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The development of a scoring scheme for the classification of molecules into serine protease (SP) actives and inactives is described. The method employed a set of pre-selected descriptors for encoding the molecular structures, and a... more
An approach to rational design of new polyketides with the required spectrum of biological activity has been proposed. We have developed the BioGenPharm software, which generates combinatorial libraries of polyketides based on the... more
La "Filologia digitale" come approccio cross-disciplinare al "mondo del libro": alcune indicazioni dal progetto "Sardinian Library". ABSTRACT: L'avvio del complesso progetto di ricerca “Sardinian Library. Portale del libro a stampa... more
PurposeThe aim of this paper is to investigate whether undergraduate students in the College of Health Sciences in Niger Delta University are information literate, and to determine whether they are aware of and use different information... more
Theophilus Adjei-Kumit and Arkady Retik$ t Ph.D. Candidate, Virtual Construction Simulation Research Group (VCSRG), University of S trathclyde, Glasgow. $ Senior Lecturer in Construction Management, VCSRG, Department of Civil Engineering,... more
ABSTRACT Human factors professionals have long been challenged with finding an effective way of communicating critical human factors design information to product designers. The authors have created a tool called a “Knowledge Shelf” for... more
We propose an approach to rational design of new polyketides with the required spectrum of biological activity. We developed BioGenPharm software for generation of polyketide combinatorial libraries, prediction of activity spectra for the... more
The University of Minnesota Rochester is creating a new paradigm for higher education. The UMR library is creating a new library model with its virtual library and its marriage to IT. The campus is leveraging resources, collaborating with... more
In specific domains, such as newspaper news, virtual libraries, videos or music repositories, the available specialised search engines use to offer to the users more complex interfaces than the generic ones. These interfaces allow to... more
"Nit;'iliilTi:j] I'automazione di biblioteca sono state modellate e guidate costante-mente da due fattori il costo e le prestazioni della tecnologia dispo-nibile al momento." [1] L'affermazione di De Gennaro è e-stensibile anche al... more
This chapter introduces the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Virtual Library as a tool for linking researchers and agricultural research results. The CGIAR is a strategic alliance of countries,... more
... Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim, Senior Librarian, University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei. ... The budget for libraries has not been very generous, and in higher education institutions the money allocated is often far below... more
The purpose of this article is twofold, first to promote the use of patterns in the analysis phase of the software life-cycle by proposing an outline template for analysis patterns that strongly supports the whole analysis process from... more
The paper considers some ideas for Montenegro maritime central electronic library catalogue (CELC) as a special maritime virtual library-conception, realization and implementation. Particular attention has been paid to improving... more
We have recently reported that the combination of molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surface properties (autocorrelation vectors) with the conventional partial least squares (PLS) analysis can be used to produce a robust ligand-based... more
Resumen Las colecciones de mapas y planos históricos que conserva el Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica son de invaluable valor cultural y debido a su fragilidad, deben ser preservados en formato digital para su manipulación. La iniciativa de... more
Abstract (ITA): Al giorno d’oggi la ricerca umanistica attinge a piene mani e in modo sempre più consapevole da Internet, che si configura come un vastissimo repository cui un gran numero di ricercatori da ogni parte del mondo fa... more