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Twenty nine germplasm lines of Chenopodium quinoa and two of Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae were evaluated for 12 morphological and 7 quality traits for two test seasons. The 19 traits were analyzed for cluster and principal... more
A field study was carried out with the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) variety BP1 to determine the influence of plant population density and seed tuber size on the crop’s physiological growth components and yield performance under optimal... more
Plant growth regulators play important roles in plant growth and development, but little is known about the roles of plant growth regulators in yield components and seed qualities of soybean. In this study, salicylic acid, gibberellic... more
Better understanding of the functional biology of early angiosperms may clarify eco- logical factors surrounding their origin and early radiation. Phylogenetic studies identify Ambor- ella, Nymphaeales (water lilies), Austrobaileyales,... more
The ornamentation (trichomes, lithocysts and stomata) of Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt. seedling is described. Seedling appeared to be " Phanerocotylar-epigeal-foliaceous type ". P. paniculata appeared to consist of lithocysts... more
The fruit-, brood-and seed–size and seed packaging cost have been investigated in Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. by studying 100 pods from each of the three mother trees. The length of pod from the three plants (A, B and C) averaged to 19.84... more
La explotación irracional de especies como el mezquite, así como la desenfrenada deforestación de pastizales de sabana y ecosistemas riparios, ha conducido a una disminución de sus poblaciones, ocasionando cambios en la estructura y... more
Large seed size is a trait associated with plant species of mature, closed habitats, and is thought to supply an ample nutrient reserve necessary for seedling establishment. While this relationship has been shown for annuals and... more
High-density herbivore species often play an important role in forest regeneration. Native sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae) inhabit a high density (51.5–63.8 head/km2, estimated by a pellet count method) area in the western part of a... more