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This paper, written as a part of the requirements for doctoral studies, explores the notion of beauty in natural things and man's understanding of that beauty in things through the lens of the thought of Thomas Aquinas. In addition to... more
Proponemos que la actual crisis de innovacion en la ciencia moderna radica en las limitaciones que aparecen en el metodo experimental cuando se ejerce al margen de la integralidad de la persona humana. La conciencia critica de los... more
The objective of this paper is to situate the ethics of Karol Wojtyla in the context of personalist philosophy - a 20th century philosophical and theological movement that seeks to investigate reality from the point of view of the human... more
Tagapag-ulat: Jose V. Valdez Asignatura: PhD Lang 302: Pilosopiya ng Tao Petsa ng Ulat: Setyembre 15, 2018 Propesor: Charlie Dagwasi, PhD Silid-aralan: CAS An 203 EKSISTENSIYALISMO AT PAGHAHANAP NG TAO NG KAHULUGAN Ni Dr. Manuel B. Dy,... more
This book review and critique paper focussed on the Essay on Man of Alexander Pope that is well grounded on a deep philosophical anthropocentrism
Sebuah upaya awal untuk membaca metode psikoanalisa Freud. Tentang Analisa Diri, Mimpi, dan Teori Kepribadian.
This thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is entitled “Introduction.” The researcher will discuss the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study, review of related literature,... more
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è, da una parte, collocare la riflessione personologica in prospettiva e interrogarci sul senso della cultura dei nostri giorni; dall’altra, attraverso le medita- zioni sul tema di alcuni autori... more
This paper is part of my last academic work, for Master's Degree. In this extract i try to underline the eschatological-christological aspects of Karol Wojtyla's anthropology, in particular the meaning of fullfillment and communio... more
Enhancing the quality of basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical. Thus, we have to come up with a proposal to enhance our basic education program in a manner that is least disruptive to the current curriculum, most... more
The notion of «gender» has been used through history with many mean- ings. Without recognizing it analogous condition, that notion has been use- ful to speak about a fact, the studies that analyze this fact and the public policies that... more
The Christian Enlightenment of Vico. The Augustinian source of universal law. This study deals with the arduous problem of the sources of theological thought of G.B.Vico, particularly in the works before the New Science; the A. intends to... more
The western idea of soul has a dual origin: the platonic one, according to which the soul is the principle of spiritual life, and the aristotelian one, according to which the soul is the form of the body. In the 13 th century, thanks to... more
To achieve the end of the moral life, one must act well or virtuously, but in the eyes of St. Thomas Aquinas, virtue requires that one be well-disposed. The next question is: what is the subject of dispositions and how is one best... more
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
Man is the only being that is endowed with rationality and therefore free to make choices. His/Her choices, however, is still a sign of limited freedom for there is but one being which man can never separate from himself. This paper aims... more
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that Gilbert Keith Chesterton was an original precursor of the Christian personalism of 20th century. To achieve this aim it employs the method of comparison and juxtaposes Chesterton's thought... more
This paper argues that the conceptions of man and of mental illness are inter-linked, and that it is not possible to reconceptualize one without the other. In order to understand the understanding of man underlying biological psychiatry,... more
Антропология сегодня все более явно и последовательно демонстрирует стремление понять себя. Накопив значительный опыт “истолкования человека”, она наконец-то созревает для истолкования себя самой, провоцируя радикальную постановку... more
This book is an attempt to understand the human being, using the method of critical ontology. The human person, as an embodied conscious being, stands in triple relationality with the world around them, maintains the author. I-exist,... more
La filosofía narrativa de Ricoeur encuentra una conexión en la filosofía de Arendt, especialmente en "La condición humana". Allí se expresa esa fundamentación de la persona como alguien o como quién en la comunidad. Ahí encuentra su... more
Isang Pagtatangka, pagkat " walang magawa " (?) Borador (para sa mga punyetang inglesero, rough draft) Tugon sa kahilingan ni Mahal na Ka Tom Agulto Hinihingi ng makabagong Panahon na ang Sangkatauhan ay dapat na magbalik sa kanilang... more
Es conocido el origen del así llamado “epílogo” de La crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental de Edmund Husserl: se trata de un manuscrito (el K III 6 según la denominación de Van Breda) que fue colocado al final... more
À la question de savoir quel être a quatre jambes le matin, deux le midi et trois le soir, la réponse est donc l'homme. Mais si l'énigme de la Sphinge est résolue par OEdipe, loin s'en faut que le problème posé par sa sagacité le soit... more
L'A. presente quelques technologies genetiques ainsi que quelques nuances ethiques a la lumiere de paradigmes anthropologiques comme celui de la co-creation. L'etre humain reste un etre historique, situe dans le temps, determine... more
This course offers a guided close reading of Aquinas's treatise on man in Summa Theologiae, I, qq. 75-88 with cross-references to primary sources described in the Syntopicon of the Great Books of the Western World and with links to... more
Il me faut tout d'abord reconnaître à l'Humain d'à côté, la capacité surprenante de m'émerveiller. Du thaumazein platonicien initiant l'observation du mouvement d'une pensée qui n'aura de cesse de s'observer elle-même tout en observant ce... more
The question of interpreting man as the imago dei has always been a discussion among religious faithful especially during the early epoch of the Patristic period. Various interpretations have come up trying to approximate its intentional... more
In the quest for the dignity of man, one the forerunners the in the existential times is blessed John Paul II. As a professor of phenomenology at Lublin, as cardinal Wojtyla and as Pope John Paul II, his primary interest was to restore... more
<p>Recibido: 16/2/2014 • Aceptado:... more
What is a Man? A question that has been for ages. A question whether to determine the true meaning of man itself. Man can be find as a curious, pre-destined, beautiful, lust for domination, meaningless, and a meaningful being. Despite of... more
This paper presents ways in teaching indigenous peace concepts from Visayan fisherfolks and farmers through their integration to the teaching of the Philosophy of the Human Person. This study aims to determine fisherfolks and farmers'... more