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This dissertation contends that over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives play a central role within contemporary capitalism. Performing a number of valuable functions, these instruments facilitate the accumulation of capital, deriving new value... more
This paper analyses the impacts of introduction of central counterparties (CCPs) on the credit default swaps (CDSs) market, particularly in the European domain. Our data collections are mainly retrieved from the secondary sources which we... more
La globalización y los Estados competitivos En la globalización los Estados también cooperan y compiten, no solo las empresas. Muchas veces se piensa que la clave del desarrollo económico de un país depende solo de la calidad y... more
Recent developments in Turkish derivatives markets demonstrate the increasing importance of risk management not only for individual banks but also for the entire system. In this context, this study analyzes the counterparty credit risk of... more
La UE debe recuperar el control de los mercados extrabursátiles (OTC), en los que la falta de regulación propicia ataques especulativos contra empresas y estados.
En la integracion global, las ventajas competitivas de un Estado dependen de forma decisiva de la calidad e innovacion de sus regulaciones, administraciones publicas y tribunales independientes. Estas cualidades son las que caracterizan a... more
G20 leaders vowed to collect and share OTC derivatives trade data so that regulators can obtain a global picture of market and risk evolution. This chapter employs a network perspective to explain why they have failed to meet this... more