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This paper is on Descartes' account of modality and, in particular, his account of the necessity of the laws of nature. He famously argues that the necessity of the "eternal truths" of logic and mathematics depends on God's will. Here I... more
This essay attempts to clarify Leibniz’s theories of freedom and contingency by viewing them against the backdrop of his efforts to reengineer important philosophical concepts. In developing a concept of freedom, Leibniz is above all... more
Kit Fine has proposed a new solution to what he calls 'a familiar puzzle' concerning modality and existence. The puzzle concerns the argument from the alleged truths 'It is necessary that Socrates is a man' and 'It is possible that... more
The concept of ‘necessity’ is used in many legal systems to delimit permissible measures from prohibited measures where such measures negatively affect the regime’s primary values, such as human rights, liberalized trade, and unimpeded... more
Aristotle’s key thoughts on teleology are found in Physics II.8-9. My aim here will be limited: to understand the way in which a final cause, something good, acts as a cause. Hypothetical necessity provides the logical structure of how... more
During his philosophical career Popper sought to characterize natural laws alter- nately as strictly universal and as 'naturally' or 'physically' necessary statements. In this paper we argue that neither characterization... more
The paper aims to grasp the COVID-19 pandemic as a socio-political catastrophe in the Benjaminian sense. As argued in the article, the scope and nature of the COVID-19 crisis eludes us due to our closeness to its inner core. What is... more
At the moment there is a new debate in philosophy about the concept of potentiality. It is striking that this concept is not found in many philosophical lexica. For example, it is not listed in the Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie... more
Pier Damiani (1007-1072), monaco e filosofo ravennate, fu dapprima magister di arti liberali nelle scuole cittadine e poi eremita nel monastero di Fonte Avellana, di cui in seguito divenne priore. Chiamato sempre più spesso a... more
Viele Strafrechtswissenschaftler haben sich zuletzt anlässlich des befürchteten Kollapses der Gesundheitssysteme im Zuge der durch COVID-19 ausgelösten Pandemie zu einem utilitaristischen Ansatz bei der Lösung strafrechtlicher... more
L’emergenza pandemica da Covid-19, perlomeno con riguardo a talune sue fasi, sarà consegnata alla storia come un particolare momento nel quale «il mondo non è stato governato dalla classe politica né da giunte militari, ma dai medici». Di... more
Monografia dotyczy problemu legitymizacji działań władzy publicznej podejmowanych w obliczu zagrożenia, którego skala oraz szybkość eskalacji pozwala na stwierdzenie wystąpienia sytuacji nadzwyczajnej (public emergency). Praca ma... more
Il Corso di Laurea in Filosofia in collaborazione con la Società Filosofica Romana organizzano un workshop di due giorni, per 16 ore complessive, dedicato agli studenti liceali dell'ultimo anno interessati ad approfondire lo studio della... more
Were Dawkins’ “The God Delusion” to have a colon after ‘Delusion’, followed by the author’s name, it would at least have a certain self-irony (i.e. Dawkins being a delusion of God). As it stands however, Dawkins’ book can only be taken as... more
La distinction deleuzienne entre le possible et le virtuel chez Bergson avait pour but de montrer comment le bergsonisme pouvait être critique de la notion de possible tout en restant une pensée de l’avenir. Cet article vise à montrer... more
В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и... more
Moral obligations seem to make claims that are both objective and universally binding. However, do we have any reasons to abide by morality? If we do, are such reasons grounded in our culture or in our nature as human beings, or do they... more
This article discusses Boethius's argument in Consolation V.3-6 that divine omniscience of even the future is compatible with some things happening contingently. Section 1 argues that, according to Boethius, the kernel of the problem is... more
This article presents and explains Alvin Plantinga’s objections against the traditional doctrine of divine simplicity, with a special focus on the objection based on the incompatibility between divine simplicity and the free character of... more
In many of his publications, Karl Popper was highly critical of essentialism. In recent decades there has been a revival of essentialism in philosophy. However, modern essentialism, unlike its traditional version, is not undermined by... more
According to Aquinas, divine omniscience, omnipotence and providence, do not contradict the existence of either true contingency in the natural world or freedom but, on the contrary, they support them. In short, the two peculiarities of... more
While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 promises to expand care to millions of Americans, how the bill will determine the meaning of medical necessity—the concept that continues to serve as the key means for... more
In the 21 st century, necessities are the most important need in our life and that we cannot live without. A necessity is something that is absolutely needed.
