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Despite their historical significance to the UK's nursing profession, numbers of registered male nurses here have seldom exceeded 10% of the total. This is not an immutable principle, given that countries such as the Netherlands... more
To explore the collaboration experiences of junior physicians and nurses in the general ward setting. Junior physicians and nurses do not always work collaboratively and this could affect the quality of patient care. The understanding of... more
This study sought to explore the job satisfaction level of migrant nurses working in a multicultural society and, more specifically, the relationship between their job satisfaction levels, work environment, their intentions to leave and... more
ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE It is defined as bleeding from or into the genital tract after the 28th week of pregnancy but before the birth of the baby (the first and second stage of labor are thus included). It should be considered a medical... more
This study aimed to determine the transformational and transactional leadership styles of nursing student leaders. Data was gathered through a survey of 105 nursing student leaders. Data was analyzed using simple percentage, weighted... more
To investigate the views of senior nurse and human resource managers of strategies to retain hospital nurses in a metropolitan area. Against a global shortage, retaining nurses is a management imperative for the quality of hospital... more
Aim To define protocol-based care to make this way of delivering health care amenable to theoretical and empirical studies. Background Although protocol-based care is associated with the evidence-based practice and standardization... more
The use of hospital facilities may greatly improve services to the visiting patients. The standard of good services will lead to positive patient satisfaction resulting in growing patient visit rate. Normally, patients will evaluate the... more
Key issues Democratic leadership, accessible and relevant education and professional development, the incorporation of evidence into practice and the ability of facilities to be responsive to change are core considerations for the... more
Antiretroviral is an important factor to improve the quality of life of HIV sufferers, a complex problem in HIV sufferers is a trigger factor for non-compliance in undergoing ARV therapy The purpose of the study was to explore the... more
COVID-19 pandemic represents a challenge not only to frontline health professionals, who introducing nursing services but also to nursing academics in nursing education. Clinical simulation is a valuable tool for teaching and learning in... more
Objective: Accurate assessment of pain is central to diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, especially in pediatrics. However, few studies have examined potential biases in adult observer ratings of children’s pain. Cohen et al. (2014)... more
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
Teaching is an art. Some people are born teachers while others acquire the skill. To be a great teacher, one has to have a sense of humor and be very flexible. Teachers will never teach to gain monetary reward. However, they will teach to... more
Abstrak Caring merupakan tindakan merawat orang lain yang didasarkan pada moral dan kemanusiaan. Tindakan caring perawat dipengaruhi oleh soft skill. Soft skill adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang terkait komunikasi, adaptasi dan... more
A large number of studies have addressed the detection of quality of nursing work life determinants, and the results are still inconclusive. This study aimed to systematically identify and review evidence regarding determinants of quality... more
This study investigates the relationship between personality dimensions and job satisfaction. The shortage of nurses, and those voluntarily leaving their jobs, continues to be a problem affecting the delivery of healthcare all over the... more