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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an unexploited conceptual pragmatic sociological framework for analyses of action strategies among social assistance recipients, who are affected by contemporary politics of... more
Conférence dans le cadre du séminaire "De quoi demain sera-t-il fait ?", organisé par la Fondation Gabriel Péri et par l'association Espaces Marx Paris, 23 janvier 2014
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of Luc Boltanski’s account of the multifaceted relationship between mysteries, conspiracies, and inquiries in modern societies. It is striking that, although this important... more
La siguiente nota crítica pretende analizar críticamente la construcción teórico-metodológica del libro El nuevo espíritu del capitalismo, de los autores Luc Boltanski y Eve Chiapello, publicado por primera vez en francés en 1999, y luego... more
War die Ehescheidung noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten gesellschaftlich stark stigmatisiert und eher eine Ausnahmeerscheinung, gehört sie inzwischen für einen Großteil der einmal Verheirateten zur Normalbiografie. Erheblich gewandelt haben... more
In the preface to the oft. cited book On Justification Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot invite us to join their quest for a global theoretical framework that will be capable of treating symmetrically problems of justice among humans as... more
This chapter examines the interactions between artistic critique on capitalism and the social change, focusing on the normative role of artists in the context of "network capitalism" and the imperative to creativity in the "Creative Age"... more
Precarização do trabalho na perspectiva de Bourdieu e Boltanski: revisão sistemática da literatura Rodilon Teixeira RESUMO O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender e examinar aspectos históricos e sociais relacionados à precarização... more
En 1963, trois jeunes sociologues – Pierre Bourdieu, Luc Boltanski et Jean-Claude Chamboredon – proposent la première recherche sociologique sur les pratiques de crédit d’une grande banque française. L’article présente le... more
Ce texte tente d’apporter un éclairage décalé quant à la réflexion sur les pensées critiques dans le domaine de l’éducation en s’efforçant de repérer quelques-uns des enjeux importants de la pensée critique aujourd’hui. Il le fait en... more
Em 2011, foi realizado um plebiscito no Estado do Pará para consultar a população acerca do interesse em dividir o Estado em três: Pará, Tapajós e Carajás. Tomando como ponto de partida os relatos de atores envolvidos na luta e no... more
This article examines music auditions in jazz education and the artistic valuation of music performances by gatekeepers working in two prestigious schools. Using the inherent insecurities of the entry-test situation as a site of... more
Cette thèse analyse les implications politiques et morales de la place prédominante accordée dans notre société à l’autonomie et à la responsabilité. Elle offre ainsi un traitement sociologique des questions centrales de la philosophie... more
The book published by F/SUW in cooperation with MayFly Books gathers papers based on presentations at the conference Labour of the Multitudes? Political Economy of Social Creativity, organized in Warsaw in October 2011. It includes... more
Este artículo intenta reflexionar a través de distintas versiones sociológicas sobre el componente moral que transporta cada actuación, para así poder concebir la acción social como resultado de la disputa entre diversas gramáticas... more
« Trouble de légitimité et montée en justification des politiques et actions publiques » tel est l’intitulé que porte la contribution de Jakob Fabien. Fort de la connaissance de diverses sources de la sociologie pragmatique, l’auteur... more
Unpublished English version of my communication at the Ateliers Villa Vigoni, « Pourquoi le pragmatisme ? L’intérêt du pragmatisme pour les sciences humaines et sociales », Italie, 15-18 juillet 2012. The communication tells the story of... more
En este libro colectivo intentamos hacer una lectura de las transformaciones del capitalismo de los últimos años y de los desplazamientos que produce para la teoría y la crítica social a partir de un análisis de la obra "El nuevo Espíritu... more
Luc Boltanski is one of the most important contemporary social theorists. Whether and how his sociology matters for International Relations (IR) theory has, so far, not been explored. Boltanski’s work, as this article demonstrates, can... more
Il rinnovamento della critica sociale esposto nel Capitolo 6 del testo di Luc Boltanski e Ève Chiapello — "Il nuovo spirito del capitalismo" — adatta l'antico concetto di marxiano di "sfruttamento" ad una struttura sociale e produttiva... more
In the world and Hungarian literature of recent years “refugee literature” thematizing the 2015 refugee crisis, which has been going on since then, has not generally gained ground except for in some of their sub-genres. The texts portray... more
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of the key contributions made by Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre in ‘Enrichissement. Une critique de la marchandise’ (Paris: Gallimard, 2017). With the exception of one... more
La sociologie des quarante dernières années a mis l’accent sur la construction sociale de la réalité et sur les processus de qualification. Cette approche a permis de mettre en relief le rôle de la critique dans le fonctionnement de la... more
Since the late 1980s, European welfare states and labour market regulation have gradually but radically been transformed into ways of underpinning a more “active society” where active usually entails paid work or activities, such as... more
S'il est commun de dire que le sanctuaire de Lourdes s'est bâti sur la renommée de ses miracles et l'enregistrement de nombreuses déclarations de guérison, cet article vise à montrer qu'il s'est également construit sur une exigence de... more
Sulle barricate nel Sessantotto e manager qualche anno dopo, non è proprio una regola ma stando alle cronache non è nemmeno un’eccezione. Tradimento o logica conseguenza delle autentiche premesse teoriche e politiche del Sessantotto?... more
El presente trabajo pretende analizar la construcción de los discursos neoliberales y sus coincidencias con las críticas anti-sistémicas que, fundamentalmente en las movilizaciones de mayo del 68, reivindicaron autonomía y libertad frente... more
This article provides a comparative analysis of the status of social and cultural forms in Europe and China. Specifically, it draws upon three main sources: the French sociologists Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello, the Italian philosopher... more
Le categorie teorico-morali sono quasi del tutto scomparse dal vocabolario teorico della sociologia. Né le percezioni di legittimità o di ingiustizia né gli argomenti morali né il consenso normativo giocano attualmente alcun ruolo nella... more
After its proliferation as a primarily psychological term in the literature of the late 1960s, creativity has since advanced to a core notion also for sociology. The first part of the paper tackles "the creativity narrative" according to... more
This article outlines three faces of capital: first, the description of Schumpeter and his theory of creative destruction; second, the diagnosis of Boltanski and Chiapello, where the regeneration of capitalism does not stand on the... more
Neoanarchist politics have become increasingly hegemonic on the North American left. Tracing its emergence during the Seattle WTO demonstrations in 1999 to its recent incarnation in the Occupy Wall Street movement, this article argues... more
This thesis explores how a pragmatic theory of violence can be developed within Luc Boltanski’s sociology of regimes of action positioned in the overall framework of French pragmatic sociology. The thesis takes its outset in Boltanski’s... more
The normativity of practice remains one of the major research challenges in current debates on the practice turn, but also provides an excellent way to demonstrate the promise of international practice theory for a wider International... more
Η εργασία στο Νέο Πνεύμα του Καπιταλισμού - Μια παρουσίαση του έργου των Luc Boltanski και Eve Chiapello Work in the New Spirit of Capitalism, presenting Luc Boltanski's and Eve Chiapello's study. Ερευνητική Εργασία, Αριστοτέλειο... more
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender la movilización estudiantil que surge en Chile desde el año 2011 y el tipo de crítica que ésta genera contra el modelo educativo, económico y político implementado desde la dictadura militar,... more
L’idea che esista uno stretto rapporto tra una data struttura economica – compresi anche i mutamenti che occorrono in seno a essa – e una forma letteraria, nello specifico quella del romanzo, non è nuova. Si tratta di una prospettiva che... more