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An independent cough checking device is a gadget that permits quantitative cough estimations in the patients. The gadget is being practiced by two objectives: comfort and security. Internet of Things(IoT) which is a network bared on... more
The main responsibility for safeguarding and preserving the structures, collections, activities and inhabitants of an institution or any property is declared as property management. To mitigate adverse impacts due to climatic change,... more
Engine cooling system is crucial to maintain working temperature of vehicles' engine. The two main heat transfer fluids in typical cooling system are coolant and air. Under hood air flow when approaching radiator is highly non-uniform,... more
In this study. Gear pump which is used in Marine Gearbox systems , is designed with CAD Program and then by the means of CAD program, some parameters are gained. Based on different face widths,flow values are calculated and compared... more
This report will briefly describe the design requirements and analysis of pipe systems that provide water to the building. Water is necessary for many other purposes, especially showering, washing dishes and clothes than drinking or... more
Le besoin en énergie dans les sites isolés augmente sans cesse. Alors pour satisfaire répondre à ce besoin, la solution du développement des systèmes de conversion d’énergie photovoltaïque performante est d’actualité .Toutefois,... more
Pompa merupakan suatu alat mekanik yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari suatu tempat menuju tempat lain dengan cara meningkatkan tekanan fluida tersebut. Peningkatan tekanan tersebut digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan... more
Pompaj Tesisi ve Makinaları
Sulama Makinaları
Integration and synchronization of solar water pumping Systems up to 1200 HP
Study, design, installation and operation of solar water pumps
Merging and Synchronization systems  (submersible and surface pumps) up to 900 kW
Pompa hidrolik berfungsi untuk mensupply fluida hidrolik pada tekanan tertentu kepada sistem hidrolik. Pompa ini digerakkan oleh motor listrik atau sebuah mesin yang dihubungkan dengan sebuah sistem kopling. Sistem kopling yang digunakan... more
"Pada bangunan tinggi untuk memasok kebutuhan air bersih, biasanya digunakan pompa agar air dapat disalurkan ke tempat yang letaknya jauh dari permukaan. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah terganggunya keandalan/kualitas pasokan air... more
Pakistan is primarily an agriculture country with the capability of producing wheat, cotton, sugarcane and rice, which together are more than 75% of the total crop output. Underground water is the main source of irrigation. Most of the... more
A fire outbreak is a hazardous act that leads to numerous consequences. Detecting a fire at an early stage and extinguishing it can aid in prevention of various accident. Till now we rely on human resource. This often leads to risking the... more
NPSH Calculations for Pump Systems Pompalarda Kavitasyon Hesabı Pompa ve Sistem Kavitasyon Hesabı Pompanın içindeki basınç,basılan sıvının buharlaşma basıncının altına düştüğünde sıvı buharlaşır ve buhar kabarcıkları oluşur.Su buhar... more
There are three vertical mixed flow cooling water pumps installed in a nuclear power plant. At the maximum plant output all three of them are in operation. If one is switched off, the plant output must be reduced. All three cooling water... more
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations of pump sumps are troublesome due to the nature of the flow. Pump sump flow is turbulent and unsteady, and pump sump dimensions are large compared to diameter of vortices occurring near the... more
Due to the absence of energy transmission lines connected to the water pumping sites in remote areas, problems related to the electrical power outages and the environmental degradation caused by fossil fuel. For this one of the most... more
Au début de l’année 2010, des travaux d’équipement opérés en plein cœur du bourg médiéval d’Avenches ont conduit à la découverte inattendue d’un puits d’époque moderne. Implanté sur la place de l’Église, à quelques mètres de la fontaine... more
A double suction storage pump has been refurbished because of the strong cavitation which resulted in cavitation damage on blade and consequently in frequent repairs of the impeller. The analyses of the old and the new impeller were done... more
This article describes the importance of water hydraulic components and systems from the aspect of quality of life. Water hydraulics has become of major interest because it is human friendly and environmentally safe. The continuous... more
In the domestic water supply industry, the reduction of pumping costs is a continuing objective. With the efficient scheduling of pumping operations, it is considered that 10% of the annual expenditure on energy and related costs may be... more
The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text as it is here, below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in 14-point Times New Roman, boldface type, left aligned as shown, initially capitalized. The... more
In the domestic water supply industry, the reduction of pumping costs is a continuing objective. With the efficient scheduling of pumping operations, it is considered that 10% of the annual expenditure on energy and related costs may be... more
The applications of photovoltaic energy are steadily increasing. However, the output power of a photovoltaic system is influenced by the meteorological conditions (temperature and irradiation), which can affect the production and... more
The cavitation is an inevitable factor in pumps used in the whole industry, which is a major cause of energy loss and mechanical breakdown. In this study, the cavitation phenomena at the design flow rate were numerically analyzed for two... more
JUAL POMPA AIR TENAGA SURYA – KAMI MENJUAL Pompa Air Tenaga Surya Merek LORENTZ GERMANY - Coverage Area Sulawesi Maluku Papua NTT NTB Bali Kalimantan Sumatera Jawa JUAL POMPA AIR TENAGA SURYA – KAMI MENJUAL Pompa Air Tenaga Surya merek... more
Pusat Agen Penjualan Pompa KSB type Etanorm Syt Penjualan pompa Ksb dengan type etanorm syt di indonesia, agen pusat penjualan pompa ksb dengan harga murah kualitas terbaik. perushaan kami menyedikan dan menjual pompa ksb etanorm syt... more
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is considered one of the important factors in minimizing the installation costs and improving the efficiency of any photovoltaic water pumping system. The MPPT controller is specifically used to extract... more
An Automation is the utilization of different control techniques for operating equipment's such as operations in factories, aircraft and other applications with reduced human power. The filling process is a mission performed by a machine... more
La pompe à eau à pistons naît probablement à Alexandrie, dans la première moitié du IIIe siècle a.C., dans le contexte des travaux de Ctésibios sur la pompe à air pour l’orgue hydraulique et sur la catapulte à air comprimé. L’ouvrage de... more
The shape of the blade leading edge (LE) is a design variable that cannot theoretically affect the inlet flow characteristics under the definition of the velocity triangle. However, the LE is the first to encounter the working fluid in... more
Pumping water and energy storage from a deep sea" Something like a trompe pump in reverse would be used to pump water and store energy. Where a one way valve is used on the intake and a column of air displaces water to pump it. Then the... more
1) This rapid assessment of the Luwero District community based handpump maintenance system inspected all the 526 handpumps in Luwero, interviewed three quarters of all village level pump caretakers, conducted 66 focus group discussions... more