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Abstract. Data-centric synchronization groups fields of objects into atomic sets to indicate they must be updated atomically. Each atomic set has associated units of work, code fragments that preserve the consistency of that atomic set.... more
We study the cube of type assignment systems, as introduced in Giannini et al. (Fund. Inform. 19 (1993) 87–126), and confront it with Barendregt's typed gl-cube (Barendregt, in: Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, Vol. 2, Clarenden... more
Haskell provides type-class-bounded and parametric polymorphism as opposed to subtype polymorphism,of object-oriented languages such as Java and OCaml. It is a contentious question whether Haskell 98 without extensions, or with common... more
Meta-programming languages provide infrastructure to generate and execute object programs at run-time. In a typed setting, they contain a modal type constructor which classifies object code. These code types generally come in two flavors:... more
Abstract. We develop an imperative calculus that provides a formal model for both single and mixin inheritance. By introducing classes and mixins as the basic object-oriented constructs in a λ-calculus with records and references, we... more
Service-oriented applications are frequently used in highly dynamic contexts: ser- vice compositions may change dynamically, in particular, because new services are discovered at runtime. Moreover, subtyping has recently been identified... more
This paper attempts to define an object-oriented database system. It describes the main features and characteristics that a system must have to qualify as an object-oriented database system. We have separated these characteristics into... more
Almost a year ago, Microsoft has introduced the .NET architecture as a new component-based programming environment, which allows for easy integration of classical distributed programming techniques with Web computing. .NETdefines a type... more
Almost a year ago, Microsoft has introduced the .NET architecture as a new component-based programming environment, which allows for easy integration of classical distributed programming techniques with Web computing. .NETdefines a type... more
Systems code is almost universally written in the C programming language or a variant. C has a very low level of type and memory abstraction and formal reasoning about C systems code requires a memory model that is able to capture the... more