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Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of variability of attentional focus distance by self-talk on the learning of table tennis backhand. Methods: Therefore, 80 high school girls by mean age 16(+-0/62) yr.... more
The aims of this study were to examine: (a) whether coach leadership behaviours predict athletes’ use of coping and (b) whether coping predicts athletes’ emotional outcomes in competition. A sample of 180 table tennis players (Mage=... more
Se analiza la relación de características del patrón de conducta tipo A propuesta por los cardiólogos norteamericanos Rosenman y Friedman (1988) y el desempeño deportivo tomado como resultados deportivos en torneos estatales, regionales y... more
• Relatively young sport, younger than lawn tennis and not much older than basketball. • Indoor Tennis was played in the early 1880s by British Army officer in India and South Africa using lids from cigar boxes as paddles and rounded cork... more
The aim of the paper is to investigate ping-pong diplomacy between the Unites States and China, which was used by both countries as a diplomatic tool, aimed at achieving political rapprochement despite ideological dissonance and conflict... more
The study was under taken with the purpose of comparing selected physical fitness variables in Table Tennis Players and Badminton Players. The variables selected were Agility and Flexibility. 60 male school students were selected as... more
In this paper, we have designed a Smart Ping Pong Robot. Here we are using this robot specifically for table tennis application, where the player will able to play or practice without any opponent. This Robot automatically throws the ball... more
The study was under taken with the purpose of comparing selected physical fitness variables in Table Tennis Players and Badminton Players. The variables selected were Explosive Strength and Abdominal Strength. Sixty male school students... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mental toughness on the performance score of table tennis players. To work on this purpose a total of 24 table tennis players (male and female) were selected as the subjects... more
The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences in anger levels depending on sport performance in table tennis players. The sample consisted of 93 Spanish table tennis players, 20 players were professionals (21.50%) and 73... more
This study aims to examine the Turkish Table Tennis Super League elite players' general self-efficacy perceptions and motivation sources. The sample of research consist of 66 male (69,5%) and 29 female (30,5%) participants who are... more
Examiner: Do you enjoy using technology? Stephan: Well … I wouldn't call myself a techie or a computer buff but I enjoy using computers … I'd like to find out more about how they work … when my computer crashes I never know what to do. •... more
The aim of this research was to analyse burnout (estimated by emotional and physical exhaustion) and coping (as estimated by the need to seek support) in relation to the number of sport-practice-hours undertaken by table tennis players of... more
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between problem solving skills and ego states of table tennis athletes in Turkish super league in terms of some variables. Population consists of athletes in Turkish Table Tennis... more
The application of technology in the world of sports is able to support athletes’ efforts from an early age, so that achievements of athletes can be improved faster, and it will be more efficient. The aim of this research is to design a... more
Resumen: El presente trabajo logró cumplir con su objetivo general sobre mejorar la técnica de tenis de mesa del club BTY PERÚ-TRUJILLO al implementar «SporTTec», habiendo estudiado el movimiento TopSpin de 5 tenimesistas para las pruebas... more
Larger equality of the matches in sport contests could hypothetical motivate the players and teams to play with greater pleasure, and to maintain that level of motivation for achievement that they can provide or maintain the progress... more
This paper discusses the use of simulated robots in a virtual table tennis environment. Specifically, the use of a two-segment arm for the control of a bat and the possibilities of using vision as a human-computer interface are... more
يهدف البحث لتصميم دائرة الكترنية تساعد فى قياس سرعة رأس المضرب وقياس زاوية رأس المضرب لحظة ضرب المضرب للكرة
ومن ثم الاستفادة من هذه المتغيرات لتحسين اداء اللاعبين
Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar la relación entre el locus de control y el rendimiento deportivo, y conocer la relación entre el locus de control y las variables de ira. La muestra de la investigación se compuso de 58... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate certain psychological skills of Greek table tennis athletes. The sample consisted of 152 athletes from all over Greece (108 men, 44 women). For the assessment of their psychological skills, the... more
Post WWII Nigeria saw the proliferation of sporting leagues, sporting clubs, and sporting infrastructure. While a lot of work has been done on the growth of sports like football and boxing in terms of nationalism and masculinity, little... more
El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las prácticas educativas parentales necesarias para un correcto desarrollo de la carrera deportiva de los jóvenes jugadores y esclarecer el papel de los padres en el tenis de mesa. Para ello se... more
This study aimed to examine the effects of neck cooling on table tennis performance. Eight young, National level, male table tennis players (age 16 ± 2 years, height 1.77 ± 0.08 m, body mass 67.54 ± 10.66 kg) were recruited. Participants... more
Objectives: Little is known about salivary steroid hormone responses to dyadic competition among prepubescent boys. The current study explored pre-match and post-match testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione, and... more
O Tênis de Mesa e o Ping-Pong são dois semelhantes jogos de mesa, cujas diferenças foram determinadas no transcorrer histórico destas práticas. Qual a relação entre a prática do Tênis de Mesa e o Ping-Pong em Porto Alegre nas décadas de... more
Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar la relación entre el locus de control y el rendimiento deportivo, y conocer la relación entre el locus de control y las variables de ira. La muestra de la investigación se compuso de 58... more
espanolLos objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar la relacion entre el locus de control y el rendimiento deportivo, y conocer la relacion entre el locus de control y las variables de ira. La muestra de la investigacion se compuso de... more
Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of variability of attentional focus distance by self-talk on the learning of table tennis backhand. Methods: Therefore, 80 high school girls by mean age 16(+-0/62) yr.... more
The research aims to design an electronic circuit that helps in measuring the speed of the racket head and measuring the angle of the racket head at the moment the racket hits the ball And then take advantage of these variables to improve... more
The research comprised an analysis of an intentional sample of 914 table tennis players competing in various recreational table tennis leagues in SOKAZ (the Association of Recreational Table Tennis Players of Zagreb) during 2006. The... more
The aim of this research was to analyse burnout (estimated by emotional and physical exhaustion) and coping (as estimated by the need to seek support) in relation to the number of sport-practice-hours undertaken by table tennis players of... more
In this article, I conceptualize defensive playing in table tennis by analyzing it from the viewpoint of affective philosophy (Delouse & Guattari 1986, 1987). The spatial and emotional aspects of the atmosphere of such play are... more