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" Water Displacement by Spiral Wheel & Wind Energy " Water Displacement by Spiral Tubes

Renewable Energy (Pump Work)

“Water Displacement by Spiral Wheel & Wind Energy” By Jadeja Gnandeepsinh (156970319549) Jadeja Deegpalsinh (156970319548) Guided by Prof Salat Prashant.A Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Veerayatan Group of Institutions A Thesis Submitted to Gujarat Technological University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Diploma of Engineering December - 2017 VEERAYATAN INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING Haripar, Mandvi 370460 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that research work embodied in this thesis entitled “Water Displacement by Spiral Wheel” was carried out by Jadeja Gnandeepsinh and Jadeja Deegpalsinh at Veerayatan Institute of Engineering, Mandvi for partial fulfillment of DIPLOMA ENGINEERING to be awarded by Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad. This project work has been carried out under my supervision and is to the satisfaction of department. Date: …………………….. Place: ………………......... Asst. Prof. Signature and Name of supervisor …………………………………….. Seal of Institute TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. Front Page I Certificate Page II Table of Contents III List of Figures IV List of Tables IV Abstract V CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-5 1.1 HISTORY 1 1.2 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2-5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 6-8 CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 9 CHAPTER 4 OBJECTIVE 10 CHAPTER 5 PROPOSED DESIGN 11 5.1 COMPONENT 12 5.2 CONSTRUCTION 12 5.3 WORKING 13 CHAPTER 6 REFERANCES 12 CHAPTER 7 WORK PLAN 15 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUTION LIST OF FIGURE FIGURE NO DESCRIPITION PAGE NO FIGURE 1 SPIRAL WHEEL TUBE 8 FIGURE 2 FRONT VIEW OF SPIRAL WHEEL TUBE 8 FIGURE 3 SIDE VIEW OF SPIRAL WHEEL TUBE 8 FIGURE 4 PROPOSED DESIGNE 14 FIGURE 5 PROPOSED DESIGNE 14 FIGURE 6 SPIRAL WHEEL WORKING OF PADDELES 16 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO DESCRIPTION PAGE NO TABLE NO: 1 PARTS SPECIFICATION ABSTRACT At present world’s most prime need is to save conventional sources of energy. Among them the one thing which is attracting concentration is the concern of degradation of fuel sources, the diesel and gasoline oils. Fuel is required in daily life for many purposes like in vehicles, machine operations, etc. The pump also requires fuel for its operation. Hence it is necessary to study the design and working of pump for its further modification. During this study it is found that the ‘Water Displacement by Spiral Tube & Wind Energy’ is an effective method for pumping water or similar liquid without use of electric or fuel supply. Also it is totally eco-friendly method. The designed model is successfully giving the positive results. It is pumping water to give desired discharge and for various heads. So it can be used at different locations having geographical diversity. Key Words: Spiral tube water wheel pump, conventional sources, head, discharge, geographical diversity. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION History Water is the driving force of all nature. Since ancient times, waterwheels have been used as tools to power factories in many different counties. The alternatives were windmills and human and animal power. The most common use of the water wheel was to mill flour in gristmills, but other uses included foundry work and machining, and pounding linen for use in the manufacture of paper. The earliest known water turbines date to the Roman Empire. Two helix-turbine mill sites of almost identical design were found at Chemtau and Testour, modern-day Tunisia, dating to the late 3rd or early 4th century AD. The horizontal water wheel with angled blades was installed at the bottom of a water-filled, circular shaft. The water from the mill-race entered tangentially the pit, creating a swirling water column which made the fully submerged wheel act like a true turbine Jan Andrej Segner developed a reactive water turbine in the mid-1700s. It had a horizontal axis and was a precursor to modern water turbines. It is a very simple machine that is still produced today for use in small hydro sites. Segner worked with Eula on some of the early mathematical theories of turbine design. In 1820, Jean-Victor Pencelet developed an inward-flow turbine. In 1826 Benoit Fournevron developed an outward-flow turbine. This was an efficient machine (~80%) that sent water through a runner with blades curved in one dimension. The stationary outlet also had curved guides. In 1844 Uriah A. Boyden developed an outward flow turbine that improved on the performance of the Fournevron turbine. Its runner shape was similar to that of Francis Turbine. In 1849, James B. Francis improved the inward flow reaction turbine to over 90% efficiency. He also conducted sophisticated tests and developed engineering methods for water turbine design. The Francis turbine, named for him, is the first modern water turbine. It is still the most widely used water turbine in the world today. Around 1890, the modern fluid bearing was invented, now universally used to support heavy water turbine spindles. Around 1913, Viktor Kaplan created the Kaplan turbine, a propeller-type machine. It was an evolution of the Francis turbine but revolutionized the ability to develop low-head hydro sites. 