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Little can be said about music during the last century without encountering the men and women who supported it financially. Pierre Bourdieu’s impression that the services rendered freely for the good of society reinforce a symbolic... more
'Feeling reinvented...' Analysis and aesthetical interpretation of "Ricercari" (1984), for Symphony Orchestra, by Portuguese harpist and composer Clotilde Rosa (born 1930). A work crossing tamed avant-garde techniques and the background... more
Minulý rok sme si v novembri pripomenuli osemdesiatročné jubileum muzikologičky PhDr. Ľuby Ballovej, CSc. Okrúhle životné výročia sú vždy vhodnou príležitosťou priblížiť si doterajšiu tvorivú prácu jubilantov a zhodnotiť ich prínos.... more
Among the modernisations and upheavals that characterised Europe’s modernity before the Second World War, the women’s movement also transformed cultural and musical life. Women artists began to self-confidently raise their voices against... more
This article examines Googoosh, the reigning diva of Persian popular music, through an evaluation of diasporic Iranian discourse and artistic productions linking the vocalist to a feminized nation, its ‘victimisation’ in the revolution,... more
Mary Gladstone and the Victorian Salon: Music, Literature, Liberalism is the first book-length study of music and liberalism, of any period or place. Until now, statesmen and men of letters have been the focus of books about high... more
Representing the nation’s highest honor in folk and traditional arts, musicians who receive these fellowships are recognized for their artistic excellence and contributions to our country's cultural heritage. With more than 100 of these... more
Esta presentación analiza actividades musicales femeninas en espacios en que se producía un solapamiento entre lo privado y lo público, y lo religioso y lo secular. El Palau de la Comtessa de Barcelona se presenta como un espacio en que... more
In Äthiopien herrscht ein patriarchalisches Gesellschaftssystem, das bestimmte geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilungen begründet. Dazu gehört vor allem die traditionell verankerte Rolle der Frau - als Ehefrau, Haushälterin und... more
Si les trajectoires des divas et des divos au XVIIIe siècle ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études, qui permettent d’en retracer les carrières internationales, les conditions précises de leur arrivée dans les théâtres européens restent... more
This is a study of the musical activities of Empress Marie Therese (1772–1807), one of the most important patrons in the Vienna of Haydn and Beethoven. Building on extensive archival research, including many documents published here for... more
Ensayo conceptual donde se introducen algunas ideas sobre la instalación sonoro como problema de geografía humana. Teniendo como eje central de interés la obra de compositoras y performers. Palabras clave: arte sonoro, paisaje sonoro,... more
En el marco de las celebraciones del Día Internacional de la Mujer, quisiéramos re- cordar cómo en conmemoración del “Día Internacional [de Lucha] contra la violen- cia de género” se ha celebrado, entre otras actividades, el concierto... more
Judith Weir's music embraces the unusual, from libretti drawing on the medieval past to fantastic narratives set within diverse stylistic frames. Her musical language has been praised and criticised in almost equal measure for its... more
AS A UNIQUE HUMAN EXPRESSION THAT combines our bodily and cultural identity with idiosyncratic creativity, music provides an interesting setting for gender performance and negotiation in all sociohistorical and cultural contexts. In this... more
This article discusses Violeta Parra’s work as a woman musician analysing how she contributed to challenging long-standing colonial paradigms in Chilean (and Latin American) music. Through a review of the multifaceted concept of cantora,... more
In this chapter, I discuss some examples of Brazilian women artists active in experimental music and sound art, trying to identify when and how they face, question, and resist existing patriarchal 1 and hegemonic values, which are... more
Josephinne Amann (1840-1887) foi a primeira mulher a reger uma orquestra em Portugal, em 1879. Foi apenas quase meio século depois que Francine Benoît (1894-1990) se apresentou à frente de uma orquestra de mulheres, em 1928. Nas décadas... more
How can we think about the figure of the 20th-century woman musician from the perspective of musical creativity and aesthetics in khayal?
Le manuscrit I-Bc Q11: un répertoire pour les moines/religiueuses entre invention et réadaptation Il manoscritto I-Bc Q11: un repetorio per le monache tra invenzione e riadattamento Le ms. I-Bc Q11 n’est pas certainement une source... more
The 1880s saw a burgeoning of exhibitions of ‘Women’s Work’ across the world. These events focused on the artistic and industrial abilities of women, signifying an unprecedented shift away from the emphasis usually placed on maleness and... more
This monograph investigates representations of female musicians in British novels from 1860 to 1900. For nineteenth-century society, music was a means by which women could display their genteel education and express their “selves.”... more
A printed report (relación de sucesos) preserved at the Biblioteca del Palacio da Ajuda in Lisbon contains a short description written in verse of a musical performance organized at the request of the duchess of Alburquerque, head... more
Recensione a Angela Bellia, "Il canto delle vergini locresi. La musica a Locri Epizefirii nelle fonti scritte e nella documentazione archeologica (secoli VI-III a.C.)", Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2012 («Nuovi Saggi», 116), in... more
The Palau de la Comtessa (Palace of the Countess) in Barcelona was very centrally located, near the main centres of musical activity in the city such as the cathedral and main parish churches, and it was an important setting for social... more
I provide a playlist for my book Being Ugly: Southern Women Writers and Social Rebellion, and talk about how these songs influence my work.
A pianist by profession, Dublin woman Rhoda Coghill (1903–2000) also sought to establish herself as a composer from the 1920s to the early 1940s before abruptly switching her artistic focus to poetry in the late 1940s and 1950s. This... more
Este estudio analiza las ideas sobre la música en los círculos no profesionales en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Por tanto utiliza fuentes poco tenidas en cuenta hasta el momento por los musicólogos en nuestro país: tratados de... more
La musique taraab est jouée à l'occasion de mariages et autres fêtes tout au long de la côte de Swahili. Elle contient tous les charactéristiques d'une musique typique de l'« océan indien... more
Sapendo che lo scopo della pop music è la vendita, e che sempre più spesso il messaggio utilizzato per raggiungere tale scopo è il sesso, non appare lecito interrogarsi su quanto oggi siano effettivamente importanti i contenuti musicali e... more
If thou wilt perish, I will fall with thee. My life, my love, my hatred – all below Are on this cast – Corsair! 'tis but a blow! Without it flight were idle – how evade His sure pursuit? – my wrongs too unrepaid, My youth... more
Zelo tui langueo / T. [Omnes de Saba] / Reor nescia has been discussed more widely than many other English motets on account of a number of puzzling elements of its content and provenance. Two manuscript copies of the motet survive; in... more