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Neste trabalho abordo o tema das mulheres na música experimental brasileira a partir de uma perspectiva feminista. Sendo a música experimental um campo de produção vinculado à criação artística e, muitas vezes também, ao uso de... more
Of the many genres and types of groups young composers learn to write for, orchestra can be especially challenging, requiring both depth and breadth of training. Studies have shown that the practical experience in working with an... more
Although regarded in 1954 as the “first Czech woman composer of importance” by the Grove’s Dictionary, Julie Reisserová’s name has since disappeared from all successive printed editions of the great English dictionary. Few reference works... more
En este trabajo se plantea teóricamente la existencia de androcentrismo en los puestos de producción e ingeniería del sonido en la industria musical en los que se perpetúan los modelos estereotipados de distribución laboral, donde las... more
This article is a distillation of an ethnography conducted in the fall of 2008 of female rock instrumentalists performing in bands in the Tampa, Florida bay area. The study looked into why there are comparatively very few female rock... more
RESUMEN: Ante el Plan de Educación para Todos (EPT) 2000-2015 de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura-UNESCO, la educación musical y artística debe reivindicarse como medio de reflexión,... more
Un mio vecchio articolo originato dalla mia partecipazione come osservatore al congresso "Women and Music" che si tenne alla New York University nel marzo 1981). Un 'occasione per tornare agli albori di un dibattito che allora coinvolgeva... more
Georg Braun’s Civitates Orbis Terrarum (Cologne, 1572-1617), a six-volume world atlas containing 546 views of cities, includes a panoramic of Granada, Spain, created by the Flemish artist Joris Hoefnagel (1542-1601) in 1565 in which three... more
Las mujeres han sido, y son, privilegiadas garantes del patrimonio heredado por la tradi-ción oral, incluido el musical. La música de la sociedad que levantó los edificios románi-cos, fundamentalmente canto (voz), se transmitió a través... more
This article analyses gender imbalance among guitar players in flamenco. While women participate in flamenco as singers and dancers, their presence as instrumentalists is largely eclipsed by men. Using fieldwork data collected through... more
In “How to Disappear,” a song from her last album, Norman Fucking Rockwell!, Lana Del Rey leads us to expect a how-to manual, but she gives us a poem instead: “Now it’s been years since I left New York / I got a kid and two cats in the... more
This article aims to propose an ethnomusicological methodology for the study of Gujarat’s tribal music apart from serving, primarily, as a study of the role of women in the making of the music of a particular tribe – the Rathwas of South... more
The editorial for this special issue of Jazz Research Journal – on diversity and inclusion at jazz festivals – takes the form of a podcast. It can be accessed via the link below. In conversation with JRJ editor Nicolas Pillai, we discuss... more
Examines the careers and personae of three female singers who became famous in one or more male roles during the 1820s and 1830s as case studies in how expectation for women in male roles changed during the transition from opera seria to... more
Findings and recommendations from an M3C (AHRC) funded Creative Economy Engagement Fellowship, undertaken in partnership with Cheltenham Jazz Festivals Jan-Oct 2019. Written by Dr Sarah Raine and with contributions from: Emily Jones... more
Toplumsal cinsiyet (gender) ilişkileri içerisinde, hâkim yapının (ataerkil) argümanlarının yanında cinsiyete dayalı ötekileştirilme beraberinde kendine özgü yaşam pratiklerini getirir. Söz konusu yaşam pratiklerinin uzantılarını sosyal... more
Bu çalışma, Türk musiki geleneğinde ve bu geleneğin önemli bölümünü oluşturan Osmanlı saray çevresinde kadının yerini ve musiki kimliğini, yazılı ve görsel belgelere dayanarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde genel... more
La imperiosa necesidad de decir guió la larga e intensa vida de esta abadesa benedictina, conformando una de las autorías musicales más importantes de toda la Edad Media.Varias categorías guiarán el acercamiento a su figura en el plano... more
Estudio global introductorio a la música en España e Hispanoamérica en el siglo XVII
Mémoire de Master 2 à soutenu à Sorbonne Université. Résumé : "Les femmes musiciennes du XVIIIe siècle sont considérées souvent comme des amatrices et donc exclues de la vie musicale professionnelle, hormis les chanteuses. En même... more
The study of gender is ‘inherently a study of relations of asymmetrical power and opportunity’ (Ortner & Whitehead, 1981:4). In the masculine space of the Irish pub, women musicians respond to this power differential by adopting an array... more
Auf einem Bodenmosaik aus dem 4. Jh. n. Chr. aus Mariamin, Syrien, sind sechs luxuriös gekleidete Frauen musizierend dargestellt. Bei den Instrumenten handelt es sich um Gabelbecken, eine Orgel, ein Doppelaulos, eine Kithara, Zymbeln und... more
This article examines Googoosh, the reigning diva of Persian popular music, through an evaluation of diasporic Iranian discourse and artistic productions linking the vocalist to a feminized nation, its 'victimisation' in the revolution,... more
The photograph on the cover of the book belongs to Ayten Şenaşık, known as Deli(crazy) Ayten, one of the Kambers of Bursa, in other words, a Roman/Gypsy citizen. The first year I came to Bursa (2014), when I saw the statue of Deli Ayten... more
This volume presents seventeen essays by twenty authors on diverse aspects of research on Spanish music heritage and digital resources, including case studies of historical musicology and traditional music related to the online IMF-CSIC... more
An Australian musician and pianist, Ethel Cooper (1871-1961), spent the duration of World War I (WW1) in Leipzig, Germany. At the outbreak of the War in 1914, she had opted not to leave Germany when that was possible. In her weekly... more
Australian pianist Nancy Weir (1995-2008) achieved early fame as a child prodigy in Victoria and New South Wales. After studying with Ada Corder, she was accepted as a student by Schnabel at the age of 14. She subsequently studied at the... more
[With Carla González Collantes] This article seeks to empirically demonstrate how poetry written by women has been made invisible, following the inertia that also occurs in the literary field, and proposes an alternative catalog that... more