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CITATION: Stinson, D. W. (2004). African American male students and achievement in school mathematics: A critical postmodern analysis of agency (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A & I. (ATT... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
This study explores the experiences of urban African American males at a first year singlegender charter school in the Southern region of the United States. The present case study was based on interviews and focus groups with parents,... more
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
The mission and goal of Africana Studies is the development of cultural grounding, academic excellence, and social responsibility. Building the Basics: A Handbook for Developing Academic Excellence in Africana Studies focuses on the goal... more
What is at stake, here, is the quest for equilibrium versus disequilibrium in a society that marginalizes human beings into substandard racial groups. Identifying and counteracting the biopsychosocial and behavioral consequences of actual... more
Diagnosable mental illnesses and related behavioral problems have risen dramatically among adolescent African-American males in recent years. African-American males in contemporary American society face major challenges to their... more
For African American youth of low socioeconomic status (SES), who fear losing communal and ethnic solidarity to Blacks who are moving into the middle class, insults related to selling out are often unconscious reactions to possible... more
The most compelling reason to change college admission procedures is the profound effect it has on society. It has recently come to my attention that not enough people understand how great the most compelling reason to change college... more
Commentators have suggested that Nella Larsen’s Passing rejects the view that there is some sort of black essence. I want to challenge this reading. Since Irene is the most vocal advocate of an essence in respect to which all blacks are... more
Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study: The primary purpose of this study is to examine the research and literature on African American male enrollment, experiences, and degree completion trends at four-year HBCUs. The... more
Abstrac t— The purpose of this exploratory qualitative study was to understand how Black male doctoral degree recipients’ make sense of their professional identity. Three major research questions guided our analysis: (a) How do Black male... more
CITATION: Stinson, D. W. (2006). African American male adolescents, schooling (and mathematics): Deficiency, rejection, and achievement. Review of Educational Research, 76(4), 477–506. ABSTRACT: The academic achievement gap,... more
In regard to male and female learning styles, there are two main streams of thought, biological and cultural (Ransaw, 2013). The biological stream reports that brains of males and females are just wired dfferently (Cleveland, 2011). To... more
As an outreach tool, The Boys of Baraka can spark discussions about the role of private educational foundations and educational reform. It can also help people confront the reality of American children who are lost to their families and... more
While many initiatives have emerged to increase the presence of Black males in schools, there is still little known about our experiences. Through the use of autoethnographic vignettes and counterstorytelling, I highlight the successes... more
Building relationships between teachers, school administrators, parents, and students is an ongoing process, and the core component of such relationships is teaching and learning. There is much to learn about developing supportive... more
This qualitative phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of 22 male assistant professors of color as they navigated the tenure-track while working in various disciplines at four-year institutions nationwide. The notion of... more
For this essay, I have taken it upon myself to read the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, and will examine the traumatic situations in which he both witnessed and experienced first-hand as a slave in America... more
Most sociological research on racial discrimination has had an “inter-racial” focus. That is, researchers have been principally concerned with the disparate treatment that people of color receive relative to Whites in different social... more
Urban public universities play a critical role in the higher education enterprise. In this article, Strayhorn draws on Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and semi-structured interview data to provide a national... more
Psychology has many applications including psychological testing. In this paper, an attempt is made to identify the types of tests used in Ghana and discuss the problems associated with the current state of psychological testing in Ghana.... more
Considering the promise with which NCLB came to prominence as a panacea to improve education as systemic reform, it is an important exercise to contextualize the impact of the reform on urban education over the past decade. We then use... more
ABSTRACT The lived experience of African American male educators is the topic of this qualitative phenomenological study. The intent of the research was to address and identify themes that inform and influence dialogue about this under... more
This research aims to contribute to understanding what criminalization for boys of color looks like in urban elementary school settings and offering insights into what we must do to disrupt criminalization in urban schools. Using multiple... more
An eery silence on this subject has fallen. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people .-Ephesians 5:3 1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV... more
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the... more
Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were created to provide educational opportunities for African Americans when other higher education venues restricted their participation. HBCUs are credited with nurturing and... more
European existentialism and Hindu Gandhiianism were originally interlaced throughout the basic ideologies of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). I am interested in how the rise of 1960's Existentialism in Western Europe,... more
Legal outcomes often depend on the adjudication of what may appear to be straightforward distinctions. In this article, we consider two such distinctions that appear in medical and family law deliberations: the distinction between... more
The goal of this qualitative study was to explore the perspectives of high school age Black males (N = 22) regarding factors that influence or deter their consideration of becoming teachers. Participants were enrolled in a yearlong,... more
This article examines how 18 teachers, counselors, administrators, and support staff from seven New York City public high schools collaborated during the Black and Latino Male Professional Development Initiative (a pseudonym) to develop a... more
Background: Worldwide male circumcision is undertaken for religious, cultural, social and medical reasons (Collins, 2013). The World Health Organization estimates that, worldwide, about 30% of men aged 15 and over have been circumcised.... more
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the effects of different suspension methods on the interface stress inside the prosthetic sockets of transtibial amputees when negotiating ramps and stairs. DESIGN: Three transtibial prostheses, with... more
Using the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002), this study investigates predictors of Black male students’ educational attainment and bachelor’s degree completion. Regression results showed that above and beyond the effect... more
Media spectacle has become one of the important ways countries, culture, and commerce is expressed in the global marketplace. Media spectacle is a combination of power and capital and in its final form produces ideology. The U.S. is the... more
In this article, we show that the retention and graduation rate of Black male students at institutions of higher education is dismal when compared to other groups. Approximately, 30% of Black college males who enroll in a four-year... more
This blog post explores the history of Storer College, from its humble beginnings as a primary school founded in 1865 by the Reverend Nathan Cook Brackett to educate the children of former slaves, to its development as a fully fledged... more