Avvisiamo il lettore che questo articolo è un'apologia della macchina, o meglio, del sistema di macchine. Nella società futura sarà certo possibile per chi lo vorrà, ritornare a vivere come un neandertaliano al tempo del comunismo... more
La presente trattazione intende proporsi come un’illustrazione ed un commento alla questione della libertà nella ‘Dilucidazione critica dell’analitica della ragion pura pratica’. Questo elaborato si occupa esclusivamente delle difficoltà... more
Objectives: Most research on the Entrepreneurial Intention Model (EIM) has drawn on college students and other accessible populations that see entrepreneurship largely as an opportunity. Research reported here explores necessity-driven... more
This essay argues that the prose style of Walden—and the use of metaphor in particular—is a literary mechanism for considering one of Thoreau’s chief philosophical concerns: the idea of necessity. The formal aspects of Thoreau’s prose... more
Conclusion: Allow me to begin with the conclusion and work my way back to it. Only in contingency is the world possible, when the world is harnessed in necessity it is simply a simulacrum of the world through a simulacrum of power.... more
MA dissertation (unpublished) on the concept of necessary existence and the central role it plays in the thought of the Catalan Jewish philosopher Hasdai Crescas. It is argued that necessary existence is a central thread running through... more
The thesis revolves around the following questions. What is time? Is time tensed or tenseless? Do things endure or perdure, i.e. do things persist by being wholly present at many times, or do they persist by having temporal parts? Do... more
This paper is inspired by and develops on E. J. Lowe's work, who writes in his book The Possibility of Metaphysics that 'metaphysical possibility is an inescapable determinant of actuality' (1998: 9). Metaphysics deals with... more
This paper seeks to explicate and analyse an alternative response to fine-tuning arguments from those that are typically given, namely design or brute contingency. The response I explore is based on necessity, the necessitarian response.... more
Son muchos los autores que en los últimos tiempos han defendido la legitimidad de la interrupción de un tratamiento de respiración mecánica a fin de poder reasignar el respirador a un nuevo paciente con un mejor pronóstico de éxito. El... more
In this paper, I reconstruct the young Schelling’s endorsement of the organic state, specifically as presented in the 1802-1803 lectures On University Studies, before delineating his first steps away from it. Schelling’s view of the... more
Prima facie, there seems to be a tension between Wittgenstein's Kantianism in the philosophy of mathematics (especially the view according to which a proposition p is logically necessary if we are not able to conceive of not-p) and... more
In che modo il caso irrompe e interferisce nella vita e nella ricerca, soprattutto quando assume la forma della scoperta inattesa e della coincidenza significativa? In che modo gli umani che Nietzsche definisce “uomini della conoscenza”... more
Penal substitutionary atonement is understood to be a central tenant of conservative evangelicalism’s understanding of the cross. However, what is understood to be ‘penal substitution’ is not as straightforward. Theologian, Oliver Crisp,... more
Aristotle's philosophy and Husserl's phenomenology both give immediate access to effective reality. A full ontology presupposes the facticity or givenness of the world. They both state the necessity of factual existence inasmuch as the... more
φ Direção editorial: Agemir Bavaresco Capa e diagramação: Lucas Fontella Margoni Arte de capa: Giorgio De Chirico -Il ritorno di Ulisse, 1968 O padrão ortográfico e o sistema de citações e referências bibliográficas são prerrogativas de... more
Abstract Analytic philosophy triggered a methodological transformation in the study of the history of philosophy. This has led to a gradual adoption of philosophical approaches by the historians of medieval philosophy toward the history... more
The Adjuration Formulae in Greek Magical Papyri This paper aims at defining the implications of the recurring usage of ὁρκίζω σε formulae – oral or written- inside de corpus of PGM ritual recipes. Despite of the impression given by the... more
This book review article contains discussion of the following: -problems with teleological historiographical approaches to the Middle Ages -the problems caused by assuming a minimalist version of the Pelagian corpus -the problems... more
Nearly thirty years ago, Robert Alexy in his book The Concept and Validity of Law as well as in other early articles raised non-positivistic arguments in the Continental European tradition against legal positivism in general, which was... more