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I believe that there was a massacre of the population of Volubilis during the war of conquest: it is reasonable and scientifically legitimate to conclude this from the inscriptions we have discussed. Another, different problem is the... more
Écriture phénicienne, écriture ibérique, écritures punique et néo-punique, écriture libyque.
Alors que le fait religieux est relativement bien attesté dans le périmètre urbain de Volubilis, l’arrière-pays, connu essentiellement par les prospections du sol, souffre d’un manque de témoignages qui pourraient renseigner sur les... more
Volubilis was a Roman city located at the southwest extremity of the Roman Empire in modern-day Morocco. Several Jewish gravestone inscriptions in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, likely from the 3rd century CE, have been found there. One of... more
Project Presentation (Research Fellowship) at "RomanIslam – Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies"
Les années 39-44 ap. J.-C. constitue une période charnière dans l’histoire de Volubilis qui passe du statut de cité maurétanienne à celui de municipe romain. Le passage d’un environnement politique à un autre se traduit dans la sphère... more
This paper discusses the study of stone implements from the Roman site of Volubilis (Morocco), undertaken in order to identify the types of stone used for different tools found in workshops and to isolate potential quarry sources. As part... more
Recent research on the altars kept at Rabat Museum of History and Civilizations has made it possible « to redisover » a terracotta altar from a totally new point of view. Indeed, one can notice a perforation about level with the die from... more
L'articolo si propone di rivolgere l’indagine su tre direttrici fondamentali: le trasformazioni architettoniche e funzionali dei tofet tardo punici, mai analizzate finora nello specifico nella letteratura archeologica, per illustrare le... more
We present a comparative analysis of electrical and gravity data on the Geographic Information System of the prerifaines ridges. At the Meso-Cenozo?c sequence, the geometry of the prerifaines ridges is fairly well known. However, the... more
During the 2017 field season, our team cleaned and documented six of the bakeries in Volubilis. The primary goal of this fieldwork was to provide the first detailed study of the interior operations of the city’s commercial bakeries,... more
Les fouilles effectuées entre 2001-2005, dans le quartier ouest de volubilis ont permis la decouverte, entre autres materiels archeologiques, d'un mobilier numismatique très important. Cent quarte-vingt-douze pieces y ont ete recuiellies.... more
The conservation of the early Islamic Bath at Volubilis in the North-West of Morocco led to the discovery of unknown aspects of the hydraulic system of the building in addition to the realisation of the rst archaeological conservation... more
Three very similar fragments of Roman objects were interpreted as mirror or knife handles, the first from the Saalburg fortress in Germany in 1897, the second from grave 1 at Monte do Farrobo in Portugal in 1974 and the third from Milano... more
Volubilis was a Roman city located at the southwest extremity of the Roman Empire in modern-day Morocco. Several Jewish gravestone inscriptions in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, likely from the 3rd century CE, have been found there. One of... more
L' occupation administrative et militaire romaine de la Mauritanie Tingitane a duré un peu moins de V siècles. Subdivisée en deux périodes, le haut empire qui a duré de son annexion à Rome sous l'empereur Claude en 40 après J.-C. jusqu'à... more
We present a comparative analysis of electrical and gravity data on the Geographic Information System of the prerifaines ridges. At the Meso-Cenozo?c sequence, the geometry of the prerifaines ridges is fairly well known. However, the... more