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This paper intends to explore the significance of Philippine society, culture, and interactions in today's multicultural and globalized world. As an epistemological approach, it aims to present an informative point of view on the... more
Religious experience is a dimension of human experience which deals with the interpretation of concrete events according to evaluative categories. This is rooted in the essence of religion itself whose task is to provide an... more
Since 2000, military spending has skyrocketed in Southeast Asia. Arms transfers too, with regional countries acquiring state-of-the-art submarines and fighter aircrafts. Is the region therefore home to an arms race, fuelled by China’s... more
Este trabalho busca analisar a Guerra da Coreia, sua relação com o impasse quanto à implementação dos mísseis THAAD e a Cúpula de Cingapura de 2018, tentando entender, ainda, como esses eventos se relacionam às grandes potências desde sua... more
The chapter deals with peculiarities of establishment of the regional nuclear nonproliferation regime in the Asia Pacific as well as its condition in the modern period. From the standpoint of research methodology, the paper actively... more
The form of Islam normatively understood and practised in Malaysia, i.e. Malaysian Islam, has undergone myriad changes since the 1970s as a result of gradual Salafization. Powered by Saudi Arabian largesse and buoyed by the advent of the... more
The South China Sea has sea lanes of global significance, rich fishing grounds, and potentially vast oil and gas reserves. ASEAN members are in conflict over China’s claims in the area, but are working towards a binding code of conduct.... more
While the arbitration was absolutely pivotal to the Philippine strategy in dealing with China in the South China Sea, it was always just one of several approaches that the Philippine government under Aquino employed. Even after the case... more
Threat serves as an impetus in the foundation, development, revitalization, and waning of the contemporary Philippine-United States alliance. Using Stephen Walt’s balance of threat theory as the analytical framework, this study proves... more
近年南海领海争端加剧以及中国与日俱增的经济影响,一直在激化亚细安内部的分歧。各成员国立场的差异,从今年六月和七月分别在云南和老挝举办的多国会议上可见。亚细安成员国当时要在南海主权问题上建立基本共识所面对的困难特别明显。今年九月在万象举行的亚细安-中国高峰会议上,各方似乎也只能暂时回避异议,再度同意遵守已有的海军《海上意外相遇规则》(Code for Unexpected Encounters at... more
This book examines why and how small powers link their security interests and trade agendas, and how security threats influence the facilitation and outcome of their trade activities. In doing so, it analyses the increasingly complex... more
Closely associated with China’s growing prominence in international politics are discussions about how to understand Chinese history, and how such perspectives inform the way a stronger China may relate to the rest of the world. This... more
This paper aims to answer the question presented in its title by investigating whether and how a peaceful resolution to the Rohingya crisis can be imagined anytime soon, considering the deep-rooted nature of the conflict between... more
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is widely supposed by theorists and commentators of many persuasions to have elevated the principle of absolute non-interference in the internal affairs of states into a central pillar of... more
Leo Suryadinata's The Rise of China and the Chinese Overseas: A Study of Beijing's Changing Policy in Southeast Asia and Beyond is a very welcome addition to the discussion of ties between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and ethnic... more
The chapter discusses the long-running conflict in the Southern Philippines between the Bangsa Moro and the Philippine government. The conflict stands in contrast to other intrastate conflicts in ASEAN as it has long attracted the attention... more
Since 9/11, Southeast Asia began to attract U.S. attention and became the U.S. second front against terrorism. Under the influence of neo-conservativism, the Bush administration changed Washington’s “benign neglect” strategy against... more
While there are political attractions to expanding the Five Eyes in the face of China's increasing assertiveness, the risks involved mean it is more likely that intelligence ties will be enhanced outside the framework of the alliance.
The Ambalat block dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia has been the most controversial issue between the two countries since konfrontasi came to an end in 1966. The dispute arose from the two country’s overlapping claims to sovereign... more
'Kingdom's Edge' is a collection of photographs by photo-journalist Richard Humphries, focusing on Thailand's troubled deep South. The collection was compiled over a ten-year period. The introduction to the collection is by Gerard... more
This study argues that the post-Cold War changes in Turkish foreign and security policy (FSP) can best be understood as the regionalization of strategic and security outlook in Turkey. Here regionalization refers to two interrelated... more
United Nations has described the Muslim Rohingya ethnic group as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Over the years, the Rohingyas have clashed with the security forces of Myanmar, resulting in their deaths, internal... more
中國與新加坡在建交前,雙邊關係發展就已有良好勢頭,然而去年圍繞南中國海主權爭議、美國「重返亞太」戰略等區域關鍵議題,中國與新加坡各自立場顯現分歧,雙方外交摩擦也較以往頻繁。原本計劃在2016年底召開的兩國最高級別合作機制會議「中新雙邊合作聯合委員會」被推遲至本月召開,這被外界視為中新關係步入低谷的反映;適逢美國新任總統特朗普履職,其尚不明朗的亞太政策也為地區局勢平添了更多變數。本次訪談邀請了新加坡國立大學政治學助理教授莊嘉穎博士(Dr. Chong Ja... more
Malaysia had looked to Japan to search for a sustainable and efficient development model under the Look East Policy (LEP) initiative launched in 1982 by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. At the time, this ideal formula,... more
Armed conflict between states in Southeast Asia has been relatively rare, especially since 1979. The most recent exception to this pattern was a border dispute between Cambodia and Thailand that turned violent in 2008 and remained... more