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Right-wing violence and terrorism have slowly gained more academic and public attention in recent years, with an increase in anti-immigration and anti-government organised violence from the extreme right in most Western countries. Some... more
Efforts at Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) online have become an important focus for social networks. CVE targets extremist ideologies, tackling them through alternate narratives that focus on peace-building. It is an invaluable tool... more
Chapter Four of my just released book 'The New Demagogues: Religion, Masculinity and the Populist Epoch' (Routledge 2021). This chapter explores the spectrum of male supremacism, its utility in the new populist movements, different... more
This article reviews the civil war and terrorism literature and then explores the international communities' responses to both. Both the academic literature and the international community tend to approach terrorism and civil war along... more
The questionnaire VEAS allows to evaluate a probability of accepting radical ideology as well a probability of violent behavior against some social groups. The questionnaire can be applied for diagnose of the personal dispositions... more
Mark Curtis is an outspoken British journalist unafraid of the disquiets of the establishment as he embarks on his goal to expose the fallacies of British foreign policy in the Middle East, especially during the twentieth century and... more
Violent extremism has become the global concern especially after the beginning of 21st Century. Therefore, understanding the various aspects of violent extremism particularly multifaceted communication strategies which will be fit to... more
Dieser Band stellt die gegenwärtige Entwicklung, Merkmale und Praxisbeispiele evidenzorientierter Kriminalprävention vor. Er umfasst die Beiträge von 76 renommierten Experten und vermittelt dadurch einen umfassenden Eindruck von der... more
نقد مبانی تئوریک الهیات تکفیرگرانة خوارج با تکیه بر آثار و افکار امام ابوحنیفه، مهمترین بخش نوشتار حاضر را تشکیل می‌دهد.
This report focuses on Bulgaria’s national structural and contextual approaches and strategies towards radicalisation and violent extremism. The report offers an overview of these phenomena in the country, reviews what the scientific and... more
Counter-extremism has become an important tool for the authoritarian government of Tajikistan to consolidate its position. In this article, we argue that counter-extremism is not purely about destructive acts, such as banning groups or... more
Sexually and socially frustrated ‘Incels’ have committed acts of violent extremism in North America and pose increasing threat to Australia and other industrialised settings. We consider policy responses to a form of misogynist violence... more
This chapter has two-fold objectives. First, it aims to investigate the process of constructing BIMSTEC as a security community with a special focus on collaborative counter-terrorism (CT) endeavours of its member states. Second, it... more
This study looks at what Daesh was and has become and studies their ‘fingerprints’ in the radicalisation process that they have helped to orchestrate in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
The phenomenon of violent extremism (VE) remains present and potentially threatening in Albania despite the progress observed in implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan against Violent Extremism (November 2015). The... more
With the new and enhanced roles that women are playing in ISIS, female returnees and deportees may pose a security risk to their home countries such as Indonesia-a country with a history of waves of Islamic violent extremism. What has the... more
This paper contends that in the aftermath of the Marawi siege, suicide terrorism has become the most favored means of attack by pro-IS fighters in the Philippines, particularly those associated with the ASG. This paper presents... more
The proliferation of religion-related violence has increased the risk for destabilization and mass destruction in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, with consequences for all regions of the world. Governmental, religious, and... more
Memes that are destructive to the cohesion of a complex social system should be defined as pathogenic memes. As a result, it is my belief that a cognitive prophylaxis model is necessary, and feasible, when it comes to preventing a... more
This report details the results of the One to One pilot project, which utilised online platforms to directly intervene with those at risk of falling into the orbit of violent extremists. The report assesses the viability of the... more
Preoccupation with the effort to fight extremist propaganda in an increasingly complex information environment has produced an overwhelming amount of literature from professors, practitioners, policymakers, and pundits. The problem of... more
