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Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum was born in 1887 to his father Rabbi Hanania Yom-Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, chief rabbi of Sighet, the capital of Maramureş County, Hungary. The father was a Rebbe to his Hasidim, headed the local yeshiva, and was one of... more
‫ "שרידי ירושלמי - כת"י אשכנזי: לקראת פתרון חידת "ספר ירושלמי," קבץ על יד יב (תשנד) 1-120 ‬
An overview (in Hebrew) of the work Tosefta, including instructive examples.
טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, נפתלי רוטנברג, ירושלים תשפ"ב, 2022. Naftali Rothenberg Reason and Opinion Among Person to Person, God and Time טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, משתף את הקוראים בניסיונות חוזרים ונשנים... more
אמירת חזק ויישר כח, ספר השנה למדעי היהדות והרוח אוניברסיטת בר אילן, כ"ו-כ"ז (תשנ"ה) עמ' 370-343.
This article will examine Rabenu Yaacov ben Meir's, better known as Rabenu Tam, grandson of Rashi (France 1100 – 1171 of the Tosafists) use of the Yerushalmi Talmud. The Yerushalmi Talmud was not in extensive use in the middle ages. This... more
The Samaritans: A Biblical People celebrates the culture of the Israelite Samaritans, from biblical times to our own day. An international team of historians, folklorists, a documentary filmmaker and contemporary artists have come... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
Abraham Joshua Heschel tarafından yazılmış olan " God, Torah and Israel" makalesini Türkçe'ye çevirdim. Bu makale ilk kez Türkçe olarak sunuluyor.
Türkçe'ye Çeviren: Gökhan Duran
This article traces the narrative source of Avinu Malkenu (Our Father, Our King) through two stories in the Babylonian Talmud, and one in the Jerusalem Talmud. By examining these stories, we can gain clarity on the purpose of this prayer... more
From the Blog (Hebrew): On two famous examples of Roman customs and architecture of the wealthy people as reflected by the rabbinic literature and in the archaeological finds in light of some new researches.
מצורפים כאן עמודי השער, המבוא והפרק הראשון של הספר 'מרבדי משנה - פרקי ברכות'. ספר זה מבקש לעיין במסכת ברכות שבמשנה מנקודת מבט חדשה, המזמינה את הקורא להיכנס לתוך בית היוצר של רבי יהודה הנשיא ולבחון את שיטות העבודה שלו באריגת אוסף דינים... more
If AIPAC involves itself in religious conflicts and takes stands on issues unrelated to Israel's security, it will narrow its base of support. AIPAC deserves the wholehearted support of every Jew. As we enter the Three Weeks, during which... more
The present study of divine power as expressed in the divine epithet gevurah and its various usages is meant as a contribution not only to the historiography of rabbinic thought but also to the comparative study of religion. More... more
*ספר פתרון תורה*; ילקוט מדרשים ופירושים, יוצא לאור על פי כתב יד עם מבוא, הערות ומפתחות. ירושלים: הוצאת מאגנס; בית הספרים הלאומי והאוניברסיטאי, תשל"ח
Study vs action, compared to egalitarian values vs obligation to community - analyzed within a halachic framework.
L'article présente un aperçu de l'exégèse récente sur la Mishnah (Jacob Neusner, William Scott Green, Jack Lightstone etc.)