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This paper introduces a new stochastic process, a collection of U-statis-tics indexed by a family of symmetric kemels. Conditions are found for the uniform almost-sure convergence of a sequence of such processes. Rates of convergence are... more
The convergence properties of the new regularized Euclidean residual method for solving general nonlinear least-squares and nonlinear equation problems are investigated. This method, derived from a proposal by Nesterov [Optim. Methods... more
This paper presents a synthesis on the mathematical work done on level crossings of stationary Gaussian processes, with some extensions. The main results [(factorial) moments, representation into the Wiener Chaos, asymptotic results, rate... more
Let f(·,t) be the probability density function which represents the solution of Kac's equation at time t, with initial data f_0, and let g_σ be the Gaussian density with zero mean and variance σ^2, σ^2 being the value of the second... more
In this paper, a pipelined version of genetic algorithm, called PLGA, and a corresponding hardware platform are described. The basic operations of conventional GA (CGA) are made pipelined using an appropriate selection scheme. The... more
In this article we obtain rates of convergence to equilibrium of marked Hawkes processes in two situations. Firstly, the stationary process is the empty process, in which case we speak of the rate of extinction. Secondly, the stationary... more
Cam clay models are one of the popularly used soil plasticity models. Finite element implementation of these models requires integration of constitutive relations and load stepping scheme. There have been considerable advances in the... more
We present an analysis of a recently proposed integral-equation method for the solution of high-frequency electromagnetic and acoustic scattering problems that delivers error-controllable solutions in frequency-independent computational... more
This paper shows how large-dimensional dynamic factor models are suitable for structural analysis. We argue that all identification schemes employed in structural vector autoregression (SVAR) analysis can be easily adapted in dynamic... more
Often considered in numerical simulations related to the control of quantum systems, the so-called monotonic schemes have not been so far much studied from the functional analysis point of view. Yet, these procedures provide an efficient... more