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Despite Australia being one of the most robust and progressive film industries during the early years of moving pictures, it experienced a significant decline in film production from 1915. Whether this decline was a direct result of poor... more
Despite Australia being one of the most robust and progressive film industries during the early years of moving pictures, it experienced a significant decline in film production from 1915. Whether this decline was a direct result of poor... more
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
The database FILM-SHOT-COUNTER assembles and offers results of my own „cinemetric“ measurements of films and television episodes. I achieved those measurements by counting film shots by hand-clicker, processing the number of shots in... more
A History of Italian Cinema, 2nd edition is the much anticipated update from the author of the bestselling Italian Cinema – which has been published in four landmark editions and will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2018. Building upon... more
Essay, in the film journal “Immagine – Note di Storia del Cinema” n. 9, 2014 (La danza nel cinema muto / Dance in Silent Cinema), ed. Elisa Uffreduzzi e Cristina Jandelli. ©2014 by Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del... more
(Orientalism in Italian Silent Cinema. A Choreographic Seduction). Article in the film journal
«Cinergie. Il cinema e le altre arti», n.s., n°3, March 2013
Il volume ricostruisce il panorama della danza nel cinema muto italiano, ivi compresi quei film di produzione estera la cui ambientazione e tematica ne fanno un prodotto della cultura nazionale. Benché la stagione del muto si sia chiusa... more
This essay examines a particular class of ghost movies: those where the ghost is ultimately refused and relegated to the realm of human imagination and trickery. It focuses on the case of Paul Leni’s 1927 The Cat and the Canary, to show... more
The Glory of Women through Silent Paper-cut Animation: “Scissorhands” Lotte Reiniger’s Reflection through Body Language was selected by the Conference of Society of Animation Studies (SAS ) 2017, Chunning Guo presented it in English in... more
Book Review of Counter-Archive. Film, the Everyday, and Albert Kahn's Archives de la Planète by Paula Amad (Columbia University Press, 2010)
The text explores the historicаl dialogue between Bulgaria and Asia in the context of moving pictures, as the theoretical focus is set on the earliest silent period of a “cinema of attractions”. The main question is: what is the stepping... more
Resumen: Segundo de Chomón es sin duda uno de los grandes nombres de las primeras décadas de la Historia del Cine, merecedor de un sentido reconocimiento por sus indiscutibles y revolucionarios adelantos técnicos en materia de trucajes,... more
Resumen: La influencia de la prensa ilustrada sobre los primeros films de no-ficción es hoy más que evidente. Estas películas no sólo repitieron algunas de las elecciones estéticas popularizadas por la prensa gráfica sino que retomaron... more
Resumo: O presente artigo busca entender como o cinema se desenvolveu no litoral catarinense nas duas primeiras duas décadas do século XX, em especial, na cidade de São José. Para isso, analisaremos fontes de jornais, atas de reuniões e... more
Analiza “Der Hund von Baskerville” Richarda Oswalda z 1929 r. Piszę o tym, co odróżnia film Oswalda od pozostałych ekranizacji przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Wyjaśniam, czemu ten film zaginął na ponad pół wieku. Opisuję rolę, jaką odegrał... more
Within the strategies built upon the intentional weakening of the diegetic efficiency a group apart is formed by those films which try to reach this gesture of destruction by resorting to the diegetically weaker, in this sense... more
HUFFINGTON POST BEST FILM BOOK OF 2016, FINALIST FOR RICHARD WALL MEMORIAL AWARD, LONGLISTED FOR KRASZNA-KRAUSA BEST MOVING IMAGE BOOK OF 2016. Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, and Katharine Hepburn all made lasting impressions with the... more
Cet article raconte les différentes phases de l'histoire du Max Linder Panorama : sa création par un entrepreneur norvégien du nom d'Halfdan Nobel Roede, sa reprise par l'acteur Max Linder, l'ère Siritzky, la reprise par l'équipe de... more
The Phoenix is one of only a handful of British cinemas to have remained active for the past 100 years. This is the story of Oxford’s oldest continuously operating cinema, as told by its staff and customers. Featuring first-hand... more
film and architecture
cinema and architecture
film architecture
cinema architecture
architecture and film
architecture and cinema
Para la historiografía que se ha ocupado de la historia del cine español, la figura del explicador no ha pasado hasta ahora de ser poco más que un personaje citado en contadas ocasiones, casi siempre por protagonizado alguna anécdota... more
Esta ponencia presenta avances de una investigación en curso que se propone estudiar la producción cinematográfica en el primer medio siglo de su existencia en la Argentina. En particular, se centra en el periodo silente. Por producción... more
Only jokes that have a purpose run the risk of meeting with people who do not want to listen to them.-Sigmund Freud, Jokes and their Relation to the U~zconscious (London, lW), p. 90. Chaplin's comedy was unique. His wide-ranging jabs at... more
Séptimo número de Vivomatografías. Revista de estudios sobre precine y cine silente en Latinoamérica. Revista on line de acceso abierto disponible en ARK CAICYT:... more
The 1920s saw the worldwide creation of the ‘City Symphony Films,’ avant-garde montages of the daily lives of cities. This study is grounded in the historical context of the modernisation of time, demonstrating how these films reflected... more
Film restoration in general is full of dilemmas. Working on the restoration of applied colour films in particular presents different levels of difficulties. This thesis aims to discuss the challenges met as well as the various methods... more
Few in Hollywood knew that James Young Deer, general manager of Pathé Frères West Coast Studio from 1911 to 1914, was really an imposter. After all, Young Deer had earned a reputation as the first Native American producer and had worked... more
Viagem ao cinema silencioso do Brasil foi organizado por Samuel Paiva e Sheila Schvarzman e editado em 2011. É resultado dos encontros de um grupo de pesquisadores de cinema brasileiro coordenado por Carlos Roberto de Souza, Luciana... more
"This book explores the phenomenon of silence in schools, considering a wide range of its appearances and uses. Starting from a discussion of the negative and coercive aspects of silence in schools, the discussion moves quickly onto... more
Tesis doctoral presentada en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Abarca el periodo 1896-1930.