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This paper analyses the possibility of exploiting a small spacecrafts constellation around Mars to ensure a complete and continuous coverage of the planet, for the purpose of supporting future human and robotic operations and taking... more
A major impairment in Free Space Optical (FSO) links is the turbulence induced fading which severely degrades the link performance. To mitigate turbulence induced fading and, therefore, to improve the error rate performance, error control... more
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 11, NO. 3, APRIL 1993 ... John R. Barry, Joseph M. Kahn, William J. Krause, Edward A. Lee, and David G. Messerschmitt ... Abstract-We present a recursive method for evaluating the... more
Four-Wave-Mixing (FWM) is one of the major degrading factors in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical fiber communication systems and networks along with other fiber non-linearties. As a result it is important to investigate the... more
Active photonic antenna (APhA) designed for 2.4 GHz communication in downlink side is proposed. The APhA consists of photodiode, RF amplifier and band pass filter (BPF) in small package, integrated with RF antenna. The APhA design is... more
Photonic devices with low insertion loss are important in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. Currently most of these devices, such as variable optical attenuators (VOA), switches, filters, and dispersion compensators,... more
Weight In Motion (WIM) adalah pengukuran berat dari suatu objek yang bergerak, teknologi Weight In Motion (WIM) yang memungkinkan berat suatu benda dapat diketahui secara cepat. Salah satu komponen penting dalam sistem WIM adalah sensor.... more
We demonstrate an optical recirculating loop as a tool for performance evaluation of cascades of effects or elements in an optical communication system. We describe the critical issues to operate the recirculating loop properly and we... more
Multiwavelength all-optical regeneration has the potential to substantially increase both the capacity and scalability of future optical networks. In this paper, we review recent promising developments in this area. First, we recall the... more
Low-power, high-speed, accurate computation of centroid from a pre-defined window in the image plane is important for a number of space-based and commercial applications. These include object tracking in robotic systems (l), autonomous... more
We present a methodology for the characterization of the main parameters of VCSELs for its use in direct modulation. Power response, chirp parameter alpha, linewidth, side-mode suppression ratio, relaxation oscillations peak frequency,... more
Planar Photonic Circuits can perform many useful functions in optical communications systems, such as wavelength division multilplexing (WDM), optical channel add/drop, fibre/waveguide coupling, and amplifier gain equalization. They... more