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The origins of modern photojournalism in Germany, during the yeas 1925-1933, is the central object of this dissertation. Checking popular illustrated magazines, such as Berlliner Illustrirte Zeitung, and their contemporary critics, one... more
The Film Medium Facing Propaganda. An interrupted Dialogue between Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin The paper aims to provide a reconstruction of the exchanges on film between Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin in the 1920ies... more
Se Gli impiegati fosse un film, inizierebbe con una veduta aerea di Berlino, sul finire degli anni venti del XX secolo. È mattina presto, l'autunno già iniziato lascia tracce nella luce debole e nel foliage urbano. La città già sveglia... more
in: Linda Erker, Alexander Salzmann, Lucile Dreidemy, Klaudija Sabo (Hg.): Update! Perspektiven der Zeitgeschichte. Zeitgeschichtetage 2010. StudienVerlag: Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen 2012, S. 332-339
Written as the keynote for the Graduate student conference “Flanking Maneuvers: Lateral Thinking” at Cornell University in April 2018, the manuscript puts Edward de Bono’s concept of Lateral Thinking (1970) in conversation with the German... more
How do cinematic portrayals of the weather reflect and affect our experience of the world? While weatherly predictability and surprise can impact our daily experience, the history of cinema attests to the stylistic and narrative... more
This essay aims to understand the relations between Stanley Cavell’s theoretical generalities regarding the medium of film and his readings of individual films, with a particular focus on his writing on color in his book The World Viewed.... more
Ce séminaire se plongera dans les journaux, les revues et les reportages radio qui ont marqué la période donnant suite à la naissance de la sociologie, l’époque considérée comme « classique ». De Berlin à Chicago en passant par Prague et... more
Die Überlegungen meines Beitrags fußen auf der Annahme, dass zwischen den Denkarten, Schreibweisen und Produktionsformen der Realisten Kracauer und Kluge interessante Ähnlichkeiten und Korrespondenzen bestehen, die jedoch bisher kaum... more
Siegfried Kracauer. Das Ornament der Masse. trans. SUN Yizhou, in: LI Yang(ed.). 2017. Transparencies on Film. Henan University Press. 109-122.
One of the most versatile journalists of the 20th century, Siegfried Kracauer was a passionate cinema-goer who, as a film critic and theorist, managed to professionalize his hobby. This volume addresses a selection of Kracauer’s writings... more
Darf ich Ihnen hier Ypsi vorstellen, die kleine, sehr moder-ne Frau, die Sie gewiß schon tausendmal gesehen haben – bei Premieren, Rennen, Boxkämpfen und prominenten Leichengängnissen. Dies also ist Ypsi (leider sieht sie heute nicht... more
The notion that the cinema facilitates hitherto unrealized opportunities for democracy and empathy to take root in the spectator is put forth by the film realist Siegfried Kracauer. The valorization of the cinema as a necessary... more
Introduction à : Siegfried Kracauer,
Sur le seuil du temps. Essais sur la photographie
Textes choisis et présentés par Philippe Despoix
PUM - Ed. MSH, 2013/14
El libro pretende recorrer, de la mano de textos tutelares, el debate sobre la cultura de masas en su momento inaugural y sin duda más apasionado: el periodo de entreguerras del siglo pasado. Fue en ese momento cuando el fenómeno “de las... more
My paper joins those who acknowledge Kracauer as a thinker confronting how history and society are made up of power formations – and at the same time as a film thinker, his concepts articulated in movie terms, housed in cinema, haunted by... more
Review: "Because of its inspiring move to bring together the theoretical projects of phenomenological, aesthetic, and poststructuralist philosophy with the urgency of sociocultural and historical reality, Conscientious Viscerality... more
This essay, originally published in ON FILM magazine in 1983 and reprinted in this form in 2009, details how the classic German Expressionist film THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (Robert Wiene, 1920) manages to convey sociopolitical themes... more
This book addresses questions surrounding the constructions of space, culture, society, identity and representation. The geography of cinema extends beyond the screen, director and audience, to include the wider industrial and political... more
Der Artikel setzt sich kritisch mit der Argumentation des Essays "Warum es keine guten Gründe zur Verteidigung der Geisteswissenschaften gibt" von Justin Stover auseinander. Im Vordergrund steht ein Plädoyer für eine legitime Rolle der... more
... espectador real-la del documental Gimme Shelter (Albert Maysles, David Maysles, CharlotteZwerin, 1970) donde, a partir del visionado de la grabación de un accidentado concierto de los Rolling Stones en Altamont, se destapa, ante la... more
The three structuring topics of this chapter will be the relationship between art and technology in the work of the Frankfurt School, including the notion of art as itself a type of technology; repetition as a dynamic in the field of art,... more
Critical Theory is not a fixed set of authors grouped together into a school but rather a style of thought. One of Critical Theory’s particularities is its frequent reference to concepts derived from theology and religious vocabulary, a... more
(Main) Introduction to the three volume SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School critical theory
On the value of recycling old film theory and films for thinking a longue durée conceptualization of the anthropocene. Considers "natural history" as a genre of the anthropocene (in which genre is understood as a mode of historical... more
Oxford University Press, 2018 In recent years, environmental and human rights advocates have suggested that we have entered the first new geological epoch since the end of the ice age: the Anthropocene. In this new epoch, humans have... more
Wien, Berlin: Turia + Kant, Dezember 2018, 155 Seiten, ca. 20 Abbildungen – – – Zwischen Alltagsdiagnose, Theoriebildung und philosophischer Essayistik: Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966) hinterlässt uns am Film geprägte Formen, Gesellschaft... more