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A short history of the birth and growth of a new film genre based in Jamaica's roots reggae culture.
Aqualung gaze nothing spares. ANDY lived in New York during late 1970s and in their Jamaica he experienced the emotional cocktail of surveillance frenzy and racial/religious discrimination. Spying Glass. In Gayatri Spivak ‘s conception of... more
An important center of dancehall reggae performance, sound clashes are contests between rival sound systems: groups of emcees, tune selectors, and sound engineers. In World Clash 1999, held in Brooklyn, Mighty Crown, a Japanese sound... more
From Sound Systems to Disc Jockeys, from Local Bands to Major Success: On Bristol’s Crucial Role in Integrating Reggae and Jamaican Music in British Culture
As COVID-19 infections surge in Europe, I publish the letter below in the hope of facilitating the freer and more personally liberating discussion of the causes and "cures" of this disease that I believe the Getty Conservation Institute... more
Women and Resistance in the Early Rastafari Movement is a pioneering study of women’s resistance in the emergent Rastafari movement in colonial Jamaica. As D. A. Dunkley demonstrates, Rastafari women had to contend not only with the... more
This book examines the post-1960s era of popular music in the Anglo-Black Atlantic through the prism of historical theory and methods. By using a series of case studies, this book mobilizes historical theory and methods to underline... more
In the Jamaican folk pharmacopoeia, cannabis -- known locally as "ganja" -- occupies a special place. Its use by large numbers of Rastafarians as a religious sacrament, its widespread cultivation as a lucrative crop, and its close... more
The bachelor's thesis focuses on Reggae artists from Vienna (Austria) and their perception of the Rastafari philosophy. The Rastafarian movement originates from the Caribbean island of Jamaica and has advocated Black Power from the very... more
El rastafarismo es un movimiento político y religioso negro de principios del siglo XX que nació del movimiento activista de negros y mestizos en su lucha por la igualdad de derechos sociales. Se fundamenta en la resistencia negra a la... more
Mi a reggae? Hogyan néz ki Magyarországon? Kik a hallgatóság? Miként vélekednek egyes értékekről, közösségről, az életről és Magyarországról? A tanulmány kvalitatív és kvantitatív módszerrel tárja fel és mutatja be a magyarországi... more
Breve síntesis de la historia del género, desde Jamaica hacia el mundo entero, sus raíces, su vínculo con el Rastafarismo, su explosión popular, etc.
Abstract: This article presents Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutic of the productive imagination as a methodological tool for understanding the innovative social function of texts that in exceeding their semantic meaning, iconically augment... more
Mustapha Matura, who was personally involved in the colonial history, has produced literary works associated with the postcolonial movement. In his pieces, he has shown the effects of colonialism on individuals even though the colonial... more
On Sunday, June 7, 2020, protesters at an anti-racism demonstration in the city of Bristol, England toppled a statue of a man named Edward Colston and dumped it in the Bristol Harbour. It was a great surprise for me to find that the... more
The persecution of persons wearing dread locks for primarily political purposes stands as a permanent tear on the visage of a former British West-Indian colony.
El tema de investigación de este trabajo es, por supuesto, la música Rastafari, y su objeto es la relación entre la música nyahbinghi y la música reggae. En cuanto a la delimitación espacial de la investigación, ésta no se ubica en un... more
Aunque con una gran herencia y diversidad cultural, Belice representa un país joven y en crecimiento, oscilando entre ser un país centroamericano y caribeño. Una de las tantas características de este país vecino es el ser uno de los... more
Sciences des religions, Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions Thèse présentée à la Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions en vue de l'obtention du grade de doctorat en sciences des religions option thèse Avril, 2014
This book is discussing patterns of radical religious thought in popular forms of Black music. The consistent influence of the Five Percent Nation on Rap music as one of the most esoteric groups among the manifold Black Muslim movements... more
L’identité noire marque de son empreinte l’évolution de la musique populaire jamaïcaine contemporaine. Cet article mesure l’influence des affirmations de l’identité noire sur l’évolution du reggae au dancehall. L’auteur présente... more
This paper is concerned with examining why; (in what was until recently a predominantly mono-cultural society) some individuals in Ireland became interested in the overtly black musical form reggae and its accompanying culture. We begin... more
Jamaica's capital city, is home to a cohort of creative and music industry workers organizing for creative industrial development and social uplift. This article uses interviews and textual analysis to historicize and contextualize one... more
The Rastafari movement is a socio-political and religiously inspired resistance movement which agitates against the (neo)colonial, capitalist, imperialist, racist and Eurocentric power structure which they call Babylon. It emerged in... more
In Subculture: The Meaning of Style ([1979] 1988), Dick Hebdige noted that 'somewhere between Trenchtown and Ladbroke Grove the cult of Rastafari had become a " style " : an expressive combination of " locks, " of khaki camouflage and "... more
Signifying individuals as “Rastafari” or “Rasta” without further qualification lacks nuance and precision. The mental images conjured by Rastafari can be in sharp contradiction with the actual practices, beliefs, and behaviors of... more
Taking a broadly historiographical and socio-cultural approach, this article presents the development of Jungle, a unique Black British musical form, through the musical lifecourse of one of Jungle's originators and innovators Michael... more
This book presents the phenomenon of Afro-Caribbean poetry in English from Jamaican classic dub poetry of the 1970s to (Black) British post-dub verse of the 2000s. It showcases the literary continuum, as represented by Jamaican,... more
This presentation offers an overview, with visual content, of the scenographic, symbolic and metaphysical realities which Rastafari have created, often on marginal sites, with found materials, to represent the lost geography of an... more
Bob Marley conducted many interviews with different media outlets in a relatively short period as an international artist. I researched these interviews and examined their content with regard to categories based on interview format,... more
For more than half a century, the African-based Rastafarian movement has existed and thrived. Since the early 1930s, Rastafari has developed, changed and gained enough supporters to be considered “one of the most popular Afro-Caribbean... more
Speech presented as Cecil H. & Ida Green Honors Professor, , John v. Roach Honors College, Convocation TEXAS CHRISTIAN  UNIVERSITY, USA.  April 7, 2016
This article is about Leonard Percival Howell, the man who is widely regarded as the founder of the Rastafari movement, which started in Jamaica in 1932. The article focuses on the attempts to suppress Howell during the foundational phase... more
Este breve artículo se centra en la llegada de la música reggae a México, dando una rápida reseña de la adopción y posterior adaptación que experimentó este género musical por parte de bandas de reggae mexicanas tempranas. This short... more
Jah Bones è stato tra i fondatori di R.U.Z - Rastafari Universal Zion - un collettivo operante nel Regno Unito alla fine del secolo scorso. Elder di grande carisma e spessore culturale, ha contribuito alla formazione di numerosi Ras, tra... more