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Plagiarism is not allowed in the research journal. Therefore the similarity of research journal must be checked. Similarity is usually checked manually, so it needs long time for verification. The purpose of this research is to create a... more
Mathematical modeling is an important step for developing many advanced technologies in various domains such as network security, data mining and etc… This lecture introduces a process that the speaker summarizes from his past practice... more
Similarity digesting is a class of algorithms and technologies that generate hashes from files and preserve file similarity. They find applications in various areas across security industry: malware variant detection, spam filtering,... more
This is one study about design of ornaments, as cultural phenommena in the pre-writting Neolithic Vinca culture (Vinča), 6500–4500BC, Serbia, Balkan, EU. Text theorize Vinca culture ornamental motifs – vibration and swirl, linear or... more
Fake news is considered one of the main threats to the global information revolution in the world. They tend to cause serious damages on the reputation of persons or organizations, they also tend to cause many indirect effects on other... more
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
Entity resolution, also known as data matching or record linkage, is the task of identifying and matching records from several databases that refer to the same entities. Traditionally, entity resolution has been applied in batch-mode and... more
Abstract This research is intended to make a coding technique with a function similar to a plagiarism detector similar_text as text. By using the text function is similar, this research resulted in a detection of the document against the... more
ABSTRACT Collaborative filtering is a popular approach in recommender Systems that helps users in identifying the items they may like in a wagon of items. Finding similarity among users with the available item ratings so as to predict... more
Popular methods for 3D protein structure similarity searching, especially those that generate high quality alignments such as Combinatorial Extension (CE) and Flexible structure AlignmenT by Chaining Aligned fragment pairs allowing Twists... more
In the paper, we discuss the usage of constant and fuzzy similarity awards while establishing an optimal alignment between energy characteristics of two compared protein energy profiles. Single protein energy profile is a set of energy... more
Secondary structure representation of proteins provides important information regarding protein general construction and shape. This representation is often used in protein similarity searching. Since existing commercial database... more
Wacana kisah Adam memiliki kaitan erat dengan konsep asal-usul manusia pertama. Mayoritas masyarakat, baik muslim atau pun non-muslim bersepakat bahwa Adam merupakan manusia pertama yang hidup di dunia. Keberadaannya sebagai manusia... more
In this paper we are trying to combine interests of authors and collaborators into one non-mutually exclusive concept and logic flow aiming to create a framework for searching of a migration of words from one cluster to another; this... more
The problem of searching the elements of a set that are close to a given query element under some similarity criterion has a vast number of applications in many branches of computer science, from pattern recognition to textual and... more
In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines... more
The Cloud-of-Things is a holistic vision about the future of pervasive computing which joins together many topics including the Internet-of Things, Intelligent Environments, Cloud Computing, Embedded Computing and People. Clearly such... more
Aging is one of the chief biomedical problems of the 21st century. After decades of basic research on biogerontology (the science of aging), the aging process still remains an enigma. Although hundreds of "theories" on aging have been... more
This study aims at modeling the semantic similarity between metaphor terms by means of a distributional method based on a Big Data stream: Flickr tags. As explained in the article, this distributional model, Flickr Distributional Tagspace... more
Fake news is considered one of the main threats to the global information revolution in the world. They tend to cause serious damages on the reputation of persons or organizations, they also tend to cause many indirect effects on other... more
The electric load data quality is fundamental in the short-term load forecasting. In general, data quality is poor, since the load records often have aberrant data, discontinuities and gaps resulting from failures and problems in the... more
The application of data mining (DM) in healthcare is increasing. Healthcare organizations generate and collect large voluminous and heterogeneous information daily and DM helps to uncover some interesting patterns, which leads to the... more
We have been studying different kinds of papers about web pages clustering techniques with many algorithms. Almost papers published in the Web are used popular algorithms. Among them similarity methods and clustering methods are very... more
Aging is one of the chief biomedical problems of the 21st century. After decades of basic research on biogerontology (the science of aging), the aging process still remains an enigma. Although hundreds of "theories" on aging have been... more
In recent years, online social networks have become a part of everyday life for millions of individuals. Also, data analysts have found a fertile field for analyzing user behavior at individual and collective levels, for academic and... more
MAS4PSi (Multi-Agent System For Protein Similarity searching) is a system that allows fast, scalable and reliable protein structure similarity searching. Protein structure similarity searching is crucial in conducting research on a... more
1st generation document fingerprinting technique designed for DLP systems.
Tanulmányomban Heidegger Parmenidész-értelmezéseit elemzem abból a szempontból, hogy vajon azok mennyiben hozhatók összefüggésbe a hermeneutikai szövegekből is ismeretes, úgynevezett hasonlósági elv (hasonló a hasonlót érti meg)... more
In the present time, due to attractive features of cloud computing, the massive amount of data has been stored in the cloud. Though cloud-based services offer many benefits but privacy and security of the sensitive data is a big issue.... more
—We introduce a new probabilistic proximity search algorithm for range and K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) searching in both coordinate and metric spaces. Although there exist solutions for these problems, they boil down to a linear scan when... more
Work-in-progress presentation for the field of byte-wise approximate matching at DFRWS USA 2015
Recent developments in computer science enable algorithms previously perceived as too time-consuming to now be efficiently used for applications in bioinformatics and life sciences. This work focuses on proteins and their structures,... more
In this paper, we introduce a new evolutionary tree algorithm that is based on common mutations similarity matrices instead of distance matrices.
The growing popularity of cloud computing has magnified the rise of software reuse by facilitating service provisioning over the Internet. At the same time, a new generation of mobile apps has emerged relying on backend services that... more
The analysis of small molecular substructures (like enzyme active sites) in the whole protein structure can be supported by using methods of similarity searching. These methods allow to search the 3D structural patterns in a database of... more
Most work in similarity search takes place in a domain far distant from the actual semantics of a space. Given a metric and a set of values, there is a wealth of research in how to efficiently perform search. However almost without... more
By increasing popularity of SOC, using Web services in applications has increased too. SOC creates a loosely coupled environment in which the actual execution environment might differ significantly from the one with the presupposed... more
In the recent years, service-based approaches for sharing of data among repositories and online learning are rising to prominence because of their potential to meet the requirements in the area of high performance computing. Developing... more
Would this method for uncovering hidden objects, feature discovery, feature selection and supervised learning work? According to my understanding perfect prediction by computation optimization must be impossible as long as essential input... more
Bytewise approximate matching algorithms have in recent years shown significant promise in detecting files that are similar at the byte level. This is very useful for digital forensic investigators, who are regularly faced with the... more
In the last years there has been a considerable increase in the availability of continuous sensor measurements in a wide range of application domains, such as Location-Based Services (LBS), medical monitoring systems, manufacturing plants... more
Searching for similar entities within a database is a common and a daily, billions of times, performed task. Generally, similarities are calculated using common distance measures like Manhattan, Euclidean, Levenshtein, Mahalanobis or... more