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Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to show how the choice and ongoing evaluation of a firm's business model, as a matter of strategic guidance, are key aspects of corporate governance (CG), with particular reference to risk management... more
This is the RAW DATA for a neural network price prediction system to be utilized for the prediction of stock prices on US markets. To date the performances are doing well. I have experiemented with multiple architectures and now am... more
Parikh is undoubtedly the pole star of value investing who will continue to help us establish our investing co-ordinates provided we care to grow in the guiding light of his example.
The financial sector is divided into two broad categories: equity and banking markets. The healthy functioning of these sectors plays an imperative role in any economy. This study aimed to examine the short- and long-term relationship... more
The study investigated the impact of stagflation on stock market returns under two Control variables that economic policies and the characteristics of the stock market. The study included nine countries
Italian stock market analysis with respect to the semi-strong information efficiency hypothesis.
This study explores the relationship between the stock market and the real estate market. Through the methodologies of cointegration and the Error Correction modeling and data from both the US and the UK stock and the real estate markets... more
ABSTRACT.This paper investigates the relationship between stock prices, exchange rate and demand for money in India during the period of post liberalization in India. The objective of the paper is two-fold. First, the study aims to shed... more
The objective of this study was to establish the effects of dividend announcement to current market prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, with four specific objectives; to determine the information content of dividend announcements,... more
This research discusses mainly about the effect of the short sell ban on the performance of stocks. The performance is measured through the liquidity, overvalue, and price efficiency of the stocks. This research is conducted after the... more
Apple Inc produce, designs and sells: mobile communication devices, software, service, networking solutions, portable digital music players, desktop computers and personal computers. It’s a worldwide company which sells its products in... more
Inflation means a persistent change in the price level of goods and services in an economy. It is generally measured in the consumer price index (CPI) or retail price index (RPI). Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a country's... more
Sefi 2013. A brand new edition of this reference dictionary, every entry have been reviewed and many other words have been added. The format is now closer to pocket book to make it easier to handle as it has become much thicker. Please... more
The stock option strategy, double calendar spreads can be used for a variety of market scenarios. Calendar spreads or "time spreads" are made by selling a front month option, while buying a further-month option, using the same strike... more
Predicting daily behavior of stock market is a serious challenge for investors and corporate stockholders and it can help them to invest with more confident by taking risks and fluctuations into consideration. In this paper, by applying... more
The phenomenon of match-fixing can be found in any field of sport contests. Match fixing not only weakens the joy of watching sport competitions for the fans, but also causes financial losses for the investors. Match fixing affects many... more
RESUMO: Finanças Comportamentais continua a ser uma área de estudo que requer grandes incentivos à pesquisa. Mesmo havendo investigações já realizadas com consistências significativas, ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para... more
The article analyses Google search queries relevant to financial matters in their dynamics against the background of financial market moods. The author proposes a concept of the so called "fake`s capitalization" which takes shape at... more
“Multiple Spread Trading” (MST) is the multidimensional evolution of the traditional “Pair Trading”, also known as “Spread Trading”. MST is an investment strategy that does not depend on the market trend. It is based on quantitative... more
Bu çalışmada, Borsa İstanbul 100 Endeksi (BIST) ile Dolar/TL Kuru (USD) ve Avro/TL Kuru (EUR) arasındaki dinamik ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle Türkiye Ekonomisinin finansal yapısının dinamikleri tarihsel... more
The aim of the article is to model a new formula that can calculate price corridor using the linear regression and standard deviation instead of the moving average. The research will check the possible application of the linear regression... more
The Dow Theory is one of the most popularly used concepts of charting & Technical Analysis. It happens to be one of the oldest technical analysis tools as well. Dow Theory days back to as early as 1900 to 1902 when Charles Dow laid the... more
The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not there are any over-reactions to the positive and negative events of the Borsa Istanbul 100 index (BIST-100) in relation to the Dow Jones Industrial index (DJIA).  The daily stock... more
This essay aims at highlighting on how the Capital Markets System of Tanzania designed to finance the newly established companies. On doing that the author divides the essay into three major parts, the introduction part, the discussion... more
Stock is a curve with a lot of unknowns. Stock market forecasting is fraught with complications and unpredictability. One of the most challenging and sophisticated methods of doing business is investing in the stock market. Stock... more
in: Chen, P. - Ippoliti, E. (eds). Methods and Finance. A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy (2017), pp. 179-194. The nature of the data in financial systems raises several theoretical and methodological issues, which... more
Touro e urso, o que esses dois animais tem a ver com mercado financeiro? Tudo a ver.
Η Εταιρική Διακυβέρνηση σε όλη την ιστορική της διαδρομή αποτελεί το εργαλείο εκείνο διαμέσου του οποίου οι διοικούντες των οργανισμών προσελκύουν κεφάλαια και επενδυτές. Tο τέλος του 2008 η Ελλάδα εισήλθε σε μια περίοδο σφοδρής και... more
The book is addressed to professional traders, investors, and economists that would like to explore new possibilities in financial market trend analysis. The book elaborates on Complex Technical Analysis that bases on compound analysis of... more
A fairly detailed description of Rudolf Hilferding's book "Finance Capital", originally published in 1910, along with some discussion of how it stands up today.
The study has attempted to evaluate the "investor"s awareness level and factors considered for investment in commodity markets. The study has designed three objectives, namely, to describe the demographic variables of investors, evaluated... more
Stock Market is also known as Stock Exchange or Share market in all over the World. It is one of the important constituent of capital market. Stock market is an organized market for the purchase and sale of industrial and financial... more
The Nigeria capital market has not witnessed obvious transformation over the years. The research aimed at Assessing Current Performance, Issues & Opportunities on the Nigeria capital market. An empirical survey based on secondary data &... more
The present work overviews the application of recom-mender systems in various financial domains. The relevant literature is investigated based on two directions. First, a domain-based cate-gorization is discussed focusing on those... more
O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a responsabilidade dos administradores das companhias abertas pela implantação e manutenção de programas de compliance, à luz das novas regras estabelecidas na recém-publicada Lei 12.846/2013, a... more
Türkiye Sermaye Piyasaları Birliği (TSPB)'nin çıkarmış olduğu Gösterge dergisinin Yaz 2015 sayısında, finansal sistemin gelişmişliği ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkiyi yarı akademik yarı profesyonel bir dil ile yazmaya çalıştım.
To really be successful at Forex trading, you need to have it at the back of your mind that Forex will definitely pay you well if you'll only work hard with patience and consistency. The market may already be saturated with traders, but... more
89 quản lý quỹ có nhiều lợi thế hơn. Vì vậy, pháp luật có nhiều quy định nhằm bảo vệ NĐT. Các quy định này thể hiện rõ trong Luật Chứng khoán, Thông tư số 212/2012/TT-BTC hướng dẫn về thành lập, tổ chức và hoạt động của công ty quản lý... more
ÖZET: Geleneksel finans beklenen fayda ve rasyonel tercih olmak üzere iki temel varsayıma dayalı olarak gelişim göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte bu varsayımların yeterince gerçekçi olmadığı ileri sürülerek yoğun bir şekilde eleştirilmiştir.... more