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Pardis Mahdavi’s Crossing the Gulf is based on ethnographic fieldwork in the Arabian Gulf that investigated immobilities and mobilities as well as familial love in the lives of migrant workers. Although her data concentrate mainly on... more
For most people, privacy is just one of those rights that is debated in the context of cyberspace and big data, something threatened by the commercial platforms, in name defended by the government, but not something of fundamental... more
Legújabb könyvében Eva Illouz francia-izraeli szociológus azokat a társadalmi változásokat és feszítőerőket elemzi, amelyek hatására gyakran már az ismerkedés sem jut tovább a szexuális igények kölcsönös kielégítésének fázisánál. Miközben... more
In this article I explore the contemporary normative meanings of friendship, unpacking the subject through two different questions: “what is a good friend?” and “what is an intimate friend?” Drawing on survey data from a national... more
Co wiemy o polskich parach mieszkających razem bez ślubu? Tekst oferuje krótkie podsumowanie wiedzy płynącej z dotychczasowych badań ilościowych, wzbogacając je o wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2011 roku w Poznaniu. Przy tej okazji,... more
This chapter explores the creators and potential consumers of sex robots. With Realbotix as our case study, we take a closer look at the language and sentiments of those developing the technology and those who are testing, consuming, or... more
""Largely based on pre-theory that ties high testosterone (T) to masculinity, and low T to femininity, high T is mainly studied in relation to aggression, mating, sexuality, and challenge, and low T with parenting. Evidence, however,... more
In this article I conceptualise BDSM (Bondage, Domination and Submission, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism) practices within the frame of contemporary intimacies. This article draws from an empirical research in Milan, involving... more
El artículo analiza problemas teóricos y críticos en relación a la escritura de la intimidad en los Diarios de Katherine Mansfield y en las crónicas del Jornal do Brasil de Clarice Lispector. En primer lugar, aborda la relación entre... more
The article presents selected results of research conducted within the project „Women in intimate relationships. The empirical and critical study”. The Author characterises practices involved in the process of constructing intimacy in... more
Despite contemporary acceptance that children are active agents in their own socialization, that causality between parents and children is bidirectional, and that context matters, basic concepts used in socialization research continue to... more
What might it mean to think of 'the single' as a potentially queer subject and in what ways does singleness pose a challenge to heteronormative conceptualizations of the lifecourse and household formation? In this paper I explore some of... more
Gunnarsson, Lena (2014) ‘Loving him for he is: the microsociology of power’, in A.G. Jónasdóttir and A. Ferguson (eds) Love – a question for feminism in the twenty first century. London: Routledge, pp. 97-110. The chapter theorizes the... more
Ese artículo es parte de un estudio sobre las relaciones entre la cultura, la economía y el amor romántico. Hay un propósito para que el mantenimiento de ese tipo de amor esté presente en la actualidad en detrimento de otros, y la verdad... more
The rise of psy discourse has been the subject of considerable academic attention, but one of its most popular and visible forms, the self-help book, has received comparatively little attention. This article provides a Foucauldian... more
During the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) movement, parents generally supported government efforts to maintain order while their adult children allied themselves with the protesters. Conventional literature on social... more
Contemporary western culture aligns sex, romance and coupledom. Asexuality is a self-identity movement that emerged in the early 2000’s, focused on people who do not experience sexual attraction. Asexuality therefore disrupts the first... more
This dissertation is an ethnography of intimacy as it is transacted in the political economy and commodity culture of K-pop. I view both K-pop singers and fans as intimate laborers in the affective economy of global K-pop and explore how... more
Today, individuals can relatively easily meet and communicate with each other over great distances due to increased mobility and advances in communication technology. This also allows intimate relationships to be maintained over large... more
This paper documents continuities and shifts in love stories unfolding in contemporary North-American TV series. We present results from a 2015- 2017 case study on the Quebec TV series La Galère (2007-2013), showcasing four women in... more
[this is the developed version of conference speech "Cain inanimate objects be more sexually attractive than people?" expanded with the hypothesis of return of magical thinking as an explanation of anthropomorphizing attitude towards... more
This book is a collection of quotes and some original ideas of my own which are used as lecture outlines and handouts in my Mysteries of Love: Climbing Mount Eros Seminar on the Psychology of Love. For, the past 36 years, since beginning... more
As images become more and more omnipresent our relation to them assumes new contours. Contemporary social networks place a singular emphasis in the optic apparatus challenging traditional networked media studies to take into account new... more
Despite a growing recognition that interpersonal friendship informs wider forms of solidarity, there is little systematic analysis as to how community members extend the logic of friendship and intimacy to broader organizational and... more
This article discusses relations between Foucault’s history of sexuality and the contemporary transformations of eroticism diagnosed by Wojciech Klimczyk. The Klimczyk’s studies are interpreted in the perspective of theoretical tools... more
A range of commercial mobile technologies are emerging which use psychophysiological sensors to monitor bodies and behaviour to produce new forms of knowledge about social relationships. In this paper I am concerned with how this kind of... more
This article explores affective and immaterial labor on the leading live-streaming platform,, which boasts over one hundred million regular viewers and two million regular broadcasters. This labor involves digitally mediated... more
This chapter is about middle-class millennial Filipino women and their experiences of mediated global intimacies in the Philippines postcolonial capital of Manila. It focuses on their use of mobile technologies in exploring relationships... more
In this chapter, we will analyse the gender performances (Butler, 2007) and gender display (Goffman, 1979) conveyed on YouTube by boys aged 12 to 17, who author videos to problematise their relationship with physical or relational... more
A central element of queer theory is the challenge to clear divisions of sexual orientation categories and the politics upon which they depend, both heteronormative and homonormative. This piece explores methodological issues in a queer... more
Mucho se ha escrito desde las ciencias sociales y los estudios literarios sobre los viajes. De hecho, en las últimas décadas presenciamos un gran interés académico por los estudios de viajeros y cronistas. La quietud en movimiento es... more
Immersive media is a hot topic, especially in the United States. The novelty value of Punchdrunk's Sleep No More, which became New York's hottest ticket in 2011 and 2012, has positioned the British company's trademark brand of "immersive... more
“Certain sounds, even when they are loud or heard from close by, conjure small sources.” Small sounds, as Chion (2016) describes them in this quote, usually appear in intimate or contained settings, where their relatively low strength... more
Weaving together biography with poetry and political theory, this chapter addresses numerous themes including activist identity, domestic violence and care of the self. Centred around the practice of sex education with young people in... more
This article seeks to amplify discursive constructions of social connection through technology with an examination of the proposed and presumed intimacies of the Tinder app. In the first half, we ethnographically examine the... more
This article explores the ways in which coupledom is promoted through contemporary family policy in the UK. It does this in the context of dominant political discourses suggesting that broken relationships are a major political problem... more