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Testo della relazione tenuta al convegno "La clameur de la philosophie. Sulla filosofia francese contemporanea" (a cura di P. Vignola), Genova, Dipartimento di Filosofia, 17 novembre 2008.
In Le Peintre de la Vie Moderne, Baudelaire draws attention to Poe's short story, 'The Man of the Crowd', in which a convalescent, sitting in the window of a London coffee house, becomes absorbed in the movement of the crowd outside and,... more
This paper will analyze the evolution and the key aspects of René Girard's critique of the Hegelian " struggle for recognition " and the master-slave dialectic. Through a discussion of Girard's views on Identity, Difference, Violence,... more
André Lalande is known to history almost exclusively as the editor of the famous Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie, promoted by the newborn Société française de philosophie and published even nowadays. Over the years,... more
Originally published in Drain, Issue 11,  Vol. 5, No.2.,  "Psychogeography" (October, 2008). Revised and published as chapter 2 of Surregional Explorations (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 2012).
This paper compares the accounts of the basis of ethics in Emmanuel Levinas and the Danish philosopher and theologian Knud Ejler Løgstrup. It proposes an interpretation of the transcendental status of linguistically-mediated... more
This article assesses Émile Boutroux’s contingentist account of scientific knowledge in light of his interpretation of critical philosophy. The author underlines the recasting of Kantian motives from a spiritualist perspective as well as... more
This is a final draft. Please cite only the published in Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker and Michael J. Thompson, Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics: The Betrayal of Politics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan,... more
“Philosophie générale” refers to the common form of philosophical teaching in French high schools, universities, and all the way up to the highest teaching diploma, the agrégation. Because of the wide range of topics it covers, the notion... more
RESUMEN - ABSTRACT Se abordarán las bases del perspectivismo de Nietzsche, así como uno de sus supuestos fundamentales: el carácter ficcional de la realidad. De igual forma se revisará la concepción antropológica según la cual el hombre... more
Like other philosophical traditions, what we call French spiritualism is a complicated constellation of thinkers who developed partially divergent answers to shared themes or concerns. In order to avoid easy generalizations and artificial... more
Proposal for experimental theatre project connected with Gerard de Nerval and his work. Submitted under old name.
From Exquisite Corpse 38 (1992): 2-3; reprinted in The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto & Other Writings (Baton Rouge: Exquisite Corpse Books, 2003).
Published in Logos, vol. 10, issue 3 (2011) and presented at a Badiou panel at the Left Forum, Pace University, New York, New York, March 20, 2011.
Maps the context and development of immanence and micropolitics, from Sartre to Deleuze, via Merleau-Ponty and Foucault Christian Gilliam argues that a philosophy of ‘pure’ immanence is integral to the development of an alternative... more
In Finnish. The article discusses the nature of the theories on anamorphosis presented from 1950s to 1980s amidst the structuralist paradigms in France. It problematizes the idea that anamorphosis is and was an anti-Cartesian gesture.... more
Introduction to italian critical edition of Gabriel Tarde's notes (1873-1879)