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Personal account of US-Soviet relations and press censorship just prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union
Russian media landscape: TV, press, internet. Authors concentrate on the patterns of news consumption in Russia, where several state TV channels dominates any other news sources. Internet as a source of news s on the rise, but curently... more
Доклад посвящен вопросам геймификации в интернет-СМИ, рассматриваются основы культурологических исследований игр, характеризуются элементы геймификации в СМИ, анализируются функции геймификации в онлайновых медиа. Устюжанина, Д. А.... more
В настоящее время обеспечение безопасности в широком смысле является одной из важнейших функций государства. Одной из главных тенденций современного этапа развития человечества является информационная революция, повлекшая за собой бурное... more
Данное исследование посвящено описанию процессов трансформации журналистской этики (в частности проблемы факт-чекинга и ответственности за материалы) в процессе роботизации профессии в России при помощи анализа редакционной политики... more
Chapter in the book Russian Media Challenge (ed by Kaarle Nordenstreng, with a foreword by Gorbachev), a collaboration of Finnish and Russian academics, on then challenges to media freedom and pluralism in Russia.
The paper suggest looking into the portrayals of India and Ukraine in Russia and the UK in the context of postcolonial theory based on Edward Said's conceptualisation of orientalism as discourse. The results of the research which was... more
Исследование основано на систематическом мониторинге материалов русскоязычной веб-страницы Sputnik Беларусь в 2019 году, который включал в себя около 5000 новостных публикаций на общественно-политическую и международную тематику, около... more
9 lutego br. w Bibliotece Publicznej Warszawy na ul. Koszykowej odbyła się debata i dyskusja panelowa ,, Projekt Putin: medialny fenomen prezydenta Rosji”. Wzięli w niej udział: dr Alicja Curanowić – Instytut Stosunków... more
منذ أن كتب جيل الرواد عن المدرسة الاشتراكية في الإعلام لم تصدر دور النشر العربية شيئا عن إعلام ما بعد زلزال انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي السابق، وقد تعرض الإعلام الروسي في ربع القرن الأخير لانقلابات عدة على صعيد الملكية والحرية وسياسات التحرير... more
The conflict in Ukraine has brought security issues of the Baltic States, a region that is frequently mentioned as a potential risk region for similar military operations, to the front of international agenda. The possibility of a... more
Transmedia storytelling (TS) refers to media experiences expanded across multiple platforms. This article answers the research question about the specificity of Russian TS initiatives. The goal of the research is to emphasize the social... more
News agencies have had a privileged role in the development of national and international communication systems, particularly at the periphery of capitalism, being primarily responsible for circulation in the information economy. In... more
During 2012, both the US and UK signalled increased willingness to engage with Russia and China on cyber security issues. But this engagement will be extremely difficult to achieve in the absence of commonly agreed definitions, and even... more
The Russian Orthodox Church's (ROC) discourses about the internet are centered on the idea that digital technology is an ethically neutral instrument. At the same time, however , both the highest clerics and rank-and-file priests... more
We propose to consider "fake news" as a genre with its own conventions and narrative devices dependent on those of mainstream journalism. Departing from genre theory, "culture jamming" practice and Barnhurst and Nerone's (2002) concept of... more
JOURNAL OF SOVIET AND POST-SOVIET POLITICS AND SOCIETY. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015). Paperback. 334 pp. €34.00. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS:... more
"The speech of the head of Russia Today [MargaritaSimonyan] aroused great professional interest among the audience…Servicemen and information front fighters solve the same tasks, defending the interests of the Motherland."
Исследование содержания материалов российских СМИ, анализ полученных результатов, круглый стол с участием ведущих российских журналистов, приложения. Руководитель проекта - Питер Хлебников, редактор - Андрей Рихтер. Предисловие Дафни... more
President Vladimir Putin's vision of general history and Russia (and Ukraine)'s part in it is a subject matter for historical discourse analysis, based in the article on questionning source referentiality, strategies of generalizing,... more
Andrei Richter, the author of this IRIS Special on “The Regulatory Framework for Audiovisual Media Services in Russia” gives us an overview of general aspects such as national media policy, key notions of regulation and their... more
This IRIS Special (European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2018) provides an overview of how the principles of accuracy, objectivity and fairness in news and current affairs reporting are regulated at European and national level, as... more
Andrew Wilson (editor): “Ukrainian writers, thinkers and politicians discuss the challenges of the war with Russia and of attempting simultaneously to rescue and reform a moribund economy. Many take heart from the claim that the new... more
Украина между Россией и Европой Выборы президента Украины вызвали на "Полит.ру" живую дискуссию по принципиальным основаниям политики России в этом вопросе и методам анализа внутриукраинской расстановке сил. Гусейнов развивает здесь... more
Abstract: This paper focuses on media representation of the conflict in Ukraine through the language of hate and violence and the creation of the image of the enemy. We will make a comparative analysis of the narratives of Ukrainian and... more
The article uses content analysis of Soviet national publications in 1985-1991 (by which time they became divided into "liberal", "conservative" and "in-between") to reveal the changes in the use of ideological values by the Soviet... more
The essay inquires into the cultural production of ‘Novorossiya’ as a politically-coloured territorial ‘brand’, promoted by pro-Kremlin intellectuals, activists of the Donbas rebellion, and internet users. It argues that ‘Novorossiya’ is... more
A chapter in the 1998 Yearbook of the European Institute for the Media (Dusseldorf) provides an overview and country profiles of media legislation in Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
A review of the state of Russian independent press and news agencies in early 1990s, its economic state (including print and distribution infrastructure) and political/legal freedoms.
Chapter in the book Beyond the Cold War: Soviet and American Media Images (eds. Everette Dennis, George Gerbner and Yassen Zassoursky), Sage. It provides analysis of the content of the two US and USSR weeklies that described the other... more
В данном издании анализируется важнейшее с точки зрения судебной практики по делам с участием редакций СМИ и журналистов Постановление Пленума Верховного Суда РФ, принятое 15 июня 2010 г. (в ред. от 16.09.2010). Автор – член рабочей... more
The article describes the role of civil society and academia in media regulation and law-making in the early years of the post-Soviet Russia and some other newly independent states. It also assesses the use of the media in the political... more
THE FIRST COMPREHENSIVE study by Russians of their own national news media’s coverage of the war in Chechnya gives high marks to a newspaper and a television service for balance, and criticizes others for taking sides and showing too much... more
Review of the coverage of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics by the two national Russian TV channels: Ostankino and RTR.
When an authoritarian regime loses power, as happened in the USSR six years ago, new rules and practices for television have to be devised swiftly, and in the midst of crisis. As the primary structure for disseminating information,... more
First issue of new academic journal. Studia Turkica Mongolica Tibetica Manchurica Sibirica Russica et cetera. Tartaria Magna is a peer reviewed e-journal in Russian. Editors accept papers and reviews in English and provide Russian... more
The recent developments in Ukraine known as Euromaidan or Eurorevolution pushed to the foreground the problem of what Europe is for its East and how it is seen there. This paper points out to how various narratives of Europe have... more