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This paper investigates the impact of bank-specific, industry-specific, and macroeconomic variables on bank profitability before, during, and after the financial crisis of 2008. For this purpose, 73 UK commercial banks are selected on the... more
The financial performance of the textile industry in Tamil Nadu had been analyzed with the help of the financial ratios. The financial structure of a company can show its capacity to generate the funds needed to undertake the desired... more
The objective of this research is to determine the impact of profitability, growth opportunities, risk, liquidity, firm size, leverage, taxation and audit type on dividend payout in order to increase understanding of the determinants of... more
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is a significant pillar of the Indian Economy that accounts for 30% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 45% of merchandise exports. India has a total of 63.3 million MSMEs, creating... more
The general objective of this study was to establish the effects of hedging foreign exchange risk on financial performance of non-banking companies listed at the Nairobi securities exchange. A descriptive research design was adopted on... more
This study appraised effect of liquidity on financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. A sample of five (5) banks was used for the study. Secondary data were collected from the firms for ten years period, 2007 - 2016. The... more
The article radically challenges the conventional view of modern banking as financial intermediation and rejects the mutually-related notion, firmly entrenched in both the mainstream and alternative imaginary, of fractional reserve... more
This study aims to examine the effect of profitability as measured by return on equity, liquidity as measured by current ratio, leverage as measured by debt to equity ratio, firm size as measured by log from total assets and profit growth... more
In this paper, we determine whether intraday price dynamics observed on Euronext help characterize market liquidity in real time. We generate 15-minute price movement configurations based on High-Low-Open-Close (HLOC) patterns and measure... more
The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of liquidity on firm’s profitability. All the listed banks of DSE are selected for this purpose. Here we have find out the effect of independent variable (Temporary Investment Ratio)... more
For a successful working of a business organization fixed and current assets play a vital role as organization generally invests in these options. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the working capital components and the... more
Öz Özgürlük insanlık tarihinin en önemli problemlerinden birisidir. Pek çok farklı ta-nımlara sahiptir. Özgürlük genellikle bazı kavramlar veya kavram setleri ile birlikte tar-tışılır. Bunlar güvenlik, kesinlik, standartlar, belirsizlik... more
This chapter highlights similarities and differences of equity and fixed-income markets and provides an overview of the characteristics of European government bond market trading and liquidity. Most existing studies focus on the U.S.... more
This study investigates the liquidity position of AB Bank Ltd. and Southeast Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh’s commercial banking sector for the period of 2011-2015. Financial ratios are employed to measure the profitability, liquidity and credit... more
The paper analyzes liquidity risk and contagion in interbank markets. The aim of the research is to define the different structures of interbank markets and structures that allow the better allocation of liquidity and thus avoid the... more
The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic conditions and company's performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to analyze the financial statement and than give information... more
published as
Nesvetailova, A. 2014, "Liquidity in Light of the Shadow Banking System. Lessons from the Two Crises", in L. Mamica and P.Tridico, eds., Economic Policy and the Financial Crisis, London: Routledge.