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The convenient image of a ‘Oaxaca of dreams’ encouraged by the art market appears naïve when compared with photography, which little by little recovers our sequestered reality. In opposition to the totalitarian vision of political power,... more
In this article, we reflect on a project that Fawn developed with her high school students in an effort to investigate a research unit and encourage them to explore the methods of journalism to compose multimedia stories.
The origins of modern photojournalism in Germany, during the yeas 1925-1933, is the central object of this dissertation. Checking popular illustrated magazines, such as Berlliner Illustrirte Zeitung, and their contemporary critics, one... more
This course invites students to develop a crossmedia mode of thinking about storytelling in a converged media environment. Students will learn the basics of researching, organizing and telling stories effectively across multiple media... more
Jeg vil i denne opgave omskrive Hanne Vibeke Holsts tekst ”Du er fucking sexistisk, Niarn!” og ændre genren fra debatindlæg til kronik med det formål at forbedre teksten og styrke Hanne Vibeke Holsts argumenter. Jeg vil ændre... more
A narrativa transmídia é a forma de entretenimento contemporâneo por excelência. O seu planejamento estratégico ganhou uma maior importância, principalmente com a disseminação em larga escala de conteúdo audiovisual sob demanda, que se... more
Transmedia storytelling is defined as a process where integral elements of fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels to create a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. This process and its narrative... more
Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos šiuolaikinės naratyvo konstravimo tendencijos, glaustai pristatomi dramos naratyvinių epizodų tipai, laiko ir erdvės ypatumai, pjesės naratoriaus ir struktūros pokyčiai. The article is analysing the new drama... more
Five pieces by Mark Twain on the art of telling a story, with some examples. He makes an interesting distinction between the British approach to a humorous story and the radically different American technique, which he himself, James... more
This is an extract from the introduction to the new edition of my textbook/website Multimedia Journalism. The book is available from 14 October 2015 from Routledge/Amazon
En este capítulo se analiza todo el trabajo de campo sobre imágenes y sus relaciones con el cuerpo, en búsqueda de entender nuevos dispositivos mediológicos, intentando en 1996 entrever las consecuencias mediológicas que luego se han... more
Video journalism, the process by which one person shoots, writes, and edits video for broadcast or the web, is a form of newsgathering taking hold in newsrooms of all kinds, by professionals and would-be citizen journalists around the... more
Family narratives and reminisces can be effectively used by parents as a tool to help children develop self-concept. Family narratives are the way through which children and adolescents connect across generations to create self-identity.... more
Moving from the cross-medial nature of the graphic novel, we will analyse two works – "Mū. La città perduta" by Hugo Pratt (1988) and "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeo" by Andrea Pazienza (1987) – in order to demonstrate the agency of image... more
This 121 page document is the collection of TEN resources having to do with audiovisual lexicon, both film and TV. Some have been vastly restructured and updated, others were only reformatted for easy use. This document is a... more
Character design is one of significant element and process in making stories, such as narrative text, picture book, comic, even animation. A good character can be measured on how a character influences the audience through the story... more
L’archeologo del XXI secolo non vive più di solo studio e scavo. Oggi la moderna ricerca impone di affiancare al lavoro in cantiere e ai libri in biblioteca modi sempre nuovi di indagare, comunicare e gestire l’antico. Bastano un po’ di... more
Lo storytelling digitale, già rivelatosi una delle discipline più in voga nella comunicazione culturale, ha dimostrato la sua utilità anche nell’ambito della didattica del patrimonio culturale. In questo paper, dopo una introduzione... more
Dans cette douzième partie du séminaire consacré à l'ingénierie de projets de communication, nous abordons la problématique de la communication audiovisuelle et celle de l'analyse sémiotique et comparative du spot ou d'un corpus de spots... more
The aim of this chapter is to examine the history of storytelling. This brief history includes the concept of storytelling from myths to the digital era. In the first part of the chapter, the origins of storytelling in primitive... more
I compare and contrast Enlightenment epistemology with the Hebraic epistemology. I discuss block logic Story, halacha and hagaddah, and compare Rock n' Roll to the Psalms (Janis Joplin and King David)
Imagine booking in to your Las Vegas hotel. You make your way to your room and begin to unpack but – horror! You forgot to bring your favourite going-outshoes. You bought them on the internet so you jump online to see if you can get... more
"For nearly 40 years as a professional journalist, found in my career numerous political figures and of the business world who have tried to influence the way their image or interests are presented in the media, either by threat,... more
Many directors used controversial characters in a film to show how the moral values in the society are not always black and white. The editing should be done in a way that makes the main protagonist stand out in the film. Despite Liko’s... more
Il nuovo giornalista sarà sempre di più un content producer: dovrà essere in grado di intercettare l’informazione, di analizzarla, valutarla, e ridiffonderla, possibilmente in diversi formati. È questo l’identikit del professionista... more
This is an age of new literature, where we have diverged from the traditional culture of literacy and entered into a space where no combination seems odd. It is an age where we whole heartedly accept contrasts over mainstream... more
A perplexed analysis of three picturesque movies by which this paper’s author has had her vision restored. Apart from the multiple time layer shifts and twists in the deconstructed editing, illustration of poetic autobiographies,... more
This is the final program of BRAFFTV International Conference 2014 held at the University of Toronto from October 23rd to 25th with the focus on Interactive Narratives, New Media and Social Engagement. How has the digital screen... more
Digital transformation of the media ecology perceived as a paradigm shift has unleashed huge challenges for Public Service Broadcasting(PSB) worldwide with far reaching implications for its traditional mission of three-pronged Reithian... more
A complete list of resources about journalist's craft, skills, techniques and tools gathered by Media Managers Club from 2014.