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The relationship between species and functional diversity remains poorly understood for nearly all ecosystem types, yet determining this relationship is critically important for developing both a mechanistic understanding of community... more
This report provides details of activities undertaken by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Geoscience Australia (GA), the University of Western Australia and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory during a... more
Effective spatial management in the ocean requires a network of conservation areas that are connected by larval and adult dispersal. We propose a conceptual framework for including the likely impacts of a changing climate on marine... more
Most of the science and practice of conservation planning has focused on terrestrial environments, just as this book has, with similarly threatened marine and freshwater systems receiving less attention. In contrast to land, anthropogenic... more
How can the ecological consequences of the increasing use of airspace by humans be minimized? Over the past century, humans have increasingly used the airspace for purposes such as transportation, energy generation, and... more
Marine Reserves (MRs) are amongst the most common tools used for marine conservation around the world. New Zealand (NZ) has 34 MRs protecting approximately 7.6% of NZ‘s territorial seas. In NZ the main purpose of MRs is to allow... more
Marine reserves are widely used to protect species important for conservation and fisheries and to help maintain ecological processes that sustain their populations, including recruitment and dispersal. Achieving these goals requires... more
Coral reefs are in dire need of effective governance, yet the science and planning of coral reef protected areas largely stem from wealthy, developed nations, with very different social, economic, and cultural characteristics than the... more
Yaşar Kemal, 1972 yılında yayımladığı Denizler Kurudu adlı eserinin moral coğrafyasında, ünlü doğa korumacı, ekolog ve doğa yazarı Aldo Leopold’un ekosistem sağlığını ön plana alan ve genişletilmiş bir toplum anlayışı içeren Toprak Etiği... more
The material in this book is organized in four parts. Part I (this part) provides a general overview of the topics and issues covered in this book. Part II deals with general issues involved in biological conservation, especially... more
Marine environments, key life-support systems for the earth, are under severe threat. Issues associated with managing these common property resources are complex and interrelated. Networks of marine reserves can be valuable for mitigating... more
Sea urchins can alter the composition and dynamics of algal communities by grazing. Changes in their displacement capability can influence their grazing and thus their effect on algal communities. The daily and monthly movement of... more
SUMMARY Currently the principle focus in marine conservation planning is on the conservation of marine biodiversity through the establishment of no-take marine reserves. No-take marine reserves provide permanent closed areas to all forms... more
The Galapagos Sailfin grouper, Mycteroperca olfax, locally known as bacalao and listed as vulnerable by the IUCN, is culturally, economically, and ecologically important to the Galapagos archipelago and its people. It is regionally... more
This study investigated the effects of a fully protected marine reserve on commercially valuable scallops and benthic habitats in Lamlash Bay, Isle of Arran, United Kingdom. Dive surveys found the abundance of juvenile scallops to be... more
A total of 76 reef fish species from 31 families was collected at two coral reef sites, one in a marine reserve and the other in an adjacent fished area of the Soufrière Marine Management Area (SMMA) in St. Lucia. Five families (Scaridae,... more