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When distributed systems first appeared, they were programmed in traditional sequential languages, usually with the addition of a few library procedures for sending and receiving messages. As distributed applications became more... more
Existing user-level network interfaces deliver high bandwidth, low latency performance to applications, but are typically unable to support diverse styles of communication and are unsuitable for use in multiprogrammed environments. Often... more
We describe the implementation and performance of an efficient parallel Gauss-Seidel algorithm that has been developed for irregular, sparse matrices from electrical power systems applications. Although, Gauss-Seidel algorithms are... more
This paper describes an RFID system mainly comprising an HF-RFID reader with an ethernet-based SOAP extension. SOAP is the abbreviation for Simple Object Access Protocol and provides the user with an easy-to-use alternative for exchanging... more
Summary Component-based Software Development is an approach that has many benefits, such as improving application developer productivity, reducing costs and complexity. Programming within this approach is like assembly rather than... more
Many new remote procedure calls (RPC) systems are being built to meet different application requirements, and much development effort has been spent on redoing significant parts of the RPC system. This paper describes URPC, a toolkit for... more
ABSTRACT Many research efforts have been and are being devoted to the investigation of mobile agents and, more generally, of mobile code. Efficiency, due to reduced network load and usage, is often stated as the principal advantage of... more
HutBase is a visual design data manager that can be used to store and manipulate data objects created and processed by a variety of design applications. In particular, HutBase allows the user to manipulate the data and start applications,... more
SR is a language for programming distributed systems ranging from operating systems to application programs. On the basis of our experience with the initial version, the language has evolved consider-ably. In this paper we describe the... more
Proxy objects are local representatives of remote objects in a distributed system. We use proxies to construct a transparent application programming interface (API) for the Choices distributed operating system. In earlier work, proxies... more
In this paper we provide an incremental methodology to assess the effect of the introduction of a dynamic power manager in a mobile embedded computing device. The methodology consists of two phases. In the first phase, we verify whether... more
R* is an experimental prototype distributed database management system. The computation needed to perform a sequence of multisite user transactions in R* is structured as a tree of processes communicating over virtual circuit... more
HutBase is a visual design data manager that can be used to store and manipulate data objects created and processed by a variety of design applications. In particular, HutBase allows the user to manipulate the data and start applications,... more
Abstract: A mobile agent is a program that is not bound to the system on which it began execution, but rather travels amongst the hosts in the network with its code and current execution state (ie Distributed Environment). The... more
This paper presents aspects of the implementation of a bidirectional link betweenthe Geographic Information System (GIS) ArcView 3.0TMand the interactive dynamicstatistical graphics program XGobi. We describe the main functionality of the... more
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a commonly used mech-anism for clienthewer applications. RPC implements a tightly synchronized clienthewer interaction that is analo-gous to the well understood procedure call in regular non-distributed... more