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The accurate recognition of tephra deposits is of great value to Earth scientists because they facilitate stratigraphic correlation. The most useful tephra deposits form from violent volcanic eruptions; they are isochronous and... more
The shrinkage of the Lisan Lake (LL) to form the recent Dead Sea (DS) was mainly a result of the reduction of the catchment area from around 157,000 km2 during Late Pleistocene to 43,000 km2 presently. The reduction in the catchment area... more
We present a model of the triggering of volcanic eruptions based on fractional crystallisation and oversaturation of volatile species in a shallow magma chamber. We calculate the overpressure in the chamber and consequent increase in its... more
We present a model to assess the viability of the creation of volcanic eruptions of up to flood-basalt size from a giant impactor striking a relatively thin lithosphere. A 300-km-radius crater in 75-km-thick lithosphere can create 106 km3... more
Pendidikan dan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai bencana sangat penting dalam mengurangi risiko bencana. Masyarakat hendaknya mengetahui daerah mereka rawan akan berbagai ancaman bencana seperti, bencana gunung meletus dan gempa bumi.... more
In the central sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift, the Ziway–Shala lake basin system includes four present-day residual lakes, from north to south, lakes Ziway, Langano, Abijata, and Shala. This region of East Africa is under the influence... more
The research aims was to determine the readiness of school-related disaster preparedness school in some Muhammadiyah Islamic elementary schools in District Gondangrejo. The object of research is 5 Muhammadiyah Islamic elementary schools... more
As the planet's principal cold traps, the martian polar regions have accumulated extensive mantles of ice and dust that cover individual areas of ∼106 km2 and total as much as 3–4 km thick. From the scarcity of superposed craters on... more
Volcanic eruptions can produce a wide range of hazards. Although phenomena such as pyroclastic flows and surges, sector collapses, lahars and ballistic blocks are the most destructive and dangerous, volcanic ash is by far the most widely... more
The most dynamic demographic process of the past 250 years has been the movement of people from rural areas to cities. For most of this period urbanisation has been concentrated in economically more developed parts of the world, but... more
Explosive eruptions from volcanoes are recorded in the stratigraphic record throughout the Phanerozoic. The most visible evidence of these eruptions is generally in the form of preserved tephra layers, and they appear to be concentrated... more