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What happens to art in time of war? Who should own art, and what is its appropriate context? Should the victorious ever allow the defeated to keep their art? These questions were posed by Cicero in speeches he gave in 70 BCE, when he... more
Starting from an analysis of Verres' early cursus honorum, the paper focuses mainly on his role as propraetor and governor of Sicily between 73 and 71BC. There, when he was in charge, according to Cicero's In Verrem, he committed the most... more
Container and window glass from the Merovingian age is not often found by archaeologists in Switzerland. All the more memorable are the numerous fragments of drinking glass and serving bowls, primarily of the sixth and seventh centuries,... more
The position of a magistratus designatus may be described as ‘intermediate’ between that of a privatus and a magistratus. Designati could enjoy prominent political standing, but there is no secure evidence that they were able to use... more
The article contains information about materials of archaeological excavation on the burial ground of Chernyakhiv culture. The materials can be dated to the 2nd half of the 4th - first half of the 5th centuries AD. Discovering the new... more
Mit der Lampsakos-Episode in der zweiten Verres-Rede (2, 1, 63-85) liefert Cicero ein Beispiel für Verres' Lasterhaftigkeit bereits zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt von dessen Karriere. Diese Episode enthält vermutlich einige historisch richtige... more
O. SERGI, 54. Coppia di ampolline (scheda), in MUDAS. Conservare la memoria. Le arti nelle collezioni museali, a cura di O. SERGI, Catanzaro, ed. MUDAS, 2014, pp. 158 - 159.
This paper reconstructs the political context of the trial of C. Verres in 70 BC and the defence mounted by Verres’ advocate, Q. Hortensius. In 74 BC the city of Rome was in the midst of famine, and piracy and insurrection were rife... more