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This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
Effetti del passaggio dal binitarismo al trinitarismo
Lo sviluppo graduale del pensiero trinitario
In 1924, B. Russell claimed the crucial importance of relationships to our understanding of many unresolved philosophical problems. Such observation is more than fundamental for the contemporary philosophical agenda: ontology, philosophy... more
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
Jesus speaks three words - or sayings - to Thomas in a moment of revelation, and when his comrades urge Thomas to reveal them he issues a warning: "If I tell you one (...) you will stone me (...)" Which are these words that have such a... more
Menanggapi Isu mengenai adanya perbedaan antara Roh Bapa, Roh Kudus, dan Roh Kristus.. dan sedikit pemahaman mengenai Trinitas.
Tauhid dan Trinitas adalah konsep sentral di dalam Islam dan Kristen sebab berhubungan dengan hakikat terdalam tradisi keagamaan sekaligus penanda utama dari keunikan identitas masing-masing. Melalui pemahaman akan Allah yang... more
In his extant letters and speeches, Emperor Constantine often referred to God. However, these references were seldom theological elaborations on the concept of God. Instead, they were usually limited to the use of certain ambiguous titles... more
Head of the Department of Church Archaeology of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named in honour of St. Andrei Rublev proposes a multilateral iconological review of Byzantine and Russian icons "Philoxenia of Abraham"... more
This article builds on C. S. Peirce’s suggestive blueprint for an inclusive outlook that grants reality to his three categories. Moving away from the usual focus on (contentious) cosmological forces, I use a modal principle to partition... more
This is a syllabus for a summer course on the Trinity. Each class day on the schedule is equivalent to three days of a semester class that would meet twice per week (i.e., three 75-minute sessions). Rather than using a traditional... more
This article studies the role of theological preunderstanding in interpreting the text of Scripture in the middle of the fourth century CE. It investigates Hilary of Poitier’s use of Scripture in Trinitarian controversies, his... more
Sungguh, Kami telah memberikan wahyu kepadamu (Muhammad) sebagaimana Kami telah memberikan wahyu kepada Nuh dan nabi-nabi kemudian, dan Kami telah memberikan wahyu (juga) kepada Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishak, Ya'qub dan anak-anaknya, Isa, Ayyub,... more
This article investigates the implications of the ancient nomos/physis debate to Trinitarian theology. While the Cappadocians, countering Heteroousians, eventually demonstrated that naturalist understanding of naming did not work for... more
Un breve lavoro che esplora le radici della separazione avvenuta tra le Chiese sulla questione dell'aggiunta del Filioque
Topik ini sebenarnya merupakan topik yang sangat menarik dalam iman Kristen, sehingga perumusan atau penjelasan mengenai Roh Kudus dan Trinitas ini cukup mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa. Doktrin ini sejatinya kita dapat melihat bahwa,... more
La presente ricerca – Premio Bellarmino 2019 – si pone l’obiettivo di istruire un confronto tra le prospettive trinitarie di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio e Tommaso d’Aquino a partire dai loro Commenti alle Sentenze del maestro Pietro... more
From my correspondence with an African American willing to undertake studies in Egyptology in order to contribute to the his community's need of cultural and spiritual betterment.... more
Slides della quarta lezione del corso "Agostino dice Dio amore", per la Scuola Diocesana di Formazione Teologica di Pordenone.
Bapa tidak berasal dari siapapun, tidak diperanakan dan tidak diciptakan. Bapa memperanakan Anak, dimana kata "memperanakan" disini berarti "melahirkan". Anak dilahirkan dari Bapa sejak kekekalan bukan karena kehendak Bapa tapi memang... more
This article was written for the forthcoming Volume of Studia Patristica on the basis of my presentation in the workshop 'Neoplatonism and the Fathers' on 12th August 2015. Abstract: Act of vision is an important analogy used to describe... more
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that due to the so‐called “accusation of Christomonism” made especially by the Orthodox observers during the Vatican II sessions, the pneumatology of French theologian Yves Congar proceeded to... more
It is usually thought that only one being can be all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. Challenging this monotheist conviction, I propose a universe ruled by two deities: ‘day shift God’ oversees the events that occur while the sun is... more
Il concetto di processione compare nella Scrittura e nelle prime riflessioni ecclesiali, descrivendo la vita intima di Dio. L'articolo mette a tema il problema della distinzione della generazione e della spirazione nell'assoluta e... more
Di quale “natura divina” (cf. 2 Pt 1, 4) siamo resi partecipi? L’articolo si propone di rispondere all’interrogativo attraverso un confronto fra due punti di vista, uno cattolico e l’altro ortodosso, partendo dal diverso modo di concepire... more
This is a translation of some parts of my PhD thesis: Introduction, Summary of the contents of the thesis, General Index.
It's made by author only for evaluation purpose.
Glenn D. Butner is Assistant Professor of Theology and Christian Ministry at Sterling College, KS. Prior to The Son who Learned Obedience (subsequently, SLO), he authored articles on the Trinity including, “For and Against de Régnon:... more
The sixteen essays of Trinity without Hierarchy (subsequently, TwH) together argue that conceptualizing the Trinity in terms of eternal relations of authority and submission (hereafter, ERAS) conflicts with the "the apostolic and... more
Pribadi Yesus sebelum Inkarnasi-Nya Sebelum inkarnasi-Nya, Yesus sudah ada sebelum Abraham ada. Ia ada sebelum penciptaan dan Ia menopang segala sesuatu dengan kuasa-Nya. Yesus adalah Anak Allah sebelum inkarnasi-Nya dan sekarang pun Ia... more
Schema della quarta lezione del corso "Agostino dice Dio amore", per la Scuola Diocesana di Formazione Teologica di Pordenone.
Доклад «Афонский извод «Живоначальной Троицы» преподобного Андрея Рублева» (The Athos παραδείγματα of the world-famous icon “Life-GivingTrinity” by St. Andrei Rublev) на открытии пленарного заседания международной научной конференции... more
Slides della quinta lezione del corso "Agostino dice Dio amore", per la Scuola Diocesana di Formazione Teologica di Pordenone.
Johannes Zachhuber, Luther’s Christological Legacy: Christocentrism and the Chalcedonian Tradition. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2017. The Sixteenth Century Journal 50.4 (2019) 1267–68.
Schema della quinta lezione del corso "Agostino dice Dio amore", per la Scuola Diocesana di Formazione Teologica di Pordenone.