1.2 Introduction Around the world, pump is used for many purposes. For this study we are focusing on pump used for agricultural purposes. In rural areas farmers are facing problems of cut-off of electricity. The physical locations of some villages are such that it becomes very difficult to supply electricity to those areas or even if electricity is facilitated, the environmental or weather conditions of those areas are so complex that the electricity providers have to do so. However we can’t change the environmental conditions but can change the technology. We can design the new technology. So the idea of the ‘pump without use of electricity’ came from here which is named as ‘spiral tube water wheel pump’. This pump can be design as per our requirement and with chipsets raw material. Hence the cost of this pump is very low. During the study it is found some drawbacks of this pump. The main drawback of this pump is, as it is totally depend on flowing water, its use will be restricted according to season that is it will be used in only monsoon season when flowing water is available. To overcome this drawback we decided further change in present technology. Basically this device pumps water without the use of electricity for its operation, instead it works on the energy of flowing Water .The flowing water rotates the cylindrical wheel shaped assembly which drives the pump. Thus water is pumped out of the flow and along with pumping this device also generates some amount of electricity with the help of a generator which is mounted on the opposite side of the outlet of water. The construction of this project is simple and the project is made light in weight as far as possible. The entire project assembly is going to be located on flowing water, thus is made in such a way that it can float in water and can easily be located at some position in the flow of water. FIGURE.1: SPIRAL TUBE WHATERWHEEL PUMP FIGURE.2: SPIRAL TUBE WHATERWHEEL PUMP SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE.3: SPIRAL TUBE WHATERWHEEL PUMP FRONT ELEVATION Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW John Herman’s et al, “Spiral Water Wheel Pump” This pump uses a rotating pipe coil to pump water. It requires only moving water to power it. Parts Paddles and coils to attach the poly pipe to the angle iron spokes use 1 mm stainless steel wire. They used one inch (25 mm) for half a loop and then one and a quarter inch (32 mm) poly pipe for the last half a loop. This allows for greater volume to be scooped up each rotation. This spiral pump was a direct replacement of a small standard piston pump and has proved to be just as efficient at pumping a set volume per day [1]. Phillip L. Thompson et al, “Coil Pump Design for a Community Fountain in Zambia(2011), in this research paper they define needs, cost, problems & solution regarding to water irrigating system. Local residents were able to improve the design and construction of the pump. Water shortages will also mean greater stresses on agriculture producers who currently use approximately 70 percent of all available freshwater for irrigating crops and animals. The coil pump was a suitable solution for the community because it could be powered by the river, made from local materials and easily maintained by the residents [2]. S N Waghmare et al, “MANUALLY OPERATED SPIRAL TUBE WATER WHEEL PUMP” in this research paper they describe how to save conventional sources of energy. In rural areas farmers are facing problems of cut-off of electricity. We can design the new technology. So the idea of the ‘pump without use of electricity’ came from here which is named as ‘spiral tube water wheel pump’. This pump can be design as per our requirement and with chipsets raw material. The main drawback of this pump is, as it is totally depend on flowing water, its use will be restricted according to season that is it will be used in only monsoon season when flowing water is available. To overcome this drawback they decided further change in present technology [3]. Praveen Mishra et al, “Spiral Tube Water Wheel Pump” in this research paper they define problems related to pump water from river or canal. They aim at simplifying this problem and pump water at small scale with the easiest of economical and green technique. The spiral tube water wheel pump has the potential to pump water for agriculture and domestic purpose as it extract water above 50 ft head. Spiral tube water wheel pump is direct replacement of small standard piston pump and just as efficient at pumping a set volume per day [4]. Peter Taileret et al, “The spiral pumps” (A High Lift, Slow Turning Pump). In this research paper they modified the design of pump. Material like