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Reseña de los libros publicados por Diego Melo Carrasco: Las alianzas y negociaciones del sultán: Un recorrido por la historia de las "relaciones internacionales" del sultanato nazarí de Granada (siglos XIII-XV), Murcia, Editum, 2015;... more
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
This study discusses al-Andalusian prose on nature in the periods of Muluk al-Tawacif and al-Murabitin in order to fill a gap in literature studies that focus solely on the poetical part of nature. The Arab Andalusian literature (verses... more
The cover features some stunning Andalusian calligraphy that reinforces the subtitle and serves as a potent counter-balance to the book’s contents; while the oral word suffices in the days of the speedy conquest, it is the delightful... more
"Tarij Mayurqa" de Ibn Amira al-Majzumí de Alzira (1186-1260) es la crónica musulmana en árabe de la conquista de Mallorca realizada por Jaime I el Conquistador entre 1229 y 1232. Hasta el año 2001 se creia que esta obra se habia perdido... more
Reinterpreting the story of Sultan Boabdil and his surrender of Granada in 1491 CE -- and the end of the 750-year-old Muslim rule in Iberia -- is the subject of Elizabeth Drayson's The Moor's Last Stand: How Seven Centuries of Muslim Rule... more
This is an excerpt of Robert W. Lebling's translation into English of Gonzague de Rey's "Les invasions des Sarrasins en Provence pendant le VIIIe, le IXe, et le Xe, siècle" (1878) as reprinted by Editions Jeanne Laffitte in 2001. For the... more
It is remarkable that, within a single century, the Muslims, from their humble abode of the harsh deserts of Arabia, conquered not only much of the Middle East, Persia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula, but also, parts of the... more
Beyond being the earliest clear interaction between Pisa and Barcelona, the Balearic Crusade was also one of the earliest Iberian extensions of the crusading movement. Afterward, Pisa abandoned its belli-cose policy toward Western... more
"This discussion of the pyxis invites a meditation on the ways in which subjects and objects acquire meanings and exchange positions within the web of socio-symbolic relations. In Fatal Strategies Baudrillard wages an assault..."... more
Muṣāhara (affinity/relation by marriage) represented one of the essential distinctions of the ruling elite of fourteenth-century Granada. Ibn al-Khaṭīb understood its importance for life in Granada and he felt the need to mention it... more
This article revisits the role of women in the Andalusian literature and culture of the period between the 8 th through the 15 th centuries C.E. Drawing on some Western sexual-textual political models of analysis, the article reexamines... more
This study is based on a popular assumption that there is a similarity between Abu Bakr al-Sanawbari (A.H 334) and Ibn Khafajah al- Andalusi (A.H 533) in their poetry about nature. Therefore, the researcher tries to make a comparative... more
The Reconquista left unprecedentedly large numbers of Muslims living under Christian rule. Since Islamic religious and legal institutions had been developed by scholars who lived under Muslim rule and who assumed this condition as a... more
Muslim al-Andalus during the middle ages was more a part of the European world than the Muslim world.
The present article aims to show the continuity of the Genoese of the Kingdom of Grenade from the end of the Muslim era to the beginning of the Castilian times. To do so it makes use of the prosopographical method, comparing documentation... more
This article delineates some of the historical characteristics of medieval Iberia that make postcolonial studies especially appealing for a renovation of this multi‐disciplinary field, and it suggests specific openings for future research... more
Identificación y estudio de los principales personajes pertenecientes a la familia de los Banū l-Aḥmar (fundadora de la dinastía y estado nazaríes) que nacieron en Arjona (Jaén) y Jaén. Se parte de la figura central del primer emir... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar el análisis de la secuencia constructiva de la torre-puerta de la alcazaba medieval de Guadix (Granada). Para ello, se efectuó un levantamiento tridimensional de la estructura mediante... more
The deprivation of liberty is one of the defining components of Christendom-Islam relationships in the Medieval Mediterranean. In this context the Kingdom of Granada is a perfect framework within which to study a frontier society both in... more
In the year 1492, the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella captured Grenada from the Moors. The city surrendered on January 7, 1492 and the Catholic king and queen immediately ordered the expulsion of all Jews within three months’ time and... more
El estudio preteode analizar el periodo de las terceras taifas en el nuevonmanuscrito de la crónica de !bn al-Jatib A‛māl/I‛māl al-a‛lām fī man būyi‛a qabla iḥtilām min mulūk al-islām wa mā yaǧarru min šuǧūn al-kalām. El manuscrito... more
Las Germanías, rebelión en el seno de la sociedad valenciana, fue un movimiento que contó, mayoritariamente, con el apoyo de las gentes del Reino, por más que hubo intentos de sumar refuerzos extemos. Entre las reivindicaciones de la... more
Appendices A and B from my 2009 dissertation, "The Islamic Obligation to Emigrate: Al-Wansharīsī’s Asnā al-Matājir Reconsidered."
This paper aims to study a hitherto bad known aspect, the position of the Republic of Florence in the Nasri sultanate. To achieve this we shall take as reference the commercial mechanisms developed by the Tuscan merchants in their... more
This article covers in detail the bibliographical production on the Italian differential presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in the late medieval centuries. Following the academic conventions of a long-established... more