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This doctoral dissertation investigates the development of the norm of sovereignty as responsibility by focusing on its institutionalization in the framework of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Prominent observers have regarded the... more
İlk iki romanı “Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları” ile “Sessiz Ev”i temelde gerçekçi bir bakış açısıyla yazan Orhan Pamuk, “Beyaz Kale” ve sonraki romanlarında üstkurmaca özelliği gösteren, metinlerarası etkilere kendisini açmış, çoğulcu ve tarihle... more
Most critics of contemporary literature have reached a consensus that what was once called " postmodernism " is over and that its signature modes—metafiction and irony—are on the wane. This is not the case, however, with videogames. In... more
John Fowles is an English novelist who produced works with a special interest in and emphasis on social and philosophical issues. He is famously known as the first representative of postmodernism. He makes use of postmodern narrative... more
This essay analyzes the fate of peculiar postmodern variants of the picaresque, shape-shifting American romantic hero: Thomas Pynchon’s Lt. Tyrone Slothrop and Harold Pinter’s Quiller, in circumstances that confuse German and American... more
The application of new media to 21st-century novels is the trigger of emerging narrative genres, which revolutionize the narrative panorama and leave space for innovative conceptual approaches. The influence of popular new media creates... more
This papers attempts to investigate the representation of diasporic characters in fictional narrative discourse by Anglophone Arab woman writerwho lives in Britain namely Leila Aboulela. She seeks to negotiate issues of identity, home,... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
U radu se analiziraju suvremeni hrvatski romani obilježeni destrukcijom pripovjedne linearnosti, pri čemu se naglasak u analizama romana stavlja na fabulu. Najprije se teorijski razmatra žanr romana, njegovi konstitutivni elementi te,... more
“Nowe przygody Królewny Śnieżki. Donald Barthelme i jego szalona bajka” (“New Adventures of Snow White. Donald Barthelme and His Fairy Tale Gone Mad”), afterword to the Polish edition of Donald Barthelme, Królewna Śnieżka (Snow White),... more
Joanna Scott is one of the most gifted and prominent novelists of the last thirty years. This is a brief description of Scott and her work.
Collection of essays edited with Joanna Freer and Georgios Maragos: contributors - Jennifer Backman, Simon de Bourcier, Simon Cook, Inger H Dalsgaard, Catherine Flay, Marie Franco, Doug Haynes, Luc Herman and John M Krafft, Molly Hite,... more
Jeannette Winterson’s novels can always be studied from a postmodern perspective. Postmodernism, though a loosely-defined term, makes reference to a cultural, intellectual, or artistic condition which does not have a direct predominant... more
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
« Postmodernité et postradiomorphoses : contexte, enjeux et limites », in Sebastien Poulain (sous la direction de), « La radio du futur : du téléchromophotophonotétroscope aux postradiomorphoses », Cahiers d’histoire de la radiodiffusion,... more
The monograph, "John Banville," offers a close analysis of most of Banville’s major novels, as well as the ‘Quirke’ crime novels he has written under the pseudonym Benjamin Black and his dramatic adaptations of Heinrich von Kleist’s... more
This is a short review of I am Legend by Richard Matheson (Origionally posted on Libraries NI Book Review Section)
Książka "Allotopie. Topografia światów fikcjonalnych" powstała z bardzo przyziemnej potrzeby: stworzenia swego rodzaju kompendium zbierającego teorie fikcji i narracji przydatne w analizowaniu literatury fantastycznej i światotwórczej. W... more
Во македонската книжевна критика и воопшто во современата македонска книжевност значајно место зазема Венко Андоновски – писател, поет, есеист, драмски автор, публицист и универзитетски професор. Овој труд претставува осврт кон... more
Postmodern literature, fiction in particular, is, according to Barth (1984), a literature of exhausted possibility due to its entangled thematic and technical approach which defies the conventional modern fictional form. It reflects the... more
"L' Epoca Lucas" è l' epoca che ha contraddistinto la genesi e lo sviluppo della saga Star Wars prima dell' era Disney, e nel contempo è anche l' epoca che porta, proprio grazie a Lucas, la rivoluzione digitale nel mondo del cinema. Il... more
This paper will deal with the four-part 2008 Tv-series, Lost in Austen, written by Guy Andrews and adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, novel by Jane Austen. Aim of this paper is showing how and why Lost in Austen can be rightfully considered... more
Throughout his literary career, African American novelist Ishmael Reed has shown constant concern for historical issues and for their expression through reflexive narratives. This blend of the historical and the aesthetic is one of the... more
Professor Noam Chomsky, one of the greatest linguists in the XXth century, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist criticizes postmodernism which is infiltrating humanities (literature, discourse... more
Thomas Pynchon's longest novel to date, Against the Day (2006), excited diverse and energetic opinions when it appeared on bookstore shelves nine years after the critically acclaimed Mason & Dixon. Its wide-ranging plot covers nearly... more
This conference paper examines the importance of Humbert's status as an exile and his attempts to create a new and fantastic reality with Lolita, who resists his attempts to isolate her.
To evaluate Ubik, written Philip K. Dick, in terms of postmodernism, this paper is going focus on the characters, their conflicts, experiences and on the general chains of events in the book. In addition to this, this paper is going to... more
Il gioco con la tradizione culturale è il vero protagonista dell’opera di Angela Carter. Questo è più che mai vero per "Nights at the Circus", romanzo che reinventa il genere gotico e quello picaresco per narrare le vicende della donna... more
The goal of this essay is to explore McEwan’s novel, and highlight within it the use of the different narrative techniques pertaining to Narrative time as proposed by Gerard Genette. More precisely, we will concern ourselves with the... more
На III Меѓународна научна конференција ФИЛКО што се одржа на 26 и 27 април 2018 година во Штип во коорганизација на Филолошкиот факултет при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип и Филолошкиот факултет при Воронежкиот државен универзитет во... more
Abstract & Contents Page: The Routledge Companion to Death and Literature seeks to understand the ways in which literature has engaged deeply with the ever-evolving relationship humanity has with its ultimate demise. It is the most... more
Проблема постмодернізму як цілісного феномена сучасного мистецтва лише на початку 80-х років ХХ ст. була поставлена на порядок денний західними теоретиками, які спробували об'єднати у єдине ціле розрізнені явища культури останніх... more
Nadie nos mira / José Luís Peixoto; traducción y prólogo Begoña Montorio Uribarren. – Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Ediciones Uniandes, 2018. 202 páginas; 15 x... more
Alongside with the technological improvements in science, people progressively understand the mystery of the most important unit of genetic information: DNA. In order to cure diseases, genetic engineers have been trying to find the right... more
Elements of Postmodernism in The House of the Spirits. The House of the Spirits, which is written by Isabel Allende, was published in 1982 to become Allende's best seller and boost her to stardom. Allende, who was born on August 2, 1942,... more
When it was first published, many Black writers condemned William Styron's biographical novel The Confessions of Nat Turner. What few scholars have noticed is that there were many Black intellectuals who defended and even supported Styron... more