flexible polyethylene pipe & paddles of wood are used. This easily built, low maintenance spiral pump can be used to provide water without the need for fuel wherever there is a flowing stream or river. It can also be hand turned or otherwise driven to provide a low cost, efficient pump [5]. L.C.A. Naegel et al, “Designing a spiral pump for irrigation” in this research paper they define use & efficiency regarding to (coil) spiral pump. New experiments on an old idea have determined the ideal conditions for achieving maximum efficiency from a spiral pump. The coil pump and the spiral pump work on the same principle, but the designs differ significantly. The major drawback of the coil pump is that the size of the drum limits the pump's use in narrow irrigation canals [6]. Stavros I. Yannopoulos et al, “Evolution of Water Lifting Devices (Pumps) over the Centuries worldwide”. In this research paper the evolution of the major achievements in water lifting devices with emphasis on the major technologies over the centuries is presented and discussed. . Valuable insights into ancient water lifting technologies with their apparent characteristics of durability, adaptability, and sustainability are provided. . These technologies are the underpinning of modern achievements in water engineering [7]. Siddhartha Chaukekar et al, “Eco-Friendly Pump & Electricity Generator” Eco-friendly Pump and Electricity Generator is an off grid project that aims at pumping water from flowing water bodies like rivers or canals to the nearby areas. Thus water is pumped out of the flow and along with pumping this device also generates some amount of electricity with the help of a generator which is mounted on the opposite side of the outlet of water. With the industrial revolution, hydraulic sciences were developed and new materials such as wrought iron became available allowing for a rational analysis and improved strength and geometry of water wheels. A detailed study of the available literature covering the engineering design of water wheels was conducted. The design of water wheels was dominated by the requirement for a geometry which would minimize losses, and retain the water as long as possible in the machine. Hence spiral tube water wheel pump is the best substitution for current pump as it can be used in rural areas where frequently breakdown of electricity occurs [8]. MR. SACHIN.S et al, “STUDIES ON INCLINED WATER WHEEL SPIRAL PUMP” Main objective of the project is to update and promote one of the concept of preindustrial technology which is about 270 years old which is an appropriate solution addressing the present and future problems of POWER CRISIS by using one of the best renewable energy source namely hydraulic power and encourage maximum use of natural water sources especially rivers and rivulets The concept and technology involved in water wheel spiral pump system is well-known for its low investment cost, almost nil operating cost, low maintenance cost and also low skill required for its operation and maintenance. The most valuable part is that the system works on hydraulic power generated by the moving water through water wheel which is a built-in apart of the system without demanding extra cost [9]. Chapter3 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM DEFINATION India is a developing nation; citizens of our majority villages still face basic problems of water supply. This project aims at overcoming this problem to some extent. Farmers have to use electric pumps to pump water from rivers to their Farms. But they are still not supplied with adequate electricity from our government, so the use of pump is out of the question. Government is working on this problem but it is going to take many years because the cost of laying down transmission lines is very high. So today still in many remote villages people have to carry water from rivers to their homes. Chapter 4 OBJECTIVES Objectives: Main objective of the project is to update and promote one of the concepts of preindustrial technology which is about 270 years old which is an appropriate solution addressing the present and future problems of POWER CRISIS by using one of the best renewable energy source namely hydraulic power and encourage maximum use of natural water sources especially rivers and rivulets. The concept and technology involved in water wheel spiral pump system is well-known for its low investment cost, almost nil operating cost, low maintenance cost and also low skill required for its operation and maintenance. The most valuable part is that the system works on hydraulic power generated by the moving water through water wheel which is a built-in apart of the system without demanding extra cost. The main drawback in the present context is lack of technical back up and lack of basic information about the application of the system and the benefits. Hence it’s proposed to study the effects of parameters’ influencing the performance of the pump. CHAPTER 5 AUTOCAD DESIGN FIGURE NO: 4 & 5 Proposed Model 5.1 COMPONENT SHAFT WHEEL SPROCKET PIPE Rim/ WHEEL STRUCTURE FRAME BENDIG WIRE NIPPLE/COUPLING