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La narrativa globale: scrivere nel mondo del XXI secolo. La narrativa globale è lo specchio e la lampada dell'epoca globale. Quando la globalizzazione è entrata nel vocabolario comune negli anni '80, una nozione di narrativa globale è a... more
Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce külliyatının Modernleşme ve Batıcılık cildini inceleyeceğiz. Bu cilt dizinin diğer kitapları gibi çeşitli düşünürlerin yazılarından oluşmaktadır. Külliyat siyasi fikirlere odaklanmışken bu cildin de... more
This paper was created through a 9 month process which consisted of working with a language partner at Hokkaido University. I presented this paper for the Tandem Language Learning Project at Hokkaido. This work is not complete and is a... more
Nous habitons la même terre théoriquement mais pas réellement. Quels sont les sous-entendus tus et les reproductions inégalitaires consubstantielles au climat comme catégorie global ?
"Apa yang menarik dari buku ini adalah upaya kedua penulis untuk menerapkan pendekatan Oksidentalisme Hassan Hanafi ke dalam kajian Hubungan Internasional. Penerapan ini dilakukan tidak hanya untuk mengkritik pendekatan Orientalisme Barat... more
Le récit des crimes du 7 janvier 2015 comme leur motif le plus évident - les caricatures du prophète Mahomet - ont fait le tour du monde, nourrissant des réactions et des interprétations multiples et divergentes malgré l’unanimisme des... more
"Cultural appropriation is the beginning of new creativity. Even if it includes some misunderstanding, it creates something new."  It may be the key to the future of kimono fashion.
The terms Orientalism and Occidentalism is about examining the way that the West and the East looking at and othering each other, their exclusion of one another and marginalization. This project aims to show respectively how the West... more
Cemil Aydın ve Burhanettin Duran'ın “Competing Occidentalisms of Modern Islamist Thought: Necip Fazıl Kısakürek and Nurettin Topçu on Christianity, the West and Modernity” adlı makalelerinin tercümesidir.
Perhaps some of the most interesting recent developments in queer studies are those books criticizing the U.S. American bias within the discipline (e.g. Hemmings 2007; Mizielinska 2010; Downing and Gillett 2011), and a move towards... more
Axis Powers Hetalia (2006–present), a Japanese gag comic and animation series, depicts relations between nations personified as cute boys against a background of World War I and World War II. The stereotypical rendering of national... more
In both classical Persian and medieval European literatures, a number of poets and philosophers were interested in allegorizing the journey of the soul to Allah or to God. This essay examines two allegorical masterpieces: Attar of... more
Through drawing on published memoirs, interviews and an extensive body of archival research, this research proposes to critically examine Lee Kuan Yew’s constructions of the West. To date, essentialist presumptions regarding Singapore’s... more
This paper argues that there is a conflict in between scienceism and religionism, veiled by academism in Turkish Universities. In fact, they can only be understood via “sociology of money” but not is clearly defined. These arguments have... more
Tradisi kajian tasawuf di Kalangan Orientalis baru muncul pada abad 13 M. Kajian mereka meliputi: tokoh-tokoh sufi terkemuka seperti Jalaluddin Rumi, al-Hallaj dan Ibnu Arabi. Selain itu, Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah, Sufi di Cina serta... more
Contemporary Japan has become the stage for displaying an endless assortment of traditional, modern, and postmodern monsters. But why have old and new monsters gained such prominence with regard to folkloric customs, premodern urban... more
This work sheds light on the issues of Orientalism and Occidentalism in the Indonesian context from the field of history, Islamic Studies, and contemporary issues. The work also explains the issue over the gap between East and West put in... more
This short paper is an introduction to orientalism by Edward W. Said
The book Tendential Modernity. Relections about modern evolution of society tries to provide evidence that highlights the existence of a certain type of modernity, one that is speciic to societies with an insuiciently functioning economy.... more
«ایران باید ظاهرا و بـاطنا‌ جـسما‌ و روحـا‌ فرنگی مآب شود و بس.»1این‌ فراخوان صریح سید حسن تقی‌زاده در 1299 ش/1920 م،آینده‌سازی و تجدد‌ را که بیش از یـک قرن در«افق انتظارات»سیاسی ایرانیان حضور داشت‌ به‌ موضوعی بحث‌انگیز و پرهیجان‌ در‌... more
See This is the introduction to Historic Engagements with Occidental Cultures, Religions, Powers. The file also includes the book's table of contents and... more
This paper examines the theme of Orientalism within the context of the nineteenth century European imaginary painter Eduard Kaempffer's works on the story of Earl Ernst III of Gleichen from Thuringia/Germany. It investigates how, in the... more
This article discusses the issue of Orientalism and Occidentalism and the increasing conflicts between Muslims and Westerners. Both belligerent parties are putting gasoline on a reciprocal fear that is feeding both Islamophobia and... more
บทความนี้ศึกษาวิเคราะห์ปฏิสัมพันธ์ระหว่างชนชั้นในกระบวนการปรับเป็นตะวันตกหรืออัสดงคตานุวัตร (Westernization) ในสังคมไทยช่วงพุทธศตวรรษที่ 25 ในฐานะการปะทะสังสันทน์กับความเป็นอื่นและการแปลทางวัฒนธรรม ผู้เขียนพิจารณาเจาะจงที่แนวคิดเรื่อง... more
This is a volume of selected papers of the participants of the conference under the same title, which was organized by Evgeny Steiner in 2010. More than half of abut thirty articles are in English, the rest, in Russian. Moscow:... more
This book/ thesis was written by Kamil Aydin of Ataturk University. I published the book on behalf of the British Council during 1999.
Sejak abad ketujuhbelas kajian orientalisme mampu membangun konstruksi bahwa Barat yang dibaratkan berada pada posisi superior dan berkuasa atas yang lain dan Timur yang ditimurkan berada pada posisi inferior dan lemah di bawah dominasi... more
This essay explores the affective economy of othering within globalization encounters by analyzing representations of foreign others in domestic advertisements for a globally bestselling South Korean snack cake. For three decades,... more
The Mughal idea of cosmopolitanism gets reflected in the Imperial Mughal miniature paintings where elements of different cultures have been absorbed through cross-cultural interactions. The advent of the Europeans, especially the Jesuits... more
Game theory is a tool increasingly popular in psychology, sociology, politic and even in business. Games are what on which kids, and so human beings, begin to face reality and have a feedback from it. The art of a game brings a reflection... more