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Smuggling the Renaissance: The Illicit Export of Artworks Out of Italy, 1861-1909 explores the phenomenon of art spoliation in Italy following Unification (1861), when the international demand for Italian Renaissance artworks was at an... more
“Fortuna e sfortune della Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio di Andrea Mantegna ora alla Gemäldegalerie di Berlino” in Brigit Blass-Simmen, Neville Rowley and Giovanni C. F. Villa (eds.), Capolavori a confronto. Bellini/Mantegna.... more
Wilhelm Vöge (1868–1952) gilt nicht nur als Entdecker ganzer Kontinente auf der kunsthistorischen Landkarte, wie es Willibald Sauerländer formulierte, er hinterließ auch vielfältige methodische Anregungen. Bahnbrechenden Erkenntnissen zur... more
Wilhelm von Bode’s spirit of acquisition in turn-of-the-century Berlin would result in forming a significant and comprehensive collection of Donatelloesque plaquettes, here explored for their function and influence in the genesis of... more
Object provenance is often approached as a linear chain of ownership. Recent increasing interest and research in art market studies—the dealers, mediators, advisors, taste makers, etc.—indicate the transaction of art and decorative art... more
Die Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft gehörte zu denjenigen Institutionen, die am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Berlin sogenannte Leihausstellungen organisierten und damit das kulturelle Geschehen der Reichshauptstadt maßgeblich... more
Despite the almost undeniable importance of polychromy for the appearance and effect of sculptures, art historical research in the past concentrated primarily on their three dimensional qualities. This can be seen not least in the... more
Analizzare i metodi attributivi permette di comprendere in che modo i conoscitori abbiano sviluppato una serie di tecniche di osservazione in grado di comprovare le proprie attribuzioni. Nel ripercorrere le diverse acquisizioni, gli... more
This article presents a Virgin and Child  by Piero del Pollaiolo preserved in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Strasbourg, which so far was presumed to have been lost in a # re in 1947. Even if the painting was badly damaged and largely burnt... more
This essay focuses on the international Art Market in Rome, exploring the complex relationships between dealers, collectors and connoisseurs around 1900. Drawing from unpublished material dating from the 1880s to 1914, this essay presents... more
The 1860’s saw the first successes of Stefano Bardini’s dealing career as well as the proliferation of professional academic expertise and its concomitant expression in publications. From the early 1870s, Bardini maintained an active and... more
Giovanni Morelli fu una figura dibattuta, se non addirittura controversa, sia presso i contemporanei sia nel dibattito critico successivo, che giunse nel corso del Novecento ad una quasi completa rimozione e in seguito ad un recupero... more
At the heart of the Bode-Museum in Berlin, opened in 1904 under the name Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, is a monumental evocation of a church interior in the Florentine 15th-century Renaissance style. The ‘Basilica’, as the space is named, has... more
A nineteenth-century invention, the old master monograph corresponded with the increasing interest in life writing among the reading public and the development of connoisseurship in art history. This article looks at the production and... more
In November 1888, writing to the German museum official, Wilhelm Bode (1845-1929), the dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) stated that he was certain that “eight marbles and 12 terracottas” in South Kensington (V&A) were fake, and that... more
The second half of the nineteenth century was a crucial period for the consolidation of art history as an academic discipline in German-speaking countries. That period also witnessed a sharpening of attitudes toward the genres of the... more
A research of important sources for Warburg's art theories, from August Schmarsow to Eugène Müntz, Jacob Burckhardt, Wilhelm von Bode.
Corso nell'ambito del Dottorato di ricerca in Storia, territorio e patrimonio culturale del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Roma Tre,  Via Ostiense, 234-236, Aula 19 della Scuola di Lettere Filosofia Lingue, 22-24 ottobre 2018
"I accuse American and British academia and its members of purposely spreading a fake his- tory of the origins of the modern museum. Still today, academics and other art professionals carry the wrong idea of the modern museum and wrongly... more
The importance of the works by Donatello or his immediate followers in the Sculpture collection of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin has been built relatively recently in museums history, and almost entirely thanks to one person: Wilhelm... more
This article is devoted to the study of a terracotta relief preserved in the Bode-Museum in Berlin and to its attribution to the sculptor Juan de Juni.
Object provenance is often approached as a linear chain of ownership. Recent increasing interest and research in art market studies—the dealers, mediators, advisors, taste makers, etc.—indicate the transaction of art and decorative art is... more
The 1860’s saw the first professional successes of the Florentine dealer Stefano Bardini, as well as the birth of scholarly expertise and publications. One of Bardini’s first clients was Wilhelm Bode, who was charged to stock the German... more
Deriving from material in the state and city archive of the Florentine dealer, Stefano Bardini, as well as material from the Berlin Zentralarchiv, this paper presents a case study that illustrates the ways in which Bardini & Co.... more
Rudolphe Kann (1844–1905) was a prominent art collector of the late 19th Century, who in the span of over twenty-five years, built one of the most significant private art collections in Europe. This paper is predominantly based on the... more
Object provenance is often approached as a linear chain of ownership. Recent increasing interest and research in art market studies—the dealers, mediators, advisors, taste makers, etc.—indicate the transaction of art and decorative art is... more
Object provenance is often approached as a linear chain of ownership. Recent increasing interest and research in art market studies—the dealers, mediators, advisors, taste makers, etc.—indicate the transaction of art and decorative art is... more
Deriving from material in the state archive of the Florentine dealer, Stefano Bardini, this paper presents a case study in order to illustrate the ways in which Bardini & Co. contaminated the canon. The so-called Madonna della Rosa... more