse en clave de reforma... more
Resumen. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar desde un punto de vista historiográfico la potestas de Leonor de Castilla (1241-1290), reina de Inglaterra. Se estudia su actividad antes de convertirse en reina y en qué medida... more
Isabel de Villena, author of Humanism, offers a female paradigm of government in her Vita Christi: the Virgin Mary as queen and as pope. Through queenship, she formulates a new political ethic that she presents as a model to power male... more
En la política de promoción de las monjas mendicantes que desarrollaron los reyes de Castilla se percibe una tipología de “fundaciones en relación” con mujeres. Alfonso X y Pedro I colaboraron con sus amantes, Mayor Guillén y María de... more
Resumen. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar un estado de la cuestión o repaso historiográfico de los recursos de poder con los que contó la reina de Inglaterra Leonor de Castilla (1241-1290). Se analizan temáticamente los... more
Starting from an episode of gender violence suffered by the community of Franciscan tertiaries of Santa Maria de la Cruz de Cubas and caused by its prelates, we analyze here the denounce discourse formulated by these women in the... more
This study addresses the relative absence of archaeological considerations of gender and, specifically, the underrepresented role of women in the pre-contact period of the Southern Plateau. Ethnographic and ethnohistorical records are... more
“Cerrando las brechas de género. La participación política de las mujeres en México”. Constituye un análisis para entender los motivos de la exclusión histórica de las mujeres en la vida democrática de México; así como una agenda posible... more
Between the Middle Ages and modern times there was in Castile a phenomenon of feminine prophetism with great public impact. Among its main exponents are two tertiaries, the Dominican Mary of Santo Domingo and the Franciscan Juana de la... more
This paper aims at reviewing the contents of an original chapter of the "De Republica libri sex et viginti" [lib. VII, chap. 11] written by the Toulouse jurist Pierre Grégoire, discussing the delicate "quaestio" of women’s ability to... more
Abstract – Credit is one of the most crucial inputs in the process of development. By extending small loans to poor individuals, microcredit, specially SHGs enables its borrowers to take up income earning activities that lead to a series... more
This article deals with the empowerment and resistance strategies used by working women in Turkey. In order to explore the ways in which gender ideologies are produced and resisted, a very specific group of women were studied using... more
Se analiza el fenómeno de las santas vivas, tanto laicas como monjas en los monasterios de Córdoba y el tema de la religión cívica y la religiosidad urbana. Uno de los casos fue Magdalena de la Cruz, procesada por la Inquisición.
An overview of the evidence about the role of women in ancient Carian rule
... emphasize the importance of "seeing things in context," especially in trying to understand women cross-culturally.17 Accounts by white male explorers, archeologists, police,... more