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The year 2014 marks the 500th anniversary of Albrecht Dürer’s Melencolia I. This small engraving, measuring a mere 23.8 x 18.6 cm, is one of the most written about images in the history of art. Dürer’s dark angelic figure – the... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Cet article se propose de reconsidérer les relations complexes et parfois ambivalentes que l'image cinématographique entretient avec le monde globalisé et les flux (notamment d'images) qui le caractérisent. À cette fin, il examine... more
This paper examines artistic works that use “generative systems” such as copy machines as examples that can incite melancholic experience in the audience. The works of Stevlana Boym, Sonia Sheridan, and Timm Ulrichs are discussed in this... more
Esej venujúca sa téme melanchólie na vybraných umeleckéch príkladoch. Melanchólia je zvláštnou formou nálady. Je smútkom, ktorý si sám seba uvedomuje. Alebo inak: melancholik si uvedomuje vlastnú náladu a projektuje ju do sveta mimo... more
Title: Representation of nostalgia and melancholy in contemporary artworks: Tacita Dean and Louise Bourgeois. Conference: Memory, Nostalgia, Melancholy. Re-imagining home in a time of mobility. School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham... more
The Cold War’s end infused electronic music in Berlin after 1989 with an ecstatic intensity. Enthused communities came together to live out that energy and experiment in conditions informed by past suffering and hope for the future. This... more
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
This essay presents the work of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben in the light of Dürer’s engraving "Melencolia I". In the first part we discuss the occurrence of the engraving in three Agamben’s books: "The Man Without Content"... more
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
Este ensayo interroga el abordaje de conceptos abstractos a partir de obras de artistas de dos generaciones realizadas en fotografía analógica y video analizando características intrínsecas de los diferentes procesos de creación que... more
The polyhedron that features so prominently in Melencolia I occupies a privileged place in the histories of both art and geometry. Art historians and mathematicians have puzzled over the precise shape, debating whether it is a truncated... more
An analysis of "These," one of Williams' greatest and most enigmatic poems. Places it in the tradition of other poems about melancholy, including lyrics by Milton and Keats, and related works, including Dürer's etching Melencolia.... more
Trabalho apresentado na cadeira de Doutoramento - Estudos Avançados em Psicanálise II
Concise, illustrated article on the subject of "Melancholia" [in the field of Aesthetics / Philosophy of Art] surveying the thoughts of leading philosophers, writers, artists, psychologists, and other scholars, from Classical times... more
This article focuses on Lars von Trier’s 2011film, Melancholia,described as ‘a beautiful film about the end of the world’ and interlock-ing personal and global tragedy. Drawing directly on her personal emotional response to the film, and... more
This article argues that "Melancholia" (Lars von Trier, 2011) can be a special occasion to think seriously about death in the terms proposed by Søren Kierkegaard in "At a Graveside", generating in the viewer the same effect that the... more
* “an impressive survey” - Yuriko Saito, Ph.D., Editor, Contemporary Aesthetics. Revised and expanded 2011 version of an article on the subject of "Melancholia" [in the field of Aesthetics / Philosophy of Art] surveying the thoughts of... more
This paper defends that "Melancholia" has a philosophical and artistic value which is founded on the use of cinematographic language to communicate, in an apocalyptic context, the experience of anxiety. And because of that, can help us to... more
Resumen: Las obras de Byung-Chul Han — La sociedad del cansancio; La sociedad de la transparencia; La agonía de Eros; En el Enjambre y Psicopolítica: Neoliberalismo y nuevas técnicas de pode— recurren a varias metáforas y figuras... more
One way to characterize melancholia is as a survivor. Of the four classical temperaments, only the melancholic persists, having long eclipsed the choleric, the phlegmatic, and the sanguine in contemporary culture. Albrecht Durer’s... more
Masters Thesis, McGill University, History and Theory Program in Architecture, with Alberto Pérez-Gómez as Supervisor. George Hersey (Yale University) as External Reader. A preliminary look at the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice 1499).... more
There is a particular space-time combination in which poetry is meant to find its perfect place, its perfect happening: it’s the meridian moment, the midday spent in a locus amoenus singing and playing along with fellow-poets. It seems to... more
La frequentazione dell’universo delle arti figurative da parte di Leonardo Sciascia è un aspetto per certi versi trascurato dalla critica. Oltre alla presenza continua di citazioni pittoriche nei romanzi, l’interesse dello scrittore... more
In considering the relationship between time and melancholy, this chapter offers a fascinating account of the temporal constitution of melancholia across a diverse variety of works, including by Albrecht Durer, Anselm Kiefer, and Hans Op... more
"The Invisible Element in Art: Dürer, Shakespeare, Donne," in Vision and its Instruments: Art, Science, and Technology in Early Modern Europe, ed. Alina Payne (February, 2015), makes an argument for aesthetic innovation, self-reflection,... more
Los tres grabados de Durero conocidos como Estampas maestras son con frecuencia citados juntos pero han sido sistemáticamente abordados por separado a la hora de su estudio e interpretación, dándose así por hecho una y otra vez su total... more
Lars von Trier's _Melancholia_ (2011) makes extensive use of music from the Prelude to _Tristan und Isolde_. The deployment of cues in this film is analyzed against the backdrop of the director's earlier output, in particular _Epidemic_,... more
"Il saggio mira ad analizzare il graduale processo storico di parziale sovrapposizione, sostituzione ed ampliamento del paradigma teoretico della depressione rispetto a quello della melanconia. La prima parte è dedicata ad analizzare... more
Little has been discussed in academia about the close relationship between the Renaissance of the 16th century and melancholy humor, and esoteric elements arising mainly from Florentine Neoplatonism. The link between melancholy and... more
" This article takes issue vigorously with what it argues are the disempowering effects of Judith Butler's more recent work, for transgendered people in particular and accordingly for the queer movement in general. In so doing it... more
Monumentalne studium pojęcia melancholii, które wchodzi w zakres „historii, filozofii, przyrody, medycyny, religii oraz sztuki” powinien przyjąć czytelnik w niemym zachwycie. Porażająco analityczne dzieło mówi – jak się zdaje – o historii... more
Functions and failings of documentary or vernacular photography and our personal relationship to it as a medium and record maker. A melancholic “lettre d’amour” to photography and life, a Camera Lucida for the digital age.