This research provides a preliminary evidence base to understand the extent to which violent extremist narratives have a wider resonance with men in Victoria, Australia. It identifies key sites and points at which the construction of... more
This research provides a preliminary evidence base to understand the extent to which violent extremist narratives have a wider resonance with men in Victoria, Australia. It identifies key sites and points at which the construction of... more
Terrorism, radicalization and violent extremism dominate sociological, political and cultural concerns in today's polarized social and political world. However, the role of governments and issues relating to state terrorism and the... more
Adoptée le 9 décembre 2015, la résolution 2250 du Conseil de Sécurité des nations Unies sur les jeunes et la paix reconnaît l'importance de la jeunesse pour la construction de la paix, et donc la prévention du terrorisme. A ce titre, le... more
THE AFTERMATH of any major terrorist event brings with it blanket media coverage. The immediate questions address who might be responsible and which targets might be next. After a few days, the intensity of the coverage wavers, and with... more
The alternative narrative is one of several “soft” approaches to preventing and suppressing radicalisation to violence. In this way, it is informed by perspectives that view “the narrative” as a pillar of radicalisation, one that... more
The United States is an outlier in its legal protection for what is commonly termed "hate speech." Proponents of bringing American jurisprudence closer to the international norm often argue that hate speech causes violence, particularly... more
The paper introduces the field of social diagnostics and three selected instruments and tools that offer potential benefits for P/CVE. The tools presented here are the Inclusion-Chart 4 (IC4), Network Mapping, and the Biographical... more
This report looks at Indonesia's policy toward the men, women and children deported from Turkey after trying and failing to join ISIS in Syria. It looks at the numbers, the variety of motivations for leaving, and the high proportion of... more
Extremism is an ideology that is considered to be far outside mainstream attitude of society. Usually it is an attack on values’ system. We can see political, religious and ideological forms (some of them can interlace each other). I... more
'John Horgan’s contribution is immense …This is a must-read book for any person who wishes to understand the complex psychological processes that influence terrorists behavior and especially what makes terrorists relinquish violence.’ -... more
The questionnaire YES allows to evaluate a probability of accepting radical ideology as well a probability of violent behavior against some social groups. Conceptually, this technique is based on the psychological characteristics of... more
ETA forma parte de la memoria colectiva de las españolas y españoles que han cohabitado en sus diversas generaciones en los últimos setenta años. La investigación científica sobre esta organización, su práctica de la violencia y el... more
In 1968 a Mennonite pastor and peace worker named Edgar Metzler published a short booklet in the popular “Focal Pamphlet” series published by Herald Press – a series that includes other more widely read works by Mennonite historians and... more
How do you ensure that the social media you use or contribute to respects and protects the privacy of individuals? What policy should be used to authenticate profiles? To what extent can information posted on a personal account be... more
This report aims to identify, deconstruct, analyze, contextualize and interpret the IS propaganda targeting Kosovo Albanians as well as to reveal the tools employed to spread this narrative among different audiences in Kosovo. Throughout... more
The following report is an interim report of an ongoing study, with the current results based on 50 in-depth psychosocial interviews of white supremacists in five countries (the U.S., Canada, Germany, UK and New Zealand) collected over... more
“In 25 years of experience as a government officer deploying to zones of communal conflict, I have found that most of our interventionist academic preparation had been of little value. First, we failed to account for differences in... more
В работе на основе результатов социологического исследования представлен комплексный анализ общественного мнения по проблемам секьюритизации терроризма и религиозного экстремизма в современных Казахстане и Кыргызстане. Работа выполнена в... more
This paper, published by the UK's Commission for Countering Extremism, provides an analysis of ‘participationist’ or mainstream Islamism in Britain, including a brief history of the main groups, and a nuanced account of their goals,... more
Abstract: Following the introduction of the UK government’s Prevent strategy in 2002/3 (repealed) and then reintroduced in 2011, classrooms which were supposed to be ‘safe spaces’ for students of all backgrounds, have become places where... more