PEDDLES BEWEL GEAR REDUCER TUB 5.2 CONSTRUCTION The construction of this project is very simple. A hollow cylindrical frame forms the core of the project. On this core, hollow pipes are wound as shown in the ‘figure 3’. On the same cylinder, vanes are mounted around the periphery at some distance. This distance is left to wound pipes around the cylinder. One end of the pipe is extended outwards on the vanes to pick up water. The cylinder is mounted on a hollow metal shaft. This shaft also acts as pipe. One end of the pipes wound around the cylinder is connected to this hollow shaft at the centre of the cylinder. The central shaft is housed in a bearing, which allows it to rotate freely with the flow of water. The bearings are supported on a frame. This frame is light in weight and is made up of hollow PVC pipes or other metal pipes. The entire assembly along with the frame is made floating by placing empty barrels below the flame and tying the frame tightly to it. Each coil of the tube helps increase the available head pressure, effectively increasing how high the water can be pumped. Successive coils are wound such that their outer diameter is slightly less than the inner diameter of the previous coil as the tubing spirals in. The diameter of the coil is much larger than the diameter of the tube, so the diameter of each additional coil decreases only a small amount. Due to the alternating water and air that is taken into the tubing the pressure of the previous coil gets added to the pressure in each coil. If the coils are about the diameter of the wheel the apparatus will pump water to a height of approximately the coil diameter multiplied by the number of coils. 5.3 WORKING As the wheel revolves each paddle in turn becomes submerged in the water passing around it. Thus once per revolution each water collector also dips into the water. Just after the water collector passes the horizontal position and begins to raise it takes in a gulp of water-expelling air previously contain within it when the collector rises out of the canal it is of water. This charge of water run back into the first spiral of the tube pump and the cycle is repeated. As the wheel revolves a pressure head develops within each coil of spiral tube, water in the ascending coil being higher than in the descending coil. Course of water contained in the spiral compresses air between them as they travel around the tube and both water and air are expelled under pressure into the hollow axel of the wheel. The water which is under pressure rises up the pipe and this process assisted by the compressed air which lifts water above it in its attempts to escape through the pipe. FIGURE NO: 6 SPIRAL WHEEL WORKING OF PADDLES CHAPTER 6 REFERANCE John Herman 1, “Spiral Water Wheel Pump” This pump uses a rotating pipe coil to pump water. Peter Taileret 2, “The spiral pumps” (A High Lift, Slow Turning Pump) International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, “Coil Pump Design for a Community Fountain in Zambia” Phillip L. Thompson1, Sonya Milonova2, Meghan Reha3, Faisal Mased4, Ian Tromble5. S N Waghmare1, M Mestri2, P V Lavekar3, T S Misal4, P C Nalawade5 , “ MANUALLY OPERATED SPIRAL TUBE WATER WHEEL PUMP”, Mechanical Engg. Dept. Rajendra Mane College of Engg & Tech., (Ambav), Devrukh, Maharashtra, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 02 Issue: 01, Apr- 2015. Praveen Mishra1,Divakar Verma2,Harshal Sankhe3,Rajesh More4 , “Spiral Tube Water Wheel Pump” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Of Mumbai Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering, L.C.A. Naegel1, J.G. Real2 and A.M. Mazaredo3, “Designing a spiral pump for irrigation”, (1)-Danish Guide and Scout Association, ‘The Stream-driven Coil Pump', The Danish Scout Association, Denmark 1984. Stavros I. Yannopoulos [1], Gerasimos Lyberatos 2,Nicolaos Theodossiou 3,Wang Li 4,Mohammad Valipour 5,Aldo Tamburrino 6 and Andreas N. Angelakis 7 “Evolution of Water Lifting Devices (Pumps) over the Centuries worldwide”. Siddhartha Chaukekar1, Purvesh Makaria2 ,Sachin Vishwakarma3 ,Khan M. Azher4,“Eco-Friendly Pump & Electricity Generator” Department of Mechanical Engineering Shree L.R. Tiwari College of Engineering . MR. SACHIN.S1, MR. NINAD DINESH2, MR. DARSHAN S P3, MR. SHREYAS PATEL4, “STUDIES ON INCLINED WATER WHEEL SPIRAL PUMP”. COLLEGE: JSS POLYTECHNIC, MYSURU, BRANCH: CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Task to be Accomplish Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-17 Feb- 2017 Selection of Research Topic                   Literature Review & Internet surfing                   Study about project And its application                   Preparation of Review Paper                   Model Preparation of water wheel                   analysis of Proposed model                   Find the root cause of failure                   analysis of modified model                   Comparisons between exiting model and modified model                   Thesis writing                   Chapter 7 Work plan Work completed   Work to be completed   Water Displacement by Spiral Tubes 16