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Psychological contracts are dynamic, continually developing through authoritative encounters. They fundamentally highlight people convection structures of what is relied upon to happen in the association and what is anticipated from them.... more
The aims is to consider the political and ethical challenges involved in conducting ethnographic managerial/organisational behaviour research within the highly regulated health and social care context, in light of the emergence of more... more
The objective of this study is to address the questions related to the determinants of job performance and to test the moderating role of psychological contract between employee engagement and job satisfaction. The study followed a... more
Reconhecido como um conceito central para a compreensão do campo de estudos do comportamento organizacional, o contrato psicológico de trabalho é um tópico de ampla tradição de pesquisa no cenário internacional, mas ainda pouco estudado... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand the psychological contract from the employers’ perspective, by examining violations where the employer rather than employee is the victim, an issue that has so far seldom been... more
Research on the effects of workplace bullying has concentrated on direct negative attitudinal employee responses, typically ignoring the cognitive mechanisms underlying this link. We integrate social exchange and attribution theories to... more
[ The original PhD dissertation may be read and authenticated from the website of the University of Newcastle, NSW, at ] This thesis argues that foreign and second language teaching productivity can... more
The first part of the title of this paper refers to a comment Lord Mark makes to Milly Theale, the heroine of Henry James’ novel, The Wings of the Dove. Lord Mark’s remark aptly summarizes one of the central themes of the story: exchange.... more
This study aims to explore the contribution of psychological contract and psychological empowerment towards employee engagement with in Indian IT sector. Research hypotheses were evaluated using multiple regression analysis. Findings... more
In recent years, scholars have increasingly recognized that the theoretical underpinnings of employee-organization relationships (EOR) are in need of further extension in light of recent organizational changes. In prior research, the... more
This research study aims to explore the effects of the psychological contract on organizational citizenship behaviour. Specifically, whether there is a relationship between the psychological contract (transactional and relational) on... more
Purpose-The exploratory study investigates the human resource practices that influence employee retention, employing the case study of Albukhary International University (AIU). Design/methodology/approach-Using a non-probability sampling... more
The definition and descriptions of "house" and "house society" introduced by Claude Lévi-Strauss are not as straightforward and unproblematic as he might have believed, as subsequent scholarship has shown. His failure to develop this... more
In a comprehensive examination of whether the Big Five personality traits could be used to predict transactional and relational contracts, the current study aimed to investigate the moderating effects of uncertainty avoidance on the... more
This paper grew out of the observation that there is little evidence as to whether the changes happening within the New Public Management paradigm and entrepreneurial orientation adversely or positively affect Portuguese academics’ work... more
Purpose: To explore the implications for employees’ psychological contracts of a forced change from permanent to temporary employment status within an organisation. Methodology/Approach: A random sample of 30 employees, stratified by... more
Reconhecido como um conceito central para a compreensao do campo de estudos do comportamento organizacional, o contrato psicologico de trabalho e um topico de ampla tradicao de pesquisa no cenario internacional, mas ainda pouco estudado... more
UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, Organizational citizenship behavior and its antecedents: A comparison of... more
This study aims to determine the effect of psychological contracts as a mediator in the relationship between supervisor support, organizational trust and workplace deviant behaviour. For this purpose, a total of 350 lecturers in seven... more
Słowa kluczowe: praca, kariera, kapitalizm, kontrakt psychologiczny, odpowiedzialność. Key words: labour, career, capitalism, psychological contract, responsibility. Streszczenie: Celem refleksji prezentowanej w niniejszym artykule... more
With a diverse sample (N = 231 paired responses) of employees from various organizations in Pakistan, the authors tested for the main effects of perceived organizational politics and psychological capital on turnover intentions, job... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how frequency of change (FC) in organizations and impact of change (IC) influence the employee behaviors, i.e. exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect (EVLN) through psychological contract... more
The modern conceptualisation of the psychological contract recognises a tacit mental representation or schema, spanning all aspects of an employee’s perception of work. Reciprocity is a normative force in contract functioning. For over... more
Based on eight in-depth case studies, this paper argues that telework transfers bigger (and legally unbinding) responsibility to employees whereas both employees and employers accept it. This is likely due to the fact that adoption of... more
Abstract: Deviant workplace behavior is not something unusual and is prevalent in organizational dynamics. It is found in all types of organizations and in all levels of positions. This deviance is costly not only in financial, but also... more
This article explores the expanded and transformed nature of the psychological work contract for forms of cultural and artistic labour in precarious conditions. The forms of passionate work found within cultural production are argued to... more
Psychological contracts are dynamic, but few studies explore the processes driving change and how employees influence them. By adopting a process approach with a teleological change lens, and drawing upon the sensemaking and coping... more
The number of call centre businesses and workers has increased considerably over recent years and has become one of the sectors with the highest growth rate in Portugal. In this cross-sectional study, covering 363 call/contact centre... more
Research in relevant fields considers psychological contracts primarily from an individualisticrational point of view. However, psychological contracts are embedded in a socio-cultural context which influences the motivations for action... more
The violation and breach of a psychological contract and trust often results in a decline in employees’ willingness to contribute and intentions to stay in an organization. Hence, this paper aims to understand the psychological contract... more
For organizations and their employees, change is often argued to be a way of life. Text books such as Balogun and Hailey’s (2008) Exploring Strategic Change emphasise the ubiquitous nature and ever increasing pace of change for... more
In today's fast changing competitive business world, the management approach that focus on employee performance leaps forward and this situation affect the attitudes and behaviors of the employees in the organization structure.... more
The human side of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) – with focus particularly on resistance - has puzzled scholars for decades. Still, there is little discussion as regards to how the concept should be defined or understood. Often... more
Purpose - This exploratory study investigates the human resource practices that influence employee retention, employing the case study of Albukhary International University (AIU). Design/methodology/approach- Using a non-probability... more