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Thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'art, soutenue le 13 novembre 2020 à l'université Paris Nanterre, sous la direction de Rémi Labrusse et Christian Joschke. PhD dissertation "Graphic Propaganda : Photomontage in the Visual Culture of... more
La presse illustrée a profité, dès le début du 20e siècle, des leçons des avant-gardes artistiques en matière de graphisme. L'information visuelle fait alors l'objet d'une véritable révolution.
For New Year 2018, the Goethezeitportal presented a selection of early, mostly coloured picture postcards with photomontages showing babies "as forward-looking bearers of greetings". An introduction to the history and technique of... more
Edited by Patrick Elliott, Senior Curator of Modern Art at the Scottish National Galleries in Edinburgh, 'Cut and Paste: 400 Years of Collage' was published on the occasion of the largest exhibition survey ever dedicated to the practice... more
This interview was conducted via e-mail in late January and early February 2021, during England’s third national COVID-19-related lockdown. It focuses on Beech’s recent photographic montage work, which he exhibited at the Exeter Phoenix... more
Published in 2004, this essay focuses on the communist-activist artist Alice Lex-Nerlinger who, working during the closing years of the Weimar Republic, created works ranging from subtle photomontages that were reproduced in Werner... more
The most violent of the forces of globalization, imperialist colonization – whether as military, economic or cultural invasion – has provided the subject for American artist Martha Rosler's critiques and projects over the course of nearly... more
At their most basic, the cinematic imaginary and the photographic fact help explain how specific techniques or even individual artworks could be viewed as quintessentially cinematic in the interwar period and archetypally photographic... more
This paper is a comparative analysis between Hannah Hoch and Martha Rosler, written for the purpose of Graduate School Critical Theory.
Sabine T. Kriebel's Revolutionary Beauty is the most thorough study to date of the Communist photomontage artist John Heartfield's work for the Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung (AIZ) in the late 1920s and 1930s. Kriebel analyses Heartfield's... more
Breve analisi dell'opera di Marianne Brandt (1893-1983) relativa alla produzione di fotomontaggi, in particolare alla luce delle esperienze conseguite presso il Bauhaus, al fianco del maestro Moholy-Nagy e in relazione allo sguardo... more
An art historian and an expert on internet culture discuss media, technology, and political collage.
The aim of this paper, is to examine the work of renowded artist-shows a critical attitude during period of Hitler, John Heartfield’s photomontage through semiotic methods. In our approach, the period will be discussed in the context of... more
Эта книга о том, как фотомонтаж стал одним из самых востребованных жанров в середине 1920-х годов. Соединив в себе документальность (фотографии) и артистизм (фотомонтера), он предложил новый взгляд на реальность: взгляд, в котором... more
In this essay, I explore the way in which the Dadaists used photomontage to critique the politics of the Weimar Republic, focusing on John Heartfield and George Grosz's photomontage on the cover of 'Everyone His Own Football', and Hannah... more
"Working in Germany in the interwar era, John Heartfield (born Helmut Herzfeld, 1891–1968) developed an innovative method of appropriating and reusing photographs to powerful political effect. A pioneer of modern photomontage, he... more
This thesis is a catalogue raisonné of El Lissitzky’s The Constructor (Self-Portrait). El Lissitzky’s The Constructor (Self-Portrait) is an iconic photograph of the Russian avant-garde. While historians have recognized the photograph has... more
Some time around the year 1930, the increasingly famous Dutch artist César Domela-Nieuwenhuis set to work designing a brochure (prospekt in German) for the port of Hamburg.1 The photomontage Hamburg, Germany’s Gateway to the World... more
Il volume ricostruisce l’influenza dello sperimentalismo tipografico futurista sul fotomontaggio dada, indagando la progressiva trasformazione del frammento alfabetico in immagine nelle ricerche delle prime avanguardie e la loro rilettura... more
“No hay proyecto que valga sin emoción” Antonio Damasio “Es inevitable que cada generación haga con la muerte cualquier cosa que considere necesaria para lograr su propia tranquilidad mental” Carl Becker La investigación que se... more
Google Maps’ satellite view of the Earth brings together photography and cartography to create an image that is deeply political. Despite the image’s ubiquity it remains without designation or theoretical framework. This essay seeks to... more
Word – Picture – Sound. Literature and Visual Arts in the Polish Avant-garde 1918-1939 The book presents an extensive analysis of the main variants of the relation between literature and visual arts in the Polish avant-garde works and... more
Tempo, Tempo! is the first scholarly examination of the diverse corpus of powerful photomontages that Marianne Brandt created in interwar Paris and at the Bauhaus. Rooted in the Bauhaus project of engaging mass-produced visual cultures,... more
This chapter addresses the theoretical and ideological development of the so-called ‘machine art’, which was outlined in 1922 in a homonymous manifesto by the painters Ivo Pannaggi and Vinicio Paladini and launched later that year in a... more
The essay explores the influence of Futurist graphic design in the emergence of the so-called 'New Typography' (neue Typographie), analysing in particular the expressive importance of blank spaces in avant-garde typography. An outline of... more
This thesis focuses on how photomontage has been used by certain artists during periods of political unrest and artistic revolution. For the purposes of this study, “photomontage” is defined as any artwork into which a photograph is... more
Word – Picture – Sound. Literature and Visual Arts in the Polish Avant-garde 1918-1939 The book presents an extensive analysis of the main variants of the relation between literature and visual arts in the Polish avant-garde works and... more
Using the well-known work of the artist Hannah Höch (b.1889 d.1978, German) as a springboard for discussions about the experiences of the German ‘Neue Frau’ (New Woman), this thesis will explore and unveil the work of other artists who... more
At the beginning of her career, Hannah Höch encapsulates Dada. Eventually, however, she moves on to subvert Dadaist principles, using the quintessential Dadaist technique of photomontage to create art, rather than Dadaist anti-art, a... more
While Josef Albers is a well-recognised figure in twentieth century art, his photographic work remains an understudied aspect of his achievements. This dissertation focuses on seventy photocollages that Albers produced at the Bauhaus in... more
Why Reality? 'In an era where shock experiences have become the norm of city life, Benjamin refers to montage as the strategy that fit the mission of the medium best, in this vein, he prefers constructed reality over the plain realism... more
This paper discusses the theoretical premises of the intersection of poetry and photography within the hybrid form of the photopoetry book, characteristic of the historical avant-garde’s artistic experiments. Surveying relevant... more
Fotografska slika je imala zadatak da vizuelno dokumentuje utopističku tezu da se socijalističkim preobražajem privrede i društva, preobražava čovek, a postupci „montiranja“ bili su neophodni i na dohvat ruke u jugoslovenskoj... more